M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, October 08, 1864, Image 1

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    . _
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VOL. • 5.
Al'tican etittittv 111:lcutacrat.
• By I. B. OVIATT,
Ifl@s~ L. @@RNEII b 1 Pi7RI . I@ ,EQUARS
TERM: ~... ':- '...52 0.0 iii. Advarice
. . • •
.'•11olumn ono year •
.. " 20,00
" t-
„"." ... ..... . 12 - 00
" sit rnonthe.:. " • 20.00
..41; • " '" .• " .. . . . .. 32, 00
On. senare.of 12 lines or less, 3 insertions,;.:. 1 00
h aubiequeot ; .. ... . . .. -
-lim bless cards, with paper..*., .... .. • ' 00
• Pule or llgure• work will be - : double the .aboye
Tircliei lines 11rovier . type, or , eight lingo , noupareil, Is
rated a nenare: .• .
terror will be striae, sdherea
Business IBirectorii.
Snietlipor t 'a.
AMEItICAN. 1101 EL, • .• %. •
Near the Ditesetiger Depot, • -
. " 1.44141,DA, NEW•YOJtIc
3 gilier,
Porters will be in : &temlanee•on the arrival Of each
tnxiii, 'to take clutrgo of Baggage uhd-conluet gnosis to
the holm , : • •• • , •
. .
. .
. , .
. .
ATTORNEV AT Liu, ,Fineth . pott,' n'lienn County, 1 .. ..
'Agent Int. Yessysl Reainc •...: Co's • I,:tmin. Attend
egiffichttlY lb the 00 (lee 1.1.11 of ...liti s tos,• - • Exaoqn.ttiOn 4
Lima Titled; Payment of Taxes, end all It,inesa'reja
.tng tO I(ol%l.l:Ante,' Office inlintnlin Meek. ~ . ,
0.001),WIN .11011 SE,
.smetbpoit, P i. '• W.. tlnonwtg'Proprie
tor:.-optdiaite the t)ourt thence: . A new, large, tom
' madams and well turnishealkouse. •
...... T . 4 - ..AG,1-T.E:.4\_:r[7._T-T;
.;. ...
PORTAGE; ,Neßean Ca., Pa
. .
• THE •SUBS:,UBER fhitfecs -hinnelf. from
long .xperienr.,,), that he eajinothe ekeellefl . , iq
the Visiness. - •• • • •
Pact'cular attention' will he,paid to CUSTOM
WORK. 'For the convenience of IhOs'e
.at 'a distance wishing to have tannins on !bares
firrang,eMen IS - have been' made' icith L. 1-I..,Dol
.ley,,atrPart Allegany, who will take.. the •de.-
livery•of the Hy.dea,an.l the Leather will be re
turned to his Store, when' fanned. •
' The largest price'will be paid-for Hydes,eith
er. in cashi,LEATHEIt„ BOOTS, SHOES,, or
HARNESSJeft at Loolley.'s or myt.annery.
Entire satisfaction gived. , • ,
Connected 'wit-hTily titnnery I have a Boot F.:
Shoe factory, and Harness StinCr,- • , • .
.. . ,
• . - • ' • ...1.....L. 'HEATH
Portage,Pa.,,Noi. - 3, 190 . 2. -*•vtifiSi,l,._•'
SU3SCIIIBER announces to the . Public
T. that he has ptirchuSett flic stock of the sa—
loon fornr . erly kept by \V H, Baker, west side
. . . . . . . .
blic Square ,_
v .
• 7 •.
where he . is prepared to refresh the iiMer. man
with all the delicaces 'usually kept. at • a * first
class RESTAURA NT.• . • • .
FRESH OYSTERS served, to order, either
raw.sor.cooked. •
ThoSe who . favor inc. with their..pationage
shall hcile , no cause to complain, either as to
price 3 e• quality. • •
S:sport; Sept ?.tth, ••
"The coldeo and best of thoWook4os.".
f . The Pnoprieiors Of the Sa t u %day F. reit ing.Pos2 —AI
paperM uow to tr. Yin r!‘—would simply an ,
nounce.in their , Fcrennactim for 1869, that - tiloy (logien
maintaining let to lir. weekly the high character it hay al.
rattly acquired ai . " • - • •
, . . .
• C ittsi4 Literary . '
They have ictiaoriLo belie ae that the stories of .MRS..
WOOD,'author'of liyaue," &O.; MISS aiRADDON,
author of "Manor's Victorr dm; MARION HARLAND,
author of iiAlone, 7) dcc IiESS.'VIRGINI A .A. TOWN;
.SEN la', and numerous ot her excellent:writers hare been
genekally regarded an possessing the' grenteat merit and
.thotimst - absorbing interest; and tloarale,ign procuring
.for 'The'Posrin'the future as in the pset,the hest .Sforica
,Skeeeltee', and other Litriory Norritie3 which they can.
possihty obtain. They intund commeneing in' the first
paper an January, - • • ' • ' '
7: •• Antbur of .- . .Rrst Lynne," '*.c . .,':. • . •
froanxideance• fros,ly fooloOrdol to is: polo
" '
I higlrriut
TlOkotory Will b. cullett " ' •
' ` O)SWA. :I ; II3
arid 100 bo about 'tile. Ven n wi's I tidu'i 'and.
• tdrelAltion to the . .lltorle;*tyritten ,anressl , y fm , The
Peat, Sts'i,ditor also striveato lay hsfare its
best Stork!: from the llnellshl'etiotlieals,•nlel gives to ail
ilition to•the Tales•sad onto or • less AVri,ll
- with a Aid,' lleeuipt,.Newii and Max - het
.11epatteletits, every week.: • • ,•••• • ~ • ' • "
111.11.. LUNE, 01t.1T1
We wilt giro to eny'persou 6i3rmlitl:4 iiiirty.sdhscriptiMot
to The 'Poet end Sixty Dollars. 11110 of:Wed:set r.iy ICih
s o o t., tterbrolett Sawing .I.l..rath bleb, such ad. they sell
'for Forty-Elva DO .111 c ittteliliies Will It relertel
new tot the 'launder:tory in .Now Yorle,lm.sed 'add In,
tgerileti free of cost;'.tsith,the exreptioa . ntyreittht. .
In procuring the imbscribdrs for.this Vremitito we pre=
few that the thirty subscribers should he proeurred at tllO
re.tulardermieuf .w herd this
'.caimot be'done; they may be procurred et our 'club rati.s,
MO the balance of the'Sixty Dolisr3fotwardmi to' us Iu
cash b¢ the 'meson deolriuv the ninehirte.- The pope r [Vie/
be sent fn different Post'OSices (I desired. Etery• pot '
eon colleStlug uaione should send Omni with 'the tiniest , '
Astasi d e obtained - so' that the uttimerilie is may begin • at
puce to receive theidpapers, and - not become dlseetislied
,with the delays.' When the whole uuMber of title Oh fr.
ty,),antfllio.whole antriditt.of motley rellsey dullars'd is re
ceived' the machine Will be duly.forwardcd- ' •
'••—•- - • • . .
.iI'ITIRM S. .:•• ()AS EL IN Al) VA.NO E.
..1 copy; one year,. " ........- ~ ..... ..... $ .2.00
2'copies, one year,"' . ' • ' 300
4. copio4, one year • ,
8 copies, aria one to gatter-up or 'club, ' •'• 12.00
20 coplee r and one to getter, fip.0re1ub..............'-.... 2f.. 4 . 00
,:-•:. Olio copy or. 211 c Pus! und•oue of 'l . ' 4 Lodilis. ... ,
. , .
.„FELLOW. CiTIZR39:-.611 the 6th of Septeniben
inst.; delegates appeinted •by counties corp.'
,posing the 19 th . Congressional: distril .
t; .no
minated..bY occlaination'..the' Hon. ; WILLIAM
HICLid, of. Clearfiiild, as the Detrioeratic - candi 7
date . foreongress;.. In making'the notninatios
the itelegates-vVere influenced by si!sincere.de:
sire, in obedience to-the will of the Democratic
and cOnserviaj ve eitiz,eriS ',of: the district,-.to
Present- a.man whose personal eharaCter, love'
for the .COnstitutiom and knowledge.' of, public
afrairs„furnishea a certain guaranteefor,ti*
integrity, patriotism; end legi alive ' ability..
That such an one has' been found in' the person
Of 'the'candidate,•will 'hardly be denied.. His
love (or the Union,earnest . desire„ by all - hon
'orable' Means, to.save it, ; and prevent 'the_ un-
necessary effueion nflraternal.blood,. his large
experienceiind' dovotiOn.to the principleiu . of the
constitution, pdint• to . him: as . , pectiliarily fitted
to !Ore part'in restoring prosperity. to our . dis-•
tracted country. Of his 'labors in'.the great .
crisis,• tihich
,preceded Our celamifieS, ie a
speech delivered. in the , nati on . the . 2nil day
• Merch, 18C;1; CillirrsNonx 'said:
• a f,hare honor; anieng•othera..ii( tei:ling it to
heavy - fluty, to oiler pntptstt4m.i ul Otis elatracter;,,elliers
'have lone .11nuorablo frier:di:l,l.N' have ma 46. sari
nup (Head who repre-ienti; the, grant
Stal4 of l'entr,y Li 4.liiit.:—t-he iunuirubte I-fon-afar
. w.1,0•_ pi h.:
before me, [3lr: among the foriruiviit
~anl again::.' • ' : - ..•
iti,yer : hlrg,eo lie zeal .anil the' iralestle.
which ley 11, , tirable and hone roil friend- trout • l'entii-r
Ivatiia,ham..ye ted in (WS great miller,- it : Zeat
holia• unefctioguishraile,, he toiled , on
fr,./11xlity. to tray. wi tit a laCei- that no lithez fine
caul l bare borne. Yet nothitig line Cooke olkt of all • ;hit
Nay, tar, the' policy of rittetniiting tti make Teare . , the,
attempting to rare prptrositionz fur ,zeortnci/k
-thin, I.47l.ei.ri.loootine , ed by a .I•vilatoe (come . . ;11a..ieloi:
kt.t (a as t . .e most Intel foolicy that 'could
Propril. or
It .is.fihnit;es"sai-y to
~enter into (lola tla' . to
stmcv the ja."stice pi "these remarks. '..[lrs r•flitrts
rind.t.hose•of the trientis of ihe fitilori are re—
corde.,!, hpit.;the plain testimony of. Listory."
pfae"e them .where neither.maliiie riot fanaticism'
can .lirm :them. •
. . .
Of the propositions referred . .to, use e.liiims
espoPi.sl 1.1t.h . of Jeniiry.,' A.
D. is - 6 t, Mr.,•l3ini.ntf.asiced 'and obt:finedleavn
to tating the
c , ...cense (01qxiVe,/,' the several BZates nu eel . -
" riy . o.sqaiuendiyeitts sf the Consiiutien.
of the Unit , (l Stotes.'?.• :Tho. prentOble sets
forth the tinngers,:to be overcome, as )01lows:
• "Wltvretts tliu Vntutt is• in.,irnminent.'dinger 'or final
4n:solution, the couN
,tiences of a -prui ractovi strife *mid
agitation about thedneditution of 'African slavery; ,Jinn
whe'reaß, it y b elleved that •lib , :kAutire remedies are itb•
4:.afficient to 'nn: et and.rtoonse the cause 'of the impending
db,,ter; i•uoj as ameudroents to the Constitution can only
be muleotte a ' rote of te.re.thirds Of. htstb •htiuses of
Gamy,;,,und dwiuglo the unhappfdivisfinor istina it,
ihrole houses at pet sent, It is not ',tiered th'it thedtb• .Ot•
of ttro,thirdr..,af roe bienthers lir. (other caul he :lIA to
h110..1 :4:2,21.1114ment, t odlre Cum:titration as .”) 1:11
tile , lilleredccs betireen the North utrd •the South, out
e he rens. it is a en olinal printdple, of-out repre,entatire , '
sy,tetn that, Ilse repres'esstallve shall obey the will of the
people, it in d rein, it 'pro'per lie6ss.try 111•
opinion and juth.ootot.oe the ample of the ,iveril Chit es
On propo , ed, tunent own fi to t Ito Unp , tittit. om, utu. tt..
kw to their vulookmion by tt rnte'ut two-thirds - oreach
hr.i'toknf Coite, , re.vo for the rAtrficution orthe States; as
provided In the Conititutien thereby reMnring our eotin
try to berucciestonO'bt peace. and •pr*perity; Therefore,
Du; it ~enucted,..&c." • .
.The bill; Sci. jusi, so well es.lcul..ted In' bring
permtineut peace by: retorting all- Or the (pies
dions. in controversy to the people. the, parties
interested—wae not .permitted to become a
'other-peace Mcasures, it . (Wed : in
meet the approbation of these Whom...thl ac
cident of an election had enablett.to
A little kindess, a little concession,M4ht.have
pre venked.all our: troubles; but these formed
ite parf . uf the creed.uf men whose..success.was .
.the result of turbnletice and latiaticisrn.. - mad;
tiessruler! the 'hour. The friends of the .liai•
en were powerless ! : after State declared
the national' compact at an 'end,, and pi - e - Pircid
with urine to defend ..what they. conceived to
he their rights. , No one among us.justifins the .
mad act whieli:kintilett thellames.of
--ho one 11,110i4 11A' to surrender' the
We would savti.the Union because. we
le-t* :it; we woulri.dotend the Constitution. be
ca'u'se the revere'it,anil our fathers who ordain
e.d it. Influenced by these feelings, those who
bad struggled fbr peace still clung to - the Uni
on., and laboted to Make, the War a means .of
restoringit by.corifining itto. a lawful channel.
•In July, 1861, Mr. CRITTE.7:IDEN, D iri a TOSOILI—
.IIO, almost unanitimuslY.itdopted,'
"That the present, deplorable civil-war has been forced
upon:the country by the disunionists of the Southern
States noel in arms against -the constitutional, govern
ment, swiln arms around the capital,:thst in this na
tional enuntency,Congress,,baniebing alt retti [lgor mere,
passion or resentment, will recollect only its ;Lucy in the
welt eta country, that-title war. is not Waged on their part
in,sny-spirit of. oppression, 'or for any purpose of -con
quest '.orettbjtmution, or purpose of ocorthrolving or . in
terfering ,with tine rights .pr eitablished.institutioos .of.
those States. but to-defend and mainbtin the -supremacy
of tho Constitution, and •to. preserve , the Union, with
all the dignity, etiu tiny end rights of the several: StiOrtes
unimpaired, and' that its soon as these objects (Irene-.
complielted, the war ought•to•cease,”. '
The 'Union of our fathers Was . the'dtalt : e, the
supremacy etthe . :: law; the - object. :Nothing
could erten! the 'enthusiasm - .of the: petiple.-
With SUch'a . stake and such an 'Obieet, 'under
skilful.and 'patriotic rulers,in!pewer on' earth
could have. resistel theirs. :'For, (Mee in. the
history of the Government, party. %'v,ris • forgot
.ten. and men united to bring to justice' those
who had assailed the Union and defied
. t he
bites. finder a .cr - Mvict ion. that the war, •
e . ei•ltt red , wan neeessary, - atid to. be. carried on .
fort heobject s expressed iii Ihe ...rezelitt ion ,
hundred.; of thousands enrolled them4elves
'Union armies. ,The.follOwing' table Will
give us . somo idea of their number.; .
Parittr Bret call, April
fur Thu . way, • • • • CCU 1171
• I'l.es:dent's .Tuly Ittitl'
Militia culled yut iu Atai.ttist.lB62.,
."-• "June, 1. , :t3'3, • • • • T2o,inai
C i tit lan; ul Y. .161 ilin)
041+ for drafts in iiitrin4 yi 1 li4,' , :00,1.09
Cal:s •'. - • 511(t,Citi
To this ilt!ti the hundred 6l inert tvlioyolue'•
tt ! ereiliii the surto - leer:Of . .*:
• It'is thus 'upperent -that mote; than. three
'millions have been called, far the:lreetor iatt
et:vullein entered the serViee..To Miike ithis
ittiMeiVse army effective, ;every means 'which
the ingenuity or patriotism or-' 'gritai
. peoPle .
could device, has'been furniehalt •a navyioite
of the ,most•powerrfnl in, the world,'' lips stcept
the.seusairl.blockaded'fbe pail of the :States
in reolt;*the wealth of tlto nation_ 'gi vett; ex
traortiinary taxation' stibfinitted,to, almost with
out n - triermer, arid ,extri!vagaqt
''bounlies Maid
aiid.communities, that the num
ber of 01 r iroopFcmiglit not, be diminished; , nor
tlie.cause'of the Linton this', power
•hhs beeit pnt'ioto the. hands Of our ,rulers. to
overcome tlie'resisterice of - a people . leas than.
one-fh ltd of our number, 'mnuy et whom, at
the eammeM;eMent 611 he str4gtle.,..sylmiktrhiz•
• . .
. .
. .
. . . .
*Ovals our 'Ouse and labored for its sticcess—
a People without' a navy and orcoMparative
ly little wealth..: Aley.We'' not e
ask -why, in
thii unequal contest, have . we- not,
Why ae much power, so' muetiealtk, so much.
devotion 'the part of :the 'people„: . and„ such
.barien rest:ital. - This-day there is 1411 Union.
feeling; and More. cletermihed realstance,
the • Seceded. States than !bare was :-the .first
year of the .war. It , is idle. to . . itiy -.that the
fault lies with this or that. officer, or that sym
pathy for the rebels prevented success. No
considerabfe number of men. in the North now'
do; ever have,- syrepathized. Wit k the jaWleis .
acts of the men of the Smith. No considerable
number .01 men .in theNertli now do, everhave,
desired the triumph of treason or , the suecess'ol
'the rebellion: •'To..what, then, are we tot at
tribute this' wasting' el . a nation's strength: tor'
naught,. The question admits of but one true,
answer: tke want of 'adility..in thole:oho riliresent
• •
The attempt to
. fcirrre the War - into the. Ab
.olition e.hennel has prolonged it, -.rind if : not
barioned, will liontintie to prolOng it nntil Uni
on is linpossihle. It lost
. to us the , friends ..of
the ilJnion Sonth,' - and•.-tle'stro.yeit : the .
confitletite of aTarge portion of the people ,n 1
thci•Nortl; in the integrity, of the - ndinlitisita,
lien. hltirideritig andlanaticisin sliteinr• w bier
the' llsines of dissension.. Uncontrolled,' they
will rnitke..the itistruinent of irrei ricV
:We have, tints 'sketched' the of
ev . e . ntc, and, given a .falnt outline of the. char
ncter and.pitticiples•or trime of the nten ;and
partici that took 'krt . in thetri..,.We have tried
to brieg' to notice the - elements which operate
in the •grent . conteit by setting ,forth Some - 0:
their' efiltets.. On the rine.Side, no Compromise;
:no wOrftssf•pPaCet. little. rega rd for the -wel
fare and- feeling's of..the': people; war, ,tntide.
more horrible .and . loss ptodurtiis .of 'pooh by
violating the public faith' brid 'preventing it.
.object; repeated orders for extravagant drafts;
enormous taxation, inttbotinties; and : no hope!
for peace CT . :Union Out
"upon the
ne.vro'elaanrepalioi3: On the other,, rea4 Stile:
FollCPS:i.oli; peace upon fair term.. - ; 0 just..re
gard for the feelings and lives of the people; if
War cannot be avoided,.war, alone- for .
tegrity ofthe Constitution—the , Unipn of
Lathers—iratetnity among their children— ,one.
coantry—On - e government! On the onc..bauil
secesnionz—lis in sisters ; —knowing
'no laW•burtheir own extravagance! On the
other . ; 80/mass/on to ihe lawn of 'the' 1.21 rd., nu&
resin:et for' thn' rights 4r the citizen! "
•It is not hard fot.a patriot"-to choose.
sorrow anti bloodshed—t he. list iinony
ot.th...:lMost..countlesS dead, ought to. teach us*
that; the landinarks established by 'cur father;
cannot Witliisafery be abandoned. The l'ights"
oftheFederal-Governerient, the': rights of tbe
°Me eitizenHis our tneitto;
and peace—honorable ana.
q W
uence: . . e. cannot 'think that ;we ask t 436
mtich,. when we request your .active
lion . in securing the tritimptiof these.greatprin
ciplea in this district fry assisting. to elect one.
Whose life illustrates.his levefor them:, ;..:
By the Co9iehtiOn, — ...• • • . • • •
jAS. - It:DDY;*
President* •
. ,
• ' • 4-.'rer . etary.:
IV A iinriN; - PA ~ Srpt. .186
1' in A TES . .1111i. LINC 0 L'N
The Suffolk one of the riios Titflnen;-
tial ~ of .the Pepnlrcan papeis. mt. - Long, la
lancl,.has taken the nanies of the Baltimore . can.;
tlidates from the head of its - cell/trios.' The
editor giVes the follovringStS hii.reason for doilig
„,. .
. . .
4•We have-held our tongue until this late day;
we hive never uttered a word or a-syllable de
fogatory to the hest interestwolthe-party to
which vre.-aretheadherents of no party or cli
que. -We hive diaitovered during-theadminia
tration of-the present' controlling - faction, that
our inteseete have been confided to- . the pro
tection of ra faithless; unfit body of honor-eek
itig money-getting patriots'.(?) who are disin 7.
terestell in our country's, all-pervading question
Mow . shall we'best terminate the war? arid deep
interested in their own financial'affaiis,and
personal "aggrandi4ement.'"-
"By • unskillful .administratiOn, -we are at
thiti hour trembling on - the brink of national
destruction. By'a Man Whom, We have; every
reason to belieVn 'llOnest, -hut whose. lack: of
wisdom and, continitAl application of a disorder
ed brain" has - brought -a eomplication of diseases
upon us, we are obliged to fice,on.cOming' 'ca.'
lurnitica whichllltreatened to engulfus-in deen
er-woe than- that which:'-at this time 'surrounds
- us. The 4 first half Of 1864 has borne away-the'
impreSsion o.eictioh'cornniittitl.by the adminis
tratiiiii•which-we do not, and never can, endor
se.. 'rhu.irttrri elideavors make by Mr. Lincoln
to retain his positiOn its-'chief of the nation
';nects not with our. npprovalt:themanihlst de
termination of the I . 3.eptiblican party . to , tlece:Fi.
fidly . ea nary out the political plans, even to: .the
ruination'-of matters oldOuble;ancl troh! • the
iinporturice :attached to ..the , veetion. Who
shall be omit next President ',excites: within us
supreme disgifet, ,13y,this atiMinion it •may be
iirged.We are playing into, the liandS Of the Be
mocrutic narte. • . . •
. ,
ttDemorratic .p a rt y, say. you, .re.ttleyf If
the.bettmeratie'pa:r.ty be a party made: of
man whose aim iffs to buiti'g, • ahottra :ineptly
.but linuirable erseatiun of • hontilitlea:— ivhd;,'e
ennhition ft is to stisfiend the sael'ifiee • of, the
beat A metblood.
our land •rt lone for the
interests of, the :colored.,
hoot is to cheek the aMple opportunity affordrii
the liberal addition to - pockets alrddily
by gain at the. mipense of t housaiul a
are devoutly crying his "ctuelsviir" ploy ape :
slily rind—whose , every effdrt to'ofTeet a. res:
toration of the
,Uniou'Open•tt 'perrnanent,.
never-failing basis, then dre'wepl'aying ii to QM
hands Orthe.". Pert - loci:at te• par ty,'• "We,' wish it
distinctly unclertitood,that we,inner remarks,
are not . aceu"S'ing • Mb,. hinceln.of tits
.Putiesty, so far as 'ho. in personallk . coireernet,
for We believe him an honest mail, but. We
ileteirpine that he is net a man for thetimeSton
ePayi.ferbearing,, end of short..sight. -
u - . net;d
a pin..of sterner stuff, and possessed of •Ileepet:
1. . , 60111E O.UT iplif.42ll - 01V(1- FOUL
' 4 • PARTY ."
For .1:?itelle aitcl 11-s.Uisiqta
Shoddy is dyingt . Every day"brinks fresh
evidence of Shoddy - ,hissfa . and . ..-DetnocrAtk
gains. - The cofruptions anti iheafitteity of the
dominant party ere driving' 'the' conserva'-
live, honest r true • Union meri: tei' the eta rideid
of McClellith, follo*cng are a..fevi• 'of
th(nlie who haVe left the fool pity 'and:joised
hearnd'in the
, r'oble work: Of elevating. trio
gallant Little Mac to . the Poeitien which Lin
coln disgrecCsi . • . • - .' s
.Ex-rresident MILLAD ritumonn, oleo;
ted on the Whig ticket with General
in 1618, is ardently:eopporting fCteCleilen. and
G. BRAIVILETTE,'..iir Kentucky, who'
%vas elected hy..the .Repuhlicans,•or,....tit
Ayhtisa.election W . 1113: claimed : by them as n,Lin
colii McClellan and .Pen,;
(Melon.. . - • : • '
:KENDAJ,L, ron;
POO mi.qer'Coriond.i.s. One. Q 1 the most nr4ent .
siiprorlers of ATe . C . 1011 . 111),110 , 1 Voncllotorr,.
non: IZEI'EII:Lii`'.I . O . I.IN.SON,IO( Mittyrantl;
thelohlesl:nontther of the United
was eke ted •fn his pr ,- -infit'fmtilliitti by • Itii;
Ftypnblfenty . tiatty,los.coirte:not o.
ley for 'Atit.etellnit. • Ile ,4nys of Lineoln: . .
... . . . . ...
'.` 11,,,, , 3 , ... , 1 1, .wv.:0,1 , ! 1,11 i”.ll,try 'brut rain .whri.litt4
Nii't..it I, 41y.rtit.11.fir ~,..:
.0,( r,;liequsir., velq,q, rail 1,. mir
,s.dl4l II Iflllitlwr lilt yo:trs.br vrailleil Wilt'. Nif (Mr tit
1 ..;i1I1X1,;-F,\4.i.'1 , 011;3' . .'' .Nlt. twenty t1i , ;•1 , 0 . 0 4 I.Piloyf' Ai ,,,
. “1. 0 :: ,, t01it Pr/ 1' , 1.v.1 to the mighty : took. • lie his I.q..en
1.0,1 hurtlcititpt ,v.lTlti.ti , .. • : ' '.
:': ' - r ....
. .
• Stcit;:s
ITom t biz sfate,:acid fine of..tho I utty .
t4Ood men.io the ittitobl tftto rt:y, t:pyto•tic.l
to - A lintAtt 11.11t1 f.ryore.bh to Ge !loral
74.cClellan:. • • • • . .• • •
. , .
and bernin,for .
enpjinrte NirClitPani and l'endiettin,.
• 1i0n:( 1. ....0...-13[:6111:.^.;;INa,.lateTidted ;St.!: t cs•
and nlV.nlys n al:ea : Mast'
.11npublican; . b,, , s coinv ino in favor of .;11.,'Clid,la.o:
speno.bitely indd. , A.Tcrltdian
ra tit' r'a lion cn. : •ntir4•a . r ilGrio yTic said
Ike " Tea pred our
cow.' ry had produced. nodbin elriction would
give him,•0 . 61 ire t . tti; , C:er , .l ion," • • -.. •
- Hon. It air. C. WI x•r)) 0r,..0r.m aß . Fiichn
gnus; (Or:trimly Wl•ri.Srealter of 11)0 llnus of
flepi•eenfiitives„ and iiel'eforr;r4 witli•11“.•
btmoetiley, is. out st:rengly for' , •
JAS.. 1': 41:1),P17,..E5ti,, av!. ,liojul, , tii:4l(.o,
Now-York tit}pcir
red . lir. Lincoln, is siormillig: fur,
Spoke of the- Mcilliellair Con. 7
merging. at New-roik be i7tb
svitli : ,r•reirt forite. .• .
. .
. . ~
. 11 . 0 , ly: .N.• AV001150.74, - of - l-v0.:41,• many
•(..ara•J•f.,,lge of the. if t jiitliciai .Cirguit in -1;1;Lt
Stale, opAay deglarel;is;entiorrenten;'.ot II':
Cirllan apd i'n ., . platinitn; .11, •ha bpre:Ota:
al ayi np.po.sed the Penin , ,t.ry. '.l.n. Ifni-gap,
. LEST.,TE COC)74IIS, of - .K... - ndricky, .and
1Pun....M....1.1 - Nl5.ElOl' 00D, of • the. Larne State,
are now strninr snminrters of Little 'Mac: .
GF0.•11.-.llll4,Aiii), of AliiEsinohnsettii,4lle
Ics.iii4isd. 11110. historian; who . lr s dheretofore
tiernsivriiry, it no cr. fill hitsia9.tical-•
if in favor of 31c.Ctellan and Pendleton, to save
JNO..,VAN riUll'EN,r,:sq., who sornething
more than:i.S•enr . attoi . .v . ent :over!io Llncian's
. siipport took no. a ctive' part' the
Democra'ey last fall, is 'now, -
genies In the ele..tinn . of Lible Mu": ' ••• •
SYTHAYI:f.R, thv most e!ognent drat:
.or of New york, nod: once the
arid' prilitiealpari,isaYi
of Henry
„Clay,: 11,3 S
turned 'nth
DCMOr at IC flani , •
• GEo., P. PRE PICK; for triAny. 'years tile .
'leaditi;t•oppnent orthe pernocrary in is
oat strong in support of McClellan. • •
11 , 111;: E. C. 'SE. , IAN, Reptisiteait Senator
of Miclilzan, lids.entrimonee.in 'moot vigorous
can paign. for Little Ntae'. . • . •
. JbS.'l3; MORSE, seven y'ears editor of tlfe
Boston 2 raoel.”-, arid .for man,y.years:enitor of
I.llp, iVetvliurYport Eci.a/el, in opposition to 'the
Democracy, is now in the. ranks if life: - gallant
. . .
Hun. ODG EN, Republi6th i State.
Senator of Illinois, is supporting McClellan' end
Mr:: OSBORNE, President of tho Illinois
Centrol Railroad r a proinineiit Republican, is
,al6 in'the Mee!ellen rattlcsiloing 'good. ser
..•FRANKLIN T. oi• *tio
was thy, itepUblictin' candidate for *up'retrir
Judge, in. 1801.,- is out for NfeClellan./ •.•.. •
.11on. BRUTUS J. CLAY, of. the old 'Ken=
tricky stock, bus' stump . tOt
Little ,Muc.
n former republican
SenntOr of Obi,r, is out for McClellan., •
.Gen.. to bays. made
a s'iweelcat n IlcCleil. , n anil'l'sniiletr'n'
'cation If illg in St. Louis-on Ilia :Sib inst.,
in the eoilAim of lyl,lol ho . task o• say
that.be had . 0
11.1nocritt . .aiiit wd,
•.Detrioei at pow, aud lief :t tleterminad ILat
thole should be r. tree in
culoorodi .
Coli A. IV, „URI:: S11:11, o(. Mass., :Was
joinod.'6ld rook; with his •:Old cotrimatulor'—: -
•Little 11ac. •. ' : •
W.Ar. - II: Ift IN,for t b: sears cam,
irnviplermf tlio gallant •1901 1 1 ,1, 1 . Li hiLief
qppijorir 61 . tiv! • Dornoecfiq; tra . sa , Junking
r. v r,eclt6s
91,-(-1...1:13,NAN1.), of Illinois; is for
110pS,111' Soyhte.t
is J11:10.
.G KO. V 61%. :NI , COOK, of, tini
is 1-totninno: 1;ittl4 , •;)I1ui.•
(ion. A. J). M:COOK ot the sitnie
i;'n'ith tiffs Inn!hor Alio goOti 'on . uso o r t h e
Union sti•.(l, Mac „ • ,
`ll curulDE,lls. not fur AleCie;
lan;-the'friliptving is tirsiriiforliiin in
public initiiting in
Itaie ittapien ;1116n;Mihilellital.'most bath: holy, 'Oa
stwlenw it`e awilWera field, tts lieleAto
Foe' sears -ere laaeo yea in t lae whaml'6m;ly,
and l, WI me s h itta it. 2 well an I kl any 1111 . 111 all iOttk. on
.the flow of tato calla; wel 't know Cunt ' anovo r loanewi,
tolladOatiOula Mat . t'ajiti tbal. Bait, AlVieligiUO, t;- kOOO
Illatmo feeling of 'ltanliition, .I,ynaiCaliAt lhe eiwy
,411t:64;ii of nate CallSO, everientah.l.l:a , brewt. alll ita.at be
(10 t4i ia . lcitit a p'.12411, eye, it Magi° VIOW to l Ott . ritice , 4 of
tin 3 tiOvorwaaelil,. I.llo..beeakinl.tloon aartlai , aim
thilt lliaa'etha will it or iniiireo lanai
roan lbawerrofroinivirat .hu,Loows thin bia huts.:
-.t ~ ..
, - ..':4 - 7 .' 443 '"" 41, 1 7
• •' . 'P. - ••. , `."'.' : '''' t 444 lt , 74. l '' C-' 1. ) 4t44 ,
~. , _ _ ‘ ' ' k
• - ' ' '- : '. :.. - :Ay.; '.` '- ~ Ail, V'''
. . , •
I.a. Jainßit cladatlnn•dihe and 'cupaaintiotia
'let-time add 1.110 t111110(-Ullt ha bac the mtkaudeat bend,.
and alb tatdreat Rialto"
.p.wceilipu.Rt any rnati:in
. .
•.HaWeals not io favdt of 14faclella Ai; but:; ;'lie
.t.rilt.e if) him .whep •Plipf's
,defeat'l*. 011icttii
ylr ushliwon in: Anngek:"".:, :
• " beg yriu Me . ix thie Crlpil with' -- pur 'Ability,
ankteipprience. • 'Lauf , outirely.,tired,ogt:„.
The Cincinnati Comenorica/, Republican,
throiih.not supporting McClellan; sififf;
_ . .
, • . .
,1 My lifii 11 , 9mtep, mit fit coined° , t(i iitillides as a
eotimmandor auliorior lo Mini) of a actin or more officers
119 . w lidding, lipportotit 110 . 1ti0n..! , . .; •. • ••• .• . , :
. .
. .. , .. .. . . .. , ~. .
Among the long )16 . : of influential nevt'epapere
ihiett hnve conie:.ovEr io the PUpriOtt of:the
Dernocrat!e . earlklatesi are:. .... , '
Witablugton, D; C.i•the. 0,1(1. end or
gan of the Whig narty„ Khich, :since .the
breaking tip of that:party..htia been independent,
has joined its vigareita find valuable laheri with
the Demociae"y la the camas Of Little mae intl.
Peoallet:611: • , •: ••• • • .
. .. .
', :The .LOUISVJI,LE JOURN A L..tunft up Ihr.
na A
mfis of Meeleilon. TI 1 3 vrifiletim. nticl . has'
opened fire ar.;qiiist,Tlie'lVily,tifilitpn -DiAiininii
. ~
SOMEII.F,§T'IIiERALD, Moiyhind, Re
runic up Mae '4ld'Penotial tepudititi , s
Lini•oln-and .• • ••, ,
.Nmv-toN.Dorq onn.QN CniV=..
neEtient, doirn Lwcpin . ntid.pee up Nlac
Thy AVTIST(I- ..1T ikrbyriort, New
;'.llenriitiir PR'ololl4iein nmt comes out In
. . .
T.he ANN . A :log . jOIIHIVAL, of . ,
Itrilitlifieotri.i.uii : l4'op the:. itorpex of •711eClellari
niid naktoti;; !Intl : joins•iit t.fie . fight for 'Abe
• l'tie (31.tit'INNAtl rOL.i:SPREUNP, Gpr
m:lll uOtie ritimoorittic. tic•
ket arid ..flirts upon 1111 4,iBopeirt with nll . - Its
ett ,, r t ty, ;Ind , • •
The S'F. (MOIB ANZIETER, Ge'rtnttr Re-
Linentu r iili , ocut,eo MC-
F }; i rig that "thouslitds ot ite:puidietins
4.li , F.rrt the' io'cOpable; porr:opti, acid' per : .
,j(irett Liiieoto itdmieil, ti ti on , untignther undet
the bnoner 51t;eldl.iti to stivO thr..l public:"
.WOOD, • 1101;PENDENT,
has berefFi.
.10re Euppottedi anti cdmes. out i,lgolouslyJoi
• .•
. .•
T" STI.I 7. FOLI: dIRRALD; one orthe, nokt
inQhpp;ial Iteruldiran :naperd on,
~ I .Ong 131andi
N. Y.,,dalres thd 11.ilt.inioiconnili4tes from iii
FAliiin,,:s and 'i:iipliorts Aletllell:ani; • •
111 i3111"..A NT) in the
nders rak%fredip,/, lies token
II tlta nrimPs of I , reri - iot.inui Gee brave, and
sub iitutrd ihove : , Te,Ciellitn . and
chlidareq for :tidCle Ihen mid d'entiliitrini ••
• T hstoreintarit licf of erOioe.sit. torn who have
iinil.itied the: cause'. of Shoddy. ;and. f.hstiOion
c0n141 . b.• ydslided, • also the
lint of neic;pi4ietit which havelistricatienlly, res.
frr•in the ntipport . candid=
dflAnt ts Fur 'oho • irrsrztiltein' •
some,will .trilind unpitlattible,
on dolitit; to thr FAndili , odliee holders 'and pan s
Irac.tors, nod will help tloim contemplile.
the ii lady'', 011 , 0110'T, more than su.pen at
elo:O1 ion. • . •• ••• .•
. .
Tmi.at..,4;rio,!.--Benedict:AittoblCary said,
in the 'court boii . hi , fore last, that he
'went in with hi s .whole:soal for exterrri s inetidg
the entire e' raceof the South, This' can:
.not be .
sod- he'-woe even cheered for say
ing so. The Abolition hloodhotiads admit that
thete ere tmtny Guinn toning people the
South,.biith won and women,. While.';tho 'poor
children do out eeell knOw what the iVer is ab
out,' :Now just imagine Old' Carey with abut-.,
cher knitd.,in his.:::hand to murder Women,. or
perhaps With t threshing 'tnaeliin.e; through
which fie could run a hundred innocent I
white 'children ..sdilery' hour and' make, -mince
rnrat oittof.thetrt just:for the.fun'tif extertninat;•
inglhe white.race,,and -then coMpare that with.,
the saying of the Savior, 4 .Suffer little children
. to come umto. me and forbid. them not,
.for .
such js the kingdom l l of heaired,", and thew let .
every Christ:tin - draw his own cOnclusioni.
IVhat_kind ofthr4tittas have .we how : ti ! days
that - could. cheer, such ti.ltarbtirints, savage,-
.semimeht .and not Tallish lortheir crime?
Alt,. me; het it come to thji that the - protested ,
'followers f .the meek and lowly Saviout~ would
cheer, when-they hear.a..Sentitnent so reVOlting .
to even a Savage. heart,.nttered in their midst,
•for,thepurpote of : exiting their hearts to dreds .
of cruelty; and blood 14- 7 :Pat,:and thaw?.
lice um.,104,;?er Renio,C, WIIY.IIE.CANNOT
VuTli Pott. ••Ahraliam
•prpved himself ineotripl . teni.to administer the
It govyrnmen '.
ecatise he'hau violated his pledges given in'
hie•inaugural address. • • . , •••
Because his adriiinistraiianin
s carrYing•onthe
war has . heeri.charaCterizeti byjnelficiency . and.
irnhecßity, •.• • • •
=.:U, cause he has perverted, r suffered to be
frr.ver.ted,, the war which was originally de
.efarei hir•the pte,elv4tion of . rho rlilion, and .
rite ehrolc'en! ,, pt of the Coustitution'alid-laivi,
inio..e•war fur, the rl6nlifi rn of slavery., • •.:
• lie.eaus: , tilturmar'elLan three years of • un
,yvar • nod h!uo,l)k strife . ,
..liebas de
:fared "To' all ' wham it may concern," that
this (~ s hun ire, ,h:s.,olaiing'Wai shall • NeVert
1 , ..5 . r; V.-Ith d:tvery is aboliaheii
• Tun ag'Abrahamliiirolii fius
prniran bioltOf tube
1.2a1,11 of a fit.: . • •-; • •
• F,1.101i;f1S; 1.:111,11;61i1t2,..AT . TR.V . By net
e . on•Lties;, passtql ittltkst 5th 5 , 1862, it w ill
poreeivo,l-th:tt'Sci.ottly.:ll - 1110n..D are $9
bo raii47(f_agiminny Irvin LIANWS; LOTS or PIWI'NU
V6* I rit :rirEtt;t -13tritovE,ItEsr3„ AND
'••• '• •
• .. .
thf'! Sid!, o f p ,;rnayleallia i 3 apportioned
1.6 1G,7 .TWO MILLION.
'DOLLARS—to 1`
e, :by eaSt
On the first 'day of April, 1865, this law. will
O •force, and • only, t hen .will farmers and'
.l ar allf o ldersdiekin to feel the lioidene rOxes.
dinide • n;c y'-a nd 'imps 'rat ive by . d he' piesent
pl tinder itigf . tni lit( at ion;:.; I f
,d,hey . 'hope. soon:
C.s?il pd. Irons this' heayy. taixes'OnT
init. t votellOr sofrie' one wha. eni.c.elOse iip.tho
,,war.speeilayrhonoftihly. and-finaliyoso.d.h.tt the
110416: e4tipenSi,e. 1 1 41114, 0 0.111 0 d,
the rof„iy,,C :for ttut
'a 15rgi
r , /
• -
A million of , men:taken, , ,froar.t h e Ea F4 ofd
bior Or the fiald nf •
War tt ' Moo!)
rtes neirmear Uri .
onmete white .1864
,• Debt, Taxitrion' , -and • Danmeiitizatithatll'iria.::
Donatltution,tra:Moa(takon•:7.-01O• D'alnak,sat I; .
Wt B" '
* 1 a 11 Eh,!sl l ol o , l it
3 heliabeaft ecitrineinapinde4 , o4hit
ruspendetl=inillterrarrestr freegnent. '
,in. 01'
the States . , -
Freedom of epeerbrtidof lilies, press only ats..
ereised at Llia ridk.of ittipilson men t" indrihnith r
All {chide of mearaold in.the market Ito tax
ed under 'the Excise ;aim 1.. • •
The castem'eri to4iiy thciax I
Eiterything . ie taxed down eveh,tosst, bolt ell..
m4t on' which' the ,tax is equithtottna-thittd
the cost I . . • • • •
• You are trixed.Un all 'You eqt,.on, 1111 you ,weee,
on all' you civrtiortbeer,.llllltinfl;l:veal,*ilti:.
grocerjer; itruga, ruetlicinAs,: bottles,
hinds, cart iuges, Untl ;tin bustnessitreilsaetions. •
Yin! rim'', get mieriecilWilhour pitying a,tax•on.
the license; itnl•yottir.chiblienlivill all be tiled
nit as you .: are, 'n hen (bey are old enough: • • .
fIAPTER..• .
noir a t he . eIP et of thin war arid consequent
taxation in regefil to•the coat of Mark
tfte.cont last, with , the.pripes .
Denuicrut ic rule
'A Ilsrilrn,
' .D i.aiionsL,Pcnit
erinl9, edlieoes ote 0c
Bleached. M''Be, •
Cot lon ..,10e , • ,
Dress Goode,
Yet Vets,
• ,
e s
(7ottoo lec per Ib
Wadding 40c
Calmat Chain.
Lamp Wiek . 2.Qc
Antimony, :1136
Mock Tin, ftic ,
• , COAf, of ..wlirch •.the poor man'a.firi .eon=
somas Marl) 'as that wh'ich :Una!' iii4l4 . !
rich man's •
.p,a'r:o,•:-.4in ' forMar'days'ecipid" &Or
had for tour or five dollars; it novir,costt, (maw!)
. • , •
ton ! , 07 1 .0R . Igtf*ir
cents per yartl; nov..costs,*l. 75 Pet' yard, - -- 7
OroadclMhs, eassitneres;. ete,',"hive incre:iied -
from 100 ;6 too per et, ,
Davos, have increased in priti:oti ayes.-
age 0t . 200 per Cent.: '
'Flinnc . co, 7 —Manufactueed Cavendiah tobaceo"l
has risen: fr0m,3.5 cents , to sl2c; per poittifl . .:
CIGARS haireativinced *nip $2O t0460,4nd
$2OO Per rho/sand f • ..• • ,
FOaßiari STATIONERY, 910ee. . t ha sCarq
'specie, has, 1 Jaen po per cent.
pen*of,the State; you have
tine, ,faithfal represeniktion
paying for'an ABOLITION:WAR! •
What shall be,thnie—dro yaliafik
Why,. it you like ,the Picture,, if .I.fniefree; i
times pleese, .you,' in .thehlitrlerg .3,
the yoL bets of t;he.treneury; in', the name opitoi,
shoddy and horre, and ratlon,nctiltractorit Ware, •
nettle, of ell the. thieVes, Who are interoged .
prolonging .the. - wit ind. ruining. tile
Vote the Abolition . ticket I . Vote. for erlitrYA.b" . 3 •
Olitionist: on ,the Aickete 7 they•sre . ., all
rigi t striperill pledged to stand, ,hy...446leintt'.;
coin,' free negroes,.n long anithlOodvitirOpr
creased debt and taxation, and' . 4.. long .0041414,.i
once - of6oh tf,tinties!! es we . ,bav,* tiorYLDP IIII I4?,;. •
'But,, If you don't like these r thinge, if . . - litteehit.7 . lt.„ •
Abolition, hoes: doret pleola • : ypo r
is in yorii., orrO',.hands—and, yonfli,:, •
apply. it. ~.VOTE THE DEMPCRAT,:.
IC TICKET . .. '; Vote,
Con . gresernin down •to Constable, md . wiini,ppt.,
atnoge and, forer . er, the, thieving, iiipOcciticol,
ranting ) ranting, 'treason a ble,
tree-nigger debt and. tex•Aholitiiin-pirtV.,ll
Fa.tisiens--!Mesiof Ike rural . ,
abolition• business has siowraarrio..your . : formal
forayer .te,the rieh,men ot t his country.apd ,
rope, for every .penny the lands are worth;,sod,
you will have to pay the intereito(thia. - Tnort
it ~,
gage annzlly, t fortri.Of."ker y• • •• int . lirver;.!
increasing tuxes::
of being yciurselves,•or of•having,.yOur‘.•
Sons or relatives 'dragged away by the DAArr..
to ineet;t4 r, rind 'perhaps death ,
tle field ! to set loose epee the cotiti c try'i'''
paled oftirutals A fricaas, who; for all they can*
ever hime, either here or . .hereafser,
oft in' their present homes than •anyvitOti . attlaa ;
ie the world, or than theY•WOOI4 be 'in - •A"firtii •
•Lineoln says he
positiOn olpeuce•that ditel• not • inalinle , setting?.
these ti grocs free. ':
GinaU'. LA lIORI NG MEN': payp,
wades increased in:pin' ottion io the atlvente. •
in p rice of griceries,,ttry goods; and PrOVitiibitV'r
Anst,i,•rt the question ycittrserves- , :—.wetkletol , ir
to you.: 'Capitalists, speCulators; •fouttgottaisc,', ,
,meat plunderers are growing richer
tion war. Are you / .Ansoter,agakrp,..lreitttil 4
a • CH'ING E; hUrt ifeet;-
cirpnrit4tenreii•urge jon'to tit'o'l9lfllNGET.;-`
Ve'have noldoubt yeet„it`tr,Valli
then mike ,the(;HA NGS = you can Ito it; ; and
w 9 think you W1.1.1..D0
president Lincoln hall melte the leeee - TeklitelN
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linicm, if•passible ,without regard to latietqwittl*
any other local State ittitittltteth. ^,;
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