M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, September 17, 1864, Image 2

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    ...,•'*.to ok
..... , Mr
,. , .t.'t - P , lt/.9'eFft, •,.?Vii l •!hirk Ur, Con
4 .,.. 0.11, iro**,CAtliitiitutlep rtieir bOleiete ' (lief,
ItAkfdikiti:ONTlOtiirrllCiiulilli-'llbeili (lied '
peientrio44flliteffit)teitldoifno and the - Ina*
f,i,s.3,,,tti*.i,ii,6,,C,*'!6entel esientiellY im
.; -le,,,,rerr', - 1 1 ,411 11 ,1Vbeen 'en • itY.'libeeeri ' end '."the
1 14,
-',Pralteliiiltrtite4' Ahlt, immediate.' ettoite
>. j. ' setitiii , "Of leatilitiee, with a
'"'`. ).. liii/rW Illttriiitr. thinvention of all the
~ ter • peaceable rattans, te, the, end
,' , "`" ~ '''',*iilleitt 0140104' element Peace
Itii' I''' ` . .ifilitpr j ed an he basis or the Federel,
-i tr On cattble-Ofetee- • et - ' • '
-' : ,iti o aki t gothre .thi direct interference, of
1b5.:0069F iuthiiity'ofAhe United States in
' the'ratiorit i'actiOis held in 'Kentucky; Mary
' ig g Clglairouri ind..DelaWace, was a shameful
violation OrihitettitietitiOn, Ind - it repetition
of strek•4o.o.ti.n.lhe*lPPeetialvifeetion,riii be
heftier "rifielotiartery, and recited ' With all
the sauna and. power. under our control.
_:*fintiretfie That thwalm end object of the.
eentrifitle - partiis in preserve the federal
Union And-tkesights ollipe Stotes unimpaired,
andAthry herehy 'declare that they consider the
idearaiityetiite troirpstion of extraordinary, and
' areggaipisn'tillialvers noevanted by the Constiu.
', lien; the,el.llWersimithe civil , by the Military
1 4 *.1"Aur-st.t...- net-4.in insurrection, the
,4114tliiiiMiliiii'Y welt, iMprisonment, trial,
I,nd'itnteneire ofAmerican. citizane in Statea
where civil-rave rstistr in full force, the sup
pererifikof freedom of 'speech
_and of the. Press,
' thOlelisl 'of the righ tof .the people to bear
aunt, sonitlettrated to prevent a , restoration of
Winiiiin:gpie , the: pteparation of government"As
' pvlatfrni ititjuit,poweers from the consent el the
io•itried: '' ' • -
..- ikeioliird;lhet the shameful disregard of ,
odinintOrtion to eta: defy in respect to our '
felloer.:Citiienit• who are now and long have
• •htrettprierinerief war,. in a suffering condition,
deiterves the, severest reprobation, on the . c ore
eilibis isfpublie and common humanity.
. lialarilVetif That; he empathy of the Dem..
deratie•pimy is heartily And earnestly extend
-44,fd te! thal;eoidieri,of our army, who are and
tome teen in the' field , under the flag of •
• eonnfryr god in.the event of our a ttaning power
will receive, all the eare,protiction regard , and'
kindness that brave soldiers of': the republic
hemp Aitisiptor earned. .. .
.4Dtto.tto4i N. Y.", ttept.; eth, '1594.
oXxxaMiain-4 have the honor to
the receipt of. your Jotter, Informing me •,
`,..'9,,**.nomination by the Democratic Conven- ,
'ilinlecentlY . iissambled at , chicagn; -'as :their
• eandiditteat the.neXf election' of Preaident.
419 , • • •
for me to lay to' you, that
:04 titintinatltiuleornia to me instil4kt., I .am
ItiPPy4e:kiimv,.tharwhett nointnaticin was
madielthn recoil of my public, life was kept
effect orlong and varied exPer
in;the • army, during war and peace, has
bean iii,aliengthen acid mike indelible in my •
•OM atid)tiart the love and. reverence for. the •
tflti9 , ,a,i:totist.ittition, laws and 11 : ag of our coital. i
' erf - f tt Ap reiSed upon•me in:early . youth . . These •,
ife e lltlgi!ba4S -- ,tbuit tar. guided - the couise.Mf my
1i f T e ericl.Mitirt.'cantirme to. do.so until its end.
cif-,more_ than one government
over..they/eon "which once.oiVned our flag. is
incompatible` itli the ..pfle!j" the power and
• the.happiniss of:the people.' The:preservation
-of :oar 'Union was'tba-'sole sioivad Object for
which' the War,. was
,eommenCed. It 'should
have . bean cenduCied„,..for - that 01 - ject only .in
accordance with . these . principles which I took
ncaasion Act:declare' .when 'ln . active' service.—
Thui. ',;e4ducted the - work ;of, reeonciliation
;.eraul'd• have s •licen eisy, and We
,might: have Irma
'. Ped Os benefits at our many:victories one-land
anil'on sea. was originally 'formed
by•rthe'Vxer`c.iiie of .a spirit
• conciliation . . and
comp omise . To restore , and preseive it the
'tame Muit yrevail in our councils. and •in
oV:hearts of 'the:people. 'The re-establishment
of i tties;priloa,lo all its ;integrity Is., and .must
co ntinorpt4 - Itit•-'she ,indiapensible condition in
any'ae'itlettttlt t. stiott-at it it clear or even
. ...gtiOilitte..#4.**t 00104 Odrelsities ire ready
fe:yet4o46li ,the b*Sit„ of the Unibn, we
411110404bitOrth0;11atitirces of statesman=
civilized moist,. and tanght
bjrthe traditlitife of the - A nierietn - .'peopht con
tbir.honoe.-and': Intel:este ::of the
'enuotiloi,tettaitioth *itch'
,Iteice, reestablish the
for;•the;'futtit e the Con ,
atittitlestittl llgtito of *ell State. 'The Union
itq{lietun'e '' 'ciindition?ofpeace.
‘,Litlibtdillishitt I: doubt was altheugh .
„ nettfOtOsed,i the meta inslnt 2of . the .Convention
..) a k.iglgiie,che . intiptot they vertreaent,- that whoa
4:lootifStite fewillincto return to the :Union
At'Shilklte;feceived onee with i full guarantee
„ deal; If a frank.,
Oa, • .1.6” obtain thole
i ghpetOhiutd:fifi, oiereapoosibility.f:Of .111te—
•,` iktitt.loOniCipinees pti
'un -t hese who
' the Union.• not the
all liacaida.
;not IeVE the face gallant corn
tPiftl'itfthe - iiro/.oittf navy . who have survi% ed
• swiiii6loll6,l7-bitiliari :and tell them- that
eisefieee Of so many of our
• 010iffftifiltOngi,f Atietttten.ttind 44:eti in vain;
U ,Inch
thlitiViii„llo..P?toktitt.iftit ititt ::ittej ,-. pecifttof 'yeti
% Trill ze'
.lent tit
'Jttintslatiii;:itt'PP.l.e: .tty ~ our titoic,t.
t - ,enfl :
Ft,tilei•pf : the . Uoi •
at' pn vt , !ritt I id to
rcatn re Unit:tn. and'. peace ' , to, 4
tteoitle; :ant .• to 'ekfablibh.. - iiid , gnarit
theiillitie,rtfes, 4 nd. 'l:atri gen t le ;nt.it,•
r, our. rpiedipn ' t
Hoarriii S,lobioiti, and otliiri,'C,otnt
•,i4i tht,
'+ l iolif!
I 4,
ifoutitv Eltinocrat.
Sattirday,, Septpnther 17, 1884.
.6tatiotl:BliktlEllAN : .
1 -:.-Fokyict.pgcsipENT;',::
ZLICTeIitS AT LAaritl.• .
0131,106,1 i• JCPPIISON • of Carribita County .
14Cit AUp; L.: X
VAU.-01 Phil."ea I P L. "' ;
"' •
'l.. William . Loughlin, 11. Paul. Leidy, . --• '
.14. lined Swelnford,
1. 74,wei4 Y.. Dntia 15.'John ' •
4, Thos. MaCtiliongh, .16. Henry Ci.• &Mei,
4..Rdwerd..T: em,' 17. Theddene Banks,
. :it—Philip. 0 Cerhntd, 18:'llugh.Monteoery,. ••
`l* GeOrp. :m
1 0 ; John II.• Irwin, ....
S. Michael Spitzer, 211. leo.•111. Thompson, • .
o;*Petrick•llawoy, 21.:Rasselue..Brown,.
' 10. Thomas li . Walker, 22: .letnee P ;Barr, • - • •
11. 01‘141' 'S.D10 1 1101c11,• 21.
A. D. Pui*og, . . Montgomery.
Yak ,comarissiONNS4
G . .. T. 00.L.TRY.
Wl4l. F. .OR S BY.
-Tor stlonyntv. •
'Mere no. Ilvar news rf
Grant is being ieinforced from the new volon-
Leers. - Lee to said to be massing -his men: to .
attack Grant's'porition on the Weldon Road,
An - armistice of ten daysAias been granted
by Sheirnao, for the rmoval of non•combatr
tants from A,tiantai',W • .
Affairs ritinain unchanged. at Mobile. since
the fen of fort'Morgap. The fleet is employed
in clearing the'obstrtictiotta Worn the eppioach%
es to the city. ' ,
SAD ACDIDENT,-711 !OD Of ,Bishop 'LLCM' ans.
Thursday lest: H.
went fo.the..*tiode in the morningooqi. after
his guti,froth some cause, was 'dischirgid, the
:oontetita.entering'his• left aide near the heirt.
Not coming home an Spun, as expected 'search
was made. .When found he was quite dei4;
alihouo" haying, proceeded in tic distanca to
'ward ,hoeriealter rocelvin; the fat al: vreimd.
Foa CONCrp.ER3 Biol.'s ' , of
Clearfield was nominaied s .b. acclamation,
Congress in this disiri4i, at the recent Coitcen-,
tiori. efforts .in the P.
S. Semite during 'the se ► siort of 1840 end 1861,
to prevent otiiiantentad diNicultiee,.fs etiil fresh
Idthe ficollaction of the people.: , ' Ea: urged
that`•the questions in:diathito . be referred to the
. 11ct - abolitionists stubboritly, re-
Tuied, and the melinchollir truite of that policy
is wit eased. , - ' ' '
miagm, A 141), .1' END 14TON,
' • Mass etin
A meeting of the Demotraey will be held at
Smethport s on Tuesday of Court: week (the
17th inbt). Arrangements will be inade for
the attendance of several , popular,"Stieakere,
whole .names .will be announced in next week's
. The Democrlttie eitleans of hi'Kean and ad
joining . Rounties are : eXpeeted to turn out in
their strength tor k *rand, old fashioned Rally.
Lai every man attend 'Who is tick' of the mur.
der,,,thieving and tyriail, of ,the present 'tor . -
.4"Cadministrition„and resist in,htiiling from
•powerthe fanativ who' ie ruining -our coon-
. Ex-ciovernor Bunten, our candidate (or Con
gresi, will address the meeting at the COur
Houle; in theevening. Hon. A. o
flUffsio, Hon. M. B. CliAstelis, 'of .Cuba, B
W. Llscr, of Warren, Pa., and others, wil
deliver 'speeches in , the , afternoon. •
itspreseatative ,D)etriet convetltles.
Delegatus from this Representative District
composed of Clinton, Canner/A and 'McKean
counties met „et Youpg—Wonienstown, on the
.13th inst., andunanimously nomineted. EP.. B.
EtDaICD, of Cameron, for our-Representative
candidate. •
The 'convention was-harmonious and united
inrtifo. „determination „to 'elect the candidate
they present' us; and we have no doubt of his
euecies: - . *
A-series of, te,4l apirt resolutions were. adop
ied,.that..WilL he, pabtished with - the regular
proeeedings,.Whish, 'has, not come to handin
ihne:for oor.iisue thii : yveo4ot we are in
fOeirtedlhaf.a 'plan for the 'goairnment of the
itepriantaifae.Cp'orMitions of the district du
ring'thee p re sent appioionmenl (this being
• • . • ,
fitet meet ing) was unanitnottalyigraed upon , as
, . ,
4eielvet!,": Jest the pepresentetive onven—
ttieiv foi7thelletintiee'of Clinton, ComOron ana
Ateiti . iiii*oinnfinee!tof
,Iwerdolegotes from
each . r. 0 %. in!ti•:,ll6l)CinsikX it:Shippen , Cam.
I * l o - 01.V.0 41tic h thinie • ei:ilii•choiitoon; of
l oceet
tiOlieg 1:4,46) , ' COmmittsee*:. may appoint;
' , thitKi4 y.,,. .f*ioa ildc%;:,:that.;!,oseh , coaqty
• shin. wArt ,iled to a ;member '•lne, two iniiit
'lll'l4 years; hlid4hat' the odd' yest` :,Of , the Seim
'Of appottmonment be given to Clinton eatinty,..,
Porsiseorto cell of the ticrunty • Comertittee
detegateit Irmo the eerefal town; tips met
. a t the
V oort.'llOuee, , in • Smethpout,, on Itlontlai , even
.ink,iSopi. Anil tirerinfzett by.:.choniintt D. It.
BoonOt-iley•beirtpan,,.and appit int ing ~ I:harnas
MalotSell.aitut•A'. ArtnitronrSeereterys,
Whet e t iPiin.the'.,ltillOwint persons in eientil
ereilenitals antl were admitted as deleeettm . „
F.r,nasib-rNathari Dem.'s, -CurUniing's•
Histr.ter,-4.% F. Gallup, 0. Per, y, W;
: Antlerioni';,WAn.
Motrteon. ;:
- .IteAtirra,,-Ebeit 'Gallup, Gifford . ; W.
Noitvrip,-4'. Puyer, H. P. Hager; C. S.
. . „.
.Larainriz,—J: Bold.ridize;•
Ltatralir,—J: D. Otto, S S. Lillibridia, T.
SmaturnitChordia; CorWin,.B. Sartre%
'Motion; that peraon't from totinahips :with.
out .Cradent tale be admittvit, carried,
that a..cotntillitoia:of;three be
chosiri . by the chair .he appninted. : to draw up
resolutions 'eipreseive:of the.senap of Abr. Con•
.v.imtion.hiir appointed Luise W. F..
Orinsby..and:A. B. Armationg.
Motion, that townibipi yepreaented bY only
.oxie snd two, delegates, he entitled to :three
votea,..earrie. . :•:'
. 'Motion; that the' 'delegate! vote by •
Motion, that no candidate be declared •Elia
ed:unlese reCeiring,a majority oftill votes coif;
Motion, that the vote , be taken by .ToVVnibip,
,The. Convention then - p roceeded the riern- .
ina!ion'of - n eandidatelor •Treasktrer; -
hair, C:C. Melvin; J. C. Backus, J.. 11: °vial t.
and J. F: •Gallup were nominaled' before the
'convention.' Upon the fifth ballot H.W. •B : 10
received's, - tnajorjty of all 'the, .votes; • whereu 7
pan. his , n'eminatioktvas made itnanimous.by the
• • -. • • .•
•On the second ballot.for Commissioner, D.
D. Comes seeeived a Majority', and his nornina
Lion wai made unanimous. " • ' •
• W. F. Ormsby., on the , fourth ballot, to!ei
ving a majority of all.the . Votea, - for Akinlito"r,
hia nomination wasMsde•unameus.
• A. 1): Hamlin. *as nominated, by tccianp—
tion, for County Stirveyor. . . •.: • •
G. T. gultry- was the unanimous , choice. for
S. C: Hyde received a majoriti, on the first
ballot, Rerresenta five: recommend
unanimous. " . • • . •
Theiloflowing persons were &mien as•R...p.
.r4entiative ddegatest N. F. Jonoa, J. 'C.
st. A
Upon ' 9C. 01(! Conv . e.,tion he
President selected the follnwing• persons tt's
Vigilapt *Counr.it fnr the itstitn..r.. yeah .
.:,Ssirrnrott . r, —A ...8.-A rnistr , me, R. Sart IN dl,
I,II3.ERTY;--F.ll.' , A.rnoid, T..MePuw ell..
LAPATICTTE,—J;24. Huidrige. '
HAsriuroig,--sJa tries 4; Anderson, Win. Blew.
XEAT . I.NC674. B. Ovtatt, J. Lt, Bean.
rtninFortp,---A. K.,Johnsoi); lease Willetis.
Nonyeten,-7. G.l3oyer;.A.,lldear..
...ELDRED,--N..Denni , , Allen Cummings: •
.Cettiss,—C:"Sinith, Dr.
CCIRYDO . N r -711.". S. SUM 101111; • •
Gallup{ Orrin Perry. .
..Ssnor,sNT,—Pttter Mims. :
Bellows; 'P.' Mullins.
The Committee on Itesolutioes • repoyteit•the
which were unanimously adeptettlq
tue Convention; • " •
_ .. • .
' Ritio/vgdi That . we aceept,the issue asCpciw
made up between The ttAll to whotn_it
may concern" pally, and the Democracy,—
We favor a pettee.based on thetTnioa and Con
stitution and demand no other or thrtlier con-
ditiona, and to this end would employ :every'
effort consistenksVith our: National honor' and -
Antegrity; to stgi the further'effusion , of blood.
We believe in the fight of Free .Speech, in it
ballot boxprOtected hrronstittitional guaran
tees, 'not bayonets; yin the right of trial
. .by
,In privilege froth arrest until •cbaiged
vrithtkerime; and that white men only are re
sponsible before God - and the world `for the per-,
"petuatioria( th , s Government.• • ,
.Resolved, ..That tbe,. Course of the'present
edministradon his been: such is to diyids the
North and unite the South; it has cost .ope
millicm'of.lives and four thousand .millions - of
treasure, and if continued for another terrn ‘vtll"
inevitnts'y end in the prrintinent estafaliatiment,
of a Southern .Confederacy,. nit overthrow
'of the liberties of the.. people, both North and
Smith, in the immolation of our entire nation
aa victims toinisrule andianaticisin'and leave•
to posterity a debt, t,cannot.hopeto discharge;
and weld() most earnestly implore.•ll our' tilt-.
Sencvrho hive:been identified .with it , and are
not dependent on its.; patronage for their exis
tence, tolook well . to its four yeat'S r history,
,belnfedeterrnibing lo give it a farther lease of
Reso/v,ed, That the Deirretatio party have,
at the late Chicagri'.•Convetitionittffit . forward a
ptatfoirrt of princirdes.and candidatie for the
offices of Prepideßt and President that, in
our opinion, afford- the only chance for a resto ,
ration. of the Union ands return to the' happy
days of'domeatic peach' we, therefore Shall de
vote our energies to the election, of Gionos B.
Resolved, ;That our We - Legislative, Repre
sentativei: A. M. 13erlorf and T. J. BorER, for
their manly adherence:to Democratic' pried:
plea, deserve the
. .crinfi.de:nce.Of the • party and
have ourheeity approval. '
. Reeolved, .Tbst out candidate for Congress in
this district, . the Don. War. Brar.xn,.is one•ve
can heartily support and are going to elect,
Resolved, That the'iandid•tes this day nom-
Plated (or County offices are entitled 'to the
ennfidenc,e and support o'f the ' people • of
M'Kean, and that
,with proper exertions 'the
whole ticket can be elected.
. On Motion,.theCorivention' adjourned.
T:'McDowitxt,, ..•.
'• A. 11, Aitisritorig, # Seer'ye. •
'.LINOOLN WILL 11r, DEFEATED. --- The DittsMe
Z,Aitun.• :says' that the Derriocrais
may nolninate who They plea es against; Oelee;
by, and lie will tie elected; that no one in Lin'.
coin's interests
,can succeed; that they may
noritinate•M'Ciellan oisinrone else, for. Presi:
dent,'and.he Will' be elertiqi oVer.:Linceln;* that
no one will Vote for tincoln*.rixcept those
eitliset somettiitir Mom biro, wito• It v rra -
(IV received if.. The . Republican
paper, and tells What tothe miscesen party hi
&very uriPleisant trutb:—Revria Mail.'
. .
sisiongst the , i,icoppertiesda" and rebel's' Syrn
patbizitrs,"eri now'.rankod Sermon: P.; Chess..
.Joltiithartei.Yrnial7t, B.nj. Wade, Henry
Winter:PsviseVitiridett,Philips,iind. scores of
'Otherißelidblleailo4 sr, b,re ciothorriy Ise Ira:vs-for
.6freccdu..., • .
4.af.ftiisronalsri.rialember that hositOf Repub..
HeaninivVspapeis 4 atrea with us in eviry such
. imaitoOtAtto**l . . l o4l4lo 6 .'.
'. arirr,tiiiiittileitistie . .utietrii or the
Deinec.rlita . al : Pet .and 14e1Cein Counties
'were held.at Ronlett 'in - Potter..Co PA oh- Si:
tarday Sept, 10th :1804, , : bout. A: . French.' of
Cofiderspoit eirlged PrtSidenl with 'll
Nelson; Wl:tient Burt and J Neef,
of. McKean and J T4mein
Jr of Potter were. appointed Secretaries.
••Oil' Inlition 1.1. 'H. Dent und.A Nelson of POI: ,
te.r.COurit);;ind A. S.• A ripild and Mer
Toy ol
. Nreff,.'an.Courity Wate:appointed.hy. the
Presidents committee to draw lip rescletiens.
, expressive of 'the. sense . of the 'meeting. 4fter•
a short ithsence the committee reported. t hrough .
I heir. ehattinan the .fulloWing . , were. un
animously adopted:. " . . •
.Th•et although:the existing war in
our country been ear: ied'On (or .ti:ree rind
a.halt 'years tar the .
,declare d. .;purpeseot
'sitting out Itoy;;rnrmint• and ;Minn. nue eipe
rienee- Airing this period' shows cOnelusiiely
(and hiiinky:and.tea&amteach,,t he same legion)
that a ' Free "government fitid Feder..l Union
earmot .ha • maintained by force of antis' ern
ploVed k;rone•pottion of the Union against. the
other •
, .
Rssofurid That instead orthe:Votternment
and Union which:Our -.Ftitheisltive us• being
Maintained by this. War; both'heve •been quite
nearly annihilated by. "it, and er:Pure.consolids
ted military despotism -substituted ler tlrrri,
and•Under;this despotism neither life; nor . lib
. .
erty, nor property lieve•been Orare•now.safe.
• RemolOed,
.That not, only has-this war' failed
to maintain , the Government and,Union of our
Fathers, but it '. has failed. to secure any good
loran)! race of men . , white or black,• except,
those,concernedin.government cOntracts,-jobs,-•, ,
and Offices.. • • •
Rero/ved,'-That we, the people here ailment-,
bled,' are, not willing to shed more blood, or
vamste more of our treamure; for the . benefit of
IgoVe'rnment contractors, jobbers, :arfil• office
holders;" and we demand a truee.of arms and .a
IlationalConyentiOn ea the hest Means of its:
toring our GoVertirintit and Union; and render.
ing Our , lives, liberties, and pinperties' once
more safe. horn the hand ol•lhe levrle'ss end
revolvtionary tyranti at.. Washington „.
• Resolved,. That vie .. demand a truce of arms
and &National Conv ention, for.the furthor rea
son that • thia quarrel in our family of States,
like all:other family quarrels, is an odions . blot
on our good 'name in the ey . ea 'of. the world at
large, dettimental to the. cause. , rat hurnanity;
c 41,1 zation and 'liberal institutions, eve.ry.
. . . . .
.r PL4,lalird, .Toot although vFo an ngt here
enumerate the mbliieuqe of high efirnei ram
rnitt'erdby the nwhoritios.' at . kViishi;.gtoO, . or
the' norro‘ks nr.d:r , ifTriing'ibry have inflicted
and ore . now•lnalcting - oil, n ronfiding 'profile,
hr,thrif cruel sst . , , tn of conorriplion; tax:,
• .
tirn, and other 'epru" !"
redEur , :h; vet
thee vj e ;„ , ,ors of . the 'C ciastitution-.!!‘d
L .
,Laws of our rohntiy, dpi th eir cot - Mar
shale and other tools, everyvrhere,, that . there'
is a limit to our forbearance, and ' that our
moderation and love of law end order.may not.
atways say.e •thein from the punist,mont they
so'richly merit.; . •
R*.ro/ved, That as loyal citizni.,•determined
to make one rffort,more;peareably, to
olir country from her trials ail& troubles, we
.will heartily. suppOrt 'for President aid 'Vice
Presid.mt, .at the approaChing election, the
nominees of the recent. Democratic Convention
at t'hlcr.go.
The meeting was 'thin eloquently addressed
by' F. W. Knox Esq of Coudetsport and Messrs.
Phelps and Meacham ofOlesin Rresent,
ing in,* lucid and forcible manner , ihe great
issues before theArnerican. peoPle in the pre
lent Pferidential Campaign.' .. .
The proceedings were enlivened by the pres
ence of. Cuba . Brarti Band which discoursed
moil eloquent music. 4 ' . • . 5
On rnotionresoieed the proceeding:. be pub . -
tithed in . the McKean County- Democrat and
Patriot.and Union.nt Harrisburg Pa . .' ..•
The .meelin.theri'diapersed atter givi ng
cheersfor the sprak4s, and threes times three
for the nominess of the Chicago Convention.
..• ' (Signed).. A 'FRENCH , .Pres.
try 'will hail with piofound I.slaCtiab ard' en
thusiatic'applause General McC't.r.t.taN's ktter,
acce'plii , g his nomination by _ the Deinocratic
party for President of the U.tited Sktes, piibli-'
shed. in this morning's .Wor . to.. Th-.
'tee, headed by Covernor:.Septotin, lA'htrh was
.depilled by the rhicatro Convention. to inform
the General of its action; met at the St, Nicho
las Hotel yesterday noon, proceeded to the. geri
eral's . residence, and there. discharged '. their
duty. The lor.ersl's - .reply to , the committee
was returned' to their 'chairman last evering.
n .
His letter is. brief; but, every sentence is
compact with an eernest, high-toned, and de
vout .patriotisnvcheracteriittir of; the
Its explicit, 'goitre, unflinching enunciation Of
the principles which should guide the gnvern4
ment in festering Union, peace, and. liberty :to
the. nation, will command the admiration, as
weir"' ttie assent, of every 'honest and loyal
man. • ;
There is no place forsny.northern mad - tosatand
'except on MCCLELLAN'S platform,' or on fthe
platforms of the aholition dieunjonists of.' the.
Northokr the 'rebellious secessionistg of the
South. -: Not '
. a Syllable of its'. lana.usee is. du
bious, amhiguOus, or double.faced. It is open,
clear; ringing, and stands four square to sllthe
winds of treason, blow they from the White
'House, or from.lichmond. • , - ' •
.•i4 The Union de all lusiards;'"*---These Sim
'words should strike' the liars tipmb who haVe
•s'olamed him and his.party with the charge., of
consenting to a disunion . peace=-
.the Union for
which his gallant comrades .have periled their
lives, and vvhose blOod'shall not bare been spil
led 'in vain.' Nn more effusion of.-blood if the
rebels will, fur ti Union is the one condition. of
Peace. • .1-14 elk no oho ." , ••• :
"Love and reverence for.rhe Moon,
.the Con
stitution, the Laws, and the Flag," .
,uttered in,
every breath, While the•traitors who aluirked,
.4Tesr down the fitiontidt hoarsen their.
ibroate vilth calumny against, him .whose pat
riotisrn is of 'such sort'' never con.
col VPd.
The Constitiition and laws his gi rule of fluty;
to .maintail the
over, Presi
dent, army., and i)ent)l , s; and to- rea.sert the
unity and no.wei the'iiiitiatilitilletig the 'na•;
lions of the earth, his avowed purpos.; a devout.
reliance iinowthe • Almiglity Ilis!".Siivereign
Aid' wro arisvair,Ueiw(AND PEACE TO.A . SI.IiIFEB-.
EBTIES AND RIGHTS," TIM-spirit which hedirinds
to the sublime work..• • • :• • .
. .
The people have long vaited.for the nation's
tieliverer. They hear his voice'to
—N. Y World: . •
A COTEMPORAILIf hopfshat Washington
“will be •out 'of danger some da y," We sip:-
prebend that its danger is quite as Much from
withjo ao from with4o, - •
lkomoo" 'tiet.Congitiliontd . 'Ccipferenoe.
neoOrdance. - with'previous, tbis
AlelegateS'of the ,19.'h 'Co'ngresaional &Strict
assemblellit tbe•Court honee in .:Rtilgvrey,• on
Tuesday .the'fith instant,to nominate a . Calidid 7
atelor Congress.
.• • •` • •.•
The'cdne.ent ion 'being called,-*
rnto • older , , on:
'motion'Of Mr, jenks: of jefleisWn, James H.
Eddy of Warren, • was:elected •Vresident. • '
•• On motion
s of Mr.. Brook,' Jullitts,-C061);..0f
'O'Orear, end jsuac Horton of Elk, were elected
Vice-Preb•ident and GeOrge. B. Goodlander •of
Clearfield, Secretary. •.• , •
The- Oinvent ion "beim?. organiied, • the'
tie's of the district heing, celled' in alphabetical .
order, the following. named delegates • answer
rd tri 'their 'names'. •• •
.• INTewto. n, John A. .El4ed
and W,..W..Dicktion. s• • •• : .
•• Clearfield:••Ezra Ale. George: B. Odod,lan . -:
Erie: "Monroe
,Hutchiion, Meslie
Elk:' Geo, Weis, J. C. •Chapin, and- Isaac
Forest: Jiffies Cocily,:Archiliald Black and'
J. 9: Champion. • - • ,
Jefferson: Wm. P. Jenks.. '
`Warren; J. H. -King, --Jas. 11.•. Eddy and
The next bue,ineas in order, being the
. selec..
•tion of candidates,. Mr, 'White of. Erie, moved
that Honor. Wm.' Bigler, Of . Clearfield,. be
nominatedecelamat ion.
.*. The motion
secont.ed' by the Warren delegation, the motion
Was unanimously agreed . to. ' 'a '
I ri 114
motiO(.Jenks,'llte negt . Congression.
al Conferees were.required .to meet at Ridg.
"way on. the Third Thur s day of Augast . „ 1864 . .
• The convention was ably addiessed by W.
P. .Tenk#, of Jefferson, Benjarniri Whit . niap of
Erie, and Messrs Hall and Chapin of Elk-and
Brook of Warren. ', • . '
s cin notion', .the Convention lidinurneij . sipe,
die, with three' cousin; ''cheers , for McClellan,
Pendleton', Bigler, and the soldier. . " '
...• J AMES H. Eddy, President.
GEO: BoGOODI.ANDER, Secretary.
Mottoes for the Campaign, Selected. from
Ciener6,l Net
The true issne tor which' vVe.,a re 'figh•ing- is
the preservation of • the Union' and upholding
the l cVs•of the General Government.--lillir'fir•
6one : to :Gouged .I.larn.tide, January, 74, :16132:
V.`e are ff 7 .thting sotely''fttr the'. ititegrir Y or:
_the•Union„tio turbot.' 'the, posser..of our. Na—
tional•'•Government, and to rrtsfot'e •to Ott;
',rtution the bleivings of perico order.'
tiGeocrrilgzllerk, .A",:vember, 11,
1S01•, - • . •
. will piesse•constantly to,.bery, in tultr;l
the preseut , issue wn)ch we are; fiihinzi
Ithat•issue • iit'. Pl'vsl.r•ct..tin'tb' or the , lin':ort
and thnl , o ,i t ot.l'orr of • the' fill!, authority ,ot
the Gcrieral Goner ent all • Per Oort
our tCrri.tory.--/risrructiorrsto- Grsnerta Buai,
Provetith.te , l, 1891, • ••
• .We'Vhall,mest readily suppress: this • rehei—
lion- and restore.he au; hortty of the govern—
. •
t.rhent by religiously respecting the,eonst it 0..
ridnal.trigYits of '..tlll.—ltiStr.tictiont i.o: General
Bi;e11; Arcy , iner 7, 4891 . . • -. , •
•. Be careful:sir to.trerbt• the, Arnarrned inhabi.
'tants as to
,contr • ect, not • widen;... the breach
exiitine between us•and, the' rehefs.-Itritrrii—
(ions 16 Geui oral keel.; ..Noveu.ber -12;• 1801::
I have alwaysbound that, is . The tt•ndenCy,
1 1
of snbordinatesyo m4lic vexatioUs.••.sfreots on.
me re-luspicion.—.britruetionl to Genital , Bttell,
.Piovemlet 1.2, 1861. • • • •. •
...Say is little as, possible about or
the negro.rnstrot - fiori. to. General .1311rneide . ; .
January -• ' • • • • •
The unity.of the nation, the• Preservation et
of our i . nstitution , , are so dear -to, me that •i•
have willingly • sacrificed rivot'e happi•
nese with the single object. of doing rny: dpty
-to my count ry.—L ., tte.r.' tO Secretary :Cameron,
.• .
October,. -• • •
Whatever the,deterrnitiation of the•povern
ment maybe, I will. do the. best I cen with
the•Army 'of the Potomac, anti will share -its
fate; whatever.may he the task imposed. upon
me =Letter' en SeCrsitzry' Cameron, Octoberi
• P;ei'ther confiseation 01. property, political
executions of .persons; territorial • organiza7
tie , ' of States, nor ; forcible abolition • 'of•• ale.
- very; should he contemplated for • a moment.—
Leiter to tAO :7 , 1962.
•In prosecnting this' War; all% private,proper.
'ty and unarmed persons .should ,be :strictly
protected, subject to the neeeiaity.of military
operations.—LeitSC • to . the Pret4dent, .July • 7;
Military: arrests" should
,not • be' tolerated,
except. in- places where 'active hostilities , it
istr. and oaths, .nof irgirired by -enactments
constitutionally mate,,should be neither
demanded net reeeired....-Lottir is'ihs.Pl:esiden t
July 7; ;
•:• . •
A decliration.ot 'radical views. especially
upon alavery, will. rapidly !disintegrate "oar
present armies,- Lortar , to the President, July
70/62. • .
' If it ii not deemed best te , entrust .me with
the command. even of my. 'own artny; I aim
ply share thi;ir fate on the; .of
tle.- 7 1:4spatch to General • August 30,'
B . y pursuing the, political - course I • hare al
ways advised, it is poisible to bring' about - .a
permanent restoration of . the .Union- . -a re
unioh by which the rig';ts of botil sections
shill be preserved, and .by vehich - both 'patties
shall preserve their self-respect, while they
respect each other,-General McClellan's Re
- In the arrangement and conduct of cam
paigns the direction ahould, be'. left to pro..;
fessional scoldiers.General McClellan% Re
' 1 ano - devoutly , grateful to God that my last
camriai.e.n was - crowned with a 'victory which ,
saved the nation -from the greateit peril' it had
then undergone.,-Gerterai McClellan's' , Report;
At roich-a time as this, and in , such a strug—
gle, political pertisaphip shOuld he merged
in.a . trne and brave patriotism, ' which t hi n k s
only Of the gaud ot ' the Whole •emintri„Ge n .
eirtl:MeCteilan'a West Paint Oration. •
Iva triiin'framßeffilo.,last. - weele, there .were
taroor'thp.e . ra.mrint . . .Litliolti men, .protinhly
ofFini holderrt ,—vr hit were very noiey.
one olthem or/moved : to have a: vote token
•ite ear; which I d p
,D.inoerats fl'HAPntfti ten The
reeMl , •vt ay. 22 inr.:WClellanitni 0 fOr Lineoln.
The' LinerAn corn %%w . f. moeh . chagrined at the
reenit.-L.Raielle,rter Union, • . • '
• XSlamina Sni'of fellows Are those Lincoln
it eO In ono eat h they toll Os 'that 11I'Clellan
is a guosi rebel sympathizer, and in the next
.that he arrested G Legislature .for attempted
treasonw,as in favor Of .the.auspenoion .
habeas carpus and urOotl . a diaft! Why don't
you agree upon some uniform tietieel .
You are gang o . n" too; (orwar4.a.nd two back-
SOUTIC,TO 'rue 11.1117111,1110 43uF i to.:Pokriai
gives the' tellovrtung. cone.e c Sidra. as'-af .
ocettrrence in;tlfat
. 1. ' • '• :•.• •
Gens.-= 7 l#hat,.is the , price :of
Brpker;--L' Frani $350 . - to' $600; acceiting,
•• . . • • tu
• ,
the depian&. •
Genr..7L-CoUld:you , furnish:,,rne t i tre , ;or .
fotirsciund negrOss atary less price?, • ,
• .11;oksr.—No; silt There is s :demand for all
we.fia've in..,lyiasiachuserts,'.• where we 'send'
thuso who can't pass examination, and. Wh ere
we sit. larger prices. • •
sooh could you , fill tin 'order for
twenty • pr , thirty nettroes tit fill the
~queta ot .
our town, at'ss'y; $5513 . each. , • "•''" •
'Broker,;— , We can't tski orders ahead,. The
price itgoin; up every. day, We except en..
load toirriorrour . ,' or nest dai , ,.rind We
will sell at the mttritet • . .
Tilt 'Pen fleld (2r: 17.):"Esetre eddied' by a.
young tidy of thirteen tor: - fonttpen • .summeis,
who styles herself 4iLittle . ; '.:Veir • so
young an 'editor, she writes some pretty good
things,' its witness•the followings,,:
1 !) , . wag living in this country took a — eauple .
oflutge cats, and -molted one Yankee and the
Other Secesh; he tied their tails together •and
hung them" acmes the clothesline; the last beard
from the eat Yankee was a call (or 500,005
moie eits.ta heltreeratch Seeesif." . : z •
. • . .
"Titian or Daarri.—We are ideaaed tochirae
Republicans admit that tithe people are tired of
drafts." Thisja tantamount td saying they
are'tired of Lincoln . . • T . he ewo are inseparable;'
wecennot get rid of one without ridding the
countryof the other: . To vote fp!. Lincoln is
to vote for farther drafts. The issue is plaind
Lincoln and pprpertial - war nir.l perpetual drat'pr o
or a Demoetatie President and peoCe. Let all
who era "tired of drafts." hear. this is minds
and act ••• • . . .
. .
. .
A ' Btrreit •etv...—Th. , l'ri&Ms bolts the Lin.
coin 'Pill with a: khockingly, .distOrted counte—
nance. One column ofgrowlng at the . bitter- .:
ne'ss and .a.gulp at 'she 'end with both eyes shut.
This is'the precise . Planner iriaslsieli everyone
who' deliheratelymakes up hie mind to:support'
.theahnlitinn ticket will, be.obli4ed fa' coine to
it. : it ill destruction:to th: . conntiy, .disunion
-anarchy, unit it •is:ooly n't.the .tast sharp crack :
;,f the pa'rty - whip that any man with-the relics '
of :a political conscience will I,e . ;villink' to .fail
in for the crn
'apalti: Nor is ir..wOrth white,
Mr..Lin,:oln . cannot be ce;elected by the- flan—
. .
• Iyhy hi” , e' pa'rty loft the'
"inevitable nigiet"•`.ultru , j•ih . Pr nut of — their'
pialtloru? • It•iei' wivr nett hor.ebustrrottii , r, nor
radic 1, nrithpr , prJ-sla'very
The word "nie , ..:er" was tl.lt utferid •in the..
I.Chi:ago Convention; not wigs then:en nliusion'
pl.!r form nr d i srut.sionii tikthe nubjert
3.:avery: • Th; conr tiOrt . C9PfiriP;i itsPII with .
V'fiopsys . . fi and ileiorurn to th e great issues of.
vrir ntul j)ence, n;l..tp.the eonst;tutionalrights
of S" , ates.sand,their eiliiet,s. • I t .WRSI a , relief
to Anil in assemblage of 'their nurrihei and
ch'arartet, thus treeing itself from pirty slang
and nom . ; and 'devoting itself to the . mactirible
4ohilions of tinestions of preA•ent_and, vital Mo
ment to the people. Nothing nould more
commendablle than the tone, of the Convention,
in this respect. ' •
, Carret ac LiNcnn,'.' 7 -This is the emphatic
declaration of about one out, of every tour Rep- ,
oblieens. iithes-stritegel '.Thi people are
tired of war: They are . lir 'rape; for Settle--
me,l; for a restored Union; for reduced taxeir .
fora reftirp' to the Constitutional eurrdneir, and
they - knew that•VrDineoln's re-eltietion.would
defeat nit these.•darlini: objects. They.are op
posed to.a national debt; and particularly to ,' A
further increase of Our present •one-- - -and they'
know that thti can only:be 'prevented thtt .
success of the Democratic 'party. is it strange
then, that they ‘‘.:can't go Pncolu?" .•-
. Kiating township, on Friday . August .26,
.1664 STEPHEN STienLai, aged . 65 'years,. 2
months . and:s days. •
BY 'VIRTUE,' of an . order ot.the ,Orphaus'i
„Con'rt..for thO'County of McKean,. bearing '
date•fha 40th • ! la , of June, • 180., onlet
siened, Adenin'istratoC. of the estiie of (Nina .
R. PENNEft; deceased, late of Meßeah'eonnti,
rid:y.will expose 'gale at
. the,cdort
,HOuse; in Smethport • on .Tuekdriy,•the 4th 'day
ol'Octoher 1864, at 10 o'clotk . A. M. ot,4hat .
day, the folloiying desribett' Real Estate, to
All that tract of land eittiate in thestownship
of Sergeanf,.eounty of .McKean and. State of
Pennsylvania, totinded
. as fullows;---Beinning
at a post, being the... South West copier of . lot
No. 76 in, survey made by..l. Colegrove;.theitee
North one.• hundred and.. sixty rode. to a
s post
corner, being the North:meet corner Of said'
lot; thence East eiglify.tvio rods' toe post in '
the North ..line of laid .lot; thence South one .
hundred and sixty rods to a post in the.. South
line of.'sa . id lot; . thence West , eighty two rods,
to the plice-oflieginning; containing .eighty
t wo'aeresof land; being the West part. of lot '
No. 76, in the 'istiever 'made by J. Co!egrove.
Excepting and. reserving therefrom one fourth
of an acre, which if FIOW. adjl9ining the ground
that is-occupied as a Burying Ground ~situate
on the South side of the Turnpike road and ad
joining lfrid of'Elisabeth Boyer on. the Eset,
end to be bounded by said Turnpike road on
the North. •••
Towns: 'Cash on confirm:Arlon nt sale:
D. P., BENNETT, AdneK.
September 10, '1864. • ' • •
The Commonwealth of Penney!vents to lneb
R OliadWick, - Otis lions end °live Irons, Ad.
mintstratore, and Sit ene, intermarried with
Levi Davis, Esther, intermarried With W m.
Ornisbj, F. R. :Ormshr, min of .Lorette,
erased', intermarried , With Wm. F. ,oira-e'.
Oliver Miles Irons,
iroris,•.Stephen Irons,
Irons, heirs atlaw of Gideon Irons, deceae
We command you and every and all you, the?
laytag,aside all business arid •exeuses you 'be ,
a nrI , P PPesi r,• in your' proper persona, before our
Judges of the Orphan's Court..to bre :held.at
. Smethport, in and for the &sill Count* • of •Mc-
Kean, Tueslay after the Fourth Monday in
September next, in answer said bill or petition
exhibited incur said Court, and to, do , further
and receive: what iourattitl Court: shall have
cunsideredln that behalf. 'Herein tail not at
your peril, and the,penelty that, may ensue.
(Revenue Stamp) Witness the• Hon. R.: 0.
President of o sairlCourt;it Smeth.'
part this sth day , of July, A. D. 1884.
.WALLACE W.- BROWN; Ctsek O. 0,..