VOL. 5. Lcotinti) Ocittoriat. vunms.:;., etr.r.t• o..vrunDior NOltNniv, ' J. B. OtlAtt, • pllp'lll'ollT, 111 4 KEAN COUNTY., PA'.. F.Pjetz, ..IQuAtin TERMS:. ' 83 00 in AdvancO: Rates of AdvertirAng • :ildittirn One „yehe ' - " '• • •15011 • On' ' (JO .• jnont), rq; of 11.2 boos; i. CO, ,t .0. It 4.41,equ0r.)•!.. ; ....... inU , s Vi tvilli pupOr • • ' o'oo •it ale or 0 _rUI u • IVI/rit will tle ' di/ill-till the eiltetce rattei. Tar , lve - lineh flrerier type" Or eight , linea nonpareil, !A ral(' (a/square. - • , „. • • • .. • . terni • e httietly adhered In: •z4al. ~3ii.c.-iillt. t ill ..:.173irttto.t.12: . • 11 . 4 1 1 1.11 Cl:l;,'fai,,prwuncea'dolfie'Publk• . tl 111 .1. 1 , N , e/COT:!lif; 11,,n* I,r•pt . .by 11..1) , 11;.tj side, Sy i'.4! a re, 1p; ii prApot FT1:1.1 ., %6111 :1)i 111 . 0 iI,IIIV tir . 111,;s1: - ,A 13,11 . : : . ,• , • - k : 1::c - rioxA,IiiEs.; NUTS, ri h.:4 ‘‘',', , • 1.1.•0r. , .1" . ‘‘) , l - 1-11:rjr 0 , 4. .:(5.111; ' ,110 7 V 111, 1: .11.;. • . • ' " •... . • • .. LL. ‘VO.PeDE'S 2 • •• • - • '-• • ', -.. 33',.."•11 . (..-1 D , I4:A7:ILIN. • . • .177-, - ,i0 , . - 1.- 1 , 1-. t. yr, F,W1,, ,, ,, t. • ?'lien C•nni'.r.• P... .•n( 1;;;..;‘`•;1•; . -1. lit.,t`l;,g'. kW:. 'f,. 1t , ; 1‘'...),,,1,-;;1.. •i;.;!: . • II ol l'.; iieztil a of•i: Id.i.tr; I.:ll.tiliti;il - ;;;;;F 1.:v:1 T . 1 .1.... i'..,;;;;,itt ;;11 . :;N;;;;;::in.f .01 - .-I,l.l.jut,gs r v IA - A.,.,• ; • 1',..1 I:-t •• Ott' :•i• :t•;11..,q , ..tk tr,, , .e!..: ..- -.. . W. akruoy, soußif-E.vsr c()lzsr.tz :\TACN STfICEI L. E. T. ArT l l-1, NNEP ..D6ELTA.G7.;:..T6cKe17.31 Co,;:ga . from 1 0 1. 3 i•xfp•ii,ri:. t he .6.cr.t.:.0i . . .„ e.i4 , •eti4 - ,lr.it:• • •et - Cti 1:i ill ite tviid rr'iTOM• . .9(7i1.K. • Vor:*:!-...coriverti •. 1 v.v.•(11 . throe .0.1. , •,; 41 . E: ve . tal . .itint4 oil shares 11;.11ttr4e.xvitli 111:1 t't!• AC , I! , t ped 11;!I !L? 'Hid for 11 1 .',1 0 4, , ritji.' r *Ni ;at Poroty'.s:(ri.ol3. (/,11Vi a il6ot ?..!! • 7r:,,Q "E:E C i tiS .1?.0.P. 1861 VI E. • ' , .'i ii1:1).\•.1 . .. .. El: i:NINtI: POST; 1-110, e... : ,: ::a t0,.i....p.f.t.1.3. -iveci: • lay Itf upon Mr. Lone?. probably. it Is: ihtended ; to, stifle ill fteedotn'of speech and. of th,n press; and In the Way it . is.rebak«;d by respectable RePtibliCan. journals.is'a most Cheering sign:Of the times; is. something good,. We: have . , had. 'occasion he,. tore to spcsk ofiheaction of. a portion :of that party upon ibe . taxing of.Vnifed States 'bonds, and•that We'i.e.e it itated .that;the extrerr4ls.. cill.thiS treason.: Anything is' treason , . that.• does not comport with. the 'Janet/motions. of the . 'intriguers, :who are ruining. The yra juke are getting.. 'to be ':very ntimerons.. . The ery•of tiensr;n has lost. its Power: .TVVCI or three year's ago it:was.a - :rnagreal utteraneii, and pat in jeopardy aft againat:-whern it 'war forearmed.. 'For the in ildeat . epression ‘or. Opinion ilifTering. train' the . he'ritell and . frenzied majority, the..best of patriot! Were, vilified ! motrhe 1, •,ttarlacetVrtnri ,ahused.. ;silently :or approvingly'the .11epublican press assented to, or urged . on . the • malignants:•• who oecirpied. the places . Of Christ ra'n •iteachera, 'ap plauded the'wii:keiluesti,, ••shotild 'have . -bee p . . their nees to .co ndemn. Their' pulpits' were used. 'ns• stands' .(or'baranguee, and tri stir tip strife.•',ln the: latrine Christ and Liberty.-they practically'. outraged both, and Woe.to theindependent• nod honest citizen who , refriSed a..coheirrience in therfaaerilege.• They, too; tt:i.the'isibolition press have abated, soniewhatO'f, their. malignity. 'all Thia . .there . is. a "piiiitive good.. 'Perhaps now :ir.reviytil of religien mar: bring thesa:. furious politiCians to a, knowledge of christranity—ii rerfiVel'olth‘rneeratie principlec.. convert the. morals of.the - pres . s.:—.Tio;74 & Bradford -pint:. General' Sherman, during his 'stay .at -ridian; ca ptured' a rebel inn ii•hag, in which was .a ntir frorn.Rev; J. L, Pattigiew, chaplain the Thirty 7 'first , Georgia regiment, to his'hhdh; er and sister.: 114 . n.Pettigrew was• behiMl, with. the wounded soldiers after the be t• 'itiltlithie experience at the North.... lie says: 1 • learned while . North that. .we hiwe' ho friends there;liany at so few .that-ih . ey can he of no. benefit' to. u 5.. ., Thera are' -two -great parties there,, vii.:. the...Peinocrats and RepUblieutts., These: both - are la .kivor *prosecuting the war, and will be satisheil'AVitt. nothitia digit of mtir. e'omplete Indeed, our entire sehingatimi they. aro' both yresolved 'en.' 'The:only . ttifFi.ence bet.Weett the:in:is to the policy orsonductingthe war. ;The . lletrinerats °apace bitterly A he:Lincoln's emancipation policy, end will neFerunite with him white lie puraites it,. They want: the, war, waxed. toiresrore .the talon. ''They Want it' waged On•what 'theYterin: eon:siltation:ll Prin. ciples, and I.analittnly,ormilaion that' the pe.m• the nneSt. form id:ihleenetnies We Kaye If they w e re to get in power 'North;.; 'it would only lieu,renewal of the moron() all. Its . pest liltiody 'scenes and horrors'. The best thing ine us will lie the continuation:-Of the 'ltepuli lican udinir.ist t:ation. ...There is almod?dea . l in the., above 'that is true.. lithe Oentocrats, , were' to lissome the reiponSibil ties - of the, goeernmen't t ' they• . enuld net, even think of closing the tea upon .any other - hasiis than the ' . re-storation of the-Union. NO doubt 6601 ol pie - southern-, ers'•as secretly. desire ,a restoration Ca,. the Union or who Oespair ol a southern confederacyare mixinus the( the:Democrat-le .party should succeed in. the•next li•siilential..elec.i ton; . ao thtrt terms might. be . ..aciordeci - .there v,•bielt would make n Union.possilile; hut all southern.: ers tkhri are in earnest - . in .ilestroying the. es tablishment, of a nem en eTedeiai:y must, front 'the rietu're. ofithitig . s.,h6pe for .retention of the Repu'bl'ican party in }rower..' • 2 , .• .• • t . .,ste an atom when you are not hunttry; it is suicidal. ~ Never hire servants to go in' pairi r as sisters, cousins, or anything else . ; .• . Never speak bl,yitr faiher as 41he oia Never . reply to•the . epithets of a 4iunkard, a fool or Neiter .speak Contempt uouSly.pf womankind,' Never abuse one who was' once yoar bosOtn friend, however.bitter now. Never sinjle at the' expense; of your. religion Or your: .Bible: • . • Never stand at the corner of 4:street. • . Neveriusult poverty. .. • • Never 'eat between meals. • .. . TOLTelliNc -- .The ' killowing incident 'we,s.re lateil by a Coate . deiate prisoner, lo.an..attenil= anti.who by nnarif acta . of -kindness had won his corifidenee:.; ,', . ...-. .- . was'searxhing for spoils • .amoig • the ;dead . and dying, upon a desetted battle-field, When - . 1 diicovereS a sm.illgrhl locket upon'. the person nl a dying boy, apparently' about • years of age. As I :entleay.cired to loose it frdni , his grasp, he opened'his•langUid eyes; and implored me' b y. all that ,was goOd anstpure, by; the;rnem city of my oWn•inhtherolol to - rob hitwoilis ~teeepicture'.. "Ohr : said he, "it wok her last ,1 proinised her,!la - 'uon• She kissed my eti.ele.st parting) . that I uhanlttiilianiya'wear •it near my heart,' in life or 44th." : •.:riiirt throwing his' whole soul into. thiTlen„: he ex elainiedt%' 4 , 01 Torch not my eisters-p'etu're." .As the. lost Words faltered upbn his fongue,•his - ''vhice'huihed fn'ileath. 'Eli • the dim • light of the stars, .1 hastily' scraped shallow 'and buried him with his sister's . picture lying • upon - ‘... ry , ;::::54,,,.;:J: ._...„. - . r --, ~ 1!--•.., 'Who - Dive Declaim! , and 'F.avoreEDlstailDer 4. We liold .t that the sereis'ionisis had n. Peaceful dissolatioh:of the' : Union hind theY reallY:deiireifit, and had the peohlii-of their States,. 'alter ..a :free'.tind: fait : iliecrissieni''. decided . s eparate. form;the. Uniona.'So tiffs:; told I he& :at: the . .tniP,; so „genie: of Jog journals :told 'good Ihith priiiiideut , ".' Morgani.and . nearly. all. of 'optily :favored convention of the. States,: whtch-Ortd.„Whicini , t Y",'.na• the .diennionists know,) ‘iljotild : had power:_decree a: peeeeful.,tliescp;.- ttl teh et_the Union. "-Near York roikerne:'• t , Thar's' the'elevelnand Plaint Deaf,r, ar- 77 the held, undiagnised • dee'lafistitin,.,..Of. race Greeley - that:not only himselff 'but 'Presi:; dent. - Linceln, and "hearty 'ell" the , Repuhr - Ileum, :Were in favor: of a peaceful .dissOlution- • ot the taion. `Moreover, Greele.; avers 'that 'they eo told the secesilonisti: • 'l'h =, it is :to • be observed, is no declaratinn Made sonte.time - ago; but . is published 'ln Meinley's Issue .01, 'l',:ibit;te. I.lr re is.nor.a "leiaPi , sheet country' which will have thcbardiboinlto that Gieeley has now Made free : contessiciti..of. ; ... guilty comiiticiti with Sotitherti and charged Lincoln with beingparrirepro,erirn'- W When ilii.iCinembered that the. Sollth:. ern lenders in tobeflion are charged' with her:. • ing.bcen 'plotting the great revolt for years, should be*.graven .in -cheracters of fire open the rrl'ennOiy . ar the American people, that with' full eagnizaheeof the designs orDa ritheey; Toritubs PD.,. the leading •Itripliblieii thro b . 'their inotrlii•pieceo; assured them that - . they . Might ; peacefully dissolve,. '.The strong: fac demonstrated , by this confessinn ds• the lir.. publit•rin party. really; coveted the disruption of our elOrioue - -- Union; aidentiy. thirsted ;for .' ill viiion. of the :;:nution, . rather . than-there . sifoubl ..be any fuhher . participation of the. 'Smith in the yublic .councila. We have, now .. the very .key to - the anti tilavery . .exciterttenti, which ..*as t kimented by radical journals :and stump 'sneak . ers... , l•lt spiting from no genUins'. ha t red' .pf slavery,. and Ito genuine ph 46131. top fur the - negro, buovs,s a more 'engine used. to hrinObent a.separatiett: This was the ohject of: the statistics so 'often papered by '• Wendell Phillips to show, that both .IsZorth and South wouldbe bettered by dissolving political connection.. This' was the object of Mr. coin's celebrated. argument in favor of the right of : evert:a .sgraetit of a State. to .revelii-- !ionize. This . was the object. of the, bitter in-. vectives in Congress against I lio•Sontli;. wind ing, up with the taunt that "the South could not be tricked Out of the. Union.". For Ibis Object.. Such tnell'ne.Thompson Were imported to widen,. the breach, and such leg;stetidif,:as.the " per , • somil liberty chionic,, and the. , foolish enthusiast .10i:in:Brown urged, on to his mail raid in Virginia. It. , play" be asked!. whet • 11'1.4..1)104n about a: cbefigP. in 16 sentiments of these Mee? We reply that there is. no real • changes., The terrible recoil : after the firing on surnteri: scared the Abolitionist!, and .the .hope now of utterly. subjugating. and' crushing... nut the .SoOthera..peciple l placing :negiO SOI- . • " and sharing. with • these black troops fiit !Co e k idt " rhe al.r i P til l9 rnel 6 ti r a ‘ i.ftaf.t•Snoiouytmhtinnt: 'en all the 'Oiriccej Cilkeilt to the war, make,• them.. ton' the pre sent prate of Union, but nt:heart' they are . es honest and . absolute tratters as ..they ever. LOVABLE. WOMEN According to q newlq.hPory.or themOn3 end • Fo . ritii" publishert ett the •othe'r 'side. of the. At• lautie,cettein cornhinitions of triangle nnil t qua re. prodocen .perfect type•.of lernale beauty: - . This•niay. - he called reducing .1o.veli ! : 1111 . fa; I'o mithernaticul• deranstr4tion. W. imee,ttlwtiys considered woman a wonderfill problein,. yet .nerer euspected..that this. was the . true..solution, •But p.rhem the theory to 017.- iyrnbolical.. ..A hoop is a, circle; the :Eugenie. 'eock4"6at ,O .trione,le, the . .fashionablo plaid ciouka era all sqtairee'. ~. • , Possibly the new theorists intend le to he on., tlerstood thattheee three, with a good looking g m . ..t t i ll aud e d,” . constitute the team. ideol,Of feminine: (4seination. If ..so,v .t.lon?t agree. with them:. ~'lshe "Theory!' goes On to. say, . however, th,it t.tho yegulaton the geometrical' figut es must be,irt accord:with certain harmonic', Proportions. existing in:lnusic;.".frorn which wa' infer that a lady.rlathematteally. beautiful ap= pears to. most advantage' when:dancing to'llits sound'cifo pioroOr a fiddle., %•—• • , ...• Our own notion of a t r uly -futio/ds: wo man= end . tione other isieallybeautiful—isnot tnathe-: matical, though it play, onmpetheed ..barmony. and melody, eipecially. of..fhe Tltere air (tends the words of another) , aWomen of sweet, maidenly...nature, glowing Up in, thi , practice of kindness, oftender hotisehold Alutiets. of simple : godly amis. and of, genfal, , pleasant. ' ' at 111vt, they met . thenniervia to man, ••• .I.lklt - porrect mOic, nnto noble ivordig " . "Pyion Mints hrtore his swe . at • sistertioo. , lln . half.a-487zen Arouigt 1,1113110, The notieleon chnroutiotlinarkedliy her alone; . The Ilyht of lore, the purity of gram • . • • ' The iousia brentbiog Irvin, her flee, . . • The heart whose ooftness toil-no - War the • • Ana uh ! that ej,f wooln fierlf a Soul." • 'One rari7lr'sees this style rdlnily, in, the street in tr Pork-piS Vat wok) a. biond•colered - leather, or. at the opera;tinvils . lettered with' . jewelry,••'. She dims not divide her walimg I.ours'into three . ,equal parts- 7 iVivAting one to - gossip, :one 'shopping, - and, one to She: reads, thinks never Eeolds ; end when' She love. po ppy is, n• :w ' . Shell u for his bride, an n'trse :ike • tMiet..'bet,to ' tWerste'hOr. No peripatetietailies Show no sell•exhibitioniet with bandolinett - rniastache and redolent of patch:oily; should:come between" rhe.wind and hdr ';" 411 e 'men „sagely' re-' rnartted-- , i there is a,gend,''tfeal.of human: rintOris in' tnan:",." It 'Orbits . out One of the s urchm's in the,selhool4hlp..Maartrilis;'',:. 6,04 tvas visited' by kilj,d l a ;l :Y! . ": -T h b l i to 6: : fOlow was suffering aentely, -. 04 . „ 5 the.3 visitor:l; tistcpti him . if she eehld'dO.anythrni the pat ietit,iti ead tojrnelir. ti you h,ave,a Story!" asked tlitiladY;' ,, ti.D4o'in"..• awe red the boy ‘,4 about I...a . barusi? next, day the.rit.it' wit!'rerir!itabi and again;th bny.asked the ladYt.O.reail., r!Shall,freadtrotiV, the Bible?" “Oil;:r 14 ;' . ! was the reply; I'm bet ter .tirAityirearl tai a'law . , NO`24'.