M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, September 16, 1865, Image 1

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'VOL. 5.
RO W IT I 8 eayritotLEli Tiy Trig•eca4o:o;rpr
• TrnefietE STATES.: . :
We reeen tly, :says . the 'Harrisburg We
graph,,.iii an editOrial, referred ,to the
tory . 'of 'the franchise .question
.in the Into
slave States, showing how it was exercised
in such 'States, hoW: in the . coarse of
time it',Was restricted untl the thack man
Wag ~efitirely dis fra nch
.present ,
tor comparison a statement •of the . provis
ions in . the ConstitutionS in the free States .
regulating the same prig '•
by her:CO:slit:lo°n, tnlopted October 29th l
1819;giies.ihe ballot to every male citizen
pf. the•'United States of the BQ.e of 21 yenr.s
and upwards, • exceiging fmnpei.s, peiTolls
under guardianship; and Indians not tia , .:(l
baring resided in ,the ~State three. ynonths.
But persoiis ib the military . navii) Or marinsE•
service, ggnrteredl in the State, And students
uttending a SClllirniry or Ivnt !ling, do not
nequii.e n reeide o nce. (Ineludvs
ssß' lIAMFSIttRR,
. .
by her Constitution adapted 179, 'still in
force, giveg the ballot, to ':very rols.zinhap
itrint' of twenty-One •year, eept.pntlPN't4
and, persons excused froro .phying, lax 'at
their' own. request.. Freehold property
qualifications were fornicily . reqiilred for
'Office holtierA, but these 'are ribolislied.--:
New . iiiippaiire nevor excluded colored,
pen from' voting oi.lioldidg office—
Whie,b; abolished 'Slavery by her'Constitu .
..1793,...deelarect it
her .Bill. of 'Rights : free men bar
ing snfficint evidei3l . &Of the common
ierest with an attachment to .thei
'pity; .httce ii:right - to"elect. Officers .and Lr
elected into office.' article :21.st, 4 4 , 6‘ry ,
man' twenty one-years of. 'age, who bas ,
:resided- one . year w ILO : bel'ito es .
btitntelf quietly afal..penoablY,- anti 5N IP , .
mill take an oath . .to. Vote - •.‘ko as in.. vOnr .
.conscience y ou . s h a ll j u d,-,e • whlit . o I Inc st
eondnee to the .tie t of the. State, Inny.
in Are r 1 . 10 n i r(fo'll w tt . n
. is as!.._good as:a. , negio, if he liehavcs. as well
—not' otherwis,e.-.
by, he!"orig.inn.l.. Corislitut io n, .ntoptel in
.1780,.:gave.1.44 Gallot tO, ii I'S'
tweet',tie .(.? I .u 0:n t..in ; tile
Cam t nbn h,ll4vi ng . tin •
of three : ?Ounds from - a . frea;.)l.l uf Ini p'i s
tato 'worth AGO. •" . • . :
. .
-13 Y .the.amendment now in force. the
lot belongs to. every male • (!ltizol, :fweniy
one yen rs, of.:ago (,-xeeir . t apt] per
' sons under gun hlianshjp,). ho`.ha've
:• • paid '• any4nx WirS3ed l.W6yegr , ' , or
who almll,he exeniphid ',from
But. by 20 of the: Amoid
person Moll have -the to• vote, .of be
iligible to 'office . under . the .Con: , titntion of
tbis - Comtnonwealtii, who ilmiKot,Le able .
.:to read. Me Cowstitutioii in. the: Engii , b
langungti i ,an4 write 'Lis name: -idek . l,
IMwevpr; . tbat the PrO • yis • ien's:Of this TIMMPI- .
. .
to. any .per:4On pre-
.by••pbys4ea I cisabilityfroM.comphy.'
its 'req . uiaitioni; nor, to any person.
who now ha l e,-the right to vote, tior...to . any
.peisons who shell be sixty years or
..upWards at 'the time this:atnendMentaliall
..effect7 ..11fitssanhusietts, therefore;
uever,excluded any. man feom - i' . ot ingOn ac
.eoilut :of his talon: . . -• .
'by her constitution Of 1842, gives the right
of Eqffrnge:
1, To every, male citizen, of full two, oric
yenr in •the Stnte,.si); months in the town,
owning real estate worth '44134,. or renting
for $1 per nnnum.. - •
• 2.. To'every , at/0 iiiale . citizen of
age-I.—two .yeara iu thO . State,si);montlis in
Me town, whO ie dulyrogistiTed, • who tnni
tax, or done st‘rvice
the' year . . Islaud'a,native
negriivotcs with,ont a propel t}
While a forign . born white eitiien.
'co:cm?. CTI CUT.
gives the baliCt to all , persons, whether
'White 'or. blacli,'Who Were freedmen at the
Adoption of heri Constitution, (1 81.8,) and
subsequently to devey white male citizen of
the'United States,' of full, age, resident
months inAhe , town, And' owning it free
hold of yearly ; VA* of $7, or who shall
preformed military duty, paid State
tax,. and sustained a good moral eluiract, - '
-oAtithln the' ;Vear. - This' Was amended in
1.84(5.1hy striking out the property and tax
paying qualifleation,and .fixing the residertee
, nt One year in the . State and six,monthe in
the voted . in ConnectiCut who were ad
initteil freemen priOr to 1818..
. .
adrnita:to tbe'inffrapte male eitiien;
of full 'age: who shell have 'been ten 'years . a'
citizen; one , year in the State; four: Monthi
in, the county, and_ thirty days'in dis
•trict:. 13tit 'no .- maii of color shall vote unless
he hen been - three . ..year§
. a :Citizen: of the
State; and tor.:one yeat' the . owner . of free-.
hold (Voith : . $250, over.; incumbrnuces,.on
which skid! have Paid a in.jc;. nnd;he' is
to . . : be:..suliket to' :no direct - tax unless be
siich . freeheld. .ftalis are authorized
awl.: have :been passed, excluding from the
stiffrage, personi'cotivieted bribery,. Jar
r any in romans crime;also persnni.
betting-on theelection. '.l - e• . ..person
or loses n.resitlence by reason of.prcsence.or
nbsc'nce in..tlie 'service of the :United-States
'.=---nor in" nay idlition; nor as : a• - •student in .n
- erninnry--or
. in i!ny:tpylum or. prison,
.1 rogiAry lily ill - so xists... •
I the; fiii : stof'those,.eilnineruted which
lutedy..iOhlies iost,of find
in which ~liti•er3 exlsted up' to;.,fil ver.y. re
•eenfz-peripd, gives t..1.1e. .
.by hs.consii,
tution 431 - 1E44,:t0
Utiite'd States:, of full'. hge, rehidinj;
one yrariii.tlie
tliefeburi(v: t cxeept, I.hu t :no' seldieror . mrtnin!.
quin . tei•ed therein - noquire tfl. - • right,
end no Ippiiper,
sups convicted' Pf h
iiiin.frorn being n •:• •
giy( s.. t , ttlh.n:'
. .
ioo this Stat.- trfter : nriittisene;=
iuls:',ll,(t.hi l i t from yotTtir;, it , g'!ltips his 'yOtti
t?,;nty . t.'wO
,twents-0)1e, vSULKpitying , t;ixe,s.
I• . . •ortio, • •
Uc . her, Coilf : titutiOn: of. ISo 1; liniits the,
I.4*.lrnii I
one rear .in 11;e'Stine,
.FT•sons . ni the innitnyy
nod hlints. •:11(1
courts of io r lovinfi hcld.thut every . twi•-
fiOti One , lilt b10c, 3 1. °Whitc
wain told
thnt the bniden of proof h with the • 'chat
shoW. t)int Ore Pers9P i.
more than hnit t I. tck , ; . o'hich is itnin.nctien
blo,.'we..l.A.liet:e tliht in Fiicitice, nedrnes
Lite withourrestriClipn.... . •
.gives, the right to'"(j . very-
.sch ite
ninle,e!tiz46..of the- .ITnitod .•"of,
and six months . . i n., the
every: n•liite ' mnle of fot eign birth
and' ryll . lige, tliolins resided one 'yea r in
the United Stak And§ix . • Inoutils...preCe4:
ink 11:1e . election in the State. ; and who has
intention - tabecome n
; citizen.
o. soldier. or marine shall
. accinire n :vote
heingquartered in the state; cot,.sliall any
'persotvlose.liis i'ote.i.by: absence in see.
.dice of ifici State or 'United •Sintes.
gro or mulatto , shall linVe the right of
by liar'eciristituon . .of .1,947,"gi‘;,es s;oln ,
to "every whit ninlc..citieen "
..of..fuU age,
reSidtng.oneyenfin the Stat( 4 ,..nrid. -'ever'y
ivhite innlo too was a resident
of: the SOite tit:the'iutoptiort of this C.Ousti,
luting:. Like:. ~~rogisions tOtbose of flitli4nn
ekiSt here:„.reintive.fo so!diers, tn6 . =
vines' nnd tersons in the's'nYiee of tlielUni-
Ud Stites.'
, . •
by ber:recent . Freo State. 'Consiitution,
el bincks.frour • .
y her .Consiio!,ion gives
the ballot ki . every . white' male . citizen; to
every White.inale inhabit:lkt residing:in . the
State.June,24.th,-1800, and t.o.eVory }white
male.inhabittint residing in,,the StatJnnu
Ist,',lBso,:ivho has drclarati his • inti:ntions
4.; and wholias residcil two and a • half.
}•ears in. the State; and dectarml
Lions, atid. : to et'ory. cil ilizcd, iiiide. Indian
ini)itnlit 'lot n 11 . 1 , 11)1:;f.. , r nnv
. .
. .
T311t,.1)0 IF( t . sori.:iiittil',sl)tii 1,14 . 1 . :*!!;!:1% 1 11 . 0 r li,-..:,..
~ ,,iiii.:6,....,i.t1A. 4 .,•,.),- , .- „ , „ ,r,'iiliii9.,in .t.lw' , S!ilt.4,
'l. fl .LV' ii• :v,:,r
itirr ic - cl taildeilts.,'Oe
_Every rofllo iTni-
SAIRTHPOIII. I , .1111i.CAN- COUNTY, PA., 4 :I7ATITR I DAY, ,SEPII23II3 . ER 'l6 l 18-6'5.
I on t 1.1 o• ;II Ll,'
.ted'States; of foliage, resident . six moliths
in the State, sixty days in the . cotibtT.' (with
the exceptiatis' of persons, the 'military
or naval service, insaiiii.persons
criminals; .
• •
• . .
1 .
.• F i very male . perspn of. fidl age,. resident
one year in the State,and being either
1, a white citizen of the ITnited St r ates,
'White alien ivlio has declared hii iintentions,
persoti er.trillian blood. who' has Or cc
been . dPclareJ n citizen by an act of Con-.
gress 4, civilized 'perionssof Indian decent
not members of any trlhe. -'(With like A
ceptions of felons; insnne o persons and soldiers
(kc.;'stationed in, the' State.)
••: . gliery. white male eitizju of. the 'United .
Stntes (or of Mexioowlonhall eleefed
to . .become ri citren of the ited •Statis:
under treaty.queretaro) .. Or fullnge,
dent six t ouths.in. Chic State; and thirty'
Alivn . in the district: The . J e&,edalure tins
poer, to.extencl the right
,to an
.their.deseendank [Like' kind proyisino
as above.] •- . •'. • • . • •
mr N.N t:gor A
•Eyety. male. person of 1911 Ago, tesiih44
one yent in the :Unit-1 Sfatesaiu I' four
months in the State, find beibi.eitheyL-1, n
‘Nlifte eiGi•ii of the U. S., 2, ti white alien.
.who .hasdeelatetl his intentions, 3, eitiliz„4.l.
plsotis . of mixed whiite.linTlnlinn - ;bloo,b,
eedified; by disttiet.
oonli, to be qt for citiinship.. ; I,,iite:sundtY
provisions'. as nbtive, . • '
• Eve.ty male eitizon.offuji age, ,six
'ln . ottifts tirosikfont of the Stmt' , -, • nni.l
visit -'mnl nlicn, of 1'1;1 flige s ;: . reidi...,nt,in 'tie
i•-..ft: 1 t05 . .. one yonr, who : hits ilea 144.44
givfis . tint .Iffillcit to!. tvi?.ty White nnile
tosiditnt six . inonthiit,tlii! Stnte .
!Inyk in. tfmn;
lin . f.it.c.lfirff : d his!
. .
I . • E ref);
.white .c it izetiFicei4 - iititi t 3,
litnntitsi ati , !•felonsi.rest.lent,.npt.:
- the ;St:de tt . tirty, daysit(titecoitutry.: • .
••- , -1!..t . '41111 . 1.1)) I I Gr. 010 t 11,:tirr
-0110 StiOS
ttegroSuirr . a . gtt•to,n fzr.'ettnr.--or lesS - . extent..
Titese•nre , thy: New F...nglnttrl Stites'.
NeW Yard end Ohio. 'Of
tWO ..TerS6' stud Pennsylvanitt,:" are
stronly".l./etneertilie," nnt).tly 11:.9.(fet . ) .sitie1 .
, Oth: . eonAi tu :111)1)14A 11 - . tr tin) ission
at a ruk - d Con'gre! , s . end:
tin nation- indittnn;.Nficlitrin,
Orerron, end • Illinois
.yOtl;N thtist II )t
z.eits; and Mieltignif: Onlifornia•
ntiallqirtnosOta..prot ide for ..vOting .1.,)• In-.
dints, : , .One:(Musstielagett!;): exelikles
ify,n9ttipt, turd, one .(OreiTnn)
nnmen. •. • ' • •
. .
. TitS Government has - gone into '.the...negrO
hitsitiess•to its . extrernest limit. If forces idle
negrnee at , the South to 1. ‘'ork,.. Sind "these
greesdonq yet „unclewand' thediffererice he,
tween this sort of 'slifvery;tind 'thw. other; ex.
cept that the.other stipperted' them When'. 041
ari•sisk, gild the new systeth Acirs not: •
The freedman's bureau• is now finding homes
fOr ;Southern negroes at't he •Nort h •On Werines-‘laY.,ol this Week a party of:thirty negroei from
the :Snoth..passed through NeW York . .for Rhode,
Island:. Their eipenees were pi-4 1!!/ the Got4rit
meni; and thisis- the.. aecontl . supply sent. to
'inhode IsJitr.&bY - ,the dovernment.' • -;
The old fashioned plan':Wita'to• confine' tithe
GoVernment,' to its legitimate•dmie'S;•designat
•eil h . y the Constitution . and the.laWs.' -But • the
new 'order of things Makes the G,i'vermrient . the
master of pretiy•much•everything. , It is tar=:
nishing cooks;• house servants and laborers to
indivdttals, when a healthier and . .hetter.'state of
things would leave. individuals to'procure theli
ownlaborers.. The Oovernthent talres negroes
froth the South,•where•their labor, is needed,
and transports 'them at the public expense to
the. North, where thes'e negroes are not, needt .
The New york Ei, , riapg _Post .
snys “whole
families . women and. 'eb.ildren''..are
transported, by the, ; government:' Another per,
ry of fifty, sent on by
,the governMent•' a few;
days ago, lire already in Rhode Island; and
.• • ...• -•
more . are to be' sent." . . • , .
It is the intention of the government; with js.
neW"bureau," to drive, oif th“aborers.. of :the
J . .To•tli; by forcing in the.'negrOes of theSotithl.
What right has any,. public . servant in this
government to tipi . tho: Public money tir frais—
port' laborers Iraqi one partof the country • . to
unotheri for pi ilinte estrii)lojtjutia , The ptionle
had: bet ter manage thLtr own affairs—we prbs-.
:per most.then;. And :.•,ov , !nms6nt
er conifite'itellM sqiety,—.llaistioni Tintos.:•
ThP CiAeinnati Cumnier'cifz.P; Washingpti
e.); r , spnri,knt %nys..tbdt . a man waaarrested and
sent . fe the , slo4 pen . iti? . .gthlr day at,Alviandria
for *laying that Mashy, was a gentleman: 'What
would EavAlieekthe.etnisequarica had fie said
the devil was , a good 'fellow? * • •
Diwpci-atic Caierlid,ate:-for Surveyor" Cienrcql
„. .
. . .
, . .
.. . ,
... .. . ,
. ..
.. 'Wct.Art7 ititlo)teil',Lc ? A'dju I afit . WlT:Li:tit. IL
Rosi;.'or the 54tli re - eiment,...P.Y., for' ttia - fol.
lom?ing•succinct. and . graphic: hfitdry.. ai' . e;'-ill.
LiatorOs military serriee l ..
.- ~ ' ,
, ,
t ...- ..
. .
Col: Linton cot - hes:of gooci.DeinoerPri stock;
being . .the•clas.trsuri etliiii)ert P. Lrnt : o.ii'''who .
, has been, ttlife• long lietriocrat;: wb ' n -- hus
served- three terns as slietittof C , itnlirinsOunty
and lins'all along been:la working liiirtisuri.e 'lie
was bornin ~TolnistoVvii; 'Cambria couot> to the
year '453:.1, nnil is thirq•Cwo yeimi of pp.. • lie
• studeoint Jefferson . Ciillege, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania',..but his
eyesight.tniling, .be
compelled - to leave collage: -Ile
ever, efrtirely give up hip studies,. but contino•
:eil to store, hts mind witli a vait 'tuba of irteful
%knowledge!, ga , therrd under such' tulVorie
Man of •ieps. energy . nrul r ileir.sinituition-. Li
1552. o ) , O:siglitiv4s.sullieieuily . reploied.t o
enable him to ttidy,..tind. lie :or mien Onteied'
below tifliee•ol• Hon. Pet . phing, Jobnp-' 1
tow.noVheee.fo.F•tnree veitr , i he wee en initenit- •
Ugnble student. .Ib'f.is he . wap'.iidtnitted 'to
'the practice of In T.'• ifurvdio,d3i . therenfle;r
hi was tpken . in.tfi o.r!nprOlip with his.pr”celi,.
C. L. Pershing, in vvbieli •he'con rind,
etruntil 1858. .. ••
I'" , TIE Sr hots IN the ,Vsmivrtis CA . MPAIGN; '
Whihti-.ln .The:miti.s . rot . a . soceesro
die- wsr 'Of.-the, great - ieltellino..hioko .ont,. and
I he. 'ea 11- wos olitd•ftir troops- Col.: I:.in ton'. woo
FirEt :Litniteset of 11..- - Ivolonteer nr,itrieialVion . ,.
'i'D.tliPns.eil almos:,.if not exclusively, of 1)0ott.
CriftS, :I ' lie . eo3ripink at once eleeted !tiro -Cap
' 'lain, and he marched it -to Comp COI till. where.
it was thlianatetl as Company C, Th.lid.Penna.
Vol-..lnfantry. ', ' : .• . ' ' . ......-.. „,
. . : ..ITE GOES 1N roil .T . IIREE YEARS.. .: . .
Imme.dCotely offer, the terminatiho ;or thy -, 6
moot ha campaign, under .rtf aj , ..Gen. Patterson,
CM . I,..intop, 41, conjuort hitt with' his 'pteser,t.
coMpetitor . , Col.Jaeob At,:catimimll, Rot nbont
.raising -a 1-egipe)friTn;the.three.ygaratse'reice.',
This.wos' . acoomplished,. and Ltuton by . t he.
titmoirrious'yOien of his companion's of the three
mo . nths'Stireicy, 'wds s'ele.cted n.l; Major. -The
i'eginval - . t.i . ns 'tlesignittetl.thi): Fil i ty-ithirth :Pa.
The egiment • was stationed loaralong per, iod
alone the Billttroctre and : Ohio raiirn+idr 'guard.
:9 well as profertiag.. the lower .tier of
roonties in ppno4y,lvaoiji: :. We ropy item' aa r y
htit,,'it;chow , h.for.it lone tirrie milthown tit lame
s protealo iirty-sort+ii.
I sol h•,r important , y
,of :supply , ion.
' Wash i6.00n And tli, he Potomac.
.I . !e•dety was Iht...tmist apjlioqi aati try i or; re
uir trtmast wale hfillooss•
. .
. .
01 terid uinl but 0 single etririlpuily
tit tverer.rniles apart; und'eilch
beirig cut
fiff'Crld • • r
_A scoot A.ma•sittysitstit o
•: tnifitti.L.iplnii:ltlts:statiomitl at Solt th` ftiarrei t ,
t , e- s. ro poit t, • ttoti rit! t l
rptir's 4 1 7 0 r Y*.fel I, tlre.Sttit Wt . l:3 1110 Ofill •,
giment of tha eo . mmatol,that,eseapott"tte stir- -
reader. 11ritige,-11m,ext.reute
era'posti bailit,t..threatetietl by the .,
yi Xi,rtnri 11 a; tta iri.r e r red. f ror .the. sYest .anif.
assigoeil to tha.roittiOn tor of ,
he.real• guard of .Jaelt ion's army. 'lna reltim: to
tea sitattsititr witttitt :Olke
milo•of •,liajor iti poSJ, Carrt'illi - ell. ahtl
Ataicir Liatha %stinthitt yrot loathed out :Irmo t
cnro IttOb soddenly tit t !trot's',
it oehels two cethlysiohHelio, them.'
s'.elgOs titte.ekte b
l y 11• t l
tli.i - ,:tetion.,llitturoitig, to his - post, ilf,jor
,co atirotetl n hold. ih the , verYcfare tit ; ihe
tenably; beitig aonstaittly . insight of their line=,
'atitl liable at any motrietn• to attitOti.
frn,citt.tam.tt atzt - .cn• wtrd,,Qt..tlt.aa.
After the battle-of Antietam • the while,
lariny w.as,Oncentrated tit•
engaged 'in destroying the railrOt-il. - .Major
'Linton with a eiOglo company of infailtry* held
a Nit guarding an importUnt bridge but liii;-efert.
froin the main body :oi• the rebel army
and in constant sight...of their arnitt intl.: parties.-
dity constantly ecnutlog,. by repeated skirrriiThe
by erecting'. log .breast-wmks; toitl
r.clii4kergai k : ; tit h.y hlo;:vin it up. Eti.:1111)
anti etieldrigl to imitate" the discharge- !Of
he:due - eiVet thditebtls elfeemally .as
to hivstrdngtif. fn thisititiWrlS -of course Has
tainoddiy..Col,-Ca imilnyth • who Assisted in 'tilt'
deception by britiging 'corriPauies fr.oin - other.
pOsta:by.railito Bark Crr lc, whi c h 'wer e
elect and cotint,!rMarcheillii - wrid brit , of.lii , ' bre.
'astworkii aid in face of !lie enetity . , with' great
show Of strength, when they -Wiire:theu.riniek•
ly: tno veil can't? their proper post s:leaving 'Lint ,
on alone.tolip the work•. By these do ices
the rebels wereileeived. and held cheek Inc
two weeks, Lint early:one:morning they March
ed. witir,adargedprei;pf cavalry', infantry and
artillery to attack, and by..theittioperior num.,
hers comtielled thin ~l'a,jnr, to fall . back , glOwly
three milesdo Cherry Rite, whets ht was met
by. Cal. Canfpbell_ with riiiinforcemeata.'..
fort was
dltildtrge !hit rebd.s,lMlt it' tad..
ed., :and Major Linton Wits - left with tivo - ciamp.i ,
Idea of inia ntry,.a t y Rom to. watch 'thee'
movitfnente,:a ad defend*, best he' could the .
road. By tonstuint,tiiltgence and,of.tivity;-%-tyl
'dettly;appetiiii?:t 'at nnexpt , cted paiilts, he sire—
cceil.in- his ,perilris 'duty. At litytthr,l'.s Jlill
he came atie.ipeciertly - on a loree of rebel
lryoliree.or four time? his numbers', and ..cOm-•
olutelyronted them': 'iNnt content with hear : '
DI how aftairs ,stood, Mi;jOr';Ltntori-. always
itc•cOMpanteil itid scouring parties:awl
Ip directed their ttovetnents, . after mitetrating
thd rebel line, end. once-barely rstioping them.
At length
.the,reginient was, in 'DeeeMber,
1863, ebneimtrate.d and relieiPed - froin its duties.
of railroad guarding. Lieut.'Col.. Melbermont
having been 'compelled tojesigemi neeeunt of
ill health, Major tintonVaa, Fehrtiary 1., .1863,
piernoted to fill the vacancy: In March, tS63,
we find the 5 fill at fthrrtney, Va.tolene/ COMP"
bell.having been'ai . .iigned:.to the ~,,minand of
brigade, Colonel•Lintowtoidt command of ,t he
regiment. :Hein Canner Vinton essidously lab
oeed to iierfect. his r eg i,ment , .in drill, and bytis'
untiring energy and knowledge of Ittetig, made
it, whet we bWeve . it 't, , as !mon& .ihe - (jest
reginientk in iez and. : - certainly se
.d . .
cond to none, in' .Departwin of I,Vat.Virp.
ne cgittittANp TB P. 7senC,l77l::nir
.Gen:, Lee having again •e.toss;Cd the Petritrine;
( 4 en..lCclley Toncen'trnterli.: troops;, erpaltad
the',;,Pitgmuc end occupied srdgeavillc near
11 lailineborgflhe54th.foititedli
eon(' CalonelsCanipti'ell was
ke.lley,'n.forcra; aft•Prd
heavy' beinC 111zely! . .to..
1164 - captureili ware withdrawn tol.hetiotth side
of the. Potomiae . ,.l.;tiving Colonel Llnton . vilth.thn .
,regimenraloncon the, south side; with.: h...a
;wollen , civer in:lli€ir",rnr and the, 401161 forCee
in (root. • . Llitt iebela contenttnP tloirnsclyen::
with ttuoiviuz'a couple at shelle bon tiPe .
?bent, unit thfui withilfKr. 'Thencene
brigade innrcin'ql through the Conntry-io its
n..p,rn,p •Roonley . , •Ir a ,,. •
. .
.• • ns; II grtit.sgs AN . AtTACk. " '• •
111 ColOwd •21-1011ignit 'W.ss
.c.tcpoSed pos ai Peetirstiorg,
ri ..votoug L.iirlon to. his iuittrf.
rapidly along; .htt . was soddenly
attaCked, .rshel 9, but "Thoy, wcro.ilrotplitly•
'put to fin h:t.:,Suttsry wntly•thi. fag Wks ,
stationedOt .sptinglieldi Va.,
.tiorn. which: plaCa
Colcatel Linfon,inadO fly° effOrt:s2to.cupturo.Clyt
notorious 'AlcNoil;;.bu.t,iplantry could not 'liar/ 11
as •t - aptilly a's .
. yuttisintrinAti.Tun.slittiu. ' .
etViten his
,expeditioti. up. 'hit'
IttitutAs"of tha VIM diyi6 , nt),'4l!(l
ii,;ll Intik , ornrnaall'of r'n i gi-tnput..• On.' ; the
01 ;thy, 1804; the diAit'xireiiii 1310.11 e nt
I was .Ina;;ltf , 11.11 It. wits. nil
Out it bore
It, it-tit-6f thn tiatlu !.%..114 .fi)leravo 1 lit'
ent'th'i in
float end. *lellotvs.
it'ert .at lasi cotrip'e:lied : tn. r!o;t ally yield.
mieh add
. .
ttiP ; at tin • 'a
‘vatinina the left:l4lkb from 4 ripiskst bail; lb!
et.i , ioli .)10We safely 'back
tegirarnt.i. tinlit .• duty
be Trcei Joayepf
WilS,llllsolit riTirovnt r inarchiAl up
tie' Valley : wr't ti Hunter.. •• • • •...
. , 71c comsfssrps M 1 A A.TTArttr.l '
' Prninplly At tb s esxpifati.on of bis
wound still aiihes Cl/ G,n. Sigel
rit M.artitisburg.„ A s he
.reitet t ,
his rrgime . p.r, hi.
. . .
of b»tra!ion in Col 11111114inii's brigade, ‘'rlyich
EliihrSr,•hut *us..tnet liy
large forre hlrbi> rinfurry raid comp,' lO• 101 l
buck -on Sit;el.. On•thii 3r.iJor July, 'SIN,: the;
rebel 13abanni•• utiuelred--;quiliguil • P
b'rifik battle elisUeil, Col; Linton doing, his: frill
slurp Iwit h his halr.rlioh,,a n Umber - 01 - 11 6 ;
boi,i4 !rifled, i ivotniiivilirnd Tha re
brls .cs'erp.liehl.iil cher le:- wit li!lr„tiw his
'o.re .. eB to. Mnrylarpl 11 elzhts; be;
. . ,
, .
=regal: : pri he me'nh tne; Co!.. Ca s nipbell . hat
l'kee - o iiscigri , (l to !ire Cbqiensinil of :a !..)rign.ie by
Cc»: Minter, and Col. •LinMs took command
0! lie regimi.'Firovlticfi n . Ge
ijoo);.1' :s • ;
tat CO:ttLiNt..S.A lIIiIGADE AT.
.A SA ,, 7FI Y'TIIR 111.;711 . 1 . /1 0 T21;1,141.:
evoelts ryntrejiy:l 'Sriieloi's . :
Iti L Ct r ie rlii'ljbli.jA:e l : l o4,lltjitt a T '
traindi3l tire Vrignde to wlrkiehohe fi lth
.t'*.ris hilled,.whrn file:"cornmrind• ().17. the bri,-
&le,-(leVorved Linfori, noli? rhe. 'senior
tvfli,d'er premerit: Piopti eentmand
briejide, personafy.
I terfitiit a ei-ivelvient.er the •tyilap4, .extricating.
paliin tile. idixti.i,t. - et•arvl; pi;i;itiati in tivbieh
.t Loy, w r , Liman' received a ii - 011nd (rem
a niuslcet lititi - ta,'lhe...riglit.slaailder,;• Vet
it - ago:filly herd tli fat f Crri i
are Led tp
.. 0. 1 10 ••'' • : . . •'•
AN6TIpit . D . ATTLr-:-.,,t TALL
On the 231irf.July.the'refi(d.i iitlarked
-bet were; after a good deal of tigliting,' reptilds
yds .; dilly 21i h, they.. - repetid Ihe. .adirser, The
brnnt,Of the battle, for ti 100 time we's . bowie
,by:Sltillii•an's division in which wtiy Lin t.I)(I'S
:brigade, Mid Which' he r still ably' gorbrriandeil
and 'nobly. !Might- jell Col. .:901ia.d.d...
The.frglititig it (li - 4w:rale; , Crooks fought his .
men With e. coirragse of - a lion,•dio
af . nitridiers (mint - wiled . the slittilimn .41 si
hisr4o"'to yfelif. The relreat begun--at
brde . .t . in ront.' . ..'The rii ht
si:as Linfon 'sudli?ring•
Ircira hisicound, kept hi .2
,her Ii ig 7
adc;'whseeil hv•ltaid hut. littlii . more
I s'm'
• •
1 -Iprin rettimee t. • SlnWly die 1: eephig
men frairi stampeding,
of 1116 road to osc'eo Rio. ~ •h at'.foree s•as nearest•
hire, ills- horse stun - M1..0
,ov'er a stone tril'e. ant!
telly throwing the - Orilmmi• vigloutly Wdlitt
hisssManded shoulder
iltColltde•i with lliwhilt.. of 'his sabre,
' which
broke eallar bone. Although' sult i ii Mg. -
winSt exerstriatir,g priiii; he diii.,yt,r.i:iiteld until
. - the, danger . WIP4 OVI.1:. 11* Wag!' the ri scot to
11.(15flitiO, Slid Mita Mil a leave, olithsenen, WPI I T •
home, .1) IP:P . 1;01pp i y rerurned. to duty.. whi.o . his"
leave expired; ulttimigh_ his wospiiis : were editl
unhealed and.pairinil. . •
II E . CO:IA ND'S .A Bit k; AP •Tf!r: BATTLE
One of the cotOp:inies or the . regiment h6v.
:irig been - rrtitsto.o out, and- fhe regitileht'Ahos
to iifca thPit Colr...Crt
whpso term-of ,lervka bait
eeivesl orders to.proceed Joi
P“istor . out. .11th 7wns . mostere.l"- out' Sept: . :1;
1801, 'wheti the. corrunistnl ie he , b rigPth•
volved .col.. stiff in'
command Of I he . regiloe r nt. narki , ' , baY•
hug 64. P injured
60;14' of the brit',Y,ade'hhik with i , fought tnraoga,
the battle of. Bei.r.yl;llle,...wh:4e the rebels M'e're'
repulsed,-Sept. • -• • • ••
1;r:,1U ,14 Tr( IS T . C B TT L): OF -Noix6nEs
.• T 'ANii:li:suar
Ar . ..tti e. h, s ) great bv.ile ofWincb(lteri• • Col. ;
Lint on . wal.:destini , d Jo' reedy!) "hi.s.'hist and
' r ij os t s evere of his' many.wounde; Gallunfly
Jen.iing •his regiment , - to the :charge, • attircLit .
perfect storm of bullets, erane . . ,add ca nil is t eJ j
•toirece . ived in'his se'eminglyfated'right. -.arm
and shonlayr r a . cannister shot, „doorirea.
hint'of tht . ....4rti,. use 'or that
which de4lt 901i14 - ny bfowl 161.14! 'i'norttV•
her Pointe time it. Wiis frar , d this the
his lite While in•the hospital,, brit thanks to a
. .rnerdfal Providence and a rehnst
tie revoyed.: . vioenit,.l;dtvvever,.. conliiiuod
tos.4pritete l 'OKl well'll . oteniitedy bee IRA Alp til.
. .
...14 •
t ~.4•4t,,,,4••
.. . ,
.. -..;.- ".., ~,
~, ...•,,•-•- ,
:•••,-..,,,...• ~..e-•zr-•..:
nitpr hie ilischnefie.
On , tho' Oth or Februlry;lll,d6;•'enr'tiiiti)nr
wns 'honorably dlichafged,•hayinil?iio.,l6lllic
fotn •-
tiYe servide.
. ,
• •
••,' la private 'life there; IsM . ht" a •nhati•:.'o
Albaritelei . ,io hp' State thaii Coronpl.
Aga ion t 19 . faircfdint. nbreath., tie'
re ri be' raised:'.;. Here; • wihnrer , :.•he••:ii••••:litifi'wr,,•
hellfrer friend or foe cab ear angtirtet',hie4itii.
e n i dit iniisililreaCkocvricalge;,t)il .. .....nnfar,..
niehml morn( '`
'sternly honest, truly; honorable- tl es* ,
o.lm i • rharike,teristici:-.,Scieliill:V•i',,r,
could be more gehtlei affal)le Arid.obliging;tha
h‘e..." Fearless in the dischtirge , ol: avgr,t .i.orry. -
er threat or entreily.' t,
and (loos lt; regarillfasof•trientleor•tbe;T•
net tAntoil is.iimoncthe foremost or•thefolilley-:
);e1. 3 of hls clistrio; ditiiimdif.; hut ;•,tykUni
man. He is 3r,iloen t speaker, ,;reet.tyt,
ter. a sound. Lind loglOtlibirkai'l it ' ,, inert
o I ..e.clocationt alive Iti,nil
Afirtaii;ns ol tip, days a bemocritt front Oltile utid
hoe pot 'con vie t lentbe .is, one, well qualif!tid• ' for
tlie.ehamitienltip: ofutha 'great party to: which
1,.e belongs; anti entirely . wotthy`of Ilii - Yh'earty . •
sermon', of .the, people ,at the ' ele4finn., •
In Mtn, should heS.bei eleeted;'tlie pinple: wilt •
caPable worthy. Wheel''. • ••.; •
- A., I7,II . 7 .rIO;,'SOtDIERS.i
hap': whr tn . reat.lthe'r6)6,rt of thel,:petiCieaing
of the 4 Repuhi , iriin ei.
Stute . Conyint.iON!'
ui Pifridburg . i9n,tb+) ; 17th, ifli;.•• 17.onlriit tem.
Totldi of Ciiinl!'erbilisi.eointy,
OfTlrtq'ttle' followihg tesolutionl •..
• ~ •
neAcdp . r,/,. That . i ion,' etiOefei!ir;.
in ( h e . lq , y,ll:s.tp•opl.e of 'Peancipinnitri:li..cgig7.
ul P ,onitfr'co'r ,
fidoro:o and irjilititli nr. simeikt
other/. tha telfee fhe'sincerity' of
t hie;ite de,tdraf heminete mine
ea nilirle tcq frit . effice'' exeept hef.ey Who..lieen
'proven fheir y end partiori!fm 1) ) % , B eivi ee
iii, tl'•e field ngaiust thq eermies•of
•, This, ifiern protracted and 'heated. discus..-
Rion, Is.ds voted.dotSii by I'll to IV'
In the emirs. ollye deb to on the questlon,
General l'odd Said: •
. , . .
. .
• ' , We hive been professik • our ;admiral:ad
a L id: regard for the 4raye.sold)Ors of ..PeoitsyJ
‘,.mia. Ooilips have constantly; uttered lu'sises,:
4n,1 nevi. consistency deturadde'thit wO . • Stloulft
' gusts i.n ouF deOlaration% '•• Lei ui to ho'nest and
. .
, •. , . .
ACC he position of the : part y' and of'.the: - coon-
try demand that there should not be At' : diesen•
ting ettiee in this Convention . Upon: the.. chime
e i. t h ose wh o 'haie - siwed . :-.wir libellingand
riv.lits. Their heroic-labors should be.. ravviti* • •
Geo thoen, you mush; lace...the . •
Try e t bs a 'egiriire imp atielown
.;i± : ptc...oll! •
thia . questrOn. 'Let nsitea.vetio.nre tiottiakond -
sincaro,•amil "% - cy are the •
that thus question' should', be' did&
p(1, 'for upon Itlity;gs Aff,stini , ;the Aeliutt 4 '
licau yci . tt ignore .the
ter and , itelpit..tha most .critshing;wufl reop i t.
to. the party." ' .
• .. . • -
• • •
To all tit Thadtlanesieioeni• -
r ilk n
'to t:dovv:ti t ra sey'ethoen frrerida ol' the
5011111;r in a body of oyer One! ..hunrl(ed,
The.b:ave. hf . y+ .who iireed their lokeiti by";
tteing into the roJiiht . ' : en4 . ..edrinuir • the .'
su . h iuu ; s hould . note, ulfo j Ihe reason that Ikre.
bre you!! aiut th ose : , AlO voted with .1) itn, 0&..-the
'rtt'sniutiee; . glive:for,their action. in „ : the,'• kernl7'
. . . .
wrhere are.werthi
. I ie vti• t ha L't lioso persons who gave, menni
.proseept 1110...n4r - ere eiltitted to our •goiti=:.
ityld '6OOlO NS • xell as';. thole
lohgla upon. 'he
.• • • •
lLis War put rle 7
elerin. who.e . ,evin raw dollars. to, Proset- •
:cute the *War, while lie - renneirtril nt hitme..mak
ing ihottsnnas out of it;•'erNal• ineeequatialr'''
pa ! kot noni.rgort.in honor, to the inrn:whrrirr.
ithii whin int; .horne;'. Grni 4, • fritst4l/t, =:al . o..l?thitr
ties's; gdve np evVry:ihing,
ev6l')',(hiilt . lti save tlier 'count ry:
enough to, : preve h ypoe.r[tlcal •
. preivioled th e .Idß e i ie bile eri sr:: ,
party for iho•stilifiets.r . beer. tt bitt_shovv,l; that
when thriprotersionunt. 061 . party : .
the heroie*.iiq serfAnrifieing rtten,*b4.-foufl4%,'
of. .the. 17u on ere - broitglit to 20e --
test,ftWir• lo cl isceypied;•• lad
that. • . . • •
: • 1 • • Detid See
They',turn' to ashes on the tip . •
and has ,•stWaya: Shein;.•'
the t.lteptildiCtirt r I y,." in..spite of nit
protestations of sympathy end, rest:Tel' (or ,the'
soldiers,'regartt them only Hsi they regard . the':
. the sleet sweepers M . this city; sittrin•
ger; arc VITI ploy ea ni 4fh .toter'.
they r e . never employed, Itere r to
hie extent, except only ofi lhet IT" a1,,R h . 4 4° - •
oli It
, The. ‘,epoblicartslts• claim
secured to the.snldiur.s win iti the
tight to vote,' Bet it is *ell:understood: natili-!.
ffg it '‘.vag morn thari.SUSpeet.li:Thrn,!o44:..:they.
only,merni ro.tlre the.soldiers a tight• tO? . :Vott
t nnfl t hey
rAre 11:5 see that intention
enr ,.;,,,l ,o w t he ennips . and!elseitiere:'
hotv over, sy hen the' - stddiers'ean - no' foniei:, - -I , thi ,
made to vot, to pledre the iiiteputitiCattp,,', ) ,.' ,
to expreisc his, right ''of
,pleitsc the t. , lfepoblieStise. o :while
trying to eheet • hirnfilth fine.vitiFits;', - P.iir . itieN .
bolter no psis!) ips," iel,ue to prefer biin in their . „.
.norriiriatiens.for public: office, and, tnii, tbet
gtittent. boys ve he . rislcetftheir
and lost .their ItinbS;,pre: no:, better • then..
rich eOwards Witt; skulked
ga (tie' pit f once' of ttteirpot.fertOoes , ':9:•; : , , „: s
heir) t he
u t•'' o 9
fe tide r!i of the nation.
- •
efrogg politicititts.Are
down buoingis 114 ti t
from the. ediime•r4lii!e'rplisfige**:' , :,oTY:lflk l o4.o.'''`l:;;
" e PrT'Vee -; • befo r e lbemj _ i}gd e are all
'l'hoi pt itq.:('o46to3,ll"lliikWlY473l''
ally at the *.640i.#4 1 -I,l l, 4!•*Pji s ,irTi:'-'-' , '
te. thel.o= hOtrkfilliktittle;' l 4ll 4 l . •lo 4 4 l lr f,' - ;•-••
• :`•
' • v•'.. -,••4 ;3
<< i,~ J.