M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, September 09, 1865, Image 1

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    VOL. 5.
The Evils of eheokini Presiiiration,
:Edward Everett beceine . ovenheated, in testi
fying court room , Went_to..7anueil Hall,.
which was cold, eat in a:.•draught'of. air; until
his turn Came to speak: . s but my hands and feet
were iceitnylungs on fire. •In this condition
I . bad to go . r.nd spend threelours in: the , coda . ,
died laics!' t . han a . .week.'..from
thui Checking the persidration. It was enough
~ . •
to kill any ' ' • • •.. •
.Prqfelsoi Mitchell, while a state 'of .trey=
piration in yellow fever, the Certain . sign of re
'eovery, lett his toed, went into. -another room,
teCanne chilled in a moment; and died.lhe same
. while Perspiring, or while wanner: than
canal from exercise or heated roonii.there is a
cuddeti exposure tctstil I, cold nit to' ravil .- dattp
atmosphere, or :de draught, whether at an op
en WindoW or door, or street-earner, the,inevi..
tab)e'result is .a 'violent., and , instantaneously
closing: of the pores . of the skin, bY,Wloich waste
snitlmpure matter which Were making their
way : opt of the system, are compelled' to seek
an exit through some. weaker part is ~the:. re
. suit. The idea is pres.ntedloy saying that the.
:Cold had settled in that part. .. To illustrate:
A. lady was about getting.into a •smilll • birat:
.ta eretst the Delewsrerbirt wiabirg'fir§t to get
an orangei•at a fruit-stand.,:she ran . upthe bank
of the river, arid an her return to the.boat found
herself mtich.beared, (or it: was .ruinmerr• but
11riere.wai•a little Wind. on the warer,atal her
cloihen soon'. which settled • on • her.
lungs -And the year aba ((leder
',A strong man was worliing. in :a garden in
May'; feeling rather tired' about noon;" he eat
dOWn in the shadeoll he hatise'.and fell 'Asleep
Ate woke_chilly; . inllainationnl the lungs follow
aftertw'o years of great sufferipg,,
consumr.ion. On opening his, chat. there
Was such an extensive 'decay; that the -yellow
matter 'was scooped out by the cupful.
• A 'Boston', ship•owner,:while on the 'tied( of
one - cifhis'vesselsi. thouglit . .he wont^. .1'64
band in some - emergency, And pulling off his
coat, worked with - a' will, until '.he' p e rspired
trerlyochen,he .sat 'to rest awhile, enjoying
the delicious breeie'lrord the sen, • On 'attempt
gang te hiriiself unable, and. was
'4O stiff,in.hi joints that he had Ito. be carried'
'imme end.piftlto bed, which he !lid: not leave
nntittlie erni•-•of two months, when he was
barely able to hobble :down , to' the wharf, on
'clutches. • • .• • '
'A iady; afterbeing• nnusuall .loisy • all day:
found herselt heated rind tired towards •sunilOwn
ii:summer'S d!!.Y.• She concluded . to take 'a
'drive.totown.in.:an open vehicle. The•. ride'
`Made her .uncomfortahly c.o , d;.but she 'warmed
herself tip . by an hour's, shoPping, when : she
turned homeward; it , heirg late in the . evening. ,
•she.foUnd'herself rrio•e decidedly. chilly.th'nn
before. At mitinightshe had. poennicOrict (in•
.ilamation of the limas), and f.in three inonth.
had - Abe_ ordinary symptoms of ,coartned coo
siiMpt ton.: ' •
A lady:Coqrent energy of character lost h.er
coalc,,and 'bail to take her place' for foot 'days;
the kitchen , was warm and there wiln a,draught
glair through' it. '.When the work. was, done,
.the warm and weary,, , %vsnt to' her chamber,
itrid laid down ori:the'•hed . ..tp . rest. This' •aci
. . , .
was riperited several times: `On !htf•lifth_ day
she had an.Otaek of lung fewer; at, the - end. of
6 morith s 'she . was berali.. able ..ta.-4eave . . lre
chamber, only. to •• find herself suffering with
the prominent iymPtorcs of confirmed 'eon..
, "rainptiont Such,as,qtticlt putse, cight - .and Morn;
ing'conah, night sWeats, debilityobott breath,
and falling away: •
A young lady rose from her bed on & Novem-.
.ber night; and I,eaned her arm on the' win
dow sill, to listen to listen to aserenatte..—Nekt.
morning. she
,had rnetimonia, asd. infteretf: the
horiors of asthma ,tor -the remainder• of a long'
' 'liftiltittitles' of women lose healtlyand life
every year, In onemr mrire,,,wiqs by . basying,
themselVes in. a . warm,hitelien,until weary, and
then theoWing themselves - . on' a. hod Or sari;
,'•e ithoati :and perhaps in a room, with
put kre;' or by ierrioving the , outer clothlng, and
perhaps change the 'ilress,tor n .common one; as
soon 'as„they' entered the house after.ri' walk or.
s . .a . shopping,. . yhe rule should' be inv.ariiilify., ft) .
into,a warn room and' keep 'on all'
. the clothing for at least five. or ten • Minutes,
until .the , forehead- is perfectly :dry. In. all
. weathers, if you'hive to walk and ride on any
eicasionolo theliding
. ' Tim Dice:TotiTtloAs.--There are several - is
. •lands bearing the name of Tortuga; The , name
• is Spanish, and signifies.a tortoise. ' The ""Dry.
Tortugas" , constitute adislind group and bank'
in the Gulf of . Mexico, about one, hutuired and
twenty miles west.of Cape Sable, in Florida:
• There isleti'or keys in S 11.: They con
sist ole cbrill'formation, and have little vege
.- .tation,except.rnangroVe hushes. On, one of
• thetri, as : . "Bush Key" and OGertlen
Key," a lighthouse has been erected. . the
, beginning of the - rebellion the Government un
.;dertook' the construction of Fort Je fferson, and
sent thither refractory persons to work upon ,
tlieTortifications. They are ton 'remote , Iron)
any,,Populated place to enable prisoners to ob•-
taiti ine.ins of escape; or, desolate to invite
trading vessels; and alliarticlea of food rriust be
supplied bY,;-gOvernnrienttranaports.• The, place
.furnishes a. aectire. rather •than an attractive
,• place cif .residence.
"CONICIDENCES---it may interest..tue -curious
to know that .the two rival political cendidatei
for Survevir Ge,neral are residenes.of the. aaMe .
towq that they are' both , members of, the'Town
Cotihrili thit, they.: were. email' Candidates of
their yeapective parties for State Sdnatoy in the,
• '.24 oistricksOhat• they Wale bOth::,defeated;
!' that they were both outin the three
,ino . nthe
•service;rLintein as.captain and Campbell as
lieutetient; that they' together 'raised
Mant, arid ttiat each in succession cOMitianded
floret the-coinCidencei t . fail, for
comirianded the '. regi
-.ment-doilneinecticiri, Col,' 'Linton led it 'in:
. ;battle b'ecamo the ' netting leader. '•The
eonsetitienc'e of which wat that Linton 'got shot
'through .the thigh, and through the • shoulder,
Arid MO ugly but honoroble'scare,.while
Canto' off - withiiitt 'a %seri:itch;
retains whole'
er • (ratan:: :•.
1 ; r. i 4
. .
The:following sensible letterhas been addressed .
to Geri. Cox, the Aholition.canddate'cor Gov..,
ernor of Ohio, by o large • nurriber :of Repub.
Head: 'soldiers: . We, have' not heard .that
. .
tiie Getreral has , vouchsafedreply:-./
, .• Bi.annly,sunito, Onto, Aug. 2,
beitiGerisuar.: lilie•most Ofsour Ictter; •
of July 25,' to. 'the' Abolitionists of Oberlin,
-and you are right in-suying that •the boyth don't'
like-the negroes any better fOr having. -seen'
them: -:•70 don?tquite.like your plan
,tor ."get=
ting them together.as a community in the south,
11;eorianization o . f.the Sate
govlrnmfht.. We want to see fair: play . all
rotind, and'.you General; that we .fought
for the old flag, and for . the Union,npd not he..
Cause . INJ3 hated the' ...Southern - people.',. We
Wanted them to behave, and . .not-htirt the Union:
but when 'the Aght was 'over we' could alwaYP
shake hands. and be friends. . But, General, you
march a little obligne i on'nni thing. We 'Jive
in' Ohio; and your Plan kin settling things-down
in Dixie don't Prevent us from being placeiron
an equality. With niggers- here. • We.have heard
it. told that before t heWer . there were More than
. .
. .
twenty•five thousand negroes.in Ohio,and..ihal.
number has been: mare than doub led
, during the
past 'four years. ,The lines'are open and the
darlcies- :are 'allowed 'to' e'onie •through.. in
. .
Niiw,the Oberlinitee, Woiln . • and
'General, S - thenck,and all that kind nfrinople,
and there Pie a.good many of thorn,: want ; to ;
ppt,..the nigger on'en:ncinalitY ,with ug, and give'
their. votes .to balance onto. '• is .a
meining, gnestion, for, before two yeark,
have a hundred. and fifty-"thousand negrcier; in
Ohio. • vee•want In whether you
ere in favor of thern , the right' to vote in
Ohlo.nim;:iir at' any future time. • Yon.ore.
right,. General; in
. saying the boys are still
prond,of being white, and they' won't . march
under, theiblock •, . , •
ilti.early answer youi.fellow • s'oldiets.
. ..• . •
• VETERANS:ON . A Sittitil•:..—Same one says that
the saddest sight tiOdrr.theAsn.iis.lll:t nt to::
who wente employment min
it. Such a eight; s'ays tae NeA ,
. preSepted i 0 wir
processionot veter.lws.m'i; emi.l. , yfrient .etiti
rin.ei~ua t. wois: h limners.
he - arit:a It ;A . ..A f t -- a.'
sttiko 4t [et Its Ivho. a itio.l in putt •driwti
t i hot ti . 4tr.-s' nor (Or ;
higherl..;A-, bit • !err • Work = - -woilc. It ig - the
duty ot i oer citizens ani the
. t.tovernmeitt ft, see
that sw.th . mvit•tiee'eemploytnent,.sci ihitt
families miy notaot compelled to•staiye or to
.eat the-bread'9(eharjty.. , -
. .
Is 1'6 . 50.a trial took place in,Connertlcat..ort:
'der . the . q:ectina of t he. bluelacci,prohibiting .-
Th . e of.f , .odcri were Sarah'. Tuttle and
Jacob Newton:. It nip ars'..tbat Sarah (Tropp( ti
her stoves and Jacob found thCiri.' „When Sarah
kirthem, Jacob'il .nianded'a . kis9 - for .his
• .
pay; and is the'. der amt. did' not .seem
vagattt; she 'atljuste'd it foithwith.' l'hettiets
were etem,ly,proved, and the parties were each
knell twenty , • , • •
. .. ,
. . .
-Says S the 'New ,York Hertrid's. special, of
Thumb y: ' c; :Ju f lge •Black, , of: Pennsylvania,
and jr)o. ..Montgemery.. Blair, were ohseryed
prorrienadifi4, a micikhly...logether t0—,19-., 'Doi
.visiting - the . ..Pre'sident...in. company. , Whit',
. . .
. 'Judge. Black :acs Mr.. Buchanan's At
"torney:Ageleriil ; and 'Secretary of Stiitc; Mr
Blair. Was I'dsiinaster
General. • . •: •• •
'l'he wall'of distress ,needSor.,' com
ment. That it sheaf(' be .necessary. for .the
citizens bt.a Republic, ho:srstiog of •its • freedom
and lenien6; - , •to thus .supplicate an- - geetive.
.officer—himself .s
the Of..the people-Lis
one of the extraordinary and mortifying • rral-.
ities;ofthetirnes.:Says. the Richmond.
of is - recent date; in an address ~ qo the president
of the flii,ited . .Stut es:
• anything we can say can. furnish you 'with .
satisfactery assurance, .sve •do .solmrq 'declare
thatithe'periple orVirginia are a .submissiVe,
Peaceful, laW ribiding'people. .know that
upon . this subject misrepresentation Upon:mis
representation has.heen made.to You; and that
the channel of truthful 'crunmunication is _so
obstructed tie torender it difficult, for you to .. be
fairly advised of our. actual feelings
trans;: Virginia has hot only beena•hattle-ground
and e ltttrial groundi.butis nosy scascely . : more
Than a grave yard. Poverty arir,destitutions
striforiniand distress, anxietyand care are the
painfal.let:efher once.- presperons :and'
. happy
:The tears of her daughters Yet flow: like
(crticiuntain rills"het sous are not only unem
,ployed hitt 'inipoVerished, and • mourning and
'sorrow are spread, all Oyer the land. The ashes
of Our fitesidea have been slacked by, the•blood
of our best citiieni,: and there 'is. scarcely
'home the once cheerful countenances of' whose
inmates are not shaded by .the careage and
casualties of the war. •.The peopleof
are.snd and sorrowfuLandtinabled. .Of .yon
they have asked for ',clemencY;.and.to you they
ap'peal for relief.. Upon your statesmanship and
your hunianlty they rely for the discontinuanCe
ot t hose eriiimities,. which,• if not alleviated,
will bring uprin them instifferribla
• The people ef candidly. confess that
he issuesinvolved in thelaee unhappy, • confliet
have been iAlliYfinblllitted to the arbitrament
of the sword and it hos been decided thnt they
'must return to the,Government of they T.Tnited .
Statei ) and conform to nll the laws . , edicts and .
proetamainations of thePre,sident.ane Congress
of the,tinited 'Slates. '.To do this, they are not
;only Willing but'angious. ... .... ..'
With an .extertsie 'acriiiaintrice with •the
disposition of our peciple, and with 111,the auth
ority which we . can impart .to :our word, we, do
solemnlkaisure3'on that they. nre• earnestly
-and honestly.anxienS to haVe:an nonni.toriity to
maintain "tbaUniOn, the Constitution:, and - the
enforcement . orthu'lAws," . Gan 'ycry'desife.
anything more? . .Can anyzhingroore he deman- ,
il Nir's nd nearly. ; ii:e nit - ttgtl 4 unded - ..iiel:
and core,"'ltersons and -her daughters •irriritore .
and besoi‘ch you to snare this; bereaved corn-:
lousily the:inflietlo'n'• of the. death...bin*, and
leave them unMoleated:wht4 little.. they' he‘?e
$31i . E:T.0r0 . 131;',;, - .3p.ko4.AN. ; :'ou.NT.;:p.4..sLyft,*)Ayisi;EpTF,NßF,g;.p ., .....so.:: , :i,i
'Detracts of a Letter frOm on. William ;
D., Kelley
PJFILADEL,PHIA, Aug, as- Union.
sif tla.Fouali Cokgkesnoaal
.long, and .sttecessfUl caree,r In crime. emboldens
'the guilty. A recent illuitrutiori of 'this pity
ofhuman.nature impels me to violate, rhy. life
long 'rule of ebednet,..and,for ohoe' 2 to 'notice 'a,
politicarslanderer.. •1 not, 'however, address
you for . the purpose'of repellinghis innuendoes
or Safiehoods:• My life has been phased aniong
You, and•-if its record, feriaer to you a . l, does
not raped; them,•
. I have lived in vain... My
purpose is simply to pierce:the-mail - of :
,ten-gold ih -which the " slanderer „hes-clothed
'himself; and give:Youa - glimpse it 'the. -loath—
seme Object . it protects. '"
The priPers'of Friday'announce that SiMon
•Canriercin, of Datiphiu county, waseei.e.nalle,d'.bY.,
his frieuds' on preceding evening •at 'the
Hirer(' :House in this city; and availed himself
occasion to vilify: my'colleagues and
myself, "the.COngresemen of Philadelphia," in
a, spereh.to the 'assemblage: . : • -
• I.rwite but a yoUth When I first herd the
name of Simon Cameron,' and it was as. the per- .
petratorof a'. great crime- He : had been' made
the agent. of the Government to:carry a; large
amountOlNoney,.due them,,' to the:Winnebago
Indiuns,:and liarl taken advantage of their igno
rance' ana , helpfestnes's. to 'enrich himself.
Those-of you'wlio had. then .nttained to men—.
hood,lhough You,rinay tint, after the.lapse of
so tnany',years, revive the 'burning indignation
.with whieb you regarded the infamous swinnler ,
'of the prior Indians, will' doubtless 'remember
that, instead of ,paying the specie which the
Government confided "to him for. that parribse,
he retalned• it and gave them the notes of the
Mtlidletown Bank; of which.he was an owner.
At their eheampment in' the remote wilderneas
!hese notes were utterly ",_worthless: The
ndians could,: not . uo iheth fhr any purpose
the,re; ; `: nor •oorry. theni. *to Middletown for
redenytiot:: - Bet • irhat • was ;Oat.' to Sitnon
Cameron? -.Was'..nat 'their Aims' 'his gate; end
'A'a-,:lie ria.t.iornuch dhe:r;eher 't)y ei•erjt note
that rifled to'cOrite hortiefor r4emption;;thoe#,h,
vaive? • And hose-bf :yot.
. . .
vli,, ere • tint old eilookli. t o teinem.lter„ all -'this
.0w Irioky tyliy this bold, ba<l man- is: some
iint , is spoken of t,y - . oiir siiniors os tha 44 grea
YinlAm.4ro," and s..ote.'etimes' - as .:!, 4 01.d..tn.icii•
.'or mere , than - thitty years,.l have
l.t:n•'t'nrtiuuta career of; this man arid . , hair,
neyef,se. , ll,,foson to, ahandrin my first irripres:-.
,ion of his" character.. Whether acting. wtih'
the.Detnocratic, the Knew•Nothines,•'or the
publican Party . ; for he has Hi t• turn •iliingraeed
then all, buttes Jreverbern . false'to his crimii
hat He' h'as endeavored to turn them
airto.prctitable account. His ambition Is-sor
did and panders to hie uvitrice, and . he measures
'honors' by the perquisites 't,heyi ., ,expose to his
grastr. Ile' has no confrileticein the people: and
is aware . that then' diitrust - „liitn. -His speech
nit. Thursday , evening was not-eharacteristie of
; him; for he is Prone , tonSe of instruinems., llis
habit is . to roint: the stiletto, hut to ertiplovi,
other baud to dri,ve.dt home, Though:an active
participant in the-pnlitici, of . hia .country ,-; anti
State' forimore than half a eentury during wirich
fring period helitis put sited the profits, of 'office;
- of jobs . ; orcontracts, ;with eagei atid , reeaseleas
assiduiiy, he-has. never dared, to permit
name to be, presented to the . people, of
or State. a . n.canti.ilinie elective..office:
.1-le crawls to the - ,feet of the•-appointing'power.
He cares not who may be' King,' So: that he
'may "still be. Vicar of GraY,!!antl..to.th'at • end'
he chancres withund cerrupts.Vveek and needy.
members of Qonventibr i rs and. the .tegislartires
l'need not ,recite the diagracefill facts'attend-;
inghis . goveral c,invasses, for the IJoited States
Senate. Their nauseous oilor•'lingers ,th. your'
rosti try s this hoar. In-the bseirift the
voter 01,ifiren DiTio6 - a!ic rrieiriberii;..nnil in iyie
leat twenty thoniand dollarsl . for the one
vote whis.h:Wouldbave elected him. -.The last
transaction was so flagrant-that, the legislature
s conmelted to . talte cegnizatice:of it, and. if
justice be not lame as' well as- blind, the.' law'
and 'honor of our State will. yet be' vimlicated.
. . .
No stone:moy mark.tlie spot ,where my poor
rerodine inoy.firially rear,•bpr I mean, that -my
cErildrenshalLhe.able to vindicate my name by
pointinglo this foci..Alt Simon :CameCon and
his conti:lential ft:Vends Were' ever...hostile to me.
With. grateful iegarils;
. ••• . Yairra very truly,
• • .• • .Wsr: D. ELIE Ir.'.
Dezv'T-PUT, jr PrF..—H ' undreds: . of . .‘ , ltepubll—'
'can's" agree with Democrat's, that negro suff
rage wotild.he - dangerou's .to. the propeeiety• of
Republic: but they plit.qif their opposition
to sit to cca More. cenvenient'settsen;': If* they.
are: honest in oppOsin'i; the political equalization
of the races, they cannot :constatently 'adhere
any '• longer .to the Abolition organization .
Although:the. party. with: which tl y. have hith,
erto acted,rrray not venture negro suffrage
its piatformS, its leaders are nearly all in' favor
it ; and - openly adVocatell. Thertfore, if
they shotild-be 'succesifill at the polls,•they
hill claim that the people have decided . .in fdy
iteofgiVing.the negro the . . right .to vote, and
wilt yeneW their pressure up - on the Presidnt:
.te.c'Oinpel him to take,.gronad in favor'of • this
new.politieal her-sr. Hence, we say; if you
.would preserve the white .I‘taa's governtnent
begin the work. IC yutt..wait till the ab,
olitioit - paitY;havelfnlly -sh Own their ban(l,y9e .
will bare waited tn!. the genie, is lost,'Or won:
Don't p it off your. warfare against this 'iniqui
tous srheme.
... , ‘Whot thou llosest;dii.: qniFir.-
lyl-BiLVerif gazette, - ' .•
. .
. . .
HISTORY,—TIIC. HPlllfrrsoo 151 , ; , Nevis - •ha.s
b , en eiippregsed by the officer cortriganding, the
I' dt riit ;Napa at ;that - pleee.• He has also
()Horsed the itrie‘tof Hiram At'Elroy, who was
th , ;• anti-Consf Hut ional amendment .nendidate.
for. Ole Legislature in the adjoining county •of
Filbert the: anti
cohstit,itionai .nrn . entiment. 'caiiili;ate i for . the
L4;191006; in Henderson county, has . tisauell
"Fd,..ddclinitit the canvasi,'beciiise bait, as' .
'he maye,.4she3n - warned by the mililitry
ities'thlt ,he Would .hearretated imprisoned
ithepersiste.l in his • eandidaei, 'and that he
wil : nti,t be allowed Under any eircuulstaneesi
• In'finisb the' ' • •
. .
Vemooratio State Cenventßin
. .
.• „Tba Denioeratic State .Convention..iner et
two o'clock" On Tharsday,'Aitiait'2 , lth, in the
hall'orthe House of.;.Repreientatives. In the
absenceot. Hon: d..L.:. Ward. Chairman of 'the
State . Central dominittee, Mr. RObertJillerik-.
hill, aeer'etary,sof the commirtee,::called the'
dOntiention' to, order' . and read. the . following
letter:frOm . .lllr. Ward, 'reasons 'for
his non-xtrtendancer.2.:
Mown':;ski Susquet•onwi . ro• • 1... •
' • •, Auq. - 41,
:Ro6i, See: Dem. ,Staiiltve),...
Committee:' • •
. ,
Psotu. Sut4 A 'very un'expncted, contingeney
lits;3 transpiied, in reference tp some , businee
irnportgoce•in the courts Of .
this couritry, - .wh ich
Will prevent my. belng nt.Harriebuig.on. the `it-
• I have, .the.refore;
. to. ask yo t o: take. my •
plate in the . opening organization of. the.Deme,
eratie State.COovention on that day.`'
I•be . g to effer through 'you inyaincere•regrets,
at-being pririen . ted this time meeting in coon;
ci'l Nvith• the representativaa of the .15emnerary
:of the State; and to tender at•rhe pains`
sUranOes.athe afiep• pOrsoual ..r%sgard which i'
cherish „for the , enlighted,. tried - and ,brave men
cOrnposingt he body about to meet. •••
, Not douhting that .vrladarn and haronony..will
'clAracterize ita delibraooris, .60 !yece.os
crown: its, labors, r m
have the honor 'to remain,..
Very re.veelfullyiNourg' .
Chairmann-pe s mocratie State cd . ntr . al Com-
On molion ; ,l3.Onop.rl. Joit,:ssON,.ol Cambria
county . ; liqis elected temporary chniirntin.olthr.
Convention.. Op, taking the chair.lllr..rohns6n
• Gi?lthirne . n . o . telse.Cotiventioni—l feel highly
grail for' the :unexpected; and, may add,
unsolicited honor , :%hich.yon have &inferred npl
on me: . ..-Acceit.tny, thanlid for-your coraideuen'
and'kindness. • Totally - inexperienced :lin' the
usages.of ddibersti‘ie. assemhlies,'l . inust cast
myself entirely •upon your..forlienrancO'dy%ing
the.brief interval which° occupy Ow .
can only'asiute You thit L.shall, try
to 'perform my, duties impartially rind. friim .the
etinerful:s . nd . hopeful 'Nees I' .Ei before me„:"
have no doubt any :error,nr mistakes will.read:
ily-be forgiven:
Once nor our cm ntry.isjilessed with peace!;
Th:! deinfin 01 . 'war which has for 100101 . g Are : .
cry ye./13 • ht , l,l' deil . a!,tating - • thronghout
onf, country, tias ,varitt.tlo,..and the Angel.. of
'Reace . 1k6v . e . r.4 -.benignantly' over. a preservcd - .
1.7.4i0n, War—a terrible culdmity.,uir Si!, comp
tries—is fndy.so,in'a republic,m here. the int'
Mary arm. can scarcely be put'.fortb . all lie
,stren. , th wit! not interfering the
. rights of
the.citiz , o; Unhappily; iO our •cottntry, those
rights- were' eritiiely distegarded, and:every
constitutidnal:right of the 'citizen was. wrested
BUtthis•unhappy . war, the prnduct of Carrell
cism and fully, is ended, and this day the De
mocratie party; that party which has made oar
country all itisip peecdor •in.war; that: party.
whose•history de the history of •the conntry;
that party which haS been criilpillsr,of cloud by'
. day and a'pillar utAre by. night" to guide the
frsumis of equal rights. and free' government'
from the. earliest IdaYs •of the liepublic; that
party on whose altars. the Vestal fires of Wier-,
ry. have never ceased to burnfthat party which
has given to rprcOuntrY a .Tetlerson arida Jack.
son; that party. to , :which We owe all,',our pest
cand,from Which we mast expect our 'future
greatness—this day thatparty has. isserribled
in its might and majesty, to once more enuo
ciate those great truths which:have "made and
preserved ns a•nation.', .• • ;
In thus:assembling together, as the organ of
the, great Democratic party lof...Pennsylveriiit,
it is our ditty . to speak in the langnage of. froe-.
men.. Itis riollor us to , malter.in .a • double
sense," but to speak plainly, truly,. and, fee'r•
lessly the throbbings'of tbe great Democratic.
.1 - mann( Pennsylvania. • In - speaking of,. t'lose
in.power we Should be - “ Willing to :praise • but
not afraid to Blame." Tt, is nut' province to
say that while we*.care not whosehand may
administer governmental.afrairs, if perinricratic
principles me'recognized in Abed! administra
tion. And. while we htild up the handsof Tire
sidtMcin his - t iresry of restoring the', States for= .
mely in rebellion, it is our iniperatiye, duty to
denounce every inflection of the constitutional
rights of the States and the penple—to . insist
that,.w.ir•being.enOed, it, concomitant, mili
tary cotirts; shall be diSpensed with--that' the
right of the writ. ( itniscas . coarts 'shalt be re
stored to every citizen-,th attrial by, jury in
the form preserihed by the constitution .and
laws shall be 'accorded, 'to every eitizeu;• and
that our country shall Speedily resnme herlor;
mar condition in regard•to, tire expenses of Goy
.ernment.. • . ,
It is our•duty especiallyto rebuke that spirit
of l'inrthern secession, which, notwittistalatting
•it bits"for, the last.four denied the 'right
.of any state to secede, and treated allthe states
as, being en tips Uiieau, now, t igratiely speak with
an inconsistency only.known abolitionism.
.01,the'termson which they. shall he admitted
into the Union., • • . •
:put I 'shall not detain this convention with
.C:Ttended remarks, but at once proeeed to the
transaction of thebusiness_before it. • •
Pn motion; 13enj—Whitmen, of Flrie, A. D.
and I):. H. Neiinem of Nor-.
thampton, Were -appointed' temporary secrete
•Thelist d 1 d:le'gates, (whielt, has already
been. Publishe'd,) was then .celled (vier.. • .
Itlr..Smith, of Lancaster, offered the • follow
ing resolution; which Was,adopterli
Relayed,' That a committe.e 'of, one member ,
frrirrerith Senntorial.distriet, said -Member •to
be named by the delegatrs (rem their' respec
tivp•senatorial.distrieta, he appointed as a coin
I inittee to report perma,nent officer's for this con-
I.4otion, • . .
'The Convention. then look* a recess. of ten .
• . When : thq convention was' again called to
order thir . eecretaries reported
. the commitiee.
pd P 4 trni‘rw nt '
•* .- Affer.o . short recess . Wm.-;V.
'from the committee on reported
the'6lll7ri-ni-thqco-ften.tiori:';'• •
Hon Ittcri.ao VATJX : ', President. .[Here fel-.
loivca Het of Vice Preaidenti and „Secretaries
which wit:omtt,j • •".
Qn being'p§. , :oriqcl;:to the chair,' Mi. Viux
vriti';ree.teel enthoiiastic: ariplatise, and
preeeetle&to "iddreao - the. ccintention'•in ; sob-
Attu:cot:as .
• -
. • • •••
• •. „ • •
fPEECR Or:lio:!;•:,r4CllA..4D•yArx.
. Centlein . gtx.Comientioni ;,The Demo
cratie•partY Penp'syl Van' in; her represeni.,
atives, in conformity with this, 'atteient usages
cf . the party, turc e
veptletr." Since the
. .daya of Th . emas , ;.TaerSon;'
_Our . country'B"....his'tOry, we.
trace assemhled in the; cetiftol 'of .this OomMon.
Weal , th,'hold'and ste,ridinit.on'the prin
.mples.of Constitlithinal.liderty which can 'alone.
rraintain,us.as altappy and , pro.speroui people;
(Applousel .Anihrthretits.of violence'and the,
mendees..if power : the DeMoc'reck hover quail
eth 'llyring the Inationr, years orwar enrCop ,
pression, when' all itte' .pressure 'of :'executive
poWer•Was need -to...destroy , the Democratic
.parry -.-when to I.lo.4..Demoerat . was soniething•
mere than at any..period in our, prist
the pamocracy Met the enemy upon,the . great
principles cd the Constitution) and iltifiea - the
party in power: .?[Cheers:, .
We have here .l met oi,ain;:and let us
. do as our
fathers.in ages our hist oiy have done—stand*
on the .hrriarl . pr irici pies nt , the Constitution and
demand all thos . e rights - arid' privlleges." - iShich
belone to the State end - te the people.....Wewill
ho 'satisfied with nothing', less.... [Applause,]
:These pi inciph'..i cannot be changed by•fanatics, ,
or overriden by power . :
„the rights of.the.peoz I
ple'are'llear. to therirthe rights4of tho,,§teten
are as deir . to their:"cf to the people.' L.Ap 7
Our fathers .mode titre r'orripnet, of fed pre'rilire
unity under hordley less't Iran insPi . ratieM,rind it
cannot li''alltr d: by faylitiCs: 11:14(1i):110* * by
.Pow'er. : ', provisimut art for us: and our aril- .
Irepotrni military necessity shall net 'deprive
,is of . either 'of these: righls [AT .
olarr.e.]• Let it he then . distinctly
s tinderstood.
that.the•dignity .of'Smeridaneiti.4enship Must
not tni,degroaled or containiented by ; associa...
tion.or.an equality - with an inferior race, either
socially or . ;politically..
. - LlMmense up-
G . entlemen of .the - QonventioM • Having • by
your perthtlity . .been; cheenii. , to . preside, Over
yoUr deliberations,your'imitkenee,, and
Orornisejo perform my dntiea to..the • beat.,of .
my itbqity. 'The Clrnir'is now reedy for_ city
motion t.hat•moy .]
tAtiplao9e.... •
.t of tozerno,. OfTeietl' the
.resolittion, • irhich yi . hs, ndopt
' liesoltyd; that n cothinittee,on resolutions, be.
appointed, cortmosed - of..one„delegate from each
Senatorial district to bealeslgnited from : within
said districts, and 'that said cotrirnaiteri appoint
its chairmajn, and.dhat,ull' resoliitions baVirie;
'relation to Federal : or State affairs_ be Oeterreil
to *said ee, without.debnite... -:
:The following Committee . was oppolpted en
der the foregoin
l . et district, II:Millen; .$1 John Firrniltoii,..
C. Cassidny; .Ith nos; J. :Robert;
stii Jos. B.Baker; Dr. E. L. Acker; oth
'than C..J.imes; 7th .1131 . m.D . „ Sales; Bth llirana
Ludwig; 91P F. - P, Devees;: I Otlf Ihenry; S.
Mott. ‘y: William%; 12'11 . 1 lianderson;
lath Win..•.A...SimpSnin 1 , 1 th-J, Recki Ititn
PeterEfit;..loth John C. ICeller;.l7thGeo. Sao
deriOn..lT.C.;Smith;.:lBthlerernish .
19th framsherr 20th Daniel , Weynnt;
21s.t I. D.' Pa ekor,.A hdrovi ,
23.1 . Chils.L:LanabertOm 2
tilV en; 211.1 : f . 1'hoir.....T.'Kenan, john , S.
c 1141.1.2,6111 Andrew Brady; 27th D. 8..1416171N'
`.2sth itobert K.doebran; 20th : Benj..
'rho Convention:then took .. a.reeess4o - afforti
the committee time to' Prepare resOlutionS . foi
the consideratiOn pH he Convention, anti difing .
their' absence tbn convention Ivaa' niiregseil et
• c .onabierable:lenatii by Jacpb:Zolgletio.t
Rader cou n t r, and Pen. I.Vin. IL. `Miller,
Dauphin:. The reinarkS_.of . both . .gentlemenaVere . abie aintielognenty indications of the prin,
Cipla.a and policy of theDerrincratic-parly.; and
. etiei fed ' frepient, and •entbusjastic ap-
After."STr. concluded his address, the
Cemtnit tee on resolutions not being prepared to
report., the
. conyention adjourned until half-past
seven o'clock: : •
The Conveotion re -assembler } nrthe hournp
pointed; nn , l wns called to oriler prcsi
. . .
lion. Jeremiah - 8. 131ack, ehaiyman .or the
committee.•on yesottitian4, made. the . fetloWini
I,Vtr.r:pras; It is' the Anwerative. duty 'end
should'he - thP excluiive desire of every.Ameri.
can •eilivn with'tfi. power 'of. PPn
trpiling imblie.affairs, by iiis,Yote'or.oiliertYise
to see that they are sanainisterett ivith a sin'
vie ;eye•te•the great aided's which our forefrith .
ore.had iii view . when they.laid the foirmintions
'of this Republic, namely:. • “To 1 forma more
perfect Uninrt, estahliihinstiett, itriture denies . -
tip tranquility;, proVidp',fqrthe cOrriMert'clefcrice
promote the general. weHare;'.and '.seettre .tlie
.hlosiings.of.litterty to . ourselv'es' and our post- -
crity.'". 'AND Wimitmts;ThO men ..aitil•the.prirty,
timiMstoring the Federal 'OnvernmPot „since
18G1, litiye lietraye.l their trust:,violated :their
most sacred.ohligationsc'isregardeci 'the corn—
maids of . the fuottarriettt id corruptly
dereilAhe publie„rrimeyolnicd . justice to the•
wqyerted the whole Government from
its orutnal pu I pose, rind,. thereby, have. brought'
untold calamit jes upon thecduntry; therefore,
1. Be it 4j,ciusd, iThat.wo; the Delmocracji
..of.Penosylvani:i, are ow,- as, wo 'alwayi;:hare
hoot, faithful to;theinion of the',gtetes; ripPesr
i ng. tho. secession of the'.South with all aer in—
tluence'sihd hAvin4.no'syrrtnathy:rir . a.'siociation.
whafeVer. with' that...inr . ty in. the North
plot t t logainst.the Union riaid,prOnnunCed • the
Constitution . .a. covenant with death and an
agreemeot • .
• 2..TOnt . :if - the .eounselS of the Democratic.
.party . he'd -prevailed, - the -.Union;-would ;have_
beOrr siVe;cl' in all its integrity, and honor,
6nt.the•scriuglite.i,';llht niid.dOgrjoe a
Vla when the formation, of sectidisal,• par—
•tiOs in.th.eNorth and in.the SoPth";and.. the
a a v eor ' o r o ne or . t . hose.nart los into the seat's of
redela.l,.power.mailp war. a fact; hiyo .cpuld
not cant roF, iv ..sils;atined. the t`tileritl'antliOri
:ties•iri.gotid.taitb;:itstting noiiiinzitt their hands
ei.eept a decent respect our
and some S.how.orcpmnloti.itoopsty.iii the man'.
our :flitene .. ial,.;.kliairs;
those particulars Nve %Oro `disapirintad; anir be
' • •
3. that the CaNSTriirttax,estatap'stiftt:
revolutionary fathers is ant it lekto's i ou
lied. rosp.ec,t antl 'obetliene : the otith.to',.'supinirt
ft . :it binding religio4y) 'Morttily . And
• 1 ` "
11116: 4 .075'
r.'::•=';;;,.'" A t ~--.,.,/,,.,•f
i : '' ;''' Atits4oe o A
4&j''.o 4 0444 : 4'g,
1,.',ip .. .;;;, i "„F: - ':
,;,`;' , .. - . , 4,..'t; ..t.t,.,e
. .*A4P
. -..':•,.: .;',',4,:f,.., , ,,, `..:::, ,q,.i '' ', ',- .?.. , .. , 4,..i.-7:=l:V4'i.' '',F .
• ' , ~,: .1 . ,:,, .' .:
- . -. :: .. ".,P. , A.t'i:, - ''"?M' ,,, :s.: ~,..• •
I ,' .., -,,, , ,.;:0 r t i e ' 1,* ::: •` , •
.at ell ;fleece . ; under'c..;rill...ni cum,stane, filt . '-
every part.or.thecountry tiPiltool. - iiiWillf.'-r:
cers froth the hishest.t&thelowest,''isls44llllo 2, '.:• - ....
'upon private:citize,nsot 'ls ', only. try , ,p,. ,elrfetV,.. - i- , ....
0 boar van eit Of 'i 1 i . , proy isrose and,417,41,0 e,O, fitiW,ll,'•-,''', : ,
mget'of its obligations in all rthe .. ,StefetS-fAsit.:g',...
we can hope for, Unitin, , Liberty,ol:lPneie;:','llsir. - ~
Who wil hilly violates it , or, counsel! il,i',4etstioii"; : •,': ' : '
by'others; is e'publie.,eneMy and ,is : liiitiiiiiie...;' . .•
ma n, ^, .• • ..`•. :-. '-', ''.,` " , n ; : !'"••' 1 •;•:' . . , ‘- , P:''''''' •, i
. '4.,That among the vights''gnaistnteedto 'lrsr4''.- •••
by the' plainest;wordi of the ,COnStitutleri:;)lo . .-- •
thesit—free speech, a free, preen; Treedem:frsifiin'r.. , ;, ..
arbitrary ...arrests Red illegal" impf,isOlinSee.: ''
trial by jury, the.„wilt,,:cif.,',AcidSes,•„ r'041.0'9'.P.11r,. ~. •
perfect immunity oi: all persons tick ih:&helsisrly ' '.] •.
or.nevy from any species:of - PuOil4lmirrk'i'Cl.l. ; •' ,
crime or 'pretended critrie-whicli,,hp',ll'q;;:thi,)o.‘,,.:
gal consequence or , airegtiltir:eorivistioif b'y':aif • •
~ - •
impartial jury—the, absolute: itqio'id!,ri'Stlissi - i/C., ' : 7
all; military power to,ther.ciyir euthoSitY,''''Ad'i .
'llin :privilege; of white citizens;'to' vote SA 5.11:0 `7, '
elections aceording. to Pie. laws or Pte St a te.`.; .
..I..,Thut we f idly concrir With Presiderit . .l4 '''': ,
son tri, the conviction Cripreised'hYhirri fli r leetv ,- - .
and repeated several lima's 'since . , thist..the Fed . '''.' •
'end, Goveintileuttis sovereign;..Within jts,,pfOlieS 4 !' . •
sphere; that it acts pei through' Or s ' : 'upon ;:th'e , , , •
States' trikt,direcOy 'upon iticlividueliC,thik' thit'.',. ,
States' could riot absolve the. periple.frcriii,lhetr:,:' ...
federal ohligationst that ;the 'f,;tlSll, ordlnisricei''.
of seciesion,Avere nullities; , end,', thiAifore; ;' •
when•tlie at teMpted revolution come to,eri,end -, : '' •,
by ibo eabtrlievion. of the , insai gent s; the State*' ..'
were as much•ti pats of the Union it thiy:had ,
been.liefore,,their rieople Were bound 'tO the..
'same ditties'and clothetrWith.the came rialtioi `''
excepting, Of comic, such rights as iqtliii , dirisis :, •
among Thai' had leg'olly•forfeited by;flieirdWcr'.'••.
acts 'in the unpantirne., • Arid we hereby &solar's ••,' •
that; so far no we . .can prevent it, the !mom." ...
tion of their proper , . piscei in the 'Union by ;
those St ElteP,:goMo of whose Citizens4ire ' fiste7, ,
,ly in.robellion, shell:not be.impaded or delayed !. •
by tbsunlawful int . e!terene4 of ;6 1 0.. l'sitinn of
the North which always • was
~ hi:Mile . ..to t
Union, whetw no pronouOces• If legall,,y 020
solved, and which is still,inetignanttly leboi . t . dg:
to prevent its rcstorat o . , ; . •
. .
•• 0. 'That the effo rtt neve Making by' certain' •
persons to use the.'power)'or—the'. General .
Government. • Wtth • a• .vie* to ..•force" . negris
suffrage tin the States egainst,the v will-of, the
people and contrary. to existing laws is noton.
ly a high . crime.againit, the constitution: buk.rl
deliberate and wicked tittemptlo put
.the• States ,
of tile Union (all of . them entirely) under•the":
domunitionsof 'negroesi • to afriesintze , ,a .
poition of the Country aled:degradiu the • white
race morally and socially '4,1.00 et politically
to the low level of the - 'black.. : We •will, mot •
'6olthowledge.the incapacity; of •001.. own o .rice
to govern itself; noi 'surrender. the: destinies of •
the country .into the handl of negrocs,• !tor Put • .
oursel yea under their • guardianship, nor':give
up to them. thelielitital.,•priiileges which''we.•
inherited froM our fathers; and.wlf:exhort- our
brethren in ether Statee-to . take •uM • the same .•
attitude and maintain it firmly
• 7. That we will imenort Preiftlerft•lotinseit . •
in every.t,liist'eff . 'Srt . he may , milike'to
States •their 'propr positiiin,iiigivelhem's •
fair epresent at ion • Conroe end to, saver .` •
them from the •curso . Of . ''negin.equality,;•. , ,•lle •
shall have , our liCaqy : appro . volwhen he inflicts
legal punishment by means. of legal.. lrilunald,.• ,
upon,nlTenderengainet t and
We will be with him sincerely...to austaim,and ,
nphold ldni in every 'reeasuire which leeks ,td • ..:
the maintenance ..of,lthe
onr foll approval Of Ilia •ndministration: cad. be.
founded Only, in the belief that he ;liZOCUtef
tho • law, _the mhol.o nnil2nothing.buethiitlaW•in :
nll parts Of•• the' cinintry, , that• he will'net . elliiW •
the-militory to intefere with •stete• electionai
that he will punish add %robbery
through- the legal authorities' , whether,coinrt,-
milted . by federal . 01fliereur . private:citizens;
*and that lie: wilt stiffer no periouto-hcintirdered
by military. commissions.,'.We lo•fni,ineas:
tires not men, and 'open' these measures tAlsere . •
can be no comprornise, he that ft •not:•faMitis-ii •
. .
13: , That view of our ...enorrneus'; ;+Tationii
debt, ihe greet weight-of ote•Statis taXee end
the local bertlena Imposed% open: ue
ways economy and retreothrrient'hicenies••arf
important ditty of tilt ou t' rePtementatieesi
to•this end ihe vast standing eritir now on NO
ought •to be disbanded,' the n avy shtitifd' he'.
raditc.teil,'nna the'••corruPf• stud .eitravagsrit
practice's la tely.introduced:,.into ''the
meet should be totally aholiShed.•
..• • • • •• • .
, .
0.. , That our' revenue.' laws 'nevi- id 'lie.
.in such• .'manner) littii'ilililir . ,
the public ciedit will bos'.. Maintained r '.thSrrea.
4 ional,henor preserved, tattatiokiVill be 'equal
10. • That thd gallant soldiers.driiie ; ,#eboh.. , .
lic Who, so nobly risked. their: li'yesitt defuse, •
of the Union and the Constitiitio4,,trietit, and
'will receive 'the ',untying gratitude ofihe •z•Viteri. '
ea n people. Living, they. shall , . li,iie: .2 .,irt :' our
warmest a ffeetions—and, dying, iheir meit:Mika .
Will he chetished for all., time to, .„Orise '
.. To
say—tta our rolitical opponente,de—that they_
(ought and bled lind.died M6ialSrl4/i7 thelieedom •.
of the neara, is a, grosa.illsult on theft 'patriot.
ism, and an outrage.Whieh will be iddigiiintly.
resented by their snry lying c omritlFa,ibroligh
the hallot-hot. ' . - • -:, --- • - : , .t_ •• ..
•I I : That, the noble manner lir itlitclii ilte ( pent.;
cicratiepress of this Commo,n.wealttatiy - e, eon.:
tended in de feece•of. the. I ibertiea of, the nation,..
amide trials mid difficulties. aliOdst:OOPAratellorl . •,'
.i6,,l,,,, e rVing- of.,tiat grateful„ recegnititi• and
sliriold entitle it to the eneoutogenient o'r.evetf
Cmistitution'-loving citig-11.', • ,-.- .. ..
'12.• . That ,we re-affirm oitr, adherence ' to, the ' •
Xoni . ne DoCtrine. ,- :: -*- : ~-„,,,i,*:-....-*• , ....- **.,
Tbi.. .renolutione ' were . 4.6,0? aftildet,,:rench ,
enthitssiasm and adopted by e'n,eerdte4:untple.. , •
• Tho'cdriyentionahen proceeded tor.,*.nonninste.*
condidatesfor Aticillei'annerat,:tivheti Pie' fol. -,
lowing gnixtlernew were named:-:.+,t 4 f rii4,- •'
,*•,*• : • ' .
*. . Col. Franlitiri"Venianti „ BikelrellitoOYM
' • Hari. Ilatc, Slenker;-pnieyij,equegy , .o. , y -
Col. IV. *NV: HiDavie,tl34oo o.,etlet3li-iv - r, -: .'.
• .-
...,Robon-J.Jliyifdlilt,.. 2 ,kilediinhif 4 X
:•":' Col.. W ell ingfew.tii,-Ept;;R,OjennbiP.s .: .4l.. ~.. • ,
Win: Worktean;--Veihingtoeeopeiy4 T..-.,..,.....,„:,
.1- . lon. Win:' , flepklesi ~ *f.4!,,- :: : :,, , ,,f5, , ;' , .....4 ,
' 'S'. 7.;,.Shtigartyce,entille-_ceet.ll/..;,-47*.."*--, '.-
~:-. •,
Charlgs' D.:. M a nliiiiDela*, rgt. , ,cowntp. , , , •;:, ` , :,,
f' - ' 2 , Onl inEwtiOt: Ale nomittlitkOAOla d iA 6 4:; .o ::
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