teTERS'ONlAN REPUBLICAN. i iinuM mi i iMMg3n.iiliiiiJJW---v' n'imjwiJ . j - 1 mIeT,- The followiug eloquent passage, describing ihc progress of Christianity throughout "the . crld, will be read with interest at the festal Christianity hosclf moves in acvance of her nwo p.ivilizatiou: and does not wait the tardy ierAtip,G,;nJ holds tho world's destiny in her hands, she has undertaken, as a specific object, and as her own proper work, the reclamation not of provinces or of continents, but of all nations; all the millions of humanity, Possessed dy this au gust idea, an idea infinitely surpassing , in the grandeur of its concepiion, every project of ambition, every dream of universal empire, she has surveyed the enterprizc from all its points. She has marked out with astonishing boldness and precision her plan of operations and moves to its execution with a fixed and steady eye: with boundles eenrgy, with'boundlcss and inex tingnishable faith. Already she is in occupa tion of the state of power in every division of the globe, and speaks to its swarming multitudes in two hundred languages of the many tongued earth. In Africa she has taken up her line of positions trom Cape Palmos to Port Natal aud in Asia, Constantinople to Ceylon; and throws a belt of moral light like a galaxy over either continent. She has touched the iron sceptres, of A ran ma and Mehamed, and they crumble from their hands like ashes. She gathors4ier school on the Acropolis of Athens, and works her printing presses under the shadow of the Pyra mids. She has kindled herlights among the Islands of the Southemjand Pacific Oceans ; A YANKEE STORY. " - ."-''7 -? I have hcarn folks say that the wimmin;was contrary ; well they is a leetle so, but if you manage 'em rite, hawl in here, and lot 'em out .1 . . . tn. nlrkatrr ,trifl,m,t UVl?nnF. mere, itu uuu uuvu uiu mwug "ui" jfi . . . I. ....... ...... itrnrtt f Ctt " ''W" spur, jusi wmvii way uu im vm m wimn T lived down to E'torn. there wa a good many Fust rate gals down there, but 1 did'nt take a likin to any on 'em, till -Sjipiire Cummins cum down there to live. ThSquire had a mighty purty darter. I sed some of the als was fust rate, but Nancy Cummins was fust rate, ami a leetle more. "JjjfogP u as many dressed finer and looked gratm&r, but there was sumthinjam about NartcyfSTat thev could'nt iium a cuuuie iu. ii a iener seea ncr wunce, he could'nt look at anoiheiSgal for a week. 1 took a likin to her rite ofi'mnd we got as thick as thieves. We had usedrto go the same mce- tin, and sot in the same pew. It took me to find the sarins and hims .for her, and we'd swell 'em out in a manner shocking to hardened sin ners; and then we'drmosey hum together, while the gals and fellers kept a lookin on as though they'd like to mix in. I'd always stay to supper, and the way she cood make injun cakes, and the way I icood slick 'em over with molasses, and put 'em away, was nothin to no body. She was dreadful civil tew, always get tin sumthin nice for me. I was up to the hub in love, and was goin for it like a lokymolive. Well, things went on this way for a spell, till she thought she had me tight enough. Then she begun to show off tinder independent like When I'd go to the meetm, there was no roon in the pew room when she'd cum out she'd streeke and the Polynesian cannibal comes running"! off with another chap, and leave me suckin my Well" I jest told Patience aboct it when she rite tip and called me a darned fool. Well,. sea I Efe, thit is hard, but ncver.mind that, jest go on, you can get her, and when you do gut her, you can file the rough edges off jest as you please ; that tickled him, it did, and he went a ieetle betujr pleased. Now, thinks I, it is time to look arter Nance. JNcxt day, down 1 went. Nancy was all alone. I axed herif the squire was in, she said he warnt. Cos, ses I, (makin believe that I wanted him,) our colt sprained his foot, and I cum to see if the squire would lend me his mare to go to town. She set! she guessed he vood, better sit down till the squire corned in, down I sot ; she looked sort a queer, an my felt qu&er all around the edges. Arter a whiie, ses I, air you goin down to Betsy Mas tin's quiltin 1 ?ed she did'nt know for sartin ; are you a goin ? Sed I reckoned I wood ; ses she, I sposo you'd take Patience Dodge ; sed 1 mout and again f .mout not ; ses she, 1 hearn your goin to get mmied ; ses, shouldn't won der a bit, Paticrtce is a nice gal ses I. I looked at her, I seed the teers u cumin ; ses I, may be she'll ax you to be the brides maid ; she riz rite up, she did, her face as'rcd as a biled beet. Scth Stokes, ses she, and she cohld'nt ray any more she was so full ; wont you be bridesmaid? ses 1 ; no, ses she, and she burst rite out ; well then, ses 1, if you wont be bridesmaid, will you be the bride she looked up at Die I swan to man I never seen any thing so awful putty; I tuck rite hold of her then, yes or no, ses, I rite off. Qes, she ses ; that's your sort, ses I ; as 1 gin her a buss and a hug ; I soon fixed mat ters with the squire. e sonn lurched traces to trot in double harness for life, and never had cause to repent of my bargain. J. W. APPARITION Thejlate Dr. Fowler, bishop of Gloucester, and-justice Powell, had frequently altercations on the subject of Ghosts. Tlio bishop was a zealous defender of their reality, the justice somewhat sceptical. The bishop one day met I of her family to the union, enlisted as a soldier.. us mend, and the justice told him that since In the campaign ol 1812, he wastaKeu pnson- their last conference on she subject, he had an'er by the Russians, and. sent Into SneriaY- from his native woods, andits at her feet cloth ed, and in right mind, eats her sacrament, and worships at.her alters And wherever she moves over the world, she Scarries with her all the fruits of that civiliza tion which she has spread over the face of Christendom, its liberty and its literature ; its nris and iis provisions; its commerce, agricul ture, knowledge and philosophy. Thus she is commiugling and assimilating all the races of men ; and by acting at fountain of all social im provement, on the interior moral life of man, she is building a new order of society, and se curing it on deep and imperishable foundations. The Spirit of Him who said " Let there be Light," is moving over the face of the moral chaos, and it will not return void. It will bring light out of darkness, and order out of confusion. It will summon into being a new world, more bfcausiful and glorious than that over which angels and the answering stars shouled-on the morning of creation; a world of harmony and love ; where humanity will hold fellowship with heaven; in which the Spirit of Truth will preside to guide into all truth, and over which it will reign with a se rene and holy dominion forever. Rolfe to England. taifRo POCAHONTAS. The private name of the celebrated princess was Muiaoca ; Pocahontas washer titular name, in the same way as Powhatian was the title name of her father, and his individual name Wa hunsonacock. Pocahontas, after her capture and conversion to Christianity, was christened Rebecca, and commonly styled the lady Rebec ca. She had a brother, Nautaquaus or Naucta quod,.who showed Captain Smith 4 exceeding great courtesy,' strenuously interceding with his lather r.i behalf 01 the captne, and was the ' manliest, comelicsl, boldest spirit he ever saw in a savage.' Pocahontas had a sister named Cleopatre, and another Matachanno, whose hus band, Tomoco,!or Utiamaccomack, accompanied Being charged bv Powhat- enquire and ascertain how manv there were in England, on his arrival at Ply mouth, he began to take the census by keeping tallyJon a stick, cutting a notch for every one he saw in the streets. On his return to Virginia, when Powhattan interrogated him as to the num ber of English, he replied, " count the stars in the beai'ens, the leaves on the trees, and the sand on the sea shore." Pocahontas with her wild train, visited Jamestown as freely as her father's habitatation, and was of a great spirit however her stature. She was chaperoned to court (by Lady Deja-warre, attended by Rolfe Jior husband, Lord De-la-warre, and other dis tingukhci persons) in an English dress, and with her raven hair in curls, if yyg mayTely up on the old portrait at Cobb's. jShe Lady De-la-warre, and other persons of quality, also. wai te J upon per to .masquerades, balls and other public entertainments, with which she was won derfully pleased She was also eagerly sought and kindly entertained every where, many cour- fingers at the door. lusted of stickin to me as she used to do, she got cuttin round with all the fellers jest as if she cared nothin about me no more, none whatsomever. I got considera ble riled and thort I mont as well cum to the end of it at wunce ; so down I went to have it out with her ; there was a hull grist of fellers there. They seemed mity quiet till I went in, then she go't talkin all manuer of nonsense, sed nothin to me, and darned little of that. 1 tried to keep my dander down, but it twarn't no use I kept movin about as if I had a pin in my trowsers. I sweat as if I had been thrashin. My collar hung down as if it had been hung over my stock to dry. I could'nt stand it, so I cleared out as quick as I could, for I seed it was no use to say nothin to her. I went strate to bed, and thort the matter over a snell : thinks I that gal is jest tryin of me ; taint no use of our playin possum ; I'll take the kink out of her ; if I don't fetch her out of that high grass, use me for sassage meet. I hearn.tell of a boy wunce, that got to skewl late on Sunday morning ; master ses, you tarnel sleepin critter, what kept you so late ? Why ses the boy, it is so everlastin slippery out, I could'nt get a long no how, every step I took forrad, I went two steps hackward, mid J could'nt hajye got here at air, 11 1 hadn't turnedBack to go tether way. Now, that's iest my case. I have been puttin arter that gal a considerable time. Now, thinks I, I'll go tother way she's been slitin of me, now I'll slite her what's sass for the goos is saas for the gander. Well, I went no more to Nancy's. Next Sabbath, I slicked myself up, and I dew sav, when I got my fix- ins on, I took the shirt tail clean off of any spe cimen of human natur in our parts. About meetm time, off I put to Eltham Dodge s. Pa tience Dodge was as nice a gal as you'd see twixt here and yonder, any more than she wasn't jest like Nancy Cummins. Ephraim Massey had used to go and see her ; he was a EARLY AMERICANS It is now well established, that the Indians of the present day are either degenerated from some more crvilized race, or w ere preceded by a distinct and superior people. This fact is attested by nnmerous monumental evidences such as cromlechs, alter-stones, circles of me morial, rocking-stones, and iumidi or barrows Whether the antecedent race were Celts, or Jews, or Egyptians, or Huns, or Cananites, or Hindoos, or Japanese, (as has been variously contended by our philosophers; is a ques tion the solution of which is like the Go? dian knot, is more mysterious than important. How ever that may be, the dark hair and eves uni versal among the natives of the cis-atlantic hemisphere indicate an Asiatic origin. The first pioneers of Amertca probably passed over lrom Asia at Bhenng's straits where perhaps, the two continents were once connected together by an isthmus, as Virgil supposes to be the case with Italy and Sicily at the straits of Mes sina. Like a herd of Buffalo by chance stray ingvamong the flowers and verdure of some se questered praire, they snuff with rapture the AN Constancy. The following auee U is re lated in a Paris paper, as received lrom a country correspondent: About itveniy yurs a go, a.yonng.man, violently in love with u young Proviuciaio, not being able to obiainlthi; consent ocular demonstration which convinced him of the existence of Ghosts. "I rejoice at your con version, " replied the bishop ; u give me the cir cumstance that produced it, with all the particu- ars: Ocular demonstration you say. "les' my Lord, as! lay last night in my bed, about the twelfth hour 1 was awakened by an uncom mon noise, and heard something coming up stairs !" "Go on"" Alarmed at the noise. I drew my curtain !" " Proceed !" "and saw a faint glimmering light enter my chamber."--" Of a blue color, was it not 1" " of a pale blue ? the light was followed by a tall, meagre, stern figure, who appeared as an old man of seventy years of age, arrayed in a long light colored rug gown, bound round with a leathern girdle ; his oearu thick and grizzly, his hair scant and straight, his face of a dark sable hue, on his head a large fur cap, and in his hand a long staff. Terror seized mv whole frame. I trem bled till the bed almost shook, and cold drops nung on every nmo; the ngure with a slow and solemn step stalked nearer and nearer." "Did you not speak to it ? there was money hid, or murder committed, without doubt"-"My Lord, 1 did speak to it ; I adjured it by all that was holy, to tell me whence and why it thus appear ed ?" " And in heaven's name, what was the reply ?" " It was accompanied my Lord by three strokes of his staffbn the floor, so loud that it made the room ring again when hold ing up his lanthorn, and then waving it close to my eyes he told me he was the Watchman : and came to give me notice that my street door was wide open, and ur.less I arose and shut it, I might chance to be robbed before morning. A MADMAN'S FROLIC, . Michael Kelly, in his " Dramatic Recollec tions," relates, with great eflect, a story that Mrs. Mattocks, the actress, told him. She went to Bedlam with some friends, and the keeper pointing to one cell which they had not seen, said " Here's one in here who is perfectly quiet so long as you don't contradict him. Mind, I say if you don't contradict him. Accordingly they entered the cell, and saw a pale-faced me lancholy looktng man, with dark eyes, which had a penetrating brightness peculiar to mad men. He was in deep thought as they entered. The party having satisfied their curiosity, were retiring, when, said Mrs. Mattocks, he seized me by the wrist,, shutting the door and placing tck against itj and held me m his firm grasp whence he escaped, and joiued a horde of Tar- ' tars, then at war with China. He wajaftt-und time made prisoner ; but more fortunate than in his first captivity, he insinuated hinfself into the good graces of his cooquorors, and gradually rose to the dignity of MandarmfHts affections ho1vevcr,did not changewhh'liis good fortune ; he despatched a vessel to Europe to convey the object of his firsflovv to China ; this ves sel has just arrivedjat Marseilles, and will re turn as soon as the'"bbject of its mission shall have been accomplished. Tailors Defended. A tailor instead of being the ninth part of a man, possesses tho qualities of nine men combine'd. in one, a will be seen by the following observations : First, aa an economist, he cuts histcoat according to his cloth ; second, as a gardener, he is careful of his cabbage ; third, as a sailor, he sheers off when it is proper ; fourth, as a play actor, ho often brandishes a bare bodkin ; fifth, as a law yer, he attends to many suits ; sixth, as an ex ecutioner, he provides suspenders or gallowses for many persons ; seventh, as a cook, he is generally furnished with a hot goose; eighth, as a sheriff's offie'er, he does much at sponging; ninth, as a rational and scriptural divine, his great aim Is to form good habits, for the benefit of himself and others. No doubt the subject might be greatly extended ; but I tbink enough has been said to do away the opprobium so often cast on the knights of the thimble and needle ; and to induce the fraternity to uniteand con tribute a suit of clothes to their friendnd hum ble servant. The Single-speeched PAKRo r.Therc is an eastern story of a person who taught his parrot to repeat the words, " What doubt is there of that V He carried it to the market for sale, fixing the price at one hundred rupees. A mo gul asked the .parrot, " Are you worth one hun dred rupees!" The parrot answered what doubt is there of that 1" The mogul was de lighted, aud bought the bird. He soon found out that this was all tie jcould say : being a shamed now of his&bargain, he said to himself, " I was a fool to buy this bird." The parrot exclaimed, as usual, " What doubt is there of that?" " But you need'nt be alarmed you are per fectly safe ; they told you I was harmless, did tdey not ? You needn't answer. Are you fond of drawing? I know you are. What is this?" he concluded, holding up a bit of paper. " A ship," said I. " A ship, is it 1 You call my tree a ship do clever feller, but he was dredful ielus. Well, rownat- j j wenl to meetin wjtjj Patience, and sot right y PePlc J afore Nancy ; I didn't set my eyes on her till after meetm.; she had a feller with her who had a blazing red head, and legs like a pair of j ces he discovered was Viginia compasses ; she had a face as long as a grace aiore a inanKsgivin dinner. 1 knowd who she was thinkin about, and 'twarn't the chap with the red head nether. Well, I got hoein Pa tience about a spell. Kept my eye on Nance, seed how the cat was iumpin ; she didn't cut about like she dd, and look'd rather solemnly ; ahe'J g'in her tew eyes to kiss and make up. I kept it up until I liked to Hare got into a .mess about Patience. The critter thtfrt I was " Well, young -woman," said he, " you're in iragrant ana.unaccustomeu gales, ana speeciuy a comical situation here, shut up with a mad darken the entire plain with their forms. The man " currenLof .raisrratmn diea setting Jrom AVestto East, the tawny Asiatic advanced to the barri ers of the Atlantic, while now the fair haired blue eyed Anglo-Saxon is moving onward from the East to the West, like a steady conflagration destined to be checked only by the waves of the Pacific. An ancient chronicle of Wales records, " that a civil war having occurred in that kingdom, upon the death of king Owen Gwmneth, between his two sons, respecting the succesion to the crown ; the unsuccessful one, in a fit of disgust and chagrin, put to sea on new discoveries, and sailing from Some part m Spain, he discovered a new -world of singular beauty and feriilit, and uninhabited. Upon his return, he trans ported from his native mountains a large nunv ber of people thither in several voyages. 1 he name of this adventurous young prince was Madoc-ap-Owen-Gwinneth, and among the pla- you Definition of a Drunkard. A pious di vine of the old school says : " A drunkard is the annoyance of modesty, the trouble of civili ty, the caterpillar of industry, the tunnel of wealth, the ale-house benefactor, the beggar 3 companion, the constable's troublz, tHe wo of his wife, the scon ot his neighbor, ms own ahamc. th picture of afrbeast, and the monster of a man. goin arter her for good, and got as proud as a A QUAKER'S LETTER TO HIS WATCHMAKER. 1 herewith send thee my pocket clock which greatly standeth in need of thy friendly correc tion. The last time he was at thy Iriendly school,- he was no ways reformed, nor in the least benefitted thereby ; for I perceive by the index of his mind, that he is a liar, and the truth is not in him ; that his motions are waver ing and irregular ; that his pulsa is sometimes lame turkey. Won day Efe cum down to our ! slow which betokeneth not an even temper; at m i a -a. other times it waxeth sluggish notwithstanding I frequently urge him ; when ho should be on tiers and othersailv flocking to Captain Smith to be introduced to her. S;ie died at Grave 83nuTEngland on the eve of her return to Vir- gni, aged twenty-two, causingriot more sorrow for Ik r unexpected death than joy to hear aud :ce her make so religions and godly an end. Hy infant son, Thomas, was left foratime at 'Blyniot.ih, uuder the care of Sir Lewis Stenk- j&wtat London he lefUfan only daughter, who yiiarrieu ooionei itoueu isoiiing, oy wnom sue 4ft an Culy son, Major John Bulling, father to uloiigjohn Boiling, and several daughters, 'hoi.1tr:ed Colonel Richard Randolph, Colo- house as rathy as a malishy ofiiser on a trainin day ; look here, ses he, Seth Stokes, as loud as a small thunder clap, I'll be darn'd . Halio I ses I, what's broke ? Why, ses he, I cum down to have satisfaction about Patience Dodge ; here I've been cortin iTer since last grass a year, and she was iest as good as mine till you cum drter her, and now I can't (touch her with a forty foot pole. Why, ses I, what on airth are you talking about I 1 amt got nothin to do with your gal, but spose I had. there's nothin for you to get wolfy about. If the gal has taken a likin to me, it aint my faultj; if I've taken a likin to her, taint her fault ; and if we've taken a liking to one another, taint your fault, as you may suppose it is, but 1 aint so almighty taken with her, and you may get her for me, so you had nt ought to get savage about nothin. Well, ses he, (rather cooled down, I'm the uijruc.;iesi thing in creation. " Yes, yes," said, " it is a ship." " Oh, and pray what is this 1" Obliged to say something, and not knowing what he thought it was, I answered ' a house,' which it was. " A house, eh !" So saying, he pulled a clasp knife from his pocket, and opening it with his teeth, at the same time swinging me round the cell with his huge arm, said, " Now is it a house or not." " It is, it is." " Then I'll tell you what it is then this is a dolphin:" Then holding up his knile and gnashing his teeth, " Can you tell me what this is, arid no mistake 1" " A knife," I answered. " Right lor once," said he. "And can you tellmc what I shall do with it 1" I trembled, and shook my head in silent neg ative. ? " I'll tell yon what I shall do with-it ;'' PsKll scrape my charcoal. A Pair ok Misers. Guy, the founder of the noble hosnital which bears his uatnc, was a Newspaper Readers The taste of the read ers of a newspaper are srfficiently rariousiand singular. One reads nothing but the poet's corner ; another considers poetry, and alljhat sort of stuff, horrid trash. One deems ipoliti'cs the only business ; another votes that depart ment a bore. This one reads only the deaths and marriages, and that one looks only-tothe advertisements. There are various other idio syncracies too numerous to mention:, but cer tainly the most singular one we ever heard of was the case of the lady who -was obliged to consult the celebrated Abernathy, because " for several mornings past, he had been ableltp rel ish her murders." hia duty, as thou knowest hts usual name deno- bookseller, and lived in Stock's-markct, between T wont trlV rf I JoLii f Jeming Dr William Gay, Mr. Thorn- ,Jay t0 a kce whare lUere was an olJ woman nc Istdnciga, and Mr. James iviurray. (stiltis jje(j ()f t'ne teth, 1 find him slumbering and sleeping or, as the vanity of human reason phrase it; 1 cotch him napping. Hence I am induced to believe he is not right in the inward man. Lxaminc him, therefore, and prove him, 1 beseech thde, Cornhill and Lombard-street, London. He was so complete a pattern of parsimony, that the famous miser, V ulture Hopkins, once called up on him to crave a lesson on the art of saving. Being introduced into the parlor, Guy, as it was thoroughly, that thou mayest, by being well ac- jn tjie evening, and dark, lighted a candle. quainted with his inward frame and disposition, Hopkins said, "I always thought myself pcr draw him from the error of his ways, and show fecl ju tjie art of getting and husbanding money, it grieves him the path wherein he should go me to think, and when I ponder thereon, I am verily of opinion that his body is foul, and the whole mass is corrupted. Cleanse him, there fore, with thy charming phvsie, from all pollu tion, that he may vibrate and circulate acdording JTfsiory ff Virginia Book3,pp. H4 find MG.) bOUtll. Jj)t. Messenger J$ri4t i jvt X D ov 1 1 jo tmttrlkotl tv come Writer, that " excess ol ceremony shows.vant of good hrojHng." Tit is is true. There is nothing so frpti'fihsome.as ovordone'politeness ; it is worse hots or sum such disease, and they were sellin out her things. Well, ses he, there was a thunderin big chist of drawers full of all sorts of truck, so I hot it andthotl medea spec, but when I enm to look at 'em. there wam't nothin in it worth a cent, except an old silver thimble, and that was all rusted up, so I sold it for less than I. give for it ; well then the chap that hot it tuck it home, he heerd somethin rat tle, broke the old chist, and found lots of gold and silver in it, in a false bottom I hadn't seen. usould iiay, with a pitchfork. The is no,rniJ Now if I'd tank t,.a.ch:;,t hum. I'd never found the sm nw irtioky didnhey'd been all counter- iuh, nuu- ia jjoou luc!fup" lor passen on em. ijiau an overdone beef steak. A truly well bred mnrmnkes all round him feel at ease ; h49s nQl turovv civilities about him with a movGi, nor toss compuments in n bundle, as he but as I am informed you far exceed me, I have taken the liberty of waiting upon you, to bo satisfied upon that subject." " 0, sir," said Guy, " if that be all your business, we canjust as well talk it over m the dark: Having thus said, he nut ont the candle. I las was enough to truth. I will place him a few days tinder thy for the Vulture, he took his leave, with the ac care, and nay for his board as thou requireet it. knowledirment : " I thought myself perfect in 1 entreat thee, lnend John, to acnican inyseu t10 arls 0f saving, but you have taught me that on this occasion with a right judgement accord- t j.a(i one important lesson still to learn : I thank ingio the gift which is in thee, and prove thy y0U for your instruction, you maybe assured my sell a-workman. Aud when thou laycsi my future conduct shall make amends lor my prod correcting hand on mm, let it ue wunuui nua- lfrflillv m cand es. sion lest thou drive mm to destruction, uo uiou regulate his motion for the time to come, by the motion of the light that ruletljihc day, and when thou findest him conv JHgthc error of his ways, and more confomlBBpne above mentioned rules, then do thou xsemT him home, with a justihli of charges, drawn out by the spirit of moderation, and' it shall be sent to thee hi the root of all evil. Agriculture is the nursQry of,patriptism. Encouragement of Krankness. Some years ago, says Richardson, in his anecdotes o painting, a gentleman came to mo to invito mo to his house : " I have," says ho, " a picture of Rubens, add it is a raro goad one. There is little H. the other day came to see it, anc says itis a copy. If any ono says so again, I I break ''his head. Pray, Mr. Richardson, will vou do me the favor, to como, ,and givo me your real opinion oj it J Two friends happening to quarrel aas tav ern, one of them a man of hasty disposition in sisted that the other should fight him next mor ning. The challenge was accepted on condi tion that they should breakfast together atthe house of the person challenged, previous., to their going to the field. When the challenger came in the morning, according to the appoint ment, he lound every preparation made lor rcakfast, and his friend with his wife and children ready to receive him : their repast be ing ended, and the family Withdrawn, without the least intimation df their purpose having transpired, the challenger asked the other if ho was ready to attend I "No, Sir, said he, " net till we are more on a par: that amiable woman. and those six lovely children, who juat now breakfasted with us, depend under provi dence, on my life for subsistence ; and till you can stake something equal m my estimation, to the welfare of seven persons, dearer to me than the apple of my eye, I cannot think we are equally matched." "We are not, indeed," replied the other, giving him his hand. Ihesetuo persons became firmer friends than ever. A gentleman, one Sunday morning, was at tracted to watch a country girl. "What arc you looking for my girl;" asked tho gentleman. as the damsel continued to pour along the dus ty road. She answered gravely, "Sir I am looking to see ifmy master be gone to church." Her msatorhad a wooden leg. Honest industry is, after all, man's only suro dependence for the double blessing of a contented mind and a comfortable livelihood. Time is the cradle of hopo, and the grave of ex istence. It deprives beauty of its charms, while it transfers tham to her picture. A humble man is like a good tree, tho more full of fruit tho branches are, tho lower they bond themselves. The most foolish thing in tho world is to bow to tho rich till you're unablo to stand before an honest man. ?'A gentleman observed upon an indifferent plea der at the bar.that ho was the most affecting ora tor he over heard for he never attempted to sneak but he excited general sympathy. A wise government will not bo slow in fostering the ngriqultural interest, 3