M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, September 17, 1864, Image 3

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    snw'mK'll' SALES.
. .
:1114 ' VIRTUE ofinindry or.Piiiri ltschts Licari
1.0 Pietas, and V oldie! uni Rxpodas, *tied ' out of. the
`'.• Court of Comities Pleas of McKean 'County. Pg. ' to me
directed; twill expose io sale. In the ConrtHOuse•
in Smethpart, on - Monday the 20th ;day of September,
30,4 at 10 o'clock hi the fOetoori,:the, folltmlog dee %
eribed tracts or parcels Of land, :to • witt• : •
..ity virtue ot 'the annexed writ I *steeled 'en ill the
• :isatate,.. title, claim and • interest °Cliental Mel- ,
drudge, defendant therein, Viall the: folloWing'describoC'
kit of lands Haute in thetoamohlp of horny( tte, Ittattnan ,
tounty add: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, bounded .
and described es follows, to wit:—ldegion ng , at a. corner:
in the Kittaning-Road, the North-east corner 'orbit No
00 of the allotroint'of the .11Inghatio' lands In .. .Lafayette
: township McKean county; Permytiania, :conveyed to,
" Joseph M. Holdridge the north-west corner allot ne 01
: 'conveyed to U, Whitman thence along the north .line • of
• bald lot No 00 North eighty-nine degrees and'i.hall West
, noehundred and 6fty.two Torches acid five-.tenth's to.the
. Ntirth.west coroer of said lot No; 1,90 ,, thence along the
east line of Warrant N0...3903 , N0rth • one degree. end
'three-fourths 'Eseteighty-six perches and elght-tenths' ,
• to thenonth-westoorner of lot No. 92 'conveyed to Jan
• . Arnelt thence along the south line of lot .110.. 02 South
degrees end. it half east two. hundred and
Three perches and eh/ht.:tenths thencualong the .Nittati,
• ioowl aforesaid . , South , thirtY-tirodegrees wesetme
,• , 'hundred and One perches and elght.tentini to the Wass. 9f
begioninc.Centaining'nfeetY-One atres..with. the listiet•
. allowance of six per cent for roads be, the .sanstnere
'or less it being tot No. 03' of the allotment of,
ham lambi in Lafayette township, McKean country afore.
paid part of,Wartent No. -2264 with' 'about forty acres
improved•two-imall frame 'barna; two: franie houses 33'
. 'bearing apple-trees Ind several plain:trees,- the term,
Slimed and taken in execution and will' be wild as the
property of Ddniel Holdridge, at the suit of Daniel
. Itoldrldge •
The followfng It:esti:State- Beginning eta Beecli-tree
at thiliorth-east corner. of lot No. 202, thence trent! SI
4-100 rode to poet; thence North 100 70:100 rode to A.
post: lu Boutth lire •of lands conveyed to s' , Walker:
thesice'North 0.24 degree!' kant 07,46 rudetcra .Poit.and
:corner 'of Linde conveyed to saidValker„ 'thence North
27,ti degrees West 10 rods to• pout .oe 'Road, corner of
land of said Walker,alker, thence by road tooth .01 ) • degrees
' East nine and 75-1110 Sods to a' post in' line of lot Na.'
.120 thence Sog,th 242 rods to the place of beginning, Con.'
Ala leg forty-Tior and eight-tentbi sere!' more orissa,
being pert Of lot. No. 127 and Wag rant N0.'.3198; - abort
' thirty scree iroproved.. one framed hay .barn situa,led, to
the township of Bradford and county of McKean . ' and
Btate.of Peontylvania:
AVO—One other Iraot. of labd hounded and described'
.1111 follows tO Wit:, North Sod East by.lritid ofJ. .11.
'vine Erate, - B outh'and.Weil hytheSighway. containing
about' three Mereli more or leis ell .Irtipmved ,two' frame
barns, one fraMed house.. one framed -blaeksinith•ehop,'
one gond well of er4ter and ..13, Choice lot _of . fruit-trees,:
situated in ltradford.towra4hip 121!•Feen county. Pa. • '
Beised,sed 'taken in expeution and will be sold as the
property of Orson llogle,' it the' suit of :.Daseaw Arlen. ,
, . .
. .. .
. . . .
"The: following &scribed .flealrgatate in .ITamilfo , twin..
Alp .MoKesnoonnty Pa viz; Warrant Ifu2222Subdivision
92 of 99.5 acias also Warrant 2 143,SubdiviSion AO of 926
acres mr.kinrl tour hundred and fifty acres In both 10t5,..
unimprovod. •',.. •..•. 1 •.. • jp, • • ' '
- Siezedand takinln rkistutiois ind'vrilf tie 'told' sa the
prOperty of Calvin C. Nidbblion at tie ' sult. - .'.of 'Williani
'Th. l',llo . whig dn . ae . rll;eall.al iNta4 to Tivnlip'ti*(lllll
snooty itertraqyi amis..** Warrant 1 , 1 , 0 711 sU'diri,.hin
90 of 2.25 acres silo Warrant 2*i:l•Subdivision 91 of VS
• acres making four hu tdred and fifty acres in both lots,
unimproved:. '
Siezed and, taken in execution and will be soli as the
property of 0, 0 Nicholson, • at' the, suit of Oballas
All that certain tract of laid eitostel.. in . Norw!cti
Township McKean Parnivlyarilit • It Mang • the
c.lol4ed one h.ilf.or all on the West aide. of the Pmatoe
Creek-, Iteginuing at a Beech being the North East corner
of.ktaynarda parHtee, thence South •torty-11Ye chains to
aliesen,,thence Zast•tvrentfr-trto chains and seventy fro
links. t o nAiott; thence North twenty - three chains and
twenty-Ora links to a'poat; thorn •Weat Vli ran Chains
.and-twenty-are - links to a tend[ 'thence North 17- Beat
el-von chains to . * !mat, thence Nnrth chain,' to a
33;vst, thence Went nine chalue twalye roil one half linke.
to the place of b ginoinaseventr-fro acres and serenty. ,
two perches; Iteirig..the Pam, tract of lend convoyed to
W Griawold-22nd day of Sept. 15.1.5 by' William Hell,
Mary Ann Gallup "and Dnahe . Gallup about
Ofteen tyres Impr..ved and frame barn;
•Sietel'anittakeit , in execution and will be sold is the
prapirty.cf 0. 3..tiordick at the out .n 1 C. X, Sart,well
& free. now for Vie on ore, It. Burdick',
Sheriff's Offiesi,'Sin , ' , i•hpnrf, Sop!. 5, 1.361:
' • • • A 'IV UILLIT3RIDGF:, Sheriff..
Tho Taci- ~ Prices Currant Of Proice,
Reported •far the
Com . fnission Merchant
No 32 . ;I:ay , Sire6t. ,itipw' IPorlc
Ta wil.f»ti.,s/Vpinepts of prl7doie m.y be Male.
'7'itio.,thirdi of t he mar%et art/.,e will be aa'thvirAl .
on the receipt' of the irooili if deiirel, artrla
reterrd:MMie for: ibc &Vance. ; Fall directions
and a. Weekly opzrket.report sek: free of charge by
mail to .those making ts: •
Resmarks•iur the Week - ending 'Aug. - 24 . . ‘:
Beeswax, Wanted; Beans, weedy; pea upar;',.
red;. Butter, wanted .Cbeese ; wanted Dri...cl'Ars.
plea; wanted . ;
.lieachesovented; Plums, war,-
tedv . PUO•ri.es,• 'w a nted; Ras.pheil les, Wmit . ed;
'ilXckberjev. .vented; 1;11.;:t<; warted;
edr Rue!: wheat,
Flax,' ivantetl F 1,11:, (Viet; %.Feathers, wtkuied;
Fresh "meat?,' firm; •I,Voeht - .fi.rm; - Rye, firm
Oete, firm; Corn wanted;. Hides", wanted; Flops,
firm; Lard; wanted; Beef; wanted; PM tr, Wau.
tud;: . Poultry; Wanted; . : Beedsmaneed; Tobacco
nted;"•. Sorgni
hu, wanted; . Wool; wanted;
Hes, wanted; Tallow wanted •
pure, per..lb . " ... ....... s'' 83 to S 84
. impure, t‘ .... ... .. 40 to 46
.REANS, white soupd, per bushel ..—,.
.2'50 to 2'Bo
RUTTER . in tub,. per lb .. .. . "•40 to '59
' • in tirkins, ........ 42 to ' 68
• . 'ln rolls, Si) : 38
cur.Est,eboice,." .. ... 20 tO : •58
,Common 14- ' . • • •••I1 to 16
DRIED APPLIES, 'll to 12
• . PEACHES, •'1 ' 24 to' 06.
"I • ..PLI'MS, 1 , - • 21.6. 28
CHERRIES," , ... . . 27 to - 30
'i RASP nERRIES, per lb 23 to: 25
• . 1 ,DLACKBERRIES: .... In to •, 17.
EGOS, freitb; per (linen . '23 to .. 25
limed .
FLoultorhoft, per bbl
, • tz, - eye, - "
CORR MEAL,. per lb bond
BEEF, .iness;• per ' bb1....
• •;priin., . •
PORK, mein, ."
•, : prime, ". •
FURS & SKINS, serirlee Curieit
9 00 to .15 130
8 50 . t0 )3 00
3 00 to 3,50
• 18 00 to 29 00
• 9 00 to 24 00
St 00 . to 44 00
. '23 00 to' 38 00
t1R 0 9 1 , 1 lir:gess ;per lb...
DEEINsideR, • • . ~.;
MOT EON .1. sarcani,
VSAL • ' 04
PORK,. drained per lb
WHEAT, Per , bushel
Hix " • • •
• • po l 4.
ltS. ;er
. WENKON. ,lb
PIORONS; per. doter! ,• •
11IDES, dry per . lb ... 24 to •30
.• • gro an.. . .... . . 12 to •14
•siors, prime, ' •, „ 26'to ,
. , . • II ' 4 to 14'
LARD, common to best, per lb • ..... . fl 2 to 23
Dive, smoked,: per. lb ' '• " JO to :25
• • 131101GLDRIts, smoked, 113 to 22 - i
'BACON," 18 to 201
lIONEY 22 t 0 00'
. QIIICKERS, per lb • ••20 to 25
.TURKEYS, • •‘• •• ~ ...... 20 to 22
• ORR' . ... ... 14 to :5
• MOORtf, .t. . • • 20 to
CLOIT ER 9.EED, per lb ...• 24 to. 26 ,
• TIMOTHY." •. " •.. . . 550 to 625
11- • . • .3 75,t0. 30.
• XULI4OCO•WiIAPP*I I 3, evresol, per in; • 38 to. 70
• new, ' " '"0 to 35
' i 4 11114LERS; ewested . 7er lb 14 to 30'
*:. " •'" . '"••'.•••••• .B to • • Ic
" .
TALLOW.peelb • . , 19 to •20
souuturesit Rue. 'Per' WWI" 90 to . 1 00
• Wool,:warhed,, , per . 05 'to 1 10.
• • 1 -unwashed. per • -60 to ' 711
APPLES, car .barrel.; ...
.. . . 310 to .5 0,1
• phire-,...1. NO report of the, York Market can be
itteo on tile at our time atjhls oftlee.,2ln the ab,i'vo
given the lowest and blubeet prices which' ere governed
:by qa..ll.ty minittlon • Maoy ertibles that are . tv•t
• mentioned *bore, eon be fotublim the report in our office.;
. , . ,
. ~
. . .
i HEREBY caution ali parsons againat buying
I Or baVing -11114341 i 40 la with a certain
proriiie,ry Note for $26.06; drawl . " by me, pay,
able to Taaaa NtEhaat; or bitater,4lattd,l.,ilwr.
y;•April 7, 1862, duo, 1 tltinit, in 00., 1863,
a l'havipaiii, said pot.: . ' J. IN:FARR
libayty, Nov:. 23,..1 . 863, •, • alOY3t4;
WInREAs Letiiis of •Adratnistration:lo
;the ,21kdate of
: SAMUEL C.Gritsoo, lute of
Camercin - eounty, deceased, - havelieen granted .
to .tto. sobsetiber,All .- iittracios indebted 'l6 the
said 'Evtate are
. requepted to !flake Immediate
peyment; and Ittooe . having claim or,dernatide
against-the Est ate — of the ettid. decedent. `%pill
make'lcoowo sante to' , •
• • ' 'AVM. L. GIBSON; •
' • • ' •t dini,l'Airator•
Ai-Pie.Pattit ()Mee of
. N0.W1:01.4 EI:DRED;
. .Emporiuin;Cameron .co . upty P 0.,•
Septet - Ober 9. 1864.: .
Yalnionary Coasump.tion a Curable'Disease!!!
• • 4 %. Xard to ConAumptives. ,
. . ,
The undersigned ' been 'restored to
he filth iit •a few. 'weeks, by S, Vely.sirripie - rerne
ifter..having,stilleied several years'. With..a
severe , iuntairee lion, and that • itread disease,
acinsuniption— , -isanxious.to,mike known to.his
felloursufferers the .mains of ebre. ,•. • • '
. .
To'all'who desire jt•hawill send aeopy of the
presdripiion used (free of charge,) with the dk
reetiOns.. for merniring and - using. the .seine,
WhichtheY:will..find a Sure Cure lar. chnsuMP
tion,.Asthma, Bronchitis, 'Coughs, Colds,' &c.
The only object of the adveriiser:'in seining the
prescription is' to: benefit (the nfiligteci, and
spread information which., he' conceives to be
invaluable; end hehopes every entlexer will try
his remedy, cosi . thern'hothing; and
may proveu . blessing:
• .REV.• EPWARt! A. WILSON, . •
• • WilliumsLurg,: . •
Kings 'County, •
. .
rriRE. BOARD of Relief, for Families , of
•,Voloot eers; for M'Kenn' county, will meet
at the,Comtnissioners' Offiee; in Smetbroi,t; on
the Ist Monday each, month .until • notice is
given to the'contrary. -• • • .s .
• • •
• July 141; 1864 : . • • ..• •
i;• v:
„ • •["'"Elma
• - CorogM
. .
• • ket
. .
„ •
,• . •
• • •
. . •
87 to 90
10 to 16
8 to 15
14 to 18
-• 240 to 2 62
•; • •19u to 2 00
09 to .2 00
••• • . , 1 50 to 1 63
•• • • Bto • 11
TDli.:r6whei have been discharged by reason.
and vvlur have not received the. ONE HUNDR
ED DOLLARS43OUNTY, can reCeive; the
same.now at once ' by applying either in person
DELPHIA.. .• • • . . •
. .
'DIME MONEY::--A tulnist at ALL PRIZE
PAYABLE TO DATE cat, hiiiwen at • the
tikes.. These and all Other:claims ag'air.st the
Government. prornptry . .. • •
.Tft's lame CnmModions house ie nowebeins
pur,in the' iiety . best order. The rooms Ste
rge iv in it.new beiti; 'the - walls . new. .pa per, &
patnt, and the' Proprietor - does. tint hesitate
to gitarantr.e. suests,.s drei4 -bed, ;And' his
table will' be at all times furnished;. with the
best the markets iffold. = . •
large' and !parlous •r ne, is.' well supplied
with a,eholee supply" of importaWins.,• Liqu
ors- and eigariisrid good. order pervails..
•Two large • Barn are - connected. wish ,the
house end well filled with Hay, Mite and Straw,
and Hum! linows how to care for Horses. Come
and see' lis,and tie wall treated: •
Bmethport Ari: 5, 1864.
. .
. . ,
ir o son
K 11474.,;:, , • Li-jrz
I)IITIVATTTE. 9rdetWthe Orphan',
Court for the (Jaunty of-'Nrilien, besi,4l
dati-the let ! lay at July.lBo.; tiii!'unrreteliiod
Administrators of, the estiffe - of.GIDROI4• Wait,
deceased, late of
.M'Kean county, ra:; 'wilt ex-.
pose .at, the :Coort • House . in.
Smethport,:op - Monclay, the 29th .thty..er.Au
gilst 1884', at 10 o'clock • A. M. of that ..dity;
.the following described real Eitateito ‘vvitt •
'Fins.^r. All that tract of land situate in. Kett;
.fingStovenship;:McKean connty and ..State: of
Pennsyle:niat .begiOning ''the South=east
corner of .lot - sixteen of the, allatmenref
the - Binglam: lands conveyed to ,William Wil
liarns;:thenee North, one and a • half degrees
East, afongthe . East line of, snid•lot, one' buti,' •
dred and forty-five perchea,and • two-tenths of
• aperph; thence Ens ten 'perches to -the Mar-.
road;, thence North;. Jerty.five de.,
grecs it,st along said road, forty-eight perches;
..thence:South,.:twenty.five degrees East,*forty ,
perChe4 thence !Mitt:l . ,' eightreight dcgrees
and one tialf of a,degtee East,••.thirty: eight
perches arid three tenths of, a perch; ; . thence;
Sbuth,.one degtee . and one' half of a 'degree
West, one hundred-arelonrperches and' four
tenths sifa perch; thence North,. eighty' eight
degrees and one hilVof •'degree West,,: one'
liundred and one;Perches and sjx tenths a perch
'to the place. of beginning; containing ninety
licres...and nine tenths of an acre, 'with the eau.,
al allowance of. six percent' for.roads, &c.,
the seine More Or less, end being. lot •Ne, 13 of
the allotment of the 'Bingham lands in Keating.
township, McKean.county,
part of Warrants numbered 2056 and2opt.--L .
Aso All that parcel of land knOwn as lot No.'
12 in. warrants numbered 2050 and 2037 of the
allotme s nt of the Bingham lands -in K.eating
township, McKean county;p'enneylvaniat cwt. !
Taiping thirty nine
,and-fotir tcnthistcrcs of
land mo're . cir less. ' - • •-
SEOoarr. Alf thet•• tract nrland.known 'and
• lots numbered 48 . and 190 in war.
rants 2252 'stint 2259 in the Jillotmeni •of the
13ingha in la'ndi in Keating . township, 2MCKean
county , and State: of Pennsylvania, being. the .
same rands 'conveyed by deed, dated ale second
'day of' February,.A. D.,. 1837, from
. .losepti
Reed Ingersoll and others to Gideonirons, and
'Recerded in McKean county. in• Peed B ook I,
ria ge 77, Ace; containing 386 acres,and .alloW
ar.ce ol siy. per cent, excepting and• iv erving
,nitt of • the barite ode hundredand eigitty'fire'
acres, pt landi•being•the same lat,d;contrdcted
by Gideon frees 'o Solomon SAri %lel' by. agree..
ment dated the 29th day
,of•Novetiit)..r,: A. D.
1634, and recorded in McKean county in , Deed
Book'', page .
'Tai o, All that tract of land. known as lot
Number 34 .warratits cumbered 2250 and
3900. in !he allotMent :of • Bingham lands in
Kest ing.Townsh:P,McKe.an" county and.
: State
of Pennsylvacia; containing fifty lobe and two
ten•lis acres 'of land,-more or less. -
' .•
fOi.'llTu. All that -.piece °Hand situate' in
the Borough of Stnothriort, - Countv of. McKean.
and State ot Pvtinkylvanial known as lot No. 1
in Square No. SO,' t e•deeigtarted on .the. 'map of .
said Borough;being the Noilli-vveD - one e;gbat
of - paid Square. -• • •
Taaats:--casic, odron s fiimation
. • A•l,,tini,tratars.
n • . ' ' 01.4V n E • . r
- . A tinliWSerg
A uust 6, 1861..
..The above sale is adjwirned to Satimhy the
24 , h d..}' of S-pterhb'er. .n.eict, at the ,Court
s , Tiethomt.• Sale to commence. at
Kr atini, tfom 2D, 188:1.
. •
are, offlrt4 arrortinity by: which ; they
,un,obtain a .
.1,1 QI.I.RE
Quit w.vrcays:4tti
01 7 :EXAMtiOTItilii
A first.class 134, - ting Piece• of silver
r. Medal, over which ie e:ectro.fine plated 1 8 k.
„1, most du-ably wrought;'ni;.king the !zOta
ti in so limitless that If cannot be detected Trott
11 , 0 &JIM material by . the Most 'experienced
It.dges; acids will not affect it. .London meets
moVernent. IXPXOVED DUPLEX in ri;cr, Rum;
Aoctori, has sweep seconds; and is nnt to be ex=
died in general apPearanoi. Turs is
v one Of the BEST ARTICLES ever offered lor trap
411a4 and speculators. ;ENGINEERS, EMEGE.ANTSj
and exusoris riaystarso, will.find tem superior
Ii any other; elteration•of climate will not al
leer their...accuracy, . Price, 'pecked in .good
sli . .pe and good running order, 0n1y.53.5, or case
tor $200.., , . .
kit elctro-:fine plated 18 k.. gold, similar to
0111 IMPROyED DUPLEX, and s uperior adjusted
movements with ttStop,". tp he used in timing,
hi tare, etc.; hat; F4WR INDEXES for W Ishington
•iii. I OreenWich-trme, sweep sgeolid, and all the
iirprovernents..Allan all,.taking its beautiful
end foultlest appearance and its superior move.
into consideration, we regard it . as deci—
de 11l the cheapest article of 'the kind in the
market. Price, in good rutining'order; $35, pr
tilts 0f.6 for $290...
• •Mc ask no pay in advance, but f o r.L
.vui• .
leither of them t. .responsible- parties,:to
; . 11.y part. of the loyal States, with bill payable
:1, expressman wiien are slelivered;
the-buyer the privilege . of examination,
t 1 I t tt ot • it I . isfacto fy the' watch can'he return- .
e''tit my
express companies rafusiMsking-collee
ti • its onsoldiers 'anti ot hot' pafties in the dislOy•
ai Stute., 'ronskpiently all such cadets must he
minpanieil by
,thicash:to insure attention
?.nukes dednetion of ..tWo dollars on•either.
when the'ivymrnt is forwarded in ail—
limey may be'sent by expreea at our.ez—
. CAFFERTY 8; CO., •
9 and 95 Broad St., oppositaCi;y Bank. •
• Providence E ß. L .
Dreier Moves, Uzi Ware. .Japparuid Ware; .00, wen{
• , cad 41441..Pub11e, equara t •Nmetliporl, , Castors
work done - to order on the shOrteet entiry and in the
'inept rahatenitiel Intlat* , " •• • ' • •
. .
zunsnumire, DotauseACTutch
• These' Piirtips havenoas . been in general : uie
Sintjrnbe of yaas c atid giVe bettei • aatistaction
than iny . sither,anci size . recominended at'
- T Es E•S T!:
by Copt Erricsan, and other' eminent Engineer*:
•We can refei tfir :usinethatri - ,:and
guarantee that ill:wilt recommend, them: The)
are trwre simple in l ; Const ruction, and4orlt east
er, end cost leas than all others: ,
, . .
matters find , the- double acting. ittc,
proied Pump of J. D. - .Weat:& Co., one: of the
beat'in the market. •
,It at very Works
to a charm, ao_that any
,chilJ may use itr"throWa
A iteady.continuoua str eam daps not frero,e
in the coldest exposures, rand is unusually cheap.
We say this knowingly, and, give the .teatimo
ny.of our own accord. without •the. knowledge
or.regw'at, of the:propriettora.l'—t.N.• Eve,ii:rg
pot, J u tylit 0883: -
This may certify that I.lsave been P•LilltrAtt
my menu Metal, tot the 'sit foul yet's,. west's
improved Pumps.' I nos! .litue in trie.tiites . Or
said pumps, one .ol which if kept, constantly et
•volk, 24 hours Oar day (except Sundays): aid
pionounce them,:urifiCsits tingly, the best, pumps
that have been broUglit 'to .my notice, 'having
used instil:others' previously. They ate intr.
pie in their construction, and not .easily diiat
.Tongeti.. - . 'Jiors." 4 lElO.
• New . York, Oct', 40, ;ssa.
.-- ,
J. D... l, Vast &Co. ;We are pleasedAto eittr
that thr Futuna we
. hedof you, tbotq a yesr a . ge
have been in constant ' hours . each .. day .
and 'raise for filen ,01 oui.WoOleu Factory)
gallons per Minute. They wink with
but‘iittle poWer; eomnared.with pimps we hsvp ..
used before,.and do not. grt ont of repairoim
v are . satisf.ietory in all.,reaykfs. • Yours, &c.,..
Stu oN, rwilt:i3 ) ;?! to•th.efaimere 20
. .
• ..1‘) tarmi't who awns a well Oreinterncan
po:,sibly afford to he without an iron ponip. . It
should be at once a sur .. tionanC - 7 -
toree "pempa
perfect Mite fire engine—such a one.knowd as
43NeWs'Irnproyed Pump.'.. I speak of thin pomp.
beranse'l happen to.knoW it to be VerY'llEnPle.
clurahle . ;.powerful asp cheap, and it...tlon't freeze
up,. nof• out 'of order once d ,year. I know
this, and thinkl may' be doing. the. farmers
.good . hy speaking of it. A i)py . 10 yearn old
can work it, and throw .a continuous inch-and•
a.gliarter stream.: It cad be madeto. work . in
ells as Well in as in shallow ones." • • •
Prom the New York Dbsers4r;
.We have had if..ose for months past
_one of
Pumps, which has given us mol Salk:
faction ai a force and lifting pumn't hen any . .we
have ever 'lt is one of great pow.r.,.and
w-ll adapted for . Ship's decks, mines, faCiories,
ere.n bungee, graperies; &e:, &c. 'The Mining
Chronicle and.raitway Journal says; -
It is recOman . .rided {snits ektrerne simplicity of
corstruetion, great• strength,. end (unser - pent
'durability and cheapness of repair.' .Thereis no
stu . ffing box —the Pressiire -beidg held by .0 run
packing, like
. that. aped, the working piston,
working in a cylinder, fitted •for the purpo •
'within the super eirchember—whieb we think
a great improvement, aa - stuffiirig.is eolielde:to
be.ileranged, and leakunderstrong presinre, to
say nothing •of the loss • by friction' incident
thereto.. it 'has . also two air chambers';;lblis
- the action of the
. valve is cuihinned upon .both'
.sides by air—preventing weler hamtn , 4, and
. vacua] ot harop.' Theyalres ore vety accessible,
and aimply . and cheaply repaired.' They work
mucheasier than any punt we. have ever seen;
the 4 inch,cylinder being worked by children in
',Wells 100 feet deep, and '.they ' are , .extremely,
`cheap as well ac.sirnple.and . strong, we. freely
recommerel them. . • . • --'
Gr. Neck L. 1., ISGC!
. ._ a
. • . ..
I h ave used this pump for aria summer: nd
.wint"er . , expmed to the North 'Weal . wind corn.
'ing over. Long jeland eourid, being the coldest
•possible-e;posure, and at no tiMe:did it freeze,
nor were.ive unable at any time to pump water •
with great rase:.. • •,,, .- •
.11.. B. Mcltvata.
. . .
The undersigned, havjnh.to use .West's
proved Pumps, ••yi,beertully:recoirinienti them as
•rimple v iltirable 'and pi,vverful in 'raising and
throwing water,*anit'for their. ease. of action,
secutliy ugiinet (ros . t, and • IoW. prine, we be—
lieve. thein,superior to all others.. •• • '•
WARREN LELAND, Met. Hotel, New York.
:• J. W. Poteaaor,Yonkers, - N. Y.
•• .1 • , .
, CombridierMine; N. c„ June 15,1863
. .
J. .
J..D. IV EST. Or .L.Ot t ' : • • . ••'•
- _
Gents—the Putrui-which .!:'ordered :for our
Aline, is received and put to work in" our under-
'lay abaft, whick we iire sinking. We find . that
one man 'will ease-lift 5o gallons per min;
lite'. We lifte'd in.thre and.a half hdursall,the
water4inthc Atilt, which treasures seven by
twelveteet and '3O reit . deep; and it .was full .
when w;r. commenced: . - li.itti!wars'9ur expecte
tjons- in,ayety "respeA,and . our, workmen. are
vice with but trifling capense for repairs.:
Yours, respectfully, . .
... , • . BORE HI•GC . 3INS
. . . .
We have plenty more such certi ficates •
think these ere enough:: nir Pumps . , '
Pipe ?e,c:;address or;all Upon .
3.11. Wait Bn?adway, N. Y.
Sn, Bro
park Drai
Light UV tolet, :
Dark Grab- M ' OW, • .
Light Gratii,
rur DyeingFel k; Warden ead3ltaiel (ion ‘ de, fclia.wlm, Sudo;
• ' -Deessfyi,' Ribbons; OW/0N Piondts, Rats.
era, Xl4 - 01orosi Children .
• • all kinds of Welding Apparel. .
yor RS. cents you can color as ninny goods es would ad:l
arvae ooet gee times thet'inatt , ,. • Mortois es
aksd. pep be
prodocedlrom the Mme Di*, -The prowtsakelmple, any
one can use thWDyi kkb-perfeet eneeesw • '
Dlreetlona in English, Fran* land Getnotw r inikie of
Pot...further Inkirtnif kin In Dyeing, sod skral s perfect
knowledge whatotilers are beat oulted to dye over o
[with valutble..teeolpte. pltiebamt How*
St Treaties on 'Opting ont, Clo oribg.-: Bent by•mill
on roost: tot prim, 4 ,40 oak, ..•
)tsnutaetuned by ' , 'VOWS k
- • , '• ,•• • ;
SOU illoaolvempog
' foe eels b 7 rrieisisti isal./Ppqklwraoslia: • • • •
NSW allti•lLDib .
- •• . • ; • -
• SI
eotnatke(Ationdilii.Aviiiiik4tl4 SeB4
•Trikinclill In" Otes at' allot 'the
012111, '
,-• •
Night' kxptits.
Way Freight,..
2 / 9 ' , •
IViihi . E4ipiellie 7i22 iv:
Mrrii~' . - • 2 'A".•-ni:
Way Freight': '
. .
NATIIADI lEL MARSH, Receives... •
Phil claw and Barigwoti f amothport, Pa will *tier d tw'sl
.111 , wwloaskalio witlilltomptWoos4 . 0114," trii,ftoort
ktie #gpsoojrAl,_Oflosi. '•• ' - '
. .
. . _ ~. . . . .
Dimaler In Dry. 06666, orooselea; , Orodkeiy,' gird. umm
800 ti Shoes, no.i 06pm; Glass,: 1460 m i, 0116 am,, k•
Sut, elde 61'016 . P6blia amoulrN Onoothpott,' Ws—. :- ' •
THE Ittib:',Bl.ffM. KiIiffIEJ::.:.COMPANT;
5 roa .
06 13dwa* '
liinutactire the moat perfct. lifichinelorpew•
lug, ever promoted to' thi 15ineti—
aim public, and cbelapge companian with , an'y.
Sewing nachine made irt, the, United Sfeles;
The Weed Machines, with
stile improvements; entiiely overcome allim;•'
perfectit They are, 2 • f.
SUPTiBIOR ALL I Taut.. •,•
. •
Fanttly d'
IVlansifisotrinst . PtirPoolos•
Simple in.construetbirr ) datable in all NO.
Understoad.. - Thej , ltive cet—
tainty el stitch on all kinds at • fabrics, and are.
adapted.to wide range Of wailt ifftthitat change'
or adjustment, Using all kinds -of Thread. , --
Will ..Hem; Pirut, -, Gatheii Zia;
Quilt, Coid, and in' r4ct sio MI kinds ot•stiark re
gaited by familiCa 'at' Pdanuteeturers: They
. . .
.which cannot, be . excelled for . .6rainess; elastici
ty, durability and elegance-.of
' They Have Rocaisr . cd.the'lLighesi Premiums! .
in every instance,' where they , have been cahih ,
ited in competition with othrr standard' Ma
chines. We invite all persOna search of an
instrument to execute any kind SeWing now
done, by Machinery; to inspect thern, arid ptatie
sure.ilio secure the best, by'proving tha WEED
berme before. pure hating. The Company.beini
duly •• licensed,
.the.. Machines • isre .piotected
against thfringetheLts or" itigation..• . • •
der bY.mnit With perfect confidence 'that the
MACHINE will reach. them. 'vilely,' and that
they will tie atiliolO,lntinage it their, entire
entistiction, with'no other addthen tha printed
instructions adconipenyiticeach Machine. • De
scripriVe Circulars,"tageffier With Specimens of
Work, will be furnished to ill' who desire them
.by 'mail or otherwise. .• • . • . • •..
all ,localitiea - in the United StateeiCankilea;
•,Brit rroyittrep, Cubs; slextrO, Central: and
South America, West India 'elands and the Da.
:llama' island!, to .whoin we 'offer' GREAT IN- .
DUCEMENTS. Env:km ic mein Will find
payini,bnainesa, as reliable`Sewing ; Mar:bine*
have become a nedesirity every family: •We
Manufacture .. . great variety M . .. style's, from
ichich .vre• give a few paces:—No...g,
$3O l • Nc. Extr a ,$6O ; No 4, HaliCase;s6s
and $751 No. .3 er :4, Manufa,cturing,.s7s and
Co„Weed Sewing Machine ~ 600 Broadwiy
tarSli AKE:A AND BURN!. Shake and Burn!,
' • .9hake and 'Burn !I! • - •,‘ •
endured by , the'suf-:
.recor, {coin "Fever end eVone... He'wanders like
'nri'orteMain shadow, neveeknoWing what md.
:neat he , may be'pr•ostrated; and therefore dis,
inclined to give any serious attention to buei
:ness. This is .the pondition of thousands in
own and'country. ft is nci.exagerritiOn to lay'
.that Fever and Agtie kills . "More people than
any, twenty other diseases in America. • Per a
sure and speedy cure of thfs•ferrildO:aftlictien,
we take great pleasure in recommending tIOS
at; fatly achieVed . wide requtatian for 'rapid
ontl,poeveiful effects in'renovating the _system
proetruted'by this Aiseate. : - -* •. .
•Foi sale.bf Drugt;istif and dealers generally,•
where. • • , htitt‘t,
• . • ,
• • ITN - IV SAE
1 - 4 - , o HF o s: Wispy%
'Large $12,00
N0.:13 Ate!d!umo!
No. 2,, Medium ." "
No. 21•• - " •I.
S; Small "
"No. 8, Large Hetel „ . "
ND. 18, Mediuin Laundry to run steam' 20,00
No, 22; Largo . o ar !And # 30,00
. Nos.'2i sad. 3 have no Coggs. All othsrs
ire warranted. ' . ' ,
•No Tie lb. size generally ueed in piivate
~otapie. h idd'of the American Airiculturist
• “A. child can readily wring out a. tubfull 'of
clothe - sin : a few minutes: it 'is in reality . a
'STRENGTH SAVERI. The saving of garments
will'elonepay a large Par,centake on its cost,
We think the machine much More than PAYS
FOR ITSELF EVERY YEAR in,the.sairhig ot
garments! - •There are several itinits,.nearly a,
like:in general construction; but we . consider it:
important that the . wringer be fitted with Coo,
.otherveise:a n3asi`of....arments may clog Ow roll 7
erfo‘pl thijolters Upon the crank : s haft
and tear. the clothes;.or the rubber bleak' !wse
. frornthe shaft,: Ourevrn ie : one of' the tfist.• l
make, apri is as good as new., f ter niirlirricitiß
YEARS'. • . ,
. , ,
range,, .
TAI Puple,
arlet, . .
itary:Wi6lit:iw4t4 Coi t *liedlu.iivioii,rpm:#44.
."...*..-, .'...: .- . -. 4.lr4iiirii=444T...';':- . .. ,. ..., ...,:;.!'..,,.
,sivii;l9l!,•c',44 . ..B*;', piiitAiniF,rlWiEtt.,
'A cood CA'NVASSER'estetadle.evory tever*,: .
'Crr, Oa iktoeipt Irate piseee ,
t beri no one is lopping, lir iiesi:tbe'W!iett,
FoX ei rote* or eirteas:'
particulirs' ed tire elirkidetaper •
C. liSOWNlNGs'347'4ltel irraPPL'W
• • ' '
)(drugs Rim.
w. e, =fOWI, LL.
- i num,
`4410 raiti
eft ,
stamp to
~ - • ,• -- ----••; fr, •-c-s ri,.!••• - e .. --7•, , ,
, • f,,, SolipiP4:o l l,Slo4 ._
(Under Beinidway.iliwit):2lllt. . ii:. - 4 ,-.,. ,::,...
4tiliterith:atesetiWil ilitolli '.. .I , '.' .
aiscnANicitliAilk i..,......—•,4.^..004-•' .4/V,..''.1-•
amoaDwArnmqa— , .. ,, •,:t.r.41 , ...y4. ; 1••••.;‘cf•tc..1 , 14,1 9 ;..., ~,
wiLLlAldsatnto ;•aity,l4l•o6. F . • WI*II4I,NtF,:•••
LION. lIANNIRARAMLIIiyiei ItililtNi__ ,
. r ,st:
_,_.,. t , ,,.-,.. --
dl. . MARTIN WAlMlLlmeravLoggit )RlD7' , :'-';' . '": .',
0:, ADM'AM`MANN , ..NoW WAN, , i .s ;',/ , '.. , :iik VL';',lL'S , P'siti,.. , .'
rAr, COOS 6 . u 0 4 110 610 14 .wA ll6l l,i fOuli:•=tat!"o ,, :,
• ' ' - ;• ,' ,• ~ 1 - •=:,•••••11-.•-•,-,1,4,','•‘,,,,,t5,i,„•:4,,,,,:f,tso..P.,•:,,,N-.1..10..m.:.,
P OPSIntrSPIL,746,
Consumptive 5eMirete1e41_1400.4.01140004. , : , ; ,. t
fireseriiltieti .for , the', ;-elipt 4101104P 1 14*.e'.
A a!b ma, Et ton thitiiii‘,o
etre t ions; (free ofibirgii),bj ,
to;- ': • •
-• • Willisembintb;
•• KingaCo.,,New.Tork. , ,
• •,
. FOX . - TILO Eadieo;7
. The antiseriberewonld big leitie eeeitßehicatteipaili
their-friende and the piddle to 111e.-14EVrIIIMPAIN/1 . .....•
wbieh they 'are about toinuey tad4bo-,Aviiinv akpiklit
of Jahia k• neatly ready. . •
Th ' Lades ' w.
• (4
and It will be tliTotid tfp
tratiutr cattle Paibione. It wilt • '
'pi Unroll at Oloalree.Tiape ; eidPreieulllsAfaAir
\York, Enibroldery, fac.; with
other 'natters latereatlok
THE LADIES FRIEND. wilthe ed.ted-by
PETERSON., vrtici will relyispoo the sereHile?lflte.4ltiee.;
rary denartitiont, of the following •
• Nis Henryfirood,''Auther of “Ettsi
110wItt'; btly'Vrti.ttilibradi Anther let •YAlicileAr:ltltCli.''..
11..Raopotpb, Elanor 0 Dtainany,..ola..Traubrldr:
gartit Ifinirour, Virginia Tawanand, Etre M. A - Dirdeari,
Clara aiwcusta,•Latirii J, l,Aeter '.Aintuet Anee , l4.-
0— — . ,Liharlee Morrie. Aellen'td; Pratt; aleitittelL.llllg.
Mtn. Anna'flanbli, litirwilia.eaarlirMayet v
Eire. M. P.Vaoker. Penny M. Retinondi freeetellAhrit-
Auld, Hie. L. D. Sheara,Carotikie - At. Ball ,Ahate
"Bliplria May, Rerele Pyrne, Airs :2. 11.--Ueroeri:liiitUe•
" .Musabli p Mini
,Ramsey e ; (Hera Doty, Harriet -W. • Stillinen;•Mitude
Arthur IlailiptOW, T. S..Ohumyore, aarbaraßeande
.other talented wrlteraz - • .
..11ANDSOM . VSTE.EL ENegs.yntak
Ell lir EELIOIIIIOPI P,L &TN' Will Illaereate etery:nure.
berg beeldee well eioeufed Waed;CtitiolltuitialTra of Sloe
"lee, Vatiettle, - /te - i, tau me,iner9us to-a:motive • Tliclae,,
vary r
nambewill'oontalp a beattatal 6Wle/AEDlfl'lnli l o;
deligned express! ,. for !AI M
i I:taxing .Sc stiaseit,
This liikodxomeLlto(ll Platt) illuAtiates a it° of loif t ,
trir, tad abrohcn engsperiqut, by , IQiru 111•Itior.• O. VOA.
and wtllbu of itielf 'LI trust froth Liar, pflit*, it • '
. ,
- We will rivh to loroarsotialtiodligthltly, W attbaarjpiont.
to TOE L A DY'S ENPatal IlLaty Mollara; ogler
er 31.,Wilenota golato , atod Sawing' Stachlaap, oat iitttoti'
sell for Forty -lira The IttatAttnaa
od new at the pantifiotory to New. York; bOltuat, tot.
needed feed'st euet..telth the exeeptlOiforfretik9: •
.In piocuring . eatrteribetelOr tide Paatniitta: too 'Poiret
that the thirty stamortbera sbota be pioatifed ittharag.
Oar iflrlat of TWO Dollars for.taatf i lott *beta. this
. taan.;
nut be dunn, tbay, may be r roottriat at' r club fatoiri
',ho balance of the Slaty Dollars forwarded' to op'
by thu'llermon dee!riu l t the - nachine.- -2'he - 11lagaseifet
will be sent fo different. Port oifiteft,ifdolved. ,x.very .
parson colrectleg amine" aboutd asitt'themlinil %batlike,'
to (oat ttoobtoload; so 'that o'auboollbere toiy..tparlia.4ll -
once to rodetrei tbeli Magazines, 44 not bodootablarkth,;,,
fled -with the Ythen.the whole sonlber • of..nnatak
.(ttArty;) and whole amount of nroneyliftey Dollarei)
received, the Machine will At '
. . . .
, . ,
Ou.t tenni dill bo th ammo* those for Vaal gill ktraira,
weekly lidirer,-The Scrdurday . . Even pu.sgsked
bj us for tbe lett serenteen'yeere•—idt order:that tbejlebre,
nary .ber made °Fiat the paper acal-'dnagdel de 0 44'4 atly,
lvhee'll. red dearred,end will be es folloard:,: .
CASH •-•
.1N ADVANCE:::.' , .• •
. . - . . . .
I.copy, one year,. •- • 1,1. , .
cophre..ino year, 3 00 '
4 topteo 61 , a piar, 11.110'
snpi one to totter up of c1ub,,...4....12,0(1'
20 copies, arid 'rote to cettar slll.9le'
One.copy of *nab of Tlll3 1.413Y41 VItIE.1.11) •••
• , v - • ItATUtt DAIr:IIV ENING POSIT. •
•Irr Sit4li; numbers of •Thi Lades IPOI4/14
po •. Thu truitertri .L•crity's•„ Monet s wig, alviji
different front that.ln ~ . . .
Iluilvorlbers lo .13 ;t.ißh North emit totpli‘ipplimi •
cc/Ire:to addition to tbaannttal OubecriPtioeout ere •baire
to. propel she Er :O. pofticivon theft , masisines.
. . .
• . • .nracox.4lV2loo,_• - , • •
• • siovibmilitrOt k rOW,..•:•
• ..;* • iaitt 4 6 ,1'•
D'lrpocsaven asst HO gra , owe,' w
written tar to thosc.'desirosir Ofloweiwriwg iwobsi rB.
. . .
pgroz oF areoutirEK,coNtfilltiC
DTi.l, !Andy Ye . Sio
No, 2, Smolt Kandtioturing;With•l'MW''' .7 '
'ion Tablo,
'Ito: Si Large ManailatUrligcleith
'ion Table, • '
'Ho. 3, Large Waniftiotarlue, Loatlitir:.
with:Rolling Foot and• au CaPp•
One hull hour's luittiEllonissaarultentse
bleary prriata ism/ark Oda alaaatable
tike'satistattlear* , .
Your ~t?entioo::as alit, 411.4 tolho OMR!,
SHTTTLE, Patented' J une 26th, •
it is the : aShunt,. With:a spFillr
centre is preferable to' inrotbkts : .—but.'s • great."
objection against its ,isge, wal on.akcaulst Oita
spring getting out - of order, taking then to be
put irthi the boccie of.a Skillful mechanic ta,ke
The Empire ghouls is so - simPit ti`,., _
omator cau'repair . it without 'pleat:tips cikett•
Agents wanted:Lk all,ToWrie nthe
States, where -Agents are not alfeady:ookilk..
ed. : Also, for. Cubaiblenico, Dentist! and.,4041 1 1'
A merles,' to. whom' a liberal diacOurit;
Terms invariably Cash'on gitlivery.„....;.• •
. .L IitoARTHTIR *CO..
1- OF A NERVOUS ':fotifto AtYo44#o.
lished.ae M warning land ilik;elistiosi,ti'litefil
of *dung bien;and thole *hro
votis,Dintiviv OilqiftoWritiOfiklitstg
Dicer,ille.i.liy,knk''2;*o9,4l,-:„ciiiidl - bitu . .,
atf by stnnple:mkisne;''afkezlititiig`iitaTlCelli;
7 nt xis,