S OF ART, ti !Arita( IreNCIW Toi the' mat t ce am; -'4,lol,ll4lelalatr }kalC atit g o ne • et„,76 nor:der fog. I, ..A . ;,94111601aa1a-t t snit* wore e :OiEriotagit horn OW Cat b mail, gebA,- al' aud lent Y i".i i et k-Q-I.,MA*III-10'" jitotr,PV'i TOWS,BOTIcm. • vPlum" )14:00atration to faikkikildilli3444 l ll l .*llo..Gtellee, lute of 4011110101,11111*Itit.41111111.14 : bilye,bleen - granted thi.011 147 ,' 10.0 At abb . '«.1.... 'ridable& to the make, immediate ' ; :,,,Ornent; 16111.01100 stilt/ink for demiod triainst •ilie Estate Of, the.said - decedent w" stake known the same to 4 • . . GIBSON, • ',,.. • :IYI A '`'...' ,, ,,Adasit i otatcaror • At' the Lase Office of Nst-rott. ELDHISD, • Emporium, Cameron county_ Pa, ' Senkittlitft P; 1884.::;. ::':.LEIBITS.J ~'[SSENTIAL:,.;OFFEE: Thi.4.tiefilihr, ... ::.' '. '-':'. '. . --". • ',..'.., • ... • 4 . ' . - V ' • • ~ • The most economical, The most delicious, , PREPARA.TION. OF COFFEE IN I'HONNORLD, R NEW OLD 0 , , • • Coffee is prepared under.* forioula.from the treat'Getman Chemist i)RC)FESSOR kod, gtves the essential , lull strength and deli anus flavor of 'OLD GOVRRNMENT JAVA COFFE;whiett the only quality of Coffee used rant._ preparation; without any of that nar eotfo which BO sadly damages the ner— io sysitem id the use of even tars beet 'grades et Coffee ia•Ordinatilit prepared. • thi essential untie and diuretic • elements Of. Dandelion, without' the* siherby," curie taste witliagnsting, and yet always found in` the Ord in 'a y'Dandelion Coffee. • • • lt, to all aiptutinted.with chemistry • that Ihe riiienap, Or oil, or whateviK name may ba Oven 14whea prOperlyand scientifically ob s'itiWd fiihVany harbor plant; is afar different • r ich from that produced by putting that plant tueo'weteeind'boiling •it but— , permitting the ..6f the •incnit. 'exquisite.. and reliable airangth and'leaving . the coati. and earthy dries pircipitated •m•aolutiofl; Sp ' t his:Preparation cOmbines''the exquisite ariimia, l theava'Cuffee, with the highest ttie most choice.Pandeliciii , 41eldirilibi 04.4 without the groisenea rt by holy bothl thereby avoiding the deleterious *Wetted tinth'and becoming at the same time =US tit itOST DELICIOUS BEVERAGE : 11: : ' . a . " .. illealtli . .iiving.tal...1161fir.i.ng .. D . rink Knoiorunstbe world-r-being at once a aovereigp reinediinitiod of producer of • • • • lqz4voth, ~L4TUIJNCS~F,ULNESS OP TIIC READ, „ . AND 1 pISZAI,IES OT TUE-LiVE4 1. 4 k• ' 4 64!:.';''' • ' .AND . . . .becan se of i ts great Tonic and Diuretic quali-. " ties. - :'5.,' .. ,.'4" ( I, ' ~ . ' ,-. .: . • Thesingitt'Weti,thipkthe preparation is,_ iron) Daion'L'aititg"Wileitommend.it to the attention ../ th e nnientegc in sti'pe cm of the Country, while •slroceE:, -,4 011.1it a3tr,l3th;7rn:aently prove al i . .. - ..., ' ar..4o;eistiwies...4i. s ill : hi the iong c .• :61 ' ' 114 / 1 1 , 1 1Mrqll 111 War. , :- ~,±...: iviffiala poPsibititi of tbis•Coffmria the It. !Mikan:ere Itket Ito age and pointer witath 4.Ortita is belt*" , to- become . . continent . 1.. . it PoatiOetaliOct sot to be e7erlOoked.in .'. Otill4tOike stator, Is that '' ,.- ,.".4::',r,* , , f ;',.:, 4 ~,,', : : +. 4 ,T.: ..t. , '. .. • k.' • ~•,; ~5~r'i;~~~u MEE AND • ( • -"* tc' , Coffee !ECM Oh 'lull in, fn,SIXTY, pound. QVISION athom all calgt !!! • gitr 13 SCR! lit Old Coprler'init 'Sian; Tin,ji`oil, Hinien - of ..iill',;kindi,'6attlea Sieitehna..llorhs. of 'AniOniai old' India, deieription.. ~ , ,- , Ponions having coy'o. 16 e a. ove. al !et.a on , hand f in quantitiee, maraddresa . idensn'';ind I will eallSfouiheni. ' •, •, 1 1 . 71 . 7- ; ',; T. W. qcoLgi... • . , Bradford,.Mcitean Co. Pa. . nlnvstc.'' 11ev.14,1803 SOLDIERS Tity. Aft.My AND 'WE . PEOPLE .AT. - HOME • . si4libar offerectati oppoiinqty .by,Aihich 69; .•ao obtiin.a . • GOOD AND, DURABLE, TIME-PIECE VERY LOW FIGURE. OUR WATCIIES.ARR WARRANTED TO SEEP TIME. ONE YEAR AND THE ETTER IE HALLOWED THE PRIVILEGE OF EXAMINATION.'. 1;10-.14181:-: • • IMPROVED DU PLEX . •IN ..FULL RUBY ACTIONS. A .first class Hunting rime ' Piece of silver taterial, over which is electro.flne plated 18'k. 1 1 .61.1, most durably wrought, rnaking the imita. trot so faultless.that It cannot be detected froth I Int solid material by the . moat' experienced pAges;.aeids will not affect it. London maile uswernent..llareaoveo. DUPLEX ln. :FULL .Rtrthr 'AttrioNdias Sweep seconds, and isthot to be ej.x -.1, died in Onkel apPearance. 'Tors rs DECIDED= Iv of the BEST ARTlCLEll'ever Offered lot- tn .. speeulators. -. ENGINEKRS •RMIZGRANTS, 111•UPilti101.5 TRAVELING, Will filid ;hem sujprior tr.-any other; alteratiOn of -elimate will riot .al-i 'loot - . their accuracy. Price, . pecked in good d i va d i and good running order,' only $35, or case ILVER DOUBLE TIME HUNTING LEV - , , . PEST QU A LITY •SILVF.R CASES,' over v.l loh.electro4ine plated 18 It; gold, similar to ohs lataxiivan' DUPLEX,..end superior,adjusteil mcooments with "Stop," to be :used in timing; kr ries, etc:t. has • Fouti ItrimxmiTi tor..W ishinkfon aril Greenwich time, sweep,second,•and all the impro r vements: All in all, takingits, beautiful fuultlesi appearance and ;Its superior. move. will into consid6tation; we.regard it as deci, fly'le the , cheapest article of the kind, in the' market. Prica;iiii good running order, $35, or esitkof 6 for $2OO. ".. . • •We ask ' n Pay in advance, but will for— 'ward either,of' them to responsible parties, to any part of the loyal, States, with' bill payable In expressman when the' good!), are delivered,, vying the buyer the privilege. of exanriiikation, a ri if.not satisfactory the watch can be relign : e 1 at our expense. . . . . ~. The express. companies tense making-collec• It rts onsoldiers and othor parties in the.disloy id States, cOnsequently all such orders must be .a• tomponied by the cash'To.insure, attention 7-7 U i make a dedUction of two dollarii on either i tch . wben the.payment is fOrworded in ad— • . • lomey may be sent by expreea at our .ex THOS. CAFFERTY & C0., , ' " 9 ,and 95 Broad St., opp aite City Bank, ' • -Providence, R. .I PEIOE OF EIAOFINES, CO/ULF& No. 1, ?Amity Machine, With Hemmer, $5O No. 2, smell Nanufaturing, with Exton- ' • sionTable. • . " • • • No. 8, Largo MantifaatttriOg, with Buten,- lion - Table, . . • • • ;75 No. 3, Largo Manufacturing; for . teathe • • with Rolltng,,Foot and Oil Cup; . •• • . 85 One ball houri Instruettons nrsoftletent to ena ble any person to work this Machine to theli • en • I tire satignettont • • .Your attention is als6 called-to the'ENIHIRE SHTTTLE,• Patented June 2Gtii, 1850. ' .• It is, well knofvti that a Shuttle -with a spring 'centre is preferable to any other—hut . a great objection against its use, wag'o ' n account of its spring getting out of order,' having , then to' be •puein the.the 'hands of a skillful mechanic to be, repaired. *- - The Empire Shuttle is. so simple that . en operator can Ipair it with Out loss of. time or. ex Agent's wanted. for all• Towns in the' United States, where Agents-are not already establish ed. Alio, fot'Cuba,.Mexico, CeptralannSouth America,' to whom liberal, discount' will be g . . • . . Trains inverifibly,&eh on delivery, T 7; 1109,RTH1711, & Co. 454 Broadway 1865. • 1865. PHILADELPHIA _AND ERIE RAIL- ROAD - . This great line traverses the Northern ;end Northwest counties ot Pennsylvania to the city of Erie;on Lake Erie, . • • • It has been leased by the:. PENNSYLVANIA,R. COMPANY, and is•Ciperated by them. Its entire length :was opened for •pessenger . and freight business ) October 17th, 1864. • . TIME OF P . ASEENGEE. TRAtiNS%AT EMPOILIUM. Leave Eastward, Mail Train .e;av i 'e - Westusard, Mail Frain, • : TIER OF PASSENGER TRAINS AT WILCOX Leave Eastward.. Through Mail'Train, ° w s ----- Accirmodatton . . .. . - - ... Lea e Westward Through Mail . Train .12:26 P. M ''.:Accommodati , - 7:0 , 1 P. M. ,„ , Passengise cars run through WITHOUT CHANGE bolt Ways , between Philadelphia and Erie. EtsUnerr Smsatemo cars on Exprlss •trains both ways,..betWeen . -Williamsport, and .Balti moie and Williams Port and Philadelphia. ' . For informetims..respecting. passenger busi ness apply:at the'S. i.. Carnet - 11th and . Mar het Streets,•Philaderphie. ' -.. : • '. • And for Freight business of the Company's agents: ' S. B. Eingston, Jr.,. Cor. 13th and Market' Ste.; Philadelphia, ' . 1 : llCReynolds, Erie. ' . . , . . . J.M. Drill, Agent pr. C. R..R., Baltimore. H. H. Hopwrow; . .. ,; ,• . .: • ; • flea'! Preie t t 40 Phi 'al ~, • ' H...W. Gi , INNIIiIi, .' ' - . Gent Tiast Ag'i Phil!a... - ~. ' "..Grsiel ltranaor, W m illiason. -. • •Niv.w,•iitomc, ANn e gkititF L RAn t iTAr. • . • . • • iuhis risze••our*f.. -'• . . .of H • irCommencing'.Mimilny, .iiinuiry.4ll), 1864.4- Traips will Nave : o;olm ibout'.the following Night Fttpreas, Way Freight, : No: 21, Niglir Express, ViriiV Freight, ~NATHAIS,IEL M A RSII, Rereis4l "C'HARLES MINOT Gen'l Sup't 1117 - .SHAK F.. AND BURN! Shnke and liturni I ...Shake and.:BUrn I . This in tfie life'of.agoriyendared by theiruf frrer. from, Fever .:and. Ague. .He .vianders .lik an uneertain . ahadow r itever knowing what.mo., inept he. 'may 'be.prostrated, and therefore die-' inclined.togive.any serious attention 'to !isi nese. This ia the: condition of. thousands in iown'and . couritiy. It.is no exageration to any that Fever and Ague kills more people than any twenty, other diseases in - Ameriea. .FOr sure and speedy tore of.this terrible . affli c ti o n; .We tako.dreat pleasure in - recommending HOS.' ETTERS . STOMACH BITTFRS, - whieh have aljeady...achieved. a wide requtation for rapid sowerful stfeets in renovating.' the - System prostrated by.thiedtsease. •• . • For.sale by Hruggists and dealers , generally, everywhere. '" • . • nSt4 Great Improvements in Sewing Machine EMPIRE SHUTTLE . MACHINE Pattent February llTh, 18(3 SALESROOM .454 BROADWAY This Machine is'construted on enfirelyndw principle's of mechtinisni,poisessin'g, many rare and votuable improvements; having been exam; ined•bylhe Most profoand experts andiirorotin„, eed2to be SIMPLICITY and ; PERFECTION COMBINED • ' Thetollowing: are: tho _principal' objections urged against Sewing rnachines: . • f.-`,Excessive fatigue to tbe operator. 1 . 0 got o9tof ordc7: . • . ar id 11:1 titpsin . repair ing 4.—:incpplicity to sew every desiription'ot.ma-. Disagreephle noise while In-O6eration The Mpiro, SoVing :Machine , is Exempt all these Injections. . ' • ' lt,has .a Xtraight needle' perpendicular actign, makes: t he Lock or..ihuttle.. Stitch,' which will neither flip nor ravei, and ie alike on both side s ; performs perfect sewing on every tle'scription of materiel, from Leather to the fint:st Nansook. Euslin, with cotton, liven or - ttilk, thread, ffom the 'coarsest to the linest number.. • - - H.aving neither CAM nor COO WHE,Et; and .the [mist raiisibleiriOtion, it runs as,Omooth as glass, and is • •. . EMPHATICALLY A NOISELESS, MA, It requires FIFTY'PER CEN'T. leas power to drive it than any other machine in market. &girl twelve years old can Work it steadily, without fatigue or injury.to health.':. .. • • Its'strength ilnd W9ND.ERFUL'SIMPLIOI TY,cf coistractiOn.7reOdeio it almost , impossible. to getout of orthik,,:mid , TEp the. cOtp . itnyitci gtve ant satijk.- •z, We 'respectfully' sire to supply thernselues• with n nutierior arti 7 cle,to call and exaintne this UNRIVADEDMA CHINg. • • . . • m is . 'But in a more epeciel mannero w solicit .. • ... the pafronige a', : ..; • • • -,' •,' MERCHANT TAILORS. COACH MAKERS, kIopp.SKIRT. 'MA NUFACTURERS, SHIRT. end BOSOM:MAKERS, DRESS MAKERS, CORSET MAKERS, 'GAITER ' FITTERS, SHOE BINDERS,. VEST and PANTALOON RELIGIOUS and CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS =;=M= te,s.i nes s N. E. Corner of- Tenth•and Chestnut' Streeti •• - TINDER 111E 1 MANAGE:If ENT DI ; . . FAIRREAAKS M,' for the last lour. years Prineirnil and chief Wit. nese manager Or BAYANT STRATTON'S Com mercial College; •• „: • - A., MODEL EveuxEss COLLEOE, Conducted on a new system of Aetna! Business Training,*rougli the estabiishnient pl. legiti— mate Offices and Countine-Houseg, representing. different departments olTrade and'Commerce i and a regular Bank of Deposite andlssue, giv ing the student 'all the. advantages' of actu.l practice; and nuaiifyirig him . in'the shortest possible - time -and most effective manner foi the various 'duties and employments'of business The Course of instructions in the Theo fical Department embraces.. Book keeping, Commer cial Calculations, Lectures on Business Affairs, Pennmanship,CoenitteicialrLaw, Forms, 'Cor— respondence, Bac: : 10:12 A. N. I /11. thq •. ". • • • 2:15 P. Al BUSINESS DEPARTMENT the student-enters upon the Graduating Course; which includes:a continuation 91 the above atil • dies, with their piacticalapplication in all their details. Ile will in turrpflll the position of die- - countent and Pioprietor in.the. various Depart= meats of IV/rolluale and Retail Trade, Fortuatti, lag; Jobbitt,Y•aaii Conanission.Basiatta4Baalitnk Mann fircturiny, .Mining, Stearaboatittg and will finally act as Carltiir, Book keepor'and Tel lerin the Baal, in each of Which positions hi ! t previous knOwledge will be [it to', the, *fullest practical test: : ' 11:44 A. M 8:05 M This institution offers to young men numer ; nye 'ailvantages not possessed by any other corn , merCial college in..theStete.• It is complete in all its appointments. It it; the enlyinstitutinn in the State conducted on' actual buemeas eiples. The course..of instruction ikunsurpase, ed;.and may be completed in. about one halrilat usually spent in other institutions,' in con 'sequence ortu) entirely new arrangement; end the adoption orthinew practical system. .. Diplomas awarded upon the completion . of t Conoulicial Cou r s e , which embraces all exiAp the higher. sets of Nana raWaring, Railroading; 4.c." •• ' . • &intro; Ciretilar 10mG.. • MOVING WEST A . : M. 7.:60 P. M 2:0'2: A.. M: MOVING, E4Ml' ,7:22 P. • M 11442. A..M .• • 1:45.P.:M CHIN El MAKERS : - ''PROTORAPHIC.:I.LAUMS;. , . . ,Of these we "minotietrire 'a, great variety ranging;i6 orire,fronr,so cents to $5(,) ' Our . ALBUMS . . ba,ve 'tife,'SiptitatiorOsf.broink, superior in beauty, end duiability to anroteere., the smaller kinds can be sent ssfely by mail at a postage of six cents per oz. ' i • Tbe,more'eypensive.ion be sent by extiresi Sle cop ess . ,VSl s irec - o pi c(Vi e. . Qur..Catalo , Me'of these will be sent' to any. ,a . address of Stamp, E. . Manufacturers of Photographia ltfatciale; 4 .501 pROADWAY, NEW Y.ORICL'' „,. . • Frietrds or relatives of, prominent military. rnen•vvill confer a faven. by'' sending:us 'their likeoessis to.copy. • They will be kept careful .), and 'returned uninjured. FINE ALBUMS MATT 'TC ORDtß.foi Congregations to•piesent to theirlaStor,.orloi: other imposes, with 'suitable inscriptionii,.&e. • EDITOR OP . 1)1410oRAT, Dsaa'Sint—With your permiasion 'I wish .to say to.the readers of your naner that i will' Send. by. return .mail to . all Vl4lO wish it , [free) a Recipe, with full ; direc tions for making and using a simple..yegetable Balm, that will effectually remove, in ten days, Ptmnles,'Blotches,.Tan, freckles, and all impu rities of thrrSkin, leaving the same soft, - . elear; Smooth and' beautiful. ' • • • twillfree to those baiing Raid. Heads or Bare Paces, siinple.directioos formation that will enable•them to start 'a : full growth of LOcurient Haire ., Whiskers, •or a Moestarbe, in less .than 30 qaye. All epplien— tiokseniwered by return mail Wltlibut• charge. . • • ' Respeetfullir yours;• • ,' • - • •• • • THOS. F. CH APNIA N, • • • • • Chr.msst,\ . • . . .. • ' . ,No; 831 Broadway, NeW York. , . *THEM AG erf C eat i T cin lME .t eOpBSEsSmV: EB, • SING A HONTIiVG, AND'OPEN FACE, OR I Ry's OR' GENTLEMAN'S WATCH. hne'il the prettiest, must .convenient, ni decidedly . the' best and cheapest: timepiece for general and reliable use, ever' Offered.' •It within it and connected.with itsritachinery . , tte own winding 'attachinent,- rendering a' key li thely unnecessary.. The cases of this Wa• are composed .. of two.. metals, .the outer . ae being fine. 16 carat gold., It has the proved .ruby action •lever movement, and. ip warrantetran accurate timepiece.. Price, sill r. bly engraved, case•of a halt dozen , $::11 00. Simple Watches, in , neat morocco boxes, 'oi thole proposing to, buy ab whole : sale, s3v , a rd by express, with bill payable on 'delivery. 01 diersz must remit payment in .advance, as a Cannot collect from those in the. Army. 'At . dress HUBBARD BROS. St CO., SOLE Isienivra 9, ' COE: .NASSAO & JOHN STS,; NEW-YORK: )6 weeks.). 0 :5.. -.8. 0: R .N.'",.S CELEBRATED PREPARED JAVA COFFEE WARRANTED, SUPERIOR. TO ANY IN THE MARKET . It issused by, iret class families *eveiywhere and highly, recommended for nervOus'and dys peptic personti, being very.nutritions nnd,-free from alt deleterious substances ? in testimony of which I have ceitifieates front The niost: emi nent Physicians and Chemists in this Country. Try Wend you will be suite to continue its use in•preference to any other., • H. B. HDEMBOLD,,Ctissn'irst - ' . . 104 South Tenth-,st:,.bel. 'Chestntir; Phila.' HELSIBOLD'S Medical Denfit. •'. .• • HELDROLD'S Drug:and Chlitnical Warehouse • - ' •504 . Broadway New York. . BEWARD.oy COUNT,ERFEITS AND UN. PRINCIPLED DEALERS who .endeaeor dispose "of their own." and igothee'•articles do the reputation, attained by • Heltnbold's Pennine Preparations . . Wholesale;Depia, '69,,Warren at., New•Yot . • Sold at . retail for .Twenty-Five Cents per Pound by First GrOCO'S throudhout the United Ptatesr D A liberal diapurit to the . trade, Put up ' onty•by LEATIS A. OSBV.R.N, MANHOOD. HOW' LOST HOW RWTORED ! , . Just Rub/ished . , in arSenlid Eitt'e/ope, :Beice Six Cents - . A LECTURE ON. lIII . NATURE, - TREATMENT, AND Radical Cure of Bpe matorrlibea,• or Seminal Weekoens, Inyoluntory EMll3l' on, Sexual Debilty, and Impedimenta , 1 to Marriage general y,'Nervounnein. ConnuMption„ Epl.. tem and. Pits ;'...Mental and , Pbyeical Incapacity, result-. lug from idelf-Abuse..Ste..BY Itost.J..oo.vaawair., M. B.,"Anthor of the Orson Book, ho.: - r'. '• : The world-renowned author, in•thia admirable LectUre clearly rrovea trim his 'own experience that the awful' donneqUences of Self-abnee may be effectually removed. without Med icine, 'and . wi thou tdangerous aurgical opera tiuni,*bougien, instruthents, rings, or' cordiale, ritointlim out' 'a mode" of cure at.'ence Certain and effectual, by, which:every taifferer, no mattar'what hia condition. may be; May cure himself cheaply, privately.' and radically. This. lecturdWill prove,4 boon to. thousands' and thou. Bent uielet seal; In.a plain envelope, - to say ieldienn, on ' receipt of eta 'cent!, or tvinpostage titannis, by addrele log,. ; • • Dr. One. ; 7: 0. KLINE; 271 y. Bowery, New,Zioik, Pdiettgllee Box, 4514 . 6 i 02.' Peb. .15, , • . • . ARMY AND NAVY CLAIMS, PENSIONS' for disabled Soldiers, Widoive, Mothers, and minor Children. BOUNTIES for' oldiera :discharged . ;by realon of wounds .received in ,battle;. 'Widows and ,Ileirs of de2 ceased Soldiers: ..BACK PAY.and settlement of all arrears and, balance due rlischarge.d and deceased °Nays:Soldiers and Sailors. 'PRIZE MONEY for all 'United States vessels. • Hand-Book•nf Instruction sent; by_enclosing stamp to, pay return' postage. . . SLIMES & BROWN, Solicitors of. Claims and Patents, (Under Broadwayßanli) 2 park Place, Y. 476 Seventh Street, Washington ) D., C • REFERENCES: . • MECHANICS' BANK • ..... New York BROADWAY BANK . - s. W ILI.I Ambling CITY BANL .. .. Wiiiiamsburg. Hon. HANNIBAL HAMLINi Tice President. ' tt MARTIN KALBFLEISCEI, Mayor of Brooklyn: •' 4 ABIJAH MANN. New York. - • • 009K . 8c . 0(1., Rankerf!, : IV64lngtoß and, Phillitya 2' • -.TO, OONSUMPTIVES, .Consumptive sufferers will receive a valuable priscription for the cure of Ccipsuinption, Asthma; Bronchitis, and all'. Throat end Lung affections, (free,Of charge,) by sending „.their address . to.: • - • • • Rev. V., WiLSCON,': -; • • Williamsburgbi . , Kings, co:, New - -York. . ' .... . . . , liEtZilitatarS G EN UI,IIIE 4 PREPA RATIONS .. . . . CONIROUNDTLITID.:EXTR ACT BUCI:10, ePositive tot dliealies. the' 11ladder;kitlneysi atitl . • Thie Iltedteirie' feel : Orme the piiwer..of.Digve.: don,. and excite . the AOSothenti into 644 . 0 ; which the Watery or Caleariotie (lepo-j, sitions; and Unnatural tolarginettte are re...` . 6 0 e11, as well an Palo: and Intlimatiotr. . •'• . , EXTRAbT,III.ICIit.T.. For Weaknet!ses arisingcliornExeesses,Bab its of Dissipation; - Early.indiscretinti'ol:,Abtise;: attended. with the following aymptorit4—. , • •• IndiSposition to ,Lcias Pourer, .Luss,,of ,Pi.llla ta jr Breathing, Weak Nerves, - --• Horror of Disease,. ' • • Wakefulness, Dirritiess ~Pain in the peek, Eniversal Laciiude of .the Muscular Syaten c , Hot Hands,• . Fltishing . o (the 80"dy,' Deynees of the Skin,'.. Eruptions on the ace,' Pallid Countenanee. -- • • . . These iymptoMs,il allowed to - go on, which his Medicine invaril! y, removes, soon follows . . IMPOTEI4CY, PRATUITYi EPILEPTIC FITS, n one . ol;which the Patient . nioy•Cxnire.. • •Who can' ay that theyare not frkittently fo owed by those leDiretul Diseaies.” ' • . "INSANITY 'ANT) GONSUMPTION." . . Many are aware of the cause of their suffer BUT NONE WILL CONFESS TUE TiECOAUg . OISE,TIIE IN SANE ASYLUM . . And inelanchally. deaths . by Consumption bear ample Wit nees.,to the Trutb of the Issertion. • The tonetitution once effected with Organic Weakness regnires the .aid of Nedieine to Streakthen •aridinvigorate the•ystem, - • •• Which•HELsinoto's•EXTßACT BUCHU inva. .• , • • - ribly does. :. ' • • A: trial will convince the meet skeptical., 'PEMAL.IFS7 -- FEMALES...WEIIIALES; In manraffections peculiar to female's -the Errascr Bunny ts uneqUaled,by any other rein edy, as .in Chlorosis or Retention, !rregularity; Painfulness, 'or Suppression 'of customary Evac uations,Ulcerated or Scirrhous 'itate of the Uterus; Leuchorrhom or 'Wiiites,'Sterility„ and •for all comp l aints incident to thesex, whether arising from indiscretion Habits of Dissipation, DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE . . . , :Tske no' more Ralsamy Mercury, or' unpleaz Medicines forunpleaannt.anddangerous disease HEL I MBOLE'S EXTR ACT SOCHI/ AND I& . PROVED ROSE WASH .CURES • . SECRET DISEASES • ' • ' 'ln all their:Stages, : . 'At little Expense: . - Little or no change in Diet. No Inconvenience. - • And no Expesure: . : ... It causes a frequent desire and givetttrength 'frequent to Urinate, thereby. Reinoving :ha ructions, Preventing and Curing Strictura p e Urethrti, allaying Pain and Inflamation„ 'frequent in the class of diseases; and expelling all Poisonous Diseased and .wornout Matte • . •' ' . •.. Thousands upon thousaridiwho have 6ein the i i victinis of quacks, and who ii paid .heavy fees. to.be cured in.a short time aye found they were deceived, and that the $1 rSON" has by thence of Powerful . Aatringe: a," been dried UP in !the sySten,'m 'brealc out' in , an eggrava— .te4 form, and perhaps after-Marriage. Use 46180D 1 5 . EXTRACT 13RCI . Itt . . for all free. Lions and disease . of the URINARY ORGANS, whether existing in MALE or. FEMALE from whatever cause originating.and no matter how . LONG STANDIG. • . • . Disenses theSe_Organs rwires the aid n DIURETIC; HELIWBOL'S F.XTRACT BU C'HUIA THE QREAT DIURQIC, and is cer tain tWha vf..l he desired effect in all .Diseases for which : it is reeommendetle - . ".Ev,iden,ce of the moat reliable and : reiprin€ character will accompany the medicine. , • Pricry Si.otr per bottle, or Six !or 55.00 Delivered to 'any Address, securely packedftoni observatio . n, ' • • • • - 'Dandle Symptoms in all Communications, Cnres Guaranteed !, . - Advice !Grads Address-for inloimution. to . • Extract Bucht]... .64. Sarsaparilla. Improved AOse - Wash: . • . •. soldby allDrugtis!s Every#heye. • . Ask for Helmbold's•.. • • , Take•no Other Cutout the'Ativertisement and send. for:it. • ••AND -AVOID ImeosiTiori AND EXPOSURE.. ...• BELY2S SPECIFIC PiLLS. , —WAnnAriTEr. IN .Ctin be relied 001 ' Never , fair. to .cur.e!,Do nauseate! Are speedy No change' of diet required! ' Do not interfere with business pnrsuits! - Can be need i.lielthout detection! Dpward of 200 entes, in past month --one of..thern. very severe case. Over , one bundled physicians .have used them. in their .coMposition,.which is entirely vegetable, and herneless'en the.eystem. Hundreds, of certifi— cates can be shown. • „ . BELL'ISPeOsic PHIS are the originan' and only : t genuine Specific 'Pill. They are. 'adapted for male *and female, old or' young, and the only reliable retPdy.for effecting a permanent aii speedy cure in all cases of Spermatorthea, or Weakness; with's!l its train of evils, sin h aS , Utethral ancllaginal Discharges,Gleet, the Whites, Nightly or Involuntary EMissions, IncOutinence. Genital Debilityand Irratability, Impotenee, Weakness or Loss of Power, Ner-• vous Debility, Ssc., &c., all of which arise prin. ,cipally from Sexual Excesses or Self Abuse, or some constitutional derangernenGand ineepac ities the sufferer from, fulfilling' the duties of married life. In all sexual diseases, Glotior rhea, Gleet, and Strictures, and in Diseases'of the Bladder-and , Kidney's; they act as a charms Relief is experienced by faking a single bor.' • SoldbY all kindlier druggists. itrice $1; • : They will be sent by _mail, securely : sealed, and-confidentiallx, on receipt of. thetnoney, by, J. M. D.s No. 76 Cedae•street, New York:.. Consulting Physleian for the treatment of Sem.' i nal, Urinary, Sexual kid Nervous Diceesis, who will send, free to all, the following Val ' tut hie . work in sealed enxelope: Thu • FIT l I&Tli THOUSAND—Da.4OBELI'S TREATISE' ou:Self-Abtise, Pr emature Deca y , Impotence, and less of Power; Sexual .diseases, . Seminal Weakness; FiShtfy Emissions,'Genital Dehility, Ste., &c., a 'pamphlet of 64 pages, containing important' advice' to:,; the afflicted end which should be read by every sufferer, as the meansir cure inthe sciterestitagei ly set forth. Two s tamps required to pay post age, .' : • .of . , . . CAPlESii—Dit.regvai's 1 , Figt 44 4. 1 ..Ef1.14, - ,..fiayiettar.,yet failed ing 411We:tittles obatrtietfen;e4itop T page of 'native, rkineeatoring the .-eyeterti to perfect : his I lti4h en'atifterini h or Spina) Alec - tipas t pfilapsus,rteyi;,' th4Whitesi. : 44 tither. web knees . of -their _The4Pitii perfectly, harmiess on.the constitution, and may be. taken by.the:tnost delicate W ithout clueing distressz—,thefiame timethekact liken charm ,bv: strengthening,,invigoritingland sre st ring thesystem:to healthy conditionoind by bringing On the monthly :period ;-Neittit:taieu. matter, fMtn •viliat cense the the '.ob— strtictiod May arise. They' sheoldi, hovireeer,' NOT be taken during , the first thrce,..Or .four months pregnancy, though safe'sit any, other time, as mis Carriage would be-Ike - result. ' ' Each bor contains 60 Fills.. F.'sice rie.:IIARVEY'S TREATISE on Disetises of, Females, ,fiegiiiney;ll-recarriage,•:Berrennese, ReprOduetion, and Abuses oft axn're, and emphatically. the Padieb' Privatit''Nedical 'A'dkiser,elPatriphlet of 64 pages, sent free ter any address. - ., Siccents required to pay ? post.- . , Tue Pills anil book will be sent b 7 mail when desired, Seenrely eilded, tendprepaid; b3i, ."f . •J. BRYAN, N. D.; General. ASenti No. cedsr tilreet. New York.. Crr.Sold by all the principal drskilsts. :,- 110ST.:41?TER',5 CELEBRATED. ST OMA CI-I i1'1i,::T: . T.:;.E.it.'5.;.7.:. . . . . . . Pure and powerful Tonic; corrective and aIL• ernaiiveof wonderful efficeey in' disease of theo . . .STOMACH"LIVER . .ANIY'BOWELS.. Cures .Dispepsia ) .Ll yet. 'Complaint; Heirdachey General Debility, Nervouspes, Depression of Spi4itS, Constipation,.. Colic', -Intermittent Fevers,Cramps hnd Spasins, arid all Corn= plaint's of either Sex; arising . trom .ily Weakness whether ; inherent in - the system' nr produced .by special . . Puthing that is not ‘wholesome, genial andie aterutice in, its nature 'enters biro:the composi tion of HOSTETTER'S STOMACH TITTERS. This popular preparitilon .aontains no 'mineral of any kind, no deadly botanical element; no fi excitant: but it is a . . combinatlon •of the extracts of rare balsamic barbs and plants with the purest and inildest or all. diffusive stimu lants. . . is well to .be . forearmed' against, diseese, and; ao far as-the human system can'titiiititect ed by human.rneans against melodies engender-, 'ed by an unwholesome atmosphere, impure wa ter and other external causes, HOSTETTER'S BITT:ERS 'may' be. relied on as a safeguard: Wdistricts infested with Fever and Ague, it has beep .found infallible as it •preventive and irresistible as. 'a remedy and thousands who re— sort to.it under .apprehension of .an 'attack cape th'e scourge; and thousands who neilect• to avail themselves of its protective qualities . In-advance;_ire cured byte very.briel course of . thir marvelous medicine. Fever and Ague pti tients, after being plied with quinine 4 , Mr . months, in vain, .until • fairly - saturated .with that dangerous alkaloid, are not unfreqUentlY restored to 'health , within It few days by the use of HOSTETTER'S- SITTERS. • .. . • • The weak stomach' is,rapidly invigorated and the appetite reitornd bi this agreeable and hence it works Wonderi in cases:of Dispep 'ale and - in less 'confirmed 4orms of !ndigestion. Acting as a gentle' and painles. apperient, well- as upon the liver, it also invariably ore,. .lieges the Constipa fatten' rtoperinduced by 'lir- , regular action*.of the, digestive and'secietiveor. . . Persons of feeble babit, liable to,Nertioni Att tacks, Lowneas of Spirits and Fits of Languor, find "prompt and permanent relief from titters.' The testimony on this point is most conclusive, and , from both sexes, • .1 , • • • . The agony of .Rillione Colic. is imniedhitely ' assuaged by a.single dose of the stitnitlant, and • 2; by occaeirmallyfresoriing toiti the return Of the • cemplaint may be prevented. A p.a General Tonic, HOSTETTER'S BIT. TERS produce effects which mat . ' be. experi enced ar witnessed before they ta n be fully ap... predated. Incases of Constitutional Weakness,' • Premature 'Decay, and 'Debilityand Dr , Yepte tilde arising from Old Age, it exercices• the' electric. infitierice. In the convalescent iteges of ill 'diseases it opetatda as a delightful invigo rant.: When the povvers of.nature are telaxed,. - ' it operates to 'reinforce 'and reestablish them... 'twit but not least, it. is The Only Safe Stini lint, being manyfactured.frootiound ind innq ennui materials, antLoptirely free horn sihrtaittsfi elementi present more or , less in all the orAlii. . „ . . iy tonics and s tornachics of the day. family medicine has been so. 'Universally, and,. it may , be truly added, deservedly popular with the intelligent portion of the community,, as fIOSTETTF.IPS.BIT.TERS. . • :„ •' ' Prepared by HOSTETTER '& SMITH, Yana Sold by all kruggists, Grocers end Stprekeery' i ers everywhere.. • • LVICLINI'S SEWING MAC . . , These Machinel make the lock stitch Alike 'on both Fides, and .use lege than half tip Armee and silk that the , single or.,llOuble, thrAid loop stitch Machines do; will Hem, Pal, Gather: cord, Briid, Bind,l3tc.; and are better adapter than any other 'Sewing Machines in ose to .the frequent - changes and great • varieffr •of ,sewing required in a family, for they- will sew,, from. onelo twenty thicknesses of Mareeillert without stopping, and make every : stitch perfect, or from the finest 'gauze to theleerViest beaver eluth;or even . lhe stoutest harness .leather, - ,without 'changing - the feed, needle, or tension, or making any adjustment:of Machine whatever l I f They are Simple in . tor - retraction, and easily understood; and if any partis broken 14 recci. dint, it is readily replaced, . ••, • 'Theie are peculiar. facts, and will go• forth' r• to determine the aboiee of any iarelligent 103.4 PLRkSR CALL ARO EY/1/01111E 3 OR 15RNO FOR Wrii7;• A' • i'''"s B. Local geote wanted d sect °own tt yet occupied., Address, k o A • • : SO '4*Z . 12 FINBLE . & I.YOX 13 X'. C9/1, 4 ' N u . 513 DItioAD.IV.A.Y. NEW YORX:
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