M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, March 12, 1864, Image 1

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    . .
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• . •• • ••.0 •••••,-,••••;1 o,•.•••••,•.• r,7 r",',.; 0 1 Vol
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'‘'' :::411:.lie.oii,.411Otinit..!]Ikitt$i.t.4t,.
•,•• . • Bk • J. B. QVIATL . •
. .
TEEMS: - -
,-'s2oo in Advanco.
Rates of Advertisiu
olimn ono year ' ' ••—•
11.... 10.80
it : 4 .• n• 00
"• • •
"he. square 0112 lines or leek, 0 iniertious t . . '1 .50
h subsequent Insertion,; 25
ut Inees:cards, with -on
1: Ili lei.* figure WOrl4 . will bo' double the above rated..
ll'weltre lines Bretiier type, or eight nonpareil, is
Therm term will strictly adhered to.
:'... ; ::. - 'sl . olrieps , : :lll:lirretio . il)...
.irtiat:kirl3SCßlßEß announces 'Co ihe Peblie
lif•Jias purchu'spil' the stoclt .
firitmerly Icelit.by W. Ili Bak el., West side
kS i quare,
. . ,
wtiere he. i . s. piepqred 'to :fefre . .....11 tJte • inper rrinfi
witti.all the itelicdcei.usualli Ir.sio.'aVit .first
eli.ip . RESTAURANT,. : '
, ,FRUITS, CIIEESU, &C., &C: ' . .
, .
, . . ,
FRESH OYSTERS serviql, to . o'rtler, ciOacr
VOW: • ;: .
price:3.ot lota ,•••
• • • NVORDEN.
Sept:2,ith, .
..., : q.,7 ••'BENNETT , II.OIISE, • .'" • ' . ' •
. , .
. , •
.Besethpe,rt. WHeati Co., Pe.' 'E. 'S :kine , J:9, ) , :i. f,'Hor.;,..
... -t-opppliitgr the court th;ure.,.. ..k new. 711:10. qoniiouttl.
; • .ote aktd . lollfttrnfidie4 ho u,e. .
. .
. .
-DR.' W. lf - ffi'pot
fornlßWEiCgt''CO'lll4E - R - 1-;1:1
. I'4)
W. 5.....13.11.0W1ELL..
Dealer in Dry - Grnate, Groceries, Econ.!. 111r , T,',
, Enots, Ohoe4 - .llots, Caps, Class. N
ride of day Publla Slioare : .titot . thput t.
• 1 11 4
"\ s, \<,:s) •
A r 44
• •,.,,,,••••••, ••;
POlTAGE;%3l`6lceattitb: . • .‘
THE SUBSCAIHER.,fIotters• nom
long oocp.fiivo'cAr . .,,
the buhrife.sfi.';`,„ '
PartinularAnelition polo i,. ,- XU,r.STOM
WORD.Fohhe'refirerile'liee:f -,1".#
:st• a ilistailio Wilhiere;t4, 64e tai.hlrilr * ye Abe rep
. arran g eini• j its harp been, Tilde H. Doi-.
le•/, - it Pori -AHegany,' Mho will fake
iivry . 'ari•l...the'teather will he re'.
turned :to his,Store, When tanned: • •
. The largest'pmid' for 1161 e, pith.
4.r. in. enth,'LEATHER,•BOOTS,..SHOES.•, or
HARNESS,.Ieftat - Holley's_or.lo tannery.-
. Entire intififoction red: • .-. • •
Conneeleil• with •my, tunnety•Lhave,a rcont
,hoe' tad:ou, ,nd:Horness Vhp; ; • :
' •
•. . .
Portage *3, v5.,8). 1 . , • ••
THE .siTupdat: tITSING:PtIST.
oldea t 'and heel of the Weeklies!'
. . . . . .
The Pecipri .tors or the Slt afar f E tin inir Po,l-1, hich
piper en now in , ti Fort y-th iti - I'ar.'—v.,uril pity ch..
uounoe in their' Proxtiectus for ISGI, that they 1i0.i,.11
nniintaininit lot tkiicweeily thii hiqhcharti,tee s it ha, il.
ready acquired as' . ' . • • ' • - ..' 1: ' •
Thep Itru reason to belie to thitt the slorie*+ r r.. m Rs..
49001.);.author'of Hest Lysue.". tie.; •MrS3 1111ADDON,
author of "Minter's Victor.MARION ND,
author dr"Aloae, , .' he ' ; - VIRGINIA A. TOWN.
SEND,and nu inerone other excelleut.tts;teii
geeerally,vgardedas possessing the greatest
the most absorbing intereet;' and tipsy .dehien :pi•nen , ing
'for The Pest in the rutting. tie in the past, the best .tiroeie,
::Nketehesi and otherlaterrtry NnielYes wlittlt,tltel
ponsihly obtain. They Intend, commencing in We'first
paper In January, •
.Autb: 4 r of “Etat nO,".
from . ildtiance sneotsi nreislylaru , a.rded to • its• froni
.•• England. • ' , ,
. .
'Thin story will 1:4 eallo l • .
" 08WALDGRAY ' ' "
and will be abut the lengll. of !.!Vernor'n Prhlti , ' and
• , •
"',East Lynne,?t: ' : - •
In additheirto .'the Eltorie, written. exprensly . for Tan
Pont,•its Editor also strives to lay before its roaderi, the
bent Stories from the-English 'Perionlealn, and gis es in ad- -
dltion to the Tales andßketehes, more .or ions:Agricul
tural Matter, mitt' a Riddle, Receipt, News, au:t Maraet
Departments, eriery week . .
We will give to any, person negating thirty subscriptions
ito The Post and. Sixty Dollar., one. of whe,l, wv,-,
,son's Celebrated Sewing', Mabhines,. such 'oe they •bell
for Forty'-nye Dollars; The nischineS will he selected.
new at the-manufactory-,la Now York, bri ed and for
warded free of cOst,"wirh the exception of '
n procuring the subseribfws for this Pre:mit:lo as {ic-
Or that the' thirt,i.subsoribers should ha procurre.l at the
regular terms of Two Ronan" for, ntteh';'" bat; Who '
xanuot be 410,;;ttiey)334,,t4 proeurred at ono blob rates;
and .the balance or the 81Xty'llellars.forwardud to us in
cash' by the porSow desiring thd Machine. Thr 3;44 , r .
he sent to different,.Post Offices if desired.. :Brno , per .
.socolleatlngtantee should Send tliein wttli the- 1116110'y
a. tin as obtained. so that the , subseribora may' begin
orke to receive theiapapers, 'nod not bee.oilie
'with the delay..' When the wholirturolntr of naives
ty,) and the whote'snnount of 'limey (Silty dollars.) is ro-,
i celred, the machine will be'dulf forwarded-
CE.. •
• -
TERMS*: , 'C . A..}I-. IN AV:VA.:CC E..
1 copynne yeart,;;., , . - 6....'....: , ,.......•.....,.• • • $ ,2 . 11 ! ) '
2 copienone year,......;.... ......'; .... -. . ... ..,.. 300
_'A copies, one year • • • ~.,; '„ „ „',;.-...., .., .. G OO
.8 conten t 'and °Data getter-op or club' .'... :.' . • ... ''12:00
e2o.eopies, and ope to getter.up of c1ub.,.. '...__.. •08 00
.. One copy of The poet and one.of T he J.' ,( 10. s . • . .
. ..
. ,
ry ten ts In ad,llltion, to the' anneal, qubneription,' as ire
hare tolrepay the LI; 5, postage ou their papari... •
117' As the price 'of The %Pest in the. 'same ' ue - that; Of
The Lody 2 s.aienel t the.oltibe maybe :coninemed
direly of the paper] nr.partly.orthe piper and."Tartiy
the linguine. ' Of entire*, the prenilutn Inv he eith,r oar:
or the other, an dashed. •
.ju• The matter In the.paper.)y.lll. tOlvan'hc:. dI fiVrent
from that In the'tinguinei, ,
117- epechnen uhrobers of The Pijitaent'gratte . ..
wni nu 'St.. rtifio
On the !leath .p . rot4r Praia lin -
• . .
• Oier the•rivec they. bection io:rne,• . • •
tov,edont s . ,.3holiave crossed . 0 thwother side
The el v am et -th?lr snowy, robes T 'sod, •• • ,
..'lot•their 'voices ere lust en the farther side. •• : .
.• , .
sae? nef thO•anela that Met
• The, gales or the ,city.we could not see. •
. Oyer the Rapaliannnck.ri‘er,• ' • '
Aly' brother standeu•niting for'nie. •••• •
' ' • IVe knew heti We on the blimeilde,
Where all the angels and,pingemed Iv
• . Over 1110, flyer. the Mystic rived .
My bietliee is *idling for.uni.-:'.
iYe.eniy.know Unit hie ' , arena:no more. •;
.Will'iail.with us .Oterdife?s etorniy.see; . • '•
Yet. ainedthere.l.know, on. he unsee n shorn,'
ile.iyill.wateh 'mod beokon Oridqvalt for me, : , •
X shall:know the'loved ones the( have pine,betldre,
And joyf 011ysireetvrillAbe meeting bey
When over the river, the peAcerul riven.•• •
!flit nngfil.of . 4path elm') eirry . • ,
the Jearnaforeopunercet.
There is no•passage in historY which Is. more
deeply interesting; none oh ~which the per'of
'the historian will dwelt: with, more •eltiquerice,
that whiCh relates to the'.coadition..of the
UnitedtrifeS,'its-army.,and,its:capitill,..orj :the . last .daY Of Aufluati.lB62: . ....The:' report of 'Geri ,
et al I)leclellari,noiy.loillie fii•sytirne vollects
'and malres,:clear he:- various': incidents Whic . b
are-to' important pao ' e .opr
record. - .lWe .regret that theQcngressional,edi
tiori, the rebellion' • recoi I . edition, arid' other
Chehp editions ol.the report - are
inaccurate, anif [ling: entitely±eome portions
t.hich present the midst ipterest,ing''aod • im
portant vfeW'of the relations' M General . MC-
Clell'au to the'Cabblet, the army _ and , the codri
try... The ridirion Rubliiherl Mider
CI el lan's inaecurrite:', - The'ornis,
: sien•was • dophtlese..liniMentipnal
..'arne 'pages
of cdjty'havitis fallen from . a'corripositor" . .desk,
or been - mislaid, in,tlie government printing of
ficof andt reprioterS'who have followed that
erlitioir have produced iinp.erfeet CoiiieS',' • •
,Gen. Vas'not at that time remov-•
. erl :rum the errinmand of the army, brit •th.e
wad temoied frOm.:his command: by an in.
geraous - device - of the War Depaiinient. • tie
was 'treated with conteMptriorii indifference
Geri,.Halliek'.'"orderi;d to..uhandoil the
reniustan, he Was soanxiettS 'for rip
with General •Helleck, and a -free ;eoltsul.tatimi
that. he Procaeded.frdm Harrison's Bar [6 the:
riiiiiresitejevaph statior, and ihere fi ne'', flint"
thii.w . ires'wero•hrblren Oder :rater; Ite cros's,el
theSiir;eak ti . a.Y,'.'diriviug, Cherry
I . st. , ,an 'the - shore,-
irottu , clintel!,; , t4letriapherl. lireshingtop; • inform.:'
Grrieral H:tilerl that he,had:coMe- his•
It tatire to COrC:sl , )''; - reciuf:Ste'd
hirirso.PoMe'to . the,'Wob.lier,.irtmerit'efll off the
Wire; '.*Gett,ortil 11:f1 t'a Mt,
T hile Gen 7 '
et it Mu-Clellatt aiJ
wits in iheii'riricnte~
rof pied cilmerhl , l•l•lll4och.ad .reft • the
flint further' elegr uPh lil a ' Was .
itiele4l ...Gen, .Icoiellan rettitileiltoSis:atmy
it the seene„..9i; its
exploits, hart ma,n the
deserreil. 2 rwirri. and •lelt with
th e cnr,cielicn thiit Pll t error.
ra , s at t tart Al9nroo lie, wrote:
`eh ta erne:m.lJ.;
14e s.•tvfees at his lirae army
beeettilkllifck'AMl ec,iguize
Fay n v.:Artl In' my nriny, thiltq . i. in ren”rt
'to them to r,„ard-to,their o..irolutrt I4,rktowd.•lyillti
,unii!,,,,,,,, NVest'Point.: llunt!vcr Court 110Uf.. , .,,,,t dti the
Chit.l;:dinnuoy. a<<rcll as in rgatltto tau iutvpif .1:01
the t,r uric has • (111 r FAH
ehi.tr' the in: Nut uhot , C;m,.. lftoree
ly gjvv oh' 111011 and ullivera e'redit- for whn . t. they
.thouj.• u ytui: gootllgtrungthen you much
with them ft you 1,,u,t a hatrhu,mu Pt.eler , to them in ra
4ard %Vont they have aCCOttlptibilo.. disci oe'
Verily, they dida.leierve :it... They were an
array or hernes;:bionla home itom fields •of
nt.tlight s rtg ; a•s. werld.Cset stns .But
here: was:no reply aa-rfuesrof their Geta.
oil. They . received no :kind `maid, - no . . cheer,
do ,were . hurried notne, .to be
trade& imatO•dhe jaws of dee th.tinder a:cern-in - and.
'er• - ,seieCted .to displace .thu Geneo . l who loot
hitheito Shared their' :los tunes, Alcerellan
enure :to -Alexh . nlria. •"IV,lt•at..,avas liis position
in relation .to the rtrinkl . .,lie hipself. did nut
IrttarYC. ;Tite process rit of
Com main!' was .going • torwatd. - P ope'.; : Army
of:Yirninia• - abSoo,ed•the arink.of. • the POtothae;
but there. is•an plo9nerree whiCii, every. heart
natter reel in' Ids s • initie natrathre • 'of'What re-:
'thained to-hint. Of hti once Magoificienr corn
'MOO, • f.ess flien.ort e - hundred...men, many .
these, invalida and vseinicied then,,were the sole
representatiCes. rif the..A ed.) , of the Potathael—
So grand is the contrast which this narrativeof
d'ordsbetween -the days 'which precetlerl i .ntid
those which followed' las(Of . Au* . u.s.t,' that
it. may dry-some .. .be SeSirpecterdaiOntentional
that' the narrativ e omitted froth tha...incom %
.pieta editions•of :the report. • pueli'n piei.nr: to
Iniaril it to. as -nccidental, especiidhj, in , view
of other and nume'rous.nirso , is which occur in
h*e,sarne editions. • •• .. •• • •. .
. The secret history of politioil. maneuvering
at Washington rit'this 'dine isould, if made pub'.
Itic, explain the 'Whole • responsibility for' the
disastrous campaign . of Pope; . The, blood, of our
,on those' fatal 'plains Of. Manasies
is chargoahte (lit cctly on theintrigues of Wash
ington politielans the radiCal party - ,.. who
•Only . ileOred to
: remove McClellan from the
pitblic.vieW, because they fear'd,thatthe splen-.
slor„ . . r of: hie genius;the - devotion of his army,
the' , nobleneSs of his,charitatei, Might bring him
before the people as 11 . 14 man to lead, (he yhole .
nation through war to peace' anti union, under.
the ConStittition. :For .this they intrigued,
forthis theY'have waSted..;thousattile 'on thou—
sands of Poured out on -fruitles
battle-fields. And dorrie of this secret History,
may:be discovered front a close examination of
the dispatches and 'oilers' issued' .at
ttin, lietwceitthe 20th of Augusf. and .the 2nd . .
CIF SepterriberlB"o2. • giv6 days, brief,
but filled with gre a t . cv - ents, The' PolitiCiatis
had sticceetlrd.' • McClellurf.wai: debaSad ',and
dist , triced..: He a sktid .
ter specifiie orders
what lie is to
. do at A lexamlyia. .Halleck
by - getierar'Ordere .antl: finding;
fault., <<_l'mmn'mtion;and- paiticulurly
finery, Must tie inimedihtely; sent, forward 4 ,to
centeriAlle, for General Poise ;It most hii,done,
with tlesPatelf,7 . ,tejegrarth's. Ilat
leek, at 'li , l,s'n'llock 31i 116an0i;;,.. stcpjeliu,n
knoW 'nen hite, of tbe caftite
"!:folio's artillery. All I eon !la is . to, direct
e . ol el ,' 5.00
my ordn a nce joload. up nll,tlo. Nr7agons,
sent: to tfiai F+ank
linrras ' . se?qt. foriyard.'
replies that - Franklin . • tiod, no iransportiitMn;
.ana.finally marcheit vyithout. ingods, mitt' of
Then PleCkllan !enqi:
rvili memorbale all futu'retimes:...:
• . .
"I can't express to'ynti:llltenain and innytillentinn 'T,
have elcperlenced-to-day in listonine. to the distant tiring
of niy mon. As I can be of no further use liere. I i.e.
spectfully ant( Uit; if there is a probability of t the, 'eon ,
beini.eoueived to-morteow, be ',permitted. to
go to the scene of,battle with my•Stalf, mer ely to be.with
' Yo r :1 if 'ut M n r lthe y pil l' f ht: ZG etib leFsf.li7;eogliihet lfitisno gietnostto'
instrust me:with the Command oven of my own army, I
simply ankle bo permitted to Share theie ate on -the•
fleiti of battle. Mast verfy to this. to•aigh(.
• ..
No eleep.thet long nlght:in thelittle entnn'et
Arleian,dria: Every tnorrtent they expected the
answeVneinaitting them •to shnre :the -fate of
the aemy,a fate,whion'all the wisest soldiers.
were lonkingle. with, the...most solemn. apiire--
hensions....l3ot tto:anstver..e . 4me . ; •Not even
'the common cotifte.sy of a reply was given, till
the next nay eatne , .l-Tallecle . s" caul drspatch:':;
• .
. .
• '...T en,n , t ahewer witholit seem'' the P.reshlent; as ten . 4
eiill.npe'lein ouinmand : 13,) , hl e orders, et'!Lilt deptirt,
merit.": ' . '
I t r . w flinch troilble . for:aby one•in •
'office-lc; Fiend to theTresideol . the : :Mith.t
berpre, or Pori tliar'imorning, end 'say,
fate of the nation hanrs• ip the; balanceLMe-•
clellan aeks leai.;e to go 'to thejielilitS'a•iolon,
tears; may he goV! . •••
` 13ttt'the insults were. not- yet nridetl. This
earrte'sday, the 31st of Augtisl, general fitillecic
telegraOhs..Mcglellaii: . •.. • .
3 , A ninny iepo. ible of. the neiv.'reOnente. xhoald_ ho
.priMarett to tyke the Verhapi come more •ehmil,l
ha scot to thu v,iehilly of Chain • •
MCClellan'replie's . thatli . pases
province to'attenti to the new regiments. anal
Generat'l,l,a'rn - a.rd's .to ' , order". others. try Chain
. 13ridge. ttlßy'llin War Department order I have
`no fie,ht to - give them ordepti..'? Here'is one of
.those - common Mashing o ton applications untle . t.
thc' present m'antigainent. "I have mot ° seen
the orde'r;" repliAs t wap the ' last
in;tilt of the War, Department,., thatOrde:(
devised in the Same spirit.whiciVn few 'week's'
later dictated 'the order.sending• lite vielor. . of
Srinth:Mountain and . 'Antietam to report at
.Trenton. The ordaa.was .ticeisfte.
McClellan' commands that portion of.the Army
of the l'adtiVae th.it . .has obrbeen sent forward
toPery;rar Popes'eonnitanti." Aiow theyminst
haVe - ehuekred,ittthe:War Deparlment over the
kreim.itt.of the 'order. It.". was issued on'
.- ... .......
afternoon of Aiemsi't , 9fh., and, after the . recal,
from Oen ,, rai . .7llcbrelliMof his Dispatclr'of,24o
~ .11;:ain.9 4 , 8 14rp;b1/Bc/tOp . fix,zept the. &ant mound
My crimp. t Rent, off every grin but thrb,e;
Writ teiil
•nne.• Sewl.thelirwith the trniii As you nireet. I wit nleu.
rum:min/n.4 spindrou Cavatry witb Oen-.
er NI Sumner._ f eau /30 . n0 31 . 1.)11 movlutyti every:
, artile'A v aiyiir the Pot.uni.l6.. who in .within niy
lench ,'••• •r• t, 1, • , •
it triia,slizirti v tire,' eery keen spit
hitlug'•.!.witt which
seUtehe.i . t
lie v - nr/ls or • the'.ciriier!.'
Ctcllnn Co'n'orolii In tl . narportion.r.f the A..rniy iit
the Potninur that-haS - nal - ten setit terwr.i d" . •
lint tifenio'rriiag . ot the 3 ts,i brought to Wash
he'd 116011.-huy
fin/ibg iautt neglecting'
sidting The President. 'nillSaertitiii - y.. of
War. bait yialded to ilie.'rstlieal poditicieans who
.tvere liouudinit the younz. Gelferal, and on. 'HUI
evettiag cif . the when tbo Depart'
meat i;suiil'its o'rde'r,. I:Vasitizarton ridicalisni
'was jubilant, and •all believed •that'Aliere ica'b
Giu.l tba: tie seas.
fweep...ni ,tbe army, with tha..boboni zit'
tiestrutiap. McClellan was • dowh,
euila t ..t; eat.vieto) wan bY.O.N. POPa• Me!!
wits Were•tu IVdshi:/;9: ; rou ' night . will re
melt - Oerthe o'f 'the .ridieul far
But the ii xt , iluy it.ehanz•• ame.ovei
'the spirt
of this' radical dream, • 1.1.111 Mil:
Uhl:MO:I hal bad. seeti •the
begins to think".th at. possibly. they
pace I),eh. i•m last
in ,Washintuti;- The.
'semis 'ant) Pori,/ is cit .10.e-eoloted
in the minds
of the managers'. ' •
. .
.. .
''VO LI ICI 11 rota' n.t`ie vowel :a I. of 'every thinz to' tith,
, . .
vteinitf' not t snipers II to belOn tit, , lo Pope's seine in the
Pei I . ' I beg. von to.a,sist.. lee. tit' this erisls ill ill your
a t,sli t . i. rod
~imp ricnu. 1 ale entiteif area oat."' .
• §o.says 'General lialleck at' 0:97 . P:
(he 31st. hoirrtight bo tired. The el: 7
perinient had tailed.: :The whole
bandnning the. peninsula eanipaign and iliskrace% - :
deg 'Mcelel inn was , provinit d ttre..
The . ability and oxperietiOe" or McClellan wait.
: row :ivorth thinking of once mbre. , At
past eleven that nittht VlcClrllan. tele.raphs
Halleclrth . at POpti is defeaied,tfie'road filled with
.wagons and'stagglersconnintr.toward, Alexand •
ria, that POpe's right w:as'entirly'.exposed, and.
that :lie . fear .the . gravest 'coo . reclitentess, He
"To Fpbair frankly—...ind'• the cieca'aion .
requires it,rihere.appears tti bon: total nhienee
of brains . , and
. 1. tinr the total destrpction,of the
..4 , 1.510 . 11:be.up,:t11 night," says 'MeClellan .
frinn Alexandria...pi "Flia)l' be up all, night,"
sityS flalle . clrjrom Vteeildnelon. -It was a letir
lid night. The morning, brought tht from
• Pope's ermy-ned ‘‘'istioni to the hentls'iriWasli .
.lng,ton; . McClellan is sent-for: All tiny disne.
trousintelligeneecornes iltleCiellania-e'r
dm'ed.to take command Of.thedefenees of Witi'-
hingtort . , but his orders ate limited. • They;,oo.
not. yet. dare to face the indignation of the rad
ical politicons,:who' veould have seen. •Wash
ington destroyed rathefth.in McOleiliti'restor 7
ed. But OE...Morning of .the 2nd fertes. them
no longer: The hope of 'the , nntion
hant i f-q. On-the mon they. hail disgraced. and rid
on,t he 30th. ; General
Halleck'seek McClellan at his hOUse andtcom
mit' everything", to 'his: hands; - directing him
..1„0 k 0 out anti meet the return -Mg . army. .
,Tl . /6;er6ssinti.,ot he Palo Mac. flint day by
eneral McClellan: is a r,ceme, for :Rini. remr‘m-
Prince. shoots that went ; over
the hills, the 14:man who . nad re.
„aided theirfaelves as doomed, ..bUt who now
welcomed order Wisdam,:ennias, , .!lability and
experience,'.'. all %Olio] they had .provedand
know—ibis, has been, deficrihecLand. is recorded.
„How..t,he.Grqleral took theahattered, army; re
sta'red 7?forati,, led it :into Illaryland, .and , ip
l'octaoi days ), , ro,n , tlie.v,ictoria of South-Mount -
.al .and' , A ntiatam: 'How MallecklComplaiired
of hiesln.w trulr:o l l;t6-,Soath •Mulinfain,'aod rad—
icals .
.gr Otyled.;sul lardy. . oyer , .:the
salvalioh' of the Nqojal• ;%leChillarHAi• is
.• .
,A - 111r).S.:1C . EN.04414L'9At
. • . •
~." I,I;',I".'IIFR,X. ..
Po' t h., Irdeon . rll.tioitrit U,lio'n 4110 i. or' fits: tia-*
led Slates:
_ : 'li is' iisiiii .sig,ti, of 'Ore. time), that dlie
,Ex- ectit ire . titith'Oilt - i'e of. the , United.'State's,ieeip
.' for.
... .
toget,that.tee livielimter . serit ten.. crnistita-;,'
lions Abel laseis... - They.seetri:tn bonsider -them
selves tholeoiter.,. of 4-., , rev0l lei' oy ;; !!ntill4tl; 6114
ouch, IV:the:unlimited Power- of hindinz.trien'i
consciences : with oaths nod., control/jog their
wilt by ba3 .o.ll Olsi ' What - Shadow i.of .cOnt qta-i,:
tionnl or legal right hai - the President to,risstrine
thatithe...gine - ernmeritsi:Ol-. - the- serided , Stales
haVe - ,ce - aSerd - tO.- - eilst, or - if 'they:. have,. by .
what•grant of'power - ls.lic 'ant itsiFfited to re- con
s - trtct , - thene : t., Stafo goVer - runcnts' - coitstiticted•
hybitY 'Other pOwor.than a inrijoritYofthe pan',
ple.to he' governed„ are hitherto - itnkcinsen- in
.ourpoliticut iystem.•' The 'whole - porteacling
is simply. military- usurpation - , .fraught'. with
I - earl - id dangers... -•-•. ' •. '. •
,i .... •. - ,:' '..'
.... SO iii'llieeletions within the.bOrder: States. . . .
T h ° ' oat kereleril?°d'bV .th:e Mint” rY:officers 49 . '',ll,.binfore. weld nstioirte &Iv' infin this .fietned
a ;qualification lorstiffrnge (In'the.caSe'of - Mniy-' iv„,..ni and ~,,,.',, , ,,i
. i„,,,ii;,.; Over i t n„
. .gi nsll l . Q± . .. t o,
land at least approved by 'the :President) lire I;i. L. ~ ~:1,,nt,',,.., the h mi i i i . iir-tn ii i v i . ii„ fle a l ii ` i d ii iic .,„ i i,
'witot la se,,orin"e iolai ion of Intsc. .1p these „,:,i'd m n im - ri . r i e .. tt i,: ) -, , ,,,„„ . ii,h•c:Af t . ). .. &nod'
his• 'approval of..General' Shericlt's - order the; • h A l ve. 1;„ ~
;;,,,,,i- ffi roi' m 6,. - pe o4 p , v : t ii e. .x o ij h..;
President' nuthoriies n - clirect;einlatinn - 01 - the - ern..nSi ni l vo,9l,d . lniecsnh e ' l p t i dean 36 so - tne'th . .:
. • •. .
election laWs. of that State-.'B .
ent. Mull .hoi ing - ilike lin'as - rinr,.'uti;l7'pann.eit before:it Itrolc. the,
Says in a lo i ter to Governor .11railford drithd,i,.:th,‘-raint.l:.apibit't•has'''le . if • in . :Ftir.h..(lliiirrnii .
lire ' se. " nd 'da y- orrcarein!'''''... )list.' '' . ,• 6 3'''','ho , :'' - ,1 c'hitserierices 'ln; britir Soli hitt - id Sontli,:-.nod te'
;.The main, ye ng pin - into - I).6yr let ter . is a:Riot : est I ,jil
~,„oig ti l in,,; .(ir : e ,i,,,,ii . ., 0 ,,:„ t)y. . . :
_. .. :.
against an )' permit rfrt ' ri bg' -to Yor'! 'hieing, l in( ' ' • V. were pa iitil;4l thIM; omit tin are equally.
to'.any. test not found iri the laws'of Nl ; i r y land., sat is fiediiid.W, that' by .1 itnrilY.. Concessions,'. it
This brings Os
_to it ilifTerence bet Wenn Missriuti .-1 ; ..--i -' 1 1
co . .o; . bilot i oll;Y : iiiive . :4oell"llVtirtati, bill, that - ilia.
and Maryland:. Iyitli the . sante' reason in both. ldninn,conitlitsve berin ''pritserved lilt ;.11,' 'Bat'
States.... ill issnoriilids by. ase provided n - teat '..eo"lntil not iliv'Tittlit.shrt of rpenitit the helm of ,
for the:voter sidth refcrence:i . o the - .;present re-' Stole iti prevent I bl - csOitinity •seich . lins.lne. laid:
h°lll °a , 'n'iiie. -ill'i . .oin” d. It" !tot." " ..' .' - ';lf' ii 'U.. ' f•tiei'r (JO ry.Presencb in power at:Wash.. -
BP- initio'ii : W.f.s
.n' itnridiiig tnetineenlid a Jiersit:tent
,'. CUnsfrlf : ir rho - result of . this:, reasnirit i ig,
cause :I;i:swirl, hay in.;.t it pe.rlord'r,ilthr to -, 'net 11 hreitt, . l'heir antecedents arild heir 'indelible'
strict suffrage !Otos - al voterpr,..tiq's !One so,•afll • re - cords angured an almost ',inevitable - disturb
..orYtood, being thinoughly:lovul hadnot don nne,e of ilit - 1 „ linbliC . I rannitilit y'r .L.:nehlo hail
.50, the crietc ' - •-f,'• 4 brabitto Lincoln bY; my - doien:elitettot op a platfut ni-.of, intense . antatto,
Maier 'G erieral •.:,i-lietir:lr. 1, ,- 1/ ore.scrib'e.. sorb o. f, rri,iii. ta litin'SnlitliHt inse seho had - noble ved-110,
loro. for the .";/4,... o
1f ,
liar ill': li d ! ' hots ••• •whn re Tl:oifet:,. ,, ,- 'cif . hii . lit e - ; 'dentin I a pirii rinits 'had been
sloes, the • PieSidour C ar. t iv... patcer, to w•
fare edues - iied hi hate . aa,l: - 10 . Malign' . 1K: .Snatherti
Ai. An ry1,0,,,? . . I, .1,, , '.., Ai 4.,0,..11!t0
,I.vonor'old . ' : • • peopiv; Ulu!' to l'oXii riot e'a nil'. revel; lri.b . right
' At :the - otitset of !lie 'rebellion, ..,lie c.ontlfrY dirams :4• Sots Bern
. .,critiqUeSt,. an& 'lldtitfaa•-
. roolly to toleritie ti
the ~ .sirinpr ion of, illi•g
,lion. Ilii - lii'inselt Wok or the snipe ultra scliord,',
pueeerFl ire -Maryland trod else , „eliii re,' under'the„,,,j
~f , -,j - m orn - iiii,' rho col o-, ,c,0 1. „iiii.„ . ,,, l ,,..i app „ d
itnprertionthat the safely it dint country...re-- .
„ hir,rw icu m, lieriefCcieil.ns.bis Cabinet . covisellorS
rpitred it. . Iltif.t lie- occasion for ' the• crcercise anricailbil nrouridthini us his adeiserinturgaidei
of. Stre If pow;•rs iii Mb rYlobil ha; p - t'sse , l away, t n„i',.l„„ . ,-,,,j .. ..„„„ w.. 66 .1 . 4,, 1 ni„.o?..,thern.,,lvi,, tar
Gue'ilinor - nriblfM:l hi:nts t; ,l inlonY. rn the tried years the Omit primikont- in 'their . V intlictiv.e•
loyalty ,of ..i he 'State at 'large, and Genera - I 0,i,,,,,,if",;itg,ii,,,,,i: Sopit hei n - ins: ittitiOns and
St -1191 wk 'admits mite' 4 ' 51. Prik , 4% I "raliy" . °F 4 . their ttna;:t fill threats of • wir,thing. their von.'
"great rrhijoriry” of its Citizens: . V. hilt , -then , -upon the Southern •penpre. ' - '•- ' : ' '
is the 'Preld...t.lr'r Pr''s"ihin 2 : a' Oe''''' ' fin: , iii''n ' ' . l...1:0•C it not be lot got ten-been list. that less it'
I ionifoc ''nfol"', Oat ionii, , g. so filie; i at ll'o• 1 0 - I ! s .l,critinal era hi. I heitiS tory:of the be.ronidtt - of illi
iir violntiOn - fifths... S -100 fr . ,. i :A i . ,.. , , ....a r 1:,1 e. i t :I ,
x i .171 , 11 . 1 5 1Z t ; t. t .i, l
;is. 1 , i,,i 4.;r il i; ., j . i a te
t . !.. ‘ i i1 f ., 1 , ..., , ,, i ( I t . .
t i l lii.: , -...
, 1 ,0 1 .1.. 1 , 0 0 t
( l; e l
1 .; , 1 o s r o g l o t t i
i i e t. r n i ', l,.
control of the. elent ion? '
by Gn , neral Schenck in Iris Original order ''‘',O,s- .litafesconotterice..bnilithe"Pence'Comtnisiortels
ihar d'ec.ere. a " 4 ..."1hn . 1( ''ili - ni`Onst . ii- . I.i"raOn s i. oc . creititni;l by dhe rieAr Confederatr•Go'verlfrrient:
note' at large . 11l .1116 - Sta.f . e. of :\larYlatul• whin
~,%,,.i.e at w, , io r i iv : ion , see ki n i an cipportnaity To
bac° • hocln : e ng a ged -- br ' ' . s - "Wolli" aV•aln.s. toe' Ina 1;0' ;Wer'inires Jo and ent r e r, inti; 7 .',liegoti'ofitints
~,- • ~
• - lawf"lS•mo . '"rnln"ron of 11,10 ' .atvelt alci dtlii . c' o, ° : :Sh it th , ;„ 'cloy var . r; ,, ie tit; '',‘lr.. iinsituone. the
fort or - cneettragcioent t o . o thers, :so cogatted,,',l . l l - i e n titt.; l l,l.."fit-,'.f r oi ir ' I.'ys',,ii•t v ilri the' el av 'tr . - 'lld'
0! .wilo 'do TiC!,l r . eeellliZe I' he; f ii Ilcz iniido do the; ib e events.Otfeiiiiintr, n -, erit in li . triessa go toCrin-
l/nit.eil - States,i and . 'Who roily n'eail t htttits - t• l'ifs 1 iii c,ss Miuti:lll.,r, stPiet) the. - c itint ry, rind ask irg
,Of Ilie inlulgc•lneceof the authority which in , i':' , ' '' 'ler some' action - on.. tiee Pori.ol. that body indica.
'ales. thew prOsertc'e .to:cmharrassdll'Knriproach- I tip o f np o i co t if: e fth, , 1';,. , /r ,-. 00...:1! 'F.1101114 PI/15Ue
1,1 , 2 .elect Igo, or - thiumth it , to (6:sr enemies iil, t 'i n meet i r i g .. t i i i,..,,,,:,,,,,,j,; . , or 0;,.1,,,„.,.., The p .„'..
of I he. liialied.Stales bitepnwer.i'• In are
.n',.. I - per ss iisi brie nf o..xiraoriltn i ir . v - merit,' and' erri ,
C enter
he,i' ! : 45: f n7liP' lit
' tior"ll.)f°ci is :71,r3eit.t ititl7lSYin icons roin contri;l! 1-
,1,. ~.,%, .. i t3l l l, f i S ha i l rur;l . .oA,
ii4l.l : l " . ""y' d: ''''''' . l 'Y .t!'ir toils • 'or thkin gf , e , l - :1. -- : . :1 , -titid.riliii14:11. ailtbirsc Clause - s
of the Cori
( rail 10 -lbe caniog , eicolion." : .I. tor. I bin 'in. orstitat;On froititrl s icli 'th e edoeciifes of this tie ht I
'S' i'r , '" Whose :novet'lmr . t.cils us ant ".for .. "' - '"'d of sr:cession might. dint's; •eniieloSioili r.;voroible l
than tree n . ,,,,,,, , ,iii,i.... f eli..) : r .1,,,,, ' p ever . heel, • ';3 /hilt;; ( i ~.; t h e j . i ',. ,„ :,,,., •., „ a . 3 ,:,, ; ,;',.lid„ i„.• ( nil.! f i n d ~,.0 1
m'hi'ir ir'.ve' , Ti , .1 - la r and coei'Y fr0i , 011 , 1 1 . , /d '' . .ovi- I. 1.,) rrsi Ht.' Thr . .l:le . exercise of thii; “rese - rverti
path , zer.%l , d .??‘O/ , /, they curb) Innne 000t , o// , .. ,1 1 ii.luti , !..et I; e4hat . ebtilii•lv: drsncver. is thadin.
Iciro , c7 mi. , .. , ,'14 1.15.p0 bi ,,,, 111., c0 , ; ,, / , (.1 0 '; 0 :,, "'zi 0 1 . ...-. q i 'lmo rot ,iiii,' an. horit y , e.srpressed nr Yito - pl led,.
fire art n o od of•ikeStolt;oei,nprte t liz.-.ed. the *see-i. r,,,orkg the, ,;,.., hl pn
. 1 11, pd, t:. or - . the - lid{teini I
rev , of ..1,•. - icit,,,..1 go n., 0.,ni:0 t." ' .. '; "' ' ...1 ( 3,6 ,:„,,,,,, t.tg ,,,,,,,i kut. h i , pow ~ r
. .,,I ~, , ,,,i . e i ,;r iy • i l
' . !Thal, I hen,' wn4 the niti"ct rf fit:t :military `,.ii..,, tiriainst rite. reeviling 'Sr at,:s... On neeritriit Oil
in torrent ..file ;Irinnestration ri,.ade Al' OW I the. ‘eith;!fatral of. ins.nyl Sniatliatil SeilatOliii'.
. .
pi..lit , iii,roistaka !bd.): indiCaies...' ''.:' '.'iinot`it braoche - s ei Congress is under tbo co - n.l
, _ . . . .. . .
1 tseetn6itere'ore - in ':tt aiyiand a rinolticr of i f fol . fddipt . .dridielzllinlbliri;ll' . • !:'l'" ,, ingi,....1 e' l
politic's! clale , ,.sellos.•,trietTsbelS “I.; ' SVo'firli. to' !yea lipqn 5',4(., iti t ..l p. elle; erilliiie!ll hod cve fit 1
5 ,,. 1 .6 5 , . en li: ;I
~ .Ijo i „t i. '1,,,„.,,,,,!,.. 'fires, I should ltring;•their . logic - ;i1 sn-glecriete, ,'his • rnes- . 1
. liiiil ir iirinc-i n r,i n , i . ,...,,,,, the' .1.,,, t i,„, ~i, , ,d.r i nge- o f 11r. itircliartarinertin . rr clicited tier - pro- I
pr; s„; ribed n polit icalliditfor;,l - fOr all c'endil,ttes ;• eobed. any respon , e. Nn .Iluti,„! n t ity;teas ,Itivi.r
r-$ b 'eft cf,iovalrv..'.•Coti';lid,•f e . Wr.le br, - ,O.illtd , dittdiddlr. , t trio War; sin - old:I commence' under the
no r ort •t.tini . pi, i I r . ,, r , T .,, i .i 0,;,.!, - si . ; ',.. ; ' 'th o irrt o ehl r I *Adminis t rii t ion of"i\ - 1 r . , puchallim,. and !Jibs fhe l
ica! rtni[riWniut i., on! . " cnoscreatico. rrij a w i Ibunrietalki lir''.liitlitlicspati s it.:Je dor•the hornet' ie ;
rmii ; % :.1. 0 1, f ..,i' 5 .,,,„,1 b y ,I,,,... ff i z. i,, c , i . nmenr it mi rulebt. ;ha t.mottll lie created aUd five, loss: of,lifa .1
• the ontbreak.ut,ilie relii;llioe; Nere to the ',Pie- that stOnli(chsite.: - - 11 at illiti. rc . xperiented states,
en-;not of Colires.s . d
ni,.the' '''ate. I..egisl t iiire',.. Until: Wirn. re,..i:oleill span it !lee of coildnet :!hat
and i hell. - pl OCPS • illppl'iPd 'by - .rn*it - Pledged ..10 .' would ticithcr eornpruoibUi I.i;im'S !. ..ll . ' nor his: par, ;
support th - c Pi esid,;ol •e :ill iii.i unconstitil:joll• i 1 ) . •: . '1t' ,. .h.nd . tifato . dht the trles'-;llt•idtn o•ltiolt, iii'
'al Brill reeol;;lhnortry ihr•atures j i,:el designs' .-Edine 01 .. . s fiiireri. lb•rt :tire solinnll m yents i..lii,..'n i
Ills t 'the; irtil ila rY ollieer - tniltht kliOW . it shat..i.Wel e tiVeSpirilfig,iiiiit'‘ehich. iamb: it iinceiilbry
tickets to receive. and ~ ell a t,t;;' reit; . eri,' t lie . Iddion.lllot lie' should .islt,- di t h..o' . kec lid VC. il)sll' , lC- ;
1 . ., , .•,1'9111t.• tit:lir:l wits. prin trul on ' , yePose - Paper.—, toms fro'n-dh!'`Lellislittioe body' as tnitil' ill; t V ;
Proclainntioh'eial 1114,:ii , by: nbe ...or!! itlry. coin- 1 111.0 W 'pro . .tnise.,. see - re .lint' ill' -rp:sol t' ril ' nily, i
mitt - infer,' calli;;;; 'on , i.a I I mite I riilv •loyal 4,0 !haili.vieei,.. hitherto vote rt allied iliy himself ,or the
iherps (dee s•Of 'that . oprtirinUity - and' 'establish 'part
' v which hart plant)plant)hirn in the . rpo:sEtion - he
their loyally by giving a full.' a rid. ardent' sole-,.scrupled, but :were precipitate;!, he had 'every"
port to the AV h011i• Go , •ermi3Oen . t iirle) !, B ait . ((it: I:0 ...ip'n to belie - re, by that sectional and - georgral
pia !fa rm a , lopt , ,'i 14, the I.l:hion .I:+a mi C . .) )i 1 , , ii.. ,. 1..111cal o ototii
ag. rn• a i lin st it fr i cif 'l,Vas.tiing ten I,
iicii,"decla'ring that n‘ - nmtit. atit , r . ll . • 1 (roo,d;cre'i and all the eminent:. pirt.rio's . who, - hail 'Made
A ..?
, ..
fly !fee ter al ,i ,t Hot i t'tie et tho v it ntW
'ot by ' of , 1 tnelr names frit morta - , hod warned their. C . O . ii, n` 7 I
lit support of any linenho 'defrir - es Alin pr ace1.6511)111. ' Inspired - With these'. sentiments, , and .
'and-restorat in)) of the TT iv I oil ,". ' ..1E one . pie: 1 'ii Vll:ated by theife caneietioos.. witti.lid i ntrable:
. ciriet a Federal oflircr •itectli rid : tireit - none but tart and sta tesmaiis hip', Ire ant tonged to .lteep tlio
the, yellow.ticket: should 1):: vorcif,.imil enforced Ship oiSttte five- , r em the hrnalticrs darin . g• his,
libn deektra•tiOnl' ' knoWn syrripa in
thizers nrcil Adritini . stratihns . nrill rd.. leave' to 'his -- succearsor i l
With tinily:lllOW ticket . ; were idloived .to. obte the resl'onslhn tY, arid, the A/Bid/74'11r 'the /sosuri'ef
On - questioned,' whilO thorotiglily loyal then, not • involving the'country in sear,. by riot holding
thus armed,• were,not- olloWrd to ente - nt :all.' 1;iallt the olive brancln.rd'pinincin.' :.. ' • •
.' •
The contest" in that fqet;t.inn..'whs•liot be -,. ‘Ve.laive stud that iktr: Idichnnap t‘presereed
tweet) Union !nen ' - andl , 'Sec , ssinni.stsr. hut be- the penee..l i ... - ,hiring, his.' Adhilriiiitration.'• '1,11 . e .
twenn . /0/ i.0. , 1 die fio /w I . ElPifin. 1)1;11 who :ore :in -are - 'wilbolt.. that - M.ti:J.incol9 lull!! . I .lii . Party
favor of sostarniing,the'Chnstitritionas•it is - and should have all the glory- of . thisinternecine
resroring..ihe Union as •iir- -waS, i e
nd n renlai • strife;' and we accord it to theerefri4dy,'.fOr' , we
fionary •parly, .'inhicii':csilint.ti •thernselees ''iiii'L. 'are antlnflinti.,niScertam as W,. are 1 l is t f) 10 ., , l i ft .
conditional -1; i , i , in L nien,.ivfio'•a re :co•operd fi . nz shines in the ii::avenri; . thitt
. 1:kri;):6 '• ronservative
with thin., Evecatiee- in uprooting. the. enry..i . nap lieen . ..ei . ecteil ln 'lstiti i . qe r o WOyld dirree„
foUndations'of trim institutions, - -.- • -:- hero nii - sccesSiont . :iiii&conse,pitynily - no - way.
the . .. .
Vila itilminisiiiitions'approcrol 'the. oat. '...fire. arc 't:etfilirt; Uri' l 1; . . ! I the. 2! . /011,htyll fleO , i
roirions . hOndOit of ',it's ..olllerS at • 1 be,,polls is pie linve,discoecred'alieady that evar,.althotigli.;
evidence, as in the Siateinf Xentlcky; ti r the'ir it 'rimy h.'a very pleasant pastime, is very cost-,j
u t ter• tn . abre to' :punish or. . pe - en' eensit to •Ilielii. ly. .. W;1 i'.--ir . lelit 2 --to x a lion, : ':l'lwse time words .
, tio;'cbin anyOna .a (ley ail;thisv. thitibt • the' 'ill Way i st and in pinta r icl 11l y jusdoposit intl. •Th'ey:
real Object'of, tills •• niilita ry ' iaferi - er'krtie? . ft 11t•i l pregiiiiol, ki n ,' it On erry,,siut-pd serunas re-.
rails. to .i•::Sigilt of ' lie reenlittiettar‘ t i rge:tll. ixttsil'•'ptle flef:llfinS-I:osreeially if a imin s iins:nrit. t.nry large. ,
floiOn , tho ro)t.oreeitir it pa . .. y.' 'lt' Was - tri;'nettitte •enf•roll Ora - very Met horicpti ise. in Flugland
au election' Inv the boyorier .' ,it • Wosiln• Pla - ein . .theibodertnnil these thing'sverytelr, becans.r.,.
iii ConereliSn and the'Sfate r..N. , ,isldtil're ablisel ,
. .. ,
Wilt les that war en , '
vient instruments of •the I;:nseeutive 'instead' of neon.!S as .'t o. the lit t1;-; ilis;:t . . , ~
the rc•ople there hays had sonte ye ry sad'expe..,
• .-
.iTue yepri:SentilliV6 . of the - peOple.'.....rt 'to . / t . 'l'o . tic i 1 . '.i.111' 1„;ie stair - tie of.tax,es,
.and. mill that sort
r of
itetalidir?, .Thedlresident 'night ' as*".Seell -have tiling and: Invitee a Cahn.; i thyt:i'l , , ~,y
. .
. .. . .. . .
. .
*rmpointerr the members riiii6' eleelid himelf
.sti t limn ;,i lw . formto it y 'cif' a s !ham ' Ole.troii...—
AMI it t , is . a , irfark: of the ileviieraey's.iit 414
times, Oily men . tirol,.folm.(l..i , %:iiiini fr' n , rrpt
sntl i'v , v,l offireetho enliforrod.,, ~, ; • •
.::: . :;.:,, . 7- - t . . , ..,,.net ''' ~"i, 3 4.41.
it- - ,:.:t"-: • :. , 's[t . .l'. i •t.'• ft- t' 7B3 W
~., ,s , .;:, , - t.,: ''. ';,-...','.- 4_ 4 '; „:.„,:' ..'„ , ,i.,1. t : ~ , ';, ; f ; '''&4t?kiii,ti:...l
. . '?. •,':' ~ 4 ' I 'V
' .., .'-( •?` ' '' ' . '.:;:q:: - r :''.4't" 4 2-':'. 15;n4, 3 1` .. t.r , 4 4 ..
' ';' 't ;':, `:.r ' '° . q• !•-. ;,-, ' 4,1, ..! - . 0. _ ~4 ; - ',A,1,4,v, - -",;:tV
~,. . - , •
• ; :,4,1-.1. • ~
~ , , . tt,“...“.h...?,4,9,:Fur.tt1...1-tvb
, ~.. .
~ ...,: : ,
~. ..!.. ~,' ' ~. - . ',., ..., , '.-
.. .-: -4 , ~',;: .' ' o r-',
.i. 'f "';',"f:;:t ).krs.. , to.l:,,Tft
;4- •
-- ' 4 ' - '. - .'::'•-.'.'±..;":. 4. , .f ' '''" ` " : : 1 2i': .. .' 5 ' 1 ir '. !.4 ;;. J'.. 4 V .;'! ' 4.1 4 1 *::
* ; ` - • , 'i H. i ‘ . ..7r- •,,.: 44.*;:1717-giit:,,,3? -
. : ~,,•1104,446'i",4,
-Gem-Set - tench jfa
ays itf-.his' explaharnrder .
'that he:Will net presume '
,the. •P'aiveritor'a • pro , '
chit - nation t‘was designed to prothire„colloion
between the milit;iry, 'power and 4110.-citikena
,„ , ,
1 18.9401'4ra! the.noll s . to - vote at .the electioni.
butt l'etttinot . deoht,'!.saysl4,..rlthatiitapbviottli;
"iehrlenck .to, invite-anti an, , egeo.
' l ;Vell;.had ot ; the election,. •
•inph esVrittc'e, law,.cal leil out . , the, ppwer: of
the enitOtie's . and II 'riven' the 'rei'vraf troop with 1 .
friiin the polls where they. Wort;, tint
only without law, .hut , in violet ion - of law, wh o:'
would have'. been reaPnosible?--..tfie,gicioettOeta •
avliieli ih,etrt there, the
4.fe n nee -t heir tied rest,
right;—that right nit vt , hi . ch piheia ktefOtill
Tae:ie-,.l.Triirm ;Leaguer.,” aO culled", a t.whh..ge
behest the ghl,Pernurnr 14 , 114 s cut its Armies
-to, t he.co• in. carrying, eleet ions, 4cset ve !Doti
attention thhiLlhey
• WAii,-.-IjEßi'-7TAXiTIOS..'
~. ,
~ ,
beliri,nse:and ou th itioas i. if; ,gO I'6 hgberihr the ... - ~. - , - - - r.,77, - 4 , 7::, L 7 7 '. , :%' .. .‘i'': , ' -.; ' i . 'I , .44-k
. i.y hoI e. wp:ilil 00d. , 4 . the Kest of maokind,',' has to -.Tryniii• hdsband ifiew.g, th'n!lk -(l4(l . •tliiir hi..:,•4, , , , m ii
6 ° .. i'KEklk. the ' plaid; and to Inky . Fken'etilia4.
,doe4n r .t'aomka.... I ehe ehevii; . i+ ntl erno)ces, thank .
,Bat, ta thiicountry, wq hail4o ha:ve . this lesson God that he
,dnalsa't 'take iota. 2, B hir:,lipes alt
..„ ?
rn - loartl l , that•tt,olo wha . riance roust pay- t h 4, .. three, thank Gal that he'll ricitlive .10114: ",• • , ;..:' -.„ ,
•i , k ::11;
ioloet A 00t.u.tt ut;
b I, in gP
Ffore to: getko,crie -1.6'41.
finds . 6111
,Itr r, pc Hill n0t.41;411..cit-,,tlt,rit.tn.2-: :
, f
t' 6ll
t, -erier; gnort tp',olllt,rl::'Atid . . , o:per?VeyeAios . f4 '
two don't; tt 4.l . tltY,nuti:•lni, n inAthft-ivo!;tifi !
indispensables for the rvliaieii.•.yha.i;,-"one„ileNw,r.7 . .
are-411:patar,pl•ang kgitinint q.t.:ooos
they mu t t! bt,...l)nrng, Mitt ; ~41110, - ,r,' 104!!on-att0
r:'l'lit..yani.tlif!lnAittill-,cnnittitkrnviii4 i.
o f dit'n.p4ink, t w,kii:tifr:
I opY l I n, hig:..pntra! - v? .4, •
on t h‘ ; 4lltllt'fif
;93)1 , 11y ntta • t 11. n tit the •
iih must filieniell,.llloligh novel ly,:;ginllvi.?'
(tx, bantl•npit onity..fatit4n4;cy:FtniMs nn4. !y1)1,vp,tt0 , ..;
ivral 'll . t e tip opyt e 4 h ear t h.. ihoddy } r.wih
stilllri'veittullfilVj.s i p.m rpl,s;:!i; •
beggary • npil'tl'Ati is 1 iria„ .pt rya,'
A it .)::1 dui or:'
1 • • ' • •••
'tfeperihe'fc: te.441 - 1b11:if
Oen- vq ifitt
' tit 11.,br0 ttl•vhont feted, vrt
Pe t 140--
lien'rnrice;"nntl Wit
ihn of r'lettaq
in evPtf innt,giny
w 00 , 63 i titi, or , •4: lip ;If] •
r I; nitro§ 11r
h tr4er'perriii
He; has none itriltV'initif.'iskelti:plishi,n4- ignocl•
it drinking; chewing . 6
IN fipg t
teres t . tine , d.detpO,Pl4'iw:.qf 'Any
th e I:renter'. onelt. gVnr.illll.y: - well
worn fOtig
n(l . l.sittelron.ers fitsiltea' into
Goilt.: 1
ni;ver. , sa'svhitn'e . irb/f , 'nrcniq the' only;
mnrk".ol hie rank 'aril the thiee.#tank
on 'ilife4 mite.
hi Pi! hilYi ‘ff:11" g : rodined.• 4 Ile:
sett 14 l'iory 'APItt in his -dittos' Witt ' papOn tr. altti::
in the. tnott he.
itnart•enif clean. • ' -• • . .
. Oldw Bron' brtni.;ht
nle'n wits nn...'ry aml 7
hdtlY gnovrit -yoh • tneo,
girls," a taid::' Then A:rghiroy . :,t 4 jnir;:*iA
murtithidliir; nnti - his on 1.41 b'riTit,.
erepr - slowly
,nway; and n11.110 , !hy. flit- girl .
thatloved.him 'best';' •' •
. C11,141.r
pus . 4ent .
l iei.tiatetl.: :Ile
With till its inner
: . ItslieVry
• in laver r' nf ,
liatinntilily:".:.l.lo , l)diere s 41 0 11' 111:t.?
tr t t pilinrirtrim . )sl""ifq
19 !nip! :OH
il , %tlie• ai t =e of,')lt t. apjit
tifitt ,
tion will sit fror.'': .•• 4ctilonViFif.
11,1,1 'the act's 'find''nos
pititutit..'W.,,tiptitehe 9 (loliiit Ili's , 6,1 . 6110 qil
lip( '.t4c . 4j:Ary • ,
glo . se•-" Y • • • , •
. . .
The, fernalriA 1)00 ion istri- , at' l'ort 'ltirytih It
rier.r.3,.!iavireorrirricerieetViiitlueing' t
ii' lit, iofi. I ii•eprs. fri . 0 HO iVO:
01, tho.operoti(M may he:
imn-s'y - hoist. . admitted. .
it titui;.r 01 Ina ; ter; pet; -
atilt!' itch staternent
.theevidesice to, siistain : It,
Leaders .that Inariy' of the ter‘nale A boll!
• •
Av g n.w o it 1 . 0
,ort Royallla fe erso ney,r . oe.s,
linve .ben glicee:4llll Ihronch
jni' bile !hivriopmet!t:. It
e.Private„advioN'itoriu.Part••lt'dkAl:.‘“i"y'. that
inany of Ito) T”rnule.Ahnlilioni.4ts metio . .tveyit
4ovid Iwteich the little!' nigger huw
iead'uudoldi2l,l, within
past few. 1 . 111)fi abandont 14i:tc
gee nt,(l . ope'n nurseries:' on - t'l . rpir own •.prfe.ri i e
neconnt: Mlieer Mainlined de '.reeeitly - tha.t.
no' lets' than bi Cl.y.litir,i,rini,to-shod. CU lttrlhlll
rropulatifffi ih and. about .the'.. reg inn,
tot. Pot!. 1,:oyal:hivi;50, : •! The .cli Ina te, serniz.
id 'favor pbpolat ion even rtiore 'produe
•iiOn of Sea Island. not ton lir liah4'negro
', g 4 Thr)'tr,firiv:liiiii.milttiriio.cl ovbv,tlikt...:olficei '
. , •
concerning tile iix(y.kror litile-nnulattoey.l4.4 .
;been co . ulirtneil t;y...tlie .trAiiirnOn'Y of , the" ktenv,..l"
Liberty Billing.; Liontoiluili Colonel of•tho: lit . .
South Cdrolinn regirnpfiti'N'i) it . h;;re . 10 , con-•••
sooitence or hit health; . 1,4 saysyit: . ..ic a bail: •
. .
, ' , ''A RP! trath.," , ,' %%TY .I 4 s:Rf- 1 / 7 .: It: is ooly:,. , ,
•• , i I' :t rof . I .. i fill 0' t
ea try IL t, 4 101/.• I .ie , Igi r ht. 0 Id
. 4.001 IF
.•• II r• . .
- ty . ,;o n ir those leintifil .. , - ,Va'tilie.;,feachers - .:ivlici
hav'eirolt ? it We ice are -Oil .. - firiq • mbilierii. 10 • :
tlia!tif?.w 13iaer.. .Bainiiiel ,atiaalil: make an, 4... .:
piopriEtion;—:p,aii.,,t ..s. Tiqin . or. , i', —. ' • ' •. - , '. - •
... . •
. . .
. . . .
' „Perhapti paen"ara' the'mast,linitut i yeaniraalp,
'in' all.. the wail& of. aaia . ra. • 01:t ly ane. iiss Aver
sifakiliki - a - tii'aa;loialkOsot thoaa,aials at men
qre : 4"ily,falkinglike . asses.; : ... : . . .-,., :,. :
In Germithy a - ririitreSq ante into the hire her ,
iiadtleese't bee:cite le,,
'becalise harws'.. .‘ r
tbe done below, ettil raj) ,th iCeniik:,pn the,
1 Ice Mck t t
bschuse this or that 0is0: or .w,es . •
/Ninn.ll;:.,nnd . ? he ve:if bett er.
tame: Sprite. sa ch plea Irka's 2 ,seivil
and it. is not , the secret re!ortr, pr
• '
4 , Pti'son'er at'? he. ha r," saiq ii:.JUrlt'e, in, 1n-
tn'a t Seriteriae.
vidence fcmp good ire:trae.
Owl '`strength, .
ct rY. steal
miithtaildress. the same ri4noo; to 'the majority
Of as tifftitil agenis,
icy=to ' ,1, tr115;
u his n:iv:ll,'hiliiianftiog:;,• . ;• : • ~• „.
nob, A. 6 - O!NIA, I 'W
tie!tr.',the nisi yo:i cfp Fl il;.,lo 2 pitii : . -)E. pm ?
I'ruc}ic~~l : 1 hill I niniutiort