JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN. OF THE Jcliersonian Republican, A icw Weekly Paper, to be published at Strouds- g, Monroe (Jaunty, Jfa., ana mtijora, Pike County, Pa., simultaneously. PIKE COUNTY FINANCES. The whole art of Government consists in the art of being honest. Jefferson. THE JEFFERSONIAN; REPUBLICAN in principle, will bo all its title purports, the firm and unwavering advocate of the principles and doctrines of the democratic party, delineated by the illustrious JErFEiisoN : the right of the peo pie to think, to speak, and to act, independent- Iy, on ail subjects, noidmg tnemseives respon sible to no power for the free exercise of this right, -but their God, their Country, and her Laws, which they themselves have created. A free and untrammelcd Press, conducted in i spirit worthy of our institutions, is a public bles sing, a safeguard to the Constitution under which we Jive, and it should bo cherished and support ed by every true republican. Such, then, it is designed to make the paper now estab lished, and as such, the publisher calls iip thc enlightened citizens of Monroe and Pik to aid him in this laudable enterprise. The time has arrived when the Press should take a bold and faarless stand against the evidently increas ing moral and political degeneracy of the day, and endeavor, by a fair, candid, and honorable course, to Temove tnoso Darners wnion section al prejudices, parly spirit, and party animosity have reared to mar the social relations of men . without accomplishing any paramount good . THE JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN .-jvUl not seek to lead or follow any faction, or to advocate and support the schemes of any par ticular set of men. It will speak independent ly on all State and National questions, award? ing to each that support which its merits may demand, never hesitating, however, to condemn such measures, as in the opinion of the'editor is justly warranted, holding as a first principle : " The greatest good to the greatest number" Believing that the groat principles of democ racy are disregarded by the present Chief Ma gistrate of the Nation, Martin Van Buren, the JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN, will decidedly, but honorably oppose his re-election to the high and responsible station which he now holds. It will firmly oppose the " Independent Trea 999 80 15 14 Amount due M. W. Dirigrhan, over paiu oy aim, 10H 94 101 36 ; , , . TABLE OF THE RATES OF TOLLS OK THE DELAWARE AND HUDSON CANAL, FOR 1840. CR. By cash paid county checks,. ,llOM 24 Yrp The first column shows the Rates where the Rules and Reflations aw ; i r a - i - . . tj uummissiun on yi received - MARTIN W: DINGMAN, Esq. Treasure of Pike County, in account' for vie year cnaing January o,pi. JJ. io4u. To cash recoived from collectors of county rates and levies during the year 1839, , . . Do. do. Unseated landsffor 1838 and 1839, ' at 3 per cent. . Commission on $1054 24 paid at t 3 per cent. . , . ': , 30 44 complied with The second, the Legal Tolls. m 31 52 Jpln account with School Clonics. To cash received from collectors, 207 19 Do. - do. -von unseated lands, 8 44 Balance dueMartin W. Dingman, treas urerfpaid - 215 63 6 10 $221 73 By cash paid on schoo checks, " " paid on check drawn to Mo ses Killam in part, " " " " drawn to Dan iel Nyce in part, " " " " drawn to D. W. Plagerty in. part, Commission on $215 63 received at 3 per cent. Do. 209 00 paid at 3 per cent. 50 00 30 00 In 'accotii&t with Road Monies. To amount received; on unseated - lands, . Balance. due M. W. Dingman, Treas urer, over paid, 15 03 11 V, $26 20 during By cash paid on road orders the year, Commission on $15 03 received at 3 per cent. $ Commission on 25 00 paid at 3 per cent. 6 27 25 00 45 Mr To amount received from J man, late Treasurer, Do. do. on lands redemed during the year, Redemption Monies. Linder- jBy cash refunded during the year, oi oaiance in tno rfiasnrv. j i 110 24 S567 61 126 440 65 96 . $567 Amount of redemption money by com missioners to county fund'at the . settlement, January, 1839, $755,"84 Balance in Treasury,' 440 96 Whole amount of redemption 61 fund, $1196 80 sury" Scheme, and all other schemes having Expenses incidental to ilie administra- tion of Justice for the year 1839. Wages and mileage of Jurors, Assessors expenses, John T ."Quick, commissioner in full, Moses Bingham, do. do. do. Election services, Sheriff summoning Jurors &c. Constables attending-court, &c. Road Viewers, Commonwealth's costs, Taxes refunded, Printing, Jail expenses, Prothonotary and Clerk of Sessions, Commissioners office expenses, H. L. West, Commissioners Clerk, Court House repairs, Court crying and cleaning court house Bridge building and repairing, Coroner's inquests, Miscellaneous, . Fox and wild cat scalps, Costs in civil suits, $562 131 27 .31 36 6 100 53 -57 29 50 80 10 60 45 6 50 28 49 32 77 44 47 85 75 00 50 00 00 05 00 69 00 48 94 00 13 15 37 oo: 60, 671 50 38 22 62 00 1587 87 Balance due from Collectors of Coun ty rates and levies. 1827, Upper Smithfield, G. F. Shot well, judgment, 1831, do. do. John B. Rockwell, dee'd judgment, " Lackawaxen, John Kimble, de ceased, judgment, J. B. Rock well and Eph. Kimble, adm'ors. 138 17 472 89 243 01 Amount brought over, 1832, Price, John S. Smiley judgm't. 1833, Dingman, William Quinn, do. " Price, Jacob Bush, do. 1838, Dingman, Ephraim Drake, do. " Milford, John W. Middaugh, " Delaware, David Sayre, 1839, Lehman, Geo. W. Nyce's ad'ors. " Delaware, D'l. E. Van Eiten, " Dingman, David M. Case, " Milford,. Theophilus H. Smith, " Westfall, Cornelius Westfall, " Lackawaxen, Moses Brink, " Palmyra, Gordon Pettit, ' 824 43 38 39 36 91 86 210 198 100 105 141 240 .104 for their object tbe concentration in the hands of one man, and that man the President of the 1 Nation, all power over the public moneys, a power, which, when combined with that vest ed in him by the Constitution as Commander-' Abraham B. Decker, m-Chief of the American forces, Military and Benjamin Drake, Naval, together with an enormous official pa tronage, would render him more powerful than the Executive of the British Nation, and in short make our Government, de facto an Elec tive Monarchy. It will ever maintain that the welfare of our Country and the preservation of her Republican Institutions should be the first and only senti ments of our hearts in the choice of our public servants; that honesty, fidelity, and capability, are the only true tests of merit ; that all men are created equal, and, therefore, should alike enjoy the privileges conferred on them by the Constitution without being subject to proscrip ion. or coerced by the influence of party. The columns of the JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN will ever be open to the free discussion of all political questions, believing as we do, that there is no liberty where both sides ma not be heard, and, where one portion of freemen are denied the privilege of declar ing their sentiments through the medium of the Press, because they differ from the majority. The JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN will ever take a lively interest in the affairs of Monroe and Pike, and of the Senatorial and Congressional Districts with which they are connected. The Farmer, the Merchant, the Mechanic, and the Laborer, will each find a friend in the columns of the JEFFERSONIAN REPUB LICAN. Due care will he taken to furnish its .i :.t. i . -o : ..; i reauers wim uie iaa f urejgu-auu iMJiaesiic rr.rr,rtJ. t? t i 7-) JJ"f7 A T 1? TW,.,.. f n r.n 7 , , - News, and such Miscellaneous reading as will i J ix. iiivji-ux oa. vj miyura JLCaaemy ill account. 07 96 30 80 02 74 96 13 98 65 09 34 33 13 2290 20 Balance due from Collectors of School Monies. 1 835, M. Smithfield, Jacob Bush, 67 1836, do. John Dewitt, 238 ' . Price, John Learn, 63 " Dingman, Jacob M'Carty, jud'gt. 30 " Milford, Cornelius Middaugh, do. 12 " Lackawaxen, Wm.R.Holbert do. 30 not to exceed $1 50foi anydis Ship Timber, Maple, Cherry, White wood, andalKj umber not enumeratedjrfbut snot rt J Art r T '. ' : " ' tu Ditceu 92 ior any, aisiance,; TIMBER IN.SAET8. ver 100 c. feet ner mile. Hemlock, Pine, Ship Timber, All timber not enumerated, BOARDS, PLANK OR SCANTL1NO IN BOATS. per 1000 ft. board measure, per mile. Pine, plain maple, and bass wood t ior tor first 25 miles, (thence'lf cent per milo, but not to exceed $1 fat any distance.) jjHemlocJc for first 25 miles (thence a uem par ixiub, uui uui w ex ceed 76 cents for any distance,) r Cheny and white wood, but not to exceed $1 75 for any distance, Curled and specked maple, but not to exceed $2 for any distance. Ash, oak, and all timber not enumer- ' ated, for first 25 miles, thence 1 1-2 cent per mile, but not to ex ceed $1 25 for any distance, BOARDS, PLANK OR SCANTLING RAFTS per 1000 ft. b. m. per mile. Pine, plain Maple and Bass wood, Hemlock, Oak, ash, and all not enumerated, 6HIKOLE IN BOATS. per 1000 per mile Pino, for the first 25 miles, (thence 3 mills per mile for remaining distance. Hemlock, for first 25 miles (thence 2 nulls per mile for remaining distance, SJBINOLE. IN RAFTS. per 1000 per mile. Pine or Hemlock, WOOD IN BOAT3. 7" ' per cord per mile. Cord wood, from one to ten miles, (and for every additional mile 1 cent per cord, but not to exceed 50 cents per cord for any distance on the canal. Articles not enumerated going from tide water per ton, Articles gping towards tide water, Pleasure boata, onflie capacity of the boat, , , MILEAGE ON BOATS, LADEN OR EMPTY ver mile on the boat. Going towards tide water, '' i Coming from tide water, Cts. 9- 3Tr-2; 8t; 3J-2 1 4 13-4 3-4 21-2 Cts. 4 4 Articles, per ton, per mile. iCts. Cts. Merchandize. Sucrar. Molasses, and $1116 30 Liquors, Flour, Meal, Grain, Salted Provi sions, Pot and Pearr Ashes. 2 4 Gypsum, 1 1-2 4 Salt, 21-2 4 Hay in bundles, pressed, 1 4 Hydraulic Cement, going towards '85 00 tide water on the" capacity of boat carrying it, Do. do. Stone tfnbumt on the capa city of boa.' carrying it, Hydraulic cement going from tide water, 11-24 Ground Tanner's Bark. 2 4 44 00 Unground do. do. " 11-2 4 Iron Castings. 3 4 g 4g iron up tlie canal, . 3 4 uo. aown the canal, 2 4 Pig Iron up the canal, , "24 Cotton, bales or bags, 3 4 Hides (not to exceed 2 10 for any distance) per ton, per mile, . 2 l-2i Common Brick, Stone, Lime, Sand, Potter's Clay, Ashes & Iron Ore, 14 Brick and Fire Stono, 1 1-21 4 Anthracite Coal down the canal, per ton, per mile, 1 1-21 75-1 20 Do. do. up the canal on the capaci- ty of the boat carrying it, per-ton S26 20 per mile. Uharcoal (not to exceed 1 50 for any distance, Marble, Mill, and other manufactu ring stones, . 3 4 Hoop poles, in boats, 1 1-2 4 Fence Posts and Rails, in floats, per ton, per mile, 1 4 Hoop poles, split or shaved in boats, 2 1-2 4 Lath, split or sawed, in boats,' 1 4 Staves and Heading, sawed or man- uiacturea, in boats, j 9.10 Do. do. nved or split in boats (not to exceed 1 dollar per ton for any distance,) per ton, per mile, jl 1-2 4 Staves and Heading in rafts, 4 I 4 Hoop Pole, posts, rails and lath in rafts, Manufactured wood for the first 25 miles (thence 2 1-2 cents, but not to exceed $1 75 for any distance on canal) Materials for making crates for Glassware per ton, per mile, 1 1-2 TIMBfcR IN BOATS. per 100 c. ft. per mile. Pine and plain maple, for the first 25 miles (thence 1 1-2 cents per mile, but not to exceed SI for any distance,) Hemlock, for first 25 miles, (theece -1 cfint. but not erceed S .75 for I DHnmirtrnvi J riio witr - - "l? . -W J I II W.l 11 UiU. ..-Vt, , 1 any distance,) ,1.3-41 4 flComine from tide water, 14 Oak and Ash, for the first 25 miles, (thence 1 1-2 cent per mile, but N. B. When toll is charged per ton on the capacity of the .Boat, no addi tional charsre will be made for mileap-e on said boat. 21-2 3 4 6-10 5-10 8-10 8-10 8-10 8-10 29 10 87 28 66 97 Wholesale and Retail CABINET WARE , 1837, TOBY. r l IJGEJ subscriber resnectfullv informs the citi U Tone rtf Jt-y-ii1oliif rr or1 tlio nuM t e tvanAvtlltT do. Wm. Conklinsr. ir. do. 24 37 tt haw fnUn ti,a ov, vr.ti ,.;j u' James Calmer, on Jtihzaueth street, nearly opposite 4b7 44 the btroudsourg blouse, in tins Uorough, where Amounts due from individuals to 7je pe intends carrying on the Cabinet Making busi nnco in nil ito viri Couutu of ike. ness in all its various branches. He shall keep constantly on hand or make to or der all kinds 01 lourmture : Sideboards, Uureaus, Sofas, Centre tables, Breakfast and Dining Tables Wash Stands, Bedsteads, &c. &c. udffment dated 20th A.mnst. 1R39. for QAQ r geuier yvim every omerarucie usually Kept at .r.r.i.- 1. . , , . : such establishments : alio! which ho will sell at George Bowhanan,, balance due on note da ted 7th March, 1820, $21 00. Jeffrey Wells, uryfees, $4 00; fine3 for 1834, $39 -00 $43 00. John J. Linderman and sureties. oi which amount 5740 20 is school. $66 54 is road, $52 32 is redemption, $60 00 is coun ty money, aud interest on same is $30 63. J. M. Heller, sheriff, jury fees, $16 00 be both interesting and instructive is designed to make the paper worthy of an ex tensive patronage, both from the strictly moral tone which it will ever possess, and the efforts of the editor to make it a good and useful Family Newspaper. The JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN will be printed on a super-royal sheet of good quality, and with good type. Terms $2 in advance ; $2,25 at the end of six months, and $2,50 if not paid before the ex piration of the year. No subscription taken for & less term than six months. RICHARD NUGENT. Inshortit!lr. ! Tr RirhirH ITllrnH'a nnta nnrt lntPTP.nt from Jan. 1st to Jan. 1st. 1840, 63 59 Balance on John Brink's note, Jan- ary 1st, 1840, 59 70 Cash as ner Auditors renort. 1839, 19 501 Do. am'nt of O. S. Dimmick's note, 47 36 Cash received of State Treasurer, and J. Brinks note, 133 82 dissolution. fTHE Co-partners!iip heretofore existing be JL tween the subscribers trading under the firm of STOLL & BRODHEAD, is this day dissolved by mutual consent- The business of the late firm will be settled ty either of the subscribers, either being duly authorized to settle the same. ALBERT S. STOLL, JOHN H. BRODHEAD. All persons indebted to the firm of Stoll & Brod head are particularly requested to make settle ment on or before the first day of April next. ALBERT S. STOLL, JOHN H. BRODHEAD. Milford, Nov. 14, 1839. 323 97 Cr. . By amount of credits see statement of the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees, Balance in the Treasury, i- 27 25 298 72 323 97 We the Auditors of Accounts of Pike county for the year, 1S39, after carefully examining the said accounts, do certify the above and foregoing report to be correct. " "Witness our hands. Samuel Dimmick, Attest Moses Brink, . Horage L. West, 'Clerk. James Nyce, Auditors. NOTICE. TlHE Sheriff, Commissioners and County Trea surer, will attend at 'Stroudsburg, on Saturday ol every week, and may be seen at their respective offices between the hours of 10 o'clock, a. m. and 3 o'clock, p. M. on-'said days. ' February 21, 160., ; .' PUBLIC VENDUE. i "7f 7TLL be sold at public vendue, on Saturday H the 28th day of March inst,, at Analomink Forge, Horses, Mules, Waggons, Harness, Farming utensils, Merchan dize, Blacksmith tools Keds and Bedding, and a variety of articles too numerous to mention Vale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. when the conditions will be made known and attendance given by HENRY, JORDAN & Co. Morch 6,11840 4t. W Job Work of all kinds neatly exe cuted at the office of the " JefFerso- qianRppubHcaii." NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the estate of James jljL Hush, Jate ol fcmittmeld township, iMonroe couuty, deceased, either by note, book account or vendue money, are hereby required to make im mediate payment; and all those having demands against said estate to present them in proper or der for settlement to HENRY SMITH, Ex'or. Smithfield tsp. March 5, 1810. Gt. the Easton prices. As his materials will be of the best quality, and all articles manulactureu at his establishment wil be done by first rate workmen, he confidently as sures the public that his endeavors to render gen eral satisfaction will not be unrewarded. He respectfully invites the public to call and eic-! amine hrs stock oelore purchasing elsewhere Chairs, Settees, &c. will be kept constantly on nanu anu tor sale. CHARLES CAREY, Stroudsburg. Jan. 15,'1840. Ail NOTICE. L persons indebted to the Estate of JOHN STARBIRD, late of Stroud township, Monroe county, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment : and those hayinc: demands against the said Estate, are desired to present them in proper order for settlement. HANNAH STARBIRD, Januarj 31, 1840. 6t J " Executrix. v Notice to Boatsuasi. r g HIE Delaware and Hudson Canal Company JL will pay the following freight for transporting vuui mini jAuiicsuuiu iu nuuuuui, on ineir cana the ensuing season, viz : Running Company's boats with an agreement to purchase and paying $10 each trip on said boat, and making not less than 1G trips with said boat during the season. $1 40 per ton. tunning company's hoata with an agreement to purchase and paying $ 10, each trip on said boat and ma king a trip in ten davs or less. Si 40 Running Company's boats with an agreement o purchase and paying 5iu eacn tnponsaul boat, and ma king a trip in 11 days, Si 35 Running Company's boats with an agreement to purchase and paying $10each trip on said boat, and over 11 days nmking.a trip, Si 30 do. Individuals running their own boats in the coal business will be paid the same freight as company boats. Application for boats can be made to the Collec tors and Superintendents on the lino of canal. R. F, LORD, Engineer. Office of Del. & Hud. Ca. Co. ? March 10th, 1840. 5 do. do. J&The present expectation of the subscriber is that ne win leave nereai tne close 01 his school, which will be at least in two weeks from this date. The1 timely attention of his patrons to their bills will save nun mucu delay and inconvenience. 1. B; NEWMAN Stroudsburg, March 11, 1840. 3t; - THE Subscriber respectfully informs the pub lic, that he i3 prepared to execute all kinds ol Plain & Ornamental Painting", Glazing. &c. at his shop nearly opposite the store of VVflh'am hjastburn, where all orders in his line will be thank fully received and punctually attended to. j JAMES PALMER Stroudsburjr, Jan. 15, 1839. Paper Hanging-, .,t In all its variousbranches will be punctually attended to .-tU,, NEW 'GOODS. fT.' THE Subscriber, in addition to his Fall sup ply has just received a full and completeas- ortment of GOODS admirably adapted to thesea son,' consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery. Hard and Hollow Ware, STEEL, NAILS, and NAIL RODS, in fact a complete assortment of all kinds of goods usually kept in a country store, all of which he is disposed to sell at moderate prices. N. B. .Grain and Country produce. White and yellow pine boards will be taken in exchange ; al so, oak joist, &c. &c. WILLIAM EASTBURN. Stroudsburg, Jan. 15th, 1840. DISSOLUTION. THE Copartnership heretofore existing be tween the subscribers tradintr under the firm of Stokes & Brown, is this day dissolved by mutu al consent. The business of the lato firm will ha settled by Stogdell Stoke3, who is duly authorised to settle the same. STOGDELL STOKES. J. A. BROWN. All porsons indebted to the firm of Stnlroa Brown, are particularly requested to make settle ment on or before the first day of March next, and those having claims against the firm present them ior seuiemeni. STOGDELL STOKES. Stroudsburg, Jan. 1st. 1810. Sawyer Wanted. npO attend a saw mill on Broadhead's creek. JL A sober stqady sawyer can have employ men 1 for the ensuing four or five months, and liberal wages will be given. A man with a family would be preforred. For Davticul ars nnnlvnt tli cinm of STOGDELL STO K February, 7, 1810. . TIMOTHY SEED; For sale by tho subscriber, WM. EASTBURN. Stroudsburg, Feb. 14, 1840. , ; HORSE BILLS Printed at this office with neatness and despatch; T 4