M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, June 18, 1864, Image 1

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• • (• '
VOL. 5.,
...4irti,eofr'dau . . ociwiiiiii ..
PUBLISUE p . EV1.11117 SATURDAY moinirNo,
By. J. 'B. OtrIATT,
- .
CORNEIb : op pirnLic. EQUAIcE
TERMS: = -.2 $2 00 in Advanie
• 'Rates ' dvertleing;
, itimn one . year....
7 •• months ,
• to square'ef 12 lines or less,'„3 insertions,
- Va:b . sisliregirent .......
...a. lnesi . eards,.trttli paper, . .... : .
• ' 5 00
uleor.llgare:•work d o uble the above • rates.
Tivel rii lines 'Treater type, or elitit lines.nonpare i is
rated a'siluete.. • .: • .
• 1177 - These terms , be strictly adhered•lo.
.• *. r.
S*nethnov't, Pia
L. W. X .SON,
DrAer Eitovas; Tin Vete,
..Tappaneit west
• eattbf the Public - ;:qubre,.Enietliport,.. , custotir
mirk. done to order en the shoitestuntice,. nratl•iti the
most substantial manner. • . • ' ' •
Surpori, Stoatlrpcirt.,,ra., will attend to al
eesional calls, with prim:witless: ~ 01Tete:two. doors
of the Democrat Office: . ; • • • •••
. . .
srce t linort, rt, .11 , KeenCo.. Pa. • • W. P.; GOODWIN P roprie
. ter+,tipponite the Court-llouse.' A new; large, eon,
..1114141011/1 and Well.farnishadnonee. • • • . • •'
, . •
i!iTTOANEY AT LiNV, PRlkbpßit; :.36111ean county, PR..
Agent for ll'''esara. Heating • & Co's
.Laro Attehda
espoelally the. Collection of Llalinst. Examinatitin of
• Lam! Payment of Taxes.'and all
.bukloesa rela ,
tng Wilts! Hatate., Oflleein 'Block.. ,] • :
. L.:L...1-lIJATII,
r.fA...NER.i:..k :.CURRIER,
PORTAGE, McKean Co., Pa
THE: SUli°:73llßEß.•flatters- hiMielf, from
long !xyerieni%). that he cannot be excelled; .in ,
the li,isiness:: • .
Pavocillar , a I tent ion . will be
. paid'to CUSTOM
'WORR.•• forthe'cOnvenieueo - of 'those living
at a•distariee•wishing to hove tanning on shares
arrangemeirts Katie been made with L. H: Dol
ls I, at .. Porf take . ,-the' de—
livery.of the Hydes and the . l . ...eather sill be'ie
turned . to his• Store, *hen tanned. - ..• '
The largest:price
qb in cash, LEATHER, BOOTS,SHOES, or
HARNESS, left at: Dolley's or tannery.:
. .
.. ,
... . . .
Entire sangfaOtion g ived.... • . - ,
, connoctoil:Ayith my Jonitery. I have .a Boot Si
Shcie',V,tomiy,l:.,l(4rnmis Shop.
.',.. 1 ' ''. •.
PoTtge, , Pri. •
. • ..
r LI ESU 3SCRlBER..atinonnces : to the Public
'1: -I hat.he. , iis purchased the E ti. c If. of the ',so—.
loon'forrrerly.kept. - by:W. I.l'..Baker,-W0 . 61 side
•••.. • .• •
• • ltbhc-Sluare .
. .
-where- he-is, piepared to rcfeesli' she inner 'man
'with all: the delicarei•usually kept . at 'ff.nst
imurrsi CHEESE, - &C ' ., &C. •
- FRESH OYSTERS. seried, to 'order,' either
•raw or conked: , , .:-•
• .. : Titos.s Who , —fatuir me with their - pstronag,e
sha ll' no causelo :complain, either, as . tq
prices e: Quality..' • • •
. • WORDEN% .
&net iport,,Sept
.11`11E 'SATURDAY . 11.11.NING:.PRST, _.
'' . ..!iiitioldes • Pi/a .IiPP ; of tlieNiioAltei.".
.. .
q . .
.The Peoitloiork of the'Snto ay E ept big' ,Po:e: —wblelt
pit lie r'h! uow in. , te.• Fait y- tk ii.t . l'on r!.--, ou kl r,iniply.:no
u(!uneo,in their 'Y'rrspecttiw for 1801, duet'. they iloNhoi
m aintitipior teL tl'f it Week l y the 105111 clintwolyr it has al--
&41? ire. (71ass L,il:~rnry3'al~ef•.S
Tlie) , .liivp reason to;belie .e that the, - ntoribi of MIIS.
.oV . ool.t t iauther or —East,l4 me," drc
author of "Elenor's Victor , " kc.; MARION HAMA - ND,.
intliorlor "Alone," Arc.; Vict or',"
liEN,totnd numerous other " xcellent writers hayo • beeii
generally regarded as possessing, the greatinit merit and
the most absorbing interest; and thly• design procuring
for . The Post ln the future as in thapast, theliest Stories,
Sketches; and other Literary. Novelties. winch - they .nan
possinl v obtain. They intend semnienelng 'in. the • first
paper fraaintaryi : '• • •
'.Atifir.r Or cEi..;•it Lynne," 4ke:,—
from agunitie s 'teem ,'e:rpript yforioardq to us from
This story Rill ky enllad. ' •
and Rill bo about the. length :4::!‘Ye.ineol3
. . . . .
in addition to the • Storie, written expressly for Thi
Poot itirEditor Rise strives to by bet' , .re its renders, the
best Stories fronythe . Efigliall Periodicals, and gives in 11,1
dition to the Tales and Sketches, more or less Agrletil ,
tural Matters with n'lliddle, Receipt, News, and Market.
Departinbiits,'nvery week: .:;.
. .
tVe hill glec to any person sending thirtyaubscriptions
to The Post' and Sixty Dollars.'nne of Wheeler f 117/-
son , s'Cifebrate'd sewink' Mabhines,. soda as they sell
for Forty-nee Dollars- The. inachines will be. selected
new at the manufactory in Now York, boxed innd 'for
warded free 'of Cost, svith 'the. oxteptian offreig.t. • •
fdprocuring the siibscriliors for this PremiumirO pre
fer that'the thirty subscribers should be proctirrell at the
rerular terms of Two Dollars for each ,• tot whore this
'cannot be dono,•they may be proaurred atour club . rates,•
and the balance' of, the Six ty Dol lars fori6rilbil' to •us in
cash by • the person &siring. the 11111Chil313.'. The paper witi
he sent Odifferent Poi; Offices if itesireff. Every. pbr .
sou colleating names should send them with the money
Matas, obtained Imo 'that the. Subscri hers may begin lit
onea:tia receive theta papers, 'and. not bedonie; disnutledled
wi .thilf delay.' When the wbole'lnii mime of names thir-•
ty.) and the vltolliainottnt of money (Sixty dollars,)
is re
ectved, the machine will tin (liar -forwarded.
: IN: * AD \r'k.INTC)E.
1 eppy, 'one year '' ... .... $
Teepies, clayour , .. •
... . :1 00
4 cepie9,pne year 4100
B.epplea, , an.l ape ta . 4tter 7 tip..ol,cltib, ...... .j2:00
00 cppies;;lintimt*to getter up of • •20 00.,
Quo cory.or,,Tqc.l'.o! Anyl ono Thf;: Lad y!.er ,
• . 10 - ie:i4l. :1.00
A ,Thrilling Incident Of the Wan
. . . .
;117e find hi Ole OtnitYiT the
loilobving touching s incident in the siege . 'of
Charleston, token .from the Itereuiy of that
Th'e' Yankees, from time to ve
. time.thfo
shelt.into.the.city; and.:riOliody seems lo .. initid
it. But miSforturie- viilled that . yeistero.y.
shell Should throWthe 'entire . romenunity ainto
, . .
„Miss Attuff, Pickens,:the'danghter of our' fer
nier... Governor, 'never consented to;, leave the.
cites Tiespite'the rePreieritationi; of general
Beabregard, She remaineir.bravind,',shellitind
-Greek fire, tending tne wounrielf•and cheering
ell-with her presence.• :Among . . the wounded'
officers underher adrainistering:carec.wse Mr:.
Andrew - Itoiffielle,. descendent of. one •fif the
.noblestiluguenor families. Of this; city. •
young•man*as full, of the iiveliestgiatitude to'
his lair nurse;' gratitude gave birth 'to , ' More.
tender sentiment; hie:.suit was •listeried jot
Got ;•Pickens . gave . hiti.consent,- and the
Marriagewaiftied for
. Satrirtlay,• the Of
April;..'Liedtenant de Rochelle was on duty at
fort Sumterlii the morning, and . it wai.deter- .
mined that the. ceremony should take phi& at
the residende of gen: :Ronharn; in the 'evening
at 7 o'cloplc.:••At the naernent when the Epis.
:Copal -clergyman Was. aSking if . she
was ready, a shell; fell''upon the. 'reef : of: the
building, penetrated to:-the - rooni vr:here• the
company'_. .ee .assembled, burst,
ded nine peison.s,;.and among the-rest Miss
Anna Pickens: .We:caiinot desc ' ribe ' the scene
that ,followed. Order was at last re,estiffiliah,
ed and the wounded'ten - Myer], all•exeept.the
bride; who lay thotinthess upon the•garpet.,
Her•betipthed kneeling.aurf bending over her,
was weeping, bitterly and trying to staiincli the
blood that welled from ..a terrible wound under.
her 'left breast.: ‘sorgeen. came and declared
that ~Miss_Pickens had riot 'Ringer . than .
hOu t s to liVe. . We will not-paintthegeneral
. When the wounded girl recovered :her 'con
sciousness, she naked to..knork . her.fate,•:.and:
when . they
,hesitated to 'tell .her, cAndrew;?
she said, ."I.beg you, to. tell Me . the..• truth. If
I . innst die, I- en!? die' worthy-0:-yoo.' 1 ..
Thp.young soldier's tears Were . hisanswer, and .
MiSs Anna ; summoning all • her strength,' at
tempted., to smile. , 'Nothing could be more.
heart-renffing . .than to .. fsee the: agony of 'this
.bravegirl; str i
liggling n the embracer:4. death
and'against a terrible mortal Pang..;' , Governor
Pickens ; whose courage is'known,..waS almost
without eonSeierusnes;and Mrs: Pickens looked•
upon het:child With the dry and haggard eye-ol
.one whose reasOn.totters.. -
. Lieutenant De' Rochelle . ..was the (irk to,
,igAnne,"‘ .he cried, "I will die
.soon . ,
too, butt. would haire You'die my- wife. There
is yer.time to unite us.?': • .
.The Young girl did errit , .ifirly;.'she was' ;toe
: weak. •,,. A. el iuq. flush iOse 'for 0411 : initant to
her.Pale cheek; it. could be seen that : joy :and
pain. were struggling. in her spirit for the mas--
tety. Lying upon -a dreSs'all ,
stained willi.blooiLhei hair dishev;.led, she
had never been More beautiful . .-- Helpless.as
the was,' Lieut.'De • .Rochelle. took' bei'•hand
arid rt.rmfoct,l Rw _
coed tne.ceremony... was t i m e
for, the girl to say yes, herlips parted.
seyeral tithes, but she Could not'aiticrilate..- 7 .
'At last the I.Vorr.l.vita'spolien,and a slight fermi
rested upon .her The.dying agony .W 4 5.
near.•'. ,The•minister sol4ed-?as'.he, proceeded.
.wiih the ceremony; An Irby!. 'afterward , all
was over; and the:bridal . chanihey• Was the
chamber. Lieut., De :Rochelle baS
sworn to perish in,•battle, and we,'are sure. that
•hi will keep his oath,. ' •• '. ~ . •. '
Our entire . community share.tbe-giier.. that
ailliefithe:familior.Gov.•Pickens. . The ob,-
.serpiies of lilies`A Anna still take'place totirfor
row mbining 0.111-,o'clock.% Governor Pickens
and Lient. De•Rnehelle will be'chief. mourner. , r,
Our eit.Governot:destre's.that.tchere shalt he no
military' parade.. '.The funeral cortege will be,
composed of all our ladies; "all fair magistrates;
all'• r* gen.erals; •atul the: , woo ruled
roany.of Whom•owe their lives ,tlf` fre devotion
of the deceased. '—Never has*ontin been . .161-
lowed to the•grave b . 0o• many reuet-L-never
has to i le left sadder remembrances in the hearts
of CharieStonirrifi: . , • '
sas oo
. ^0 Q(1
I. 00
•. 12 00
1 50
. .
NATIONAI 13'.1NlirtU19 CY New, YOrk
nation' is drifting steadily
toward bankruptcy. • •IVe are now in the g:ral).l
- Criiis of Out national histoty: a od.w6 , chooee
thi•arfs te , do.the work'whicki might well employ
a9gels: . Something must he,done . to stop: ttie .
tenilenCy to ruip, or . the country is:lost beyond
iedetttiom" . :This is strong language'to' come
from a partY,cirgan • Who - is 'Co blame for
al';iwing "the nation 'to drift into bankrtiptcyi? ,
The administration hale, had .things all their
own way;,not en' olistacle has been interposed
by the people orthe North.. After " conducting.
the war for three years' tinder - sueh circitrip:
stances, the "1"14 . 6106 now. admits that that there
is danger that "the'eouptry tvitl , be.los't beyond.
redempiionP.' Th'ere may be One, hope left..
The titnelor a chrinke is comifig,lind the- . pep
ple'can, if they will, place , melt at' thehead of
the government rind in congresi.who' are not
dworfs-Men.whounderstrilid the principles open
Which the Goiernment'waiifaunded;. and 'who
will . endeavor to restore.the Union ,L-Ladawano
Rogi.ster. • •
. .
A abed egg". thrown again .',4 a building, will
be thtihed in pieces, but leave ferever its: foul
mark, in proof that •it once existed. Thus it is
with Mfr: Lincoln and his C.thinet, :who have
opposed. their rottonness to the fabric : of the
governriimt,and their foul goad se,nse
of the 'people. And their only, htme.ot prepetuat-
Mit. their names is in the disgusting stains they
Will.leave 'upon the hitherto fair structure of
liberty. Mr—Lincoln- %remarks that JiiStory,
c‘ivrite him As boys write their
lesentment . itgainst, hauntediiiiildingi . .hY; Pelt ,
ing them with-mud,:so
,his name...be
Jett down by history,'and stand, pelted anit.dis
figured with curses and ..rnaledictions;..until,' , if
his soul.shmild wander from the darkhess , of his
fival.home,to view thin 'ttriPer:eartti 'he.. would
he nshetned to own tho,hespaitered Signature of
. . ••, . ,
Va'ltitlighpm is in great clanger of being'inntb
ed in Cdnatta—so unariy . 19ya1",, men ritutU.,i
ion Leaguers . have Gone, - over tu . :eseape ., the
3 : ; 4 '.41::. IA ~.,,.
M'Kf, AN :COUNT:V ;: PA.; SATTIRDAY;: JUIN :11:8;!:
.I ; 4e.Npluttota oll . ttte 9rettt 4.re bl etu
... . „ .
-.... We' indorse eiiity -tvoitl eflbef9lloltin . g: WI: .
cle . ,,hich,VO think; weO l olippid from, the Cie-
Noland (Ohio) efaio:Dettiei: -'' ' •:, . t-• ~
.4‘ln the'Very Midst of. the thunder and,cairtsge
of the most gigant ban les SYerlotight . onlitis
continent; it' s•well :tc(keep-atindilyjn , view
the'objeet of roll' this: awful bloodshect,e Unit to
elevate etirthoughts tti.that.'ob:ject,•firVas to.
sanctify the courage'whiclinow . promises for us
final. victoryi - -•TheliraVe nien: Who have 'fallen
fearfat confltets ort tie Wilderness, •ga'Oe
up their lives q . lirti't hlif glorious:: country, , won
:by...eiglit years . - of bloody toil 'and :sacrifiees,
should not - diarupted. •'rhey fought- without
malice; and fell to establish no partisan'ilogrnas:
,I l et us prove • worthy of such' tnem , Let'• us
temper oureitittaion by a spirit of sober resolut - -.
ion not . to omit . the' 'OpPortunityl'afforded
'.victory of conserving What We have gained by,
such frightfullobsOf life. If it be our': fortune
to subilue.lhe inain•ainnY Of the -rebellion and
occupy their Capital, it . Vvill be the golden time
to take such measures' as will pot merely. 'con
vince the Southern'. people of the futility•• of
further resiatance, but-Will win • them .back
again to the old.allegitince.to the • Union.• • On.
the other hand,if a riotous and' frenzied spirit
of revenge' rind hatred shall take:possession lot
lis inithe.Mortient and we - .shalt
signalize our entrance to theConfederate•Capir.
al bysanguihaiy ,license',.. we wilt 'nerve •the
musses in the rebelhotis States toencounterlet .
greater hazards and endure 'yet More. 'terrible
ancrifiees rather.than. yield. The result will
be a prolongation of the War, an increase of our
debt, a necessity, for, fresh" :lives' of men,' , and
propositions on the part rif the Sonth to. foreign
nations whiclrmay to' an alllance
against . 'us.. It is proper for 'us,. even now,
iyhen fresh tidings of victory are constantly
borne along the Wires, to.he sure that in, oar
jubilations, weireep in view that • We , are, not
rejoicing :merely over the conquest of an 'Ameri
can army, htit that we are .elated ,because'for
them and for ourselt;es, there.is a'renewed hope
of the, preservation of the Uniom• • .• . •
the- . enconragement of this
feeling that we can save ourselves 'from a .blind
worship ol merely military, explbits, end the
certain hazards nation of such a public,
spirit. '
4 , The problem•of Union is , to be. solved nat.
alone by mighty* armiei,.but also by civit coun
cils'and the. appropriate,moral influences.'
• . ESS SF MR. D. ,E. Sir:L.—The friends ;01
Air... D. E; Sill, editor. of the.:Cattarangus
will learn With regret of bis serious.
illness;. He exhibited•unnistakable Synaptorlis
of insanity twci'or- throe....weeks it4o, - and • hai
been grJwing gradually .worse Sinoe'lhat time:
At onelime he attempted to.. drown himself in .
'a spring ol.water whkh comes Into' -the 'rear.
part of Isis heuse,..,'Last4eek -he:•.was taken to
Dunkirktor medical' treatment: • The'-dodtots
di s n eQ as toktis.con:eitibn—somif.tliink,,itiis
itmlitableinsanity, while others , tidal(' haf; Will
recover, :": "—Cart i7it'iori )`
Vb. hope it • be• re rd
ohs, 'or unfeeling in :nil to. mike Mks
On . tbe above subject, deeply..symfathize: -
. ty,o:tMfelN'ti ttAil . e
V V ti;
sound man's attention: :Mr. Sill haii:lfor!'-hritrii:
years been::::.the -- -z - expimant of the Re bhcan
party_ iri•his county; he has ruled Wtitif•atjAitn
hatiti;suPported-allt he uncestit)ttiohar;,an..itrar , :
barons measures of
. 14e Prosident..•
'who • country wise at ,war
• A . inericaw eriny.,;:plight
to be annitillatellolnil in frenzied nriaOir;w7sibed:
to God it Wohid hi! :AVe have al wiya.,l,elo.4ed
the mart' triMe than eaindhliti: ele.-
inents . ofinhiftnahitY; disloyolty, and lia.ving, to
a great e*ten t,: vicious 'mind, and e • depiaved
heart; but-I lie. t hat lite. man ,
tidallyinsaneianit . .tha t he inherits '4 , ,ie;ii ',pease,
draws to' him our sympathies, and...o44 7 iny
;ill -.Wild we ha ve: es erieetert mini toward :..him.
For, instead tesrmsiblei.:perkin'i'; he
has been subject to the whims: and
. eaprices of
an insane•ma!): Ibis whole'llfe EMS ,- heerVliin,
•ctered with the'diSeaSe• that now "eituies : : him
'to seek iti - Own life, and 10-feel that . he is ruin :
ed- in 'estate becrihee Of the war.. ,
.. lie sees not h
tut:devaidation :.,and-ruin, and wishe4 'he:longer
to live: Evebts'of the times tiove',Wrotight.„his
mind into: Manenerts;: , not wilbstarining;', :has,
labored 'With:a..aealYworthy a. ided;cauee, - to
help alonifthe'everife. •• •
tots' Ihe'quektio n we wish to rea:ek,flai:'this,...
The • Unfottanate;eaSe - cited is -but One we have:
dwelt hpon-soniewhat in our' editorial izings and
'which everyday_is-ina ploinerAt the mind;
.This nation to-daYisia tried on liritnen ,resound.'
en roind.- : - Their zeal' and indoniinabla. eingery:
in carey . frignnt . lbeli . ;:itrMolitio. ediernek.'itZlhe
ziarand , rnertTy people .., re
believing and follOwinglhe, dognies..o :insane
minds, but Who seem to: comhine;a_sort •me-'
'tdion with We., have often
attain tepiav„ . tbat 'tieane meh rtd;'•,the hnur,,and
the nation " . .I ( i.pkippVtii their whiliii•andt agents
'of thought.: pay Fy day ha.s:t his terrible,'..dfs
ease been,:prailagateiVand•now it - ::is.`..alairriing
to see whM' 'a,4111,....1 . t. k . has upon the
Nation! him
deed,.the'ic.i....e.elreit.a:Ml: heal thie st thbikeri,:ean
'have no shOW.j!jii y . ,Olee in public unitteir4'3,The
pePple eredooking,for something extraordinary,
something out of the nettal course 'Of..., : lthings.
Eeery tv . §ftl';'•tit' have' e ff ect, must -be:emphasiz
ed as only . en insane man or a copl'ain.,,do it, or
no one listens." Reason is•olisii.ete'andOsartity
end fonaties..reigh,„ and America is y paying the
Penalty Al her. division of States,., : ,
taxes, Ines of 'C'redit.and pride. Sound,,Men, of
.mcalest'preteltsioiii and; nonesty. of 'porpote, are
'no longer rega : rded more than the idle : wind.. It.
is *Only the-whirlwind; the tcirnado oP:intellect,
that' Comes,witli;G:stiblime terribleness ;'that
Suits..the people.:. ,- .4nd. an. far deliastation',.has
followed ',in itspothf and so it will "follow.' . The
insane tielighOrt:rikers of blood; 'the, plunderer
feeds imen'snoils; foOls prite; and chne4le
'ot. the intense disinay:of . tho,.:Soberytind'4onitil.
who see the structure' h;lling , av er .their heads,
without pPvoer.to.prkest the" netion of:tite
'ease. Tkk,:case.in . „,ipietitidn - js
:'a strik ing illiia
trot ion of . W . liet,.4VO,Would..w,iah to':,,entiV!•er,'.,M
of 'M oWri party hav long ' ince - regard-.
.ett him timafe;•but, his- earnes •eiccited ip'st lett
lutions htive -won the heerts i7.,the , r,inuis,te; sn
that-he Was dangerous to the dissenter:-..:Now'
thodisease' has lrrolfen -out in its
-This atise - slipw . the.ctTect ,: on a' small district
: ohly. - Other: m'etwoflorge,yrtirrds,:aptl 'greater
powers, with,•the same, niscose : ere Jepreseol.-:
' the' people : in cc:tn./ass , in. the artny,- • in the
-; t,ki
r e:' , ..1: , 1 . .! - , , , , ),, , .,•... ,, , , • - t- .-I.i
- ..
i'i;t ..i ...~ .~ r ~
.oabipet c qp,d Jnore •Iptnentably
r.i6sitkiitiner Wrt..are kolpg.to,,dentrtic7.
tion to tbe 99i?
. . „ . „
Killed Bittle.
-There, .
..., ',kip] i n he `'
fOWlci's Wi
Stpke.es Ilre,;iniOreland 4.9inbUratis
. Whtitever,Mity our s tli s tqrences Opinion,
ett.the citifsee of this' *nron.'lhe.. inod' of ' lie'
prosecution:or - tbeobjeet s snoglit'..hyiii confirm:
nnee--4liere,is,eite ground., On.
Americana ;together inireel'iliat
discord . line s power; to separate them; the.
graves of thene'whoc - the Itnititlatt s in 'the
WildPrne4S—tiy ss the Anna: . a'nd:the':Po;, , haV'e
sr aled. their devotion'to their cOno s tri s 'cvith
.precjons MOO, there cart 'he' but ,one
and ;there ought tn''he;. - and . we. heartily' hope
and belieVe khere ss Will be but 'one 'Voice;'tf Peov:
evert and bowed before these mute wi s toreses - 01
the land's heroism atid:Patriotdevotioo,
,accioped from the trampled eart.h...end' lettbe
.bind as the , :host s 'swePt . .:npWard. to
new seenes" conflict 'carnage; We':render
our common homage to the . Vnilbr, the ratience,
the tenacity tiod liniitlens 'self sactifiee'of sour
heroic soldiery. ...peron! gratitdde,:houndlese,
honor, tolhose•Whe have fallen over - Many'? •Ol
Whom will liet . upon'-.the rude h s latcl roughly,
pencilled the nnonyrn s onit s tribute to '' . Ytilor -and
patriotism—"Unknown=Killed in. battle:
. . ,
TIIE,FUitILAT. OF GEM:, •WAhiwortru.rn-Itoch•
May he '..l3cs rg Exprel,s
hes the: following sperial dispatCh: '
Guiress . Efl,.2l..—.-Thq' funeral,. of . the' iallant
and - deeply lameoted . Gett. Wadsworth. is noW.
taking place, in his "village, 'which shosys by
every•out yva rd Signeviderwenf.the great a illict •
ionwhitch ha , s`'falien '
upon.it.Every",place. of
bilsines is - closed funeral Wreaths are •hung trot'
&lora Palconic , ol6(lwindows, and .the . pcnple
fill 'the street doorsteps tuol.eVery stand': point
from 'which . the - long, Solemn procession 'cab be .
reviewed,•• sit passes oe itiway thehumble
village church and•to the medeit 'rural temp..
tery. :The obsequies drs. as ~ orifiret. e ndirig us
tCey are Solemn. • .The remnant •of the brive
Twenty-first regimeht,rwh(i served under Gen;
Wadsvvorilrin.manY. battles; 114'14 'come r here
from Buffalo;With - their regimental colors, and
band, form' the e tort. . ' •. •
• 'LETTEICFROM SOLOIIt..—:A letter •tO the.ed
itoreithe Oivervel:, from n.yriung man win) en
listed in this city, a , teis months ago,' and,. iyho
.is now with the:Army of.theVotornac, contains
the , " .• ~
”The companylo'wlOch heleng.is nt least.
one, half Dennoerrits: Oar aenerel McClelliin
he :well liked by inost'..of the . soldie - ri',
conree-there'ure Some.ttint don't like hin tidy
they ire those s%tib:have . i icked. the black teat.
Dim9cratid in.d 1
ly, reebrilless of 'bey persopfi'.or TAO
auttillni:the Derricietkilic soldier 9 wlre , not
is norlaseiall, 'and'.l believe e• . npon ink . faith'
LErott+ANT . . or.EtEtts.—CurigreFE
ha's i)tislitt of
our iticliafee - t, and foi'lbj'liiM'eftt: of
the Service. The pensions, paid by the United
St ateArativernrPerit .e - icee'd-hy tar that Of
otber;eciiiritrY;:and the 'mantles' ratelii4i
those paid drif:grlv'e s ininent
But' u want' :riart.icuytilk . tit tWe'Ttittp'Eticiti•
of oni4iirlionieft
due.tbem. • A great Many.do: not 'that'
Cotiere*Si ha's . Passed ola',,y grant Inc $l6O bonntf
to all . .soliliets•who'bie tlisbharltetrt , y - reaSOn of
a 1-'ottnit iec;eive'd in battle; bat siti'h is theeasd, , ,
and as slily... a;•6 ~710;‘). . paid, - you. ihd u ld
make haste and get your-applicatiOn'ini.'
• Woo Fi.ould believe, if the: f,ct, tiers not
capable aucit convincing Oroof, that .I,he
lowing was:one of the planks of the far,
Chicago Republican p!atfOrml As quell; it re. :
ceived Ihe 'cordial endorsement 141.0iegreitt
lights . of the riarty,,frorn lAbraharn,Lincolo .
Morrovirß.Lowry,.and,frcim the.. Nevi:: York.
T,ilnnedown to•the Erie Gozarla. It Aar cer•
tah;iy a curious 'cloturrieht read in, camp4i i, on
With the acts.andifeaab.ings Of these A tplition,
leadera'and:OrgaOs.at - the iiresantdai;,
That the muipteO'apco,.inyiola.te
the octfie Siot6' . Und'ospeciolly;the
'of 'each Stte to order and ,cooyol o ~ cn do
mestic,:inst l iotionSdecoidiiig.fo .
exclosptely, is osSetiliil
erOn. r which.ilte, perfociion.titl' . endornpcii ofhOo .
socialinVrie:d..peOd; and.:ivo,dean'asn 0, l a w
foices,.ol'The soil .o
Std . te rnittq..Oodef•
pietext; us Ot.nong (fie gniveitiof ctioies.
.“I..et s the.Gouernment.take.camof-tha.,..rieht
and, the rieh'v,eill trtl4'rcare of the p 6 or'''' , " - tv, 3l !d.
to be a (uVorrte idea With 'the old relent pit'rty;
and is, jiiii now ifif witli'„ona„';l4vii',
toakeri; fa order''lto'
induce triOnied 'rpen.tri fiak the. bodds . Vf. the
General government thoae'hends'iveree ` exempt
frorn.taxetion;,ried the sanne. ia he.YeaSe 'With
ti‘e'hotin'ty' bonds' tinder our !ate' State flaunty.
Fariner.s; Mechanics, .en.d . 'all men •of
moderute means: huve to'.ray the fuli..tifirtounof
'their aisessment, and if 14.. chance One of 'them
few htin -4 red 'ilofials to a: to
enable him to build a.houseeibarn.'oHlisel aree
a mortgage. he must. pay a' tax 'tot .so
money at interest.':' Hut of wraith
--:who is.grovying still richer
. by adrnii.linancier
in in order to esaape;the.. tax:, collector; has
.oiily tolitit..b.o fonds. into:1110e:
.the liurthen ottaxation,is•reiltidly ,sliding'. from
the Oct' to theshou'ilars of the proditektitz;classes
and in.a ver;y:sbort , ,tirne their condi(on iii, this
'country; will be as : homilinthan asit.i.s in rig
land: - Cleat 'lila '• ' .•
• • •• • •
. It is not
cites ille.pessions'of 'irten;'sntl our stilitlti enemy
•nilopts hitnself thVinaiige . or ciicom7
the rnbe',of ithilait
tithpy, tog giyhirri
relying 4n.Portiiinrilitc4,,Cirr:.elfr lkerd int 9
lictiOn.=.7l3lshb 1')
Vin 4.
Baltiliwre J bey' 'O4l lie' ii6 - gro Scsldiers
,wll,O are Owl ktitit, -, estuokedysnkees." •
7 - . -- • - .1 , 7 - ;:riit - g.t.:77 ---- - .. •.1-11,:;:. ..:,....:, , i CA . •, , • • 1 ~.., 4 1 ^4 . 1 , , / ill 3 1 ,‘ 1 . ./ :'. . : r ..?'• .- . IC , . ! Ift . :
@ :'' .1 '4'('' t/' .0 1..' . , '4. .'•,.'," hi': .Z; . ' "..„....., :7•.;r••...-:;.;•=1: ' '''''": 4 7,
," 6 ..,.. 4 b : ,t'T4 - t.r?`"-:
1 ',.:4 •; 4' ' . .:t't: ••,,,,••• A: , •-,,,!, -- ii
..:?'•.'::::•.• .t": 1 ':- :.• .-" , .,..,;: , a . s t: r.t : •-i , ' - . , '
,C:-...f.::;.: 4 .
,-• :;..„,,,,, t",.'. ,, -'... .'
- ' ',..• . 7 .- :../ ' ' 4 , ;.•• , , ,, i ,,, .P; 4 ',N.; -
--: • .
~ .;,. ~,. ;:,.:.1 , ~ i t.ll . %.1 'l , . • i 1—
••; - 7 •-• ''''s'•l'''''-'' -
' •i.—,•6) • • .: -,,:, , 1 c n•;.7-, , r..i. t.l - .., _.%•'::.:. 1 (ty ..44Fac•-.`; ;J., ...•;-••• '
.4 ''., . 'i,' a . •-a," 1 •
i.,, "•. • . ; o, • ~,,, ' ~ . .1,,,.• :.); '' -• - • '..,•• •
C( '. • ' ''•'', , • ''' tr y n. ••• ''''' :-. ... • :i,...i f i', :,i - d:' '
,: ... 4 . , i',.; l C If f iN '
6 . - ....7 i -I, ~ x • 1 r , , , ,1, - ef.fr.( 4.1.F . 1.11.r..! ' .. ,, .;',..•!:' . .....': ', 1,...... , ':'' ; 1. ' ..,- -:17,' ,, ' .r.f...' , i.5.7. , ." , " . ..^4...".::::........1 ........:; ...!,....... , , -,. .'•7'. , -,.,,,,,,' ^.7,:, - ,.... 2':
• , MIA Tit g,, sy. 0 v.:!..t0rr!..;
At Milli li.-patch
toq,btai l to to Geit - ;' •it seen I of
0 - • • • !)I't
p'ooi) O'Pei : ret!J...
;forc,el,.st ..Jk til • the iot ? olit 9 n! 6,
'r;y9vAie '.agtk
ittty il'oprprt iitok theß..6rv.ice of
.14 .hio(tro`!l (1,0') , t,!
,gO'.otll`, tt to
. .
VnlEishltit . 4 . 6 . l'.telt 4 oeititt - 'repotts
heen dtrlnli,fhe
traSt..r wh'w - P . etrs. - :11uleetl;*i f.We ' It ed
Orri•fortfof,its:reporl.s.:,there .wptikrl liufe • ' beta lit
time ifb. l i ; 1)'el Lee'tb"Ctlillhat:
We wtre. t ir4ir'i.ly'iirfriirn'e'd'n'erii . ,ir
the wisaeiei'islio
AssOOatell t.:is* . eente'r • rhrl
and ,eft W:ngs,'ha . d'hOe'n - fart;
icilled , —thefamitos'etelry • General Stuart 'Wee'
repOrtrid,in otte..al Secret Stant.On's.
tiPiletios jO' hey killeti-Gnera Lee was 'ob°,
'said, to hOile . rt'!ceUeti.his..tieeth , wonnti, etitl f itu t f,
h . e'en'eltt tied,. to, ; RiOttnond . to, General.
Wadsworth Vt'utl alko.repot told" to . br eliv.o
pi l=oner at 'Riebtoonti;. • .
ales!. for the unreiiihility... of , (he.
ttdegraph, - .report E. •Yestertley.?e
ii.reoniretlitiort.'? . knOrked all , these delusions.
We. qtait,e •froin, the Co/limo/WO& head
g 2 l,eu pit fiont..-01.Spottsylania Cotirt.
not. Ic!llerl!' 77 t , Geti.;:f..E;
-11:• Stuart ditto" 7 —"Gen;*Cee not wounde,(o .
!Alter eight days of:,vi.e,:tories,:(hy, telegraph,)
'Leei_t Ire yonqui.shod,..,terpe.up• front!of,- the
%;.ery . position itnin. whichit was tlaimell -he had
bar n iiiivet t .in the Wildest
diSplarof lying by 'telegraph ' what a re. We to
belive?-- Thrift/la./ I mq.. •
, .
... The New York Tofireodtyit- sa y s:'
caneloole, - we are, i itur.mftet
way . ; and i( the . 'lasts. three, years
longer we ihnll. .I.eqtrr... much Ilen.ven
grant it may•noi : entl-t . we'Jean' . and we are',
willing to our whole duty., Am en!"
This Christian relleetiim anil.charttable okish
by , fart that . in. WOshingtun
permit tea to the .street.ears
and l'hilailelphia-they are not. 'The';anter
of-Henven' , is asked to e . rintinuelhe wt r
until the Qiineker (Ilk' changes tier ordinances.
Are we not' t‘ini:a horrfid way?" ' • .
The Portland Advlrtiser expresses their:minion
,giat- if C.. Fremontis a cohdidate for, the
Pi eiidoncy. n,g04157 Abrehnm Lineolno boltittor
%% ill; not , get ono•eleoforlti...vale in thp, • wholel,.-
4 , .100k5. so. now. • r :
6"y q:e . • ,
in office 'pieces of,
'sfete. v.one';' which, was taken from the . firotvh
't;ille ski e Ittorrk in ,Piseatit'qiiig' Comity, each
Of. which tit's epilog it a . j'endgentie scene On
oiie4 hetei4 jepiesentation .
IttiVe'ponthd - othe'r. tit4e .le'a - rive r milli' a' yl off.
r t ir..ii ! iint of hi nil', rittitcitig Atetivn, to the, Water,
trenge,gt . 4th
- 1r e(! s , n fcw I; ttg mole g O . r,' ey, r..?
e -reverse pnsiliou in the Water.:L-•
Tliege:specieen,i'gi-ege tatc'eil'ont . 'one hundred
Teet.below . the idifi'c'e of, xhe ground.' A' ;large
teenher oFsimtlat skinee ,:hate been fount.' in I
• ,
. .
FIIO3I PAST.—A llison . the his
.ia,ri:en has given a picture of,,the et:deaf things
resulting from thelpaper money system'of-p.m,
,gland; .ndopted to defray • the expenses 9(, the
War ag,ainit Franne'st: the close of the faet.cem,
-fury. The:following paragraph. front' hls
tory tells 't hc,storyi—
Tr.e employment ofTsper money by tireell
:Britain; wesperrriitted . , no doubt,'only in,cirder
.to early on a •coutinuoits l war, and maintain , for ,
.yeats the4U.ricst . „ Standing armies. ever . b..fore
raised by is nution..,...put in this systeivi r must,
also be utribmcd ilte final ' results, • whiclin,are
114 disnstrou's ris'the,,flf3k;tfrecte were ',betick .
theand glorious"; augmetitation of Prices,
tile diminished ,y,alite of. money, the inereaie
• e'x' of ambitious gins,
atilt e l itravagant habits amongst:all, chtsies'.of,
si;ciety; recklesi specul,pl ions ,, prodigirl, living
and frequent finepcial.reVeries,
'gas, a generul A appearence of prosperity atutde.,
tuition de price'4,withokib rh!ralrelat , nitY' pejiorl
of the woitih'ihri'ociiii'On of 'tertain ,feirAilhes
rind the destruct'un of• cerlain'ot
uhiverstiliisortter, , which.inrits ronsequencrti
almost thu6l to the 111 ' 5:1 Stet of revolution.'.'..`,
.;, it. still moritiaphic given by the
iliustrious,Clahhet_tiMlin.o l MOtiOtei'it'l.W,herif
iti he reviews the. eau,se. , ,of distress, without
lirecedent Mul without remedy ? ' by which Eng'
end expiated "its epheMeral opulence - ofthe pre::
dedilt . g, yeo•F;,-- -•''
• • tiTtie 'peoitioss'iii Our fain 4iandt keen
rapid us was c..sp ected by some; still, the' !Mot
her ofduf poor fins :been, increasing,
The fa in rs knit Merchants .had
the appeiirauen:of . prb - sperityt'but ft,
lusli:e'appe ! irence, produced blcieted.
Thrt:increaseir`taxie?!' With th«;
l iattperi4ot it entuil , r; .Carrietl' ileetritC flan to the.
very heart the . ComMuitifY;" The,4mall far
mess have:become du laburerif. the day' la
bcrefs liavd gene,'Oniult& 'the other', .to the
poor honer's. • • • ,
wrhelittle farms, formeriy.the witnesses of
so many sceries'ef frugality - ,. industry, humility
tend lia 7 ve.ierif one after the 'other
the - misery of their occupants, tile land of .
'Which thc . iwere fOrmed have -gone. tri
'the domains of the largeprOPrietors or the 1400,
of the'latelY enriched.• :The cottages 'of the
iiboters have ['ermine sheds tor cattle - , haV . e
failed in ruins; Meanwhila ,thiY6:oofg. of•.t he,
houses of ctiarifynrn to her seen thrpit2hbullhe
Ditriottlie reign of Pittlitird'hie-stin
resmrs, thare was
.an 'itnmensiqincrenie itt4 he
tnansicine and 'yillo's'arolind2.the , 'lnefropOlis;' bur
ditrieg the iriiri”Meriod frow.Maity.rhottOandit cit;
Weerti übdtidorirull 'PAH
' this has cotnefroftr 4 •.the.' , lteintc . 'syStelM' of
Y ) ,'!"1
, .• -, - .A . , .- t".. , , . ~,, •,..,: r ...,.. , :,..k.. 3 . ii?i: ;'' ,
I; ', , ~ i .vie-, ; - ft'nplia'•26: • iiti!, t-A
Niii!pnall t Nigenorn,94 ,
a work poptiolied irp.l4:a4lani!,...aorpe
ago, fled: tficelese
tutil t ha2l(lllci'vi.i Vila lite
' - A irierfea 4111 'ndiiir rinifethe
public men. mint :1W the honor out Iritggrit,fettlitoelelkiii.. ZI-11
rounded her Comdltutlon: oind rim:people. hove !eurisge -
tin:l :lift neynoug to:exndt them !iron shor ratora7
~ •
tied every hour dri ;thi• presto r. lor' iiPth . relrooo ;
• ..
P ll 4 l Wni . lfh° l- ‘ 4 4PC;n O t I ..II (Pined' 2 . 11 41 4 :
in a i t i the honor' nod' ity,
whir 'founded • t hiiconst
ceased 1,. ? rnr!rlifeii;TAq
necessary .to. aerir)iPl
and nohle e ann'ple'
s'il r it ern oUtdvernment.
't t.this,,,Reputtli c 61,1 hr eetepPili
a tleirle,iillacPf,titt.e
'. vrtiffoere.l4l,
n .of 'this gerter,tl foil'' ebticeided„„ A
that they Werd'Aviier ,
light.!' titeir.futhergiatiiliktfertlfited tii
(heir fat lieil-who IramedriChe.elrottittitlbri-O•c";11',4/
Jared 'en tiatcely,:topresp!vgi.gir,
Linlob by the sword. "The s%vOril e:,an dividP;
Girt cribnever this Union
of. its .own.eitizenvi
ontpion, can ; alpne . ,peoppitipts'ocr, instil istionwp i
and lihen hie rill that paii . .m'aintain
'fa ils ; " sn id Eldridge Geriy .;. ii) theCOnstittihion
irl.C.onveritiOti., At' the sattin.tirrii;
.unit pthee,
.-a s fterwords A Chief
uttered the following tirophet le - tvOrr43.
• . .
A itempt.. to itAtteute the !Awn A Truinit by.seDdlV,
trifled (Arne nittitt‘t inioliedlent, Spite .br ght,b,?o,. end• '
-lbln Malan Involved Wald .entimitlen,,
the bloody itimMer or a di its; Contintpttrm: lOW s
'poen Mettle to by and n :mtlit:AO deni.Mlhth ,
civil rignts Ann liberties uf,tbe • : - s
:These warning words , were sounding ih
eirs s .when Abe tramp . .oll.he armed 0 .- iillionsor : •l ,. .
our people deafened Chen . ), - that they
not lienr,.nnti the - blnzon'Of.lhelr: tittnnere"iiricr ,
ilie - glitteror . thefr . ..Mintketii !liehn,"see.;.''
•thnt.illey-cOuld not'seel4llpre.than tliran4inirs.cr-t*
Matracied stru4gle", reediting..M • nothing,
but a Wider cilietation,• niCtre intense • Misred
acid n•ecitriplete dimioralization-.-mot to Mention" ,
the:wide spread, i nin anti devaetationritrhnsinL:'';'
gendered in thediusinemnfthe:cotrnnnity—Oas
certainly inaiii:ested,:to,a.tenrful - extenl'o'lhgt,ei*:
(oily. and mathiesa.e. licith.FC . Ctioll3. oft he.conn.,
try.: Flory hotir.nt` the struggle 'only
redge'to dividennd !alienate.' Tiie' 'gulf )•
ya Wiled •im,the Romeo FornM'only-closed,
-Rome's rrimit. prOcions
lean'ed M. with his armor,, on., •
,rnto„ : the d:ee4" ;
and yawning gall - that has • opened :NO wiiletyr, k
and horribly• in our Reptiblie,, shave gene' down . .
'in their beauty and their. bloOrn;the , youth, the .
at renia, Mul.the patriotiim of '
Om! into it bas" , been pot!rell with lavish "hand' • -1
the Icceinnlated treasures, of
. , .
pro'Fpetity 'and pen:.de; - 01!(1 - yet ;*:
thi) ever. • it one yvill atilnd
brivk'i!no•fkatei), he, will hear:conlipg , l4E',lrcimi ` •
liai,,wiul (ICpt4o;l6 voice ef . th'e:iiitilliqt:: Seek.'.:,
" • •
•• 1r civic Ramie 'since begun,' Anil . mectien asniyattgiiinst . ,
section., let the battle see:altos it snay, theta • lean ethl
61YOrtlirit (it
IliViA•2(lltie North riofti the SoiltlOiy
ing a fatal bl o t,; at the rights - .•iutir.eirite•O'unt:. " '
der that:Coh'stltntion niakek;'''arid
alanelire;erve . , us a .Gnverthent t
sicgeneraey (Orcifig ilie •
anheUrd acts of deepotibm'all
deli it II e'neglec ted. tn. evict' ficon'?theii rut
er's an adhprence,to the' 'psiiiiscigei of ."constitu-; -
thinul I,lierti.; hnd'right aBes . dd n, sitidele' tile •
he . enrl by. did trailed Nand Or' poyeei.j"+ .
Ou r' personal Ilt?ertiehchistO.ticen
the Elul wet k - that 66.91 '-efeetedYaialhet'''
h'..itecutive`nsurratitih have been isierthraWnis- 7'
tribunal:h . :as been , erecteita . t. ' '
reepsnsible he itetitilei snit he"con st ituft lore.
and theileveileigtifY of the Ste feta
now beirigt+itle'tivereci iren * d
consolitlatill-91Wertimerit I, the.ruine '*
free institui ions. -• If America is not
geteru tin g, -- 'tinder these ''entiittlited — lntltiencei',.
then eannorinterrirel the slgnsrolltie'tilfte's; ,
Oft read therm rightly.
ConventlonTwill‘p)acethe,Preitiential,queetionl , ,,e ,
in a c o riou.s,aspectlllefore -the •Baltimore- flClttas,,tri,l
seketiOn or a candidate jigeinat' t .,4l:;!
1 %.vhoin,FrennotAt will keep ;he field,would, ; ,seerits ,
to be fatal: Bunks is out Ol the rare entirely.:
F:em .t refer° k',Yin hie bond',
and, the B,iltimorcabes most either., buy. ;
or itoniiiiaie (I.an'they hurllitp?' lan hi
far sale? Ills frteti 8 are ,n°t) c i f• p
who!, ha ppy family . vho
tening,no th e ,pe,c!ple .
tor three,yea,rs are' itatr,ouhle: 4 l , 4o ar'e Ott
mucli morfa, than, t
b lis 'ed'ne T? v,, is; , otih in `r,enituin's 'for t h * emc'
y, 1111er e-';? is by 01 t ;for sit
them, for military fillerPlki irlfire '
bring mint, er cantitddfrollth;QW.:Attltl,,,th - a - n - to
help the foktones Et - dentin , ."or . Atr r
Chase. , ,
it isrico piatarit, tit tO 'h,`9`;
romP“ l icil to review the conilition'of
politicians at i,ugg,litig f or , smile
,int 4114 -
helices the ,s,trtli,gle:arisrir4.,'
thege iriento lie for a nil i e ,Tll. l jr, °:
fiihting for. thelialziiienis
,cirfitif . 4
't I body of America 1:n:on. ThdY'lett4i l ca
5," efF( ,
desire ra gee it rcste'ret!; invlOratrd;' , r,its&i l to,
Ii fe .auil I, ti or ; for rfl'pn • t r ocu quit fen' , o r a
'pftinder would be ut arisen Where ehall,
good man go for help and guithince . yrltien'sFtiefi. l
things me innnifeiitamon'g the ',ldutforif
ruling 1 , sitY?,--i7;trrint to
n - "'Tt;4 •
110 \% . 1 Tlf14.11:410N ' '
New- Oileans ccii•repoildent , ot the .11Tew.
Otis et nles,tin unpalnfoble,fiiittult •.tr
ilf-our f at thr:i`'orth , 'chooae;'to.ttinga"d"' .
m'ell -awl ;again loyal; yin:ough!.skiiii*:eorri
'plain - of frO•ellyip an ensert ai ninetitr >":Irttileutirya `t
iiridei the niilil:awaY:"of . ••o4viAnivi .
tbas iv'severah,haii".iikt tirrajcirittyllifrinVii
is jest 6.01111.16 of •Leill'ainnain •
.co ve tett - ityr4ttoka,ts:o Ontside of s.etli"..A.tigtesc , " •
Tifitoit Officerilor eitikeracan
iti arprrtviedjinil.qorti ihri.Wissiiiiiiiikiptioie.W;.k4 •
volle;r : eloprloiganii:eiheokliert teveir? , ll ,
'; Thai is the' warwai. Witt ;reslol4
-tritie: :Wiettion&vl . .l',VlT- 1 , 1 1'.. 4 ' , , , i'!,•,, • , ~;,*;11:0
' , -;4* . :.. w ;',-.1.,.014t,