M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, March 05, 1864, Image 1

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    `VOL 5.
tfountv Eleittotrai
' By J. B. MATT,
TE/1718:::-'.'.'6:- *2 o.o.iii'Adiran.6,e;
Bates of Adierfising
• • • • 'Foluruuono y enr .'.«:,.~. ~.:.i . •
, ‘• . 00
- € l. • al x .. .... . .1? OD
4 1.200,
17 a ' s ' ‘ of ' .l2 i - nsettione
t*.ll subaequeut • 4.
cards with paPer... . ... . ' • D 00
•Roze or fighre ; • werkjviki. be double the lbu've :rates.-
lineB.llrevicx type, or eight Ilona tienputell, is
• Er' these idols will be strictly adheted to. 11..;
fBitsi . ii:tos • Elittrtpii):
THE SUBSCRlKER;anriti . uncessto the Public
.that he haepurchused the stock.of•the stiL,
loon formeily kept by W. H. Baker, 'West, side
Public Square,
where he is 'prepared to refresh. the inner man
with' all the delicaees at a first
<lasi/CREST A URA NT. • '- • •
'FRESH - OYSTERS served, , to order, either
taw or cooked'. ' • •• •
Thost . who favor nie their. patronage
'shall. hi.ve-no eause.to cotnplain,•either do to
pricei or quality.
SineOport„S'ept.2-Ith, •,
- tnethpert, 31 , Keaneo,; ra. S . M Anus, raprietor
....oppeeite the Csirt•llutts'e. ,A new - ,•l.rrge, cum.:odi
ous-and well furnished home.. ' ' • . .
DR; - W. Y. ArcOyi
• Siriet :
Dealer in Dry Gowl4, Crixeries• CrotiieryYllardwar?,
Stun';, Hats, Cam Glass, Nails, 'Oils &c., &c..
• East side °title Public Squire,,litneibpart; • Pa.
..., • .. 1 . 4 - : .. I•ZLATIj,. ' •
PORTAGE, McKean Co., Pa
THE SUB . SCRIBER flatters himself, from
long f ! xperience, that he cannot: be excelled, in
Particular attention - will be paid to CUSTOM
- .WORK. For
. the convenience 6r those • living'
at a distance wishing to have limning On.4bares
.haye heen made M'ith
itt P9ll' Ali hp Will take the de—
li re.ry qt . the Hycirs'and . theliea.theT.will be re,
turned . to Stofe, when .tanned. '
The ia • rgesi tiricelxiii be paid for Hyties,eith.,
er in Cash, LEATHER',BOOTS,,SHOES, or
Ir. , ißNiqs's . , left : at Dolle v?s- or my tawrary.
Entire:satisfietion . gi , ;ed..
Corfneeted with roy...ttinaerf l'have a Boot 4 1 . 4
Shoe factory, and'Harn!ss Sht p,
. ' • L. L. HEATH
Portage, .
•"Theoldest and heal of the 'Weeklies:"
. •
. . .
, , 'The Peepri r*me et the Sri to .11n y 'Pre n ins Pori-,erliteli
paper ii ele iu L Furl y- air., I;dr.'4neuld.siiiiply am
ununce in their Preepectua for 10-1, that th•iy iM,iiiii
maintaining let 1.1. I it witekly the:lthida character it ha , : al
ready actin i reti•aa' • . • .
• Ciasfi
. .
They reason to belie that the .storm,, , of - MRS.
1V00,1);, author of —East 1.T.tue,!: . A.c.,• MISS 1111ADDOS,
ItuthOr of.4 4 .,Eleaor , sTiqtor , ' l ' &c.: 11A-1110.W 11A lILAND,
.author ; LLISS FiII(ILNIA. A. TOWN:
5 - EN and huillerouh other•e x . cellec t,ivritdrs•teave been
geuerally rotorded as peSsessin . g the..greatest• and
the most absorbing' hnteresfr and am, de-iB4 procuring
for, The Post in 'ow rotoeB 08 in the past,, the best Styr
Sketch i.s, and othei Litt mil/ s wide]; they 'calk
possihl They . Intend • eennueuei ng , kn . the 'first
paper in January, .. • • " • •
• Autbni ill' 1 (Myst I,:vtine
from ad vanc e' sa ee c- prr 731,yf0 Ova Wed t•i from
. .
Tbia atory, will b called • - , GG :
.; •
05W,1%._141) Vf .AY
.and wilibo about thti length. of :"reinerls*Pride'r and
Lynne, , ? • --• • • •
. IWadilitleti to the Storie, written'expresiiry ter The
Pds;, its• Editor also strlem, to lay befo're its readeri, the
twPit Sierles (role the 800 Joh Pnriodicals, and gives in ad
dition to the Tales and Sketches, more or less 'Agricul
tural Matter, with a Riddle, Receipt, N.*l4, nod. lilarket
Deptirtiumit-s,-eyery week • ••" .
W G-
. .
willgive to any person . tending thirty subscr iptions
to The - Post and Sixty Dollars , one of Inerler• 4- Wit
son'S Celebsatret Sewing' ,21Thehines; such se they sell.
for Forty-five Dollars. The machines will be selected
new at the mennfactory in New -Itork,,,,boxed and for:
warded - free.of tiost,' with the exrept ion. of Ij:eight. , •
In procuring - the subscribere fur this Vrenium . We pre
'ter that the thirty subscribers should be procurred at the
rektilar terms of Two Dollars for. encli;, bet where this
,cantiot be done, they may be Mrocurred atunr club rates,
and the balance of the Sixty Dollars foiwarded to• no - in
ctuilitiy the persondesiring the machine, • The paper Witt
sent..-to thiforent Post Offices if dtSirerl: „Every per
Jon colleoting name's should send them with -.the money
as feet an obtained so.that the' stibecriberA May. begin' .at
one to'receivn their papers, and net 'moon, disactlstied
with:the defer... When - the whole number of :mines (thir
ty) and the whole amount of money ( S iAtydollare,) ie re
ceived; the machine will he alit forwarded . ,
. •
•ii.eopy t one year,......................... ..-..-......4....' $' 2.00
• , 2 .91 ,1 e0,0, 0 e Pi0r,,................;...•«,...--;, ... . '..... , 3 011
' 4 oople,p, o ne year,. ,;,' - •.. ~........:..... ,;. :... 000
8. oopleA t and one to getter , up'of alit; •. .... ..;.. 12.00,
4'..11-cetles, and. one to getter,upagaoo,..... ~...—..-. 28.00
ao copy of Tne Post.atut.orte of The - Loolyq.
• . . Frienck.3'.oo
. .
Subseriberain British NOrth v itznerica must remit tarn
ty tents in addition' to 'the Annual su,bseriptiorti,aa..tce
have 'to propay.the U.S. postage on their . papers.
.11:7!'•As tlto price Of Thr Post le the name Rs that' of
The Laity's,Fricitd,.ther globs may, be,;composed. inclu
sively of the papotycir partly Of the paper and partly,. Of,
the magazine. orcqurso the premium may be either one.
orMie othei,ats desired. , • • , ... •
irrt the matter in the Paper,nill always be different
'from that in the magazine. , •
!.R7. 'Specimen numbers of The . Pugt tient gratin;
,No. Whims tSt..rhilit.'
. 0/sip:MN 711 , 113 . ? FENTOCIiT
(Nhrn.the Atini:ot the Oninbetlend ietook,the battler
field Oh lckateugei-vn the 27th . pf Nov( niberi Leak iede
of our dead of thule . t . l,i'bf,A . ep , temher ley,,dpop the 11010
.. .
. . .. ,
•, A riven eat 'on a bloott-stelned 'Montt .::' •, .. - r.
And peeked away at a fleshless boleti: , •: . '
...':- Singing hie Sobg in a raven tone"; , •• : ~ .;- .f '
;,, that !ahead irtld aka ?MP" moan-,:;'
.. . .. , . .
Merl he fl apped hiawinga..and hopped !Tay
Over the ground of the'dieidful fray, ••• .
lii search of a motif nutricioue prey;
'Shouting aloud hie omlneue lay— : .
—• . , : Warr War! War!: • ~,,'
Still dipplini winge,ha hopped eiroand
To a noble form at retched•on the trioundi':
A human frame on MI implant mound, • ,
SAM abotiting aloud ,the doleful /10A114 7 -
" War War .
Then ?lighting There on the hernia breast;
Where a•fOrm.of beauty once lound vent—
Where a .fond affection Oft wan bleat=
He cried, as he plumed hie raven crest
• ' . War! War! War! . ,„
aonii tlifi inouldetines ileckwas torn apart
With a raven's al.lll and a raven's arti
'Ti . ll tho eril.bird had reached the heart, .
Cryingligain_._l4l I li a!) anw 'start—
• • War! War! "War!' " , •• •
. . .
The heart that had once so proudly beat ` - ...
'lti the qUiet hold') Or thebusy street,.'• "'
With-its hopes of life, was woofs meat; I .
Nixed lilts the song with the
• ..'. : Warr iVar! Mac: •' '• ' .
When the red moon lighted op the gait,
-.Thebird Of fate prelonged his feast ••
With his idle time fromfistan leased, • ,
And hoarselicroaked, like a eavage,beast,—.
War! War: . •
. . .
:And with fiendish pride he sank his beak,
Tearing the tleah from the inanly cheek,
Swalloa ing still each quivering tleak,.
Whilst - the echoes caught his angry shriek—
Then lifte.bislieid, of tbebliekeetAye,
.The bloodAtnined beak strikie the hero , e 'eye,
And in echoes•reaching to the aky . : . .
Btillihciarser:cornes the raven's • .
Wall - War! WO! , ' . •-•
Thit cheek r thst eye, that,,sci kindly .
With a bring trust so.pure 'and' . • •
To bless. per haps, n' wife or child,
Was 'food. for the bird with song so wild—
War! War! War! . ' .
A gdioits.Offence:
Calling Democratic. traiiors,,or,sympathikers
with:treason, is a serious offence. At the:re
cent terrn.ot,tbe Scott County Circuit poyrt 7
,Clark sued K.imberlin for calling him' ,traitor.
The, facts. Were about 'as follows: . .
In this month of August last Ferris, a De,m—
ocretovas endeavOring to get up, a. subscipt ion
'by the Citizens to aid in making up 4. company
for the Union army. - Clark had
fifty dollars, and he, and Ferris were soliciting
the persona who came into town to put doWn
their names for sueh•amounts as they. could .
spare.. Among . other Ferris approached Kim
berlin, a violent Republican,. who said, he had
.no money. to spars. .gome, conversation 'was
had about loyalty,, when. Terrlisaid the names
on the subscriptionfpaper
,were a pretty 'good
test of loyalty.' ,At this Kimil i griin became
very angry,, and at- this. tirrie Clark atteinpted.
to.spetrk to 'him, but bad only 'said the Wards,.
"Uncle Dan," whenKimberlin . turned to him ,
in 'a very angry manner rind said: • «I want
nothing to do With.yott,you,are a disloyal man
and a traitor to .your country?" Refusing, to
retract, !'lark .sued him fOr the 'slander, and
the suit.resulted in a jedgnient for two hundred'.
and' seventy'dollars damages and costs.•• The
judgment Wes based Upon the verdict of the
Itiry composed of men •of .atl .
A/Lany Ledgitr. .
The Shams of the pay,
. ,
Some thirty old years ago the. Estiglisif..wool
en uninulacturere disiovered tint. by' grinding,
np, , er rather teating'to pieces; old blankets,
and adding a little new wool to the cornmiunted
rubbish,. they could obtain a :material from
which very respectable Jooking blankets was
pranrible. The machine employed in the
tearing•up prOcess Was called "devil," and the
ire'gmentary siaple,shoddY: Then old• broad-.
cloths were rent to pieces in the 'same • way.
and-ne.w clothes; ;that, , you - could scarcely dis—
tinguish' front those made from the fleece, were
manufactured' from chopped.up and're-carded
it remained, howevery for the present'
age of counterfeits andsh . ams to introduce the.
shoddy dodge into 'every species of manufac—
ture., . have shoddy linens, silks and meri—
nors,..half cOttom shoddy . cottens, •half firiut;
shoddy jewelry, all Oriedc; shoddy Cigars, with-;
.out tobaccoi shoddy , furniture, rnatie.of •sappy
pine with a film of maliogonyv blocks of shoddy
houses, not one of which could stand alone;
shoddy coffee, all.beans; shoddy wines and..licp•
tibia; surcharged with poison; snoddy meet.-
atriums, of native clay, s shoddy curiencyand'.
shoddy patriots. . . N • , ~.•
Nor, is the system of fraud which has added
a' new wordto our languagea word that
ture lexicOgraphersWill have to put into their
dictionaries Rs the summum of rascality--con.
fined to commerce or the Mechanciserts, We
have what.the word expresses in every thing.
It has become .pcietie, metaphorical would not
be' complete tivithOut it. ,A modern satire lack..
ing it would have no point •at all. We have
shoddy preachers, shoddy 'politicians, shoddy.
.generals, shoddy statesmen,:and•a shoddy aria...
tocraay, to which shoddy blankets and •shoddY'
tobacco are things' pure and .genittne.' If, in,
deed a paasableimitation of the.dead worthies
of the republic could•be produced. from their
ashes, that, were sotriething; but the little great
men of our day have 'not even the 'refuse of
greatness in them; they are mere idol's of brass
with feet of clay. • I . •
Shall we ever get .b4ck to the •.standard- of
truth and 'honesty?* Will the world • ever see
a future in which things-vvil! bilibewii by their
rightful.namesl• There.is no indicition of tnich
a future : now... That here and there an earnest,
uncorrupted,incomintible man into be found,
we admit; but •whatottlint? :There Was a Lot,
: Sodom. When the world was, drowned tbere.
:was-one - (anti!) , worth saving. , Are we not,
*drifting pretty fast.toviard the' . nnoral.;conditiorr
of the'world before the flood- 7 of the Cities, of,
the , plaln? • " ,
THE ARMY OF THE. Poxontac,L-Gen. Metaiie
made, 'a short speech;at,the recent ovation
en him : PhilOellihia; in which lie sii'oke in high
terms of the niscipline'and ..valor..the Army:
of the Potomac, and an'en evidence oldie hard- .
'ships it. had . encountered and
,the'serVice it, had,
done, pointed to theject that, shine the: con-,
'mencernent'of hostillYiee',' it .itad loaf oni 10001,-;
• . Theitipbttedniven• • '•
' A nuilignint diseese has broken' out ht`crtr-,
tfonatile; and other parts., of theLState t .Wkiieli;
baffles elf efforteof the physician
The'foliowirig,fixtraetofa - let ter'; writteki,
1.. D, Richards , eri.;,Cailiandale; .tbe
readet'soine idea of tbe . ..rivigei of the diseieef
inti'beConie,ti vety corritniin . thintl
• Cirhondile, Aboutthe'lst:of December last,
'a•sickness brake out here,, which, up., to-• this
time, (t e 15th or e puny) :h:has carried off
three, hundred or: more from: our place. • The'.
patient faked pottretidiei.ivith a pain in' the,
`armor finger;'or. leg Or itt 'some other part- of
the body, indirithe ;mints
.oran hour. he:is
completely . prostrated. t Sometimel- they are
taken vomitingi sometiines taken delirious
without a moment's Warning,: and -unless' . help'
jejmniediately had, they - dja in the courae . of a
few hours. There -are , Marty ways. which
Perkins are attacked, bit nearly all hive some
'chill'soon after being taken, but :smite' do . ' not.
Out 'of all that are taken, not more than ane,i,rt
ten recover; and those that rto getover the third
.paroxism, and , seetn to •get along,. are a lop`
time before are entirely, well; and many,
have got up . and felt , as Weltas ever; and in less
than three bouts - after, they, were dead. Such.
has been : the ravages.of the disease here, that
many hive left , thereity until it.is over.. •Char
lie was taken with:it - three weeks ago last Se-.
turday. He wartsit:44 by the table istbesit-,
ting4dom,.reading'a paper.: lie very: sudden-•
ly threvti the paper upon the . table,gizel Ise
hind him with •a wild•stare, and then jumped
.up and sctearned c when he fell in theiceitter
the room.. I• picked him up instantly, and, took
about two table..spoonfuls of brandy , mixed with
about half a teivipoonful.of capsicum, ((A:Cay
enne pepper) hot and' gave it to him and 'then.
immediately puthis tent in hot water and Must
ard, as hot ea! could beau Eby : hand; and' triter
about five minutes, I took;one foot at a time
out, wiped •it dry, and then applied _ hot muit
aril plasters,' sprinkled With capsicum, around
the calvei of hie legs,' and One in the satneMin,
ner on the. spine, beiween the shoulders; 'Put
him to:bed in "a hOt room, with hot. bricks to
his feet, and in this' way I' started a profu . se
:perspiration,. which I. kept.
,up for thirty- six
hours,.so that the second, and .t bird. pdroxistins
:were very light. They call the disease here
the "putrid," or splatted fever," as most all
that die turn spotted or black, . The spots come
Outin most cases about six hours .after the at
tack. I could giie some sorrowful tales, of its
'ra'vage,, but will only meofion one or two at
present.•• A family of the name. of 'Hamlin has
lost six cf.its members.:. They were all well
and healthy on
.Sattirday, and.,on Wednesday
fpllowing he had buried his wife. and fiye Chil
dren—all Id three days' time; Mr. 'Ward, the
Presbyterian minister, died last Saturday. So
me whole familieS heVe died 'within three days'
time atfer.being taken sick." '•• '
How the Vanderbilt was Outwitted
A private letter from the Cape of Good Hope,
published hi the LiverpoorPost, says:
We.are•a little excited with intelligence
from Penang that 'the .Confederate States
steamer'Alabama is cruising ahobt,there. She
took two Yankees
. in the Strait's of Siinda, and
was 'pursued by the Vanderbilt. When night
carne. on -the -Alabama was about twenty
Miduets'ethead, and under cover of. darkness'
shelmshiped - her funncl,.put out her fires, and
setsttil The ship . Was then put about, and stood
irr the direction of where they had last seen the
Vanderbilt, who bore dOwn.a.nd inquired if
they had.seen.a large steamer standing' :to the
northwarl. : • ' •
Capt, Semmes replied,f4 Yes; she was going
ahead, NU 'speed, and
. must be 100 miles sway
by, this. . The!,7anderbilt iiiimediately,put on
all Steam, and went'on a wild goose. chase;
while Semn-es quietly - shipped hie 'funnel, 11 04
bore away.in tin opposite; - directions. It was
reported last night that the Alabama was oot ,
side of Athherst. — . .• , • .
TIJE -NEW . PENSI . ON Lisr.--;The. expense. nt
this war 'nre not even guessed at. The eiti..
triates of the:treasury Deperttnentilon 7 t near;
Iy - represent
. When, they:come to be added
up, the aggregate will astoeid-tbe country.
“A visit to the Pension Office reveals the
consequences of the terrible war.. The claims
for pensions already, filed, by viidows and moth
ers exceed,one hundred and.lifty thousand. 'lt
is anticipated that abOut half that actually ex
ist,.have been pretrented. The claims already
audited and allowed amount to about twelve
millions of dollars per annum.. 'Supposh, then,
but half teat exist at this time have been pre
sented, if leaves a fair, inference that it will
require twenty-five millions of dollai a per ann
um to,pay our pension role alone in the. years
that ate to come.”
.1 '
Rwruastxo Solimeni.--Relici of regiments
and Of .flags gaunt faces hacked With swards,
.dentedmusllets and patched uniforMstare riw.
the commonest .mattera of facts,"to our:citizens;
look:upon 'them a.Part of the business
of war. In theory; it 'might be supposed that
the Soldiers.would be offeniled it
,the frigidity
of the i r reception. In fact,theyare not. Three
years of .war has made - it a business for . them
too. The ityeterans?' have long' ceased to ex—
hibit that fiery enthusiasm which is the,chara
eterlatie olnew , recruits, a nd' re al l . the better
• There is little that is important from • the 'at.'
miss, except that Gen. Grant .ie moving witfi'
tiia.immeoie forces against the rebels in Pew:4
gie. A great battle will not doubt be fought
in that region within' a short time. . Variops
ekiilitishes have already taken•Placeohe.rebels
invariably retreating. , "': .
Gen. Meade has regained the command of • tbe
'army of the Potomac.. No immediate far Ward
movement is anticipated. • • • • '
'.'• Dee' hundred' and nineteen Union prisoneis
escaped from Richmondlast'Weeli.. Some''df
bayemlready, reached the .NatiOnal
a few have been'rectiptured, and the fate Of th '
others is still in.doubt. ' • • • •
Till E 14 1 / I r Y okß Tivar's says'Goir..earney, the
new Sepatoi froin:Kapitas, is even incitUradical.
than Jim Lane . ; but we , guess :not: The fact
that both hinneelf.nnd the 'Legielattire 'are de
nounced by the Kansas Union League, is some
thing' in his faio3, • '
The War Namis.
A Doc ' lillaelA tth i'l;e4e'iveitl4-'rlierTreiL
soon with which
. dighanCwatiehirged - :
We often hear.the bitterliepu.blicani speak
of Vallendigham as',,a,convicted..rrnirey;.
NOW. ye propose to tern ,bank to the.druinheed
courtoirtielAdat ttied.him, and,kee, the kind
of treasen..he.,eorippitted..„ We, want to; , kno'w
of whgt spe,cies.ol".otfeace , he d 'or
convicted:--Here it is:. .'
M. Vallandigham was . invited byithe Dern.:
ocracy of "Knox and Franklin:counties to eddress
thern upon the,peliticaltsmi the. day. ...He
accepted the .iairitation,';and, speeches
&room; other things, said, according to the re;.
port Of the . Goeernment :spy, who - lookriewn bin
words: genin and uhnecessary
war; a.war. for the purpose .of crushing out frei
dorkand erecting , a tlespotiarn;.ii war hr.:the,
freedom of the blanks and •enslavemerit . of the
whites." . - • ..
, 1 4. f the Administration had . 0 wiabed the
air 'could have been • honorably' terminated .
.months ago.: o..ease might have. been
bly obtained by listening to . the proposeirmudi- .
ations of,France:" . , .
I .
wPropositions by which the .Scitifliern,
cnulil be 'won . beck, and .the - Sciuth• geurariteed
their•rights under -the COnotitulion, .had been
rejected the day.hetere'theltite . battle,ofFred
ericksbut by Lincoln:and. niiniChs." - •
"The GovernmentCif ;he 'United States . was
about to appointtpilitart.rnaribials ideyery dis
trict to reetrict Ole people Cit.theie liberties; to
, deprive then"' of t4eir righti and priyilegea.i'
"Order 38 is a • baie .usurpation .of
~ 4bitiary
cabe sooner the 'people 'inform the , rninioni
of uiairpated power that they will not subtriit
`to such* testiictionehpon their liberties , the
beiter.". . • • . •
"He was at all times and on till occardons re
solved.to do - what he could to defeat the. Lt—
tempts now being matle.to.build ape monarchy
upon the ruins of-free government." . .
"He firmly belieied, as he' said- sir months
ago,..that the Men in power 'are attempting to
establish a desp6tism
.in this Country, more
cruel and oppressive tharlever existed." .
.The're reader s you have from,the official re-'
Port of the trial all that wan charged by..the
Government and military authorities . . againit
shim. ..For saying these
.thihgs id a public
speech,. in -which he.was . .discussing as a citizen
the 0011 of' the Government, he was Sera. into
exile and banishment. torn ftom.h'is family and•
friends, and.eruelly punished. - This is all the
"treason" .of Which he Was ever guilt . y.. It
would he a good idea . to eut out this copy: oi ,
theie charges against •lietr. - Vallandigham.te
keep.as a memento.of what r in Republican es
tirnation, is treason, and of the'degree of libeN
ty that under it we' are allOwed,---Cineinnadt
The Richmond papera.( sq . says report) assert
that the. Confederate
• Congress has been ,in
secret-session 'over a proposition, for offering to
the United States' to reunite upon. the basis 'of
-the Constitution, or in . some way to settle ,our.
unhappy 'dillichties without the shedding . of
• We den't knOw.lis we have stared •the terms
as they were -recently stated in Congress by ,
the lion. Fernando. Moil, who pro Posed to meet
the. advances
,ohhe . rebels in-, a similar spirit.
lt would puz zle' any one.ou tof Bedlam, and the
political conglomeration w
,ktion : by the 'variou's
names and aliases 'oh Republican, Union, Rad
ical AbOlition,4ic.,'&c„ to. give a. valid
reason forrefusingio restore the. Ifnian in OAS
way, and put an end to the- herrors M . war;
but atichisthe madnist,of factions;' the greed
,of peculatori; arid the. brutality :ot ,the yelling.'
-priestly leaders who control that maisy . :headed
cud many- named, . cannot
eapect it Until, exhaireted, the nation can no
more rsspond to, the call for- more men and
more money. , Grave ministers of the Gospel
orpeace deem it,to be, treesonable to espress
for.it. Editors 'with CuntraCts and Official
appointments ,es, pb , itrnasters,. and whatever
theyinay have been able, to obtain by begging
and cringing; call it .a Crime of the blackest
dye to urge a reconstruction of ihe-Unien. So
v • ve.cannot expecr e,
peaCeicept by .that mutual.
destruction which' leaves no power - to war.. ..
Peace propositions; they
.say, when !MIT &Ir..'
mks are just upon the eve of victory;-when
we shall have the 'satisfaction of Seeing them
stifipliant at our feet, when Glory, will surround
us.as.in atmosphere of pertimie, and 'all -the
world bowing and.doing liemage . to. Abolition:
ism, will
,rewerd.us for our - Millions of lives
sacrificed, and our thousands of Millions
'ars wasted. : -
Peace? . no not Peace!:•and he is a traitoryiho
proposes and approves of it. We say, in view
of all this outrageous patriotisni 'and cleristian:
boevolenefi peace it it can be had bye 'return
to the Union, and,ive will give a few of the rola;
sons for what we-seyt—'- • '
First, The next campaign must be' either a '
complete Sufi on our part, 'or a %Most, bloody
one, and we would save the nation, fromeitli:
er the' disgrace cif'the one or the horrors of-the.
.Secondly; We have no assurance that if will
end.the•War bY subjugating the sece.eded Stat
Thirdly, It may, turn out . to be the means' of
securing t . o them theit independence, and (livid.
in permanently and forever,-the United Stat—
• It will, at all events, augment burtaxes, and
further; reduce our currency;. and .cannot,
whatever, it may do, ;do •more•of. good Jor us
than a peiceful . settlement *llia restores 'and
makes Irionds of enemies will do. . • • . .
• .We hope it is true that the rebels haire taken
the-imitativeln this matter and we believe we .
cannot do; in.any - rtherwaY, se good a thing
as to meet therti halt *ay, Though We do'not
expect the majority In'cOngress to du
Well to agitate the inibjeet, and keep' it before
the . peoPle. And Mr. - Wood,liy his Intrepidity
and'adlierence . to ti' peaceable Isolutien . Of. the
queetion is earning a reputation•,that ivill fie en
during; ind•it maybe that these , efforts will
abridge ihe: waste that. is ..now, itiininf. North
end South.
, • We try, in the niidst of lids . contlasion and
strife, to perceive in this rnovernent an opening
by which peace'ean "come,'shtl'S'ometiines not
terithatanding 'the virtaans itttlignatiOn of i t he
pit riotii, hosts of contractors, *olftcehrtlaira, suci .
then toolS, alnlitst conaude that. it will. •
What a,gloriitis su r prise it would be to have
µ ,`--- -~'': "'~i`. ~,
;tt; ;:,•;?/,'
" .
i " • w ' •
1 ',t, r'
I ttr
~,,,,,,,,rt . .,,,, , ..,.; . ,.,,,,,, ,, ;,.,,, , ,y;
.C.11.7:4....,1:564:; , ',..i 4 ic::;;" , ,f' .
~. :,,,.....,,,,,,,,,,,,,.;,,
16; •Admiiiimiratio s n . -riow Sit'vr " ill
meet the Advances if mittle: kinE.HY;; etid "thpi
open , p:thqunioniientirreni ofthe'Soutlii
& Ifreuitforci:
• It. is welk for ue to conelder SoCcai One I lylY, hut.
we erepaine.forisSiellattoe to heYe
coin's aheme '.etbolitioti , or iili'UentitrUOliorut,
carried,pUt. If,"the - oyes. 'had r 'been .cciidus,ted
upon the princitile embraced an the - Crittenileir
resolution, , vvo eboul4 haye reached,. ihe;end of
iylong:Jirtfore this. : ; 1. 4 i.11 . ,,reua11, what Wen,
dell .Philllps.said fourteen:m:4lth*
of : not speplt . the - eo .. st of this , ever,
though yetylittoyi that we ethall never get :out'
Of it witlioat a debt,of at least 2,000,900,009,..".
I will eat remind ,you, that debt is , the fatal.ole
,eatio of 'reisblics,—,to undermine th,e goyerOment,
and, eon* the people, ;Die Area( debt .ot
of England has . kept her',bsek in, ail progreta ,
at least a hundred years. Neither ,
mind you that; when We go out of tjtis war, we
,o out with an immense diabaUded tirmY,
Immense military spirit embodiidin two , thirds
of a caillioh,of soldiers, tha fru WO, 4116 . ineyi;
table sOurce'of fresh debts arid ,new ;wars. . ,;l
• .
pose all these, and lyieg.withiptho4e . anuses
are 'thingii eaough to make the "most- saiikuine .
'friends' •01 free , inatitutams trerribte for'our .
. , . .
• fillot . let : me remind yon:pf anutber . teridency 4
olthejinne... -"inn know ,for, instance• that the:
writ of 7ilited , 'Or 1. iil;.1;1! which goVernMent is.
bonnd to renders reason tolhe Judiciary .be- '
fore it lays its,.hands:upon a
. citizen has been:
called thigh-water, .e:lmark of Eng lish )iberty.
The present Inci 'treaties on the .
English COnstitution; Calls' it the germ, or En-,
guilt) institutions:' Lieber s tya that; With . fiee
meetingslike,this, and a • free press, „Sin the
Ihreit.elements which distinguish libe'rty . frOm
despotism,: and alt that Saxon' blood has gained ,
in the battles and:toile of:two hundred • years
are these Once things. •
I'NOw.to-day, every one of them —l4a bens ear
-pas, the right of free . rneetirm,.. and free press;
is annihilated in every square mile• of there-
poblic,Ve. live to-day, every. one of lie, un
der martial tumor nfob law.. The Secretary of
State puts inta'his ilastile, with a Warrant 119'
irresponsible.as that of Louis, any man whom
he pleases, and. you - 1(1)0W that •neither preis
*or" lips may venture, to 'arraign the government
without heifig silenced, •-• • . • ' •
e are tending with rapid, strides.r-you say,
inevitable; I don't deny it; don't question. it
tWe tending to that strong government.
which frightened Jefferson; toward. 'that un
limited-debt, !hat 4nrileas.arrnY; we have al
yearly those Mein and sedition laws which, in
1798, wrecked the Federal Party and summon
ed the:Democratic into exiiitenee. .For, the
first time on the continent we;have passports,.
which even Louis Bonaparte, pronouticad use
less and odious.' *For the' ft rat tittle In Our. his
goVernment eq
spiea..fruVrit our . great cit-
t tui alrolicly, naliri t r(e. Pio wawa inillionp, grid
if the cootjnued lu power oh.'
dtbur I:tri; It will bu I tic reiuto,l iittpt?ably to - An": vr.111.,e
thousand mill :.• ," •. 1 ' , -. • ,
Mc;Clell4n Among Oe'Xtilqiers
GerieraVAlcelellith tirns'pre'ent at: the recer;
Lion bt the First New York'cavulry on the'lth,,
and:was raciived by'hi's . 'old rointtides.in'.arms
with the tilos( ltvely denioristratiOnailt.respeit
and affection. ' shouts ot:i'velctMle
had SOMall'h . at subsided he addressed theni
. . .
4 111 y Frieirds'••and. : Conva.;/es: - cerne here
not 'to male a speech to :you,' . but to".•welcornO
you borne, and express to you the pride I have'
alWays felt,in watching career, 'net onlY:ts'llen
you were with.mci„.but since left the Army
'of the Potomac, while'you. belie been . ' fighting
•battles under others, and yoUr old. commander.
I can tellyou:now, conscientiously' and truly,
I am'proud oryou in every tespect...*Thasik is
not' one , page of ybiir record—nut aline of it—.
'of Which you, your State.and your country may'
nct be proud.? I 'congratulate you on. the Pat=
iiotiam that so many,of you , have';evinced in' .
your 'desire to re-enter the service. lioPo, I
pray'andi know that your. intact s eafeer will
be lis'glOrious as your prc,st. Lhave' one hope,
and that is that• we may yet. servo' 'together,
seine clay. ' • • •
•At the ebnclusion of . Glin'lllctlellait's :speech,:
the enthusiasm' ohhe nlilqd!Y .Present.e • earrie'
very demonatrative. ' They crowded, nrOund
him eagerly, andeavdring to .grasP• . his hands , .
and to.salute him; and. oaf hy the utmost 'ex
ertions nt himself and of some personal friends,
was be enabled to.depait (rem thp scene.
. • •
. A lOyal Leaguer En. Deshabille
,the Rev. James A..Kibbe, '.a...:Methokst
ciergYmen located in Hampden county,. Mae
sachtisetts, wasseaught recently inthesleeping .
'apartmetit;Of a young girl. by her father,'
Was tine cijKibbeVpirishioners. As the only
garment the parson lins ,on was a' 'Shirr, find
the time was • midnight; the "case rooks "rather
suspicioess, - more especially . When toun'd ,
Snood with n dirk attil a loaded ',revOtver;
neither ofwhieh, howeyer, he : attempted
use. O('course,'he bad an explanationto Offen'
but the only parr* it which, ictikely to rhterj
•• • • •• •,, . ,
eitt . ttie public is the following We qiicite'frem
tbe'Sprilnufieid .7'..04/4ccui.; .
:With :regard,to.thn revoiver and; dirk, he'
. .
eays that he,befonge to Uoias r .,,Leogud,
”.;every•ruenibee o 1 iolticOrs:44l dd to carry each
Foirpons.",* :As ltibbe'ysta rE. men t mode
in a.- cummuhity Where loYal'iettittery:shound,
it is. not likelyhe would have told an 'Untruth
so far sYthia. partieular . Matter 'is concerned;
'and beside's, if 'hits 'hut been denied, by any ol
the:members of the - sciciety• -
Now the questiOn arrisea—what do the mem.,
hereof the Jaya! ~League want , ivitti dirks and
reyotsers, in !ft , peaceful l'comihunityl
ulterior designi bove.this s eeret, and irreeponei: ,
ble organization whiCh.will require the use of
force .to: occiimplish? It • now . appears
while tiiiiiholition press were inventing bogus
.stories about., , Knightiof the Golden Cirele."
sand charging perneceate with belonging to Ira
tereus..sierst,orginizetions, they ~.wore them
selvesolling. into We' e. Secret : , soCiely , the
Members of yetilch,, atthoogb2,,,clergymen,„ers
reqUirad fo.corry concealed , wesPslie:•::-. l ls
not time lor the public to be Made swore :el.
the reef Objects the -Wittmorqs, 'Goulds ? .and
iihties hive in "
.+ ~:~,~ - takes
,11R A i f: ,:170.0;5T.§ . ., , , , •:, , • i
sournt*eil#lo4444. tl i i*- 4.81 "' •
'an the. lir a likiNit4e,94ks l o.o7,9biligtitigil#7,
h io ) 4 0 11 , 11 ;'n I SA tO/1114 1 1014, : ii t ittatCf'
Arlo Only l'idiess'rotinese,outragen.ba ee
cored in the town. ofristriCaoteritior.,lo4:6 -of; .:'.
I i ca iron; *h.:the , Arktrriti ,; ll eierstifirAl#lol,l4 , '
th It st I ) Y,t l FtltiOtt!WrSti4.:4#4ll,l4/b . ,...
'A hirliftlinie Is; yehri hail forkerhdlt torifiv
rinod foi;stelr',Otiliticilltt-lihirligs'bifisttee:tirry
,,Strch pseis l.hatiiragaimitlilial'iOtaltiflit=
uti?'..the, laws l alford stevatderent (4401
eatery one ot the . :NothpflvAtafille, opviO aus al
Dennocials'arii.thlty ttrniech 4 tor their:asstits
•Iri P e nsy I v anle;. ccirelitbilife; to
blows we could:
into , the Dela Wfre.Within: t ittlktiYilitilt4o446.' •
foole:rtien Os td.ttifempt inaugura pAitys at,
Linch•leW'hire'thrf Olttlir
the - penalty. : Fort the'litalittgbiee
D Tot'lgt -In d tt; ' 11 1 lloPl11 , ;:ftille
ble sacrifice to Nein hitn ,firtferi it .Tbityoviltent,
Untie touts BO; so long ,a .they ; can; wit asaute
the.'inerr orprOperty - lorlertrerfErtirsili.4 Ibe• •
Men:lberia:4, thiriLeagheilbitit 1114 tfirlA•olffts .
to,tbeir,eridurattpe;'ll64i,tfio the-DristibitialthstO
the' Notth.will.not,sabWit ; tticttPtt
their. proper , ty without resorting ,t?, masauts,
of tonna don'. It is absilifir
riot treat. paity'Pan enjoy , moolfotp:4l4irtiooo
andussasination. Deinocrats heirvelah 4 vitytttl*l.
selves to be expellent, cliizeiis÷mlttv e tle . Oitit*l
(Hence to 11410.111 lhwa•-=models , :et paligmt
der'the most offensive initlt-but alter all, thy ,
are ,only Men, subjept-to human hiffirtiltrerillittd .
very prone, when tmittew:on one thet.lep o rtrohitt;
Inch, instead of timilOg tlie,other.. , ..Pritti t lyAr • •
us havP ho more mobs.' • •
Negro Soldiers Betterthan, te;
ThP New Yoik 'Ttatl7l6 culla the 's fkliticteof ,
, .
the. United Btatee to'irletritrittlikild 111 1 14'161 1
,umns Llescribinz snmtl of,the - Itiettleuten i ttopiiii
ing Gen„.•Pittler's:,reeellt
ski . ..expftt,l4ignAsitittlt,
Richmond,. The '
,litter . to
,iichish The; - attilltr9, „.
of the fietittre'li:enlled, stiliiiiilllilif ob' tliti fiFs '
)lay's tnat . :eir ever iiie" , htordreket fre'vt4ll6o .'
i !
diets , fell out orth'e:ranks from4xliitiatinti;iiiitil
wben,tho cointrio rac.b44 Bottfirri'li!,Xtridgeilidlitt
'o . tra./2//: the white ioldiers .. huct . f . gqteu .9t e t„
while 'writer easerti,un Iheuthoitty fit_
a'.eaptain In one 4 3(the White't' c ritgithentif4Wii 'a
,,,i,qat.eetered soldier fell .out. l .from ,l lllttekitiiill
hanstion,or any Other. comm. and , ivAintit):tentOl4
was c elled e utrii
l in gto
,iaPe aog
abz . hattft#4.. t
ed oa Orb maivi 'answered to Nename . 1 -
The Objec t of 'the T;itiolof . {iv biliiii , l'lfesi
•statetbente iindarthe•obeervatinn el ihit4ififirl
is to show the eiriAtricirii}r of. the birsek;ovel.:the,
leitite soldier; so 'fe r at, leist ' airieijiiretr:iiiliti •
.rance, and by this mead's coriiihrertbit# , lkidAi
who have. now . the auhject unifierbill'ildetlfitill . .,!.
'that they-tirdi. act ing .. very.,stiabbilf lb '00t,,;116
once making the payrif:unlisieti , neettetiiNhdittl.
,to Iha t , Uf enlisted Whiter...ltlaieMilustliiiir
lo.he' unilnarectily held by the. leeding , NholltiOo
.Fsia"thet the negro, is, in more respeetit'iliatt4ii:. l
durance,.. the euneribe of the, whittere t thericel, 'tbs.
duet rine or amniganintinn, or ultlqeettatjug agi .
It he's letlririy been "te'rmed;. for , the.pqrpose of,
iiniirooA;i the whi t6' i . ig . ii; tk liederifinitnoreitt
•nrinte'. peptilat , with ., '.thent'irleAltrtl 4 .r‘riiiii
Writerstanit I) l mfcbrtl , ,deve.,.bitcattieZ.sti iiiettilitt , o,
vdneeti in the!! 41, 10 .3; ob . !Mq.;*isohlopt,i tbolhey ~
'tell tii phiiniy and bolily,..fhp,Only , sekl,imiqrN o ef :
tile. ivilifo 11/e frOm iletcridratiiiiiiii'aiti , inftiafori,
of black b10nd..' ,. .,.. '. ...I. '“ ~ . ....r0:11:.!!df „krwin.e4
We do.not see both the SeniStet Cirthelfs
dun-11119g toGreslay'sjactiHatul,k,the,dottfistot
of tho miscegenation aelio?LisFriyr6 4'yftly s
te sooner we iturn'etiontion ,rnote
ate relation with:Our!briftliati 41'11(14144s of :
'the.A.fricanlype; the hatter , rot itnistitityletradl
itite 'Pollan. ; I.; 11 ,t ;}
the '‘votfd moves " =-I'.E „
Esonpeg 'Priiinnotis in Wslethlngtp
1 3 rivpu. havn: prsived here, ~,,T1)4f,,, acq dlaarjh
greth the Wei l t
and.N s ttikY t,i t 6
tifffare . Ceprain Ner r tdaTiW , er,'3Utti
tieutenaur•Colonelj Vela, 4th hp:, and
. .
. , . . .
A•na's Ltinsf
made at the•nperiingi of 'the , •T . 'eteit'';
iri 'Washington a•few'clai , s
'fleeted inournfully . tiporrlthe
hig•e ernadble'rhing ; now,lwdayiP#• ill)(11.101111 .4 '
perhapb riisult.nt•thelvelPiuil . ibstififf
rind :laughable condition
Every new , ev'etit•
• yinst ridiculinis Mirth, And tri•be sensible is lit'
Ire absurd. •Or maybe bpcaiis Old' Abe he. ::.
:been recognii:ed sensibic i froirkSpbsnolbliod •
colon down - • ; '
V. 10 6
. ,
• lisoostrrairectos.----XliesN.X. ,, lfro7ificaqiesitk
tention to the, kind of reeonstrartion goin)l,,,po, . '
in Florida, when it 'will h . noticedi that: the' •
'P'retident doos.not: commit: the":enterpriselo , •
'General Giltnore or anY other army4lllcer,Aue
,• ,
;to Jobn Ha!l, One- of his ,aWit private/14140,14,4r , ,
whom , be•ha.tniade,AssistsWAdjiitatitl•Geste 4 N.
ral: ,4i,ls Florida sithe,lactd•eltietionspotlet i ,„ l .
only .10,350 votes, ;it , followiiithatr:indemetbe'ty - .
terms,of the amnesty i prociainatkintisaidllo3llV . ~
I votes in that. Statemill give lia‘threft,:,/sticenrik• .. .
ballots tii•slr.•Lincoln' t , :eitit ,Ilove - mberi:kl: , :'V''q ,
. '•• 7 - -.. f -i,, t • ~.:1 - f v,,t41,-.,:;,• ~ii 14 , , q:114. 1 '.• : •
coilturriPtl-7 — ... The•t4-iklattY rStatoomPettb ;
olition) t sity,ls ; ,NTAU.i),:kiljiciittorngoVirintpent...."
4emsto)m, reekiflg!wikbi c9rol/14111.tf:111d1Witattr .
ni.AlilimotseiPrfiYini:4FaPkttnic.4 l l:Ftik l 4 l MPlß'
;ftc./Aills ,l 'Cx PoP.i hCs t tottifkiatiF,li,ti*4l o, l4 , it ifOr: • ''.,
hurt' 111e,W 1 11ir ~, i t. •_':•+ 1'e, , ••••;,,,•e liy're''',.ititirititiiitai
- Esisitelia'rettri-U4 ti, iffilislleTAtioiVe' te!lig t , .. -
was held at Covingtini ' , (lCy.',f4ii, , Mtdlisiatyi .:' '
evening last: One-of ,the 'spelOtriiit ,4 *.iii,A':R;,';
gr! ni i•llte f,ther,n('QOPrapfittitAi****bt"..• -.•
there was no•need . pf lic i t ititt..-041,M4 1 13i11.5110,. ' ' '';-•
and it was best to let,tt alone,' ....,....4 4 . ; . 4, .4 •.. ..
, •
~, ,, 1 „. k. :I , Ati4stilltiiii , ' 137,41:4 4 1T , • -. 41 1 00 1, if.',,,
q°°.° Pq rr° i•3l4lFi l tirl'Eri t .L'e 4 • •/ 1 141
cw,i 4 Pit l / 4 1,i5.iN Trin N t rtriAr.
ftQuits,(q'tvolotly,.* Intlift Pio "°k/tre *::1-11,
gia..!. ll Pliki:4l*. l 4;jtilliftri,R l 3ll77;.9 l .,:iii .;'''' • ,
d„,signl;,!,kill,'.t 4 'o.o l l;o 44 lßtniFiff#,Ml4o l .
ef/ir irinj lo tapfitralit.,. , 4 .6,4 - i i 0 , 1 4 00 .4 14. , : , ,: ',,