M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, August 27, 1864, Image 3

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    . • .
44 V? 2 ‘1t.. "
fiXteglq , vergid ,
ne l 2.6§'ReOrteethi - th`eiDeniociat:'
t.r 2 t t o trt,".4 l ;tlv 7 ' 4 limo ;,„ ,r, roi
410 32 Ivy : ' ;
treet, New
Ntobom, 44 P'4o4 ll4 94rOduceovsoY ,6,4,ra
TWO-Mimi/ of the tuarkeWiii adntinsid
rok'She 7.4040 of ertehvosis if desired,an2 ri Pick
, Intaite fot , -Fria ',64llageeL, stirsctit u isl
smite rnlTtrir'rePH'i is* free of Marv'OF.
moil to tkoffloti taiskang , skipmei to. r , •
r , Remarks toe;tha •Week ending Aug. 24. r;
. .Beeswak, Wattled; ileans, steady; l',ens . won
ted; Butter, wanted Cheesepwanted
wa Dried Ap
ples, vistaed; Peathes, tivantitritr Monis, wan
te& ' Cherries' intanted• 'Raspberries; nted;
watftedt,'Pggs; wattted; , Flour,
:'Grip;;' torn I.lleaf warded; Buckwheat, ilutet
Flair iiinfeit• Fors quiet; Feathers, wanted;
Fresh' Meats, lism•• - Wheat firkin - Rye firm
Oats" firm; ,Cordivanted;'Hides4 . manted; Hops;
firm; Lard, iterated; Beet, wanted; PO; k, wan
ted; evaifted; Seeds . viantedf rcointreo
wanted; 'Sorghuiri, "svantede Wo , gi,Waft Lbtl;
• A pples,'' ' We tit eti;' NOVI itvantiti.`, ,, '
puref'petsllb "88 83 to $ 84
• .. -Impure, ",.... • ;40to - 46
, . white ,BEANS getout; per bushel 2 5U to g So
BUTTER in tubs per lb ........ 40 to 59
ha tt ao to 88
'CHEESE, choice," 20 to 26
common 1 . ..... 14 to 16
"DRIED APPLIES, 1 . .............
...... 11 to 12
" PEACIII2,, 21 to 26
PLCEIB; q. , r l, l• :0 •is • I*- -, 21 to 20
ouwatimin, 27 to 3U
11 • RASPBERRIES, per lb .. ... 23 to 25
1 1 BLACKBERRIES, .. .......16 to . 37
};(108;fttlth, per doses 53 to 25
.FLOUR, wheat, per bbl ..... • ,•• 900 to 15'00
" rye, " ' Bau 13 00
CORR MEAL4O)r lb hued . CO to 350
ItUCKWHEA FLOUR, " -- to .t .
IIEkIF, ,mere, per 13 00 to 49 00.
" prime, "' 00 to 24 00 ,
PORK, mess, 34 00 to 44 00
•• prime, 23 Oil to 30 OU
FLAX, per lb 20 to 30
FURS & SKINS, see Price Ourroit
• tot full report. '
FKATHERS, live geese,per 111.,
BEEF-sides, .•
MUTTON is emcees,
PORK, areas per lb
WHEAT, per bushel
v 0011 N. per
TENSION, per lb ..... .
•PIGEONS, per. dozen , .. ..
mints, dry per lb ... .. 21 to •
•• green, " , 12 to 14
HOPS, minus, • " ............. 26 to 26
1 . 11 .... . 4
to >l4
.LARD, common to best, per li. ..... to 23
'inzitmd, smoked, per lb . .. . ... . 19 to"2t
RHOULDERs, smoked;.', , 'lB to 22
BACON," -,....... 18 to 20
MONEY, •-•-•-• 22 to • 30
CitICKENS, per lb 20 to 26
TURIKINTS, " ••• • . 20 to 22
.1 .
....,..... 14 to 15
DUCKS, . 1 20 to 22
CLOVER SEED, per lb 24 to 26
TIMOTHY" ....... . . ...• •560 to 6 25
FLAX " 375 to 3 811
TOBACCO WRAPPERS, sweatki, per lb. 38 to 70
" FILLERS, swes!ted, 2er•lb .... 14 to 39
11 . 1 new, to 32
TALLOW, per ... . ' 19 to .20
SORGHUM SYRUP, per million 90 to 1.00
WCOI, washed, per 95 to . 1 . 20
" unwashed, per 1b....:.... 60 to 70
APPLES; per barrel.. . . ... -.. 3
Le to 5 Ott
- .Noss —A full report of the New York Market can be
seen.on file at auy time at this °Mee, ,In the above in
given the lowest and highest prices which are governed
by quality and condition Many articles that are „not
mentioned above,Ncan be found on the report iu our taco.
1864;; ' - 1564.
.PHl4pErintu AND ,ERIE RAIL-
'This ''great ' line 'travereee - the:: Northern -end
.1143rtliweit coentiee:a Penney! ire nia , to ithe citk
• : " •
bee been: leas'eoyqbe 'Pexi , Ceyr.viitir.: R.
R. CoseriNf;,art un11,4 allspkeite ke being.
11 . 3renglitnit *entire Jength.
qt.iiktiow.in' use ., for Passenger end Freight.
hneinese "'from ',.Ranitenntto to
1 . ;1216 mites] on . the Kastern Division, and froni
WILCOX to FLIIE [lo4 miles] nn the Westprn
''.Leave, - Eastward
I...icritens, train
; Srriv,, Wes i wfird
Expreu train
• T l / 4 6'01' rASSENGER TRAINS AT Wll.OOX.':
. , .
• •
Leaves Westward
. .
Arr i ve Ensttis id
Express train
.Cars: ivrritoVy eitnNbE .btitb
waystin,theee'trains , beiWeen Philadelphia' nd
.Lock Haven , and between Ilaltituo're.ap.U.Ocir
• I;LEGA:iT^ SLEENNG, ear. 4 on . Expreas .trnins.
':both Waya, bet Wee n: Williamsport, and.l3,ilti
niiire-and ;Witlia'nnapol:l,Eind
,For. info'ilmatien respecting Passenger busi
ness, apply at...tht ? .. iF `..k.,..Corner 1 h
Andfor:r.reight business of. the . Company's
5.;.8 . . Kingston; Jr4,gork
,13th - and Market'
Sty.; . . •
J. W;Heynold,s,'Eric:. . .
• fi ,tlg't Phil'a.
• • Gen't Ticket 4'l Phtl'a.:*.
Can't Ilf f iriagei,,:
. . Tt' il l ipm a"port,
• Off
PaimegarT Consumption a Curable
~ • Card to. Comm:natives—
The uadeildsneiNha been restored to
. heafth•iii a few weeks', by a ,Se•ty litotda reme
4, after baiting stiffeied several years with it
' .severe lung affeetioo t and that .dread disease,
Coniumptian 7 is anxious to. ma lie' known'to his
follow,sufferers•the, modes of cure. . ••
•;;;Xo . .,01)1 whit d'ssire - lt• he Will send a copy of the
~prescription, osq . (fred of sharge,) with the ,di_
rections for, pasparing :and using ',the :same,
which' h'y ist'ilr find a Sure •Cure tar •Coni•urno
i,ion, Asthma; Bronchitis , Cough's, , colds,
: Ste.
•00p 9 trob.ket.pf the . advertisei in.sendfing(he
.Prescription. is to henefit .the_ a ffl icted, and
mpreikinfciißittion which • •Conceives , to be
,;invaluable;. and he.hopes eyery,sufferer will try
14s; remedy, as will cost • them • nothing, . a rid
, .
May pr ove' a blessing. • .•
,„ • ; •
• ' • REV. EDWARD.A. 'WILSON • • '•
•.. - •
Williamsburg,' .
~• . .• .
• • • • •
Kings COunty •
• ;• : . .New: York.
T HEMUBSCRIBER hes:recently established
the 'Blactinnithing business ,in
.Smetbp.irt. it the shop:',forrnerly' occupied by
bl!tos Inoue where:he is. prepared to do all:
,Ittodir ;of isrotltOrr:his linei, upon' - 'loweet ,
'tellies; and in,the most satislactorytnanner• •
Jronef.- 131 1 4 : 3 'GY8 4 1 S`P , W r ..Ackg.NS;
with istionpiness . a ri ii vierltmaidqce •
,rnaunert ,
EC7P-W11; work clone 6n the' . e.
• -A. ,l. CRIMES:
b:metliport, :April 19,. ,IS6 • (25 5)
eletr w ri prt.;*'r . : , :".:l.,t'.l; 7 l
rkEArsit , ortiy:Tr; 82.5
t...:Eh coin nion*.etil t h ',Pe tttr y t#:.
A.:GhtittiOilr; . :(ltie . irons and Glive
Lee, Davis, )f ithev ,'' intertnariied Wilh'Wti r t !
eon, of ,Loset:iii,l'ilO . . ,
rter"iiith AV11;:f F.' 01 iiriebt,
oirk;§r 1166 p I Ve . :'
iErOns; hei ra - tit Ara lir 'of .Gidet;iiiroittf, deco dedi
;We 'e,orrrrcina•Yop . and 1 411
, 1 10,11,ipWr,,.!n1 - yoKpiopr .. per'aiini, bet - prep: t ilt
.T . w.lgea of:the . - Apriihafi's , Coort • to be..hehl
Srnothport,l:9 ; and the. said
Kean,. ob,.Tueaifay itter the: : Fou tk.Alf;ndo.Y,
! . e'pternllorot
nt,:!o'• tetiswe r. s a id or, peliti3l.
'ekhibited,io . ou'r said .Court, alid to do',( o rther
, and, reeeire,?'Whist oar F aid Court 'hale
con'aidexod;lolthat,behalf l at., •
your gr!riti , at@ the pefllllt.k,tt 1) may
(RO , enoi , Stanip) Witness"fipp.l,.ll,.., G.,.
ylipirn,'AirOidvnt or 0.,r said.CtiOrt,...at,Sroohl
Tort ibis sth 4y : ol, July; 4 ...D.1.864.-
IVALL4C..W..I3IIGWN,- L 6vgik•eq. Qs -•
. , .
sinethport, W; ' , I3OOII*IN
.11.oi—'6Ap . wiite tip Court Ifmtse., • new,.,l•rgo, coin.
mogiotts and'wellTurnishildhOuse., .'• • •
Dr..leriu stor,el, Tin Ware,':.ilippaned Ware,'west
....end of the Public •SCuare, Smethport, :Pa. , • Olden,'
Work done teorder ou the shortest boticei and in, the
most Substantial weeper, : . ' .. • • .
rATIIEREAS, , ,Letters Testamentary, to:the
Estate of Joust Kurd., late..of Catnerrin.
County,. Pa, h.ave -been granted to.the Subseri-
Afars, all fiersons 'indebted:to the• said' 'Fatal'e:
are requested to..make, immedtate. payment;,
and 'those having, Claims or derriands , against,
the Estate of elle., Said decedent dill . .make
,the .with6Of delait;' . •
.8 to - 90:
lota. 16
to"'' 18
2411 to - 2.62
Sh.ippen 2 r.l.ir:6ron county, June:lst 1864.
.• • 1 0010_2 00
- • 99 10,. 2 00
1 50 to 1 63
D1.,.......:. i ;.i:=7.=
: , :..,,....,.....;
-tt..-.: - :...3:
a 1,
. *- •
•••• •
. . .
:8:20: A. M
4:00 P. M
16:99• 'NI
6:00 P.M
DIER.wb'o ha ve.baen . ifisebarged by reason
aticl'wha have nOrreceived. the DIVE DUNOR,
DOLLARSADONTV,''can. 'receive the
'mime now iir.onee; by ktiplying. either. in
. person
TiRIZE MONEY:'—=A' fuff.list of ALE PRIZE
I:7'PA YA OLE TO•DATE . crini)o se'eil the
arOeis: Thmi'ind'ali•othiir:elnimsagoirist .
Goveirnment.,•rifOrripqy iolleeted. • •
GOODWIN .11011 Si
.. . . . . . . .
Th's large ,
commcalioss- house is *thaw being
pal in' thtiviry best. • order..'s, The • iiiems;:st e
receiving new betls; ilie . Walla 'rieW!,.poper, &
riaint; -end the :Proprietor, does , hot., hesitate
to. guarantee his gite.44( a' se/ ran . 'bir'fb . inil his ,
itiblf.will be. at; all times farnisbedi with the•
bait the markets itffarci..;• ,' ‘,- ','• ;' • ; :• • r .' 1 : . '.
tivitr lyp c t! pr 4 of
ors and cigtkee'riqd:gorit'.or'dr-'per,hrilic):' f."
Trio lalrge`'''.ifreirtei - 114' Onip' , .crild4
'house .
rid Straw,
and lityaii;koirys,hiiiie'ehyd for HcirticiittOrrie
And two tt - iig.1.14• will 'treated. « 4 01:
' ' W. P:GOODWIi\'.
. .
Smellivort ',A,111 . 4•• 's_, 'so, •
. .
' ." 11••••111111Mgi
. •
iligtikiikotiti v e.Wp'lllll!l .
4 1 9 „0f%16:149, , 5114 1 01ie , il4taltit
4.0 nAii. i4 . 1 t
ecea a edi
I ni,pie,,,:to,publig 4 ittile; at the ' - Cdtirt House in"
iust. :1864; at ;10 o'clock . A". M: of that day,
) ( the Sotto wine, deacribeil:real,Ktitati, MAY
Ail' that ,:tract i ofzlantl,ailOall - ini f Keit*
I'l4 .i4feKetin' •gcdintr eilet
IPettnavtVertia.i: Anal krirst
corner of -le( ititteett,or ".thee!,allOrmint" of
.1 ia ina; Verico Ll*.o . itti,"one''tind/a Walt egreei
!Eas.t; so icri
dreil'a fcirty - Hfiv.elierehertimti 2 .tyv4tenths of
parch; then,ce,.Kast,ten
.petehes.tn. the
vie",,ereek:fiqiii;" thence
gases East tileniaaid:rirsd,"forty:"el'ilitVe'r - elieSl
thence h;' "tiove tfi e d egie ,
perches;; tthence }.' Sopt ', 'eigtity ; eiflif ; degleee.
.and one , : hal f
,or '0,6)4417
Pei*ch . e. 's .-: in:if:three tenihit'of.
Seatti:, de'gred and ;line" half of :ti';tltigree
West; ;one bandied tin di fonr,pe.tehea„andtotir
fenthe peteln, thence sortii,,,Aighty,.eight
degrees AO& 'one half Of; a ,ilegree Wear,
huntiredand one" perches - antlysialeattO
to the;: place.; of:beginnidg;, coutainint ;ninety
acres and - niner tenths:of; an: acre wirtuthe tow.
al allowance of;.: : tax•perreeat fiiiroacle,../ac w , he '
I ,the ianpe,niorti.or Lelia ) ", and ; heing dril.ll\Te . i.„lo .l e.(
the allotment 'of . the Binghistplands I,Leattri ,
McKean•county.,l Pannsyivunin, andi
part ;of lWarrants 'it u nib el ed,
4At.so,' AIL that' parcel of landirnown ai hatpin.
A 2 in Warrants tturnbered•-?Oriq and of the::
allotment ',of the Bingham...,lande:
raining t hirty. nine hand four-,tenths acres . or
mot's or leiss.;".
SEcoato: All that tract lend:known Mitt .
designated as lotimt‘mbered 48 and tOO'itt war
rants 2232 and:.2259 irrthe "allotment - :of the
Bingham leints'iri Keating township, McKean
Icounty;and State of.'-Pennsylvania,, being the
sanfelarirls'cotiV'eyed:hy deed. ailed thn' i second
day of "Februarfit Al O.; .1857 i:
,frOm Joseph
Reed In gerscd nd others to Gideon'lroile,'n nd
Aecorded In : McKean con rity.cie".Deed Book
pa ge * 77., &c ;" containing 386 acres. antr allow=
anee of per. cent, excepting and .4 eserving
out of %the same one hundred and eightY:fiye
acres of Land, being the Benne' 'land contracted
'by Gideon Iron's .to Solomon Sartwell tt . gree ,
'meat dated :the 20th day of' November
185$; and reeorded in McKean , county in Deed
1".lOok I, page 309,'&e...: • . ;
Ttrutii; . Ail:that, trace of land known as lot
Nunnliet '34 "in 'warrants` numbered 225,0. and
3000 in the allotment of Bingham lands.. in
Keating Township, McKean "enmity aind State
of Pennsyleni ay containing' tanng fifty four and taro
. ,
tentha'acres. of land, More or less.•
Foinvrir," All that piece of land situate. in
the' Borough 'or Striethtiort,County ' 'of•
and State of Pennsylvania; knoWnas 10t4cr...1
in Bipiare"No." 80,114 designated on the Map*
said-Horotigh; being tbe•Nerth-west one:eighth
of said
.T.Ricissi—LCash, on confirmation of
• OTIS 11101,1*,.
~. ~
!Seating, , August 6, ,
;--...- ::._ AND OUR,-PEOPLE , A'.l;,
ri ..1193.1 E ,,
li4 11;ix 4 ;9itireil ui'diqiikrpnit i i;,:zi ~whilhi:ohey
ra i n
'-- O lt .
tiii : , ai ',,', ,'- i t : • r l ! ! :
.. fi
~vii..:R:'i- . .i4- i . r d;.44-6..tik- .
':''...':..,' ; ., ' . .i ... 7,..=:•: 4 ?'-',1!1w.°7;9 1 E?;. 4 .1 1 !.:•. f ., ~,.., : i 0 f ... ; . 1 , ;..
• .
• •,
AND ; TIM 13i/.IfRIt•IS ALLOWI6 T.UE • .2.
! •tgi - pLEdi3 . OF EXAMINATION • ,
• .
) 7 u,supei?l is .AV'Sgtrirell.
,:egov.p.: iluplitx,.lli : - . FOW,itut!r Atrips.'
•A fiat class Hunting •Ti/n'e''Pi, , e of ilr.
. . .
t: I•teriil; over 'svbiCh is elsetto.line Onted IS k.
most durably .wroitght, inokitig the irnita.
in vo fooltless,ttla; it cannot be tletectpd.fro . ;n
11. 0 solid material py the expeilented
.Iges; tieids will no; offee(it. "London .mate
.11;.tvemetit. E3lPitii/ED • Durtst...in,
A:tt.tort; bniitiyee'p..e`ecithili, 'and .18 not to beek
tr.dled in genera! apettranee. „Tars ts'nEqtneit
't one otthe at Awricf.r.li'eii.eibtreiedlor tra:.
d .rt; . ttnd2speettltttors. Emotesns, ir.steoftiNT.;;;
flit PERSONh TRAVELING, them stipprtor
lt..an'y Other; •ftitertnion of,climute,will not al
..ti:l -their ' Pike, •pdeked in good
tits,nend gond running'oider; : otily.SV,nr emote
1 .
ITY:SILVER., - CASES;2, 'niter
. .
. .• ,
electro--ilaeplat.lB k..giga; sitifilir to
our faienovso. Duvrsx, anti:superior' adjusted
errienktf with'e.Stop,"
,used' iri timing
lit 'sea,' etc.; has Inisies.for,Wt'shitigtcin
fGreenwich time, svieep.second; end all.the
n . ..
improved:tents.' All in all taking „ Its beautiful,
'and foiiitlesi .appearanceand ittaiiperior
tub coneieleieiion; regaid WM; ;qol—,
Attily,',the,cheapest article of .the ;kind
- , , Pric - a g •in good, rudning eider, $35, Or.
nit aof 0 for $200: : ' ' • .•
' sir We 'al kno iey In 'advance' for—,
wail! either' of them:. to
.responsible' pa rties,.to
oily part of the loyal States, with bill payal.te
expressman When the'itoodi: are 'delivered,
g•virig the'buyer the: privilege of. exitriination,,
a•ii if Rat:satisfaetery the watch can be return
e I.n t o ur expense:' • n
• Vlie-eapress coMpanies refuge making Collec
-117 onseldiers ant‘othor rtieein IbreAisjoir•
tll , Btutei;consequentlk alt such sorile!is itlust• bp
'a . Mtriptinied by the Cash..toinsiire4ttention
Make a deduction, of
.two.' chillers 'run' either
ti..lch When , thepaYMenf G forifardeideiii .att,
• lutoeyithayi be;sent;by,expreev at our ex—
'''.lHO,S. CO.,' •;:
9• II nd s . Broad gr..; i Ci
, • , ' •• rro'v iarinee", It I. • •
rritm . BOARD of . RelleP; fol Families of
theat Cu' ottaaktrieVO Mee; In!Syn kapok; pa
the liiofohOty,. in each month until notice, is
• •
' — IIS , the Board.
4. W. S.' OIyIATT; Clark. •
Jtity I.t t 1801. : • '
• I, I
,1 ~ -
p ,t
obv,ro 24- 0 • 1 , , . P , ,
lit i attA ••
' 01 '
; ..'
'These Pumps 'have neii
a numbs of . yeas,' anti . .give better .eaiiidactiee
:ktzaa any, other; and dike
te • 4. 1 ,
itp,k,kkiesoaoinitl?tkiek,enainaqt Entineeti.
We ran refer.;,
gearanteeslli w9l:recciriiiti:epgthiiii'Tile),'
are mitre *iimplein'ceinetrticticiai,ead'ikiiiiiikiit
eiitair'ecist less thaii 'all ethers..
•tQui-reatiltia eetitti
proved Purrip - c4 j'..lll:.Weat ,
beat in' the market.", It is 'Cell ,- Simple;• works
to a charm; antheteny clll,l May use it; thioWd,
ti:ptearlit cthitintfous atretsM, , 44'lika.iorfreeze,
in the coldest expositive's; and is unusually cheep,
We . sair knowingly, arid: give-the:testi rno-: ,
nyjcskelnr, own 'etc Orel,
,withou her , knowledge
or-request of- the proprietPt . s."4-4":4ecii - freg
1 . 2 0e i 0 . joty Ist, d 863.
. , . ,
..This May certify.tbst baye,boe l ifsing, rat
my insnuioctory; fur the lest four yearii.West/s
imprcfretl:PuMps.'.. 1 now.beveln use three of
s itnntirpsi rum et yrb i is •.k.epl f. constipt ly( at
.tertric,•.2.l hours each day (except fititideys aroi
„ ,
pronounce them ; onhesitetingly,_tbe best pumps
tb,,lifievet,been,hrougbt,,to . :my - hey ins
tnouy 90 1 1 fa
kn-ibuir,..Acirjs,truetieti . i.emt tef'essily;disSrt .
.ranged. •
New' York' OCt;'4o ftilfig; ' • •
Bi,Co,' , :e=isro'xij....pic' , al'etf to State
tha It tie Pirornis wa l!all'Of..kirn i r age
have.b.een in•rrinitirirt 'use, 121iours
add rune for' the use of. our •.Wooleu
about 130 gtllOns.jier . tniniite: • They . sr°, k witb
but little. poweri.eompared:44llllrumps we bays
used ' , before, and do not get. out `.of
are satisfactory, in all resyeejs. Yours,„ • .
.I.lt.” , ll:Ari AIit . Nt , FATV .„, RINO I,OMi;A.NII
. .
So4oti, r.ot l iro',l* to the. farrrterp
Ste' pivne . .a..woll:Or!vtilirn . ; Van
:pop:tidy afford. to.be . withriutan iron: pum p. •. I * t.
.once"a 'suction 11nd loli•ce• • pomp 7 --a.
perleCtlittle Ora Prthie. 7 . -inch one.known aa
, West'ilinprOved'Paircrii,a' . .;'l - ariOlk:ot tFiia pump
because 1 , hiiplien to.knim It to be.very•simple,
durables powerful ap t ,•cheap, and freeie
.up, nor e. , :,.t . oat.'filort ef.once n yeiir. know .
;pis, and 'think 1 thaw *be 'doing ihe:'•faritlYis
good by speakin .,, al it. A hoy '10••• years • aid
can work it, and throw a continnoui inch;-nnd;
. .
a=clitarter ,
stream. It c a n be , made to work in
de'eti .wella es' well in.,us in shalicivF.onie.'.l......
From Ihe.'Kewyolk Observed,
We have had in use for monthi past' one of
West's Puinpe, which has given. us tcore . aa
faction as'a force andlifting pump than any we ,
have ever used. It is '
one of. great power, and
Well 'adapted ,for 'mines, factories,
green. 4unies, graperies l Arc., &c: : i" The' :Vining'
Chronicle and rtiittatity 'Journal: says:
re . eoruniended,foi, its extreme slmitriCity of
conitruction# ;flat ,stf,engt an 4 : plpse q uent
'durability and chespneseof There is no .
'stuffing box;. 7 ..tha . pressure heidglipl.4 by .t. .
working In tad for
I , within tb '
e: upper ; air,chamber —, whicb.w , q;,thigk;,
a g reatin ni ra YeP e ßkA!APF l 'l94. : s!A? ..fif.9'h to ;
,1 eak.iinfle : rat rung iircishre . ,
s ay frothing , Of 4 tha. toss . , by
therito:' IJt hap; alett ;LYF°..l2r.,-;F thus'
the action of the.Yalve..ia4tianifined
sides tiy:ait.preventing ~,YMIIT7": a n 4,
and simply anctcheaply:reptiiaed.
much easier.. than any pump, we ;:bas a ever. , seank
the 4. inch cylinder beilrifrokoSked..,,by chltdrcoinl ,
.4'06'90 feerideepi.andt:tbay.t-arstr . :,ext7 t tlillelY
'cheat') Is villas , simpl e - fund strongixt-Jr.e4,y,
. . .
y 0 ,1114 4 -144 puinpldr. nontmer"rrhd
winter; Pxplisse4 tci the North West ; wind
'log over . colde)st
'1 1 . 115.10 1 ,4e ezpo ure.;- n 1 :a t? 0 ct , i WI!
~:(1.i.4:it. ,( 04ie
norwiTeire "!iitYtirilc" to amp=voitpr
wi t h great H. erase..
The tintleielgnedphOinlilo Weit's Im..
proved POmps,eheeritrlll: recommend then) as
simple, Atir.able and powerful 'in raising and
throwing' water,•and for their ease of aetion,
liei;e:lberiritOerfor„to tilrothei ••. " •••
• WARRECN4.IILAIND; Met: Hotel; New York.
• • Porinote7 Yorikera,.N. Y.
'Jinn MESSIIREAV.:nreff .z.
..• DONINIC ; F: LAWRitifOOK WeraChCSter...".
. , Camlyridgo Mine,•N. C., June 15; 18133:,
Gent's -Tire i " far Our
'Mind is received nintl put to'wprk, in out tintb r:
10.4f1, whiall'woora ainki,ng..':,S,V,nofind that
One man wilt. With'eas‘e lift . sOgrillaiii - per min.;
u tu: We lined' three aod . it half hoofs all the
iarthu,shafri.whieh . menturas suviui by
twain : a feat and 30 legit deep, and it.'wati, lull
when ii, , ,cciin . inenced. if oncwers out' expects:;
tieing in ai'eri4r:spO . «t, dint!, Dint • wortiMen a're'
pPasi.d with it.. 4 . 1.1411 .do '...greiot lier•
vice with but trifling oxperine.for repairs. ••
Yours; respectfully;
. .
. • . . . • BT.7ItR ITICIGINS
. . . .
. .
We hav,e. filenty niore such •ceti ificaleS. 7
,116ik_these: lira' enough,
Pipe. &e.; address aceall. spun' •'‘
Z.' D.' Wast 170;' Broadway,
, • •
M,O B B,
inge,. .• •
tmon,• •
tan, Brow; ' •. • •
Park Drab,, ••• forme, ,
Light Drab; il~t'.
Dark Green., ' • Jew,.
Light Green, • .
'Nor SyeinkSilk , Wnoientind Weed Cidods, Ilk, ends,
' • , Deeiseiltibbeini; Glosib; Bonnets - ON, ••,
, '• ; ere; Kid 011ove.,.01ifitiroos
• " Of:WO.* . 80, •
• sar.is 0.0.11 i, you eilikooloOkirainnygoode wep i d n th.
-erwime Omit dentin:l'o,l,oe( Vaeione ehedea Oen be
, peedeeed ffonfthii , edinO'Dyd. , • , l' eel inoe, ney
'one ean.ufedheAfe , irkkperreoikiaotoie
Direotlonn in .Englieh t ,irfedel,,Adid,fteilinin, inside of
eePer nod gieinii,peefeer
• linowiedno.whet.eo,leye ayq bea 'gdapted to 'dye over o ;11-
era, twitivinany valuable ..reoeipte,l .1Iocro•.&
Steveisi•lr,eikbee on Dyeloglind Oolorife, Boat , by mall
refiNi• of plice:•.4o. •• tat
manotacturea. b k: STEVENS; -
• . ' - • 260 Itro,adwaYmosi no.
o b y
r ante Dru;gine and Sealers generally- , '; . •••
4. 4 ' 4i
tl j
x, m
Nq. 21
Nigh t t
Ma!l v
Dealliiin Dry 1111
side; of the' Public - Bone* Snsetbpdtti.' lit:
• •
r t: 1•'•• • • ' `•••' • •
5 0 6. BrciaciVvax;:'..N . :;, - ;7Y,..
Machine ror sew
ing,:of. kinils,evet,.preaeiited.lo„tke:Arneti:4
CUti übiic, and chalenze•compaiiiitin with any
Udixed .
ThkWeo4Eachilteef*it .11-ili t eir., :s valu4-,
in't I telY! liovelcOnie; 4l l;irn=7.
.They are = • ' • ••:-•
•••• • . .
..Sp.EltlO - TO:ILLrOTHEAS • .
... , • •
. •
& Mktraufltatrlaist Puriyotioal •
Simple in •rnno tri N t inn, durable, in '4,!1 Chair pßit~'
. er•e; , -
tOrlik'pt it it th. lc incla'nl fa6Pics, *ME' sere.
ton work- willicni(iliange.
of Mem'. lkipila c int, , Thread:.-:
Will ' Yidut, F(.lli'Bind; _
'Quilo,"Ciall.`'anil in, fint a ail ItliMs of vror,ii,!e ;
1040 by Merril nr. Mntitiffictiftera.- They'
wl4h cannot be 'exci , lldinr
4y ; lurability,anti eleganc e . of finieb.,
T4ov.Havo RecOivt . oi the IfighOotPrisin me;
in :every instance, where they have blien'exhill..
lied in cotriptikil innk h.. Pkh,r!". skendOr. 4l .MW
'chines; We invite }di krsona.in 'SertCh :Of 'an.
instrument to exectite:.any„kifitl.tri,SeWink4 now
done by 51debinery, to- fnhpect therm. and 4a04 . 0
iard . tfiry ific'ure : tha
intfore before: purchasing... I
duly licensed, ; . the... Machines. are .protected
against infringements:or. ittigetiets....
der by mail tvith: petfecc-corifidertesytifat ; the
MAVIIINE :Will reach ,theat that
they will be . itilwtomanage it: to their.. i'nijeA;
no•Mher aid t Min .1 ha,: ed
inst ructions. accompanying each Machine.... De.
scriOtive.eirculars, together. withSpeeimens of
Work, furnished to..all...wher deriti.theni
by mail or_otherwisei •
all'lecaliliea sin the., United., Staten,.6unatlas`,
-British . proViner .Ctiba,..Alealeo; Ceritrtil and
South A merica,'WOst India Islands and the Bo-
Wafiniflidantis,der.w,htim . we oile r ; GREAT
uezmENTS., trierget ie. -Men.filld, it o
AYliikAitilii)ea eelenable .Bekkiing.'3iiichinea
haV n. bei:amklo , :heie.so,ity.,in , every, (atei!y:, zne
!mitatilaiture . .O, great yariety,;of. : styles, from.
which._ tits give i view; prices 4—, No: 2; :F,piiii;
$6O firikri.AlticirasBo,;. No
and $75.; No. 3 fir 1, Manufacturing,: $1.5, anti
NKood MOO Co., 506 , Broadit4
i80x:2,641. PSC,44l:lPitirijio,-
1:12t$11 AjC,.. E., A NI/BURN! S . halie, stal, rn
T 4l,
' is tiiii efLage4.endiiiei.l , bi:the iittl
ferer from Fever. and'Agife.e He wanders like
oneettain s ow, never known l.hat,frim
• mome be . may: iiellmattateily an therefore dia . : .
aitr seriothi attention :to; Misi•
' i s Pie ..eonditinti of thousands
town and'eouniii., no 'eaogfrililon to illy
that and Agee Mlle morel reoll! . e than
irty wepty:.Ot her' djaeaseriin Amorica. •
ore amispeerl3 l / 4. 4 ore of thla
vi . e.take - erpat pleas ire in'ieeommendinglloP , :
STOM At - if BlT'l'EltS, *hich have
already . acille!etil':a..wide:,rmiltation' for. rapid'
orid'Oo +vet furstfec..tain . 'renovating system`
proatraiad-by'o,ii,,dissese. . .
.For sale' by Dreg:oos and dealers generally; •
every where.' n 814.-.;
. . .
-No, I. Liirse:Famil,Y Wringer, • :$O,OO
fite.ditiiii; 44 ' • •• ',
• • ; ' 41! , 50 _
No; 2b ,4. • 44 • • ..• ••' :7 51:11"
,N 9, 3 &nail • !!- " •
/.1011 ,
Ni. is; run : l;triip''
22, A 1414 '—t.10,06.
anti no 'Alf Otlierif
iir r ivate
.7 0,i.mig.Juild of', ilfe kmerickii; e Agilculfu'oisf
•' !.."- •
• . • •
• • t 4 A`.:'elill'it can retillily titbfitit
'e,lot heir' feW
,minntt?e,';'..' liq tr; real ity a
CLO and a
RENGTfts'AvEtif 'The 'armentit.
ss ill. chine 'pay; 'cr.lairtie'4)e'r'eeilia'Oe :on' 'its' ea'sf,
W , i - thitik the ran ehi 'More ihatf:.PA I'S
Atarlitents Thcser are a eral, ktnils,• nearly ,
general `Cotlstri(etion; but ` we consider , rt .
fed t h
'otherrWiee'ri'itiei, 4 lSC7.,itrmetife
e're',„' and the rollers neat!' the ertirk,• — ahliff. tlip
tir.the rubber •brttik. fosse
ft' . ,i)ne the , first
make; nnil`is 'as. nod Weie` fter
,YEARS' CONSTANT TISE:4':;; „,..,.. • !- s
•EierY,WAinger.wial CoE-V9 1 4,11(ks .v I;. i TIAP L #4.
•'.' • • ' every '-, 1 , 4
' ' •
good CANVASSER wanted it( everptoiii:n.,
on;:ileceiiit of, the :priee.,"frota . places ;
where no one is r elliug, we will aing,the , Writig::;
er 414*-ov nxrassa:
'o7rtice late and, r ire ttlare address ,
,C. BROWN 3471iroatlway,11. Y.,''
,ir ‘ gE,,lvEgi_gwoq .- )lm4lfit•TemOrfy
T.T.N.T-y , 4sA.T.,•':,i
,:,,!,T • • . 4 Pfrt% •J ,
0 : 07.143tritrrnini"
Ore/Caption Off '
fle4l;fi k.( e :0 1 5
iuttems. ta. • I.,:sz
• ..f.:,*/,* ,
,Y,,f .44:59 1 ATAtir0 4 .47itinit
' ' , 1 .. ' •
11%1 - . • • f.V, #O,
- 171E - •:•.144 , D1ACT,'.71141 •
- 07 ,
1i.. , •7' , --4....4." ... -- - , ----- v• -- .47'."-r.,t'i..Pi....••• '.
, The nutieeillroreiiiico9:4 thiileititt td ealtthe art • .
their Iridads and Aliiiv wiitille.- WI ttW,l4,Flifeat 9 e .
jrti 1 4 1 00.1'444) 01 8 0 030, 1 , 0 014 i 't o 2.l4 l .oi;JsiliO • :". -., r:
orAtttcy;44*i.rfs•viiti r • , l l,o Mil •TltY4i;::,'•„ ,4 - •'.l .:
f all l ' . •1:;' '-e dIF 4
.41eiii' .-4..
'end; It wilhbidiriiited to Anhui ‘liitiriiiiitto olll 4Ai 100 *
trui fun of the laehione •'. I t wiltltiee'llaittahritAilliVq
, p 'Ugrian of .10 Wake,
• Copa, lionoetaillsiarDrispereiw„.
•Worleiffi 41.. c.
nitiroadifyr ,4e.i.: with , ' ll l ll4 44itei , l l lllooli ,
other inn ti vs . hrtireathrg to, lidieetisiserstiriP4';'.•';`c°'
TUN LA Din PRI lIND wil, tie editielib4 l ll4l,_ , a.,,...
rtil'fißSON; Who' wilt rely upon. the' antiliew44" , *pa
'sari department, lit the fullOrtn , g
,-. ~.; ; - ..:A....?,:c413 , 11!, , ,t4 .
T l /54rtAt gEi ..- cOngs...ti V lrlttrEilifir '
- .. , C.Y-1.03 - " , ,i- . ~.. ,
NTe.o.nii *4;4 ~a. h ttriir 7 oi'tk 1411_,~414; Illikt, •
fiowitt , 4 ; lifit ton. litarboat ...Atilleirfil ',1 . ._
. ...Ar r ist! ,, , k.
8 Rini 1.010 ',' Zino r 10.; Doodell:TiCA4 .
Rarest [loonier, Virginia.V.,Townesuo, nem '. A . Ned; ,
Mara Auatiqii,; . i.atiria: A,r1410, Apitoat ',./httli'Ainie..l.,
..0- , --..., pharloa•Morrlc•aiMost 11. P44.1‘.0111/1110*
he, Mrs. so ni.l44l* . i.iichti4li.• iiijtayll,a; (lir:
gra; 31:P, riattee,' Final'. At,114, aa.: stq iiireiff.
lioldi .iffra.V.:o, aware. 00 .1101a..4; ',11 1 ,', §r, Oht•
}3O ph I o May;.liiiiWis tyros, iff rii„ 'ff..'`,lli; rh e,. %tie
nor Tait tlc A4OlO ' ROeell,llleic A'.- la;')tuitey . ,,siits' .i. •
Rummy; milk .notyotseq•cw .. .ll,l_llll6lo, - Mime' , Mk. f r
~ Arthur IlAmptonj T.. 1. ,9h,n,ruktint, "Inr . ,tniunn,flyaibill4 NM
.othir Talfuited wrltrri: •• '' "" , •?•,. " ....•-•+• e • -.1,,. •
it AiitiSoME . trrEzt• • rarettrill.
. :;,,,ITANmomiI,STEHH NPOtißtilMtlP airooo ,.. "' •
ED STISIIIi•ittsIIIOI.MATJI 4 ieni IlieleHafelr, •
belr: bestaai broil oaoeutidloadfOutaiillaikat Alf It..
itei4Paeteens, tittr;; Ufa kaharmitia No tagitralo alkOrfal
Lkry. clamber Nil! contain iii - ,„„tiewistlliirti,t; , ?
d gf i gne d •txpressi , for'o7 - 11, .iiivoiffit . briA , op• ....
4 ,47
askd ca11!i1',....
d,, v i ittErj :,,T ;l:Lkwb.i . it ,l oo , 44:/c• -
• 'Elite hatodsoineateht , Platallthatratat kahacjat t bile,'
• RE., And a broken onnngement, by Hiss '/ShOttnir•O ADO..
06.11 j , aild , wilf bhottiralqasttaaB 4 tryitit the prior. of
.ate number. r .,: ' ' ''.7 • .',. ; ,g.; ''' ' '
~..' , . .
:' •', ..A. BIN/Ng ,M4.„9, , • 11•1 0 t . ,„,.,„ ,
''' Wi ;..iit'iri,e'tcf;liniO!iniahaltia!rai. rtr aahert _
to TAE LA DYWPRIEND6sid Shay DollimW4o,o4ll ail. •
"r .I‘. WI tours Calahrittat efahlat itlaotaaroluela ha Only
tall for Yurty-Sri•Didlnrs. • Tbe Alithltikty,tlll • ll4Pihnnl-..
et- pit*, ol,.9to.crtacoarewitice74ll34lo(PrirehAtmlaktur"
'le:mho! troi'ffticoef, , Vlth'tlierCeteptioteo • ti`' , A.
.•lp in ocurfNryabscribern, far thkPchstAth. we watt.
that ittii thttity,AtibiaribetfiebniOdloti,ooinfrnillt The ma- •
star terms of . Two,lintiankturranpybut when Ada,-sat. . .
• pot Ipulttnok.tbex may bojrchalat hararcralo4,lo4 -
lACl6ilance Of fifertilalii Dollitrif ' warded Ant* amok:
b,4 the.persoi .dealriog the - niiieh hi, , m - wi r litiwi,
will Ii sent to di:trivet* •• Port Oltfoo,ifitoritrode: /fiat/
.parstukchillnoting 4;4,11 tattluld.. lllo E4,„ell VilaY•
iiirset-4ObtalnetVio'ni#th a.',olg , 117,_ . mat a 4 !..
have lirrettitin tbsitalailatniai " ...mar •
nia wo.. an d isow fc When too 09bilaidhsi .4 , 1",....•
o. ll,ll4 .l4niinboln amo un t c of money Ofitjr.llMo . oo ii . •
reckly tiVnthi liiiiiiihia it'll bet Any Torwiirdihdle: , *,* ..
' . - •,'P , t ',' ,".. ' , L.; 1 , r --s ..e-: , t , At i:-•6irik . i.:' , 0 1 ;
~ ;•,;,. ' •-• •‘• - t,44 , , , ,:.11.,.-- , , , 1F •
' ow teem ;111 , bo'fbeOnnie ge•t4P,llfOr, tillii, ll , l oriMOWlC
vrotkly wa be r, ; 2ife:etyitnia .ervei (NC l'lmrvpOlkiked •
hy ue Air iholalt Ornate/9n yeant..46ol4.o.tiatAlinitilfobs
pay • tie Thai Pp.erzt,he, PaPer. antkellittOW,s44loMliq
1010 r°4,!s 1 1 0) 4012 TP 01 0 0 will be 44,,,,,enii014. ''' s , -,'' ',,,
• • • '.-% - , ~' ' C4S4 Ift A D,VMir,te.,. . - :::',. ••
' • 4...`„' ;r..! p• , t..J.,,,, 0....1.r,..,.!..".
, 1 itipy, °lie year, - ,.. ~..... ~..: 4 ... • ,;..,..:,','„,t; 40,,
.4 dOplell pi:: Ypstr. , t 0 ~...r!Wilik;i, is ~...? . ? enitrkfr l a 1 1 1.
ffeoptes., and (oa th gotter up at o, ri b ,"., -r, • ..., •
20 001) 101 r,itaff one to goiter up - oreolk;•;.:i...t.iii .eo
One toPy of eon% of THE LADVEIRIIITHi nut ''} "S;"."-. ....
- -a' " ~. 1.1 ",.4, . eaTI ) HDA•T ; INVENaI(I.POIR4 f: ;41 1 .au '
ID'. sing le numbers of The ;Lades •ftiltia4 :(p tal kie.
pall by um> go sotitc . - •• - . . .; ••:.:•';• , .f", , :1 ,- ;
... Au- .The mater in .TA e ,Zadff 14 /4 1 , 8 :M l4 ' d 'l l :7P . b. ..
different frijao that io The Post ,•,'. , ..; ~,.- .r , ''..-:_-.,, •• •
•••:Sutiloribers 14 9:lthch..lToeth'..Aniccrtiet r esithitiiettiie • .
eipite , ko addition' to.thcitcrcual,sucioetie*T3ifcSiOlve
to eciTVtl•l7 . . t 4.tlis..:(!a4..V., , #:vte! , ;,•l.'ifkv •
' •,•:-;.' •• ,' ..
;u . - ,inAoo* is r l - •• ,. :r.- , - ,
'••'.): x#,3l9iWoikigo t aiof. , :
•7Eroeniiiiiw eAiiiii tw orn iitiitidtidi4i i
'written torus mos* iiiii•out'VartOorftt* r trs.. -
titigzot imAonvizeh ., oo
io. i,.riiiwiriaohawilifttin i v.o.a O
No:2, , stimumatintsotpl*,.ukse.424
. ' • '
non Table'; . P 1 ":!,',',';',.!;,
ii;' ,, i l:..4 :f i it" .34 :VA*4 - ,e - 4 fl
;No, - 8, - ,X,liigitiltaWiettuiVi l O W ol . 4•L .
sion Table, .--' ' . -
~ ) , : . !1` ~):.,,,,%: L;•:,-- , ''',3l.t.'4Ak..K. - ,.- ...
lio.:3; LArgellmintaaturlier APPWIfi . .4..,* .... .
ovith , liolling rook, incou ~ ,,p•5y•••,4 7 ,,, , , - 1- . .-.4114 •
•tanfi hill Einer , oloostif 84 II ' ' 00 010 "
hi ei• lan s,, ip ems; IA Ittsaii,Ani x ,. , fieffi,.!, ~. • U 't '.
.. ...,.,., •••••
.cli 3- 4,e,51a5i!•3,,0.; 11 16:4• , ... 4- 0t...i.' • ..- • •
Ypiii it irpntiiiiiiiiiiiti - cottitridlise*AgintE
stre.ll4,E;-•P l i o ttente 4une , :2601 4186 e• t •••.. ,
• 'it is well . knowil that a .S tittltt,aittt , lilltaalt
con ItirAil' pi:i fent bi iti.',64l6iiiikiiir.bilit . I....rirrril.' .
9! ) i aC't,i.9P.,g,4iiiii,i ito': 4 4 4 4:** "*. eivitroolin - t:i?:r icR•
4 iiikig 4 ' 4 0 1 4 P 4 • 4 4 l,4 o l,4l .4ilife4 i iL ii: ".f i e t't .
• RuiJR.,.l tic thkz bit il'ilivot* sk i ll ful ae.etaiiiiiti . ;tta :
.• n 0ffi0,..a..,y , : ,,, ,i, ,, .::.... • -.: t , .3 , ~t - . ., r '::,p.4;, -
-. Tpe 'tcnciiii Y Bholfte;'ili: [ 'in * -iirtiiilOliiVq,4iii
iiiihi n atiali 'Ca n 4171 - 31 d it •vrit haat lost iiilifficibi'ilte
~.- ~. 11 , - ..,;-::„.,. - s • ,-;: ::-. l b:. -,,.--Ifil'z'fetrfv.e'si
'' Aiii Os Ni' rip fid "foittlk - t0wn5 ,7 , 1!Y%:' , tifC . ,...11111.41.
Stales c ~';v: be rp 'agents, aii isiii;iiiii:+4 eh
'oil ~:. - A II(i; - for Cubic; Mi•ilriiCtal4ritv• ''
~ "tit
America, to whri tt liirroill,' tliasotiao,ll k!,
tit;en.'• ' ' '-''.' 4 '. 4
'',.' " . ..' . .f.';:•n * • ! P:• l 4 l ; . :t'.s,; , '"o' ..
Ire e;T; 4 1 i 'Mir fti itti Crd'in-oigilitii:ily,P4o.4*
. ... .~. ~uh. 'U
5 '.-01