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'.- ~ •-,•-• ••' ' ••• tf.,••••".'''. •• ..,, . , 4, ', •", • ~••,:. • .,.-•,,..,.. , 2, •4,.. , • - ;-;,;,.••! .n . .!• • •• .;•, ..,.;,..,,- .. , , . .• •44•7: - ~:;• !.,",'•,' ••-••••-, .''....i • •:„ - t - 'if'. '.....''c. .-'t* ''', -.- - ;;' ,. '•:1::;:" . ':.i i . 4 ~ ~.'.?.!,,! . ':._. , ~ . „.... . !..,r-t`lf. , .4fti. , . 1 , 4% ., ~,, i ~,, ~ .t, if.'i . ':.-..,;11111 ,: f., .. , .;;Yi..., , ,, , ,.-:,1. , ~ ..:, .: . : 1 .' ,. :.'•••:".,'' ~,, ..,' c '' . : . ... ',,,.;,,...: :,,..,.,.;,,,,- ...; I .!' .„, . . . • '--, - "' .''''''", ;•;'''..2" '-' , ''.;ll':: s f,•... , f:7.' •-• ....... ..... '''' ' '.; !'!; ,''47- 7 . '-:: ':.' '...; ' . '.., '.; ''':.. ';..' . : ' , i" . ..1% - 74;.,....... ':..`,...,'' .:1 ':-., i 7 ''..', !, t t ,' ...: . : '*:. - , : .. • ' . ::: ...., ..,' %,.5. ' .. '' ' ..:' - ; ,- ;,';;; : Ciki ".! is in l inii:n.::C.i .' ..;.: . . - L :.' .':—. : - '-':•-• ' l.-- .• ' ' ''' ' ''' ''VOL .' 5 -1 : ' • .:: .. , : ' , '' ' ':.' l ", -, 'J'if.: ' • : '.'; ': '''''',' '''''' ' ' • • ".- .: ('II,LIICTION PitOoLANATIOIII:' . ' . '4:•-'.- ; , , wapifitis iii:w:lyyihe.litti . ,isent/o f t -.4.;the Aii'itf • - , ... ~... ~., Deseird'Andimhly of PeolaiylvanisQ peeked July', ihty, • :•'' .:"... :;.,Llikilitltled , ..Ateket stilattrepto !the 'eleellone; of the, .;,•, „-,• •,, toefeewealth,”' !tie enjolriedon.the fiherfff..'oUteery -.• ,-* • • , ' .: , ieshatitty . to 'glee aidleoht ouch 'loathing to'.*.be ...held and 1;•,.: . - ? ,,,• eattereralla do - ontekeetlee ilit • nffinere are to'beehocitOd. - fc- ~•* • 2.,... - %/ 1 1 , Plefeeepoe thereori4,,' 'AV. -N.' trixttoßipaE; , High - . ,• ' i V ' ... •y . n , 'llety .itdbfried upon me 14 the - Act. referred tni:and the fv•.-'): ~ ..t."• , i oapplieleintirtherete,linees thii, tny'iroelemattoo, ktring • -.. ' - '": 4 r• Kettee to. the' 'loote. of the comply-of •t• McKean, -.- deall , •:,...„-;,... -," lifesdai).-. rs cola; pc.th,e . General . :Assembly, to I •„.:, ,• . , leas at,thelt aerer . al i eleetlon 1111000 a no. , . • „ -•• ' • - • . ••••:' :•Tiieidiy ' ttie'l4ittr.daY of Ocibilier , , ~. : • 1•D:1885: I't• bettitiliiiistond d'iteeday to the month,) •:. • '. 'ibex' sad Iherio;betielie the hours of. eight o'clock lo the • • • •••'• Malefic ands sera o'clock (nth, evening ~of said • • day„-- .' ' • ••..., i ;do . rate tot tfti ...lingo's orthe following •• (doe* .to , --..: ' -- '' :dn. lisiiii kiiuditoo.neiel— . ~ -..... ~ ~ , c • ~• '.f - Ori wale firoglit*lyor , Genefil. - ' -. •*. ''. . -, -' .. • . - -- ;00 tottjtatillpar of . the Hewitt; of Penitqlviera . .:, .. beet' e Bth Illestottabbletriet,Oompeatel prAhetiout 7 . • •'• „ tutu Illlffiteir; filnligeek,. Pottle. and- Tlogit.' •., ' •-, ..- u g ooro -.••. .• •.' . 'Ole • , foe Illeeiher et• Aeiembly, to . reittioieett. : • .., • - t . O Milt ' n'atid 11 11(tatWeatlea. ,' • • •', ,• - :. •. : ' . 'Mew fee riaaldast4tolo.of the, lentil" Judi ••• '...'. ; ..'efettpleig Otoitopeerd ‘orAtiireenattiee ot Tina, Pot.; , :•, -, . - in =jean. Rik and Camerae , • - '• • - • l • '' • •••/- •,. ; , - s.:. • Omeitatoti f on or cies*, Qousedaeltmeri, ;or • teti. county, of ... - . cOsit'perpost lbi Auditor.. :' • -• "'" • • . .• • .•., . ' • - 'AIM pence for coroner • -. . ..• • - giow-' . . -.• !• • • '•.• •' . Aid tilt qiialifita ehtettitti..o f the' eonnti:of Ileffieui -•-. , -edgbold•thela Westland'. le. the aeyeill ,Dietrieta' se fa: lows:-'-. : . -", • ••• Thillereiblii of Aerie at the liver eebool haute', .. ~ ' —, '.l"l4 o Atiteragla 'of Ilsolthpoit; at • the Court. ;Nose In •‘:. , 10:dewsiblio•eilintdrord at ,the Eetteol House la.. LW. • .. '.. iteteh. - • • Etie tiiientiblpofCerei at the tintuie. of Corydon at the ecliotil house hea r ?kr toverblp of Eldred at the Eldred Eotel ' • : Stie tOwnibip cf at. tlie Aldrich SeEool Manse. Ette'toiraehip of Ilainitton at the School .Mows nes Ehtilleirtiehip of Keating at the. Cotirt Muse in Swath of Lllisn'tp at the ee eel hoOtie in Pori 'Thittownehtp of Lafayette at the /cheat honed nest , the The towneuip of Nary eh alttlei 'bowie of C. B. Bur .Thi loveably of Otte at theietiaal house at'Prentist . ::The . township or . Pompeian', l at . 4114; hones' of Peal • . The township of Wetmore et the 'houee,of . .. . •, • .and 1 also glinenotice, that every. person,: excepting • ' . the Justices of*, Peace, who shall. hold' any office...or • entglintanent of prof!! or trust under *the. Voret nteent ' of the rnitedltatea,bf the State', ornfany city or itleOr." 'lterated 'district whether aco oirolssloned.Onictie or el h. • • • *mike, enbordioate oilicer,or agent, 'who 'hi or shall . irr • tostployed undiiithe Logislative,'• ecutiee or ,J‘idibiarf • departnient of thi6l-Stateor the United ' tittles, - of any • teotporated. district; and,elso,, - that• ' every- inemli . ri id toreite ef•the State Legislature „and of „the. Select and, • notrininti council of any city, or CorninhOi.ll3Vrf.f any in-. , • corporate& disfriet,'ls by-law incapable. of eierrising at • . the same tiineethe office of Judge I tispecior 'or Clerk of ••sirelectien in - this Cmittoc,nwealth and that'no Inspector, •",tod&ii or 'otherolacer of any such' election shell be .' jilt/giblet° ady odlce'then tole turd tor, . . • •Atid.in Mt& bY, the 4th section of in Act:: apPrOved the bithidist_of April,;lB4n,lt is enrarted,'thet the lett, see-. • Con of en Act.passed Act re. . tatipg tlng eleetions in this Commonwealth', Asti not . •• • • betenetrued aetepievent any military Or borough'. of , 'deer tromeerving a. J udge; ; Inspector or -Clerk of any • :general or special eleetiiin ol.this'ContMoowealth. • • ' '•- • .• Anlf the said act . rehi tine to the elections of 'this .Coni." .„; .teienttnaltbi. painted .fuly Sed, ,18lle, provides is .follovis:' That,,the Mkt - Inopecturn -en. afo'ressid. shall titadt at the 'respective' places appointed •for -holding the • - -*lebtiop•-fu 'the district to . l i hich . ..they. respectively „be-. ' long; .banotet"9" &Ciotti on the Morning ,"of the', second • Tiesday:ef Cetober in'each•tind.evety year, and eaeli of • 'wad tot)eitAiil 'shin apphlnt- rne who sh.lf. he a'lol,llflei' oisterof fund district , ' • • • '•• gitetherperson who: then brave received the second dtun'ber orientem fan Inspector shall 'not attend it tberderof election, then the person ' who elwtl , have • sebtieed tQe second highest number of voters ,for Judge thenext election 01/1111W. Inspector in , hie pliloo, Opdloviso the persons who alien have receiv, ed thehigbest number of notes- for' Inspector' abal not • attend, the present elected:Junk°. Shall appoint an In. •• • Spector his - niece:and if any vacancy shall Continu e '..lo.thieb4ardlot the.space of One hotir efteetho tinted:ed . by late for the ilpeilink of the election,' the qualified sot., .• .are of the township; ward cirdlitrict fur which the ofncer ettaillutve been elected, present et„ the •.electieri: shall • elect one ofthele number to fill'auch vacancy, It shall be the duty,of the seeei-ral- Kssessora res Pee. • ttrelj to attend stthe place of toibling', every 'general,- " • epeciet,'Or, township election, during the tittle said. 'elec ..• tion ls, kept open for the purpose. Of giving -information .•t Inspectors and Judges, when celled an in' . .relat .. - to• - the tight" of ani'person Wes:else-I by them to vote at '-ouch erections, or etteh , other matters in relation tollie assess. Inapt orrote"' as the. said 'lnspector,. orthe said 16pee.' tors or Judges, or either of the m may reettire: , • No perionehalf belierrnit led to vote at any "election, - as aforesaid, other then a white free man "of the age of • itieenty.one . yeers or more who has resided In this. State, at least one yeif;aan in . the election dist rictwhere he offers' to vote at least. ton • days immediately preceding auch'election• and within two years paid a State orcoett . try tax,, end :hall ttexti.been assessed at .least te a days before, election,. Au ta citizen of 'the' Uoited 'States -who hashein.a: qualified inlet • this State and removed therefrom and returned, - and • who, shall have resided in thielaction district and:.paid taxes 'as.'aforesaid,, , elicit tretintitled - yore; after residing-in the State six months: •Pcortded that the freemett,'citize'n of the United Staten, • tiotweehtim agee,of twenty:Mae' and twenty,tvro yeers,, onglaidarreeidat in'this State one year and In the. elan ,,giondlatriat ten•ditys as 'aforesaid, Shall he eotitied' to fete although they,havis not'peid taxes . ',',•• kd trersone'shall be admitted td vote whose flame is net Mintaitind In !ballet of tee:dile inhabitents• furnished .by ,the aommissionere . Onlesa brat he produced a receipt for lhetra.rmetat'arithlit.twoyearti, of la State' or country -tad 'eaisess.ed-egreeabiilit the Constitution, and , given slab,- ; Slaters. 'evidenee,' efther On hie Own. oath rirrifilematltio,iif 'eatothei,,that below paid auchtax; or foiling. to. probate. •ricelpt;'shilt Malta °lath talkie perment thereof; oriel:l -ends Ilbeelatinato Wes rfght to vote by, being .elector between the ages of4ptisottionse and twenty-twayeare,he ' 'hail thst he has ,resided Or the State , least sae.' eat‘bisfbeillis appileationi and make suchroor of ht. rimidestee' in tierdistidat este reentered by Aids -act; . arhsreapon the natio efthe permits ao edinitted• tnewateht risitadb ofttivinkintid Sari; or use *Pad 4 !fgo,! , if hs.al J 1 be ainslttisd on iseconiet of hie age, 'sind'in either 'mute the; mason rif spelt .vdtesshall be called out bk the cleikkisba.' ehallingaltelbifilkettoteititsthe list•cifvoteif by them; .• Ina(' gene where tbe,aame of. thii„peison. claiming a.. ilea to vote . Isnot fond'on the Ihrnlshed by the corn.' • seri:dawn aseensore; oats right to vote, whether' .there or tickle bbietatitd tit'b# any quill fled' citizen it shalt be the duty of the tuspector to examine hint on oath es to tine qatabeestlow, anti Wilfriatia UM to . Hero' resided within the Mb, one year Or more,.hisnath'ehell be sulleieot poor. but ha -shall snake proof brat least' one compet ent mitaliiioOlui Shell lam s. qualified elector' , that he has raelded ft edible "the 'illatlet for more thin ten, days-den:. 410 dIti4alycliweg*ing:Ral election,- and 'shall else him. deg *tier that his bons fide residence hilursuatice of knirtal: esillegi.;lC wit du :the district, nor for the piepose,of - • . .. • : ` -It any. yerspo "'Went. or attempt to prevent Papether of on election, %or. bithroaten, any viol ,faamo; Map, .Nob. Meta; Or. shall. interrupt or Inipre- Porlpiniendlero with him in the exeentroir.of his duty; .or *ball Minsk 'pp'or"ationlit. to' block pp ;the irindowspr sr ertgat atip Whedtilw!iebdrie the Mime may' be:lnilden or *Er rotopetrttletuvb.:4he'pstace of each eloetloner ohlainler en r Isientten any teree any inthindstlen, threats ; term tlotesee Irlth • design to intiu;-nie unduly, oe PnalPotilllt ni'lzevent him frOm yotiog, swim *NW* UM -hielo*lii his cholas; Mich person, on , tioselettonil shalt be' Itne hi mum: not -'oxesodlng :eve bpidni{ 44111,: .and tm inipilebned for any time :slot More thin' 'twelve months; and it it Audi-hp shown be " [broths court wheril thy trleLor each offeneeidiall be had, that the pormniolfendliii werMat i roildeist of the city, y 1 ,674, district ' ort.topmehlp: whore -the °tepee was Ooze minted. aset mit 'Mitt*" to role . 'then . .on Gonne :tlon'Ml shall ter' seaterieed Ile ply oda. of not lem then. trio hinuisidoortrearo than ems thousand . ,dollers, end -be Apprfoottednot !Wm' Uwe atilimattus 'nor mon:than two • - • • . sa ..r . pupil er_perarots Sled inake any. bet or Eager' Ira reiWt of WY eteettela within. the Onnimon. er.ehill offer' to nteke,enith bet Or wager', eiththl 'by jarbal`preelaniatfok tberebt, 'or by any w.itten . Printed edvertlsemeat t ehellenas - or Invite any per. an qr persontle matte' abet Or. ersger upiri ennrie!innth'ern. • erh. dr. thei forefela three - I,llnee tpavuoioeot., bet ehall,be the dnty of the leeneeterAnvi 'Judie: of the' slietino t relent the votes of there or my of tOem'whe . . . shell know or wbe chill he, proven: before them t o have cede,orwho itt.inaap.mennerdetereete4to toy .bet or weger . .en *Oregon data Sleetlou, 'eaten the request of 11. 7 qUeltled''Olater,: asbllnip!etois shell •r•obb , ..pgabC44.sbalCilt• .yursolis'ollbricY vote bap or has let toodb• any bob "Exe,pr,, h 0 0 * .. , . • . • .. . . • ..• • • BEE If any gloom' not by lawntiallesdAlbell fratiflulently inlaid anyoehretiou Cenimbeir.ealther-being „ :otherwise', quelifledalball vote oat of -hIl properdintriat, I or-.if an person ItioWieg—the..want'of meth gfialitten:' .Uoit shall. alCor procure such 'person •to*te, the perk son so offending ehall; on ,conviation;be flued'inatly sum not' exceeding two hundred dollars 'end itoptiMeed for any t erm, not eiciedicg ,three' trionthi„-' • • -any perion - 'shall , vote ' et more thew. one 'election' District t or otherwieti fraudulently - fold 31rjer.,deliver to the Inspector -two. tickets together; to illegally -vote,, ehall. vote the nem% or if•any parkin shall sorbet or 'procure another . :to do no, he or they 6 . 10- offending shall on conviction be , finediir.any :sum not Ire/ than Sayer 'more than live hundred dollars; Arid .be' imprisoned, for any •terna tot less than-. three -per more thantwelve pe.reen 'tatinnalifled: to vote in COminon weal texcePt-lhe'' nee, of nualifled' voteri shalt apPear.at•iny place of election, for.the par.' 'pose leaning tiekeie, .orletluencing the ;citlaeras gunned to 've ~ he - libeli ort conviction forfeit and , pay.'anysiere, not exceeding ,one hundred diatom for every inch °fleece, .and biltepriooned fur' illy. term moot expeedizig three Imenthe:, . ' . - •.7 • Ante•lteturn ;tittle 'at .the respective'dietriets 'a- • (Orel* 410t..required,:to meet le Smetbnore, the.coun ty.sett' ,;laa(tb.uounty., on Pridly after the eeeend - Pues. • day; ol'October next, then and thereto discharge the , duties required bylaw. * .• •. - . . .• Pursuant to the provisions •of SI at n ection of the Act , !'every 'general 'anCeprole) lieCtion AAR be opened be tiken the hotirW of 8 - and 10 in the forenoon; and shill ecnticitis yr - 101MA t interruption .edjournment, until o'eloCk • in the seining, when the. polls 'shall be closed. °filer' .i4Nier. my hand. 'at. Billet hport, thin, the' 20th day of September, A. D., IEOO, • slid of the independence. Of the Muted States the.nieetieth. - ' . • . •: • •,. ". A.. N., 1411,LIIIRIDGE,: S'Aerf,ir. . • .A. Pi.aan . casis STATEI).- : -. The goverritneht his needed . mnney,ainitione the'pennle as a her; roWe . 6. :.These loans hive: .been' advertised as ."the Pitriotie•Lnan," who in 7 vestecl• in them have, tieeti lauded . as doing !Weir . needy country ,a very'essential service. ' With'- ! out diipking this, the eiigairyis a fair one, if,' . theit eountrk,thb‘:e. who have. loaned have not served theinielves. • A. iarn'y re*l estate; owner, to the arnit.lnt of $20,000, concluded: last March. in . ..e11 - Out and. invest in 30:4. • He' found ir who • , h'ad the ready money la pay dPN n., I....tsnu Ike Iw9 (rum Ku, ch: ind i r rirbOts. as near as:m4.be, Rea!.. . • : • estate rettiro 'in gross - ,TRII pr• r 'row, IVe• win !rayli gel's this (but he won‘:) r: ; i,•ep roe n.nt,p; $2:00..0.00. • !nilotyinx" e3Fpf.nti , tt . irjef ar , 4.1 coptif y . •.;0[;:3 c $2';000-00 incurnoce . (•aly) 40•00 R.pai rs • :300 00 •. . - .. • , . 1,340 00 . . ' Deduc, int; thiS'sum from Theome froni rents. &e.,: leaves - I.)eduet...fumheri.,goeernment. ineorne tax (3 per . Oe'rit).. . . . . . . •Toial profits pn ,hneeit /rents . . $64 ' 120 This in:Ths accoUnt • Let os i.ee how.' A t : who ineested. government seinrities • comes inve.stment. , 'free. frous. — every .PPecirs of taz eterpt the incornetax. He .te-. ceiv . es an interest on..thehunjrid], maOng kis annual interest on his invesinrent,:. $1,460'00 13aluFt income tnx t . - Yeire;'whija A has inude $1,410:20' . s2o,ooo'in'vertme . nrip: . cov . prnm . :oitf B, who" Oak- .A'S . s2o,Poo,real estate " • . .. ~ .. . . Suppose The New Hamshirelaiv; sheUld .be generally 'adoptetl,:aod:.; called: upon' to 'pay his twenty-file,' per . cent.'isi en his•goSefoinctit: iecuritie'S, he WOU)ii 'pay $351!65; leaving:A' still an ihcbtrie:of . sl..o62.l,6; or, $412.5 mere. than .13 . rereives on'his real,estiete . :' ' ' ..I 'A, as days go : by beano cares about ,Itia .in 'vestment: -He knows hisleterestis Certain..,-. He enjoys all tile privileges of good streets, gas light, policerftre departMeht,... - sends hiachildreo to the free :schools, vates : at .eleetions;''relies Upon,the.State fa vre. for protectioo of. his' 11ei.... . son and to'secore j ust ice to himself: and: Ilia family—for ill ol Which be paYsi . not - .a • centi . because .his property consists , of ' goyernment securities.. But all the while 3 pay's roundly in 'the city, county.. and State taxes and : he. pays double. brcilitssA don't pay 4hything. . •. . We submit, that this:sort: of “patriotismg may as well be it . ,littt modest : ' The jelfaa erike:ftir one's conetry.which' .shifts burdens from its'oWn . shoulders .to the shot Iders Of' othee, May be entitled to' a crowri :of glork but. people whii step to think, rdoti',t See • it..!--- . Troy To tax a•farm.Worth•ft thormand. dollars $5O ,and exempt stoo;Qpci ih bonds? • . • • Artr. -A. has, $?;000•-inver , ted in tr.- igicicery store one week.before . the assessor rills. NI-, ,13.- has . sloo,oo9.iri-money.:.- -,'Mr. .A. ,puts in' ; hie $2,0p0 stork:on the assessor's hooks ,abd is texed•s6o fOr it. Mr. B. tints his jlOO,OOO in . bonds-the day. before he • Omen' .t he' 7 eisetAsor, tbris , rpciersi,,piiirig'arvAtionoratile• tax- of Otres lyindrorf eeltisrs;•...kle 'also draw s trWif. tkoviand Inifrso, making an ;increalte • of ten. thousand dellirsr Because all de' ' tri-iind.aristecriftle - Govern= 'Mento leek ro ivle6ime interest of the' . wealthy in favor of the Government againit the labor' of • Beware of the " scorpion 1 • for he The wealthy bondholders want the .neCto" to vote, for with their,rtroney they exi.ect-- 'to control:OAT:Foie. beteafter....: . • , • .If eipoor man votes tor-negro suffrage ~and is in favor of exempting the wealth of the bond holder hp will find that he: has ` . been -working out. his own damnation.. '" • , .• When an Abolitionpelitician, who has been Twiliting arid hunting office•ell the days • of his life, tells you he won't want office; 1;11 him _ ' : he: is a liar, an,d,the. truth •Is a .stranc,.r •t 4 hie •, Whet is•thoOott" Tan b.- Whet' . yoll:hpfir any- • A tpitit lin . g . how he loves turci4l::.ertiaPo, -4sk him *hy he reelthed h.lti.(l, to burn qathc• lie chitrehes p.,t) • l'heie itiinv.t are worid ciinsjderifig: end Ir ivjil..h'oy't!io.,•eccyrti• of the Oppoeetite 'of thep' , lrilocriley•in a.!ba4 conilifinn , ' ..7r , v4ivo the noaro of iuraile..will iint free tho.l.:nctoy tiirla Ne,w 'Et/viand who are tereed to Work... siatien heaps day;' tor from twotti three is a .. week and' board thmtpeOes. • . ••• , • .itiolio•afinild'pit en riayi, peel' vroae" . more thiri oislience,forlenakio*.,*-olikre, lome,:of I,l* . .olneo.,:holleri• hOo,tirlobO have been thokyingl thomoolittus tor.' i foniroors, th• .. bis boysil wore in.lbt . . . front to iilee:ibeir ; see*, t,esig*, tavon:of those boys? .' • *. • • " Calico While the ptotluce of'tke fanner hrints a - : . tifighty pricer the ¶ltime-was-when a sntali.ainiciunt!ofinotoy, would pay: fur ••• latke'iniolint. or. goo( . I 'his,.tvaa.wbenl3ettioirlitilitatiaged the 'af. fairs of tde~(iovernmerit.r . Now it., takes 'large atnoune of monetto bug . amount of goods, and taxes , . : are. mous. ride now. •'' The thing is plain, and a blind' "can' t help but.see,it.,, Unless the, 'people,'eotpe•tip to the -Winit and help the DeinocracieedeettUlie- counttyi there ,beliftle left tO ri!de*.Zieept.taz-titles.—:. •,Reports.froth:Washington, said forest on.the highest eat horitY, s ;state the: g , the 'radicals 'are arming their batteries heavily , ferthe greet con= test ther'nfO.tietorninprl. ro .: wage , r i e. thsi, next session of congreSs. .'The y that". Pre sident Johnson it. not .carriing t- , ut the principles Uncln)vhieh ma w.as'electelfrt Ain't the'y Aire det erminid that .frio other principles shall govern, .if they canbelP...' it," :This' of course, .means that the• extretne men of 'the •adminisiration. party- 7 -thefanatics, who are in favor .of con= .fiscating till reberproperty, reducing the South ern. States to the condition •of subjugated.,Pro7 %limes, anti„the elevation of the nekroes ' to so— cial. end political equality -. with . . the' whitely-- are rescilv'edleforeePreaidAnt ;lonnson: teadopt : and cerry out their.views, or tOoppose his ad— miniatratiOo of the government-in case he will not Make it subservient to their Wishes .and ,purposes. :lVell,•tli'e sooner the fissile: is joined and fought 'out.fo a final coniusion the. betfer will it be for the county. .The domestic peace Of 'the nation his been disturbed,lormuch mote' than' a cputrierof a cente.ry.• by 'the arrogant docinatin Of Nets' -England ' gemagogues; and tE Es hieb4iirre that they 'Were tatiehrll . , J; ,, sson' in practical s.tibmissioa to tbe wilf,of a mefor_, tlySoi. the .rtriple al all f the !,tates, and rilred .31 - 'lll4 tonreit that.tlifty lia•c; . a kind of right :to rule the w here ,cduorry,. or yO. ruin . it. • , Pr'esident. Johnson is not likely .to he frigh: tened out of his propriety , .hy Sumner, and their gang; even 'though'" they threaten him already 'with. impeachment. for: -o:in timacy .in not .to their _impatient dictation.; no. doubt,, 'understands tithe principle" he was elected. 'to sepresent and enforce in. his execution 'of the Presider', tial'offiee; anti he is wise enough to . know, that, while, not indebted for Hs place to,the•Yotes'of. a 'miserable 'notion of turbulent Visionaries •in 31assachnseits,; iris his.parannoimt.dirty, ae the National Ex . ec u tive, to'prefor the puee, '.the unity, end largest possible : prosperity Of the whole Republic, to the egotistiCii I . vrhiins and crazy aspirations' f a petty 'cabal of fieStlient imetittle corner of. the2Union.— , Mr..iehrisortbas hos : far shown himself dispos . -.1 ed to pursue a conciliatory course :towards' the' Southern people, and : trr. do . a II in his 'power. tO smooth their. way .to a' hearty: . resumption Of their nations to the I'ederaPlgoverrirrient.: this pelicy, which . is. truly WiSei.ayti.6l4lo(ll3• of•ene.happfest 'results, he Will•be austained,.ntit only tire:moderate Men of his own, party, but hy Dermicjaey - . also, 'whose loyalty : il k gennioe'dnd Ooittiol, that •thy ore:willinig to co. : operate even With . political OpPonents.,in curing the stieces of all truly'aalutarj and con servative measures of.. national • poliey. Sop pnr"ted by these two.powerrol element! In s r polities,oithe country, the, Prelidoni may vile ly defy theoppositiOn'ofthersmall.knot of pol 2 ideal knaves-arid.:lunatics, Who woulit, destroy a • • • • . • • . the 'Union, if they could,.. rather' than. see • it preserved except in conformity With, their fang . atical. ideas and revolotionafy 'plan's; .and it is. because.we wish •to have the country effectually . rid of '.the influences Of .these New 'England !Radicals;"'. that we.in with nn'little p:.easure.,such a ecrilflici in.the.next Congress 'between them sad the true friends of the gov . .ernment find '.the country,.as;'wilt `completely and forever crush, them. out'of existence.. Tsui fkiverntrient has' gone into—the .negro busines - stn.its extrernest limit 4 _lt forces idle negroes at thiSouth . work,erl these.. ne groes dontt.yet understand ,the di ff erence be. tween this sorrOfelavery and the other'. ex cept t hat l the other suppOrtedi theist when old' and sick, and.the;new system does not., • The freetbiaain'i 4rean.ts now finding htimes for SOU t lii , rn - tiegroes al the, pfortli On „Wednes day Of thisweek I:party:of thirty-hi:lmes frorri the South.passed through Nett , mask. for Rhodo 4Ytsir, r.rpor ars Fier! iNr!!d by the Govein maul; _anal , sia .the.psechnd -supply Sent 'to Rhode' /eland by : the Government: The . old 'fashioned plan was to 'confine"' "the Gsivernment;' to• u tts legitimate ditties, designat ,ed,by the Constitution and the laws.... Hut the new order of things ri ikel the G•wernment the master of pretty„ much' everything. 'lt is fur— nishing enoks,. house servents and laborers ..to indivdusle, When's healthier tied 'better state 'of things would leave:individual!" to procure , their own lisbUreri: The dovernment takes negroes from' the Souih, wheret heir Jo hor..ie needd, and. transports, them .at 'Ana . pubtic . expense- to the North, Where these . .negroes aire.not . " w • • .Tllo . l 4 rew'Yoirk Een ving,Poat says hole . families:of ,men,: Nome!' and children", :are , transtiortd by the ,goyitnment:, Ann! her par ty, of. fifty, sent on ' by the: government a. lox days 'ago,. are already in- Rhode... Island;, and more are to be. is the inrc,ption ofthe eovereinent. with its nevi •••gboreiu," to drive oil the lahareri of the forth;, by lortingin , t he :negroee of the South!. Nyhlif.right:has any public servant io •this envernmCnt to use' the' : 'money; to trans— 'port la berpriliern one Part of the; country to enotheC, ptivite employment? The people had better minsOe'theirown . affeirs—we, pros. pi r. most fhen,, •.ttnd. the : government hid bett er ionfirie . itsell to ,The; cineinaati gimit!iisreiars Washington ;orreepanCient . iava that. a man .was arrested nnfl ient tn.the iheve.pen'this other 'day at Mekanl,ria (or eayfnil that Mash3i trni.n gentleman. • Whit evonld hasielTah the ecniseqiiinci'had "he_ said* 'tbi devil Ins $.0164 felleiir .-. . . 944 0 :4Z,AT,1ikr 2i47642RD; . 9“ IrEIIT: COL:- :Mts. 4171T01C . : . : - Pandid4ite . .. • :• . . . , . .. .., . . We are indebted to Adjutant, Wit.t.tam , H Hoes, Pf .thp ti 4th' retitnent,•P."V,, for the fol lo'witit sitecinct•ind• graphic 'histerr''of • Col: Lintoes Military:l:mit/cast - ' '.• ,; '.. ~- ,• - ' ..i Nis Irani', th ttrit. ' Col Linton-conieent gond Democrat:t stock, beih . g.the eldest . eon of Robert P; . 'Llgton," who :has been ruirle tone-.l3emocrat, 'and....who ties aerved ! threeterma liked,' Of CiinbrialCtiunty, :and bas-all alOng berme working' partisan.: •He Wail born in Johnstintn,;Cambria county . In the year I 8.13; and is thlrly-t WO ytieilSolage; Was a student at../effe . rson dolleertiCanotishurg, Pennsylvania, but his ejterightlailink, he war ' conmelled.to-leave cellege.• • He.did - not, , how. : ever, entirely give up hid studies . ; bet . cantina ed to store his mind with a vast fund.of 'knowledge, gathered under pinch ad verse cnmeta flees As: Would have. utterly deterred a man: of „less. energy:. and determinatiOri. 1.51,12,1)11 eye'Sightwas sufficiently. reatoied• enable him to sturdy, end,' he Iteit once' entered (bele w office or Hon.•p.- Pershing, Of johnS. town, where for three years he we, rimindefat . -' igeble atUderit. 1n . :1855 was adinitted to. the. .practice :og . Immediately.' thetienfter he Was taken flto..pnitnership with his precep• tor, Hon. C. L. Peishing . „ in .which.he continu ed antillBsB, tte, slaves in theS3:amants emavatotr. . '.:Whilst , in.the midst of a , sitccesaful career; the War of the great rebeltian hooka out, and the call, was made for troops. Col. Linton was Firpt Lieutetint rit a - volunteer : organization; . . composed almhst, if not exchisiv'ely, of Demo crats:,. The company et onc e C , elected him ap.. , tairi,.and 'lte , mrtrched. it to Camp Curtin. 'where , was designated att Company.C, Third Penna. Vol. Infantry.. . • . .• -HE oprs' IN FOR THREE YEARS : ItimiediatelY afte.r the .-rerminationl'ot - three . Mont hs 'campaign, ittider Maj. Gen: Patterson; Lifittoe, fo. - eonjunr pieperit rornp . t.titor,;Cot,Jaeob-M. Camphell r set:ahont raising a 'I egim'ent MC the ; three-years' seryiee. This . ‘yas arcqmplieheil, end Lintrin'iy . tbie tintlitimo9s voice - of his companions:9f the three Moral's seririee; wati'sele'eted .I%ajnr. The regi &tent Is as designtited the Fifty-look . . WREa6..ruE 47.EGIMEST• WAS STATic , N.SD... • The regiment . was alai ioriell for a lorig . period ailing the Baltimore and Ohio railroads . guard.: tog it...as well air protecting .the lower tier : of 'Corintiea'iry.Pennsylyani•....We may here that; although fora long time unknown to fariie this regiinent.oecupied and protected fifty-air' oftkat...important artery.: of supply for 'Washingtonand. the Awry of tha..yotoroire. 'ha duty. wee the most arduous . and' trying, re-. .quiring•the utmost dilligenee' andwatekfttlheas bf both officers and,men; but a single company ford r and these were miles.upart, and each. , exposed..to eery imminent danger of .being curt. Off and captured. SCdTJT SF.TRMISII Lintiv , wati stationed eflintith . the.extreme:western poet, until • Lee ,in'ye!ett Maryland: 'The reg'itn.ent.nt thits'time a part' of ciimrriatitr i When ferry fell; t - he la Was the only c . g : imenof the cornrhand thikt, escaped -the Back creek 13fridge,,te'e*treme etat erh 'poat; threatenerl.. by'; 'cn env, .nr.Lintnn Was iransfc4retl tiort:.th'eWear;.tind assigmici enmenani(orth;e:earne., IVialst t rev r. Jitek . on7aartity, rr idg . to joyeat'llerpor'forty',.''was.:pesin g within 'one mile 'of Major.Lintun!a Camrlief a or Linton with-thirty 'men lion! Linton camp anti ittOtelting;. krevi , Ilia yehell.into:confusion, who,,ihinking them s'elltes attacliettlik a -large ol 5 . 6,..11 , ;t1 every direction..-',Retarning to hie poat, , Vitjd . r,-Lint-' on .continned.to hold It 'in the very 'face .tir.tha enemy; being constantly in sight of their lines,. and liable at any moment to • GT.TATtrn: A. ISIM.OR Wtrti4innarcsrtomss..?' , After the battle of Antietanni the' whole..: lel'' , I _army was concentrated at Meriinshufg, engaged, iti destroying the railrord.• • Major Linton With 'a Single company of infantry held a post guarding an irriportant bridge but twelve miles from the main body of , the .rebel army 'and in constant eight of their.scouting -parties: By constantly scouting, by repeated skirmishes by, erecting log : breast. , works,..and . mcinntint "Quaker guns;" by;blossinvurrieturrips'• ings and evenings to imitate: the ;discharge •of artillery, he deceivedthe effectually. as 'to,his strength. In :this he, vitas of course' sus. tamed byCel..Carymbell, 'who . assisted, deception- by bringing companies' . frorp other' poets by rail to Back Creek, Which . ivere,:n,ar-. rhed'and conntermareheil in.and out of the, bre, estworke and in fait of the enemy, with 'great shoW, of strength, when t hey, .Were .then ly.moved off tritheir proper.posta,terriing Lirkt on. alone to keep the, works:. By. these deVirres tho rebels Were deceived' end held in check' for tweAveeks, but early one:mriming they march ed with a large force of cavalry, intantry and artillery to .irtteck,.and hy their superior num-. hers compelled the Major to fall bark 'slowly three milesto Cherry. Run, where he wan met by Col. Campbell with reinforei4nents. An ef fort tilllll mathrto:dis!odkii . the rebels, but it fail ed, and Major Linton'vras left 'will btworompaj.: nies.of infantry 'at Cherry • Run :tri4atch the movements; ind' defend as'best hecould the road; •By constant ai)igPilee and . activitiri sud clenly-,appearing:et•uncxpected peints,•he 'sue, reed in Ida periloui'duty: ;: ..At*Maynairl's Mill he came'eneipecterily crOa force 'of rebel ,cav e try. three qr four tinder' his numbers, and' Jeep, PleeelY rioted them: • Nntcontent with hear ing , hew'ifinirs' stand 'Major Linton' always accompanied. his Scout iniparties and Personal-, lydirected their Movements, after penetrating the rebel !Mei, and,once barely escaping them. IROMo D'.T.O ; r EUT. COLOtj6, • At linigth :, the.regtmerit..sS•ei,' !IF December, •1862,..enot;entreted and reliesfeil fromeite:dutiei of rii . ilrond gnarding, MeDermoint hit'etog heen.>cisrtMolled to .resign nn . ,ecconot of ill health;Mnjoe.Lietnti was, febriiiity 1, ,180. 7 ; promoted to fill the vecittchi....lo .Marcb, /883 'we fin d : the 64th ei'gotriniek, Va:,Coionet Ca mp. bp11; having twirl assigned - to the comniand:of * brigaile, Coltinel Linton took command. of the . rigimeYtf.! Here Coloneltinion itesidonely tab:, flied to perfect hie regiment 1.11 dtill;:aild by his untitiolgenergy 'end knowledge of teetice. made whet,.*. blues it..wir y !tinting the but . . , 'drilled.regiments in • seryige,,!nd ..c'egtssil se cand to none in fhe DepitttitVWskt. ItiCctairistettoi Titg • lilleathrptg.',-::': • Gen. Lee'having again' crossed the Patentee; Gan. Kelley concentrated his ,stroopti,..crnixed the , Potornac; end "oectipied.ll,edgessille ; pt ea Msrtinstiurethe t4th formed is parts, otihe ss cond. brigade s of -which. CamObell was I he. commander. Gen; Kelley , e forceg t . !tot heavy,skirmish, heing :likely to'be'.stirratirideil and captured, were Withdrawn'to . thenorthalde Of the Potomac, leaving Colonel.Llntrin' with the 54th regimentilime; on this 'wroth swollen:xi ver.in theii—iits . 'ssnd. the .i . ebel.rorees frotit.....Eitit the rehele 'Contented thernselvei with thrOwing.i Couple•olshills into •thst seri ment;stitt then WithdieW:-Thenee, the second brigade Marched 'through the 'country,to its Old camp ittloinney; •Va.• .1 • •, • arrsiLsits mcArracas. .• • ' • . tn:Septitiber; 1803; Colonel Mulligetl was' lying in - an exposed position.at Petersburg, Vsq . 11110 C i Ororiel . Linton 'marched to'. his. Whpit pushing rapidly along,.he was suddenly .attacked'by -, t rebels,•hut they . were promptly put. to fight,. Subsilitently..the regiMent , •Was stationed Springfield, Va., front which prate ColinierLinfon two efforts to repture the' notorious MeNed„ hilt infantry &told not rnarch as rapidly , ••aseavalry t and . Merstell. eicripecl. nit is . WSITNOSICD IN TIM TM When.t.tigel stafted on,his . expedition up' the'fbith wad aelligtkid to the. Second brigade of the First division, and Col.' Camp. bell iimk'cnrntritiail of the. regiment.' the: 'lsth or May, 'lBO, the 'ilisaa - tyous 7 battle' •Ol New. Market Was "(might.: ti it h was : on the extreme left, ' it bore the' brunt oftlie 'the_ last to leave ..the TOd...Nlmost stirtuunded—Wi'll t the enemy in !tont' and. on both •,fl.ankst he: gallant'. fellows Weri:at last compelled to ,doggeillY, Whilst doing•his utmost 'to rallY the men • and continua.' the Linton' :received walnut in the' left thigh (min a minaret ball. He succeeded, . hoti•ever, 10_ getting . safely back with the regiment. Bring now unfit tur duty . :he' receieiLa leave of al." , sence and 'went; home.' While he wits ithsent the regiment marched bp the Valley th Ilubter. . • ' 'sir. G'SISSIANDS A •lIATTA'sioN IN. 11A:11:LE. Promptly nt the expiration of hia• time,. his wormestil I unhealed he teported to Gen.-Sigel at ;Martinsburg. Ash.. could 'not then 'reach hitregitinenf, he was assigned to ti.e command of a Initial kill in Cot Milligan's hrignife,., which started to:join Gen. Hunter, but was met by la - r - g! force (tithe enemy and enropelled to fah hack on. Sigel.' 'On thel3id of Jisly,'l!)o4, 'the repel. Ceri. Ransom • ttselted Mulligan and, ti brish.bat`tle t!ni;!lrd, Col. tinten ilaing his fall share 'with his battalieti, a number of. his • men heing'killerl;• . woittnieri and 'eartureit... 'The re• held were held in check. Sigel vithdreW, hie toreeirlo Maryland lieighte, whEre 'he Was be, staged'., meantime Col. Campbell hail been ass.igneil;to the command of it brigride by Geo..flunteromil'Col;'LlntOn "took: commend of, the'. ri.giment, which Was:now - a part of Gen (.:oOkarrommand •fir• • 'Blll'6M:if. ' NICK i: . l1 9 .111 • ANC I 5 tVOUKCEp j N THE RIGHT Ali otp)ER,.. • •. . . _ .:. Gen:. Crooks marched to Snicker's Fetry, where, on..thelSr.h . of July; n..biittle was 'Ought In thelnidst of the fight, Col. Frost; \v.ho cam •manchd the 'brigade to , ,which . th"e , S4th belong ed,•wn• when the Command: of *the bri gade devalv;!d on Col..Linfon;• now :the seniar, officer: preient. Span niter _taking rimunniid of the brigfide, and whilst . personall3i • saperin-. tening irrivernehr 'Of the trnops, extricating them from •the_dang . einal posktion tir .in which ere, Cal , :Linion•reCei veil a Around from . 11. Musket boll im the.. - right shnithier..• yet he gallantlY'kent the field: Gen; Crooks Withdrew and •sobsenuently-rifarehed to Winchester. Col. Linton; though anfferini from \round,. !lOU continued - in' the field. • . . •• ANOTHER UATTLE--A PALL .AND:AiOTUER WuUND, • On the 23d ofltily the rebels attacked crooks hilt were, after a good deal of fighting, • repids ed: July 2.fth,they.renewed the attack. The brunt of the battle fora long Hine' borne by Miilligan's division; io Which%vraii Linton's .brleade, and which .he still ' ally :commanded aanobly fotight- Here fell. Col. 'Mlitligish. ,Thefightitig was desperate:, Crooks fought his Men sidth "the courage of a lion, titirrhe force of dumber' compelle7l -the stubbOrn .cwal hoise'! to yield..The•retreat-began--at first ?W. dely,bu! it almOst ended in':a rout. The'night was , ixiremely. ;dark, .Linton„ still suGring from his•Vround, ,kept together his small brig';. ade; wasted by hard figlitingltO.hut little more than a 'regimen t. Slowly he fell.buck,.keeping. his . ,men froth stampeding.. Riding off .the side' of the road to ascertain veharforce.warnearest him, his horse stumbled- over a stone , pile and throwing the Colonel violently' to: the. -ground„ ; In the fall hiSwOunded shoulder came iq coutact with the hilt. of his sabre, which broke the callar.htine., Although splinring' the most excruciating pain, he did not yield. until 44ne danger was over. -.He was then . sent to hospital, and obtninirg a leave Of absenic, went home,"bui promptly returned • to 'duty when his, kave espiredjaltiough his wounds were 'sill' tinheiiled and painful. • - BE COUBIANDS.• BRIGADE Ut I'ItE , S 4 ATTLEur BErt• One of the companies of the,. regiment ha v. inkbeen mustered out, and 'the reginient thus reduced todeSS than'a maximum, 'Col: Camp bell, •Whose term of service'• hen : . expired, re-, calved orders to'proceed to Hlarpsr's Ferry' lor !roster out.' 'Ho was:Mustered out Sept. 3, lBfi4, when the: iommand . of the brigade. d e.- vollied on CO I .IE - larris--;linton being star in command. of the, Harris hue ing been injured by a‘ll, CO, /Ann, tok coin. round of the brigade and. With fought through the battle of Lierryville, 'where i he rebels. were' . repulsed; . Bept; 3d; • . He LEED4 ERE IS4ER BATTLE 0 F• WINCI29. •TBEL.•im is itior TIIROTIOR 741 Z SHOULDER...;' At the lily great' battle of *ncheafriii- Col.. Linto k •ivas%destine - . red i hie lnrt „end ' moat...etre of a wo ds. Oalleintly• l ea erpig his regiment the , charge, amid a" perfect.stormef bullets, grape, and cienister, he received in hii seerningly fated right arm ,and . shonlder, cannisfar shot . ,.Whitb'•deprivee him tif,the free nse. - of that . good .'itgh! %hand. Which dealt so many blovis to the.l,intensv - For some time•it cans feared that be Wouttl'oas his `life while in thehospits4 but thanke....to merciful Providence and a robirst • reanititutiani he recoiredi- . His wound, -bnrofaver, • :continua(' tenuppotata, tied nek.'"Ahlilly: 'weed • hitt? . r • • ift er 'OtEttier. tith' Of wa! honorably Me!. •`: In" private iii•ncit a nrat .1101. ea • character in.the'Srs`te'ihari- - Corarier Against„ his lair , ihrne.stita' breath” • - can be railed. Here i . orbiter, hii :••11•:•,100;sio,e), • neither friend or foe gen oaf Atight r to credit, grill both alike , ackno.wledge bie 'opts r - 4 filiffed: morel 'worth; Bitterly ~. .istbill,rda!if sternly honest; truly hcinciriblO'—"•thei'eikeldir... admitted; 'characteristic,. could be more' . gentle, tiflablaiathibliglearthie :',Pe4tless In the illsehareSof hr cannot be swerved Nam its pierfortnitKOVtin... Cr by threat or'entreaty.. lie wills - re'diilfiliff and doe* it, triennial. of friends sri:lrie.•• • nee Linton ni.among the fotennost: of the kers or his ` district;.•although, hot , !erne men.- iie.is a' fluent, sneaket, a ready Aldred ter. sound and:logien! thinker; ' 1 a 'nib sl eduCatinn; throughly 'questions of the dsy; a Pepicrit ' OO6l !HR. Olt r hone entiViel intijhij, 60...tea1' quit illed foe the e itraptionth 1p; of the=greir,pstiy, ;to , . he belongs, and nYfiirely vrrittbygdthe:l•llleairtji• stinpnit of the neople the.. scridnie,'Plestiore. In him, should he he elected,..the peophe find an bone*, capable and' yrntihy oMeer. . . • . . : • ATTENTION, SOLDIERSt . ., We advise the l i anoSy.lOrtnia icildiers Arc ifidr late liar to read, the Teinkrt of. proceti;Onga' of ,Repttilleant State Conventiori',*' held • . a(llnrrisberg on'the 17th. inst. General Lain: Todd (if Cumberlartfl co unty, a. methbet Of, . convention, offered ther'follovring resolntion: . „ ~rrii.nsotfird; That thiaConvent repriaint" . log the loyal people of • .Pentirylviiiia f teener nine ot Our citizenaoldiers on its. cdn": fidett.te - and .gratitu le ai superiorelo those of All anirthat in token of, the • .sincerity of' this, its declaration, ii namintta . none- candidates for offiee except thitisa arho proven - their loyalty And patticilistii by' sei , iteli. in the field egainst.rtha enemies of the :.111optib.- . ~ ''.Tll!l,•a/ter a protrnetkl. , and 'berated . , disOits sion;Atas i;oted down by 111 to lit In-the douse o f the Ohre oit .tbe. qtieitliiii;', Ginprel-Todtl pnict: . _ ' ....: ,• - - .. - 4 '.. - ' • . • I, lVe.bavp•bien proreellng out adotlitetioe' . _ ... ..., ~, , , , • eud T egerd . for, the' breve ioblit.re . of .Penieyt.o ',.''' winia.' ourlips here coOstentlyultered ritiloe; . ' °and tiovv'eoneistene,V . ilemando that' 'we , ehriel.ll; 'eustain,oui ttaciaration.' .Lei'm's be honest and • . ighe'imiltina of the 'party and 'of tii;.... iOnar- • .. try demo` il that there shonldnot.be'.i• Ilifilin., ting.voice in this-Convention upon; the ;clainii • , of:those 'lin have . sayed our litiii,liT,• • • 014:- •richi.s. . Tri it heroic labors ihriOld'bir reitiO• ' e'd, :Gentle pn, pin neon ' faCe" % the ' .iiitiel . e• . , There must b. a eqtpire op writ T ileien vote . 'on ~ . thie'queatinn,. Let us see: who , are lioneetand • sinrere, and liv a eye the hype Oleo. • ..-', `,. 'itl desiiethist this qireitionehotild'ba diteld,. ... ed, for tipo'n- it ha gs•:t he destiny.•of the . Repols., .lican.party,, -It* cmignore. the 'soldier s, (N 0..; • ter and-,:defeat,-thO. Olt Crushin g, • will'. ' tilihilt • ' .To all of thieThis dens Steiteml,and . ,.otheris; •,. replied," ;re mit Fotrifur whom fee pfada,"° : . wild '•, they Were strong eninigh in the Conventiciii.to io.put down 06 beer:seven:can ftwhifp' - of • :tfrir . . soldier in I bod y, of-over • One . 'hundred .cferes .., • The h•tive boyv who prtived their loYittly..til - going into the•field to, fight, ruitl:eanquer• thlf rebellion; should, note, ate°, the resson,thet Stevi.nannd thome who voted , with 'hfee on' the resolution, gave for theirrjetlen in the preset. “There are worthreielliant;'sleci; tiod I tie.. lie ve that, t host pe rapes who gaii:their means, provecoie the war are entitled•toviiti- •gritiv . tilde, and have, claims se-. well those• who (Ought' !Tort the bettle••fitlil.” • • Thie•wev• , l;tltting rnaneragalifar • bloodr•de..; daring him who gave a fed foriii o = :cute lhe war, while he.- ret,!tisined ; st . malt; inithobtiands oat"of it, equal lit ; merit, equal per riottem.'end eifual iliVnor,..to.ihe men erboi abaniftining hoine; family, : friends ' ', and• bust-. Peas, gaye Ilfe; and twrilled even th;lt,•to stive the otjuotiir,• • is 'not: ,thie, enough le prove how shtilitivs and . hy . poeritieal is the pretended Itive., of tile, itltepuhliean! , •, party (or the . aeldiers?, 2 l:l9eili not 14104: : fbot";,•• when the profeasione o f_tha party • •reapeetine, the heroic and' self•saerierifetnen Who 'fought the•batiles of the Union • 'are. titotisht to 'Ole., teat, ;their inillowneas ttioctitrereti v and that .• • • . . .•••••••.----ctt,liateadSea rrpltil•.. • • • ' They rinn'to ashes on thOlip." - • The truth is, and 'fiai alwaya been,' -that: the "Republican, party,' In sPite of ail tiseli - • 'protestations of syttipathy arid respect for' - soldiers, regard . them only as thaty. -- faitard Abe . the . is tee t iweepertt in• ‘ t ,:The gesfen• gers are employed d4iiriti 14'ef arc Ogg, s r ' and: . •. ri.n.!vel employed' to en, conshileie!. . hie extent,' exeepc.onli:Oli - tki of . 44 obo; lion. Th e ",,R e pohli e o.i s . ” clnitrt . Ont. they ' 'Sr" red 'to. the soldiers,:,l:hen in the • Gield r the .• light But it I' • atidtr, • as it wife. more ?kiwi eu'strected then, that-. t '„give the soldiers-a right rd.. iroto :the t..11.110/(ritiiAt'eiiet," and 'hay teak gooil g Ake to ae c . that. intentiOn• ,Carif ,,, out in the ra'irips and eise*here. •howeyer, When the ioldi ' ers ; can 110 longer be' made to:vote to.pienia the. Ot..pliblic'ansi" bat •is iik..lytic isaitteiie• his ' -right or \ wffrage ;'to: please hirriaelf,;thP,,"Republican,,,while" atilt: '`' trying: o ehest*ord., • .sibielsi. 3 .'• but ter niiparinipa," te . fuse tri•prefer him in deb , rtem . ina Lion? .fer pa ie cifileei arid aaj \ allantbnyi.irho risked that:, in t andinattheir '.bitter '" , ; rich :coWaid s .whi) skulked it . bogie.' kid (gave . pf. iheir-Oest fittunia': . te help ihe doveriinieit in ty. in` such gra t r deffnqrs of .the (AOC - • strong for etegillfew Yarlt gielitie'ininit 7 ;#4,, dolin:fiere, whose bisitiesi is te5ti . Tre.,01111, , ,,. : : . ::, i r ; 11 ; a1 . 60 'Vic cimiiivitiiii i611 4ii!•„:•Th.)70, 1 1:1'.7.1'.';:, :: ''''.;. ten d'et the Proipeet befog n tliegi,'tinic: :*nt fell( ~- . `f:'.,.- ::!:.,,f , Z in a uddle. They get no eliontioienee :gibOtii : ',"../. i A celly,al.the Whit. loose.. /47, 1 0 ~'- i Ira/4: , =', 4 •l5P tilli01004*.• bbWHO ig. ; :00110 Oki* . :`,:';':Y;f4,--, ~,,',..i, , '•,',t , :jt'Silv-' - ',' , A'::: , );-,,,'.,,',;: 11r: -J-• , . .....„..,_,..-..._ . ~~ ~'~', BRUM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers