i'l FR •-- f g.,F,:ikK'g.;4,SelAlt; 14:4111111irly • gatogisier 0-`44 l o 4 o,4Et : Ekittiiir**kra ii l 4r,l `-• 4/It4l= RAPHS. ,',;64.1271,4111;dr1t0.. +I 41i empreter, considerable THOORANO,dif/erent rmtpjecti (to fituktllt, Continually being made) goltitollo'. • OS Statesmen, _olll49.eforkilil/4 127_Diirinesi ,-] Aythors, !!4.' prptcomoids• '„ 30. idt r Its, .1 12 - B t•gcs , rSill;OnlyrOficege: ~..46.Prominent WOmen; =>v?,,!,..4l,,ftiMtinerl Foreign,Portralte. • ‘kaos COPIES OF ,WORKS OF ART, teprodeitione of tbe matt:celebrated Eneitreiner;llPtintinge Stained; Ice. Catelogoes ',sent*. ree.lpt of 'Stamp. 'An' order for One' 1 = Dellen:TicrußEd (rein our , catalogue will be ieceipt of $l.llO, and scot by mail, • • ‘-• - • ..........AD3IIIIIiIEITRATORIB NOTICE.: etitti3:l:et,tee' (if' A dtni . nistrotinri '. to • th. 4 /Ile* ttlAsumr. C. Gluon, late of ' Cameeop,emin;y; deeessed, have been. granted • te:ltft.Ast!ilstiketp ,all periwne indebted to the !lAi4'E.S!",(f!kri....%'9laillted to .iilake immediate -P•YPIP:4O,4n4 th 0 1, 4 1, .Claimnpr demands against the•Esinte of the said decedent will gaike known the side to •• . • ;•:: - • wm: t.xilßsortri . . At the Law °Mee of Nawrom & ELDllitti, • . F.mpor ium,.Ca In eron county Pc'- . • 18.4. ' .t 1.k1111V5 . 1... / f.SSE.NTIAI.::..: . :cOFFEI , , The meet heilthy, 41 ; .Tige snout no most doliciout. .11 . tVIIAR.4tT,ION:Of COFFEE IN THE„WORLD, 'O...r_.'i?'"i'',o ...f..T..-....w._. Visit Toffee is prepared under a formula from Sheisreat Gleriusa Chemist PROFESSOR LF,zruct, - ind gives the , essential toll strength ' a n d deli-, close' flavor of OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA ' ' f)fflPEE,'whielfis the only quality of Coffee • aced piegtritiOri, Without any of that nar cotic quint, which to asillY•darnages the nerr ~ 1 4)-s *latent rn rite trie.oi even the best 'grade s at Coffee niOrdinatily prepared; it ,givei the essential tonic and diuretic 'elementi - orttindelion, without`.the rtheibr,” . . , 441ifIlt taste so diignititig, and yet always found In'thifOrdinairpandelion COffee. . • ' • litiiimern to , ell netminted'erith chemistry Apt tbe'.,eisen3e, or oil, or whatever name May 'be it, when properly and Scientifically 'ob • toined from any herb or plant, is a far different article from that produeed by putting that plant into Water 'and boiling ,it out-,permitting the escape. of the moat . ' exquisite , and , reliable , strength ind ICiving the 'emirs* and earthy drug. percipitated or in - eoluition. 'So thiSpreParation Combines tha ,exqUisite stems of thifJaiia Coffee; With thei.bigheat es sentiat eiteellinee'of the most choitie,Dandelion' yielding"the spirit without the grosser earthy body of bottar' thereby avoiding the .deleteriouto affects Of troth and .becoming at the . ' same ,time DIFIIOIOIIS lii('oo.:lcilkiliiiiid . .loirili . ..kink Ku' In thr ilierldbeins et once • foirersign iskete . ad of pooducer DIVITIffiI4: , AND..PIII4III4IL. N,IIIII7OO6,MLITT, 1 , 141 . 4101111;1 1 11.31$11 Or Till H.1.1.*D., COiiirstivis, === . . • • AND Linfecei. . •-; beeenu itiligreat Tonic and 'Diuretic ,The Simple facl':tbat the preparation it from "•,Bariik:Leibig F a / a m - end it to the attention teas scientific in'all paitifthe country. while, the.bse• it pnen'andlOrotsientlrprotie ,• to the Meese. everywhere -the t is the long needed dissideratutn—in • • The immense popularity. of this Cabo in the Workt'is, an earnest that its' ass end Okla r kt*, fieelekiie be,houwi to..:lneconto „o- • • Ailifiroit‘MiWaFiiticip•not to be overlooked in roptAili'the mittir, , i. that • • • • '''',' • L: , 7, ,, 7, 0 0p-sassuyikordpilay Ogeen Coffee than Lilt flitcpiantrty,tatlva iki`;',*101,1111,1111.1. Is' - A its use proves ' miri• \ "" . .llViesitiiii'posod to ,beelisspet t ,ft!! .` lrp es ;JA, ,s.thf ! 101 -in, I get;l S/3 P rit s oiveequii , per: /ride— - • • • rt lvx,, p to srbsrir all •`',' • . T E SUBSCRIBER " ' pi ) , cash es for Bid, *- , Pirite; Doer Skins. Old: Copper and Tin; foil, &nee of !- kinds, Tattles -Feet v Bviitrhes, Eorns•of otil India Rnbker,•and Thie*4 Fruits of el4tij deierirtion: persons knvine any _thehand; in quintiyies.nay addraserne res.. *itienie and will Call . forthem. • - .' • • firadford, McEran co, Pa. iiiovstC. • ' • Bt7LTi* Rs, IN THY', ARMY' A$D- OUR itT:IIOME ort l noir ofreted . iin opporunitr ,by'-whlo..they GOOD AIR 11111 1 / 1 11LE TIME-FICE, WARIANTED TO KEEP TIME ONE TEAR PROVED LULU l RILL It'll RVIII! . ... A . first dale Hunti ng Tiine • Piece of silver . n.aterial, Over. Which is:electra.flne plated 18 k. % old,..moei•iltirablY wrought, - mikingthe imita .lim;so faultiesa'that If cannot inadetected from' Cite, solid • materiel i:py., the most. "experienced iti.il;tes; acids will not affect It. • London'inade moyement.- IMPROVED DUPLEX , in rtMr.. Runy •Aorion,' him sweepureconds, and is not to'be ex culled in general appearance. TIMS IS iD4IDED; . 1 V one of •t he,pesT ArrroLairever Offered for ire ddi and•speeulatore.- - .Errominaa; exisoniiirit; 111.14ERSONSVRSVELITIO . , wiii•find:them superior i. t any other; alteration of 'Climate. will.not 'RI— C et" their lecnracy: Price, ilaclied in' gorid e inpe'arid /MA running order, only $35, or case ..1 0 for . s2oo. • .. , . .. , • ' • . lI,VER DOUBLE TIME HUNTING LET VEST QUALITT'SILVER CASES,• over, , . electro—fine plated 1,8 k. gold;ainnilar is mit . INTROVICD "Dpiq.xx,:nnil 'superior •.adinsted tintAetrientiieith , .Stop,'! to he used' in timing huffier), eq.; haa'FoottirtnExes for used,' aill Greenwich time, sweep egcolidoind alf the 41 10 vernents. • All in all, , taking ita beautiful 411,1 fnultleas.appearance and, its superinemove. • tient into Consideration, we.regard it as deci .legy : the Cheapeet.article of the kind in the. trtarket.- Price, in good running ,Orders $35, or noes of ,e for $200.. ' .• • :' • . 1 % 0 1 1 4 ask no pay in , advance,, but will for— ward either of them , to reoponoittle piirtieo, to nny part of the loyal Statesystrith bill payable •In expressman yrherithe goods • , ores :delivered, giving the .buyer the privilege of examination, a d if not satisfactory the ' watch can.be return s lint our expentie, . . . . . . The express companiesiefose making collec t( no ossoldiers snit othor' parties in the dieloiA nl States,ionseiperitly al) sub orders must . bi at ioinpanicrby the coati:to insure sttintion.- 11 t makes dednetion of two dollars on either teh -when the payment, is forwarded in.:ad— * • •- tomey may. be sent by expreie tat cur ex— THOS. CA FfERTY 9 •• end 95 Broad St., oppovite City Bank, " " •• . Providence,ll.l. 1111007 COMIIIII. 114.4, looldai, wiA . hooloor So. 2, lull Illasofootorioi, orLtlt Mutable, . . ' I No, S. Logo Itanutiotoriag, with llidon. oioa Tabli, No, 11, Largollaparsotoring, for Loath* Toot sod Oh top, . is be belt bissise IMIrScWN le.atltcl.al l 0 ewe. Me awl peril's le 'RNA' Ibis Mlacjiiiisc is timer 41s= . , Your al4ntion is also. called to 01e SH'rTTLIg; I.,.otetile'd,JOne.`.26tti; .. It is well known that tie with • spring centre..is preferable to any other—hut' .111 • great ohjectionsigainst its use: wag on account of its spring gettintout of order, having then to be pot in .the the .hands of a skillful tnichanic to be The EMOirethutile is Am, simple that •ny operator can repair it without loss of time or ex , Agentt Wanted' far all Towris in, the United States', where A genti are not alreadj establish ed; Mee; Meet)* Meticii, Central end SOuth Arnerleairo whom a liberal .discount will be Torms,inviriehly Cosh on delivery. T.:: 11.111111121111 • Mk • • ISIS& **.' - •il4llll ouumuiziA.Al)"sais son. Thia. s rent. line straireifine •the Northern and Northweet.conotiee of Pennlylyania to the airy of, Erie,' on LeitivErie. : - • • • • It hes been' leased-by the Pclasr.yaNta R. R. COMPANY, sodas operated by thani. • Its entire length was openedlor passenger and freight business, October 17th, 1864. SIKE.OIPAIPSIOGIIIt TRAINS AT ZMPORIT.M. . • • Leave_.Esetvrard,, Mail Train t ea • Jipil Triini THIN Or TASISNOtaIItAINS AT WILCOX. , - , Through Mai,l Train, . 11:44 A. M •Accommod4tion, 8:05 A. Legva Westward • 7A'hrough Mail Train ; • 12:28 P. M. • Acsommodation, . • • • • ' 7:04 P. frt. • Pasietiger care run •throligh wiinoirr ousaon both.yerigsfietween Philadelplikand Erie. • Et.coarit Stautritso ears oti'„Express trains biith *aye, beticeen,WilliarnspOrt, and Valli.: more and • Williamsport and Philadelphia.. For 'information. respecting •Paqsetiger ness apply 't the SC" ,K..rirner i ptli 'and Mar ket Streets . ; Fliileidelphii.l •• ; And for Freight business oui Company's A'gn to 13th and Uarket Sts4 Philadelphia. • • ~, • Reynold', Erie... • . .'J..U. Drill, Alien! N. C. R. R.;Biltimore.• '1 • . • ' ries!/..,Friiol4s`t ,••• B: Owsnaci,' • • Aet Sara.. J05.,1); . • . I • . • • WINN Moysiliaer ~ ~'~, CARR! CASH!! CASH!!! VERY 'LOW FIGURE; OUIe . WATOESI AM) TAO Ire AILLOWIIP. vivp PRIVILEGE OF EiAMINATION Blfors Pilaw is Ravvi•rd. M=ffi= 445,111. Proad*rai., Leave W;liward, lIEW ERIE RAILWAY'. eif • eco m meneinig*,soidiyl:iinuoir 4th, 1864.. .Traino leavo'Oleen at . ibout . the follovying Klett r.ii.reer, Mall .o , • :• Way FrAiihi, No. 21, ' *. Night Exptesi, Way Freight s ; •:. .• •. , •• 1:45 P.•M NATHAN! EL: MARStI, Recefori.:*. '•• • . CHARLES . Den'! Siip't. CdP , SHAKF.- AND Sh'etice end . Burn! • • . Thi4 isthe life otegony'enclured , btthe aut. fer'er'from . Fever and Ague. : . wailers like sn Uncertain phadow.; never knowing what mo.. merit he. may be prottrated,and. therefore . die. inclined to . give any serious attention. ta:huii notss; 'This te the condition -of.. thousands 'in. town and country. .. It is no.exagerationto - aay thet Fever anill'Ague, kill. more . people than anY'rvientY other diteasee in America. For sure and speedy curt,of ihiclerrittla : stalk ion,. we talie•areet pleasure . in-reeomMending HOS TETTFAS STIIII4 ACH.PIFFTF.RS, which hare already.oehieied.re wide re . qutation fur.rapid end powerful.effOts in . renovating the ayatam proatrated•by this dteease. - ;••••.. . For sale by Druggists and dealers generally, everywhere.. , Great hiprevesients in Sewing isehine, EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACIIINE Pattent. 4.•Februarkl-tii,:l3.Cl • , SALESROOM AM SROADWAY' • This Machine is coultiectid . on entirely new principles of mechanism, possesaing molly ' rare and y a luahleimproeernents, having been eim ined ny the most profoond experts end pronoun. ced to he SIMPLICITY and PERFECTION COMRINED.'" • , . The following .are' the Principal 'objections urged eg,ainet.Sewing nischitiese, • F.—Excessive fetigue to the operator. . to get'oilt et order. Expense, tro-,:tile and toti' of .tiniein•repair, . . .4 , ,--Ineaparity to aew . everr_description of ma- 's.—Disagreelitle noise while in operation The' Empire leylig !attune il'Eiempi. all : th 1 Objestioac . • It his 4 , lttaighf needle. perpentlictilar action, makes.the Pvic.or Shuttle Stitch, which 'will neither Rip•nor" ravel, and is alikeonhoth aides; performs. perfect seviiov, On every , . , description of material, from Leather to the. fin' st Icanlook Enslin,•with cotton, linen or silk thread, "from the coarsest to the un'eAt. number: • • Having neitiler CAM. nor COo' WHEEL. and the le .. ast•possible friction, it-runs as smooth as glaSs, and it • . ' EMPHATICALLY NOISELESS . MA . CHINE! • • . ' . ,It requires FIFTY PER CENT less power to drive it than any other machine in market: A girl twelve years old can work it iteadriy, without fatigue or, injury to health: • • Its strength and WONDERFUL SDIPLICI TY•of construction .render it alrixist• imposaible to gefout of order, and is GUARANTEED by the company' to give entire 'metier" tion % ' • We respectfully Invite all thosi..vho may sire to'aupply themselues with n superior arti cle,to call and exirmine this UNRI VADED MA- Bat in a , aore special manner do we .solicit 'the patronsge of ' MERCHANT TAiLORS.COACHNAKERS, HOOP SHIRT MA NUFACT CRIERS, SHIRT end BOSOM MAKERS,' DRESS . MAKERS, CORSET MAKERS, GAITER FITTERS, 'SHOE BINDERS, VEST and 'PANTALOON 111114114111111 sag cluzrusuassintirriois Dili bilibentlly s issit with or , 1.1. denier el Utak sal Ckestust Streets PHILA.DEL . uptbics Tffi MANAGEMENT OT • L.' FAMIANKS J.' M., ro'r'th. last (obi yearsPrineipalsind chief hum. nose issenager of BIYAhT STRA : TI:ON . 3 Corn. mereisl'enlege. • gi C. 14111611, .. • . Conducted on anew/ system of Actuai Business Trglinag, through the estah,lishment Of. legiti— mate Offices sndfounting.pouseevrepresenting different department(' Of Trade 'and Coniinercei and rep* 864 of pep:intent( 'sine, ing the student all the ..solvantates of. itetu.i pract!cei end 'qualifying. him , in the shorteit p ori ible Jima. and :most effective manner for , the nations •dut les 'end employments of,husiness The Course of inetructions in the Theoretical Department embraces Book keeping, , Commer. CiarCalculations,, Lectures on Business Affairs, Pennmansbip, Commercial Law, Formsi:Cor-: teepondence, &c. ' . • • • • 10:12 A. M. •In the • • . . . , •VlllVESS:promxTmor . • • . . student.enters upori the.Oraduating.Coarse, whiCh includes is continuation Of the above stu: dies, with their practical aPplication.in all their. details. ;He will in turn fill the position 01.4c couidant and Ploprielor in the. various Depart— media ot ,Whalentils and Retail.Trade, : Forneatd: ing,libinti and Cammission Busine,!s, Baltlang - Mann fitettorinit, lilining,Steamtloating*e.;!and will finally. act :as Cathieri Book A-wet:and Tel lee in thellink,in each 'of which positions ffis pievious knowledge will be put to "the fullest practical teat: • . • • . Thisinstitution:pffers to young men . . Emmet'. OUIII advantages not pqsaissedbyany other corn mercial college in the State: ia complete, la' allits.eppointments. C It is the.only•lnstitatiost in the State condUcted.On. actual business prin. riples. The emirate of instruction is untnpass. ad; and may , be:catinPleted.in aboul.one time, usually ifientin other institutions, in coil sequanCe of•an entirely new arrangeinent, gtpil the edoption'of the' new practical system. • • • Diplonitai awarded. upon the cOMpletion of th C'et!letie;OlillUeefikat, which'embruces all exeetp the. higher. seti:•Of Mataulaetiteing, Railrucaliag, - . . - • • 'Witt fel a Citevain _;: . tonic • , 'xovlx6 W~•t. 10:30 .A. 141 . 3:331", At: 1:150 : P. -2:02 A. M. =EII3 7!22 11:41 A,J4 Shake and Burp!!! PHOTWAFMC°AIAIIII. Of.these ,Mannfaeftre. a' great. variety, :ranging in Price frotn:6o eente srAi each: 43deALBUMS . `have the - reputation of being 'airPerior in beautfeno 4nrability.toany.others. The smaller kinds can be•sent safely' by mail it a postage Of Six cents per or; :• ~ The more evperisive min be merit expreei. Stert copes Sterecipie Views, . . Our Catalogue:of these:ivill be ient.tosi4 addresst„on receipt Of St . /imp. • E. -33 'T. H. ANrrITON•Y„' • . • 31 • .alinfaiturers of l'hotegraplis Isterialr, . • • •• • 501• BROADWAY; NEW YORK.. ." Friends or • relati'ves. of . prominent military Men will.confer•ii (alien •by lilieneoses.tO copy: They will, lie . kept carefut., y rod returned tininjiired. •, , ' FINE ALturMs . A.ApE . TE .ORDER. for COrigregOtions to Present to their-Pastor, or for other putposes, with suitable inscriptions, &c. . . . . . . . . EDITOR OF DEMOCRAT, % Ilh,yOur permiasion . l wish to say , to.the readers of yciur paper that 'Will. Send'-by return, mail - to ' all who •whth •it,lfree] a Recipe,. with. 101 l direr -tit-me for mitking•and using a tiiMple .Vegetable Balm, flat will effectually remove, in ten days; Blotchea,•Tan - , - Ireckles, and all . ImPu• titles of the Skin, tooting the sane Soft,, altar, smooth and heantiful. • ' I will also mail free td those. haying Rairl Heads or'are Faces, simple - direc.tioni an I In-: feimation that.will.enible.thern to start a full growth•ol Luriurient flair; 'Whiskers, er. a. Moustache.'; in less than ,Iodays. All applica— tion eansweri.(l . by return inail without charge. • Respect fully young . • • THOS. F.•CHAPMAN, • • .chemist, • No. S3l 'Broady - ray, New' York.. THE Tu ff *F e j o ßE ig ieEP ER, . . . • . . BEING A HUNTINIq I 1) . Y'e:01( GENTLEMAN'. WkiCTI CI):OI.NEP.; one ofs..the. prettietit, most conv'etkient, decidedly the' best and cheapest tiT'epiece ;01 tteniral,and reliable use; 'ever off...oth It I IS Within it and.connected with its machinery, owri.winding. attachment., rendering; a key • n they Unnecessary... The cases.of this Wa..cl are composed of; two metals, the outer or being line l6 .carat; gold. It . , has the proved ruby action lever s movemsnt,:and warranted - nn accurate timepieCe. Price, sill . lily engraved, per caseOf a hall dOien; $l l. l. 00. Simple Watches, in , nea t morocco boxes, 'et thoseptoposing to buy it wholesale; Ti35,..s by. express ) with bill payable : on deli'very.. (tiers mnst remit payment in advance, es a • cannot collect 'froin those. in the Amy.. k -• HUI:RA WO EROS. Sofa lmrottrE s, Cori: NASSAII4O §TS, NEW.YOII:e• )6 weeks.) • . • . • • • 0-,S -'11....0. .R.'N -7-.:S CELEBRATED PREPARED. JAVA COFFEE, WA, URA 'FE TI ANY INTHE MARKET. . It used by first class.familieS:evelywhere, end highly recommended" for nervous end dys peptic persons, being very nutritious and free from all deleteriona suh!tancea, in tealimonV of which I have tin _trnrn".tip ITIO•! cent Physicians antl.Chemipts ii; Try . il and you - will be suyc to Continue iti use . in preference to any other. ' ".... . • Sold it i•etail for .Twenty-. Five Cents per Pound by First class Grocers throughout ' the United tltetes. , -• ' : • • .120" -- A liberal discount tottie trade.. :00 0 Put openly by • ; . • ..; LEWIS A. OSU.U:n.i.r, . WhoieenlED.epot,..o9. Warren •et., NewToi ArA_NT - DPOrk: 110 W tOST ! HOW -ItEiTOREDI . .Tust Pyblishid; in a Seale4 Priie Siz Cents •'A t,ocTo RE ON Tilt NATURE, TBRATMINT,•AND Radical. Care of Vpermaterrhoeo, or Seminal Weetnitpq 'lnvoluatnry Isedisions. Penal Debu t.. awl Impediment. to Illarriage gemerally,'Nornm.nws.Corionsmption, zpi• lenity and Vita; Mental mod .Physical Incapacity, result, log from kat. —BY llorat.J. Out.cawasam.,-11.- D.. Mallow of the GIIIS Ravi, Ae, • • :. • • • .The world-renowned author, in this irlroirableheeture. clearly Troves Irons his ownwsperienee that the awfal .consequences of fielf.abrso may be effectually reassumed -Without medicine, and without damgermor manliest opera, tions,houglep, hut raiment., rings, or- cordials,.;, pointing , out. .a mode of care, at once eertainaud.ethclual, by . which weary sufferer, no matter what his atonditiow may be, may cure Manion cheaply,' privately, and radieally. This !entrant will provc . a boon'to thousand. - and thou.: , sands. . Pent under teal, in a plain envelope, to any address. on recant of sit &ante, or two postage stamps, by:addreas.. Dr. etwAs...y: C. . OTly. Bowery, Illetirliorit, P*lielflice Bet, 4596. - ,62: Pub. ARMY AND NAVY CLAIMS. PENSIONS; for, disabled Soldiera,, .Wh!owe, Mothers,. and. minor" Children. ..601.1211.11ES for Scattier! dischatled .by r e ason of ;wounds received in—battle; Widows . and Ele . irs.of de, ;ceased loldiers.., BACK PAY : aild :'aeukment of all arrears and balance. die disc'harged and deeeasid.Officers , SoldierLand Sailors . , PRIZE .MONEY for all United States. vessels. Hand-Book of InstructiOn sent, by enclosing atinait to„paylvturn . postagfp.. , SLIMES h BROWN, • . Solicitors of Claims and Patent!, (Underßroatlway Bank) II *irk Ilan, IL In 476 Seventh Street, Washington, D. , C . . • , • ' MECITANICS'. DANK New York BROMAYAY RINK * • " WILLIAIMM.UMG . CITY Wiltiamaouri HON. , HANNINAL HANLINVIce .Preeident. • • NimprrEN KALB/1,1E18CH; Mayor of •Brooklyn... • , t* AMU AM MANN. New York. - • JAY. COON CO Rankers, Washington and Thilad,a .TO COIIIIIIIIIPTFIRS. 'Consumptive'aiuderers will receive . a valuable' prescription for the cure of Consfluiption, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all Throat and !Aug aNections r (free of charge,) by sending their !Warts); to. , • • " • •Ei!v,t E. A. WILSOII,, Williamsburg!),' Niels C'fo i New :Verb, BERVAII3OI3YfEt , • Ok . .NUIREE.PREPARATROIS .0014110UN,D tl.l7lD:Etritliefl3V.CHU, a Positive :andSpecifte.Remedi for diieases 0( the . . Bladder,Xidneys, Gravely'.and.rorieiOa.l Swellings: • • . •-• • " This Meditini•inFrenges the power tianiaod Ricite the•Aborbentednio healthy tioo, by - which ihe,watery.orealeareoua depo:--; sitioor ) ,and,all -Unnatural Enlorgrnenta ate re- , dooed, as well as•POin and lailimation. .31eLwasoLtrs siinAcir •.- • . 'Tor Weaknesies arising Irom Excesses.trah its of Dissipation,.Early IndiseretiOn of AbbSe, attended with the folloSsingisyMpiams:,— • Indisposition to Exertion, .Loss.of:Pawer, Loss . of Memory,. . • :Dif • ficnltyof Breathing, . . Weak. Nerves, HortOr of Disease,, Dimaeas eflrisioa, PleiNde .of the. Museula! Syst en, Hot rirYnesi of the Skin. 'Flti . shing of the Body, Eruptions on tho Fare,' Pallid Countenance . . These symptoms, if-allovved to en 'on, which this medicine invoribly-reinov,es;' soon IMPOTENCY, ni.datarT, EPILEPTIC In 'One of . which the Patient navy pewee. • Who ca n. Nay. that they are not frequently. fol. lowed by thoori “Direlut 13ise*.ea." • GOSSUMPTION.." .Meny ire aware of the collie of , their suffer- BUT NONtr WILL coNrisi,tui Two.l2f; • 1 • ••: And melaneholly deatha,by ConsumptioObeat amphrwitness-to the Truth of the ajiertien. The Constitution 'once effected with Oiganic Weakness ;requires the aid. Of.: Medicine . to $t repgthen and Inilgorate the Sysiem;. Which:flEx.miioLvis EXTRACT A, trial will eon •!!. the, tno!t F!tept ca 1 FIEMIALZPI....II/EMIALKI”.VIG*IALIIS I,n inany.:Alrect ions peruliae'to, ferrates ..'th• :Erraadi.lflt:.cttti Ispnegooled by any other . !en?. edY,.as in Chlorosis or 4etent ion, Iriegularity, Pdinfulnees, or Supnreiision'of Customary EYae• ; itatiOns...lileerated or Seirrhous state of the . Uterus, Letichorrhcea or:Wh4es, Sterility, and for all co:711)1440 :incident to the. - sei,.whether. arrsi.nf.ffrdrn•iridisere . tion . Habits of, . DHCLiNE OR CHANGE OF SIFE .Take no more Bitls'em; Mercory, :unplear,— . Nledieines for unplelksoni and (langprons.di..” , .i. KE;...MROLWS.EiTR.ACT.RUCIDILL A ND •• PROVED. ROSE IVASH RES' .. • ..• SECI:iLT DISEASE. • In all their Stages; '• At little Expense.. Little ctr- no change in' Diet. No inconvenience. And no . ..gxposure. . . It.causes a fregoent desire and.gives strength to :I.L.rin'ate,. thereby'lleirovine,' 051truetions, Preventing and Curing Strictures of e Urethra, of th . rethra, allaying Pain Iliflamation, s o fregn . ent: in the Cling of d'isen.r, , ,, end expellingall Poisonous DiseaSed and : " • *. 'Thousands upon thousands ,who have been ;he victims of Quarks, and who have - . paid heavy fees to be cured in a. shore time, have they were il.:ceived, and .that :the ttPOIS:ON" has by the, use, of Powerful Astringents," been • dried up in the syeterri,..ta break out in, an aggraVa— ted term, and perhaps' after. Mdrriage... •. Use HETZI73OD . 'S Ex 111AOT Rnmulor ofrec• Lions and dissase ot tfia.URLVARY - .ORGANS; Achether,Ocistingin MALE or FEMALE from w•hat.Pvver canse,oriiinating,and no mattsr. hogs: - LONG STANDIG.• ' , • : • • Disi•ases of th'ese Organs recitiires -ti!f_. Rid of DIIIR HELNI BOWS EXTRA GREAT DIURETIC, and is cer tain to have the desired effect in all. DiseaseS for whieli it is "recomritended. • . . . Evidenee of the' most reliable 'and responsi character will ncconepany the. medicine. • Prier. 61.e0 per .r Six tor 44.60 . Delivered to any Addresi, securely packed from 'observation'. •• • • • • Describe Symptoms in all Communications, Cares Gaseasett 4 1 'Advice Gratis old rt , ps 'for . rmaLion to ir.:n. irur.\llio . l ,1); 1.01 South "feilti•st.',,fiel. Chestnut, 11F:LNIIIOLIPS Medii.a . l Depot! HELDBOLD'S Drug, di.ll, Chhmical %Varehouse 591 liroadway New 'Torii. BEWARD OF COUNTERFEITS AND us- PRINcI,PLED . DEALERS who endeavor. to Iliivose..iof their own'rand "other's articles on the reputation attained by •• . Helmbold's Genuine Preparations... .• " • • Extract . Hoehn.. re. • it• cc Sarsaparilla... ce •'Tc :IrnprovidßoSe %Vush.. Sold by , alrDruggiits Everyithere. Aik• for Heinnb'old's: ••- Take , no Other Cut out the Advertisement and send for it. AND AVOID IMPOSITION AND EXPOSIfifX BELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS.—WARRANTEE IN std. Cam.. • Can be relied oo! Never fail to curet. Do not nanieate! Are speedyinaCtien! No,chinge of diet required! • Do not interfere with business pursuits! .Can be .used without detection!. Upward of• 200 cures in past Month .-'-onst'of 'then) very severe case. Over one innidsed physicians have need, them ity.their composition ; WhiCh is . entirel y vegetable,' and . hatmleiseon the system. : Hundreds of certifi cates con be shown. , .. . • • . . BELL'a Sencrtc PILLS .11ell the original' and . . only genuine Specific . . Pill. They. are adapted for . male 'and female, old of young, and the oul7 reliable remedy for.effecting pesfiutnent 211 d speedy care in all cases of Spermlittiirliea, or .leminal Weakness, with all :its train of evils, stet h as' Urethral and Vaginal Discherrges,Gleet, the' Whiteerf iglitly or involuntary Missions, Incouitinence. Genital Debility and Irratahility, Impotenee,'Weaknesi orLotisof power, plef— Nous Debility, Ote.', Ste. - ; all of which arise prin. cipally from . Serrtial E x ce s ses or. Self Abase; or some consti tutional derangement, and incapac; itiestheaufferer from fulfilling the duties of married life. In all:sexual disyases, as Gonor rhea, Gleet,,and Strictures; and in Diseases of the Bladder andiCidners, they act as a charms Relief is etrperienced by taking.a single hex. . ; Sold by all principal 'druggists: Price $l. They will be Ora by mail; securely, sealed, and confidentially, on receipt of. the money, by; . • • , JARYAN.,I4I: , No: 76 Cedai. street, New York:: eonsulting'•Physieirin frir the.treatment oYSem.. ' i nal', Dripayy,.Selual and Nervous Diseases, who will , send, frerito AO, the folloWing val• Gable work; in sealed enzeloper THE FiFTIETH THOUSAND-Tht; BELL'S TREATISE ori Self•AbuSe, Premature DecaY r Inipotence and loss of Power, Sexiial diseases, .S.eminal Weakness, Fishtfy Emis s ions, Genital Debility, &c., Sic., a 'paniphlet of 64 'pages,' containing important' advice to. the afflicted andwbieb 'should be read ,by every' sufferer, as the theism 0 1. eure in the acvereit stageskla Plain ly set forth. Two pampa reiluire'd,ta pay post, sle.?syl: , . - IMPORTMITITO• LADIES:A DeAltaiettios hey' sway yet , failed• r ,ia ing difffeultiels'iriailigfrom,olistrictioNsti :page tiktuyf.iorin - veitimint jyatem'xtia. perfect bealtb:ta,hen auffering:fromSpipal I.the -Whites, or 'other: weakness of the trtiryitie:Orgatis. . The Pills are • perfectly ItarMless•OA the constitotionieinif may be•iiiitett tfie most delicate , female act eauslivellettess , --the ea motitne they act like a chariti'bry .strengtheelng;. invigorating • mod , re. etring'itheeyetem to hoilihr:et in di t ion i Ind by'brioging'on_the monthly .period with'.ltege , , larity,4tio ttatterifrom w hat cause the the .sirriction'theylirise. ;They should; ...tioeree,er i NOT. taken durine •• the firs* three •er feet inonths'of prPgnancy, though safe ist.any other: time;' as misdayringe vrotilditie•the Eacb b o i : contains 60 Pills:. Trice sl. . ....Dn. }TA fIV . ItrS TRP.AT.IS,F on biseaies of Females, Pregtienei, Berrentiesi,' Sterility, Itiprodne.tion,•end AbuseenfNetoit, and emphatically 40e : Pri:Sate • : Mediaals Advisee,:a :pamphlet of 6d ; pa g es , sent - free .to any an . iirt,ss. : Six cents requireouto - pay post Tite Pills and lionli-will be sent by teeti4hisi desired, securely iiealed;'ind prepaid, by - .: . • • .• J. BRYAN; . M.. 130,, General Agent, ., . . No. 76 Cedar streeti.New . .',lll".Sold:hy.ell the prineilial.druggiiti:.... • Wakefulneswi pain in thetaek, B:-.IT:T . K.R:::S Pure 'and _powerful Tonic,•corriiiiiesattil al ,. ternOve uiveond.erful'etricaey in di Of STOMACH, LIVER AND DOWELS. • . .Cures. Dyspepsia, Litre! . Complaint „Headaehe. General Debility, NerVousnes, Depression tif • Const pat ion, colici . - Intermittent Fevers,Crarrips and Spasms, and all Com.. • • plsinti pl either Se. , r,•n rising from Bed. ily Weakneis Whether inherent in ' the system or produced by special • . . 'Fothini that is not wholeipme,genial and , torative in.its naiute.inters intalhe.composi. thin of HOSTETTER'S STOMACHBITTERS, This popular; preintralyin 3ontainq no. Minernl . nt any kind; no deadly botanical •od fiery excitant: hit it Is' . comhinatton . .Of the extracts of 'rare halsamic'herhs and pla nts cairn the pureat and mildest of all diffusive It is well to• be forearrrild ,against . o.iiesseo . fitol,*so far as the humansystem.can be, protect- ed by human means against maladies engender• ed by an unwhokesome atmOsphere, impure aia. ter, and other external causes o H . Q,STETTER'S BITTERS may be relied on'tis a safeguird. 'ln districts infested tvith:Feeer and Ague, it ' has been'found infallible . as . 4 preventive and irresistible'as a remedy and tbonsanda whO sorttlicit under appyebension of rint attack es , ripe the a 3 ourger , and thousands who- neglect to avail themselves of its proteetiie qualities: in adrineei are emed by a -very brief coUrseof thir marvelous medicine. retter and,Agrte ttents,. after being plied - with quinine fat mouths, in vain, until fairly • saturated 'With that tingerrius'aPrriloid, rfre . not . unfregtiantty ',stored 'tn. bra It h within a few days by the user-, of HOSTE'TTER'S BITTERS. '• - The:wrak stomach' is rapidly. invigoratedind the appetite resforml by this • agreeable Toriiit, and hence it . vyMks wonders in cases oftlispap. six again less contirnried forms of Indigestion. Acting as • gentle • and 'Sainte! 'apperient, r• well ,as . upon the liyer, •it also invariably. 4111, levee the Con:stipatation 'superinduced by regular action of the digestiyeandlecretive . . : Persons or feeble; habit, f iabletplireruoti'At: tack's, Lpyvness of•Spiri.ta and Fits of . Languor. find prompt' and permanent relief.from' titters:. The testimony on this 'point is most conelosive g .and from both seXes.:, • • , The agony of Billions 'Cale is , immediately asinagetl.:bY a single 'd0,0.61 the stimulant, and , by occasionally resorting therettirn ol tbit complaint may be prevented'. ;'- • : , As a General Topie.,III9STFTTER'S BIT TERS prciduceeffects;vrhihl•mui,t be •experi priced or' wttnessed befose ea i they'nbe fully ap preeiated.ln cases of ConstOutiOnalWeisk ssss s Premature 'Decay' and Debili i t•v, ' I and Dck little' arising from o ,ldltgic. r ie.,'etereites the' electric' in fl uence. 'ln the convalescent ate e. of . aft diseases it dperatds as edelightful insigo. rant. • When the 'powers of nature are relaxed. it operates to'reinforce and !:e•estahlish. thew . . , • Last. i!ut..not least, it is The only, Safe Sties. lent, being manufactured fro!» sound,en . d' &Imre materials, and - entirely fret from the ircid element's' present more•or less infall 'the eirdial i ry tonics and stomachic' of the day., ./,1J No farnEy nredicine has been so oni and, it nisy be truly added, deservedly 'peptise with the intelligent portion of. this community; at HOSTETTER'S BITTERS. • • . • Prepared by HOBTETTER &SMITH,Pitts bur:, Sold by all Druggiats, Groceriaml Staratemp . era everywhere. , . sciagitYkaiigEs. Thcse rsfachineri make the loci( Mitch 'alba . .on both tides, find use lees than belittle thrive: • and silk that the:single or 'double druratt stitch' Marhince• dos will .Hem, Fall, Gither . Cord, Braid, Bind, &T., nod are better Adapter.. than •any.other Sewing Micbtnes in ace to the frequent cbangmand great variety Of , sewing required in a family; for 'they.; will • seer. from' one to twenty thicknesses of Marseilleativrithottil stopping, and make every stitch perfect, or free, the finest genie to the heaviest beaver eloth, et even the stoutest' harness • leather, witboart• changing .the teed,: needle, or tension', or Making any adjustment:Of Machide'vrhatavert •• They are simple in .conitrection; and ' understood;.and if any Part . is brolcen •by acct. dent, it it:readily replace... Ttrese areireculiar feeti, end volt co (entice If; 'o.termipe.t.tie choice of any. intelligent :hat . ... -•. • • era. AND EYAMiNI, Ok fiesiircia . . . . N. B. Lodai Agents' wanted In sections n it yet occupied. Addresso FINKLE de LYON B. It mi., 111114ADWAY. WE* YnRIX. 110S1'4TTER'S C'ELEBRATti) S. 'T - .0:.M.A . CF
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