M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, April 02, 1864, Image 2

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    ~.- ; !,( i ?'- ' i'.i,;:; - ; :!. ;. ;!», V ik;•'.4 ; :- . '4 * :7. -,- ',.- .. t, ' ...., - , , , ,1 •;'- . :f:..!,,".'',.,
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P. Elk VA L:
jest...be-On made'
0t , .: the
•. • o.%nnd, , c.einttaipt.:in'lflOc; ( .Sotitlit.yest . are another
fa! f ; tj!i heen •the lea
eitii,Retintili;.l • .71fr. T., it , co n, et% t cle niter tof
; • nOW a priaars • • !hat:
• , I .llti:rittriftaign,o l ",h . its , t;' ,llo ' , m'plartne.tby•Gert.
orie r.d, for'jis stwecsS .
.irt-operatrt,.rnot,erro . l nerats, homes,
•• .
Shetinah ; B,ipks.and_ • A'ilniiral.
.was ofelect OMy
in . ..toilitdana diil in;
. proOSs ttf. tile. cartons ;rnoyeinebts.' in .. 5Mr„
correSpondettee filll4shed rester- .
_rlYyy trift• rite vktint ts. , we - t in ye from the
iiewatiapi+rs,` lie; Seen Ty. 's . important
Part. of- the Oriwrarnme : s, to e:. 'ma re
tr.iitk ; it(
:Ganeral s ,Bank's, 'ainiv the' rear of
=a' view to cantoto I .ct ".fit ctinje tio iMt.
*jib.' Ad thirst... Farra tig shelling.' !rem :his
gdeheats..•:•lf .wrtn also c . xpocted.
itlismiovement..olf General Minks . .would,
' -. distract forces.,stil) furl her, And . .ivrifio
. .Generat'pherrnan's progreSs,*toward Selma - , his.
.. ..objective:point, -coinptirativOly: easy, 'Gen e rals,
Sh . erniat,.and 'Admiral
• • ..Farraug t :each-pet formed .1 he
,P,irt . red ,
Them, skillfully and .General Stnith, did
pat well;'nwing tn his - dilatoriness, and
~hts .ittlowing•, , Forrest .with .:his 'tt y- our,
lo"drive.haek. his eight' or nine'
,fitonstind.' the . ; chief
_frotible..waS with
General nks.„l I roteattof .marching:: to . the
;'..retsr;rif.Mobile and carditrirtg - news.;
Papers.of .that city could:lnv/e
done,.be was-compelled. to, keep:his army .41
Louisiana dufinn. the Natione iii-•order
. te for
wtted'Alr;Linpolu'Sjiresitientitti.sehetnes., .1)1
. here-can now. be: very., lit tie iloriblf:. It. is
:truej Mr: ..L.ineotp.bas'sitcreetiett. • lie hito•• re,
sterert. - Arlittnas . and Lottiskna after.ti fashion;
• ..110.belp his.tortunee iii the . Jun' convention by
an array of--bogus., delett . riteit • from these t
istaiettr.antl,perhop.s, threugh, the Infditary ma
ehinery now,ln play, he May 'succeed; should
be be a candidate; in securing' .their, 4lectrital:
votes But : at whaf cost!
compulsory, itinction,:Mebile.would have lalbm;
• elma would have been captured;and probably
reiained• permanently. in, Mir possession; the
.. „Alabama and.TOrnbighne rivers would- by this
-time he patrolled by Vole!) gunb r oats; 'A alba ma
itnd-Mississippi would .have. been Severed horn
..the,nonfederacy,..While an.U.tion ,army in' the,
,heert .o . l . •the'Golf States would haye been in.a.
position- to:outtlank That these were
,:ottle designs of General. Grant - „ . . who rrt;jected
-the-campaign in. the -Sous liwesti . is • yery clear'
:from the:atticles who were published jrt , ilte
• .27-17/t 'and Abe other, administration. Papers
when : Genetal'Sheraiatt's expedition se,;:ont
General" Graitt tinfortenately forgotllie political'
situation . in providing tor,. tote . and
• ,•!iertie the' compere ling' movement Banlc's
..- . ...calemn„,.uperr which he-depended, was stopped,
itiit's-career'tiy'.the•polivical. rie,cessities of Mr.
'tincoln; So vi.e . gen . a.thonstind,men.'slaughterell
in florida to Ri'v'eAlt - ..Lincoht thfee electoral
votes; a great eanepaigni, fest 'in the. - Southwest
loativanee . i -week' President's political - aSpire•-
. • • ....•
, .
the neg . - roloving,
improYitling for the education of . colored dill!
aron within' onr . army .liMs 'have overlooked
the necessity, Or :White children . helm; • til4o
educated. Msjpr .Gerieral Peek: in ..an olficinl
`.Oider just published, states that while. the
'tle....datfries.' in h . , Carolina are' carefully.
"odtiea fed 'by while teachers 'from %the
. North,
%this:white 'ehildren.Wlthin our are 'grow
ink uP . in.'ignoraoce:and vice. rectify this
!anomalous state . of affairs,. Veneta! 'Peck :has
very 'propel Irprilereti. the oreanjiation at New
bern, .for 'white children.—.Thisle
vory proper, 'and °tight to . have beetilhook.ht of
'before, It would h.O welt - to make similar pro-
Vision in the, ot h er localities. Where negro'
ieheels are so handsomely pnt
SysTr.m."-The telegraph,
despatches or, yes tei43i ipform uc that. a ' col
onel s 'omeb'o dy; froth MusachaSetts,',.. has been
- ,almokted an. us'yistunt provost' meislauf 'of Lou,
isiana,:y9o.'sn pedal end,,the' labor ystetn' inst
'lt 11)03:C9 'oer'y difference 'to the people
ota "hbor..
"icystent'!' prnveßs. in Lonisinna, proVided:thet
'System:is not
. .sopported at 'num eXpeps6. :•17116
old SyStenVof slaveTebnr.-rriny'llatielbren'werse
or better. than the systern instituted by Banks.
We are inclineOte thinfc'it; prefefahle; but
it sour net, how comes it incumbent upon
consia jofight 'w . ars; 'and pay . :ilos4c.httsetts
geneinli and provobt .rna rshals . t o institute new
labor,sYSterns on the .- Oulf. ..of Mexico.' Is 'it
just - orlawful :to. 'tax
,WisCOnsin , farmers for
' any. tieli . purpoge . 1.. • . •
H:.Under thn:old • Government. of the Reptililic:--
befOrn:states freeerne- pl'ov inee's- . -Staten pos-
Sessed '00;4 , 7 -but, they we're:, eisci• Jut hencd
with. duties.. ' One Of t h'eso'clut les was lo.' sun
port and maintain their oWnnegrors. The
plan djd'not work badly tor ''the .For
confirmation of this;-we halie only 'to refer to
the chicigo'platform of .180,'upon . Which Arr.
Lincoln.was inoniinated,' wherein . we are An=
,forirnad that; npiwithstending the. dory of each
;' , State. to Controllta own' tiomestiC.'institnthns,
-Abe country tip to ; that time coulil..hoast: of an
. “onprecerlented increase.of
angmenration of wealth," together 'with
, htilipiness at home 'and . hon'or abpad,"
f'figliting for the riglit'Of instinfilig a ‘<new , la-
Got system;" like that 'of Geeeial Banks, , how
much• hive . we improved our canditiord—Mi/-
watikee '.iiretirs. • • • • •• • • .
Iferald in ulnng
.article on
th.!!‘.4aCiltninfst'ration on General itni,"..ton
I;altid'es as follows: • , • •
4,.1( GPneral Graht inils.througlitheir tr6ach7
*,•• -.ery it; will not cenquce to the • success. of .. Li n-,
• ~ coin. It will initiate-a Northern' Civir. -war.--
At:wdl,perhaps, destroy the public confidence
-:- iti , Gra riff the people 'thus cast loose from an !
- - ...i•other faith, confusion and anal oily .o I the'Worst
.... ;description must ensue; or if public order is
, :eta kept, the, hopes of ; the . People will once
; Anofe:fa , open Gen. NI Clellan,
.end a grand
:,., , ,-.4tide. of pOnalar enthusiasm will:carry that hero
r•n-to'llisrPresi4ency t ": : ,'. :-.. • , .. ••
5,.,,,,.....:, ,-- ,•?i, Pijoocibus tetrtlir. - -Toe.
v tiimy:cor'r'espen,
~ ,, , , d (oktho.pouitonope.) :. .Tiaes related, an
4, - .itOidint'of.eamp lite, showing the, preCticity
XVII,CWiIkOt itixtsen; the'sonota
. General,, on
s ,lcy *,,h . ii;fittlei•;.ip , .,the field: - On one .oc.'
:•' - ::; , :0140):i;,iirti01 . the .Genetalh 141iiie 'wee' getting .
i!,,l4s4ri;:„booitilii,fc.i4l.l3,!?t:ll . q' ,N' 0 Oil 1:!e obliged - . td
: 1 0' '' 9MciPlAlK4 l lriker 'for lioin Money. c‘novr
.4.4 - u40.. - ,4 1 ,0, 7 00aiit father.?'.':said _ . the, boy :=
9,-A , ::.6l4 ,. .oftql,:ittrici,..:!orß.ccijlple . 0 hundrcid ‘ ,."
•'.i ,- , i 4 lio. - :,Oititi,9;lo.oo4' . .ifiY , b,
.fo.oer," liaii.l his
.. 4:47ams,oti4o3! . .?•: 2 l::s'ian let . you ha v e,
.hfit, ,
tP,:j „..4%.,'f'lrfl'.o.oP me
, ~ 4 9Yi, ill"xcl al
4'' '.,'t! ti?,l*efiatii . ,*ii.Fpqso; 4 . whao ','o id ',you
`'ski _ A aqi.'.4l94:.t , P.'c':iil : I .9n,ji.i, , itlY l iig , :dro;Y
f el
t o
i t
.. , c. A ..•1 — 6ol.o4,i)iir,:iijAtri,',', , 'lvillietl, : thit-;.bo . partir
iriiiV , '" II - • , i , ' ' ' Oita Ulf; ii4o
1,V.-„ ~ ,f.3j,,,,,- . ”1 , 1V,i,.ek5: 0,i!,e7,_. y . ~. ~
~. .VO, #7ooo9kninA bore the'"r t 'l )`',.9unT''gam!
.. i.AP,A#faat° o ‘:Fit . o h O e !..,.'''',.'::',:
0110110,42.".g,„:•-•;:,- '; 'V:: '..",.]:::::..,"' ...,•;;:. ....., :
53titi!v, Efrniocrat.
Baturday, 4pril 2, 1864
,' ; Foft,pfig4pENTilK..o64,: :'' ',, •
: FlOft.AV•to . .. i . S.P4Y. Al, 0 V. 11.;
. .
under tionp.
tb*A. BentctN.6l: the Le;i;lahtre lor' hip at=
fll3ounty Laiv„" • •• •
ilpeNTr . l.,,x - w. = glie 'Act relating 'teltho
i ) ni.inentor.liounilesip 2 :VOlnnteors.vrliicti 'has
grul.i.s now:it lap,
nave dlrea
ilyiiecry.to)ii.n t OtH ce - r. riny' . .clotility
or township, W;ird;
eaely . COunty . or Iciwtrsliip ...to bOrroyi;:moni•
purpose,. Oot.to vxeceil $309 - to
. h. - per Son clreclile(l;,Ofd levy'stax for. its
colt ctiorr.,
pub . liFhthe Act in our nrxt; in the
inet!ntimo..thonied men' need 'not.ifesitate . in
a dyitncing_rnony for suph . ..purpos6 as the law
gives ntnple'securityforit reirnburkiment. • :
yule Jo/anal sin's' that twelve 'hundred' ''regto,
stavea.liava. been recruited in' the . .yielnity • of
.Qlatkifyilte, and, adds: • . 4 , llesiditS the able bad
recrults,••the%eity and Vicinity inside of .the
lines are erbwited . ..by. hundred 'snay. almost
itoti , ande of aggro ivettiery a nil . . cliiiilren', WhO
have suffered, much througb_the pakt }‘'inter.--
'The a relmild led h no visible means
iilatippirti and ate forced live hY. pilfering,
the' county...,'Pentlis . . are numerous; and an;
'extensiVe . space has bren.allotted.: for a megra
burying grdultil. niiinetotti graves, that
are daily made, thesgnsaid,, condition of 'the
femilies.rnassed todether...and the ,wieck of
protirrty .that:gore Meadily, • on,•all speak. - too
plainly of the miserable polley...tif the, southern
Ihrtlerilotour -state." • .• .
Ksie•Yoak;,Marek2d.i: 2 7 oweii Lovsjoy,-the
.Coegil;ss Iyorn the
•in-lirooyyn nt half•past
'clock - last •Inii.;111.• Me' lranabeen complaining
since last 'January, linf•caine tO*,this city from
Washfngioil on the .16't ari&the;folloWing da'y
'Avila out -cif doer's; sinclitien flie. - has been eon-.
fined - tó.hk bed an : afrectiOn •oi the liver
and jleyas at!ended:iri . .his Jost
nees:by'•his :wile and daughter, and by rnuny .
syMpathizioa . , •••• • .•
.lnyaslou st Kri
. • . •* Wiont: , ifyrow March . 2o.
A•ptivate let tifr says that the
inhabitanta.nt the interior are in a state or;eon
stant perplexity and tear: Rebel agents• are
ai , erran.Kentuelcy alt , ttireetiona, in
ereasinghy false reports anti nerfulious.insinni
tions the. teVerish- . anxiery - piety-
IThe.idei that .General 'Breckinrklge is ad—
vancing upon. the Kentucky . With the
tention.Of raising,. the. country: in insurrection,
atitla'a grertetleal.tO.the.c . xcitemant of the pep',.
few day,4 ago a r morwae spread that
General Lnngstreet hall aent,awny most of
artillery and wagons and that he
was Marching . tipon:.cumbe;rrand Pap;.at -the
headOf.tiiiitY thonsand-men. Whenthis newa
reached kentacky, most, of..the fiirirers,inHar
land„t,,ercher, KnOx 7 :arid other adjoining totin
-ties, left their farms and took the way to Alan:
;chester. , The idea of anThivasint6.4..the State
bk.,the rebels is . now 'a. lixe,l,opininn, arid -act,
an hour elapses : Willing conic 'flpniirs
.of their
a‘lanca..being:ciritilated 'among (ha inhabit 4
. . . .
4gentlehlap Motu ieello - iassures•:os
that most of the ;'ll.entir.ky delegation " rnjrre?
smiting the State 'lir the Rebel Cont;resLat
Mood, havejeteroeil;.floit are inciting the peo
ple said that : tfefore; be. left
MoptiM;llo he wee told 'by a seeecsippiii that.
he would come to, it. eertahr:plei• which
'panted out to him,' he Won Id there see
Tripliit.of.Looisvilk,'wlo.tiad."just - come from
Richmond, in*mimparly Arith Alruee,• G.
Raving:. T. L. liu . raott,- 'and Mher . ..tekel
Kentimltians.',lTe was also told that - these';em
•Ile men 'hod „come Mr. : the portime .of „preparhig
the.'people.furJlM approachimfaryival of Breck. :
Mridge. and litiekner:- . • -• • .
. .
Tit PENNSYLVA'NIA" Er..ncriorr.—The•feitilt
Of the login elections, in Piiiinsylyaniii,:'.so. far
as heard frorit,-shoWs.great..Dernonratic: g'ains;
Ilairi§botg,otects the whole Democratic ticket
•bra majority ofona•rlifinitted • 'nod thirty—u
Democratic gala oi t?ou t threakinidiei'L'Euston
elects the'wliole Detnocretic ticket by a' major
ity ot two Inindreitaiiit thirty—a 'gain ofr one
1 - innilren.aritt fifty; New Hope elects the whole
Dertnietntliticket; andYotfc,'where the üboli-
tionlsts.made a bitter fight.,'clioOses Democra
.ritiiitfie e ri by majority of two hundred . and
. .
.The . Pbiladelphia Pre,rB recently contained
nn artiele which shows 'how fully. the' ndminis- .
tration party is committed to the - abolitionists.
It warmly 'indorses WlLLra* 'LLoYn. GARRISON
for supporting ABRAHAM lolNCor.:V.il9hb , next
Republican candidate. for 'the , :presidency.... It
declares that the notorious abolition: . agitator
is e man of "clear foresight," that , r+what. he
says has weighti?'• end :quotes the following .
from GAn.iiisoN's 'letter: With great. approba,
.1 am nerf tiadedlhat the, rejection of Abraham
.T.incoin would he injurious to us abroad, among
the friends el freedom; and 1 fear;that it would
hrini the 'pro.-slevery..Petpociat party' again
into power.. I see .that .friend , Tilton; of
the WeW-York li/dependent; is inclined; td.go
for ,Chnsei and that Greeley, in'the last number
ofche 'Same' paner, oPenly'capudiates .Lincoln.
This convinces nig tha t the Repuhlican hOuie is
in'ticii4er of ia. fatalAivision. ; , •
. . . . . . •
..It will be peen fron,thip 'that the party in
Power "Irink . lY.aeltoowledge • that 17int.a.r.431
I,,Loyn o,,tautpcix.and •his.enadjators are' iheir
reel leaders; and that .whatever, course they
recommend should be pursued.. . ' '
. .
The. Commerical of :this -city - . has: a' special
thapatFh fron:lChattittiooga
xhe rekla' ate in very' strong force. ori' out
ront arDaloini and
_:they' have, 30.00 'cayalty.
• • ..
.Des.erters yeriort.that. Gen. .BishOp . Polk is
reinforcing Gen. d'oe Johnson's armY• •
pen: Longstreet's.eatirdry, under 'General
Mai tin has arrived at... Marietta • Ga. • •
.Nonierousrdesertets ere still earplug, in.
7 he rebels , are•inovtug,Up their artilleryfroth
the rear:
-.'Our army. is in splendid condition.„
Deacon, Limns Tnvimailied, of hiflarnation of
the lunga; Jaanary . ..titti . 1.801,:f.ot the 'age of.
'event:) , five years, .1•H is sickness was of . I;hitrt:
tturationi rust, leaving him
.finne to, arrange' hiS
woildlyellairS,'ond bid the... lasi :forewell; to
, wife and children, giving them the dying tett.
tirnony of a loving loftier - fu the t rut h of the.
cliiistian. religion. •• His last end 'was .Peace;,
his faith •verts'. triumphant.. in. 'the econoMy 'of
redemption,,and fhe reeurection of the. dead,
'and his. hope of eve.ilristing lite,Victorous,... • His
fuiieral Was attended - a,vast audience ! The
PaSibp . Elder !Ileitis,' preached.. from the' tee:,
titneny of. the .itpostle....Pattl,. have.. fought
n- oitrl fight"'. moved
thie,eountry a boitHorty -.. ago, .Wh'en the
caantry was - almost a wilderness. • en
dured the privatioirist of. Pioneer lifey and . . - has
left his impress on the eommunity...The Bap
tist church hate is a inentrinetit.of • his devoted
zeal and.banevolenee.: Detterm. Toylei
a profession of religion . sonie twentyeight years
ago, end:was baptised' by Elder Eliab going.
.For mnity.Yenfs he has , been. Senior •.T)eacori . of
this..Chtirch. He .was an affactinate hnshand,
a:kind.fatlier„a patriotic c iti zen, an d a faithful
.•. • .
standard herirer....Stern integrity to ;principal
character. .11e
,fvarlessl3i• 'stood .up
tor- the right. in , the Church . , in the' Community
apd .10 06 . ballot. b o x. His
is• - tight,. end his anxiety' bow to- seeure•.the'
Divine_ approval. Ills toes. will be - deeply
. 101
la the ChorCh and.
. .
. . .
An4.isliiiii, parting scene for over o'el.! - •
And'iiliiiit ive meet on earth uo more? '..
Then fareiYell brother till vrolneet above,
fo join in' end legs gunge of p33'13, - . ' •
. .
While t' , e innctivity : in military. :matters in
the refit has not Iweil troken'ainee the date.of
our last •reVitw, affairs' in. the West a n d. Spath•
West.have ltenn full of interest; .intelligence of
a , tlecide , l federal success nn the Red river and
of the retie' inynsionorKeatuelty basr4urnisyed•
the public with the exeite . inetityvi•hieh seernS
Have_ bernme .an - abs . oltile..essentinl...... Full ac:.
eptintS of the important military . oecurrehee of
which news has been received
Willbelfuund ••: , .
Generale. J. SMitir ha's 'captured fort De-
Russey, dat,he Red river, outmaneuyeritig Gen
erill' Dick Taylor, and 4akini r t.tvin hundre'd deal
eivh.ty-three lirison'ers and. eleven .guns. The
lli:et; tinder Atitoirti(Por't:er.,•:nnit 'then passed
bp ro'Alexandria,.f..e.• 'Dick :Paykir, had about
eleven thousandjwo•bundred and' filty. men en,
der'his command, and was prepared to resist
fhe•flition.forees:.at:n point 'on the river below
the fOrti hut whip lie was engaging General
Smiili's !lank , the national forCeS, by a rapid
in overnitnt,',captered the fort tt was Taybar'is•
intention, to de tend.. '
-We have nothing 61 imporiince from New
Orleans, (TharlOstoti, orAohile;
It is reported. that. Generals McClellan and
Fremont will soon be assigned to impoitant
The army of the frontier,ls in and its
.destination is sonpolwd to be
. Nort hero Texas.
A party oilmen
_.mho 'ivere ^engaged ip.rnov
ing'ratils on the Mississippi and Little Rock
flailroads were captured a- few days ago in
•Arkansas, opposite nemphis, by a party of
guerrillas. • • ' • •
. . . .
.Goneral Grant :will • ,
eitablish headquar,
tel.' in . Washington, 'accorninoilatjons • having
been provitleit for theliurposepOpciatte . .t he War
...Rebel'teport.s.are to the effect that Generals
Sheirrian and gnne 'down the Kis=
sissippi will,a lare portion of the army. • ..•
.Tll;'Prekidetit.lins• issued another pratLuna
`dad explanatory of. his amnesty • proclamation
of thollth.ot Peceinber . .., states :that thase
ivhonre in 'confinement, or out of prison on
handinr'parole,,nre,nnt entitleAto the 'clemency
Offered in the proclumaliod.. ' It filifther defines
the otliaer.a':whO are 'entitled to' administer the•
oath orallegiance,. viz::: A commissioned officer,
or nscol,.in the service. of the
United Stntes, or,any'sivif Or military- officer
of : u State or"territory not in : insurreetinn, 'whia
by the la Ws, thereof may he quatified tor ad..
minieteting oat ha.. •
..An exiengye •Ehot and 'Owl' factory at Mauch
Chpalr,Pa.;.wa s Ost roye,lby'fire'Wednesday,'
• •
appedrs thiti PreWitiCnt -has—h.surnes
the restainsibilitt of appointing sixty cadets to
to the West Point'Acaifcrny plaCe. of • those
to.wh i'eti the, rebel states would have 'been en-
Colonel WnaWord, ofgentplty;whr? recently
hind° denouncing the adniinistra.ikons
ha's hien klismissol the sera ice. ' • • •• .
. .
It iyaspllnord tolyashingtOn.yesterday . tha
,Wr Stantoli.had beeri
,superseded .ea: Secretor,
of Wrt . by :Tudge-Advoe4te Getter4l
•• 'it is states illat.the
.President is positively
averse to the employment of General NITICIIan
and.Fiimont in any . Opacity. . .
Fifty Germans, most of therri veterans war.
dors, ariii , ed in Portland, Me.,, on Satetrdy,
dire.ct frorn.l"fatheiland,'" been hired. to Come
to this — country and - enlist on the. quotas of
Boston. Fifteen hundred of these Germans
have been engaged in. enlist on the quota of
Boston: and a detachthent is'expected hereafter
. by every steamer. • • .
The lunatic who recently harangued the
President at the White House, claiming to have .
been elected President in 1856, is said to have
beep Pratt, "the great 'American traveler." '
The'passago of the ..
.National Bank . bill ma)
'retarded brdiseu ssien on - the interest clause.
.The Committee of Conference have stricken; it
out, an'il'some days. may...elepSe. Ifefore• the
bill will be in Condition to report 'complete.'
The Democratic State Convention met on
Thursday -et the "National Gourd's ,all. in
Philadelphia. Its'proceedinsi were character
ized by, the greatest enthsiasm and harmony.
E,vmy portion of the State was repreoented,
and the delegates were marked men, th prin
cipal citize.neof this great • ComrnonWealth.--
All : were bent upon ono , great object—the res•
toration.of the UniOn and , the'vindicatien : of
the Constitution. The great bainocratic tiarty
was out in its sttength,:and no. effort seemed
'too Much to rescue , thia.great . -Comrionwealth
frorn'the tyrrany under :which It 'groans. One
consideration surmounted all others.. Personal
'feeling and prejudices were forgotten in order
form a United party for . the salVetion. of the
coantrY.. The - Democracy will go into the
comirig,campaign With 4 united :front,. to-meet
the common enemy. • • '
• At .12 o'clock noon
,the Convention was
called to ,order by.. Charles:J., Biddle,' Esq.,
'Chairmen of the '.Pennocratic State. Central
Cornmittee,,io,the following words':,
..• •
In conformity with, custom as, chairman of
the ..Democratic State Central :Concnitteeil.
. . . . . .
nowoill the Conventien to Order.— • •
Mr. V.'R. Piolet, of Bradford, moved , that
Mr ; T. B. Searight, of Fayette, act n's tempo
iiry chairman of Convention. • '
,• The motion - was•attreed to.
.• ' .
'Messrs: V. E. 'pipter, of,Bradford, and Win:'
L: Hirst, of Philadelphia, were ilesigitaied to
coduct'the tampdraryPresident to the 'ehair.
• . upoir. as su raj ng •t vitif,. r. Saar ig .
'tlresseclthe convention. in a few eloqut;tit•aod
patriotic remarks. . : ; - •
On :rnot toil of John INillir; of ~ .Chester,
Ali.ssrs. Robert E. M.onoghan,. of, Chester, R.
J. fb.mph.ill,vi'lliiladelphia, and 11:,Snaliz of .
Leni•a;ael, were Appointed . , Seere'farie's
• of Vie'
convention. :.
.•The. S:ecietarieS-then took • ffieivseats, ..and
list. di, delegtiteS: ,[We omit
the list of. delegates, X..,Jarnes,*of %Warren
cotinty,.re'peesented:thiS sCnatotial district.; and
Alessri. C. R. 'Earley; of Elk and W. A. Wal
litee; '.of , ivere' :the . . - Represontative
tielegitted':. for the district: of ••ivhic4 M'Kean
Mc.: Reynolds, olll3 . edforil, moved that the .
ruNs - pf. the Rouse of treliresoitativ'e of .Penti
sylyania fai..tf . practicable,lor
the government of theu—convent:ion: , Agreed to
Mr. INlTalnnontOf Vertu:lgo, moved, to select
a . committee 'of one from 'eac:ti°•Senateriaklis :
trict to .choese permanent .Not agreed
It was moved 1 hat . the (:itivention proceed to
nominations for 'peirnanent chairman. . : This
• Wiltiamp.••Witte, George Sanderson, WM..
M'Calniont J. Y. Jame's,
Wm. A., Wallace. and James' Ktiir were
notninat ed.
lira Mice, M'Calin'oni,. flirst
and. James, ' . 2 ''. •
Samlersini . • :mil Mr.' Witte A ceip' the re.
maining:candidatei:. was
• . ,' •
. ; :
• 'Gooo,t!,S.antlerign,
The 'result
,waS'recnived 'with: apploosei. and
the. election ;was made unanimous. • •
. Geriffie . 'Sanderson an& R. AV. .-,Jensi,jol
dreene, escorted Mr.•Widte to.fhe chair:
',Mr: Witte,' on•taking.tte• chair, ..addressed
the convention.' . •
.• Mr. Stinson),
.0 . 1 Armstrintf x. fhen offered . the
. .•
following' resoln
~/Zeiobeedi:Thaf.a 'committee, of one from
each. Senatorial dlstriet•be appointed tO appoint
permanent Vice' Presidents apirSecretarieg,,ii
report to dhe bpnvetitioh;. 'and . that the report
of .said cOmMit tee. be •
It was unanimously, adopted. • • • •
. , .
'Mr. Piolot,rnove4 that a conirnittee . of .thirty
..three . he.okinipteil..to frame
,resolationii; 'a..ficl
th ! .i't all resolutions 'rifle:red' be fe(erted to that.
.coin . rnitiee ‘Ot boat delnite... '. . . . .. . ,
. . .
11. as unanimously adolited. . •
• The converatoa thee a reFes:s.until four
• • The r`onventhan was called to order at four:
o'clOck; when the.'co . rnmititee on organization'
and resolutions were .ar nonneed: (Here NI•
loWs.thn names.ofT!ee ['residents : and Secreta
ries, reported, hy the enrrienilted on 'O'rganiza--
'..ll;e t 'Aport was 'unanimously adopteit.
moved the following • resplotions
arranging'the busineis of the convehtioa.:-
Rff.satued,. That the'-delegates residing in
each Congressienal.district .be authorized - to
iMpoint and,reporl.to this CpnYentionzobe caii
didate forench district-on thir electoral :ticket;
and two delegates for each district. to the:Na
tional conyentioh, andthree . inembers.for.ncii ,
tlistrictito aerie on the State central CoMmit
Heso/ved, That the'convehtian.will piocqr
o nothinate and elect.hy a viva vurn valet: . ,
1. The chairman of the State. central cum
2. Two Senatorial cantl . idates . o the electors
3. Four delegates at jarge to the Nations/ con
'vent:ion. • •
.• •Obj eni ion • was nindelo the receipt of -the
reSolutions- beeause•all resolutions Were. order
to • be referred to the comipitte. • •
oven ' , •
ii'qte was .t iikerf en the 'jail t . • proposition
aid it was adopted, and'' a fterWarde on. the ,e•-•
roainiler;:iid it was also adopted. ,•• •
'it was moved . to take a • r'eaess of tWenty.
. to rarripiy, • with these resolutions,
whieh'wai agreed:to,- When conv.ention re-,
electurs•rdelegate - s• and members
of. the State ceotial --were .anitiOun-
Rasedas Brown Ives chosen Electoi'.for. our
Corigreisiontil diStrict; • Wm. A. Galbraith,
Elie and W. A. Wallace, :of, Clearfield, (fete . -
gait!". to the Nationa-I convention, and. A
Benton, .J., Boye'r.; Benjamin Whitman,
Members of the State •
• The follOrtng nominations • were ihen"mr.tle.
for Chairinair . 'of . the State Central Couttnittee;
Willi . m. L. - Hirst,'_l William Bigler, C: L.
Ward, IVillian..H; Whird..... • -.- 1. .
- MC...‘Witie declined and . Mr...l3igler'a. name
Was-withdrawn:. .
.. .. -.. : ~ . . . .
• Three ballots were taken, the third retaking .
as follows:''
Ward. . .. . . . 85 voles'.
Wm. L.'Hirst . . . . 3.1 .- ,‘• •
Mr. Ward was declared elected Chairman Of
the State CentratCommittee.
On motion:of Mr. Hirst,
.It',Viras made Omni
During the absence nf 'thecoMmittee . on. re,
solutions able and elt,quent.speeches were de
livereA by Hord W. A....Wallae'R, of Clearfi,hl,
'Hen'ry. G. Smith, Esq„ of . r
Vena ‘ igo, lion. Wm.
H.: Witte, Charles' W..Carriagan,....t.sq., and
M'Calmont .
offered the following resolu
tion, which .was' received by:the ConVention
with uparious •applause.. It was' referred to
the, :cemonittee oh resolutions.. '
Egsolp,d, That
. the "Contention cordially
unite.with the. Conservative party . of the epun
.try.in presenting the, name of. General George
13. M'Clellan as•onr first•choice" for. President
of the- United Stites. ' •
• Mr. Carrigan moved . :the•.follbwitig,. which
was received with applause, and alsci referred
'torhe committee be reicdutions: • •
Resolved,' That the .Pennsylvania delegation
to the Chicago Convention be instructed •to
vote as a unit- every question coining before
that' bcdy.
Mr. Jamison offered the following which was
rlso - referred to the same conimittee. .•
'i?e,rolved, That the committee onreselations
•be instructed to reportsentiments - for the sane
don of the. Convention` endorsing and ariprov
ing . of the course of 'the-Democrat ic . members
of the State Senate during the present session,
and tendering to them thh.thanks — br.the
abiding people of,.the State, for the firmness,
zeal' nd ability 'With which'they 'resisted and
finally overthrew. the arbitrary•and revolution
ary doctrines set tip . by. the Abolition menribers
of that body, to the effect that the Senate is a
permanently organized body, and that the elee-i
tion of a Speaker at the organization theT,eg
iSlatbre is a uselesi lortnality; • •
• t. Voi. M. Pie t t ofFeted the .followlng
eolut;on, ; whieh vi!aeireterreci tO.the committee
on nisolutione: ; •
.• •, • •
IVirnneet difficulties accitt in the pre
lirninary .
organizing of our Stnte Conventions',
and to avoid iltsput . es .upon such. geueStiOnS;
. . . . . . . .
. .. . . . .
' . .1i'4804.4; 'Filar the .ststi.:Cetitral Committee.
of. the Convention appointed; shill I he - Jcquired
to report I . oonr'next I)entonraticStatn - Conyen 7
,cpncisonnd plain rnliii , foC: the fntorii or
ganization and regulation ofoiti. Stare. coriyen,
tions;dnd when they htild... he wip( cd they.
shan•remainYbtoding,•.Otifil..i . epealod. and 't
scinded tiy a tAvo.t . hlid - vot;i.ofth e dedegutes in
State Convention assemlAed. .'' •- • .. '
,A.Aritesies Tinhertc L. -
John Son; of Cuittlit.in*,:,colinty,ifffluilge... John
:ThA 'resitlitfinns tiren•iretirrnefi
.ftif . Mr. GlanceY Jones,'. who ;was. elected
Chairman of thii.cOmmittee, reported..oe foi- 7 .
low.itt•te§olntions, which hifrbeezeselecterf by
ti a hrtarliiinS•Vote- of the fOliirniitre: ‘
ficoktrcd,.:.Th tit a§ • •tye •ha C.o.' no Stat,•'etinrli l
:dates .to. present to -the' People - , and too, issue
involved in the :corning electiftn :oilier • th . an
thoee which affect 'thkr wella re: and liberties. of
oursistOt States c;rprally• witlt'•ourS;VVlelpavett
to.parAepresentatiVes in 'the' Chit.agoConven-:
Hon with the representatives of the
Other. sovereigiitis of the North in 'etnhodyirig
the sentiment thePeoPle•ifi Ft•ileclaracion -of
principles .. ..acceptablejo • Sttftes, an
whoni.we fel}-to.ele&t a President: 'lfring
back Peace and. union to this distracted
. •
, .
• • Reketved . , That the DottiocraesyorPen my Iva ,
niti hereby express firebirenee for ...the
'nomination' of Genet al Glimige B. IPClrllau ; as
the nemocratic candidate 'for. 111,1 . Presidency'
.by.the Ghicage Cenventien, arid that the-dele
gates to said Coavimtion - be insitileted. vi..;e'
as a unit on-all tp,teistioMS:' arising therein, as a
majority of.the-dele.',gate!Slialrderitte . . •:..
'Reso/ved, That the'first:necessary step to re-.
store tha'ivellare: and iirosiierit . } , iof the Atner-
iiraO republic is;to get rid of, the
,piese'sit ear
-rapt Federal adniiniStratieM; and the sure .
'way ,
tmaccomplish this end is a
•tion• of the . , time:.boncired •Peruovratie ji,u tY;
'and the prevalence' s , of end, harmony
arming itsmembers. • • • • .
The re s olutions' Veirf:ai.lepted unanimously .
'tvifhoattlis'CLlFsion. •
`The 7 itext order of-.busine'ss *as the iehictioo
of tAvo . Simateria), elecfurs'. '
Nomination was !Wen made as' folims. , : • -
Jejui L. P iwcon. Rol”! ! .t ElA'ing;
1 . ...13rai1f0rd,1-I( . .n . ry D. Foster,
Wen. A. Gralbria'th,, (it • I host! :qr..
,11r. Galbraith antl . ltt r.- Da W:
son Were -withfira wn. . :
The 6.tllyt tt•as'tfien liraceeiled ,with as
Hobert L - Jolinspn
Richard Faux
• :Messrs Jdia.oli' a . nd ha viag' • reeeiv,ed
the Majerits Y.at!?s • cast, :were. ,declared
Nomination was - theft oroki ':for Senatorial
ilelVgates to.l l lle.Chicitp - CoOvpotiott, 'loos to
•••:, The loll Owing were nomihate4:• • .•
..Cass:.• of . .Hon.
bf Clear fi eld; IV:: A. C•olbraith, 01
Erie;•Hon• Asa Parker; of Carboni' WlWain., Y:
M'Grath;of Philadelphia; Hon. 'limy. 1). Foe
rer,.of Westmorelandi . ThriMasJefT, :\1; 'of
Philadelphia; ThMoss ,T.•Hernphill,.6l Philadel
phia; Alfred Gilmore , ,, of Philadelph:a
The following wds the ballch:co . si
. Gen, VV. Cass • '
NVilliarri • Bigler •
• Asa•Paaref .• "
IVi'lliarM.V: McGrath .
••AV. • A'.G;albraith
Thomas. Allies : •
• •
•••Thoinas Herriphiil
• 111 , ;ler, Packer; anl Ale Grain
%kern declared' . nieeted as the. lour . Senatorial
llelegales tO.the•Natinrol Conv?n t ion ,
Three' eheers..were loop:vied far 'General
SfeClellnr and the Cloion :which were :giVen.
with„a pill. : . .
...The Convention theil.ndlon.rne.;l;,(p)t,ilii,.....•
Executor's Sale
. •
.The pirdefsiiidied Ex,fientor of .liid•Ei-ifite ; of
pe nes Tayt or , deceased late of Keating ' rows
ship NlefCriir,n C'oirtity Peuri rlv+inia... will Hell
by•Yendure, to'tlie higheit till the; pei--
sfinal Fope.rty . O(said
'p ar t of jfonseliold ] ,rifinitdire.. I'urri4in .utensils,
Wrig'cirpi,••Sleiff.lii,,Harnei..s, - fiffo . ,, l , (Janie. (me.
Grain , &e . .; on •fli , TreffOses on Weilnes- -
'day the 30111-ilay of ',llarelf, inst.,.fid . .lo o'clock;
• TA.Yl,OR,..l:xecutUT
SynOtionrt, ilfarch 11th, Sl3-1..
'The.aboie sale. is adjourned to
Of April next, at 1:0 o'clock, A. ill., at vcliivh
Pitne the sale of said propert'y commenve,
and 'continue, 'lrmo day'to.day', u n til all of said.
Propeify shall have lieen sold. ' • •
• A. N. TAYLOR; Exec
BrnethpOrf,-Nlarilh 10, ISGI. •;•., •.•
. .
lIE TINDEP,SiG . NED,'" Administrators ..oi•
the. Estate - of GIDEON IRONS; deceased,
will sell et puhlii: sale, to the highest bidder,
On, Thursday and 'Friday, the. I ttli 'end 15th
days of •',April,•net, the. perscinal property be—
loaglnglo 'said Estafe, consisting in part . of
following:'.. - • . •• •• . •,
. .
Faiming utensil's, I-Torsos, Wagons,. Sleigh,
Fla,rnesS, Cows,...a - Mule, Jenny, Thre's,hing
Machine, Rec.l' also a quantity pf"...Sfore fjOwls.
' The'GoodS.will be sold ac•rhe 'Stere - How,
iiismethpoit.,.l . lllelse.:Olie late residence, of
the deceased, in Kent in i . ;• township. Sale Will
commence at 10 o'clock', 'A. M. - • . •
. Te43ls:—All order hand;' nbove
that suon,'a credit of six month? )4 . 111.be.
upori koodsecori!y.
°TB IRONS, • •
Ko . ating r March al, 186:
. .
THE Subscriber.hayini:purchrsed well
Anowq stand, and re-furnished and rerfit
ted.oe HOusi.,;is preinred to. entertiOri Bositd
eTs,and the l'! . .aveling4m . hlie. • •
.• 1115 AND '
. . _
Will he well supplied, ; and everkthing clone
to merit a liberal' apare or patronage:. Raft . -
men 'will always find-the .tlateb-srring"'ont.. •
' • ,P. M. FULLER.
. •
Kendal Creels, 'tannery 2, 1860 '3S-ly
. .
Butothport, 31 , Kean 0p.., Pa. W.P. GeoLL'IN Prokie
tor—opposito_the Cpurt Reese:. A Lew, large . , rem
- modiuue and well turuishedhodae. ''
SUBSPI3:II3ERwiIf-rmy cash J'or .
Pef:fiaj.Peef:Sicins, Old Copper pod Brass,
Foil; Zin . ce...oncs. of :all. kind!, qa , fl, - ‘ti.
Foot, - S Switche s,flO6lfi "of Anini.alt,' old .
kobbeT,' Froffs: i)(
.Persons ilitt'aboVe' atriclrs..on.
hand, iit it iiti:ti . es; !hay' atlitr.-ts's . c ,
me r.p_s.-
ittenitetrial,,:i will call . . ti.ir tlicm.' • •...
T.: w. COLE; .
Peatiraftl, i\lelcetia',Ci). Ps.
Ni - ;v: . .2:1 - ,.: . 15q3
I'M'. virtu:and 11,1f . '.11!Jort, to aT
.`e:;-.l , inal 0111 . %0
11 (>l' tlie))l,pi”vt..,t Onice.,• ; • *-
. .
D „„ i ,". ❑1),. - ,&1; , .1:1.; l'OCi.t . it , 4",: ry. 11 rd:care
.• ,hle.of the, P.ithl e StjuarerFteethilert,'
Nt lif4t ,
,s 0
g b•• - •
r .
%J •
• iM r4
• ...40
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4 4;
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• .
ICU vo e.
117. x otes
7) ~.
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to • . .=
J 7 tt
17 , t
2 t tc
VS t•
Gi eat Imptevenienb in Sewing Xaelii.ne - ,
ry,11,11,:15 iif)
-.Tttis . :llactline•is,t otn,trircted, on entire!) , hew
bi . m . Pch . aniitil..tiosit , sing ninny .rare
and -vidtt•tbleiinpiottetnentQ, ihtving b,ett exam
ined ny:t.ho 'twt rot:wind experts•and prmnit ri
red to h. , ..snirLiciTY .and :PI'NRI;C'P7OAr'
comBINF.D. • .
toll ow arc! pri . ncipar.ohjectiont
urged.agailisq. 'zi,pm:;ll;.;; mnehinPs: • - •
operift6r: •
‘2.=Liability to get oiliof order.
3. Pxpvilse,lro . .;ble.and.Joss of time.io repsir
1--lneapacity Is sew every
.ilescription of ips- .
5. Dkaerriest,li!' operatioo.
The. Enipii!e Sewizig'lSTacht - io is txempt all'
• ' these Objections. '
It has a traditdit perpendicular action,
makes the .1 . .0c,k or Siiiit'tle • Stitch, which 'will
neither MP Or ravel, and is alikc'on both sidesi
performs perfect sewifig on'every,.thiseyilit ion of
rnateriel,%frorn.Leather 'to the Nansiio(c.,
Eusliti,' with .cottofi, linen or silk thiCad,
the coarsestio•the.finet number., •
Jlnvin~ neither dAii.t - nor `COG, \VHEF.J4,
and the least rinsslblu friction; it'runs as smdtirii7
as;glais, and is ' ' • • • •
•• . '
It tequiies'FlFTY PER' . CENT' leis. pdvver .
to drive R•than any,;.it her :in market.
A sirl twelve, years:old 'can work 'it . "steallity,
without tat rgue'or. injory.to he . tath;::
NS streogth arid .SVONDIMPUL,
to get out.of order, atid. iStiUAItANTKEI)
the compatiy tq ivti cot ire s'sitiSf? , (ion . .-
WoJespeetfullystiivitealillmsoa;ho may
to simply this'Msellois with ii..soperfor Orti
elo;to aiol examine this UNRI VAPE_D
lint in ail 1, epec.ial manner do IVo sotieit
the' patrtinage of.. . ..• .
. .
.A IC F,'.RS. • •
will do liboially doalt with. •
)V, S. tßowiTzt:L. •
t I••
C11• 0° M
Ciam - J
tiz - 5 1