•; 7 -7,7 1 1 .- •‘- r, , • • a. • 4 • lAniiittu t ortitocrut. . .s4~~ ' _ q• ,,, J.:,..a, 7....",,,,Ca. ::?• ' %?47: 4. ij;;q 4 e : t. ' , : r PW , t'il •;(i.44A 4,, "...'z , ',,,''-, ;:' l4 : , tlati...s...;•l,s, , (4VAVitiPilttrips;ll,i.itip A , t :-..`•:-:": ; i . ,- 4 ,:! -- i0tt..,t4 5 , , , ,. ..:.w.r . :L.,..p: ,, „!.., , ,i , , , ....,..‘ , ,•1: , ..:,‘..9 ,, t1exi , .' , .Y.t•- , 1 , - ' - ~",' . • virw..„,* eta"? 11 greet ,truth, viten it c .ll . f hv yr' blr • free country ',lnes not;feel itt Jerre' ititi r at,eiiti'e*;eohetittat ionat another. en of own: lo ' ;7,l ' • thAl 1 . 1:•. • .„ • ; • ..• pail week is 'ye eerettalfeetiitt•-the.Crops. Miele we have tailt.tiluottlbe boy chip, especially,,will be 11'siiillrisitSirifi;ourlest a:ienerel.engige: lieitti4ka taken place on theline of the Chickt A general assault .upon.the.enemy • w,stekti*on , nrilered iFriday, June 10, et - , which teee4e titio•utitie-lina itiovetVagainNt the enemy. success' . 44l4 .the most desp,erate tightilitirar, forte's, re; ired.to• their original Po" aithini,litleitig tailed to dislac s lie ten. -Lee Isom itis:ol riot ,• fortikutionr:'< , •After this battle accomplished another fkrilt*tnoireine,ntonti now occupies the. Seuth banker ...Tames :Ritter. 1 , Late rrports place' trim in•pOssiisi 3 On Sit Peterrburi,and Fort: Dar. Gen. Hunter.% crisrationi • in . the vicinity of . .• • , . . • • Stinton.baye thus far. been Successful, and now that he 'has • ;been' joined by d Gen.. Cro c k .an • Averell, with their commands, he will . find himself stinng erteugh • to irecomplish•tha.:cap true • of; ` Gordorniville,' Cheriottsville , 'and • •. „ Llnclilittrg,: and deitroy the . railroads . i n that . • , section, which would greatly ' facilitate the ex ecation of Gen. Grant's plan!. •.1 7;lislebal P•en..lquigan liia,.lltren raiding In Icentuelty,.., sweeping .throuigh twelve..of the Eistiirn counties of . the.Stati;deatroying rail road. and pltirsdering the inhabitants. At he. last accounts hls com ' m'and was tiadlly defea• ted;soil retreating, in squads, from the State., • Gen. Sherman, in Gedruia sirems.to;be inac tive, at present, having fortified his positron. rrtimTeinessee,we hava bail news. An rupedition,under,S:uigis, I wliich left Meniphis Jansl, wasatracked•bY a large force of rebels at Grtnton, end yompelled to retreat with , considerable number of prisoners; and artittary, and Wagon, and • 'ainunition trains. wane either, abandoned or destroyed: . . • ... ..'Cistsiperttt..l'noaercr.—Colonel Forney, the Itpublieatt clerk:or:hi, f.T,S,; Senate; in a let: ter : tie bie Pew, under .lati'of Washington city, in speaking, ...Of.' quelling -out the rebellion, • .sthe yast:resersie: ariny—...the:m . en in civil . ..Wei, the mite of middle age, and th youth. fween seventeen and . eighteen. yednr, 'ln ill, in all prohability,.he• called IM tu -help, to finish. . ". doriel'a predictionvi yet come nue. It to our impression' now, end titicbetiti fOr a.long' time, -that . before.the war is in led we shall - •yet see • the same : state ONO:Airs in the North that . the South . ia.now through: • ilvery, able • bodied malecitigen's servi iel , wild be . called for.; the'cosinnittation fee . - „rePealeil; siibsti - not'be procured et,:any,..hut the . most . ..atupelitiotis pi ices, and many, a...he ppY faMily who now,live . in . cOnfiJent • hopes . that ' their friends ..will tie,saVed Irmo military,'sers . ice, will be obliged : to lei them torn from. their midst. The . ardeist.youngsrien who are io eager- for the war, 'need not.despairThey ....will, all .• base a to:lest their Fatalist?. ' . Theconc . ord.:Pit - riot, !peeking of the .Fremont party..sers....i.poneet : A be" :will buy up till their paperi,ond iheir emell ..rnanntgers—A heii subalecos,• ' , Honeit. Abe has commence.] the work ••al - .' ~ • , Tit/ Mormon ,DoUrittria...:-The Republican r f enesni;on ••looks. with' jolt loney'' on the land- Lac ofaffamilwilian in Mocii.o. - .pdt what will looks tint. The Monroe 110(4 rine la dead ind btwied.b*' the actionor Mr.' Litico)n, and. .the Opanlardratid,.Frenth'lttuitt Oit, and the Bal tinictrili4rlY'apPrewee it ant The farie apro r teasitiffe i 4 i4ard for " the. noble :;old -American :prineiple.iir pretty ttearely'plaYed put • by the • • . . . Th.V. tile r, r R..pnbli , can saps hittetest. attacks: whisk ' could hi lir the most. rnilitinent Of, writers ,sopii,tlrist poliey and, ehaile!er or : thi men in :poirit,r possibly .10 'damn' and :sating estimstion;, r as the, silent, but: „,the,Feforie; : most eloquent 'deiuneiatior. - which; at them floor presses unjitailriimpeoded'and privite ir,teleste inte . .. fulik, n ,tramplid iinder . -.: .. _;.f; , . THE NEW DRAFT. :. - 'rke:Parile learcely seem to realize UM yet bitl friet:tba:grtvernMent requires* more men, ayittliott*drukirill,4/rt!'place on . the Ist of July' next. '',',. - , - , ~ • . .' -11141'11Aloiripi,eiicuiliq.,,, !is' been issued by Adiatipt .petieral hiprakae and will be immetti ite3y-esuptisdl3e Supervilitii of thwns.through, out !he Stutixt.• .- fi .. ~;,' .. ( ' - ;;Gortruzite disitnurnstrzmus, STATE or . Naar YouAirprztyr 6iriiicAe r s OFFica,• : ~.. • ALBANY; May 27. ' 186.1 . '. The foliotrint. eitiminanfeation from general Foratti±mit Marshal Gensral,ite sent to you lot thi inforinoilOn 'of , this public: ;. .. ' • ."BY TEzzondcru PRO; I I.WASHINGTON .• ••• • •••''. - , 4 lliliritt.,Gen. ~i 'Vot: Hays ) , Major •Fred!lt - ::'':.l7fretinten4; aid. Major'A. S. - .ttiven, A. S. • Pro .i.sat Matithat Gv - rteral::' , . • ....',- .. .• •• • '• . •. - ,%,..:,,:.iit.etinfer.with•Stste anthotities, and entlenviw 4.?'iol'ilikt::ifilitdifriretiit Disitidis:and Sith.diatiict to ~,i,itiktstapineslesisixg. men at 'once,, with a view to 'o4 , llo*Xatietiet.i.:f.itn in , der fiat Ch. of yesterday Sei.o lo . ' ,. ' : . ' 4ll . l "*.•°uWaY''.‘to , ;(itenttral;'.Dii.. It ) ititilt - ::#lo.l',' .t# : Ow etiventiceor the different .:Itafliii, _ JNy:iniiK;w wile •to'''save tinU . :- by t iiimo i lim - TOSTiliiitety.ct• iwtoutrild , :qttotaa. 'l' lll 4o4ooo4k 7 *hi v e - :-iho , frificion of En. * "Z" ,.... ,'' ' ~ ,; ibleitili. •.•!rtin exact ''');CO' ''!',.''',,,,,.i'l : " i', ' ~ , iiik*Jit.; I.•.waht•lt .'....!':,:i• ' . .' - !'"n10101' ';''°•; l • 1ii 0 i.,,.. .01:k l' s . ' t: '', , ."-IFf - : : ;: , : , ,.; - t:1-: - .'.:- ''..,:":: .. r: • t ' ; ', 7;iinigg, 0.0..'CRW2',4ei,:; • !.: , ': , q 1- :... '-, '.': Y ..* (.411%.' TilLa 3z Ail r¢ome• Wisitipiftow, . . . ;,:'‘.ltilie.(34l. ll'in. lioji. M jot rnadis' Town: iiii iii and ?dajat';',A,' S. '.D ived Al A'. , Provist Maribil Generalsi'.: ,' .'-7-'). Let . of iSI-1 merit:. it-. pti t vompt tio .ll tho.ear wet e d , and iclOetOwrio•the people that it is plainly. for: the Iritriest,cit eaeli town, ward; tohive elten troth : - the lisi•afl 'namei.impritm;rlTen- . . . ;rolled, becaose on excessof mimes • increasie the quota , called learn suCh town ward, be. It I. forthe intereit of each:person-enrol• led in a given . town'or:waid,..to pier. ninon the list all . persons In hlijown - or . :•ward liable, .to dit military du fy,' . lrecause•thegreatert he,rittm. • Irei.to• be drawn from, the less rlhnee that any ititticularin'dividnal will. he draven: As it is• the intisonal inteie.t of • every :enrolled- man that the.quota in which: he - is concerned - Shall not be made too largeoind that hi. OWn chance . far draft shall not be ithitistly Inereatted,..inti us Goth theie oi.jeete.w , ili be attained' by striking out the wrong namee, end - pirtling in: the rieht woes, there can be no terions.difficulty Irrsertn• tog the VO-npvoion r qvitiienslor :he - .purpose of tnakins ,a, correit enrollinent... • "(Signed) JAMES 13: FRY, Prov...st Mar Seeretarj• •Stanton's ilearialch to . Gen.. : Die states that a Call fór 300 , 000 men will'he made at . onee,'and that a . thatt will beicirdered lor the lit of july next. : • '• • ~ .The•qtrotai.Wthe.several districts: and sub. .distiiCti wilt probably be the same. Ai...under the cell of October 17th, 1803, Tor 60,000 ,men Tram MT : Yolk. . JOHN T. SPRAGUE, Adj. Gen, • :The stigrarions contained in'sifelihove cii Cular,:with• reference to a careful .'revision' of ttfe enrorniienf; Sr. ._highly important. The liste•in el/or) , locality Should be carfull exismin ed iind.all names improperly:placed upon. them Tun Driert.—The drawing, of names for the •deficienerin this triitrici 'commenced 'at Wat• 'fiord on the 10th inst. There were one.iiim., died and thirteen, drawn in' M'Kean *county, whose names, will be found 'below. Keating' and ~ Norwieh townships and the .Boreeat c . .Sinethport had filled their . respeetive quotas by yciluntersamil. thus avoided 'the draft. The, Bir•arl of 'Enrollments will attend it Smethport on Monday-and : Tuesday next, for the purpose of tvivin3.o.ll claims of .thoie „asking ,exemp DRAFTED MEN IN MIYEAST 'COUNTY ' Liss 1:11r rowasnis. F. • R. Dolley.' Franklin Smitti,... A'll Burnaby.. J G Hu11 , .• F: C Dextee...• ; David Smith, H T Abbey.. G. ..W Guy: .. ' S H Davy. . R Wilkin. • ..Mattison Robbins. F j GOodwin. • Itichird Goodwin. Alonzo Evans. • Ifiram•Riiseerans. Merritt COy. , • Wesley Alien: P 6iamring, Thomas N Peat, Daniel Loucks, hbri . Ncirtbri)j), N brim Dm. 'John Smiih,' greeley Baldwin J B : Enrmt.Mullen, Thomas Megann, Ed - .Hunan. .• Thomas Oliver.; Thomas Conley, C 'Gortnan, • . Thomas 'McGarish; ,Ndmund Feseenger. • • • Patriekityan. • • Timothy .Splain, ~ • . (;) W Taylor;'• Asa Holcomb. . . • • • , • .. •.: Wirrkone. 1 , (1 .' . wai.l %rdlloce.2 :Chas C POlock; Michael Qinlyn., , ...• • • . . . . Ira Lucas, . • • - A C Morrison, Hugh MCLauglal:n,- • Porick Dugan, -• Casper dinio,- ' 'Chu Ride, - John Dehn • Pete,rsAlartio, • Thome' Cassiday; Richard dlarm, • JArnes .Balden, James .Purtei , . • • Milford'Crook, • j R Green; -. Michael r Peters, ' : Both, Jesemirah' Riley, .. • .lafon Mace, James . Mulway, • . Newton Arnold . , •Patriek'Schil, • . Daniel Peabody, Elias Thompson,. . • • .. • . , ED. Ashby Coboon, • -' Chas M Zinamornan, . Miles Loup ;.' - john•Conne, • Isaac Jo.hnson, • • A ABArden, • .JOhn Holland, . '• Johi, M Michael Doyle; • . D.O Dennis, SH. Ride; • . J L Canfi4d, Reuben Dennis; ' • Henry . Loup, Georgo'N robes, • . Lewis Loup,. Barclay Bray, ; • Peter Rhinehart, •Arnol4 Reeves, ".• • Korman Wiight, . Seth Kips', ' Author •Loup, - .A•R Fowler, • . ..Thomas anti C H Swartout, • • • JC Porterfield, • W . , John Sboler; Merritt Childi, .• BRADFORD. , G D,N Grooker,' John Gan . o, • , W*Neyrell, • CharleilFish, DAvid Fiske, .• ".. Willi.m Robison; R Stems,. • ,• • • .• 'Levi Pigulsb'y; A icingsbiiry,„ • • . • - CORYDON. Geo Permerer. E Suiideilini Premont's Letter of Acceptance . . • • • New Vona, June 4. Messrs. Worthington G. Snethen, of Maryland; EilwariiGilbert. - . Casper Butz,. of Illinois; . Charles E. Moss,'of Missouri; N. P. Sawyer, 'sf Pennsylvania, Committee, Scc:;, ; • Grtrirrtzairm- . .-In answer. to' the letter which Wee 0;10 the bona!' to receive from' you. on the part of the repreientalivea of the people aiserribled et Cleveland May 31st, I desire to express My thanks.fdi the. cerificlence :which led them to ofler me. thohenprable and.difficult position of their candidate in. the' aPproaching Presidential election. Very honorable because in offering it' to. me you net in the 'name of a greet nutriber of citiz , ns• whoa seek'.above F ell things the good of their country, 'and who have no soil: .of selfish isterest - .in view.' Very difficult •because iii.aecepting the :candidacy you propose to,•me, I rim 'exposed' to the re prciach of creating a' schiim • in•the• party • with which I' have beed'identified- •.• Hed Mr. Lincoln remained:faithful, tit. the pr,inciplee upon which he .Was elected no Schism could ave created and no contest could have Itten.poasible. ,This is not an ordinary election it is a'contest.(Or the right to hate candidates,. and notmerely si dausi election for-the choice Infant theme. Now,' for the 'first . Hine. wince 18500he'roestion 'of . cpbstientional liberty• has how biought directly before the people for Abort...serious consi.deratien . aravote. • Tb'eordinary ,right . secite,d finder the Con, ,ijitatiori and Ike a we tl*enantry have beer? . • • v.iolated. . d eitireordinary powers have been usUrpred by the :Executive: , . ....It is dkrectly trefore't he people ,now toVesiy• whether'ai itot":.tbe' principiei eitablished by the teiolut ion; ire `worth lnakntatning. it; ,aa . we,tiave been taught to, believe; those lguarati tree. tor made rite distinctive 'aloe antUgliirfof•our . ,ltountry ere in • Mail , • violably . ffecred,:tben. I here must . .be a protest against the,arbitary violation Which had not even:the egeine.cif necessity..- The schiam Jo marlebY.•those.*ho (area the 'choice between kabamefiii silin . ce: or a•prOteit againatwrong. auch . considerationaoriginat.: ed.the C.leveland.COnOentiOn; • wee among objectsits to 'Ovule the attention of ihe • people to euvh facts and t to, brine' them to- realize that while we .2 re eiturating. Sara hern • soil.'w ith the best blood Of the eoinitry in•tbe name. of liberty 'We hop, parsed wit& itolkortie. . To=day, we have in t he , count s'y the • a busea of a military tliciation' Without its union. of action end vigor,of oixectition; an alltnistration - mirked 'at bottle by diiregarrrof COnstittiticirwl; rights, by ~i ts _violation of personal,libetty 'and.. the liberty.of the preas„.and ea a erumning shathe, its abandonment of the righ.Cof?asylum 'dear to . all 'tree:nations abroad.. ~. • • .• . Its 6111fiel hail been eharecti•rizeil by nest and iyant principle.' has. mislead gtii upon poal eis 'ad • driven them "brliei that only' ep;nrpereial interests isnd: personal aims are insolSed_in the refine, •. • .. Thn:idinirable Conduct . of the people, 'their readiness to inake'eviry aacrifice demanded of thern; . , th'eir. forbearance and• sileriee . under the Intspen.sion•Of everything tha . t . could• be sus.' pended,.their manly acts at:heroism - and saCli— fices, were all rendered , fruitless.bi• the - inert:- pacity, 0r,%t0 speak. more exactly, by the per: sonal culls for:which . the' war was managed. This ific4paiity.and 'selfishness net urallypro— dticed such result's as I etlthe European poviers and 04k:talk enough; to the conviction'that the Niirth; its greatly..supetior populatiOn; its im— mense resources indite Credit; will never be able to reedyerjhe South. Sympathies, which would have been with. us from the, outset:ol the War, were turned against 'UP,. . rout in. this way the Administration' has rhine th'e country • double wrong abroad. . . , It :created hoirility, ar, at , hest ,;indifference among _those yvho Would have been .its friends if the real intentions of the pedpla could have : been better knoWn, while at the •same time it neglected no occasion of making the most c o n - rnieinn3. Against:Ma mtliat ieastrou condition of affuits the" Cleveland' fionvent inn. . The, prineiples whict . form • the...bails of its platform; have ur qmilifierrand cordi a l prcibalir n, but I : cannot' in tieartily conetir'in all' the meakurie which you Propose: not believe that eoafi-cation.extended to 'he'property . oftill rebek is.precticible, and it. it were en; I.do not thirtk. it a measure of ',bond policy. It is in . tact a. qUestion: belohging to the .people thetnietires lb ttecide,.andts a prop er occasiun'fOr . the sikertise of :their original antleo.vereign authority: As a war . measure in the teginding of.a revrill which might 6e, quelled 'by prompt sevririty,.l understand the policy of chnfiscation, but trot as a•firtal mii'ature .of reconstruction aftei'the ioppresflon 'or., an rnerirreclion.. . - • ; John tip% .Twoinley, In the adjuitments which are tolollow'Peage nia'consideration of vengeance can consistently be admitted,. The object of the waria*to make permanently Secure the peace and happiness of the whole country; dud , theta was but a single elementin the way. of . its attainment. This . element;of slavery may : be considered practically destroyed..in •the.couritrY,: and it neeolconly.your proposed. amendment to the Constitutiou •to make its. extinction coal.; ' . • .• visions created by it 'lmre °MsatiMarea • emelt in the history of the country there has ever been a time when the American people, without regard to one, or goober u: ~divisi ons, were called upon to give sielemnly their voice in a matter which t..vy:veil the safety cd the United States, it is ossureLly the . present If the convention at B 4 Iti7gore will nom— inate any Man whose pav t • iic justifies a well grounded confidence in his fidelity to cardinal principles there is no to r sion why there should be any division 'among the really piti iotic•Men of the country. • . • Tnany such I shall tre.•most happy to' give'a cordial. and , . active siMport own' deirded preference is to aidln thie way ant not to be, myself' a candidate. :But, if • Mr.. LineOln .renoMinated,•as I believe it would tie' total to the country to enduree.a policy - - and renew a rower which hes coat' us the lives of tli•uliands of Men and needlessly•.put the country on the road to bankruptcy, there \rill remain no alter• notiv.e. hut to . organize against him every ele : Meht.of conscientious opp sifien with 'the .vievr . to prevent the mistOrtune o: his re-electron.- In this contingency I accept the nominktion . at cleveland, and as a preliminary step, 1. ;h ave resigned my commission in the' army.. was ft - af.ciifiCe it gave me • pain ..to make . But, I had for along time finitleisly endeavoicilici obtain service.. . .I make , this sacrifice now only to 'regain The liberty. of speech and to leave ;nothing. in the .way of die chargtog.to the u'inoat ormy ability the task you•heve set befori ins. W my earnest and, sincere thanks , for your expressions of con fidence and regard, and for •the many honora pie terms in which you acquaint .ine with the "aliment the committee, I am,..gentlemen, • .•• Very respectfully and truly yours, .. , • J uzmorcr. rno WOUNDED • SOLDIERS.- 7 ALL , SOL DIER, who hive been discharged by realion of WOUNDS RECEIVED:IN ANY. BATTLE, and vehn hive not received the ONE. HU.N ED -DOLLARS BOUNTY,. con receive 'the sonnet now ,at once, s by applying ether. in person ;:or letier, at THE turAwr • AND-NAVAL 'AGENCY, N 0.427 WALNUT:Street, PHILA.' .DELPHIA: • • -. - JOSEPH E.:DEVITT & COMPANY. PPRIZE,ONEY. 7 --A 101 l list of ALL PRIZE F'AYABLE,TO , DATE can be seen at , - the Offices: These and, 'all other claims againste.t he Government promptly 'collected. Th'i large cominotlious house is, now being put in the very best. order. The rooms ate .receiving 'new beds, the' walla new Paper, & paint, and the Propiietitr 'does not • hesitate' to guarantre his..guests; a dean • 4(1, and , his table will be at all times furnishcd,, with the best the niarltets afford. THE. SALOON.. • • A large anti • spacious'. one, is well supplied with a choke sup Pl y: of imported*net,. ins and cigars; and, good Order. pereails. • . . , Two large . • Barns are' certnreted wit h . the house and well filled with. Hay, Oita and Straw, and Hvost .knows how to care (oFHorses. Gime and see us and.be well. treated. • - W.. P.:0901; 0 %91N SmeMport A piiiy . . • GOOD WIN HOUSE. 4t - :**.i.loBti.:: Pikes Currait Or Prdo . 4 ,4 o :e, 4,4 • 11:..parted' foi ',the Democ'ilt.- HY JOS4 H C A iiiENT'R, Commission MeiOn tat • No 32. ley Street Sew' York . . -To Warn sAipine4s predfeia imuorbi Twq.'i irds- 'bit; marks* • rat me 61 adviiined . • oil ills rereiiit of .thi ldothf 410ire1i,214 a quick retiq;i • mailn fur Mc bglisiiee. , Full dirertiuya ,and'a weekly vili * ket.report ient.free of rharge4r . ma 14.10 rboae tnakigg.usirafflo te. :Remarks lor the .Week eliding' Julie 15. Beeswis,Wanted; Beans; steady; Peas . wan 7 ted;, Bgttrisitisillyreheele . ;.steedyi Dried Art .pleit wonted;..Peachei., .watgeiti, 'Moms, 'win ted;',Vherriesi, wanted; Ruinbecries,,'Wo'ntedf llackberrias. , ; wantedCF429, wonted; wanted;' Co r m Meol,'Warved;, Btickwheat,.iptiet Flax; fiim; steady; . .Feather,, wantmdi fresh, lvt'eatsi. Wanted; heat. Wonted;', .Rye wiinted;* . Pats, .wintedvCorn- 'wanted; :1-lidys,, wanted;" ilops,'Wonted;.• La rd.,• wanted;' Beet, ' wanted; Tor k,wantedl• Potiltry,wonted;:Seeds W 3 . lllred;.:ll'ciliarcie wejritedi. - wanted;: Wool; wanted; Apples; wanted; Tallow Wan- BEIsWjA pore r i4r .... 6 'so to 62 •. • ; " impure, •‘. • • 40 to '42 BEANS; white 'mond. O'er bunbel ....... 2 SO . 00. Poss. ; . • • r? 1" •' "" • : • 101°,1 40 UlriEß to tells. per lb ... .. • 3.7 to •40 6.• • .in.firkina, • ' • . '35.0 40 • • " 'in .r011e,....................343 to , 36 CIIEESE, Choice. • ' • 16 to 18. .••• • t• . ; common, I. ' • • •:10tu .• • lt• DRIED APPLIR9,. • 10 to'• 12 •. PEA C111:9, - . • 27 to 30 • . • tt•• ; PLI " ... .............. • 16 • ~••• • 27 to " 71.48.191ERK1E9, per lb • • 'V to ::7 .4. imacomuttio,. 4. .16 to , 17 : EG05,11490, per doxeit 23 to 21 . FOUR . ; nheitt, Per bbt . • 8 00 to 12 00 • . 00 to:14 110 COllll mr,Al, per 11, bond 2OO to 3 LO '• • , to • FLAX. per 1b.............. ... "10 to 24 FURd.& SKINS; see Price Curre't • • • ' FiATI11311; live geese, .per 1b ,., . '7O to .• 75 1314141 , 44 les,. • ... . .. .... .13 to • 15 MUTTON In 'circus: • . ... 10 to. '22 VEAL' ", • .'. •10to• .. 14 POItK, dreeserl per lb • ,11 to'. 13 11 . 11. EAT, per. bunhot : " 1 70 to • 1 00 RYE, •. • •a ' ' I'7olo 1.75' • 92 COltd per bogie! ...... ..... 'l4O to 150 VENAION per.th' • ; to . PIGEONS. per dozen. • ' " • : 60 lIIDES, 'dry per lb . . . 25 to '3O green •11• to I. 107;• prime, 6. . 20 to '. 27 . ' .4 - to 10 LAllD,.cotnmon tolext, per 111?. ! . ..... 13 to ' 14 11E}:r, weer, per,' bbl, 'O5O to 23.00 4 ., Prime, 6 . ..• .. ... 000 to .20 00 ' •"• -. nn to 8.5 on " 0, .primik, ',! • • ' 00 to. 31.1 - 60 perlb .. • ....... , 14' to. An' 8110LL 1 / 1 0114, ',• •• • ••.; • • /1 to • 13 8AC0N,... • .• .12" to -.14 CIIICKENS, per lb ' tn •24 .TURKEYS, ‘• ' • 24 to •20 DUCKS.-; ". • • 24 30 20 CLOWER FEED . per lb . • ,11 le '/3 TIMOTILY ,• "' • •3 00 to.. 340 FLAX ' : 11 . 1 • . ..... .......... .. 3•A 30' TVIIACCO WRAPPERS, for • eat'd, per .1b:. • • 35 to : I• 135 ' eew, , 18 to • •50 " FILLERS, eweittert •14to ; TO TALLOW. Per lb ' • . • " 15 to' ;10 - 50R1i111254 . 8Y0UP,.. per. gallion; ', 80 to' • :05 WCOI, rra..hel, per lb 'So to.. • 90 `‘ unWaelted. per .... .. . •55 to • 00 APPLES, ner barrel . 310 to 5 02 fullreport of the Nes/York Market min be seen on PM at euy time st.thii 6rneoi . In ihe above. is giretrthe lowest and higlarst. prices which are governed by cviality . anj condition .Many iarticles that are net naentiOned shove, can be fount on the report lu ouratice. t i 'l.''..:-:. . 1.r 0:..i •' ....-.. . 4 1.,.i . .-.,.."• . m. : , ~.:...........,..,:i..: (r i k-...--,, .:.,...... Coo= , 1.........4 rt.,: I t= 1 10........4 4 t- DON c a o t-x-z as t.=l 1 1 1 4=2 01001 ==2 Mi. L. It. WISNER, .. !hp elan and Balloon, inothport,-Ta, will attend to al • In :emional calla with promptly's', ' Of 1.1" two doors , U. :.' '.: OF the Demotrat Wilco.. , . .. . ,• • Imp BALES: • •••• • BY VIRTUE oVatindry writseitkierie,lbetas, lkhcia s:. and Yen:if:fowl .EaVon a5...1 vatted 'nu tthe: of-COMMon, Plain of •31 , ,Irean cottolyr PC; 'to me :Jiirected, , 71111 be etimnied to .1 tiblin sate,'At'venduc -and . outcry, at the Court House, in Sinethport,^on lifonddy . „ Tith day ofjune, .180 V tit one o'clock in the idtemoon, ' the rationing described Reid Ilidate,•" ' • - • . ... All the ~Edtate; right title •,el.tim , and intermit tif George W. - Rea; defendant_ therein. ' teen the to lloW• Mir Int of lend's it itde'lli the Tawnstlip.of Eldred , beau ty' of lilt/Coen an I Commonwealth of l'eringyiyania boon ded and ilea:sniped aa'folloWs , to wit: Ho di.ninie in I post -the North-weet corner Of land 0f.,111' Aileeks t lot- No. ii . 'llllotmente •pf , ilCentini.•• said, Towiighrp] . thence North thirty. three mid t•tenth S . pervhe. Itof beech •eorney.thece West•Olchtj . perches to. a lieiniiiCk corner thence' north elirlity.mme perehea:lei a beech cor ner thence . West sixty peirelies toa post corner, heiire 'North nue bemire.) and. perches , to • n, beech' co in er, • hence .W es t 'as ty,eigh t . parches • to ; e Mince e.O Ilence 1 , 4 oh . serfuty nine.. terehem to'post . a coiner in the State tin, thew e Fins M it 'odred and nitanY five perches tin a post being f , lottli-Vrent , corner , lot No. 48 :of attain/int &foresail coniteyed to. It. Loop Smith one hundred perches to a,. lien I id: the Sitioni• west .corneriifsaiit lot,no '4B thi.nen wog sixty' , porches ton post cot tier the North west corner - or lot No. ICO or ellotment afore:lo' I, bc.ovey.Ml to .Toliir Loup thence South forty perchesito a lois!" one:lnindred and folly nine pit iehes to n piivt thencii Soot', twenty:degrees Eget geventyAintrpereben to a bei.cli,..tlience South Ole' hundred and taetiV-five;and . eiplit'tentlikiwelie 4 to a poet ennui •thi ice went .ono' bonds . , d and five perches to the place of beginning' Con :Mining three:hundred .ttiid tifty-three.: ant- two tenths. iscrea.stract measure, more or' ege, tein*lot 158, of allotment'ofKeat int hinds in said township and port, of IVarrants tins. 13 . 21 and 31C2, uninipre. , e4S.• • , • • • . Slispdi and taken in executiiip get will be'sohl • an • the' Property of George' W. Rea at the sult - W.- V, limiting et . . . -ALSO , . All the Efate right title end interest' •ot George - .W. Rea, defendant therein, to all 'the following. lot "of .land .situdeinille too mthip of Eldred.Ctinty id Ill'Elean s . and •Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, hounded and described as fidlows.to .wit.. Beginning at .the sittllowest corner 'rif lot NO, 5.1 Of the allotment of :Keating. Nods in emit! ltiwnahlp contracted to George Frost, thence South ninety. perches to South-east carnet Emiia . thence ,Weit sixty perches tti a beech corner thence . South fifteen Ferchrs to a post:corner,. thence West•tifty seren pet ekes' to a beet eorter.in hornbill)) line; thentielrorth' °fie; hundred and sixty-eig•tt,perahes 'to a Post in, township lino 'thence •eouth forty-lire degreca'East eighty six and - eight tenths perches to a heinlock•tor net thence lial4 fiffy . :four per ches to the place of be,.inning: containing, eighty-throe add three-tenthti acres strict mature be the- same more Or leits, tieing lot So 157 of theollotnient of Keating hails in:Eldred towroiliip aforesaid and Part of Wait:lnt so.. 21155. - ,Seized and taken in execution and will be 's.l.l.'ns' the 'preperty ofl:leorge WW. at the mutt of W V.. Keating ; 't.t. eh • . .• ....ALSO- All the Estrtto.' title tn. ht. claim stud • .'interestuf aeo ,W. ltea.defendent therein.'to 'all 'the folly wing .lot Of' Jena' Wail in Township. of Eldred .county ;of 111 , Kettn and Commonwealth of Peunity and. des cribed an follo.w-a to wit: Beginning at 11 . 1tot.tin tite.Stete line.helng-the tiottlowext corner of lot att. 1 of-ohitulltst-' nt'orK eating loans in 'Rohl. tt !I. 1:1 TIV eyed' o'.1„l t Vaughn, thence :oath, Nifty-hair reichei to FOullt Went• . corner th 'roof; thence Cast thirty percheito Nartii. West corner of-lot no 2of allotmentsuforesaitl; .theoco. Smith 'sixty blue and nix•tentl n perchem to North., tit corner Of login. 4 Of staid allotineuti . thence -Went eighty .perches to nectliviest corner thereof thenee,riorfli forty-lwo and• two tenlht tie - rehes to Northeast corner of Intme • fife of 'allotment ot.lieatio. lantls'aftopetthl,. thence Best one' hundred ainCtwenty perchnit to act:rill-west corner, titer,. of,lhence North eighty-three petulteri to a poll can nee in Cie.:lm aline'. thence 'Emit one bandied seernfy percher tothe - beginning, coot:doing one litindred and' thirteen.. and eight tent ho acrtot toilet mensut e more el less being lot No 151 or the allotinent of.liettlirg lends in Eltlred tt: t witship aforesa id and pact'of Warrui4.N0...1321 Cnim firrked.- . " S. Feed anti I then in execution and will I.n st 1I cc .the e joMpe'rty of Georeet W. lies, at the suit of W• 7 V, liifaiitg, . . -AT 'SO . . All the:Estate rh.lit title c'eini ~ r ,d interest of. (leorge Itsa.,dereialisiit thcreio,•to all the rationing described lot of land shake lit the township;of Boating county .of 'lll'lSeali.und conimoivo cola) of Peonsyleania, bounded ant describet lit follows to wit:. Itegioning nt a merle the Noith-west coiner titbit N;.) . 2'26 of allotment of Keating I..nds In 5+.1.1 tosYn4itp conveyed 'to F. S. 'Martin thence Soul' One hundred and fifty eight pet chea tn . post corner. .of acid' lot,. theirce West seventy 'perthos to i n post corner, thence, North two 'molted ant to, ty oh, perch. es to a r not in South lineor lot N0.,151 f said allotment enureyed. to It C lienyllence East One hundred to en l' One perches to "ti postdi r rner in South_ line of lot* .NO. '227 Of said allotment; thence Soitili wo perches to post in North line orseild lot tie ,2i6 thence Wear fifty perches to the . ; I ice ofbegir.ing.'cthitainip.ilons bantered ant thirty eight and ton tenths acres strict measiire.be . the Same more or. lest,' being lot.No 233 . , id the. a110t:n . ..0 of Keatio;y lasts_ in.townihin aforesaid, slid part I f Weir. .ants Nos'. CO sNI"1,1190. Cnlnop.nr,'d Feiaeit and taken in exec:alien and wal 1e the pi nlierty of tietirge %V Rea., at the 14'..V. -21Lc0— • All the I:state right title anti tnterttt of Qcroge W• Rea.. , Apfeiudant therejn,qo 'nll On f llu.ing lot of land. wealth of l'entatylvaptn bounded Oita "deco ihntran , ltritlft'S 'to wit: lie:ti 1111111 1t 8 t Wg , ip - warnint Ifne one hualretl tied lI teen porolion south front the South west - corner Of Warm:it:co. 13 . 12 the. ee ];ant x•ixty. toll nod tiro. tenths pot cures to a hentlork thence eontli'olubty peetthen to a post thence.. entitinty ten and five- tentlits• parcht n• to n pont' in smith warcapt lino throe& North eighty porches place of b,clutling. ct Waining thirty one aon'llvatc tenths nerve striottmenstire Leib, canto, more or tern Icing lot No ti sir thin allotment I tills. In said Town: ship awl 'vitt Orwarraut No: tuiliwrov.. 1.. deized unlit takt , n in k;satutitto nu I Will 1.1 raid as 'the properlty:of George W. Elsa, atlhe twit of W . . V. lientlng. . "- ,- U~E0,.- All the estate, right, title, elnim nail intnrent of Ucorge defendant therein, to all the following •• int of land >i trite in Towntitip f,Liheity, ! Countr of 11Pgenn .10d entmtionwe dth of Peonsilennia. bounded ! Anti des- - cribed en f. Iteginning nt rite South rout corner of 26 of lie n'l ' , went of the Heating I tale' in said. towuship, thenco'North two hundred four- peraltee • to . North west cornet-of warrant 3150. thence Dist one hun dred, tenrugl four tenths perches twenrotr of taint in line or the Straohridee Innis,, thenceSoutit. thirty nix degrretvEagt thirty fire perches to nu oid tlx earner an the . wegt. lonic of the Allege ir . river, thence 'South two litopaired Maly worn -.on I aix 0.4101. •110rCheK to n post corner. thence East one Immired.sixtv' ix and eighttentktoperches to a luentock center. thence South oneltinistred Iwe I arches In a handoek ,corner ; thence. Weednite bemired taarty ten perches to - a hem lock corner, thence 'North. ninety nix nod eight tenths . pe rehee to a prd, corner. Wool I W 0 fart,/ four and uiilu ten 11.1 perches TO. n beech ! corner,. OellCe.. .South ninety three an l• sin tenths perches teen corner,' thence Went l one hundred thirty, eight-, perches to a beech corner, thence Nesth fotty.foui rich re to Southeast, reamer of lot No:. 2'.6. itlntmend of Keating lands In Renting Towtanhip conveyed' to.F. S. Martin, ono liundredeittlity six 'perches. to a post corner, thence }last forty .perchitg to a poet corner. thence North fifty slit perelten !tint unmet-, , thence }lett one hon. died fifty serf-nand five tenths{ perch es to a post..9.nlatit . .. east,corner. of - 10t•N0.'235 of maid nliotment in Liberty township, thence eighty forty, live perches' to a post nor. nor, thence .Enst eighty Perchesto the place o: begitr - Dint; Onutainlngeix hundred fifty nine and 'eight tenths aerial, strina measure; be dhe same mare or lens, - being lot.. No, 252 of allotment of - Keating Inwin afore said, and part of.,warrants Nog. t:071 and alco Unim . Seized, taken In'e,xecutitin and be-spiting the pi•o party of George.W. nett at the null - of W. V. : Keating and others. ,'• ' . • . MMI All the estate, right, title: claim and interest of George W. Rea defendant therein' to all the folio - Whig lot of land Ritual° in Township of Eldred, County of All,Rean and' .Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, boon led and desciibed ,no follows, xo.wit: • Beginning' at the South-esit corner of tat No. St of the'allotment 'of Keating lawin in said township, contracted to George ' , rest, thence North one hundred nr.dtlYe 'probes to a-post corner, thence East eighty-eight:and eight tenths poi - Chen to a•rost corner, thenceNort la eleven and three teethe perches to a hem- - lock corner thence East nineteen perches to 'a post coe ner,•thence.' South one hUndred and sixty 'perches' to the South-west corner of . lot No. 66 'of allotment aforesaid ennVeyed to John Pubes, theno West One hundred and twenty eight and three tenths perches to a pest in -centre of:the road; the-North-west corner of- lot No.:1111 of a t ; lotment aforesaid conveyed - O , R Rexford, 'thence North. sixteen deureen,Bant twenty two perches to.a, post. thence North thirty' one tied one half degrees Dist twesty eight and one tenth kreltiot to the place of beginning., contain tog one hondral and fear and seven tenths acres, strict measure, more or less. being lot No US of the meet of Keating lands In El Red tnwpship aforesaid and part of Warrant No'. Sl6l', Unimproved. ' Seized, taken-In execution and 'will be told es the pro perty orGeorge - W. Rea at the stilt of .W. V. Keating et al: . '• . • All that equal undivided one half; of t.certain 'tract or ,'parcel of 1 trul t .bnunderl ea Allows:. Itegirning eta Ppost corner on the State line between New York told ennsylvania, the North bank of the 9swayo Creek awl . being the corner of Stfllmaiaor George W Ilfarye.tt , s' and thence by the 'Slate Line Beet thirty one perches to the saw mill. one liundlied and fifty. nine perches and 'pion tenths of n perch to a post cornet' being the, north east corner. henryttnittliN- hand;' thenceSotith.by the east line ol said lot thirlY live Per elms, to a post. corner on the aeuth - bank of the ,Osivityo ireekt• thence down the creek, North . fieventy. sigh, de. ernes Weet.ais 'perches atetone tenth of a perch;. thence Weld fiturperches• ana live , tentbs Of .porchi' thence South .seventy degrees four ,perches and, seven tenths of a perch; thence Shull' seventy sit and tl, half degrees IYest: twenty two' perches and shilenths of a peroh, to the North bank.of tho oily mill race. ' thence down the race, on the north hank thereof, Sout h eighty leanly) a htlf degrees west four percher thence North o.2. l btrtive degrees West sia'peeches and lour teethe of a perch;' theme" North eighty rylit and a quarter Ala:reel , r• 'Weit, ties Oerehee and .Sire tenths of ' helms South. eightx.fouritud aquartar degreeir:Weist, _tea per. chee thence sheering _balf , degreee Meet,. tteeaty one ', 'notches sod three tenths of a 'O4l thence-Mirth Watt. : . ty live deareea Weit.;.• twenty eig t. psrcheS'ano six-, tenths. of a perclit , .thenee'lfortli slaty two desnitell.Wellt• nineteen perOtesattd. six tenthi.nr 'a pinch to , 11 .atenti coiner,. thence . North eleven ercaes and nine-tenths a poi ditto a gornbrin.the.vond; theme° down the creek;, North sari:oar two .degrees Writ, twenty four perches to it corner in.the creek; (hence thinth 'eighty sixend a halt M degrees em, thirteen perehes to 1 coruer in the creek;* thenee..liortlf.futir verrlies and shiteathe ef. a .perch.th the ;lice of begitiniog: , Conteining twenty reran acres,: he toe same more or' lees, Reaerrtne therefrinn the water' privilege for the G rhlt and • therefor euMeitint . . . . ' Atid ul-o the Cries l undivided" half Peen( a-parcel ,ot landaitnate in Ceres Tp.; tousled nx fediwrd-ltogiening. at, a penVeorner on the temk Orwayo creek; standing one hui.dsed fnd thit ty..nce parches sal four. tenths:, of pereh anddiro ituutirofriud thirty three pa - relict and three ti ntlitora Perair East of..tbeliartirtireet.criie c 'ruer of warrant No.'dlll, being pert, of ; said warrant, th,ence.S.pistli eighty try.) yerches: to the Centre or thw I.lnay.drond node Maple cot tler h ab it- .wild road .thence*the toidre of the read:Serail fortyeight.ileggeem East,: Puldcelfpeichis; •thence . South tiny ar,d a •lialf:deprivr. East Permit)! Ave I ercinc; :thence '6outlt • fifty tiro end sr half deg Vera bast I ivebty , seven pelehea, theisea aoutli fifty eight mud adelledagreeri Seat forty four perches one' can tenths,'of.a 1 viell to n Corner. thence forth four per. C".cs to a Hemlock - corner: and' six pill ellen to ,the.Sentli bank of :the .dreelt,lthecj down the Creek:by the' sec- , - erel courteadtni dfrect }dim to the place ,I . l' beginning, Conte loing forty seven terse 4m.t. ninety, perches, strict nfeasurahe the earnu.morenr less; a ith the appuFtenan- • . . .. . . .I. 4 e . ized. taken in oxecntoilood•will be sold anllie pro- Pe!'fr of Peter: II: Lod!ickof the snit of, kleaell• •IIO;-. auto: „ . . . . . . . . • -ALSO.- .•. . . All Holt. equal undivided.oublalf of a certain tractor pat - cant hind hoU11 , 1P11',101ftillOW: BeginEliqg lit a poet corner on The State Line lietneeti t New York an&-Penn et hernia . , the North batik Ol Oi*idotCettek and being the cornier of - Willi:3m P. tit illnianWEeorge - W liferyntts .lan-1, thence by the State in Eat thirty one perches to OM Saw Mill, one hundred. trod ,fifty nine perches and.' seven tenths of u perch lea post corner being the north east' corner of lieurY-Sinith's land,:theuce South by tbn Ear:LH:le of sold:let - thirty five Perches to a poet flintier on'tlie:Si.it It bank 'of ()away° creek, theodo tiotew tan ;ceeck• North rci-enty eight degrees Weat Nix perches and' .oite truth of a • petch thence West -roue perches cud fife' 'tenths of a porch, thence South seventy per ches West Tour perches and seven tenths of t. perch, -thersie South sevelity,sis and a degrees Weal twenty two percher nod six: tenths of- aperch . to the north ban k of the old! Millrace; On:aced two the care' n the Nortlibank there of rltertit eighty five end a half degrarrivW'eri !Mir pet chitin' theft eighty live degrees West-Six porches nod • four tenths - of a perch, thence' North 'eighty, tightand a ,warier de,rrect West ,- tin perches arid... five ten th s or n peauh,:thenee eislity 'foal. and it quarter degt ere , West ten pet cites itpil two'tentirs of a peich r thence siitff .seven alma half degrees West twenty.onn perehes: and three teittlisod a pet ch, thence North eighly fire degrees Wert twenty eight 'perches and 'ii tenths of a perth; • llienee•Ni.rtli sixty toe degrbra• WeSt'.nineteen perches and :di tenth:: of.a perch to a ((tone corner; thence North turd nine tenths'ef: Peich to a:corner in the poott,.tis.-nce dawn t . o creek North seventy, two de• grees'AVeSt twenty lice perches to a coYuer instee creek ; thence South ei. lily six and it'litilf.dogrees-Wert thirteen. •perches to a Oirrner in thacreek,theute North fon eperch•-• ea and - sii.tentlis:of Opel eh to the place of beginnints,--- ceq•aining twenty Seven acres, be the sire more or loss, 'reserving therefrom the Water .privilege lot the Grist Mill and as (ter therefor sufficient fir its use at all times; And also the equal tt • ndilidell half .part Of a parcel of land site:twill Ceres towtifttiP bouuded as follows: • Oe 'ginuiiigat d post comer en the. bank - off. . OSanyO creek standing -one biniiired and (Mitt:. tire 'perches and . four ttothe of a perch South and two Mildred and thirty three perchOs nod th roe:tenths of a perch East of the Northwest corner or Warrant No..:1111; being part of Said Warrant . thence. South eighty two' perches to, the the 'centre. of Uswayo road..and a maple corner below said road, thence by the centre of the road South forty eight, degrees East. tem-tees perelten, thence South fifty and a half degrees • East twenty bee perches: thence South fifty two"and a half degrecit. E',t twenty•seven :porches,. thence South' fifty eichl anti u half degrees East forty foul perches and nix ttallfi of a -perch to' a corner,. thence Nati' foni perelici to a. Hemlock nut six perches to the .youthilitok - of the creek," thenca down the crepk • by the reveral courses and distances to the 'r I ice of beginning: Containing forty revers acres andyninetyA ercheri strict measure, lie the sarne-more or less, :together With the; appurtenances: . heised,:taken in 'execution and will be sold as the pre: , perty of Peter It. Iredrick ut ...the.ruit • Joseph Polemist useof 1.1,3-izer Ilarnain: - • ' . ENE= All the Estate right title claim end intereit u t Mordaica'N s Powell defendant • therein to air the rotlowing lot of land situate itrthe ti;writship.. ail:m . olton, County of M'Kean.and' CoMmon 'we.ilth.rd.PennSyl.:imii.t:bourided and described. as in.llOw. - ; 13eginningat a hemlock it the North -rear corner ot-10.irdaiea - N.-.-Pciwells two hun 7 deed. acres of land, Ihepc . e•••Sonth . by lancliof Wetmore and Cainp' ! ell one hundred and' Airily. per Ches te a post cot nor thence West by lipds of Wermnre and Campbell two hundred Perches; ', f in hoe, e, and . Oev•IAY • nerche's •pmt co , ner thence•E.ist-by•tanu or E. is;: 1:10-• -luneirr'l Perches to place of lie. ]inning cnntniuing t wo bandied' acres more or, less onwhiCh- !here Is about-to:4y acre's (Oath! itnproved one - water saw - mill three - :an all hensys•,one harkand one blacksmith -shop and about seventy bearirg,-apple Vets: . Selzed . and taken in execution and *Mite mild as the nropetly of:tfortfaitta - N..:Ouwcfh: at the suit, ot the .A.dinittistrator of . John Campbell'. now for use , of the - Executorof James Taylar., -7-ALSO ' All f4lef'lfainiroet of landaituated in. Nor=' ,wiCh Tilvenahiti..lll'Kean County..P.;mnsYlvania. It •hviu. the undivided (die 'half : or all On.: the. •Westside of t he'P - ot aloe Cr"lek,-fieiti Ming at •th . BeeCh bitit:' t; the North Eastco'rnerot Maynatds. .Plirchase. thence South foe.i.y-five •ChtiosYto a 1.);.ec11, thence.Ealt. tyenty.•„two chains and sevithty-tive links to a post . ; tlwrice'North (wens: . ty !lifer chains wall twenty-five links lb a 0014.. thence West Elvv'en 'Cliaina and nventy five .liiiks to a-heecb; thence North 17 West Eleven. • chains to a Post,- - thence Not th ten 'chains to a post; thence West-nine . .chains, tWelVe and one ball links tothe plac'epf beginning,` containior 75 acres•and seventy two perches Being. tame- ' tract of land conveyed to'G. IV.. Grtsivold. 4 22o4 day of.pt. I'S U.') by ,Wm`: Flail, - Mar} , : An.A. 7 Hall .1., .. Gallup and bAshe . G4lltiri :aboat 'l,'r• k i -acres Im roved and one frame' barn. Siez.d and taken in .r.tOcution and Will be. sold us:the property of 0.- . S. Burdick : at ..•tlice suit of C. K. Sari well & 8r6.1..fi0w for use, oil, C•,12.• Burdick. . - . -. . ' ALSO- -All the folloiving,realT.Ebtxte; viz: East bnli of Lot No.:121.8i! (late in' , Bradford Township Nl'Kee'n County Bennsysvania Containing fifty six and 'four: tenths. acres. led :on the South by lands of David Corneliiis and , other: East by lands of W..A.'.Williaini, end .others NOrth-by lauds . of B. Brannan,. sod West .by lend of fithiel Kingsbury, about fifteen . : ttares improved:- ' • . . - , Sieed'and taken in'exeeution and will be sold; na Ihe property of William . Miller and George 'Foller,:at the.suit of Joseph V. Clark. • ~.: ... • A. N. i,lLlanntDat, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office Sthettport, No.,k3Oth 1861. TRIAL LIST, JUNE TERM, 188*.. . . • ' ' . No. Term Year. . A N Taylor •ii Nathan Knapp 60 ,June loco Tarnet& Thornton -. re lit'Kean Co .• - -' .: .• Bank- • -- '£o - -Sept 1858 • Peter B Bedrick - ' vis'ltim. 3mlth, et al 7(L Bept,'lBso. Let/rand Cook; ' . 'va 451 Miller •., 06'• Sept 1660 John C Backus • •vs lienj Chum-' ' •' 1 • ,_. • •berlain. . 21 June Hp . . . ,Overgeers or Poor of _. growers •ol'.. • •.. ' Keating Tp, - ' ' ' 9 . ilainlin Tp :86 - June 3862 - Barrett &.Aldrich ~. . ye Keating Tp. • •..24: Sept, 1862 . , . . .ye Tp , 25 'Sept IEO2 111nekmay4.71ockwood vet3A Grover 27' •Feb '.1860 Iliire.of I-Grover vo rater Eviinok. • ' •.- . '• .Jos. - .Amon 12 ,- Feb 1861 Horace Coleman vb R S & . •• Tavlor • 45; Feb• 1803 M "On an' John Jinni et al 0 Sept, 1963 . Same, r • v lt H Admen et al 7 Sept 18'3 Deeiel,Rlnioburr on, Samuel -0 ray 41 Sept 1663 Seine •on Orgun Mgt° 42 Sept 1E63- JNO, it; commlcu,,Proth'ir. Smelltport, May 16i1504, : : . • '. • BYRON D. HAMLIN . . ~ , ATTORNiEY JIT LAW, elngqiiiioll., W1(0311 enpoly, - Pll4 Agent for Yeemrs. Heatibg .dr. Co'll -Lando. 'Atteilds empocial ly ...the' Collection of Llaltroq. Exatnlnatithi ~ f Land Tillage reyilient of TLIViII, *id 'III batdoeoNrel,-. 't nz to Ploil t Wetsta.' Ogio., ir!I,Ia . RIIID flock... ' '.