=OEMMIE=ZEIN .''#,4iiiiiiitileii,iiii;ii:'' i,..:-::::.);',,,,......•.,.,-',,,..--7,-:::', :,....,....• tzlitaxeli , 6; 1864- 31 4" 1 /8614 ATIO SEYMOUR. ..irlitii!vAt.:; . 0 • .New • • Mil McCt ELLANN Report :i t iriNe-nr; n lfieiiii Reports ,which. .have al ,!tc‘itt!Pftpet..,l.the:ltenort. is . .."0014*1„ a ilice,in itoppli m enta c r abeeit., -**,strpli.:tiie:JottanAii. in a hirni. convenient Nair ilareasrwatiO, and by' a n. index; '!i'lii'`fwd',double numbers the R irk4,)l[;loic by New dealert,.,at tw e nty cen t s ssacht':"..ey f iljik o la n t by.'mOlhy the Publisher, W. C:Cattnitnit,; . .l92 , ProidWl.Y; on • redeipt of 'priett;ter4 0114; for "the.-two numbers. . • Pine` “Bannett House" he ikure!maitehi Fr. *. t'vh. wasdglyanstalled,,,ass "mine host, : on Tuesday G. his : experience. and ,the tact nasts*ty to successfully.. manage a first clasp liefelw:Trairelere wins' stop atitiks house will haviseM j sitise to regret the Choice.. ' ' IlloWnwt.r.'s 4 , Ckeiiii Cash Store''ii *IMO open to the public, and a stock of aeleit siessunable- goodipliered for Sale.-- iequited the reputition of a fair destiet and of selling atlow prices; no fears geed,tia, entertained that this well 'earned iep .l‘tlitioti will not be jolly sustained •• 'Teen SumUn.L Tin STone.LThe public will bi pleased. to learrithet L. I•lir` Komi is about to open'tsitbeold tiSide lull Stare" again'. ',He . , - . • kap potchased general assortment of Stoves, And Hollow-ware; tnd , will manufacture ' and keep - on band :everything the wants , of the teitihtry requiriii, in his line.. . . . . . Tan. WA 1111nntitAlthough not at home we oideialand the ineetinvon even. resulted in .a .refusal ,to nay . .a County flounty. This is to be regrdted, for the burdens of War like Othereupensea of the igirrstioniont should be-borne 'equally., amongst fho PoPit;, end experience has shown that the 'lleireit, lest . buidensomemannerof distribu. Nag these ebligetions is by assessments on the iseperty , _ of the eountri. We'are satisfied, that art expression cif . the people of. the essunty-would ahoy! . an..over7shelming majority ilr fsvoi of iiislng the eumi to be paid as boon. Ijei;by . • The Commissioners: of the aeudity, ationld Jollow the :.unmiitakablew ishes .of pre people at large,withotit regaid . to th . e eipressiem; at that meeting: We have ris'isOubt the dreft'wfil tie:delayed u giying time . • to fill , our quota by volunteers; if prompt meas. urea, be taken to raise boUnties. • •'. Tttl • MAD LOGE RW4OVIT.-- 2 1 he dead lock in: the Senate o( Pennsylvania. hac been retim• voli by ~the electitin of Dr. ..St. Clafr in the place of.Msjoi White..prisoner . et Richmond. liil.tttajority is some -12,009. . His. presence will'seetire the oitsnizatjon of . the . Senate now tiro Months. blocked by the Copperheads:— .'•,14 it seldom. sr!e as many mistatements in or volume . as is contained in the above few ""First, his MajOiity is some 1.2,000" *heanti,re.vote of the district was only 0,586. IR which 3,296 were ' fOr Mr.'Douglas ; ; the‘ tesimeratic Oandittite. In Indiana county the Dtemociets refusetito vote,,intiny - of them, al ffediini the electionto be illetialy called, while, *sit Opponents polled a Lull votO.. Had the paitp went into , the contest the. Abolition can— didate would not have been chosen. iitsi'..Abolitionisis in the Senate have here= foont “biocleid tir e ; organization " by refusing , to go lota an election of Speaker, and—other oflieirop while, the •bemoCrits contended that tb. Senate poist•be.. first:organized before bu sies!! coold : proceed. That they were in the nielitiwnot.drnied, the: A bolitionista.dare . not rielt:the:tiosality. of their legislation with• .ont'ltnitreleceitien Speaker; • kiii7tioTNlFOOD 'ON FIELD or Gkcry...S.. —.suait.—lt'hi stated that u9:100 muskets have Imen,gathereit'up on the field ;of Gettysburg., Ottitesii,l4,ooo . .weree kiwi& .to he. loaded, , 42,000 ciustainiug two loaded, and :6,000 , :fr0M three tulen loided each.• In many.'. instances ..bolt a dozen'bills.were in on a single charge .91 Metier, ,In, 'dine cases the former'' possessor bed reversed the usual order % placing. .the ist : tbsi bottom of the biOrel sad the powder on E.dcgst-rionuris is unusually brisk in New Tiork.—.Thateis Post. !Yei,.unnsuallyvand no pockets suffer so se— vire Ily% as plc% Sannieri, 7 ,paion a l of Co m -. . • -Gzaar MADE LiEU7I6Nit3T•GINELM—The Preiltlentisened the comissicin of Lieutenant ' General to.Ulyeses S.• Grant ; of Illinois. R'ep reientativa--Walhbarse. mill either. leave to ' „Meitner liei on. hiontlaifor -Chattanooga; , hearing ;.'l , Corkinuicisiett in.; 'perecin to General. Grant, Ilko;tfinaheldathaunly pesition-ever conferred • 4.alitey p ammain;tide country,. liCept Geroge Wkeitieirteri,SiirmoarSeotVi rank of Lieutinint ,., ISPinmiti.hreing merely that otbrevet, ;.The new law is so wonted that , the r.,inuteh - ant General ii only CoMmander in-Chief bi all tnit armtesoind;therefora it- does not ' die t ilelleek thri . Ifreeiilent' requests • birti . .to %Venial RierMblicane- most 'all of the' end mug sof -of • t ' he Border States 10 4 ,.-,!Od...egainekhe creation: Or the new - • ',..1..-kiarri*,Z4Areb , l..—The following despatch ,Illocilp.oit'-yikie,i7ed by , Major Townsend, A. A. - . .!l o ; • lllkkAit.'",ir- , . • I-' ' -',..- ''•,, -." -', . - l i. .411,11/Itiiiif, %Opted to commence. the Mit on -.iliiil lifilliiif,liii4l4*4.Piinike,it in every sato : a ;4114jOrt ' ikitil l ibill 'licit'. hii,ots rsiced'its , gnota :.;‘,..' "1 joilo...lie.:!Volifnieeri tietween the . 1 . , ' lll P,, after felsi 'nise4siiii,`Viilie,:tSio' knowa,,ko 1'i) , 4106'0 1 40ki;! . .q54 64 dj :'/Alaßi B f.'ii, , ..2'-'(..,:' , : , '..7'•":. - ' , `';''',;'::•4 l _P t raVOi : Margtqil-,Genksit." . _ The Moteinent; • • ' • The onprisiron'erth 'westiqn bolitiontitq to the, nnorinnt eiopping out,. more 014' itni;te east is- alsti'lhanifent repucninnte to.bis ro•election; but tbe:cuttrent . does.not' run uitg•so..bold "oncl st•conk'i , '...lin'illtiesdr, a., prdminenf Apolitiopiste fayorol4 to Olins; , , ,writes t.hti',St: Neire`Zeit • •.. • . . . . . . . :•....."It'is - a public secret that the (rh.luls of Chaie• 'Frerpontand Butler, have a4reeil .to - uilite': on] Whichever of these three ge . htlitnien bhall.receive r the higheil tit:other nt yarns' at:-the .Republican. cOnventiati:' Another, rumor . ..however,': hut 1 which I shallnotendorse,,:is . that - .rreetinnet's, trlenik Itisfsts.en it that •Ite shall'run . .as an, in ilePcritlent ageinst . l,,lniwin, -etien... thr o ioi th e . the latter be', niptninatell • by 'the RePublican. Nationid Conventio'4, 'They' argue. that loie-- : mont'hiis been treated -Coo shamefully by the presentedrnittistration to n'ora'any-iensltlet,atton to Lincoln; Onil.though , : , a :Penrerat,he elected. thereby, i hey 't.bidic this, involv.es less . .tlaner; i as they have, always defended the Monroe doe-- 'The Westliche adotherarticle, calls - attention to the monsirous increase in the'nutn• ber of ofFiee'-holdera, civil and military,' since the' Outbreak of .the rebellion, a frA t e , to intrust this terylfic powe4..again-into the hands, of a .singre Ip tirrie:of danger. incompeleneels even synony MOW; with eritneand treasmraioinst ttie people. A rut in'sueh times as the present are :the peo ple to gire a free pass Inc - another term of lour 'years. , toe qynasty'of.:Simpletons; Co that they demonstratetheirineornp.etenee once. more • m the eine of the world.?" ' LDTAITY AND EICiiiND LINa n 'One of .his early " : orders inlCansaa. Gan - Ewirig . announced' a deterniination to Putin end-totheoperationsol -the antijslavery.patriets in that-State who' were "steeling themselves rich in the name s of liber. ti," , .On'recently succeeding to the .CommaMl in this same quarter;- Gen CUrtisoff o bserve, hasloand it necessary to. put 'an interdict on !still another phase ol . lnyalty•amoitg. the nest trien":of:the State. ,He.says:" "You May rely on my doi ng all:in My pow. er to prevent-.border, strife end „sectional'. ani— mosities; and -I hone you' will use 'your 'efforts to:the . :same purpose. There is 'no:reitsoh for. it'. lye are k i the swine' mati there is not enough .61 the.negro kit to quarrel about, andlain not Oine to allow loyalty' to &into for Itonie • reommuilicated. • ,DIS,II.ILED SOLDIER SPLAKS FOR. • . • " • . • i8(11. . • Nes