M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, October 01, 1864, Image 1

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    VOL. 5.
41'...tiectit - touitili. ilic4tOti.4t..:
ikslcE, '8: EL. .Ptiptie,..soau/nE
TERMS: ...: .4 - , s2' 00 ,in.,/iipiailie
Rates of Advertising
olumn one yeitr.
" x months • 20.00
• - oo
- kW. en ilk re rii• 12 - lines nolese;'4 • 1.60
h subsequent lipiertion,:,• : :
Ineisnatds, With 6 .011
Bute More work wilr be double: the 'above rates:
TwAve lines • Weiler :type, of eight lines nonpareil, is:
rated a square. " . • •
try- •Theso.terrns , strictly adhered
• .
DR.. W....Y. .111'COY,••
• .: - s'l,aet:hport; Pa. • • • '
. ,
. • sear the Passenger : Depot,. . •
• EL311.11A,,,-111.3V:Y0R4
itorters.dill to in attendance on tho arrival of each
'train to tako'clwo of Haggai!, , atc.l conduct ,guests to
. . .
... . •
.• • . . -.: - BYRON ",tCHANLIN.• • •••• - :
• .
ATTOANEit:AT LAIT; - .Sinetlipokt, AI 'Kean County, Pa..
Ageilt. for•Yessra..Reating....t.' Co''s 'Lanais... Attends
-• Ospeicially 0....tbe Collect Rii or t !Mo . 's; .Exatainatiou el
.., Lan4,Titlesi- Payment of Taxes. and all liusipeas rola ,
t:ni to Real Estate. Offica-in Hamlin *flock: ' . ..
k W. 31N. SON,
. . . .
Dealer in StoveU, Tin Ware, Jappaned•Ware,....tc. west
errnof the Public giUrtre:Sinetliport, Pa, &atom
work done to enter on tho;shortost notice, anal in the
• must substantial manner.. . • . .. .'.
..... 1 . E 7 . I:4;•.U:EATT - L
PORTAGE, McKean Co., Pa
THE. ST.T ;;RIBF.P. flatters birnseli. •trom
long .xperlienrca,•that he cannot be excelled,
the business. • • • .
. . .
Pert:.oler attention will .be paid to CUSTOM
WORK:. For the.eonvenienee .of those living
at edistance Wishing to have tannine on shares
',arianiements, have been made l with.L. H...D01:
ley; at Pea Aftegapy,'lyhe. Will. take the
livery of the HYdes and the .Leather . will !he re
turned to his Store, wheirtaaned'. '
The largest prire will he paid for Hodes, eith:
er. in cash,. LEATHER; BOOTS, SHOES,
HARNESS,.. left' at D.olley'S.or- mY tannery. .
' • Entire satisfaction gieed. '
ConneCted . with my tunilety haVe a Boor.&'
bboe factOry, arid HatnessShop. . .
Portage, Pa., Nov. 3,.1862.
HE su the Public
.titat he hai'iturchosed the stock of• . the so—'
. dm:in:tour erly kept by W... 1.1. Bilker; West side
. .
I."tiblic:. Squape,..
wheie he is prepai'eil to r4re.h• flit - ironer Joan
with all the deliencei'it...tddly 'al a 'first
.•• •,. FdIfYITs. 8:C...• • • "
'o.rf, • 3l.'PßS . ser..:-...1,:t0 order; eit,h,r
'taw or enol“.(!„ .• • •• . • ..•
tc'h,l• lavor the with .thvir pltiondize
.84.4 II hive p.i .
to 'Complaiti,'eifjo.r. as to,
quitflty:• •. • ' ,
•• •• .. • .T. I.; • ..VORDEN•
••. • .
• S:itet
... 7'IIE.SITIIII)At EVF,NIA -POST,; 4Tiipsoldes t ...ind beat of
. . , . • •
'Tllercopiletorn trio Snfv•flay Rr§ning Petry=lvhiah
popei,iq mow in • t.".porty.- tb it r.',—wonid hjniply
uounce In their, Prospectus 'for ,that• they thoii.zo
inainteining Io ti tit iroOuly the charittler Itfhas
re¢dy required ne; • • •••• *. •
. .
tU belie to that tilt. nforteq MRS..
.WOOO, autliur
.of •• it 1111S.A•itliADbON,
author uf ke.; MARION !lAN:LAND,
authiir VtIIGIsIIA A: TOWN-.
niiiwiroue'other'exreltent wrhers
4(1141,111y rogaraed.:•ia.'poeileintt..the •;reatitt , merit..nra
the inirit•abiairbiog.intrrea'; nml , Oluy cie•-•l 2 trt •rriicuriti4
for in the future aa,in the paid, tliu best Storits;
Sketelivs, atidlother Littiraty :Novell its Irilich-.theY
Pox.iblYohtehh They iutand:comnieuelug to the 'beet
•. • •
N.tlV. . BY..MA.S. WOO D, . •
Autb.,r of
from ce#Once ?neets, oTiessly forirarth:d to us from
Thin , story •
• •
. . . . .
"Os' wA - T.4 . n.c.411.A. - 1*,."
and will be aln,qt the • lem.tth "et ~V erperht Pthle" and
• - " ' . - .." • ""East byqno":"- ,' , ' "." - " ~.
lei, ndaitieu to' thd Stertr, written' expressly' tor .Tlio
Post, its , Editlealso'strires to toy bef , ro its seeders, the
.beet,B!ortea r rroto.the EnellSh'Periodientei and gives In ad—
dition'to the Tole 4 end notches, .uore or less-An rivet
-tura! Matter, ifith'n Riddle,lteneipt, hews,-and Market
Departments, every week ~. ". ", ... .. . . -
give to any pervon sending thir .übscriPtiens
to The Post and dirty Dellarti,.one of 'Whet '.• Trig.
son's Cilebrizted Sewing 111 - ableiries, such" na t :on
for Forty-lire Dollars. The nutoliines well he. 'selecte.l .
new at the Manufactory In Now York, Nixed and, for.
*arded , free of.cost,. with the emgeplian freigke.. '
In procuring the subscribers Mr this Premium we kr:-
fer that the thirty subscribers aliould be - procerred at tire
roielit , terres of Two Dollard for: each, lint where this
cannot he done, they nay be 'procurred steer club rates;
awl the balance of the Seal y Dollars forwarded 'to ns in
cash by the wtrsowdeslrintrthe machine. Tde'prtper
be sent toWifferent ro'st offidis if ddsire‘C Kvery per
son reolleatiex names , should seed ' th em • with 'the money'
as last as o btalned So that the subscribers may Begin at
once to receive thebt'papers, and net.beceme dbSntiried
with the delay. When the whole number of anitrea'(.thlr,•
aud„the whole nronnet of money, (Sixty dellarad is 1436
celvo4, the'ranchine wlltbe duly forwarded ••• ,
. •
. . .
rcopy, one year,.........................:...........:... $ 2.09
2'eapies, one year.... "......;... . ,•........... 300
• 4 'oopiee, one'yenr • ' • • '. ' • -., ' •.3 ....1. '6'oo
8 eoplee, nod,odete getter.iip.of ono, ...i., y„, .1.2,00
20 dpicts, end one to
or e1ub......• ",...;.- ns oo•
.. ~ 'One copY'of Dec 'oat end one.of plc Laccy , e . -
.11ed, White, and Blue
the rhoice 'of the brave and the. free;
the hove of the. netion,
We join in.a heartfelt Oratioc, • .••
•,' Attd all offer '.;ono're to, thee.
itiejnlrleA . in communinn;:'...
We' t he:l'6,l , ller. true, .'
Who (might foi . '•iherloiintis.(44' Union;
'And Stood by the Red, White and Rlite
. . . .
. .
No factious ensinns shall never
The.trnicin ,* (itichaniin4':forv'y4r,• 0'•
7 ;is otirineo in. each •
put . lnVe and. our faith are not hollOvt.
th . ey iveru nonrivited enti grew;
'rherthiet vt'e have chosen we'll
.Atitfattind by the Red.,
. •
Our Songs then'unite in commtinionr•.:
The-stars of uhr 'Hag
.Hurrith fUr MCClelliitfunit Union;
I:l,urrall ;Fur ri. man 0..4 -we ',hive; •• '
Theinlii.Uignii Ip shs!l.ba guided
hrn,wilo 3tnuncii'andt rue,
A iid'ffe,-ihriiintli the states,
sail; her iii'l3led; White — and 'Wye.'
Marching Alon
Our army is gatherl'att'irom
,near•• •. ind horn' far;
•.• •
;rile -trumpet is smt:ling the call Mr Jhe.warf •
. • -
'l%4:prellan 's our leader, he'S galla nt and strong;
We'll gird on our arms tine bemarching,along.
Marching along, woo - are marching along ! . .
:Xli•ol on the armor; and be mate lag aleugl ,' • -
!AMC lel lane hu r. Motet ' he'sgallant amand'strong
•ror Goland out country, wh're ourcking along!
. .
.. . . . .
The fne.is liefore'uS.in battle array; . ;..
But let us not waver or Turn fro.m, the vivay,..' '
The. Lord ii our'itiength, and the Un i on's our.
With courage and faittl.we are marching along.
Cuortui,---Marching nlOng, .• . •
Vi sigh . for our.country, we mourn for our'
For:therm noW our•la,st - drop' of. blood We .tsil
. .
Our cause is the right one, our. :foe : 's in
Then gladly, .we'llsing; : iis vie 're. marching
.ClloBl:B, — lllarching•aloni, &c
Bally Round McClellan
Yes we'll" rally, iptiOLl Nt"Clelliih, rally once
Shouting -the "battlecry Of Union
Ariir we,ll rally kern th.a. biliside, we'll gather
from.the 'plain; •
Shouting •the bettlesry of Union.: • :.
The Union' forever, hurrah hcilia, htkratl•
Dowri'with Abe Lincoln up ti•ith the law;
While use rally round McClellan, boys, folly
once again, :
Shouting the battle e&of
We're spriouing to •our brothers,
..:dear and brave. ' . •
ShOutinu theibattle.ery of Utiion..
end we'll aidt hem vith veto our coulitr'y now
to save.
Sh'euting the battle . crY of Union.... ; •
.enottes.4"the Union fore'ver • Br.e.;
VMI welcome to'our numbers , rdh . loyal - tnen
Anil Irue;' . . .
Shriutiiir: the bettle.ery of Uni o n. '
• :,•
Vholrher'r tyith :heiehands their I:CO(51110A
• Shontine: the battle Cry.'or, Trnh)n. .
• • Cti0r.0 . 4..L-The forey.4.
So 'we're ern . to . the Coll .the 'east
endltoT the, went. • •
. Shout ine thni.artle cry of, Union.;
: •
For , 'M'Cl:jran's the roan ever have loved
the t.t.y,
Shotttin;i, the tiatt!e.ety of Union
citOnus: , ---the . thijo - o forever, &e.,
A kre - Side4t to be Made in . 13).00(1. • • ,
The, ...4,ll..e ; istisrr (..loyal")-sayS• the
election" lof. the • shoddy . ' candidate. in :Maine
.(althcineti hie r .majarity is' rut down over live
thOusanil l m, hist . yea'r) •.regar,led .by
informA persirlis : a4, sealing •the -presidential
coare,t,,infess Wisaeter ,shotthi hefallostr.grinies
...•So; so. •NOt - op his own merits-snation' his
own ca'paoititlis, his statesmanship; his W6le
sale ..nigger ., freet:ig:
necessity;" his slaughter-pen arran,tetnents,
nor even on the plea of his immaculate •- o;t-
esty," rest T..inColteschat,ces of electintd-bn':•
upon the :skill,: and; and - science, :.an d blocid,
and brevet y • t!..our sold iiirs";- , a • 'hirge
partioa;a'f are Denancreite, 'ldea are: - dOtir-,
miard to vale him oat and ..11hic •:
Slramze; indeed, : wenld . irb it' the .mifiteri
sticcesses which "'hundreds , of 'tbousanas* of
iYercerritts lire now. helping to nrhieye,
the battle.-di . elds *of. the South against ; rehellion
-•-•aiirt to attain •Which* thous:zeds of .gallant'
I)rmaerats../Mroes lie maahleriaff in :-Itl74aonai.
'graves -should result
,ritily •iri . the political
cess ui hini:Whose incapacity end fanaticism
protracted the . War for four yeari and doomed
to death, widowhood, orphanage and destitn;
tion Millions more of our. Northern people than .
would: have resulted had. "the war 'been .con
ducted . constittitionally•and With ability.—
It 'cannot be '
.:' The liarto.r of the military
sticcesseii . .now• achieved• bithe joint efforts of
Pemncraia and Republicans, Wong,. 16 'Mose
teltO.figh,t-thr h:ittles of their 'coailiryial•ti not to
politicians; the office:holders'nial 'the con
traetnri.. Instead of' rehonadini to • Lineuhr!...
et editOhe very magni tude. Of: the, bat tles , noW
bein g fought shaold he, his Conilerinationrfor;
at the arid, of fonr years', Of' . ivar, the . hlowe:
struck:o9llld beat a:lrokla olifiviesteciOed
-,not at:armies powerful in
: number.
point men ta, and confident .oral t knit te success'.
success depends .nuts
upon pilitary,successe,:then:h.is:ieiriro
1 4v(hioughblocid! . Every drori..of.
shed-and every.twasw life that
goes ,out stiec'essfulhattle-=letoyle d yoga
;aided for Negro freetlam, and .
against McClellan and 'a iMaerfal
meat:of' gte:111-ion.an4 the COast.itietian? 'This
ie tlie.may. the. hoddYpress* : ere. novi:.Puttifie
the case; so that all ,the''ShiiighteridiCar our
soldiers up.till the liovenriber election wlll Iw
•,.,..:•...,...... '7", , ‘*( '''' - . 0 ~, .1 .•, .. ....?. : .'. '..
; .....
' . ..'.. :..:', ::;.,...,.. ':'‘''' . ;*..;.. ''
'. ,',:, ' : ',. ::. ''''...,;,, : . . 1 . ' ,:, ..
. 47 :.. ::. *: ' .•'
. . .
... . .
k. 9
. tion . luiv T It - t..fres Atte rrraWs• - itgi . r.silti, 'hut g'it
Ititiie's'tinuifter trist : t.i's pr.e.pr . ity. .13.,tson.'seerr s
blindl‘ ith .those ;.per.ons. . •'Congress ivas .
tihsurill g y ex penit Atli,. its't true confisca title; sohth
4ern'itrripet ty„ the very
..tnetnetat Lee's. emu'
ivair-iii sight of the tleme'o'ft he . feileral Citptitol,
We Of 'the north dill to know of..the .paivrir 'o:.•
.t he south... IV.e ilia.- vet.. evert &cum bt. the
petwerol...thri.north,' : anli we tyere 'Aispproirtterl.
' • The p.crt . V, iit g pr.y . er.hits b. , cime- 0 entangled'
by.jtj owtt poliey,7l - im no door is.leit open. 'for:
its own - retteitt.. Those.' iVho.` Layr, "visited
Itraltinivori the paSt..;ivinter,. troy ' hase - seeti
the 'Tiospitiiis filled, "vi•ith' groaning ..aipl. ilyiiir,
"Itieit.'•t . G , titig to the capitol J . 3iott hitarti rt - itly 'the,
language of seetiettnl".iiittertieas, anti iiate.- : L.:
Tite•meas'ares adypeatkl, there, if rver'sisteil :ht,
g eustaitteti,.:w ill riiierwlieim. the eettritrygin
a 'co mmon ruin'. .41'e.tteein Lincoln's re•eler
t ion' tte. - hope' for •I he ...' fii t tire. • We
,cannot du
W'orsri. We, (Noir
, elu . l rn ,to•bri be t tO. ir 'Firtd.tviset,
'melt fitait dur.oppottents..:lG.l . lctiowsthot..the.
poor week' riatut e.Of: the man haa littleta hoist.
of, : : But our viewo '. clime_ frnip .our. :lathers.
. , .
They to . ld.us ..tl,at: great armies would bring
ruin with thena;.,and brin a:hord.of.tn.K.:zett
ert4s in tbeir.trucle . • :%itre It rbjrro.rig'ovorn—
ment.maisoinetinie4 be be! tbeie
. . .....
neverwasiita..,F-gati) . erer.who was bk..Ovig,
L . Our luld hat' with a ilaiiona I df:bi,
vrottlil &erne ytt!ft errny.e( - offiee ,. -hnhlerS,
we hehalil.thPrn ttlrraOy liresent noW.. There
is iiipitiye'r prieciple against. which' 'otir:lathers'
witrned . .us, -, ritl:l.leSr it is the re?.k upon . 'which'
we. - have splir, on begin jo.ha'r4 n e'entraliz-
ntinri of po - Wer.• - :. Where is' . thittito end? The
(tamers ot the constirntioti nralertnnil tho
that the 'people .in the .several loCalities
know whit they needed hest. So. ire 'maae a
ttivriimeilt of States with'. stato rights. , We'
have.tales of differ.Pnt Misonti is Inrg
er.t hal) ul I . New •Engh nil. Our.' fathers bad'
t4iadifficutly before
. them. 'of New-York
then haii . not as large popula tiori Massa-
chnstts or.f.'ennsylvania..M . e•said;let ns'be.
generous: We, said ; triko rat e tliat Rhode Ti•
land has an, equal
.power as a. srate with:Our-
salve.; CoatTol ts,o‘en local affairs, that there
~ t ay- h efio jar in , the political
. systern.. Now
w),;,tl We are told that wk , :most. have .more
pow- , rederolgovernment
that isles. Tikht.beshown in : a"
~ ... . . . , . .
.rov•worde: Plate.more power: in'tbe fetlcr'al
, . .
goiternnent•entl mleir:Siates.: . theyrole dv,er all
'the otheirl . ; . • - •Taxtinntvoilld. become nnetioe,
. . , . .
and be made -to fall heavily upon •Particnlar
... . -to, 'fa ll
branches of itidaatry.-. The .'whichiniluality
errisrs . as to the titates h'ee . oining eentralizao;
nncl otr he federal' government will
anegaelly exer . deed. When men
.feel that
the . ttiheaal .they are governed is riot
there is Alaiger'. :per-:
petual ''war:
Wei of NoW 7 York':wialt' to' live on terms `or .
,peact4'.withyou:Of ther4est..'"But 't - 0 . :qo I - that
;we must not 'be pOmfitUtt , tp'exetctsian unjust
ppiyei . olier: ton AII riniik• " ti"o'"fiitte, iii r:: 'oir'y 0 hi=
to iti.surelb:6 ee,elititin`pf Ofd Abe!
- - • .
How, dO t'eskot of
th - e,,on ne put 'Thotuf.who . .clairp .to . the
frien(lBl7, Do
.they ish • to , pour
Out their . in , . or:,
dei that, in io'ilniog,oo vote!' ol e fli#l;?tclpie.Fai:o
,(tdy al Au iaa,nzak.s . .s: chtinged I!? vtitW" qtd.4bit'l
GOVERNOit 1541(M0R • AT. • 511LWAUKEE.
. , . • • , • . .
His 'Egitbiisencrii of Generil
. .
.Amt6s :eneetinz in . 1% - lifwankee; . ..Septeinber,
'lst - , was addres'sed-. hi. Governor
The tpart- of the spoectt is :devoted An vit.-,
iate - nrnent of the adinipistratio'n, riot for casual
'acts pf wrong, pot (Or errors, ot. judgment,' but
because it has:entered upon. a policy danjeronii
to the .welfare ..of the country--a - policy 'which
tends in separrite,'net to'.restere•the ,
Hr then card: .
propose to elect_to the Presidency a sob'.
flier afid n Christian too—George 'Printon
Every soldiersays that he •is 'a 11$
-mine man, pal r ! ot ; and 'me all
a forhearinat'intin,under . the'tnfliCtion or' ipjus..
t We' have'named Jilin . becansle we r . heliev-•
'ell •all conld.atippot t
. l i :ellave . slinyn•nur
republican' friends that wesan meet them ..part
Way. It was our dtity to -take;:a . .tnlinwilorte
having been thi : sir vice of -.theru
reptibliCaneeould..stipport;: _The only ob
jecthi niade•tn him:- at Chicago ...was . ..that • io
obedienie to the. behests of the Adel inistra
he, had gone too far. %Ye: - nominated'hinn that
We might restore prosperity and .peace, to,
people... For eighty , yea rsgkgevernment was
'adirlinis trate(' :by conservative men: They
preserved.iia unity, and its , Conepfd.. We . bud
Peaceand our country was an . asyllim for .the
opressed -6Very. tend', 'Out Rei.al?licdn
fiten,..a at. ChiCago ,fon.r .years ago, did. 'not.
rnehnjoinstigate this 'national. strife; They'
:;pl,not want %civil • war.- God forbid .that :1
cha : rge them with , that igtOOtloti. •,B6t,
tended. to,6trife, and. suc h wag 11i
censegoence, us }'e.-then lit•lift'Vetl. We'
meddling hail
. teed that tpstriti, and w be
i the . iafest policy wile tV ohserve• the 'old
adage,. ,, roind
•••• •
The r epublicans . told 'us that they. would 'not
. .
infringe tipari- the .lights of •the sl,AtteS.. • But
what• do we see? They wefr t oh' by :their
doctrinrs, passions and prejudices to violate. the
•plrdge. • It. Was a .
,necessary consequence
We had been told !hit ilie..Sodth•coultt . nOt. be
I ffiven .out of tha, Union: -1 ,This - eoaise. of
danaerouS agitation. continued; unit Ho—day the
' . domipant;party approves the a,c . ts frOnti•elie•elin
lemplation cif 'Which they,once .
forned.awaY:Wi . th horfor.' Hadl :said: here in
AlitWatikeeAbree•y ears . ago that a 'general of.
thofesleial anny . this.year tioidd i4elie . an edict
• denying to the people. of the . north*est the right
to'bearartns,.or th,tt writ'of liabetis corpus
would-novi be anspended'ead youi cif.izrns , be
übSect :tourrSest withutft..tbe.right of
trial hy•jur y; should have bn•
eesem Aid and de
. " . f.'he'passiofts and perjuilleUs to which -repub—
li'eat.ta haVe been educated •for sr maay -. .years
have led 'them toe position . whichdhey... gentled.
retract. Their folly is disttated by tbeif
tloin in Co'ngress." "n t the .rridmerit:tvlten . :
AfilliCS were . fotced•o3 . abairdoh . northerm,
Congress was iug to . confiscato'soutioni
property. •Cot fi . 4cat ion' laws ; howe'v.e.r ripply
more to the' nOrth the..sOut'a,... rit .the
and du . Uot... pay, the,
expeaset;of their execution. it . . is • your i:ity- , ...lle.ideperty ' theta
txli:ch eonfi . ..atel by, tie.systern of
What Is the draft . it>eif but a . eohlisea.,
,: , . .
~~ ;
iin . ent, :To preserveipeace Wei - flip ber:Oer . ;
trifled - to intermeddle Icic#l . affairs;
and yeti.must not be rierinittefFte 'Meddle With
dere: The
.presrrie Oen rifToWer iti:the, ites
tombs - therefore to.pefice and security .0- each
and i give..uare . ipOwer to he' - ifeileral•
cfoyerniinerit - stronger
. by..:x centializatititti::Or
Tower; is:111(10 , ra tett by.th'e feat of the barrel
whiek.utternpted. - to - i...beepmei a hOgshead
bursting-Its hoopori.whiin; it beentne;:lota hogs
head bei u handle:.rif sta yea. - ; 11.1 h 6 ',day :evri.:
comes when the 'denertili . :goveintnent . shall
exercise more: pciw . er, it wart:esti:4 'iltsejf . ;4i- , '
th'e . federal government.. iheiuld• - ; exercise . the j
powersreseryedi'tif the —cot/f iat .the I
Staiei, and the" attenipt to din . sOii--ther. is Can's ! :
ingstrife slfover our • A •. •
• Limplore.yon;: - .ther - ifere,. 'to - .turn again to
the wisdom of cur s forefethers r ' . Turn again 'to:
wards the - lighti,of .eXperienee -. . -
„Turn i
tii - theiwnrship a the principlesiOn which.•ouri
gevernmenf and'. you i will ..find
itnion,Te,!.te and prosperity: Remember the . .
eighty prosperous yea rs.nt I eon—
iiiteiit; trenq a careful study cif:the:theory of out
government, that it - this' doet tI ne eentruliza 7
tine prevails, our c.overnmentmast destioy
destrpyett-, ferry - Al - 'Reed again. the
otletlipenibitteef read •.agein
llretcell : Addriiii;s•of rear. Again
the history Al, the fiteii r olutiee, and ielirit bow: . if
was. that
,w e.becatnc. great and 'prosperous;
united and happy. 'Do not say,:yotii who : have
faith foflir.'l•.of thti-iedrlduistratioN. when
we - iconlnla in of - a denertiire :,font," these pi:in•
eiples'ef tierlether; that if ie CVidence Of; war:
Freinernbin that nit one, ciession'
yOu..refeSed obedience - to the Federal Govern
meet' here jo - IYi"Conabf. AV.hen' you did. not
like ehe.ofthei laws, 'you declar e d a(d e t e :, m i na .
lion tai redist - 'ex.:Onion: . ; - Iran were then
a. little forward In the doctritie•of accession, it
f Arley judge - of the facts..frotni youj 'aturatet.;
dienoti advocate any clisii'espect of the ;Gene.,
ralGoveiinment. 'I have labored in...my:own
Stafc to - secure obedience to. all lawful behests'
.of the adininiSiratiOn,i:erid we "bare hiinibled
darselyesi as. to the lei!) , to satisfy rte deninflos,
so as to deserve ru itfipiitatien of a disposition
to: deny, the :support It needed. in. 'the •hour.
feel convinced as.l dui of Illy existence that
the policy of -the 'Republican . 01.1 y - •leadi to ,
pOpular discontehts, which are spreadipg every,
day... If you expectiia•gOvern 'Florida fn,secor
. . . .
,qa ncc with .that Nil 16**,..*.3. 011 . ni45t:,....,pv i. the
.cost le - hfoO4 and trenspre,., Ler A1K. , 411 you , .
ratql of. 'Wisconsin: rif you ptidqrtisk ' 4 411 g o wnn .
Soul 11,. Curoljda. by denying to ;1401., Ito.. rtOus.
secured. to her by the Centituiiiitt7i Ciieffi cd.o.
yobdenYly• If you atteScino tiiiii.tlill)o;.tll-en
you will wipe'oat your propOr s ty. arid :our. coun;.
. try is,.ov in ruins: • Eigr.ty yearzi .. uit,!vr ... 4 'mit:Ter:-
Os .griiii:l&Jr; andltiruft;S'" 4,4 nr or)P0 3 !!0.
experience—three' y4ars . o .
.tkail 'a
IA .dy
b!oo cx - - ..
'petierice 7 :mark. thesCA44t.l). tVl'.l ,. iiie pliOwly
drivento theyorde O? ruin; 1.2 tirc.iy mar) 14'no . ws
.that'Oere is aknmotilit. , , of. debt: which leads
'to bao.kt:ip".9y. '"Every ma'n'icriliws that there
is a w'aste of life ' rind: '.1;10-01,1. ‘‘.`i'..} - de)i'leaile.. li.i
anarchy,. ' God giant patience ii, our people :to 1
resist th e se threiri.,nedc . rilaroitit,st ..: Kice t bill
man in, pciwor Ay4iose : personali • ptegriry ,
whose puisjiits.of 14.1 , l ~
1;x t h e Ur,;ath 'of
...,. .. . .
republican wl'a: Ciinhl- rpic - stion..rhe. , , purity 'qt
I/is chailiclFT..* We think he 14'. un''ribte ... rniP,
tap, .-1.4 a no cifiiitarr—yelnleiiit! to :carry tins
e4 . e.tiOn Up:63 '. W . 11,11. tho lawyers
,call the ..ien—
eriil issue. :W.e.eay"the 'pbtrincralic •'party la ,
feir-ilii : Voi; - In. - We went, I lie •Spirth..baCk:,-,
We typnt;tlie pee . Ple of the Sqi.itii...ip.' obey' the
. . . . .
TI-34 tion'Fq.nolot r.4stottlite
ori. VVe ea ti s4:v!! . till - , Union. A j:t5i,...1,6r.
pnl icy ftVes . it. 0:4 t
Av -1 e.t.5t,,14i,1 ) niitl: . britig
tid riNiet;. Wt± I.lve rio priwtamiti itins bette,r_
tho t tie' 041,1 itut IVti free-:
. .
kandeA... we, stand tecolved to briag,tin!on and
peace lathe people, We ask yoa iti this'
'!paal•zTlie' i . o'n b . ..11 is. hoot 4nd of
OnOlining;;tO go . wirh'us . I,ltimblf and -reverent-
ly to the reachingi of our (others; rr,iY
re<rs.4,lish' 11'10611 11111 i pr..l . (!e; :,IVt: n n'd no
OrrifiCy'. -IVti.hrr..e no pride
We wimid .hnw Ta v,iloyPr khest...Tr . zether
Hoki; in th e roil,mpl ion a put cond.
. . . , •
ry:;• , llotO,gethe's:swe will ir . ejeiceoe we emege
from this Nri.r,w,Or,tile
.ieverorne'ot 're eslab
he'd o iri aethotit ifif; . . Tin ron.
Ide.ri4l i is' iginal trengii; p.o.
ph' irni•ited Brew the•'spirit„ of
" Chrietieri
the vir 4do.m'o . f out, la; hers.
. . .. . . . .
y*!(lneisiliiy Mr: Clii.ciite;: or. Pennsyiv'orlia, :in. ,
rofircing,on,: 01 the isurresqul.. cerviiclates;, at.
l;-seet.pt electio.n iii — Nnyyl
svania hj , 'Secrete ...
. c ,
taly $t ri
imtr, rrarte:' some ongrar.uitiory' re
marki: Pov.. Cortin;!. Mr• Stia
eplied,.4for stint' him 15,000, moie tirtus !hail
Thfa tvai
alone, iiitheinesrnee ot:a crowd, one of whom'
reported it tolho Albany 4r,gote.! , • •
.. _ . . .
The s(rttemi.nr,'w.hich ti rinlqiplied.. list
fall in hundre(li of.nPwspalc..is,*vrts rove'''. 'de
niejl by I%lt.'Covritle . n0r . .1) . y I
'Mr. Sianlon... t i
nnquestir.nritly true.. Thig ift - the 'scitt of work
the I:Stilt freore platform 'depends. on. ..'
correspondent of the• ffellefonte
11/otektri . on, Writing 'from Oberlin, Oh M 7 —that.
paradise or negioessays: • • . . _
, ift• is no unusual thing to tee an 'elegantly;:
attired • lady go dint , in .artn,.with.a.nhugely".
dressed negro - of the mate:species; and a white
.„ .
woman.i.sith a.negro . hatband is no rarity:--
The general appedranee of.; the . younger pe,ople .
'is below.medium, eltissei seem io luck
'eneigy and. enterp!ise. The
Cleveland Leader and N . eie'pent aye•rh f!,
sources, from whieb 'they%. ohtain,•4l . ll,o l
lorrnation,ind Clint . AnforinatiOn beirig:Princi;
pally Upon ..snegrueti" . villl•aceonrit, : in a greet ;
measure, for their,lailc of general, intelligence
ij the.younger elasse . 4 of Oberlin
Lincoln . says, ."ii slaveryis not wrong;
The end. of
Ol . . .
eo ; nothing •is,wrOng." . Soppose it is? Pons;
'that nutholiz.: n war. 1(4
whole Protestsint or'ths'eptirctry•
say, With
. tinctiort einioriti,,:thoi. it
Ftpfnitu not, wrong;. . thin, nothing is
Are shot. - and !hell. the.
rornestp..--thirtior4. •
At`th`e bosOktil in lortladd,!aril 301
ioldiare have. cithirr': lost So 'Silt! or 's .
• • ;
' A • , ‘' „p..)
- s ••' • i• , ,: •
LTA • Ita • • ; 1 •
- • ' 1": • - • • A 45 ),
• : •• • - ..;
&"1 . 11 . ey
,45 'heretefeYe, pout • forth;' their
bloo+Nind 'tre4ere • ic if Lout ion " put
the jubelliott..:'t'lcry wilt h'ohl up -'the hatOs
chid etre'ngili a the h'e',llls" of those
Voftlieii;:qt ant,:
'Plait;' Crun Thwelas Itdiee . t . ;t
Sheridat?, -Stoi•eklei),• Ave rill, 'etttl
.I)tifient, Woolen,
itrid thee r: Crest;
.O'verthre\y,thi orj,;Ani;ed nyal rtnei, Rnel.
of . .the - ob4titCl . Bl." to .
iueci..s4:t.h.i . t NA ye. , 6r. indy 'he'•'.hiterposd
n t Eilt ".I,fid.'!fise . hprie- of thns . e .
-tviit' L - itileifeo with ...(;cittAil
uncl heketion . 4:i.new Chief .Ma g i a
trate who' i nut only; totopitent td ,mnl:a:.•~ra
b'nf fn
7`l ere aei! irpn kvll.6.4,livigusly.can n'elle
rmku"a wq!! fe , cy . iveLtha .sat!clion of
L I n'co' Id, *ili! . ic::: . 'i',l . 7 ' :.'
, .
Si.iyety an. intlispensa
142 r §'!iiie9,breef.r
'll,!.aliernafire:lijit.rn !epe..0.1,...c.4 .IVnaibilo
ion; .IVith tbe fanner, I.ve 114re'to Aeal fit.
, The. to: : tbi
Ot .
liev . Sibre . for' put . , tinleati.'ti.e . ar•
Firrpareir for an
.ekerool % . r . ar t . tiiiti the' sibadhtet;,
t oti-itlon, and ihO 't.uspeosiOti
ttim'at.Lipir:kohiit,:iiiii,pli: i..- A rir . i'lil44k tit;
coin mast be wade: fa retire ow Ihe-Ith of Match
next, and a Presiolpia! must he,,chosen of/ his
, .
ateaA who‘ . vlll ronspat to P aaae on Aka Wish'
• Of thd , and Conatitiii -Such :a
mnr.. is o.. , .ner;'ll,:ge .. Cli'll . .irt,...atit! ..I'iviiijryi
Ici'w.rfkr;ell,.to xlnuot. bat.. the ..10,y4j..penpie.o
the, litittod _St.Litf.s.:iairt "'pan:
abard.; t 'R., aa' aa all, *atttit;'&it . a
dot tox:i.lia il.:•lciat4Ja tho rdc
:o:veitliia‘v* of Dalits• arid hil.aisccie.ixtti at
niore. smile on our I.li.trrio.ql.rou4.o.
It'tor.pcvt~uboK,.srp', 12, !.go
.Thi:piscrs of dEy. goods and proiri:iOns . .. are
going down, ju New YOrli; In eilite . brail etrorts
•lo bold them op:- 4 large' otict stile adorn.'
estle geoi q, on tle.l ay, I . %%et • e
. ei decline- . ot
from 10 to 1,1 per '.conti the'tiggregaie roso:
.to one large owner'•vtai triitit3oooo:,to"
, .
• , Gov.. 13:raml.ele.anfl'ths -, Hon. Clay
have been miking si),ieehes in• Ken
, . .
• ,V 7 ElEll,44ln.,i4nttliy the AStlileeCtion , fir the Act' et
'iletiereA:Assetehly 'Pennsileaufa. paseo4l,ll.lly, ,
11 SSD; entitlett, ,, ,An Act eels tp, -the elections . of 'the,
'Coinnioiiseiiiiitli,"'it 'injoineti.ott the. Sheriff 'Or ei.oiyy .
ge la ntry to 'Or 'At such election's to, • tici %holt `16:tol
eneteeeato.tn sueh notice:what nEtWri are to be elected;
In peeleAtie4. the r o A. •N. 'LI L t.D().
Bheriff urthe'conotty of IllcKtinn•, ,st li? tioSiofo •.• make
.kn, sod cive•this public eleOtirra ofsalrl
cotioiry o r Dt olieau,t geno est rl Ida hold
iirunldcounty on reoatlay,,
1961, r(lt'heire ti,reeecoot - ..rueolop .113 montN) . teethe
, 0 103tion ot,the ofllcers i , to
(the tem - m.113r to: reprieeet the
Of Erie,' 'tt'iirreni. 'Jeffeesoui.:',.oeioroel44.-'Fii:eitV-',Ullti
opomei,on.and.alclieitn, • ~ )4 ,
036.ilersort fop .AsiiestiNly t - ,tiCrrprogeot ; cool; eir,o,C
Clinton,, Panteroeond Maßcan'in.the!lietiottoi"pt - Iteenre;'
sentettred:Or r; .•
',One .perekti TrOprer
' doe:porko, n r comae isieW. , 'OtAr.goan
" 4 Vas parson . . air ASidrtof of MOH
One poroop. for oOioner;othlcAirao:eiuity.',;,.- 1 ,...4:',',,i 4 .
Ant the goolleid Witt*, Of 4..5.• 'roast' or: )(Ass°,
, -..',...;`,,-'-v!,:-1.7:4:.i.',:r:,::4.11,4"..,,7.t,;.f,,e'rf4;11:.,;:',:;.,,.
Lotter from' Ron John Van:Enron.
. G OES .
G IO • .
• • APTItEHENBIOO •roit:Tunii,E4utiv•-;;.
_Lincoln' and DOI*
,cap ' Teter,
. wake .n Pence. •
„. .
The Coinittittec.'ao
great Deinbere Oeetini' it 'Albarli;;
dressed.. a. ...let ter'...ta.. /Tenor;
'int; i ting. him to
,ntake_en : ,addregisi.Upiakle : .to
attend{ he.'reptied by the following
will not tiq , iii nay power. ;
atienii. ilia (fleeting of Albany wed
. bUt.l . .hope.bifOre .1 he i catppaign cloant.lto..,have.;
the pp v.ilega Of,ntidressing.itly: , old, ftiands.. ; i
.cepital. .Vithaut. ander tektop,to'lltet'ete
had marked out • e' edutee . ivilleh . ll
'seemed to nie . thepart' of. , pafrlotiamtiiiptirtiu6:
While war as raging sad tio Kea - Went fill
caipPaittO , Wiependiinkl.ci : oleavorett ta, giye
,to the hiltd of the..Goyerriment ',11.C914i41.
tinrese'rved. t4iPport I sh6oldl . havor:P:referiei!
fo continue; go doing the .
'When.the'nfficial.term of nor chief. Matistr"ate
closess.....;But. the • Preeltient; o.:reludes %this ,
course by acepp!iig into. t.ho ,erena. befor.apy
ea tidida t els-notnirnited r ' against 'hint ..4e •
a - re.election.. lie
.469 .thfs:ng;.insti the'pri)
tent of u•reepectablo body Of: the !orator, sap- .
porters,'Who present fo . r. the offives .of ,Presi
.dent dad. Yice . -PreSident,thelOrth4.ll;•pfibliel,n
candid:ate f 4•• President anil;:thelliresent.'f.e...
Tublicalt.A ttorney•Penetni.;of this State... The
representative of the Deinacrutie 'party, with'
iuise turheacanee, hsti•deferre:il . :t he - ifoipinat ion
'Of candidates'uiltil the Ath some: two
ritenths later than .Ithe usual' , time, and., ufter4
War,l3; , i rtV t ion with' conserve t 'men
of other, parties, he'd againlinstpotieu ho,•..ioni.
mpniernent*.ol the ennVass 'the. end . 6(
Aueusi; thus JeaVin7 harely•tiMe for: the:dela
eoiti,s. from distant States, illte . .Californhi . , and
'Oregon:to attend the Convention
home to •iih .Udd e r
such eifyilmortneesthe:nnm.e. of- Gelieol Mc
elil t etiltiv,ated
ge.ntleinan,'„aid a thorough .. pat?
rid', has been,Preseneed in opposition to his
own wishes enr the chief meeker raey.-.' A :Coo
lest thus challenged:by the Preshreitt, and -
Yerml, the htt est rn One e! Icy. his opp , inerite,
la no w be hire us, and it'• is itnptittant at the
outset to hear in.. inind hOW•in originated.—
Altho'ngh Shortiinduratiuti, it is likely to ..be
se .
.vera: beyond l previous example,... The
enormous pat foliage. of the qf.),V,erittitept.,will• he
need'without reserve. to p erpetuat e power in
1 the:ha thOt lied& 'it: • A tr . einell .bend, • col
nifice hol.derar.constitute. en effietitia palftleal
Onontzition. Eieentive •cunetralnt, the
.pres3i„.the ant! the-. talegraph, pole the
mealiS 'of coirimußiculiilo to, 4 . y ,
e , i't extent
' l l6;xt i,7 ah e ; Pre ident. . t his
•nryniciplined niasti
.of trkenie t0'.'c00. , .(nt... But. •I haliu no :appie
her4sjul; tase.ijatinu
iv it tiLA he American
iotelligeoce, tedtage and. eli
gacilYs in ; aPite Me With Oiti're as .to their
. .
TLC r4l7llCr • LAS de
.I'iniFi'tiii!i . ," ; . 19 , fi zsrsy'A'l4 pli.iiisi.
`‘' ." •
4 —s,
wilt haul
tilliclitobein't.he,ileteial : platy 14. • hi.
• lows,: ', .p. A,; ;:!
TllO tOivlittli . P. Anisist tiCttlavlvi each) hOnan,
Ilitrankiblil.:Elmotitpdrt at lb* 1:ClourE114111111VIa‘
TllO. tlyr4ihip of liradftiid.at .
. fie.toirtsildh.ufdeCail'at•the tonstatheZaAt.,:tossibleit.,
• r . of piryttots tit llio,sugisionlailasoliair
o,4iAtOt ,
.The township - of - Nimrod At tbe'Eldred•frnett,"cket.:P.
. • The' tutvoehip, Natalia et, theAldrielr. lec3hathlillelotlec,•
'rit ICiWill 3 / 4 1 P. (, f444lllteis 414ir;4dizadji4170,, Alta
• 111° Nb)Aioilli9o. rpt.:
• Tha t 9 #. 1 ?i. 11 ?!P,C;f1:4 8 ..ft4ug. 1 4. orp, 44040 .
l lie towo:ljgpOr 41 , i0irt5...4 the 'to'
'Elia taitha lit of Lif,qtlitik at: 11W, lODl:litinasiiiiirtbsr
Lafayette Go-rouse, ' •
' The tau iiihip of lets ; :aitsilsalials OUT:
The township 'cf: Ottliat` -Print:Se
'it : tansilli , ef at
bergeint • :: '&4 . Lohao ;o4::Pattll
....Elia towoolsin of V more the . I,rousivot foki,', •
ant u 'also girit letitictek ',that IVery.',Tierson, aiorpillig
ths,Justicea of the Pcsoui alsell hold. tuir;ttilad •,•at.
' appointment Orprofih.dr, trust. „ tisider -the GoVernment '
of the United . Statrs utthe'fitfte, tie,.ofauy 'city
pit atud 4litrlot Silinthitl.l(o,llnoilieiniitif enure,.. or., aths.:.:.
o.to lau,aaboidinate titYlcor.or dgoht , • - eato• 14:ier - 4Juill
estiploy et! un:l,.r tho;Lekislative;4l,lecutiliu .
dej,..irirwat, Mato ihis' Ilia tinit.it;.
7, EibeSt. :of ;lin,
incorporated' distririr•oththliO,' that ' ovary • unhobei
Conoco', of the Etats,. taalststu re - end' of th 0 Noloot. and.
rotnalan anointit.uf any caryici Ouit,suissianotot sly irs'
ort,,,ratti. district dis low•liirapablai of. eserrioinit
noneilia -ti mei tint ofiliwbf.ludt, Inspector or • Clark. of •
au ) - 100l lon in thia.Cunsoionwealtir and that oniony:rob; ,r •
Jilihsif, lir ts , liir ander.. of any, attar' elcatfan , vltatt by
eligible to, anjr ntlitaitthourtd pe,volinkfor,' .:; -•
And in and ty the '4 thsoolien of ens Act...tifitioved
14th rlay,uf.,Cipril,:lll,lo,,lt is eoatalttdt : lhtt ' tbi~ihtlt_WA:
I thil.htuu Act pArsod 17uly,aitti./E419, , cot., ticd, anz i te t
:luting to the •eledtlens tiffs QusnosOisli , eafflitiliellhhi
Aka nonotruod an,to platelet:4oj' tnlllturitoi'tilrotst/IOOf• ,
Ora C (rod! aa JOtigoa,:lneptotor, or .(11ark:, - pkianitiy
• gutorrot tr.vpectni electron: ot,this o,unimopivealth.,
. Att.' thotiald net•rehlthrr t,l the cleatiOns"ol. - Naleednd.:
toonwou I th,l - pussild July 3C,1, „ 1 831koprOlddi05..10 lionot •
That tbu ,141 goo and
..Ithipea (as 5 , ..1 a. eforeashl,,,,ahall
meet et the • ronumtlio.:) , loOesttnpninted.,fuet6ldlng, tui •
in the distelo. to'. which thdy; .mm
totoro ,) the tnorittnif att'tlitt ''rdabnt''
ruaiday, of betobar In. qAcit' att.lu:ge:y.yersyi atitiloptt i qf
said Ins nOthrs Shall' 'appoint ':ob tr •clerki *.bli , •str.ll ,be
a .ountillad . voterof pahl ;It lit is, Pts
In case' thO•pdroun tabd shall have received ihe'secOnd :
Ittglse,,t,thlobbr at datum far Inabdotpii ndb:.ittedit
at Ono day of otrotfOu r thin Ilia, • snirSOn ,FLo;111111,111hoilti
raoa I y tile 'sobota.l hlgisei , t, int neue'r of -vdtata'
attire next • procoudi uh•olcut ion shall. kat on -traapeaddritin
lire inacd; rind inn case the I.',ersuns . tvlsU atoll 'hay o. pica' t•
ad tlialtighistslotnliar of v, , terolor: I.najias tart Shall ltfrit
'attend, the present clouted' Judge 41411 appoink 'ln. ••
specter In 1,11 pir.cot add If nay vacancy'shalriebrithirre'•
In ilia bOaid roe the Spade at otti.hour afser the time heed . •
bylaw for the nr,euint; of tho elbetion," lieu quallill,4
a/ .1 or too, townahip, sv,ti.4 or d (strict rut', p;tilals Ilso.dalcer .•
shall have.baCia . elected; Aireadilt et , the
dfact'nne of their:number to Illratiolsitracknor,',...., • •
It Shall bo aid duty, ot the scrotal. ',Atscssoit, risapets , „;.,
lively tu'atii3l,tl . at Thu prabp r,f Isoldinic.aver,y - getkerM, •
special, or towo,hip linittauld Alec,
tlit is gent open fur the purpose • tf
in, ItuiPoo to rs and Judges, shun aatlad. ito .•
- the rights of any.perallo . ;unmated by then to vnte.itt „shah ": •
- rlaotiduet, Or such other glitters , lation toltti , ttatem..
thout-or rotots as Ilia said lospootbr, or line
turn or Jutfgas, or el thur of th !nay - yrqsdp r ti', Ire
...No person shilithoperstillted to veto: .Any -ileattotts'
as:aforesaid, other Ilan a wilco (red mad -tliti!atifiNft
twenty...9447510ra or moro,.wbu re ,, ideittAinilsAtitaba "
et least one year; end 111 the .clootion disitrlikt kaa
ultara tl.l hu4l ai . ...essat ton , daps , Ituntkidabily:
an:., - diet: dud; and wititin tno.yadin. pant stnate Afttduo
try .tinti tines boon assest , d , ot
bo fore cloation,,• . " kit Cittiale of tile :Stalca!a•
hue beau a r t•piarihed, vhier!...of, this- EitatsflholrieiniSlidtt
;thole - rot ant roturliedadid- whip-shall .Isavnyrillohl4tl,la •
line election tll. triu arts . paid th,Keti - as, aroreaalo,,,,4l,all" :
be en• tIC,I to: vote., after adaiding , tillieflitwaletniordthi.
:Provided that tb.l ea,nsesii ottiequ"Of
beta-ova the agas of twonty•tue, .and , 'ltverity•twoi Yeafe,
and/living' residn'd - hi this . State "oneyear and . ;„
Lieu tee. days
.'itititrid 1, 6 •
1,14: u Ithutigh ay' hare nut, paid taxes,.L .
. Nu 11.•11161 , 1 shall b. e adodte.a . tri volts:whose name .111 not
.outoioo,t, to tuollit of taxable. Ir,ligitaitts.furnlshed by
the trorisinittonerA . , first. ti
11a pra,uua .e.recolpt . for•
the payment payment %y:.th t a“tyagita,!.r.l State' 0. otmtitfy"ltat - •
0010400 agreuablis to 11.0 Coastithtioh;i444 rrisvaaatia.; .
footer' evldenaos; thirst Oa 1.114 la on [tlt oral , arso r tio,st se r,:
tie ,line that he tins pan: auttr..
tair ,:procnto
rui:Ottit; shilt.liosho satin nrtha,pay osonathereorror i.e. ••
and, It Ito or:Moo - to hive a right to yute,.l.,y_tvin;;Alaoter
be toban tine ages. ~t tsrehty -coati and ttronty.:Swo r years . ,r •
%hall snake Pfllrmittintt that hti
o myru•Ai 344 tid.l.l4 . ttoty t . •
least one year herds-hula apittcht",ou. and. nialreaoch 'Out. •
of It la' roslitaahr tit the i's trio t not,, requirccd by ibtx
WiIOVI/Upoll 11111114,11.10.111 . ;110' a:Jr/MGI itrihJta bY._ . • • '
r”...sawnt basing pa o'l:l's,' Co the noi4. , ,,ge;it 1141'shan ;' •
be udenitt. os, account:of 1,r,1 011ie till
recent, i•uch twee o , iurbytbo c.th ha, who „.
shall to - Ito tip litre notes „ Yotec4: , byllleat,
;In ali catra ‘tliryo inn tine gi 411 1 31 4, 1 P
right to vote is not fool ~u tUrataitai 1) . 1 thlitonr. -•
nii•eloa ore. 1411.1890111, wlt o ths r.
ar not, LI 'olAhleted - tri" by'any aualifle.d .- eitizezi:l . t,Asitt be '
the daty of tips blitslisator to: oxarninii'hlid 'an •.
oath mll4
tine quatdwatbm ;anti it ho elithlis to bass
tbo ntete one. year or nsord, out:i ohell.be ad/latent,
proof,.. but ho shall pituf bY 'at .leliat one.'Coinpat,. •
Oint wi tad AP, who shall La in iltrgift t 4.44
reod , : ‘ ,l uqttlxi ttio. f., , r more tea days: '
miliatox,...precealoyi said.rotratlita,. and,
self 'ACeetr that br ae fidi .roiildetico'. a ptirstsaaao
his lawfal. - datilag,.:l.l' wituta •"tne , nor.,?ortll4 •
period or r,otit,-,; • .
-, , A
If ;any ' porHin sin, It • provent.,•br • .
ahy tdltqur of an etto 11 tu.:or.uAa or ti.keistrt,n.. , ..sinp.iyot.r . •
• once' to any welt' 011ihort , • r,r Intl/mat Or ,
parly'lnisrfare with, bins' Ins till. ovecht.oo hrfilokity,•or . • ,
shn' -•
b;94.1c o ior 'Lulea-4ot .to ..bloulf :o tint wt• . •
o r arcane any. wholoof•li-lioi-O inlay
rlotouiaydlcturt, 'the., paces ,t , f, yuati:oliotipnah , „ • •
shall •use or 'practfaa 41;taap):..
fortis or: vioJgnee•tvith ~, l oalgis- i ntitaaca-lindrilyi`:-.`or.
diarpoee ,any, elf ctor . at. playact him ,ftyug,;l9,pogi
reltrafn Abb. li . eadodittlintitrulad,•strettiltriod .att
donriotion, .41141 too . 1, 3 4 j; AX096,114. 'Oi t a
buntrat id/Afar:4 c ' and be' r,re coy Mime •. -.,•
ntora Shan
. twelt wooth;,and .It•thaturti. tra :id/ L owly tics .
hie, tine 4burt ivh.reitie trial ut mein olt , sino 40.11aC
.that the ,poroon Otten , ll,4'wuwonit a.rdaltfdat olio; •
..kra;(lE,trict or torroriap where tile,
knitted, nertnatentittelitto'datit therein ''.l.lsors oh' .
Lion 110 /1111111 bo voatenoed;l4 pay ~aline of; nut' lims.thits" • :
ono hundred nor mold tibia duo - thodearal.:dullard,
itnpriAntied:not.lesa flail six i,nuntbs'.iicirloorsiAllisriWo, • .
. . .
.1r any p . a. son at p'er,ons abarE'riate bet weiterf
,the resulto any "etec.)44'..,10 thin
wraith ot 'BI,OII tint :to matto'ktalt bet 'or
r arthtt p{o a litmut,ipp ,thoreut i . : ..or ;by .anf iirvitt•lo b
ptlattct wlyertkenukit, aliantogator laxity any, poraoa
oet.toto 'to wake . a 6:4. OrArigr r'
io tthey . 1,141. f I Torateit *roe. times. tlio4uL3o9Rfaillt.
. . .
. 1 t ,Soil he 110 duty or, tha leapeainetlei .F.tidict'' et.thit ''..
'clinefinetd reject Abe' votea of thoso orally of them cebo '
shall Itnow,br who4, , lnall Ini,,pioyee bare r 4 them-to 46110,,
in ado, or who irate auy. man ne r , in te resle r d trhaoY 1 04 OV ••
• Wager rie.the'rlistill: orsild eleottoe,-a64 on the reOilbsit t ii .. •
any quail tiod • elector, ~ .egid Inspectors and. AndAepthel..l." .
4 %1i
recolv. proof to show the 'exsons offering to ,labo. '
: 0r . _1143 . .n0t mad e any, anal, bet Lor. , .Whgeyi
..,:11'..+: tail . ; ' a":.. '..
Into'rCated tbordlii. -.-. '.. , ' ',, • '.-, ". , ....„:,;..; , :`4 ,: ;••
' • .:It
. i liy ig q .,,r t 4,,,k by law:guallitelt • shall. fromloteitiV
`'rota at any otoottoo tviOin..toti Corntnoulrro4k,ag bets.' ..
.ittlerolOci - quolifl.td's.holl" ye to ',Ott t t:if, his proper afqtiii. 4 .-
.or :it any-parson - thawing :. the - want of: /etch oiesillitaa7o., • .
,r,i,iii ' th o u Al' 00,el:cadre suclir-norsenh vote:. th,e3lSltt.','' . '
.stafro offeh,lin ;..ehalli: on 'coniloliosi,‘ be , trail !Oily 'Tie
go exceed Fop • two band red ad flare: am' , I , l!„trooTismpitli. , .-
r),. 'any torn, not •ft xcuedieg
,three h
odtlii i:' , l' : ,"',.,: .... ......
• .If aoy pol,nn . Rhin yore at more thetrAniia Oistottint-' :": ~
ibstrlet 4 or Othrivike trandkit,titly .folffati"deltvei 10 " ~• •
the • 1 ospeorar two tickete togetheri; 'JO r,illeatilly:Aveo4l.
or 'shell' iote:theeanie:,' or' trs , ,,Td -. pe rso 6 'Ol4l 'itsytto,too. '',. ', '
procure another to (loan,' lie or . they. ano ciffeadto( tikale(:, • '
on convict ian.be .Ith.. 4 to; say , euttl: tintless „Ova ; (t:feai -. , '
more 11.rtf !tiro hundred dolllirer , ilnl bali#Prione 'ittrtrir.. :: • .:
any lath' not.lesa than ;three .ocir.l.troro
,ttiati'lireli6*.' - • ' '
: A t.:any tiorson not quailded ioAghei;ll;;iltiliOthine ' ..C . :'• :, '.....
Wealth, agreeable . to Ifitie, 0,0,44, I he:aorts . ..efite.Ailled . '1.., .
voter)) I , lle. II aprerir.; at' oeryhtenotelectil*liio44tlf*, . :..
-; oso of Icailleg t eketkior tallueeditutthe;oltlailestlirait,l94 . ' '
e i
ill, TOO,: he' pht,tit on cenelethetthrtolt,andythazta ~ 1 144t'-i '
'hiteiesedlrig 'toe ,htindiadollatiljor:ataiyaisch . p titti4 , ...:.
artbotoiprltotiotl:;lor- , : , iiiy6t4i . 4 , ,iicit , slOtotteiald i1,U44 ~, .-.,. ; ....
.fivpilta. ,:.;:.'....,...,:: 5 ,„ :, , ,v,gr4WloliMsf, - •:, ,'.,',,
.:, AnCtli . e'ltettir'eleffitilieCtile ,iVlyeittlyCliAltrP.O.A.lla,',: •
rdreinildt , ate',4eqettek.te4Tkiteei:',loseetherir,fe.thiV's. ,. .l,,+',:.
ty..ttatot,'itotidirrOint,t4Attrildo,takrot(tbfvotttt4:, 7.'..„ , .'4 , ..;
Aty,,,o,f , ..ttato4Oi.nOV,Atoitt. tirsAtllitrfrti?;4o l #Vi.A4'-: , ••••••=,
_''..?.);'l":,- , ..' , 'r . G. , le.- -, 41,...f-'?i'' , 44 - V ,i;',clf.
~ : 1.111:141! 4 14:40b010114161101i litilt41#1;011111r,
....._ . , . i ri , -.,', ~,
• "halt FY: RelletiliVitedallilcal.AF •I•OtiOlClPaltiollii...' l ":`2,',;.
itiv. 4o *Aiiho , gritOrtNl4 o , l l47ltPkc ' , - 4 .,.r1 - '*b
01,11hiafrtlkalit!litOtihtina":9e0 . ligfo! :1 . r '' V.j , `.'.1•,...;''
ci!OleeitAkthiiiApt befell, ottheti . C l4ll
GlittlaiallaKsotbantioll,thoo... . , ~,
Isitit.t ;•.-4;11e0 Olact be
..., ~, . ...„.tM.--ew0...-P . 0
. ...-.4,::.•. ,, •.,, , . 4,11111204.p0, il.._ . ;1,,
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',': id.',.'% 1-.:
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~ ' 4 1:0off ; ..4.t. , ,,. ,,, ,
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fi:, ~,,,.....10e., , ,...,, , c,,, , f,..
,e:,,,i0,. , ,i,i710i ~ ir;,,:i,,!,-,4 ,
r,„,, ,:Atz , ill.. 1 ,,,- f .
, • ' Y"' ~ ''' - ,! , , •: - rf --,
re'rk9r l.-
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r cy;..-4,