, 4 0,.. liAitz ,, A , .• ..... ...... - f..,, s -_,...4m ,, . 404,0,x.ttini0 ,,, ...iix..l - .:, - .','. - 4 - railit*Asiotoititikiiiiiiitie . .ii.leitttioqii.. ; '..o;:ai fri,_*,.: :00*. ,. ,..,, , 00)di5dp011...,t# .! tf , c,nvli:lt,On - ,1 : .!.-...'.': itill' ili - if il)i,iiii?"..aiiiettiga`': ii,ertii • : '..iild:ay„ a I IWO' .4.l:6riiiethe,:ighi-,tiveiii,i'::#4oll.4lFioiii -..7.- o ,, p• —: i . ." . 4.4eiriaii4tiiiiii. ,, :t;i4iiiijc;:i , - 'if , i , ...: , !:44 . .pgirliiiiii , , , ,:opknOli . .:1C,-:llrejitililicifri ',I aleie a; ; • I. '' ' 'lf bii'iti l' ' ' .i , h'"'''''''''''l .- " - i''Tg ...:- lei_ . ~ lt..!ucceas 0.. t at, .pr.rcm,/. „ ..,, , otte. - iilO•iiii;!iii.(4`irr7giiiVsiii;'''t&;• liegriiiir.:::`ine ....), :tied'' , and, piivilikes. or the4hite,,iiiyisit thejl t ;the,. eigit,t4ilelltic entith 0141601 c e - o• iiiiiii.•,v pia : , ;ftS. l • . 'lteiseliticati••'-"Illket0: - .1 1 ‘bi t sli-" tilhii".• - helielte j , , t . • '• ..Ptitlident: Jobitlon,'lloie'tliiit 4 I lite re el'fitni i lls inailelijt - ?ertintititilif,;iiiiii 'foi: - *nit/ -, ,liiee', ~. , • , villtkitetitiliCAc•ti tiettioCialle 'ncitnltintteinlie,.'•: f • . - Cl.,' ~ -,F:4l' :Sena tor:The Eie Inn cia Cy'. hay° l omi tiii 'fed : . . il : ; -. 1.Ri•; - Pitlit:ti;"•:arttiCli - Irtikenk,'a"IkniTeliiitill.,: Of ettittietit' ebility, iiitftiiileigtity:tesPec *Ct . '. k Jo' ...: -' *isoio blittbillatathiltilie§tiili frty.'.'.:p del) r WipFli. ...--); ai#Tilt!.lireeertt ive, every,CitiCea'itt itie"d iqrl'et p -- „.,olclttini-fittilidliliyiefifr ' :thiry'. iviiiiit:il flier.- 'pi , •-, .political eiiiien; -',Opposed to . .1. i cr. :44 1 '.V : Vh (ten ..est*etifer'lP:itir I rir.?it i l , :-.'*4 ti.,thO - , 4 . .ii . iitiliti,tqf , .. ,•ell!fioidi4:o,) ,tv.hkti:oi thin heir `: shall' ' ipitiiiiettt. ' ) libillitiitiiioi , tt4liiiiiii7N - 101'64 , liiikvt-iri9or - itr, Oitit' it ::00t:df:i . li.i1:: - 4yie iiet iii '-D i rti o eta y', :, ~ • liv,pietti l ittlier, --..' ' • ' , hii . letertioa:'' - iif 'the ResiebliCan ~,:• , •,4 1 4 1 1,4 r '',' 4 .• t ~, p 4 r , ;yr , GA ' 'hi , d,i, ) '.: like t tieti/S'.'7 -`: ': )1 re':''-':":' , ..' '.":"`:.''`••' '..-' 'I 4 ..... • : • ' -- •- • : - i•: , :t* :- 4: 9 ' &At '.'-.- `4.'„41.ii:); ,- ;.,' i. ; •.•-: .. :'• ..L , 17 11 r, . ) 40 ( 0)1.41' : 'lir , ' , ' , !:k;:1i:: , tt9.050.. ,,,, t•h0 . hi#: : Sitoliftir . . f , e, ` , . , - 0 . .:04,,,fet.0i. .with • .....: . :(14dtel''' - 311,tliinol f. . ' i teen ta.: ! .,R . i., t.f,,"!!. i t L k -:- -::- It, 'o , i fi': - throu g hout" . Wic . ) . ;44ifY.ti 11 i04 61 *- •••_.... vie ' tet « , ,iiiii.ilwil!..i• - eive- '49l') 'ljnfo 4 l l . l 4. #'., !, i..).11P.0.Pp' 0 410 1 , i.iii)ljiooko a'. o 0 '. ..'.' - i o l - ..,.!:19.rii,f , if,..04 up t i g ht ip:ltiisr.s.o9e.. Cli 1, al :, ' iiiii t i le I; Ai n u se ful citizen ia , the_ Aeig h 4 ff.;::,: b.tithOiiii letlieri,'helei idea; and ,` ,. for,:thiit ; ,'„rle eon' •-• : 111 - I, : pet4o4an,••.ntit:,afford'ievo,NT.,iii.*: pili,e , : .. oles; iiii . uifiltii'ovii,ll , 44l . 4 - ‘ooe,::: . ' , .. -i - -.-, ~ ..,, -, ,..,T,he;RemiOstly4kalt,4ilik -. - optioait ion., ta , the• • :,,Replilidiesif nem ineo Itac:Ptelldlitit ;I,l l lilgt i 4 We btte,eil I ! ,Mti4ilis,:le - be eompoitentlet :tne ---..... • ~ itniititiatif.-poli I ion; iiiettiat: he! will 'i- (nimbirite, , -... tbi4ditilissicstskininsitielity,' , :hentir,:anit- credit:. - • 9 ;'ll4l o 4gtttier4stititt in this iti:Ovia t•d ii t eici fili ail never - been :eon tested ' poi it icetly; :lett, ' , lle; : . ..ii ie ~. ~ . . ... ' .. - ,o,),;taittObali,l4:4l,4oTactet' efdke-,, pteseat."•,c4n••. . ... sc 414. S e t: ePtseipo penti.inity: o.till ;4 epa itli re :lion( 114t;tielc,t--; .:.,-,-. ';',..p; : , •,:t: . ;:.- : ;-,',,, , •.:;, , t .-.;,::;-:, ~,.• f: ..: ~ ...1 , , ~... . • , . •.. ..• ~ .. , • • • .....- ' .•;-? . :1411,10 .00;inv , . yak •tlistirritnioSni sihcii Bi- 44 . nil it'difeCtel'fflii, eiiiinti'eatiiiiiiiilliiet.:.'• - . gii. .......,..., .47 4 ii . . no" o.:, ) 4 ' ' ' an, energetic, ~..,air local • - -; • Joan„„eo, iwy hOnest„ . and untiring arid ,' ' , firm - ia' ',-:•.iiil:djactiligii::•ol, nii". - thily.;:' - Diitiati ,the _,war; altheiLiti'indSCieil'elu'uiiti?iiiitit'tieed :f ci the...-itl liy • ~ r 4cri WI -, AiNlitif t ritiaki;') h 6 .!.11 isirti . filtied'i ke:liidk: : • i: iiiiiiiolsoji.iii'.lht, , :'ailetiiiiid.'ist ;hie': dirty 'a :' - . il' ' .:: 4 01*iii; giiiin g •Ini n d toTii •tif: . 4l til 1 . . i ii -fo '.- t ke) sup... ..:iiiiPoi l'plist:Tvolii,iiil4iifeefid,' iiiei;dibi:Vi)iii' . tiii'. ,;., .- I iiilii , ), .4iri.i .'ffitines):::: fii 1,. - .K fa:::'abiljAi 7 h hi" ii v ei g, h4' ',boril,•;',:•fi;eliiitiljrroi,,tilfti 'la t he' CNn t y.:144.e0 n :,, ' • ekiblifi'l - foiliiuch'iiiiAiii! purpose'. •:- .: He lied *.iia id' :.: • Ihe'Citrttiiititioipiliiilipefifitii;4iiii..,4-...gdliiii : o'4' nil ;IC f ; till liiiitili:nft;'in . lad i.t idh: to too lib'. .: .erif C:6l,ittibbPiiiii , *id : d iiffel',. Olen eii tr,.!vel tin -: , ' .::isierti.; 3l l.tiii. electiont.it!MS:::- . Diiiteili fit.f4ii"tiine . -. •'-illrtfilliattif.teittilYef i ii tt he county Awe o;6*. IfitiosTs i Thi'. kir., iii. - Rr Ifid . ,i'dolity., aad ly 'need a it'...., ntiniile* iiiiittelifieiCrthii lici.a(ili:';:.Thellitel..'.' , • : - ehiir!iiiniCiiifit hiendtlietin settled, as f he. la w •:.:',, :-: etntiitiiil*ta4. - fiii;fdat;*':leinis! 7 '-eight - ; ye iii,... •-•.- Ciimm . !tiicinvilt6'. Mt, 4;'lviiiiiniii, who by the vr.k . .hipetestlk.insid civet ill moneys in, his hand s , •: : .-1 4.PF,i,* he iee eel , was lii paper;initead,ot mon: ~., •reL . 9. l l*itl.Po l ,l44lpg . :Treasuie r ..wli! reported a ..-'00.1fIllt#1,0•-, the a, ql,*l t., 4.. f. a 40.0 t ..sqio o 'O, 'w hie h. lova ~giaiiiseit, over.f*t wo years, , tnoroi , ivbeill his ', 6 f115t.11#4,1, 1 .f.,, ~ K;Licjiii.:yeali , I oyez fed alio:a:she ; • ' • 44.1ts,ttii!jott.0(4444'it, - ,.l:: : :.l:'hisecimrslisioneri risoi.„. -. ~..,o*.thisMfiug,,two„yearijoitger, which :brings it , • :,:: •:: Se, lest;zoricter:.;: ; i Ttien, We -fi tilt:V. .., P. 'Cartel :Cc-. -- ;1404, - ;_lifitheriAngjiter!e.Aeport,. : l 6 th e " amount ...' ' "I,PPA s R;4;!.:NirAt;whioinaw.s.o*; the funds of t ',9.'4 •.,. ) 4_,,17i11iP1ii71T1 3 0 1 .1.• truc b! et itlie -floe cy be- i i, •:, lqiiii ' Opittii 'Cotsyttk hae„heen, - tetooded,, it any , .: ':"t!tf, rsl.:!lie-A!‘).!!! ,l ll4..oentitiiisioneFe .shif lite,: .-.: ittjii,AJ,p...,:#l,lo.*igii;up; iivrt.ta il ioi ~ to ..i'id i 54., • -•-•.'.....; hoolflto,ito44lP 4l ',zntY, 'Ju bringing tistiiii iln,, .- - 'l ': 1,-t..•.: 1..', --' : ri4t , ttstosffic , etk f to g jgsticei f ur , ; :I r:lis it would o , ut d in- ,', j;iifilte!!,pfky.:,,lfptic44 50. etrectr.inyikisit . ":.0046441";#B OPt#;',PO`,Rtßthlieatie:..tiale ».k . '; -. iiiotei ll4 sed . V:P , POt 4 fii!be;4 42 ; 4*, *9 . imbegtpprikk4fcir,t4pilfAeKmi„ve apeak : ?kiilf 4., Oaulo:'4,::olfelkO*6.,lii)(6,„iveit 'ei,. 4 !iitiiiee'ffft theesSte.'estrssstti, Vs:enstins, ::I . f r i:;',::: , l7lotpepp!•,- dein inil :4,:ebefige; • Silid. 'Will,. iterfificS;stliirfiVo,tietieite, FoirStriene itltyclee tit* . 100491113y" .7 '..i. 9 ' . ' .'' -- - -- :` • ::- ' •.; - .' ....: .:, .. ' • - - , :,.2. 1, - -,- ;:: i: ...ttftt!i-qv,l;:t:- : : • .:- .. - • ~. . 5 .4 ~,., ~ , ....., " -.. ': :' ;2 ', .....).** ) ,q+lrtiliojii , lno'bej • l'Ot:Y dilPPorflni: , - ti - OflikAkai,theAetkele4lidniesa of ,-,- fbe t- county-.. •:Srtc # . klkiSSinjel: belereit 414,00 . V 3 and however: : -,• T.00,10410,f*641140601,-;i4iililitiOgiftia' may be,' ~.. 1 4:Siisjsr454ASfditer: hirio::,ii4tiSti.O.siir ,pu wer: fo .:' *,tirolo44**(4;Shfe..*,,',vi:lgiLMOPi*s.!!i young P l ,4lfseitissfit;etlicientrltlitti ler 't he NO ip0 0 ,,,,,, in d : •;, - ,•„er4lloialhaeilibilidaty"pecithotit felC'xiciliitbr. ... 114.01,sik:,itie, . .ilaCii" . (n.lo : piiliti,iiitry.,::sieve :44 , :yet .•-:::. .4p,....0.,:iki011(t....0ni1t,:jii. the. detjtientl 7 in tereitliti - : :tltit'sitstoillsileitc suitable mitts who: w PI faith ) 9 § l ll,tl44lioSSitteif;ifi:ditiiss; Wit ich-:sre:'.'citsir all tee ' , .`; , • -: '„.:‘.44.014.4k44:40i14.t dti.4)if::::i ......j: - :3 ' • : , -2; ':'::::: •,,,--:, :- . :i%1:., : : - .-..L ,; :itLi.lll% . 4)(4,4ofil‘jil.thirit4 , ,,.:ai....ij l ip' or fiiit: ,L, , :i.,•, - « 4 •0;:.144#4,,:: : !*itn - ittg.i! tot oirtviriTif Yeats, ;tel.- , 10.';.t.'Nkillikiliiiiiiiiliiie-,hael.;genel e al lk , elected JD r` OfetpL.cfrOk . actlng ,courfty,...Trasure; ,thi:Orfift of ; 181 3 4 1 . 'Pqfriegkee'veel given 'the Governor:to organize a limited • nirmb'et ile , #`eigitiiefite, I'd the distrlbutiOn'ot:Conimis— . Ribes. he was . ,•egain.'honoied ivith a captain!, commission; evittrthia',lra"repaired to . Water—, lor4i.iiith..the.ezpreemed ifeterinineften',to drev, 'es before't 7 . there,- Grant.4,ll' 11114,,A t? -11 company of , ,volentairs,4ll&ecinscriptir wet; enuetered:iWand, tfilllnk,orliA"illing;3preieed '`..cfti,kfacf;i6t. , eitant i ly,,onlitted, no doubt, 14 his 9g . been 'fed, rod ! honored ty. the peepte; of.tthis.counry,'id";thoir er,higrB ) . vi 9 k ' rb 46etf(6iiilViajoi er4g.tfie,polry-sum offorty , .lollara:,.i r i green= backs (:vifthice,. hdving V t he. tfi.predin t ion Aftie'df , ' .t had' tire' memorable Stiff ''et.silve) ' fore§wOre his fries ft am d reaidetice r 411d;had,hiniself,ciedited on the CitiSita a Elie comity; leaving his family at•the meroyi..or the people disowned i elfd dm hie' neighliore'fii'',fue'niiii.. - Ottp , • ~ nu'rnb , , ,er.' As our 11 eigh 6 or , ;:rei' the way,faila,. to give , details of . the .milltary, career of this , a `Orem. to riel honore; :1 jol enit to. fill np';tfp 7 'iri;itnry iv its , `f , 4 furnished, his: eyrviying comralea,...lo,og,ard te , fiis.officie; c,hargctier, itrciv it station!' the inipirer-ir refer. " . q•ro Ihe l iglAudirors' - Report,". .1 r.! :: • • .. 'The 4tfh/ei: very,eloijuent fy •arpeile":cci ' , tire loyfil'nseiv#lo&olitllc Co iive,the'tloialitte their, 4gr): :'riPPoEt , ; l ll . 'vv; . vlT repugnant - 49. their,featiegai,; :l'huli'appeeleit to we. dere not 'hopc-toti anyrthieelmit a •mitrtilyierpreiult. -' - . 1 L. ".' l Ai'll'eiCieri eit the : ' corm we:litive a 'right ta,iirirertf o eiiihat,thehrincir f'oeredittagt'tthe aliPut : t9 . .beS. 4 4l9l o c:!P•l!ofe "eetreount9.-.;,. She does floe& niat , deism hitit=ilid 'net . ' Oresent his I name...L.lllW alnikt:',.,reaOhtlullY :beiiiio l be ''ete-r 1 ,eueeit;", la jiiiiiie l iOa our people vre :lee] it' due !te„etele i. f4a;, they 10eyeitectly ytilling to. ,re- ijiterest.oindpropertylin the'itchieii• Lmenpt , of the , ditniiigusked cliaraite!, both in rude; i; t(iti nj .- -- . The,34p • e 4wake,LL ... • • Natural zitata m . aneake of a,re , ttileWhiahltei dormant it poet of, tbe,year,:And while to , t hitt elate saa ; 0 n ly, be al. •rfloSed tty, the most etroubus ellf•ttte.. There are, how: ev er,' about tour Int ditt( of.; the tviiiiiwi' in Which. Lb in, rep. tile movery around' end eshibite censidereble life. - •, During . 'tide ifilug"statp,lt will attack 'ht ., linilitn, inicien,Sills it , ' ',ever, bpporintiity'Presents; but WithUtightle egiylopekleg. treature,• 'and ,its denttinstratiobe' are nivescat it's. teed ~ w akeful periods., end .; . HOTlthing of O, yenosioWt olVear.= 'core will, inanif front its range. et'll Its attacks are, ntterly. hartuletta,ent its effOrie for iill 'prove futile: ' ; • . ; The life end career °Cour neighbor of the Denlce.reri. , as ..n0.,,edl tor. ;r ampule lie forcably, of thin: reptile.. rills 'dormant p eri o ds ecctiny. jest' 'about eight, • niutliti of t eel - yeari t', - Iturtits•theas nerintir• his (taper:like :himielf has dead-t o the world.,'; All ettortisto arroese it Or him prove of. no avail, . But the dormant neriods pr the . . Democrot "differ from the r.eptile - hi. this reeitect, that instead. "of continuing eight dionthein'imbeeseten, it has' a period of dealt( for two months .and•hfa'. foritne,•lts living, month ['they* sure - tube the just Preceding Court., • One of its living periods ItiWeniirally a Week - er ' tin longer.thait any .of ,theT,otliers during the"-year. r, Thi a de - the .. one. . which 'emninences lite firt.,wsek of .tlepteMber,' ending. li'ditit the itedeed i'dek of ' October. UM OtillekH,7llko the •ropillit, , . tire soniatitues"florne,tbut never "datigernitti. ,The" Stuff which appeartile dia. celeratehlassrthe appearance of. ' allele oi'vitenin, but isWelsotileas r and cuusequently, M. 0., duetiSe Of no•lnJitiv.:''. '' ` •, •' -* •r: ~. ' Me have been , esititttoithese , " reflections (rent ati anti. ile.W„hich appealed Jo, klate Septtimber Issue of the Detn,• ocrat. th 9 reptile 1$ arouset. - an he nitts his slime a ith • more,than , Mtal, iteergf:" '1". la " at tack:, a fe" upon Onpt:' 'Oowlesi,the,Ouion:, Candidate 'for.Senater;" —Wernit OE for the fact that his pt my 'Meet has prithabl,v ;lotto sent to other !Mitts Of , the'd i striet wealieuld glee the aidicle. in' . questionAn attention .'- lierc.the wholesale fabrications • whigh eitaraelerine thearticle arelooked upon with ,aili•• :greet 9r conteinnt that words.' cau ;hardly, espreed, "No pericias,• particularly selol2 Melt, give:the lewd al odentse . to thew.: Butin distant parte of, ht, district;where Oapt" , , Catvies IS Unknown; it may be - eonSideted " that ',there- t ie salmi fontidatiortfor the Serious iiisititiene derogatory to" , Ills eltaracter.,wl,4l. which the article abounds. •Xt 'Albs; • thitCreastin We propose to d Insect, t t;, ' ... '',, ": ': • ; . .•Inthe'lltat nlamt , Onnt Cordes Miele' t o ~ Melissa" "etint, i tY in ,Ifig4„; indeed of'St,..ll9'st4tod by the i Donecva t, not theitoppitant end hierative offices, the, gift,of the illenubtv. licatCps,vty,o - wilichthe bee held, ran" District": Attorney, 'Conisty•Biaperititesideiti riit 'Borgne - cif,limethnort ' tbir Ough„: - . . The firitotivraitiWitnt begging, bet:Sine .no atter werwidded to.be, ;moved with it. " It pays Comparative... ,Iy. nothing.: , - , Thir • around ' litf Id $llO eatery. while Cent:. Cowles ogielated „hotbed tenacity". , " Thethird; :tut while , :doe knobs ,. knobs ,. pays nothing: So much for lies :Not-one and , two': The atutertion thaftie. "is ' a ouer, spiritualist,'" in cot wOrthralienly.. A-better informiiit, clearer headed,' stmedervlntialetbnari.then"Capt • Oeviles ,dpes not ' rebid.] 'Within the litnittof 111 , Keen county. ,For - thenast eight ' , years. the writer. of ' this article' . has, been on . intimate: 'tersiiiwith.him,snddttritigoll..tiint lime; we do not, re 'Mil of hiiiiig hindittetA.WOrd of disbelief in -the itirth ex robilon ort.k."day.. , - OaPC.;Cowlett no' doubt, ,likeevery.ofhor man ()thrall's, hats'ilows. Of ' Ills own, *pee theology, but .whatl.hosoWiews are the editor of the. "at better ancertain' before p^anotinciog him "a t' ' '' ' " fa l e ° r e o r t re ' ' " "' '7 • - , 'Igloo: ' ike. It. comes wi h rather ill grace istinirs(ininSrlie niiittliy,workiliarder- upon' the.. Sabbath:, thaft'uoy:other day of the week, to be critictaluganothere religlontiffintimenta. -' • • •••• •• - :-." • ''''' '- '' . - : ~, e.'l.PPLbetliftiifi great'aniurgent ,i(ti, z4,4,;Fras_lii, Ito the'Oilit4 - 4 ord id. cant Oodles. 'lt Says while the' Ingtittedisifk „00iNgt eurßero obtaiii 4 d dteitikocite _ht encoantiell;'.'••;Tiallilidts ere,' "our heolOwstier :ciltkeil to bit;eSempteddant.eds,thig,Chritrary "protestedegaieskit, .' A l i d iiiiktiwod:4o,Bl,446,ol theerowds,Whetwere.hangteg, around-theCAnnollsefittlef*tlit‘usiethimmoring-fiir enentp;.; tki„itt.(lfelsaalli*liilfitti4la„linrary to,his`tenertuot :alto protratione, ~. regro 4frtfon waxier to Cane; "..qt. ti:laiy,-4 Ile "ni i egtf . .Dr,' Z. S." 00 out .ThtStifititio*tt Vtiati;Or::a., •)" , '"t , "t' • '','" , Actitiailikrii """iiii4Alt4rP.PiiiiiiLitiVliit A t 'or ititn.” :•-• 1 n titnenk Pi, nipti , e in, 70 , „oittometeiiiiiiwittiiiditithin*.coca: .: ii' . lciobtli,..,il,44, V lltolliiit upoilUol;:1140. ~'' Ifni .Wealharr rui*Dg.„ . 111110Sitell,•Brignife:siok Oittursirg: troviti'dommilikin, githb is;rntessat'Witrposs'of:Allir twittinthe ainsWiift.thliwittiiWho"cotildliiistr k debt ' ;Olf ,0,04,„.(ms 0090,y4,111, Intendetthe eennriltehm for 6 € . ratlii'4ll.botooolgnolOglit,Wittient hisconssent,,:t.Upen 4 4 11944 . ii illordhCilsrc4pt ' . 041 . , 'toot , hal - atia • jvcso Autiroilkithoo-itaditto) ilku'i-ouot,,,inorioutiltiowittei Ano3poosoolt the o; eltswttlje woo to eleo .B• 11 atAt e, 'Mitts was Alin itekOit ' keen tat& iVe it' iii itin; lip let . tb* - 401.440rdi0nw.. t , Cititei'voirer,r4o4ositoillit ' !MANIOC* ~. • 2,.. ... m a - : : 110000 4110 alle,01401b4bis ,wm....rtibb,... b 1,•,,,, 7,4 Otigiblkb of On leirmiril , .. 21, thie.noltitflas ',.,...'i...:. , ; "! , .:lf.'f'4, t;” ; • „tf../,..:',( .. (t . tr;.ty•:- ', ;•i,;'.. ~' r . •:.z..,t; .•;,•. ~ • •.,..... •; - t ';' -1 /-"41...?•''', -;; -•. , • . : ''' ' - ' . '.""'-' - ' , itri•',"?; 4 •: , ..;: 4- -. , ' , . ' . •• • ' . .. ,• 1 riell‘4 , Wikkladifilidesuietsitiletiet ret4• 44 4ratit thettrailliFilfiltllhOhis*dd 'Oa .611,14; he Wife buil weed tri..ba fa thee* ilfghtlog in this Moll Wail2 l 4, 1 ,litr ; the ui of the .Demorrat,iiitid' ot ofltle Ilk;' 'es .am hate ' the eight, of a \Unto ' idiot,- ink. w cell It cell ' gleamed' with' delig en.ste:metx w atir,oof. The.word r.latnWared,;," '.tliti dip,, i f t vif tir a ' multi, ~.ii ;the the,-Wiest, OVItY My.. Bat. • : '47apt Clew was hot honored with' a tesinte contaiiik; 'Alit& Ithl9 , 4ntll after licieached.Pit Wrir, where: - wateaustenkinto tho service' of. the-thified elates,' ..lit: feet:his eatilinhislen d id' net reach him natil he 'Was del* plelretlitutiUti 'the Jannia'lLlvor neer 43arrouda poildieds' lie noithiliaie '!withdrawn,” rind come horne-at any time' taforilniiiii;inthietisied into.thliaeiviii:WS:Pitratiiivethe • t I Y I 115° 14 / 1 / , ..„h01ie t . ;af O,PPin:Orallt!s,Waplei., jo' , to* r gat derv:lie', .0130 carpi ,Ordrehlekti:N it erhdited to trlneoudy, 'Merely toteswearihrliti fel l a and resideuee is the aluiplest ecedestion torodthi ‘agaiist 'Ullif. , ""lleirry.'man-lif thii'llerookh "OflhiiTitEplift . knower 'taut 'watt Medi hy ,. menia.tlarl • lain COwlestisOnlnanyi'hefOre they lett the Borough, aid' .theit'ha`ivetrnbtnekidedi neilliei eras lisPitSlied thr . by the! Jiorough•.., Iluder.filbse •eiretunetannea 'lnKtld.jiiAt, what any other man ,would have. done 7 rAllehlca• pauoy,. and' 'll.llB .oiolllted to anetherelneelltje.,.' :. .. .. • '..; ' 7 llettlie. editor of the lierneoraCeloiles hie article With the 4lrtlest a( Iliogs,the guinteseenee ortihne....Ltu re fers.the redder, to-the " Auditore ,Report,." eo • though thqre' Was: itiniothhiediniig . 'ln the accounts of._ Copt, . oowlolwhlladeting.iet•den'uty•Treastire . Kpf ;thWecintily,, W,e,have,only A:mewl to rhply. , to;this:69hteraptill") 44107 untiOn. : Cent' . flowlei le . not ftellibtad :40 . cent to „the! otftitit.Y. - tir ;state: : ...liveiy dollen , that"irett 'found in 7 hfs; houliout the o loam orbit) teem:-•of :office la: Jammer last,l Wus ,paid..,olt er,to 'the preeent. Troarror. whileinnue, In. ytilfrustry on furlough .. '' ' • . ..' !. , - -..,; -..• . Ww have given more speoe'te. tl Is cot jeet than we inter,-` tended, and•we r begp.rdon of, our.. readers fur:devoting ao mneh toenail "shill potalciesl , 'as the +Dem ob* pr. ital efilinr.;••• We eannotl howe'ver;lithrie if, without deserting . that theteli,n o - groiida for. the , hitteriiese of thi.attaeke, of the copperboade:Up9ll.olpC.9orll3B, tllklellls .it Cowes, (rein toot he le ,and'alWajahnelleen an earnest light dew,- led a Ithelaveryrnittu 'hod Ilea Uohtrtlintial !much ef - hie.' tiniedid,talentaln keeping J11'110114.17 In the; majority JO. this eohnty• lie will prove a truer ,repressiitat Ivo or ' the • 'MM, sentiment' hr.. th ILI d l'itt l ler, l . end •er eir. loyil Amu ehOuld indeed- we. trust will.giite , Mtn hie' earnest ;and • undivided suppOrt,r-Ilfekt on Xing" ... - .a*.:,...,; ! \&z» n/0T A 'aileittila . I .'it he [fait, :, 1 i,e. tly.# lll . ,: . v L . • , ,! T ... ;:ri, - oi , ty,.! -.--'-' L e i fil. i; akeiii_ ' ‘fil IMilitier,"._lp; enti 'any; ,sp•rituilisT;l te•desire!)le, le .the'Srate h'ier:i6ertie • a cpptain'i! . ntleifter . thr ~tnin~dy, oil in kOOI. in to6k his tioiy;yiel4- miry, mikila, - • We putillidi the ahove for t e on 0, purpose oil eb . eviting: the I i tern ry.at tairibienfejil, atonal candidate (for he 'bnitifeitiernbly wrote the: ~Brst,thiee paragraphs '.p(: the.a.rtiele) and to:howibtil the opposition ifthrge_the.trutli:,of the`fedfs ritaied!iii•onr 'former article. • In„reference to , the. dorinant 'stale .-the .. . • • • , • .'Democrat;, it must.. , .lia t horba ,in' that the Miner and petbOlat'intide,•; their Ott appear— - the *Oriole While .alie Democrat, rtnmhcrp forty .-06:ftftle••':valierrie, this,l4iner has reached tint the of volume three. 'this . 6 . leo*st hit: the I:temperer has been nttvo years.motetiititilhe',l4liberi siace„life to; •Conicians.,-01 . 1t pit'r neighbors seem ..fo•be ftighletied , :at the cp. citra,nce exhibited; ond.express , a hope' that we are harmless, - 13:est easy,. gentlemen. the, Remount. will , not ,litut. ynii- 7 -jr.Would, be Cruel. Thus ,assiireit we • hope the editor Will net '.agairi {ick' np nillee - . and flee the county, not *resting: until the . Allegany moun 7 fairiS ill lc tlius'eirA sets, hairier between us. le - refer:env) le:the facts Oat forth in+. otfr : ae n tick arricle, although corrOliora— ting all thar!.viise-it forth ! .may. Hi:ad.:sot e-ex : Pla r netion. „ ,• Virst, ..enumerating.: the - intent • and lucrative ofliesi;”' it failetesee toeiinportntire of Slate Atte, neYi unde;ates4lie profits of Bo perliefedent by ! stating• fhe :eatery :received' at . $-160 instead of $1',310; anti omits enti-ely . .1 tha t of "acting , Trerianeer:- , Th'e importance-Of the kilter, may be. Judged when' if ieckirisideted.that the.'Auilltors' Benda.* showed balancei ininds of the .Treasurve of about $15,000- of the people's money,:, the: r-ofose of the two But he is Cdletir—headed;" the'wti 7 tee's opinion. •Who ib to Vouch'. for the writer's capability of 'Judging?, We . iihOuld net . &able . afterauch, assertion'. +t's• '• '•, "'" The editoenf the , Pennoevit reworks 'harder on the. Sabbath [Sunday] than - any othet day.". If ,t his- weiedo :it'would.but prove, our regard for t he: Bibletlor ire:that aste.ettelcolltmalidtd:rto • work, every day but the seventh—Saturday; We are informed our .i.khero trevei:iebed.tet be exempted, but. protested :• against it."' It' Would hardly seem; • credible that: our-'gent,le— mealy Cimmiisaioner and , Surgeob would per- • sures citizee—heall-the :time' protesting—and overtaking the Mitortimate, steip-his gloves for eiidence of, disability—and persiot: in forcing a. tificite Of exemPtion, into liiiipoCket. 7 ;he stil ..,protesting.r t't Ca lit ..Coarles.wat s dci t bono red W ith. a cant miss Are. Iri this ..regard,. the. 'record is 'not eiv'elear ns.nnit.tht be wished: . In former: 'nu'm'ber 'we' are'infortneirthit'lii tendered his ',lieriltett to' the thiyirhor and . accepted and ina•week: he Was•in camp . With a colipanY .. or men, arid The present.' article., that.'lttlie gnats Of the Borough was tilled by men . in Capt. ,. company,, before they . le ft the borough.- How then, did itlnippen that he' was. not 'eap— taliti unt al aleing.plekel duty on the Jame's. The t:etsare e:mply these: Mr: Cowles quid n cap. . train's ecorimesion. and. Was' cdunied to fill, the ' qttota2car the Borough.* Fears .weref - expressed that he Would . slap out as .before; but mono, • suspected bun, of , dieing to law as to . :him self, to another .County . .. • Had he' hintedlhat intention the tartys'would have n.ndereal..him for dirty.!" in short order.: The Borough -filled their.apiaa without hurt; it is trite; btit.it Was..becansa,he was not willing to be Mustered -But supousieglhe horough.gnota.was,filW; preyented his eredtt : :ott• the :quota. of .oliter townships: of tbe county; whittle citizens. ; rnak t inotrenamos efforts . to Obtainsnien7 tyit,are,. also r infnrmed : that 'Cap!, Criwicahas strice;paid over every cent, • that.....was &dud in 14 hands - at the end of his terry (, ,- As .w,e do ritknove to the. contrary me.grant this to he, .11(!. \ The „A tiditors reported the ,lite.treasitret a hiavy.tefatiter,.and,.we were • informed; but 'a few. flays since, „by. Cpelson. ivito . ;should . knove, that:the, „balance doe had notdmen.:Ottid ot/er l to:.the,.prCsent tressorer. , We aie.pleased. to learn dial the deputy, has squared hitt portion of, drfiCit.: • : • -;' . . . . . The .article' ,Cloaca wi th an ` appeal that, _with Itepa~licansi never ,fails ' ,; to .succeed. , . . TSe ",loyal". ~ are exhorted, swallow thh—cfoie, hcAyave.r . ,p,luseating,:.hevause, - .0 his . intense , Retfubl,icaulam u , ear t theparty;'; &c . We have..frit,, ; anitlio,ffooht ;have,. nide • snme harsh . ..things of ;the 4rpubliesii paityf. vanaVial• I,Y. in. tle"idays - offfrafty:•ibut.,We' never had • in our;. heart sufficient . . malice,to :assert, as, ctbes t rren CoVlesit a truescp: 'reeentstive of. the "toys'" pa4ty in this dis— Theoppositiori to theiteptiblican,candichite is notion isceonnt of pOlitic4,. - :-Had either Mr. Witticims, ,1 Of • bfalCeadiiMr. s ctosted,. rcif 'Pettier,: or Strang, of Tioglii-ati of, Itithittn ,wfte,candidates:-.-heen.nOMinated,'the 'Utehacic racy have MOde'ne oDposini Domination, atailatiett, that though of differsatTMliffol,;.,ate men"Of ability : line influence '' they ' vv'O bOrt ciratkly;.discharge their - duty" tolbeir .¢olli (t, l ictin L te and, ably reptiiient,the'diat'rict". ' We Pei tt s aleciighbOirfaitz:•titiztviik , seemsti s tioett vtiah ft 'fo",rtles,,e. ,the edi .tor of . t he ‘...Mjner" fairly,on.thei'agt-cficf,4l the' . and. abettor; 'admirer', 'Oalfatity , !' the, ;:de, was tliioUgh the , , tteptibli f . a ri counts convention aid tiot •;tostrup the Setiaairlal ~ y ir :mem" wilt4l3e Gholie of „the ; coanti.,'," L 'On :reflection 'theiet 46; miniilraitit' elia'raCta'r peculiar to each., Itoth Clllllp, here etlyentuiera 'fa eilteat l of;idirtfitittintrfliker . 6ctli•arimilittirk : • men- capteina;' their;inotit*:ind contlite.Ceerin , • , • ••••.• ici 4 tittiJilitietrtiiiilltitlVlMlttArigifitlVlSt . ~ i ?o,i4;tittled• - &-t;#l)ati - ' belott till' figlip. .FiniiiornniSnoftir• .: Tho" t , 'il ir te h lgrie - tinkil ;ttliits hplialiklit ft lii . !&lititi • :as l lo. -, ''',„titi.t . . itrotighf 110; Ti'ing• t. t rail , , o f' tar lit I :tetp-- - i 4irife" '—ttsiiiits •4101Or:on,..es'eturittl froniKtlietr• unprotii•kelt motharsll., ' lifek;itirer4 it ihr ie.! Iligi,otispaiiers i are hike ..iijijt:this ." th :'" tire sAnsilf:Owe"ll trifoi•Ointt,• i'lkie hetkited,ll644-• amid NO on t hikiruili . i# . fiery . Wii li s g , epti ft uar': •)srn". and ttli_ot het:loins. •,T,' , ,-•- -' • . - 1 - iTsi - Ittaite - this Oonshlitii , ttiough - t 141 in:this . t# L l•ki rb e *r;B 4 ol4 4 i 'il t 'o3l;PA i l'e•"PtYilr4' i • -. uglin tastit and - moral's; after trachtri.• - so•• low a n 'ebb; Inust-asientf.', 4- .ll'ho fttiOtt bt lead-1)3 - 11y • cannok•auF l viie,a..iiptvy in:liii, - contest:l i We havp;fibvrAe. llnit L yitrit Cowes: - will.' ever - 1 have a kniu47lqt4 ;, itinOesur in - this ,'sntuttot itil I,taltiueDATuitj 'oY.voyarts.--The Abolitionists are floodini,the country, ,With la . .large :handbill . irysisting upon the disqualification, of :all. nod' , - r t eporting drafted.;:ineri,„au„.i,‘,Skedadleise," ttpd ..perian 9 i y itct, a.proclarpation:in , paqsuance ther,eol.;, of.coPgr.ess, , ,oc. proclumationl does not, anilnanhot, affect the rights'ofciti*ens un der statelaW o.vote at •State: ;elections:. • .l he ,nights, they are said,tti forfeit' are.n,ational : lights thay:otld „not sue. in... ()Ailed ~S,tates-; courts, they' could not ohtaip passpprts„as, oitikens.;,of .the U.nitedSlates, they,could !paid 'WIC., tin-, der:t he:gnited , Stu teli fi noy. ezeroise4oy rights peculiar to-,lUlliteAStatee. . is not a .tinlted States right.: In' many, . States . negcoes,and•fo,reigners,.w„ho are not citizens• of §tiittts ni.e.:. The ,fight :vote' regelated; by 311 e. several States and. , The elect lothla ves Pennsylilinii:..ilefer,mine. who , a re, . O'2.a re net e nti trod, to vote. :The act of Con,gress.does not. touch. State •eleitioth4 offices,,or„rights,,,.even , by, •implication: any, mati: pc pa - erg( :men, attempt to 11104 or iati.ineclate yrters, as such according , tii,our State tp heavy' penajtieV r should 'Any elecfion•„bnard refuse sUcii ii iiete tliy alssx)iubla, and should .ke.d r eit with according jaW., , Th ahauld •, ho,:no:quest ,but purty•one.of Siate rights th'it.maintainance of theserights PreSitlent giiited Statei stands pledged. , . • .e•A better informed- - clearer 'hei'ded • soimdei l'ininyled•man than :tent. Co , does" not •re„i•ide wit +dry the limit : 6'6f NlCKhan. of, the Miner.. ' ~• ...Timi:Pciihe 'was as cl.ar 'headed',.'well•inteeth, ed (Seine. dotil;tS abotft hiVSOMichnirid When he wrote his ago" of rt_eitiOn) as; any . Man - 'within, the . limits . Mrciteiin iiinntyi'yet.'hii book is: now,. anti alW4ys has been, • rejected, and dis .cen.titOitinted•cycyy . tootrellizen i from the titne*,it 'Was finblished uj)to , ,the present, hedr, and hOWeief may be the "right elan' American citizen to enjoy his owifopinions in private life, it he is an infidel in belief ,, be must not intrude himself 'Open the rielilic•nnd seek. high 'places' places too; 'Where •L— -' c4ertact,'.incire ' less', 'in .Volves authenticity tin,d.highest iegard, fdi . „ fid'thC , • aper ertticisms . and cenedreof hls:Constituttits... „ •• De.Ori()Tl2‘ 111 n:: Eprroti;• • , J i• . • . . . . • ,Spore forty-Jive. to .forty-elx yeersrage j wheri.we had in.,Ourdearold, favorite, McKean the most.skillfull, 'eipprt and.accneophished -set' of young axnl ), .`o I ,World ever Prodtleetbor ever will.prodoVe,.jidglitgfrotii)he sppearinee of th lags t t ,p reds t Any ,and,a ef . the world; It used to Ilea matter..el delight, of a still end beantiful.MOrning, to . ..trallt eking and lliiterr.to the sound of from fifty to' one.hun. tired axes and to,the report bf the huge , jam. piles that , were thrown tosetherl:and then . followed those splend,d fites:-L--first . the:burning of .. the fellows—then hundreds upon 'hundreds 9f, log -hiaps; - in f,pll blaze.., 'This; sir, created- an es .gitement and enthusiasm: . unquestionably equal to..therair of eannan ' 'A:he - rattle of firearms on the, field' of battle, and vastly. tr:ore, itimottent. :to the world at large and, particularly, to Ale-, ICian county:' those.days, the 'ainbition ;our young men wasto lmnroVe..ned beautify the land 'With erops..ef.wavin g giainAto ,hank ering afterldleness . .and Office; and for'what of fices were to he filled,' pro Per; aged and e4per. ienced' Men' were selected:'. Young men did' pot, in these . /.IsYS'thlnk of Intruding themielves 'upon the:publie.: things. have ehange , h now every young 'renegade Upitart that chanie seems to throW inttioafileit old'eminty; "'wfthL out causing one single-tree to be cut &Own ) or • ?pea!: of grass to gib:iv, hiniself enti- . .. tied to attthe priirilegel 9f °dice, and -seems to thinicittirf the;borie 4nil kirievi:of .the couniy.‘ ylki boie the heit'aioldlE ti b aTiNn "of,the• clay-- are'!iply' fif fur hewers of *604 &nil .4raAiirs.•ot . . Nowls, it ,poisible:tbat the're.are none'of the old stock Ol men; or thetlecendiats of the old Settlers, : ithaf are fit for offleiy.but•that nothing but art' titinsitoCy:gand of lniiuderit Must take .the,'lead all public offaiia; anti those . to . rightfully heloPgs,'Orouch vo , ..many : whipped slavcs, and :not ,even_raise , their.voicea against' anal impertio- ,eriee--auch:iitlufferable:ahase: ...,• . • • Ajr...r,iiitor, I. am an Old manintat all aspiring days and diairest,or"olnce,andqor riaysellhave littli , or nothing to care about: mattete' and rhings,'iislor a's respeitemysell•or fainilr; but for the . gotia vivant vrof McKeati,'lor :which , I have mide'so-tnuch , aacrillce: I do,cis?e. . THE. lESHES, An tiIDIEATES. . , ' i No Democratic or con s ervative, voter- should alloWthew e 'on't° pass, thinking .• that ~,the ' 'o(ficce, to he.•fnled . for ' the Stet o' . •taist • tri• Oal. , Thejotticvs are not trivial.. They cantle used' formuclygootl or evil • according , :to • the mannet tn.whtoi; they are filled. , It is •'highly itnportini r tiierefore o thurhonest and ~ c apable ,men shall be chosen. Beshtee this 7 principles and Dovernment„. policy demand that „every voter 'alien approve qi.,Coridemri vr,he; has.' been set before, the people by : the rivat§late Wevekt liOns.ai the'creeds'aparty.,,,.p'n th•,:,niie , sidV the Republican , leadeis hive declare/I their;prin ' CiPles'ind idea , pf.pittilic.,peljCY .to 4,77 .. • . .. , I. ,Op'pesitien tosnd dondermetiqs of .P'resi,, 'a4nt Johnson . and:hie poliyr •'; ' - .”-. t * '. ±&, • Carifiscatioacf all re b e l propiFty, Yaluea at ,rore:ihan tan tho'osind dellars;: , ,: - •,;., if 544,,,1ye andaesiy nor, pardons te co( itesebeli t ' Aiiit:' , loip'eiretishment, , Oanishmer,t imprt son 'ssiesit: ind'tha rope ter ill •whe, par, icipated.' in ti . 4.F . Pkiniiimii• - :•.:', 0 *•,- , '-• 't. : -?) - - I; ' * '- t'; '- I'.l - 74:"TIth * disfithptien A rtoil,so q ttken k fandp and et iiir firdpertY Uniting, the riegreeeentt nloyal" losffeieri'tiy ° the .yrer,-4hat• tss,,,its ', aiYiti.inn in sacitmentieris'yvill earich_Nerthern .speceta? S., No Union of the State. .ofor a it'while " etti)l,pieSlioddy leaders have_ . aecuyed an„ ever- , liatieg b 4 p,ld npert ~theoineketGevernmetql. , - • , •: 11: . o . ,iL itindjekerrn_goe,4,4 ; hept .up. ia . the Setithlis,'"Wiiegitit'the negroes•is their • etolen • qt :•-':,:,,',f - - . ' • ' , •• ' ...„, . . . Inti*i k atitr •7 T ree Briir el;: rik' rii4ed inyierd'cititG.overhniariCratlitie t te . 01e,riiitroie; toilioreer the Artieri.7,enicifij«ni,of'Afrreeh de comglltted'• : end to keep , *if*hitee ,in:; , etnetii t; blabl.inehrieeti* :, `„ • 1" - OpPoiiticiti io eilettirx . atinn; snatenced in their hostility to t gation of t ie'tbree hens 0 , i,ropert I.bende, : hehl mostly: by .themeelven: and; their . I •v,veulthy ; elfodyArjendi!;.:. A :high tarith`andonost an _ exii:ort duty , on Cotton, en that the' pviducel . •robbeirior't,he' benefit cringe merteo that the ti:i4Y be mido 'richer' and the poor. poorer,so.that North e rn.' ediienttitere• ableto build,lip , forturiee , .i;y:the.' tacterer:Or febries.:nnt : of the rirOduCid upon Southerdiontischted.estiteirprdrurell :fort —next In nOthingr •,. 10. Negro s'uffrage,and equality:, with all ' its: degradinglinddevelinglen'Oncies ; .: Contjai it.rifei':ciinfiniiird-'.expendifine;; .c . imitinded.loans; intitinued.jaxatien,.. arid ..ireve , nue burthensi . eontinued plyildering,or 'the ern'ment continsed degrade.: tion of.thelaboring , elassesf destructionand ultimate of, democracy ' ,and kip-4 Qd.the othestile, the'Dein§eracy:dpose 44! • üboi , e, programme pt t *leaders, and cinsequently every inek %On Casts nominees of the Democratic 1.-'!l'ia install) Op•Presiiiio rind• hi's pOlicy..of , ,restotaAion,so;far es,it.hea been developed; bFing!thelouthern Stateispeedily info the . trnien;io, that; with • , and resumed hiduatry, t hey. iney help.materially fopi el . iefie the Northern :.Working-:classes of their,taz 3, , Tei getriitolotaMliaOrmies arid freed-. men* . buieau s so. t hatilegimes ma y. not 'enjOy aill4 l lol4osV.Vo.lMg ..erim;coythent. Orid Ike lihooda while NortheroJoiltliers and their NM- Wei Wa.M.for hreath: -.':.!...,. • :, i-. ~...', . . . ri ..4. To make taxation alikejnpon all -elaee, airthat.the working paen may not:lie'eorripelled to•.beer the liorthena • r& - To.regulate tariffs arr that'''ihe'•constimer• July. he benefitted ..• alike with he . •pi o .„. oppose negris , iuffiageoll its 'dolosing. By keeping 14e:foregoing issues of the • . 1 two .parties hefare hirn,.tio voter can go astray" The .have: been: cal triV :mad op - and deliber ately put .forward byt the resPective . leaders, end. cannotte rhistakeri. • The; opposition 'of the I,tePub.lican Jenders - t h Pres t " is • prominent in their, platform arid hai not' .'beeii denied' by them= in fact,. be Wilder'. of their .5000 :Cpfivention; Thaddeus Stevens; • hes reiterated ; ' in a'speeCh of still 'stronger leap age; the hostilityithey.feel towardi t it Presi depee . Their'issue of ' negro :satire Le Re% been made by—solar aryWe 'can escertcri•fiotn Out limited'rescuWes- , siz•Tlepublielfncoulity . .'6on. ventiOns, ci•b ri feu r .RePtitilican n e pripers.of the. State.". Thus'at' least,, halt . their State. organs 'have' prOneunVed.'uneorvcically fcrr striking the Word White,Out o ..the Southern States, and also, out of -the pnikittition of PennsylVartiat': In regard tolh'k - ether . .poitilSat issue; iheir platform and the tetechings of 'their •argans remdve , all - dgibt.. • . . Thus', voters of Pennsylvania; the issues are, made up, and it re • for your to decide.. .The State candidates ofre'red to you by' the Dem. 'ocracy have been brave - soldiers--their wounds serso-4nd•we'know that theY are capable and. 'hoaist meit.... In'the varioue. districts and coun, ties' we know that . ..many'gallfrin' and ,deserving Soldiers. have also:been 'nominated, along 'with ctvilirnd Who areite;setvingoqistinetion., They ahould.a.ll be supported with', animity.—.Pkr. 4. .7 • ". ‘.• • • DEBIOCRATLC POI'S VIINTWL . •. Ddegates. from ,the .several townships • met, pursuant to pat; at the• Court, Molise in Smeth-: port, on Tuesday,the 240 Seta.; and organized by'ehonsing E. J„l3.sansu,Presidenti and elect ing i. I ~ T 3esa and M. N. Polviti.r..Seetetariei, The , following per.sons presented : , their.. cre dentiais ari'd,weye admOted as delegates: . • cirrs--E. J. - Barber, S. S; .Cla rk:. .• ~Eldred,Naoan Dennis, James CaniPbell . .. • Keating-D'. ; Yi Sheiird, J. L.'• Bean Libert.y 7 l4 ! Coleman;.E •.. • Nerwieti—A. E. Gallup, M. D. Comes. •• Sergeant- 7 P., Barnes, - trilvin , Petiis.' 'smethpott Boreugh—B. D. Hamlin , S. Sari- :Himlin—William Fields; Orrin Perry. • . Powell.. Bradford,— . Philo 'AckleY, C.C.. Melvin; . - . The• tc4nships Annin,. Corydon, Lacey.: et te,, Otto and Wetniore .w?lie•not represented. ,On motion, it.was egieed that this convention vote viva voce far the 'eatultdates io be selected: E. B.; Douce, of : liberty, was, nominated for CoMiniesioner l , and•,•recoving ;the' highest number . vorea,•was deClared nominated. ' .Pr. Q. W. ROLIIIiNS,• of Norivich, was duly noriiinated.forToroner.. . On 'motion, J. I.k. plias!" was", nominated for "A'uditorby'acciannation.' , . .• On'mtition'A., iilanitars -was ° nominated (or . Suivqor• • - ''••• 'On Motion it Was resolvedlhat the,Demoera ey of' MCKea'n inunfy concur in•the nomination, bock Maven as,our eantli : ; date for 'Slate' SPnator.. . • , - ' • On motion; 4 ' was agreed Oat-this convention ratify . the ripminattoß,. of,„ it. • ELDien 'of Cameron county., for Representative in„.our ; Suite Leaislattire. • •• On" motion it vres.,resolvedthat we silo en dors'e, ttie resolutions of .thestata ceirivention: Tti.f following parse!. were - appointed 'a . -Stintling,committeerfor the ensuing year: • .Al:mationg, W, S. :Brown:- Motick that: the:, proceedings' be published in iie.:Meredn eouniy..pipseeras.. .Adjonriled, , • E. ;1; BARBER, Prer'i , . VolOme„#imilivint; .... • . . I . Ibat. fury. AcpubliCan.;State Convention :prommtint,,Republican:Stateeman Ar. • every Repdblicag county . convention .or Meeting, n!I every flttpublican candidate now befereito that iyaftipciken at . all. on • the _aubject, has DE _ 'Ed INYAVOR OF NE rIIO SUFFRAGE; and CONSEQUENTLY IN FAVOR OF NEGRO': EQUA LITY!.' 'As* 'itire . as.thetßeiiblieart patty is continuedin'powerk Negro sufferage win be granted, itt."; true thir some of. She 'authorities, named. have not ,Spokimptibliciyn• o the ..subjeCt;.hei sihen an. ; i‘nportant itssults.lbefore the: publie then th - ose ,prominent parties and..tnen:.who dodo' are 'Sure tope on, the..,wrong • ' Itt 3 IEMBER;:‘,. • ; , 'That It you vote for the Reputtlicaii cendidatee •.e • • - you vore in ;favor of ,continning tp‘,.srstelept,, , ,FOURT.DOrifiAND AIIILLIONS of propertyln thebende Cif ''JicONEY ENDERS (roni-ta a t and this 4e6sieuey must be readt.up.4,impos:- , 3 - 4e?› iris it ''.°•!!!' n t 1 ,,, v ,,, . 011 „,i iiiii i i i iyi.olc , , ,ipen ." r4lOl I atilt i - tiiiiiii it'd t IrCllPl fiiii i nst, It trbd dbanica ktabarers irmarl ", - e'Y'ic s , ii) • • 1 ',lltritaii'r t he . cortitiqqk!ginewt can filit,ip PTA r t e ir4lfti v°ta 1 a 1 1 "0f,4, 1 e,P 1, 64,4 initiadikiraar 0 iirehtl, 8!? - 6 1 . 11111. e#iavrtiaffliik irdliiior of Ar,gm ;irdridirWarratm and itilieriloon{ni,g itaitfas,lYkilse roic f liei.ofse, in;lisro ,of _obit— . s tinning and keeping 'in . office, a , , , e x t,", agen x and unreasonable salaries, Isnot& nuanssy`tit of ee,holders to il'at' oat your , :substilititp' air barren; irou and your ibdidrii,,itfths'ilpisi;essiolli Our. State taikinimbilety courCalnesmi4oiLiediT.' lee( "all the ta:kee,,State and Ittbatjrinit.ttiithfblit littlemsore imat than tit tgesetir, yet 'initidditlin ' to th..t . you 01 Clinton;soiling alitiosiiiiiiiV4iiiifrt ered_lipon a.- San of„colleetonif assiatant col.: Imiore, assesssors and assisting as seissonii their cierks;•rtinners, &e.iii - most extnitritgiurt iat, ' a ries. , li you - vra n t titi'llo • ii,wii' these. thinips . you can 'only actomptisii yon!y_urPose'..by !rot--; ing against the Repdblican candidites: ~ if- ' you sate for , the Republjran ,'C'andidiiii:e , you vote' di reetly in favor Ot'social,:degnidalli s sf y .. Negro equality; eltnivaganee z in politic ?gait's, h *4l.lbi minecessary'oßlC:ers; inereasei).9izat -40,'144 tid for the oppreision Ai the hibetirig iiitnr ipits . e country, and for the abridgement of , ' tt.e esh , rights • ofyrbite men,' To rintlicaTqr \ 4 %10,1\ Apar r 4 a and to protect, yopr _ltbrrties, '''filiOUSE, :FREEMEN!" •-•.: ills on.the . 2d„Tuesday , of ;October, and vote foi:ilie.eandidates who are opposed ter. ifofirrontre Ave have enumerated: ,If : do not,.theißepubliran ,pa'rty'. will' iticceed . Miff. ihen . lbirerils complained of Wilkbe eorknueof and myriadamore'of same adtt are in store. ter. yeti!' ' , *. IMI==1:1M TO THE P.r4MA: Or /ILO OSTLVALIII4I,2 DE.I4 0 OSA \ Tie STATE t DI TEA L, COX. Roostea : • piti LA P j SEPT : , ' 2l t e,metiinctrotit.. internal conyul sion, abiidt to enter upon new' coreee.' '••••i• Shell 'wehe leunehed upon the ,;highway ineressetl . powet.and granden!,"•or upon *dela ilistractice.tioestinne affecting our' social': ans political : tplations? : • • . :Shitll.ilie Constitution biatir eNitt; ;or -will we'trt!et,otsr bark to the guidaheti'prptaiitanieat sghlimaticst - - • The :IYeinOtratie party arrayed io onited.phalann.tinder.the-barmer•Ofthe Conk!. tenon, and marches sitr•by alde with the ..Pre-. .sideot his restoration The..Wpithlican partris . diStracted in sentiment and. diviiled in eOuncil...its platfortn; its press, 'its. candidates, and . its ;central. authority fail. to met the spiestioosof -the :ivinvpresent, and, tear to faCethe reeities of the 'immediate ftl ttiri:. They seeleto .rover "the, future beneathT the lifeless events of the '.paer.- phlivious of'. debt, olifiression,:and . shoddy; they, prate of their eel iiees,:theif sacrifices, and their. loyalty; 'and. ,unite invective, supplisi, the place of !panty ,declaration of opitiori.. • •: pest le yaluable:only.as a enide:, to the present and future:, . • • : . . . , Prat , tical,Aiarneet, honest ....tnelt;." went set* and for the pieseitt:anAlfutdisiti .. The' pieseni; it nd . the futuie-ttoW 4teilind o; the Republiceiniplarty , thatit ehatt eljewerr Ist. ARE . TOO FOR ,OR *GAINS*. PRCSIONINT ion NOON'S POLI : iiiccirivarftveritora... , . . . . . .. . . . . 2,1. A REyotr rim o . A . G4INIIIT, 21Epito .407.: FRAGE 4 ND . .mctio?QuALirki, .• • .': - '... .• . • • • *DENOCRA 01 F•ritfInIVIXAMA, • • • hour of your opproeiOhsi. • ituOliomy• dividedin'teuusit dia 484404 Ire send mins is . lOfor! yoit,, • ' , ,s• • • • " Whit,' gheY :Mai* le twit Our Arcs;i" , demi , obbish of the past, "lea. ur .pieregthisr 'w6k•tr,'d the' . vital issues ,of the', nisiktyr: *— • .•• • A ROVSZ TO ylappoutrarD DETERMINED A:IVMM AND YOU MINIT BE VICTOiIDUS. - By order oldie' Dethocratic State central WILLIAM A. WALI:ACP!, Chairman; Some uf our Republican *exchanges' are orging'Demogratic , eilitors ito.cOnsult.Webaterl's bictionnrY-• - 4%atlinith was notorionely 'as-. rani' a federalist. es any .. one of the Pam- . ocratic editors are chary of his' efidition . ,of.,.: l „ words to which . ,bia predifeeticnCemild aid him in :imparting % meaning:. Thejr.greatly r t - Oseter Consulting jefferson.'s.dictionary, the de... kfitiftions from which never lead eitblr Men ..or nations astray. , Webster may be the standard., , • with Ri.publicans;bet Jeirereon is , beth law and gospel to those•havfpg . the' coed of the, cou ntry. • st.heart: Webster goes too .far ',end e.Fiends • 'hip sorrago to criminals,. and' negroeS, . while Jelfertion corillnes his-lo those on. whose'. brow Goa has stamped ihtelligenCirand' whose , skin themmask as fitted:' for political . frateiniza 7 .. tion.=Dantii.llllaid• • * The - Nevi , York lierilld.sakkthe ,tiernoersey must be the basis of the - future party of. the trniqp; and those who take'their place* in; ; ranks can alone be sure of :eientnallY -being with the President Intl the restored • 'lri Srietttiort,withiteverlitigor the 27th= ult., offer airotracted Mums, MISS,WI.IAEIaZA. McCOY, daughter.of pr. W.. 7:.MCoi; sled . .• ' • . • . . . • ,• • . 0. Tt: Yri)prietor, Y, Shiites Teal." • • this bowie for Port:villa, cores sod Smetbport. . The il(PalleiN new; Yktn!turt new, NM Sinn do . r9plete order . - -•••• .1111011. 4Airmit.• • ATTOINEr AT 141111';;Sinilth*Illi *twin Pa. Apnt • for ranors;.Keating *' 004 ••'Lands. „Attend; especially I. the Collection of claim; Xialnieation of Land Titleir l'ayrnent of and all' btudneavrela= to Real fl:itate t Officetn Ilatadits Block. ' ••• • .4 ~ , : 6,N.;::1c;. : ., , ,*.1- : *ls. o l,:io.'i • PRTI3/CIAN filliteXoX, OPNV:.I - Cl-1, 141',IitAlST CO., t. 11: :CAT. •Tl(6 OLD:OOIiIi`IN:rL:AE:).. Da. ,w. Y. lIEVOIt., SOURH-E A S'T CORNER WAIN 'STREET KENDAL-CREEK HOUSE. NANDADCRESE. lIMAN; CO., PA,, . ... . HE Hoi l e. riberta iii; . pt rebate d. '.. e yv. elt.•: `—T lootali titiinii, and re , ;fitinished ' tiii. , ii-fil. to the, Hottoe, is preps* to nitertam Board era and the 'Traveling . pubile. • -•- ' . - . • '-': •• ',.. • .1-II a BAR:AND :Alit, E 5 ,.. - • ' rWill.be Well elipplled,',2oii : ive.l7oing dime tte.±:mrit 'hire or.patronage. , ,•Raft inen will alweis find the • Att;'•EULLER. • Kendal Creei. • Tenuity 2, 1820. 0•'• 3e-iy
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers