Jeffersonian Republican. (Stroudsburg, Pa.) 1840-1853, March 07, 1840, Image 3

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yThe Baltimore American
of yesterday
The Ship Active, arrived here last evening,
11 106 days from Calcutta, via. at neiena,
s id'34 davs from the latter port, with saltpetre,
Silks and Hides, to George B catty-left Cal-
i,nr nnd Sand Heads on
cutta on iouioi iuu"i
While at St Helena, learnt from the offi
cers of the ships Talbot and Apthorp, American
i j 9ti American irifrate aurinir
r5R nan v -
w - . i. I s-. t ohm it'han n
Lilnn rnmmenced between the Junks & the A-
l .1 rnn
ftnerican, in wmcn h is Mippu&cu mat uv, .a
ftivcs were killed. The town of Whampo:
Kwas oioutviiutvi j
the English and Americans
MARTIN W: DINGMAN, Esq. Treasurer of Pike County, tn account for
the year ending January 6, A. D. 1840.
To cash received from collectors of
countv rates and levies during the
vear 1839.
Do. do. Unseated lands for
1838 and 1839,
paid by him,
999 80
15 14
1014 94
101 36
$1116 36
By cash paid county checks,
Commission on $1014 94 received
at 3 per cent.
Commission on $1054 24 paid at
3 percent.
1054 24
30 44
31 52
$1116 30
In account with School Iflonics.
Jcflersonian Republican,
A new Weekly taper, to 0e puunsnea at oirt-
burg, Monroe County, Fa., and Mtljora,
Pike County, Pa., simultaneously.
The whole art of Government consists in the art
of being honest. Jcjfcrson.
m nrincinle, will be all its title purports, the firm
i n -1 - i j
fwd unwavering advocate oi me principles aim
ibctrines of the democratic party, delineated oy
$e illustrious Jefferson : the right of the peo
tn fWnfc. to sDeak. and to act, independent
ly on all subjects, holding themselves respon-
To cash received from collectors,
Do. do. on unseated lands,
Balance due Martin W. Dingman, treas
urer, paid
207 19
8 44
215 63
6 10
$221 73
at 3 per cent
per cent.
In account with Road Monies
By cash paid on school checks,
" paid on check drawn to ivio
ses Killam in part,
' " drawn to Dan
iel Nyce in part,
" " " drawn to D.
W. Hagcrty in part,
Commission on $215 63 received
209 00 paid at 3
85 00
50 00
30 00
44 00
6 46
6 27
New Volume commenced with the Mav Number.
The Ladies' Companion, established in May.
834 a popular and highly esteemed magazine of
General Literature and the Fine Arts : embellish-
with gorgeous and costly engravings on steel, and
the tjuarterly lashions ; and also with Fashiona
ble and popular Music, arranged for the Piano
la orte, and (juitar.
Since the .publication of the number for Novem
ber, the demand for the Ladies' Companion has
been unprecedented and beyond the most sanguine
anticipations. At the commencement of the vol
ume an additional number ot copies were printed,
which was considered'at the time adequate to sa
tisfy all the orders which might be received, and
eave a considerable number on hand for subse
quent calls: The publisher is more than gratified
in stating that the whole of an edition of six thou
sand, five hundred copies, was completely exhaus
ted foclore the issuing ot the third number of the
volume ; and, consequently, he was compelled to
reprint a second edition of two thousand copies,
making the circulation ot .the ladies' Companion
eight thousand five hundred, at the termination of amine his stock before purchasing elsewhere.
received on unseated
Balance due M. W. Dingman, Treas
urer, over paid,
15 03
11 17
$26 20
By cash paid on road orders during
the year,
Commission on $15 03 received
at 3 per cent. $
Commission on 25 00 paid at 3
per cent.
25 00
75-1 20
Redemption Iflonics.
i nmver for the free exercise of this
ht, but their God, their Country, and her
jfiaws, which they themselves have created.
f free and untrammeled Press, conducted in a
(Spirit worthy of our institutions, is a public bles-hino-,
a safeguard to the Constitution under which
geTive, and it should be cherished and support
(B by every true republican. Such, then, it is
Resinned to make the paper now estab
lished, and as such, the publisher calls up
5ie enlightened citizens of Monroe and Pik to
tos arrived when the Press should take a bold
d faarless stand against the evidently increas
ing moral and political degeneracy of the day,
&fl endeavor, bv a fair, candid, and honorable
jtfcurse, to remove those barriers whioh section
m prejudices, party spirir, and party animosity
jave reared to mar the social relations oi men
ithout accomplishing any paramount gooG.
fill not seek to lead or follow any faction, or to
advocate and support the schemes of any par
ticular set of men. It will speak independent-
Is on all State and National questions, award
lgto each that support which its merits may
emand, never hesitating, however, to condemn
uch measures, as in t.he opinion ol the editor is
stly warranted, holding as a first principle :
" I he trreatesi gooa io uw gi cuicdl
Tftliev?Tifr that the great principles of democ-
lacy are disregarded by the present Chief Ma-
strate of the .Nation, iuartix vas dukla,
ridedlv. but honorably oppose his re-election
y 1 - - i . t t
the nigh, and responsible siauon wmcu ue
w holds.
Tt willfirmlv onnose the " Independent Trea
j t
Scheme, and all other scnemes navmg
their obiect tbe concentration in the hands
one man, and that man the President of the
tion. all power over the public moneys, a
wer, which, when combined with that vest
in him bv the Constitution as Commander-
Chief of the American iorces, .Military anu
ival, together with an enormous official pa
nare. would render him more powerful than
Executive of the British. iNation, ana in
rt make our Government, de facto an Elec
e Monarchy.
It will ever maintain that the welfare of our
untrv and the preservation of her Republican
stitutions should be the first and only senti-
ents of our hearts in the choice of our public
:rvants ; that honesty, fidelity, and capability,
e the only true tests of merit; that all men
e created eaual, and, therefore, should alike
ijoy the privileges conferred on them by the
onsutution witnout Deiug suujuci w piuuy-
n, or coerced by the influence ol party.
The columns of the J E r FJS KoUM 1 A i
EPUBLICAN will ever be open to the free
scussion of all political questions, believing
we do. that there is no liberty wnere oom
es may not be heard, and wnere one poruun
freemen are denied the privilege of declax
r their sentiments through the medium of the
ess, because they differ from the majority.
To amount received from J. J. Linder
man, late Treasurer,
Do. do. on lands redemed
during the year,
457 37
110 24
$567 61
By cash refunded during the year,
Balance in the Treasury,
$26 20
126 65
440 96
Amount of redemption money by com
missioners to county fund at the
settlement, January, 1839, $755
Balance in Treasury, 440
$567 61
Whole amount of redemption
$1196 80
Expenses incidental to the administra
tion of Justice for tlie year 1339.
Wages and mileage of Jurors, $562 85
Assessors expenses, 131 75
John T. Quick, commissioner in full, 27 00
Moses Bingham, do. 31 50
Abraham B. Decker, do. 36 00
Beniamin Drake. do. 6 00
lection services, 100 Oo
Sheriff summoning Jurors &c: 53 00
Constables attending court, &c. 57 69
Road Viewers, 29 00
Pninmnnwealth's costs. 50 48'
Taxes refunded, 80 94
Printing, 10 00
Jail GSnenses. 60 13
Prothonotary and Clerk of Sessions, 45 15
Commissioners office expenses, 6 6i
H. L. West, Commissioners Clerk, 50 00
Court House repairs, 60
Court crying and cleaning courthouse 28 67
Bridge building and repairing, 49 50
Coroner s mnuests. 62 6b
Miscellaneous, 77 22
Fox and wild cat scalps 44 62
Costs in civil suits. - 47 00
Amount brought over, 824 07
1832, Price, John S. Smiley judgm't. 43 96
1833, Dingman, William Quinn, do. 38 30
" Price. Jacob Bush, do. 39 80
1838. Dintrmah. Enhraim Drake, do. "36 02
" Milford, John W. Middaugh, 91 7
" Delaware, David Sayre, 86 96
1839, Lehman, Geo. W. Nvce's ad'ors. 210 13
Delaware, D'l. E. Van Etten, 198 9b
' Dingman, David M. Case, 100 65
' Milford, Theophilus H. Smith, 105 09
" Westfall, Cornelius Westfall, i41 34
" Lackawaxen, Moses Brink, 240 33
Palmyra, Gordon Petiit, 104 13
Wholesale and Retail
TOHY. THE subscriber respectfully informs the citi
zens of Stroudsburg and the public genorally,
that he has taken the shop recently occupied by
James Palmer, on Elizabeth street, nearly opposite
the Stroudsburg House, in this Borough, when
he intends carrying on the Cabinet Making busi- '
ness in all its various branches.
He shall keep constantly on hand or make to or
der all kinds of fourniture :
Sideboards, IS urea us, Sofas, Centre
tables, Breakfast and Dining- Tables,
Wash Stands, Bedsteads, &c. Ac.
together with every other article usually kept at
such establishments ; all of which he will sell at
the Easton prices.
As his materials will be of the best qualitv, and
all articles manufactured at his establishment will
be done by first rate workmen, he confidently as
sures the public that his endeavors to render gen
eral satisfaction will not be unrewarded.
tr .1 11; - .. .
xie resiJui:u uiiy invuiin me puouc to call ana GK-"
$2290 20
Balance due from Collectors of School
1835, M. Smithfield, Jacob Bush, 67 29
1836, do. John Dewitt, 238 10
Price, John Learn, 63 87
Dingman, Jacob M'Carty, judgt. 30 28
Milfordi Cornelius Middaugh, do. 12 66
Lackawaxen, Wm.R.IIolbert do. 30 97
do. Win. Conkling, jr. do. 24 37
the tenth volume. In consequence of this great
and unparalleled increase of new subscribers, he
has determined to commence the new volume for
the ensuing year with thirteen thousand : hoping
that he will thus bo enabled to supply all the de
mands for the Ladies' Companion, as well as those
disappointed in commencing with the tenth vol
ume. The proprietor feels tjrateful for that en
couragement which has Lecnso lavishly bestowed
upon his magazine, and at the same tune he begs
to assure the readers ol the Ladies Companion,
that it is determined resolution to meet it with a
corresponding liberality to merit its continuance.
The work appears in beautiful new type, printed
on the finest paper : smoothly pressed, and neatly
stitched in a handsome cover.
The Ladies' Companion contains a larger quan
tity of reading than any other magazine issued in
in this country, and its subscription price is only
three dollars a year, while the great combination
of talent secured for the coming year will render
it unequalled by any other periodical.
Splendid Steel Engravings, prepared by Mr. A.
Dick, ornament the work one of which accompa
nies each number. These plates are entirely new,
and are engraved at a heavy expense by one of the
best arstists in America, expressly for the maga
zine. The designs are selected with a view of in
teresting the general reader, and enhancing the
value of the work, for its superior pictoral embel
lishments. It is with pride the proprietor announ
ces that the Ladies' Companion is the only maga
zine published, in which new and elegant steel
plates appear regularly. Those accompanying
other monthly periodicals, are generally firstworn
out in annuals. In addition to the engravings
mentioned, a correct plate of the Quarterly Fash
ions for Ladies4 will appear in the June, Septem
ber, December, and March numbers, independent
of the usual embellishment. It is the determina
tion of the proprietor, that these fashion plates
shall appear in a style hitherto unknown. It lite
rary character will undergo no change, as it will
remain under the charge of the same Jiiditors as
heretofore. Articles Irom the pens ot the most
distinguished writers, will appear in the forthcom
ing numbers, among which may be enumerated the
following: Mrs. Holland, Jiimma U. Embury,
Iydia H. Sigourncy, Frances S. Osgood,
Eliot, Caroline Orne. Seba fcmith, Mrs. llarnng-
ton, Ann S. Stevens, Miss Hannah F. Gould, Ma
ry Ann Browne, Charlotte Cushman, Mary Emily
J ackson, Henry W. Herbert, author of 'Cromwell,
dec. rrolessor J li Ingraham, author of ' 13urton,'
'Capt.Kidd,'&c, Professpr H W Longfellow,
author of ' Outre Mer5' Wm E Burton, Chief Jus
tice Mellen, John Neal, Park Benjamin, Grenville
Mellen, N C Brooks, A M, George P Morris, Ro
bert Hamilton, Isaac U rray, Wm Uomstock, Hi
ram B Dennis, Rev J H Clinch, James Brooks,
Albert Pike, J? A Dunvage, Henry F Harrington,
together with several others, with whom negotia
tions are pending They will hereafter be an
Chairs, Settees. &c. will be kept constantly oa'
hand and for sale.
Stroudsburg, Jan. 15, 1S40.
$1587 87
Balance due from Collectors of Coun
ty rates and levies.
1 827, Upper Smithfield, G. F. Shot
well, judgment,
1831, do. do. John B.
Rockwell, dee'd judgment,
" Lackawaxen, John Kimble, de
ceased, judgment, J. B. Rock
well and Eph. Kimble, adm'ors.
138 17
472 89
243 01
S467 44
Amounts due from individuals to the
County of rike.
George Bowhanan,, balance due on note da
ted 7th March, 1820, $21 00. Jeffrey Wells,
jury fees, $4 00; fines for 1834, S39 00
S43 00. John J. Lmderman and sureties,
judgment dated 20th August, 1839, for $949 68
of which amount S740 2U is school, bb &4
is road, $52 32 is redemption, $60 00 is coun
tv monev. aud interest on same is $30 63. J.
M. Heller, sheriff, jury fees, $16 00.
JOHN II. BRODIIEADj Esq. Treasurer of Milford Academy in account
To Richard Eldrcd's note and interest
from Jan. 1st to Jan. 1st, 1810, 03 59
Balance on John Brink's note, Jan-
ary 1st, 1S40,
Cash as per Auditors report, 1839,
Do. am'nt of O. S. Dimmick's note,
rai rp.nmred of State Treasurer,
T Rrink s note. 133 82
By amount of credits see statement of
the Ireasurer of the Board of
Balance, ii) .the Treasury,
323 97
27 25
296 72
Mrs. Ann S. Stephens)
William W. Snowden. Editors,
Henry F. Harrington, j
The Musical Department of the Ladies' Compa
nion has ever commanded a large share of atten
tion, and has been looked upon with no little, in
terest by its readers, and more especially the La
dies, whom the publisher is anxious to please. It al consent
D . W. BUTZ begsleave respectfully to in
form the inhabitants of Stroudsburg, and vici.
nitv, that he continues to manufacture every
description ef TIN WARE, at his establish
ment, on Elizabeth street, and where a rener
al supply is constantly kept on hand. Those
wishing to purchase good articles, and at rea
sonable nrices. will do well tn call nnrl fixamina
his assortment before purchasing elsewhere.
STOVE PIPE of all sizes to suit pur
chasers' always on hand cheap for cash.
Stroudsburg, Jan. 15, 1810.
f a HIE Subscriber respectfully informs the pub
JL lie, that he i3 prepared to execute all kinds oi
Plain & Orsiameiital Painting,
Glazing, &c.
at his shop nearly opposite the store of William
Eastburn, where all orders in his line willbe thank- "
fully received and punctually attended to.
Stroudsburg, Jan. 15, 1839.
Paper Hanging,
In all its various branches will be punctually
attended to.
J. M.
THE Subscriber, in addition to his Fall sup
ply has just received a full and complete ass
ortment of GOODS admirably adapted to the sea
son, consisting of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery.
Hard amd Hollow Ware,
STEEL, NAILS, and NAIL RODS, in fact a
complete assortment of all kinds of goods usually
kept in a country store, all of which he is disposed
to sell at moderate prices.
N. B. Grain and Country produce, White and
yellow pine boards will be taken in exchange ; al- '
so, oak joist, &c. &c.
Stroudsburg, Jan. 15th, 1840.
TBfJG Copartnership heretofore existing be
tween the subscribers trading under the firm
of Stokes & Brown, is this day dissolved by mutu-
tne ousiness ot the late urm willba
will continue to be a subject of more than usual settled by Stogdell Stokea, who is duly authorised
care to him, and to the Professor under whoso su- to settle the same.
pervision it is placed, to make that portion of the STOGDELL STOKES. "
magazine deserving of the countenance of every j. a. BROWN.
lover of music. All persons indebted to the firm of Stokes
Tae Work in General. Of every department an Brown, are particularly requested to make settle
equally careful supervision will be strictly exer- mentonor before the first day of March next, and
cised by the Editors, and all appropriate expendi- those having claims against the firm present them
tures will be iiuerallv bestowed, as it is the de- iUI scwuinum.
323 97
We the Auditors of Accounts of Pike county for the jear, 1839, after
carefully examining the said accounts, do certify the above and foregoing
11 nrnr tnkn a livelv interest in the affairs of rfinort to be correct. Witness our tiaildS. OAMUEL JJIMM1LK,
onroe and Pike, and of the Senatorial and!ttest MOSES BRINK,
nsressional Districts wun wiuuu mcy aJO tt.T, Clerk. JAMES -lNYCE,
, . Auditors.
nnected. .
The Farmer, the Merchant, the Mechanic,
3td the Laborer, will each find a lnend m tne
lumnsof the JEFFEilSCMlAiN ftfirup-
1CAN. Due care will be taken to luraisn us
ai1r uri t1 ilia lntftst Foreien and Domestic
WILL be sold at public vendue, on Saturday.
,i, omli Hav ol' March inst,, at Analonunk
- 1 T I J
ws, and such Miscellaneous reading as win -poree,
hnth mtftrftsuiur and instructive. In short it , WrtluM, Uliilcs, Waggons, Harness,
the Daner worthy of an ex- Farming ntensils, Itterchan-
k -w 11 - I
isive patronage, oom irom uic
w which it will ever possess, and the efforts
the editor to make it a good and useful
imily Newspaper,
ttize, Blacltsmim
Beds and Bedding,
and a variety of articles too numerous to mention,
o-,- . ,JmonPP nt in o'clock. A. M. when the
;7:ixTTw nrPimUf; AN conditions will be made Known uuu
inc Jtr i' &iojnn.n . ,
11 be printed on a super-royal sheet of good j given Dy HENRY, JORDAN & Co.
ahty, and with good type. I Morch 6, 1840 4t.
Terms S2m advance; lc ,
i months, and $2,50 if not paid before tne ex
ration of the year. No subscription taken for
less term than six months.
Job "Work of all kinds neatly executed-at
the office of the "JefTerso-nian'Republican."
ALL persons indebted to the estate of James
Bush, late of Smithfield township, Monroe
couuty, deceased, either by note, book account or
vendue money, are hereby required to make im
mediate payment; anu all those navmg aemanas
against said estate to present them in proper or
der for settlement to
Smithfield tsp.March5, 1810.--61.
sign of the publisher, with the aid of his contribu
tors and tne advice ot his mends to make the .La
dies Companion distinguished for the beauty and
accuracy of its typography, the variety and high
tone ol its literary articles, the quality and value
of its music, and the unequal splendor of its pic
toral embellishments, and the accuracy of its quar
terly fashions. The proprietor pledges himself to
use all honorable means to maintain the superiori
ty which the Ladies' Companion has obtained.
For five years he has steadily pursued a course of
improvement, and he flatters himself that his pre
sent facilities are such as to give the work eminent
advantages over ah other publications.
From the foregoing it will be perceived that the
Ladies' Companion embraces every department
within the range of Belles-Lettres and the Fine
Art3 : and no exertions or expense will be deemed
too great to render the work equal to any other
extant. The flattering and general testimonials
of nearly every contemporary journal in the United
States, and in fact, many on the other side of the
Atlantic, have strongly asserted the undeniable
Stroudsburg, Jan. 1st. 1840.
RESPECTFUIXY informs the inhabi
tants of Monroe and adjoining Counties, that
he is ready at all times to discharge his duties
to all who may favor him with their custom.
Mending and Encravins neatlv executed-
Clocks, Watches, and Music Boxes repaired
and warranted. ,1
JJj3 Always on hand, and for sale, a variety
of Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry.
Stroudsburg, Jan. 15, 1840.
LL persons indebted to the Estate of JOHN
STARBIRD, late of Stroud township, Monroa
county, aeceasea,are requested to make immediate
claims of tho Ladies' Companion to the support of payment; and those haying demands against tha
sum -uaiaic, arc uuaiu 10 present mem in proper
TThE Sheriff, Commissioners and County Trea
surer, will attend at Stroudsburg, on Saturday ol
every week, and may be seen at their respective
offices between the hours of 10 o'clock, a. m. and
3 o'clock, p. m. on said days.
February 31, 1840.
the public generally. There is no work that gives
its readers such a great return for their money.
Terms Three Dollars a year in advance, or Four
Dollars during the year.
No subscription received for less than a year.
Letters must be postpaid, otherwise the postage
is deducted, and credit given only for the balance.
Address WM. SNOWDEN,
109 Fulton street, New York.
A FEW copies of Kirkham's Grammar may
be had cheap at this Office.
Stroudsburg, Feb. 14, 1840
Printvd at this office with neatness
and despatch.
order for settlement.
January 31, 1810. Gt Executrix. !
Sawyer Wanted,
TO attend a saw mill on Broadhead's creek;
A sober steady sawyer can have employmeni
for the ensuing four or five months, and liberal
wages will be given. A man with a family would
be preferred. For particulars apply at the stora
February, 7, 1840.
W tit IMU V kLIU tlUUIIlillUUl.
Stroudsburg, Feb. 14, 1840.