M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, September 16, 1865, Image 2

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    "toillit itOtniOtrtit
"." -
ye , "37.3 . 7
`t)i_.!btsr,. l6, 1860:
4r, t 4l , 4lroktT;
Avat* '" GiNgiit;
=.• , Li
s' 4 ' .. tt - 7.,,C0L. J. LIITTON,
oF CAmintrA.' CouNTr.
.. . ,
A.-.,,,,- 'bzitoollA-- • term..,
'. :• ''' '' ' .iii . Thi,-,t4 m ' -9-ciific , 'votere.efltt% snective
etil.."l-4....,.: , :A
,to;'meet it-'the i r' r , ' , 23 ;1
';:ii'lr'lVlr77' t', on sitor:day, thft ,
.- if 'holding:6'C" oi.t.. ~ ,- on " ..„,,co
'.,.... ,- ~ -.„ - a chaaaa•lino p c a.
"--'llietal!tiitet,,.. - . •
,i n a county • 0 .
‘ ''''''' "—'to'iiitr'cient th en. ' ' in.
' he Court. „ow,
• : -4. ,z iii* , lo . ,-beSheh:l , -itt t, , • .• , a'ay or .st:p-,
'''''' : "l itl '. Do ' ft ' ' : on'Tnesday the 26tn .
iili tl . ' ''' ' • 'a• .9ni o(4' P. 51:,' for_ the;
, inirpo'se . of
.".. ~....2-, itotiirt., ..! 0 ~.—. deei,, cod the trosaction ,
'''riOknituthr,(4 F°Plll7 °".- tnebefore ft. ,
7 '
n' b'' . !nese Net moy co
''':;.:7i'''ilh.li,sitligsijaat committees ere. 'requeste d
~i>o;public'notice of ihe, tirne end'. place'. 'Of:
h"oldidg t he meetings' in their" several ,town-.
folloWing persons were selected, by the
••s County Convention of-last"year, to act as Buell
Coteitisitteeit, .
Ort;—:-A; B. Xroistrorig and Sort.
' "
. .
•;''tiherl3HF,..ll..Arnoid and T...NlcDowell
T.afeyette;-J-bi , . .
A Adderson and Wrn plew•
B Ov,Bitt'andJ L Bean
K.:.Johnsbn and Nada .Willeire
G Boyerand A"Hagar... •
Eldred-N Dennis and - Allen Cattimiags- •
Ceires . - 1 -C. Smith 'and Dr G nosiker .
Corydon-8;8 Biinderlih' .•• . • ~•
F . .Griptiri and Orrin .Perry'''',,
Barns.' " • . • •
- .' • •••Annin l =C•Bella'wir and ns - • , •
Order of Co. Coroinii.too,)
.J . , •
• :.• • . .. B. OYIATT, Chairman..
. ,TOWN3III IP • M is ports nt that.
'therein ti.gene . ral attendance at the primary ,
,rneitibge,,nle4t .Saturday; amlthat
inert delegaiei to the county
who Will.e . arry out the.wishes of. the'' patty at
: coo mbsence from 11011)e . the pro'sent wei;k
will explain the . ifelOy in .pnblishini the Ue inn;
... . ,
. Aar You Asmas se?—Tbe elec t .
ion is - ' corn
on, and esery.iotei sboald see - to it that he
!iiasscoied in time, To any:. one 'to
Lete'be'innat be m have , paid
Sfoite 'orOnunty tax I,i•iihin two yeers, which
tar most be 'assessed st least ten . days beibi.e.
the . election..
. . ,
• • We see .tha t Reptiblican' Irani mi t tee advise
" the'formation of committee' in each township
• . .
~k6ti4tre. required to attend the:..Polle, on, the
, •
Atifsilrellectiair; fOr the pornosis of preventing
those Who dieirted or left."home to ll'Vaid
voting:. • 'This is ron g . . eti:,
dpitte.Work all/chief end disturber - lee. .IVbile
'wet bare . not - Wcirdof excuse for those who
tlasertollie Aag.or .
leatiing their
toheerthefvhurdeits, we.
11,iat itrotest44nrit such illeuLimrats
Fl y m e
ttse qualification
..voteitt, and by those taixa
the election officers, , as well all 14W 'abiding
cifisenr. •
b 'Those who counsel ond..- •
:iptcticea..diferent Course are dist ttrbei . .of
the,peacis . and:rearter. themselves liable to. the
itiaaltiee,preactibo by law. 'Niie . stienli of this
in'no sense;., far , we do not believe the
denmeraCy. would lose votes
. hy.fin
"inforeetifeat of such a 'rule. .The tight of Con- .
graiasor'the President to . .tirescriba .
tipait ; .for. voters in . State has • never been. I
claimed'or - granted. • • Of .course no such 'iioll.
. . . •
:96.010. ,
INVETJGATIC.—T he Louisville •Dein.
~'', l l)pek:thit catidilate for general
Aasemblrin Kerittickrat. the late eleet ton, de
.feited by reiii r eirry. 'interference, will *contest
'opponent's right to i ; sent, end, that the
hif4atitre neTer recognize a right
to !cleat.. •
lected by bayonets.
•.. We hopes° teo, remarks the cincinnsti
stekfien' • A committee •ibould be appointed of
able hien - 1665.pr , 'the • legislattire
. .
• to i tiske testimsny.as to tnilitaiy interferenee in
the tacent•alee election, anditnake a• report thereon,'
•• put thefitoof of this crime ebmmitted
by the RePoblicao lerideis•iigairist public liber
•ty; ap(lecoessjble.shajvc
The outrage'is a • part of history of the Re
'''',.••Pdß424ith:pariy*,. and sbduld not ollewed Co
refitimerg otiws,paper authority, the. truth of
rhicto , -i t Oready being
.dented• to shield the
. party frOOeuereedi 73Y all means let.
le is tqe s of • ticerrtleky .rri nice the. iridee t i
tilorrtei!d',.rrper.t, the feels. as .they really trans—
.'. 0 14: : ' , Thit much iiike ". 6otruth of histo
;ry and to riblie liberty. • • • . • •
. . .
.<oElf sl4 . lifflriGl A ItNIY,7!171111 number of troops
• novvpo,l6e;pq,
.01d 'Muster reps of . the .artiny,
$.-egiihir,iZeightien.thiwsnd; enhired troopq;
niriet thatiAncli. volunteers, on'e
.I;he.nuMber, actually in. the
is nkm t hundred
:.:: ' t
- -11:::,- : - . . - • •
,*lat*,llozittkort Pall'n . 7."' be .., hoe ver i
I,,indifilt 412ititilftL,-411 ir.* ln b i • ate - n $r at,:
Capitalists • ,rung w--- .. r moo
4 t
•,41iiir, i e d n i in k i d a *, br t • cri t t may Other prey on the earnings o t
i.j .,
4 arfi e . , - their cent per cent., or, they:Tay hoaird.
"."----- - thelohoring, manr-what can As boort .--I ,
said,to b a, hard l o a o n nittrotly, he b..eortvis the prel
r of . a c n e .
All ap a 11. ray bt road t , pr0p , .,1 -, , i , 5 , iit bits: bawls., Il . i:
. r . : 11%n .
3,...34...14uh;1etins ere hi i fund; his ,productive freehold, ht
0 1 w 11 11 , , t om ti t .
'wirier' es eh other of rubor, Whrther he i,r , ork ,
. on
. lits o
b o y
Aitlii:o„, ilere 4. Yrhas ettpttal or another's, iths livtne: ts at , ll l t
4it;i4"2`,,,'•...t.: itiq judustry; and, when the mone of. P I
h e ,
h o o t t b i
i. - I.
'id.4lolitr,,,Greey,—' A i l hscoines depreviated and tletT..eol ", L' .... ,
OlOttfWtftil, ”tiitic irAfkatifilteiated coi n or payer NV , I lil !TT
, f . : ey ,i i:
01310,4406,0),, i m lii.... i bi t , i n dustry lA,robbiod or !1.. rel.!, ar i d_
.. .II : t i o
o l f ,
'o . ' yiepatt ' tar labor& for & cottai , v whoa. laws theo !lI I° 9 •
; -::•-t i' , :+•.: , - • hitt kiwi." . . 0 • .
! , RWCONSTRUCTITY ,d t t...eArreepondept .
the Phihatlelphi+f,.:lt gnirer,.:epublican), pro
. : 4 .‘'re entia t tot floir from. a sou
The-:,ErOfis! Stafti
a , ; the ReVell:ioiti:-Stritet!, were
the, '.1.1 . .
nlnnt tin, d ; yet 'it :appeal - al that 70. are .
ehO7 'OnlY tinder , t h., eaait 'Of 'go•
inlinta the Utqo'n,hut,rninit eonfet in toeettain
,in'Orderl... to get
we. roust 'present. tiew, or remod:
eta& State , t'onatitutionis, and ,apply for. admia—.
aion pretty the'sanie 'as a uleW.Territoi y:
Now. what la that - .stinng. and: anoinaluns'
position:we cepttpy,7 That we. pre, not out of.
therUnion we tie aaEnre'd. .upon the liigh'est.
'autliti?itY,'., Thar We am-not in la , . roar% trani•
feat •hy the tipee'ssity . for in . .aind the o h:t. A .
.elea to betting in.ls:W . 6le sortie point [bat is
ltaither ont nor in. 4h. areiwo
'to consider oufselv,rs narninalty in;:a nit pragt
rally 'out; the friete foothalli-end pkty;hiaigs of,
the ..gevernruenti..: our iteetiny•-• hanging
,en a-
Irwe..are , .the
den't they: . let pm- alone-to organize our
'iitiiiii . Go . verniverila and elect our:Congt'es'athon
,:withou intetf.retice?: If .71,Y
-doet they-throw awarthe- . pr,etenae . that 7,.;
are . ond govetn:na-lie . ,terjtories
proeinea;.er.,wha tete - c
,r thevlines , ..l(real I' usri.
Whei her or not . the Southe . rnere eo . .tallr here
ere . certainly some Inotty • queetion3
above, wide may pt4zle the britine , of the molt
astae . of the ihOddy*Fll;ethligit6tiu!..:
LANCASTtI: COUNti Rcruntickynsm.=-Tan• .
east.obeinig - one of ibe 'largest find. sircingest
Republican counties , in tbe. State, the action of
ilia Repubticap.county onvention is important,
anti \‘'," . •
. .
It vwechlo‘vo an:eral.,rscmcht of doh Es
tubnio;;.i.ho • ,
lio,cfltiOniel'fienr-of the I''resi.•
dolt's locohstiocliim•poticy;,, • • .
'Vol o a rei.olo
a jOati abata 'qc.ihe offices to soldiei's;• . •
• '•lt t r iotrfirotted for . :Tfeaa'orer ac•
t•ImnatIoO; biet ofterwar's delVattol Alias by -a,
••' ficfenfe'rl-ali - ••.thfs Boldier.em.dida:es for
list'of lo stay-'
nt tri.c.s—Litt fifinVgave ihe:p , lty'offie - of
AttOrt!ey to:4. , evldi r by,
Aft er 'Ondoreing ir (114 in
to elitlPrAri A iitly if Tkd;
Stoveiuq, t Cll itirponeitt ul [lip
TI prets nr , eoutintlallY L''Prati.o4
the faliithood that Opt cppP . Siiil
right of the seildiess to NM ; e
lrni~l.et,r, err ?or - o r), , es e err look ley og • -
st ilut a trz‘it . r . o f soldiers to Cteilnit cony of
then hat after wa rils; 'te
.I.lior ilisgror,f,tl fret, that the:, stildiers?, yptim ;
taw' wal;•.ofily the Roliptilicum;
itieirintiiii en EVe ?! . .tr71?): (3 , re 4 i, thy i•? 1.1 le , .9 and
.to •
.iCl»tnoit irsorl! • As on e ii neon_ ,
scores, we into nien•tion that in n toWriship in
• Clintonettliirity. from which ondy two corn
frretdthe erryiee,ertre of them Was
'front ol ilichiraindtiefore the t hitt t tom)
•vverp . thi . rt?j-0i.., roldirrrs votes retiirietil for Irtn•
r:Oln and one for•M'Cleitati! • It • is , know, toil,
that tn. triany instances in thonsithilsis
SolittCis, who ilesirodi to veto 'Democratic
ttcittit 'averi• intimidated. roerr•ed, pr itritailed
'tor distant duly, by 'polii ice I .houlifii•r•strap=. 2
iito that: a rnaje ty of Di•moci .
a ' ere
really tO • ilestify to fiitits and the.
'only torn: Who mote denonnee,the soldiers' voting
Giro oil the . soldie • thefitteit..,;- 7 !fipse r
titrnedcrtcrans who tfl.l fed ria'Atx
under, it hy: I?epntl, rqn '•...
" was the opining p/ ri,ont to
. l,n.nd whiCh
the CtemocracY:oliliolCii; and' it was to •opeP
those doors • and serbre . .a • tliipaidiedp Iriuniph
• th • iit;:intince.the nliodry politirilnsto.
),ts 0 soldiers,
or ihey" not o ,have 14 . 60,,c ren ds q* Do n .;
orr;stieSoldiers elisirall thi.Ted bv
.aerie: nn
picket end detached ;iers‘iee t,oe coop 'elec
tion T'bey 'care Mit intri rtoW:ter
soldier! and, their rig.h ts,. pr•.l hey would tint
makinztheirnominit•tiiiirS for the nripticWitlititP4
election, taka rjt Omit' c • aniliiliciits . frorii'the
which they
litivenmajority ref the writer-. • iLook, fori:im
stanCit,•,tit 'Philiviliripliid-Li:;;:iitzeett. candidates
anti rttto soldier; ".o.t, r a w ly;
dates and two ioldiers;.eit anCastdr—Ltett
dates find ens soldi , q;
dal es and otte Sahli or; • ait
ilate.s and not oet:soliliiii!•* A lel' sMtil the- real
of cminties casting. llteptiblicatimiiii
tip, soldiers . a . re•gireii ahark seat! . •ftepi l liti.:
can•ipoliticians eatedinothing for 'the fight, bat,
everything. for • mans 'of • viciory..• /the
Democracy do o e,l :no tn Soldiers, but
they.deriied the riglitlof th.iiir . oppptivrits to.
r.y •cdeetrons by, (rand •-nri•il i -as
last fall'o - Clect ion in tran.carriCtl
As a 'tending at - iv:vet. to the
!food that.the liemoeracy oppoetl tilt!, tight of
;he itoldiro : to ‘'ote, , ote say that; 11,4 the D ,, pi•
ocrilt vnitedly roted,;rgainet tIl t,ldirrr`. vet ,r
ptrof of thicyrep'eilit to•th . e.Gflicial returns of
'the foiito clbtell!Flt !qiniiwltieli tfleDido e ti e ey
4rl:7iea rly. 11171gapdA , 10.4 1:11f W.. he'' the
nntindrhent , Nlai voted Upon, months pr.t..
iiOnsly; the s Detrfocrarr could Lave. Idllott. it
most etfeetts..ill*;: d
,It was; therefor',., 'cu !, with
ale aritriesenee'dnil 811 , 190;'1 'tire D'irvirr.lr3l
elt•tt tha :1•17,: ee
rAcrs c. , INNOr ANL) L;AIIF. NoT or: P4'\Lc rr ' hy ahy
of the I's g'l . l . :ollEq. friends of t he . 'Aoldi vrt!--/',41.-
. .
. .
DAN'l.•.Wr.usTrtn. os .sOlitssmt.-t clis.”—wthe
very Irian," said. Danis! •IVeb . s . ter, stof all '.oth
eis, who. has the • deepe'st interest in a sound'
currency, and who sullitrs most by inischievOos
legislation in money mat leis is The trian• whn
earns his daily. bread-by his daily t9il.• A de..
preciatedertey,,- changes :of :price,' paper
money. ween 'Morning and noon, -and
still lower•t4txyren
these things eonstitnte ry esf 7 time'
of sp.solators,atpl of the whole race" of - those
once idliiand 'crafty: 'and of
ot hex
.rtsee, C.a.:alines, of • :all ..times;
Mark-5.(1,..50a . 5 . to' tio knoWn joiever by . one
strok.;) of, the, histOrian's .pen. • trisn; greedy
other property and prod iLttil of t'heirptvn.
• 'such' • times. • .Thel•
.. •
' . I %,k131.,E4.
;Ca : l : i. : rYt)i 11r:ils1::eoii 7 olagc4 : 1fi
csveysfir.il: , litciiitg 7 o:..'
ew ,
.3,2.0 - ,, 1 , 1 ;
.... . p .
.. -
...-. , 0 e, : 1i.. 7_ iir....1 . .11 . i'54; , e1;,":Tant;n r . y.2 . l :l ' § 'A o l l;:. l l -''IT . I:.L . ' I4 :;; ;--11 5 4 :1 1 3, ::
• - . . .
0 . s., l'slattin john, il.z.r ~,,,40). `,- •,•• • •13nTliil A
. lioir7iiii - 614 :
Tfts'. •'• - •,.51! , .. - . - . 1 , -...;„• 'II' Puri! .113,,,5- • iNi,igr4.,,,,,,,•i.0 • -4/ 1 .1 1 .7 . : 'DlSCovintx
tei • entl:l,ld J. ~ K.eY ,,c .' .1-","K6Pi.I); :. 3, , iv} , ' IBC 'l'o ): FA II :,ii.IIS A NI; I lIM'S •
'Don'.el sli.irt l' • S . • are making n,i,r„ . 1 „ „ 0 • . •
Otto,j us; . 1 . ) ~ Gforl: .
.. , ..., . ... ... . ~, . Le g „„,i• ei ,„,,...
_:, i. ,
~., ...inlo whia, .e.,,,t.ineq t.),,,
o, e rf . '"r ;yr l'il lig o' NI 9rit t. $..: r;,,:i; P e no . rtl ..•J • ' 4): , L1"'.;.,',0..Kt c1,,.it,,,,, -‘vur7r.....1,,,r:-Ttar,tl•3;h\ell;;o,vg:tn•il,C.,vi•l:,t
Niutiti NO rti'. M i hi pill o A 1 friqt„ Fqe!'pr• D. : h., ir , ; ', ki . , ; `,." I . l ' 't!...e ivrwid.. )' lt. Is' the •Oarylrere.R.Carkipit .
Twii yin it i'', it 4 ; co.EnT;b4l. I.;Ytorri:•:i3arher •I:',-..r,;' of %-,,,,,,.::41ti0,
1 9 , I: r ogr t oidl i t:, o w h k i t! I . a
t nor .r6yn rat ii ati 0611 '
r ir i , ! ‘ l . P.1 : 11 Ind e . eoeinti ta as
. t 0.1 nfture St 1(100 aro ru .; CI i riot.
dally:W WI O iyii ~ 5 1 ,1ith' - i10nr.Y... 3 r 6 w ., ?.. X : i ageoA. wi,',,t.iili:.-eveo e f i%lV,"te l ivl t lo " ;e7O . ir I Ve ' ll
1 1 . f h leti_mt., one inalt,ng aliplication from attyleotinty
Ilobli 4
. i.::
:II ; , 11i,111)1,;;021,..C.6:,...i,v0. i h ~- iTlnie.& l, " " 'F-,.p . ii.ler 0,7. lin 1 ay. the exe!naive &genet'. : INA partieulark
11 . ;; priggel.• ..",:. r, .t.t;oity•ll. VV., Ststu% 1.; trilrrna, etc, by Circular! . •
_, . ~.. . .• • •,
••.• • • • .r . ~fidtir•A .• ' • }TILL; ROIL) & Co: .''
• -
. '.. ... :• . .- . .
, , ,- • :.' " , ' •' ' Ilra. 85i 'Abort? ittrost; IL ir• - •
• • .. - • .. •. • ,
A R6m , oi•to S'rr, Cori, , r*c-
Tlqti,.T.-,T41.0 Sim it A. I.Q.6vn
,rl,Stit!prit fol:fault!
II riy in ;AV - ropantlejrq..
pn .
1 41•hitdOlies 14. as h a rdly !att - the
atit . lton t /la wiill!aa intojiost..
:At the!. annt ina neottly , r.t . fife pronent
centuryjCpna , !t! is' apper/tile/1;h/
I, t avol,tiaa, 'iiid sp.nt . :ii'lOw:Wroks - fit 'the lay l,
:ern 'whiclr then Oxist . ed al/otter : , to: the,
iii a cruirlt . 'lVhatiee . he cartiot . .
yi.hat his bitbitsincas,.ttgnn could-piess. Dilcdtly
or4/asitc - . the tavern-o.ood enttagnaial,
ft/P.(oton ~/if a 1/liiilt 4m/Ith nitteigtl 110
hail a 'altife•yjk .
!ago,: and. i t lattpae•• to captlyitte'r /hi*
tlio4piir"tt sttonl!!;:r . . Tit/ told •Lifti•lipie;
and urns 1.1 . 0 . 0! , 1100:
Ler a! tia/ao',..t lairniritt 'that'loo . NN;. , 19
iieir li, i 10 - 1%.f. t : o 6,6,1 liii !two;
a lid 1.1114 1 / were rtlW .7001;5. i 't bete ;
old. his "wit', Alott 110 AllO4l .
yji;ll. 01101 . 10'9 lie 11.1T51,711111 . ,.1h0,{z06'3ips of:
Ali, tow/hula/le thit:iyioung w .
hy,t 1/ . 64.
ilis,ipeolible'llialt4,itrid In tc lttir.nionths
1110 1111.,b4rifl. rat Intl 1104010 e
olarnied ho a' rge littndle .cif .
oad . (01,11/i5 :'iint'lh,rt he ;oust at anisio't. , !ard to
andhaast• ;A/In/al.
pi/taro', 1111d.1.110'146111pS
.oppot i ur,iiV to coulliting:worattawrateh•
'r till 11111:1 . 10t13e11-1 . f. •Wil3 ti 'ckor 'case of
t h...,..k. cr lief l . the wihi. It:catrit , ' Int
I wn . .)i . eal it 11 1 0k1 On: iii liiiittiCOol,o 10 hop e , - - Al,
...lin. 0101 of al'other•walit lft•ooeix e d.
the beauty' frottidier l'inshand,"•'/lirao•
"tit.„'" her to b hor'
pothinz. wilt, het . but. tie
:Ole, %via emb a rk inn sd/ far 11,:z. loi,ie irt
Englitrd. 'On' her- atri in . w • Yuik 'she
tba lid a shirr-nide/id/city furgished. with .''every
on'aretiienee lititirf Tanjoif, and
t wo•Oervants•testy •tb obey: tiv./!rf• wish' 'll;tit:
Yrho'sdip drily atti ed hi.
I.:tight/if, 'tins!
itmulti iii t
ha ;
fiiiidi l iral,../omiy!.yeari go,. ;lye
saiieiiiidod //oho tith!iiii./1 wealthnt ids fad/6
and iu tha• 111/.! aad
of • us, lice mootaa -
I.thoda 3 •litratl4,l,,,Not
'Whea'the haft , Prot,
so / ii /?4;-1/ 'tact, lIL l , 3 , 1,11n;'...1110i13.110 of. tri . vi , t:
S! el I id.4,t t a ',l:cao , r. - poi •liod • 4,..ts •
/I,li! A litial•to loamy gposti6ti....bcalt
i bt. ..• •
, . .
Pi...it::;:Q“P.!•riwo , ..--:1110 v,!hor.cVl'. Ike. C! . . , r•
16111.1rin-(;,7. ....it ' ~% i,.. " a i i l '' - ' 1 ! 1 ii " k . • "': S Ik:.' 1"
1i)11fjP. , j.1:1,,: . 1i ,111d.pri:IIC/2,1:q!) ~ !ri/F.; .10 . 11:11;.1.4 I 1,(
ri;:li:ar; c.;..p:dita of 1. he- ti , i) : l'.lio:Ln 5'...Q.cLi..;.;1.
. .
. .
'(‘if - 1. ni,-,. of ~.,1(1. 1,,:; , / i1i..1,"1; k . (oirn7ltij
tt L..ti ! .. , r..;:-0..• yr,,1,,,,it., t . 1,,,m,,, , ,,, it ,„
.I . dr ....).ii iftivi -. l.i.iLii ! vi, iv Ili° i',.i.iniv' ' ir.so . l 1,V11,,.
COrilinia 1 tieti•lll,..l 10 !`01111)1, i 1, , ,!. roqiilivilt ; ht I:111i
npt, b;iit. , ..,, , 1ii...in g !II I 1.1)1 . iii 11' . Illi . Ilitlii: ,ICI -, s
St f ill'4l ; .n.g h.llw.v-soldit,r.ly:;ciip,e .il
1;i: ..1, , r1) ::of
.., at viol.' tray 0 ,..i t 7,- ; .‘114 I.lioilii . Oil% ji:.11':bli0q1);
r . .11;. , 1 I 1:Iii:1 i't. , M,.‘", * l!il:' , .!l ,. lVil I'd i.: 0 1 , 1111 0 li.ill.lq . 1.4'
he OW •5 , ,1(11 , . G, l;. II:6 ii;t:idt : ',Viol . c,:.1) i.:,! . (-ILL
Ii? , • ruiiii.aly c.:. , ri't i.r . ,1 , .; . ; , ; iin I• 11:4: ! . . ,., ' . 1 :.Y;;'..
~.';. i i.:-
'.1011'13.; in '11;:u... , ,1ii4 . !', r4..Surio:t— , -a ‘y0.:1.1..il
1v . r . ..; . r:13; be1j..v. , .?,(1 to 17,1 i;:, - ; . r.ci;tit? . ~ : . •
inter. tar Sdi•vcyrir with his regi
ment only white it' was on, duly along thy, Bal.:,
.titnore end (Nilo*. when the
regiment was, .ilia front—leaving.
Lieutenant .Cotonel Linton--the ~Democratic
nominee for the same oitice to command. the
regitrient herierigmied in battle? .
Anur .TOIINSON AND htrti . '3 . 011N • 'W011 . ;•
Avha t hind of esteem Mr. .roha
' son - IMld.i, who' 'Make' a martyr
. and , a,
Ch'ri•t"of .Joho ljrown, may ,be 'interred from
the iollowin , ;"eiit . rtiet from one of slfecches:
have got another idea in
- 41•IVOn [lie face of th&earth gt rooter tha n .ihe•
god they %rat - shipped: aid if John
I{}otvn he
conies the Christi and his ,gulloyt:a. the
God deliver me. (mat such p!!ople , as they, - .They
aro• tamales, whether Deniocratic - or . Republi :
ca n, 'or any o th er.dcsc!iptiqdof per . 4ons 7 l Care .
not hy . .what 'Emile they ate called."
P . am.;.Siptembe'r
,The . .Repulalican StatoCoovention 'yesterday
.notninale(l.Gen;;ral William Alt. .liarshal - for
rzfwernori Lietittmqnt Cnlnnelll ,, ;..r, for sec—
a. t4‘ry ,0 •t AI ' 11/0142t0 r , j
IVIIIIdm v;1!..", to! nvy'•(,:,el;-
• Ile ,, 4r'ipn= flirtn'nz that h. , ;?lr
(111(4 - , 14.,!
004' .I,;ll.ticin.., i.l •s-ulJl'clts
ir‘rn:iin degraded and ignotant;. Cunt this .
notion ?than not. imp.iio
'iota our. h •
?lie "tilt of th., invade ;s,
wi4o , 1 '
11 . 111itpry 461;1 CI vorrrl
' tifittiwrittNit NsW.— We, call, attention tn.the
verttsetrwitt of 11le I.)tiple.a.Eiliptie' or double
timing tilt . srl,' Though a, recent invrntiori ,. it
lins'heennie very sitifitil..tr, and rripitify .Ith
tVilling the itrP lo. l'.'llCe•bvei.ot.iscr kinds% in iise:
The Sn.ls..ht it ilt.! cornea AVII Olt. ; 1111t (we
'.st eel Split which
are 11:• , ribl;ily: bl ided to'g , thei: edge to etl.n,'
thelow;lr roils. ilPtlVit4 ' , • Ofitt illivin . ,r a . 11 0 at i l q
.evering. ,
01. ennstrnetinn
mattes' this skirt .veey.strittig,nnl
'aka so exe!•eilin t tlV flexible 'tittit it. readily
;lila pt. is ;ell. tloi form of -i-,•are r , a , s a t.
kiv: at any atiniiti•t
_Thec.e FkirL are
untine . .stinnabiy tutu' lightest, rnest.
entintartable and reonotrii'eal eVer 'tibiae.. These
are • advantat,ree.whtch' ladies, , thin have. expo,-
SienreCth'e 'ilitienrrifert and inconvenience of
single apt ings, will ditty appreciate.•
LIST' o . l' JURORS 'lllll 1111r.P1r.. TE1131,:1,65,
1 1 farlin..Tolia; Easterbrook.l): A.. 'rrarrifnill
;10epl . ), 'Luber Rowland, S,nitli G.
.fanieF, namer
14. 11., Gallep 1:).;• \I : . A., Simpmli
Riley. Garhellas, Deaker
L. FL.. rielils William, _iirr ., iiter:Osear,
ler F.; D. Cabk rker ilcicley (is
514, LM.b
-jAy—lVillia • ••'.
src r . •
rt l, -.. • FOTgl-,
11E0110 8111111.10:0E,
The Republican State:. Conventions' or
sachas'ette; otallpwar
. opetily,..and.'uneifiliv,ocally in
cur Of ro SiitTraiv!. he: g pill ICII
I coition,'" which have.aFreittly m
State, have inlapti , d - rititrarms. t brit ore- unitei.i.
stood to '''be a ..c9trrircitioise . .botwo nigra .
•-stilTrae tii!%iocitt,os 'anti 'th'e . . firage
i•lilaptiblic . ons.'' Obb),tba . Rep iiiirya
nee for Governor basat, last' been weed by the'
OF. , ..theicotriiromi. is : platform;
[intim declare -that •lf ,
,the,tiejrati'i" tba'
14rn Lc would do it- r ;
'only to tOvar:..n,•gro•iipq, age. • l'bi;re . is
.Iv ant -ape and man'y
t bear. in its t'a r. .can
most: gay
Piitinsyivoni.O ' taVot *nr.. opiriose,.•pegro
:.vniing, But 'at: thi s' , wfiiiiig.L.Syptemilitirs at
e I/ r ti,as
an- dr , clai.(!ii 'far .tiegtio
61016 o in! •t ..neWspir.:
l l o.derio
shall .be Oble;'tal
that we'
con show...! hifit it rnajui i
• t.blit party snrpurt.t be. • . •
NVhit.e•nw 'Of P ntis y.I anin! 'You vota
•to blpid ly tunic slioikly atiiitocr.ary?-:-•
•AV iI l yeti :insist in the cle:spicabl.e 'fat:
the ;O: the toiling masses to th e
graAle al 'anti the
or:iy sate'gaari.l-af welfare ns
‘yor,lcingmcri and ot .your libertieSaseitiaie . n.s.
stock 'fay lba
,would arid the . „Means.
6r wliirhy,nlitical ili•oiogoti as clay
~pttiriiatciyp;acci yawboiler . '.their Nii!—
Sitylblii.yea will not that you-isili
acit!.:- . ..A.et• as beentni-is base
lar.a lVititi.;.:llaw's Gayer n'inent
>n; r . 00 1 .011 1 .1
.; hat ir;•
bY . ..1.%!; ::l'i.!iV01)(1,101i,
(II •;th
. ,
r. ' lllll/ tijr . "ti
1,0”;•fit: rai;iii z,011..1)
. piltll'i(!t ^FS a .1' at,
- ..\•prr:r:•- t'..11. - ,:1•:i , .A1,:.-- . - \Vo .:.Lave . •rf:ctintly
:1, , ;:r :11.nr ' a C• • i y siw'plt. •ii)l , -rebi•iffi prucc.",..p!
n...liii:•;, (",,i1•11 1 ,,c-1:) 'ya fl w sl:iti.T.l'.y .ilOll, lirpl. , F;
:ILL. 0 , .• !li. -. ..c,ri.. - r..i'i , .zHT.l.ll till hi?i,;,il 'an mv..;!.11.iv.-
. •
y Ihat , rial,:thc• Ere ipfytnay.
•, riro , n , ,) t!‘r, , t;tl , .• frdin_sniiii 1 pp
bi.r.o.l).ia 'tile
Itlron, in a . 5..!1 , 1rt '1 i,30
Ilir • a , till•oFp:l , ro;.lE- to
r , ,,;•;,:i , 2:t1..V%•i1 - I,it,k; 11. q ptukr,es4,
!:our. 1.•
int!) a
fl I t of. a ?ill 1 t bit. 110):: about: ar. foa,
1 , 2: ,:idy•q• C,, ti;.led•
sand ul
nNrit: 1011. nii ! ' A t yei•
ir.i. f 111..!
aml the h .iuin of
}'tse tine •
0;1 4 4 t),;,.... 1 111,: r ih th h i 1
tip 7
pea'rance • it .t our
forma - W . IVIIO
u;,•,! ill! , pi
-that:the wiiiil•
while presents the ile.t kr.) ;tr. ! ! vor : of
ported . ar,ttele.- .
\su. it' r‘i ;t
much ore . I !Idly ..W.v0r.1;!.. , ,•.%
„dilei.riciti• e'xceed ;t l wlri hot ' , to,
41)10.5 W.plenty.
commonest.qualilf, e:
.111111 . it*t! t;i:.l34tlt. kid
inarket from li?.ss • tbaii two
bottle, it y. tine
Very questrottabte,.to.sav
, To n ro=l. ;It
.requires a very it9we'rlill We
amineil a .Poitaide
',quite simple. and eliPop.p.,Al
proce . ss,• as it is s.,tilifiri . f•Wly
. ),;werfid.
and . pres 4 the harde , :t *apply,.
power, of. 10,000
'applied to the . eraiik:. wouid
-good to :rt . ..., it
would not break the .seds and thereby ;ire' s
bail . -IlaVoi to. the t\-itie. •••• . •
Tbia - Preas.is mann lac hired.' and sold, whole-
So.. •
L}brity.,st cent,
roli;rrerd to aboVit will be, found'
in atint lier colojnn oLtiiiti, paper.--
goilts vvnulil like to
jnyentiof wcubl.do advert
merit anti .. "Partners Who
iphotibl ma he a 1:01e'd the iib:DVe
.•• • •
.•, •
17104 TV. HAMLIN
. ..
... ,
A"rrt/iINR.T..ar : LAW,. , • SniPtiliiol . l,' N'Keßn.. ,Coinitr. -1' ..
"tv...ot for •11.4...0n. lioormg• .3; Co', I.,snJls.' Attends
...speolsllv 5,11.1 Coll,tiun of.Claioo: flfsminatioli ol
' Ltn,l Tilts.: Pay olsrit of 'raze.. All , l.!iii liminess. rob .
tng l.' , Real 1 : , tat....01110 , 41i Hamlin !Cock. . .. •
PETE:Mt.& BUBcitZo,lt,
'COI . :WI Pr,..1 CIO
" • DR, W. YACCOY; . - . • • :::
so ST C:OIIN,FfIY• M AIN • SliZtEl.
• -Sinethport, I
the Pasi“eri:Aril.rpnt,
Porto' , xill 1.0 in atterbtabee on thr nrrival of ,or,ch
train, to tfthe ch.tr;p.'of I.l.iglage . lllll con..l4ct tiougts to
I ie. holm, . , • , ,
'pp v „ ,u.bscr;beelwei.tig ptaclfiv3ed
alit! re-ftimmishe•d . -
ted th..ltotkii, is pr•eli red In
ems and the Tlifvtdimuptd,l; , . •
' I lI'S 1 iA.II,
Will b'e well sti^ I ;
m . 2;1. WAR
. ,
1., 'leaned Mut . of.t4it' •Courkpf • .11orittniu . Pleas 'of
ntekean:eownty to me diantete,l,l•4lll
sale. be public veiliPlabr ouler.qat the Utiiiii•t
llowe'lnBinetliport'ob Illoditay, the 25th ilay;of Septein
,•twr . 4 t' lll l o a'aock..,,''.ll4.l , lt, the following deserb.
'bed !tent Entate, • • et •.
lietendeM - title and (nieret..to4)l,3 following.
.11 , 41 tie's titi e Stir with In the ten .
- mliinorltiatiford; Conn
•tfon'Ai e Roan nal State, ofil'elitisy tranims 'mot
Wetbriittnt 114 fo.llot,lo' wit ;:i.Comireoleing .ate -Sugar
31 bile at the Niirin 'w,cist:et,rner ( I 'oo 'two
,-hundred and two,theiree h -(100) brie htiliafr•l'vidi
More or. lin, to it post. theneo.Mted , '(llll: 1-2) nolo'
Aiwa. werity'rm d 'Ma
e' anal half end,: !Mire in , -lean to a
Eater:nut, ttninee North (101) . - one lionitrel tird pile rode
, iriore Or, less to t . tptiStl ItO,OPO NOrth d2r reventetm
and one 'half ilegreen -11:eht Litt 1%2 three 3,0 one.
IllOrt!O ti. it (ant 'op tire read, thonno• by
soil inrid Soilit (571'2) fifty aerial and one ,
EasEli.ll4,llllve and /WO: ttOll.llB roan 1110tO,Oi Inge
ton TOOLti }hence :East (12 twelve • mid' four tenthx
rot, more Or to a post. thaneti Mirth . (o) mine ile•
.grits East (.9 on , tenths roan MONn iir
less to a (rust 011 . ,t1 . 10 rirot, tiptoe° hy . the • Ciotti Notth
(57 . 1:4) fitly nevenipidontiirillitogree, 111101 (10. 7 1001
.ten innEthirlyt . tem litre handreiltlin, rods more or lean I,oa
thetoin. • i•-•inith .(;".9) • twenty bide E.tit
(1.1,02.1110) .fourteen wet ntip:s4ty , t,ll4l,t ono liiindve,lt'is.
'roils mere. or te.a par t : thence'. NOrtli (ts:3-1.)
eight. mid Ihr' 1 fourtbii , legreen Enst
00b roily niore or•le'ria.• •;I: • post,
(15:3•11 fifteen 810 three
Bun( (6.1 two amEsevatiti-• two nine
mere.we a pint, thence. .Eett
feremr reilt more/01 4 .-PS', to tile .1113 e,” hOuif.
2-10),innely,ette. ands:two tenth:,
ni•ren 'Mere er Iti•,s: 'bon:tr. parin ef lot.; wni.oner e d (173,,
:ISt) settentV.three Mot. three lotitt red
1 1 14•1tbh•ty sh.l n pew'. tyarrant . 00.0 1 ;•;m1 o.l96E
three lliomitnillinir mitt ninety hail;.
:tint 0 1- 11••• • leinit liing.rliery by . mono
it: . o :tiqir.i et ail. Triinieeti nf. G. I,,ii , irCo,9i , any •by
teed tintail Nov. 20 A..1).1nr.0 find recorded Itoeor
dera,offiee .
p1it , 175, 070: ri0:1:27.7;. with :0,614 .. . thirt.v . aele,
veil, mot Fra.in , and a few Apple:front. ' • ;
• i-I;irtel. iinkon in ealieution ant atilt P , '! so 1.1 On lite tine , .
" . pOrry,,f..s..r. and Elizee Lineolti at the ;Mt i•f•...1. N.'
All 1! at pnntyl, 'or . ..tenet of lan I.
;Intl toting in tliP ilotnutonniTtli of I . .;niwylvitni.t.aol. hi;
tho' coottt Mnlinan;
nit..., at :••!tintli t•ontor.of lot No. 111.201 allottitontof
1.. , thentn, by.-I , ,nst
line thorknf onn'iont :rod ant litS, perolto ,, , • to
north&Lyn, in Sn'ttth lino of lot t 2.3:!.
....ttynn ,,, l 10' I. of lot
lot 192. con rood (;telly;, ono hinnl..oil
1 •0r , ..11 , ..i o
,4 * 1 . 1 PO 1.• li.illpp nn , l No:
I. IFIk4 11. 11,0. )0 1 / 1 1,1
.1,, , •1.7 , di
~• •19% ono
th.,1.N1...• of
0 ,11../.111:11•7 Mt , . 111110 riot" non , • tyi ,, t
I• allntolont. of rho
tity lathls iy.l tiia tQw • tntrip
,:tinl. part {Val r.t,ot.'
• .
clk.”l in. r,tOrut
Wil'.artt, at 15.,,,tra
1 ; , " 1. : 11 ' , . 1, ;" I 1 ,, e
r • att.] rolU,tl+,
rut iv' Ik.l , lford''
the , 14y ,r;
.`ll formerly ~,' rwd I.Y
oi. flo KiQt, ,-i !ow . Ali I fo
an ;tele
V,•3l:r, • [11.111,1CA•11
. . .
• St, , :zt ,, i.'l,ol'in '1:,.... , c4,1', ,il. :' , ..:r.', 11. - :,1 , 5.:;.1 ~. fig:
pry;: rt ,' a'fi. Iv, 1 . ..01.4.,....at ow' ~..1 id - (.!.•c., mt , 11,-ii,
:. , 11:.v.rvi . s iir.vi.::,.iin..t.1, 1 ,,,r., sr , r ,r. O. 1 , 0;.1 - ' '
...• •. •• ' . •
~ - A, ;... 1:11,1,11:1t11 . )GE: 5.,1,-.);ip'''
.tbe lion. li.obnrf — q,'
,•1 and tho.
ilu4a N.. Pna'boilr ..'iSiol.liff,(t.tllibresi r.. 0,
conr,s.niO rn i and . I . :..nnra . ! 'Jail
.fi.er . nane; Or-
I:1;111f Cnierf of Conitnon Plea. lor
t:ineonnty..of M.!l:nan
PriOay,.. • 1 - 11 e : f?.ly
Jan.•, in our Lord''nne thou..
litunirnd and sixt'y-foili . ; and to' Mt;
dirnetnil; Gir, 1101 . 414' a 47otitt.•ff 'Oyer and
;I:eintiner :and ller,nral , 'Oeliii - fr . y,'Onarter
Sol , .ioni of 160. Ofpba.ns.' Court; and.
Court. of (:Otritnnn f - E rn i mz ii o f
Sin;qhport, on. Alor.la'y, f lay •of -sop.
. .
ti;er.tlol',l; fot),,-;
t)prs.• .I'lo infs. 'O • itd ( qa tkl...
;within threlitmty. tlott,tll6y th.. 6 ail! tl) . Prf ,
their prtvoi., lief : . (.InFr. ail / 0
t t Weir mill., recofd...,
o111••(4 , ;woili)::jtiv. , :,
I,J those athu , rßbinitirl by thoir•rnc,
pi 0;•..eil 90."1“ i‘roitopi
—ll,Ol t,,f• in ho j.t I y
hori nllll iherC tii ;wit
thon 1 , 11 S I• • ; • •
. .
Stitellt•rocn!.,. his sth' dhy. of .Sopt;,
1`..C4, • a ii4l tier jSmlit(lepeof.l
- .S..t teR WI. A nintirit. . -•'
Irlil..ll.!ST . ArOlt NEII7::TERIIf 1,65
. .
:4 . 1a U.:l'as ti) , sp jr W ; •
••• • • • Ji:Warii'r.,l,l , l43 . _ • -• •
• of 0, It I:..inlett; ••• •
•. • .
, flt!upii,4,l • 1P.17
I • 3, ; 4 ‘‘ iirflp.ut -1 1/.•,
.NVtt:l.lgtl an•l It.l . lierwt-iitl.lllt.l. • •.. •
or G J ; • •
• • 110i...vt.,t• • •
.. • oti,4
..• "'
. Olive Iren.4.' • • •
1 • (1 :16:'11 72 .7fin , liql2.
1.011c.r .Toltn.nri.. Stick
, •1100.ou C•tleulitn • VA' Pell hen ii,ad -N. (.3'
hpariHd. •••
of .1 rs oil Dvq(ll;..r dr,Sept .1 , •6.1 .
J P.et.trt:llloi r and totins • it Ifr'c Jcee;
AlpitiqlsMmq :• 111.(ther . 1.411
$ll.Bll II Km r'' Din hi ' 26 . 1161-
Minot] C 1' Durst
• 3 I II IFAI) • :01 Jut., 1:-61.•
Mark'. ; ' wo ltrerr•iPr tine 156.4
II 1 - 4,lthi!tn•noil T 1,4
• Rltuiley • ' . .
• -• , ' SPpf. 3 , 11
Wiiiirkin Padlock 1),••• 1 , 61
. v s Waigtpie . r 'ra John. Rutherford' 01 J nun: Itiohs
• , '
Smethport. Sept. 9, 1663.: ,
• •
* NEW it3XXRT . :.FOR:IB6.S.* 1846.
ItE, , G is . 1 : E .ATI N ',O F TILE
ti . )OT? - sicinws.
7• W. ZRADLITI Nu* Patent DUPLEX .
' • ELLIPTIC—or double--SPEING SXCIET• • '
. .
TAISINt.ENTON enn , lotfi.or Dun.Ex (or tw.W)
I,IPrIO rUItnINFINED tiTeltl4 SPRINGS. i•ecnii , noqy iht,tl;
110151 OIITLY .1111 , 1 . .rIltMLY tut:ether 1:1108 to -Flom, m4'.
kiin; the TilrGileoT, 111,1.4 .rt.EMIII.tt, •lettitA-,
BLit : , 1 . 111 N . ll ever. noed:' !Choy ne!tieet Ileati vrc nonAlC,.
liko 11, singly. Springy; nod . cOnoequeol 'preserve their
I,ellect pod I.cautpul onapd ny.o : :1'IlotnIm ice no Irene . as
nov•:Fdo',l6 'that ever cat, he made.
wonderful 1/e'xildlily nod gn a t comfort nit I idea . ,
tmlo . t o any he . 1)noloc Sfi'rt
to experiencrd
,piirticur hl trly in ernwiled.
liporas, (fdlyriageO, ca rs,. P1).t.7, , ,' •
C . hoiro. for Pr...moo:a, bl ouse '
10, folded, It
enstly noJ co , - ; :,,Th, m i s ,
.A LSJ t,
Creo• ••
: C.
, ,
„ eninyea thu itutoure,.• comrBrt nod
!taw , ~,realeiree of ;wearing tire. Ito ple't ,
• ' oprlog Skirt Err a single day will never ititerivar.i.p
e 'lli ugly diPpriVie with their use-. • Vor
.trod Young l.adiuo they are superior to all °there
11003.8 Are.cover,id with ii:plyolenhla twisted
three Tani will - wear 'twice as long or tin II single' ',Vern
coveing ochich hinSed on all Single StceLtionp
The threw teitiono reiheon every, Skirt ere also lie Ole
Steel, lint to ice or iloutile Covered trr prevent., the at:.
eripg Iron; wearing °IT the ruin when drag:4og 'down !
n airs, atone, slope, &0., &n.,•whielo they are cebotantly
. niztkient tin when in unn. . • .' , , -'•.
II ire tnedoel tleroncior :wet elegant Conleir,Tarniii,
and nin thabent gnti , litriu, ivory the
- wearer the moot et•iieettil awl perfect shape poAslblef nail
are unquestienahly:the liehles.t, must ilunlyablel'uitiu-,
fdrtirblu aintecOntunic. , ltiliirc : • • • •
the (emotion, ift . eI,t 4 OI,E'NIANUFACI7III;IIS, ti 7
& tintiTlt META, Nate York..
Eon .5.A1,1; in, ell } h intl Clam+ Sterei in this City, and
•thiaiUcliniit llie Slate', Rini •Catunta t •lipvann. tie
Unba;'Ainiirivo. aut the West I '
• 11 - 7 , a Nyurre for 'be .
Cor double)'
Sluing libirt. • : • .
tert^ -: '
1.1 i)
. .
. .
. .. . . . .
The, 3lnser /c M?il mill IN Coblite!' Orgill's*, forty 53.',f..
Pront Ai.Vl; linimpteti to .c.r0.1 'Kull ecOtiiir manic, for
IfEDAL:4, in. other 11r.H.-prainitim, asrerded then,.. Mils
trated estslortee free. -Address, 1118 ON & I.IAILLIN'
'Dome, or 11109 N PROTIIIIRS'i New Veva. ~ - • •
• N. I,I:I,I.IDRIDGE, 6hr,,;11;
I'M'', Arm
as the . Skirt
oicurir a 'iariatt •00
to Silk Or'Muslin Dress.,
506 13i - 'cod.*.lv"
Afaxipfßeture f.Ye forgew,•
'ing, of n11.14 . 1'119, ever *pre.ie'nte'Ll.
pan blic, ivntr cti4renge cornparison - .*ith
Sewing Alacliihe maife. in the. United States.'' •
The, Wee& Naohiries, ilk veins—
ble 4nprovemerfis,•eniiyfiji:Tilverdome''!'all im
perlacib ns .
, ,
. . • P . ,
ariitly:(kt P•ri;up§es...
. • .
silnpi4,rii•.censt. ruction', (lure ble pa r t ! ,
and Readily 17nderstotid. • :11.11e;),.•:,hay.er—
btliilycol.st itob•on all. kinds of fabrics', and ;n . 1.'6
ulapt;fil tO , Wide range of work Without
or ii(ijO;t mt.!?t':.:Uaing all kiiols of Thread.,-
' Item
12yitr. , anil'iu fat; t.doall Vilds oi;:work•re
qu i' Te d by - Pawl-11as or ;11 nu lac,tbreis. • -.They
of;o : jlie EH LOC K'SH lITTP: STITCH,
-71)ieli can rit br.
.exo , lled 'for liiitiriess; elastici
ty; 'durability and - 61 , ,iance•of floish. • •
Thoj'itaie 13 . ,ect4vi)d . thb Higheit
in every
`sled in conniintition. 'tiith 'other
We invitN all poisons Seai eh'
,of urn
insfritm,P,nt.toS7exceu'ln ;My, tol .
Sevving now,
'done' liinety,* to inspect theni,•at:d inakee
titsAPettycilm le, e;. by, proving the WELD
berme brfote pnrebasi lig. • The Compxny . being
lirEy lip6istt, ;the Jl chines are piote'ciec!
against lniringernniitsor• . : .•.
PERSONS AT „VIA ST • rI.I.NCt can; ; or.
dor by - mail:with perfect confidence 'that Ale
AP , CHINI , I ‘vitl . reach ithetn safely, and that
they will be able* to inaonge it to their 'entire
satisiaction, with tin other aid then tiro printed
instrOc'tions iteetmpanyin each
Frriptive Cirenlars,.together h speCimens of
..411.1;0. 'farnishrd to all who desire them
'br Mail or 6thefwie, , • . :
L. R IA I. NTS NTEP,.in :
In .
.1110::-(i.piti`f Stites,%Crinatlas,
Central and
tali,' Islands and.the
I:ain;).lcl:inds.". whritn we ofl.ir GREAT 'lN—'
I.:bergetic men will find
hatiti.be'ecirrie n neee , :,sity in evror faniily.. We.
atimatae6qe . a :jrrat vartrqy.. of stylei,";:otri
we f2ive . a. few „prtc-rS : No. 2.,Pamily
.Nr...2; . }:„): . tryt, $OO .
::titt $7.5 ; N0..3 &
...1, Mantifactdring, $75. find
Weed :Sewing 71tqahile Co., 51:111 Broadway Y
.l Owl •
Yulmondry Consumptions curzible Dipoaiie C!,!
t lurd.tr' 4.n.t•uiptirr■
• The .tindarsialktd . having been•restoreil tet
`health 'in a 'few weeks, by a very,simple reme
.Iy,'arteritarinij, ittflet ed'sereral years 'vrith..is
ainetiitn, and. that dread diseasr,
Cansornittian —is attxiotts to, make knciwn
fel la.a• .stalttrer's. the treans of rare. • • •
, I'o.al!,•wita 'desire. ithe...s;pl send'a etany of tbe•
nteserip: n,seiloltee of ebtart,):.With ther'ai
rartiana for', , preparltit'' usitig' the' sitnei
'w bath eitay will rind a Sate Caro tar. ecinsomp,
tine, , thant, Bronchitis,: COughs,• Calds; &c.
Tile 'truly 'objttet ar the advertises in sending the
Prescription the • attlicia; and
'spread - ititortnatittn which. Ite et,ne'elve.a to •he•
ral sable( a ntlbedta'at•S'eyttrY stiffererWill try
his I , .rri , •ily; at it will COS: !there , .
, • ...1,'N . .1_ V:.1.._: R.S.AIA. -. .'
N'o: 1. I.arge Farrtily)VriageNf.. ' , $2,OtY
NO. I 4'. M • • • 10,00
letlitim .• •. 8 ,50
No, . 7,50
,• • •, 6
; 50
SO: S . .Larv,e. !rote( .* 45,00
No. IS, Lailattry, to ran Steam ( 2 0,000
. " • 11,. or land 30,0 D
• ,NO4; ye mu Coggs...All others,
'No in -private
. .
()rein g'6...1 . .ut1 c l '
of ite..ArnetiCa tdrist
• chiid . can readily' wring . out tuition of
el6thes..in a rel.V . . t. reajity:
S:I4ENGIII .The saving of 'garments'
will alone pay, a large per centage on its cost:
1 We think the triaellitie,:roneh more than: PAYS' .
l'0)2 rrIiEI.P . EVERY.YEAIt - in the say.ingof
garirientS! Thete are. s , we'ra I kinds, nearly a-
I like in' general eonstrnetion,.buf we.corisider it
irpport a it .Ihat . Om:wringer- he'ti tied with Cana - ,..'.
otherwise a ass iiigntrhent'sthay'efog theroils •
ers,'ail4l:lliti - tollers'arion. the crank; .shift slip
and tear th • elotiviS or „the rubber. brPak.lbmie
.lrOin the Shalt. Our own is . one of the first
ma ke;.rtod. on good g•rew alter hearly
Yk.AII.S'.CO•NSI'AIST . USE.' • - •• .
Xvery Wringer with Cog Wheola is Warranted
in every Partici*lir
• A good C A NVASSER want s ! in ev ery
fewn ,
D 91.1'oceipt of the: price fr om.
v l lere.r...'tiori6 is Selling; we'will'sehe the Wring.
Mr '; nee or I:x.rt::isn.' ... '
' For partieulais nu() Circulars sthliese ; • . ,
.' R . : C. BROWNING; 311 Broadway.Nilti.
. .D I E itb who have been. flinhar,ied, by ieasiott
and who have not recCived•thi . ONE:HUNDßo..
El) .DOLLARS, BOUNTY; tin. reeeive-tto4
saine'now at once; by applying o . lltierlb par,i6a.
or leCter, af TIIF-MILITARY AND Is 1 ;!;.V.411. -
ONE 4 V;—A Oit ^Jr A4,PRIZt.
~r Y.Apt.:li: TO p ItTE, bcr seirl• at, the
Gqveriinwn t collected.' . • ,
fo,gilvouB,:s.Villi*or totll411E0::-
beep rester . -d• to health. in a' fete:• tittyg,"•'aftefifit,
dergoirv , 'all the usual routine and.-irrigulai
. •
. modes of treefOleetr...*ith?l'ifinFPW4
c., , osideri it his sacii.d.'drit,jr. to cotriaitinieitikt,'
Ids afflicted fellow creature! tbe . '4aarft oivortii4
flence,•on the receipt of an addreased efayefopo s
.he will send 'free . .copy :of : the, piescriptiodt
Direct . to,Di. JOHN' 4:- DAGNALIie .
861rulfon St reat t - Brooklyzi ?
; • .
liametturg . ,•
Ceeett; •
• , . New ,Y9rlc.