M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, March 05, 1864, Image 2

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tzlitaxeli , 6; 1864-
31 4" 1 /8614
..irlitii!vAt.:; . 0
• .New
• • Mil McCt ELLANN Report
:i t iriNe-nr; n lfieiiii Reports ,which. .have al
,!tc‘itt!Pftpet..,l.the:ltenort. is
. .."0014*1„ a ilice,in itoppli m enta c r abeeit.,
-**,strpli.:tiie:JottanAii. in a hirni. convenient
Nair ilareasrwatiO, and by' a n. index;
'!i'lii'`fwd',double numbers the R
irk4,)l[;loic by New dealert,.,at tw e nty cen t s
ssacht':"..ey f iljik o la n t by.'mOlhy the Publisher,
W. C:Cattnitnit,; . .l92 , ProidWl.Y; on • redeipt of
'priett;ter4 0114; for "the.-two numbers. . •
Pine` “Bannett House" he
ikure!maitehi Fr. *. t'vh.
wasdglyanstalled,,,ass "mine host, : on Tuesday
G. his : experience. and ,the tact
nasts*ty to successfully.. manage a first clasp
liefelw:Trairelere wins' stop atitiks house will
haviseM j sitise to regret the Choice.. ' '
IlloWnwt.r.'s 4 , Ckeiiii Cash Store''ii
*IMO open to the public, and a stock
of aeleit siessunable- goodipliered for Sale.--
iequited the reputition of a fair
destiet and of selling atlow prices; no fears
geed,tia, entertained that this well 'earned iep
.l‘tlitioti will not be jolly sustained ••
'Teen SumUn.L Tin STone.LThe public will
bi pleased. to learrithet L. I•lir` Komi is about
to open'tsitbeold tiSide lull Stare" again'. ',He
. , - . •
kap potchased general assortment of Stoves,
And Hollow-ware; tnd , will manufacture ' and
keep - on band :everything the wants , of the
teitihtry requiriii, in his line..
. .
. . .
Tan. WA 1111nntitAlthough not at home
we oideialand the ineetinvon even.
resulted in .a .refusal ,to nay . .a
County flounty. This is to be regrdted, for
the burdens of War like Othereupensea of the
igirrstioniont should be-borne 'equally., amongst
fho PoPit;, end experience has shown that the
'lleireit, lest . buidensomemannerof distribu.
Nag these ebligetions is by assessments on the
iseperty , _ of the eountri. We'are satisfied,
that art expression cif
. the people of. the
essunty-would ahoy! . an..over7shelming majority
ilr fsvoi of iiislng the eumi to be paid as boon.
Ijei;by . • The Commissioners: of the
aeudity, ationld Jollow the :.unmiitakablew ishes
.of pre people at large,withotit regaid . to th . e
eipressiem; at that meeting: We have
ris'isOubt the dreft'wfil tie:delayed u giying time .
to fill , our quota by volunteers; if prompt meas.
urea, be taken to raise boUnties. • •'.
Tttl • MAD LOGE RW4OVIT.-- 2 1 he dead lock
in: the Senate o( Pennsylvania. hac been retim•
voli by ~the electitin of Dr.
..St. Clafr in the
place of.Msjoi White..prisoner . et Richmond.
liil.tttajority is some -12,009. . His. presence
will'seetire the oitsnizatjon of . the . Senate now
tiro Months. blocked by the Copperheads:—
.'•,14 it seldom. sr!e as many mistatements
in or volume . as is contained in the above few
""First, his MajOiity is some 1.2,000"
*heanti,re.vote of the district was only 0,586.
IR which 3,296 were ' fOr Mr.'Douglas ; ; the‘
tesimeratic Oandittite. In Indiana county the
Dtemociets refusetito vote,,intiny - of them, al
ffediini the electionto be illetialy called, while,
*sit Opponents polled a Lull votO.. Had the
paitp went into , the contest the. Abolition can—
didate would not have been chosen.
iitsi'..Abolitionisis in the Senate have here=
foont “biocleid tir e ; organization " by refusing
to go lota an election of Speaker, and—other
oflieirop while, the •bemoCrits contended that
tb. Senate poist•be.. first:organized before bu
sies!! coold : proceed. That they were in the
nielitiwnot.drnied, the: A bolitionista.dare
. not rielt:the:tiosality. of their legislation with•
.ont'ltnitreleceitien Speaker; •
kiii7tioTNlFOOD 'ON FIELD or Gkcry...S..
—.suait.—lt'hi stated that u9:100 muskets have
Imen,gathereit'up on the field ;of Gettysburg.,
Ottitesii,l4,ooo . .weree kiwi& .to he. loaded,
, 42,000 ciustainiug two loaded, and :6,000 , :fr0M
three tulen loided each.• In many.'. instances
..bolt a dozen'bills.were in on a single charge .91
,In, 'dine cases the former'' possessor
bed reversed the usual order % placing. .the
ist : tbsi bottom of the biOrel sad the powder on
E.dcgst-rionuris is unusually brisk in New
Tiork.—.Thateis Post.
!Yei,.unnsuallyvand no pockets suffer so se—
vire Ily% as plc% Sannieri, 7 ,paion a l of Co m
-. . •
Preiltlentisened the comissicin of Lieutenant
' General to.Ulyeses S.• Grant ; of Illinois. R'ep
reientativa--Walhbarse. mill either. leave to
' „Meitner
liei on. hiontlaifor -Chattanooga; , hearing
;.'l , Corkinuicisiett in.; 'perecin to General. Grant,
Ilko;tfinaheldathaunly pesition-ever conferred
• 4.alitey p ammain;tide country,. liCept Geroge
Wkeitieirteri,SiirmoarSeotVi rank of Lieutinint
,., ISPinmiti.hreing merely that otbrevet,
;.The new law is so wonted that , the r.,inuteh
- ant General ii only CoMmander in-Chief bi all
tnit armtesoind;therefora it- does not ' die t
ilelleek thri . Ifreeiilent' requests • birti . .to
%Venial RierMblicane- most 'all of the'
end mug sof -of • t ' he Border States
10 4 ,.-,!Od...egainekhe creation: Or the new
- •
',..1..-kiarri*,Z4Areb , l..—The following despatch
,Illocilp.oit'-yikie,i7ed by , Major Townsend, A. A.
- . .!l o ; • lllkkAit.'",ir- , . • I-' ' -',..- ''•,, -." -', .
- l i. .411,11/Itiiiif, %Opted to commence. the Mit on
-.iliiil lifilliiif,liii4l4*4.Piinike,it in every sato :
;4114jOrt ' ikitil l ibill 'licit'. hii,ots rsiced'its , gnota
:.;‘,..' "1 joilo...lie.:!Volifnieeri tietween the .
1 . , ' lll P,, after
felsi 'nise4siiii,`Viilie,:tSio' knowa,,ko
1'i) , 4106'0 1 40ki;! . .q54 64 dj :'/Alaßi B f.'ii, ,
..2'-'(..,:' , : , '..7'•":. - ' , `';''',;'::•4 l _P t raVOi : Margtqil-,Genksit."
. _
The Moteinent; • • '
• The onprisiron'erth 'westiqn bolitiontitq
to the, nnorinnt eiopping out,.
more 014' itni;te east
is- alsti'lhanifent repucninnte to.bis ro•election;
but tbe:cuttrent . does.not' run uitg•so..bold "oncl
st•conk'i , '...lin'illtiesdr, a., prdminenf Apolitiopiste
fayorol4 to Olins; , , ,writes t.hti',St:
Neire`Zeit • •.. •
. . . . .
. .
:•....."It'is - a public secret that the (rh.luls of Chaie•
'Frerpontand Butler, have a4reeil .to - uilite': on]
Whichever of these three ge . htlitnien bhall.receive r
the higheil tit:other nt yarns' at:-the .Republican.
cOnventiati:' Another, rumor
. ..however,': hut 1
which I shallnotendorse,,:is . that - .rreetinnet's,
trlenik Itisfsts.en it that •Ite shall'run . .as an, in
ilePcritlent ageinst . l,,lniwin, -etien... thr o ioi th e .
the latter be', niptninatell • by 'the RePublican.
Nationid Conventio'4, 'They' argue. that loie-- :
mont'hiis been treated -Coo shamefully by the
presentedrnittistration to n'ora'any-iensltlet,atton
to Lincoln; Onil.though , : , a :Penrerat,he elected.
thereby, i hey 't.bidic this, involv.es less . .tlaner;
as they have, always defended the Monroe doe--
'The Westliche adotherarticle, calls
- attention to the monsirous increase in the'nutn•
ber of ofFiee'-holdera, civil and military,' since
the' Outbreak of .the rebellion, a
frA t e , to intrust this terylfic
powe4..again-into the hands, of a .singre
Ip tirrie:of danger. incompeleneels even synony
MOW; with eritneand treasmraioinst ttie people.
A rut in'sueh times as the present are :the peo
ple to gire a free pass Inc - another term of lour
'years. , toe qynasty'of.:Simpletons; Co that they
demonstratetheirineornp.etenee once. more • m
the eine of the world.?" '
LDTAITY AND EICiiiND LINa n 'One of .his
early " : orders inlCansaa. Gan - Ewirig . announced'
a deterniination to Putin end-totheoperationsol
-the antijslavery.patriets in that-State who' were
"steeling themselves rich in the name
s of liber.
ti," , .On'recently succeeding to the .CommaMl
in this same quarter;- Gen CUrtisoff o bserve,
hasloand it necessary to. put 'an interdict on
!still another phase ol . lnyalty•amoitg. the
nest trien":of:the State. ,He.says:"
"You May rely on my doi ng all:in My pow.
er to prevent-.border, strife end „sectional'. ani—
mosities; and -I hone you' will use 'your 'efforts
to:the . :same purpose. There is 'no:reitsoh for. it'.
lye are k i the swine' mati there is not enough
.61 the.negro kit to quarrel about, andlain not
Oine to allow loyalty' to &into for Itonie
• reommuilicated. •
• . • " • . •
• Nes<rs. gdilors;--1 was much pleased to-day
to sae in your. paper a letter from' a veteran of
the Twenty-third.Rogiment Pennsylvania.vols., '
in re'gard to the fientirneuts of that .well-tried
regiment, in "regard to ' , little Mac," because,ot
triojerit) of the people think that this veterani
of the: Army of the, Potomac, as a body. are
opposedto.iilittle Mac," and that letter Will go
tar to con Vince, every. sensible Tan of his error;
for no sensible man'. in life, or. 'to :.soldier;
who i.t , a ,toftlier, end has served under "little.
Mac," can question his loyalty or patriotism,
without being guitly one
,of. the' grossest
.falsehoods. lf he is a traitor, as some people
say, why - is 'he not tried as a •traitor or proven
such,for the 'Abofit ion party are great ene-:
mies:of treason, (if all they SaY is truth), rind
if George: l3finton:l)lcelellan .is a . traitor, as
a, majority of them say, they : Ought:to prove
thaChe such before , they'accuae.
.had been n traitor', he could hive sold the whole,
army;in . front of Richmodd,'WhiCh would; have.
'ruined our ceusein Tirgihia--or, if he' had beeri•
a trsiter, he coalddiaye-admitted the whole re
bel.atmy into the loyal States Withotit making
,any show .of resistance to
,it; and: then . what
would have been the . result?-4.looilslied, in the
streets of the National 'Capital,' and:our cause
totally Jost. But he, never did: anY
,of 'these
things.'' lie'alwayS ted the. army to victory,
and never toelc.thern in any 'Mare where he
cot' hlrnot . .bring,ithem out: "Any mau 'who Will
readMcClellart's' report, and .afterWa.rds ,say
that (do not meat] a hospital pimp) .will ever
,hii honored. name coupled with that' a
traitor. Mit then if they will call him a traitor )
I think, it would be well' for them to get a trait- .
or at the head 'of the,army . of .the Potornac :for
the Coming spring . - datnp . aip; for it. has never'
'gained a victory since t:litilt Mae". left it, but,
at Gettysburg,. and, - then 'the soldiers thought
that "little Mric" was iii coornand.. Many
soldiers in the Army of the Pofordac cart testifj.
IfGen. MCClellati never has a cern
,mendagalrf, his tianrie will live '.l - dreVar in . , the
• hearts of the, soldiers who have served under,
him:: I loSta,leg under' him at Antietam, and
'tWeny - years after this I.will feel proud to say,
when I refer to thilt.lim h, 41ra,riiservifig:nn
der,"littlei Mar?" DI 3A8L1.10
.• General McClellan anti the PrCtlllency.
The Herald asserts. that General Mcelelian
... • •
.has refused:6n presidency.— ,
! conversation with ins some time ago the
General stated his • views Very. emphatically.
r Said
. het-- . .il..tio'not.want - to be•Presidettr. I'do
!net desire to he ['resident. I have' no ambi•
tion . tobe President.. • 1 1 ::' am . too young . to b'e
President. If I . Were elec:ted President, my
term of . office wonld 'soon . • be. over, and. then I
'should be an ex-P.reSitlant • while still a •young
man: „And what'an ex-President is, and, hoW
ne is prevented from doing anything effective
ly,you know ap, welt aal do. • No; my desire.
,my ambition,. is: to'be restored to my ferrite's
position in the army, se that Linayhelpte save
the country, and; if necessity: that I . may die for
her," Those were noble' Words; uttered froth
a pure and patriotic heart. Let politicians
ponder their, and blush at their own abasernent.
Presideut , 4Taboes7 the Whlsley Question.
understood thtit . 2the President is. urging
Ihis-private friends, in both houses or Congress!,.
.to kill the whiskey, so that ! he May •not
I . ave.toriet uponit. .He is unwilling to taker the
responsibility before the country of signing
such .a bill should
,it•pass and. equally
idg ' to: quarrel with tie - Powerful influence
arelliressing it. The friends op the bill
urge .upon himlhat the bill •he correct, vier se;
,whert brought before 'him for action, it is neithT
,er-hieduty - ncir,hia right to • go' behind it• and
inquire - wkat.l.i c ere the motive's of'Corigress.in
urging it This Liew thci President admits
to have some • weight, but. Would still prefer
that :his friends Shbald save him froni the,-nec
of any !talon whatevtf.•4 . •-• •
WAstitsoTon ' March 1,;•-.The Richmond 73z
atittair 'saks;---Now Oat General -Shey,man'a
fo're,e is Ithipersed withdrmsn, there . 4petits
fo'be:bat.little modify as to anything Fir;
ragut may ifaccariplish With. his fleet: off Ma
•• •
The Preshtent has . orderett 'a . reduction of
12,000 , to be made from the qticita of the State
of New York." . . . • •
,:;.- ..Thi . Florida Eipeditioni .,
.011, ,
the . 1.1 th.. 'Febrdrary Elie -.general: (sii.Y-- -
;ineiti) Centitnanding the.vxpcdition,issued an or
' rlerf.tinnouncing that up to they:tkirie.,property,
aliteirat dyer oda* and a halt millions of dol--
0,,,,:i tied fallen L intel federal, posseasion... T. hoe'
far no erMed icifemY.scerris to: s hii - ve,' been. en-.
"countered: 'A. force 'too feeble, as 'lent ter wa rd
.prOv.o.l, - to cope.wi t& the iapetior* . forCes- which
the 4,4.wera:enabled to' . ,nia - rshal iu, th e : /egion
"travel slul..,•had; fella& lID di Mellit3r.lll . ealiturkg
'and deStroyins- the stores and 'inateri el 'a•lOnitlfs
route 'Vrodu
.. the date of Gcneral.. eyrnour.s
prtielairiatiow, however, ,the shadoW ofdisaster
.seemed to have rested. upon' .h.ii ; columns.--;
Beauregard arottied4oaCtivity by news of the
lortk and, its',succeiS,'Was 'encountered air the
t , .oth at: Oluitee•on. the railrod . it between:Jack-,
sonyille: and 'l',4llahaSse;. and - Over: fifty. mites.
from the'fortneiTince. The resat or the en-.
:gagetrieat:WhiCh:edsued indic'ate's at
. once , how
little, the itriet . l‘liliiiiiy necessities - of - such. an
expedition Were inyolved in .its concepticiti, and
tO•what, extent carelessness rnay - ephfirm•ilis- , :
'aster..thifs provided for:: The' foreeii .engaged
lie stated to.have been 'as lotion's: Forty-.Sev•- •
.enth,•FOrty.eiglith and.,One Unruhed . and 'Fir,.
teen NeW. : York vultinteeri, , Fourrh'and 'Fifty- ,
fourth Massachusetts volunteers; S eventh Con
riectieut. Seventh New-l-fampstiire,...First and
i El.hth.:United :,States'. volunteers: (colored);
First ; N..C. yolunteers,-Tirsr. - Maserichusetts.
cavalry, and.-seetions.of.•the. First and .Third
United - States.artillary ; :and the. Thfrir Rhode
Island battalion. - , Neglect . on the part Of Qene
is! Seymour. to.'llirOw- citit . scouts ' and buih
-wackets seems to Alava caused our forces: to
march' anew:Wei into urran set bytrie enemy.
i The Tortieth - lklassa - e.husetts were Anought um.
dei is sudden.anit,l,vithering tire ; Which' caused
their - to retroar instantly, : . leaving their 'dead
and wounded oh the field... The.hOrses attached
• to IlarniltonrebatterkWere shot, ti4;-,etheiWith
several ganners, - beforo. the. battery'. could be'
brought into position,'and ' the •gnns were -cap
.tured. Tne entite - federal.forc'e soon found, it
'self confronted, IT: it' masked .battery,.which
sentifs hail throUgh their ranks, breaking them
up'before - fighting eMptirside , had fairly com
menced, antreeeesartating. a - retreat by: all the.
troops. The 'kisses are yarieusly. estmbited at
from twelve hundred to' fifteen heinlred men. •
_Our f9reps fell liaelt- On ',Lreksnhvilde ih pl . n'ie:
' General . Seymour is reported to haVe . been spp. 7
erseileti; . intl:Genefal V . -edges' sent to Jacks'on
ville With: reinforcements from' Gei.e , iil Gil
More, who suppress .the nevys'Of the defeat and
foibaile'cven. the miblication unite list' of kill
ed and . vvouprfelt; As
.e . ' ennServenee' of such
action on' the part of General .Gi•ftnee, the ut-
m .
most anxiety has amongthose hailing
friends .connected with • the expedition.. It is
difficult tomnderstatid*.why the•people of 'the
Nuith - aiould. kept in 'il.iiroranec regardim,' ,
the tate of relatives rind acquaintances engaged
in thellattle; and it •seems ei'ident that sueh,.
course is Only 'of a piece with the'syStem . 'which
has characterized the whole manogeineut of the .
' Nu offieial intelligence regarding the engage
ment end its .results been '.
• . .
spite of General Gilmore,a precautions; and as
that officer Might have anticipated enough, how
ever,.has found its way thepresi, through
tealior of a disastrous Military 'reverse in If tort:.
da poSsibly the 'statements are 'extravagant
it.woUlll not be remarkable if they were; let us
hope that thdy 'are . :Mangitilied. The 'follow
ing,.takemfrom a letter tram an..officer, 'and
which originally p'ubli'shed :in. the Providence
foieriiali will be readwitb inter e st. -It throws.
some light on the perfOrmancei.i of ntgrntroop's'
+to•whosi4jefection•the.publi'ti is'iiisposeti to
attribute di s ast e r.. After . 'relating the
movement of the expedition up to the time of
the battle, the writer says:
.• • - •
On Satartiay . morning, 20th, lit 7 O'cloCk,-we
started once more plaCe callet 'Like
thirty—three miies distant', Which - , if,'We
had'-sticceodedin occupying, wo:21:11 , stop sop
plies biting vent to'the Western armies orthe
enemy.. ye• rOrched 'eighteen • miles, when
we Met the enemy. We skirmished with theta
for tbe' next four miles, when :Vier found that
they were in•force•and had:formed . they line,
of bottle: Our coltirrins. mere at once deploYed
into line. and -our ail‘'arice was.soon .sharply en
gaged. Ilarriilfori's,batterywas: then ordered
forward.' • Four pieces of the battery,' includ
ing My.seetion;.were Placed in position within.
two'hundred-and fiftY.y . ards'Of tale :rebel lines,'
under-a sevire - fire of rritiskery. :, •
We 'wont in* With - f..ur pieces, fifty horses ;
,nighty -two men, 'and 'lour. officers—Captain
.11., Lieutenant Mynck,.Lieutenant.Tiodge, arid.
'myself.. l lli twenty . minutes hist. forty•four
men, forty horses,lwoliieces, and four officers.
when we managed . to get-o@ with whit( little
there: Was.-left., ~.• •• • .
. .
' • -,rt nue, our misfortune. to' have for stipports'
itegro rsginuiti ugiiek, by 7U l n sing, eitu.reo 'us to
tots otr'l) . ies. The fight •lasted three
When, finding. the small atiny'so much eat up,.
_ .
the geiieral ordered.o. retreat..
, We .'ieturned to .facksonliille, fifty-eikht
miles distant, and leached, ttiere lait ' night'at
We liar five thouiand men engaged 'on • Our
side, and lost telye hundred; as.nea'r ds I can
. .
The enemy. had.fifteen•thousand men opposed
to.us,'and.of.course.vvhipPed .us badly. Cap:-
tale .Hamilton is'Nvounded in the left arrh:aiv
erely,, and on the'. hip'. , Lieutenant Mynck is
wounded in•the left foot badly, and . ..p-obably
will loSe.some of.his' toes: , Lieutenant Dodge
is wounded in the left arm,, not badly. 1 -am
wounded in the right leg; about three inches.
above the "ankle-joint, not badly.' All of us
ofliceri.had our horsei shot under us. We are
now on board olthis.steatner bound for Beau
fort, Nvhere airthe wotinde&will be landed,ex-,
.wept us four offiedrs. ; We yeturn to, to
morrow. The battery remained at Tackson
'ville,.which I think our 'forceri will find diffi
culty'to hold, as the 'enemy were .following us
closely.' Taking everything together, we have
.done pretty sharp work, .In Mnety,bours, Ave
have. marched; one, hUndred...and ten
fought a battle of three hours: duration, got
badly whipped, and whet theto.is. left of our
little army -, is back again where we. started
(row.' . .
The',Bill to rebuild. the President's stables,
appropriationg twelve thousand dollars for that
purp'ose, passed •the NatiOnal House of, Repre
,sentatives Thursday. Pitt. Commireial, •
. • . • , • • .
• There is a delicate piece of.satire in the ab
ove appropriation, seldom reached by Congress
men or even by pedlers of, patent
. soap. Mug:
gins says , that since the coinmencernent•OfAoas-
Wass' there has been nothina about Uncle Abe
thot could be considered Jtabte . . -
FORT . SSI.IT . I6 ' Ark
.Intelligence has reached' bete . that,,Geneial
Price 'has receiyeil a sixty (lays furlolitih to en
able to go' to Texas. and Mc)ticar' The..k)elief
at headquarters and throughout the army is
that he will novel return. He left Camden. ten
days ogo,with a small escort in Citizens ilress.
IT.he War'Delinitmeet: has ine 'fears to the'
sa fety' of Gerieral'Shermaii's ..expeditlon.
• AVOTIITZ4:PqANT TO or MAtiE.—r-The Prevost,
Marsh9l. gan'eral . to-day ,announ c eid hat' it
would hd.welf for each thstrigtjo senare the .
men thai,thrycohld to. the c'tedit of their
tirets, foY:a tievedraft *mite lie, neeessaiy ° ..as
soon as-this onele . filleil.
.• • . .
istied • to-ilay.2- -
• • .
. .
. . .
.IW.'S.OFFICiEp .WASuniGrO, Nareh'i?..—lioards
'of..Fnrollment,will coMMenee*onthelOth inst.
to rrVelce the'Ali:aft in all sab. , distriet which had
not filled their:.(ptot as befere..ihe: latinse.
, • • .
volunteers who May enlist before the: l 6 7 ol . rs
actoallp fnade', be dedeeteitlforat heiuotas.
bythe Boaid of Enrollment, in . ae'oordane6 with
Ordera..to be.giveniin 'each . l eaaq: by the Acting
Matshali-Genera!' of. ,the
Sti tea.,. lithe qaota sling not filled. by :the .
'filst draft,. the' Boa rd shall.make further , drafta .
tiutil -.. the • entire: is : obtained.
'Provoit Marslial-General.
The ProvostMarshal•general to; day.
ed it member of Cone,ress thht a new
yvoititi bb ordered essoon .#s ;Pe present :one
was filled;.. • .
. . .
• The alighting of Admiral Dahlgren frOm the
Iflaltirnore.train. to (Mk. would Mdicate that
that officer has been'recallett from his command
at Chatleston. • " • • •
LETTER FROM GoyErcloic TUE rrt.Esl4,
iniNTrosiTor;;F:StOi. OF THE pRAFTASKI;D
-HAnntsnotio, - ,March 'following is
. .
opy of a letter
. addressed by the, Governor 'to
the. President Of
.the; Unilt;tl States, •en Satur:
day ' lust askioe.forn postponeinent of;the tfralt
in . PennSylvania.. the,memberi of the J..eg
islafure; signed this letter with their own
natnies,•and forwardedthe . senne to the 'United
Siates;-,Senate; commending its suggestions to
:he uttei!tibn nd action-of that. bo•ty:- t - •
. .
have to assu re yOu,ibatif the draft
h',. : pcktpcned and the hintntiPs•eontitinett
t he. ie:i.‘th of April, P , .nnsYlvapin will. have fill
!et' hii r .cittota bY.•'vOlunteers: i I 'urn ; ..itirormen
by fhe'United States'.oflieia Is having ehargo of
enlistment Ynthis.State,that we had supplied
up to
,first.of Februhry aboht seventeen-thou
sand meti.: ee' that date, enlistinents in the
with-this day, Will
be ten thousand and, although t have. not data
allogeth ,, r reliaLlo, not think•those
Eastern Division far • tho same period Will
dwel, less. , : • • •
This does mot include s'old:ers coils ted„;iii
the field duritii, the roont,ti,c;f !?ebriia'ry,.
vrhen.ascer6lhed'i 'will AID'. ! ,iovlpt largely n
•creasc the nutriher:6he ereaitt, d to' the Slate.
hav'e 'before .me. fetters r, , e.'et ved from
Major-Genera.l 131,m1-ford ;anti
Alajor-General • Gilbert,' ProVost
reply to inquiries which' I. addressed. !shprn.).
'yvhich.oppear . to sustain
.these statemen t
~ , A le,it4hile, II Observe that: the systen. ,
which haS been adopted of cre
Men not to the localities froth which they come,
but to such as'they may selent, bas rendered a
draft impossihre withou t great injustice, The'
Military population or some townships 'in this
State has beets' re'clueed. - by...volunteers, that
unless they be allowed' credit on' their quotes
.for resisdent'citizens whci have enlist-.
ed; nearly the,whOle remaninrug population of
able•bodied.rden will be:Swept away by draft..
The'same remark 'applies rmeasurably to' the
Slate at. large, it. being undthstood that. ; her
.C.itizens are ;allowed to cl edit themselves 'to
other State if they so elect:
clThe sole reason.lar allovVing credit for "vol-
Onte.tys in Milking a draft isto prevent' the. un
.exhotition - or the. military ,population of
the States in lanolines' Whose. eilizans 'have
gone freely into the mifitory:servie., . •
• "By' the system . .to which have referfed
this 'reason is. entirely lost sight .0f.,-.ll,!'atters
are even worse than if no nllowance. on the
'quotas were 'made at all; 44st - hitch as in that
case : triwriships,whiCli had sent . no men, or very
as' feW;•a volunteers, woUld.atleast be obliged to
furnish:their quota ofthe.draft, whereas at pre=
sent.t hey:way escape entirely, while the'vrifOle,
burden is thrOwn upon loyal 'loealitie4 . Irpm
which titert have gone freely:- • .. • .•
'c If I am correct in the views which I . have
expressf.yom v ill babe the. 'quota Of this,
-State tilled by the tenth of'April, whereas if a
draft. is to be made; it will probably be several
Torahs later before you got the men, even it
you should got them atoll. . •
<4.l.begto solic.it your attention to the .sub
ject matter of this lipl.ter. Vi!ry respectfully.
• . . ‘cA. G. Cina.rti.
cao fhe'President.. •
PirthAOPAWA AND 'RUM ItAmiroin.- , -The an
'neat meeting of the stoCkhdblers •et this corn-,
pany, was held in Philadelphia: a: feW day age.,
The report states.thafat the'easternend.of 'the
road ; the track has .been laid to the town of St.
Mary'S, and at the western end as revs
cox, leaving . but..2t•miles of track yet to be
lain, which will complefe the entire line of.
road, 2 . 08 miles length., With 'the'..prelent
force On the line, all .the grading . can . eaaily.be
prepared to receive, the
„track (hiring the, next
three months from the. present tinic,• and the
track finishedand in"readiness to be rtin in the
earls' per 4 of tbe month of 'dune next. t'ilteen
hundred and eixty-three men, Were sent on the
lineorthe 'read during the last Year by' the con
tractors, era cost of over $13,000.. This nutri
berof laborers were quite 'Sufficient to .have
completed the road and they remained ' . on the.
Work' but a large. portion :deserted before re
aching' their . •destinatien ".The '_
. extraordinary
of the oil wells in'horthwesternTennsyl
varilaAtill'contintres, and arraniements aye 'in
-progressfor su.clfailditional connection with the
oil. region as will, it is• believed; seetire to the
road end to this market 'a large share of that .
important. traffic 'at' the 'earliest.. practicable
.haornent . after thetotimletion of. the main line:
The, balance of the.floating debt contracted prior
to FebinarY. 1, 180na
~atninted ..to $1.18,576)
.which has since.been reduced to $32, 800.', The '
whole of thieannount the'cornriarry.are prepared
to payas sooh as the eisims ',are. presented.
The following table shows the receipts, for' the
last four year§ the finished. portion fo the
' . - . Receipts,.' ItiCredse,
1860., .. ~., . . '.,52'69,41.8 ' „ .
1 . 8.61, . :,. „.. . 35,9,436. • $81,012
.1802. . •.„ .. . ... . 443.i410 ' 92,987
1863, . ::127060 284,250
• The following managers were elected for the'
ensuing year: . Wrri,.G. Moorhead, Ellis Lewis,
Henry Pohring, .121: Ic".Tackman, C. B. Wright,
Eivard: F: Gay;,L.D.• Whetham, P.. Metcalf;
S. .G. Thompson,, W. A. Galbraith.:
. •
THE government is as AbOlition l ,in finances
as' in other matter's. It will not iteep.a
(‘-ye://oio boy,' in its 'vaults. - •
• •• • • • .
, .•HT Jll2iK ,YOEITER, ' " •
0 the, ileat . h r uf . her.B . rothirPriinklin
o. , .
ver tbe'siver they lieckoiite,me; •... '
Limed ones, who - have ero).sist to the 'other
The eleandot their snowrrobes I see,
Bit:their voices are lost on the fatther side.
We.stits not the angels that met hint tthei:eri
.The gates ca Um city. we could not sea.
•• Otte Vie Ranaliannock.rh or,
lily,brotlior stands waiting to's. ,
We knqw he . lk . sare on The - .
.Whoye all tlio angeltrand ransnmed,be:
Ovortlio rivet, the Mystic Rivet, ,'
brother la Waiting fqr ins. • :
R•o,gnly knoir that big bahluo no morn' . • ,
:Will -sail with oh e'er lifela gunny eea; ".
Yetiomewherel know, on the omen shore;
Ire will watch and beckon andlrult for me• ,
. ,
shrill know theleved ones that hays gone dolor°,
joyfully sweet will the - •
-Whenpver the river, the peaceful river, •
The angel of Deuth shall curry nio. .
•.. .
.• • .
A Wasiiixoron correspodent,st . atea that Gen.
lialleck has .announeed hp intention hi resi.gn
if the',House bill making Grant Lieutenant
General passes the Senate... •• ' •
. .
. .
Tna Pemoeretic tanding ComMittee - of Clin..
ton county met : on l'ueSda,.evening in this
'Place, and eh ß se : N. L. kiwooi) R.P.pri,s
entative, 'and S. R. PEAL E,: F.sq:, .:Senatorial
Delegate . te'the Democriale Stati COll Veraillp
to be held in Philadelphia, 911 the 211 h M .
Mareh next' •
DILAFT QM/Mt.—The following order-relative
to thedraft has just beeif issued:— .
• <AVAIL DERAI2VIIEN . T, Provost Marshal Geie.-
Office, Washington, Feb, 25, 186 t'.-Cir
cular No. 7.—L Boards Of enrollment 'will at
once commence to prepare .cards''' for drifted
inen.enrolled;Anclading the second class: The
cards:will be uniform in shape, size and . color
,those of the first class will;-contnitt t'he'
name aml residence of the person enrolled, with
the number which.iS-opposite 'his name on , the
enrollment lists. • • • •
. .
4.11. narnee of,persons striCken:frarri the'
lists, either of class 1 or 2, under the'proVrsions
of Circulai. No. 101, dated NoSvernher.l7;
tor . manifest permaneu,t physical disability. nd
nonresidence, will not be placed in the 'box' or
wheeli nor the names of these who were dratted
and held to service or paid .commntatien; dr
furnished it substitute, udder the' preliminary
part ; of the dralti ri 1,363:
The r:atne's of those .knowb to be,actuilly in .
the service at the date of the receipeof the or
for the draft will also be left out or-the box or
Wheel. The narries or all 'othe:r persons. enroll;
ed will. be put in the - draft box:. " •
Tay:Procost Marshal—Gen."..,
. .
QTICE Is. hereby . given•• that a 'rniiefing of
- 1:1 the. Si - on:holders, af.th.e M'Kean Railroad
and Navigation Company' %ill' be held at the
office of Byro'n3).• Hamlin, in, the Borough 'of
Smethport; M'Kcan county,. Pennsylvania, he.
Jilt; the •olfice of, said company, on 'the
teenth day•of March', 186.1, at elet.;en. o'cloCk•
A. M.; for the `purpose electinga President
anirsix.Directcirs fot the-erisiting. year. •
Ay ALTER C.. HOPKINS., Secretary.
..... r d,,thport,February 2!, iso
t he 11 . ,..6 . eipt,-:
..rl<.'eTtii'•(... , olinty., rot.
.the yezit.lo- 1 -'7 41 ".'• -• •t- •
, . .
Received' from delinq u ent'Collentore, --•••• ..8510):37 55
IReceived from Seated ',la x' 1 . .1 3803.. ..... .; .' -'l,Oll f 3
Received from llnsenteu i . .. , 4 fur 11•62 & lri63_.. . . .IS I I
. . . . .
. .. .
~. . . ..
..• .. . . , . .
Vaal. Receipts: .............., • ••• - **** . ' •-• ' ' . : 1 • 7 ' 27 ' r ' s
Exeess.uf expenditures over . :*ee` ,l P" •••••••' 7,U.A • In
--:-- •
. .
.• • • • P . •
; • 1,9'237' 01
Paid (Irao•l..turnrs „ . •••' • • • "
Traverse Jurors'
' • • etier'and Tipstoves ... ... •,•••••••
'• .Citnstables , lloturns• ..... - •••••••••• • .
qualifications .. ... ,
..:Wolves and Foxes Bounty '
. '2 is
17 00
.• ' A ssOsors
.• 17
:11ettairs Public Buildings ' . '
. .
. ....... • • • -.
•.•:‘, • •penninntw ....
ealtb'Oosts .... ' . • 126.
. Puhlte•Prilding
•. Bridge Repairs . ••• ....... . G'S'o 3 I
" Locating -lload from. Ilasnlin tn. Ty'. •
• . lersbnrg ' • 301- 00
‘• • Tax Refunded ...-.»....'....._........23 DO j
Running Anpin township lino .....—. • 1.1(1 , 145
. 4 Blank Bonk and Stationery .• .. 011
Electltins . . . ...... .1.40 23
. .
aittlgtuevit Itatictst Courityoil
~• She riff • , 3 2.5 .
' 4 %bate Commissioner Davin ..... • . 22 25
Late Commiisioner Sta-rk
Cotnmlft.sioner Core-in
Cgmlniokioner I.lal4vrin: • A G. II All6l Ilkle Cle`rk . 2l 00
W. 8% Urlat.t. Clerk .... .. • ' 200 00
. IWltness6s have Auditoig • • • 11 8.1
touse of•lleftme 388-77
, .
. .
". Western Penitantiary ...--.-:........'.. . • 13. :12
"' Miguellaneoua.. •--•.....=—.....:',...:-- : l5 05
'' Prntlyinotary,,Cliadwiek ;.....-.., . • ' 153 51
" - nterest on atinrt House Order' .L_..: • ••• 13 83
".. ttorney . Milano .- ' • • • ' ..30.00
. . . ,
, .
-. Total Eipendiliirea' '•' ' ..$3,813 01.
Orders ontstanding , ..... , . $OOl 15
Orders outstanding on intayeat 3'll 03
Jtelainentangaillet Onunty 318 00
Oominiasidners' 'wages .balance for. 1803 .15.93
- Elerk 'a wages balance' for 186:I..-- : . '50 . 00
Estinutte:of - Evponses for 1 . 801 1:500 00
Estimate of ixoneralionarand coMmissions
on unseated taxes '• . 530 25
• ..
Exoneration. and cotranieudonri on - seated tax, . 302 311
Eicesn of Eeneureeti above liabilities •
,0,901 lo
... , .
_ .
lly amount due from deinquent• Collectors,' • 's6oB.oo
Duo on unseated tax for 1862 and.lBt3 ..... . i 6 377,40
Duo . on seated tax for 1861 7) mi11e...-_::: 2,155 62
On unseated tax (to be collected 1ri,..1560) - 3,431,04
To orilers Clrawn.for relief of familiesin..lBo3 $l2O NI
. . . .
Ordorvrintotanding -...-..'....;.......«... - 95.06
Intorent - paid on bounty
. Bonds ' 268 80
Balance to be proilded for Jan. lot .18631..: 1;997 11
Estimate of CoMMilitiiollll and exonurationo ' . 220 62
Interest' on Bounty Donato bo paid Aug. ?W. 208 811
Exaeao In favor of Rena Fund ............ .... 120 24
By ammint4un from deHrepier4 Collectors $143 (10
Seatpd tax'for 1801 , ; : .. ... .. 703
thaseatea tax. (to be colleiAcd in 1.506)•....... , 1.141 . OS.
2,2 06 23
. , . .
. • . . .
-We the undersigned,Cominissionern of Alllitan'county,
do certify that the lorekolng .statiiintiiit of the 'funds,
'Receipts and I .lx pehditiires of, said County .for.the year
.1863 Is coved,' te tho hest ,of. our khowledie.. .Witness
our . hands
,at Stnethport, jUguary lst,, 1861. .•.. .
. • . A : 1' BREWER,
. .
. ... . • • . .J. 111, 11;11,1/3VIN,.
.' ' : . • • 11. C. CORWIN, .'
. .
'Attest, ' - - . • Cenzmisiourr,c.
'; W. S.. Ortiir, Clerk. .: .. ,-. .. ' . .. •
. .
• Foreign . Attachment ., • '•
ale The Commonwealth ,of Pennsylvania,
to the Sheriff ofsaid County; Greeting:
We 'command you that yoti;altsich L. T. HAI?,
PER, late of. your County, by all and lingulay,
his'goods and,' chattel, rights, 'monies and
credits, lands and , tenements, in ._whose hands
or, possession soever 4he 00410:may .so, that
he be and appear before.our Court of. Common
Pleas, lobe holden at Smethport, in and.for said
County, on the Fourth Monday of February,
inst., there to atiiiyer: of a plea
of Tresspriis .the.caie upon promises. (Bail,
requited jn'S2st)f sand also that you summon -
L. T'4 , Prirper that h'e . ,hriand-appear before our
Court on,the said' fourth :MondaY 'of
. February
to, answer what shall—be'ohjected..
or, them, and ahid'e'the -,ltidgm'ent of the Court
.therein; and,ha . ve:you that, anti there this vrrit...
-- . Witness . the — _Honorable 11.. G.
B .gr fi e m n p ne Worrr., President Jude.g'.. of said .
.... Court atiSmetliport the 10til.day
,Febritary, A.D.; 1893.. .• • .
. • „.-• JNQ..II. CHADWICIt, •
. • Pro . ifioixotary.
And no*, December 2.01,.1803, the .Court
oider.ihe Publication of the' writ. • of Foreign
Attachment, issned in this rase, in the'M'Kean .
County Democrat for sik weeks .apd.-id the.
Philadelphia Daily. Inquier for six insertions.. '
By , die Conk. - .J . NO. 11. CDADWICK..
Foreign Attachment
. .
The Ceimmonwealth *ofPenisylyaniii,
to the Shetjfi of said county, Greeting:
We co:mmand. you that : you attach- GP.Oj2GE ,
W. Rka,..late of yorr.Connty,hy, all and singe
lar; his geode and 'chattels., rights;' riopies:antl.
'credits, landi.and tenements., in whoie handi
possession soeVer, the same may :be, so that be
be and'appear before` our' Court Common-.
Bleas,.'to be holden at Srnethport, in' and; (or .
- . said:county-on the Fourth 'Monday of DiSceinber•
there - tp.answer CliA3lllEßLAlN
use.of•Cf„\ FlAust:, of 0 plea -in 'a ction.
of•deht. (Bail in' $ . 1900' requi . red)Land, alio.'
that you summon all yersons.having possession.
of'•Defendnnt's property, so. that they-be end'
appear before'otir Court on tile said 4th Mon--
day of December to.antwer what s 4111;e
-jected againit'hitn'or.them, and libido the jinlg..;
meet of the Canrt therein; and . have'you' then ,
and there this wri . t., •. • '
• Witness the. Hondrable. R-. G.
of. said
Court,: ot -Smethport,..tha.-secotitl
day•of tV-rember " A.. ' '
' 11.;CHADWICIt, Piothonotary.,
And ,. o‘v, December . - 20 1803, the Court.
.order thO.puhlication of. the -.Writ of Foreign .
Attachment, issued in 'this case; in-the M'Kean
County. Deftrincrat• for six . weeks-and iit the
Olean A k
dvertiser ir 'six weeks •
By the .Gourt. •
. • .. R. CHADWICK, 'Prude's,
Fdreign 'Attachment
( --- T 0 A The CorotoOnwealth 01 PennsylVnia,
. 1 . 1 -"°_: , to the. Sherill of said coOnty,'Grreito.g,-
. .
.'command you: that you attach• .6nonns
-1V;13.1.:-'‘, late your county, by all and sin
aular, his gnodS ato! chattels, rights, monies
nod cretlit.s . , lands : and tenements; in'ivhose
hands'or pOssessjon , soever •the . ianrie . m4
that he he and appear before our Court' of
Gcnrimoti.Plec.:, to be holden at Smethport,AO
and fnr:said county .'Oit the Fourth
Sitpterulter - inst : ', 'there to' answer' C.
Beier: of a pletr•of a..surOpsit.
~,. •
reritiired in' • ti..:3o(ty.; hnd.also tht.yOu
autnindn all persons' h.t%'iog'possessioni of de.:
fendant.'s property so that they be and appeai
before nor Court' an. the Fourth Monday of
S.eptem.ber to shower 'what shall be Objected .
against him or.th , m, and abide the 'judgment
of.dhe Court therOin; and hai•e.you then and,
there'this.,writ.; ~ • .
Witaesa', the •H9lPlabfo R.,
it" ' n4e Pre=ident e ea'.. : stamp : -•; ,• , -
-••• G'ourt; Smethpo-t
-'Septerrtbor,.A. B. 1583. .•
•. • CIIDIVIC Prothoola .
• • Ahd.nowi: December thr Curt
order of 'the %VIA of Fn . i g
A rtnrhrnOtit,istie'd in this 'tt.se', in the M'ttent?
. Democrat• for six weeks the
°kin A forsix weeks.. . •'
. the dourt.
JINTO, 4..enAmvitk., Proth'y::
," ' • Foreign Attachment
The Comurnn wiajt h E Pqn . , oy I vania
o:t he fiihctiff ol.sai i Count y.(;,:,,fting.:
. .
eOroinand. you, that oii. attach Wim.:1,61
(.' o paacirr,' - late of your County, by' ned
ill r. his goods and 'chattels, . .inOnies .
; ,6,1 - e ce‘.!its . , tenth; and tenements, .in
. whose
hands M . jitesession, soccer the same may', be,,
Bo ,16 ( 1,,,b 0 and 'all}ear Hefrire, our Conn of
Common he.holderr 'at ..Smethport,th.
and. for said cavil tyi..on t yourth :Monday of
11), ! eember'nexi.; l 'horelo answer'.l94N . Bt Ktt.m•
alit! E . IIWARL , L. Loi . for.the rise of JOU: , S. Ku.irz ,
of a pleatn4ction of tt esspass on the case lion: ;
deft on contract. ' (Bail ir;'.seventy five thouiand
dollars 'required); and also that 'you .summon
all persons' having -possessim,' ..defcrulaitt7n4.
property so that they.. be a,nd app.nat before our
Court on the said Fourth Monday ol:.Docembor•
next to answer what shall .be objected againt.
them, and abide the judgment 'of the%
.Court Oerein; : and liat , e'yoir then. and 'thine
: —.li ' venue WitiTr:** President Judge '
of said'.
: stamp • • • l. •
• • Court,. at Smethoo{t, thof'second.
_ _
JNO. R. c.H.o.wic.K,,prothonotary.
- And. now, beeeinber 18G3;.' the .Court.
'otderthe .. .publication of the: writ ~of foreign
•kttachment, issued in this casei•in-the - M'Kean.
County '.Democrat for six . weeks and in the.
New York Pnily Tribune for six 'insertions. .
By the Court. ' , .• • . ..•
CHADWICK, Prdth'y..
812,935 00
Foreign Attachment,
•-; 812,03,5 01
OSThe Commonwealth 'Of. Pennsylvania
to the Sheriff of said County„ Orettinki:
We'comninnd you that you attach WiLt.rnm.
lute of your County; by all and sin
gular, his goodS' and•chattels, rights,: monies.'
and credits, lands and - tenements, in whose
'hands or possession . .soever .the - same 'may'bei
no that he tre: and appear' before•our Court of
Comnion P)eas, to be'holdon at. Smethport, in,
Mid for .said 'coiihty, 'on 'the Fourth . . Mod - day'of
Decembeinext;•there to answer Joni , ' S. Ki.va
and EDWARD LEE for: the. use of.J9iiN:S'.,-
:XlNri,of a 'plea; in Fiction
. of trespass: On the
.case founded' oh contract: - (Bail in seventy ;
five thousand dollars; required); 'and' also thee.,
you summon all' persona having possession 'or
defendant's proPerty so that they be'and appear.
before our - Court on , the said - Fourth Monday
of.Pecember* next, to answer What: Shall be
objected.against . him or there, and abide the'
judgment of the Court 'therein; and have you'
then and there this Writ, . ; • '
' • ' Witness' the 'Honorable ..R." ,
-•Pi . esident . ..Judge of said'
-.• Court,.nt Smethport, the Second.-
dayof November, A. D,.18(;3:''
52,Q06 :113
CHAPWlCK,,Prethonotar Y • .
And now, December • ,
.1363, the:Court
. • ~
Order the publication of the : writ of•Forotgrf
Attachment, isFued-in-thircase in the M'jCeah,
Count:it Derriocrat for six ‘seeks •and in the.:
NeW Yeik Daily tribune for'Six insertions:
JNO. R 011ADIVICK.; ProtCy
Witness 'R.. 'G.