Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, March 28, 1840, Image 2

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Millard, Pa March 28 18 10.
Terms, $2,00 in adrance ; $2.25, naif yearly ; and $2,50 if not
paid befoic the end of the year.
Gen. William Henry Harrison,
John Tyler,
Jolm A. Slmlze, of Lvcoming,
Joscpli Ritiier, of Cumbcrlaad,
Appointment nv the Peesident.
By and with lhe advice and consent cf the Senate
Calvin Blythe, Collector of the Customs for
the District oj" Philadelpliia, vice George Wolf,
l DIP We learn from Harrisburg, tliat the House
. ol Representatives have passed a resolution to ad
journ on the 31st inst. by a. vote of CS to22.v The
; proposition for an extra session has also been vo
ted down.
Frora the Republican Farmer.
ThoTDditorof theV Wayne County Fiee Press,"
some time-'slnce, marJe a. large promise tohis Whig
friends that'he would establish, in addition to his
WavhV paper, a press in Pike and Monroe. Won
ders were to be effected in favor of Mr. Ilanison
by this enterprize, the whole eastern section of the
Commonwealth, wheeled over to his .support. It
appears, however, that llarrisonism Is in so little
favor with the firm democracy of Monroe, Pike
and Wayne, -the whole splendid scheme has been
abandoned, and that the "Wavne Cotmtv Free i
Press," itself, the protector and father of the pro-
ject has been compelled to let go its hold on life. Thursday, March I G.
The last number contained the valedictory of the Mr. McElwce gave notice that on to-morrow
Jditor, declaring that it could no longer be main- , , .ntn u: , u-.u r.- .1
tained, and had accordingly given up tho ghost.-1 should ask leave to bring m a bill for the
Straws show which wav the wind blows." it is ' suppression of all foreign small notes, and corn
said, and if this straw doe's not indicate the fate of pel the banks to resume specie payments.
Harrison in the extreme eastern Counties at the j Mr. Fleniken offered a resolution, instruct
next contest, we shall miss our calculations, we ' ins the Judiciary Committee to inquire into the
think a lew. exuediencv of makinir the stock holders of coal
(LfWliy Mr. Collngs ! ! We would advise you '
o take a slight dose of "Dr. Harlick's celebrated i
medicine " advertised in one corner of yourc-i Mr. Hinchman offered a resolution, instruct-
trcmcly, wonderful paper. It is very evident, that ingthe Committee on Education to inquire into
you don't know aH that's going on around you,aslue expediency of repealing the laws which
well as you do the road from West-Point to Wilkes-. require annual trainings, but to tax each person
barre-you are a subject of the same incurable dis-! !ubJe to !mh,ary dut' on? dol,a,r Per annum
ease that afflicts multitudes of your brethren, inno-
3 ' , I
ranee ; we should think you were not one of the ;
regular lynx-eyed Loco Foco's, but that you were
nearer allied to a species of nocturnal bird, the j
name of vhich we need not mention, as wo pre-
sume vou know, and are not ashamed of vour re-.
lation. If we have erred in this classification, we ;
will put you down for one of Jonathan Slick's ruffled Mr. Moreton inquired whether the gentle
shirt umbrellaboys "whose brains all run to hair." man from Washington would not also be willing
You have flapped your wings and " hooted" too
soonj we are at our post, as General Harrison was
in' the last war, and like him we are the last to de
sert till the liberties of our country are wrested
from the hand of such abandoned desperadoes as
are rejoicing in the triumphs of their "democratic
- policy" and in the "triumphs of democracy," while
our country is in mourning. The savage yell of
British and Indians, frightened not the man who
fought our battles, "on the ensanguined plain,"
much less will the men, who are now fighting un-
der his banner for securitv from misrule and tvran-
ny, be alarmed at the " screechings" of your little
"Harpie," and your exultations over the suspension
of a " Free and untrammeled Press," one which
bears no semblance to the little Jews-harp which
you control, rest assured our predictions are right,
thatpress will again speak its thunders, to thehire'
lingpolicyof a corrupt & swindling administration, ' the House, since its increase by the addition of
and in October next you will find more men than t two members. He made this statement for tho
vou are aware of in the "extreme eastern coun- j Committee, but of his own motion moved a res
ties" that will speak confusion toyouranti-ropub-Joluliondirec,ing1ne Senale Committee to pro
lican doctrines. You will find yourself mistaken i
not "a few" but a great many, as much mistaken
as you wasjn your talented editorial above.
Among the petitions presented to the State Sen
ate, on the 14th inst. was one from Philadelphia
county, praying for a law to suspend the collection
of debts. Such a law would relieve many of the
loco focos no doubt
The. Harrisburg Telegraph of the 20th inst. says:
"We understand that the Committee of Confer
ence'of tho two Houses came to an agreement last
evening, and will report this morning. The time
'agreed upon for resumption of specie payments by
the Banks is the first of October next."
The Legislature of Maryland adjourned on Sat
. urday last. No bill in relation to the banks,, was
passed during the session. The bill to abolish im
prisonment for debt, which had passed the Assem
bly was rejected by the Senate.
The Fatterson, N.J. Intelligencer says, "the
greater part of the manufactories in this town have
been lying idle for months. There are we under
stand but two establishments among the whole
number which are making full time ; a few others
the 4nrt of the time.
Flour was selling at Cincinnati on the 15th, $3
nd S3 12; and at Pittsburg on the 19th, S2 62 a
$2 75 from wagons. So much .for the Sub-Treasury
ncheuje. , v . t .
Correspondence of the Phildelphia
.Wednesday, March 18.
We have a new scheme "on thb carpet" to
day. Mr. Fleniken from the Committee of
Ways and Means, submitted a report to tax
personal property, as well with the object of
paying the interest on the State ueot as witn
thai of establishing a sinking fund for the ulti
mate liquidation of the whole thirty-lour mil
lions. It proposes to tax personal estate, notes
stocks, debts, money at interest and ground
rents, also household furniture and pleasure
carnages, the latter two dollars ptsr annum.
Among other items, 1 notice the following,
, Per annum
Gold Levers, $1 50
All other gold watches 1 00
Silver Levers, ' 1 00
Other silver watches, 50
All salaries and1 .emoluments ol oiiice, one
per cent, per dollar.
The supposed revenue to bo derived from
this tax on personal estate, ground rent, &c,
per annum, is estimated at $300,000
On salaries and emoluments, 20,000
On household furniture, carriages and
watches, 160,000
Tax on brokers, , 20,000
Expected from other sources,
No tax on Teal estate is recommended.
The report also recommends the sale of the 1
motive power anu iu? uu .c o,a u .
noaa, logemer w ui me ud..K awn. ucuugmg
to the State, for the purpose of meeting the im
mediate emergencies of the Treasury. Three
thousand copies of the report were ordered to
be printed in English, and fifteen hundred co
pies in German.
Messrs. Fleniken and Roberts were added
by the House to the bank Committee oi Con- j
ference. The Senate refused to make any ad-
companies personally liable for the corporate !
debts. j
m, , J ' c t n i - ,
The resolution of Mr. Parke, inviting Gen.
Jackgon 0 vigU tho State asa publicfa uest
came up for consideration.
Mr. Butler inquired what would be the prob-
abl expense uf the reception, to which Mr.
Parke replied that it was contemplated that the I
expense should be privately borne. j
to extend the invitation to another distinguished
public benefactor General Harrison.
Mr. Parke replied that ho should prefer a
seperate resolution to effect that.
Mr. Hinchman moved an amendment, that
the expense shall not exceed two thousand dol
lars, which he afterwards withdrew.
Mr. Crabb passed an eulogy on the charac-
I ter of the old Hero, and thought the expense
should not be limited in amount, but be borne by
( &e State Treasury. Mr. Snowden said the
i fen(ls of Gen- Jackson, would be proud to
i "ear me expense
The resolution passed without a division.
The friends of Gen. Harrison were not dispo
sed to oppose a moasure to honor one who had
served his country on the tented field.
In Senate, Mr. Brown stated in his place,
that a majority of the Senate Committee of Con
ference had refused to meet the Committee of
ceed wuii me onierence. un mis motion
there was considerable debate, in which Messrs.
Brown, Bell, Fleming, Pearson and Penrose
took part.
Mr. Fleming finally moved an amendment,
in effect eirecting the Senate Committee to
proceed in the conference with the original
committee from the House, and the amendment
was adopted, 18 to 11. In this matter Air.
Brown was again foiled The star.of his influ
ence is no longer in the ascendant, and the mea
sures of the Governor are likely to be sustained.
Latest from Mexico Spimt ok the Mexican
The treaty of indemnity for claims of citizens of
the United btates against Mexico, had been ratifi
ed. Gen. Santa Anna, it is said, had obtained his
passports, with the view of travelling, whether in
j the United States or jn Europe wns not known.
I he Mexican Congress had authorized the Gov
ernment to borrow 1,000.000, at not less than
eighty cents for a dollar. Tin's loan is to be one
of the ways and means for carrying on the expedi
tion against Texas. The principal resource of
the Government for this projected invasion is the
capitation tax, of which we have heretofore spoken.
The Gazette of Tamaulipas alludes to this inva
sion of Texas in terms of confidence:
"The campaign of Texas will achieve much glo
ry for Mexico, and restore her name and her honor.
The slavery of the black man, which is tolerated
in Texas, and which was the causa of the revolu
tion, will arm the Mexicans to drive those usurp
ers beyond tho Sabine. Mexico gives freedom to
meti of all colors, and she has her destiny to fulfil
in thisrespect-." "' ' " -? - -
From the Vermont Times. . ,
That excellant man, William Henry Harri-
sen, has been charged with having " recorded
his vote to sell freemen for debt ;" and this in
famous lie has been published in all or nearly
all of the Van Buren presses, without comment
as if it were a fact not to be disputed, and it is
probably believed by many who take, as law
and gospel, whatever their party Journals tell
them. It is is pleasing, indeed, to find one ad
ministration journal, the New York Evening
Post, one of the most determined and unrelent
ing in its hostility to Gen. Harrison, willing to
make amends for the injury it has done to his
fame. That paper has published the follow
ing retraction.
" A letter of Gen. Harrison's has been pub
lished, from which it appears that in our re
marks on thevsubjecl of his attempt to introduce
white slaverv into the State of Ohio,- we did
him some unintentional injustice. The letter
is dated Dec. 22, 1821, and appears to have
been drawn forth by a newspaper attack upon
his course in the Legislature in relation to the
same law. We are glad to see, that according
to Harrison's explanation of the matter, neither
he nor the gentlemen who voted with him, were
in favor of selling human beings for civil debt."
Will the other papers of the party imitate tho
above honorable example 1 Not one in ten of
them. And thousands of misguided freerrien
will perhaps, cast their votes against the tried
patriot, in honest indignation at this supposed
violation of human rights, and never know, or
il at all know too late, that the charge is as
falti Ok it i a rvrl?Yriinr Tin Tint lllASA lliiniTa
n1, , t, m;l t - c1omn A
ty, to irreatlv extend the circulation ol their
, d . carr h a,Iti(iole wherever
the poison eoes ! We leave it to our friends to
answer the inquiry.
The unqualified -abuse that is daily heaped
upon the "Peoples Candidate, by a party
press that owes its existence only to the pam
pernigs ot a corrupt and wicked government,
cannot but be viewed with scorn and abhor
rence. Abuse, it is true, is the only weapon
that is left to the enemies of Gen Harrison
but jt is pointless and imbecile. The following
noble and eloquent sentiments expressed by the j
"Peoples Candidate, is an " apple of gold"
and contains more true and unadulterated pat
riotism, than a volume of the sayings of Martin
Yan Buren. They occur at the close of a com-
munication adt
cinnati Inquisi
Idressed to the Editor of the Cin-
quisitor, in September, 1322. Bait.
" I believe that upon the preservation of the
Union ol the States depends the existence of
our civil and religious liberties ; and that the
cement which binds it together is not a parcel
of words written upon paper or parchment, but
the brotherly love and regard which the citizens
of the several States possess for each other.
Destroy this, andirrc beautiful fabric which was
reared and embellished by our ancestors crum
bles into rnins. From its disjointed parts no
temple of liberty will again be reared. Discord
and wars will succeed to peace and harmony
barbarism will again overspread tne land; or,
what is scarcely better, some kindly tyrant will
promulgate the decrees of his will, from tho
seat where, a Washington and a Jefferson dis
pensed the blessings of a free and equal Gov
ernment. I believe it therefore, to be the duty
of a Representative to conciliate, by every pos
sible means, the members of our great political
family, and always to bear in mind that as the
Union was effected only by a spirit of mutual
concession and forbearance, so only can it be pre
served. " WM. 11. HAltlliSUiN.
Tno Globe published a letter from Detroit,
Michigan, claiming a Loco Foco Triumph in
the charter election ol tha' city. 1 he truth is
the whig candidate for Mavor is elected and the
following from the Detroit Advertiser of the 5th
will show how much reliance will be placed on
the statements of the Cflobe.
From the Detroit Advertiser, March the 5th.
Un 1 uesday morning the r rec rress came
out with a laborious flourish, claiming a Loco
Foco triumph in Detroit, But yesterday morn
ing Sir Puff had to take the back track ' The
Loco Foco victory has changed fronts, and tur
ned up a WHIG TRIUMPH l This makes it
very bad ! Our cotemporary should bear in
mind tho old adage, Never shout until you are
out ol the woods !'
The silliest whine of the Loco Foco's in at
tempting to account for their defeat is, that
many of their friends voted foi Dr. Pitcher,
But wc be not believe it. Dr. P. on the
contrary, owing 10 one or two laise rumors put
m circulation did not receive the lull whig vote
other hand, Mr. GILLET received a great
many V lug votes because he has an honest rel
ative !
I he Whig majority in Detroit taking the
alderman as the test has MORE THAN
same remark will be true in the future ? It wil
more than doublo hotweeii this and November'
TION, are the watch words that lead us to vic
tory !
The loco focos whine very piteously over their
l . f . ml . i i , i i
oeieat. i uey nau maue calculations upon a
victory, hut all their importation and coloinza
lion ellbcted nothing in robbing Detroit of the
proud appellation ol a W lug city !
The Adfocate of Wednesday hist says : "The
water has risen one ttrld a hali Icet in the twentv
four hours ending .last evening,, and at half past
.11 ! 1T 1
was sun swelling steauuy. wo nave now near
six feet water in the channel again, and no doubt
we shall be able to report a greater depth in otir
next.sneet.' t
. 1-. ..
A Falsehood Nailed to;the Counter.
The Van Buren papers have quoted the following-very
freely ;
Jlanicl Webster's opinion of William Henry
Harrison. ATr. Webster, when asked, in 1835,
if he wouM be placed on the same ticket with
Gen. Harrison, replied, "I cannot be guilty ol
any act that shall, in the remotest degree, tend
to the elevation of a man to tho Presidency,
who is justly the scorn and ridicule of his foes,
and the pity and contempt of his friends."
We did not suppose there was any truth in
the paragraph, but the National Intelligencer
puts the matter at rest. On the authority, un
doubtedly, of Mr. Webster, that paper says :
We arc authorized to say, most emphatical
ly, that there is no foundation whatever, for the
assertion of the above paragraph respecting Mr.
Webster's opinion of General Harrison, 1 he
statement is unqualifiedly false."
How many Van Buren papers that have pub
lished the error, will also publish the correction
Harrison and Van Buren. A distinguish
ed statesman from the North, remarked in our
presence vesterdav. that he was a member of
the United States Senate when Harrison and
Van Buren represented Ohio and New York
in that body. He observed from what he knew
of their relative standing in the Senate, and
their respective servic-es, he believed there was
no man in the country more overrated than Mr.
Van Buren was al that time, and no one so un
justly underrated as General Harrison. He
alleged that his knowledge was trom actual ob
servation of the two, and he had ever regarded
General Harrison as infinitely superior to Mr
Van Buren, in every constituent of a great mind
and a erreat.statesman. This has ever been our
opi lion of the two men, and we are glad to
have it confirmed by so competent a witness.
Philadelphia Standard.
The Locofocos are mightily displeased with
the popular movements in favor of General
Harrison, and seek to diminish their importance
by denominating them a preconcerted game of!
the opposition. But this will hardly do. It
will prove an ungrateful task to convince the
people of this position. The fact is there is
comeillin" more suosiamnu in inese muicawuus
of public feeling than the Locofocos are willing; Florida, and employ them against the white set
to admit. The people are becoming sick of;tieinent3 The bite of this reptile is dreadful ;
nus-governmcnt anu are leaving van Luren oy
thousands. Causes which cannot be counter- I
acted, are operating to produce the overthrow
of the cabal in power, The revolution is al
ready begun and will go on until that grand
purpose is accomplished. No one can mistake
the signs of the times. The efforts of the par
tizans of the Federal Administration at misre-
presentation, evince the alarm ana apprenen-
sions which prevail m the Locofoco ranks.
Hie result of the approaching contest will over
whelm them in defeat. Van Buremsm approa
ches its end. The Political Reformer.
Massachusetts Town- Elections. The
Whigs are having their own way in Masschu-
sctts now, and too uosion rsewspapers are
ull of little victories. Even Lynn, the town
of shoemakers has come over at last, and gives
the whig ticket a majority of 108.
The following has been the state ol parties
since 1034.
Last fall the whole number of votes was 1,
500. and the Locofoco majority was 190.. This
year the whole number thrown was 1514 ; and
tne vvnig majojiiy on me oeieci men iua anu
3 cnange ol 300 votes in less than six months,
Several of the most extensive manufacturers
ef woolen and cotton goods in this country,
have been compi'lied to suspend operations for
the present. Others run their machinery one
or two days during each week. The origin of
all this difficulty is to be found in the policy of
the National Administration. We must have
a thorough change in our rulers before we can
expect any alteration in the business and pros
perity of tho country. Should Van Buren and
his. party be continued in power, and his fa
vorite scheme, the sub-treasury, become a law,
the wages of the mechanics and laborers of the
United States will b reduced to a level with
those of England. This is the darling object
of tho leaders of the administration party, Buch
anan, Benton, &c, boldly proclaimed on the
floor of Consress. The employers and the em
ployed have the remedy in their own hands,
let them use it when the proper time arrivos.
Darby Delaware Co.) Republican.
Horrible Vengeance. On the night of
the 19th ult. the village of Falsoe Tharkeny,
in Hungary containing 220 habitations, and'a
population of 900 souls was entirely destroyed.
In the day the daughter of a rich farmer was mar
ried to a young man of Lecchy. At midnight,
when the happy pair retired, Charles Thelky,
who had sought the hand of the brido but was
refused, set firo to tho dwelling, and it was
completely enveloped in flames, which spread
throughout the whole place. Upwards of
200 perished in the conflagration, and 100 more
wero severely injured. The bride was among
the first, and the bridegroom olc of tho other
sufferers. Thelky tho incendiary is in custo
dy. Mr. Albert G. Cage, of Woodville Mississip
pi recently nau his arm so shattered
aminputuiiLn became necessary.
lwo Lives Lost. The Schoharlo Patriot
says: "The house of Mr. Abraham' Tripp, of
mis town, was destroyed by lire on Friday
iiijjuv mair uiiu uio uiiuymui ugeu id, and a
grand daughter 9
months old, were5
burnt to
Attempt at Muhder. On Friday last an
attempt was made to take the life of A. C. Bush
Esq. of this place. The attempt was made by
an old man, by the name of Robert Freeland,
who we are informed is a citizen of N. J. He
came here last fall for the purpose of settling
some business matters ana ne speni tne winter
in fruitless exertions in endeavouuig to
his matters to a close. On the day above men
tioned he entered the store of Mr. Bush, aud
in the presence of several, drew a double bar
reled pistol, one barrel of which hojiredat Mr.
B. and snapped the other, f ortuuately, at the
moment he was drawing his pistol-nur: B. dis
covered, it, aud suspecting his" design sprang
from his seat and made, for another room door,
his Fength upon the floor, just at the instant the
pistol was fired. To this circumstance lie
probably owes the preservation of his life. The
ball passed directly over his back, striking a
gainst an andiron about two feet from the floor.
Freeland was immediately secured, and lodged
in jail. Tioga Democrat.
From a recent published correspondence be
tween the American and British Governments,
on the Boundary Qaestion. it is reduced to a.
certainty, that the Colonial authorities have ta
ken "military possession" of a part of the dis
puted territory, contrary to the. terms and spirit
of the agreement with the f ieutenant Governor
of New Brunswick ; and. ma.- a disposition ex
ists to take advantage of the inaction and con
fidence of the American Government, to the
injur' of the rights of ilaine. There i? great
reason to fear a serious collision yet on th
Rattlesnake vs. the Bloodhounds.
There is a story in circulation, that the Semiu
olcs are training Rattlesnakes to fall on the
white settlements as an offset to the Blood
hounds. The Evening Star says : "The story
is, that on hearing of the intended importation
of the bloodhounds a council of the cruets and
warriors had been held in the Black Swamp,
and that one of the chiefs, who is also a jug
gler or sort of prophet, named Mico humppy-ti-
U-nuggv, had offered to catch and tram Jtvo mm-
, . . .-
.jrfij nr largest mllle.snakes to be touncl in
-n js inst!iril death ; and the Rattlesnake of Flor-
ida is of enourmous size, often from eight to ten
feet in length ; one was killed some years ago,
with an hundred rattles. What a horrid idea of
a whole army of these terriftic creatures ap
proaching the very gates of Tallahassee I"
A Dr. Holmes who some months since com
mitted an outrageous murder in Upper Canada,
as our readers will recollect, on the person of
the husband of the woman he had seduced, and
then escaped into Vermont, where he was ar
rested, and who was about to be delivered up
to the authorities of U. C. by the Governor of
that state, had the delivery prevented by appli
cation to the Supreme court of the U. S. But
recently that court has decided that -it has no
jurisdiction in the case, andhe will therefore be
surrendered for trial and punishment.
Somnambulism Extraordinary. A Paris paper
tells us with all the gravity , due to the occasion,
that a worthy inhabitant of St. Omerwent to bed
on Christmas eve, full of a feast he was to give
next day to his family and friends. About mid
night, he arose in his sleep, went down. -into the
kitchen, and lit all the fourneaux. About 3 oTclock
his wife awoke, and finding him gone searched for
him throughout the house, and at length f6umdkhim
key was on the spit, the soup was simmering ifttho
Dusuy occupiea wuii nis culinary taoors. lnetur-
; pot, and tne creams just raising their nrst ouooie ;
altogether emitting a most delicious odour. Uar
cuisinicr a l'im-proviste, finding all going on well,
went up to the dining room, arranged- the table in
I perfect order, and was going to fetch up the soup,
when the wife with great caution contrived to waks
uur uuauaiiu, vwiu uu uuuuu iu uia seuaes, set iu
work aided by his wife, and carefully putby the
dinner to keep till the atternoon. JJoston 'Xrans.
A few weeks since, as we'learn from the Bur
lington (Iowa) Patriot, the Rev. Samuel Leonard
left that place on horseback in very feeble health,
the weather being exceedingly cold. After going
some distance, he stopped to warm himself at a
house, and, while he was there, .his horse broke
loose and escaped. Mr. L. foilowed his horse on
loot till he came to another house, where he re-
requested to bo allowed to stay all night but was
refused. He passed on to the next house, the ladv
torn mm mat sne naa several children, only one
room, and no spare bedding, but, that she was wil
ling to make him as comfortablo as possible under
the circumstances, unwillme to put her and he
family to inconvenience, he passed on, but, before
reaching another house, perished of the cold.
Melancholly accident and culpable follu. On
Satnrday last a Mrs. McGilvery, residing on
Second street above Oak, took out a pistol be
longing to hor husband, who is absent, which
had been laid by for a long time to clean it.
Supposing it not loaded she put a cap on it and
snapped it at a Mrs. Ennis,merely with'a view of
scaring her. It did not go oil, and pursuing
her amusement she put on another can and
went to the house of Mr. Richard Russell, a
neighbor who was standing at his door. Af
ter some firivildus remark, she snapped th
pistol at his face when it went off, the con
tents of a leaden ball, entering the left eye, and
passing quite through tho head, came out of the
back of tho neck. Mr. Russell fell back in tho
house and expired about four o'clock.
From this unfortunte circumstance, Mrs. Mc
Gilvery became almost frantic. After the act
she was laken before a magistrate where all
tho facts were inquired into, wjiere sho was dis
charged their being no evidence of malice ; on
tho contrary it was the result of tho pistol be
ing loaded. Mr. Russol we understand was a
sobor, industrious man.f- He has left a wife and
several children.
St. Louis Republican.