1f # 50 . ,, racy fatif Wetsiinnit,itteilkitnatfitcernistilvial Tece.ied:witly '+'.;':'Atilh:iiiti#W,Opf:triterri c qi ,: 9 l Te . rC i l r..Z ! : 14WinAgilAtipopsWfil1!;.r'llornitliscitssion • Mitt plfiAcgates; from each :Sen. Aiqr/4.tteteit'':sl4, Orson,' and kiiward fhei3Ofeell!`ltiffiOiliiiteiff, to 'constitate.a State Pittflit:F6ll;6l:oo a ;',l:e'ienfielle : irt . Office' until .4otrary , A; , iiii6VijMirllt's,,C,ltekellter , the • duties 164,poinM11fee eopmenes• on the.' first '24(4lPaiffAlid einsiinoe 'fo'c'cine yesr.. • " • • 144 - 44,1 4 14;thi s ec'anceniion - .nave proted . . IWAteit'ii,iliililiiiatinflhelitate Central Com; niti44:';;;;' `1 ' • t~p;.Tootion,l on ***A. Wallies, of Clear " • • • ' Jr' 'Smith ' of sneaeterr 'Offered - the follow ;,..Whleh':Was Adopted: ire.in favor of so egyalia f:iniflte).:fiinifigai.paiti to the Soldieri . who enlist. eilAn,lB6l,iiind2lB6o 'Oat •they' shall receive the eithet:-Si those :who .`enlisted in- 1863 and. 00,-and that ciicgreaS'shotlid melte : an' ippro- Piet top',for that- : purpose. • • . • „I;hit::)elsgates fromthe ',Arica/ Senatorifildis- Wife: reiorted 'the. eat Mes of gentlemen for me' ; Tbkr.-effiteState Cpntial Conimittee, as,fol ' lettlf .• • EVA't CENTRAL+,QoMMt7TBE • Hciri..;Win.'. Wallace,' ,cle a ffi e lo, ' • . • Kamirly,' Philadelphia. "ffoi.kins, ..!lik!i?„‘ , ';Alliert R. Schofield, " E. Monighan, " • . • West. Ches ter; rsainh B. Hofipt. Norristown. . Franklin Van &int. Oaktord. .270-. HObt. McDowell; kiptingtoo. :rr -Mani Ermentrout, Reading. • ••• - 9th• D..E. Nice, Pottsvi'lle'.l' • .10kh , Ir. • Wm. H Honesdale: 1111i' •rr Washington Boyle i •New B. Starks, Wilkesbarre. • ''cr , 'Stephen Pierce, Wellaborough. `1411V.," - Thkia, Chalfant, Dalav We: Benj4i. Foster,' Harrieburg. ' 1 1711t . . rr; ' B. Swarr, Laocasterf ...H.', T. Shalt z ji ,;Elliabethtown. ' rr , J.. 11: Cromwell, Shippensbuig,, 'ISM — sr , F. M. Rimini, Cbamberaburg... --, 20tn"." 40 Sposg, Bedford:. • . 21st LATS. Poker,' Mifilinton, .W. r. Seri:olds, Bellefont; • " , 21t1 • •si • •• PAilllP . Collini,' Ebensburg. •WAf.".BarriClarioti: , •.. . • ; ;-:BObt;' pieen,". Greensburg. • . • - , t Andrew Burke 'Perrysville; !no. C. Smith, Waahingten. • , • is "Job Ziegler, Bu ti tr. • .; sr - Altrart-Piiee; fiheakleyrille. • • 29th?' .orß 3 llli , Paik-IDti.vis, ', l lOn'ttf:iii ikon; .the president . appointed;llG:ears. Zei lee Matt;''Johnson - ;;;DPG ra r.and; Bennett 'a'iEommittee to infotna COlonel Davis and Col. ' '•Dafitlir 11,001,Co1.4;intonif their' norninntiou.'. ":: - HeititlefainittstiS..Bleek was, called ;upon to Coniantinn, .and responded in an 4tileCihd Ogles!, apiech,•which ; woe listened to = with iriteritaeby the large assemblage..und rep- , '.e tedly;end anthnel t lea Ily,. applauded.. , • "motteli.'et• Mr. Ziegler vote of thanks wale inis ail to' the Irepident =and other offiCers , , . . Clanient ionAA:tor the able and faithful .-1 4r6alltliiiltt`AWtii • ch they had discharged. their AA • • '!''''''ATltaltittition to . adjourn having been adopted,. ' Vault rase and made the. Jollowini closing iriadriisstr - IfA;. ,A; •.' ' : • OgiAtionete:of fbe Convoiiioni—ToU have c0n ,,,-A.Aitliuted)theA2tistties which.your constituents have •••imitiolied,nporrynti.: .You are now about to re— - theim•witlk a report' of , your motives and • lactionsi,& 00,tis the:mountains and'.valleys „bf t Commonwealth , .tr , Osist ; the Democratic' pony still lives and its ~ , ; - f irlirieffileilern vital and vigorous. • [Applause.] the People that. 'we pre. neither dismayed •, stp`f. diaheartened. them .that e infamous . Petertinent” can' neither ;I t pragegil Matiiirelyse assert ion of our prin ~:nor,ther exercise 'of our rights . : [ dm 01041 114;'whicif lasted. to'r some In.; • viike .the Young Men. to consider •the: labors end '4lo(d our',fathers to establish' our system of Midi:to defend it. • Invoke the rrSpaciOrmiddie,rige , to.consider 'what '.they owe to' theli.posterityee hexing. received.rt as•ste— viiir:dilor,,Criminegerierations: invoke the old icithitel)ind miVise and .bless the efforts whom the ark;of,ther covenant of F"" libert thie and have faith and 'the people: '-'oentlernen, the Con sidjournedr virlihnut•day. • . ••••• . 7 2r/1R GREAT , .. 1 TWltrinoiti:ipiai4D.—T he last m . a •,,,,,,, lrOaCi'i!,,kiiiiii•bitiiire7,iejoiitt• on Amid h ort e ty . •-• h a rpkgfr i l lii. .E 4 t7 l .‘F r * : ), l „i d l i i 6 n °lc 18 ,/ h d ~.r • frottOPO4,6oo°,,T , elY . °4! P, A ,l . l , f i b 'n •• the jot therrtFlP' l lt o Li r; ' frt . ' disrettoeo .eabl a , •• , „villt.,l ".• Tag e • 1 • - mean s U*044'7 110 !!!!°!!!!. 4E4' ente9inse , Eng a . "d,A t o ; itiyr„ nex t f ki . ,":,!,teri:74vir.od fort lons o z .Wl . i. '• l;, yllYi';•,'.:t;ST - ':lFieieloisifiirr . Cercree, Sept. 2. - ' - ' lll l l / 7 iiiarilliiitilt,,ten'o 7 elock, ; ** pre 'etitight pipe. .il - ,..,.......„,,,.,, , .,,:.,_:„. , ,.,.- ... ~.ittaireouitittinocrat. -.,,...„,-, _ 001 " : t*; , t he VO,r„Pktitr. oripiko,nani•d ...„....,_.„.„_ ~.„.._..... : . . ,•,,,',-',..:;B4..q.‘.Beo.liiiibeii,:..wagok TrO S . TATE, VCKET. tbrkerA Leneastor S i t 7 /rtal GRN E k A I ' o LT. • COL.. J. P. LINTON 11 1 )111 1 1r closed and ,tit!l !lie DIKOCRAITIC CONVENTXUN LiNTo. e eciet :Convention. . M . Tye Mtmopratip " voters Of cKean eotinty are :requieted.to at'peertheir . .restieetrie•pla• can of'bolding;electione, on..§atiirday, the.23d, ihtittant; . :•an.d choose:two / persons • s trein .. each township to .represent them in oCounty , Con: . :ventitio•to he'helt!' jat the Cont.( Beetle,. ii. §Methiirt,..on • Tuesil9% . the. Wthatay of ..ep tetriber;at:l3pnipciie.of nominating County Office transaction the trans • ~... • • • . .of any business' that pay come befure.it.•'• The Vigilant co mmittees are, reqrested" ao give putili,crietice.: of the tiine . antl place of holding the meetings in their several town... Thtrfollowing.Persons %vete Selected, hy . the Courity Conv'ention of last year, to actiaa such Committees: • - • : , • Srailtbripr . B..Ariustrong and 'gar! Liber!Y--F. - B. Arnold and T, McDowell • Lafayetfe—J . lll Hold,rige,, , HamiltanFl Andersan and Wm Blew geating- 7 :1 B Oviatt andl L 'Dawn •'. • ' •Bradford—& K , Jagnian and liana . Willetta' Norwich—.J•G Boyer and A Itigar. .• Denniso. Lldred-h and Allen Cummings .: . Ceres—::C Smith• and Dr p:tv Mosher •. C.orydon 7 -E S sunberlin. • • P.Gallup and'Orrin Perry Se:rgeant—Titer Barna. Annin- 7 O'Bellnws and TlVlull!na . (By . ord.er Committee.) . "• " ' J. B. OVIATT, Cltairman. Scnoot..—We are' pleased to ledrn that B. F.. KEL . LEY will teach the SPencerian 410 m -of PennmanShip-ilruatrated 13)r. Sper cerian.Charti fust.publis.hedduring.this terve of the AcaSeiny. A 5 this system is, pre•em• friend) , in vogue, and aS 'Mr:Kelly is an ex perienced and suecessful . tene her- we belfeve it -the interest , of all, s , .ho can, to attend. .Sstrrtiponr •• A CADIDIV.—TheI Fall term •of this institution • commenced last iVeAnkistlay, under fayerable auspiees.. Mr, C. CORNF ii.usseeittledtilth.Mr.lionSas as teacher: understand the itttentlatine is unusually large the present term. , , •'•". F,IOINLINd VY . CIRDES has opened a Teiipin Aliey in connection' with hie Billiard Saloon. ThOse.wio wish to spend a pleasant hoar;, 'Call at•%Verde:Vs,. West aide - of the poblic. Square.. .• , ' : .:Cort the 'first page We Miblishlan extract from ' letter Of Judge Kelley; in which he tells 'time disgraceful truths in regard.to Simon Cameron: What Makes the metier more Interesting is the Net that : Jtidgeiltelly: : :and Cameron' haye .been close political friends . for several years, laboring together ::for succesi corrupt sehemeii,for'plorider and pow Ur- This fact Should give more weight to.. what 'they' may say oreach other.. lii the mean time: it May be . heped that when such notorious "rogues fall out; honest Men may get their.dues:'! • • . There seems to be tittle • skirmish going on . .among our RepubliCan friend's in:this judicial distriet;.which may result in something serious rn,the end. .It seems.that'Tioga county fear ing the.may be.lieuien; in the nppronching• ju dielal.CenventiOn, by the B other counties, de mands a.largei'i7oice in the convention.;' Of the fifteen delegates, for the five counties.cornpo sing.the d jet, Tioga• demands ssosti.,.,. to 'till* very'reasonable • p,oposition Capt.: the .11/i4ei,•decitledly'nbjects, threatening to secede:if not utloWed Ad.,equal . .repreten Cation -in the convention. ;Our advice is, do no such thing;. ssecessioit besides.,.; such course would be highly impolitic in the present instance;; as Tioga.hai the...iotes'tp 'sleet her candidate, in, defiance of all e the otherecitinties. SOMETIIING ..attentioin'to the advertisement .Of the Duplex. Elliptic or double .Pring . Though:a . recent 'invention; it has become, very !Titular,. and 'is rapidly' oh taming the preferenceover other kinds..in use. Thst:rods in it are.coMposed each.of two;deli cate and. well tempered • steel .springs, - which nie•mgeiously braided • together edge to 'edge; 'the loner rods:. heavier, and hat ing a .double covering. '.'This, peculiarity of co . nitruction makes this Skirt veiystrerig and 'dura"ble, and also s so exceedingly flexible that it .ieadily adspts itself l o the form of the wearer, and al lows of. any'atinnunt of .doubling and crushing Without.injii6 •to its.shape.: These Skirts are unquestionably'the' lightest,. most. 'desirable, comlortable iind economical ever made. - I'hese are advantages which ladies,: uho.have rienced the diseomforl• and ineonvenience, of single springs, will duly appreciate.... LIST, OT JVRORS TOR SEPT. ' TERM,' 1883, .Martin ,Yobn, Easterbrook D. A:, ,frumbull -.Tosenk,:Barber Roviland,'Smith G. W.,'' Russell Jacries, Chapin T. L.; Ranier William,- - Pratt - 8., Spragne M. A., Simpso& Darius; Cornelius; Beaker L. R. Fjeltlit Williansi:Carpentei Oscar, %Thee... T e x. E, .Peter • Ackley Philo, 'Petti s Calvin, Barre:tt; cr. c.,'Cope l iali•F. M ! ,. Lo% a , VVihiam . • -b..?ralg territory.—. ' ll od !refiner,' • ! Tuateatiss : Eitithaime'w CLa.,'Young Arthur, Forsythe D. L., Martin lohnißurbank Boylan jas. ILitiee',R.'A., - NiOnlx.D. B. ,Pirisitles -0.!; Kaya Royer); - J., Ottoi. , TaigAtilark '• Daniel; Shott. R. S., Gretui.Tottiatte-Meriti.S. P.,•Leonard ifialtia?Adittil;'Wkipide- Alfred; Foster D. B:i Burt Fraicia l 'cfairipbell ;Byron ; Bitchier E. J., Henry,Melly Williitnp';Smith -Brciwr, J. Dickerson E. '11 4 •13elloalli COrveln, June Alvah Spitler •' W. 0., Britglijr.W;, Abbey . N. W.,. Starks . Ey ' . Oreatpßed ~! i.- S ii',o_M:-'9l, iO4.soot;7.;tioi ttl4#: c tMektim:: =M=M OF . Bre.r.! tOF A )1 . 1i . 11 - 1 A grIANIYJUIIORS •, 2 . • 1 R R tr . ‘d• 0 TWOS , I.ACK 4PU51V.1941 . 11..—, .11 et. 011 . 111,.heiit;!!1,0 Near: Xorie gait saya t be. apsini ns of pollticallearripaign.indlcattla 'univiistalrei- Vlbet party.hislost atom .13knsition*.to etavery was'the foundation' piniii..srhith the party was formed arid - that :only was •it 'property adopted. The . ..:wronf . .tuffered.by the enslaved nsgroet; was:'.'sn' ex cellent :subjecting . . political. iiglta tion i .. and the vivid colers In . Republican leaders portrayed I.lialtorrors of: the tion, touched a ayrripitheic cunl in the. popular heart 'of the Noah. .t stilongth . .of, the Republican party was in . the prospect and . not in, the attainment of freedom for the 'slaves,: It , abstract , was.the blesaing:Of liberty in the b that. it held up before the. People, rather . thill' .. the plain Orivarrnahad artlele'..whicb':the ilegeoes novi-injoy.. The S,an adds: • . • (o . quettes , usually ., manage:' to itravelnpre.than one sting to 'their • bow ; :but, thelleptiblicani hid but one, arid : that thiy . haVelost f einee the aboliiiiment.of alaVery . is longer a thing of the future, .TO a new Inundation, for the pertybas been the'great Ulm lenders . ..sineethe fate 'of slavery was Seal ed. . : The radiatil class, showing• What a strung card the negro, was while in a contlition sla— very, have been foulish.enoOghte believe that hetan still be Made available ; as ih— Stiurrient, and' will/ this:view they ere making 'a desperate Attempt to get the.party.upen stie grosuiferage Pletfortn; believing that tobe the rieit best.thing..to abolitionism. But it . will . The : conservative - wing of the party are ehr-: 4vvil enough to see that the negro .WAS no long et availulileito'the Republicans after the shack less ofelaierylell.from his limbi and he. be-' came.a fullfledged freeman.—They are , deter mined that the partYehall.not bi anchored to 'dead issne—thet. it Shall not plant -itself Upsn a shadoW becauSe thesubstance.was once ,there -hence the titiarreling...wranviing and fighting which is 7 ip'progiess between the two factions, and which-clearly points to pert) , diiintegration. From ell points bf.the country—wherever the poljticaChall is in.motion—we heat.ola bitter warfare hetween the rival elements . of Republi canism; and se far aa'we•can detetrnine at this time, neither has muCh'C'ause to disparage , the other, `. The Nevti England2y.eptilicans• seem to be almost a ,tinae in favoi of negro suiferage. Thole•uf NewYork,*judging by the coniplex ion nilhe'State:Committee ere ::very nearfy• . a 'tie:upon this ques tion. In pennsylvania .and Isiew%Nisey:they .are :anti:sufierdge, in. Ohio they are diyi?,edf in lowa the party. iS:v..rech'.. mg:itself:upon the !Wei age question, and -in a' nuTinher or ciiiintieceackfactipn 4S.running• its owri.candititeS: • The other Western States, which have notbeen;offlciully heard.froin,.. Will , will•show . the sione.state of .tlemoralization in in pat . ty,.although the majority of them will probably oppose the suffrage policy., It ts ev ideri I, th et efere .t hat the -Republieun Party . ks rapidly itpproaching•dissolution.'.. Its vitalizing principal:was:buried witivEl4v . ety, and th4ra is no Bnl.!stitafo• for it. l'The .most skillful pollti cal.archliects in the party have exhausted their attemptstalents vj vent , to put "a' new fountla tion under the . ..ohl.superstracture, and, there seems". to IT' no longer a. doubt .destin ecl,tO.crutnble,and. fell TO TRIAL or Jeff. Davis,;--The Time's lope 'dal says: Both the president and Secretary of War are decidedly .in favor of a trial , civic court, and s at the.earlieet possible moment, of Jeff. Daris...The'ehief difficulty has been to find a proper , tribunal. %, • •' The President looks w favor upon, Knox ville: Tenne.seee, 'whit a vie committed the overt act`of treason By inciting insurrection in a speech to hie army !. . In case it is tried before, Chief /twice Chase. Norfolk. 'Va.; .will. be selected. This is whit Davis' friend' de- stateinent that the grand jury '..of *this . District found against Davin for construe tive treason does injustie,ta the intelligence of that jury, and the legal mind that .drew. the bill. . Thelndictrhent %Islas for the overt act.— It may be 'further said that Whenever the trial does take place; Gen: Butler, in ' . conjunction with : . the :Attorney.- General, will. take . s prominent parte!, public prosecutor.' . • 'The whole matter has'been tinder considera tion at a recent Cabinet meeting, where the (lineation ormode and placewas so far decided as'to render'the trial an event near at hand. A'prmt.•,Crut:%tpszarr : .-We have 'recently learned of a : very simple and cheap prosess of 'making Champaign Wine directly from apples) and as the coming fall will furnish 'an: abund ance of. the nseasary material, the recipe may .prmie interesting to farmers and-prunta.hlis :to . . The juice is.pre.sed - directly from sound op. pies .without . previous .grinding; becense the bruising of •the sihirt time discolors .the juice, 'slid pio,:nces:such o'.her chemical changes, by expi,sJre; to the atmnsphere„ . aii to' prevent the. practkal working of the process, whil,;, th e juieti:pr - essd troln sound apples ,is hearty as limpid As . watei.: • ' ' s . ' .The juke rune,directly• front,the pressinto a filter, consisting of:a suitable box about it . fo ,, t deep bY six inehes square, tilled with Mix ture of pulverized charcnal.and 'clean sand, or and half. . A thin.layer of straw is put 'lnto.thir hoz . before it is filled wi'h the filtering' material and 'the bottom of • the. hnx is perforated...with fine, holes.. The juice paases.through this 'filter . into hot.. des, be'immediately coi-ked to exclude the atmosphere, vvhich'gives it the an , pearance . ..of the reed champaign; . and'our in formant .vvho has used the process, assures us 'that the wine after reinaining in the 'cellar a while presents. the action and flavor of the im. Ported article, with the "advantage of being. • a muctimore healthy. beverage, while its eost does riot exceed two cents a.quart bottle where opples.are plenty. !rnporteitchempaign of the commonest quality, cannot b 1 bought in this `market from lissAhan , two to•threedollars a bottle, while its genuineness :end purity are very questionable, to soy the least. • , - To crush and press ,apples atone Operation requires a' very powerful preis. 'We'haye ex amined a ,: portable 'arrangement of the kind, quiteeimple and cheap.and well adapted to this proem, as it is sufficiently powerful' to crush and piees the hardest.aPples, -having a pressing power.of 10,900 potinds with-50 pilunde _weight applied to the'crank.'' Such aPress would. be good to ,extract. the juice.from :grapes,. as it would not break the seeds, and there4,gitre a bnd tiilior to_ the wine. •• • •••. This press is manufnOured and sold, Whop'. sale: and retail, by Hall Reed & Co., No,- 35 Liberty street, New York:—Amariecris.;irisiins, [The Press referred .to above will be found advertised another: column of this patier.-- Ageing. who would like to , circulate an useful invention would:do well to read this advertise. 'meat and:send for'S citcular.' -Permers who have crchardi should make a no t e of the above - . • ~ reciPe 1 • • Sn , 0 ., , . witir itAke no„Corprokrg.--.Says the. Daily Dr;isiars We' have. t WO . ietdie re ifor eivelidatie—the: one ilVer 'Demociat,.' the ,ether in Old Line • . . . . . . , . • • • We)l,well.TP,'r_onee . , vie re . ust..giVe the. post Office organ credit - for- a niodienn.ot candor. We-k , n'ew,that the Shoddy; party *RS. low,—very low ; but, ..God knOwei, we never imagined' it:se low that, ire ewnfrieride vropidn't seknowledege, it. Sp; •we have ..the - great Shothty party:*oing int, the canvass without a candidate! Pour Shoddy !-Patriot ' rhdois.• ~ . . Jimmy Jones.'hie'; last Viditto f ear!, , iDemocracy 'assuined the reins—and once more 'drive the gevernment as neir.perdition as they havn.alwayi done .whin power was given therp;', Jimmy 'seem!' quite distressed . .at ..the prospective return of the Democracy to power again-, and Welt.he.. may, tor ainere. as the 'season , come snit en--as sure asieasollind - ,retlection!Succiede . a storm_ or passion and excitement, so.sure the people will call for the Pameeraiy. to take charge of athis best governinerit.. - on'earth,"' . again., 'and then wilt drive it baCk to.thdt rimmed condi temoeracy kep . tit • - in for Over..td.xty . years, befoie the late abolition. Wr. a. "" We. will.run•it.so near . perd4ion again,..:that the people ..shall be' free from 'unreasonable. seizure andserirchc and if any : are wrOngfUlly imprisoned, tbek.shall have a 'right'to that ‘lac ctirsed":priVilege of the • citiZer, the writ of :We farther derrioiallie acid ••ruin .the People, by - piticin , % reach, of all,.gold.atid silver ars...th ' n cireulating medium..: We 'will destroy ,the sanctity of - all- Written secdrities,.contracts, Sic.i by 'allowing the people freely 'to contiact, sell . or.devise, Without' the .use Of stamps or .permits.' will teach the people main, impertinerce and independence, sol.hat they Will . . dare to question . their public servants, c . riticize.their.publii acts, .and. wickedly and wilfully vote against.dignitaries . and rich meti; as readily'as agiiinst• . commoO •'men...'or 'poor men. We. Witt further inculcate* the a bomin• able.heresy,.that individuals 'have' a ..right to . ! chose their own companions" . and asiociates as taste'may incline them,.or , remove from' place to plade without let-or hindrance.. . • : We will make that. nhated . rag" 'thej ensign of freedom indeed; by allowing *the poor man •to buy a dreis for hieebild,:instead of frightening him to sprid his meneffor a piece of ...painted, muslin tobang out, inorder to keep Abe 'dee: troying angels off, and.ssave his property or his . . most .assuredly destroy that greatest of-- all . g.national blessing," a gteat national debt, by speedily'liquidating the .same,' .and ruin the penple by 'relieving thein . fiom taxa— tion In short; we mean ,•to •do With . : the govern , . ment and country 'just as, our Demodratic lath els did, and make it as. poor, free' and saucy as It . always was up to the beginning of late aboli tion war.; ; allowing the oppressed 'of the .Old World to come in and find,an.nsyluno,,ai freely as thi'edifor'ofthe cue came and found ,room for the ,development of hia -- great powers and free to go,again at his pleaSure,to enlighten and reform hie 'kindred, upon the little isle frodk whence•he came.. , `Sauey we will be .to kings . and• potentates, nor will we allow them to plant 'a foot upon this great continent; or suffer ,tyrants to rule the peopis at home.— Treit:brarach. Petnotiat. Tni Albany Argus caleulates the cost to the Government . .Of providing sustenance for Ire• . edmen t ok.v withotft enmldyment'as Two hundred thousand rations issued. daily (4 small estimate,.probablY), at a nost of about forty cents each, is arvexponditure in this way of 690,000 a"dgy.--. over. half a million' of ',dol lars per.week, and nearly thirty million of dol lare per annum: .Add to.this the 'pay'nfbupef intendente of freedmen's csinps.' and villages, and other expenses connected therewith,and . the grand aggregate most approxithate • to :about half the entire cost of. the Government before the war! - . . A ;Clyne 'FOIL . - HYDR(INIOBLAThe 'follow= ing reeipelor the tremor:Ow or the bite of a roaddog;ie . vouched for by Robert Shoemaker, well .known druigist •of Philadelphia as,,a cure." • . • .'•After theperson is bitten, take I.eurice . or the root of 'Elecampane, cut it-in' thin slices, or bruise, it,. put it into half a pint ; of nevr.milk, and boil half away. _Take pt.one•dose, in. the morning. and fast elk hours. Omit 4' on. the secanif morning; but'prepare and take it in the same on the third and fifth morning: using' two •oonces of the .root.', , . • BYRON .D. • HAtILIN. • - . . . • . . .ATTosacr ..t.T Law, Southport, M'Kean County, Pa:, . Akent,for Yeiers.lleatingAr. Co's Lands. 'Attends • especially le the Collection of Liainac.Examination of Land Titles; Fayment of %axes, and all business .rela: • t.nis to Ens! Estate; . Otace - in Hamlin Bloat. ' •• ' 011,... - ,C.:W - ! : . ......1i08D1N . 5; PHYSICIAN & BURGEON; NORWICH, MIKEAN • CO., PA (AT 'THE " OLD CORWIN PLACE.) yir.' Y. M'COY, . . SOURIi-EAST CORNER MAIN STREET ' Sinethpori; Pa. ANERCAN' HOTEL,. • • • • Near the Dasesenger Depot; • . •.• • • ELMIRA, NEW,iONK J. DI. . . . . Porters! will he in attendance on the arrival of each rain; to take charge of Baggage and conduct guests to he hours KENDAL-CREEK HOUSE. KENDAL-CTLEEK, DrICEAN C 0.,• PA,, THE Subscriber having purChased . this wel .known,stand, and re-furnished and re-fit ted the House, is prepared to.entertain Board era And the Traveling public. . • US BAR AND. ABLE; .. .. Will be well supplied; aid everything; dprto to merit , a liberal share of.patrOntige. .Raft men 4111 always find the .filatolf-strlng" Out.. Kendal Creek. 'Tanuary 2;1860. ' 38.1 y • A MUST /*PORTANT ..DISCOVERY ! INRERESTING TO AGERTII; , 'FARMERS AND. LADIES. E . sire tusking d single Machine which combines the • NT beat and cheapest portable Wine and Cider Press the dryest OlothisWrioger, and the mopitpnwerful Lift ing jack in the World. It is 'the 'only press adapted to making Apple Champaign, which la-now. regarded u one ofAbe'most important diimmeries of the age. .A good agent: .wanted in every'eounty, to whom.we Will. bold 'out suoti indneenienha as. to insure 111100D.befOre - Christ mas. The drat onefivakirsg application from anylcounty shall - hue the exclusive ,agency : ' . particalais, terms, ate.c by Circular. "•• •.. ' • • • ' " ,• .Addeesc.• ••: HALL REED & CO. . • • • . - .NO. 35 •Liberty Opeet, N. In BHEVfI'B BALBB: ' .. . • •, .. . ~ . . ... ~• . . . 1114 Y. IffltTll' -- II of soodry trrtto • of 'Vettilifiefti RP:pinifti . betted 'oat of the- Court of fJorcitooo t , Fleas of McKeon comity Poinisylirsoio 'tied to nite'diteeted, rwill '.spode to eitle s lo pebile vendee or Oittett, at the Gift!, Hoene le flmethpOrt•On Minilay,' the 26t12 dere( SOPfeel bee, 1665 ''-at ono .00100 ;•.1!: Bf:itho 011owteg.Idesiott- . DefendantTe right, title and Interest to 'the 'following Re al' Ittistate, alt net e th cr township of Bradford, Coon .ty of McKean and. State of Pennsylvania Boun ced and described as. follows, to wit:.:—Commencing ,at a kiespir ,Ilaple it the North weld corner •of lot No. (202) two hundred and.two,thenee 'South 1100) One linodied 'rods Snore or less.to ii,post.-thence.West%(l2l mat hun dred twenty one and one half rods more • or. Menlo a •Bitte rent ' ? thence North. ( 501) one hundred and one rods More or lees' to a post thence - North (17 1:2)'. seventeen and one half degrees Week (33 . 1 r 2) . fifty three and one hell rodernoie or ,ess to d poiltnn the road, thence by said road North-(57 2 2) lifty seven mat one half de gries,Beit-(5 2.10) dreamt' two tentlisrodamoreor less to:a Post,.thenee'Bait.(l2 449) twelve and four tenths rods more or 'lens to a post:thence North - (9). "nine de green• Oust 49 • 1-19) nine and one tenth's rode more' or lees tow poet Op the road, thence hy the •.road North (57 1:4) lirty Seven and one half degreuellast (10 32-100) 'ten and thirty too one hundredths rods'mord orlesi to a •Pest,'. thence :South: 429) twenty nine degrees Emit (14 88.100 ). 'fourteen and eighty , eight one .hundied the rods Inordor lesistO apost, thence No . rtli (59 3-4) 'fifty eight and three fourths degrees Zig 10.10()) Wilt) and sixteen tine tinneredths rods, more ordeal . to it post, thence Sonth:(ls 34) 'fifteen and three • fourths degrees east (02 72400), sixty.two andsoventy. two one- bun-. • dredths rodemore:.er less to a post; thence...FAA *(78.). aerenty.eight.roda ..more or lees to -the 'oho of begin.. fling; containing (91. 2-10 ) :ninety one :and two tenths acres more Oleos: being parts of MO; numbered (173, 331) one hundred and seventy alive' and 'three liendred . and thirty-one: and apart br.warrant numbered (3198) three thousand four hundred and Maki eight, and and apart of the lands enure, ed to D. Kingsbury 'by Lana R. Griggs oval, Trustees of 17. 8, .Land Company by ' deed dated Nov. 29 A.Ti. 1850 and iecorded In Iteeor• der's office of. said County • of. 111bAcaii in • Book •'. 0 1:1 ,, : page. 275,, and 277; with about :thirty acres hapro wed, oneTrame Barn ands Tew.Apela Trees. ' '• • •Seized; taken In execution and wilt besold es the pre, perty of 5. P. tied Elizer L...Lineoln at the suit of A. N.. Taylor: . . • . . . • • All that piece, parcel, or treater land.. situtte, lying and being in the Pothruonwealth of Penroiyisatila and in the county Of ,McKein; :Bounded as follow"; via.,Liegin.. Mat at South West corner of , lot No. ElSnf.allotuuttit of Keating lands conveyed to P. Gallup, • thence by West line thereof: North One hundred and fifty. perches to North. 'East corner •orsaid lot in - line of lot .253 conveyed to- T. - -Huzsy, thende EastbiSouth: line of lot 259.and-lot,-192 conveyed to P-. Gallup one hundred -six: and obi tenths perches ton post, thence, South - liy Wept linnof . lot ISt conveyed to. P• Gallup ad No. 105 con veyed to G. E.• IlavetisThre:hendred fifty retelmi:..tti South '.West "ccirner of said' lot .10, thence .West one hundred six and six tenth's perchesto the place of %begin- Xing; . - Containing." ape hundred acres strict measu re more or-less being lotNo". 4SOf allotment-of the Heir ling lands In keallug township and partlof Warrant No. 26151.• Seized', takertin.exedution and willhe.qold as the pro perty of L. C.- Willard, atthe suit of .r Darling. . —ALSO,— , The 'following ' Pleen'or'parcel of land pinta to in the Tonmshiri . of :13r ailford,:bounited'and described viz:—ilea tided du the - North aide by the Bradford and Tarport Road, on the West by lands owned by. V. on'the South by lands folinerly owiteil,,by 0 . . .ifyile, on the East widow Snyder's . laud All Im— proved. containing about half au acre or laud, with tine Promo Rousentil ctiiFiplie Barn. , [lnquisition Matt . . . .. . • Seized; takeri.in' nxiteuthin and• will '..he ',mid ai'. the Property of CI W. Oubino, at the suit of C. 0. ..MOiriu. ..91.Wrier's'0rtries,•.:methport, Fept. 9. 1895 . .......... .. -.A. N. LILLIkrtIiGE 'Skeriff.... . . . . . COURT 'PROCLAMA TION WHEREAS the: Hon.' Robert White President. Judge, and the Hons. J. Dar ling and Peabody, AssoCiate . Judgei of the . Courts' of Oyer '& - terminer and Genera' Jail Delivery, quarter . Seisions of the. Peace,.. obeli's'. Court and: COurt . of ' Cotinmon . .Pleas for' the CountY . of M'Kean haVe issuad their precept bearing • -date :Friday, the thrltietl day of June, .in the year of our LOrd . . one. than sand eight:huindred and sikty-four; and to Me. directed; for . holding a Court 'of. Oyer and . Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions . of the . Peace, 'Orphans' Court;:and* Court..Of 'Corninon. Pleas, in the Borough of Smethrunt, on Monday, .the 2511x•daY. 'of , embeu, instant, and to continue one week... NOticeis therefore hereby Wen to the. Coro ners,.. Justices of.- the Peace and. Constables. within the county, tharthey' be then. and there rin theit proper.persOns, at 10 o'cloCk A. M: of said'day,,with their rolls,repords c inquiSitions„, examinations;.'and.other re.meMbrenees, to.do these things which their office's appertain to be . done.' And those who are bound. hy their rec 3gnizances to prosetute the prisoners thetare.Or• shall be in thelail of,said - county of. M'K . eari, are'ts he.tben 'an:if . ..there to 'prosecute against them as will be:just:: Dated at ,SmethpOrl;, this .Bth 'day. of Sept : . .1865, and the. 88th.. year of the, Independ enee of the United'States of America:: • ," A ..N...LILLIBRIDGE; Sheriff. iriOAL ',lsl.- FOR,. SEPT. TE/t.11 , 1 1665. • •• • . . ' No Vim year *al/ Ilennett4; W ' • . B %Varner. Ad , rs . , ,• olt Bennett, • deceased 53 JOhe - 1857 J W Shako ve Edward Swirtheut. 81 Det • 1861 William 'IC King 'and es G B Pherguson Rol ' . Horatio . ' Jas. Johnson : .59 WO* 1582 It Peckwithnsesof, Joo Chadwick, Corwin . • : , Otis Irons,: and • • •.. .• • • Olive Irons, 'Ad's • ' • :-of G Irani dec'd 72 June 1862 .01Iver Johnson 'vs GeargaStiekles • •44 Dec • 1861 Horse° ooleinan ye • Reuben .and' G . . Taylor , Pah 1863 Mathias Otto paniel -! ingsbnry ~ . • Sept use of J Wheeler . TS David DeGolier •. •40 Fent 1803 3'F Clark . • .. vs Blair ilm! Young. Dec' 1863 .Alpheus Pirne. Ye Alvin Hooker, 1 'Feb; 1801. Susan H Karr David. Morse - 26 Feb 1881 Milton C,P. Vs panieffluMt ' 38 June 1861' M B Hall va James McCord. • 83 june,lB6l J y Clark • ,we Brewster.Freemah, 67 June.lB6C Ik•Veltman:use - of Tvs P Freeman who was • '• • 'R BUtler . • Impleaded with J 1. . . • • .D Earl • 188.1 'Wflllam Bullock ; vs J ontmi Smith , 37 Deo, 1881 FV 8 Waggoner re 'John Rutherford. 88 Jilin 1885' ' . JNO.R. CRADWICgi ProthV.. .Bmethport,'Sept. • • • " • • NEW SKIRT - FOE 1866 it 1888. THE. GREAT INVENTION O THE AGE IN H.OO.P . SKIRrES: W. • BRADLEY'S Nair Pateni DUPLEX ELLIPTIC,or double 7 -SPRING SKIRT. - THIS IN VENTION , consiatent .Dormsx. (or two) Et, Ltrri o Potiaß6llN6DSTßELfirnimas, Ingeniously BRAT, DED TIOUTLY'•BIId VIIIIILT tOgetiler:.EDOlCkCi EDON, ma- Mug thrwriarririser, moat . I.I.IIXIIILR, IMAM.] and MIRA •Buz Simian ever ,used. • They.seldom .neND - • or , Biteitt; like the single Springs, and consequently' preserve their perfect and - beittititul shape nr.aa then twice ris long as •any Single , Spring Skirt that 'ever has r.r cap be made. The wonderful flexibility and great comfort and plea sure to any Lady wearing,the Duplex Elliptic Sk rt will to experienced particularly in all .cfowdell assemblies; Operas, Carriages, Churcirrews, Arm. Chairs,-for Promenade and. louse • Dress, an. the Skirt can . be. folded , when in use, to occupy a' small apace as easily and conveniently in a Silk or Muslin Dress.. A Lady•having..'enjoyed the • Pleasure.. Comfort and Groat Convenience of. wearing the. Duplex' Elliptic. Steel Spring Skirt for afiinele day will net* afterwards willingly dispense with their use. For Children, Nimes and Young Ladles they are superior' to all others - 'TILE 1100 PS are preyed with. 2 ply double twisted : thread and . will. Wear. . twice as long as the Angle yarn cove ing which mused on all Single' Steel (loop Skirts The three bottom rods on ev,ery Skirl are.also Double Steel, and twice' or double.covered to .prerent the coy. ering, from wearing oB'the rode. when dragging down stai stoats steps, &a% okci.; which - they are cointsutJy subject to when in use.. • • " Proprietor . • ..All are made of the new'AMl elegant . Corded Tapes, and are the hest quality in every pert.,.: giving to. the wearer.the most gracefuLand'perfoot ehape poabible, and are unquestionably the' lightest, most destrablei OM. fortable and economical Skirt ever made. •, WESTS' : BRADLEY k CAREY, PROPRIE T ORS of the inventinn,,add.SOLE I itANUFACURERS,.97 CRAM, BERS; and d 70 & 81.. READE STREETS New York: • FOR SALE in nil First Class Stormy in.thls - Clty, and throughotit the United Stites and Canada•,Ravana de Cuba Maxie(); South America, ant the Went Indian. Inquire *or the Duple* Elliptic Or d r able) Spring Skirt: • . . The Mason 4 Hamlin Cabinet Cigna!, forty dlf• 'forma styles, adapted' to stored and secular ,munlo, for $BO to $BOO each'. TRIRTY=FiVIi GOLD or BILVNIU •MISDALB, or other test premiums'aw.rded'thetru, tested Catalogues free. Address, mAsogt lIAMLIN, Bestow, oi:MABONBROTHIIRS. New Your., THE inngfrlNG 596.:13.toaci*ra,y ; N:: Manufacture the moat perfect'MaChine for sew-' ing; of ati,hinds,:eaeC presented to the Arrteti— can public and chalet* comparison. with, any Sewing Machina madein the. Uriited Stites. The Iff.o6d lifaChines, with eli ; their able imritovenientei entirely 'overcome all aim- The ne.:.They ate.: ' F. „ .• .• • .• ...SUPERIOR,. TO:ALL OTHERS. Maimfiio;trisasc.' u.rrioses: R Constiuction, limn* in all theii parts . ;and Readily Understood, They have" 'nor— tainty of stitch on' all kinda of fabrics-, and , are.. adapted' to a wide rangeof wiark,w t hoot cha nge or.adj'astment. Veins', all• kinds lbf Will Ilivi; - .F6ll,.Bind,7oalher ' Cord; and. in fact 1 1 0 all kinds of work- ro:, rioired 'hi', Fa mi I or Mannfactnera. They maim the , -I&TERLOCK SHUTTLE'STITCH which cannot lie eicelled.for.firmness', ty, durabil i ty and .elefgatice:offinish: • • • '*oirzi Reapived:the: Higheit Prenalidnrst; • in every instance, where they nave:been erthibta' ited.'in:,competition: . with othrs . :standurd . chines: We invite all polo:Ain fearcli or SO instrument to execute'sny.kinit of Sewing now' done' by .Machinery,.to inspact therrf;and vial& sure:they secure the hest, by proving the 'WEE& .before before purchasing...'The Connpany behig! .duly..licensed, tice Machines. are: • protecteill against. Jai ingements or litigation.. rigt.PEESONS'AT:ADISTANCE..can orw derby mail with ,perfect •confidenee. that the. MACHINE Will. reach them • safely; and .that they yvitl.be able to manage it. to :their .entire eatisiactior,•wiih .other.aid han. furinted -knstrn:ctioris,accoinpanyinp th eachMaChine.. tieripe .CirCulars, together wlih . sneciniens Wo; k, will . be : furnished to all•who•desire them' by mail' or otherwis. . . . • 1177 . EDLIABLE - AGENTS. WANTED, in all 'localities in. the 'United..States,,clanadae, .134kish. hro'vinces;.Cabir. Mexico;.Gentral . and SpittlMmerica, West Indial4lande ancl.the.Bd hdriin Islands, to, whom vreofier..GREAT:•INL ; DUCEMENTS: Energetic men .. will find it- s paying business; as reliable - .. Sewing . Machines have become a. neceiiity. 'every family. ,We rrianufaCture: a, great • variety :of 'styles, froth :which we. gi ve 'a lew. rricesi— No. 2, Family. $5O; a, $6O ; 2,Jialf Caai,.s6s and. $75 ; N0..3 .Sr: Mainadouringi, $7-5-and Weed. Sowing Nachin'e Co., 596 Broadway N. Y „ (136,1 t. 2,641 1: 3 0 . 5.' OtTie.? . • Pulmonary, Consumption a Curable Disease . , • A Ctitd, to Cous!iniptirs. : The undersigned., having sheen restored :to health in a few week's, by ayely'siniple rem , . dy,.after having antleied severitfyears With a severe lung affection,' dnd that dread diseaSe, Gorisumption—..is anxious to Ma lie.known to his' felloW• sufferers the means. of cure. ' To all ti•ho desire it he Will send a copy:of the prescription used .(free of charge,) 'with the di rections for :preparing and. using. the: which they 'will. flail a Sure. Cure for IConsurnti lion,,Astbmit, Bropchifo 7 •Coughs,!,Colds; &c: The . only, ohject, of the advertiser in sending : the Prescription: "is 'to .benefit the ; afflicted, and spread information which , ' he conceives 'to' be invaluable;; and he hopes every, sulferer'willtry hie remedy, as it will cost -them 'may.ptove a Oeliine. • ' • ....U.N.IVIFTRS_A_L' CLOTHES; WRINGER. Nn, 1, trirge:Fannily Wringer, No. 14 Me(101M, N 0.2, Metlionn No. 24 ' 4 ‘ . . •• No. 3, Small No. 8, Loyie Brit el No. 18; Medium Laundry to rnn steam 20,00 No. 22 Large:: • - or hand $ 30,00 ~ Nov'2~ and 3 . hav,O••fio Coggs. All 'others • 'We 2 is the size generally used . in ptivate Orange Judd of .the Ameriran Agriculturist siysol - the •. • . UNIVERSAL CLOTHES. WRINGER . . rsit. child can readily.wting out a • tnbitill .of clothes in a feW minutes.• It. 'is 'reap!) , 'O. CLOTHES-SAVER! A.TINIF. SAVER! and rt. STRENGTH SAVER! The saving of , garments Will alope.pay a large percentage on its :cost. We' think the machine much tirme:.Aan PAYS FOR ITSELF EVERY VF.AiI 'o the saving of garments!' .There are severatkindsi nearry. a like in general constructiOn;but we consider : it important that. the wringerhe fitted with Cogs, otherwise amass of:garments may clog the roll -ere and the roller's upon the.:ciank . shaft slip aml. tear the Clothes, or the rubber break loose from the stia ft.- ' Our own is , one ef, the. first make,.and as good as new'after nearlk FOUR YEARS' 'CONSTANT • . . Every.Vhingor wit,l! Cog Wheeo_ is Warrinted NO WRINGER CAN. BE DURAEDE WITH- . . A.good, CANVASSER wanted in every town. CrL. - On Receipt . 'Of the, price: from place's where no one is selling, we will sen . w EXPENSE. • " , . .For particulars.nnil cirntilarsaddress.. .; BROWNING; 347 Br oadway MO WOUNDED, SOLDIERS.—ALL SOL: 1 DIERa who have ve.been Uncharged by reason of WOUNDS RECEIVED IN ANY BATTLE. 'and who have not receivelltheONE HUNDR.: ED DOLLARS 'BOUNTY, Can' receive the game no at once; - by 'applying either in person' or letter, at THE MILITARY .AND NAVAL AGENCY, No. 427 WALNUT Street, PHIL A- J OSEKU E. DEVIT.T.& COMPANY: • TIRIZE full list of A f..L PRIZE r.PAYABLE TO DATE cn.n'be seen et .lhe offiCee. and othei claims sash-lit the Government prorpptly. collected. . TOIERVOUS SUFFERED S 0.F.0111 SEW, . , . A REVEREND HAVINC4 heerireStored to health io a (eV!" days t after nu derping.all the usual routine .and irregular' es pensive' . modes of treatment, .Without suceeii*,, considers it his sacred duty to,corthrunicatet. his afflicted fellow creatures the staAnspF ern , Hence, on the receipt ef.a,n addressed . envelope , he4lll send free e copy of, the 'prescription used. • Direct; to Dr. JOHN •51;,D4ONALL. 86 'Fulton Street, .13rooldito, • . A& 0 n 36018 REV, EDWARIJ A. ii 7 i•LSON; • . . • .. • .IVillia'rnslaur.• -King County, • . . Sew Ir.citk in every Particular. OUT COG-WHEEL§. 10,00 8,50 7,50 .0,50 15,00