M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, April 09, 1864, Image 1

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VOL: 5.
, 411!'ficAit.4'01ititp-411..citIOtrat,
• •
COiiNtlii. OF :QGARE
$2 00 in Advance
RateO'of Advertising
• • .•t .lunin tine year •.•
• •
••; !‘ - six inonths • • • • '
•iNunre of 72 likes. or less, :1 jusei-tions - ,
rit h,subsegnant„insertinn,.._ •„,
u!nexti cards, with pap • er,..;.......•• •
. . . .
1. it re'or Ihture work-will be double . :ilhe' Above eater.
Tavel re . - lihga:lirevicr . type, - or thillV.tiny h t idpipareh I, he
rated a square - . • . - : • . ' • :' • '-. ' '
AEI' there terms-trill' be strictly adhered - to. _ai
P4oiitc, -. ll:li.rtctoci) :
• •
14]A•_1711\ - ffG LOON
T riHE SUBSCRI DER: almopnees to the Public
'that be.lias pufehaFect.the Ethek.hf 'the .sa--
ken tormerly kept by•W: IL- Baker, 11'e t sic
. . . ,
. .
where . ..he.,:is prepared. tO. nifresh . rlie' . 'liner . ma
will - Call the delleaer4 tiAtialry Arept ;at 'ir. fir,.
class RESTA 1.111. ( 1NT. - : ' •:' - ' • ' ..
AC , E, (11)1;',13,'CONFECTIQN . NUTS
.. FRESH' .OYSTEIIg served., to . older,,either
raw or cooked.:.
. . .
' Thnss who favor. me with "heir patronage.
shall hive
.nui cause to complain, either 'as . : to
prices, or wifil,ity. r•-
.. -
... .
' • . • ' ' • • •' - .J...L. WORDEN
. .
. .
Srpethport;Sept 211. h ., :1861. •' - ' .' - .•
' 11YRON D. HAMLIN. •. .
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Soiothiall t, M'Kean' County, - Pa.
Agent foe Mesera. Keating l Co's Lando. 'Attend
:espocially t. the 'Colidetiml oft thins; li.xamination
Land Title; Payment of,Taxea. and all , hm.mmis rein.
tng to Real.Ketate• Offiee'inllawlin Monk.
DR.,W.' Y..ECCOY, • •
. •
i . ..i.:T ? ...1_,...T1TEArit. -1 1- 1 1 - ,;.
PORTAGE, McKean Co., Pa
.THE 'SLIBS6III . 3Eit fl.ittefrs':liimsi4t: from
(Ong . - i•xperiettr.a,l, that . ha canhot'be excefled, in
:the, business. • • . • ~
Particular 'a r; will,be Paid to CHS . TOII
WORK•. — For the convenience of these •Hy leg
a.clistafice wi%lring t;') haVe tar nine on Silures
arrangements have beeri.rnaile.wtib.L.H. Dal
lef,'at-I'Ort'Altegany.: v.-hi-I.:will fake the
livery of the ITYdirs end,l he Lealh'er will
turfied to. hiS Store, when tanned...
The largest price will be paid for Hyde., ei!h•
Pr. in 'cash, LEATHER, POOTS, SHOES, 'col
HARN,ESS', left at. Dolle.y's or my tannery.
Entire raOshetimi rived: •• .
• Coniieoed iv4h my tonnefY I have-a Boot&
Shoe laetory t and:Hat:nes. Shop.
Porlage,:Pa.,Fßy. 3; v5;,81,.
. • THE SATIRDAY...}3:I:IIII.;-'POSt •
"The 'oldut and best of tho Weeklies.”
.. . .
.. . .
The PeoprintArsnt the sub, , dny I . ,:ep h in.,.. p,,,....,e.ifi c h
paper is 111/W . /14 I, Fariy-th it I I".n r! --sv oitl el simply an,
Woutr, in thoi PrecpeetuA I . 4ir' 150., that. they tleiuln
to4intainicut tot tl • Ir weekly the high eluttaetierAt has al-.
T.cady acquired' s ~ _ , .
... . . . .
, • They Ifore reason to belie tit (hot. the storieq. of .M HS.
WOOD, 'author of - -Tout 1.3.:,Vie," \r.; '\l Ilki NIA DltON-,
author of"Elennr'e Victor- " Ac .; MA RI ON.ll'Alll. AND,
notion of "Afoile," .l:e ; ~iiISS V.lllt/INI A A:,' 'PO tl,lsi•
SEN ~t; and
. numerone ollt9r excellent writers hard lieen
,gener,illy roeardwr as pnemtesi rig- the greatest merit • tint
.the most abew•hing interee , ; owl (10y .detien. ',meeting
for The Post in the futuretts'in the:lot:4, tho lot Sloth s ,
Sketches, rut other Lileratjj Noretti,u w lif vlk • they ',,,,
possibly obtain., They intend .etiinienei lid, ht . the ll rot
pallet'. in J;inn try, ~ , . •
•• ~ '"' • , ~
Aubi,r of"lf,f Ignite,•'
'from alletAliee srteer.o t es.ier?sst y . rortottrelete to tis from
• '• • : . . ••• • :
This story will called :" •••-•
AVA:ta):G-R, AA. - ' 7
and will lla•nbiut the tenth ut. t , Verite'r'ti Pride" :cud
. In addition Co - the Strode, written expreSsly for : The
nitto'steives tit lay befttre itx rentlers,„the
best Sloriee from the English Periodicals, mid gives in ad
dition to the Tales illiti Sketeltes, entre or less Agricul
tural Matter, with tv Riddle; Iteeeipt,-pieWX; xud Market
Departments, every week
. .
AsEwiNc;- Aux,ll-Lii,lcilitA.Ti.s
. , . .
will itire to soy person sending thirty subs-Options
to.,The Pout and Sixty Dollars, see of 117ircbir
Celebrated S4wiii*2lls hires, Buell us. they Nell
fur I'day-rive - Dollard. , y l m taachines will be selected
new at' the ,manufactoi'y York, boxed • and for
narileitfree'ef cliat,•wittt exception.offieight.
.•111 procuring the subscribers fur this Premium we pre
fer that the thirty subscribers should. be procer red at the
regularterms of r rNVI) Dollars: for imb, but whore this
cannot be done, they may be procurred at our Club rates,
and the !Ammon( tho Six ty DollarA forwarded 'to us in
easli by the parson desii.ing thosnaehlne. Td r, !Jape): Will
no sent to different Post Offices dhsirerf.. Every per:
son collecting names should send' them. with the money
as last as obtained be that the sebecribora may begin at
once to receive theisnapoit, and net become 'dissatisfied
with the delay. •. When the .whole number of naines(tltic-'
ty,) and the whole amount of moneyiSixty ' , lnhered is re-.
celYed, the machine wiil be duly. forwarded •
.1 - )NriN
. .
. .
. . . . .
1 ropy, one year ...... ...,...:, " "........ $12.00
2copios, one year,,..'... •
4 copies, ape' year ' • . • "... 000
. fi'OnplOs, shit noe - to kettiir-np of club, ..".".." .' .. i ... '12.00
20 copies, and one to gettenup of c1u1y.,;,...i......:." 28 00
" One copy of The Post met one of The Lady's .
. . Fl rend. 3.00
. .
Consumptive sufferers wil
,1 teceive ayaluable
prescription for the cure •of ,Consumption,
Astlima;.Bronchitis, and all, Throat .and Lung
affections, (free of charge,) .sending
.address` tel. •
," .• •
. • Williarrisburghis
. .
An:Act relating ta , thapiLynient of. Bouri,.
ties'.-Volunteers; Passed ~the. 25th
.day of March, . •
• . ~ . , .
1. Be eructed ty 110
bl Res firisentil tive.c . of ryes , V*niol!iveahh
,ofPe,,rrk,/lvauirein G , enerel.Asseinbly net,-and it
.i,y. kereby .ettaet,ed thb einthobity • of' the mute.
That all bonds, warrants; or certificates of in—
debleclnss, issued' by t .•conittn 'ett
torruniFsioners.. and controller; .of. any eotinty:,
or the Corporate authorities of any city, ward
'orbotongh, the. . €chool - directors,.? or' rouil- •
corprniFsioners, or . .supervi•sors,.. of :any: town-,
ship•of thiS commonwealth; Inr . the .paYment -of .
i es' to .riArFcnis 'volunteering Itn 'enter'. Om
.rnilitary or nit yarsery ice of the. United States,-
tinder any . requisifinn :heretofore' made. by the
President of .t
:Unit ed ' States, be ' , ,rituf the
same are hereby— legabzed, made . - • vitlid'. am!
binding upon
_such counties, cities, wards, bor
oughs, and townships, .89 I f fell and. legal -null);
hall 'existed for the issuing and o:acing-of.
he•sa.rne when they. were :issued and• made;
and that in all cases:where any stiecial emu
mittee commissioners, or. an individual ior
11te'duills;•ol 'any enmity,. toWnship,
ititell Or w s t ril, Sllll•httre.subsct Unit! .pa
or become" personally liiibis for the payml.tic-.cil
.thoney; for the purpose of paying bounties. - to
volunteers, .unaer the Itife.ealls of the l'yesideat:
orthe United Srates, rho have been. 'intit.tered
iloo ; lhe United States tnilitaty 'service, 'and.
ereclrted fn. stteh county, to.ornship, ward,
eir borough, ui.th the mulerstamling,
meat, that a- law wouldbe 'enacted' to levy and •
•eollecia to z upon such county, city; township,:
bormigh.'„or ward, for the payment of each
Yam:emetic liabilit ies, ell subscriptions, so
.Patd, - or money, h&c oWed
.asVore.Sajd, shall he
• good. and valid. against:such county., city, tOwn-,
?hip; borough, or ward, as if the. same hail been
subscribed or borrowed by the corporate, doh. :
of it te's of the same_ under the' provisions .of ihis
ac't;.and it shall be'the duly of th,e•cornini.Won
.ers, supervisors,' e'9'uneils, Or Felton! directors,
ns..the•case may be, to prneced lb levy and
_atax Upon such courtly, city, township,
borough, or -ward; 'slifficient.lo pay•the principal:
of all claims;with'interest thereen.until the thiy
of payrnent,.tcigether with the cost. of collec
tion thereof.. • • - • •• '
20 00
12 00
20 00
12 00
Y 50
Section '2. That nil payme6t of bounties to
volunteers, entering the service al .the United
States asaforesaid; the' comMissionera 'or
the CoMmissioners and controler, olany
I y, or the 'corporate. authorities - of city; .
ward borough;.cr•by the. school' . direptors,
or road ConimisSioneri, or sure' visors, of any
township of this commonwealth, arid 'all limns
inede . ,by•said ehthorities, • lor the .p•urriose . of
making such 'payments, be and . the , .name are
hereby legalized arid-Made. valid..
.• Section 3. That the ehthoiities•Atforespid are
hereby authorized,' and - required, to execute,
arid vomplot.e, all agreements,
...and . contrasts;'
lier • Mofure made by theAforcsaid authorities Of;
!•tich counties;cities; wards, tiotonglis,.or town-.
ships, for the payment of bounties, as . afore
said, or. for hefonding, ailvaecernents made for
that - purpose ity ai y ,cornmittee, :spepiol corn-.
missioners; . individual, or individuals, on con
dition that they should be refunded,. according
to the:trite intenhaffid meaning of 'such - agree. :
inent s• and contrirc ts; arid' tOrt hat. : purpose the
said antheritieS are het eby .tithorige'll to For-,
row:money; and issitcs. bonds, warrants or•cer
tilicates, in the name 'of sitch'eenrity; corpora-.
Or tOwnships,swith, interest
cotinOris 'attached, payable. at- surd] time and
irs . may be agreed upOti, and. to levy such
taxes as'inay'be nece.sary to. meet thih . pay
ment tire principal and interest of said bbods,•
warrants and certificates; as the 'sand. - :shall
h e 'c o • En e iltre;:which taxes and leVies shall'. In;
and-collected, as other county, city,
wririt,• . borough, or township; taxes 'are assess
.eil, levied,- and collect eiti 'Protiael, : That in
ll tdection,.or enrollment, diStriets,• not hay
'no, chnstituted aniliorities,. contemplat•
ail by this AC!, competent to levy and 'collect
said tax, the Imard,of election Officers 'to such
disf • riet Shall lie authorized, to leVy„ and .pr;;•
reed to ha ve said tax:'coflected in our 'dia
. Section •-t. That all dsseS;tnerds
Mode of to xis. Inr t he, purpOse of paying bOuri,
afniesaiit, be and the • same.are hereby.
legalized end . mode valid: , 'That the'
property. non-erimmiSsioned ,:nfligers,.., and
priVatt.e, iu retool service of the United State;
arihr'and navy, frhin this cininonWealth,.. or
who nieil,.Were permanently • iliiabled, in. such
service, or diaviiig beon • insuch..serliicejor the.
space of one • yeav rind six months, Wele'diorior
abiyttist:hatgedifierefrion;'.and the:property •01,
.widhivs, minor children ; arid .;Vidowed mo'riers
'of, non:commissioned 'officers, 'and privates,
who died in such ser • viee,' shall be exempted
from any taication under the proviSione. or this
cPravided, •That the provisions of the
'second; thirtland fourth set tiers of this' ct shall
lie en ti ilerstuod.us to have, reference only to,
such hSreements 'And contracts as .have been
entered into by the authorities 'af ires'aid; , snb.
seqneut to the seventeenth day of Ortober,•one
thousand eight hundred eitil - sixty-thrne•• •.•.•
Section'.3.,Thitt ail the 'provisions
,of the
.fotirteentlrsection odan . act, to create a loan, •
and Itrovide for arming ',Ali State, passed the
fifteenth day of MaYi one.thonsand eight. him :
dred and sixty : one, which authorized 'the as
sociate-judges, and cootity,::cointhisiaioners,, of
the ,several - Counties of this commonwealth,'
'to cohstitote.Witioard of relief for the families'
of such volunteers as 2 hii,ve been,', or shall be,.
enrolled and mustered into service from' their
several coutities.,.are hereby extelided, 'and op.'
plied, to the familiesOf men who bave . beerr, or
may herefifter.be,•dratted - or conscripted, - and
'mustered into the service or the United : States,
'and credited•td the quota of said; enunties,•re
spectively;iattd'all• tirrangetrients : made by, the
several counties of-this'coinmonwealtb, for the
Stippprt of the faaiittes -of . volunteers,
drafted or conscripted men, Mustered into the
service, and creclited;4B aforesaid;' are hereby
legalize 4 and confirmed; and' full arid legal nu-.
thority is hereby 'giVen :said:county-commis
sioners to borrow Money fcir thp payment of,
such expeniets,andlor. the; extension of such
relief . folhe . families,of all privte.soltliersi.und
nom . eommissionell officers, • who :have been
Mustered in;.ormay hereafter:be mustered .'in.
ro the service of the United, States,,end ',Credit
ed aforesaid,..in .pursuence :of any • requisition
made, or . to be made, by the; President' of the.
United Stoles, or • ,,by,...anY law of the United
States tiow made, oiiierea?tei to'.be made, of,
111.11,. 9, Iti64.
. .
.. •
.. .
by the Governor of Pennsylv ania, or, any law
'of said efitrinionwea)th -now made, or hereafter
. .. •
.'..Section 6. That the comm . issiciners. cif . any
athl.eVety countr..in this' , oommon.waalth are
hereby authOiized to borrow stich'suro','Or•snme
ut money as 14 - taY. be :sdiricientlo . .pay, to. each .
and' every non.:co'romissiOnet . o leer ant private
soldier who'volunteeredlrom' aneh:county, and .
'entered the nuval.'servic&.ef, the
: United 'States, on' or,
.tiftee...the seventeenth
day Ol October, A'nno llornini one.. thousand
6ighflitindrett and , iiity•three; 'and:to each:and:
every cominissioned.officer and :private .soldier
.who may. hereafter, volunteer. and: enterthe
'service of the Unito&Stat ea • 'lrotn . .such -coonty;
and. be credited to:the quota thereof, in' 'par=
seance of requi,ition 'of the prekident
the United Stites, or 'any law of the. United
States now rriadeor hereitfter 'to' be 'made, a .
sum riot' exceeding theee hundred 'dollars:. Pro-
. .
howrirr•, That' in Iltat-pait af . an.Y county
wlere.schoul.directors, oy'road:Cotnrnissidners;
. • .
or: supervisors; of any townshiP,•or rOWnships,
or where the corporate authorities, of - n'tlY'64,'
ward, or-borough, .or
voromissioMers, individual„ . or individuals, have .
paid, or havd commenced to , raise fund
far:the pmpese of paying, ~stich bounties,
sioril he la wful sudif% school..dir'ect - ors, -or
r~ad - comrriissioners, sucltownship,' or tOwii . -
.ships, or the corp'orate . anthoriiiiis of.'such city;
ward or ..liotough-, to borroW such' sums "of
money.tis may he required to; pak., each viol=
unteer fiOrn such district; u sum rot. azceeeing,
Ihr4lol)dt - et dollafs; and it shall-betaWful for
far- such authorities of said' ,tOVeriships - , *oities,
wards, or - boroughs, to issue bOMIS of Said town
ship, cities, wards, - or, horoughs i for-such
or sum ' s, ' of money ; - and .. in such amounts as
May be necessary to' pay the authorized' boon
ftty to each Voluateer required. to :rill% thd• quota
or iptords of.such teiwrithip, City,..weitt, or bor
ough: Am! protyid . d That Filch town
ships, vibe , wa,rls , .or boroughs; es, ha vitilled
their quota 'r' quotas: under .- any call or , re
quisition: heretofore made by the President of
the United... States, - a - s. aforesaid, without aid
from 'the county: City, or borMigh, shall be ex•
.empt from •any tax lekied; or to he. levied, - by
the said county', city, or boronsth, for 'the pay,
.ment of bounties, or•for the . payment Of any
'bonds issued' b,' the said county .coptmission
ers, city,,or . bortingli abtliprities• - lot the, pay
ment of bounties to volunteers-to fill the quOta
foreseidi Arid provided
. feerther; That no coon
t.y,-city; ward, township, borough, or „whe!
dist'rict; which shall have 'agreed, or offered,•
as batialy, to' each volunteer,. credited .
to such county, city, ward, township, or-other
let, a larger sum than three hund-eil . dol
lars, shall' be subject to the:limitation . as to
amount prescribed im•thls. act; :hut any
meat matte or to hd made, or. obligation given,
or to be, given,,ortiability incurred, or to' be, •
incurred, in : puts:Mince of . such, offer or • 'agree
.ment, is.hereby ratified and dealer:rid:to' he latv.
Island And provider! feertlee . r, That in
case the ecindin l ssioners,..6l any county, or the
comms§ .. ioneis and 'controller of any county., iri .
this corrffponwealth, - alien neglect, or: refuse,
10'1611'e the necessary steps' to Ittise,
.ertm 7
plete the raising bounties In townships ;
wards,. end .A)OrouLtits, • not having raised,' or
commenced to ise,- bounties at-the time of the,
pasiage' of this. set,. than, anti in that case, said
'township; trued, or borough, by' their authoi i•
ties atoresajil;shbll have power fo proceed.and
raise bountici as fully and as .iille‘ctually:
done by the county .authin hies.
Secti,on,.7..'l'hat:ahe ea idcoi rift commission
ts, or school disOctors, . road 'criintnissioners„
or 'sui,orYiso'is,- of any township,. or -corporate
author itios' of any eity : ' ward,- or 'boiciugh, are'
t.eieby rtotheriz. , l - ,:(l9.C•thatiurpose'of carrying
out thopilryisiorts-Of thisaiit,-) to borniw money,
and issue. bonds, ot . cortifieateS, indebtedness,.no bond, or Certlicate, tole l'eSi't ban th'eSum of
twenty . dollars,' except when the bounty:
ii . less•tban-t windy-Ilya! mime ..of .
stich county, city, township, ward', or bonnie?,
,Withontl.,interest coupons attached;
payable at-'such lime, nridfib such. Mantles, as
'may be agreed up-in;' arid ., i'o•deny,:' and access,
On all.property,. profeSsibirs., trade's'and ocetipa
11;in:subject Im . taxatior, tar 'state anti county
'porpo,sSs; and' colleet such takes ins .inaSs bel
.to' meet- the principal, rim!
of said bonds arid. ificates,•as they shall be,-
come due, and payable; 'which .be
collected y; ciiy, foynsh t p,• Ward; 'arid
borongh,;taxes' are not% Itvisnl and' collected;
iOclofing'a pr, al pi tq, tax; of not iniire'than mie
dollar; en-all taxable .itihabitsints:' Pineirtari;
that only one' per ca)li hi ; 4x,aball lie leyied in
'any One -ye'ar: -Pr-unified ) . That in
,a.ll cases
wherenny perSon',. or persons', liable-Jo draft, •
liayeilos the purpose of raising the stun requi'si'te
.a: -bounty to- the volunteers required to'
fill t he. gOota of any. :county
. ward,
(m b, or-to'wriship,
.isf I -to
to pay, a sum. greator.'than the amount of .tax
which. - would hi due uponra the' assessed• yalmr
ion of their real,' or persbrial..prOpirty, it shall
Itrrd May, be lawhil for tho•corporate' authorities.
of - such County;eity, ward.; b.ritougli, and town
ship,.M. collect the imorint so subscribed:, Pro
ded rin-hondsi nrcertificates,'. issued
under any of the provisions of •this act;
be kir a loug'n pe>i iod-than ten. 3 ears: And yro—'
:aided further; 'That. all cases where a bor
ough and te‘v . iishin have separate boards - of
school Ilirectois, and pre embrabed in one dis
t tict, for the put pose of the military, dratt,: the'
directors Of said tlitriets are , hereby anthoriz
ed to jointly in .carrying into effect the.provis , '
siohs of this act. ' •• :
'Section 8. That in all easel where thecoun—
ty.commisSioners of . any county; the school di
rectorsi'road commissioners, or supervisors, of
aily,townshiP or 'the . ectiporate• authorities of
any city, ward, or. or borough, have levi
•rd a tier. rapild . tax - .open persons subjeat to
draft, Or 'military duty . , the action of said'cor—.
iterate authorities be and- the same -is hereby
legalized and matte valid. .•
Section 9, That in any case . where a part of
the bounty, atithorizedby this: act, been
'paid bY any ward,. township; city, or : borough,
and said Want, toWnshiP, or:borough, au.
thorit les as aforesaid, thall,aeglect, •or refuse-,
to • pay such
. part as remains unpaid by the .
terms of their agreement pay bounties, to,
'volunteers,- then the difference between, the
sum so'itaid, and the toll amount•of the •hounty
promiied,.(not•eiceedirp , in the whole,.-the
sum of three hundred dollara to each volunteer,)
shall be paid said'
thorities,in which said ward, townshins,..eit
ieS, or bnrou,stia, ttia located:. ittid - the 'eounty
. . .
'commissioners, in which said ward, toWnsltipi,
eitios,:or borciughi„tli'e , located . , .BhalLll3‘sess,
levy and coltect a tax on such iiefaulting Wird,
townships,-cities, or boion.glts,.as,otherwardy
'o,.wnship,:city . ; or bOrmigh; taxes are - le • vte'd .
and.collectei . l,:im.siielt . arpourits'as.
- tluire4 ropey' the-.halance - dne the Volunteers,
.as aforesaid, froin Stich d4aulting, township,
nr Horough... - - •
• Section 10. Tiiiitt - t• Money so borrowed by
the•.dounly ps Paid..over
.to'the treasurer-of the
proper county, who shall
pay to each nen-eommissioned officer, or private
soldier, WHO-Volunteered frorry,... and. ...
ereilited to , the quota of , stretrfeouirty, -OM/ has
. been mustered into the service . i-tf 'the 'United.
States',..oi has been lionorably.iliScHarged there: .
from, the sutra.of.money to' which.' iueh person
shall lie 'entitled,.under•the movisioos..of this
set; the - wtrtant or order . of .the , .COMMis
sinners, driiWn on (or . that • purpose;; end
said Ireeshrer ehull noCroreiv:e mote than . .oqe
toof of oricper.centum oti 'tiny floury so 'paid.
over..to Lim.
. . . .
.• Section 11. That the•tnoriey borrew:ed•by
theschoof eotors; 'or •reetleontnissiorrers•; or
supervisors of, any townships, or the cOrporate
authorities of anyreity, ward, or berods.h, shall
. over to the ireasitter,of Said city, ward,
hciCough, *or. township, t when seek officer does .
not• r!xlst,..!to .a person 'duly. appointed hy
said t'ownsh rd, :or—hotOugh, •ho
upon giving sufficient • bontls,.. fOr . the fait litrfl
.peifornyt nee. of his defies, shall proceed, to pay'
toettrh•peCsons, in the manner directed • hy•the
tenthSectitinol,ihis set, and•'shall be allowed
the - same . rir tentage as as allowed to theeouti f .
R treasurer, the tenth:seetion of this act:
Pio e• ijed , that the compensethn allowed to.
!any collector of taxes; wider this a'ct, shall 'not
eiceed'tWo pei•centurn, • .
• SectionJ2, That.le case any 'veteran sol—
diers, who have re-enlisted, end hive not,been.
Credited to any•special locality,, shall fierear'cr.
be 'credited, on the present dralt, • to the local
ity - from ..w . hich they „originally
'inch : veterans shall be paid,by the local auth ,
Vritiea, tvhose duty it is to pay buntieS,•. such
bounty es, under., the' -provisions. of, this. act,
shall' be paid to vOlunteerafrorn said locality..
,I:3•:' . 'lirrt• if any soldier,or noti-cora
miissioned officer, or private,' who would - have
been entitled toreoeive'the Said •bounty,•shail
have died before receiving - I he• rneney . , the pro
per atithOrities shall.pay the Same to such Per;
eon, or persons, as by•the laws of the United
States. would' be 'entitled to receive' the bOtiety
of deceased snifflers.. •• .
Section 14. That all amouhttinf the :receipt'
and expnditures of the• bounty fund, 'utisin
frcirn any taxes that have been assesse d,'ov the i
may be'asscssnil for the:purpose .as afOrtisaid
shall be audited in like monnev . as Other &witty .
township, - c ity, 'borough, or echool" district
audited.. - • „.
.• . •
Seetioti.•ls. All bonds . , warrronti, rertifi•
'Cates of indebtedness, Or. los ni issued, or to be
issued, under the provisions of thii act, or of
any special act heretofore; passed, or hereafter
tolie passed, tpithitri*ingpartirtitar cities, roan.
ties, -wards,• bitroughs.,' - ov. tosvnshipS, to borrosV
'moneys' and pay bOunties TO ; volunteers, shstl
bc•exempt. from . all faxition: • •
•.• '• • 'A-IF:NAV C. JOHNSON,
:Speaksr Of the House ot • Repreientatives.
. •
. Spealter.of the Senate::
AooptogEo:---The tvgenty•lidth March;
Anno . D4mini one thopsand Oight • itundu;d and
eisty-four ) • .•• A. G. CCRTIN-.
of peitcefuLtiMeS, is directly opposite. to the
maxims of ve - , c r . futolanietdal cule
. of the
first ls'to tr.ood;•of the IM te'; to • infli ct „in-
JurieS,L.The former' eammunds us to succor
thempmesscd; the . lattck • tomveiw,he.lm: the
defeuCeless. -The former teaches men to love'
their Ommiei;.the , Int ter,
,to'make - themselves
terribleto . .strantier. • '
. •
. .
The natural conse . cinences k f thOr,prevalence,
is, an iittlifeling and iiiipriiiiii'pledarnintion, with
an idolatry of talents, arid,:a
whence the, esteem sof mankind is • turned from
. liumble, 'tlie beneficero,:anri -good, to
to mcn who.nre'qualified,by a genius fertile
'expedierifi,:a courage.. that, is. never appalled,
,and a 'heart that never become the
destroyers; or the egri.b.. •• : • '•• •'•
'While ,
.philanthropisi.is . „ rneanii
to mitigate thC . evils, and augment theloppiness .
of the world, a •felloW-worker, together with
God •idexplering,:rior giving effect' to the bed
evnlent tentlem'ies.of 'nature; the' 'warrior is
revolving in the glorony reeesse.i•of •eapa
dims mind, place for, future devablation ,and
PrigonS, cipW,Toi . ) ies;Sitir;s i env.
tioi.t of ,ii,ha'hitanta; fields, ilosoiato - anit,.waste - i
are among Ills firettrilesttrophioi, 'Ttio;lattr.ie of
his fame is cethetitett with 'tears ar.d . blood. •
.VFrARVUL 15031 ,PO R K.—A
tow:Months since a hundred Persons set
ara lestiVe celebration in the Hartz mountains,
Where - poik in various forms was the principal,
food.. Of. those, eighty persons are in. their
groves, and of the remainder, the-. majnrity.lin,
ger , aith a fearful malady. .This strange event
gas leir.to the ' disco Very
,thal this • . food was
charged. with flesh worms 'in.allstages' of de
veopment or. ir?,:111 dal, found in-the. muscular
tiQsues of the survivors and traced. to the pork..
These flesh worms are "not killed by .ordinary
cooking, and multiply by tbouslocts.. 'A „great'
alarm..exists in Germany, and the eating of
pork in m an y places is now entirely abandon
ed. . . .
TiIr.•FREMOtiTERS.—.The Naiora is in
favor otabandoning the Baltimore Convention .
and suggests ttto the whole. people
,o . f.t he Uni- .
ted..Siatesi:the 416 . 0 calling; b.efore tbe..hold
log' of this nominating. eons erition4 a ,gelierol
convention:ofthe peopleon.he held at a.aentral
point,larfrom extreneous inflitenee; wherelhe .
will of.the people.Of the Untted.Statas could be
.freely manifested,• 'promising in advance to .
. their deaiston, and urging the Baltimore
Cenvention, in the name of the reatiecr , dne to
the popular wilt, to.follovvoni example-.3'
. .
After the passage.of 'the'. Lincoln resolutioe's
,the Indiana, Legislature th,e other day :the
President sent into the' Senate the nomination
of four.lndiana Colonels.to'he' made trigadier
generals. • The fine courtesy which marks this
act shows the.injustice.. which is • 'done, the
Piesident by'those'Who-ais'ert that ho, is not
up • • • •
. , .. .. . . .. . .
. - '-'. ' ''.: ' ...' !'
....,:.,," ..!;;;V,I.' : ',?,:::::
~...1 . .....
. .
.. - .... ''
. . ,
.. '
E - -.'-. ~ .
.. , .
~....„ .
.. • ~,.,, ~.., ~ .!;. t .
._:,,,, k',Y . ,I• ,
pr. , r
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' 44 . 7i* ." " i•
•• . • • i •,:. •' ' :'• '..:::.i: , .: . --. ...- -, .^ . 7.. , te ' 1.7:1,,!...1:2_,. ~,,.:.
. .. .
• . A itecrUitink
rant.° 11.1.ireti`25; 18'0 t.-.-11,1ycleier,/lfr
level; gentlpMen, - „whpse hea
inicifrptit Mu . I t t r intnii:You.rati;giii.e me id' the
au 'unlin..ii9on•a . i'Por
rpt.ce pr
ting ngem.of Outhortzed receui
should tie called upo s P to Winl4 that eil•I
'more, than an hopr OCCUPY•
was'iniskd end 'tnisinforineil.... I 5 . 0 t ! "tI li
nay the, "1 6 '
iten .
to• know, if ypu can tidi.me, 'what t °
quoin is,..or where I shall f.,0 to,find on t.'•
-•I. lineW 7 i,lint it wit» under he-.call for three
hundred :t hoiinMl,. for. it was 'published- in, - the
• . . .
oewspaprirs.. - It was si)tty Men. of,tny
-asSncintes -went directly l to Ilostoa and bought
twenty •men in one' , dayointi , the testof .our
mim we found liiting in othet , toWns, who were
'induced' by oncermpenc4e: to come.) bark-into
tAe fold. amsotot to , sny.that-scinie of the,
'Whorit we.' secured in- - flosthri 'l6rgor to
which town: they. fenny belonged when they
were mustered into the s'orvite, unit put .them,
selves down:6s. Mttitei of -Boston. • ••
sticont bAr.t....: • •
. • • • •
' , lVtien the call. for. t wo'bundred t linosand mare
'men came, V read ri Genefol.Order Stnittig .014.
the no tither . tvould.he two. thirds of the number
reqtdreth tinder the , Trevino's calk•and . so
Aired that our whole quota wita juSh one hue:,
used:. enntin:ttee immediately^ vvent. to
.work. 'Fen. of thetri sadtlettly disappeared,
and.. were,gone a Week, w'den' heY, rettlroeil
with 'six colored:inert. thirteen Conadiansi arid
eight hull lireeds, „hot out of t Ite•loh only; ten
icrjseTEry roil Di!r..tth;
• We .persevered and at last - had receipt& for
.pearly.our ['Umber; when •We wete . not itiedthat
sixteen of• them had 'been. tej eked areamp for
a ,g - ieut many:diseases whiCh ne'eer heard of
before. ~We then • figured •uP the result. of • otir
nod 'rho Twentieth time. I went:to
Gitlin to see Adjutant-General'.schoular' i who
reemeed me vet y kindly; and - pmited me up
,As L was leeOng the. State House
selectman fl . ..ofn'aotither town titli , ised 'TIle• to,
call and see•tifeTfo'cUlt, Varshal;Gerieral, Ma—
jor clat antl.l'tbre ifistoopred that, my quit . ;
ta.waS nut correct. Ldor't exactly know how
'it was figared, but there -was:sitmet,fiing.:sald
about' belh - cfas:SPH inr, 'flicluded : in the draft - .
which lidded L welve men to oar ;limber. After
Ox- Weeks', Wdtk, tract4d ninti
itendted Miles•on the ratlro o d, again - Figured
up arid discovered that.tvc wunleil, übont forty
Le 46Als
to 1 could do, no
. .
I then heard - that during my, absence, Col Fyy,
at ',WaSlarigtnn; bad Made .intne. new figures
which' Tedneed rqy qunt•tato eight men, : credit
havidg been given four ti, es to't wo' mOn• who
went into the Navy :frern'onr - town; whosa
names never knew.• As nur : ',propOrtiomof
. 17 , ;-:entt.led Man would rndre than our
quota, T, bmight . .two ponnda of Roman candlei
and six sky•toe : kets ' and.retaimed.lMme; ri•
vino nlMar eight'in the evening. At the.depot
there wall a '.erowil awaiting any airival;:as I
had telegraphed was coming with some
news.'! nor' reply : In 'any of • ihriit
queries, but, placing ii rocket, side' of a feirn. I.
applied 11:i7atci 'to the Roe, and as . it:, 'Went
skyward lihuittetli-4,00r quota. is fu
. .
There, teas a shoot of joy. §ovisriti Mu) had
heeneithei.friir many mnit'hs in 1111111ipa ,
ifon of Adi 41t heed very nimbly, and .1 Ares'
corned to . :thii :Town nail, where' I made the
annoinicernent::tigain that. our quota; %yes full,
amid : the inu,t luthusiastic cheering. - ,', ..The
Roinan candleswOra discharged and there was
o.generifl. ime.of.juhilee, ..ts Melt gave the
. town
constable occiitiation far. into fife Small hours..
• The flex; (nor ping the whole town was
pressed. • Tire President builralled fur , two
bundled ihrinsenit mime. ' Again ristarteiffor
twiton'to liseni lain ihat sorne mare fisures•bed
teen "sent by , Col. Yry,•.whieh.net..cinty
.changed., my pr,evions quotes, 'but maile. t tn.y
second - . quota, 011. 1110 sane,' number. of . men
culled foi, tit leas't ten plr'ceot.- more than the
rust. Alajor Clark • explained "the cause::•of it
very satisfac ay d.Peneral•Selioiller also
enlighten d. air, iehiln a young man t 'with g
small .trintiet'aelie. in .th6i Ailluiant•Genei al's.
Office Slitisved tne. the •ffi,mres ott a•4ook, but be
fore 1 gorhine I forgot half was said, a . r
who mentioneii.that malting•the calculation,
tbe'oriitinal capacity
,of ; the town . to. fttruish
men must he'laken us a . . •
. •
. ,
Fought to have-statrd that while. I was all
srnt leaking. alter this
agent .for u.Veteran - •Regiment • earneinto 'Our
;owir .arid claimed six' of ply - roon,. he'llaVing.
the allpaylts to prove.. the ,then ne'er heard of
our plare.,'and were only
. inqueeo to put.tlitn.•
selves down as' hailing from ir„by !hui - 4'ross d e .
6Ttioli prat tis, , d • impon.ilimi . byvinan named
Junlcs—,that's :fissure you, •sir, .taut]
'us:Tr-saw tlu.se Inca.. •
They.wcre all pimeured in Boston, and I hai•,e
no doubt they.. were all Morinons; Iliad fel—
tett+ from at least sixteen women who elaimed
.to. be the wives of the aforesaid sixtheO.. One.
half of ...them accuse use of. . withholding : the
bounty which belongs. to to,their husbands; and
.most o(. them threaten to' expose tre finless
they receive ten dollarS tip the return mail.' 1'
assure, :I;:ditrii, as •a men of honor,
who.'has, been a rnembei:: of the Leiislattiro,
and - Onee aspired to be 'an Inspector, of the
Tewksbury . Alinshnuse,'that I have not seen
Or handled, -tonehed or looked. at, a, dollar of
botniry - trinOey..singe this war ltrok'e out:':
I,agi in Went to l3oston'to see what . cputtl l ie.
done, and I fignin •lienril. that anoihei set of
tignies had.some •On from Washifigton,.but
cannot what'my fitiota is. .It is..trne
have been:told.thfit as my fiio . quota:is
original enrollment, so will le third be to'fhe
whole nombe'rrennired; or words to -thete . ffect:
I'dont uhderstainLit, and so I apply to yitu: 7 -- . .
.I ) .leitio address,. SLoonsi
' ' [We have , ,,vritiena private note. which Will
.eiidhle hirn.to solve tho.problem, I,vhii4is not
or all difficult when, it ia'onee seen throtigp.—
Ed. Gazette.. • '' • •
.. ' • •
The'Jeffe'rsenia.test was, .t.ls he honest, is
he capahle, Lille faith lurte the constitutiott:of
the United States?" . The Lincoln test is, "I s
'he an .expert 'thief does'be 'lO - vu the • nigger, s end
is he faithful ;to A,6v.aham Lincolfir
Ohio Doinocratii !nate Conyentko*::.
The folloviting are,theresoluticniunint ‘ inoueryn`,'
adopted. by - the Deniocintie ;Siete' CritnitelitiOr4
held ; it t col triiithui; Oh io, .11s.t
Resolvell,!that the be'plOcretiepariy-:,•ht.ntie.ri ; ,,,,
as it ever . has been, tleyoted - to - the O9nstituticris
as transtnitted.to'9l 'by the fran - ters
t rument; end eicpainidect by Jeflerion,'Dtt!fdlOie.,
and.;Jackson. and 91:conitrued-19`...the'llitgitile,...;
and KentUcky resolutions 0f2788 enilll79lK•ll94!`,
as construed-in theieport thereoh'in
'nia,. Legislature; end that for the maintenence,e
Iltbat Constitution and the preseryemort,of
founded under. it. .we
of thu Reptiblic, pledge' (p tun,
anti sact 4Ainnor
/1 " 1 " )Iv "` I 'Thai we, ao6IJ• hail Whit delight'.:r
• •
any and averY 1 .-orable effort tow id restoie
tiOn of•lhe riaralal tndition of 1114 , Vareino'.ior .
*itrlntornul peace a le,fi e
affect ion het rmany, and
ai States cOmprisler,..,
it; and Vt'tl regret .thet, the rhe : pris: '•
.eeit A dministration . prevent , tuchAieliabhe..i.
results, and. we are therefore r •tine‘ o premis'
oprinSed tit) its•continuance
%laved, Thai we ere epticised••AO
sperm ion of the war. for 'the - rruhjogetiori,,efl-,.,
their sovreignty, or In fringing Orimparum:eheiil. •
States; or for the piirpoise of! diyeattinir-ihein of , •
&institutional rights, and being...iitialled : ; that -
its continued prosecution for eirch ., objecteeirill,
in the end, prove the Utter :destruction of ettE
civilibe ty : we therefore iletnand.tho irnmedierd -•
inauguration of peaceful: ineanclo'ittein . ert
honorable setflement, and :Op restoration, 911• 1
the Union 'tinder (he .Constitution.. ,
4esol veil. That the mot) spit!C.noes
in cur land lathe , natural inevitable Tann -2-,
of the vie Wiens of the . , Constitution . , and,the. .
laws by the . party now in power; and'we'deeret..i
this.ri proper occasion to renew to our people ,
the wit in ingof Washingron egninet lawlesenems
in Goyerninent and.pe'liple; the:-tyrarry ef
present Adininis tra Coo lies SOWn thieved 'lrani,
which w , n renew reaping it hat vest of critie,',
ICcau Ggentlit
ithitW how elpeely.eorpOvernmetti -- . 141-' . cepled,
'the nets of - the Brttish King:frowartWoitr'llevo..
.letittenry fathers, we quote the - eheygee they,
muck, ukainst King .George
( , flooot a tax on tea usettin rho eol;linlos.4--
canaeil-a stamp act.to be passed: spa d e
the .
abCvo the civil 'power. seat'
men into benisheient .and without atitb• , •
otity n6laa. He excited the: Xegroes , to, in- F
aurrection.l Ho 'disregarded the- 'eonstittstioas-- •
and laws oltherolonies." .• ,-. • • ~
litig not ikbrahom Uneolo done:4ll tMii rand
even toore.irOd vk.orsei No .truthful •man
deny it. Thee r dnete drove our' petriotii .orteeit= .
tars into rebellion, and theivhcde eivilisedWorid
heldthern justified therein. . not we submitlo.
theserCyrannical- acts in the hope thit:the people
will remedy and reiorin tiem.by.oeaceful:tnelane
—throagii the ballot box. Ailong as that dile
exists, and as long as the ballot box is friti:, , si;
long will this tyreony.be tolerate& , :.ant, the ,
gteat..right'or, Suffrage shell be a eripndy in
blnged—a cliiposition be shown to take away. .
om the pepfile tlng greit to.thair
lib,rties;'stib . ti*lsion will
xiisgrace.. Let roteir tkinAiofAAis;;--
. . • .
'WELL Iludihe to .the reeetiUMeClel, •
lon dmonstraiion in. New riqk,. the'LOuieville
:Thurniq say*: iniund, end
his supporters nye equally: upon :the :
issues or the 'time . .. -For our own part, we•eete' ,
'licit who halt elected.: to
pihvitled hobs quo who can wield the strength
°Oho tuition wisely-tor the preservation. or
restore don of.the-Vnion and kir- tliit,,prtiietri T ' .
tines restorration of:the Constitution.":
The administration organg peralitentli mite
represent the tiosition of the. Detriocrats but' --
they nave token pettieultir paini to filsily'the
record of 116 n. D.•ty.• Voorhees,' of intliana,:y.
repreienting him as not it loyal, "Union; forint!
man:—The following extract from• tbeelosini .
pa%sage'of a long and eloquent speech made•by ,• •
him a few days ago, as_we find); in the , •
more t 'represents him:: • : ' ; • - •
•<4 IN t , %Vtly need 1 . dwell upon these evidencec •
of dis . union? The great lender .of theadirdais.:
.trntion on ibis :floor; the:gentlemen DOM Penn.. •
sylrienia; (Mr. Stevens), has deliberately Trete
announced; after all our sacrifices scirroWs r amk .`
loss, that the Union Of :our fathers iefiesfi,..and , r' ,
that hit atreinp:s its resurection a . criminal
instead of
. a patriot. Hi goes • . further,''atid id- . •
'mite all the seceded States havi.over claimed—• , l,
their nutionalitY. .They have"riought'in . vain
in till the 'four quarters of the'. Mirth foe:recog
nition,. • they (V&A last it the. hands or . those
who speak for the-Administration On thk* . florri..,:,.
Sir, I deny , this doctrine: I plant myeelf
tie' Constitution which recognizes , an . unbrokert,
Union. I shall stand there,'.lri everYvirlseittnier , .
of fottune, and if I fall it will be - When the Peri.
ple' themselves abandon their own Constitution: ,
By the pi inciples of ihis •thighrrinStrurnent,. I -
expect finally a restoration of the Unfair of the ' •
States.", Every hour which. the partiiii power .
prolongs its control,of . the affair postpones the •
anapicious day, but as I behold •the• futurei It • •
will assuredly , come.' Material and indestruez,t .
tible'.interests. unite every section excepf;that
'which p ropers on fanaticism. And . I here -lei.
day; in the spiritof - one. who 'expects and'
sires his posterity and theirs tolivelcisedrerlim!:
the ancient and honorable friendshlpel'of
fathers, warn the Southern people , not to•loek ,, .
forward to separation and independenceiliur but. •
embrace - every . opportunity (or' en.operatien',.
with the conservative' rren..of the , Nortli,!Strlniq
will aid with their lives, ir need be; ier!.sirenref!'
them all' their rights' ndinstitUtions as . free arid
equal eitiXens of the United States;::- If
done the aPproachingProsir!ential•eleetiesit will ••
bring peace,... Union 'and libertY:l Eirtorf lths..
peaceful, popular revolution of. the, hilhit4rore:
fails te Prodirca ',these :,retibliiii.lllienl.'dtitkaiit"
willsettle upon the face - ef4the-'dcitv and , thee
frerrlnstitritions . 'of;AmeriCa Will exist rinii.ttirt';' 4
page'of the future hieterian'.ileohi-yeareiriiiiie':.'
of our.Preaent pulley, leave the ".
an ttinshilOcit . •rnass ruinsi
melaneholy and AthelOsslhan , IftrAv '
the "pathway . of
yriting western *mid, as in all
dMmotkin will.'arise
Ceedidg,genalatiod shall;
byte of their
'..l.litotiv4o4l.ost •
-trilt74 ( l
t't - : , ‘' , . , ..." , tt'''.'