M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, March 26, 1864, Image 3

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:.of.theie . v.i•e. Manufacture a gieit....keriely;
ranging in price iromso.eetits to $5O each. •
Our ALIWNIS have t •renn„tation of_ being
superior in beauty'and,ilurability to anyotbere.
The smsile'r_kintls.ean be bent . safelY by mail at .
aposta;.4e ot,six cents per bz...
The, more evpensive.On be sent by, efipresi.
. • • . . . .
g.t.e• - re c e r i
Our Catalogue of these sent tdany .
address on receipt of Stamp: .•
E. 2k7, I'. H. ANTI-I.()N °
ricinufacturors of Photographic Materials, . •
561 gIIOAP I'ORIC • '•
, . • .
FriP'rl4 - or• relatives ..of prominent military
'Moo I,i:illconfer favpii wrnillng:.us INfir,
likenciies to copy:
„They kept .careful
:.y and re!arned'ani . njare'd, , . . .
Cpagrevratical.ta . pro!sitat to tlipjr- nr.for
colierlait'poses, kith snit ihl,l inseriptioni.„&c..
NT I; iiN.Pured N e art ua Debi ty. neutupet en'
•ey, Preniafore.lbteey Pp I Youtniul Ii etr, neu lied'
d , niire to beiviiit ii.ber,tti.l • e to to, to all
tyliti'iteed, it, (tree. of tit tetti . )llle rareilit an+ direct ioni
loi'malt in; tip, wimple IteinrlY e tee.- 'Thom.;
17X re..ilpl6l!--00
ble ae . ceir• the tatioi*,•iiy retinal limit. (care—
fulry sealed,) by a ttli,,ing. • JIM,V it.'o4 DEN .
• • •
G'i Nii,s;t4 t;trtet,'Neir Yorii
.PENSIONS: (or - \‘'i49l.l , Q";
Alotbef. , , TIES
for Sobliets.' ilk.bblii'lr:ll by %vuo rids
.ro c!!1 , 0 1. l k i!1, 1 13 , :i 01 . • de
cPase,l..SQl(ll,rc. PAY iii soth..initbt
of. nil nuPA. , :;41
Sol , lior , ;lint .I!RIZE
• I iNt i'o , t pp•rit. ebc los rng
6timpio pay • . •
. ,• P./Z0 IVS, • :
• de;l
(I.lllll , lBrary , jilrk N Y.
. ,• 4'l'6 Sdvoilth Street, WaLhing,tni, -D,
hi 'Er
-I'l l'N' \ .....
!, !I NMAN.Vir ,, '.• •
;1.51, ,
IllAyor of. hrool.lyri •
MINA Il'.l.\NN
JAY; 0091( LO., !1..1,1e,r , , IV t-.11 . 111;:tnn ;in 1.. P
NEw m.‘6-2,.zu•;1•3',
For The I,:tclies.
. .
. . . .
• 'The chteter!biti , erpul&Leti I.•ite to e-ill the qitentine n
their fritiii4:tibei the' phial, ...tt).' the. NI:tV ti,teLVZINE.
Ithielt the , s.nri• ahnut t.l it.ne,. en I Ole .I,ititi.ti y oucohor
of salich is vearly rii.nlk: -The itanie' wi:l'Lu . .•.
and it will lie ciiiiiiti , "Literiiturti an I ihc . Eine.
trati,iri of tlm Fil , hioll4 .. It ,Nvil':ftilft the •.littit•t
ttertvi - iif Lin Fancy
iery, e 31usie;.an:1
Other: matters iiiti:re•tin,.t.to I lilt,: L retierally
EJ.:t. 111 Flti END ;ill eit ted b:. HENRY
PE rEllttON, the eUCiices, of the LitP•
tar.) .
ItnnrY Wonil:'.Autluir of 1 •1:ast Lynne' , Se
IDAvirl.;• Ma ion Hail ithf.,, , Cuthor ofA Inne. ll rs
Elen . ,ir C Donneily, .AI Wain, Mar
raret Virginia 31i:*Al. A Duni-in.
tiara Loara - J: A, Nl', puiva Hell. ; A lira L.
Charle,Morri.:, M.. PrAt.t, Alago.ie C
lir; Mrs. Aim 'nacho .• Itnrwin,CAriii-Alnyiir.
Mr+. M. I', Fanny 31 i; 'lnf.:
'dell, MD., 1, D,'Sliearg. Ca:iiloe .Annie
t'yrnn. Mr , ' Z.- M atin
'flyer itriit'n, Annie Afisa Miirpiy. no J.
ClAr il.Dotv. llurri,t W. Th11,1..311 inin.iMnr,
A rthurll.ltmptoil. It ,tiara liCandii, una
other tale'nted Writers.'
' A ICANIISO3LE STE1:11 1 . :N111Al1 NG nvl.l.rf C01,0:1.
ED STEIN, YA , LIION PLATY. 10;1 411 , 1 , ..ra1e ov'eryoitv,
- Ivor; e:.ecutel VV.Vnrl 4lf Sto
ries.. l'att..rn. 111,11;WI Th 4.
vary number bevutifol AI 4:..1
designed r.rpr.enlj for this
and call6l . ' •
.G2‘131Z1...1?.L.,..\\' , 1•i r 1i11 ? ,::-; 1-; l'irl'l,7,l--;N:
This hhilelsonse,:tees.l Plan , tqteitrates ssts,): rsr
m=rer r ancl,x broleen'eul.rag. , ,sstst. ]::emir C. lon
ard is ill bo of itself; we. ;111.,t, si.t tti tilts trio
. . .
We wilbany.per6 n thirtysuMei•htions
to , TIIE .1 -. DI"S Do:ho , ,,one of Whoeit
or & Wibbn Colrbrated•Sewum•;\ja, , how,, , 0 61, na th ey
sell for rortrtjire LMllarr.... The Ma• will be 4eleett••
ed new•af the mapufactor.i'inn, V.ork, and'fott'
I%ardad 'free'rir with.the:ev'ebrinn of
Q e.ght.
• To nrocurhot aibo;ribera':,llll.4 . PreLfiuto, we rrarer
that the thirty zutirtaribers 4umll be Moeuer I at t.be
tine Wyman' Two •01,11 a, for em but where •tuja e. 01:
not be dune; they luny be I 'mooed at poi. Mob-rater, ant
'the balance of.theSixty Hall tra holvonfed to mt.
by the pei o oo dr.trimt the lorchino . .. The' ,!Ingo tines
will t'e trot tool ilf. , •crnt Port Offieos. if fled, rl. Every
person collet trig nunea should apod theirt itl , a flu, money'
as f“st , ns.omainoth that TI me. ~1111...qber, be. j je, a t
once' t 6 retake Nlyt,•entr:. and not b r , otottdikatia.. -
apd ivith t he drhty Whom the.whole iv; inkier, 0 , lumen
(thirty') anal whohyrinmunt nf monee Dull.trs'd is
receii : td, the 3Bchilie wilt be duly fat warded. • .
• .
. .
Oni term . , will he t•lte 4 . 1,P :iohit, f,,, 1 li,“ ,i,All kn,",
weekly wttite,..7/t e FIIII/;:;eny Er , it (tit: Pop . p., sii,h,..l
by us for the I.t , t shytteteee yyant—itt nt•dee th it tl . el.ibe
i rrt3y be mute up:el - the riper nit•l Itt.t.ttlziqe ettiljoti,'tly,
,srlista it is sn thissie:l—am! will he es. fellow,: .• • •
1 copy, one yen'
tt copieyt:, one agar
4 copi.ts one year
8.401 1 e 0 . ftnd orte•to :Titer no .44.10 ,
' 2O collo*, andt , ile 'if f•lat
One esity nt each of TH N NItI EN It
' • $A it:RDAY Er 1 I Nif • 3PT
113 - Fln,te aanylkers of The Lady's' Friepcf.,(ttoittage
pall Ito 04) 2tl .1111.4.
ff7t . l3te in tier in Tftr ill ttys
different •root tit 4.1, in The Po-t'
Sat++crilwry in 16hi it Sort!l Anterir I tratQlry , l it tu.;‘titt
tents tn , an o
d!tin to 'lna :inau .1 4,l;•qcil,ptiooy ay we- have
to joepay jI e U '
' posta,te on their :»3•:!1,1104.
Attires,' ' • • . .
No. 319 Wahiut Ptroot, Phi;:,
• •
.ICJ' Spnennswn nue a It .w wwoy
wri:tou for to.tipsz .
E. & 1)1,
Manuf . 4qturors ofirlicitagrap4io Natoriale,
poi BROADNyAY, N.Y;. •
. .
. . . . .. . . . . . . .
: Our CAtalogoe now ernproce . s .?OnsideralOy
over FOUR TUOUSA NU (Hirer mit subje,ts (to
'vhieh'ailillii . on; are etiof inoullY'lleing.rr.iude). of
72 Majoi GonerUli,' , .523 ~s. ' tdiesmeo> -,, ....
100 Brig. Gept rots, :•"•121.1)ivip!,,
. . . .
20'0 , - ' 110. A othciig,
Colpnels : 30 Artists,
206 Oth'er'ollicer . s 3 • 112 stoge,
60 Nnvy Gfficers
„ 147 Proniinene POW km - Port •
• 2,5b0 .COPIES OF WORKS OF . ART,' .
.Ine)ntlng, reproductions of the micro: celebrated
Enzravings,,Pointings SILO B:.e.•6lalogiies,
sent on receipt of Sts m . 0.. An, order. 'for One
Dozen PICTURP:frorn our Catologue, will, be
filled Dia, receipt of 's.t.po, end tebt.by
TreEtaurnra Sitle's of Unseated
Lands of Potter County, -
• Agreeable. to theprovisionsof Assemhly
entitled-an net directing : the mode of selling.
unseated lands taxes,and for.othei•
'Pew', palmed 011. the the'.l . ath . day of Isiareh
.Iqls 4 and the' ftirther -. suppliiperit-,thereto
passed on. the .1;1th d:ly of March 1717, and.
the nst6 of . Mnrel4 1831. 'file - Treasurer
. of. Vie .C.ourity of Pot tserheiehy gives notice
to all persons concerned therein that witless
.Tax diie: on the following. tracts 'of un
seated lands and Sea ted 'returned as unseat..
ed satiate in Potter. County are oid before.
day ofsale,'..theyhole'or . such parts 'of each
traet,a.s will pay, the faxes , anci,osts
able thereon o ill
.bp: cokl at 'the • Court
' House in.'• ahe''33drou h `of CouderSpor4
County, .or Potter On (lie • Second lionclay
i n June :next,
.(and. 'he . ...continned. : . by ~:ad. 1001;n
. 1 001 ; n
,inent *froth day to. da) for . a r rearage
of tax(.a s due. said... County, and the 'Costs; ae-
Oiled on eai. l . l resPeetively.' .• •
Sintea Laud.Retlined as,Unsoated
• .•
A11130:c •
. .
. . .
War:'t . Aptis Wart„?otee or PA'ner: Tax.
•• !. •. ‘.
• 25 14 * . Fro n (!ii.t . • 1 •• • .... • $ 51
• '•. T .. . I.lot Julin . hfuller ' - .. —' • 28
~-• • 50 Sinltli . '.:.•.1 18
. ... - . .41 LLEOAIs:Y•I 11..
1 :N
- . 122 •ittll•nn Lirow • ll
•• . „108 ,S I! edodst 11
No 1021. lot 10•'ps.
, 102 1"' 10 - "
14 1 " E Miles
::etiv York
house ti:'Store IM•ilones,llnnn itiones 250
•• 50 I'.ft•la 1 , ;1•lsnn: 221
50'. Civil.les Juilg - et 2 00
. (0
• .
4(1 P!'gininent Womeni
63 Tlitmillq„Sheimm •:3 90
:50 J • • .1 69
175 ..J Iton • -4.36
50 . ,1-1-111,...101olpi'ts 1 24
150 : 0 . 470
50 . .It,rni -t- :"Aliysa .
50 I 0 . 1 . 0 y 3,y1 . 1111:3 . ,76
50 ..T U Smith • _ .2 90
. 50 - I limin Ilrock • 2 90
Go' ‘l.li , iiry P>irt•
, • 27
50 ••
.F.ll A rtiol,l ' 1.63 .
111 01;01: ar—flavens ' 3.G1
B 0 .Citniinti • . 98
01 . . IV T. '• 3 .
. 100 l t'ellil.,:tll.•Robbiti.i•' 3..25
•54 • .1 • (i 3.
•50 Cirithberlain .. • G 3.
154 8.0 Doty .• . 8,70
'75 ' 1•68.
123 •.. , • ,
GO • • SIVIIG:1) 0 SOuther , 264
4 . 3 I cnnti!•id - ' :1 . 10
50. • Paul 11owni•ci • •„1 90
11' . 1.,(2 . 0i:i . n:1Jilskitis .• • G$
GO Cluj:J1)180c . '.
t 4 - • Robt.C4slt: • • 84
23 ' rivnver
' .. 62 — *Gottlio) Lflon: • iir G 2
.50 II Tol;fs • .... 50
.• „ 1 op .
50 . Jll..S;:ttcl • , • .70
50 13elij:unin' dorey 120
11..1 •_ A sheik. lO 05
4(3 1. - innizi.(loprini 3 (37
111.:Tittos . Ti'.
200 • 7 90
111)os 4 31
60 John Wodsivorth - •2 99
ltoaiur •rr..:: . •
100 Quick • 882
50. John Ilpsiner. - 2IS
IIEC1011.• TP. . • • ••.
25. Jacob Bump •• 55
•G• P Coo •4$
7 iu•
100 " " •10 16 -
50 11 13uld . win, 2 20
70 - 11 F. Ji•lyett' 79
•120 BiPoll • 1 72
100 1 ' W. FL citp•nsev.• , 1, 20
100 Z 120
75 Wilry .Strang • 1
50 ho•e:I1 I.Milge 2 '313,
I.2`' . l'tirbel • 60
.0$ Strplom ,Wilson 1 16
K6'll Is:9:TP
100 To*
58 Ilitckett
57. .Erits4, • - ." "70
133 WV T Jiro 1 05
80 "Sitiitiol \V Mott 1. 44
75: •11ii'mpi Wilcox'... 5 d 1
PS 0P 00 . 710
40 . 3 ,32
38$ S Enswortli. 13 03,
347 .1 13 , 401 1170'
50 Int:lrks 1I Cumber 471
'96. 3,ort.s 11t001) •2 59
100 &his . Rtislimbro ;1. OU
034 A M I3enton 1.92
88 J C Colemnn . 4 5.0
04 J, C 1 Forbes' • 2•35
04 , 13eorge Moore . • 62
•,50 Alexnnikr Rend, •2 31
50 • SyWenns Robins • 2 . 00
50 , 13F Bmit - • ',•• 71
50 7. p wirsh . 1 •03 -
30. Jerome Eastwood.. 50
50 Johntlinn Nichols '4 . 40
67 .Allen Starloventher 09
100 Alonzo, Wileo:c 200
Sl2 Jne.ob Snyder ' 200
50 Snmnel - lieekrnan 384
102 P. M'Dtiff l / 2 542
61 llntkiew. Ost 1
. ragiler , 4 0
213 Andreiv Snyder , . • .13'1 . 7
244 C Ayleeworth ' 608
. .
' •• : 74
:A J . Ward . • 414
licul;en: French 8 1 . 0
: . 601): . !vi4.01r0w.e1l
114 George ~W ilcox 1 .54
160 '.Jomes Goble . .6 80
174',-Elliot:Shofr . 964
50 Josep liM'Kidstdr 3 40,
63 Almond Dndrre. • 4.03
100: •lize.rilthi.iuttoci s'Bo.
100 P 580
• 50 J, B Knples 346
.57 . John Rennells - . .1 02
'5O Tobins Cobuin . - 90
" • 50 Robeks , : 90
EiTILWATibSaI! I : . . TP
50 221 ugus.t Anderson 92
112. "'WiiHain Card - 2/ 2.80
"Earl. • •36
so Jc,n) • •.. 64
50 Prouty - 1.23
137.. .N
'.l .L 2 . 56
50.. iiir:itu..Prouty.• 1 13
50 *Li;wisTayna••• ' • 83
75 (;)a - .)1',.... , e 'PO ne,:*•
. :.1.(30
.50 • Cr: • A - 8a):32.1aY
. 1 78
TP A " -
5 0 .. . •
Nntnan Ltidw ig 1 . 32.
.• 75 jaci)k.(i)vinnor .z, ..3 99,
5.. . • •25
•• wrirtnToN TP: ,
•••• —_ l L LLD LA
IVI u'xd wner,
. . -r:,.vsititp
'4722 000 • •
1721 850 .1 ol : krt F. Cowan
58(17 090 . , Wrn
5808 '9OO Win ,110il.le
.5811.. - 000 Wrri
.17'23 • 100 I 130-10rrint,th
SSII 30 Mary A J berg •• •
4puci : • ,
• • • . 50' John 131oss . •
2G :lary A '•Joeir. .
25 II Ifelq.to •
.25 Sellh ma 04
• ,25.0 'A Seidel ..:
25 JA: Seidrl
• Sn.wnlibsou
. , .
5521 . • • 990 -Jitti - ies 11 Petkiirs 98 49
:5518, 040 Perkins Lent &IPritic B.i 90
5322 •1000 Perkins Len! & herdic • • JS 40
5.523. 900 Pei kin; & Iterciic 147:73
5810 900 Pet Itins Lent & Hettlic • 73'17
. 5899 120 'Jobe F.comie 9.1?
5521 '990 Lloyd & A.lrttrolt;• 98 49
1, of- 5929 1'09.1 Moei M Strong etnl 40 99
.",,•of '170:n0.1100 St rntig'et al 41 21'
' 2 of 5938 1991-Moses .3,1 Strong et
.111 01 70
09 . 61'1100 Moses M ul •1 I po
0822 990 Heidi,: Lent & 634 . 0
row .300...Herdic, & Nhite. . 30. oo
5014 700, Lent & White, 150 (-8
5940 . "552 Lioyd . Watson & Lloyd 82:79.
• 881 1.10 v. 6 WittscOt & Lloyd • :SS:10
5016 551 R . ,Cliddlebinok • 'B2 60.
0943'1063 H 'Met dont' .15040
. 5960 . 1100 H Merriman, &Co • — 165 00
.1,80 9-10 ;Mary: A doer 4 • .01 00
SSOG. 990 Chat tee . •99 02
5856 10 . 96. G R.tt dolph- : 62 -13
: . '957 100 . 1 G. Raridol ph
1101EIN =III
5958 1100
_ .
3 . 10'1117 'Henry' Garret( ", 111. GS
519.0 'llOl Henry (.I.trrett . 110 00
5I21.1" :395 Ilenry Odrrf!it
- 94 J
'l3: - ;2,1'. 303 R G
.T4G3 .
• . '743 Wm Mt.l.Yougall • • ..•" 74 20
5509 Tar. RMlnlpho; 11.icharn '•• . 1 . 51 SI
5819 131. 'lO op
r,SIS 11.41.101pi0i . s 'BacllaiC • 3 - 99'
. 5510' 090 Garret! Miry .197 99
5.i.1.6 '1 117 G4re t &Co • 2'23 43
'511'1117. Garrett 13;011.y.,&•.Co . 107.50
5118 '330 .GarTet.l *k. Co 07.73
,+ 1.V551:5 TOWNVI ll'
;A' F Knox • 3 88
• • ••
• • .o-) I.,'ynian & COlnell 0 3q
77. Silts ToiiAs 5 99
..• 50 nicloird .• . 3so
.c so Rrts R: . G 21.
41••1.11)enezer..Whitngy 3.35.
. :•• .1.00 •: • .... .42 . 15
50' J Goold . . • 390
• 06WAYO To'wsstite,
567-1 .200 .A Co . 71 50
58871•• 1130'A Veston . & . C6 '• •, • ". 01'35
51366. 4 . 01 A. Westnn &,. Co.••'.'• .132 71
fisqs 351 A "Weston & Co 27 22
975 Lewil ,I;vs‘renett• • 19 . 68
91 . 75 lop o Boridutm Weston & Co. 30200
1955 . 560 r a•• • '.179 . 75
1872. .91.. .it • u .
..1873 ' tt • . a • 'll.lO
11819. '3ll . IVA rrpn • .
1 ,1809: :.119 11 11'.1.ymait ri3' 25
1570 '129, H II Lyman
1,471' 313 11 : 11 Ly . nian
1313. 2'2,8 Olt Lyman
37 ;Fox • & • -2 0 1
Gr:Nr.ce.r: ; I'nwsrrii • • '•
0 203-S P. Lyn - mn" 18 09
12S1 Williams ' . • 6 .I'6
10.7. a S :White • .•.. 14 68
• T,nyNsuoi; •••
,•. .
120.6 02 Hiram, CMvin • • • 10 39
.1204 John 'Harper
1265 vici John, Al
1129 .97.1 . I n dict
1511 Isa m 17 67
i2O L 17 . 'Thorns :11nrper . -5 28
1205 270 Tkimas llarpe - r , 30 -51
' 50 -James,l)Mlo.e 545
11e6t Elt. ; TOWNSHIP • ,
Jathes • 3 85
H F:b.1011. Tosessitir
5123.;100 Garlock
5121 127 ,gt
5122 '395 Ifensiker & Garlock
5123. 513 ilensike.r & Garlock
'5121 712 lignsiker & Garlock'.
5125 790 1-10isiker & G.trldck
.5126 520 Ilensiker &
5127 612 Ilensiker & GarloCk
3060 700 Wm, McDougall
• 160 A P Coiie
123. do
at. do . _
221 .
'do •
1660 ..400 Timothy Ives
4028'100 Timothy Ives
3789, 802 Timothylves.
5159 - .32:0 -Timcithtii.etr • ' ' .
5100 325 T.iinisthy . .'
• 352 Timothy Ives ..• •
990 A Drones • '. • .
' •400 A limner : •
• 'lO2O ' •
• 390 A-.lirtiner •
. 200 A Brinier' •1.
70 E S Tracy .
1409 502 'A Nett Ansley: . •••
% . :1000, Altierr Ansley
2133 'lOO'H D Frost
2125 40.. H D-Frost
2127 - 11011 D Frost' '
. .
• "" 90.Sannuel Carlin, d e 'e 'd, '
PI,EASATif TALLEY. newts {{fir
• 200 - Joseph Coleman'
. • ROMETTT 101/MSllllr
'• 50 A P ; Cone
2148••' , Eilimintl:Farter
•I w Mane; •
5395.. 097 A M .Ilenton ••
5995 200 A .111 Benton'
•• • ..40 Horace Coleman.
: • 50 Sylvester Robbins
•.' 50 Orren Palmer
2150: 50 . '1'91:Renton
21 . 49 115 A M :Renton
2103 '5O A.M 13entOn
-2224 149 AM . Benton'
• Sit.VArifil TOWNSITI!,
4756 • Gl9. John F Cowan
4757 -.600 (Iq,
4758 .468 ' :.::do
4759 . 590 do
4760• 810.' do • • •••
4701.,.9,90 •do
4773 .900 do •..
4774 'BO5. do •••• '
4775 800 • •
4777 850 7 'do •
4778 090 do • ' •
4779.'. • 610. • ,do
4930 .091):: • do: • • -
4931 • o,oo' '
' . ';.do •
.4772. 100 Gpotze pnelonar
4750.:'Y.114. A •Gelrn , te r d,
4772' 400 11'..thrSrd Langtlon
. 10.0.Yritnot1;y Ives .
Siephep tOn
• 1 50 ;:•11non4 Stuct,y,
76 23
C S 53
70 23
73 02.
7 70
2 32
1 00
2 00
2301 03 A P
2102 . ...50, A Cone
4045 Frederick Davisee
40 1 1.40'5 Mr 4 G C Biddle
4678, 218 S a muel Plaagants
. 2107.2185 •• •
.2109 2186 2;50 Mulford fi'Alter
114ydock .
2,102: .100'Jue)
2107 97 Joel .. •
2107 . : :87.10 1 ,6 Ileb . er
1078 . 80 A ‘G• Oinoe'd • "
2102 AO It II Evlins:' .
2.107 :70 11.11 Evans' •
••.••• . • •
'2109 1 . .
219;24.160 IlughAotrg
. 2180 Schutig
2102 120 •F•ltio.ll' • •
2223 'l5 F Schwin Bc.J R.lloffmid
4693 89 9 . 11'04. ".
I,l,'Est Towsurr%
4648 -008 John Cdwoia
4649 990
4650 ,900
4851 _990
4652... 890
4653 495
46,16 000
1057 700
1659 590
1659 590
.:1666 000
400 :9bo
404''4 :2.14 Samuel Plensatint • • •.', *.••
41378 200.. Win Ala)augali
167'S W Arms . , ' 4 17
5512 .200:H Nekon '2O 40
y• I ves, • • '
1603 : 405 A : . .P 'Cone • • ." : .'• '35 30
4051 195 A.P C.0 : 011 35 10
1005 990.'_C '• • ; 7069
, 1078 S 197' F Rosa ' lips
its J• Crock • • ' 2 G 3
25 Christ. Baker 1 .2 75
25 F' Bender.- •• : • 2:52
50-A Dritz• 2 65
2.5 John . Harklef. • • 2'52
25 .Ph, Kan' , -2 52
. , .
50 Jll 11&koff • : ' • .. .5 10
tir) .100 a KOneht . . . .•5 10
123' .K , ofirinn-: .. ' I. ... 12 83
25 Chn..lnelz .... 2,52
251111.Prigol!I '•. '. • •..2 52
100. Rer's & Bru.ther 10 20
-25 0-11.',.1 . 1in. ... • . ' . '•-2.52.
p'2 It Schull.•
25 Dori.Sirllwai
25 A Wetshe 1
4670 ' 700 John Cowan
4687'' 600
4695 800
4700 . 000
4705. 090
4700 GOO
4707 490
'4725 •500
47:34 - ..990
4770. '1.371
4921 690
492.2 600
4923 GOO
4925 • 560
4926 354
4123 '340
. :330 .
4333 330
4034 . . 330
494'2 000
4940. .495
4943 500..
4929 900 Moses M. Strong- , 73 82
4941 ' '5OO 13 Green 43 21
5908 400 'Joel D Gillette 34 GO
L on SW. Nloblin S Gdllith ' - 34 60
4686 • 707 " 61,11
"-, i 990 .T Ives 81'13
• .990, " ' " Bl'll
a 851- " ,' 73 58
4 939 • " • 81.20
4927 , 700 11. W litay AS 28
4916 '990 F R Wharton 86 56
477.2 697 Smithdr. Brothers 60 74
4918 ' 440 .'" 95 88
4701 • 720 Jane Hnnsphrey, 89 40
4715. "
.491$ DO C Johnson :10 20
.i.oa ‘lTtr Ayrea 12 45
49a5 090 W Willink , et al , /55 91
4705: , 300
470 G . 300
4701 , '3OO
• . .
. 75'0 „Win Ebert .42 02
4927 '300.'
. Jpmes 'l6 30
4020' , 'BO6. 'John lirritzcr 02 75.
4680 200 . 'l3Kisley. • 18:40
4726 •20•1) & J Catilslvy 291
4726 t 39
4727 C • • .
4725, • • 75
13 00
ti 47
10 68
4725 75
472 . 5 • 48
4725 , ., • 100 Stephen Horton 877
4925...:'112 Jam . ;(701.11541/-linslintlen'.l2'44 '
125. Evelin dr,Jelinsbit 12 15
809 . 'Wm Brackett . 33 50
100' • :• . '( lll . , l3riggs• 0 89
50 Jitines Bartron .5 07.
50..:" '.• 6.13
• .1.015
720 • FR Bacbus 73 44
37t " . 83
80 .J L Barclay. 8 94
75,' Patrick tit Brother 632
425: A P Cone. • • 24 44 39
Iteputoil Owners
•29. S Ly,niiin
135' * " •• •
49, David Siieley,
92 00
43 99
G 4 .77
75 88
Q 2 00
0 . 9.00
92 DO
.89 71
74 40
02 00
. 57.53
92 00
14 04
36 84
1' . 2;30
21 00
265 A M 13enton 50 36 .
50" • 11 20
_7l • Issue 1..,v inn!) . 15.01
ray If nfris •Lyninn ' 78
50 Win MniTy . - 6. 00
50 A P Cono . 02
150 Jones , 16 80
50 Jose1)11 Knowlton 560
65 " 7 20
roc, Qt.'s Lytnith 12 70
50. Jountlinn lfrown 1 . .01
100. Angt.4o' Cvni)sy 11 71
50 Chas Johnson 461
• .
100 A linflon - Lyinau 10.45
54. lA4oy 11,yinntf 1' 81
50 1-kubon Roberts' 224
-50 - Fiteplit.n StnyS:t 401
50' Salt Steplivn &co 1 70
wt. no:. qy. .13.0puteil Owngro
20 - 32 in Sntnuelllcen . 27
' 21 • 31
22 • " • . 27
4 14
4 OS
13 *9
• 10 72
. • 385
6 07
2, 28
4 87
60 76
607 G
65 28
48 If,
4Q 39
. .
, . . .. .. . .
=3 hit. 469 4 61. 1 Harcni &.noirnaville '.. , 3 7.G
4153. VP '• Julin Y•Cowap Cowan , :.:.83.16
... . „
4754 ..: • 270 . ".. .... • ' . 22 68
5148 • 990: • lleiiry :1 . /linker : 180, 82
2119 990., • 11. 14er:rim:In' , : , 180 32
. . . .
2154... 112 .•.,. .18 82
• . 390 , :.65 52
500 s . 3 , 20 A 1 Strong 27 85
I'ho'nntlival(;:i LW' of tho font f,,itotringt.rnerr;
5912'. 300 nises . NT'Strong . ..... - 12 cai
5917. 40 04.
' 1084 : • 45 53.
'5922 • '." .. 40 10.
"5 . 133 'llOO ' • ..02 40
4098 . * • 125 E Dhrrow .;
4093 '; 395' . MeDutigall. 16'52
*4OBB - 3.12 .'" . .'l3 10
:895. 150 - • "• . 'o'32
'3;?95 106' 'Co , •'6 2
176S' 313 AP Co'ne. 12 16
' 000 Timothy Ives
0 . , 75 51.
7 ,• 00 . 0
75 60
46961 270 Jill3C littuipbruy
. 4607 : ., 090 • : ",
-1691,.: . 405 • 41 50
4600' , :690 " 83'13'
4701 • 2;0
4703 030
4704 . 270
4115. :270
470 270
4700', 270
4709. ' 020
4770 • .270
2127 ••
" • ~•• •
08 ,100• 13ellany ; .
8 d 0
470' ' 2 . 44 . NV Wilph4A.Co ; „ . •
.1 . 20 64
2079 midi 50 :Clark A: 010 •• .. 209
2671 ". 60', •21100 , 4 French • • ' 6al
2131. •" .(;rd 911101 a . • ; • 4:20
208 I.ll...lllOrryl4;nuin Esiato . • • .931
21.3 k. • , C.lf Malelleg •-• .• • 6'04
67 J. A Brock ' ; • •. 36
212.7 . .101 • 3 . 05
218 53 31
543 . 2 015 . .13enhain &Fhb . 1 . • .
• . -
5431. • 450 . l'ele‘ : Ahom'• • - . .25 92
3554 .•35 ' • ICO
5431 154 Gcitcr.ii Freemnn . 980
3910 . )00 111ercrread, NlooroSs Co . 40
4C93 200 ;A C . B4B
Wm Ensign • 8 4 , 0
CO Christian Shoone2s
2173 - 150 FayiiriAlty Wrlibt ' - 13
2181 . 228 • 14 33
45G0' • 345. • •21 38
3814.... 75 Weston Co • . • . .31 71.
5:-;33.„..320 , •• .135 . 20
5858 • 235' • •. ' 71 .
5855.. • 300 MorceFenu'd; Weston' • - 125 75
3857 • 440 . -" • . . 112 95
5853 . 30 •S P White... • 251
5855' 154 • ": • :10 AS
5850' 75 950
.5801 - • .174
5878 . •95 • •• • • • • 4 57'
(lArrett - • 20.
100 'Jnser:o loll er, • • • ' 1245
'-'5O 13.1,0 v 11.31 -•- • . .6 20
-4330 1,11 lanp!..y • ,• 285
6873 51' •
5857 • 200 ' • 1:0A10 IVO6/1 • • • 2 001
2170 • 160 rzcrinh Dialer' 10 45
• ' 44 . H111)4001 • , •'• • • ,
4850 21 - .'•Pator Dudrick ' 'BB'
2142 ,107 Wm l'ausno •• •• :4 • 818•
467 'g P
2176 • 150 . - Malin &Nichols'
213$ '. 7O . . Tilomnaldlen ' : •-• :
...,, , 2. _.,
21(0 . .. .103 Ww.FulLron , . .:, . . _ 6 r i c
2119 . 270 • ..
- .. .4 {6
. • .
2103 t :61 ~ E. Tr!Lc.? '. -.: • ' ..•
:itrg s .7 0 A.P Cono ••• . - . .. • ...13
•1 N
2 . 1:5 011 iekok
isfrAttoN Tr.,
1214 : •200 - iVnt S Jollioon • too
1215 f 7Ol do
1293. ' ' do, k
121: aso „ .t' 3 - ; co:
Reynaldo tiOoodopoonr dfie d
1201 , • Head lluaitnuu do oe:c .
1206 109' , 'do,.
1211 709 • •.„ • • fin - ' 290
1214. '072 do . , I*. - ",•4002/i
1202 '.400'• do" • • ,
19410 'OO.. . '• 10 orr.
5289 1110 - Chamberlain de ItAndali ,4061 ,•
ISM • 00 , 'Warner & DauNdru 900
1293 119 Jobeiilt Stdna t . 91'
91 . yinati k Tagist'S /6 11 .
• , 61 , Rnvtlyi Bso
4031 010 Jab aeon Ir'Cuwati
59 40
31 . 1)atiOnIrk Rime
Freil,..rlclc /ta fixes
Timothy [vett
Win' DlTntig,4ll
Augtist 2014 r
Cuiulerspori, ikitiveli la. !ISG4: .;
Treasurer sit. Pone.. '6unty.
.• • •
. . . -
. .. .
. . ,
" EDITOR or Democarvr, Dr Art SlR:.—Wilii your. •".
rierrnisstob I.*isb-tp say,tn the reader, I;if your,:..' :
piper .that I eilt spud by return mall :to aiP4'., 4 .
*ho wisb it, [free] a Recipe,; ti , tth . 11111 .- tfir . ei . .. ..
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Balnii - tb,ir• 'will effectually remove,in tfn4ays i .:•... 1,
Pimples, 13iMebes,.Ttin,.1reelcli!s,'nntl allitiipu:.
lit tes'nfrthe sltin, tearing the some soit, • cleari : . ': •
smontb.rtml bentitilill:. ' • . '-: -
. . .
.I.vrtil lids° mail frve 76 tbmie
Beads 0r•13.,.1.re and la ! •.
iarnlntipn Oat wtll.enabl.,; idstart a ralr.::,
growill:ot Logliripo tlitir, • ‘l•r.iiigkers,.. 9r.• a
Molista.cbe,* . k.le . ss than 30 days. : A.ll.applica ";
Jioilsang%v:erell by return mail without
•• .. yoarsr ' •--. :•*
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' • No,✓ 631 13raullwak o •Now. York:
18 05
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Own...windirig. et Inchment,' render ing
tip;ty unnecesnr.y.. The rases
tire conliosPd of two Metals, 'thefooter
being , finc 1G -carat, gold. has'. the Mr
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-bly ciprovkl. trPi•citec.olit 'fat 4:
'00: Simple IV•ittc neat morocco holes, .:er
Oldie' proposing to boy' ht.Wholellike,l3s; .
eitireSsi with trill priyable on 4etiver.y:
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cannot collect from those, in the , _May.. • Ai
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' , IA-1,14:11.1 have cettliielifes from ..Int most emi .
rent Physicians and.,Chemists in. this Country:
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C„.7" A liberal disceitntio.theirade. •' . •
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Wi:olisaiiiliepcit, G 0 Witfreif Yot
::.:. : . ..:IVTA,4T - 1 - 09.t.. 7 . .'.'...
: 30W..-P4 1. , . HOW RESTORED!
• .
. .
Text Published, ut ft Sensed Envelope.' P . rietcSii• Cents •
italicul Von. elpornattOrrhoolt, or 6eminnl Weektmls;'.:
IlivolbutrirranioMool. tlosbal
:%14 10..'i.qflIty,
rrlage generally. Nei cousn:o3. coufm
lersv and Fits;' 51ohtsi tml Physical IncopoCßY, result: •
big from Self- Moos, Sc. CuLyzltwx4, M.
D . hor Me: Grtbol:.l 3 saki ,1 / 4 e• ' ! '
Thu world rehou n:.I author. in admirable fosatilim .'`
cloudy I roved troutltio Mon eqwrioaco that tho awful '.
' , ghost Imullcinc,. nod. without dangerous surgical opera,. '•
tions, htingicx, Inummentd, rio'.c, or ' , cordials ; bologna , . •
out Cum 'at oncti certain and eifertuak by .
hicliavory sufferer, no matter yhat his condition may
be may cure himself cheaply; privately.. and radically:.
This licture will-prove a Limn to : thousands and than* , • .
:lout ander scal, in lipluineneelnpe, to any address. on.
recaipt.ul'afs ceutt, or toolmstago stamp's..by addreis.
big, '
• ' •CLIAS.. J. 0. •.
e7,ly. go,mrri, New 'York, Post Ofitce Box; 456.'
Cit. Fob. 15 s y.
been testareil to. health Ma tem', days,.aftnryin, •.
Aergoing all the usual routine
pensive modes of 'treatment, 4ithout'eunc'O44 . . •
considers it his sacsed..duty to'cOmmunic!ite.t: '••
his afflicted fellow creatnres Ciiii
Hence, on' the receipt, of an,
he will. send, free Copy'of . . the .prescriptiAl.
used. '. -Direc.f.to JOHN M.•DAGNAI.I..
186 Fulton Street,ifrookilyniN. Y.. •
• . • • NOTICE.
. •
T :1-IEREBy• caOion all porioott!tgotoitttiopyt;
I. or havinz. any' troeyvith
promieery Note for 12'4 . .410, tirOn t;y . 'rho; lotttvr,:: - .
A ble to Tone N. Ohaee bearitit;
y. April 7, 18 62 ,
• sI have Paid. said;i lo o6,-
. Liberty, . - 11191i5t443! ?;, ,„;
37 S 8•.
67 33
67 Si
Put up only by