Llst OF 11411)1L1'.!CPM. TERM .A ran ne:llseasue A : • BiADFoo6 , —SheinianFisher,W.,,R.:Ben Croxi.--Dung Thos.' Clark Albert, Berbeiß Coeienon....3llarsti Enoefi. - • . . . . , - ELDEKD.4-par f mriter ii.P . , • .. .1 .: ~ • ! . . . . KikkiNo.H2Oilliiii, A.• D...Bush , A. J.; l!ovilit 'Homer, Havers O. E., MoOre ilsrael, Cory A. IL. Toyior A, : li.. : , ''• .... •. . ..y "• .. .' :. Noemicif.—rSmith , Emerk.... , ... . . •.. • ; - ' .0rr0.d.,-Sprazor P. W. -,%•.. .' '. .'. • •-. ' . Lziuttr.-Cone J . K., Baker',ll., AroolJ, A. S., ,Wllite:J.C..•Woocicoac H. •D. . •- , . 'T . II,4*ERS A rotiN....,—Su'lle ft. .* . • • BitApriNto,— D'Polin:qa 1 110 n, I.A ParioDs Huai"' Whipple:A I i rptr., : . • Veltise4 %iv : Horace, Decker; 'Daniel, 'Welch. Anthony: . • • • •Etozze,.:—Lamphier 'S. , G.,.,.Shew Alonzo; Wood ~•• , . • . HAratt.ron.--Libbey.E; D. . . HAMLlN.—Swatthout Decker I.; R,• Kalayima.-Kice Oitnsby. W. F.; Oviatt Ei4an ..T. StiCkles Geo. A., Oviatr J. Liesnri.—Yat'es. Anson, Moore G. A., bridge S. S. Giiirin 0: G..• ". - I..er,“rirrie..—Andereon A., Newell' A. W., Ho John.` Dirkersoii r. -H. • arm—Hunt R. H., But.ii•er T. M., peen ' R.SIKTIII4RT.-- Sir t Wel/ : Roswell, Hatt li;) Ciisper. ' ••• • • . EXECUTORS' NOTICE. WYHF.REAS Letters ;Testamentary, ,to the Estate:Of JOHN ,KING, late' of Cameron . County; Fcr,.haye been :ranted to . t he Subseri.: bera, all persons indebted to 'the Estate .are.requested to: make: inamedtate payment, and tFose having. Claims ' demands against. the Estate of the Said decedent . will, :make' 'Known the Same .iyithout delay,- tn..' ••• • • ..: . .E.Teentor.• • KING,. • • - Ex , cian Sbipp'ep,C te ron county, June Ist 18.64. To Consuxaptives. 2/1 1 111E4diertiser, having been restored to health Intl few weeks, by a very 'simple remedy; after Lavine -puff tredaeveral years - With a severe bit* affection, anp .that dread - aiming, Censurept ion—is anxious •' to :make 'known' to bin fellow-sufferers the ineatts of care; To all who deairet t,,he Will send a copy of the presdrip Linn used 'Metro( charge),' With the 'di reetions for pre paring and ustrig , ,the 'same: which they will find, a scan' '013116. roe CONtIILIIPTION,.•ASTUMA lIRONCII/TIS .A O. The , casly object of the 'Advertiser in sendirtu the:reseription ;into benefit the sfillcted,•arel spread inforwistimt which the - conceives to he Invaluable, and he hopes every suf ferer will try.hli retriedY,•as it will - cost them nothing, and may prove • • Parties wishing the,prestwipt ion will please 'address • Rkw. ADIVARD. A. WILSQN,• Wrilamsburrh, Rings Geer" y, Itewlork.. AND • EliE nAix.ivAv Chang© of.Ffours Commencing' Monday, January 40,..1861. Trains willJaava Oleitn at about the I'ollun•ing howl. •. - MOVING •WE