VOL 5. ITNIV.ERSA.T. CLOTHES , WRINGER. No. I,l.arge Family Wringer, No. It MeLlinni, ":. " No; 2,,Metlinin • cc. No. 24 :cc , ,cc !‘. .3 k Small' cc . cc' No. 8, Largellofel cc' No. ; 18, Medium Laundry le run steam (20,00 NO. 22, L:tire;e ~ ' oriand 2J;60 Islas. 24 int, 3 .h . ave . _no . Coggs. All others . - are , vrarranted.. - • !No 2 Is tbe.sfze generally. '4:lse& in.nrivaie familied: :.1 •• • ".9range the. American. A griculruris Bays of Ilia' , • UNIVERSAL, CLOTHES WRINGER . child can readily wring out a tobtull of clothes feW. Minutes. It Is in reality a CLOTHES SAVER! .A TIME 'AVER! and a STRENGTH SAYER! The saving of garnients will'alone pay a large. percentage on: its: cost. 'We think the machine Muck more then PAYS FOR:ITSELF EVERY.YEAR . in the.saving of garments!. There are sei , erarkinds, nearly a like in , genera! constrection,"but-We consider 'it .important that the wringer he fitted with Cogs, otherwise a Miss of garments may.clog the roll ers, and the rollers upon • the crept( shaft • slip and tea r.tho Clothes, or the rubber break loose (roil the shaft.'.'Our own . is. one of the ti 'rat, make, and is as good as new after nearly FOUR YEARS' CONSTANT. Every Wringer with Cog. Wheels is Warranted • • • • .in every Particular. • 10• WRINGER CAisT :DITRAIME WITH OUT COG-WHEELS . . A.good CANVASSER wanted in every town. , 07" On ' Receipt. of '' the 'price . fnorn places %%here no'one is selling, we will s cnd. the %Wring er PREE.OF ar,F:NSE• • . • , . , . . . .. . . For parficulara.aiid circulars address • It C. BROWNING; 347 Broadway N. Y 1:17 - ,SHAKF ND BURN! . . Shake and. Burn! ! • -; Shake sand 'Burn !! • This is the life Of agony endured by the suf ferer fiom Fever and:Agile. • He wanders' lire an uncertain shadow, nevPr, knowing what nao-. sment he - may' lie :prostrated, and therefore dis inclined to give any serious attention to busi •ness.' . This is 'the condition Of thousands .in .town and country. It is no e)rageration to say that Fever and 'Ague kills .-more people.than ,any.ti , veity other diseases in America. For cure arid speedy cure of this terrible -affliction; we, take great pleasure in recommending' HQS-: 'FETTERS STOMA,dIj BITTERS, which have already.achieved a :wide requtationfor . : rapid and pewerful streets io 'renovating the sYstem" prostrated by - this disease. *, • For sale by Firuggists•and dealers generally; everyvvhere. • •nBt4.. SOLDIERS IN THE ARMY AND 0011 PEOPLE AT HOME are.now offered an opporunity by. which'. they eari obtain a ' • ' GOOD AND DURABLE TIMEPIECE VERY ,LOW, FIGURE 0 C It • WATCHES Alt E. !WARRANTED TO EP TINE ONE YEAR .AND THE BDVERIE ALLOWED TOR PRIVILEGE OF. EXAMINATION .ilifora Payment` is Required. IErgiIVED DUPLEX IN FULL RUBY AMON& A first class'Hutitirig•Time ,Piece , of ver atcrial;oyet which is electre-tlne nlated k. most durably wrought, making the,-imitti'- :$ I )11 so'faultleis that ircannot be detected from 11,, solid material bf , the '.most experienced acids' not affect it. London Made tirrnovan Duks.sr.: in - RUBY' A grl'loN, has sweep serianits,.and is not to bee.s -4! :110d in general: apperanc , e.', Tursr.s,.nnetnim-, it it one of the nricrAit'ricr.Es Pver otTerpii tor tra 'it .I•l'and speculators. ExaiNciitis, FinECRANTS, ..2111 reasO N s TRAVII:LING; wilt find them suprrior tc,another.';:'alteration Of climate will not.. at— .11...t -their . accuracy'.. Price, •p o cki..d.in good sh ,ne.and good running i:irder, 0n1Y.51.5, or case. 41:1.6 for,s2oo. : . lI.VER DOUBLE TIME HUNTING LEV rEsT, QUALIFY SILVER . . CASES, over. i..helectro-tine plated 'IS k. gold, similar , to. Situ Istrnoveo.Duer.sx, and superior adjusted inovements with riStop," to be used in timing tutees, etc.; has Foun. INDEXES for Ig.ushington wu l'Greenwichtime, eweep . second, and ihe itrprovements. • All in 'all, itabeatitiffe. mud faultiest appearance, and ita superior move. at 'sit into.consideratiOn, we regard it as.deci de the cheapest article of, the kind . _ in the rrairket... Price, in good running.order,l33, or cans of 6 for $2OO. • ' I ' , We ilk "no pay in advance, but wilt for:- ward either of them to responsible parties, to intipart of the loyal States, with bill payable I...expressotan when the , Kornis are delivered, 4.vvinethe buyer the,priiilege of examination, il.if not salisfaCtory the watch can be return ! . one " expense. .' ' Elie express companies refuse making collee n ns'onsiddieraand Othor ,parties in the dieloy ! 01 States,'conseqtiently all such' orders must be: a. muripanied : by the cash m to.insuee, attention.— t snake a deduction of ;two . dollars on - either tch-When the payment is forwarded' in lad - Limey may be dent, by eXpreaa:at.aur-ax 'mos. QA,FFERTY & CO., • and 95 Broad ,St., opposite Sunk, - Providence R I Artitan:,county iDemotrat PIIBLISEIED ; EVERY SAT.IIRDAY MORNIM By SIVIETHPOI2T; M'KEAN COUNTY, PA B. E. CORNER OF Pp4lo SQUARE 812,00 10,06 8 50 7,50 6,50 -15,00 TENMSt *2 00 in Adrint;e • • • AOOs -of Adveitising • • • t hunn Mio " " . Q 35 00 3, ' 4 A. " 2O 06 • .•... . . .. 00 4 ; 'six months ' • • 20 00 12 00 -lu.. square of 12 lines or-loss, 3 . insertions,:. .... 'l' 50 F. h subsequent iness earils,litth•paper. .... ..... ' 5 00' • Pule or figure. york.irill .be• double. the 'above. rates. Tuelre lines.flyerier type, or eight lines noirparell, Is rated a square. ' . . .1 . 23:1:h05e terms 1911: . be striCtijr adhered , to.;~j pit9iilio - .0...: - J;Diefootp • 'DR. W. Y. ICCOY, SQURIII-EAST CORNER - • MAIN STREET • • S' T rietiiii•ori, Pa. L: W. . . . . .Dr.lerin Stoves, Tin Ware; ;waned Ware, ',Sic., went, and of the' Public 'Square, Limethporti Pa. .Custom :,.work done to oeger'ou the ehorteet notice, and-1n the • meat substantial mealier. ; W. B. BROWBELL . . Dealer in Dry Goode, Grocgrieni Crockery. -Hardy nre . Boutin; Shoen,lllats, Caps, Glass,' Nails,. OM dce.. 'East nide brae Public Square', Emetbport, Pe; . . ..; ~ :' . • 1111.• L; li.-W181728, :. • .• ' . Phyr elan and Surgeon;Somthpori,. T'a., nlll attend to al . 111 '•esstuncl calls with promptness. . OftPte two door •a. . of tbe Democrat Office. '.'• ' . ' -•• lIENIMT. NOUSE, . . . . . . smettiport, It'Kum C 0 .., V.': W. P. • GooDulti PrOprie ter—Appogite the court MUM', , A new r iarge, cum nuutioita &tor well furnishedhOutut. . • ' ~ . , . - -.. ,E.' . .1-3sArT — ‘.ll ; ' - ::. TA NEVER. tk..•-,CURRIER PORTAGE, ?ffeßean Co., Pa • THE SUBS:.2.IIIF.R flatters himself. from long $ xperien.-4, that he cannot be excelied,•in :he business. . .• • ' • Part!rular atterition'veilt be paid to CUSTOM J en:. For the of those living at st.distance wishing to have tanning on shares irringemeuts have been made wit h,,L. EL Dol it7,-at .Pori Allegany, who will take the ;livery °Vibe Hydes and the Leather will .bere. turned to his*Storeovhen tanned. . The largest•price will be paid fOr Hydes, sr. in cash, LEATHER, BOOTS; SHOES', or HARN,ESS,Ieft at Dolley's or 'my •tennery: • Entire,satisfartiongived: •-• -• . Connected with my tunnery haye Bootic Shoe factory, and Harness Shop. kortage, Pa., Nov. 3, 1862. v.iiiByl. • RAVIN GI- SALOON. TE SU 3SCRIBEIt annouUces . to the Public that he has purchased the stock of the.sa— loon formerly , kept by W: H. Bak West side Public ... sgitare;:l . ... ,r . where he is prepared to refresh. the ihner man with, all the delieaces usually 'kepi it. u ,first class RESTAURANT: • . A L'E, CIDER, CONFECTIONARIES, NUTS, • . FRUITS, CHEESE, &C., &C. • FRESH ,OYSTERS . served, to order, either taw or cpoked. ' . . • Tlios! who .favor me with' . theit. iiitronage eha II h+•ye, nu cause to complain,. either go to pricei o: . . • J. L. WORDEN Snet sport, Sept 201,.1563. ' • PROSPECTUS FOR 1864 • TILE • SATURDAY "Tho oldest and beet of the Itreeklies.'? . The Peoprictors tit the Sntu -day Et . enbig Post—Srhich paper iu •ts: y-th it 1 Yin r!',would simply Stv: ,nuance in their . Prospectus toi 1861, 'that they. design irmintraining tot als'ir tirevkly the high character it has ready arqui red. its • " ' '':• • •• Virs Class :Literai-yper! • • They have..rcason to belle to that the stories of MRS. author of East 14 me." &c. MISS SHARRON; author of ffienois Victor &c.; MARION lIARLAND, author of ; LASS W IRSINI A A. TURN. SRN J; and noinerons•other.excelleut writers hive • been gene . r.illr,regliriledati possessing the 'greatest merit and the most absorbing, interest; and they design 'procuring for Tlte'Poit in the future as in the past; %holiest stbrids, Sketches, and - other L iteiery Novelties which they can possibly obtain.. They .iptand ceninieuclng the first paper in January, _. • • • • • . . . . A NEW' NOVEL, .BY MRS. WOOD, cf .Er,it,Lpiutys from advance saws, ezpresAly forwarded, to us front ' ' . England. .. . ... ' This story will b., tailed ' - ..: - ...' : . • • , . . . "DswA.Er• GRAY"," and Will be abant the length.. of I, Vernerfs Pride" and "Dist Lynne."' -- :••• , - • .' •.• . . 'ln addition to the- Storie, written expressly for The Post. its Editor also strives to laybofore Ste readers,.the best StOriee frotn the English Pet indi!te . n> and giVes in ad= dition to the Tales and Sketches, mow or less.Agrient. Loral Matter, with a Riddle, Receipt, news, and Market Departments, every week. . . . k.SEWING MACHINE GRAvkIS "We will give -to any person Seeding' thirty subscriptions to The Post and Slaty Dollars,•eim of WAteler,'¢ 'Wit- . son's Celebrated Sewing • Mabhines, suelCas they soli for Forty-five Dollars. The machines will be selected new at.the manufactory in New 'York, boxed: and for warded free of cost, OW( thc . e.reeption of freight. litprocuring the subseribein for this' Premiunt we pre fer that the thirty Subscriber(' should be procurred at the re.(ular terinhof Two Dollen] • fer each, bet: where this cannot bo. done; they may be procurred tou r club rates ; and the balance of theDixty•Dollars fore( dod to ue in. cash by the. perion desiring tits machine . paper-IVitt .be.sent• to differs - at Post 0140 if desiied, Every per - eon eolleatiog namca'should send them •'with the money as tasiws.obtained so that the subscribers may begin at once to receive Siels papers; and not become dissittlslied with the delay. When the whole number of names (thir 'ty.)•and the whole amount of money (Sixty dollars;) M re ceived; the machine will be duly forwarded .•.. • • 'PERMS : . , copy,.oido yanr,. ... . • 2.00 2 oordee, ono year, ; ' ...... . .... ,SS 00 4 canine, one year , • • ' ' 600 8 eiiples, and one to getter-up of 12.00 20 copies, and one to getter.up of c1ub,.....,....2E100 • Ono copy of Tao - Pest and one. of The La . kYica 5.00 • • . . • tsn'TFTur i .o.w . r;...'ArKFAN . OvNIT,.:PA . .,. - A.Tultx•AtfoN.lF'' , l s;,,-!!.504....,' . 41 .14 y Plan'? for tiding id Eioliinda: ‹Correspondence , N.r. ' . • • , . WASIIIN6TON, Jane:7: . . • It is a matter or great speCulation Just how; .among • Democratic lout:nets and those . Of 'Abe .Miscegen sehool of panties, whet has been the canie and .what the . special ••&loot , General Grant's terribly,saagritiiry. .adyance •toward Richmond , the . so colter! :Overland , While . precisely , the:san4 poSition. be now oc 7 'copies could have, been:reached withent:a -bat tle, end.therelore . Wit hoitt the:seemingly' use less's:edifice of .. .human life Which has . - rnat keit his progress thus far, The reasonable argu ment of . one party ; withatit designating : a rea son' for the route, proyes'great loss and "no :commensurate gain; and a statement of this side, that'tte present loeality of "the Lieutrri; ant General•and the establishment of a base•bf. supplies forhis twiny at the White House. is a eomplete'viudieation of Alceleßari's. campaign against *ferny plem"„Of the Pre'Sident, is met by the'other aide With a characteristically reck less. assertion the otierland march,.is the; ,, Only practical way" to the . rehel'capilaf, and 'that the damage inflicted on Lee's. army during Grant's forward movement is ample cempen-• sation for any depletinn of the Union forees. ..The question•as to Which"of the .two roads •leading•from the Mirth to Itlehmond poseisies , -uperior advantage's for moving an army thith er, his never been, a trOtablasome orie among intelligent tnilitarrmen; but powerless to.con. , trot an authority 'above:them, they , '.have yiel— ded their opinionsand awaited the justifications Of titre.. • these are not- furnished 'hy . .the charadrer 'Of recent events,:it.• is .confulentlY believed; in reliable. quarters, that they will yet certainly appear before an accomplishment of the great objects of the present struggle. It is not now our.parpose, however, to' discuss this long rlisputed, point; and it is far from our •wish• to detract from the grand' achievements of Lieutenant General Grant in. Virginia; ' But a chance has.pat in our possession facta'which , enableus to' state definitely why the particular, course he ha's pursued—formidable as it . hai beenmade by years of skillful' preparation against of p.pr armies—was under taken instead of one•that Would neve landed his eager boats; fresh,' fearless and uritlecim]. ted, just.where they rest to day,. worn ; weary and wasted.. A g entleman, friendly to n' the administratio, i.10ya.,'3 etc., who has just had•ari intereiett , with Mr. Lincoln, for the purpose of .cOngrat. ulating him on the recent successes of put in vincible army, gives the following account of his conversation with ourdignifled chief mag- "'We are getting on hully," said the • Presi dent. , <