• • ' Nivetnar beral ',use :emit mil ,d••are t 4.j, . , b • ,ecnT enfie • et • S. 74: • -,?;•-•`• • .. ~ '~ 3 'yj , 4,64l*liiiioo.4:.iiid:Ot,koi : .erniniiitikiitineerp. .-.:lll! , ll' , :: • oiiii:Piiii,iii . ,;,l* , :.thislinlii,'.'‘iiiiii. t heti, :. a lid' ~ , elitaii***liiit),oliiiitt4tiiii4)olliifill kOrri;C. They'' ..:;',Aiiii-Uiiiiiiiiii4ji4ii , Eifiliifttiet iciiv;indliciik eisi `• ''': -,'414 - '. l .4l4'eat:t . ,liiii'::iiimiti!iiii'.iitiiii' f I . -. 1 - ~..-. ', ''• -• • ..• . : :f•:•tt00.,tte.*01014111. entl ,the.douhle acting .11KliTitim0 :01 Wf st .& co,; One of , Itosiiiiiriliditutirktri.: - very siniple, Works iM;laathat . .atiy ebilJ may usei.ii thrown ti'',Olittfr',ecri.tiiiitiolii in ttpa, and does not freeze Aiii*Oldistiamiliiitrpe,. and is, unusually Vhesp. day'lthia knowtnilp,, and. git 4 !hoot . , the knowledge fretfolist a( the iir . 'eptfrtftrit. 2o —N., Evehi • Aro, erafija4.olo3. I• bait b. en using, at , ifinutactoiy; for the last four years; West's Improved Pu mp; . ' , 1 now hive in use, three . of • : said,itompa; One if which, is , 'lcept.;constant ly at • 40T:Igj 9,4 hours leak (except Sundays) and pronouncethenq, hrtliesitatingly,j be best pumps fhißbwe beeri-biouglit to: notide,.having many_.Otbera'previCusly:. They ate sim 'plit*thietcCohatractioti; and not east!) , disar: tict"..4o; ism). • • • . 4J; D.:.W.miriASCO.:....-Mre are. pleased to slits tbsToin, p s' we had Of you, about 'yearag. bare been in cooitant use, 12 hours each day • antiiiie thetuse of ;our WOoleu Factory, ' about ;130 gallons,Per minute: They work.with ,Ifut:llllll,`powir, compared , with puinps . wi havi liteld,before, and do not get out of repair, an. aFe sat4factory:in all resyects.. Yours, &e.„ , .Difit s uar MANUYA:TIMING•COMPANY. • liot.os animism( to the farmers Club, Jan. 2;s: ;siNo.titmer•who.owns s well pr , cistern can Possibly afford ,to-bir without an iron , pump. It stiOubl be'st once a surtion and.lorce pump—a peffeet ; little Are enginiHsui.h. a one - known ,as' 4Weit's Improved , liiimp.' I Speak of this pump ,because,l hsPpen toknow it to be, very simple. stumble, powerful-anp cheap, and it don't freeze ,up,,ppr get,our,of order once 'a year. know this, and. think I May. be ,doing : tho . farmers :good bit'ilieskingof it. A b oy'.lo' years old : ,ean'worlt it, and Oro* a continuous inch—and, eAuarier stresm, :It can be mad'e to, .Work in slleep , wells as Welkin as in shallow ones." From the New York Observer; • • , We.have . had in use for months , past one ,of . 17Weist's•Puinpa, which'haa given us more *Ohm is a force and lifting pump than any we have ever used., 'lt one of great .power, and adapted for ship's. decks, minea,.faitories,. .green houses, graperiel, &c, • The Mining .Chronicleand ,r ailway Journal say's: . . ;It is recommended ; for its'extreme simplicity of • cortitruitipn; great strength, and. consequent and cheapness of repUir.. ; There is no stuffing box—;the pressure beidg held by a cup packing, like . that upotl - the working piston; tweaking in a cylinder, tilted. for the ritirpo • • isilbin the. uPper air camber- 7 which we think a great iinprovement, as stuffiing . is so liable to be deranged, and' eak under strong pressure,td say nothing of: . the loss by ,friction incident ,thereto: It has alio two air; Chambers;' thus aibi l ectilei of the valve is.. Cushioned upon • both : ..-.*idea,tiy...ajr- 7 preveriting water. ; hammer, and Vateum:tbunnp.• The . Valves are very accessible, limply and cheaply, repaired: They • work mar kessier thin any pump we, haVe ever seen; Itie'tt'ineh cylinder being worked by children '.deep; and they extremely cheap'. s. simple and strong, ice• recommend them: • • '. •• •• , tiace used. this pump for' ore • summer.- and Winter, expaied to the Ninth West wind corn' ing oierLong ieland'anund, being the coldest itossible.ezposure, and at •no•iime did it freeze,. rine Were we una b le ts any't'ime to pump water , 'with great ease,' B. Mnli.viort.` , . . . . .` , The.tindersigned, hivinh to ttge itrotreil.Ptanaps, cheerfully.recoMmend them • as lirrpte,,durable and ',Powerful in raising end throwing water, and for - their ease of action, security against,froit, Ind tow price, we be— to'all others.. -- • • ,Warinsx Ltrtsriri,,Mit; Hotel, New York. eolipttoy, Yonkeri,-N. Y. Y 1,714 . • ' . O 14 . e!sitieicir:. N. Y. • • . -- ,(..Dotttrucitla..tyttsrros, Westchester. . . , • .....1- Cianibridge Nine, N. C.', :lupe 15; 863. . ....Gents—The pump which 1,- ordered .for: our 114tne iti.reetkived and' put io'worlein ourundPr 'l44.4hift, 'which we ere sinking. , We find that :nnelmin will with ease . lift 56 . gallons per . Min. 'nfe l .::,•.Weliatetl-ii.• three and a half hours all the bYthe Shaft, Whieb.lnrieatittres • seven A l 144. ii.fe:,et Ind '3o'leet ' deep, and it Was, 'full .•" ,It answers our expecte .......iierititn'riaery,reepeet,'arld 'our- workmen .are 1100 4 0911 W avith,it. - • • It will , do • great set but trilling expeitie for repairs. tours, respectfully, •• - •. " • • - OUHR haira :4 p4iity;maii certificates • ibtnilb •eiliSti's etiqUih,' . Far' P o t' rti ps • • . ••• 11,_Wett & Co, 17.9 oadway, N. Y. ~ ,, , ' . : : ', , , . ,i4ma.T.Y., p 4. E . . C0L081L .It is knothi to all acpuainted with chemistry that. theessen3e,. or oil, Or' wha tevermame. may be given it; when properly and scientifically oh.. tained from any herb or plant, is afar different 'article from thatrproduceljby putting that plant into water end boiling it . out-e4ernitting the ,eleape al the most ,eiqUisite *and'. reliable strength 'and leavirig .the coarse' anJ . earthy drugs percipitated or in . kolution. • So thisprepSration conbines. the exquisite aroma of the Java. Coffee, with •the . :highest rential exCellenee of the.ino . st choke Dandekion —yielding the'spirit without the'grosser earthy body of both; thereby efvoiding the deleterious effects 'of both and becoming at the - same time Gt.. Neck L. I,;',ISGO THE MOST DELICIOUS BEVERAGE Known in the world—being at Ontott agvereign temedrinstead of pioduer • .• • • . . . DYSFEeBIA AriD , ' thiNisßAt; Nicavotis because of its great-Tonic and Diuretic quali— . . ' i The simple fact that the, preparation s from 'Baron Leibi. ' will commend it to, the attention of the scientific in all partoof the country, while the use of it will at once and permanently prove to the masses'everywhere that it is the long needed•dissideraturri--in' its way. . • ..The -immense 'popularity Of this Coffee in the Old World ia - anearnest that its Alia and popular ity in America la bound to . become 'Continent AnOther consideration. not to be overlooked in regard 'to the Matter, ie•thyt ' • • It Costs Leis than orAnaly Green Coffee . , And . reqiaires less than bait the quantity to give the same.derree , or strength,.and its use proves it, ni.lo;cents.a Pound to be , cheaper than Marl cabo„ioffee at:ls eentca pound. . • Nestly.packed in pound paperi with ,full in— etruitions for use on each label,--in -SIXTY POUND BOXES. price 30 cents ' per pound. A iillrillfilicount lck.the,trade: 'Manufactured by he PEOPLES' PROVISION: Co.;26B,..Greeawich tit., N. Y.;to whom all ;orders eo n be'addresseit, Sold' by wholesale Grocers iwiti Druggists. pleat re orb. Lowe AL ?.7 nun /Irak Paton. ittontelacsrwrwur“ SAVE 'I OUR MONEY! The Chea*moet Delicious and" Sealtly *Cr& • • - he hr the World' • THE PEOPLES PROVISION COMPANY , Hive this day establiShed their ; East India Cof fee pace' , , ' • • Single pounds - ' • .15 . Cents., 'Seven pounds .. • . • 1 Donor. 20 pounds delivered free on' boat or, R. R. on receipt 0f.53:64 , • • . , • • „ , • • • For sale by grocers generally * at tile' above rates. . , Be sure that you ask for and get • : 1 ) . CO'S.E,iST INDIA COFFEE: It' has a Pinx . Askiny grocer for it: It is etpedially valued by Dyspeptics, and peisons suffering with , diceases of the liver and kidneys. It requires but ono half as• mu s h is any other, is better flavored anal •. IS THE . CENIPESTOONIVE IN THE WORLD Addresii . nll orderslo tie PEOPLES PROVI-. SION CO., 288 • Oreenwich Sires.", N. Y., end enclose Cifsh at .268 'Greenwich St., N. T., Aug. 1803.'. ' • LEIBIP.S- ESSENTIAL '..OOO'EE, The molt The Moat economical, Thimost • PR EPA R ATION'OF COFFEE IN 7HE•woRr.Ji), OLD Olt NEW, This Coffee is prepared under a formula from the great German Chemist ' - . PROFESSOR LEIBIG, and gives the essential full strength • and deli... .Cioll6l Raver of OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA COFFEE, which is the,only quality' of Coffee used in. itspreperation, vvithout•any of. that nar• cotic quality which so stidly damages the. ner— vovs.syittem in the use of even the best . grades of Coffee ai ordinarilY•prepared.• • . . • 2d.:•D gives the essential tonic 'and. diuretie elements or Dandelion',.witliOut 'the ',"herby," . coarse taste so disgusting, end yet always found in the. oydina re . Dandelion Coffee. • The most Health•giviog and . Restfring Driok FLAT*.rICIIti FULi4EIIIS,O! .14 Dri*triEsi", CosilviNE' es, • AND DISCAgEII . O*. VI it Ltvii AND KIDNEY/,- PHOtOGRAPHIC MUMS. Of thee. we manufacture a, great variety Onging in price frorn 60 rents to $3O each.. • 9tir`Al, 4 l,sqms have - the' Fiputition of being Superbsiin - tieiuty and durability to any others The-1;001er' kinds ean . be..sent oafely by mail at a postage . of six cents por oz. •.. • The m oreevpensive ca n be s e n t by ezpress: • • - .•. . • • SOrtO .pes..k•Ster . ecopi•c,"Vieiv*. • :Our Citalpgue of these _will be sent to Any . . • li , address on•receipt of Stony: • . &T. H. ANTH.O . NY, •' • Xanufacturere. of. 1 1 hOtographio Materials,' ••• •• . 7SOi BR9ADWAY;NEW ircqut. 'Friends' or:nrkltitiv.es :of prOminenr military Men. will confer it (even by: sending • ue•ihetr likenesses - to copy; •• They will be'cept rand returned uninjured: •"• . •, • FINE ALBUMS • MADF, TC ORDER:, tot Congregations to preeent to; their. PeStor;or for other pai poses, with suitable , inscriptions, &c: . . , • EDITOR*" De.MOCRAT,. HEAR Stu:-Wil your permissiin I. wish . to say- to the readers of your paper that I will send by 'return. mail". to .ell Whowish it, [free] a.Recipe,- Syit h • full direr.L. Irons for -making and using a simPle . Vegetable Balmohat .will effectually -remoye,.in ten days, Pimples,.Blotchei, Tin, freckles, and all I nipu ritiessoltkie Skin, 'leaving the same soft, dear, smooth and beautiful. • • •• .. • • • . f will also mail free to those havirg : Bald Heads or Bare,Faces, simple ditectiops an I in toimationthat Will enable them' to, start . a full growth of L'uxurient- , Hair, Whiskere; or a Moustiche, in leis:Hien 30 daps. _A!I applies- tion eanswered birreturn Mail' without charge. : Respectfully yours; .• . . THOS. F; CHAPMAN; . • No: 831'BroadWay,-New York. THEMAGIC TIME.-.OBSESVER The Perfection . of Meohaniem. . . WING A HUNTINGIova OPEN, rAcfri - oR 1 t . DT'S OIL ,OENTI;OTA WATCH, cOMBINEI,.• . One of the. ritettiest, - must 'convenient, ua d flecidedly.the .best and cheeriest , timepiece' 1, r general and reliable'lseiever oftrred. li•I Within, it and cOnnectediwith itelMichinery, own winding attachment, , tenderins n !rey .'n tirely unnecessary. The .cases of this 'Wii rl are 'composed of two,metals, ;the touter . or being fine., 16 carat. gold. -It ~has'. t he. m. proved ruby action. , lever.. move ment, and i , warranted afi,aectirate timepiece. Price, sill r bly eniraved, per case of a hall dozen, Sal I. . . 00:Simpla.Watchei; in neat morocco hoicei I those proposing'to bay at wholesale, 43.5, a .1 by express, with bill, payable'on delivery. n diars mirst'reinit.payment in advance, .as •.% cannot Collect froin those in: the 'Army: k 1 HUBBARD BROS. & Ca;, Sor.e IMPORTE • CCM, NASSAU 6t JOHN SiS•,NENii•YOIIK.. • . • ' . • ' O . .S: Ri: . o :R . :N:.: 7-:.S C . ELEBiIAT.f ,4 I)OB : .t:Pki;Ep . . JAVA COFFEE, .. •-•w4p..,RANTEp. '.. SUPERIOR TO ANY IN THE MARKET . . It is used'.hy_first class families everywhere, and . highly recommendeillor nervous - And *rlyi• peptic 'persons, being very nutritious• end' free from all Ueleter,ious substances, in testimony of which I have co tificiires.lrom the most emi• nent Physicians nod Chemists in -this 'Country. TrY it and you will be stile to-continue its.' use in preferencelo any other.. . • Solirat retail for TW . enty•Vive -Cents' per Pound-by First class aroceri throughout .the United :tales. , . • . U7' A liberal dikoutit to the trade • . Putupirly by LEWIS ' , A: OSBURN, Wtolesale Depot', .69: Warren .at., New Yei •• MANI-lOOD. HOW LOST ! HOW RE'TORED ! Just Pitl,l(shed; inn - Sealed Envelope.. Price Six Cents '.ek. LECTURE ON TIIE 'NATURE; TREATMENT; AND Redical Curd of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Illiteltnese, • Involuotory EMI Wens. Sexual Debilty, and .Impediments . to Marriage generally. Nervousness. Consumption, Eel. lepay and rite; Mental and Physical Incapacity; reault- Mg from Self-Abuse: &o. —By Root. J ceivettwxu., M. Author of the Green Book, &b. • The world.ranowited author, in this'admirable Lecture clearly puree from hie own experience that the ;mild emnequences of Self-abuie • may be eiTectuallv.remored without medicine; and without dangerous surgical opera tions, boogies, Instruments, tinge, r cordiale,pointing, out a Mode' of, cure at once certain and efectual, by which - every ,tufferer,-no matter what Ms condition r m ay he; may cure himself Cheaply, privately. and radically. This lecture will prove a boon to thousands and, thou sande. ' . • Bent under seal, t o • plain envelope ' to any address, on reeelpt.of six cents; twbsostage s tamps, by addr ess togs .Dr.AAB. - . . .27 ly.'lllowery, Nei's' York, rout Of fi ce Box, 4566. TO NERVOUS SUFFERERS OF BOTH. SEXES. ' A. REVEREND . 6ENTNEMAN NAVINI been restored to health in a few daYs, after.un dergoing all the usual routine' and irregular ea• pensive modes of treatment,..withaut Suceesr consider& it his sacred duty to corpnounicatet his afflicted fellow, creatures' the MEANS or con Hence, Hence, on the receipt .of an addressed enVelnp• he' will , send free a copy of the presCriptio.• used. . Direct to Dr. JQHN: DAGNALI . 186 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. . • NOTICE. jHEREBY caution'all persons against buying or having 'anything' to do with a certain promisary Note'for $25.00, drarvr, by me, riay. ible to Isaac N. Chase , or. bearer, dated, Libel.. y. April 7,1882, dui, I think, in' ~Oct., 1863; a I hive paid. said note. , 114. Libirty,•Nor. 24,.1843,. BzeontOr's SW.; unttheigried Execntrii of the Fstate• of Jsrnes.Teylor, deceased late ot ICesting:ToWn• ithiPMelidan .County: Fenneylyienia., will .sell by'vendure, to the hie:teat, biddPr, all Opi :per—. sonal property of "said •decedenti..consisting. in part of Hougehoid,Fnrniture, Farming utensils, Wagons, Sleighs, Harnele, Sheep, Cattle, one Horse, Grain'&cr, on' th,.prep l iaes on w e dai a . .dart he 30th day.of March, inst.,•at o!elock, ' A. X. TAYLOR, Execucor Sniethport,,,March 14th, 1804. „ . . • , ,The 'hove Sale is'adjournerlto.theth . day of April ne,xt, at 'lO 0, , c19?k, A.:M., at, which timotlye' sale of said property wjll.commence, .adid'iontione; .froirmlaY today, until all of said property shall hAve been sold. Sme thjiort,' M arch' 36..1864. - ..a et • slneS N. E. Corner of Tenth.anS Cltestnnt Street, PHILADELPHIA. UNDER TIE. MANAGEMENT . FAIIMANKS :1J..5L;,.• for the lasitlour years Principal and chief busj nese -rnanap.er STHArrON's Corn meicial College, ' . . • , A'itiornt4 , BUSI N ESS COLLEGE; . . Conducted (milt new irystein of Act oil.RusinesS Training; thrbugli the estahlishment of mate Offices and Coun . ting - -1-lotries, repre'sentini different derartmentir.c4 Trade and.corrirnerce, .and a regolni'ffank.of Deposite and Issoe; 'giv ing the student . all. 'the advantages praetice; and qualering:'him in ~ the'shortest possible time and .most. effective manner for the various diftjes and employments of businss The.caursc n 1 instructions in the Theological . beimrtmentemtmees Book, keeping,' Cornmer• cial Calculations-,l.. f eetur . es on Business Affairs' Pennmonship, Commercial •Law,,Vorars, Cor res'prindenee, &c... ••• • . • BUSiNENS DEPARTMENT itte'student enters upon the GraduaiingCourse, which' include's a continuation of the abos.e sty dies, Keith,their prictical . apptication in all their details:-',lle Will in turn fill thiposition of.-Ac conntant and Proprietor in the carious Depart— 'ments of What,,,ale.an4Retail Trade', Farnyvd •iniri.robiing and Canimis3ion Bus'ini.x.t, Banking and wilifinally act as Caih r iir, Book-1-eepey and' rid ler'in• Ike lia.k, in each:OfWhiCh Positions Ai. previous knowledge , put ',to 'the 'fullest praCtichl test.. ; - • • This institution offers to yciung'meri. name, .ous 'ativantages - not pnpsessedf4 any other corn mercial . cullegein the. State: It is complete' in all itsnprOntinents. it is the,onlylnstitutio in.tha St ate : eimiltisteil on actual business prin- - . ciples. The cour.enfinstruCtion is-unsmpass ed, and may ; be-completed - in about one half Ow, time Usually spent, in .' ether institritions,'M con . sequence of an entirely new;arrnilgemebt, Nut. the adoption of the new practical systini,. Diplomas 'awarded rip'on the:cornpletion,of . th rn ConaelelarCoursfr,..o . lkh eMbraces all eicctp the higher Seta of Bonking, .. F ailr.arling,4 , e: •• • , - • • 1.: Sencifor, a Circrilari , 10m6.:' 1864. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL- Tht ,g g r,e nt li n e traverses: lie IsLirthernand Not thivest eminties'ol Pennsylvaniarto the city. .of 'Erie, on Lake 'Erie. : •' . • it. ha's keen 'leased by the P:` , INSYLVANIA R. 11.. COMPANY; their auspices being rapidly opened throur;hout its entire length. It is nOs• use for Passenger and 'Fieight 'business • • froM• .11/innis'nuaa to' [lpti miles]', Qn . • the: . Eastern . .Divis• ion, and from SUFF*FiEIAk.tO ie, (78 miles.) on the Western Diviiinn'. • ' TIME or CA . SS.UNGER' TRAINS AT *.EN/C911117:11; , *. Leave' Eastward. . Express train leaves.' PASSER9gd.TRAIN'S AI'AVAR,Rf;:I Leaves Westward Express,: Mail train, Cars .run through WITIIOUT COANOU bull •Wiya.ii-these trains betiveen Pidhidelphia and Lock Haven,:and between.flaltifixire and Lock, ELEGANT SLEETING cars.on Express. trains bOth hetwe'en WilliamspOrt, .and more,and Williamsport aid Philadelphia. :For information, respecting Passenger pass apply. at the S. E—Corner 11th and Mar ket fits. .. • . And . for Freight husiness .thd•Company's S. B. Kingston, Jr.; Cor. 'l3th end garket Sts., Philadelphia.• J. W. Reynolds; Erie. • • • ' ' • J. M. Drill,'Agept.N.‘C. Baltimore. • • freight A,g't , . LEWIS L.. Mum', • • : , GrtiPl Tickee, Ag't . • atu'l.,llfaitager, . . 4...GENTLEDIAN, cured of Nervous Debility, incompeten.• cy, Premature Decay end Youthful Error,actuated - by. a desire to benefit whera. will oe happy to .furnish, to all who need it; (free of charge) the receipt and '.dliectionn .for making the simple Itemedy used in life ease.' Thoie wohing to profit by his experience—and poeess a .Talua ble Ermedy—will receive the same, by return mail, (care fully sealed,) by a ldreaning ..JOHN D. OGDEN. . .. - No. Oil Nemo' Btreet,'New York, ' . . . ARMY AND NAVY CLAIMS. . PENSIONS kir disabled :Soldiers; Mothers, and minor Children; BOUNTIES for. Soldiers disclirtreed by reasan of wounds received in . battlet Widows.and' Heirs of de ceased Soldiers, BACK PAY.and settlement Of all arrears and balance due discharged and deceased 011icerei Soldiers and Sailors. PRIZE MONEY 'for all United States vessels. • . . . Hintl-Ifanlr.of. Instruction sent, by onelosing stamp to payretern postage.. " TOMES & BROWS,. ' • Bolicitursaf.Clainu and Patetitt, Brnadwiq Bank) 2 park Pl4oe , N , Y. - 4rB seve nth ' Direst, Washington; D. 0 . . . • - REFKRENOES: • • MBORANIOB' BANK • ••-• ••• •••• r.• New York BROADWAY 8ANK ...... ::.: ._. :.'..• •• WILLIAMSBURG CITY. BATIL Hon. HANNIBAL HAMLIN; Viesi President.. • . .g MARTIN NAL lI7LBISOH,.,Major of Brooklyn'. -'!: ABIJAH MANN. Kew York, . • JAY, COON & CO., Ilankers, :. W . sohingtoi and Pbillid'a: . . ANEW MAGAZINpq, Fth The Ladies: . ' THE LAD,ES. FRIEND, ' A MONTHLY MAGAZINE OP , LII . III,4,I.II , Ii'p:AND,'.F : AsIIION. The . taibiiiiribere would beg' leers to call thiattintlon their friendirand the public to the : NEW 'MAGAZ,II4E . Which they are about to Iseue, and: the, January number of nhich inueartrready: . The name will be ; , T . „. and it will be devoted to choice Literature and the tralion or the 'Fashion'. also contain . the, toted pp tteros of Oloriks, Cam Dooriete, Wad Draftee, Fancy - Inbraidery, lite.,..Ve4•with 11.3644, Music, awl teemettors Interesting to lodiee generally ; • • THE LA DIES FRIEND W i ll . od,te4. by Mrs :111ENDY .PETERSON, who will rely it porf the. iterifiees of the rary department ,of therfollowing . . UNRIVALED:A:OII"PS 0.1 f• WRITERS.' . . . . :Henry, Wood,.Author, East 'Lynne" e., • Mary, Ma Inn, Harland. Author nr. "Alone. re., E. S Ranuolnh;Elennr O. Donnelly, C, M. Trowbridge, Mar. caret Roemer; Virginia F. Townaecid, Mis ALA, Denison, Ohara. Auquata; 'Laura J...Atter, Ana ust ;Anna:l. G— 011arles Morris. Aellen M.. Pratt, Maggio C. by, Mr ..Anna Riche, Luritvla ll..Dorrrne, Carrie Mexer, - M rs.l4. P. Tucker. Fannylll. Raymond,' Francia R. Mier field'," Mrs. L . D.' Shears; Caroline. A. Dell, Annie F Kent, eophie May,. Ilarais Ilyrne; , lsl rs .Z. li..'Fpencer, Mettle Dyer Britts,.Annie - Russell; Miss A'. L Muizev, Sara J: Ruinieyi Olera - Doty,Alarriet 19.•80:1nnan,•All ..11lay, Arthur lianpton, T: J. Chambers, Barbara' Diande, and 'other talented; writers. • . y , • . . HANDSOME STEEL . ENGRAVINGS , A,EIANDSOME STEESI.ENOHAVING 'and ä COLDS: ED STEEti FASHION - PLATEMIII illitstrate every Miro?' ber; tmaidev nen executed Wood. Oats, of Sto ries. Patterns, ke,', too numerous to mention: The Jan mart, number will contain a - :lettutifu I 'Steel En4rivi Mr • disigaied expressly. for thin Maga:zin;.by Schaassele GA 1 . 3131. E .7%y K E',S • R ETURN. . . . . ,This handsome Stee - Plate illuetretas,iiete 7 . at love, WAY, eed a becqcen.engage-rient;bj , Nies Eienor.U. Don Arid will be of ;itself, we. trust worth the- price •of A, SEWING MACHINE GRATIS: . . • We.will'g ire to any person sending thirty stibt ? criptiOns to THE L 41: HY VEIENDand Sixty Dollars, one of Wheel er &Mason's Delebrate,d'seiving Machines, such as they sell foiForty-fitto Dollars. Tbe:Mar Woes will be select; ed new at the Manufaotory in New York, bolted; and for warded free of cost, with the excepting offretght. . In proeuring - saliscribOrS for this •Premibm. we' prefer that the thirty subscribers' she* be (iroeured'at the reg. der terms of Two Doliari.foreach, but'where thin can not be done; they maybe rrocOred.a . totir club rates ; •nmi the-balance of the Sixty - Dollars forwarded to us in' cash by the pereon.'desiring the machine.. -The 111; gitz'hi . es toill'be,sent to different-Pert jfites; ifderind. Every person collecting names should send them.and the.money, as fait as - Obtained, so that.thn subse gibers may Lewin at onee - to - receire their Magazines, and not becoine difsatis lied with the delay.' When the whole numher of: lumen rty.) and whole amount of money (rixty Dollars,) is receivtd, the Machine will be duly forwarded.. Oiltermsl)o . ooM:two 14F those fdr that welt known weekly waper, the Saturday Evening .Post,•fnthlinhed ,by um for the lad nevehteew yearin'order that the elnbe may' he made up of the Paper and . magazine - conjointly, where it ja ac.clesiredarl will be as follows: . • CASHIN ADVANCE, 1 copy, one year, d copies, ono year, 1 copies one year, 8 copies:and one to getter up of 20' copies' and one to getter'up of club ,One copy of each of THE LADY'S FRIEND and ' .SATURDAY EVENING POST, 300 1 1:7 7 .Sin g le numbers of 'The'. Lady's', Friend (pffstage pall by us) 20 cents., ' • fig • The Mater in The'LrirWs Frinofwill. abiays ,k)e different Froin that in The - Post . , • '•', • ~ Mee, ibers in .13 Milli North Americ must remit M etre rents tn.addiron to the anarral subscription, oh, we bare to prepay the U'S postage.onthelemaguaines. Add^eas• . . . , . . jl:7 - Specameri Omni ortitlia rent gratnitously (when written for to those • tiesitout: of prOcuriirg( subscribers._ E.../c H. T.:ANTHO:!iY; Mantifaeturers of photographic Materials, 601 IiIIOADWAY I`4l. . CARD PIITCOG.RAPHS. 1864. . . . • Our PaOlogne , now empraces• 'consictera* Over 'FOUR THOUSAND tliffer'ents:itijeLls" (to which atiditiOnsve - COto..inuMly tieing made) 'or, 72'A.Injor Generals,' • 525 Sintenmen,, 190. Brig.'Genefals,, • 127 Div.i'veq t . : • • 25 . 9 . 116 Authors, '.Bl Lieut. Colonels 30' • A • 200 Other .011 leers; 112 Stitge, 60 Navy 011iceis 111 priyniperi Foirce.p . 2;soo.'coplEs OF WoriIKS:OF ART, Including reproductions of the most.. celebrated Engrav ingi,; Paint logs Statues, 'Ste. Catalogues .sent on receipt of" Stamp. ..‘n . order rot '.One Dozen PICTURES from ourCatalque •will filled on receipt of - $1.:80, and sent .by ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. . . UNPERSIGNED, Administrator's' •of JL the Estate of Gtriiox IRONS, .dreCifill, will Sill public sale, to the highest bidder; On . ; Thursday and Friday, the Idth' and .15th days of. April,, next; The personal prOperty longing to said Ftstati, cOnoSting in part of following:. , .•' . ' • .• 2:31 P. M Faiming'utensils r liorries, Wagons, Sleigh's, Harness,. Cows,• a Mule, - Jenny, . Threshing Machine; &c.; also a quantity of Store Goods. The Goods.will be sold'at the Store flouse, in Smethport, all else at the late residence of tfie deceased; In Keating tow ship. , Sale will commence at 10. o'clock, A. . - • . TERms: , 2,--A 11. under , cash in 'hand; above t . hatsum, n credit of six months will be given, upon good Security. • . ' • OLIVE IRONS, ,• OTIS IRONS; • —,•• J. R. CHADWIcK, • • Jidmirrforratorr. 'Keating, March 31, 1864., KENDAL-CREEK HOUSE . KENDAL-CREEK, BVILEAN CO., PA. THE 'Subscriber' having purchased .this well ' known stand; and re-furnished and ted the House, is prepayed to entertain .Board. era and the Ttaveling ." • HIS BAR' AND API, E, Will he, well supplied, anti everything done to merit a,. liberal share of 'patronage.. • Hart man williulways,find tlie. 4 flateh-strine Out: ' • P. M. FULLER. Kendal Creek, Tanuary '2, , 1860. • • •• : .IENNEtT ROUSE• • " • smethport t 114tese Co., Pa. W. P. °mown; Proprie, tor— opposite the oourt House.: A'new, tarp, corn. modlous and weltfuroishedhouse., • " THE CONFESSIONS AND .EXPERIENCE 'OF A NERVOUS '.YOUNG MAN.—Pub lished as a warning and for the eepeciar benefit of yOung men, and those who suffer. with Nan- VOUS DEBILITY, - Loss OP MEMORY, PREMATURE DECAYjScC, 6., by one who has.eured him- Self by simple means, after being put to great expense:and inconvenience, through the use of worthless medicines prescribed by learned Doc tors.. Single copies may be haft (free) ef the author, C, A."Laitastyr, Esq., Greenfoint Long Island, enclosing'an addressed. envelope.— Ad- . dress CHALLES A. LAMBERT, GacsxrepsT, Loxo Isl./0:4)4 New York,, • ED= DEACON & PETERSON, No. 919, Walnut Ptreet, Philo 46 Prominent Wothen, - I . • ,CASH CASIVI.CASH II I ~.. . . . rpHE,SUBSCRCBEk rein psi ,. cash for.Hidel, .Dier.kins, Old Copperand 'Bra'at . Tin.. Foil, Zinc e, Bones of all kinds, . Cattle. Feet, §witchei,:Horna India• Rubber, and Dried Troitaof , every description.. Perions baiting...any of the above articles On hand; in qyarititiea, : maraddreas me at Ony.re,s . ,iiience and I will call. Mr them. • . • T. W. COLE,': Bradford,* McKean Co. Ps . ' , nlovsff. 'NO . y; 24, 1863 DR.. L. R. WISFIRE, . Phy , rian and Surgeon ; Smeth porti Va., will attend to at jexalonal calla with premptness:..edilelwo dime' u' of the Democrat Office... . • . W. S. BROWNELL, . . . . . . Dealer Dr)-anode, arocerfes,* Crnelciry;' ffirdwarer: 'Boots, Shoes; ILtts; ()ups; Gisss, •Cite ke.; &et hide of the . eublke squlice, eatiethport • Po.; • eqp 0 II "NI preat Improvements in Sewing Machine. EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINE I Felirl4. - ary)..4.t1.4,1p60. SALESROOM 454 BROADWAY This rotistrpeted on entirely new principles ol.mehnniem. possesingt4Thiny. rare and veldahle impittements„ heyingiteetieinm. ined-by the most profouinl.experta and pronoun: cell to be' SIMPLICITY and PERFECTION CO rI 81 . . . Th . tudlriwing •.are. the principal objections urged, against SevOne•nnachines: 'l.—Excessive fatigue , to the operatOr. 2.—Liability to get out of order. • Expenae, trouble and loss ottime in repair-. 4.—lncatiacity to sew . ev.`.rV. delcription of ma terial. 5:--- . Disnireecitie noise while 'in operation... Tho Empire SelvingFnohtne •is Exempt: all ••• • • . these Objections. . It has a straight needle perpendicular action„ makes the Loclecir Shuttle Stitch; :which--wilt neither Rip nor ravel, and is alike on both sideet performs perfect sewing on every deseriptioria materiel, from Leather to the fim-st . Nansoolc• Euslin, with ' . cot too, linen or silk thread, nom. the eoarsest to the finest number. . . Hatiin4 - neither CAM' nor 'COG WHEEL, . and the least possible friction., it run s as Oroth, as glass,, and is. •• ' EMPHATICALLY A • NOISELESS. MA. CHINE! It requires FIFTY PER CENT logo power to drive it than any other, machine. in' market. A girl twelve years old.can work ; it 'steadily. without fatigue or injury to health. .; • Its strength and WONDERFUL' TY - of construetion . render it almnst tmrynssible to getout or order, and, ist,LIARANTF.ED•by,'-, t he• Company to give entire eat iefre t , ' ' We•respectfully Invite alit hoso '.vho may de-. sire to . supply,themselues with a t,uperiiir ole,tO call'and examthe this UNRI VA.IYEO • Bat, in a rnnre epecial manner do . wo • the patronage of -• • ' MERCHANT TAILORS COACH MAKEkk HOOP SKIRT' M A NII7FACTIME P S, 5t1197 • and. BOSOM MAKERS; DRESS MAKERS*. CORSET MAKERS, ,GAITER FITTERS,' • SHOE BINDERS, VEST and . PANTALOON RELIOIOIIII and CHARlTABLXiiirwrromer.‘i will beliberilly dealt wltTa, .• . •, , •• ~.:'. ~7:; i••••a t=l MEZ C -1-4 t".". i L.i.J 1..21 t=l=l C:= ==l