13=1M1 F ,....,.,_,., .., _..,......::,.....,.....;,,...„7„7.0_ VOL. 5. ',lirtie4ii.4o44lli. 'PetuOr4t; • PUBLISREI) EVERY SATURDAYMORNME, B•• OVIATL • COVNTY; PA, TPiok,'s.:t . .. - cininfli 1i tonic .E.1:117414l: TtE,MI3: -: ..7 . .....- - 162 00 ii . l Advaoco;. P.ates of.4.dveriising. . 'f i.littliu ono '' '' ... . ' ...... oo " . .. . 211.00 • r ". V.'1200 3. • . 6, six - Monthe .. '.. . ....d.: .. '4, • 'tut sq4are.ot• 12 jiitee or lose, 3 ialert l'Atlttittiv.giptiot... . , 25 '.l:ineek CA.11114, .1V I piper.....• • • ••. .. . •.0 00 ; 1 Ole or ligtire be 'double ilia al,,ove•ritett. • twql re .lees Drevicr . type, - or eight .11ites'ootipirell,'im• Jule - 4 a .qcjtiaro. • : • . • • , , 'Thew teripe4lWhe at.iegy adhered .to. ' ' • • .113 . it.6illes - p:. :gliretto.l2: 'DRS. W. Y . 11 . 90 Y , SOURII-EAST CORNER • AiAIN STREE:i sznetbpo'rt, Pu MIZMI Ware, &c... west, end 016 Smetliport. Ra. "Custom to o'ploi: on the Shortestm•tice., an4.ln thu mutt Rul;At:tritial :1tOOtler:.: • : • 111 7211 8.1. ACK : SURSCitiI3E.II. has rer,i , nfly ust hlisl;;;(1 .11irris.fli la' lb!! Him; kgmit husiwes,b.irf Srri“tio - 41.. thi'mPtlk oci3pierl •Nlj:,Es 15.: pr. , pa ref! to' f!,i ii on . I he. lo . wrst. tvi• - pi4.; att,l•'hi..th,!'inpo U NT) \V.A. ?:s; phthlpine , s - tind in 'vecirkffdnlike rtt:rnn t. "; • G"7-A0 wort dare ou the s hot test notii..e. • • ' A. J. GRIMrF4. • • limetolipo . rt, s 4pril i•9:,....1f3C4. • ~(25.5) TA \NEV. & CU It' 114;j1, FOLT.tltrE, MeHooli Cu., Pa 11E SUM' rs. , . , . , c.11;1.1)1 ;i ' i I • I • P. r"1 , ;, 1.1r•.1 (;.e1;: Fqt. (~ t ;,•( at oq kt c r -1, 't,t'ort A r.oga io) tti b take the .(ir— fig.o.y.,ol tli s ; if isn.!'t I:p..t hpr h. 141 lo his.Sti>re; • • ' . .. . . I}il(2 Itirgest prire'w•itt ha pnitl,f.•! Hydeq, •iiit- PI" in. nosh, LEA.TiIE:R; 11001'S, SI:iOES, of iI.kRNESS", 1611 at .acili!y.'s of. nil tannery.;'• .: gat..i.t.e•atiljetion givr-t1... , ;:...:., .. • • 1...... Conn. ctrl with my , 'lppoery,l hav ti 1.3.40t'f: biloe factory, and 11 . :irip..,3 Shop.. . . . • • • • •• L. L. HEATH P.ortAv,-Pa., Yew. J, 1802. .v51,8v1. -1 7 2,Arft.INT . G- SA. 7 1,007 N. tri H L SI/ 35C1iItlEEi'ahnotitices -frel he ti.at ho:tos prtrefen . .eLl the stick of the.su— hept lOtt,bli,c Square, , :w'h'ere Ge Isprepartql to irotr;r Iran at' a first clasi REST A‘I.TII.. NT. "; ALE,:flp ER, CONF 1 , ...71DN'AR1E . .5',' i NUTS, FOI'r.S,.CIIP.I.;';SF.; &'1::; &C.:l VRESII-DYSTERS serv.! , , i, to .oitlei; raw or.coote-e. • . Those. lavor, me with .flierr•patrn.nage tio'ciiuse to cornplitio';.eithi , r as- to 7. L. "NORDEN S ne: SPpt.2lth, 186. • PROSPECTUS FOR 1864. • T. 111) 8A11)11110 POST, ~T he oldest and be Of tho Weeklies. " • , . . , .'.lllpPeonrietersot,.sa Iv -day Lertang P Os: —wltlett paper is now in •ti Orly- Mit 1. 'V e art,Hwoultt Onitly nu ; pounce in pieta- PPeFpOO.l.l9. for 1501,, that ,thee assign maintaininy hi( it sir weekly Vie ti has al ready acquired as • . , ' • . .• A Firs,. ()lass torikry Pape.r They have rckson tat belie Ie that the stories •of Nit& Wt,Uh, author el-I-List Lyme," Sc:; MISS 11IINI/1)0N, striherof "Mount's Victor'," Zeir;.MAIIIO.NIIAIII , AND, author of &e ; DX' . O A. TONV SBN, • rn I.nuerous ,Aber excellent-writers have 'been gyne . rally,r.sgarded es possessing the, grenlest merit and the moot isbioehing interesti unit limy de:4;n procuring' tor The. Pot In the future ni the past, the best Swint., ...sketeher, and other Literary Xerelties - which they, can pos,ibly obtain.,• They intend ciammepelng •in the first pipertcJaanlryl• • A NEW • NOVEL, BY MRS. WOOD; . •AutL,r.of uErAt sneet.s, n,piessly foritinriled to 03 from . • 'fhb; story will i...• Lulled . . , . ... " OL ". 1 11 . WA_TAID'G-1 - 71,.A - 1 7- ~.'? wwl will ht: J.l.it.tia the lea ,th• 'of- "Ve6sit'li P . lllO !laud ! . tEttet Lynne) , . , . t , . • : . fi t ti.idltittit to the Stnete, ettitteti eihresslyfor At Piis!, - itit Edit•Jr hise strives to lay bef”re, Its r.adaro . , the het, diotle..4 lion the EniMelt reetddtchte,lind gives in od d:tins to the Talis ond•Skeidlitte,•inore or tees Azricul. tut•At Matter, with it Itid.llei Receipt ; News, not Alirket Iteliii•Litients, every . whek , '. •.. . • .- • ~ . . . ...S. .:3 1?..W . " . ..[1N:G: NI: \43 EiINE G ItAT]:;.-:', . . . . . .. . . We mill Caine. tii nit:, p , e-on .-..te :lain:: thirty enter "infinite t,,.Th, p,.,[,itnil .'7ixty. Doll tra, one, of IV/let /or .4. Ira. arm's Ca 0,,,p0d s.,,,•ipg. At I bhih.l. ',Oat 1), it wy yell for Fefleclii - a Vellat,i.; , 'rile . ontel(tiea will lie' eetei.n.e; now at life inaiinfaetery .in Nov Va:, era, of aria .for wardetl free of . ..eirt,l; with th .1. exr . v),t iiil if fr.: i.y . h a. - In T ir,le.!ul we the se hi.,ei thee:: /or Oita Pl•enitiilll,We'pr.s.. fee that the thirty eubnaribtira alum lil lie ti'rinturrea at the I ezit;se terms of Two , Dollaari • for t'Hei • hitt . at' lore Mit; taunt he aone; they env ba piocu in eat et nu r.elitli eaten. "en I the It tltheo a 01,11iiety .1),41iir,110. , warded to no lie n -e.,:h by the nneson'iliNleiwt tho' initellin. The pupae Will lih soi co LiiiTeredlt Post Wii'co ifeNvir% . .a. Every Ott initreelleatinit it ayes thou] I venal ihrin with' the money .ac jilt as ehtolnall an thnt the kit 11A . -11 he . ..g tifilY begin ..at .ono to reattlyit iliaivlinttiWit; and•not boeonto al,entlaied' nxiih th , _delay, .Wluni a he, whole intiriber'of IIHIllea(lliIr t y,.)' WO the eartle limn ol'Or loottoS , a Sixty ilollees.)111 re. Culeiti, the in - teltipat'ooll loa daily foalroyaloal - . ' : . T (1 AS 1\ ) C copy, 000 yr.e.tr $ 2.01 offe yo.lr, ••• • •• •• • • • • • • ..... ......... • n 00 4co mm y•wir •,• ' • •'-ol 00 90,1,1e1, not unetn g4iftr.np Of Chill ~• 12 0 . 4 20 dap10:1,'01000¢ gol,tdr up c 1.11) .... ... 1,0 009..enpy . ur . rufr us! oun.Pctile. I,ntiy , s • ' • • :k: 00. blakhig l'olitied Capital. . Reports constanity.-arriVing. trom - Washing 7 ton tity.seein to.eOnfOrin.-thei . belief the Greatilncompetent has again. - tlonnedi:lco' tvnr pitimes,Put 'oh tho paint of . 60 war • pat h;' and is bOslly.engaged.i.n goading General:Grant.On;:' Ward to-the aircrineplishment of ,sorriefiting that pan.be forfared ;ft seems to..fiave . : entered the Oresidentlarcrani um, at this' late' , day„.. that . Mmethiri:g • more tangible than the..slow development •ol . etnaii• cipatind thedrief , ,.iS demanded. ttyt the Nitit peopleOhat two henitreirtfiniand,elaites Made free; 'although - tangible enough' in a 'material point.'olvieW,'have.had but ii . .tritling effect in restoring, the. disrupted Union;.•and that, 'to' 'recover . . froni.an.outraged people the.erinlidence which his wanton and.uselesti Waate - of iife,anil treasure had estriingetl it has b t i com i, ceiskty . to itnatigurate. at' least.. oneittnilitary moVtlment not dlrfetly • aidied at tbe.catchingol negroes. - But„. although. the: ments that . may occur frOm. the desitie."to aaieve;ies'olts not . iminedititely ..destrin tive. - n1 slavery; rimy restore;:in - a measure . , thit.cnri fidenre 61tbe'Pi esident'S .old. and • disaffeeied friends,l)e . designor them will spring leroM iio higher .sentiment than policy. 7 l 7 the.secoring of . become convinced that a ini:itary'rstiibit Must be muds tb lboliPople of hia tour years' administration; but he. finds no: . dining in his viegro . policy that will - bear.seititiny, That pc;lick has kt.pt ttrestoration'of the cinnidetely in abeyance, aid it is evident in itim.that the people, - yi hose vote , hii seeks: know 'it.' In' the' inauguration of military itinvenients-nowi - ricit•based:rm .that policy, he ran haveLno hi4t.r: obje c t: in view Coin the rhe.ktng of present polettical a bad beginiong.i.of term he expects . iri ri,a Ire a good' ending, bv, striking a a-irons ~-in.l,l.4n.irdta blow :lA:the : l 9 li in arr.s.assil ai met. rirrangit.ii arid perhaps blow • be 'sy roe lc.. so c . a vt.in by -I ht, merest' Cir;urrti it's-surci•ss.ibe awarded. to' might' s'nrc,,(l aothe 'ilarsieut enlhusho m; th...n.eveTy , hinu bovine inten arrotr.llll . llv. ,. ,I,jl. the ~,r o:l), l irY crop. ;is.he,l,ll). oio duel: h , r,!t.fnrii - A 1 1.mil;tarj.:,cnov.., row; fi a . 'l5 • .h,int , a' .I''i.„; , l l I. • he If unitary nr.!;r2 ,tv" ! 't I . .sntur irs a y... • •Tite .. .trntrot rte f ,"..,• nur,t 4 1.. F a 1 v tiy+. a .01 Cap.l,o in pi Ifi'• h•1"711 'with w;iclt . to bete.re - •111.. tor '.heir stff' attet...' bot the teP potato effot t bleb ha%e'ln,triretl..:rho poll fhOttltl beerintittueti by.. biro toetit stitt'ress cio',,vti his political' atlt;rtitiorts or . thdal ordrip. dir,bit The forcing .of the arm is to run the'.rista of bottle prim': jo..the ;Prsi . tiettria,l to.mnko•for'titrn .Ititodi etortOleartirti,•exbibit ilet•per.tte. straits. 'ioNirhich the political as . pinint and is H a coloptete.coefestt; Oil 4 hat 11,t ;afr ; 1d to go before the pebide witbt,Thts' previous Wfiide Li)coly is lii.isjilistrii'ng.th Make I;tile politieal 'capital 'out Of- 'h.... - . precioici bleed of . .mi'r citiien : soldi , -rv, he 21: nat idle' is , other rhanseli.... All !he ^engitiery komen to-the cor'inpt-calyd hick 'be• Surrounded, Las br.e.n set . tii walk., • Thr rosses or the Tr_te . sary Drpqr.inent .hate done-their wrath I:vedl, and deeplybeeli 'fii!t in all lie. - as4e . already held ed'etions for' 'ate• ' A.M.! . I ,sl.lll:','ltowei•er,..or those ;•lectiitis,'' hare' not 'been • batihdattory et Washiti.ltrin; hitt have been the'eause'fifirdich ghilty alar,n and resew= e d financial' 'f;: , cer titor. ••..Marylaml, al though her people: haVe. been' bought,, bullied and tiaioneteil.,-are 'scarcely -yet. order, •thr: A bold: •tion 'herd, and may ,becoina `disci tnralled.—. li'..entericy end ;11 . irsconi•i hreaten to'fight free l?Allot, and are 'taxing the iikrnost' talent pf t lie' nail:split:ter . .to . Iterti them in a • proper state'ol servitutle•to hie imperiaddesigna; .• although, the'shies are daikerting to the . 'northward over the aspiration's of the. Great' joker, ilid sat ra pcy. or l'etines<ee is regressing finely towards absolie..sm ander •:the . itod rod of Johnsen'. The people 'of th,it State . clear .inr anil.Johnsort- , :if they : sate et' all. • The r'egtilatioas'a rid oath there prescribed lot'electdrs, setting aside , their heinous 'cher-' .acter ale another overpowering ,ploof of .6e . trepidation now acrieng • the sho'dily feeders; . acrd shoW, iu sortihro to what miserable shiffs . and dastaiilly tyrannY'lmeites 'will resort to gratify ,their-liti.droi: their, wealth and: power. Taking all these into ac' , coinid,:theie is a reign'of ten ribt: agony in . ,the camp . of the "cor:roptiorifsfs . at-• Washington.. They have-seen a sign blaz'rig•upon - the . ' They have guessed its import,. and, guilt-cov• erect and soulless as they , are, they have-'deter= mined ,to., hurry the armies , 7 -the. S a tes : -...the Governnient—'-to destrnetion eternal - -before Jtistdee shall overtake anid,stnite:therri to 'the' earth.''.Let the people keep their ryes cpett the negro-freeing - traitors to- the Union; . Und those Sl'Your Aviv) . have, sons' 'and ..brothe rs rite tanks'or,'oar ,noble:' soldiery rein - ember :whence caine -the :fi4loWing atrocious " .. Eth , ryi drop of 'llOO.l ihid is .¢.4:sticiredV(l6.ff jar"Linrol?." . , • , • ' -.-• • . . • Oua stern eetl . lotig 7 entluring• father's; the stiob4 - :‘till . F.1111 . 31111i . ttiante of the revolutionary , l'irne,..fought and died in their tracks, .to etitalt ikha glorious Union. Aral tlinse•vile s s•ty they• -sooner lie. 4u:it And dir in their tracks, thati.see the'Unien , be witne, eguitt w what. the' fat hers made • it. •..; itV!;11; let . in their tracks .nits „el. their ally:Where' `itllll and a nyhew,- ..eh 'they, 9411.jutit about_ it: ,t.ltern .sta . tid,uot upon. the order, of their dyin g , , but A w E. , tit of AltisschilsHrs i,ored jit rho •rol'ent io , to 0111 °A r-,de111114.5 ern' 4;01P' , 1 (ITlAiftri '.. 4 :110111.:.1eny... , 1iS:4111110.•-•=4 , ;(11 Itl- , 5.11.110 40,000 ilirsg,ll ; 1(1(0 (ra01:411 . fe11e,.%;,31:,5 w repot io for Morton & Iriitickot "io'ihr! St !re. 1%16 them mit and Tirdiitria is ovvivv, , lnkingj'k. Democruttc.• • '• . . • • ...:. c ' -„'........-..::::::,:-, ". 1....,:::.......' ~:......-.... ' .'...,...........;.:.- ~..':'s ..1,--.:',,-,. - '.......,-..,...:.-:: . . . .. ~....,,....., • ,„:. ..:,:. t ... ':: ~...... ..' ' ... '.; ... 7.,..;......:::' ...4 :-...... .. . , ... . ....... s. . . r,.„ . ~... ........, . :.:. .. ~.., t 1.,.......,..“: ..-.tf.,, .....,.... . . . . . .. . . , . . . .sivf,p;rtzpogz:Ali.i.‘,E./..N:cov,NTy . ; . :.r.A:,,,ATVADAY:..:NO.IT.P.nIPM:i.; ; ;6;:::..-i80,4,..,-;.;.;.. ..I, , Ltr,tBii..v.io*:Lt§ . §#pcp . 43o::',.' : • D,,.1864..:. My Dena Sia-Your letter:of the.Sth r being. directed to LegingtOti, did not . teach . roe; tillaaet Saturday, when paid My.:weekly : visit: to my, , family, of .children . anti:.4gand 7 Children. l You May :remember that :in'lSOCl:,:tbe:.l.Juion partY,. With . ` tlie Writer .ea . their candidate, carried this , Stately over 23,000Mojinity,against the:l44)oe' power of:ihe Nationatand+Stets::administratinn and; of courseil•cannot allow intselfto neglect •my Official then, esSinea.: Our .commenced an'adjoorned . .and will probably hold'on for three weets,.yet. come; if ter. that,.. e:foot lose, hint fell diSpOsed.to devote my,Whole diene' end en ergyto the great cause in whits out hearts:and judgmentenre all engaged. I have never stink ! . -en to en audience iii. your State, and •shatitd:Lie. espeCially . pleased' to meet you' .wlth .friends and.coostilt with their . ; freely the lei Mite . st.ttc..Ofthe•tinnei,'.and the Pd future:silo!). • Is'n to •constitute history: • . ••' •In my deliberate. jinlsfinent, • if .Meg Lincoln is . teleleCtody we'shill . nave a - - , .tnilitary: depot ism fas enetltifion' us alLlotii• children, with a 'standing .arMy.Of tree nfgroe.jaiinissoriei.: : At they' may be 'Confined' todocat ions south of the Susquehanna' and'Ohib, but unless vii,egree to be t,xSif.also nitlih standing eiMY'of white inen.severarhundied thousatiestrong,,they- will 'now and . .then,..be . be' sent across . those duets jus(preeintiog ioripoetant eltretion4; Fu ordee to presertr.o The(i,.overninent is ' now. crectinZstrong; portntinent.•fortift , :itioas.al the Cost of dollars, throughout Ken-. tacky; which jlie.A .trouti blosonne'bostkr State. anti-filling with ne griornedierS, mainly recl'uits iron loyal Citizen, Toe same.:thinsf,..'is • being done . ; •} know from. Ciiiro.lo the. thitii tha't Ml%.heri the re• hellion is out, anti the paten" fOr that rproira tome—the whole . if:tn.:thorn country f . .;:cilltis,ive c, nlrol of the free riegines, Which .. .State IMes. onil cOnsiiint inns °Mite' sire! or h.-1,1 f o r naught ' . Fhe We'stern ' rt:d:Soot wcs t Sta . to4 to th.ir iorr,,W 7 When : , thus. under this ignorant A (rlC:in en/it:rot, !he). will lie•forr:e:l In submit . ... to f'fit•lti fon) danger, or titian:lfni all lit• rei t a de. .Tho ck„ttoop , are , n•q.s . nod (4,.ori"ifs of L , rtf...olti.dr, its. • , Erery . A holr• .I,Fer9.. to ; am! ! . 'ce I • h-if.ro , urt•oris - sit atti, noc.: 3 r Tilt , . r•t : vot it to :Ontlet tfo'it olis•r rnit•;:t; w.t tt in Ito. .4 •, 0 . - 94 I 'rfhirr f..;!.c•trF; rogimen . , neat.!; RI-t.t•icky ri •w••th Itill noistc, innonfed art gf/oil; fiti'••ly. dressed . . nr,l ' with: lancy caps, :crtricil .le. i te , .;tkey. I sew three regiments of Whith VI . - lry, or rpnbriteA infemtry as they Were t.erri , :;tl from lifirtois and Inoiols 7 -jpst frOru S:Priemn we:try;,(for they reeae.alt on triOt,) . .wbir're2e r etr 'elehbes ap,..f dirty shirt 4, irenilina their tray i•lo• wly throPah - .the,rity, tusdine•temporary camp, until the:y cook! be sera tin a riot ber'expelli t inn to thelrob:; the.ntg , ,ie't wepl , l be lefi'bebi• .td, ins tiad . ing t.hro:eli:tbi, Ccrpity v] be...rlevi . l our titizms and kfie.p.-opr families in c6ostglit • 1. think' rny of The 01 . 11 . 0. r if th . ey'wotil.l kcitites . s . r.chr I,,tracc woriletrrilr'sol•3! • . rnirilFon•tolFH. pullo in Nirvornbc:ri' and pvepp•to ‘5.1v0 r he - country, by noco'for'a - Dvnoci auie:tic•ket, as I Dolly re..-..iproc ! ttr your I irul expreeiicins .er,Foi!al yee.llll 2 • d the . my • • VFrytiply:youra;•• • . • .• • . • . LESLIE COSITIS.., • • .13 1' H. PINNEY,•JuIiet.. 111.• • : In ihn e,intse . of the si;eech made by Gov. PhiNdeliihia; h . e..inaiie the fol.. in•A'ingnllusinnto the positive n6Cesity of . other draft early in , the .Siit ini;, if the • present policy of Mr. Lincoln is :eoentinnetli •if no steps are taken availouiselves:of the which on? successes have oh inineil for 113 to pro'plse•honerable . .findn'rhteie t 'LI; teems for, the termination of the:war. Let the, f4oiiterelloci:th , it a o.' Lin - eoln'spnpy•y will iss..iii•e4.lly,inviOVE the ne!!es— ,. siiThere . inifldateil • . . ' • The mtin. Who were drafted this 'year . .nrider the.' five hantir'etl' thtiusand but yeti tm-se'rvey The ,thiee,.years! set, were taken intMtheamlY ISq. will. go' out of the Service : .Their term, : beg, in ta'expire die Spring. l ..l6 'nine -.mint.ths the need. the 14 rgsst additions thnt have been tria'ile to. it utAtity one time; As the administration, shrank' front ceiling for, riore three years men. just ,befere'an election, -places, to be eacated - by the one, year-men mast be provided .te.be'filleti.in mine - months 'thits it is ressenablo4o belleve' t hat the. largest .draft that line yet been rriatte heordered nt the beginning of the year - 1865, ' I 'rp not speak • unadsfsedly; . for the ..adminisfration has intimatedi to the abet „tliesc-t xmict Other dra'ft....The State of, Nett' Yot lc hud I furnished an,excess of - three years; men, hod I asked . ..that', ;in. making :up the • cptota of New York,- one three years' man. shottltl - he counted an eneal 'to ;11 - free one :year's Ther : said they :enttld ,ttot do. that .is they needed '‘ men itnMedialleiYi hut lh"Y I r"... videtd, Ihat,a thrite; , years' ma mshOuld count 'as one man on 'Otis' draft, mid : es one roan again:on' tit* thi rtl. tl rat t , :and thus. :tbe..mat-: ter' w.nitld he equaliged.. 'So - it, appearss train dhisdhat we are to have 'at-least two dreft's more. IcYoiee--- 14, That's.r . efreslictig. Five• ry- maMkno %vs' tMit , we toast have' this fa-titer draft.' A Iter, ward's entled;- antler 'the, policy ,of, this adoilaislration be 'compelled to: uteaint - aimlartpt ermies t,t bold d pimple lof ,th+.' Shtith'.irt,sitbjeft ion , to carry out. the, Lan' imipatinh •Preclamation • and the.'i - confiSeat ion . . . . . .. Jr-13 ds'sertill thn t . ttle Shoddy liiiiih..o; hie Lim:•ii'iti•tn . ..iiitt- n ejt• lion), -the §lnin inilon'n - • V. , ' - JO , : 0 Nil -elscwhi r:- I. ..':Virenla. Anil 'colonizing them -in this. State•to vithi foC.Liocoln. :li his inattr.r should belooked into. • . -. : • . • , 9.1 An oilier, Diaft, TmpOling: MEW n ErusilCnn inass.ranpriNG he•ReptthlicaniSlass.Meet'inw on,'Wetines—' day its atiended-r-socrio • think the meeting was AS largelts that Of the, Democrats. the :cloy. liefore. Mi., Greeley: , Veal curd :}lUnilieil.f.'o,A3rpor fate d ,ove tram. our Meeting'to ice the . man,.who is :more kw:: iponsihle I hail any - other*e m to In the North, for the bloody sOite.hciw".tiport us,. 1 Mr. Greele3r was not . ,in the, hest of spirits, ...}le, talked aboot two hours am( a'hall:the burden of his. speech beine• it ii!bosh of hie -.declafations . and opinions lii:lSLit3 'and 4.1360. .1-le.. admitted he wits for “let tine the Suoth 'en," • iii..'lS64,*e.r.ll said he 'owas. sill in . l cor'offetting theal,irgy a majoroty of the peorte here so decided by their vs:tes." wanted He .iettleil' the people' of the South -to derulo, 101; der?rimainslY.. upon' a full distuacion • co the %Ashok qtiest ion the. tiecifile of the South &sit e t 9. ti issni-ti their eon nectien is it h. the' tin , 1141/j he:V . V(111111.frol-no do so,- and . rvoulA oppoie a Iva! upon . them!" • ..' The war, has, : been' wiaed for:neatly . yeari.; Mr.. Greeley; and the Soother peo—. ple;lnice .- o,Own* by mote ahnn ,1 heir' . ..ballots .that they wish.to be released . from the teslirrinny ilo'..you; wally ...to .satisly , you . 1 t the,tpuOVle of ihe . South •won!. to go olot .01 the : Union? This is not.. Demo cratii•iiiiatrine, it is reptiblican doctrine ii(tcr , eil by' the chief priest of the :fanatic doctrine is, ,, Tbe, Unien'at all hnzardl' • Union, ihe one. condition of; pei9e--Wti • Air. f;treley .rii,l„ not' help J,jeceiti . 'or his . - We think' he inj,;tiedl.it,and . .Vve are ii; 4 ,t 'glad that so trinity. Deinodrats ,were pre'eent; It. renewed :their. faith..in :Derr.o cratie prineirdee. `lt gave no gtreneth to their. enetrats. 'We 'wish more.fanative:like.Gre'eley. (could eqtrw'here'and talk. - • We' subjoin ,nninioria Nom' 1861 ib.daie.. few .firlq-oninina4, of as.s an : l ladtir in Ufa .Rvpnli lican.i-anks, Thlirliwi 'Weed, They wilt pay pr i sual. th— Tiiiinriel,l Nov. 9; 1860.]; lltbe.ruttgn sjeel ter oiii•of the. Union than, it'i4;l - Tna fnseraiii. inlay be ft orT, 6 , tt it f-Tist , 9 ;teVe , dr . h”,t. • ~ • •••• . Ineo The if any State.lo;rvnain in iiaryth- is Vv! T. woi ! draw from the Union - is qiiileenoth!lr realty, and when. ye: a coneidrrobic . section of cur. Milan .1 - 611 rtr libarstaiy : r r.p.solve to go nt we shit!, oil earKtipi meitiiirrs daaigh4 4 , rp i4cul i n.it. )Velinpa never to, e in Ci rop,;fllie.•wh'erent se:Minn is pinned bayOpeio.. [Fiotn the Tribune cif 15C.0.1 If thO,rMtnn•S , .ites iinitedty: -end earhostly tviih to a ithdriv,.v lioneefully from the; Union, kti.e think . they ul,lOuld ..an4l,,Avould be edlUvr . ed . to do so. • Ally ,e 0 terrint , them 'by' folFe . :o tr;rria.in would ljexonttary to the priri - - riples enupriared in theirs mo.riat7 Decl.,,r4 Hoe . of •Inde:7ll , l , •fice, cr,ntfiry to thelu'oda nento . ideuuun ~ yhielt human libeity, is bused. • • From the of Dec. 17th 1660.] • .•, . • , If, it ' .c the I'Wolara,tinn of.. .Intlepeationi!e*,, jq s lifi,;;l 'the . g fro6 . .4;ae•Britisti • Ern; , - pire , of thr'eo'ln4liOns of eoloni*t's in 1776, we, • not cee'.Wlty it world pot jaeti ty'the Cp . e . X S f or so, the . ): nrs from effit teal • C,,ra in 1801. ' - • •tr wo tare. iniq'ttizen 'on • thEi'pa.,tit, hrlt some !,113r1t , tii •show tok.,•eilt nod .111 y.? - I%rr • nar ou•n part, whit,. tdn ' tfc•ny ht . 'of Flovollohi«Jo to itgainst• the w,lluf'thr lattr, we eu+ , iiut see how' twin/y' pedp. , ,; - ri1,4.111.1ty /e9hl test, o'r five, do' a tested V, nor/ ;i4tlt . them by . • • ' ,• CFlom.thE; T:ibune'of Feb.ruary'23,,lBol.] . . We bare ri•peate.l"/ . . 'said. . and we . .once .mare insio;.thet ibe•grent principle by J' fief:Jot! in Deci:.-rotion .of A meriea .indeperidcrice;tbat - goveinny•nti• derive their just powrrs from the consent' of the ,governed, is. sound a;ltt that i.1aye(0.4.15, the;cotton States, or'.: the . Gulf Steleschimse to form' en Indepcnil.mt they have a cigar moral right to.dp . so. • Whenever it,.ahnll be clear that be great body of the.Smrthwu peOpielrav liccorne.c.Onelusive.. .Iy.'elieriated (foal' the...frninn; and arixicius'.4) . .eseeijai froai ;sill do our beat to f,rvv . aril tlteir-yiews•- . : •,. ;It.en'd .Whitt•Thurloiv'Wecif.s'ais. •' "[Finrn:the Al6anY , rier, to, 1601:1 . . nominailiin . at4d ;t Iradeis•werp in a 011 P piracy to lore'.' sigood by i t ors f the Beevi:ipik • Past, Sodr.a I og;'aboos pleoillor; oar Wu proj.ct of . an'oth..r • Presidential 1;6- n dee bandon.d napl days' piltv icias : to the theet kg of our State Coolientioit. , Wurniiig iron! Mr. . . • • I have differed. Mr. 'Greeley on "public questioos.. 1-• did .not be.- Neve, as he did, that 'ddieftameryoik of 'soniely teuld be rearenized arider FiiiitieiSm, nor it been: .• • • IDID.NO'r WITH' IN INVITIN G . St.II.e.S'.'to (torn did. not . 4'gree . Iwo .atid Ale. Obese polley'.6l . drieiti`g Poirder.States out of .th'e , Union. No.de lieYeAltat TIIF.III . WAR-POtICY, is 'teir 'to • PRF.FiERVE .11iE GOV:ERN MENI 4 REsToRE TOE UNION. Y. W. Itear.kiiin from Time Weed. :The Five more a ny of in Ow Ar:brlisop--apti ani wtij felt whem .114.> da nr iie;'c;onbibtlit , comae THAT IV.I'CICED, 0 11C1 D SLA—:. 'VERY LEADERS IVOULD.I3AVE TAILED. t. ONSU "Al NI ATE • THEIR ~ TREASON'. RUT 'TOR Alt) •RECEFTP.D, PROM FRIENDS:" ‘ • , 4THE: ALi— `OL 711 - ,NORTIF,• eniit.t not loaf . : - • • .N. Thurlow Weed'• Rteplieesi . . i.t...enmet vT'.to tlntle..gi'nhil that he 01.Ct.arles 'Snrriner.. 1-10 RACE GREE. I.l;;Y; . llerry.NViirit Ba.icitei; Rcr., have obtain in br •eptitlitei o(- the var. 'it 'mitt rFt a tit IU:11Pil of tIi.RF.BEELICIN,aiId 0..1)E -STR.UCTIQN.rif the Governm;mtt. T; • ' • ;-L • • • " ;4. , . • „ • ' • ••• • . . . . , . „. I did ..thtee yea an . . . maani6;,, the e - ..! or abolition infitteni.oo;:• nor, thluahAeicely tlenouricr,tllo I• Ptit - n• the duty, ofwarning the •11 , /but then. wai. only Pi.;;Thetici. now, LITION..INFLUENCF, . CoNGREBI;t,"-. : A ND'IN . :THE CABINET, AVE' liCiVl3ll:ll=' . ED TII.E . NIILL lONS OF 'POLL A ANO DIZEPEN E /TE ' RIVERS OF - . 800-Di - A SPENI',NG E :SREGIN A t, * A R LONG .. AS.:§tTOII INFLUIENcE,g CO II NSELS SWAY TUIF. • GC/VE.IIN NI ENT,. PRO)IISF.S :NOTHIIG •BUT AN INTER. MINABLE .CONFLICT OR AN INGLORI - . O:US TERMINA VON: • .W. . .. . . . . . .. . . . . , AN Ir . opioirt, ELtCrwity.ottm, IIvr.T.HIN FronirMitrki:ord; gy.; the caplint Orilla i §cati.; ;:veAluve'.;Teeiyell a ec'py•ar 140 Lrxinivon. Arti ... (ionti I t.r.autt • tt • 0 'of Ow' a.miiii,rrath.)h . , of .the.. 1814009 er. The leatlit l a., '1110(.1n - in a :itiiteti)ero. ot the Man 'to h* obeeriied there' i ll 'epr i thiethig the hex! Oaelfor;: 0111 th,et4erii* Arop t teari4. on nit ivtio • vota:-4 , 4 McCtilloif,— . .. . . . ..Tl - iv' esi - flepoAl, etectiee,,, rtli ktirw;: he..St.h Of '.lcov.ein het' nelt %Ownn al) whoiye entiilUd.to . vote r will ha ye.. .opp9r t on iry . of .14,?, or foe lb 'Sotit h . erit j• ae y, • AI I. !Ili vote for the. former %.'t• Ill.prnve I vv.s stirp;rior to tf,e rcoF , gr.ur' : who c.ict: Their, sulfre;.ke for.ah. 'litter- v,;ill'l.how wit 60.54 t gre Kerg tick itit,Fl If t they. thtilc (Rare "4,t ilaverY the'n the i;(;ve:n— rrient, their* Country, •.yea lor ).0)els• arid ail ors , the , woolly'-herded. nt gto ber , ornes• t • '• Vl' 40 ARE ENTITI.E . LI TO, t't:Tl: . . ... , ilil pe rit rime yenta 'Dr.. rindwho !. I nve...rvhf,red i , n , hstate.w ro ,yrprs. !II the district,in . they to n•r,ta'sixty slaps previous MI the alret inn; of - pore; year in tto pountry anti exty. doys 'the tlisti t,•afe entitleil.M.vote. at , the catmint; election;' pip ! v bow e . :ek‘r, Ihst have not in, tiny shone,' it ennee or fiwin, Riven 'MI,: comfort, •ootiosrl.o-.imernitagetnaht now .:exislirug rebellion, or to ibiwe LIIi4i!),CT . hf: §taieSsor the StBt e• .01 Kentucky: • kriy, tiervive.of Mil; ..1.:m.i1; however timiteil, per tOrtneilthe rebels, Ale . party per foi.roing• . 1 1 (.1viCe' from vot ing,..nmi no one Word, .aet or • deed, ai d ed or. en coufageil • the relielllibn, sh.oultl ender, the lientuctty:loW be allowed to vote. ..One day, one or even- . a inornent'i.nervieelii their. :CHU:* Fe Dry 4.aparity- relttitqcrs, will. !7Xcluile Inudditon to the :above, .Erntucky .rohliettt: vote et • their : reEpective hornas, have,dright to. vote: e9y,where• in the: Stete lh'ey trilty happen to o,l:•the day ; or- the Uncut:J:lo'6ns., Union mori • proposi. ac - Oft; laity doer niittn i l . thitttione,: 46.119. 1 that, WriOi...:•oi'sfreiichin.4l• . liy:' • thei.. Kentucky,.l. l W, edsihis vote.. They are tletertnin-, eti• tiokfpit'y thii,stt'who are by taw . ent •tu . eute; shell iri, .su et• I he. carnir,..g . The 1, iStte Yof et;eline,ei its county y titte.ll. alit, they me all .knoikrids// tnl;ked, anti be' rtialembete4l,•,niitt. it :,Useless .a i ly . itletta .veter to tiiinielt at I.lla.potlif . . •• A fter . he Mee inl.puil•bool,a . ,ibow how each hen his vot», 'owl :these born:a will ee;y c001.,..1104t0 ave . er,tain, w11:1 ore'. • en.! velitur the. 4 , .Yl)llPfrieo present - I beinaelviaa beim... , our bniutl of . :tia . Ber, iteclafing their'. 'loyalty, they iv.ll . , hove to- foie,: fbe. poil.booka to .a'arop them as' traifois,:lf•..they.- hive . vot es! (web. admired by J,ell. Do C r.; , tor lybo.";ri rebel' Oilier:, 'stroi tot s . on& area Look before . you. fieWarr, bo(orr it is . • •,•-• 'The coneinoiril thia woul4 the minion of. n Eiiroffea . n . •orris pejo!' in Ptlail . or France.. - .Wlidt c'e 'men be thinking ol•n•hen flieY-Wfrer,alieb itigiirnents as this:fo•AtineficatiO • Isobe •uhl .'gbi•ry. gone lor, •ever,,tbni torn ilie• A itietien n• •6n cowed nod .A.fne ti i icon ,lpo.l.furroni. w.iterhy' tbreat'a as ibeaa .tioth paper V‘isrria6it nation .woolil ‘fle-serve . ..to . curet (ts'Pnd, ioich threnta minds of ber sots. • • ..•• it . 11,ebelifor Limbhi, , :We ttive. Oaays: contended Aar *a largii :161slia.D Of :ha people•cit the Stint h .were -Will-lug mail notrit-usa to return to the Ottiim., Ati : long us 11, Attiilitjo . ol-at a • . : Mit.in fruietter, -mid none tun Such a a's ratill;taltd: ter . ma era ofr-red. diem; -they ate jolt ati at.tem ri-nelit"liii: the original Fec4sionits thrtns B elveti , at upon .the : erine., foreshadowed j iii ''t he '-e i cit go Plat tot rn, ;it tial Generipleelellan's-letter of arc-inance, they . would eery. soon...he . s..relig ettott4h . der carry ineet or the 1,6i10-S' RI t eg. 'lbis class of South= ern people no tlaribrpr'Ste-r •the triiiiripli of-•tlut- Dimioetat . to the pres.Mi contest: - VicetPresi; delli . B . trpherie and coe• BluwO,. of Georgia, ~,,,i M . ,-,-• P.,,,,yc e ,: . nt South ce:ridiria—adways .01.v - rat:a-live men—al ,:-..arnon,4 tlioirioo..- pro minent lead.era of this class.':. . - .- . . . , . . But-if your alto - the Simon Pure rOets - --those who are It s'eparatioii tvt eH hazards, - -you find 11y tri in Incor Of Lincoln Ici'a loc.k.Opoo i,is re.(7lection as Ilia only clang nese l l• loc the ucCotnidttinnent of their ..The'. - 11.c binned If ? ..l.4aiiner, is the risil4.o,lg4ll of this cl,asi 38 it th e.' . .BffiCiqi 0c,. 5 0i , 1 the ..11i . chntond.,Goycrttraent..... II.: - itsissue of the vast. ictoiolay, week); it deVotes long, sfrtide ibis sulject,ioitnifesting.veut tdeitsure.at the editor. conceives tohc. thelavor . able. prospects of Lincoln's The,tiiticlej,eatiCrly toU •long' for. our col,' - tunas; L e t.-the .following 'extracts, being , the. •ihoinicg sod 'fait 'spec'. .n.eos of the .whole.. ..." ." • . -"Some t3obt. .rastrains,, as to the . .politicat cornplexion of. rentp:yty,arw'i: . The pro . ts of the Uniti.d . 41,4tr:s...haslictor4e .So` radical!y rwe.t , q4cioust.hat it - is imposai)kle•to cruet siti their riccipititt r 'i'vpfi Of an e.Y.ent so oitii?lic, anditlaiii as . th 7 testilt of an election. ' Sothe days may yet etApee before caltitiide i'vaftarit- =E==ME .TIIE ANf)or,TI 4T :DAY, ' , 44.4...5 ,k,173 ..r~~;.::N , .~~ .=~_::., eil, .But voc.entortultc-stroniCAttlfttri • • rploibricana first to.hauetona;.ntl - cotfracttl64lo4o#44 . 4 ) .-:' Orisent' may. rotethAdo#.t44Sit.lioo4":, oij . Al,/liarte ' Bugle root •• to,.fit'!!,.tj' - ,tiny - ;, i lns'4 . jOif,ig.tiaikksti4 l . .:. defy -the UotaittgAituf - FOtillat)Tttit, 1ai..'in 5 44 , r 4110011 Y. 4 • 60 4044 0 1•,?atik)-?: iAO I r6r'ci jrtto,tite BOP; 14. 14 :41400'44:4c0#,A0144,P-.::•: 'bag d 4 3, ,44 " 1 1 41 r4 4 0. 1 .14;AP (01101414:: tfie:pe j)!a•of.the Ja tate,* to ro: eleetlran,. they:: 0.1,41 piuesiii eattthlishinit the Ihdepehdotee:cififte o gottehe%tAVit . 4t, t• • biing la ie.:. a tittles .4)64- .1..,;ne01n..i ha ii Ut -1,;or t cootinuatiodja-blllea:Ueill.:!rutpira?,-at*-.."- .pry Boothitya btaitat with the' resolve'tiOnle ! . , itoieto-ntlauca as i4e.onty a;tarnatitouc'tu ,, ititt.„ .. ' '' HE WAR,. . . , • Genet:M. Sheridan hue sent- anathei:,•''diefilitellt" ;tient thetontest in , . the eilre tent ettr;•,vre•seep give a. .hleto.rjr.if,l,l4 e . i.,4,' tti ei Oft: tivieta.!gAki. - : troeps,:- end liheiri..ret rent' af,most Witcliebter, Sneritraii lode 'son the 6ehrind I onk . eo.mme The •enemy end begenlo retreat Ailveardi•Fielfer'i' Sheridan ordered . bin 'ireeps to •folloat.,thana.4.-* the Confederate rear 'end rd , fought .atiltificlnly.,. as it wiihdreiC; end cow rated s the. giound /.• the IA ay, to Strosbitig...Therei• teaV seit,', , fitnee, rce Partrig the:retresi Sairidan's. tri? . ll. plc Wed up molly ,Shandoned . 'imigans` embehinete,.- and. 'et.pCured 'loxteew hundred I , ‘" Mutsu eels . . The Crintederatee did , •not Jernalu•..• in St evrteurg, hut - withdrew to Flehe's Mot Federal infantry . .dld not go fartheC.itoiitli‘.. hen the old ramp, at , Cedar 'Here ther nolted'end hivetr eeks , d.. 'caValiriOnitii`•4 l • . thu put suit; end upon entering Strelibtarg,'+ 'found thereliftp cannon, lunette them..theaa. captured Irene he Federal lumps le IMF *Urge the . r evelry halted end pieee,cl.lVilko. neaday ?tight. Orr Thirroday mornini . a ; recan • noles..nce war made to rither!i Hllly and' it was finfrAiJin t !he enrmy withdlavesotath... . • tv% rad du ifltg the night. • Tile tavAilry 'did tat Teepee . .. She.rl'ilan's camp, is now on• 'the ofd ground at Ceder Creek, lied lithe Cogifedoiretel.' ngmn,ctime northward, the advanced, colierlirg, Tim. al Fisher's' Hill and ,Sfraaburg . , :okreApendents hlgte . the Federal loor . iitthre• • hottait'ild,•ol whom three . thous:mil tkitO . tered• and two theusand Oiled and Aivituntled:•:—. ,, , Neirly eight hundred wetifided. arrived.at .Winehestts from the battle;field,*--:. Sheridan lost heavily', in elikere, •Leatly. all .I)l.igade nr d die.i4ion 'commonilere killed or sounded • some of:the Fedothl...oi!' .- sneer escaped fromAe ..eoptedecatei,,dittitsir , the retreat,....bet 'CU? ,'`greatee onuMlirre.„ cat rood Wand Mils battle was pee of. the -blooticW.knowni . : That Con' ". federate losses not repelled petesplOhi prisoners.. Sheridan 'atatee . •that be cartmted sixteen hundred; Arid:alter - all .thie ••earaitie l p the two armies stand in.l'oe Velleyjultria they ,weret• before-Sheridan:at Cedar..Cr,e4cr t t oniv, 'sltt•et of.riehet% , metits.te . oitir.t.htice been - reeelled; -More than prc;li.bl;.* that.he hat altiert..stp, the new 'advance• against Ric.htnnotii.w,se; to have:Wen made as'..seori n't they resiht;d • •• . • . . -•A irs sii;unilCfietirtnrogis tairiain air Airy IV , ?tP, They urn . etvll involved •N,:s,otie'set trts to. kosiw regard has gone; anti Sitet idati;: who is •folloar!,.. tog ; Is alts 11)4 to ..view:. ST e retatl 4,iiritettf tells us nothing of Shorman'a,inovemerita; only . uhat t ho.:teleg repis is working to hitt he has itqc.islod do late. ' Itisvs ry Atuange,-If. t h e islegraph working; , '" Mat he., can ge; lute. For; . tteoicti -N Banta been cut off; nil word has' e ..-:-- iina..from it. .Tho .Tailrond utterly' dlr.': stroyetl. • A stoirit i,i Wind 'rind rainoen days. ago, Washittl.away the ,bridge Chnttaitopehee.• Sloettro'in eoir t barely' fifteen. tholloond -men H. no caitotry and leant:eq' obit; thi ai!niiial'isorson,'cominanding Inehment ot . Sont he tit troops, which bad etl,Eat t Point, tulthintiod up the C'hattalscrOchiar.i astihin one mite of AtlOnto. ; sehli.er who ventured' outside the: killed: or sop`ureir: . rreiant otAteated esp. titre the town at any In addition for rn at I big, ;ileCon'tedet'otes:•hov'a orgoo4;td-,40,, CXpefidid(lll . • it. eiriirentOil. ~Tallodgii, A 144 Atni two,.w.:;eka.since 'was' niiirclain4g, tag,. , nn;thwaid.. toward . Iltintsvilitt,' n nn. Ih p trt of , the, Slate, .rPontpon tralitis notnpan' , .e'd it TheTennosssie,rivee.was la gild crossed, and l'entieraee •The re was no' Felicia( oPposition'..• raids heti raptureil,nearly every, fedi/tit. , Post atol,gat it-0n in.:l ha • part.country.; 'Ns-:. .' sh% ilin was fu lie attacked; and, if,:possible, taken.. So limg na Benuregurd busy, .113.41"Sitle, ,ivonit..l conripatatitteli:.dttn', ettsttlesa. Afr.tits 4 that•qiirrtar are, gloomy, . int4e.d. Tho.'Wor Secretary, far fiveA4is been lie ought - to knomt., , tird tha.publin shim! ! ! be told'At. • Theta is 'twilling reported .at l'here are-rnmots,-. 116:weyeri that o.clirl!.begon yesterday.' Grant far the-htilic of his arirty,itis stultod.,,tO rmnh - bark'of the James, , and,. try t 0 .. .. aaPtaris...,.- Chtt 'S. Bluff, Not Moe '.ivniffi . ve . iv kriOrrucif howevi4, intl S.eritlan?s .to . G, It.ieneaused.the.,mottettnntot, ; rldOlieit; Nt Nit frin:tot*.eveyyt,t4ot:lyo z .;., Iliei if.Peterstiore... there.' that Sheridan is. to _supersede" bleatiet.. : : fras sent two wifh Ihte4 danpon.,:tciunrjo.. Wejdon: not yet been hcatd fr0m:—.40 5 ,00,A.' , 'run LouleyiAtf Soiervet. Iles f , A,hontioh ortarip Ire bipekrai,pitehi 414, hi g. r .g :4 "I! itieklo ~., r • t. ~:;, . ...i-, . • ' - fa , ou eanda btiqgZ ' le' the kaygitet.eltAt els" I. - , ' ', ' tbi:: 4 ' "" ' ilia point, routnnateatrY „..T, 3' °Ur ad7rt°a . ll l !°. r ' '; point to , him• c", ' ' _ ' Q.' ,-, 4 • ',`, '''':'''', o' - ...P..F4,17„ 'tir.f;ll'-of,r,- .- , 7• 1'- v: , _ ', AieLioiliicrit asorikilt .i . * PW York eittitor•O'l!,", ~ , __,.,,,,, • ..., ~,,:.„,, Ward. Biacher i o tecent Palltk l li il l 1"" - - .. k. (VP nforalizing thaii's‘dftOtht•': "t l, - ~_' . ,',,,. =EMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers