M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, March 26, 1864, Image 2

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    : 0 ,,, ...!:vei..i....i-i04..34;4.1 , "'F.' 4 ,
fil'fiatit'iotuttij Dtmorrctt
astUrday . March 26;.1864
FOR PRE • I DENT v s(l4
1101 ., ,L ATI( ), S (}VI:.
• feali•
,pyir )he. i
it is, , woiile.'..thni).iet‘ before Ictiiuirj iri Lie e,•
f twa t is.ni tccel6 .
• lionslfH . . other
ed fp* . ttio. - inilitary• clubps aikr,h!nota Is:
. . .
ptisseits,OrS k arril
'ti.iii-FitinCiseo will lie:C .
the.bitter pouf is to bei , ome i itaut
OpPoffor of . Cliinh,l..ilaps :end:4;lll'er
.parts; of Oat. port ion of thr.wolitl:. .."
peAta#we hii.d.scite&e;y 111.com , '
111*illiarizrd to tivi. titrte . :. , slavcry . .is 'dead,"
and t'ow..inditcordant iptIAN slavery i$
. 6not . ci . ead," ,
lbSkygty is not it
t!le./aw,.liackeil force, '4llBll ilycl'zire.li?c
• •• : . •
. .
Rev. Mr. Beecher; in fii.f...Jecturq'a' weekago
deilerd: • . • • . ~•
.Ight!'ortly -Means of killing it..wttc to sirato
wh• re the heart of it Avtl.l,-to ;the constittWon
of the.lTnite ti
:Statis!.olibroti: there,
tiO ririt .with
the swornit thnjyrilain . ing.pen,
.4Arp's forAtriz" . • -•
.'Th'•,'ldetitroti! . tit :s!teortt . 'nn.-nmernilment .
9( the Fetlpral Constitt lion, or, in
of Tint,4l, to
PtOke •the4ill)e keart" ! ;f : the. COM• 1 it 111 i0I! Fn
thejr . mad : plirayit: Of tt. dominant' party.is.rirejnire.il to reftil•th,tt vchrr,l6lr 0;1111 1
tnriitOo.nlilfirritte 'the nticit , ,nt latt.ttit ! ttLs no.l'
loloreak# the c)!llpufbi t'oey . 'rod). con .
strudt..nn'other.gny-eiiimfitt...niniti•yil itt rii
peruliir n'otiotts: lac
lttila i . riiiii:oviement,—.7oni‘n . al tf Cain 11.1)
• Ton Soi.oi Rita( GuA v The Congiesginna.l
Critsurii!tee, Senator Wllsoil Chairman,.y es ter•
day visited the CernAier . y; in. eliall;eof
Captain.Monre,Assi•ftant •Qn turf.• ma Rte r, noar
.the old Scdrii lioni•o, to f1it:4.56;01e fel rain
rumors 'of. improprirt ereuen t. or n . e2lii:t ot:tio•
'ceased aoldrers. They. lound 'every t hina iir. ex.
conditinn,anti that' t here i1f...110W about
five thousand araves, all near iy - raid. t 'with
head board; . 11ennting I'M • rank, r'eL , ..
with n complete 'r'egister of. ell .'who have
died, twentyseven lined havirre b.een• runic.
veil, by their friends - and. lakeri .67:orih since the
eoirmeneeraent .or Nearly. twelve
thousand head'. interred by 0
he; Giver n.•
orient,. w'io have - died' in and directly 'around
meeting 'WOO bebl,at tlie. Cooper lost itote*, Ne>v
York, on ThiliFday, evening; 1a%;.. The
ing!Aes-cro*li (to °Alt ! , flowing. Ilan :Amos
presbjell,,ossisty4 by alorge nomtirr
Of .IricOPres,blents Spertibet:
.were' made, by Mr.,KlPplall, tlovrroor
. • .
JacobsafKentocky General.Ntirton turatt;r4.l,. -
A:irestt *many militAry,. nqi . .ers and .s6l.lieri
were. present, and cheered IptOly • when' , ver
~p .rn:e • mi.; mentioned
• The enthasiainffcir MAC is nntiountleil
elf . over The 'eonet ry., ..• ..•• . . • .
• '
.ton, Geo'rile; the liih . oltiin . o, • agedfsix:-.
tr.. ; n ; .,of Savn riqa h,
.‘early life a practical priiii e r; kiintvn
as the 'author •of me.vrial . volii.oks, of . .
Forms, ,and nnmt4iiiii :e ? sayi - On
clom,entie. • etenomy, •
. . .
• ..M.tann Jane!, an Inglich Jeeturer.. : apn:lkifiß
in Ntaichester,•r,eenlly sll
lt---t4 1 tte • A , 111 . 11:
cans fa ilfli'repteseni al IVO' . I...overllftlellt .‘v ' enl.l
fail:ovary where, antl the elwin••• • (4 d ,, cr , .1);.n.
Would he riveted . tipan'the An.nple ni . .Engr,tha
for the nett. thnaiaii.y,ear. , ?
.• • . .• • . .
. . .
• Tiits:r:lts:tir . or••DEsEnrqyz;:--Itorrnher
sl!eitepi.l , toth:thti• Priny rinrOipz
ruimo.l!e ePtrimitto.l to
,pricop if
they to be'hoha 1711..1k iII b., ilis
rniss - pd. upon taking the' odlil Or 71114 . '21i10re. ftit;
nisheit. With framportatiop. t Noitii,'or .
played oit ihe' variopi fortifiratiooq.' .Within
the pSst week some thr , e or toor h;,mlp!.l
.troners have boi+P . roleasea Irpm the Ool.eppitot.
end . sent :ol'hilpdelphja nrid. New. •' . ' •
MOVEMENT'S OF ItEIIEL, CAVA . LltY,.;=:There .are
hu dilrett rumor's. ot RA . el .leprellationq insitle•
o fl u r it n e s ,.bq go far:nothing vrrionv has. hap--
penetl.. Tke
.rrinil train en:rr.c tlirdii'gh toLlnv
fiorn'Brandf Station on..tiM.. A, small. [);
of Rebel Cavalry wit; raptured last Fi iilay nn
,this tneTtipp ihnitnock•ofl• more are
•known to lie proW,litig7l hrotigh, Will'antt
cotiniry. Yeltertiny they appeared'' 'near Buis
".gow Station; hit a• • volley. from our • itilantry
guaitlii.ove.them had( toys:aid-the Woods.
Ruinored'Conspiraiy.in Keutuctir
tinder. date of 17th A . W Co
- .ltOpolyient • say.S: • ' . •
. .
There is ii•ritrnor inAciwn of a . ilaqt r nnspir.
• icy r "ennbraCitp , sevcraLcount
Keptaeliy,entrhaying . for ohi ct the annex
. talon of thatetate to the south ern
.. tonfCderar•Yn•
The leaders 'of the treasonable
. moveme . ni
it is iepcirted,.,their headquat lets at Nlonticclin:
`find,, were.cnrreipontling; through
,Stony end
,'Foundling gape;: with Longatt Petat 1 - I , gerscille
'ind.with the „Kentucky. ;driczni ion. Rich .
nicnd.. The eonspirtitots had,. it•seern, secre t
affiliation with ceitnin part les.a t
• st.heater,. Wrodn, Rze., with 'whom .
carrying 'on an .11 . rtivo rotresporul.'
ince.. Theirplutt, was to csta.ltlish every
county !L - eentral ., com;nittoe, inccste . l with
dinatonittl poWers;.to: - Compel .the inhahitalits
to, join inthii:seuthc.rn confederacyas.senn• its
49nitti roe! on fiterkintittge. . xi oely.
wafted' for, would luise -invaded .t hi' :
inta.motts • yUnspiticy,•was Aiseneet
mid; theseizure at 'the post office of lei iet s
'aidilteseed by the. Kentucky delegates
,to s o me
gf ke.leailers:ai . tho plot. •.:Theee,kt(ers hear .
.0014.,signpliqes of the notorious rebels,
eislininphieY MarshalG. V. Triplett,' B.
.andoth'ef members 'of. the rebel
.11syS. since ma"
. ..:!; , :..',00 1 .0.-01'00Porfr,ron , $94,004, .egi'seinia t o
'The deed
.;! % sitatitipCiostikleto,;4o the qtfe'stion as to which
';party should " My', (or thfut • was — tried • beret...
that tha.purch•
' ••
Whieh the • ',Pt ihe of Wales
;he ‘ihri t uttliffi;ll be ' , King'. ',Ed wird
, „. , • .
N., irrtpair i t ritittltity
pincv?.l~ce:litr .chi r.,nl riot •).I!it.
tritt;pl.l,l rulr , nrs I ,: Cnrdiii hike iir k t
pe;;;11, , ,• • Imw,et e,r, bare •
eirliniOtrotttint ~ • xppt-ieoco im,illlle,
Ili bi"bieie (..1);If ( if Lal Prnl'di
ito kr,.. - 0.11(11 . 1blly . 'rut boot z ;I'li oprnsinq
I,; ) , , c o4.ajo.pirryalitr2
'hlikte • dietat!.s • I, , lg tl s •
110!;.1fii'r W be. .•*%rai.te!l,..js irti!tless and
i . etr.rt to
. I!t.. Itop-41 that Op!
• ti : ti . Ots:tilatitio 'h•ts•et.n't.fic•.fo:lty of the 'policy
.15• i t -left liar of I 41,tfi.t U . ..it' it,.
.i; only Lope.
..spi,e4y - abtl 1 . 41,() . r.
,j1;1J , )yar;,..
Gelieritlyticp .ritsurrad..t.iiittinand of the
rebel troops itr-A tkorf , ; . 411,
,a!iltre.S.s . 16 prornteitig in ytArleye:t beif
itniflPi (1 •
The tiN•not:iise in•theCo!nhrriand river has
ffordr,d orph . r.tOnir y : for • i ra: prlatinir.of
"Aran quantities of 'griverorneu! stores to Nash,
thh. end 'Ol tln , .hh 4 l,,,• t o e ' r • s ', tEon '
it is thou . g.lit t hat . .t‘l:olroodsed thousand tons
h. , :n (idly(' led at Ilint.point..
Cary aio .Flynn arid . Sawyer, tsho wri been
in iroos iri •Itichronnd,'. reartied
'Thursday night, nod 1;:fi for Ohio and
sey. the:l4 re Irectivr.linmrs.• •
i:snr , l•nn orkir ass'fgainti
aiquirttn , m'. • .G..neral . ti;olll-ik .'to be rltirl of
sta.fr; to l (3 , n..ra1:1-A%-•etjll ;
Gesieol trill cotiltria nil
It is' • Ci..iietal
trionil,willsint•jinirney to ilie.l):i.psitrrnent6l
Ole Suutfi, but uvill•boar Ha'
• A - Camber
nn r mllhntie ilrni4l of fit It..tnvo Ihyt
.. tew
110 , i.inee,lo. : „ • .• '
• 'rlii' r 'Tore I .ißip ,, s;td Al.,jOr : (;--•.qrqill . Gflio .
iteris',flooio . !.'ho 1-.eini!..iit. to e. , 0 , 0f in cooothoo
of tho rooi-il - i A r I.)' chi i,.. or totoloo, Twin.
. 11 rof . i 0'....x0e1l ont 1,1 , 0 t h.,-- . --; -` . • - •. - ,
•dvicrs linn.l ['or; 1•1,y I, S• state Iha
ihr nb~l~bnvr'hran - lollwl in an hir 'arm
Work Ado hint-ow:3.phi
.bas alt'ati , il . 11;1! Iraptir, and a srlitmto
11,,•11 road,: a pr z 01' try, Thin
p0. # 0,, ',l an ,' A y . 11, r (.1111 of
.Vorii•.ititli 'Now - V•ol N'oloor,;!); on lit. AO: .
lost.alits. :rip; n !Mil • rt
ihip ( 0 10; •colie:d. Ow A 0,1-y ; has Irri.
I..itinettell by it., •r.. 11 1 , 1 .4 Thi
Tmakes th , r °wig' of voss..f .
111.1.5 e .tIIP Li!) , 'or•01111r k•ston,
if is st,itt,l that G-oPi I-I). • li.'11;l;
.cnmrnand'al Ch.arlpvrill. inn.(l . .that I.leauregat
tha•soati.vosl.' , ' • • •••
a • Pri*fro-t that- • the •nrro:.-;
40(titrr .1 ha It Marty alit tr.j : tato.l: tun
Ihali ititmmhati.tv, . (3 . ettokti (7/ nit
..Advires fith'n ('fly ,t.tr;• that' tit'
. .. •
can?p3 ititt b;t11.4
Brat l)' 1 . 1%4' I hit. , tt'aatt 13'1 , 1"i • rtr. bare
: and satriiit•to ti I . 110 •rei,or'yatio
f....0•;11)1i1,1'F' 1 1 by Gonurdl • ( i•••tot.y.
. tviti s.)' p'.!n , y,. ...':,1111.•;.
roancry. that•lotlt t , ls',a 11.M1.1 ., . Of. it... I-
Cro...iat, Ca.lino ytot
pp., iti.C9li44do, has . sa serinas that
the Jopierne count is 00t..11..1.!. •, •••••
Thu. Nash vino havo • • • hp..4.
and all' the gatraders.ortlerti. to •1 , ,.a,vi.
,torth with. • : • , •
,• • ~ • . •
. .
The enrrny , nrponr Foss otirliiir ,
-1!I:11 afr ,!:111111, ,
hn illni.jOg Irmti Dalton . , toss , 'a
It 7 ngcold. i ; p.o, liv re1), , 1
'i•qvrrlry no : the : llqt f0!e0 , ..
an . e . I av, nod . 11:Pv noxt:-
T64'2,1.,..v.' Kivdry.
ti 11.%! (;9 • 0:4ii1.14 ay 'ar arid_
burred 71 treii:fil triViii • trrun ,
F: Lllr sprimi.: alter it. (1,'1rr.1 1 . 0 ,
,li,. , l4, , ,tiy.tiLid
11'011, CI) 1,1;1.0;44 to ILa
4 . 11. 41 dintltuP i . 13 1.11 , .. -rm., • 1;i1r ,
ii•oi.r„ . v,:re-tri:.1;;11.1 no d , mons't,Oihnhi
file 11. i; tirP., Sherman ivxd:....nite
16: hire,lo, ire tho' direr (kill
General. lip tp .
ine , l (:o , itte :\ •titith.hi ‘vhteir
ho . 'lllleat• 11,1 th'at it fit.t?v• di.l not r! , .trt
t•itV.it'r.F.! : p the cti'lrr:inn o f t.ty~•d and
eti•the:tvoilz. tri.soU: Ftgrest
• . 'perreti'tp be oplatil?,•tilt . tt trwv-0.1 , .tir.t0 Wt'st
l'ennnss;;elle• has ohtaillit al,,reetmeol).r.er
I?‘) . l"Fes..niltlig inneet ine . lifs.i`efa . ntry*., Gomel al,
Gri.erson ig witicH , t; Iti n.. ' • '
Chat t an'nnfo adyie'es-state I ha! the
is e s orhp . !etp - .t!:, 11inz.2.1.1, and ..hat.a nrintbee.ol
nrirninent n'fffeers- thetaeearly__
nnll Colo(l . nll (inlet.; . •
•: For'.(l9on.fi'n(l.S. l lnrt,
tire 11911(tr , q), nn the
Cunt:l)(4l4nd. 1. :On .the •I'OTh they ot,tar.l;ol
rqees•at Burnell'B fruit.liuisrerr reptilse(l, artrl
'on The follnwin.:, (lay - (iPlier:9l,lle6so6. 1 ..
tae I: 91 !heti). at
oil the river arid,, aid to be nearly,brnkeil up..•
.S , Yeral inn %%4 , 1? arrrsl,J, recent
lliek trne, V:3 1 .•,• for •liityinLr.'arttniqt 'ntlie.rs . ,
until 1114nisel,es, tliek! in enter- t-lio'
re iii seiyiee. Active ITeuliting Germ he enerily
has been i!)inu.• .an, tlnerril (a, hands are
formed in several enuntii. , _ of I: mond. for --
the purrose ofinterrn'p'is the narigatiuri of tli(%:
Ohin. aril I‘Tis4issippi, rivets::
T..:a!ly in .the:‘veek (liepa tche , , • from Straw
% lief ry Plains eepprtel an . int end ...I ir,,fqinr) of
lii.nyalcby by the ret;le, e 'in I.irtte lore,
Iri ohal!ly t'went'y I at 1 , 11 ,
)-1 telt an
intetider.tinedsinn itar . int! rtl.o :that ro;et
walA y In 'in .. John Mor;!11,1%
enrnmaini Is .till opts ite Dee.(tnr,:nti cion111;
••0/1 IVednetolay 1;6.10 Dist information reach—'
.G hettantri lief. that G•ner.ll
Stuart., with' fire thousand f• vah was cross
int! the R tripahtinnock at qr
burtz; hut tolconfrimation 41111.5. repOrt %ra.. of
!erwaids reet!ivell: On So tifitl.ty rumor:
prevailed in .IVositin2ton the rebel: hit&
riciEned:the tint) itt;Te otlyancine
fmce, hit••nothine,of nr y moment occurred rx—
cerkting the crossir of•a.lew. of ile . .epsqny ut
Newton's ford. 'They. Were . roynkod, as' was
stry'hil force Which alternpnAlto cross at
Predeiicksburg: • .
. .
. . ,
. .
.: Swart, isriportclto bit , massing his envitliy
near Fretierickstkirl, anil . Ctinrloft..sviile, with
the' intention of mitlilog some liind orai 'move-
fit-'Patrick's day was extremely', celebratril
in the irtny of the Potomac, a lara'n. flambe! of
ladies heio present . Thin is rho bar festival
iaddelythe latter will have the Rivileee...of at'
tonding for name thr , y wrielon
day. ordered Igave the army; The third.
corm tras'revieweil on•Werlonstlay by 'General
Fripeli, This is the largest corps ire Pre. ar;
.011;i and ilie.ievie.W is stiiit to, have presented
tine speilaglO: . .
rolsoliors.kst?•arw , lift • wr.n. Itit;htnond cam.'
11C.',1 , 4111 1 1i0s 17th.
rout Cietiera 1 !kir : lei: wllo‘ ol 3 ll,lll, i'Y'
od : .to,ll.ccq\ve •1 "oiwroy to
pat t (laity .o ve. ,•
A. ilosj)4l. 1) d.ft,;(lC.ll.lllo;towit. \Yost i
1 (is 11.:•lop•ol led tlivt 11 (01W.1 l'orc(1 dirliltoon 111111-'
stein:; tp•t a' >cithlti el4l. miles, of G0y.,,,11..
‘101W,,i1,1 ea t,4ll'nLt :13orboarrillo•... - It sai l
that asr ong Intel' was. toot, to orcopt llto.
11,65'. boon, .111,06
about Ilse Matter. ' • .
. . . .
Grmii, it , A'as exri.ctod, would rPu'efi
eiltive..Al'my 91
‘Vould. \‘'(.li‘ 'by him
frii6,44,1 ) ..•..1n o,...r . oi9;4lllliZiliiirn:isf,. -1 : 4 '! - army:
itlpnatv.l4 . lm.f , fittetpl' Gelfrrils :-'eil:: , :tvii..l:, II ii
coil: add - I\'airin Avill t.qaiii . : 11,,;ir:placpS : - ;.l=
enips tninnimkr, .un.P.G'eiliqal:M , q . .!le.ilis Po'
: , ilk . ifi as conialat , rl,ll.--A;en..rf Grant :"ex6reis
. ~
ing i:rn't-1. , .,i5iti . ...:,,:euni lot over - the whole j arply.,
nEr.tn•rmn:cr'nr (why. •
inlOntis ten,rt IFi t, snrn. ac!jr
ly'prpv•t.loil milita4ntrias at. that cilp
G. l. fiefal Ilattki•ber•ti;:C..iii : .6 , l!.. .10
of Admiral
l'oner's having IdtPad:'; .started'
. .
has been.: (ram 1%1t , 1)11r. •
r- Atl ul :I.7nirna't7! . , coin
s:(iwidi an,. t.,•pn . l rs - lo i ,
I)•opn mon! . Ibe • 1 '
••On Plitmfat y•• tha . iiii,•(!.'.Stat ! q• •
' , i.rit.oner it;
(7.(4 . 111.111 Fti.l:ilis'p.r COTII‘ISI
, kill.) rfl It ica , t;;Ii•
tIV0,11,111,101't! , 110gC 01 : 141 ; .01..1,;1 - .\Ve , 11.111%4
11',.. - 11inw;itii.t : po
itiol 511111 -
• 11. ••
11 r •' • .•
(1t) Op , 29th t I 1 , 1,1;r-S - try:.1114i
r, y ica , fintn;l;;T:7.:'; 'tiond , l , a;;
folt.y 1.1i;t; 1111 11;11; a Ir;t 1.:40 i f 1111.'4 ii
p 1 •pikr,lor.
• • „
. ,
• (1. 1 11 .1 0 ;2011.i.4 FAirifary ifie:.Friprt?e'rs
111 , '
earg.,.of 1-ixt
lend ~dtr 1./Ind,reil 11;1114'.
ca , t ire] and. a
Both . vts'
sd.; 'tvefe call on • ' ' '
Ci1:01.1N.1..—N...W 6 , kf.7e. , .5' ale
Ibitt .t G .1) . e1;..t r about to
ojoihitions. TIIP I
To: iu•At :,t
of r.iiqd.ii; i.,Twei;O:y dwell
upon by. G,,vl-1 nor in.
5T.11 . 0i . . lint t h . 101i . .411
porl - .4.4
. 11.;Iye'r6:riiv . eir irll the.
K'nthiti of t 1,11.:111111:11(.•111,0 ',eon'
heard from thiq. , ,1),101):!1ii,.11• , ei . .y 'o.lirir..4l.
"Tho h PCB 15 sIIII cunt
T. a\o ISIIIIII4Z , —lll ~ p o.11; o ernes 0
(lit ,p - e. 041•
under (1,16..0111v
ha tho ftdiosvil)tit • .•,'
• . •
"Til,ll,l‘, 'of men' ennur.i.to'd.wi , h
:_bit:l4U•6s flint .7110 Not 1VOr: I,y Or
.l%"itit 1 . .111'2 1 . 111 , 11;111 tOrtri.. , should 11.1%,
hived in IIIn:cllall; 02.. 4 llbru,
1(61p . :11 sriul.: arid 1,;, , 1U -s of
ineti;antl , %%;hoo r:ti;trual
to traffic in a.1:r0. , • • W.'
ItaVr , .a . ,:lasst , ilia , .ri a!I Ito I:t•OOlre .
wo , e!tl•st , ll 111eir ritually
vl;iln til • e:CP'lly.111 0 1r
.S yrr",cre,;
vely 11101, tore L ., 1 v , ry
iiiNroij, 10 MI .1/11 ..1,•1011 . .1V2i;f11.1:, 11 . 0 W
In' OP' . 1
rll ~ r
ui t o t ;r ll o', ‘vhri re cirlin:r, orAviu•i;
‘vhu•U••,vuul.l cai . te a 11101 a 'firin
itilo;lsh: ‘‘.l .1 A:a! ! fr.rir. A I
I 1 ! •a • r ho guilt uch u%•l,l:iuu , 141-
•I h,.ii y
du ( - 0 , 111:41 tr.!frt,ift-ir 01 . 111i:011.o
jir; , L. stir lii"Ns : .irctfrt• r'tt.lid.,l4tl)
4:l`f l eqF ! 6101. qwrirpc:ne ni in , dern' lopd
Latls ioh
npnn 111:•jr 11.'i in-of hoont
14 a p
coimiry'r; Von firpl .t1;0111 ' , Pon
evri'y ..sir;•Pt coiner. no+v r.•cririft
[that i, \var . .;
Viiiisre . l for ji Im allty %vhi.rh
.a.v.5:3110;" g..ti aentinli•
yll ;;r - :or :I hi. o . lif•r,
from . filly In one'liondiod IW
-1,11,4 on a smelt ter . ' eyen
).'lirs'e men klinfild'oi,et
dasta:rilly conduct d-si•r%es.•'lll.y at , a....1(rw01y
ly • Prairi'w 1,.;111Y 1' o'n'r:•lentilig .
1101 t this
rn.is-ds?rve th , NATl..pill' of 111. 1 11
Hwy' are not hair-6 honor.lll , as a.
Olt.Ssiqg hiynity . lhry
roining not iii IGd iopocent. atni inex,-
[ii , ri'ence: soldier."' .• :
• 'Lit•rus Tann CM:oar:E. - -We have thisenn
solation, that 'this - tar in the ro,test for Presi
pdler 1111 tllttrili in' D , 111.1
erotic - 01,6i nt.the rantis.
De:not:late. inl'etiii.ylYaitia a, 0 - fedi!): - 00aiii
'lnnis for thamoininotiOn. tir
the Deemeiiitsof New York and Netv
con . t wry, the A tonlitimr..nal
alt.o . innyb divided in sPotnn-01. In the Western
S:ates • they ore 1•• O Ft o.oiinf in imp mition to
and they; have Indite up thoii
I iek n, hnn lV111 . 01!'t is . ne s )roroa•pd by :hen ,
rat ion.o, con v'eli t ton or not. 47,ven in,N,;%v Y.l.n
‘1..,•tr ,. .nv, Fremont perry, . It is goes
ii A.:nether bet 'weer, Lin,:,.)10
;Old Fremont, the , :At all
;ver'e the Fiernolit • Men held a meeting,- n'T r
iday acrd epoke.'lb it St:Olio - tents veiv
treaty,: Among others Mr. Grecrey,toot:_pori.
and - sToli&openly. - and Boldly, for
f.el.uslolte conravt hose 'Or) 1p;
Ittoes. The:l3allinore Tra'?iseriri'h,is. the tot
lownit; accotint.of ine,proceetlinns:, •.
'Nkr Yoon, March 19:-1 . he.railical wing of
Itepttlitican party held a mass 'tiler:ring of
Cooper institute last - M . :lnt, which was
attended. Ge - riei al, Fremont was noMiliated by
acclatnation for the Presid•nry . •, and di , i.dare'd
to . .hp the chojer.:.•
,the rreerlorp
hrougliont the;:rolintry. - A number of speei'n
ei were made, the Iturden'ot neatly till tit. them
beitiv,:an norneirsoced ;condemnation of the pal.
icy—.militily • ond • - of •Alr. 1,41(.01)1, 77 '
Greeley was, of. riiittr.s . .-; .nition 'the speakers.
'unit amiminceilhisailyocacy of the "one term"
principle, and clal.ireci•ii tle!ided preference lor
any other 111L114 jn (fin' ftepul‘.tliean Tanks„over
'.lr. Ligcolu. • , • '
• .
DONE.--.Thii election Ilitrritichip.:
w9v co'rri•ol •prnct.i cltje'et
efle . cteif corrtyl , ely :liy co and. bribery
;•;•n i n , who have' hall • mrana of
tool re i li I hit, 'elielre that Old ":1,1 in i 11011 'meta
11,000 in , p'4lte .State.. It sc'enc; TOP' certain
!Init.. not I s lhitn 1 ; 000 ktt...1.9a11y. rrl&ed.
)10fifl.ty.; E. ptcd .
col Inoglk and ente(l as Iliey rect , vl:—
\'o'deiitocrtit. , were per.nrittcAlo . come home.',
'I 1.1 IS pkinlt larce Lo.lhe c.lecflpn
b.iy(trjejtod tenilefl ' ert'ry
1,011.: . It k udmlnktretion
sprat not les.s.t of money in.
'll,ctra'n%por .'of ,It on rclia'sc
• vot es:!--./10seco
. . .
TII rrytqs' an Go I,,i);e epirrtnen ced
ma k .I'tiesilay,rriorn
A - great
.Foa I . 01 . alyrelloOrOn hat: ki.'lll . ll rr!. .1111:1
t al 11;111..el:',::lonetioni .
are uncir,to , /vil. k§ries:
th. hsltit of issuing, Criore:Gr;ltit,was
C;vl,tiq al. -.lf. I litlI.c1:•
If of thrartriy,lhv
Is ak d. fhi re of shat r ? elitefF, .0)1.
'orer stily
bry..helroag. II 11.11.14i•I; ile. r .f.ti.ti
of )11e,yrr, Chen, way "two, atrxitors. U, sep
(;rant en 1. his rVar,lik;
liis'po~snow ,
$1 . ;z1 , ,.t he Pi i4eal ry.
: ,':5.:751 1 .% 1; . .! , '; .) , :ifillf.TllN!, 41,31;tyati . L1 Buri,!!,
tori f ii! . ! !
. fti ••!11, , ;!) -.11,•• k'1",11/;! , !14 I; V.':
1116.4 ilw . l
ind 111,1 In v .a11 , .W14111 . 10 1 , 11.:1:
Thi , A ii.. ( . 01:11,61111 '6l 1110:4,Inds
1 0 % ;mu' L'ry. 'Oil. to s i.iV
th,irl , , , ,:•r and
vny A For I?'
T... 1;!•
l't 01 A 01 . 1.1;11"11 . 6;io.
1,110 a
,mit . ..110 . .6. 01 Itt in g the F.y sren).
try • :
fe by..17.111431....f.?*.aud
S's • , • .
- 1 , :.} - - , .t7,7b., . = -77) " 4.
. . p•:, . =
C',\.,.,fir n.
I . .
. p*.,..A.t , :p -,
' (1 . 1:5---q - , 1 . ' • 12= ‘.
• ' l '-„'". , t ,
' ƒ.Oll. '
, A .
. Oqi. . rp;:tam..
-4 k .- § .
, c ,,,
€ 7 3 • . ,
4 , , 4 ,,,,„ • ,
.. ..-.,
q t tki)
• •
l ' zi3g=as73
t Em Y.7 I2 J
.•• . •
. • ,
• .
• ••
v., • =3CV
ii';‘,3,bscribor having purchasyd;'tbis. wpll
I.nnutistaud,and 1•!:-.1 - arailla.* and, re.fit
led 116 u••• •, ,, peapa red •ta 01tertain . Board
ers and they:aviding • , •
. •t•IIS AN,F)
Still be v... , 11 pt.l;eytoing done
to merii a lilietol:shat:e of pittronage. •Polt
roCn 't.6ll . .slwasflit.l the 400i-string'? not.
Kendal Cr - eolt, LionalS; 2, 15fio, • 3s.iyi
.• . -
CASH ! CA.S11! ) : CA . SH !I ! .
m HT : sqW.CRIBER Will.pay.cash for Miles . ,
•Peltii, Deer Skins, Old
Tin Voil, Zince. 'Pones of 'all kinds, Caitles
: 7 ,Mt,Switchtis, Horns of Animals; old India'
llubtitir, and 'Or,ii.4l Frans of every description.
. Peisons hayinis;atiy of nhov.e articl , s on•
hand, im.gtianiit Ms, may address me at
,n-4 tes:
;deuce anj will call ior.tfmtn. 1 ' •
T.. W. (11;F:,
NlOKeon Co: Pa
...•• niovste.
Nov:. 24, 1,863
T 6. Consu ill e
iitliertierr, having toten rft.ktor ' etblo health fog
: • hive 3rrekv: IY : s'••e 'verr simple tentetly, after I,4vltte
t•tift , red ser . gral,yeare'srft It a 'revere lung affection, imp"
dread tlfeetoot, COn•olitfttion—efii.auxfouti to )01i}:a
.1t nom n to hls'feltt,w-hitfit.4ers Iht.lnchnwa ccre. •
all Itli t o flo.tire it, he wllreend eopyrttl-thetpiettertp
thrt tised'(lr . oe of chWrge), with: Ow Thectinn, that, pre•
Intimi,nud mint I.llw, came. Which thew , Will and
CUwil Foi% Cu ISU tends, /-tit M. 1.) 118012 a%tatt,'h o: The
~11, et tit the A itro,ctkwr iu sendint the
I" to Lett' f t Ito sitllleted,,stull cprend 1111.001:10(M TV.IIIOI
111.1 cnneei Wes
r le toti invaluable,' it lid Itfollopea Is - er r duf
fer.; wlll try MI rommly, asit Kill curt them nuthlog,
and may 'trove a hlb'esing.. • • . • •
Parties is felting the. p reeeript ion will 0.1140 a 4111 . 083
• , •
Kings cierf
• • •
. .
A Tirnirillcill , l:ol,Nls,lll 7, LrA 11L1: mid PF.Z:I:':-
TioNL - ilesyntlll to the different'
growing. Fi Id
(hrinlid • null Gar • lwl' I?runs;' Gard 'n
; n't . d
is tor tlig: Lawn or Surd; rarg . 917' .1-
rndstin A nitridis, and
It Il,ic also and lr,strr e•
lice :11 . e01•Thiont Int i-liiidriimanirylntith..' • •
' A, Lull evi:ry Mont! ~
. .. . .
. :Tert , e'tit, Four 11iiiitIrrti, or mote,' illiistrat , .c;
Ettlzi a vii!eF nppear'iti r:aeli'volititte.• 7 :.
,:....- ,
- -o,er .T , A:t•lv.,..l.ltii , Jted . ..plain, ' p . i-artieal, ,n.
1- I . o o.irtt oi , ticl.s :aril uselt3l - -itt , tri , i', ale ,g . ik!!l ,
~..vtt.ty 'y 1 . ,.1 I', . . .-,•, .. ' ..; .
:.:, The' I:: , lttorgn nil ' Contributors' tire till ri'v
. .
. ,
7',40.. bit rlii ns!..i t) f 'the' ~ ..Nt:itic-rtuitisT ttre -,' ,1? - :
fi f fred , to )?c,., Sla IP . oi . .Icl7l, , irli; ,L"1 . 0r;! *rid oyir,:oil
,'• t,
.1 b e'll„,y, t I,hl rif 1 .Aecli 0; iI of the r ,,,,,,1 ry 77 .11 1 ,- ,,,
i Is
• -)ln . liia i ltd ir,ilv.!, , fur the iettolf ,: - 12.11:1:1C.I.: (AN
..A GER:At:AN V,DrrioN Is p rl l,i hcd, of Ili.
DWI pi h,5 1110 ort
t,r :is re...lrv:2, maltfir,
I (io
Six teat 5:'00 .
itr riuu. rr pi,.; lIIIP yr.Qr -SO 1,111,
f,: -" ,r A Id hr hho n 6 c.c rAtis,: t
erix.ll, dna Fial it io,v,
evii;-; 'to •
I'.-Irt,,yriiis !whit tiy ,111 , 01111` r.. 11
aft hy • 1.7 re ,tIS 11,/,, it Nit' 111
tile °flirt; where e. it • •
111 411.1 -how
5•...1 h. alai
JLT DD, .11 l'..rh-fZ9tt t
ttitiit. to atallititti
Crutuf.oi(ttq tmatre'
'reit s 9a
... Petinsyrvattitt to at;l !torn
and'it9tn tlt arid •\‘',:st Bra
Ira 'l 7 .lntija att.l..ell•Not tt9;rt, No . ‘v-Yoic::.' •
ON ) A FTEII ".VION I/AY. :7; . oti ,
I 7, - ,Nc:t: thp Pa=<rrtt r Traitte of t' ,, ;:NorijO•jo
C:,•:.'lr.l'liartvay %OHI tt. , p,rt t
I.lat:tislttirti at,l 13.atirtmte it:,119.t.,:,v;4:
• )1 11, Trt.A NS.Lnloit v dal] ("N"Pt
111,1. !:1 r,. ;.
.5.-20. p. in:, ani.l'atiive:s lit RAI iipbre .at
. .
(exerpt ;..i.11.(1,iy) 'at
.11.20. p.:
,m,..2.15 a. tn. r;n.l itr;
at . iltiaiore .0.14 (Pxci.pt Alottday)-at
leave= .taily.a 0. 0.7 r 11.
NORTII ‘V A ri,l.).
MAIL .TrtAIN • 1:•ave: s
rept:S.`p nda y] at 5.311 i
p. a catl
Tr; I daily at
r.,1:1. I itl) I i...101E-I . at •
A:A Ida vvs . Illy
f : ':3 tr.,'.ar;.l IV. $ y at '9.20
• -
• 11.lisilf5BLTRG
ivattpsl , x , opt
:p. rt) Hn . i0)1114 a
Vor fartiTriall.rat , ,tion apfuy at .0e..9 . 11ice;
in Penn,yrvaaio "
II Eri;luir Nov. 1 , 1, 1 ,
Great LaprovenientB in Sewing Yiaahine:,
Pat tent ISO.O
This.'llaclunr is ciithioc.ted nev
pos , rs . sir,_ rminy iarp
trd I},ay64 lwen
t,l!e rr - NT prpfonr,(l or+il pr.l.
rnd tn.Q•• Sllll l l.4ClTY:ittill P1 7 .13.4'E(.110N
. . . .
the oljeat!orii
Sew,r,v, •
I.—yxro4 , i,ve the operutor.
t( get nut 'Ol . older
i. Japcos'e, r0 . ..610 and loss 'of tiinoin repoiy
.I.—liltapeeityto sew evely 'description of ma
. . .
The Empire Sewing Machine. •is Except all
these Objeotioas. -
Ft has nistrai3O.t ur dir pertwOrii!ularsiction.
the Slite[til%.ll;ell- gill
neitherllip, - nor ra'vei, and i,, loth idrsl
cos vvri,r'i'Sri..V.lll l ! 0,11 4•5' . (.1 1 1 .. 111 , S611111011 (Pi
Lea.ther;tO the. host Natn:opi;
rot ton; linen or.sillc't6r,cad, from
the r•niusra to•t he linect•nornber.. • ' ,
11 . 4%i'ng neither 'CAM nor COG
turd tho pos , iblp it !tins itinootii,
.; •
It requires FIFTY PER CENT' lass. pnivr
to drive it than any'nther rniteldite. in mark;..
A girt' wrlve yettis'old eait ,NVOI k it
' steadt
• Its 'tit ro . ogth'tind VON PIACI ;
TY of roittititition reoder it •nlmost•
to get out Of Order,.atid Iv IICIA‘R A NTE.ED
the•enmpatty to give-erittie.iatirtil - tiort. •
.%Ve I eStlf.effllllY frivito all I hoso,,vho may de,
sire to suptdyliterriselues with rt mitottilr art i
dem, eall'and examine this UNRI VAMILIMI.•
'Hut More rpeciaj manner dove P'. solicit
the Jytt ronnze of
EIIf,:IIA.NT T A 11,011:C A * Cll . MAKERS,
HOOli SI I,AT NUP A r;'l' ITRERS; rrr
a rid i3OSOM NT A KERS, '.PRESS ;%1 A KERS ,
C011F3.14 . MAKERS, GA Err
SHOE 131 N yEsT RAN-T.4lmm;
.• be libqrally
Nci. 1, Family Iloohine f with :Hemmer; . $5O
No: 2, Small Llanufactariag,"witlV,l'atell-
stonTablo, • ,
No. 3, Large Manatfacturiag,With
sion Table,, ; .
No. S, Larllanufacturing, for. Leatlio
with Ttorbng Foot and Gil 'Qum „.65i
Oite hati,fionels.instritet lons' is Wt . /tient to.ena.'
We any peison to :work tabs illn6yine to, their'ett•
teplion is also•esile,l 19 the FA
SfITTTEE, Popeuted . .lunii‘fiGth,.lB6o.
It is ivel!,krown.that'ii
centre is preferable to tiny 9tlie•r— . l:m(
Oltjeclioni a izaiost use, was 'on aecomil of its
springy gPtling °or of order; having then to
put in the the lafirx(i3.o.a.:llll - iii,meehanic,to : be"
• The, Empire SliMtle*.is so • Simple that any.
nrieraloi - ripalt it vi los..sOtiMe'or etc
A geniS•wanied . for all,Towns the Unitsid
St meg,' %%lime A :zetits are imt,alreatry eseteldish
ea; Al,6,•tpr CiiGu, tlexieo,Centratmiil Sim h
A thertea,,TO
: whom .be
.4 . . . . .
. .
T prig, inyariabl v Cush on delivery.
T. J: Mc..A.RTHUIt
' "
.•71)04e Pl:trq)3•l),ly ,, noti• 1?6,9 - 1 ge n era v .,.
nuirlbe :or is . so I ki;ictj'e,
Limit royvi id zry ec.l..rwtrhui.kdr....cr
1 : 0! , •1' . ..in 1.1, , itn, al r
ii,il:llA. , Tiof•
I.ri 1 ,, 15 Wch,Veati
F ; . :1 1} .111 t 5 •.,:•
• . •
vill — find 11.4 'clisol44 414',1i,11Z1M ,
1 014,V,1.1" , Tit 4 , 1 J.•-L). , Co.:* nnr tit .111.
h''! tr1;11 ji i,s Vt:0!,•!..11111+1.., 11'1 1 1.1:
A rfaciu. l :oll}.rat aGy c1:11.1 may rigo.i,t; - 111 . 1criv,
A o. , ddy ht I Anil ok., Yc 1 z
tlw pb,trrws tm : muany rhrap
111:113 I,H oio
' 0'.1 ; 11 n innl,: . .t . ,i6 . nut, • 1.1! imotyk!rigt
or r; -(111!- , I 1 . 11,414-141 . 3'. Ect;l4/4,1
P 0 4 , /: •
"1'11i,. , 'ni..1 . 1 - 'rettify'tk , i I have
nip trowitaelaJy, ter the le,t , ber
linifioyed• havr Ttruse Ihl,nt. o
wl' , :ch I. li e .I''sttltaii!ly a.
V Xt•Cpt
pinneuNee If lite'oe..2
11..r1 have tn'y
ate sim
at,' nat.
' •
. . • • . • .).. •
;Ces.s' 'Yotk,;ol't. .40 •
..1. IL'
& CO.
Ifiaf llit.. t:1; beet' a Vearlie
have been: inronstaot firifirs,eo ol
lor Ole se Fa l rrqr:;•
about 130:gallons
t e 11.1 v
1)1qoi e, iliifl. Pot ent izet. font. 01 iepwr. till
are' satilr•te.(6l)'
Siii.ON Ns'n* In t'l.•fartni-0 ! •- r 101), 3.)0.
• •,No'l.irrii , r
. 1111 ir on
MP! hr . 0t.01.:
.' ; 4 e ;;', 9 lii v 1) : 1 f rp: s , 1. F ri;: f i r)1 . 1 plit.
loii-1 1 .01.10 1,00 . w 'it. Jr),
qt.p .
. 0f or4' , .r. of e.il vN,rr. 'l.• 1.; rlc ,
ti~in,.;at.d , tlt Ini; I may.
tis• • .it lti; , 10 yearn'
wnvot k it, ;00.1 lir'rry n cow 001005i 0 cil—A0
rn.ole to 0'011;
0;.e11,3 a,.. , ;..‘re:1 'n . 1.0; in, ;. , 101.116‘v
has it. use friT One
1 3 1111/1 , ,:. whicli lu,s-givpn us mote sati
1.,, c ti .0n as t,fore...: and lulyup nuy
;riAve 1t is ins of, fir, , at , powei., al
"well adopted for 51,in's cleelp , ,, mines. fo.tur;”
green. &e..
ChrUniel,e nut! raitwxy Journarsa'y;-: ,
J. N. Dr BA
•• sfyirhyrnfria
reccii - nrientletl lor . its rxtieme. simplicity.
constr . eetion, and cow:Nine
rDbilltyt and eiteapriess bl repair::- There is
stoffirig box--t
paricill2,.lflat..tbat tipnl Ilm s' , ollclll'.i.
the.. piirpo
% vit'hin thr.nppPr Hi! Ch;trirlier—W hich
eat ittiprovemeto, :v4.5tet11,i04.: is
lie de; ahv.ell, 01 - Itik, tpitier
sa''' within:4.. of •,t 1e5.5., inoi'a
too' air - i .ehartilier , ;' lb ,
the valve
side; by . ' iir...--preve'lltife.z. - watet bertimei, at
vaeltm thump. 'l,.ipe'e,th el> vory arrnailrl
amt ;led eheap!y repait . e.l.' They.: 516
'mm) 'eesier thatr•ahy ['limp we bave•eyertee
..t eylimier iioifi9.‘vollo.4l by eliib'ieri
109 teet Opp, and. :I boy' ati •ext ere,
w-1 , 11.05 simple 'and Ott oh:2, d'c' free
i °coalmen-I Ihem. '
hap t . nr 01 0 silintrivr an
Pxpo.i.(l n 1:11e.. - Noil . h . We , ,r‘vir,(1
pnaihlr rzflFtiry,,:ii..l at 110 •i1110..1111 it'ltrt 'L
nor Ni ; Pre 11111ilbre ilt ally I i , r.t..to',ptirrip . .‘Vdtt .
wii.ll great .11: IL.Mcl,minf3..
• IVri:l's rm
pimM 4 ,-.eheerlidly iernmm. : m , l . lll.mi • a . .
rhit)\ll(it , ov; . lter, aii(l.loedo;ir.eaSe
. 01, itCtinn
.vr'm ily tro:t , 1) . 1 ire o .teu be .
ikle s tri 'siiiit'•eir,e - to WI 9thers., .
N'et%: Yolk..
Pomi*h v k..i 5, N. Y.. • '
CumUrid 'Aline, N. C., June 1.5 'lB6l
J. U. IVEsT & Cn:•: • ' • , •
pent;—The pump which 1. nrilere4 for 'O,
Mine is received Dull pot in'work in nor.nriii ,
Iny iblifr,'wliich we\~' , ,fi'iid'tb
one roan will with ease lilt
ate., 'We lifted ir,..tilef.o and a balf,bOurs all t
waiter t• 1 1 ,; shaft, whivh inpasnies• seven.
twelve feet dud . 30 'tent 'deep, idt . was . fu
'when coiprnenced:- it answers'onr expect
I inns in 'every' respeet, god 'our workmen a,
highly pleased with it.'•.lt do . great' se
vice . With 'but tri fl ing expense for. repairs..,..
. • . Yours,-respoetfullv,
. .
We have plenty more each certificates
think t4ise ifure nrioUgh; For Pumps ;''
Pipe &c.,address or call upon
I. P. 'Woe. & Co., 1713,'Brocid . way, N,‘
tire su,t.is.favtioftd
T E S r_l7
From' i,hp Ne‘l, - • Yolk Oh-el.vo,r
Gt. Alocli ISGO