M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, September 16, 1865, Image 3

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    AN . TOONY,
'sok BROAD Vcr.A.Y, Y.
. . .
Our Catalogue now empraees:corisiderible
•tkier FOUR THOUSAND different eubjectevo
which additiont aincontinuilllytieing.rnade) .;
•72,MajorGeiierals, ' 525 Statesinen, • • •
190 Brig. Generals, •. '
„11.59 Colonele,'. •• • 116 Authors,.
"..eitieut:c . olonele 30, Artie* . • •
.. , . . . . .. .
206. Other Officer's, .' 112 Stage,: - • ' .... .
ISlliiavy'Officets . , ' .. ..!1 6 . pi.ominent .I,Vomer
' •" . • 147 , Proliiioen! Foreign Por't ri 03.- 0
. .
. .
tnelncling,ieprodnetions of the nto,O. c'elebreteit
Paintings ,Stnluee Bre. C italoones :
sent orin receipt of • St amp.." An .order•Tor , ,One
Dozim-PICTURESfrom ofireatalogne
t'led-oo 'receipt v of: sl,Boylantt . . sent. by man,
VitifEßEAS.Letteri.'of.:Adtiiltd;tration to
Vlr the L:atate of SAMUEL C. Ginsoti, late of
CatherOn county, lecaled, have been.; grunted
eubicrikar, all. nee‘one indebted 'to the
said Estate are • requested 'Make immediate
.payment; and those having. alairmi Or'clernan t li
e g ainat..the Eat ade..of the.iaid • decedent
make, known the eame•to • . •
war. i..cti3SON,
• • A dna ni:diatpr ,
At the LaW Oltieeof
Empoiium, Patni!rpntotinty:Pe:
. • Septemiiei 9;'1664._ • • • •.• • •
The most economical,
.The . moet•delicious,
IN ThEWOrf ttY,.
0•ElD 0 R .NEW.
This Coffee is pr . eptirsd.thider n formula from
•ths'itreat Gertnip Chemist
. . .
•and . gives On:essential .lull strength and deli ,
• - clans flaVor of OLDAV . A
tOFFEE; Which - is the only- quality
_Of Coiree
'•used in its preparation,. Wittoutany . ol that nat:'.
'.cote quality' which co sadly damages the tier.i
rous.syntem in the use of even•ths hest grades
:ot.Coffet ea OulinarilY prePared. - •
• 2d. It, gives the 'essential tonic and diuretic
•eletnenta of Dandelion, Without
.the . "terby, 3,
coarse taste. so disgusting, and - yet cl ways found
fn the ordinary Danderoan Coffee: .• •
It knovin to all acmiainted with cheinistry
:Abet the e s saenoe; Or. Oil, or 'whatever name May
'ha giiren it, when properly a ndscientifically Ob-•
tainsid, from any. herb or: plant, is a (ai tiitierent .
sirticlefrom that produced byputting t hat tit
intoirater and boiling, it •out—permitting the
escape Of. the. Most. exquiiite, 'end': reliable .
'strength . .and• leaving, the -Coarse and earthy
drtige percipitated of in Solution; *
§o this preparation combines the:exquisite
aroma of, the daVa coffee; with. the h'igh'est
eential vreellence'of.the most .'choice Dandelion:
--yielding, the without the grosser eait hy
both; thereby avoiding' the, deleteiions
4 Racets of both and hecoming at, the same time
•. , ,
The,mosf, Ilealth-giling and lestorini kink
'Known ia.tha •t a lovereiin.
remedy . inatead•of ptiducer.ot .
.Tlll, If DO,
NEa, CO . !lii!liNO4,
) 015111/19211 .OY.TItI! LIVE&
6ecaine otitsleriat Tonic and'JDiuretiC.
.The simple;fact that the'prepiiratieo is:from
'Bnion Leibig:willccitimend it to tho.fittention,
+of thestientitie in all parts olthe country, while
the use Of . .it.will at pnceand.permaneolly prove:
ntO:the; masses everywhere . tl4t .it is , the brig
meedertdissider'atam- 7 in its way..
The:immense popularity of . this Coffee,in the
lOW World is an eirnesrthat its - use'and popular
ittin.Anterien is hound to . become continent
knottier Consideration not to be Orirlooked in .
regard to the enntreii . is that
It• Coate Lesa than ordinary Green Coffee
reoire4 t eas t an. a e quantity tq glve
'0( h • •
• the' stiltigth, ,ap(l, its itae prove'a
ae 30 'cents- it,`'i)thttitl . tci:he,chi:lileilhah Ala
litho Cotrre i tti , 15..c . ent. panic t;;.:_, ;.
. 14c i ' e4l. 0060, 'on
at MU fat'
POUND', ce9bl:.llos,
' A Miscount ,ti; iraff •
llianulactoredby the,PEQP ! ..f:§tPlicry(SlCOT
,Lo Qeb .' dteeil ( ti,cb
Sold-6 4 iotirt ;OW Pitsit
CAIIiti:C.ASHr! eASIt!!! '• •
. .
' /SUBSC i niti Tilt will pay• cap,ll for Ttides,
Pelt:; Skins, Old Copiir . rond . 8r099,
Tin roil, ;inca, ..I . 3onas of
.•ell kittdr, Cattle's
Peet, Switches, 11ft'rtio of I.liimiil3, Eodja :
Rubbery arid, Dried. Fruit. o'f
Persons h,ayinz any, of,the a;•ov . a
hand,,io qbaroiti.s;tuay rtddro” Ina at Ink t 11 , ,.
idendoand `call Air them.
.••• T. IV:{101.E,• . • ';
Bradford, IVT6Keart • Co. Pa'.
,hlfivriff. • '
N0v.,24, 1863
SOLD .1,C.11.53 f'piY
. •
• . . .
pre now .offered,in Opporunity„ ay which
.0111.:.' . A.11.10 :.. :.g.UA1 : Lt TIME-PIECEi
01!A WA TCaCi
I'AJIR....k ritiF:D . l:9 K .. t.1',1 1 '( : I . I . 1: ON.E'T All
•xn T it. t si,"nue
PR! VI rcr.or EX . 3. , 1111 . 1-‘TIO3(
Bp.o PainniTt • 1 . 77*74 , :i;01. .:•
INPIOTID . 1 1 1;1111..11. tut! .
A filet chief litintinit•l'irne.
tiPl 'over' wIMA
most duriibly'verolighr, nrpking
m •po 1a nitlePs thP & eiiiniol - lie,(letinitod frnce
Cllly,. the :. rnosr .. exin;riekcid.'
not affect it. L'ondoit made
movement. IPrreoven. icy Rif or
- A MN; hits SweepPeeonilF.',.:'end to•beex
in . genefal:simparani.P..•Trirp.is'nEciono- .
one of rho imsT A wrichi.g erriofteriiii for. tra,
1111: oppertilating, I;:‘II:.c.It.P.NTS,
rinceos.triPvin.;:io ; will tied them sointri.)t ;
is nny other; RI teration• .dot,
Prn.:•,..ppohod in • fx(?0, , 1.1
,;tispe end Rood running.Order,only 105,.or'easP
. .
!. 11, V . ER ijkINT ING LE V.
. . . . .
• • I'EST Q.O A 1.,1TY
.S.ILvEn cAsEs • over
;W. /doh' el.tclro-.6rw'pdafed 'IS li. gold; iitrillo'r tai
nkti . • I.AIPI:Oy , EO Ifyrz,mr,
rttn't ernentm - Wtlintitop,' l .dointrho n d in I,triiiitg,
lit rtes;
nr I.preenwieli s fi - enOtilt.'alld• all f he'
toFrj..its Ii autitnl
40,1 foul . tit•sq . apli!nriii4 . e . and . i ;I; tnip.rior'rno,.
rtencdrilo' . colt!iderntinit, rpg.a rd.': it
010 , :elinape , t artirle' nf• the kind in tlu•
1 Orin ilfg nr
nlos of 0 for • • • • •
. .
• •• atiVP,nee; fin t.
either ti t eol ',plies. to
NilyfiArt:of tholoyarStatio,:iiiflt payat,lo
t„ ~sprel:man wheit• are .I.:livf:reff,
A Al if nol-sAtisfactoiy the uatch-'can be return-
'1•IX - 1101 . A . e: •. • ••
. .
cornriahi•o refti4
i oldierS and olhoh disloy
al t,u( 'con's eq y-all 'mutt: h.
'!OttiptinifaiV by •lbe casb..lo* ("II Lion
•! make a - dad ti . c I iohl o h • dollars .on •v/ t bo• r
%s:. fob when tie 'iS foi 'rarded
• ',
7 ; . , Limey may 'be seetit ley expreiPs'eLour..;*—.
11105...CAFF4,11tY & CO., •
- ,•nd Broad St.o.ipposite•City Bank,'
. . .
'• • • Tr6wident..P...n.. T
•• • •
1...1, Ihistity.Mackiiis; with ientwior.; 3100 .
IC I, 'hull Xitneactiming, with Ex.fw ,
3, Vargo . Natkutieturiiig, with , . ••
. .
Ir. 3, , LarriKaikulacturing.:tor Leath* ' . •
witk 1141 but F•cot aiii Oil Ci!jr. . . '.. t . M ` Illite'bull. hoses I imilruci:ana is Pipirtivie . eil t• e!laa
bl• Ray p I• vs •i•k thils li•011at: I.,llii.ir,•rn,
I 1 4 .: • -1,1,1 r;":
. .
. - .. •
'tilej•e' 4111 ft 4.1:0 , !•ini,, , ,.. Wot'orrapoimit; . ctt 'l's
,it;tira,.t..t .. ,,t.2 o.,i:t ! : 9C I:tt. , , 1'i1y,. , ! ,t ttt f oi :t o ( o .
..of . il ! lie ,ticv • jothi." . .:,l 4:' , l;...E:fill . ro , :eiohic IK)A;li .
y'A. , 1,11 ic , 11, .... • -, , •,: ':
.: 1:. .. ,
• :Via E 191 re. r
- o . lid!ra ror can Cr , i" roc.;
. .
A gable want./41,f0r pit Towui . in the Unites!
- A'zattti ate tuit.alre4.l7:ei,iablb,h
-fd7...' A 160,.16r Cubs; idesi,4i, Cei;tqtl ar:.l.South.
A tuerici., to . %ilicitn i •libethil ilificutint 'will be
ra.l) 0 . 11 deliver Y..
T. J, NiAltTatlrit go. •
1861 , 66.
Al)?II UL ? IIJi . : =EIZ LEL;
This, iirue traveritioth. NortNe . o and
1 - k w hipest•k.nip'ititii rofinslvaniii , to city
• • • ,
• It his ,11 - iiS . "(l by this. IrEsvilkyr t vA,NlA
K. Co.IPASS, 111!/ is opettirtiby tbern,..
sioirilstizth .wag 'opened tor: pn•s!iitger,
and trei.ht business, Octobior , 1711 i, 15114. •
il3,' OF I"3S . F.NGEIt, AT. E:lll:'o*rT:742
Leave Esityard;
Mail Ttuin
Leas.W . c a ,
. .. , .. • . ..1D :1 < A. :NI
. ....• ••. ..
'4l.atp‘OF. PASgttiGER TR.lrt3 A"; .W . !,Le\ . , ...
Throtii;jl.ll . tiql Tr . ajni .. ~.1, . 1':;1 : 4 fA..:',T .
Accommodation,. '.. ..• • . : 8;05 /A; g
.?:; .. iit':S:(l'e'it'i.s . a . i'd;
. . .. . . _. .
. . .
. . . . . .. .
Passenger Clir.
~.rpri'.:tbrryllh'lVlTil.gtT 0.1.14Ndi...
4niti..w'iry4 between Phjlallelphiit - 4pd . :Erie.'•:.•-j
. • : Er.,kri.itNy- .S: , !:tri.Ni..ci4 is' opH)txrre*.!.::..ttpiqs
I :lnth":vrt:) ,, ,s - ,...bi.tiven.'lVitlinnlsriti.rr,..-.an'il j3arei-'•
thdityltind Williiirasparkii,i)d.,P,tilidiilpyja;=:::',;:",
- ..Fcif : ;:infotrraSiep„ , ,TisVeOph,:P.4,iy:tiiiiiii.l)iisi . ,'
iii ;• Ci - apply - al. , ttle . S.:E:'ea'Oier4.l:th. , pni.l: - ..,)6i•--
4,Strgets; Philadelphia`:::: r(;,,':`. . ..-[..,.- 1;.._ . ,
f, , ..Mid fc!i'Freig4:l)..y#ilexii. , of.the .dorinpiOY's..
ARailtil.::-.: : ::::.;...i' , ::, ,, ;' , .'.a . •:.'.;'::.. ,, ::,! - :" . :i' . ::: , :c4'... ,',-.
~.: §;.,1 - i,ilC . .ifig:!.top;'...):! , k:;-:.Cos!..,: : 'i3th. - an*, '+ll4rkt:,
st,4,l:Piiiiadt, , ippi,!?;::,f, : ;.. , ...:•f..,: . •.,j:2 : :.•',:....•::., ',,..., ''..,.....;',.-•; : :r::
•,,, - :,`J'; Av:.....,114i.ypiiii1p.,;:,,E,66:':..'6',.c.,?•. : :;.'.:'..„..:: : ,.:.:.
...1. - . - AI :,,'D,t'Al 1;-: ASO iit,.is4:C: , 3l,%o4'..fiiiit fit,io 0: :,
Y...' J t.1.,11,- iroilstiii-..-'. , .!:-..,', - :-.;;;..... - :,- , ... , ,.......: i-:.,. i . - .. , :1 ,
~.01444..•;1 Y 41 . 01 , 1 , -,
: • 1 ; --: H"•*Ye r ,;!Glvt.ie ,, inii ' r',4' , ' p: A. , 'i: ; .:,-. 4 - 4...0. , - ; . A .
•, :•; ,,,t 4 ....: •.,, ~ , s:, . :, ! :,::,Cit.oßt;: ; :gikiif;- ; 04 0 ::: 1 74. i rd0,a. t
6. , ..;;;::::4 , *ip; . Lr i .0.* . i1ii - Acr;; , ,t,k;l4,, Liipm- , 4::,'' ,,-, ..
~,:,... , i,:: ., : ,. ...- 1 • , - , i .. .A-S.';'(-.fi(4 - i' , . 4 :i,Vm,17..j,t7' , .e6,0A,'.01n. ,, ,i'. 2 i::`.
:::,•: r ; i - ; . ':. .. -,..,. '.', % 1. 1.‘;'1F ., :.!: , ; , ;.". , .. - ..-s. :'•i: - ';' , .": - . . , :,..::•,-,.;;'::%';',:,,, g:.,,,".:',,,
mew YOIt AND tart
• . of 1 our 9.. ,
;4 Comriiencink Mon,lity,' Jant'try 4 t h; 1”4. 7
Trikine trill leave 010'nat aboin Abe followink
}lnure, vjz. '
• • r
•., HOVIN• 11A," . 1"
Nib Etprete r • •
IYtiyy T/1 •
I Et, neeeiyet
• If AIIL ES .34 NtYr,`Gon II pit
5E1.A1i.7..."t ND noo4 . Shnifelifirl.Terin
: ' •. .. •
' This is tlio . lit. 0f.1 . 1g.,(n;y
Fovig f t lit: A I'li• ".tv'andeTe" like
ui ntic , C till in .;:hiiiinw,,novi.i.knowif;iit MO
urn.' r;nlP4;rond
).ti.Clitio.l..in .14 j v
, tivy ifftiotlq. nitefttinri tii
i.owl.tinn, tit' : thnO ion 6
it . ..rat to' . soy
.A tie mory . tyinn
. 01 bpi in
in.ro ofijf!riity,ly ctirra of th'il.TPrrililit, • don;
1, toki !. row. tovouitortiditfit 110 S:
ii31 . 014A 13 him (PO
'w lap row] tinn 'fur' t rapid
And •troi:fti . rie Roils in 'renov.ating t4o* . systern
)irostrited ; •
• .Ffir sale . Dtiii. , iijpts grnfrii•lty
every a ben• •••••• • • • •
great limprovelsonta in Sewing lashine
Patto"ntc .
nrip!e ,
, 1)( 1 vulttabte:iittririlve . rtir;fit- berti
- to Si Al rurcirx
arit. the .
. princiPaJ.ohjeFtiorts
, .
tiigt; , (lat.taitist •.
to 111..tiperittor,.
;out •r: old.
tr;.Y. - blo 4n
. diess of
-I.l,(Sapae.i.ty y tle.sciiptiah...of ma
. trual.
Tho Empire Selitsir 'Fit riipt. a 1
•theis Objections: • ,•• •
' it hai.4,sl.f.:tight ,
the:Lock or.6*t Stltch,HA'llir.h . kill
ip.nor rlik.epriboth
ppifoi•tr) p0rfeyt . ..5...;664.mi rinf ion'of
nmt Letlljer..to 't}}o .st Nar) C.
n 1;
cotton:, livp,o . r
tbred.d;•frOnri .
tb• .
• ....11.1vim.1 hor.. COG WiIEFIL,
mpt th 4• 10 , ..5r posiibig fiittt,on, it rut { s'aa'sinoottr
.. •
'as , . • • • •
It:ft:L . lP irp . s'•FlFT Y PER CENT less pinvpr
(1:01 V( flat) io market.
A tweivi yeri•rs' ran' Work 'it steadily
tat lie or ipiiiry to 110. pl h.: • •
its lit !Tilt hRER Flit.
'tp.:get . out ornriler; : an.iis'GOA N.TEED 11' 7 '
'the compoliy; to.r. , lve entire
Wp. respectfully - Invite rhorits ii•ho• tiny,
ri.'spp' ply thrithsriues atti* -
c • kto rail and Exiiirilite't his UNRI PAI)E".) :11,1..• •
Iftitjd s more riO . eriAtirja . iiiiei - do
. . . . .
the patrnitse" . . 0.. • •••• .. . . ", •, ;•. • ' .'..'
.11001 i MIRT ,MA Nt; PACT tit Eltg ~sjl I fR,T
'ilid. bIISOYr..Nt Ali PAIS, -.3).A;ESS - ,.l‘l:.A.glEk.S
CQRSET 111 A KER`,3,
i t KA:: 'BIN DI: RS,.. V .. 1 , .51' gua.:PAicri.i.oo.k
• . • , . •..•
'• :
;sr" '
'4 l /
3f..-E.tOrnoT of To.itli•4ni Cho:stint Streets
. .
• ...L. , F.4I.NAVA.NAC,S".. a: • :At., :..,
for (1,. last our y•ati, riihrip . al Slid chief' liiipi
41 . 0ta.rota . rurgir of rfir.vA . NT •&. Srii;t'rro-si!s 'Com,
. . . _ . .
ondneted•no . now, eyoern:ol.A.e; aa Business
thronah, the eat41111 1 1 10H ; nt o f r eg .i ( i..
ntite Qiltc6l ap4r,..`eanting. , liotimo.s,rapreeentiii4
Aillfeient depart Tanta ar,Trade and epainneree,
and a - ,teialer .ll ank - otbeiuisii•* . q . .rsA.,.,.,, giv:
the•attifint • all. :tle'advan (ages' 41 V . tl/01
ractirer and he. 'ahortes,t
ims!dtile.titne : and al.nst.foc . ti've in - a'nner Car
the variono.duties, itnd:Omid6S'aiants business
l'h"eco_urse nl izistruclions..io,the T4roretjca
Deir4l:tonsot.ernbra CI, Mink : ke.!rking,-ConimPi
I..OefurPs on Busin6s,s'A
PenninanOiri,'Cofffnercial Coi
respondencei. •
2:15 P. 51
•... ..13171111NE511 . 1 . ,
the- okbove
pio . c . ti 1.4 n ; ali their: ,
wiJI Wm' n 111.1ie pC)iitioi; of Ac-
cotpktant rind Plop!' Che vArioti.9-.Depart,'
'11,1e1) t t • 117;o!Asa I ir
ibres, , a!“ . 1 P9m://qsiion
Illnn!ifarterrinij, 514in;:nit,; Sto•amboati4,444
will 'finitlliiic(iii,ctic/dir . 11i 0.6 utT
lep each •of ich t • • t •••
proymti now!vige: I,yil I ke..lpArt., tp. , the.; (611 iii, I
I e,i
Otis....iiciyilnt.ago! . :Oot.poisesyqdl,),:r,lo,y',iirpm
Witia t i t ti
i ,s;l9,e; : .coniltfc
,c i carairOf n is uneotpass
'64;!#4:iiiity_cl),Pi.pienpretio,iii:s, 4,st-.;ildv,;•if
nct9ttdth lye
an itriP4ll6:PSPA;4otkljtidfill-SThWilio.Aoc
,In!". 1 •,0 7 ;1.1.t,',1F dh. b retvtis L a 11i4 - "id 413' :fiiiiiiiiii':lo,Y,„kg.,,,;,,MV,-40 , 4 , k 4, 0- 4, it:SP- - 1:-A,Art'v
10 ii4li
;f3kft-4-74.fi1...;:;;b.N?4.6 Air , :4t,.5.,:*i , : 2 2:,;41:6'5. / I,:a§Xf#Zl..?l l W.?:ThWerfglt,§C ?i fi'Wg ,
•S-.;4 4 ,'tA*41
7:04: P. M
10,,H•, WEST.
3:33 P. 'AT
~.7 :22 P.-11
110 - 2
1:41:3 P. 11
(itrxi I
Of thee. rnentifacturi : sii gre - titenriety;,
ranging in. price'from - 50 cents to VW' eachr• ;:
Our ALBUMS tial;•e - the roputatiOd"ot;:being
enheriorinliennty !hid durability:to any.otbers:
The kinde can bc.sent.eaTely-by mail' at
a pOstage 41 six cents per ox.:: •
• •The inure iviiensice cah 4e lent b) ' exptees.
p e e o.pi e.
• .. . . • "V w
Ouf .
Citalogoq . of ilippt will bje,ntiiivii9r .
Stamp •
H. .Nlc
. •
. . . .
•.••.. • • • • •
• .
...Friends!'.Or riollities• of ',proiojneiLt . nii!itary
mei) tyill.:eopie.e.o: :sending:o3,o;mi,
likpner.,seelo kept cnrttOl
.y •and* re to rood • s•
FiNt. AL.ItMS :PRDER.. /or
Cong,regationq'to.pr'espOl,to.t.heir Pastoi,.6e:for,
otll or p0tp , ' , ....;1,... with',•ilit."l.)lkr itiier, , ptiOnm;
. .
. .
_liiio a9F .D'Pa,rocao:, t i Twt :
Wiph, to:sayl.),t roalii.ril'of.yo . yr
pipe::- that,: I wilVisemit lhy ietuya
;whoßecipr;full. , dire i , ,(;;
tic;nl far Ailt bog .4?in.q . , a, simpl• • .k?getibl.r!
thiat.will'-eirocl oaily„rampla,
late iqis", Ton, I Ter ap,ti. all' falpu . ,
i •' '
. . . .
.. . ,
1 : will ' it Iso rrt.a II
. freg, to those
,hitv,ir4 13khl
•13Oaris or La r.r . .1 7 ne'is,ii - ottl ifirectiorii; i±n i•ir
iOentatioo tha,t.*iirti
enble..t.bi!m..id.stiltt • a :51,11
grotivth,pl:lttxuriet . kirtir,...• :Mils 1105; i$ i • ''. ik
NlOnstdchi.',lll,l4.s. ;11011.30 , days.. 'A 11 applit::a-.
tion.r;olymerio.l bk:relorn. u,it oi,ti hoot 'charge.
.. : Itc-rjtrAt toll V Yntj IY' '•- ..
• • • ..• ;-.... 5..''... TLIOS...g.' • t.A.TmAIv - , -
l t
~. " .•• .. ;........ .- •. 4 '..• •
• • - • • - Cli/mar,
, ... . „
'•-. ' .. '.' N6•831...13rpa1l way; New 'York..* :
. .
.. .. .. • . .
. -
•:,• Mooch ant • •
. •
A, Nr.l - I.NI4 . OPI•::N''
C N ••
Otir at tIo; :tire] I le's I , 119frit.', VtiLi t ;41! tl
•ilettitle , ,dlyt hem attic clie'opes.r. ,ttpitti)i:(;ee • ;:,i
general and It 1 ,
within it niol'eoritiectetl aiiti ifs
, sic Wiiiqi•jtj.; a( debtIV , II i•entltirinkt. tt' key
tit .The. •,•1
.at,.....00mp0qt , !.1 of tlytt metialc, the oof to- .
hci• hall the..
proved: I'oly r.ctitin leve r'
. .rnot' , trrettt, i, -
. viort:ttofed . -ott ie. titoepioce :
Ly . '‘toit,
t thtz.o, , I.l'
NV,it'Flt;r:, to o...at:titotoe'r.o
those : T7opliii, to hily.ot . li:holosatO i 0". 1 f.
by rxpreis, is it.,h Bill miltfeltVi..ry;• id
thttrs meet kotrtit,ttakileot . S.lvittiee,,its
rnurtn( ;collect Iran) .those , the.f Init...
E7 or ., sti.tssn •
. .
Q Sill Q. it : N 1...1'S
crik 4
iili) PIIIT ( 111 , 1)
• 1
:.:.''7s - y - 411 - . 13 - A:,, - 7174,117,.: :
Ii i"rusPd 6y. I ftfot
,rt-10;airaentl . il . for tiri'vo Witd::o - k. •
poptiLypetioos,'l,,:ifig.i. , oytrat it),4 - free
fro:m ri
'which I Cl!frificatei • t'
tient •rhYsibifinadnif
iii piofereoee to uny.'citi!er: • ".•
• ••
.; So - ld at . for,' T,tse'uty•j' ive .17• Mt
Poi . thil . First 'class'. Giocers - ... throtigtiodt
it NE • ' . : - "'
Cr:77, A: [ibr;fill. dist:ntin t. to eitdr:.
• .. • by, •
:t . t , fl'en " ,.s:,..l ; 'q(?:%‘'',. Yin
.:.'-. A1:N...11 - 1]007'(?: : i . .. :.
Holir . :, .i9s - T
.tl , ,:lio.*..ntsT64i' i D t
•Tlts7 P Wished, ...57.r .t,'ents•
•••••. • • •. . '
• • 'A liVert.7l; VON N Al'll , ltf:lTßEkrmoN:r;•.kNi)
11 7 ,11thli Vitt/. of trperialuithena - :: fitinitnal 17••k$1•$,A,'
O Y.O ria g a.tt IP r :No r Quarnitipti OP ; • .4:pi:
[(Tay - lint], ; mytitril
I n4,1 - coui Ahe%.;-.4*c. —lly t.;a.t.Yr Octiv.tiliwi . ani.; M.
II . the : ••
~ •
• in thin . tincture
ukarly; [-rur on front bin oign'eatiorlitileit that: Ostend
cnns~tju~u'caB of c • Uuty , - ti'fritel lIIMOVP4
.113tdiel [l4ol.lrPti 710 t dItIMOrOIIII rgictil.oft•ea..;
think, tneigios,-Imistruliteit‘a;, i t ;TN:-
oirt Innen cure_ at:tine's • toriatu snit OfcctlitiV . lii
dhich'e very yin MO ltyr what his unn,li thin :may:
1 4, imq 1 1, 41 , i.nontr tin,Ll•eadicaljr,
'l`lila, lecture 'will-prey a it lituiu tu...theuounila .and -thou
:.i rittinder anal, In - a p]ntai niirelope, 'any sAtlriein. nn
- receipt tif cnotn, r - t we 'pricthge %tamps. lie nditrestu,'
• , -
, , • . .
2 ; . / tholverY..Nelt.'lrtirlf Toot Offie* $
lox 45116.
. . , . .
- PENSIONS for ilinablad"`Spliliei4',
fon, luirizi , tt: by 'rimson .of • )vinti s i',l4
fecei vtl &a ; tier.
seens*ed SAI e B.A set(l
of . st,rearc4lT-1
ilpce'ilsit4l llleers S'pl e.rs ,
E 1: •a II .Ifni`ted SI aq? ,vftsir is , :
itatnp to pay . rrto..rn.jicis.:t'age„.
• .:
• qetriet:l.47 , r
51 . 411ti : /(111tif,
W A73ls It)* ". err y.. 41 /WI? ; j:; .c}FZ~flApteliurgr;
v, - e)'''
- ft '
' 1-. " - " ciliMpla4Dfis, - -- 4. lam) , A$ ~.. ~ . _,... ►
~ . „., tiv ..
41E ...-ii '., - ‘, piiiiiopticiowooloo,,,,,l.t.4
GENUINE rit icP AN ATlONSl.iileitinsiOttrei,arigigifeht* 4 90,‘,0 1 , - ?iii
.• • .•. - -
comriotTNOTLtTID EXTAACT 131:1C1111, potirrokttkenlth wheri,t i
~ tl_l!. t irlng, / w fir ~
e tt.l i 4fii h rte r r
,e Positive end' Spepific ItNnetly for 'tlilt,eese_s of tient,. Pit3i,iipitio r yte,,*. s 4.4 ..,_
.., hit t
fat es ,1 04 ! , 0, 1 4 1 , 4,„ .. :
the Bladder, Kidneys, Gre'vel, and Dr.Pluical wel t i che i ti- o , hthiClikerim9,ll.4ll , 41#6,„ , L ,...
Swrlllopt. •,- ' : '''
.•tirrtfOitt .. "thir "if 40 1114
This 'lStedieine inereases.the.po‘ecer of Digeaus
Oen; awl excite the.Absorhinir into Leah hy.'eie , ',
which%t he, watprynr C aNar o4i
sitieni,sanil I. 7 ntiatiiraj,Enlartriientil are'
well arid
11111VADOLD'Il.1 1 / 1 711ACT illlCplll..
.Tor Weak:if:moot( afiailig-itati).Xicc . essei,llab..
iris Intliner'ktion•Of ithose,
ntteii . dett. wiO the following, ••-•
.InAispOsition to Exertion; • ,Losa ofßower,
• • I) . llBetilti of Breathing;
1. •
Harrortorl)isease,. .;P?akertiltiesp..;
I)itt).neia:pf ' Pain 16' th
Utlivraal . l.ticituda o.f.the Mu•eilltif-Bisrel!",
Llot Hared ' • ' , F.(ti4htn s g.i.if the. 8.049,.
Drirlellil of thiltiFe;
Therie akn)iii lima; if tiiPititao-fogo.. on, ,whicir
!his rbeilleina invaribly removes, soon
. .
s . :sadrptczvar, RATA;
ri of w•hich clay ••'
Who doii.'4ll thot they or'e•hor trequiontly'.llsl::
i)vt4.(l by Aro,. .•
• • '
• iiliV.sArtil'Y AND 6 , 014.51/MPT10,11:!!
• Many are . 'wife of the. cuus.o.,. 01 their sunft , '
cur nori yr I I: . 11,4( ' :T i ii
. .
And 411. , i , ..0.1)); (.3 , :trisomOtioln 4sir,
Nivilitft•witneo to. t:T
heriqh. of tbot.*ibertio.,n
. . .
. , . .
Tlit:ConfitittiOpn.orice..lifft.ctell•witil'ip t ga Or
WIICIIPiii 7'olllb:eft. Ihe aid or,.lkledivit!ii..fo,
SI reilgi liet;' arßi Inviii.ordtP . the' Sysi fqn, ,:, ,
Which lint.Msor.i.oBlMlTA Cr.r.. 13XJ c' 11 U hive.
A trial will convince thil:iric!(.6.lceiiticfii;
Gfaa.:~TEßlALltifl: +•
li to frotit pe cu; to
x . TIL(CT ffecisii liy
oj' , :,llrticii! ion t : rrego rity
inf7rliu •s; Suplireesiutl'orckoipiplri , :tyl4 c.
or Scirrtmtis bta qt.•thp
. .
i)i - li;fii,pei;'s.fei ily - ;:ni)(1
iticide);t ‘'`l.ti . et
nriAin g Arotil
. . .
• 'Tit Ize
phidea - parit . andtlarq,ir.ortni.6lir"..slor:
ll'fi.Clll3t7T,i 'S Fkr.)ZA CT I.IPQHU
.PROVI , 11) ROSA: IyAstrccirtEs
• •••:•,.•:••••rcioir .
Little 'or 'no change In; inconvenience . ..
•Anil 1113 Ekjinaure
causes a tre.quPoVdesirean& givesbtr?tig th
• - t hereby..
Prev ulin and Cuiina.stri,sl.tiront . the'l.lrethra,'
1111ying Pain ivntirlnfli! ."frPl4l3/t111,! ill
'the clar, i t pd puj ion p"
Diskeed nrid.wOrnou ~114 tier.
Tb an iru in upon thousabd , i'who.have Leon the'
eta hove pd id boavy
fees curedposheri'tirrio, , lraire . fhtind"t hey .
vvere'll , *coived . , and' that the "POISQN" hna by
..the .usa' Phyrertnl A dried
up in . tii.ay : 7li'etsit, ag:gra!ti,'
ten 'form j and pertioPA afterAturritige..
. ..
. . ,
, . . . .
. Use 1-IRiAinoni..EtruAirr' Room , for'oll:niTe'e:.
'tion4' od'O iio.O4o.'o(tboAllif NA AY: ORGANS . ,
•;,irbther, exisiio4 io MA c,b.oi FENA LE irom
whaff4 , y.i'elooo originnting_an d rniitfet bow
•Oe,grimt ii.croirow ther".oll2of
I)l(7AF:rio t VlXtßAprplu--
tato to hat!e t :41-111111.:
Tor'4l) . ir.h ior.r.;comitilriled.' • • .
~-,Evidrp,ee of. the Test irelithhle 4ospoitet 7
ehttracti;r'lliill'iteeomrtany.Jtienitelie_tne. : ••
. .
'Prlto , 1111400 "coo,:
to ony Adilrees, securely d'cked from'
• ria „
Dascrilv,ll.ompfOin all Complolaatloiis.
Cares-Goierittoic4ll4 ; • Advice Ortilis.q
.1:144 -I ttY.L.M130.1".,13'; Clierrl6t,
o.i §oo.i, Tr:o4-0.2,141.
Em 1.30 LD'S
111 , :LD1301:1.),.'S DOg afar W s aiatipligt ,
~ • : 09-11 , 13r6 . , 1451.); e1i;,.1
111.7. WA fIp.OF.VOUNT.E.I,I,VEITSAN . D Ulsl-
-43 :1:; Eliti citioeavor.fo
ilj'ackso'yiwtheitcrveii?, a . 11(1
o'l6 at int) . atilt by ' • ':••
. . . .
Ilefrobold's Pr;ir:!ration.m..
: 4 . ‘ • .S.A.rsariarill!%,.A.
." '": • Improved' Itose . ..%Yilah;
. Sold '1));:n11 Druggists Ellrery . wl)l , :re..
.A.slr, for 11ftltribrild'i....', no Greer '.Ctit..6l4..llo - 0 1 1.d . ver'tis0-n9h1..,0 send, for it.
• ANp Lx.roottut,
st torte DILL. . 7 4,1,AttpAYr.L
. AT:k ri.be-I:i•ti ! ,,l 'Oa; Never fail.
. 1.:!'..-PO'not
:No7ehaege'or'iiiel requited! 4)o..:..nor.lotrefere
x~ith , htliMeee.pntleite!! 604. without
Seteetionl.. flrnVirtl curet in past month .
..theM" relsevere Pver• one
lthY!iaja:o l. bile in -Owl::
harMlesion the syetern. '.Hundreds , or eeriif
came can lie" elloivn. s: ,:.* • . = - .
'BELL . r s ~e 1 LEW '.fire 0 n arid
only 111)1 riC. yip . , • They', urn nd4pred
for 71416- n 44 rerri4li;, old nr
,synung, , and
only-xclinbln remedy for eirecAipg , tt otquijitleh,t.
40efm . 04 , d'y cuin in all cuties.or Spernintorriten,
6e,.4ernifill Pli with nll its.t r4in, ofndls,
ant ;618' Cr rritira I '!tpd kisie I Discharges t leo;
.theyl7l/ites., 16voluninik F;niie lidos;'
19cciutineRe.".Genital•piTh.itity . and Irrntabibts';
Intl4)t r Wg kJ) e o
. . , &e. all of which arise p_rjn
final 'Sixtuill
*Home. coiiso6 l o/ial.'deietligi , fileiit i . :nnil.-iiispe•
it, ins tho.nuficrer I roar , rthi 0.1 ) ; 1.1'4
riteii;'_Gtake)'i;and'Sttiet4irca, 4110 , , , i*Di5r..1r4", 4, pi
htl,llnddny,p,n4 tny "
4 . 6 t 440 1 it:ie (AN ?O'': - Y . O . liV ,
(2. :4Y. cetl/40,V,„
04; 61 t? f:q.,,r.r.lnnti.6.Attrnt4)
4 4filifrrltif-ii !!):Y,
perfectly colt nal In • e ll
. t&ri i y
he taken by the' tholtraltiiire .
cruising tlistremt4thet'oitrattinittribiliPt!/iirl(li
abatis; ctiength4n466(iftiritai4lll
it rin g ' the'system , to t l !fipaithr • .
by brinliniton r - aciptillyietta' , .*tiktlo6:'=,
la rity, no matteffrom *hit
tnctiOn Mei arise. :Th..r=
NOT. takeb Burin 'Oat-Mk 't_tkee4 yir i lto r
moni ha of pregliar‘cy r . thotigti , iirs
time," at• tui.e.friag!
Eau)) 'box - eoatailts'6o,'Pille`i Nice qt. , -
• Da. kt'A RYE v.'s T 4 E l 4o§g"gitiigisetibi: 4 l'''.
Prettnitnel;.Nbl,e4irrittgel,..lllo,iii* e '':
Sterility;lteprocht et it3ti,
Ad Oil'', a Pillar h)ei 91 ' 6 pago l 4.4 l lelik'4 4 1 10"" -
any addresi.
• t.rt,
Toe Nils and hook wirl'be sera: br 111.11 tit , *
seiorely ' l ,; by,"
I.' DR Y A N; , 14. General i v en t,
No.' 76 CedsesttietVititlitTilitit.
MP' Sold hy ell ttie psincipat! i tou gg iiiiiV
• • -g,,
libstittten .
Wait 6.7
cELEnnkrnb '
*V..:6 , .5k 7 ,..&.:-.0 . ': , .
' ‘'• -
, '• • • •
J .
Pura, and .cy . rir ri,i,lo; c'or'r .. i!ctire int/ 111. /
Of: d e4rti 1..1114:03) . '4l.kali ip 'or the'
G Debi) It jr, tioiir'nuitinsi.lietrittiiiiik
Imertni tient:
o!verniefomps and all •Coirl..
...;,'plaiute nt.cubet t%ra,asiaing 00'ni Ilod
• i) , W enk Aqi . ayttiir Inherent • •
• . , the'rysteni'oi'pt#iluen,(l. :„
'Yothing•that is nnt• , ihniPtiti . mei"On!ol:and se
tornt i s'e iN,niiini•:anterp,
tl'on . ot tiosyr.ttE43.s . ST OM AC1113117,F,R5....
h popular pr'epnritt Inn nrnitnlns.- 66,
nin.ny ho deoidly
:excitripff let it is a 'conf4instion pr. the
rst"reels of t or e blitsiftniiifillerbs'ind'ikisiitn with
the purest sniltrest. 'all'-Atianisii. • eiirritp:
, . ~ •
II :to lin forea!med':atainat •eaie,„ .•
nd,,sO far •
es thu .Iman,:aya em proteet..., • .
.cif.by huinan tnenna
.i . kgainat Crialeilfee epgendis r ,.
rd lin an cvholeiriine• afainalMere, liyipure we.• •
ter ,a nit Other "k•..itternal aanece, lIOSTETTERII.:
131'17E10 .may It4`relied
has, (men found ; ea =in- prevenfiee; iod
reipeily and 41.'ouse
sort apprClielishm oCint
cape tlin, saMfrg
io ' . •
arlvancn,,,pre•ennecl 6y I very iirietcoarse of •
mpnth a, n ':yta r!)i
reainred.:,tn hoall h'l,wli - 1) I if 11..foi*
1311"Er.ils1 4 ! )
The *Cali ii 'rtiptilly•En7l,goie tett evpi , ' • •
tt,e epr'elit:t reatorml ~.e•gfecab p •
ana veimtleor:tokikeiti(iif
i.Cys eOli
..• •
.11'9 " gPIII I c in IC i! pp - ef I gh . t... e,
ae• Opnn" , (ho 414' inCirlalilk . :
the Constma talinn. enril4 cf.f by I
nf 'ha digenfivlolnfle'#getlir#.,Or-••
,'-Person, OrfeClile N'ini,ou,s*A . t.i •
• . .
... . . •
,nth., I;o‘vnelts pi Spirits - hod Fttif.p( ' •
'findr nrifinent.rClict:.•froM,:,ltiffert.
The •t•ftitiitanny"on this po'oll.mdpeopeliiiilve.. ••,-
efte.l - f runt 1nnt10 , pex.09....
T,.ll.e'sttliony .
by sinOn of the end
occa•Aionally: rcinCtin*•lo itirtheletiirn.otitie
complaint i iiii•ybi!.spirveiliefi;:: . : . •
. .
• • •
Osnera . l'
.;11: , .R.S . rtrodue !mist : be .
sop hid. or , u*nessed bercirs.!.heiy can he fully .
precial'ect. c.'cnstftnti6nall tiVeikeeeti . .
V.lMneture pocay,. nit' De bd4y . .
. `eril'e‘s'.:,:t
orectrio inf1 . u . e , .,nF0 . .•, In : the 'onovalOkieht atflea,
of all' cli.;ea!lea.ifoperatds a
the."powio're of Yalu e , artf;,telifiedo
it i , perntrs'to reinforce.apflieiefitiOristi:Jhoim :
•Last:blit. not !oast, Jt.is
last, !Join 'manufactured *liOrdsonnd end
I fr 'i id •
coma ma fortka i ent.ro y se , .
eienian!e preseni..rifore: er.:l6as
ry. to'f. ie. arid rtonuiches 01 the
fiinii . iyimdicine has beari'so7-uniliissielly.„.„;: ..
a ;of, it . foay- bi - !! elY;adde4;'d.aseoyeifffir - :.jietkurie.k..
.1.11 13
~ lb,: infpfligeof Oar - floe of
ps (.4ST V11T1V..% Bret -
burg. Va.
Sold by 'all nfffgaiffo,
rev erywbe.re... .."
TrTlc.),," 11
SEWI N NG 11 4 CrIEN °
, •
iq'arhineis m ike t)l6 aliteh-10116,
nei both ,;idesitttoi -0 SO 1 55. 4 040 '
' an d eilethot.tkl'o othlittt , ot 4944; thOtofiAltor".
vita g0ri ) ipi,0.,.;,tf,.N.,W..
co d, BrOd, itY,, • '-,!tt - itf4:l.qapiit'6, , •
•t4.u.ri etlio,;s !illjg-.Akkehipts-Lit`',o,,s.e'4,oC4lt'-':,'.:-
freg unlit changes; lid groat' ' vane r ihe
'rwill'' se tae-t,(O^M ,
re,tiot,r 4 . 6 ° 'to 0 : aM; tp,
oho to twenty
00 1 1 .fifnib tuld IttitA
010474 glig4Y,OklMP:il,i,(l44A4llolNi2o
::'a. {C~