M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, March 26, 1864, Image 1

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    ...... , . • . .
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_ _
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. ,
TOL. 5.
Qlottitti) Qattorrat.
• By J. B. OVIATT,
nricEms: 'COI7NTIr, PA
MKS: - $2 00'in'Advan'c'e
Rates of Advertising..
. .. .
NI olumn one ieir'...—,,,,
• 'f.'' SIN: months. :. ,
Ali .'
Jim iiq ' ti.are ' oi..i2 lines or le's....., , wiiisE ! rti o . es,
•Y.at fi -subsequent insertion,--. "
...utilises cardil, witli.ptiper.i*:,..... - '• ' .:. ii .011
Pule or-figure Work - Will be double the'ill.t, ritel.
'twelve lipeii.Drevier . •Lype, - or. eiglit-.linee tiolipareii, bi
trated a square: - .
.. . ,
. .
' 117 - These terms will be strielly'ailliered tu."•:411-
13 it jilt 55 '.011ect011).
„ .
THE BUBSdBIBER announces to the Public
that he bas, puratiu sett e of life su-i
loon' formerly, kept by .W.. 11. Baker, ettle'
Public 4S4(ileare,
. .
, . . .
wicet•e - Ire: is pi•ein'iirea .to.r
. efresh the bill pr: 111;1!
. with all the delieaceg usually keiii lit• ;t„ lies
rtass ti.F.STAUIZA NT. . , • • .
F.Rurrs,-cIiE.F.SE, &C.:, &..C.. • .•
_ _ ._
FRESH. OYSTERS served, to order, either.
taw Or cooked. , . . . '
.Thos ! who favor nip : wilh,heir, pa ti onag
. 0
ihill,'ll;.ye i.u.se.t.o' complain, eiftni; .us to
pric or quality.,•• •••.• •
• • . • WO DEN
S:rietlipo;t; SAN 2 1
ATTORNKT. AT L t )I' . lo.qin; I
Agebt riJr Messrs. I( . 6ittilik A, Co'', Atte
eApeglally.to the, CDIL,ni, n k,;* EN.Ltniti4titi
Lana Titles; l'apnOnt all. r
:" Ling to'Real . 1l unlin It '
• •..„ DR.- W. 'Y.'
t Sl11d11 , )1,c)1; : t . ,,
TA.NnR:‘ - .. 'CURRIER
~ .
~ PORTAGE, :1,161C0n . Co.,' Pa; .. ~
. . . .
THE 'SHB.SCiIII3I , :LI . flatters from
46,, 4x[rerienc6,.tiat lie cannot he excelled; iii
the'busineis. • •
. .
. . partieuldi. a t iertigii-vvill.be . paid in ctisToA
WORK. - -For I lie COllViiiit•4lCo Or 11,4.,i... , I i l ..in
at..a-distance 'wishii.tin 'Wye tatilide on share
.arradgements have. hen made , e,•itti L . . 41, Dol .
•I,i ft, a . t Port Atlegany,- %%she, will take , the de
livery- of the, Hydes aml the Leather . isi 11. be ie
turned to his S tove,..ivli en t'anned. ' : ' .
. . .
• The largest, bepaid Mr - flydei, eitii..
.r in cash, LEATiv , :ilp.El--)OTS:SLIOE . S, -or
LEARN F.SS, lelv at .11olicy 's. elmy; fa niicfy... •
.Entire . satis'faction ixived. •
Connec'ted With my tunoptyl-avo a Boat &
'Shoe factory; and flartic.,s Shnm.
1.'10;2. t : :.;‘,Svl. .
• Tilt . ll - ENING PIIST.• •
:and b'euL of no
: The PoopOotoro 0; 1110 .
visi)nr . now.h/ le t , / I
uoince iu tllol.' lirit
analotairthlg Ica tFtir
'ready acqul re.d. as - •
. . .
. ' .A.. Fir:: . .. C1it,, , , , . Liter:J.3.A - I 'tiii . 4. , i.! .-
Sherhar.e reason to
.1, 1 .11e . ,e thattho ff , f frfo: . Or '3llls
WOOD, aiither or •• East: hy.,11),..'' ,t. e';' 31 iS,4, 1111..),11I/ON
:authOrof ` , Elmior'Bl.i.t(ir , .- &-...,: I.A it I t.t.N it. It 1,.1N I)
ittithoe of ''A lone,' ,k,e*, t 1 f :).). 1 . - VI ItO I.NI A' A. TIG% N
Wiltenqul and eturnerons MOSr excellent. writers ha,. I.eor
_ n
,erally v.garded US I omsessi fig lifn . fp cat f • ~.. merit On
11)1)&moat abasi.bitis Inte'rel):;' and thy •de,i,or TrooeldO
ro? T hi. po,vin 0, fnt.", do in line paht the 1.00d,,5 , ,,,.,'i, ,'.
SlreTches,'nk.4 other 1.,t I. roe), N00. , 111, Wili ril . tlieyf on,
paper inJaiu.vy;
• • • • .Atitii ! rof &.e., •
front adcfstieci s;ter.ts;runt ia • us.
. . .
Thin Attiry: Wi 11 'r.: :alk.l . ~ ' . . .
~. .
~ ,
. 4 '(3OSAVAL - D- (; TIA_N - :
-and,will uenbo at 'the 1e.21.4th ',.f ' 4 .l : ; mier:',l Pi i,lo' , ant
' .. - • ' - ' • "East liyune..".... ,
- .
. .
' . In addition' to Ake i-itorie, written' expressly: for 770 ,
00.0 ii, its Edit or also Airives to tar befere its readers, the
ibikt Stories fropi - the Euelish Periediears :and gives in ad
' i dition to the 'ra les.iiiiit Sketrlies, mere ' iie ie , S.A . erialll.
44614 Matter, with a Riddle, Eel:el/it, Suns, and 3larket
ANNittrtatentiii - every week • ..
A..q:IZWIN;(I- iIIAc I-I I N:I•:.(';.It.ATTS
IW,e,svill.g.frito any pdroon synding thirty intioeriptions
t to•The Pw,t and Silty. Dollars. one of 11"h'eeler 4. Wit
,son,s.Calebrtneti Sewing - Mabhitor, 'well no they sell
. I .forlorty-tive Dellarg. The niachhntr will be beleeN I
,new ILt: the manufactory in .New York, hoxr,i nod for
, rarrleti free. - of cost, with the exeoplin)!
jrp procurinwthe eubseribers for this' l'reiniunt we..pre
14r tflat the thirty subscribers should he prdeurreil at. the
.teitu . lai terra. of Two Dollars 'for each, :lint where this'
er•Anaa tie' done, they may be procurreil at our eloli'rateei•
Aktuil ; tlin haluney of the'SiKly Dollars forwarded -to US ,in
by tine fiereou dostrinu the 1111Whille. • The petier 11'111
r i , e Jena. to Post. Of/DC , if tlexirert. livery per •
Atti,lii.eulteatingliatnes shim! I send, them. withi . the imitiey-
Aa fast nn obtained na that the. , iubleriber3 may . begin at
.oance.tp receSve thins pnnerr, ,ind riot lienorne disonilotied
oiTittt the deiny. , •\Vltior tine hole - no Tuber of nettles (I.ltir
ty,) and the whele amount of money (Silty tiollarA,) .
'oeiyed, duly forwarded •
TERMS ': ' !ClAti FI: 1\ .A 1..) VAN(.1).j......1..
1 poP9r 0330 year,
.2 copies, one - .year ; .
.' - • ' - ' *3.lsr
4 copier, one year ' ....... ....... ...:........ 611$
"8 copies; aud'one to gettOr-OP of Club . , .:......-. .. : 12.00 -
20 copies, and onti.to gottor-up of. eitil, ... : . ..--.--,' :IS 00
. . Poo copy of .-tie Pot and 93/0 of The Lod y , s ,
. .' ,' , : I , Vivhd. 3.00
. ,
• Bubseribera in British North Ari'erica I:nest:remit noiii
ty cents in addition to the anneal subscription,: no we
hove - to Iprepay the . U., i 3. iostitge no their papers, • -
I:Er Antite price of T he Post is the Caine no that •of
The Lady's PriOnd,llte ehtlis . noty ho eionipotind exclo•
Airily of the paper, or partly of the,papey ann . partly of
the magazine. Of course the premium may be either olio
or Om Ohne, as d,isired. • '
The Matter in the repor'tvill'alwaym :he drlToleot
from that th.the.matomi ea. ••• •
...11:7 . 9pOotrepouumbera of The Fovteeut giatio... All-
No. .319, Wal nu ISt. rbila.
Whereas letters: adtbinistrettua to -the
Estate neaten. Voontiks, late Of .Keatiag
tawashiti;klecertsed,: have been granted to the
itadersigne,l3% . all persons' . indebted . to the. •sieit:l
Estate are' requested to rmike . :linniediate
having claitns .or dertiarats'
aganist the Estate ot• said . Perick .Vocirbes,
will frtattelc,.Own the sarrie.vrithrtat: Delay to:-
.:•• . ; • • `A tiGUSTS DAY,,• '
. • Administialur,r,
F;arinerOratiey . Dec; 21 1813; . ••'' •. •
t?,;ri 00
20 00
12 00
• 1:2 00
1 00
TATHEREAS - ..the• .Ifoir.i•yoberr G.
yl Trehlehr..Judgefar .
l the .
. .
ling and N.' Peabody • A . s.coi•inte:J . Oclges •the
Courts of Qyer
Delivery, Quarter Sesgion . s of:the•Peace;.Or
phatW.Cotirt and Court.of Corniton.6is for
• .. . •
'the County of I\l'Keari have.isimied
. their. precept
benrim , '.da•te FridaY,.the twenty•seienh day.,ol .
• Felnpary, in.tha year 'of our. Lord - one thou;
sand eight hundred and sixty-four; and to me
directed,'„ for holding it. Cowl of Oyer and
'Terminer And Gelieral Jail Delipely;.Qitarter
s6s . sion's -of the Tenee,
,Orphans' Court, ..and
Court. of Common Pleas,.is the 'Eorong'h - Of
Sinethport,,on •Moudily., the 27th ddy •of Jiine ..
and.to-e•ontinne one week. . 2 • •
. . .
','Notio is t herefore hereby g . ii'cn•to the COro
nets,. 'Justices of the 'Peac'e' and. Constables
within the : county, that they, be theii;m4there
in their proper persons, at 1.0 o'cloetc - A.., M. of
said day.,.with their tolls; records,
e'xaminafions',.and other reMeMbrans'es, to to-do
itios.e:thinitsi.yhich their offices'appettain to he'
done. And •those,who are hourid,b!,;•:theit rec.'
rii!iiizinceS to prosecute the prisoners that areor
be in . t he jail of said. copntY MlCean,'
are to be then and - there•to proSectife auainst
them as, ili tie lIISt, • „
-'• 1911t0 , 1 at•Sinethport,this'Zith day, of March, ,
arid. the .871.1/' year of the Itdepend•- •
enCe Olthe•United States of • America. •
Executor's Sale
The ondersigned Executor. of the o
James Taylor, deceased late - of, keeling Town.
-shirOlcKe.in County Pennsylvania.ioSin sell
by vendure, "to'the:highest b diiPr ,. all the per
soual propehv of said decedent„ consisting
.part of Honsehnid,Fulniture,Tertning utensils ;
Wagoffs,. Sfeighs,'HarOss.Gfain'&c.; on
premises on Wednesday the 30th day of March,
teif.p'c r lock, A .„111.• • • • .".••••
: • '• A. N.' TAYLOR, Executor. .
;Smelhpfirt, I . fatch.f . .l . th, 1.86•1; •
1864. 1864,
: TlilA .-kreat lirie t.raer,rs•Os the •Noithe•rn . etir
Mirthwe'st•ettontie.s of l'onsyleania ttitltecit
u( Erie, on t,akeErie.. •. • •• • • •
•ft ha s been ..leuied 11 , e , •,,Pcs.vsYr.vaNtA R
11.••(.1omeANy., and, under their atir f pic'e•- • is bein_
rapidly opened throughout' ent length.
It is new in use tor l'as. , lenger..lind
Ini , dness• . from • Ilanitisitrair to•
[lO5 miles] 'on '.the Eastern
toil, and, froni'Strarritt,o t0.1•41e, (7S mile.j ul
:the IVenerod/ieision. • •.• • - • ~
Lave 1 , 7, a's tlward;• .
Expfess - u:d in-I vitres
Leaves We:st wa rd
. . .
, • ..
Gars run ' Thiongn . WllllOVr, C:11.1N141.r bo
ways on thesetrains' be! wee!' Phil a delphia as
~('lc Haven . , sad bet.reen P;al . riasai a and hoc
cqrs on 'E.xpress' train'
t I , oXviTn . ‘Villiainnort, and 13,,t It i
. .
itcm; 'll'i Ilin It - 15[161.i' it nil Philadelphia.
.r. , pr:rtin l r P. -se iiger busi
a . Ctrie•S: t.. l'ornei• a.ntl. Aid!
• ..Antfirir Freight btulhe , rs ' of, the C9mriAny'
" .
r., Cor.. 13th. tint! Mill he .
• .
J. \V . , lied Bolds, Erie,. . •
J. A
H.. 11: Ilacsios,
(len 'l.:Pre;',glet Akt..l'llil'a
LEwis L. Hour's, -
JOS..D. 'POTTS, , • • ••
• ...Ge/ei . .iirt/;/12 . .t,"er,.. firdiiantsport
° n
11? C S 'S ° ei
6 .1 .
N. E. Cornei of Tenth. and Chestnut Stieets
1 , A131111,1,'111•A.
- • •1;:vos:n THE 31ANAO6IEN't OF •
for the last lour Years Principal an d chief busi
ness rbana;qer of 1341.r.vvr Sranrrg:l'e toni
mercial cellege. •
.. .
... . .
COndueted on_ a new , system of
,A c ii ia i B u si nes i
trainine, threttith'.the Osfablishment of kgiti—
mitte'Dflices: and ( bunting-liOuses.; representing
diffe:rent 'department,. of.trade•and Cormnitice,
and ii,ret;ular Bank of.Deposite, and Issiot, giv
ing the.fanierft: 'all the advantages:of actual .
practice, .and :qualifyitfg 'I'M,. hi '• the 'slfortest
possible time and most :eife,et tve 'ln . anter"• for
thri *various ditties andomployments of btisiness
.The Course of instructions in the Tlreniegieal
Denartment.embraces Book keeping, Commer,
eial Caleulations,•Leetureson Business Affairs,
Pennmaiiship, Commercial Law, .Forms,' Cor,
respondence, .4e: • . • .
In the :
. .
the , ,srudent - entera upon the• Graduating Course,
which includes a eontintraiicin ol.the abov,e stn
dies, with their practical application in u l then
SNETHPOIII.:, IP.iiiKAiN.,,cQUNT,Y,..PA:, • SATVR,PAY;:.:MARC.4:6,.-j.864.
. .
detailk. He will inlturii fill the position of Ac
couittonf. and Proprietor in varioOs.nepart
.rnents of 11'"ho?rude op' .leriail I'rade,:Formaggl
ingr, Jul/d;, 7 . . and Co in nikyion Bus: iness, Pankre r
.111:rinnlargurin y, mm," Biegnitwao:figtS , e.., a tfr
ttlll.sni lly uct ni kellny
ler in tiff ;13(1,,k,' in each of which positions
. 111;
previntis hriowletige ivill.Ge
,put to the"
.'• - •
. . •
' ';This'inatitittinn offers' to youngtrien•
mercial college in the Spile. 'lt is
all its apn'fiintinenti c It the' only Inititntii.h
. . , .
In'the State erindueted bit 0010 basiness'prin..:
Tlke cotirse - .of insfructino.is misiirriass •
. May" h e. completed in aliout.ton'e h all'
tune tisnally spOit ip otbei Institni ialinti
segiience•of an't!ntirelybeiv
. arrain;ernentoind.
the adoption of the new .practical.sysiern.. : •
. Dikl9Masawarded.iTen the cornplellon of 11,
Coitrse . , which embraces all :exce'tp
the •highe'r:.sets of 'Burt,o4, ilianlifit et ttriv,,
Send frir..a..Cireulnr
.1ILT,T11:0114 . 1,)'s
G. li:IN tits*: PR EPA RATIONS
lie.siti.ve, and•Speetlie Remedy ler diseasei:.of
the Bladder, .14:i!loys, Gravel . ; Drcimical
•• : ' • • •
. . . • .
•••,This .t•et•ltcine inurfasl.s ilie pittv,er•of.l)iges'•
'doh, and excidc.ll - itt ibsulturit. into healthy oc
tip!, Ity' which t tie watery diiCitlcatf;ous depti—
.sitiuns*, nod nil Unnatural •Enlar,timents •te• rep
tiuued,ds well. - As•Paili and Intimation. d • '
11.F.L311244L1)`S , JExT7cAc"r -iruc;Lt:
'Tor Itreaktie.SSi!S nrisimz. now .Exr vs.sel4:
its of Early lodise!
attended witli.ap-Ji , llo.“'ij,ig syrritoom-:, , - .1 • •
Indisposition to 'Exertion, . or Power;
'Horror, of Disease,'
.11ifitness of- the !rock,
Laetiude of the :qtt•pilar Sy'sten,
Hot' 'Finshi.ttg uf , the Bbdy;
bry.ness of the Shin, E,ropf iorstm the. Face,
. . ...
... Pn.Hid Comiitemilnee.•
Tho,se 5 . 01...pt0ni., I.l . ailoVed to go on ; ‘vhich
tHis , uleflii-il4f. , iijvarilly. I ' VIDOVeS, soon 'loth' ws •
01 POTENCY, rrcn•rcrr Er! T.EPTIT'
In one: of .w lie,f t !xplre.. .
.)Vboimn.stty that. :111 . ey•ar4, , not freqiii , ntly ,f 9 1 .7
IGived by. thlio• , •Dirolul • •
nylare - aware,:or the eituse:of 'their ..suffe'r-
• .5
• Nt A Si , I. t . • • .
Anil melitnr briny cleath . s . by Consnmption.bea . r
ample wi . tness..lo the nsse'rrion.'.
TheCOnstitutiOn once, effected with Ohranic
Weakness requires. tire aid' of 'Aledicine
Strengthen and:lnvianrote System,
• Atrial will .0011V1111e the most skeptical: •
• -In many•ktrections peculiar to lemelee the
'is onsq lulled by ati y of her .r e
tly, as' in Chlorosis or Putenhoq Irregularity,
ainlulnecs,'or:4iippression, of castnnlary EYtie,
iatlous. Ulceratedor. Sett thous •st ate of -the
Tient /.. ,, ttelteirrlana.or It'hite'S, titer ility,:aOtl
Or ieeident ta the. sex, vytte'ther
,11/(11S1 -re IldbiLS OrDrkSillailol),
... •
1 10 P. :1
I) Eti . 1..1 NE OR CII 1-1. GI.:. OE: LIFE,
2.11 I'.
G. A. 1
• .'.rake no more. Rakaln, ;1.1 . erc r3i, or iinplons,
11 EL AI HOF, .ku , i• 13 ueri u A N 1)
T.ROVVI) )10SE \l' A Sli . CI3RE. • •
SL( Jthst....tsr.s: • „
.. .. _ „ .
i all their l , t.aito ,- , '. At little Eipen4e
itilo-Aa no criatiLte in Diot. No incotirenienie
• Aiol no I;:xpositre. '.•• . •
. . .
It. irctiocht flts,:ire.nod giv . r . ;s .tres4th
t r i 'thereby •ifteirioving .O).A roCtionc,,
CittirgtriC!tir,,soi the VI et hro,
allayi!lii.l'ain and lothanOtion . ,..o 'leopt,;.nt
th e l'ap4.s 01(keac ,, ,r,,:iapxpolliqg all l'oisonons
11isys0, aid }For (pit t .)f.itt,er. • - •
upon thiiii -, 4'uids who 1110;e bi,eit the
•ictirri's of Qoacts, and-who Lave ptjil heavy.
'cos *to he 'cured:to a'shott thile, have fooro.th'c'y
i - e.,.e..ileCcived;..tind t h at the "POISON,'' Ira's by
he use of PoWerltd t.ing'efos," beco dried
ip in the sy.. , ern; to hp.ll;:out-itt• - no . iggrava—
ed. toi rn, - apd pp; ha - .
sei TEL 1011 S ' l,?'roAC r 'for a I Cl (Tee •
ions nnqdiierte.nl the .ORGANS,
vnetherexisiing in MAO.: or FEMALFI.bom
vhntevpj-riiiie Oriu.inding.and-nb nnitter. how
. .
7)i~rn es heSe Organs rrgiiirra'tlie nid of
a TB 113 Q ExTnAcT
BU r -
CI-117 Iz,,THP,I;4I.:AT DBI4E 11C; and is cer
tain to ha the desired effect' in' an' bisedseS
(or: whir! it is recommended., '•' • • ••.•
.idenee of the momji•liabie and repOwi
. . .
. .
character witl, twennma n y the medicine. , .
• Price, $.1.0,6 per bottle,- or Six for 55:00
Delivered to any Address; securely packed from
observation. . .
..• ,•• : • .. •
Doscribo Ssrmptoms in all 'Communications,
tres thittrantrol
Athfress for inlormn.tipi) to
• • • •
101 South Tenlh•st.,.. hid. Chestnut, Midi'
P.L11 , 1111/LD'S 11e,;11eal Depot: . r: •
L.DBOI..D'S Drug •a to!•Clihmical- Worohouse
. LJI liroarlWoy Now York,
pRINCI PL. ED IJEA LEES wh . o:le . edeavor :to
lispese riot theirowh7 epil ,, other" articles do
reputationhe a .l
t a imuf • • -
lehebold's Genuine Fireparatjon:
Sold, by all,nruegistsEyerywhere. .• • •
Ask for HVlcohold's. • • • Tatte:no Other
Cut out, the Advertisement and send for it. ,• .
SP .1P05,,1,1/fE•
Chnsurhpfive Shaerbrs will reeeiVe
preseriptioh. for —the shire of'Con'sumption;
Asthma, Bronchitis, and 511 Throot end Lihig
affeetiOns,Vree of charge,) by sending their
Rev; E.A.' Wit SON, :
• Wiliramftburgh, -
• .
Kings Co., New' York
•7alract Buchn, .1
cc: Imprbyed Roe Wash
. .
'cuIf:.RESTII,T. OF IITREE.yr.I4IIS? FIG I iT- fordhe Union. During tliOs'e fhree y'erirs,..they
13G—FLAit"rEllf:CG DELDSIOPS -• P...V- belie' k aoWn it.not as a protector but 'aal.rt re
, .. . • .
' " -• ' :• • ' .PLODF.D. . .. . •• tentless avenger. 'There hint , novei- •linen an.
For,thelnst six months 'the, 'tadministrat inn .hnur sinc•e. , t he bpginning•of thy Wrir.svlien, their,
.huts been' induci lig. the, people to t's.' , lay • thu Alt- :resel tit foil' was More obstinate and inritimi table
tering unciiart to 'their Sopls".stbat . the •rebell-
: than itroe... f.
is • 'ittrly.is the result . _ Oi a three
lon - iii Co crippled tliat••a • vigoronS spring, emir ; 'years'. yar..Wag ned o rrdslaken 4i rineiplya.,'.l‘ie.
paign.will cause it to 'succumb. 'llia arrine;i y 'have only hardened Ore rebels'and inaile - ttlierp
proclaination of the . President, : issiled•in fife morn: stout- hi , arted;... It ls'...tithe s'we had'the
. .
beginning, of Deceinhor,;svas a great absurdity: iiiaral -courage to litee.the troth: - !rho delusions
'excerii the hypatkesi that 'slid). an - impression 4 4 1 1 i !el). have''been :.solmlostrion'tsly„ a preed .for
had lice•marle , on theMital of toe rebels( tint li i i Is t six' ronnths•havii lind a grearec.tmlen.
they would rit,l'eaSt talre•inro . c(insideridion . tlie ey to, help- 141 r. :Lincoln's person it aspirations
question •of submission. : Three or four . montli s
itia iW
nto rve Hie ronritcy Mr...tire terrible:con •
'have, - elapsed, RIM / the oter• of. artirfesty . , has - =A^.3'. - liefore lt,- , ..V:..1'. Irorhl:' , .
Di oiliice'd ,no ''ellhet • %elm t eye,- outside 'of' oar - -•••• :• -- ---; .-7,'....- -- •'.---,---:. ' ' l'' '--:
military lines, beynod adding •to the
. exasriera- Extract . from . an Addres Deliv e red by
lion Of the rebels Slid stirmilating their eflOils. • Hon...JARCES W. WALL: at ..Keyport:
'l'.h...twei . piineipnlexpeditions•filted out -"this ' . ..N.. J.. - Feb 22d..18.04, . -..-. • : ,
.• ~.
"Spring have demonstrate() by their niiselikriage tlVitshington waSsittrioned . ln meet tiftr..rlra:4 , '
that th n . retiresentations by which our hopes ing ..runts, of millions nil 1 his ;Contimentjar,an
have :been lad for-sorne 'time past .Were...o Ito, Onlargernent and ci eare r elueidat (grin( the great
'.z.eqiei• ficif ions..,.- life., orcoarse,..refer-to the principles•f c'..vil and religiowilihertyinithougli
yldrirth ' exPeditions •ninl ;to Sherman's which - 'I iniist tint a with' s ha in ; ; an d ; :enrupjo il of
conjointly prove that ihe reviving Onion semi- •I.me, that in the midst of the grave events id
rtigrit 'in the South, ofsshich we have 'been lt?Id. ' the 11611 r, it tyaltbllit l erti . that thetimn's .iipperir'
so inuch,'iS irnriginary, aml that the St:lrv:stint) . to call • loudly • for: the. coven[ of same[ lofty.'
theory„ . ..oh ,svhic.l) aver-attnguine - 'pt!Ople'llit'vg mite end , commanding intellect fa; ['Mich
relied so mach iri• peed ict hig art: . 'early -Close til degenerate irons or IVaslii ng ton;hoW.to pr:opt rly
.the ivar,lits . ll9 little foplitlitt toil in' fact.• . ,
~• ' enjoy, 'or. emir-Nemo:l'y • ileieno I.lfose libertie . v
'T Florida was .lia'sed - upon : the . his s Word had TVO;,,, 0141.11 k rare civil; Wisdom
idea that there hems a very considerabln
,Utlion more cleafly 'define( I, 'Tim • thninter•cfnude, of
population in the, state,' .which...regnired 'ably :wilt ~..are lit this hour' diSclia 'ging., :t ti ii livid'
the - preSenCeand Protection 'nt •olli .ttoops do belts oPori the sbilOf.'lViisfrington'S:(lyslaVir- .
declare .itself 1141!ill . V• ' SO Sti s lifflt ( ' bald la II . giiiiiit,rptised ille..,lllMs of wing was once 'Os
this idea take'n M . "the lVii,hingt - 01l 'authorities' biith peace: has surgedthe:red 'tide of bailie,
that the military expedition. into .Fibrilla \VHS .whil . e the solemit, stillness. flint once . -reillned
'designed tn, he merely
s inridenta 1• . t.0 the 'civij -: found Its tionb ' t ;11oimt Vernon . has , been
-'reor . gir nizat ion (11211 M -State,'whlch was : the distirrired lay thenote, shock Of contentling,hoS.ts
mai n'objt'-et of 'ibi?' nroi , e . triint.. lint what 'svits emnposed -of men' ivlio',were once • proud to call.
the State of facts. (I iSebise'cl bylhe )..speilitiou7 t lieiMcel note ' .the countrymen' of %Vast. ington
GeneradSitYnionr, in his:L(l'4'l(llre into the 'state; lived in yaiht.'lnmen tilt I.lie .trials; . : sale rings:
aeted ~ Mil the theory' o_f official:- simerints, and air' achievemeitts or the 'reilolution he- guided
treated the people [vita. file- -lenity and. (Midi=
.1114 . M triar..)y, - '-.
.. '.. ~'. ' • '
&nee u . bit• h Wolll4l ma tiirall 4' ll' Ofacilo . '"ll bv' .. , Tii' l oinl n'inornt or.a , ;urn a 1.411. r i • . . ••'
a ratan t.r. , ift!:u i * to wa rl: a rellsnl . ..a nt Polsnll' 1 l"" lea rine't look Jlin11) 11l k state limn the. Ahdli
" H
11 he tv. if l "'"°-e""ciliat.'• . tint tit! i . "."...1 1- -lien stemd pniiit. u• nei''mit . Narinhat Ide.“in„e,
5 hnWell that every preteodielloya list whoi_atne, . i H t
. „H y “,„ „ 1et „,.%
, lot . pro ,,, Thi. piin j s h,
. into his 'camp tendering assistimers :or nfle•ingtreds of licav'en.are' not l ike, those, of man, hat
inf"Troar'ln”" yr.'s' a f"lnd si l 3';• 'A' . k.vd-ing rz".i. ei:,,r- ‘i•iiit upon. vnelatml law's. . And a's 'with
'publican no wspaper bail ; last 'everring.'.) long m diyul oa ts sO 'Willi mitiorts--ii (liver:eke .frorn
article Sityf roly ren s p r i ng ', Ge !l ernl SPN•rnetlr 'i l ie e.?falilis lied rote Ofillstice HMI 01 rightmost .
f e n ' P lfic . l " l -` "mil:l.\
[ire in •""Y or tire; ": 1 )ll'' l" - ' .ever•evnice the:rieMr:sls of .rerribution.. Pain;
habitants ta••l'leriqa, and a tititnititei• his(:dis• Sorrows, it .iing:and sin,:are in our worltit ragic:
a- ter• tea his ciegii'-et to r,ses ilagto guides:. - Such a i i d. nor t e nt ions" shapes; but they are • ever the .
r''censure is n ciiniession 0011 1111_1 . 1y is . ljloyal• ~,,:naing,, p itits thilt haunt the nation. er lan.;
ty among the white pemniation,nr that slate, indivoloiel tape has larikeirt he greal•Jele - of firs-1
lint it is !dearly ind as f t , 1,) A ,,,: (:merest Se . y.- iii ad of•right. Ica beneSt• pall iut Svlio hits
tnour,for acting in - itacordanc.e witli'll•n l 'ille‘lrY .wa !cited or •['rears I 110 'Cllrptltttl ill this out land,
on 'which his c..xpedition. wa s fitt e d 0 . 01; which but will Colifesi that nor natiOnal sins' have
Wa n th e re'utti l il't 6 T"1"" s""ti" - "'"t w"s a safe been' riving and grievnine.. The faith of our
• ficierit basis for civil reennstruct ion.' . • • ii it hi i s . has been al - , , andasied ....lirs Self l, saerifi
..: 'rh , 'Pi i,s every f vil 'on t 0 1 11 111 nve tib . .1 . ...' lIK-.- 5 c jot% ectriiitisiin , F.:pirit of, Our eaidy ilay hits
public 'Sept inferit of Florida is that - Of. every I:weii forgotten;. or:if not - fr.rgotl en, tinily :re--
part of-Ilia . Sout tarn Stati?..s not , .inCluded 'W m b
ithin nmereddo be lineal...ll ip striking mrstifylng
our military lines. • • ' . - ••
"" • con : tuts'. • 4 6th: the selfish schemes a nil .narrow
If the Florida expedition nis prnv oil the 'ex- lir..iodine:4 , o chili age of radicalisM, infidelity,
istenee of returning loyalty.; that 'or Sher Man irreverenee and instirtiordinat ion. The allegl
dispels,.in a manher giros as' e'rutspietiqii.,• I II , ! . once and fealty cif that early: day . • svere not
l(leit..t ha f•'t he • rrbuilio.ti is- like:ly to lie 'Soon mere count me .horrse. virtues, bid combined, in
starved out •Tliss' reports browitilf to :head-, -loybig•Ilnion ; 11111-ignt ion to neighbors 'and sc
quarters' by Sherman's Scout.s i idnved„ that.• he liods, with a. most exaltedsense of cltit y•to Golly
was advancingliana land oititiOndattOe. The altil the heaven inspired patriotism Of•tlint gold
...vast gliarititiei. ot 'grain, ilciar and provisicins en:rige of-the 'pepublic Iriokod forward ••in its
:which: .he and Smith's raealre are.e id trailer? devotion, reflecting hark from . 'glorious faces,
destrhyrd, and the . _real Windier' of heel cattle ',.snine-of the tight' met tliatAloaVen; .where-loye
whlch.•Sherman ' is rep:Dried to leave - driven)! and order ins lit firs I and only , la w. • •
... •
away. show how.prepostermis , ls the expert a- i •,Aifthi„,„;;,., p r ixeautia 1;0..0,...,1; were ferget,
tion that .t lie rebels can lie' Sill rved oat. ' The I 'ni t ; nee - don that we u•orphippua ru•xt. t u t/od,
government;.a red ihe 'people whom 'he. ).) - 0 ve'rn • i 're ..- 11.inlituut tlnit w.vi Frotolonitsspear ail.l .: ,,biuhli
i : 111 tat shave f tut••sui.l In thoir 0...1 Imre emelt"
"enlistll,,S. delatbetli' -si ill ha" to clout' Too": 'l'lut vi c ,,t nf .I(Ju uti.yr au-I 11161:lacr- .• ' • • '
brutfts.'r t T Ilia t . ..tipt.srust., ' mind 1 -04 Ii i, tip. i h e ir 4,..1•1.1 . ni11g 110 . M1C1 , 1101, ibllt t” . llLig II! [Br u t wralth : tina teeter;
Mit;ds this tie re b e I.lin n Ca mbe mit . (In sV WS Only I , fr"'„),wiinT',,,.l,l',',l`l,r,re torn, or 1 , '' , 1:. 1 , :.: ‘ ;:::::” I '.. , 1 , 1 1 r , ' , 1 11011 ,
by soper;or srtrategs and energetic fighting • : , :tvl;.as be g un in. Noll - , ...nil ioniling atittrO.o . .. •.
'lt IS Ittlaz . !lfg..t hat intelligent nig. , l COTll4l, • evvr : l'liese vices alit[ shorteinhingS were unrpl4,S :
} la vo•slli'll lnol that the rebels:can be .sta t Vi'd ()humbly great- national sins, and oations; like
into subniission. ,With Vie modern implement .t. indisl(hials, Inns( Yfceiv e. tlieir piiiiihlimetit In
a husbandry oar.' man can Pa iSe enitt.io.l of :the . this . woi Id. . ..
prime l'iecessarir s oi l life'to support at I.srisl a - TIM. day-we are h'eretto celebrate,' shOuld
(10.Vd.n. Th.e only rational imestion• 'that. corild „ever have been the ItrigliteSt , day :in: all . the,
at. any I ime..imr-. ( : ard.sea, in 1 his 'regard,
.waS, year of oar once prniul RePublic. . If .sve- hail
s4 - 1 - stlmr the grent,liMly'of the Sontliern pe(iple probably .comprelMorted: the true spirit of our.
would coeseni th live nn : mere nece't.saries for ? iristinftlallS; DWI lovingly "cherished the rrierno
thl.s,4e of atideppndene•e , •:;ll6 England ? Flance)il ry, .of 'biro to whose•sersices in - iii e. field'an d .
or . ';p count}}' .y co) , 44 , here'ilm• s Cale :of diving :is, cabinet they ale mainly owin g,,t his: day would
Pretty high,' the limit of . ,taxatien is soon tee evil` ? , Lave .bee'dritna rked willia white sicirol,''•
ached ; bec.mse.:llo people will pot chits-at to as:kra, 'the •,.liorriall'eitStom with days. distill
milen a bridgm - (it of (heir cristomary' corol l orts• 'gn . ished io their annals • a'S. having .coiiiorinq
Ilellre-Louis Niililleon, absolute , monatch'. as great• braidi is -on the 'Republic. ' ,13tit 'this pen
lit.'.i,, hinds sit anneal deficii•Wilich oil the sk ill Lute ceri;eil.' to rertiernber their benefactor.-- .
..',l. 1o111(1, h is .very able .mantes - Minister, They'do'st kiglti, in emit 11(iiir,' of the - .fact
c.innot "contrive to make tip. Dm in .1 liii- Soil( h ii-( : "It the linits'of 'his labors tind•exi , siples is to
I llc.fo err i'‘; o 'l l °"'nflul reasdhs 'why the .titste I their mo s t vdteAtile intietittinee. They studied'
tor cernforts.or to:tem.:does net gam, tie 111113-. how Hue} , entilr: best encournge.the• - ocrislentin
lery'over riiiiii.ity elliciilay.' , . ; Lt the first - phi- of those ~g ew.(Trtipicill , diger . % fithllld 16 II 5 . , " ' itgiiiiisi
ce, the blockade both siiiifsont such articles :si hich im-liad warned:4nm snsleitprly•in:thur
and - shut in- the •staple' Icy which , they %yere 'address winch has lost been. teed.
..IViiirld fa
yont Jo he purchased. it, the 'n'ext•place, ti e 'God my 2 friendr., that. this 'riatibri. had always;
COafiscatiorr.pelicy and • the exaspormition no- recmmized the sayings of that master hand .
inr.ally• caused 'hy .inv9dine: arrniesdlaye kept iii wlite:.. eyen grasp it .firet placed, the helm of
the P"lilir.il and !hit . 101)111 P11%3 - 1011S. 01 the peii- the young Republic;,• That it bad 'conformed tit
ple inflamed to Seca a: pitch that . they- are. the lessaMot his noble 'life as . his pattern; and
ready to sacrifice luxuries, comfni ts, and life do his principles as thii.gnidelpoits of •40 . cnrity.
itse,ll,,inther fhaii fail.: •
A . vet yditt le reflection. will - sollige• to' saner 'hive heard inore distinctly mitt elm (Ws( jar of.
how ritterly'preaosterons is the idea that-the cante.nding, sectionS, , and treasured more rover
rebels Candie starved no, 'file 'war has DOW'. 'elltly *the S'OiPMII ttllggoiti .0.1 andi . ri re :wisdom
gone.on three years. • The first year the n§tia I .eontaine w. d in those words no so full of mean
cottoaerop. CV: N. tiro/need,- the rebels . actimi ingt. ' :•'• - • •-. ••• .
()lithe ideri• that -the War would eithei be short, :
or - that-inieign . in•t i'verit ion would at an early
day open lhoir ports and 'gk l c l .• iltetil it market,
If. the - rebels can. be , staved,'On(y• ought to have
been Starved .the . first Year of-the war, when
?hey were , rasim) cotton instead of cereal.s. , -•
The evened yea r•of Vie". war, they _grew' less
cotton and mote grain, Last year' there, was
such an•eccianidation of rottol without a mar l ,-
het, that cotton 'Mater° was pretty merit aban
doned,- andthe canon land.i 'flaky(' NVith corn.
•It.st.indslo oho - anon sense that -if thd SMitli.
rased' feed its poPtilatjomand also raise a crop,
it can have no dillinulty in feeding lli popul'a•
lino' Whet) all its kufrieultnraf,itir.tuStry is ex
pended in the 1»'6 , 11101 . 1011'0f*friod. •-'.• .
Let risdiavedOnesvith senseless delasions.—
. .
The Smith, at the •end of ihree,years,' . is' 'a
'.better td'figyq, than it .has been at
any precedineperiod.. - Like ourselves it. has
got over the main 'dilliceities 'incident to' the
early stages'of a great it has' Do • longer
the•machinery - to create'hy °which arms
'siipplies • are manufactured. 4 nil Its
population furnished with clothing'.r.lt has - .on
hand such a supply of
,arms..tliat .hereafter only
Moderate additiors be` necessary. Its
soldiers are 'veterans and its military discipline
at the, height. Three. 'yeat•i• entire Separa tine
from the federal government has. wcaninithe .
Southern people: from. any Miming affection
.flThe tioity of,governinent W1l)(91 slow CollgtititteS yoit
Uon puntle - is alsn , ooly thoir to yofr, 'lt is justly s'o, for
it ia the noun piilar . in_tlit.edillee (if yititr red/ indepen,
Jenne,' the Sll ppo rt of. you r • traligti ty hoine , r
paite?.a broad, of your hafejy, your prosperity, of• that.
eerylibinny you our highly prize." • AO * ' *
Lt cont.‘mplatiniCtlie ciusos which • tnay:dis
turb our tlriion, it.oecars natter Of,
conepra; thattuty ground should ha i•elbaen fur.
uished.lor rhararrferizinl! paitli•a by 4 , geogrph,
ral discilmination :Northern and :Southern,
Atl;ttithe aid Wysrerti, whetace ileshtnpur
. men
endeavor to excite the, belief that there in
a mil difference of lot ereit and views.
:These :earnest,' triithful 'warnings in his
:Fareivell had been sounding,,in' the
pais of ,this.people. for than sixty ye a rs,.
For While they listened und.lieed,id, encl 'the
. entintek prospered (19 no . other country' ever.
prospered befnre'. •Not ..that.sham .prosperity
which like the Solga ban
treis dec.eitfully in the stm‘hine, arid is only.
the treacherons cruet covering —the lave-gores
beL,ev, not a 'prosperity that, exhausting' the.
life blood amt treasure of the nation; fills "ICq
hamlets with' mourning and cripples 'the
. 1 . 49 r
of its peasantry hy :taxation, whill• it points -to
its.pyianthis of-skulls on every battlefield, as
the Toillestones of its 'progress, hot, it prosperity
that Teedsitsltitle Clear in. the ondistorbed cum.-
tentnient • r . ouna every'hearth— stone ] and.' the'
-pence and plenty smiling' over the land. I'6f it
prosperity tha i rests on the fourialitjetii
of o iqiir it ed 'paper issues,
hltllt upolf:the atICI co . Lanm.s•olS..A logitimrite
,t 610. 'coitirot , ice,: w . hOse basis resits ~Upnjt;
hrl , tferp..antl. tiohg fptintlat ot . oriohfakriv,
. .
. .
Oh my fellow eiraintrymetil What illicit leg',
any. • onr' great•N‘ilion's Pother has ''left us in'.
t hat Siiblinni Farc • wc . ll A'tidress• which: hi
ha Ve Just glint ed . . It embodies ..,t he • sviisdum Of:
the sage, • willtt he 'foreknowledge of the proPhitti„ .
It mingles the. ardent ferVor of the patrira with ,
the ilevolcJ Bever that itartiedror him-shove all'
?theta' iritho• svorles the. *ell. 'tle • set . .-.
veil title of Father cmintry. boy :
ratty lerarn horn it lessons that sVillthake
him a I . ..rater - man; n itiore iii'vetsd 'c
The citizen ciielind in . It troths...which if '
Will only • cherltill, Mast make. hie) the, more'
trasellisli,ptitriot; .While the 84164 i n -inn can draw
from" wise.apherifirnithat;if ,
compel Mtn to . Curb hiit tirnhition,,a nil loOk ever
with 'a simile eye to ilte.Weitu re of his' country . . )-
tuition shoaltr,have gone.to it; ne the de—.
vont ,Illoslem f4.TS' TO' the ReaV.m-sent 4, kaabaftC.:
the lionse Of Allah; nii , iteeatictuatit.
antl,seregitard, • -A nil rat. from tile inspirat lett '
that Ilislies•frorat his °rental, talist tito 'tit 'AI6e ,
the roitc.!ives that, he 6t=
tains a faith relleinn that ilies not- end' a..
sumo certainly-or its embalm:ea.
, may it..be the, notion's . privilege as., it leaks . ; ".
niratratenily at, anti reverences more devoutly,:'
the•triiths.irallia .8014 irae.ralifiess,:to attain a• ".
laitlt iti the • pei petuity of Ira: .• repablia.• that
wOutitnever die , and it *cnitfiraince .in Ititurct
eiiqurani:e:thai ho arpreluTsibti.cuil
propliiitirachirice of '‘S i tishinttOtti
undoubtedly comprithraided the, mighty ...nits- -
chief, that:would -4iiititt forth front the'raeglect
I.' obey his iiijiietions,• and in' 'mote than one •
'confidential letter . writtratto frieedit in Virginia,.
iratiAriains'tlie. (ear, lest I lie. restkse rrinatic
isin .No.v
. ..Era; land won't! yet yet angina •the
.zilation that , ,woithifinally disrupt .the'.l.7itfon. •
'The sacra:ions' Mind i•r . Jefferion;
later down in the if-he tintinn,, that - the
acititiOnS o'r livrllissithri:e • orapromise‘c /Welt*
ail hi.y earl Ite'dot .toyol ofalite bell at oiktit:":" •
And:with .roorg or lead vigor that fire , .belt bas'
been' sounding ever since', rammitheing !tete
cohll,tgno ion end there , n cietillagration, until' •
at last mill the din 'of structures',
dense clouds - of - smoke, and sweeping sheets . , of • •
Ilomu noneuneing generiiLriititlagration , wit
seem to hear it t o longer. TIM insane (anal lei- I.
shit)/ the, ego iri Which we 'live,, it busy ertdee-,
voring tn .- extinguish OM' lire by feeding it 'With,.
more fool, They :fire on the• flames "in-'
Instead of surer. • They would save the Union,
by . the very. means the
,union haa• • •
been ilestrrayed. • They 'woult.l,itrenigthen. ~
fabtic utdra.Constitotion by undermining, its; ,
very.foun.lat inn, Theyisotild tenect.ineithow.•
,to pteservit'and Pnli,trgi; illeir..OtYn liberty .
applauding the destruction of the. liberties of
',..their.neighhors., 'Against stitch logic on thin,
desire to enter my protest. If :trier) olnimlthnt
they can creme ice' (nit of ittromwOr,., mokis •., '
silk ink Of cobwebs, nrid bottle Up, stinshinc to • •
t ;the; rga it• rte . t! t ~11,P118011jt'
. . - . . i
may be permitted in call n. cjoestion : the
em of redepoing,•-by .which • they -ariive
heir conclusion's, without. having : my..feultk
o the Governinent hvguestion:• . '
c. :ii Al • ON R:TALJA-
. .
'PION; . 1. • •
better porn ill,'. Voll;1 . 1lighaot to the PithlisherA
6, Thr-Dtgytais'Emntre:!' ' '. •
. • • •-
)361.017, 1804.
hears, Ilronson t t. Monona, Dayton, ,0111 . 0:
ntrsnt, , a. rend sotto's,' (lays act) Ont. telegraphic
antinntutonotut ,itf :the I•rltltllittg".. of the Entpirn Oleo'
by "Itterourhattlttitltllorn,l" I. otter you do svomothy, - ., for
that And! aysll.9l,ttliing luny -
or 'lntroofter r do -oxpto,•
coy ttrofoOMl regrottlntt you were , tint- preporuil'
to inflict-tot Oto spot' nu In' the midst . ..of the umsaultu'i,
4111• iwntplot+• tnittisltmont assallatits tle'servodt,t
but. Ilun 0t4it:111 , .,1 to' tea tltnt stone of Ilthot did soon
utter teettlen their - _ deserts,; , ' .
host. tliesn etiwortlly nets. clunk ha always guitnind
Atilt titOy do nut•prini Imply from Illto •Isot—.
'tilers Thore Is,- tborofbro t but 'ono runieily thr port
old! itrtiventivo of [attire tnititiost 'add thit(.ls, Instant,ll
-81111,17,,Lry.. aid toprisabt upon the p.r`9lllB ILO pro- .
-party of tro. 101110, ‘Vi it, ' Ittottnare awl 'conduct •
are alm ty Melt I re . to t omtmontettouti.• No ingot or. full(..
tart' punt) Itruout i) , ,VoiltUlloied•tipott.thu 11111111.41103
kdx , lllll . llls, 110141/Atit , ll, tho?rnfore is tlio tittly Aminiyht
-fill i•eiinstlY hi jinn's like tliesi;: • ; • .
'1 speak it allivatulty,. fml reennntiMit It to .nll , poses . .
Intreafter It Is of nu seal! In announce hid Isehofut
that "'pout:T..4.l.4ns rutoloirth It atter tlnittioStrtietlon.
lots been eninittuntittal, The time I.lta tfotie by for, obe-'
tonne) without • pro tr , ylin 1' Ayoub. -110ettled ''lttugungt);
tat . coliftsual Tot . ilrff'lll:l3 of thrum atutragroz 7 frot t ..
eittently Wien-lea With ptur,lnr,' tint! :doors wlthout re-'
They innatito slopped', lot the con: .
seas races 1,0 'vltal 111.:v arty. 'floprisuls its ouch rases ore.
now tth
tl t o ly w.ty loft - for a return to )kw and.orttpr..• .
:Very 0, L. VALhANDIGIIAI4I: •
BenVar,ascC entatn.-L , fri
,referring 'tci it
4e of rObh. , ry,,the Detroit Free l'ress bes.the
hawing ‘vitit'seference.tri the prevaterice.ul
crane in . that . .
floicrend fearless. murders hav'e. been ,cem-•
mined in the heprt of the *place. Bands .of ar
rned ruffians hove prOwled through . the Streets:
under covet of the Oight, and perpetrated acts,.
the recital 6 . 1 which makes the blood'ran - cnid.
.Burglars have left their ha:uots , rif.ithiny, and
departing for the time being.. (Coro • their usual .
'places of prey,., wounded erol . Ortlraged' the
sanctuaryrd private' :114 , .hyvny robberies
have been committed wan]; boldness in'
execution, wnufd..add lustre' to the lame of a._
l'o.rpin ore Clartd4 Dilval; end the jesear .Order
of critnes,.suell Li pickpocket Unprovoked
assaults ant risonal• 'encounters; 'bold ',high
This (seyr"th;;lm
e.ingfield Regi'ne . r) . ie one of •
the legitimate' and inevitable conserpuirwes of.
war. But by allthenne, let the fighting germ, :
and v i ce and crime contirfuertn'multiplY. Are- '
w'e nor freeing the ncgroes? ~To what higher .
missiMi'cnuld a greet' natiorf..uspirer.
mind.whiit nacomes of the . .wsenctilY'of. the. •
family circle;'? let "piing men, 'and
youngwoinetr and lgirls-- , -go 9h. ''sowing • the'
seeds oftrthrtal and :physhial ' while'
AblllilioniSm holds high carnival rWer th'e land
—hits 'aiot , Abieharn LincolnL-hrive:lant Abelf- •
Lion' oialors,--have . not' Christian' Minister*
sworn the . war.--and its 'clatrie:ilireneee--7
shall never aease fait
frohn the BMW a:of the'is't sla'vedn : lbe•Uriited . ..
States?" 01 little e,onsequepre to' these plows'
reformers is the moral leprOsY fastening'.itsalf
-upon are rattan; the frightful
and prostitution; 'thm.penury;.the.-Woe;'7kei::...
anti death the.Wer is causin..-L-)1/bany,
, .
• John W. Yonne', Son or.B:iighaa? ,
u ,,,bak,4krilVe
from Salt . Lakeity; Arli4
Neio3 onyx .he has the appaarania of kei,ne
vgry,intelligelit and well.bredydupg...o)ani-,.t.
NO., 20: