M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, October 22, 1864, Image 1
• ~ 1.. ,, ..• , . I. 4• •••;" , 1 ' i '', , , ... j . ;•.,. ‘.ll 't.. -- • '2 2, ‘l, ', : ,-,.. :,. , : ''' ''. ''.. '''''',' • , ''..' , - 1:1 :t , . t. 4 '1,,, 4.i • , ‘'.. . ''. ' ' . : . '''' - 'l .- 'i , , "• VOL. 5; '‘ . ottittp,ltictitPtrat DIORNING, .;:'" By J. 2 - ..OViATT, DI'KEAN COUNTY; OF., S. • . CADAINE.I3 VLISLIC.S4II.Ain TERM'S: - .$2 'OO la Advance. . . . . • . . . • • . . . . ... . _ Rates 'of Advertising. ~. ..., --. .• .- 6 . Oluirie one ' year....:. '' .. • . ~ . ; ; ... ; ... ... ....; ..: $35 00 .Y.: ,r "i. , .. 'it,.• • .. 4‘ .-.... . .. . ...... , ... :. . ."1200 3: .. ..,, :Arm:lentils.. ' ' - ' ' •20 00 flur egUire'ot,l2'liiiiii or less, 3 , iusertionsi ; . :.1 50 Ws:'h,:litillreOdetitincertion .., :" .—.-.' .25 .. , ...di loess, earAls, wit i paper'.... .. .... ............... 00 • 10 ale or figure.. week will be &able the above rates: 'TWolle =Hoes Beerier. type,- or. eight' ines.eonpareil is , , rated a square:, *. -..-- . ' , ftr' Theme trms will be 4.1.11e* adbered to. Ell ' • • • ~6110111tS.S. Eltreftol.l).- , . . •DR. CORNER MAIN STREET • • —. . . , . . • : - .. 'L. -W. DI - SOX; • • . •-• • . , • .... . .. Drale . in Stovea;:Tin Ware,, aaupaned Ware . ; &c., west enitot Abe, Public Vonore., Finetlipert, P.i.• • Customl work done to order , an nu oliortest notice, and in the ' . most substantial manner. •',',.• - • . ~ - -• • : w:9. BROWNELI.. I:realer in Dry 'DUCAR, -DrOCertem, 'Crockery', qtardir ,re Donis; Sluieu, fiats. Cnpa„Glußß, Kai IR. Cilsho. ',!‘c East Ride; of the public Square ; Sinetlipor . t, Ea. ' • AMERICAN HOTEL, • .• • • Nearthe PAt.4en;le,r Depot,• , . • • EL)1144, NEW!.I79RIC J M. Miller,. • • '• • . . Portirt wit) be in atecrhinhee orr the arrivat..er each /1,4, tolake charge cit 'llagqage. not ,e o l3.filot.'guesta to the hona4.' . ::. f: . - j_.; .'.ii.:. i- . -'_ E 2i_ T.E.I, ;'. TANN.R, .Sc, .`CURRIER, PORTAGE, McKean CO.,.Pa• 71-10. , StJ:I3:337tIBER flatter: hi ir gpti..redm Itiek , Stii.tietie.". that he caniitit•Le exce.fled, ,apentien . Lill he pail to CUSTOM WORK,' . :•For the, enlivenietic nf . the‘ , 'e living et a- itt,stauce *ishing t01i4 . !; taening on shares grrtinEen!'eO.tstiar , i•!.been rooe h 'L . . - 13: TOl al tort tale the ^de li very of 't he L!;ither Ferried_ to Ils..Stpre;•who:' .. . . . , ~ .. . -.Tlielayges.t priro willlie , ill id foc }brit., ,ith . . ..r in CHEIi,.LEATHER, 1300:1'S', SfiCiES, •or IjA4NESS,Ieft at Dolby's tit , my tannery... . ' Entire ElitlSi!Oillil..giV , l.• - .• Ccipnectod , Nilth my tonorryl ba , .:p a lino't & Shoe factory; 'and.liain‘., ,, i,Shi , p.. .•' . , ....- . . . '• • ....' . - .1...7.: PEA.•. ti: '', . . . , ... PortAg,o, Pa., is7Ov, 3, 1803. y5,...E./y.1.. '.'' • 71liA•TII\.TG SALOON . ; nfIIE SU 3SC4ll3l.:ll.ai;hotinee . te he Pebri •ihtit he haspere h P steek , t lie . se— leen: foirr ,bottl by' 1C.,11. side i'liblic:: $4lO-i?'..e;: he is . prypaiod, torfre , .. li the knot.' !nail' ail' t tic(!q* riaSS,TAFIST,Aurp . ALL coNFT,;c:TioNiorFs,.NEITs; Fizu.rrs; (7.1.1F,R . 5E, &t:,:„.8:(.1 ERISL-1 OYST I.lnB . serviil;.tn" order; eitll,l T.tmii. who I . ar . or tA'it,h their 'patroii7l) shoal twve - nd coos . ° to 'compluie,.eithei as to pricea n;•,qmtlity S:ppi ipoit, Sepi 21th, PROSPZOTUS FOR 1864 THE SATURI►AV:I;I'EXING POST,• "Tho.olde'Ot and ties I: of iho"Wootliosly . . .. . . . . The Peoprletors of the Sniteiday T.cning Post—which paper ;snow in , tr Forty-lhirl Ylor!—'would simply' an-, mounce in their. P roFE;eo,il R' tot; 1061', that they denten maintaining tot 0 ir it weekly the high eharaoter it has al,. readYaenuired atr ' . ' .. •. . . . . A: Firm- Clast4 ,iterary-Pa:rier! • • They liaiereason to belie ,o that the a torms• of ' MRS: WOOD,. author of •• Haat 14. me," &el MISS tiIIADDON, iuthoilif "Xlenorb4 Victor' ' " Jra.‘ MARION HARLAND,' author of "Alone," &c ; ,:,IISS VIRGINIA A..• TOW N. sr.N 0,, and numerous otherescellent Writers . have been generally regarded - is possessing the. greatest merit and the most absorbing intertistusnd they Aleitgn procuring for The - P,031 in the futuroagin the past, the hest StOriss, Sketili . es, and other - LitrrnryNorelifes Which they can posaildo obtain.. They intend - commencing in the trot • A NEW.NOVELitri AIRS;V001),. . . . •• - • • Auttrsr of ".F.l,it tyrino,"'&e., • • 'rani ndiMnce soeeti, ir-prOosty foriMirried' io, us from L'otblaiid • • This mo'ry "OswALID: Q - RA:N.7,7 and wilt tkt the • lOn; Mr or .g , i - e . rnoy'a . . Pride , ' and . . ' • • , 'Emit Lynne. ,, .. • In addition. to the , Storie, written expressly fqr 'The :Post, its Editor alniistrives to lity.ber..re.itn renders, the Lent Stories from thedinglish pOriodients, and piyealu ad- - ditinn' to.tho 'Titles - and Sketebes, erne or less Airrissl- 4ural hlatter,-with a Riddle, Iteeetrit, News, tint Market _Departments; every it ask • ' . • " EW IN M A.(.) A.SNEOft Al LS •;•We will give to any person sending thirlYstihseiiptibits to The Post end Sixty Dollars, one of Wheeler War . sort's Celebrated Sewing • - Ruch as. they Sell. for.Fdrty.flife Dollars. .Tbe m a chines will be ' Selectol. new at:the mannfactory, .in• New Yuck, boxed and for warded.freti of cost, with. the exception offrright. •prbou ring the subscribers for thie Premium we Pre fer that the thirty antiscribers altould be procurred at the regular terms of Two 1)011044 ,for each lint wherre thik crtunot tic done, they maybe preen r red'at. our club rates, and the balance of the Sixty Dollars forwarded to us ill cash.by, the person desiring the. machine. The paper lie sent to different L'ost Offices if destred. livery per • eon collecting moues shoo M send .them :with the Money i t slast ne obtained• eq that the subscribers may begln at once to receive thelifpapera, and not become dissatisfied • with•the delay; ' When the'whole number of nairies (tide ty.) and the whole AMOlllit of money i,SistV dollars;) is re ceived, the machine viiil be duly forwarded ' •••• , . •• '!'ERNS:_ -CASI-1 - IN ADVANCE. ••1 copy.,•ono.year ' •2 co pies, Able year, - . :3' 00 . 4 coviss,, nuclear ' "....: .... ..,1 • fi 00 - s'copleo, arkl.hne to gottor-pl, of club, .... .... ~. il 00 VI cameo., NIA cum to frotter•up et dot, - .."......—= 28 00 ..,... . 0'? copy:of 17, t N sr, and nuo of ThR . La rly's • ... . . . , , . .: • •:'— : .• ; ~. ' i'rtind ; "( wr • . . , To TILE Cf:FIZENS OF PONSYI.VANIA . . Ikprescribcd 'duty, as well as long.e.stablish id usage, impels us to address you in • regard . te . tbe'question's .'the ,several !inns 'now .at hand.. In diseharging,this duty, we Shall sneak 'plainly ,and:eindidly what we • • • ..,. , . Iri this; . , thelairest, rithesi, and (Until lately) favored - laud of all - .the.: earth;. here; where the last foniptints .had_ been planted; in this, land..'alone. - the Christian nations of the' woilifi—ihel fell 'spirit of war - is'now raging. :, Our priitid ••and :drieieL arnpled eerier of prosperity as i•ration has been thutt rudely 'checked; our industry; 'that. is. not ilevoterito the purposes 4af a destructive war, his become..Paralyzeil; . our-linaneial eerns have been throWn into utter. contit;•iori. and debaseMent; we belie licriceforthp.robab.. ly. forever—to stagger . tinder: •a' - load.' of debt greater,..and under, taxation more.anerous, their , that of any other•natio . n on' the . glober' confi dence in the stability•nf our institutions is eye. rYwhere., Sadly: diminished—in • 'fine; gloomy 'forebodings. us to the..tut are; .em barraisment,amid.istr.ess.hriee taken the place of the" happy: ft ace; confidence, security Order . ,' and contentment. ive so lately enjoyed. .Nor can hope find resting-place lemPlating the At,EN wlib'noWcontrol Our . ' Gov ernment. and .administer if.s,l'avvar.and„ it' turns siekened and sadly away from- the. audacity, arrogance and • tyranny it finds in high • places, even ip'the.'very the riot ion. • Social .lett in governineet, atheista• in religiiin; Men who-are freelovers.in,cine sphere, and fre . e .thieves In another; renegades -in • realitics,..and Scoffers at every . . Weil-Settled principle of, pub lie right and priVaie virtue, 110iV t way the destinies of this Republic, and ar e . crushingotit. the very, lir. of • AmeriCan freedom', • • For threeloug,.fearful year.. have the hest blood 'and. sternest efforst of our neorde :been. freely green 'in a•civif war Wh . lch.liaS no'•par• allel in . the histery•of . the w0r1d . ... When this . ' `euftrineuced, • ihe' Democratic party in, the No'rt . h,,as such, 'Was prostrate under resent defeat,.whieli. resulted from „Ira' own 'unfert• unate divisions.: • But what a grand'and ing spectacle was 'Presented en hearing the first-thunder rebellielivat ars! Political arid partsian' feelings. even• in that hour•of 'party . iat ion, were all laid upon' the altar --of . of. the country, and . the sun. of.,the Heaven. pevershone upen.•lite anited,' resolute,' and determined: than those•'..of the Northern States at the 'period . we:refer, to..' , • Whatever' Mioirt have ibuen the .views of .the Nochern Deinneracy in:regard. to .thi. cause's which tilt,imatley ergendered. this tinhappy•st rife; howeVer,mlich in : their inmost they deplored themail and reckless career 01 Abair , ionisrrn•howet.er' deep was.: their, de• te;:tatinti•of the conifie of tb u rre party leaderii, irk. , hair been . for Yeats. s Vt' PP ping . up all. the, lor Irrug elements of ".bigotry • and fatiat[- ci their r vile§t eflir+s aga'.n.st the rip:tits, interests; and i'nstitittion l . of the S~ulhern.people,-Ls.. ill, the . .atfempt• of a pot . - t of that p...noe.in :cons , (pence, to • hreak .lown the ' 'l4 of' the Constitution'over ihe. country, arid destroy. Federal coin- . paci,'Was criminal act a hick •coUld . roleratridor It-. amplest - reinedies. -tor. the Wro . r.gs not':only. h4r, bat ar baud. 1 . tniainns •cif coterir:lrail Cecurileil • their •in a general popular aga.initt 41i,t4harn Lincoln arid 'the ion • who •arippirred, him and his. 'nrse • %vs, Deermaratb• majority' in one, it not htftl brillooll • es•fof .Congr . es , i,f would him* owe'rleae to inflict airy perrhaiient c'il'on: fire Proprietor The right ..seeessicrn,', claimed.. by .the South as. the: remedy fOr: their 'polilicaf crest', with hiSs latest trireath,'and: by, many others -of :9'9..ablest statesmen in all, s,ectifins of .1 he Union.'. the Constitution a compact; if -you will—as does Jefferson in : the. •Kerrlurky fesolutiuns of 1898--birt. it:: is a compact of Suvareign•Statea, ,made with each 'other as having•no Vtglif - of seres4ien - ,, norninat•ell or ciinstifitted fn 'the bond." • The U . irron Jorrned .waS•itf:fts nature, if not in term, per petual.' Secession, then, in- view, of the com pact, is sitnply Revolution; aarl . the.brealcing np of the Onion .onr. fathers . had.: - begtieathed' its, was, under all the.circuMstances.we hive de• tailed; and the thousand - other considerations. and' consequences . which - I , niust crowd every .incalligrni•and patriotic mind,. -not only . trea-, -.son at laW,nit'agninat the•bry,hories of Man kind: We' could not . 'then --ersil vet nsvin wri.r..-consent to it. Irit Spirit" of. determined .loyialty-to the ConstiJulicin• and -the taws, the :Democracy- of the NorthovithscarcelY excentation,.' rely. ink upon 't he pledges given. by -President tin roln, yielded-him their ready' - add 'efficient 'sup port.. What, were some of those- nledges?- 1 7 ) . it; his oaths-of "office: -cif will • Support The Constiruticin-of theUnitei!: States, .go help 'me-God." Then 'in tiis ..Inauguyal - . o idaress, And with' thisriolemo abjuration frec.4 Upon his lips; he said: • . , r. L.:WORDF.N • • I do but opotefroinOne. of nip !needles. when I dec lare that 'lliave no purpose, directly•or'in directly, to interfere with the institution of. slavery i the stales Where it exists. I REf.TEVF I HAVN - NO LAWFUL nicarr TO DO SO, .AND' I HAVE NO INCLINATION TO DU SO.' , Thom who nominated evil elected Me. did so' with full knowledge that 'I mole this and BIM ilar declaratinne,•and have never recanted .them. ROW reiterate the . - d entithents and In doing on.. Lord) , prose upon the public attention the must conclusive . .evidence of which• the case fie sunc'eptiblei that the property, peace ant security of no section are to.be in 'any wise endan. gored by the now-incoming Administration L. add. tan that ail' . prntertion which, consistently with .the' Cons( ituti t and , the bites can be given.. will be Cheer , fully gly .1 to all the' Stales, when. lawfully demanded, for wh evar.cause—as cheerfully to one sebtion ao to These repeated pi,hlic pledges, lit - ought untarily . to the standard raised in behalf of the, Union,•hundrqs of thousands of es .hravo men as - ever breasted a - bayonet. nrmiee - thus raised .vi'ern. , ..precipititted. on the South,• with Varied fortunes of victory and .defeatf and wart, civil.war—ulw.ay,s' the . most bloody . .of 'all hir , man strifehas.ever Sincr;raged over' sored of the tairest'pOrtitinsatlitit unhappy. region. 'flutthe..longcliefiShe.ti echemes lof (anat. : ektn:foi the extinction African -- servitude 041 not lie given.up.' No . .:rilatter if 'Massa chusetts,' six or: sei , enty, licirs since, :did Sell gloves to the tteeple,of . ,the Soittlern States, IMRE 'under. .the guarantees•of COnstitutioni , .vithich' she helped AO forin—st it asset..tingeda:Stine • '-`• hot WI 4'n n ear' and out , Of . dateidditetl7l.Oec thWy eontir not', the would rsrirl r' front off the: . bend,"':..The.; gallant 'three thousand ' of Nev,: England”--(worthy.disciplel Of the Prince Peace!) 'rallied to a man, the new crusade of fanaticism,:end wrought, side by'aide, with . infidels, who havefor . years been 'in the daily habit' of 2ineerin. at'.. the • Christiab's faith ridiculing the . Christian'S , Siblc; And blasithern .ing the Christian's Ood! ••••: •.' • '' • • The . .feara of , our timid' and facile- President were" worked upon;' as well•as his Va•inty and desire.of. re-elect ion,• by the extreme: 'and rad, ice! members Of hls•party . , and , the . emencip;t— -t ion • end:confiscation . : measures . 'were' forced upon him, andnriada . a part of 'his.policy - in..the 'eonduct- th e efflyt of the frierula of peace• put forth. in. Congress. was defeated. , Thelostility of the Abolition lead ers to:serfdom% in'. the• Smith—to employ the .words . .of the lamented DintglaS- 7 :ewes strong er than their fidelity•to• . the Constitutiqn." They believed that a disruption of :the .Union 'would draw afterit, as an inevitable cense-, quence, civil-war, ,servile insurrection's, and finally,•throngh thele,-an ,utter extinction or slaVery in all the S'outhern Stales; and,.it: would seem, they: acted . eVen on this . terrible belief.' Look at the record:.:O. i the 18th day of. December,!lB6o;•Senator.Ctittendoni Of Ken • tuCky, the bosom (dentin( Henry Clay. in. his life-time; -introddeed' into..the Senate of the Welted States'a . serles . of reaolutions, as' a' basis • of hettlemant between the two sections,: of the Union, The secession cif South 'Carolina' took place on the 20th Of . the same Mont h,• and her. membeis of doagress.retired from their place,.. tVe.are thus particular reference to this subject; because' obi opponents : , through their Central l'ornmiqe”.ip this State, have introdu-• eed itint • a late address t 4, yom• and there is a ‘necious effort made in that addiesi to turn. a ; side from the - Republieens,• the just obloquy reproach. which the defeat of Senator . Crittenden's prop isition 'his:, fastened' 'moo, their party; . The offered "eorriprot iise. weuld,•in. terms, have'sealed more than three !aim hrof ell . our territorial domain. against slavery forever-•—• pineing.ithOut 960,000 miles' under.' the..provi sions.of the Ordinance of I.7S7,initre recently known as. he 'Wilmot Proviso"--les , !fi4 . the , remainin - e 300,000 mile's subiert to whatever laws these whossetiled upon' it might establish for ~ themselves, .' . whenever, they hecarne 'State. , All the other feature's of the. piopos.ed compromise 'Werenothing:but re-aflirmances. of .the plainest powers'und.provisionsrof the Con stitution, 'save, po7,sibly, the fair and equitable stipulation that'sla very should , net be abolisited in the trial rist of Columbia, as lonrr, us it exist. etl in Maryland, and tir,radnfa, the two States . .which had ceded that District to the' General. Government. • .. • On . the .15th - , o f January; „Senafor. Clarke, n leadin.gf Republican, tnotied to a,ment Ihe.Crittention's proPosition..by striking' nut. all of 'the material, provisiens;— : cettairdy all that contained the olive-hrench of peace, and inserting a single re'so!utton. breathing ‘t a r and' threats toward the' South. This time - mitt - tent was Carried by . a, vote 0125 in - farm., • all ,Re publiCa.ris, agtflest - .23 Derrateratic Buf,.saks the address:of flit; 12eptihhean.Coni7 titittee—ctsix Southern Senators tefused.to'volf, at - all on the proposed amendrnenti” ankihe.n, with a degree of enol assitiaM-c remafkable even ill 111.5, tttrtec,,•it goes 'o it the pect:' pl 4 .:tif.Peansylvan . i. r. ."that the IX- 5,N/111- r:in .tnen voletl'itgeiOst : the.Clatk ittrielidm'enf, it yeMild.t aye - ,betin defttatett;:antl4he. Critten•-. don comProtnikt misfit , have peen s !05'1'. dp and carried - by• ttte same i • - mtl.joylt•c" • G , !.neral 'Mits faith this AtltireS!, ',cannot cot' . ) , proud ot his own Slinre.in record, or tie wouldnot hive ItOen kept. out-of rieW : t he -fact that he iti,melivotediec this 'very :nmentltnentotml the, same day moved . re . Cll I) • bide.; atii!rii and:then ; when :o;is ritte.d ion .II6IS called tip; only, three days afterward!, /te : voter/ riga/it:a 1,1.5 (Mil iOn . Iti was: carded, hOwe - ver, -with the aid of of least: tats,' (Johnson:ant! Slidell) of the "six". hiatrWtl, rind .the Compromise wus.agitin, it? Ana's/ 990: before the Sona•te. •It: was: •••finally , taken, up . oh the .3d of March, and• defeated—Marty of the South- ern Seputor having•WithdraWn'trom the Senatu ih the' interim, th ell' States having seeede4 'from' the Union.' Cumereit,*witoiisned.the dress knows just 'as'ivell'as did Senator Cam. erod,whci sustained the Clark 'amendment, that I I it . required ap ..two-thirds rote tri - give vitality' , to the . Co ittendon Compromise.Re knave, too,`that everY..tepublican yotei'including. his own„:in the . Senatei'Was..giVeri• against the measure in effect, from first to, lest. • knows further,. that ."tbe•• Republican Sena trtrs refused Senator Bigler 'a proposal subtint . this (vitiation to•a vete, of the.people 'as inst roc'. tiVe'of.Congiess.. He kr:ow.S , . also that. Mr. Clemens, of Virg inia, . . the.l7th . of .rehruary• before that'State*adopted secession, „endeavor, .ed, in the .. . House of Representatives 'at Wash Jo . cbtain.a, similar arrangement it that body to test the question of compromise before the. people, and it was 'voted down by . :112 Re, publierms.against 80 Demoerats—every Repub ticans in. the... House voting in,:the 'negative.4- They would not—they did not dare . to trust the people,.thelegitimate source of power,' on this ':question! ' At the hazard of furnishing unnecessary' proof . on' ..attention to • the Clear-and explicit. eVidtiric.e.' of Senator Pugh, a contemporary .of. the 'author of.the. Address, in the Senate of. the United .Sr.itee. In . the course of his speech in the S.mate,• in Igarch; •• . • .1861. • •• • . ••• . . ' The Crittenden prOpeeltion has been endorsed by, the almost unanlmoue vote of the . Le gialitture of Kentucky, It line been endereed by the' noble and Crimmonweelth of Virginia. 1 t has been petitioned for by a larger .nemb or of the elnetors of the United States than any proposition that - wee over before Congress.% .• I believe in nty heart to day Ilia it NVOUId ,enrry.an oval ivhelinini majority of the'peenle of my State, aye, sir, of nearly every State in the Union. •II elm e Senates From the State of Mis• einsippi left this another, I heard ode of them, ,who ea st, tni3p Atleast tube President:of the Southern 'Coltfetier. eey, 'impose to, accept it, and Milrin, If that 'preposition could receive the vote* it' ottglit. td 'receive frein the other aide of the chamber • Therefore, of Your proPositione;all:of your lantendmenta, knowing no I do, and knowing that the hietorlim wilt write It down— at any time before the ••-tirr t of January, .a two-bhirde vote for the tiritteinion reaolutions in thiseltamiter would h t oe saved every State in the Union except South 'Cir.. Georgia would be hereby herropresen tat Iva, and toulsino t—thole two great States-whielt at tenet would have broken the whole oolumni,of secesslon+Oltine pag e ' . Upcin the came point, on. the saint . MEM —,.. ;,,,......-...... , •:.g/,,, , AT''' , QcTOrt;lV422 4 ." Boa, ...-7,:',.:PF,T,,t,?-:,!,.-A.,.,,,,,,',.:4,4„:.e.,,.:'.',E,:'-ii.':!;,::;getAL ti' "vtlice the paertit trOtrigfilftrittaitiitill eald that it p ..ettna 4lattba an,painted ' oa, yob Id ntirlf saved' an""tho+att Carolina, firmly believe It weld& 4,1%.. don propollition Wee not in accordance wit. views. I avowed tuy readiness rind IfilgOrtlCLA tki hewn)! In order to sate the Union; If we etnild quite upon it. 1 eau eonarns the Fenster's declaration that Davie hint. self, when on the Consntitteo of Thirteen , wna ready at all thong to comp:Maine rt the Crittenden proposit ion . . 1 will go further and say that liar Tumid was also.- IlloWpreposterous' at 'tgis 'then, this attempt of one of the leading actors in that eventful drama thasto strifle conscience, and so seek to rescue his eci-conspirators from the recorded verdict•of history, and the 'deserved and inevitable condemnation of a betrayed pea.. pie The controlling , •spirita of the Republican pa'rty never meant peace—never sought peace from first to last, at anytime, or in any , form, saveupon the one drear.aral devilish condition of turning loose Inver our land three and a half millions of black semi-barbariatis under the specious pretense of freedom; while in reality, it was only to tear so many of these poor crea tureraway from_their hornet of comparative happiness and peace, to find,storyation, misery find death in an inhospitable clime! - President Lincoln has but recently derlared, in very definite terms, -he will listen to no propositinn for pence which does no include tit's A friean nowithstanding those plain constitutional prohibitions of all right on the part of the General 'Government thus in tervene, which he himself, with the oath of ofli;efreth upoh his lips, declared' he' "had aa legal right and no lercetionn to disregard. If, we were to,credit the ravings of the chief advisers of the President, or, nt least,. those I l vho seem to' in fl uence him most fully—sum mer, Beecher anai Phillips--hurnan reason . ..has been making. F ' uch rapid - progress in.thi.se let ter days, that the bat t en of human perfection must he near at hand. But also! ;,tvvlien we 'look hopefully for the blessed gale which it to hear is onward in its coutse, we, hear bet the food breath of the tempaatt i lsee nothing all iroond us hut' the angry and troubled sea everywhere sparkling with foam and surging in its madness; and We arc tempted to ask, can this indeed be,-.` • s saw', wind and.„., the sturrn fulfilling, his words" 'There men are'miatalten and. mad, or . are traitors orthedeenest:dyeolerierving - a ;trait or's darkest . d o om. This' eritiality of the black and white' Maces which they : 4lre, seeking .es • . tablish, in this emintry is• a n abaerd' and idly - drearn, %v.lneha:t.rief contrast of their: preg ass and peculiarities must dispel from every . ihoughtful mind. ' • ".. A little more tharf tlrio eenttiriesaince,.when our fathers first planted a few perms 'of . ..our rat scattered Pointa . along. tbe North Amer-. ican epast;the whore nuMberikthat race in the. 'old world "did - " not exceed , Eife. ,laod,, Sk.olland and WaleS then: ilutnhered . fewer inhabitants than Newyoik, Pennsylianta and .ohiodo Mark 'Abe ..progiels; id•Vortii Am.rica arthls .a .wholesome Celt there aie at' lealt thirty mil-' • liOn's,:andl . l. the world (coaresking . .there. ! also the:SaMeinfusion,) from eieity.to ninety mil lions of pedoe; sohistantially .. Anglo '.Sazon...in their ! origrt. . We,a re everY where thni ir4, - the . tnorri sluggishraces., Or.hernming eyery'Side; and at the cor'reat . rates of i'nr reuse, in..onelondred, and: fifty 'Years '.frorn this run, liP to 'efght.:;:ttroNd rniltiens of hnmanspeaking the' erime , ',lon glia,ge;r,joicing in the.,.s.eine high ititellectnal ealtu:e, sn'd mute inherent : are! inalienable ebaracterkstietf .• • .On the other handi the ; African racet.is nev, pFonf 'of • its- eapacity, for, a self•sustalned ciVilization• Since the Sun first shone on thS t t continent it Vas remain-: .cd ,in /11 .same state. of mentai.gloom.., fbbtol, - iinltitituous,'ind 'indolent by- nature, the .iyerrean has ncVCr.aivanced a, single step yond' him rm;ii savage original.: . Slaveri . haf: ryer leers and to tlei.c horer .. eontia firs, to• he, condition, thJoughoutevery clime can call Ali 'own! And y et they 'have had as , many: tunities . .drimprovement as the inhabitants of Asia or of Europe. Along the shores' ot the. Me•diterl3lleall 'was omm concentrated:the, Liferatdre arl, Science Ceth— age, the ivial Orimperial -Rome in alLthe atts, of eornitierce and existed , fOr man year s ori s the"AfrieSn'boider.. :The , Baraenes, moo polislied , rnce of ttielt tithe, founded and Anatiltained foi 'centuries a . .. c'ontipokis Still, forall this;the.Aiiican has Continued 'pro 'I on .t`tir'On',o his liing night: of. barbarismi, and thus, human probablity, he will .c . Ort• Wine forever. Tell us not that 'his want . of ..•. ••••, •.; long' progress.m mvilizltion the.resnit tahished bindagp. tOr centuries, was Four 'dwn•rae4 bound, to the edrth., under various rpodifiications of predidl .yiisalatf.e.. • But the , vehite, inne expanded,' and mounted shove an its biirthens,•and tratnmels,anii finally; in this country,' "reached the full fruition -of ictiuti— .liCßll freeool7l. . • - • • We.irantihis mental inferioritY.of the Af rican--,.(ive forbear, in the spirit of sobriety, any physical 'contemplation or d 611 t.r. - a •not 'give a.t.otninant race the right to. conVey, him frorn his C'wn•benighted•.lsnd to a. foreign bondage, even under the fOrms 61 a . purchaso from -his, African master.' Bui - this natural inferiority must be considered, by..the states manin.frarning lavrs, and adorting Con.titu-, lions for human envernmenr.. In Pennsylvania we Italie always - affirmed this inferiority in our, timdatneetal laws; and the !tame has been done in almost all-the States of the Tirti . on-- generally ex - Finding the: African from the iiiht of safTrage.,' This necessity of duly regarding, the laws of races, is.thus forcildy'..coMmented upon by..l.arnarine (a scholar and'a statesman; always in favor - of man's largeSt liherti) in a 'recent world •.• • :: • - • The more I litre travelol, the more I- am convinced that races of torn form.the great iCei"it - of men and. mon. ni rs: - :1410. is not so capable of education as philosophers linagirt,, , The influence of tiovernment and laws has lees power rsdically, than is supposed, over the inagners and iodinate of any people.' -While the primitlie Consti• tution .and blood of the race have always their influence,. and manliest themselves thodsands ot'yeirs'efterwaida lu the physical formation and habits of a particular family or tribe. -Human nature flows in. rivers arid. streams in the ocean of humanity; but its lintel's reingle*.bu t -sometimes. they oeverwni ogle, and it :emerges • 'firths, like the Rhone f - rom the Lake of Geneva,• with „its Om taste aud'color: Here is indeed, tin.ahiss of thought and metitation,.aul at theaame . tline q'grand secret for leg ista,taie: As tang as they keep the spirit of, the race in eisto they . succeed but they fail when they etriee noiii et this nataral pre-dispoiltion: nature is - stronger they air ' • • But. Why thus enlargi upini a topic which 'lin n (Teri itiestont out•= co pi ecor i bin to . 'al... purposep4rpo of . tAe.oFi!l tahr:ds ~,plia' delitipif;;l:e!i . 'law! ' , mirk fraiernat blooff&eirj-i11ii, 1 .41,1: 4 1; stit tit ion and ihe '.retieriad:4iehte: a 1,106 it We and Jhe tielitile hay, e; beetj,, nionlqn ' j!lr; , ; under foot lot, tliia,,botly imnalt , stilt; ‘ .'„. edicts :ouch tis•would.annelfr•• ; `a,r .. ;•,§bitii 4, 'ritit. monarch in. Kni;land,• 'bairn been rii,i,u. y;cithe, t„.r Pno6id en t , and- pritiab t to . bn•nn ilk jfi tneg.rila',: Secretary •Seivard!e'boael •to ' "4•' , I.4 . otiir g.l'can tonch'ol orn, 6 e - ba ''it any Iminileflit and ordsr..to .c . ._ ayreated any ei !;(11••240 :'lll, ion n trjo,e'-Lha a been all ton frequently real izedt The extent to. which t he - :Party: auprinrfirig . ,tbePreildent'are eo li. naßro ' • .(1011 0 .. finds memorable illuitiation. in' the proposition made .by'Secretary CaMeron, the firslof .the. several oitupents of the Wore of SeCretary. - 4 War lindor Pi•esident .Lincalit,• T 4 He'tnoly proposed; in his. first.nnd •lasi annual romrnenieation, to Jree, and then to,. orn.l.:the whole kask.Popttlation of the South, and , t urn them 1l their'white 'neater& hia Work.. indiscriminate'butcheryr. This; truly' infernal suggestion. was not adopted .by. the.. President when , firk . proposed, but it has , since been 'act: •ed upon in more instancos..than: one: .• • • , We have charged .the• party :lit' . present .its power, fullow.eitizene; with, tyr anny tfa utpaion...We NOW go further; . and soleMnly a asert:olir :ia a deliberate`''de- - sign to: change- the •character, it.net the. ,form . Or our Recr.rnm:mt. • The leading leapersin . ;the support. orthe Administration:Openly! advocate a mod;bation which Will place greater po - w ere. in.the hands of . .the - Prosidentopd.if their advice ; Omni i be. nriOpted by the f ..opie,..in short' . time the' heins will tie,firmly riv,oted, and • our litrertlPe certipleely suhVerl ed.....rh0 Philarlel .ptlie'Prass. not long since remerked; • • • . . Another principle' must cectiluly. be emtmlied:ln nUr reorganizel form nrk:overniriant: ....The men who thane_ the legiAlttion of this country when the war is.patt must remember th.tt.what.we went it 'power iced streritith .Theprattent be . tn .ibutbirte • the' Ibtmi of Repub. Government with the powers of , a Monarchical Govern Melt 1, • • • . . , . • About the sametime; as 'if ' fby .concerti Nye' End M ihd North. American: • . • . • ' • • • • . .. • . • . Th Itt•irtir bag alrehdy'slinwn.the absurdity et...a Got. ernment with listrited pothers; it. has shown. that. eke pow,eraf every Chveyitmera' ought ,14: ,be 'and ,-sabist: he UULISIITaa.' • • : , • • . . . • Stich drietrinei,'efi these..'wuntil.:•have With rebuke even:o the howls. of • the ;eider . A tome; bit , hey wer . e•the, natural. Precii,tiOrt! of Th e i.wer power" which has. been • Made •tii uve . iricln. the most eipitesit doctrines : or the CMlStitution.•• The very .vvrthigs, in feet, corn pNined, of by nur fathers.,; and' enumerated in th'eir declaration against the Eitgiish Monareh,. have been revi'ved.upon their.snns. This Ad••• ministratien.bas: Its. own .oath bound pledges, and•sought . ..ni.e/.01.10f, i n itotatiore upon the eetahlislied principles ihr Governnient;" it has 'fasteied . a . .t.ipirit of 'p n•-• 'croaehtrient rohteh tends to' Cons'aidate de• partntentsef the • Govern:v:li. ire pad thus : cr:tate,idtatever. the forms many Lai a:. real .deipot : iin;":.it has tendered , ithe.'iniliteiry'sniierior to fh.,3 eiv.a•Poieer..!!', superseded ;in .a" reign oilawlefs reree the , sechrity , proscribed by - .law. a•eainst• seizure and. iMprisonment .trnithoret : ripe proeris • f I.t has Verily .icrectrcl oPeee,f arid 'sent' tratoitz uS .erva . rurs of (.; . ffi yrs,' to harass one 'peo.; •ple.and;eat ilici; .spbstun'es." I3y . tons Conscription • it, has digit ibutcd'• its ,tents ainung.;the - people., 'hacked by: bayonets and'clntlird. ;Kith ;ilise - retiiitierli. powers, over the libeities; if •not the tii•es of our eitiiene.'— “ho,;,,:orrered•lar e .ai pries of troops.' anroagst •tts.'." •It has t.imne.sed lases rtt one coeaent." .chosen and purehasod: •advnearers are new cla'moro'us fat 'Pk strongoi Government,'lther "oar charter's tai4n al:toy, our :twit raitiitade !critical:Asher!, (Ord the pdtvei:i of our Govrrninent' V:trreti fititdatnent4- Iy.s'. these, we.submit,• fellow citizens, are air outhern features fairly eichibited,r of that' "stronger, coir/.rnm'ent," which our forefathers, appealiog •. , to.. the •§uprenne. JUde . e, Of , the. World," r;ight : y.yeari ago, jdedvrd their their fortunes' and their sacred honor". to it! aside 'forever. , '• • • •., • We have before spoken, felletv•eitla ns, The the depressed condition of thr . , country. The Mountain of delit*hich has been' pitied.' tip so, i•ericlessly, cannot be than three' thousand milliens of drillers, when all is fairly counted. bf*this, Pennsyl.vania?s 'share will be..at least• one tenth otthe Wh01e,•0r . 5390;06P,000. The animal interest upon this surri(tnore easily ee timated than paid) wills be .:about ''eighteen dollars. T.liiP, 'added . to the annual interest' , of out former debt, :mak' on aggre gri'te , inCefest hancetotth, le he borne by the people*.of doMmonvireath, 'seated in round nuenbers,.erf twenty millions' . of dollars! We cannot ..hei.thten •the picture of the stern reality, Which an inexorable arithmet-. ival.caleulation' rives. 'Some make, evere-a' deeper debfand a darker prospectof the future. Taxation always, falls ,heaviest upon Jabor; it Will now grind" the poor to the very earth..= And yet the mock phtlarithicriiists of the..day are incietisingthla taxation, and urging 'on , a system of measures, Which, under the pretense of arnelurating the condition of , the Afridan, carried on much longer,. practically enalave . the labor ing . white mun and starve his family. AO besides this, if the forcible.aboli thin of brindage atthe Booth • ± , hould it, will ',ally be 'to bring the whi , e Working men: and women of"the North into competition in the...same paths of labor with the African they have been.toxed and beggared to. bring here and - soppott fimengettrel . , .• • • Th'e fevefed Capitalist, •wha has, money to lend to the Administration, Iferi his Wadi, up-s on Which iii,ere is no teLiation; and thus is in. .creased the burdens of 'the laboring and mid dle clatises.' But we forbear ,to pursue .this melancholy. train of facts and'.reasoning,. and ' ,turn to' the Mere ,grafeful "eirnerrietation of how, we , can•do something for the' correction of these evils. .. . It Must be plain, fellow-cittgens, the only • hope that Conservative men can have cleaving the,COu7try frOm impending anarchy and ulti mate ruin, by,nnitingW4th the. Democratic. partY—thennly.party pow leO thir is. truly iional in its character and : conservative °ia. its. aim:; the only. party in• the• eptiri!ry , that -.hap ,d;' ,. : . ' . '::;':', ,, i'i'•!.:'.-."'! , .;...-: ., g,'"A''',lV,'!",';',,-,E.1.-t*':',';',':,",S •e.tibiib I `4.14400: . , 4 .4 1 117.-- and ~.tt, f • ti to, oorci to. it •hi e•trietri lesdy 4 i- 1 . 1 o . 'l° Il"i 4 ,,ilaa i. 4 gratefiir • feridenee, t fie - Manly .OrMnenia' rxhibiterl ant eepricially,and darkest ;Irodii•';s true principles u( tip',,Co:ietitufion, will-;drawn,,<.' dn d • h im tli? Zion fi entit • 'never' be betrnyed;,"'• 3 Htsiands at ihietnotrient - .staiodi :wholly.aloiaf Iron . ) intrigq,•;; ; :fle.ta t)y.'rni ties 'or, contracts .with-merc, iarliren!. • .' turei .in: political life. lie for which-he bar.been heated; but his allalenß+'•_* fold iitha noiseless:tenor of hiittarliiii??lriehli.4, the - ember' ariarrienti which•tramMet the snit str hit intio candidate:llot efilce.; Vier,' 'it defeat slit:mitt fell in his lot • in.:ibis . (iivitie.h we cannot: belleive,) with the 'conseidushess hdving . ....tmPlnreiti . :tlit,„ , : - - melee aid; pleitrfed•in advance. he plecel:• would'liiintlis gift, ii.elceted‘ and. that -I hose . ' who, had espoused his cause even'fiiiti.'this. acted Iron) iimpathy..eitt breve; •.• • perSeCtltoo,. and hotic , nrianf, - • acted fr00r . ..i .: • pritieiple and love of :cotintry,:acekink no re- • ward or future favors: ;who...hat. • named for the Presidency:dvslies o ne, Artninly, ha •coir rtettit less,.ehd -11* additional reason ivhyhe should; be, and will he preferred by the thookhlial. and the up. • . The varnished reports.o rivali'in..eoromOn.dt" the surinressed. and distorted feets-of 'a'partiatin . committee Of Con'gresst-the' constnn.t jealousy and•malignant 'd'ispollition ~at.. every, Istcp', .ot. thotie who Wait d his suet:teas and,,dreided„tis nt; p tilasity,' hive all faded in blissiiti his Mili tary. renuta thin. .Iniellic'eitimen,''everywheri,. in every land,' have lead the lib6ll opony this , accomplished aoldier,• colt -with 'a •sietrvning sense lif.thelr injustice and. venality,. cotintry,;they .have penetrated .hearts' 'our soldiery- end the people Ot.'isigeq Only 'kindle there a Winder and highe rffathe Of detibt: •sion. to their intended .victim;. and, tbe..,Worl4. ere lope . , wilt wiiriess wit tytpitatiation,. the re:- ward• which they will mete out . national , . . , .The eminent statesmen wbo . hsts been no= Minated•lor the eaearid l nhice on' - Our ••• •has lang'been Corieritencius 'in "the :legislative • •.' ,branch of the Government:• R emembering years, mew men ittpUi•country haVe ever re- -.- ached a higher pdsitien fn the respect ai,a . 6cin;: • fidence of the public. . - ,NO•paan . in the present , Congress passessah a le . v reaterclextent:e.dhuse • . gifts of orato r y and. accomplishments of states... manship, that amply jag lily' the' wideipepular , ' it'y nrid,estcem. with .which 'he is ev,eryWhc;TP regarded in d he • eect inn of the Union' ihat • gi've : . • hihi birth. Ile, like our 'Presidential tiafulf.. •-• date ' . ..erriphatieally belong's:to the'votfun: mum of this country. These riiiminaticincere sentially, nomination.. The Tact, of ••. youth should give u deer interest, if Uoaiible, to this Oise, in•the, struggle now at hand:— ,i• Thp'wholeof activotfe •tiefore - thern,.'witti ,all it pursuits., , ' hopes and.' ei.jnypente.„,,,Let ..thrrn weigh well,•recent.;end,passirtg events.- • und merit' the. rapid il&fintie 'PoWei let'them resoltitely.,tee to . it, .thae.lll.. wise, and beneficieut institution - of the - r nre , ment of •t0r!: . .." . Mer been:toe their •own ante -heritage, and thst - Ulthetr. • .• . • • Pinally,•fello,w-.cifizens o; Pefinsylitania,. 'ell vial:see and crAntiffiiti 6, it leUl Yolir pnWer• disiolvedhe elniVds noiv'.llireat'en•'•to ' .• Debi t hro'w-Ol I toil'', brightesthcipiest,ii:ll . 4 . lf bit 406 our country a long. might of -storm ,end darkness. Against °carpi none 'end "Me,' •• which we , are conscious. of having •bur.teci'im -perfectly depicted, let ne:array- 'ourselves' fp • • combined strength. The election: of buir:-Con'.. • gressianal,legislative.and •Coonty.tiOcrita in . • ()Holier is•of the tite,hest would succeed 'in the • Proiidential 'contest in NoveMber. '.•Suceetur here will Consei vative men of other. States ! , '",, - Pefeai alarm'and . dishtn'rten. '.lris•the nwrv- -of . the .. • Pennsylvania Demoerney,- aint.tbrise•whe iMite with 'tte, to trite R ritiaTtON,' if We Vconld not bring on premattirely, that. which''' .'auie. to folio* in.the and, tf finally . we OIL vr 19 tr0t. ,, ..1%e• despait rek rirriorrs4'.4spor. isni, or tly . rakninkichnPritomes.itukiithii.!!•.4 r i '. Let our WatchwOrds be' Wan .(if we•iritust • - have it) fo'r the ,Irii4l, - ,legitlirtaKcitiectiM snub , a war, and PinNi? fOr 'Pr .4 1141. ' . ollll#- first' moment' that peace can restore' - to to us•the'' tom.; ynon heritage of a, united 11130 rjr; tor •,the im perishable glory•Of the old (Thicirdand the con• shut ion unimpairede'wiih • sympathy for our soldiers in the field untror . their tritils..aftd. den. gers —ready 'ever do. aid. and to . hottr4'.hem— Which , cannotipn . 11 sibly . be buttes: done, =teen:.in giving our best efforts in endeavoring-::.:to :en' Modify the' grounds - .1 . a... atinglie.•••they. are nknintaining, as that it•sliall eppearpitrely just hefore Men, and in the eight-of Godt:.;-••• • • We implore, thert; all Who 'lever . peace • arid' order;•ill whii wish to seer industry successful ' ant property„Secnre; all who' , ore,- - willifiV . .ro support • wise, Legisliition7 -, ?!rtue, sod': constitutional libel ty; al) who wislito'leid pros perour lives themselves; 'and enjoy' in littiet the fruits of •their own induStry;. all -whe.wish . to • transmit their In.:merry and, blesetnp,, O s ! free institutions to their ibil.iten; ail .theseto te •With for the con nt ry,.the Wiancir rourrit rk-rfer TrYstico,lififeiz 'rr and LAW. if i:Majiiityrofthe thus be Int sdo themselves, to see Ont. chiteiry• Vesumlnt: *ith;'renevired: Vigorhie ANC HAPPY—the pride of citiOriejiiriffi• he•sidmiiatiriti Of ihe Werld!-. • fly order got thelitemocriticSt to benfrel i:oinmittee C.'ll. WAItD, Chas R.. J. Ilemrlin.r., Secrolaryl' ' • Henry Winter,Davitr,,iiiiiiiii,thit'ltir; cols is incapable of ; proily adminiatdrinjethei gcriernmiit, bat pap, ted;Benj. Waildand themeWtbit,litiiidi him,.are the F. l oaidiiiitii and .rn7efd - ilit the ;'144.7' • •