? . - . ( Wlsrfer .- JkJ A, J., IB )Jr - A, V, II . II . . .-. . jar . i.e ranii 11m. Mroiin n ran. , , , , r ..,, " fea - - -- . . II I .-M jnmJgJBmM fcJWgMCMMH iWty-lE JWMTf-l TWM 1 1 Ji III - - . Mil TO Richard iVugeiit, Editor The whole art ok Government consists in thwart op jjeing iionest. Jefferson. VOL. MILFORD, PIKE COUNTY, PA., WEDNESDAY, JANAJR-Y 15, 1340. -if 9r. JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN. TERMS. Two olln?ier annum in advance Two dollars and a quarter, half yearly, oiid if not paid before (lie end o the year, Two dollars and a "half. Those who r. reive their pa pore by a carrier or stage drivers employed by the proprietor, "will be charged 37 1-2 cts. per year, extra. No papers discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the Editor. LCfAdvertisemcntsnot exceeding one square (sixteen lines) will be inserted throe vcelc?' for one dollar : twonty-fivc cents for every subsequent insertion ; larger ones in proportion. A lrf)cral discount will be made to yearly advertisers. 1EAU letters addressed to the Editor mun be post paid. .toss vnixwmG. Having a general assortment of large elegant plain and orna mental Type, we are prepared to execute every des cription of Cards, Circulars, Bill Heads, -Votes, JSlanlc Receipts, JUSTICES, LEGAL AND OTHER BLA2VKS, PAMPHLETS, &c. Tripkil with neatness and despatch, on reasonable terms. POETKY. THE GRIEF OF SHERIDAN, , ON THE DEATH OP HIS WIPE. She has gon'from this bosom, who gave To its throbbings the gladness of lifo ; Thy have borne to the cold, cold grave, . My joy and my comfort my wife. Her smile was thelay-mornrag clear, Her look was tlie blue sky above, ' Her mind was the flow'ry partaree ; And her bosom the temple of love. Her voice was the music that flows Prom the shell of the echo of joy ' And her eyes like the fair star that throws Benignity over the sky. " V ff-r Bu. May-morning's veiled in a shroud ; It hath dawned on me sweetljfft last , . - . Jtfrblue sky the vapours, becloud . And my temple's laid lvafey the blaft. rL. They have home my wliole world to the tomb:, ; . . . . h. Of all earth from me nothing appears, But solitude, sorrow ami gloom, And the lf&torinaH'ssolaces tears 'Tis the latest solaco .1 crave Tis a tribute I owe to my love Till I steeply hor sulc m the grave I would weep till I join her above. SELECT TALES. noble as well as one of the wisest and richest bitterly imprecating the treason-' of Madame de young men in all Paris. Yet it seemed that his Bourg. - 1 heart had never been caught in the snare of Cupid, ' By the eternal God,' exclaimed Robespierre, though many of the most splendid women of ' they shall repent their insolenQand that beauti- Franco had obliquely acknowledged him the idol ml Rhl shall Dc the victim of he'rfplly.' of their hearts. Dantan, Marat and Robespierre, had sent for the It was late one evening that de Blondville was younger Robespierre and St. Just, to consult in returning from tho theatre, that he heard the cry of secret conclave upon the manner in which they distress proceeding from the entrance to a small should rid tho world of the innocent, the injured, sireet, and recognised it to be the voice of a female. ana" unfortunate Louis XVI. Ever chivalries with a proud devotion to the fair In their hallj hung with blaclcvo shall leave the sex, he hastened to the spot, and found a man in Wood thirsty tribunal, and returh"tp the parlour of the act of forcTng a lady into a cabriolet. Madame do Bourg. Madamoiselle Rosalie and 'Villain,' cried de Blondville, 1 release the lady de Blondville were now alone, anil ne was press- instantly, or this dagger shall avenge her insult, mg her 10 give him a history of (her life, and the in the blood of a coward.' And he held the wea- sufferings she had spoken of having received in pon glittering in the liaht of the full moon the house of the elder Rbbcspieffc. After some - i '1 do not recognize your rieht to interfere.' re- hesitation and a thousand blushes; she consented. torted the coachman, ' the lady by Contract is now the property of tho Count de S dcred "lam the daughter of Monsieur Jean Montra- and I'm or- v"le, wo died in my eleventn year, and left me ,vith the remnent of his fortunes to the care of his 'Another word, sir,' saidde Blondville, ' and I distant relation, Robespierre, wh. promised to be free the world of a villain.' a father tome. Scarce had I readied my sixteenth The ruffian sprung aside from the descending year, ore he attempted to betrayfoe into the hands dagger, and escaped the blow, at the same instant of his infamous brother, who just left us. It was releasing the lady from his grasp. No sooner was while standing at my toilet, that he made the first she at liberty than she sprung into the arms of de attempt, but I snatched the'xlaggef from his bosom, Blondville. and called unon him. in thr nnmn nf and threatened him and mvselfwith death if he i der neck an the block i , . i-. , chivalry, for protection from a fate infinitely worse did not instantly desist. The coward skulked from e ureacuu axe, anu ai ma sounu uur whims um .i i i -r, -m i mi i l"uulkJ J ., heaved'uith convulsive emotion. I he very heart than death. Dc Blondville bore her from the the room, and troubled me no more. But the el- r .,...,, r mo, f;wi v,;, . ,n,i the mitltitudcif who had gathered to see libr die. Blondeville burst into tears as he cazed unon the moving mass ofIife, and ejaculated to himself I ' TTnvv tr.Tn5itnis human o-rnniloiir I llrnv frill the applause of tha populace ! But yesterday she was the idol of the nation and fhe admiration of Europe ! To-day insulted and abused she goes to the scaffold to die the death of a felon. But yesterday, the mob followed hor splendid equipage, in which she satin royal robes, and shouted 'long live the queen ;' to day in humble weed3 with her hands tied, she goes in a cart to the place of death. Oh now precarious is the fate and the fame of man yiondcville thus mused as he followed the pro cession to the place of exhibition, and he gazed oif the bloody guillotine with awe and terror. Pity overcame him, when he saw the yet lovely queen taken from the cart and conveyed to the scaffold. Thousands were gazing on the bloody spectacle, ready to sec the first gore . that should gush from the severed trnnk. Maria Antoinette, gazed round upon the vast multitude, and n faint smile illumin ed "her pale face, as she took the handkerchief from her neck of snow, and adjusted her drapery. She then tenderly' embraced cue whom she had loved in happier days, and advanced to the fatal block, She knelt down on the same spot where but a short time before the fate of tho celebrated French General Custine had been sealed, and of fered up a prayer. This being done, she prepared for the fatal act : and gently stretching hor slen der form at full length, she laid her fair and slen- The executioner raised ML Up ).l ovwii w ciujmtuu iuu piauu JL llUi UUUUU. uci villain iiiavtt niu; ouuuuu u-ntitiij i j uyjiii Ti.i,uiij ' My name,' saidltheladv, ' is Rosalie Montra- thank Heaven and you, I was.this night saved ville, I have formerly resided with my 'guardian, The ruffian from whose hands you snatched me, but he is a villain of the darkest die. Marl en- yielded, to a Dnoe, and told me mat. Kooespierre quire your name V said Rosalie, in a suppressed had ordered me to be conveyed to the Chateau of tne unavaiier ot. oiair, into wnose nanas i was io be delivered. I had not money enough to bribe him to let me go, for he was to recqive a thousand francsrand was to bring a certificate that I was de Iivered. Robespierre informediine that my father and tremblina" .voice as she cast her head aside. My name,''returned the young man is ' Victor Rosaline dc Blondville.' The lady started, as-that name fell upon her car, for she recognized it. in a moment. Blondville ATEscAr-r During1 The Reignbf Terror.' -From the Tem- pl Prison. Fly for your ?ifc, Onmoment ki may prove your utter ruin ; involving an umi you noiu uearuu earui : Oh dp not thus delay the prison gates Arc open to rou should they close again, a., wjiat ltand may snatch you trom youi iloom asked the roason but she waived the subject, and 9n h5s death bed had desired that he should marry the next moment brought them to the marble steps mc to some worthy man with, or without- my con- of a large building in the Rue St. Ilonore. Blohd-j sent and tliat 1 was t0 bu conveyed to ttte residence ville hesitated : and she politely invited him in. of Victor Rosaline de Blondville, who had con Through a large, iong entry, she led him into a sented to be my husband. Hence tho reason why splendid hall, and from thence into an elegantly 1 started when you coirfraunicattd your name this lurried at the moment bv QVGnlnS- vfT yiresrvery temples, and hid her face in her handkerenrer. - De Blondeville felt the arrows of love in his heart, for in suffering himself to take an interest in her welfare, he suddenly felt an indescribable partiality. To espouse an unhappy woman's cause furnished appartment. occunied at the moment bv an elderly iady, the brother otTltoTi-pTerr-'"-,itn St. Just, his particular friend. After an introduc- tion a la Francois, de Blondville was seated and ! the conversation resumed by Robespierre, St. Just, and the lady. ' It is natural for the human heart to love power. i said the younger Robespierre, ' and he who does is at once t0 love her especially if she be young feveFdid any prince bid fairer to have a glori- j not seize the sceptre when it falls in his way, is a u auuiui, as was uosane moniraviiie. ,,ps and peaceful Teign than Louis the XVI. of , recreant to Ins nature. And m wnat relation uo you stand to tne iady Iance. In the midst of a profound peace, thej ' But he who usurps a power not his own,' said of the House V enquired de Blondeville, gazing arts and sciences flourished and the country pros- the ladyi ' is an enemy to his ' intently in her dark, large melting eyes, and on her nArAil ' Acthfl nritrnn rif :pinrv nnfl tlir. nric ' Hold 11 said St. Just, ' such sentiments mav beautiful form. Louis deserve- a better fate than awaited him, for i cost Gven yur n,c- ' Madame de Bourg is my aunt on the female he was then standing upon the vortex of a volca lio, which eventually burst upon the astonished wSrld, and scattered its fires through all Europe. Even at the moment when the unfortunate heir of feudal pomp and power, was promising himself a ong and illustrious reign, the flames of a tremen- i - . uous revoiutioa were ureaicinir liKe atorrem tumo- ng from the summit of the Alps or Andes. The hirr tlie Hosn-l bfinentli its unlmllowed feet, and lie ties of consanguinity weie fast fadir.g from the human hmrt. Like a clap of thunder in a clear sky, the awful truth flashed upon the minds of men, that they were in the midst of one of the most terrific Mid bloody as well as one of the most brilliant revohtions that ever disgraced thp-annals uf any nation Amid the wrecks and ruins of that French volca; o, a thousand thrones tottered and tumbled, a tlii usuhd crowns perished, though they ;erpctuated t! e ambition that blasted them. Scarce had the mad! though magnificent drama, com menced, ere liouis the XVI. perished on the scaf fold, and his llood made an offering to the demon of frpnzy aiidjsavage fierceness. Yet no sooner had lie gone (nvn to a dark and dreadful grave t'lan the awfuj axe fell upon the fair neck of his (j ieea ; the biautiful, the accomplished, though dissipated Majia Antoinette. The reeking instru ment, which lstd drank tho blood of the royal pair, was not yet stiiatcd. The knell of vengeance had hounded, and 'jie greedy guillotine was to feed and fatten on the agonies of the whole Bourbon family. Never was any nation cursed with a set of more terrible tyrans than those who wielded the reek ing sceptre of iFranre, triumphing in the downfall of all that was great, or good, or glorious, and dooming to deith all who opposed their savage ca- nvr. Their iurch was in blood ; and a thousand mothers minced theircries and mourned over the tombs of thci'fniurdorod sons. The hands of the terrific Robeipien! were red with tho gore of slaughtered p jnees, and the dungeons of r ranee a ore filled wjjh victims for the awful axe, which Lad already d-unk the blood of thousands. A little antecedent to that period, when . liobes j'ierre seized he rei3 of government, the story commnnces vhiQh I om about to relate , Victor Rosaline de Bondville was one of tlw gayest, mosW among us, he is pointed out as our;fiff ' and we are told at the same time hofc. is to wear the c.own. This, howcverV told our sultan until the appointed time", when lie is to lay down his dignity. that time comes, he is suddenly dethroiu dressed in a coarse, and unsightly garment, t.nd carried away to a barren desert island Tho sultan trembled once more from iWI to foot, and asked if his predecessors had been told, like him, what a sad fate awaited them. ' They were all told of it,' said the wise vi zier, ' but they nmde no good use of tlu ir knowledge. They enjoyed the pleasure of tin moment without thinking of the future. JS; tho time for their dethronement came them before they had made the slighte .1 pr, paration for rendering their future life in the desert island an agreeable one.' Why, can that be done V asked the asfoii ished sultan. ' Surely it can,' was the reply. ' No on -hinders thee from.no w, at tin's very mouu n beginning to plant acolony on the barren in land, which is to be thy future habitation. H thou doest this, its barrenness will be changt-J to beauty, thou Avill be ioyfullv received whn thou goes to dwell upon it, and never regrt the splendour thou hast left behind thee. But hasten, hasten-Jf such is lliy intention ! Ff e ble man is master of the present moment only, the coming one belongs to destiny.' The prudent sultan did not, like hi. prei! -cessors, turn a deaf ear to the warning voice of his gQOtl vizier ; without loss of time he sent a large number of his best and most valu able subjects to the desert island, and com manded them to prepare a pleasant retrent ft him against his coming. Therefore, when 1 -was dethroned, and forced, as others hid frn In t'islt tllf" nlinflri nf Imrronnoca litv fmnlil i shout ot tne imoo was ringing m me air iong fcrtile and pleasant to look-upon, and full of thousands stood in silence and breathless expecta tion. But the next moment the axe fell with a dread ful crushing sound, the red gore gushed several feet from the .leadsman, and the beautiful head of the French queen dropped into the bucket. The exe cutioner seized it by the long hair, and held it with its calm, pale features for the mob to gaze on. Blondeville could gaze no longer, and turned from the scene with a sickeninc: sensation. The wild died the beautiful, the accomplished, and dissipat ed Maria Antoinette, at one time the idol of the army, and the fascination of Paris. (To be concluded in our next.) Prom the New York Mirror. ' THE SULTAN AND HIS VIZIER. An eastern sultan, who was far from being a way, got one day very blooming flowers and sweet', fragrance ; and there he lived forever in cheerfulness and peace, for he knew that this was his final re1-1-ing place, and that he had no further change or accident to fear. And here my tale endeth,' said the vizier, and was silent. ' And what is the meaning of all this,' said the caliph, impatiently, ' what is the hidden meaning of thy long winded story ? It con- reflection ; oncealed that tyrant in his general much out of tern lrfiOUU"ilo'l. the Brother of the tendant came near him abruptly avd committed Know then,' said the vizier, ' the rich an -K 1.. 7... T-Tio li C net: lirnlro nnt ! 1 . . i .1 -1 , owiuo oii"n wnv. 11 utile V UlUIIL IIliLM IS IIUU : Lilt! S IVR IO Wilt)' in a torrent of rage, and ordered tlie offender j ne gave freedom, a newly bom mortal ; the . , 1 t r.'-. 1. T . I. .1 . 1 . . - 1 . .... . - . - iper. All the courtiers kept a-i'tains, I suppose, some useful moral reflc J1- . ,.o,mH-e it . caroliajv conceal, he Sun ; but one carefess at- r cannot flnn itr op.a.. to receive the hastinado.iorthwith, and then to be impaled in front .of the great gate of the palace. ' Lord of tlieaithftil !' said his honest vi zier, ' let the ftllfilment of thy commands be de layed, while I tell thee a story.' Tho sultan o-ave a mie, surly sign of assent, whereupon the vizier began to relate the following tale, for which, be it remarked, he drew on Jus inven tion, not on memory : ' A wealthy and benevolent mussulman had ' I cannot but dread the most fearful consequences side,' returned Rosalie blushing, ' she has resided to France,' returned the lady, with a bitterness in Paris but a few years. Her former place of that went to the heart of the two excited listeners : residence was Lyons. She is a lady of strong a slave whom lie wished to make happy, so he I5ut lear of. vengeance from man. 'shall never dc- mind, and has taken rreat interest in the welHre gave him his freedom, and presented him more ter me from speaking my sentiments in regard to 0f her country, since principles as well as men over, with a good ship, loaded with costly mcr- mv countrv. I he frmllotinemnv rnh mr nf n fmv U,-,r -i,-.-,i v;i,- i,v K,,t;ri .1'inn-iifnr I chamlisc. I he bondman now iree irom nis years of existence, but it can never obliterate from ; tio ,,-,n an-,rU ii,on hnr- nnhU mn. fetters, set sail joyfully, for his native country my heart my utter detestation of a usurpur and thcr. But I fear that in those times Pr terror, that suddenly a storm arose and flung him on an tvrant. France, but .1 little white nan wa nm. .u-:- :.i:- : :u .1 ,un. rm t uninhabited island. His vessel went to pieces .j- , uiuu iiiuiaiuiiuii 111 luuu iii.iit mi" miji) mi j. 1 . , , - 1. .., i,: ,,,,,1 ( i. nm.n,,n,n, .1,-:r- 1 ;.-J. . . and he was left to bemoan his sad fate on the .i lmuuKu tnrn nave Heard mat tne nenu nearteo i.ouespierre nas (esert beach At first he saw no traces ui jmiui imuuuu in mt nearts 01 sucn men Nona- had his eye upon them, llis disapprobation h...m- uA Knt n l, loft tlm ,bnrp nn,i is a certain passport to the scallold ; a mock trial fnrnnVed further on, he saw the walls am bitterly ejaculated Robespierre alone is required. Witness the fate but a few days towers of a lame citv in the distance. JoV' 1 I - n mJ J past, of the unhappy Louis the XVI. whose only fully he bent his steps toward it, and hardly as ' Ourselves !' and St. Just, at the same moment 'If it so please you,' retorted the lady, as her fault was that his forbearing and peaceable dispo- had" he reached the gates, when he was met fair daughter Emily de Bourtr, entered the room Uin'nn wmilrl nnt Riifler him to din his hands in the and welcomed with shouts of toy. Countless gaily, and was introduced to de Blondville. hlnnd nf bis miomins. Had ho exhibited a deter- multitudes of the inhabitants surrounded him ' Vou may live madam, to renent this lanrruan-e' minpn c-nmt bn had not neris-hed. Tt is whisner- bowed their faces to the dust, and cried, as nnl TfnhPQnu.rrn xvhnn ' L.i .1.-. i.: 1 ,.-., :r.,i Afo- A,t-!n ,;n with one voice, ' long live our sultan.' The ' When vou'have usurped the nower. and pros- hnrn thn Snm fate, and ndd another to th cata- P00r shipwrecked frecdman besought them not ,ui:i.--,:- -r 1 .-. 1 . to make snort ot his misery; but fie was as aM..uu.,H w , ,1IUp,, e miy Mogueoi numan victims. - fc rejoicing multitude, that these , B (1 . llllu. 1U11IIC ina za ujjpiua.ums, .UUI.H.U honors were paid him 111 sober earnest. ptte xour. lour secret macninauons nave uccn di- deville, ' and fear many will be victims at the f j j strnrios? llfi was lifted by force into a vuigcu, iur wore are spies upon you as well as bloody shrine of Kobespierrc's idolatry; the snnnc I splenclitl chariot, and conducted to a palace upon society. 0f mad ambition.' (ditteriim- with rold and jewels. Here he was -. 1 I v '-J " Are you, too, iMadenioiselfe de Bourn-, opposed -ni-.i.,:ii-- a r... ,.-i::.: i;i.n. rlrn::er1 hv nflieions attendants in roval robes. to the benefactors of vour countrv. and to tlm sal- r m i.r. .1: tt wlnln n ernwd nf crave diVnified-lookinp- old -" ui .ailing attain, leu nit: apartment. xappy were o . . , of 1' ranee,' rerorted bt. Just with a philo- ,i-o. nn ,iint ;h, i, ;.n;n,i i.,-monir men, avIio declared themselves to he the great m I IJ1U ui.iimi,. J Lllllt lll.UI. lll 11U 111111 1 II llilltVjl I uation sophic composure. ' To the tyrants and the eternal ruin of France you should have said,' returned Mademoiselle calm ly. 'I can never expect anything good out of Na zareth.' ' Neither do you expect to atone for your trea son,' said St. Just cooly. bowing before the beautiful Rosalie, and gazing officers of state, did him homage as their sov- nni'Tn ! ri7w1 nlnrnnl iilfl it . S3n vllf- ,., ner uanv eye. uio.iuev.iie was eurapuirua , j j j mut jjc was with her beauty, and resolved to use every moans , j hiahness mav imagine, to in his power to win her heart, and make her his managing the" affairs of a great people, and own. 1 lie next morning no arose early ; it was Would have cut but a sorry figure had it not tho 15th October, 1793. The revolutionary bell been for a wiso and aged. vizier, who always was tollinn. as a simal that another hm'nnr was a- o-ave him nrmlnnt counsels to aid his inexpert- ' We are friends to our country, and enemies to bout to exn:re benoalh tho fatai axn. ondville ence. all tyrants,' said the elder lady. ,,,, (1mvn fll(, sfr. tmvn1 th vr:nUv nf thn ' Tell mo. vizier, so the monarch not long Beware of your folly,' said Robespierre,' who prison, whete the unfortunate, queen of France was afterwards addressed his sage adviser, tell had hitherto been absorbed 111 thought. At this confined. Thousands were hurrying to tho spot, me now is it mat 1, poor menu moment the dooropened; and a messenger enquired and he learned that Marfa Antoinette had been We been made a great king, and let mo know for Robespierre, and St. Just, wnose presence was condemned by the revolutionary convention on ! , 1 ,v;r ' nil thn in. immeoiately required on business of importance. frivolous and improbable pretences. In a few , . :J r tll whnm thnn takest to he 'Beware, gentlemen, exclaimed both ladies at minutes the gates opened, and tho queen was con- man nrn nw oniric ' The ikino- shuddered once" that vengeance does not overtake the ene- ducted tSFcart by the executioner. She was ,w l,i rnval robes, but said nothing, and miesol France first, and put an end to the fears of habited in black, and hor pale features, though the vizier proceeded. 'We are, however, al all good citizens.' composed, showed how much sho had suffered, ways under the govnrnment of a mortal, whe island on which he lands, which he at first thought uninhabited, the world ; his advisers, wisdom ; the time of his government, his life , and the barren island to which he is banished, the other world. The colonists he is permit ted to send into it, are the good works that he performs in this life, and the careless rulers are those who get drunk with the pleasures of this life, without thinking on that which is to come. And now, commander of the faithful,, suffer me likewise to point out the application of my story. During the period of thy gov ernment, thou hast sent many colonists before thee to mako green the face of the dqs'ert is land which is the appointed resting-place, b t all the labor thpy haye performed wjll he in vain, if thou sKotildst take the lifefof a true and faithful servant for, a trifling inatfqr. For give him even as than -Impost in God that he will one day forgive the?. This bold remonstranccJmduced the caliph to lay aside his anger, and:ardon his innocent servant. ' Well, B said a rriember of the Bar, to one of the school 1 V have been trying to wade through your tragedy, but I couldn't get on.' 4 1 dare say no!; was tlie answer. You found yourself beyond your depth ." ' This is a miserable day,' said another of the wrangling tribe, to a pro fessionaf friend, 011 one of the late .raw and blustery mornings ' true December weather? It provokes one to suicide. I have a great mind to blow my brains out.' ' Well try it ; you will be inglorious sho' if you hit 'em,' was the quick reply? -MBM- . Patriotic sentiment. ' If the individual on whom important responsibilities arc d'evolved, can see, as the fruits of his public action acre rendered more productive, onofectioi brought nearer to the common centre, product offered in the common marke additional institution of learning opene children of the commonwealth, he may rejoice that he has not labored in vain Seward. 51e Ere the last words were uttered. St. Just and With her hands tied behind hor, she was placed in is sent us from time to time, by the great Lord Ilphcspierre had retired from the room, and were the cart amid the loud cries and imprecations of of all, to rule over us. As soon as he lands ar nd Ull The pious African. An African, many ye ago, before instruction was extended to that fortunate race, as it now is- in New Engla undertook to preach to his sable Brethren faith and works. After haranguing a lc time, he concluded as lollows : u brodors Faith widout de work, be jess beef 'take widout de graveo. If we no I work wid de fait, we mus' all be chuck do to do bottomless pit, aV dore roas' and broil all 'ternity. Which ihay be de happy portion, ob'us all likeo tfT"