M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, March 19, 1864, Image 2

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i 88,4
A 'I,Z liirire iv Is
•' , 01,
4-.:;.•:?.T.', 7 , , 'C.,:-!" . ' ,.,,,,, ..,:;.,--. , ;' , .. ,,,, ,.
, , ,
....,,A t fllc <ob.
.-1 ,ii‘ Oti'irAl'-* I ‘ l X o* " 4 ' . •e• hash ratsedb y •
:', ,„ ..,:4-,••••-•,-
~ ••• $ 2 00Q ha rill-
or Iti;eq•:
~•., , ' th(4aat!i,ng'T i corbrn's9 insets ' 1
'tont I
, ~.. ,•-: ~she Ron! • i jiStle,
.10firt10"1- ! *.ivie.,l. lo ' h
'•".l,e4stt'sh p wer • i 100 bounty to cue
'' • 011.; Will PdY S''
sh ipt' in'
~., fO' soc h
"--)oSteer'•tn h , president, 0
* ' ihe Isst c I
, e ,,,, in two•y•ear ,
cludrng ' ' •ear the bdi"" , t thus
i4yitil e In one ',, The sum t o 'be' . v
' ' 7 per cent' in!er" o;o , ' nnd will he a bea
. y
at a will.be,near $ B, •
though o•c trust it
our tax payers.; should gri'llg"
blttden ta,:, f.lty borne. No one
ilmge Whn
Wilt be c h eer fu lly to their tn"a"s' • t h o
• I 'pay, acc o r ding
peril th,ir l:ves la
it Y. h mos and •
• ' service-
. .
:'ylfe o hovohe procCodiogs of
o n mileting,..lielil
in Bialford,' but CiinnOt'grve .this•
, . . .
;STAte CoNvEN•rtn*,--Tho Demmerlitic State
. -tion. .-• . • . .
Convention at Philnie'lphin on..Wednes..
elsk.mPlf. The ifelegatet>.9l.lWKonn. conoty
• are men of abilitrand . infloenee and a credit to
the'diefrict. , • The, COupiies .corbposing this
disfilet'eenCurced 'with ants in - the
choice of iii:Y..l , l'Cor, and et the- con
ifetee meeting at I2idp:way, tion..A.B RNOLD
anul'pr.•e.,R:.-};Aftty.were selected asitenre-,
sentative.delegates. • . .
. .
Srots nor.nE 's Thll S roe ke ol de re
Narffzation. 'Co; hi , lif
:their annual ele cti on other Today. , We
.• .
will publish the ploceedings and result in our
,•. ~ •
:.Tonareo by
ear townsman, W; .Cow Lea, to Infrotm .
.Tobaceo,tiewe'ri.ihat he. hag received - froMi.lie ,
Patent Oficir. a
.feW papers of :new .. kin ! l
tocacro' seed., toi: : gratuitous
- E The old "Side Rill .Tin Store". •isognin•iri
: ,lABON I ;
.1.8 goods frOm•;the
‘c ify,2o.ivill be' fout;(l:th his•i)Ost prepared to
sal' his *arts Or execute any fcincl . of .joh work
•. • •
vdtb oistiissi3 and despatch. • .
, .
Our patrons will excuse ' the , usual &mount of
reading matter which the jand sake. will ex
(Amit for a feW' weeks. This only:happenits
cocain two yearsand is .a 'matter'of interest,
to the reader as well as printeL- • *-
The.Sehenettakty say.i: • We hoist
'this week, the . name of Gen. Geo' got B. McClel
lan,r thejiresticlepey ; sulject to the 'decision
of the National, Demorrictie Conventinn; - and
if pominateil that body, We plecliet ,that
the stone which tlie'boilders (at Washington)
rejectecl,.the same:"shall 'becOme l)ead 'Ol
.the ,corner." • .
. . ..
.. , ..
.. .
' . ..f.isCOi.N Ornit'ionffn fri Iklismonni.-Tlie,
Missouri lloffse; of 'Repreeef tat ives, "largely
tidies); him' just tabled a reiolution.n9...rninating
A. i.incolif tut? re'-eleAtion,llnd also' a—Tesolu—
tion endorsing A. Line°lirs pdtnillistation.:- :'
. .
• The supporters .
the , Administration .. are
tiontinnously . pratinw anout Inc tipperciit
piqous eotiditioti
. of 7 the couutryf Why, say
they, money I's. plenty, aud.farrners ''..ttod., all
elaeses .nf people are' doing het ter than they
-.ever ,Vvere before. How do • account 'for
it? The
. fine . siion is easily. ansvitered..-
'ttre credit-Lon ti'romiscs'. which -our
children and.opr children's chitin en, to the
third and (ourth'genefatian; .must . pay. ".‘y,
ire dravFing on' thefutore, .Crul like all'
•spcndthrilts:aie living riptonsly.. . . .
. .
To talk ot•th e . Ptoepetity of the country wh.eti
:we are afflicted . with thesocest evils whiCh can
Befallnation ? not the lea.t , of which is inrril
inianity and intoxication every Where pr.evail
'ing,-is do.woright.nonsense, if, not wickedness.
It ii . etther.the utterance of a fool or of one ,
WhO knows hl has. Cu • audience, of fools.
Cirmtrirrs.!:, March
iatch.wei received here (his morning:. 7 --
enan:roya. March I 6.—Ciriiiliende troops
'now (weary tbitc The Rebels fell back
to Greenville,' where they ure-now said to be,
preparmg, r:battle. • , .
.The enemy still holds llitll o Gap in , force, and;
icsaid 'to ae. conecntrating, bk.' cavalry for a
raid into Kentocky.,.' • . `. .. I .
.GeneralJohn]Morean has been. ordered to
~ 'Greerirille, it tale cop-inland of the
ceialrif,forees of General Longstreet's
lead,them intoKentuely,tential Tennes—
. . .
:''. , Ail sprts . ofprovisidmi are very scarce,- and
the:people are'snffering greatly in consequence
.ot.the'veholestile. seizure of food by the military
authorities. • . ... •''' .. '
.• • .
.gverytbitig remains quiet in General Thom
80ia tt is ''believed, hovvever, that do
Y'9ll be ordered as soon as the weather
beetip*e rtkore,aettled... •
• . GOvernor. Bramlette, of . Kentucky, finding
that his opposition to the enrollment of negraes,
andr4is violetetalk, about stopping it if Alin
Orovarnment does not, %VAR di-proved of and
denMinced.by the Union men throughout the
State has backed down frOm his position today
in lagrataful n manner as - posiible. 11 . e sue'.
combs to the laws is fairly and squarely as' any
one could hr<ve wished.. It is . generally' con
eeded that hi.has killed hims;df by his own
foOliihness.ia beingleo,6y the nose by the.con.:
.ditional Unicn ':men of the Guthrie•Prentiee
COMmittee.... • I
Thellichttland Ink!, of Mardi . says, that
about a week • more to jebuild
iraillrestl, to Gen..beies army, Lee has'sent out
in all eetions to . selie everything
Ais,ithe.:.oiiipe s f'foiage, eat' : subsistence for his
e cj u Roo route everything
to'.aaiiicmmyir bylailniad• tinders it impos!
.over Oneli tie to
p__ ,keep hi. srrtiy riitn :`6 ud?esing, and the farmers
Come forward
Xt 4, oklit:ftiovisieritilOr, .;troops. -.ln an article
Jorldii4ite . o74lB admits that
lyrita large- as ..oargr.—:-
t- ":" • •.
111 k. rt on - •
'•_• • !!‘i.ti'e life of fie "
'l,ltit . e.i?;,'" Plaint i,nrithhig•else''but th.e Pin 7
'a 'rnuttittl agrr
sites,hy el• • •
Meet 'to-morrow. relied t ilttilt ,that instruMent .
• therg - WM4I . bethei same; rittinber 01 rotc.'anil
.Yromeb, ho.r.ses tt 110
. SlielM,,,coaVah . cl-griltb
house.tintl.'harns.;•atlij ships•and rnatitifectura
unit.statehe' elements 01 material.
weelthi all the. appliance aiiil ingana Or pli.Vaicg
taint 'inipre'vemettri would exist,
aiterfa certain :peiiml 01;contiistrM,. all
these elementi:would c.r.ystgliza into)irMin new
:4o.vernmentar system: Bat. thgATitite'tl States
would hn•ve cons'etl 'to 'e?rist; just as thePnited
States. made by. the . rticles of..ConfedetlttiOM
, ..A.
erased Jri
. ' Jest. what to.a bank; the..Coniti-
Union istol'he United States: .. Suppoie..tiorne
~of tin'eorpOafors.lfilVe car m rieit O ff fro m a batik
,partmf the limns which they contributed, bird'
the other•ernpnriters i,vere"tryinc:.to get the.
. furds•back-..into't he., possession ipf corpora:-
pion, no 'the, I, the . bank rriight- go. on a's' usual;
that'the rorpotittnre.who'catrie.d. oh' the funds
.did . ..Sq 'tinder the 'assertitin :thaf • thS...officers
I rreciell•fl.t th'e lust pall were
,abetit: to Miiiirsa .
Ithem,.itud,, ittstend of the 'tenths of
the bank in legitimate. banking bitsitteis, Were
going into OtitsMe..srieculit (inns; tliaf , the: bank s
.and some of, ijs Stoekholilers" Were t• laW.•
NOW, what .wotilil . be; thotight of the.officers el
a bank in . :Filch a contingency who wencon and
did , with, the .remainirig: fontls of th;*bank.pro.'
ciselywhat' the. 'vitilent• stockholders:
'they .were were alma( to 'do with. the whnle,,
antl'Wharofan-advocate who, inched of stick',
trig to the' legal propoSition that the . bank 'Was
.milled to the hinds . ; and that remedy 'ot any,
apprehensive stockholder was not im.nbstrac 7
tion,,shotild admit ilibrthe • bank- %vas .tn..be
;used: for sotile;mther, than 'ifs legitimate lona- .
ones mot was going' into Alm. philanthropy Line?
\Vhat'whnlil judge the:sa y to
. nny men who'
talked atrint tit e tife of, the bank?..lVonlil he.
ncit'Say; "StiCk to the. e hatter, Mr. Attrirney.^ ,
.These people' say....thitt*.your Clients, meant to
their:Mints; and that they, haven 'Tight
fo •withdra w them ;from that misuse. There'
is aritte , tion . n ‘ f foer.firt to be settletl---:the in
• tention te.inispae; next, a guestionor their
r„ . .enictly:, : against" ntistise'," if Mr... Attorney
were to ansivo., I, lVu intebtrtn:. use •t Ile funds
'in ithe..Philanthropy . thoegh theSe,
halters will hies ft - little at first, I ',aye
'Cu la ion to
.eXhiliit to your, honor w'lqh•shows„
that.-IM file
.end they will be .lortiely
his ainerstin. addition:to which,4.very pried
pie of chtistionity; everraspirotion of human-
OVliitt. loiter , "those to tlo With a
bank 01;10(4? I 8 . 06 nothing about: them ,in
. r , No; ypitr. honni---wa - want to•pilll them
;M it; we want tomnike .an . intp-r life :for this.
bank----fti)bake it a blessing .to the' world, a'
- type.a . bearon,ll glory •and
.4 light to ex
fend' its'. uSefulm , e,s,• •10. crsate• cmtoniets, to
educataas well ti.to discount, M. elevate ; as
well tio '
Perhaps there is' no' journal. in the
Slates that has dung nuire.to• take the olife .of
the nation" than t he It has 'assailed
it with a hnse,'ile DeistiOn and 'argument; it'
has trfed:themnitionhas'advised the
So fur as the rebels:are:concerned, it. bets' no
more right to complainof thein than 4 mart• Who
calls enether mei names has :a right 'to 'coot
-plain of a. blew; bet as the' law dor sMor take
crignizance et 'abuse and cne'tithq cognizance'
of assaults, assnultsiMst•be panished. There'
is no la w, bY.Which. the vilest 'insult can •be
either prevented bar punished; fhere.is law by
which sttiking'with thin stick in .4. man's' hand
can he
. punished, •hocie r;
ty has ghts . higher
than any individual; tnen feel an intense
.and..trrrepresSible contempt for one who 'first
makes nn enemy by op. attennpt . to 'injure, and , .
then. rens ta't he policefor protection.—.N.
. • .
. ..
. .
' .N Emi Yoitx, Mari. h 17..-.: letter ii•otn.-New
Orjeatis to Ilse I.lri.;qd states I . )at , Atiiiiinill'or
te'r-tifitjfe. fleet 'iQ 'al ' the:mouth of the'. Rest
. 13.iyr,. , l'Itfoy trawipo(t . s, 4)11'10 Av.ith. I iopps
. AilrnirliPr;opr has eqpturetl;iistro'ng Rebc
fo'ri ifie AVashitil Riyer, - .Witri RII ill, - 3• I;i'ig
including three ;I?• pon•ntleig, • •
'General Banks'aill• staff would take the field
on the 10th,, Mitt the army conlmence imme
diate pperatiOtrs.' • •
Many Inttuiri'es ha et; beep made at the Mar
litiparrtnent by member/ 61'ConermiS
esiteefully, 'in relation to; the' Nit, call of the'
Prt silent for 200 ;0001norp Men. 'The answers
'tire •that the men' at i•;•rarcessalry. for, the putpoSee
of the wa •t bat', 'sliohltl• ant„the I I caul t. of
this call be 'satisla'ctory, aeother salt 'nifty be'
itticinat ed. The ',We r:.l)einirtitient officials
_are *engaged in adjusting the quotas of the vari
ous States unit •precinets, but It will ho..tWo
weeks betor.e tlefitilte conclusions' cah.be arriv.„
•• Loysvit.LE,.llliirat 17 to the
oial say that the .gnetillaS .
taekrnl .
train-Imm ISraslivill near' Estelle Springs laSt
night, utter tt . thsplacing a 'rail, by, which the
train 'was' thrown_.from the The "cars
. .. .
Ceptatnßearddey, of: the 123 d: - New Yo'T h . ;
:and seven ritean arrived itt -Df.ekland,:Tenn'es
•see,..on'a: hund-ear,.. haiNng
. been paroled . ,otter
.heine,.. stripped_ Olelothing, triney, i4 , arehes and
jewelry.• :The' rehelOdlled . three riepoes on
the„t'rain. '
.Two' of .the : guotil . las were killed.
NO otherloeses.: . . ' . ' .- . ' -
.. •
The . rebelS are moviiig.their artillery from
Dalton to Ring: o f d.
,TeYtar t s Ridge Gap was
picketed r by. rebercaVelry 'on the. Itiith. .We
driee them oil orie day, and they return, the
next. TheßebelSAtave e large force of infan—
try,' cavalry, unit artillery.. •
A despach. from St. Loniti: was received he're
tonight, saying that the Quincy Tribune, .t he
.leading Radical paper' of Illinois, has hoisted
Fremont 4 a 'name, and-that ell , the Germin pa
persol NliSsouri, with oneexception; had done
the, same.. •
The Cincinnati VoasFieiena' which followed
suit yesterday, is mentioned in the • desjiatch
as among the leading Democratic organs , , of
. . .
• New . Youic; March 17-1 A letter from tlilton
-Head to the Herald reports the' occupatiori of
hy . 'a strong force under .GOl 7 -
onekflar ton. . . . • • 1.
,Dricl4.a•new Order, till .-men. enlisting 'or 're.:
:enlisting in'ther regular army,. froth' the ilitleretit
'armies in-the field or from the: District of'.C4-
lumbia; will be allowed to 'seleet the State,
•triet, townshiP,:towin and. ward•to• which they
prefer being credited without regard
.to' the
rcalittes - where they are:made,
:New Yong; March
. 17. The '://ei•o/d's'..
respOndenee from the fleet off' Mobile', has
rumori ha t.F.airti gut is about , to withdraw his
fleet, being•sati'sliad that the. . city cannot
taken' by 'water. . • •
WASHINGTON, Marah-17.—The President . has
apprtivetfof : and 'signed:Ale Gold bi 11... It -is
therefore &taw,' •• s' . • •
• ,•• Another , Draft
• • The : 6llniitie; is , an oy - qe.i.'. Pfeiiid‘nt
.61 the United stales.i
. .
s' • ,ExaOUTIVatMANSIO:I,-
W . Atiititstrrosi,: : Mureb
:In order . to .'sapply 'the : . force reqnireil ' to, he
'drafted for the - navy, - and to, provide du:adequate
-eeserve. farce focall iontiniteneieu„ : in:addition
'to the.:five , handreil, tho'itaahil 'men :Ca)led for
he' Oil is. hereby mode, and
drit . ft;orile,red for t wu , hunilred thousand: men
for the mititnry service, armyynhvy,..and ,
.eolps Unitpd States:S.
-The . urrlioction
• as.'•for. Abe different
wards, .towns, townships, : precincts, or elbe—
io'n.tlistricts. or Counties, Will 'bo , maire known
thretigh-the Prorost,MaishaVGeneraf f siiireati,
Ond a,cmnrt rvTll he, ta15 . 00 of the credits . anti.
delicieneieS : of .lormer • :
110 , 151 . 1):dity 'Of is desi'gn'ate)na the thite.vp to whi . ch .. the nuiribers required
,irorneach ward
..o'f eity, :toWii . ,,&e. r :mey. be
Ttisril try vohintary erifistitierif r and (Ira Its.will
bff made, in each f
wbieh 'shall not have filled the . ritioras assigned
•tO it Within' the.tlyrteAlasiiialYed s tor
her rettaired, to fill .said quotas...
draft.will Ain commenced ',as soon .after'
the t6tli,ol,A pill as piacticalite: •
goverrnaht•bmnties . asnow 'paid eon-.
tune until April 1,1861,- lit which time the .
. nilditiOnal 'cease'. On.and.after.thitt- date,: ane .
hitt - lt .- ed . 'dollars bounty only lie paid, as
•provided by. r heart •approved July 22,.1861:
• otliCiell: --
• •
A f t' Niutvs
The 'movement rumored Art • •New Orleans
letters, shoot be nintle•on Braelt; Tied; and
...• .
•IVltsh ate to Shreveport;-is agoirt meationed.in
dispaiches.ittini the West. All •the boals at
VtelCslturg.lia;:e liven:pressed — into' theSoryic'e;
Gen. f. 2 . 9601't •is .expeetedlo. cb-opei.al'e roin
. .
Tieiritfral . llinenck on.. Monday evi•
. in yei - erenceiri tysburg.
Ile is said to have corroborated • Getieral War:
Cen's:tes . tiriony levdr of Grneral 'Aeade.•—:
Genet al Warren concluded . b is les . i.itriony liefoCe
he . cnrurnit. tee I hn conduit
. 01,t he l.
%Va - on
Tbersilsv',. and is c
said to have' oinjiletcly es•
culpal,ed General %lende . .• • • .
Colonel Alv Qti I loin on esilay,i elm metl,
of Paterson; N. J., that
unless the . ) , wrinid nrocced:io furnish
. liovernenent with wn hendreirlocomotic'eSc•
he shouliD;. Ve to .
their end reit
t 'hem' iin goverinnent acro i tiit.
ha ve-.lirotniscd' to comply With-the demand. '•
..flencrei Dow and•Cantain .Flynti end .
Rirwer,:irrrived. at For.tresit:l%loproe. by the flag
—race bon t evenit6f.
Tite•rieophi ..Neve •iClcx•ico are 'to be ii .
fear of a . i.;bel . reid through their countrii in
.consegnerce of Generar:lfe.rinr. having block
aded all the routeS,,to AlesiCo 'on the Rio
IValdrcin, south . .dr. hart
tiollrerently the. ad ya need*.post'Of..bor .
loices, was. bullied afew nights 'hy.gtier
rifles. 'General. Price has r,itiorned. fiord IVlat
dmoras, igOi whit her his .reeent furlough
allowed hitrrto•goto visit hiS (amily. :11e now
commands the-rebels in thedepartmentmf. Ar
. .
• . .
,Catornit tee, on the .conduct of thfi ci.
will take •upshortly the ObesCioa of the Florida . l
expedition.' I)•••sriite a :`desire to stifle ..inveeti
ga Colo will lietntde. ' . • .
•• . .
'Yelmont,. Ilampshire, • Conmictieut,
Rhode lffiliania, :111inOis, Miehiean,
and Ohio ale r . eported.to have:filled 'their ,
qtrOt.rs uhildt' the late.eoll.
.•••• • •
Paroled' prisonere, Arrived :from,Rich mo
state hat lie rebels placed. 6Vepty Or:thirty
and other rlti or •pitWilertimler Libby anitothee prts•
ons Y duriMr, General . Ki rkpattie id, intend
ing blow
r igrenr lorces if they suecce.ded in
tiiipturing-the city. :
•I\lujor. General-Sigel •arrived - ht. NVlreling
Thursday :tnorting.,•rhaving- as.nined•coMinand
:of the , Departinent of Nest Virginia; head- -
gnarl erg at Cumberland.:,Mai : yland.,. : •
..".I..itst•weele, General Butler asceitaining,that
that the Fifth and Ninth Virginia' cavalry,
With a large lor , e of armed citizens•itere iii
the vicinity of KiligS and Queens (Milk Rause;
dispatehed...aee4ed -Y
ition.fromorktoWnt Under
Cotrirnand,of General tVietar, tor. the.piirpoe'of
breaking uli,the Jebel earep, -•The :force, was
ascertained to!be tWelve hundred: strong,. and
was helievet.to• be the same that slaUghtered.
Ciilonet,Dalligreen: in the recent' unonceesshil
raid.on Richmond, : On striving' at . the rebel,
camp, the enemy were charged, dispersed, and
ehased shine
.distance... Twent y. rebels Were
killed, - and:seventy cdptuired.•:. The expedition
then returned to Yorktown:. Thisi•Wai the, foree
which•GeneratKiipatrick. met at. Went •'Point
during' his taid. '; •
In Liberty township,', .Maich:f2iti 'of con
mption,','MOSES W. JE : 3lcmcnclur..b,. aged
The deceased U•as born in'Maisachusetts,,in
the.yearl7oo.. tle served. ea .. a volunteer' in
war of 1812, ,from the'Stateof Vermont,
,where he then-,resided. He removed . tO,cat
tritaugiis cpninty,.in
.1.620 and, commenced . on .
new.farm Vvhich heimproved, reinaining thdre
30 pears and nciftiiring 'a competency by
dustry and economy. 'He.became a, resident
of M'Keun county some. thirteen years since;:
forseveral years his health has been decliiiing
until his final disolution..
In Keating townsti p,. the 12th - instant, Inn
11, Curtis; aged 75 years. . •. • • ,
Of theSe mannfactifte great. :variety,
ranging in price : horn 50 rents to $5O each.
Oait'.ALl3lllll.s have the - •reputation of being
superior in heauty.and- durability to any.othi3rs,
The smaller kinds can be sent Safely by mail at
a postage .ot six cents - per.oz.. •,-• •• .
The more evpensiVe enn,be sent by expreSs.
terecopes Sterecop-ic Views
Ou(Catalagua of be.se.nt.to any
address receipt Of .Stamp.
Pte• .& T. .14..A.NTITION ,
i!Taniatiotareis of Phofograp4io Materials,
0 13 . 110AE WAY, NEW YORK.
Frieuds or . retative •of prominent military
men . will;confer,a !oven by sending us
. their
iikenesses to copy. They will Itie,kept careful-
. . .
ly'ancl returned uninjuietr. . ; . • . :. .
Conireiaticitl'to.present to their Pastor; or tot
other puiposet, with suitable inscriptions; &c.•.
13:7SII'Aii:FI:ililp . 1 13TIR . 14! Shake aii4.litiir.)!!
! I
This is. the of•ttg,rhy entluted by the stai
feier fro . rp. Vever a•tid •A t :fae, He wandeis.lit
siruncertain. ihadew, fiever.knnwingir, , hat.,inol
:nein he.mey 'pres.tratitd, and. thrrelore, did
inclined to give any serious attention: busi
ness". This is ' , the condition r f thousands in
town and country:' dt is nu exagertion to say
that Ve•ver awl Aisle '1(019 people 2 [fan.
"any weidy, : ollik.e
. d•re,t spettlj , •c tire' ofthis
Joike•great yleasnre iii re.corninentli'tig.,lloS
TErry,RSS'.Uo',NlACll have.
;ontl po,kerfnl elfeet renevating...th — sys;terii .
prosirnted try this tli f tettse. . • '
For ; sale.by Dritggikts'aitd dertier.s.generally',.
everywhere. •' .."• •• • •••. tiSt4, •
. .
Al'Tonna - AT.LAw, , Fmoill ion t, 'At '.li . ean . Coill ;Ayr Pa..
...liOnit for Mems . rs. Keating h An 2 a . boinin. ;.Attends
oiqinelnl ty, to 't
he Colloo jinn
,L , liiini.; Exanii nit tion'ol
..:i;itthl Title,:i . Payment of TIIXPR, nod all ill. Sini , 3: role.
.t.lng to . 7torl .I.:Atrab , Mice in fondle Block - . , ::. ,
TSUBSCRIBER will pay ; ciisli, for Hides,
Pelts, Deer Skins,pld Copper and Brass,
Voil; , Zince:.•l3ones:.of all -kinds; •Coitles
Peet, Switcheq, (Mims 'of
. Animals,: old India
Itubbor, - nnd.D.tiOdyruirs every deSCriptiOb.
Persons havinft any of the.aboVo'ai
hand, iii gnanti ties, May addiesi inc at my res,
idenee and call 'for ihein . . • •
'T. - W. COLE,..
. ..
. .
A GYNTl,EMANfeuet . elerNeivime.llebility; iticohipettith.
ey.,' Peenihtel'e: Decay :tug VialTh ha firror,'nextviteil by a
ileiiir& to iohoeti i, ~,hers. hill be happy to 'fariiith ito • all
who need it, (Ireecor charge) the receipt nal diriirtions
fair iiiiiltiniztlie siiiiple•Lieniaily th.hl ih• his ease.'. _ The i rsi•
hisliiiig to profit lay his expericiaitc-•-airl loos., a' Valoa r
life ltriaily—h ill receive the.,iinie.'loy return 'nail. (date
fully aaaltal,)•by fildre'sishr. . 1 011
.is; It, Oil
.. • " „
. .
OY . ipii.9(;li of. .NVOlititi. ,
- 'llA{ E PAY itifil .setikm,-ffi
al allitit:eAr,c; rili l hal.tari - . due' iliFTll.irD , l lmd
(14ef.9ngoil bfili'ers - S43ldi(4 anilSaibir=. 'PRIZE
,110 J:l' for . all I,l,riite:tStittes •
0 . 1 laslrtittiilii ti ,, nr, by 'e,;lrlosini!,
stamp 1..0:1-fay..p.tniii
• SOMES & 13/:()IV
n eta; mq L'a
Urider-lirri'ati way ) park'Place, N. y
, • 47G Sevevtli Street, Washiiigten, D. C
. - - nr,vi:HuNcEs: •
11;141A3181117ItCr 'crry 11.1 NI •
. •
)layar of Itrooldyn
,A 111.1.111 MANN
.New • ' •„ •
Filer lrilAYe..-117,tt dies
L21.0112,S . FRIEND,
~.1. 1 1 .E b AND ; :f j.S II 1 O.S
The subscrib9tylvoial tmg learn to 0411 the attmitinti
ttui,l t.llO . 1,01.1 . 1 e to 00 NEV,"M.IIi.\ ZINI:
ehich they itre aliqut lii issue, and tilt 'January I lui,3l,e'r
;f iolt is oently ITALY ; Tito 4 , 44 i ., WI/1 he •
. . _ .
r ri L 6 • I_./611.:V •
and it
,wil I bc.levotot td ehoft.r , Lit(!rttute amt. the ithis
trallop a:the Falltiong. t etitattip tliti!htte-t
p.tterits teChmks, Caps, .lionnets,
Woul:,•lhrtbr!tiittry,-A.a.,4c,;, with Receipts,. .:11thde,':tud
ottlP,r tittle'rti.ittl, , rotttfug to li.die+ .
I,ADIE9.I , IIII.:ND'wL3 t.fted Itv lIESIIY
PETEIISQN., who will..rtly9pttn,tlll, , ,urefe'es of the I,it.t.-
far,' tleNtrunertt.iot the follmring• '
Tlony.S• 11"1.4,-.1„ Anthot.of Ha•t Lynne' . Cr .:11'ary
M a s6 t , 11.,1.1 , ..c1:Auth0r . ,4.•• , A10ne.' , .
11.‘"oni,11; lilenor(3 I.)4,it.nellY,X. M. Trim.ll,..hiw,., Mar.
urtret IliWIL”.1. • F, 31r0 M. A I)enititiii,
Clatn A1.112.11•til, I.llara, Arfor, Aiwnst ..11011,
Morris. 31: I'raft.,3lagzio tr.
Ann.. Ilnclu, Lnciuda It, llorwn,.. or,
3lrs, M. P. Tuekor: Itlyinc.!nd,Fritnck
MrK. I,' I). Shears., (): , ml-me A, - Polf - ,Anni,,F
.Sophie'ray, Itarthi Ityme.Ofr4 ' • 11. :3111.1eer.. :I,tttio
Dyer 'frit In; Annie Ilyvoell , 31 ins. A. 1, .3,
Itunr , ey,.ol.tr.l. Doty, AV., aiiluvm , :11i Mil., 3fity,
Arthur Ilamplon. 'P. S. Ilarbara If rankle, iilld
Caller . .tall!,lltol wrljers, L'.'
, . . .
,l'iNti ItAIING. R IO a 1,161,(M.
En. STEEL FASHION l' I. ATli will ill:iiiiit.le every hum
h(iiii liesl , le4 wef I °witted W:ortil•cuti, illitiitrrilliiii of Sto
ries. Patterns, ,t,e. l . too- numerous iii'llie9liort. The Jan
nityy iitunlief will cimtiOti a beitrtiiful Steel EiLtrAvinit,
11.,.(g0,i1 exprcsAlY tor' this. Nagrizine . by SClffilsArle,
libil on f led - . . . . . . . .
(I .‘'ll.01•1.1.;
' 'l'lllB han6nmet.'teet.Plate illustrates a tan.) , bf love;
wnr, RIO il broken engazoMent, by Niss j.:lbtuir- 13, Pon..
11011,„.atel 'will be:n[ll'Bolf, we trust, worth the' mice ,(li.
the. number. . . .. .
We will gli.e to one mirAon sendingthlity subtcriptions
to THE LADY'S Pltiliiisahtiel Sixty DollarA, one of Wheel- -
er & Wilimuis Celebrated timing Machines, such as 'they
sell for - Fortf-flDollaiti. The Marlihies will be select;
Mt - new at the MandfaCtory in :Sew 'York, boxed .•and Pori
iiiirded free or cost, wi Ili the exception of franglit.
• In procuring siliecribora for this yretnimn.'wo 'prefer.
that'the thirty ant,hirilgirs shoidd be mioetireil at the rug
tomb of Two • Dullato for each. but where this •Can
not be done, they nay be procured ,at our club rates, awl
the balance ,51 . Cie . :lA - 1y Pillars forwarded to its. 'cash
by the persini desiring the machine. The Magaz'inos
will.be,ent to dur, , Nrnt. Port 6.111(0, leery
.person collecting'name,, should send Coon and the money.
as - fast as.ebtai nett, so that Ilse subsc titters May Gesiu tit
once to rectare their Magazines,, and not become ilitsatie:
fled with jlie delay. • ‘l'llopjhe whole number' of namea
.(thirty,) and.whole anionht of money (blair Dollars,), is
receivtd, thu - Ma chine - will be duly torwa - rded, .
Ow terms will be the same n. t h ose for that . woll , known
•weekly miller, The Sr? t urlre y T.! ven /14f 'Ph st„puhlinted
by me far thedast seventeen years—hi order that the clot's
may lie made up of the paper and .11111p1Zine cuujiihnly,
where it is so 'desired—and will be as follows,:
. .
1 copy, one year, "' ' ' . $.! 00
2 copies, one year, ..:. ......... , . ........... .4. ;........ . . . a:1111
1 copies ono year, ...-. . . .... .....;..,.. ..... . OAS/
0 copra. and one to getter np °feint,- . ' '-- 12.00
20 copies,.and one to gutter op of e lob. . ..... -.. 20.00
One copy of ench - of 11111 LADY'S FRIEND and ' '
, :;;ATIIIII/AY EV ENING PaiT, '- - 110
,Singlumuinbers of Th . e LAW., Friend (postage.
paid by us).2o,ents. .
-...1D - The motet in The Ludy'. Fri ,)4 ion : away o 46
ilJfEerent from that
- in The Post ~ .
:Subscribers in.l3.itish North"A .
nferie t Must reinit tivtlei
'rents tu'rublition to the annual suhneription, is'i 'w o intre .
to prepay the U. S..postageslntheir magazines. ~
• .. Address ' .
. . . .
. No. 319 Walnut flied, Phila
iU" PooPflullf ?Ulna ors Wu be soot gratuitously ( alum
%feriae!' for • • trxiroirrOf ,tocuriptg.‘ub,ccribr'ri.
THknoHt Sabscr,iber having Purchased this'AVell
known. stand, ancire , furnisheil and. re-ra
ta-the. House, is prcpaied to- Cntertain. Board
ers:and the Ti aveling public.' • • •
F.U.5..1 . 3A1?„ AND
2 Will be well stipplie!tiand
to Merit a liberal share of•patronage. ~Raft-'
men will always find the "lateli.:siring," out.
Kendal Creek, January .2,'1860. . 38-ly
• 71. •
1111} Advertieer, hevinw teen reetoreCto health' in 9
Ifew •vrei•lcm,.by very • Moline remedy, after.lkairinu
ituffored I:eyeeel yearn )vitli n eevere rung infection, Bop"
014 (tread disc:tee, ConsuinpThin—:-Is 11Y1XillUel •to ma k e
icieoFn to ftlx•fellow4u &re es tile•menne'of.cure.... '
• To all•whe desire it, he wilt send n copy or the prescrip
thin use.:l•(frse.of charge), with the. directions for pre,
Ifildag-a and using the - manic. which they will lint astinn
oitititygielhissusgrygotii Atriums lihrincniliti. A.O.
only object or the' AdyerliSer in senditiF tLu Vrtscrintion
is to benefit tlie:tthilete•l, and Spread inferinstieu which
ho conceives to -be invaluttble' and - lie burrs •eyory ingf••
fever will try 1,14 rein9dy, an it - win cot.
and nia.Y prove alpie . ,,aing. , • ' •
• us wishing the tiresariptien Bill plensii address '
ltsy. ADIVAttII A. WILSON. • • • •
151 . ilainsburrh: ' •
•Rinits Corti „ NevrYorli, -•
TICAL Jonrnal . ,•, tOvO!el_ tt; the .diflerent
ipirtitients'Pf sad culture, ,slitcll'as grOtA'ingld
Crcips,'Qrchiird ntpl-Gaftlen Fruits ;• . dardin
~Vegetables. and Flowers ;.,Tree s ; Pliipts,.a id
Flowers for. • Itir, the. tlywrr Or . ,Yard ; c.are•of Po-
Animals, 'Ske., 'and 10'HntiselP
Labors. • • jt has;alsoipte'rpsting•'and,iii.§t6,c; I
Jive'deptirtrrient tar children and yo(itli.' •
.•A. fitll.etilerplar of Operations every - ipiint
• . Tcree't n•Fonr:Hpnilicd, or more.; rpti,ve
En - I:ravings appeassip each volume... •
. .
. . .
. .
. . .
. Over Twelve Ildndred plain,- practical, Ili-.
:: , triictiveariinles and, useful iretiis',.. • are givon
curry year.
. ..
The Editors' a ntt . Contriblitors . - are • all' pi -e
:tic al IVnro9:4 alen..• • „ . 1 .
Th teach.iagq 'of 11A AntticuyilosT rire I , n
fiacd to no State.o' 7 /airy, /uf are adai?eed
the:wants atoll sertioits al thi3 rin;ntr'y..—it is, a ,
ils naive indicate's, Ar thithhOle A I: r: ICA N e . • IN:.
. .
. .
TIINXNT. .. . .. , • . .
. . .
. A.• GEPIAN EDITION is otiblistiefl, 01. t li t
; ianfe•l . ize... and pike ris the English,iiiiiii'on
tairiiiii4 : llll of its reiliime, iiiiitter,
,iiiid ii-iitiiiii•
roils illtistlativ•! , •mgravio.s.
chpy ,• on e. $1 00
. :Six oth; year 1) 00 .
nor 'coriFes (111(! year SO tents. enel ,
: .19 'T.11;.! 'above rates': Postaff.ti .
Canada I ;'ciiitts;l , ,lii;l:itt;l and
;to Germany, refit's, . ••
• . 4 'l l itny:whert: States at
l'erri t tiri;!s nitt , t.lar iit1)); the
'l4 wily a yrrli, it pare in ath'a or!: .i •
file otlio:%rliete: , • • • '-•_
• All 1,11:111 , ' , ..aritl other:rotruntitti,atifrossitortl .
:01,1te5,...,1 roil e Ed: roraor.ll'riprie'r s u
ORA .1(1'a:1'r:flow, N. Y.. Cit.
Ny 1:131V. TABLT
. .
Three daily trains to and.froqi Baltimore rind
.Washinv.ton 'Connections' frnid.e : ; wit!)
*.r.. (;it:•l't;nnsyi yania and to and horn'
1?it:0)11a '.Two trains thily . hi
and Irom flit. h arid West' Susques
baited, Elmira am] Noi thPro here York.
. I.JER -..110N DA Is:oven - 14er
. IS('','j• the l'aSengerTrnifis pf the \ nri.hrrn
,Crntivl llairway.io! art ;10 dil:lit: . frOnt .
Ilarrisborganklialiimore a fa Ores, viz:.
• ..
TRAIN Irave.s Stinhi!ry dad . ). (P..xeimt
Stinilliy) al 1.•15 .;es , jj;il.o“i , org
rrives Ihiltimore at 10.20'
„ .
. ,
. .
. EXPRESS TRAIN. .1 ra vas _So nha i y daily
(except Sandal') at 11:2b.p. rm,„loaties•Harris.
Ipirg . (o . xi•iipt*:.liiiiiiiy).at 2..1 . rY'a,..in., aii.l ar
riveii.at. 4.l . .ilii .) alore daily (except. , •:lllanday z ) at
lenwllarris6tir.4 dolly ;tt • 9. 05 arm. .
•-• Ir. - TRAIN
.lont'es.l3altimp,re daily
Ctitpi Silly lay] tit 8:3t) Ha trk.btit.:"4 t
p. ;Ind .orri•es a .i Sunbury ad iO.
:ENTILESS.TAA leillitys ILO nime I . la 'ay at.
anif Irayt , ft.l,l*:thi-ltora daily I .. t•Zi!rpt Mp t Hl,l ) , l,
of 3.20 it; in., and tirriyvs at Stiplittry, at G. 20
leilVt!S 2:15
11. to , and arrives.!o•ll,,rri'sbuig . at B,p: m..
:1?ot 'apply.:lV the Office,
Srgrrrliiten lent.
• •
1862 . .1 .-
Great Improvenien4; S •
Pat t 1: - '61.31.91;tiw t h,
This'Alarhiuels conStrunted 'orrentirely new.
prhi . eipins . hf.mechaniSM,.possessini!, many ,rare'
uul v e ltahle.froprovernents . ; having been exam
,ined by' lie most profound 'expnris nail prohohn.
red 'to he'SIMPLICI:33'. and PERFEcTION
'OOnI.3INED. '
„ •
The following 111 C. .principal objections
niged against Sewi gn machines:
1.- 1 --Exeesiive falfgue fn the,operator. •
.to gei order
of. ime in repitir
tO sew every description
pisa2 reea !de imisn while in operation.
Tho Empiro, Sewing Machine' is Exempt all
thoso Objections.
• It• has a - straight neiiille• perpendicular action,
makeS the Lexlc or Shuttle Stittih, which ' will
neither,Rip norjayei,. and is alike on both sides;
perfoims perfect . sewing on' eery'Ceseription of
inateritil; from Leather. to the finest Nalisook
Ettslin, with cottoli,linen or silk jhrerti, horn'
the coarsest to the tines.( humbgr. •
neither CA:\t.'nor COG
and the least, passible liicti6n, it rims' as smooth
, . ...-• . . ,
It requires FIFTY PER .CENT less potter
: to drive it thaMopyotket: machine:4o market.
A cirdtwolyityears old can work it steadily,
without fatiitneordoiory to health.
. Its.ctrengih andW ON D EdIFUL .SEVI PLIC
T'y olconsiiiictionyeniler it almost impossible
to gCt out of orderond is . GLIAR4NTEED by
the company to give ent
We Vespecdfully aidd hose . , Nfio nay de
sire• to supply themselue's With tt euperior
nre,to call and examine. this UNRIVADdi:DMA
•- in'a mare epecial Manner do' we solicit
the patronage tit .. • •• •.-
Will.bo liberally dealt with.
. .
No. 1, Family, Machine; with.Bemmer, • $5O
No. 2, SutalManufacturing, with Exton
, - • 65
NO. 3, 'Avg* itannfacturing, with Exten
sion Table, . , : , •
. .
No43,aarge.l.dannfriotuting,'fOr. Leathp , '
mltH Rolling Footand Oil Cup; . -115 •
One ball bones instructions ooinllicient to enar
ble anrperson work this Itlaehinc to Iheir en--
- • tire satisfaction: ' •
' Tonr a tient ioh a!,46 'chile!" to the EMHIRE .
SHl7.l7l:LE,,Pattented June 26th, .1860.
1 t is weil,linoyvn that•a - Shuttte with.a spring .,
centre is preferabla to any Other—bnt 'a • great
olije.ct ion .againstits' nse, Was on account Wits
spring getting 'out a( order,. iiing then - to be
put in The the'lharnrs ol a sltlllfril niechini'e to be
, - .. . .. . ..
: .Tile . F.imrito Shoittie is so. simple, that,',.tiny
operator Fan.repait- it rithotirl!iissoPtime'oi eic
. .
Agents . wanted for all . Towns itr the United
Sta t es', ..where Agents are not alioady asftiblislr-'
ed, . 'A Isii, 10 Cu ba,l4 eic leo, Ceritral and SOut4
AOferica, irk wliorn a liVeral• Arcount will be
• ... .
. . .. . .
. .
. .
eash:ort d'eliveiy• •
T...EIicARTHUR & - CO.' •-•
..:i__)d- ro cl
. .
. .
• l';tese. ramps baye noir b iren• la geneia I . :use .
a riambe of: v'eas,maf give better aatistacticry
thaa any other, and are . reeammeaded •Ms• ..
. .
liy Capt Thrieson, and ottir eminent F,nitirieetti.••:
‘N'a ran. 'rt , :er them, and ,
gparitriteefhat all will tecnirtrniind the . in.'Tt;) -
sfra In rr simple in c . diist ruction, and. vt:O . rk•eitsi,,
otid gust lass.than all rollierp. • . •-..•
nroi•ed Vtitrii) Cll W Co., one or the.
first in tlin'tnurliet.'. it -is Vet y.:
to a Holy, 5..) thitt'ziny child ma} use tt; thanes,
nt•••ati)' cat.CiutiOus ktrealit; Ire'ezp
in (liv.cuide,t expOsiirvs, and is tlntisually'tcheui.
IVt. say Ow,
r,v.c;f our aveoril; wi ho ot- , fie • I:npvt,ledge .
ru..tefluf.st ci 0.! proprielor§."—.l%.K. Evenbii
rat; • • • ,
This , pay : dertily that I loveTheen using, at
niy lniuiitlartriry, for thi4iist West
kinProvetiTtinips. , ' I SOU:L . ' hav-e'in »se.thtee of
SAIIJIMIIiS,, con of whiyli is kept
•vork . ,- 21 . boa rs dory (except Sundays) am(
pi : Onminee them, tinhesita . tingly, the porn best pu, , i
that have been ough t .1t) ! fly.
many Others •previutisly,'. They are situ
coniirucaoti, and not.
„ JAMES A. Wino.,
N6lx'Yprk,.Oct. l lo, 1559
.T. 1). Wn,T kco. :--IVe are pleased tiscstati.
Thar the Pumps we hid of you, shout
. a year ow .
been iirronstantNoirs each day,
od rake fur the use of ou r , ;Wonky:Factory,
alimit • l3o gallons pet' tti.p.rk with
-but little power, compared with poirip
pled' before, ;Mil ilo.oot get nut. ut
aee satisl,letory . to uThipsyeet:... yours,
1)61.A1 MANUFATLI . ItiNi: CC/3lj'A-NY
11ontasoN' to.the laimms Club, Jan.
•, limner - who hires a well or cistern can'
possibly atiMul fo•be - withont tin iron pump.., It
•shotild lie at onve,a'silvtiott - Mid lures
pr;rfect littlitlir'eenv,ine-t 7 ticli a one kraiwa
,',Vest'sltopeoved Pump.' Tspeak ot•lliis jump ,hetitisa a. Ita Ipen.to 106.tv 'it 19 .he
(hirable,. powerfid aim viteap', anildt,don't Ivreze•
inif - t4et out of Miler once .a yrar.,,, I' koala'
this, mid think 1 may be doing . the farmers,
iond by 'speaking of It. .A• ba'y •Iti years
. 01,1 ,
van work it, and.throw,a-conhintions inch.—atf-•
a t .gtiatter stream. It can be Made fu .wnrk in •
.ditrii wells as' well in as . in shalldvv:ones.'2. •,
Ne . N York. Observer
•- 1 4 r . "0 hnvn:lind ic. - rise or months, past one. of
'West's Ps reps,' which has given us itof e satin.,
tart i o n 'es a 19 . re,.!'ntur rifting . pump,ihan any we
have seer .11 'lt is onti . Of
_great. power; and'
Wei ;Ida pied' for ship's deckS, mines,, factories,
•green honses,.graperies ; &c., &c. The Illining
Chronicle 'and' rail Wilk Journal:says: : '
It is recommended for itaextrerne t,impljeity of
.construction, great strength, and consequent,
dura - bilityand,,cheapness ol repair., ,Therels',no.
.stilfring.box—the pressure:beide:held' bY.wenp
packing, like, that.o d l. the ,working piston,
working in a cylinder, fitted for purpos-:
wit bin' the ripper•air•chambe'which We think
a great improvement, as staffiing'is so . liable to
.he deranged, end leak under strong pressure, to
say. nofhing of the loss: by 'friction' 'incident
thereto. It has also . two • aar: ehaMbers;
the actiiirr of the valve is cushioned. up•oq •both
sides by aii—Preventing - .water :hammer, and
vacum thump. The valves sire very accessible;
andsimply,and . cheaply repaired. :They :work
much eaSier.than . iirypuMp we have eVerseen;'•
the inch cylinder being
,worked by.cbildren• in!
Wells 100 feet sleep, and they are Octrerriely•
cheap as . well.as' simple and 'strong, we freely .
remain - lend - them. .• ' • • •
Gt. Neck L'. 1., 1860
I have used this pump for one . •summer' and
Winter,'Orposed.to thNerth West wind corn—
ing over Long leland sound; being the Coldest
possible exposure, and at no time.did it. free's?,
nor were we unabl4 at any time ti pump water
with great ease. • . • IL.B. MclLvAix.•
• The undersigned, havinh to use West's Im
proved Pumps, cheerfully recommend them as
simple, clurabLe. and. powerful -in raising and
throwing .water, andfor their- ease .of' action,
security against•frost,.and . low• price, we be—
lieve them superior to all others;
W.lltr.liN.LE,LilNl , ,,Ntet• Hotel, NeW York.
• J. W,Ponnuov,.Yenkeri, N. Y.. • "
• Di,aiuscu LAWIZE:NCE, ‘VFstcheter•'
. Cambridge _Mile; N. C., June'„ls, 1863.
J. R. WiisT VCci. : •
Gents—The pump whiCh /I ortle.riid 'for our
received Mol. put to work _ in our
Shitfi, Which We are sinking. W findjhat
%int'. man will with ease, lilt fie•gallous . pes.min..
.uie.• Wei liitedju three and a half hours all the
water in the'shaft, which (measures seven
twelve fm-I. ! Mil 30 feet deep, and it was lull
when vveyi - immeneeil It answers our,expeeta'..
tions in every respect, . our workmen. ale
highly pleased With it. It Will do great ii!r;-
vicewith but trilling expense for.repairs.
Yours, respectfully,
. .
. We: have'plenly more such, certificntes .
thin* these HIT enough. 'rot 'Pumps; •
Pipe , "&e, address or call upon ' • •
• .1.1). West 6f, Co.,l79i.Eroadway, N.Y.