M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, February 20, 1864, Image 2

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    ; 1 4 , 11 ",
0i,5 , ....71.717 , ..... , -*:( , .....,,,....,... 4 _,.. 1.?
i , 0 Quiclitottilt. , ,
Ari1 .. . ,-- -7 - tr -,- 7 . 7. ..,
T - ,20 1136 C, • '3.1
.....,77E -•,• - ....ii_ri - ,...; — • ..-, "... '
'4l , 1 ,< , 0 iii Ni.iiii:• ~'•.•
,AI ''' '`r 'l.''' ialit r'•:..,.iii:::
13 — .'
• OUll'''''
4 none.l
r ...., "ekt!'Aa!"!
wo ofiall
-rd.oi'mriTit 4,1 f sheitt
p„ , ,4,00
DpArt's°l7lb, t 6 ltits in
':$,01,40017.11;° t
te sob:
'Tl'hikpiisoitl.l:44.:'/,i4kiiicopoir" • b e
-!1 ‘7+V htteret
e., Y arl° " 9
, firar4ctii
no, in th
'arceds or
t• 4)04•
tn app l y
;illit6tlA" Wedilsl h
I % y
more en?! a'
Teti gr geittlni'
- -ia4 l : l ',Vh?iji l iroe't'iii, v e"ty . , trio on i'6o,il
b iS 1 04;14 Oil Ape' 24.4 , er.' . borore4lid inc 4),
• te.rVitYlfib'
tisqfP_WiAtritioNhil suet,
I hictliiiiing6AllNi'lioi* kfo'r fist) s' next hi i.
q• 3 •
li AVeri. , '•iieri. '- ,:-` . .
~Wti li sfg,7‘, . tit e° 4 R e°ll/6 1/4.4044V9f1i itiserAi
42 Ai Rni,oll4iifttry , wil muitzlie4newleigeit air
alijigitk 40066176h+ tiluinriti—Lii• oir(rolAititic•
'teat 4iPliil f ak;' , llip!,4lress:Of' thatiiiii•t y
• vtio ,4w t • •rr ~ . _
45'?4'4.1 4ithAts..lir.ulexPecied, le Kea
ting ownship. t the townshits.elettions corn
tierigiesrll,llllllrAttrigekliltrivielr and .but a men
rgre-Ocit itifrolfiitlit to ttilagioAsnship: the vote is
'but r i # l , , eSfAilti 4 tli v ' s q Olaf, 'ca;t it the 0 ? tO.
beralo . t 140; *fitic , abfenteel Jar the large§t
liguirkregagererageocrats. The Leaguers hail
thqie,,plansrwutlihriiittired, and the halt, the
lira lil ihri btitrd i llie''clerin' and unclean were
, ,
' Miciag the oincgrs elect we no'ice'rnany fit
' ri.iligir teceisonen who have been candidates for,
• a ricFriiiipiepttsW ; petty • township' ()faces nnne
, all, .for:•thirty years.: It ie cgnsolin that these
oldltielet;anti are not 6 . 46 o 'the cold'cha charities 01
•-thjit.world, , but iheir modest aspirationp; both ns
• •••
• . to:Venal' tind fortune, have-been realiied. • .
';•l3htlwe are told•tha.• t this vicror3r came in the
Mel,: of, tithe.'. ';;Nt'Ver, bermever, did the iiirerest
of.the thurirry-so . much require such a.result!"
• In view of the ease who 'but can rejoice .
end 'aloud fOr .joy. • Our: it mr.• dist meted ,
• ,inr4,,olmnai Joined &runt ry is . e
savedirits•rialvation .tiates• from February 12..
A. EL; 18134 - ; for Wit that..du should
he,ecranernarated with bonfires end
tiortisT,:,iridfhoSe; who contributed . in this glo
. rionawork should.cherieMed and venerated ,
equally vrithifie*.heroesaf '713, The latter Creh
• ,0,4 - 'nation - , the
. thrmer are its saviours: In
contentptating RO
. glor ion ti subject, all parti
san'.a(. regret is swallowed. by love 01
enuntry.. Ofrie,ers elect of Keating townshitn'
cengrattialate you! .yours• is an enviable . lot:
• nil will4nite to do you honer and re;:erenee;:.
Biisant io puhlisbed call . a, meeting: Of
Democratic - tsoters' v Was • held at:: the 'Bennett
flouSe,fiti Smethpert,' on Satimfailevening.,.
Feh,,73,,and organized by calling Hon. S. Serf-.
to the Chalr'and
Screinry. The obj . !et of the meeting . h.eina
by :S. C:Hyde,' the .. .meeting proceeded
'in choose Rept ettentat ive Conte'rees. to meet na
RidgWiyon Monday, the 14th day of :titarch
next, for the, parpc;se•Of.selectinz two 'persons
to represerdthis district' at the State enliven.
tion.at•Philederpikia,-gareh 21 , h; ..wher,,npon
HoM,A...S: . Arneld, C.. , flyde and Dr. • W. Y.
M'Grty Were unanyibinisly chosen, with .pprwer
to ' '...• t •
..Cqf motion the. Conferees were instructed to .
'ose all honorahle means to see'ure the electiOn
of Hen. A . .. Arnold as one of sliddelegatrs.
On mhtion.Di. 4 'W- Y.. M'Cqy was chnsen as
Senatorial delegate, and D. R. Bennett . , Thei.
McDoWell.and G . ..CM — lto : were selected is cod.
i ins ,et.clsOurned.iin;tdie:
, .
• .'"S..SARrwE ,L'p Pri;'t
oi-tvy ! , •
Laffiri War
:. From Knoxville •we receive . a report that
.rommanication hetwern that place and Ciiin•
• lirrland.Gap,is cut' off, and, dearly all of Past
Terinesser'is in possession -o( the, rebels. The
rsrnail pox is;,to an alarmin, :extent ire Konx-
The. Cincinnati. Gazette, Repub.
cirpn, fig ; CoMinuniC.ition with Cum
beriand Gap, is anspendir. • The .enemy's
cavairy.ate,iforth of the Hhiston end fake' pri-•
salters- Wwithip five milee of
have private advices which say that the ene
my'arcrhaving things pretty: much their own
:Vhe'w . ritor snys,.“Therals „but .one
• j,opintait with regard' to the management of mat•
teri;'ind . thatis that the thing is most cursedly*
..• Iricics,hurg there is in
otellii , lice.efgenered Sharman's expedition , in.
Miaaissippi.: Twn.nriny corps , ciimmantk;tl
.• by ~tr i btp•tt and McPherson, compose
it ferce'hari been frattoerretliram
the S n•ChikilOsion to co-operate with on'
'The thpui .
sa.lo l ,liiiiPs . irt r known t0..114 heim land,id 4 t
whiCkiPlacei bloutileFa yictary
r t id hat . 4,000
o.";bad 4 Pfeeted.ttlatttling on a part orJa Ines
' t t erica
. fro qv Rip'.tlan: It
eta GeeVni. F. Smith, .who was
of the arm the'Pot •
lueceed.• Meade. , Gen:.
- giblitAtitk.Ori 1-PrArklinf tit? ieramiasion•
.41 ° 130000. 1 4;i0J TPligr,Pb , so- " s
oitt i.*FP,4'O!!4l; . fearsa re • rn ;
',Ailittrprot,o4:Atir OtiW,g :pt 'an
l:0111 444,; f ro ,
:•• • .
S A Yr: A' :I,: Al I: end a
1i:1ptT:,N.9",N1 4.- 0 1,, r. TO' 1: rat c•it t
nr.':(''4)4..i,;i:4'l,ll.!`rll,;;'ilt g i t .
• t.!:.t r, arias thanP.4ll . B
I! v,i 114„i
o ti)!`,l)CW: P I y et-.
t,;,ti.ski.ter' it
ttiiivrt*rthiii:4he. vain er 6e tilted
I nl.llO t.lb,evie rn11. 7 .
1;d:Tol I 41.5'..t4)911 • t he,::'
6,ii::(t'lfi:,riboiclollo,s,'iir'tl;4.iiillre*.iir , !'ai;
Inn s:
(inid--IhNthaft . • owl!. ohti, •
it1;:0114,i51:41‘ ps netv:tatei nearly- FOUR
• _ •
• 1/. • •
•is Every Warra
pfitboua/ • •
• ' o'olki
• .. utod
otit COG-WHI,:EnS.
A givi!l C-A,NVASER,vi•rtnterl tow!).
Ori • Reeeint • • 11 . ifee - I frpri. plit,cg;s:
ift . 01.11ing; tie will send the I:V.6IM'
For . pair ietill'9.l4i• c' 11110059
BROYNING,-31 . 7
Becaitse the Best!
.111 Greatly Reduced Prires
'IVEY,I) *(),O3I.PINV,
.(SQ 2 - 17
IVianufacture the most perfect Machinefor sew
kin'tl4,.evorrtr.eariited. to. the 'Arne' f•-,
can publia,..anil e-haltinge cornp;ificin ‘yitli any .
SeWiiiiMaci-iirie:inade - in the United. States.' •
The, :We.ed' Machinee, Aviti) all 'heir ..
valu. l 7
abl 2 !..lraparve'rneati , ,:vatirely overcome all im—
perlectiLne...- They ,' - . :- :. •
. -.:
- =-rote
I' urU3r &'Mantil ; iclrin~ Pui po +es
. . .
'Simfdeln" con=trticiign, ditrabldn'all their parts
lin. , !,..Ttenclily Understood. - ' l hey
talnly,'nlsinidi on all falirlea, and
Adaprod. tr . ) .It . tPii t• I❑ng of tv4;:ik wliboet
r adjast.inetn.• Using' nil icirnk Thrend.—
Wdll. P 6// - • ./.1 7.`nrl.'.
da-fircr•oo.ol . lkinds of work re
quire& by Tarniiins.. 711 ii iii . ifirvt ei4.:Thiv
make dim., INTF.RLOCK Stlol - 114;:STITC11,'
'rididcdi carinor t.x...' , 110 , 1 'for Qrrnnese, erastiei
arid eli.garn.e•of (joist : ).
. .
They ilave Received the Highest Preiniurie
in every' inSinneei:where they have linen exhih:'
ited.ln coenpet it or r a oda •
chines. • iVe iriCite nil persons in seat ch.nl an
iristrtiment tO.eiliente;any liutd:ol Sewing ante
hoar, hp l‘littibitorty„fo hispiret them, and nvae .
sore they ereit . ee the' be4t, by. proving thri . WEli:l).
before before purchasing. The Company being
duly . licensed, the : • are protected
against infringemeltits or litiuolion..
'CC?' PF.RSOSS-A't .Can •or;
dirr by mail 'T.vrtb pelrect confidence that'the.
NIAC;111•NE 'willteuch therm sdrely, that
hey . tv3ll be able to 'manage it to their entire
satisiact truth rio other aid than Printed
instrnetions.aceompanyini!'fiach ,Nlachillo'.
scriptiie Citeultits,.toget her Specimens of .
willlio.furnished.to all whodesire them
by rirrAil or . o . rhrtra;irre, . . .
•l cr R'ErL.I,.VIII.E . 'AGENTS .NV
all localities' it, the Ilniteir State's, Canadas,
British ptiivince, Cirlia',i‘lexiro, Central and,
South 'A nairieti, West India Ishir49 k ind file
llama Islands,to Whom voi• oiler pItRAT IN
DUCEMENTS: , ' Ersit4rreric io n '‘NP,l'final.' it a
pitYing Intsines as reliable Sewiu 1I iehines
baye . becomes necessity. in every l' l rprrlV• •Wr•
iriantrfacrfur6 a 'great variety •cr6 stylek, frnni
WhiCh . we. giCe'a few
. prices Ni,. 2, Fainily,
ssoi. No. 2, F.xtin,
arid $75 ••No. 5& Mribrifac.turjog, $'7 , 5 and
Wood Sowini 'Machine Co:, 508 Broadway N. 7
• (B P 0.14; ,( )frier . .) . • •
__ • • .__
11,11: T. , AN TllO :yl',
Manufaatairpre of Pliotograpltio Bfat ct!a]:,
601 13.110ADW.41 7 , N. 1(
c - oti. puoToGRANis.
Our .Catetlr.,4e . irons emprnces considrrilltly
over:FOUß....T,HOUAN . l.),llifforent .s..tbirrk is (ro
re coteintiaßybeing 91;019 .0,
72 Major Gnt.ral, 625 tirdif.strien,
190 Brig. Ger'itquls,. - : 427 Mi.-lye!,
116 Ainhtits,
256 Colonel.-,
St Lint. Colonels
.206 Oi.firr 01404, 'll2 Stage,:" •
6'o Nary Ogiaers•• '413 Pi.ominAnt Women,
.147 Protninfrt Fni•;.ia'n Partiaita..
•. 2;300 COPIRS•OF WORKS 011'..A.RT,
.. . .. . .
. . .
Incholing reproductions of Ilip mo=t celebrated
Eiliravinis,'Pdinting, Statues, &c'. Catidrig'',
aril! no receipt al. Stamp. .. 4 kii order for One
pozorr.PICTURF,S from our Catalogue: will. he
filed on receipt of $l.BO, and sent by:rnaii,
Of these we manufacture n great 'variety,
ranging impriee.froin 50 cents to $5O ench.
Our ALBUMS hnee'theleplitation of being
superior in beauty art durability to any others.
The smaller kinds can be sent.safel) by mail at
a postage.of six'crpts,per or..' •
The more expensive can be sent• - by express.
e rie ce Sz, te'r ec o plc . Views,
Our Catalogue these he. seat to any
address on receipt' Of, Sfamp.
E? .T. 0 N
lYkaattfactarors of Pllotogiaphio Materials,
501 BRoApwArit,Ntw YORK
' • • • • ' . . • . • .
:Friend's or. relatives of •prominent military
Irma will confer's.' been' by, sending its
likenesses to enp,i7'4.. :They will be kept carefeW
'• • •
"dongrov:nl;(4l9'lo.prent to Pin4toi,• (4:Ioi
oiler pin j'nscrjrajdps,
lii !! ! • •
This is the f y e
Fer6r atic A au,.. • I-1,
'9n u'rierrtair. tootvirikr,
- I.)d adtherelot
in, ,„. , .• .
a!to.nt inn to , basi...
nobs. .Thi9. i5...4 he :of 7(11t - mqrtrl's IR
that n (I' A !2111 h""
aq iYenly l'or
sio(%tly. - .146 of this tetrilde rllliciipn,
2'roar plf•ii : so!i. iu iTcniiiinc
I:ll"l'l , l4.S;,whielltiav;•
.altAailya . t.hil•vril. i'vidc. (jutoiati jor
boil' pp wrrl6l't , .t h! kli,tetii
pro. . , ,
! - lii,.;•al . sease. • . • • •,
:For s ale I?f.Dial.;;;ist's "11Y;
. . . . .
. .
.k.i . TOitN ET AT L A tr, `Siii• , ll)pKa t, , Ilt•lci.n.ll E.7,s'unfr, 1'r....
Age.lll lor MIN.:1•;4. ISvatiog '.l:. (....i . .... 1;iol. AItOA i
f' , 1i ,,,1 . 11 .1 . : to 11 p• f.;.,llitelii 11 of ‘.1a111; 7: , ..tintimtipli - 01
Ladd I'itlt•'. Pa.,tit.mt of TII:iI.A. a ii,d :In . I)ll;inesA . relit
'.t ng kr) Itlial .E4Catti • 0111e,1 its Cl:i wliii.ptiietr. • • . ,
1 •I'elis . ,.l)eer Skins. 0111 • COf)pl:q;irl.13r,Iss,
I, Znief!..-13nnv,i -of all
I.4rrirs 'ol: A ti-itnalsei
Ibibbor; Ili! S y I
un . y
.of tli, -above ticks
. oil
hand, tne••lit my re,t ,
o.egir . eithd 'X rh , •trr].•••.• .•' • • ••••
•• • . ..• T„ COL If., .•:
. . .•liratliord,.:lkKoao Co.
- . - rs",w, 21, 1813.. • ,•• •
. . .
ENTLE:II.,I N ...cured o(Nrcvott . locompetett
cy,•l`rilont - ttre Doctty,:wl •Yotttlilul Et vitt . , tte:tt ite.l Ity
desire doe bettet)t, o .1(1 letlykli, to hit
fleet? ft. (leen of ett.trge)tlie rlto‘ipt tlireclioitt
for'oinktn . g c Tito , "
wi , tittit4; to wont byl.i.t a Yalu.,
ItVouly—will receive thei.ame, by rein rn wall: (Cure.
Ihilly eealvd . .1011 . N.8. Ott DEN. .
. No. EU Niu.v.tu Nei , / Yotit.
aroi rrinnr Chilarfiii. • 13011.:1'1E5
er . ivrtl hi n rid
of oil al lint! hi110111.F! dice' ilr=rhar, d curl
and Sailn.r.• • • PRIZE
3 r•r?:rl+;
.• 1141.11;11;ml, 111
stitrop 10 pay . rpt.ol • •
Eti & • • •-
- Soliribw.s l'ar,?eft,
. . . • ..
(Under Dr0d,1w.13.1 , ..5pk) 2,, park Place, ..N, i. .ur
A. 78 Soyehtli Streat, Wasitinton, D. C
. . • . : REFflizENci • .• • .
';‘II , :etTANII . ::` RANK •'' New Voth. •.
ISHOAMAY RANK .. ~ . .. .... ....... •
11 I LI,: .11$111IIIII RANI'
'V ii:miiburg
." . K I, 'II,E Ncil. Mayor
Nour York. •
tQltingtorran.l: Pkikora
ali pwrOns nainst bayia2
lor 1111V1,11L , ; i ly'hiri to do with a r+vrtain
proniieriiv Not , . - for drawn by :nip', p y•
inli,:tac 01.1,parvc - ,
Apill 7, 1.5 . 04 . (1ae, I 56;1 . ,
.IF. , I have Taiel . saill r ite, ~T.
T,Un'r!y, No , i; - ‘2:.;, 1861
•:A N . EW . :AI \(..l-AZL`Z. F 1..,. .,
F. 0 1 . Tr,
.1:1 0 l r..,: I Cri,ii?,§,'
:nit 1. • L s Fit, LEND
1;1 T E AM) S 11'10 \...
. .
, . .
. . .
Tilt , ,sel.serilie es' woul.l 114 , , 19aV4, to etl.l.tlie 0. t 00110'0'0
iiit'ii. 40.044 1001 /lie I. , lhttO ' , 41 .the NYJ n or •M Ilia MN 1.; .
edieli'lli el , al, „demi,. tp• iiB o t . , PH i the .I..,eu.lo"attalbet
of ,tullicli ..0 t.iarlyjo..ttly: .- 'l'l:e 1,e1.19:, wtll l; , .'• . • , •
nut it will lie cliiiien - Liinriitin an I Alit%
tint:inn It ;ill, nautili., tha late- t
1./ri , s , s. Fain,
llaihroi C., ; 1\ 1111
"Owl- t.. lld q. , lt'er/1111' ,
1111.1.."."1"'.1'1:11,N.1! 1 , 1 led I.y - AIN. II
ni:1.1!•Is nn;.ii the ~..ervieni,
1.P,1 VA LEI) c01'0 , .• 0;.' \''lzilsi::..r,s
Nts 11 , •tiry Alcitort,t 1 t'unio*.' Ae .
110.. 111 31 t• ion II Itl , ll I AW.hor of 1.
t 3 C
F. Mr., 31 A
Clar,LA , too‘t t.l.(tnra Anon I.
314,11 k. A6l .11: C s IN,
laltiti CI. II Itorwio, C“rri• Ml 3
:\ri,.:Nt.r.:Tuelwr„l , ,inily 31: iymowl. Fraui
d0t ,, .'3+1,,s 'l, 1), :-Itotr:;..c.,d'lro A. I oil,
`l.. .M
Junin Nri,s• A L V. Strl
114!.....',•`. "tV• .SIL ibio )1 ty.
thur ii ~Wou., T .J, lv,
taller titlente I writers..'
.'A lIAXDsO , ,sil.; F.NGRAvi 001.0
will illll , l rat° tunn.
toUt lieddnc ttsecuted Yond Cot.4.lllli.itin.tivonl'Stn
riv%."P.lttern.s'Ne.,. numeinuodo mentiiiu
not" number NOl.l cmit3in 3 MMndirn I 11tld'.1 . M..n'ut•inl,
'designed exprcoly ftir . this- illaglyzilie ,Sch, no, le.
;md culled .
. .
OA 13 . 1:111..:1 - .. WI 1,:li.l . .;!, 11-1::T.t.711,N
. .
. .
.. Thin handsome :. tool. Plato Most r !leg' a qto y .of. 1, o.
war, atol n. to ~kil e0r... ,11, 100t; Ov.Ni,, 1:lonor (; lion
nell,: and A% iii be of (tool l', we tt.u . ,it, worth the. price - of
. .
tlfe.num')er. • . •• •. ' .' - .
tons to se other titirtr•stih'er • i.ti , d•
to THE E lity%,6 • I;ll)ND:witone of 'II heel
er rely 114 i1:11:11)1Jes,.Sti.:;) a• they'
sell for Forty the Dollars,. The, Mile hinos tea he
ell new at the usitfurttotory in Now 110.1 tor
ardett• free of cost, n ittt the eseeption of ft e.ght ~ •
. In titornrlng 11, tltls I°o'lllloln, lorl'',.oy
that the thirty sulyterihent iihotaflic procured
ItSt the'reit
hir terms .
e Itollors for each. hut where this
not he done, they tirtplic 1 ronurrd at
,101 r club rates ; . n I
;lie balance of thlt Ihillars•forusriird to tis
br llotrperson desiring the • tosehhie-, Thr
stilt hcstrit to di/Pu'''nt 0 . 11io,• tb.ri it • I , 7.veh'
put-son roileet log nuotei, should send them .ael the looney
ns Gast aS otitillned,.Fo that the soles; iihervosy at
ones to • teeeire their aloes, and net beeniso thlsatis
fled with the delay I% hen the whole ninither of IlalllPa
(thirty.) and whole ainount.iir money (Slaty Dullars,) is
reeitiv.td; the Machine *III bad , nly forwarded. '• '_ , • •
Ou.tlermA will 1m the dame at !hose for that well known
weekly wailer, Tin: &trio-lay RV. fling 'Pos!,'pli - ,1j,+110
by ua for,thela•d soveriteenfertrs—dh; ordor that lho olOhs
may be made up of the paper. and 'magazine conjointly,
where It in no desired—,and will be no followi: • • ' . •
.• - -
1 nary, Yint. yesc ' • • , 5t"110
6 0 pips, Into year, -.....: 3On
. .•
Peoples ;one year,' • . t O .
8 eopien, and one to get lerpti of '12.C0
20 copies, and ono to toAter'up of rink '
One Copy oreaelt of TO g.IA tilos rill ENO anti •
•• • • • • 's,t . ruitiiiir
~ ea)
117.7 Single numbers of. The . Lad friend ,(linsttge
pelt by, ni.) Ott 'eats. , . .. •
TICr he meter In Ths ha
Frid Will. Plwayn be
different iron' that in' Th., !'oat • .. • • •'. • • •
Subscribers , In It dish Surtli Americt must remit twelve
tentslti addition to the annual•subseriptlen; rin we hive
topreney the :U 8 , hostage on their magazines. • • •.'
. • -Addreee
• • A No. 319 Wiilnut.Ptfoot, Phila.
r 7.• Speenplen mufti erellpe be F,llt.gratuitottsly (when
written .tar M 010.3 e siroyr ofprortit inrc
'n:.ol,Tt.s.l.,QsT ! -110 7 W 'RE-iTORtt.).!
Tut d arelopr.
. ,
LEcruirj.: N T NATIA".O:
Itolient , eitie 01 ziJitiltt;titirrhot , n, or i.nectiont t'oeli.nenst
[Heil!cowry litoi tint Itopehotepha
tri':titqitta , geiteiily, Net Cow:noel Co'cti
iAntitton, •
let.oemtelhits; * Mental
• i roht tin to &c. N;
.J-},,Att.:bor.4.ole f;rrot.Borpj,ke. '
• Thity:writi:rectytitil thin alit irahlr tieetcre
eho t kly rro von f tom- hot itlisit e,fir.rivpoo: flit Awn!
,:.4tilt;:thuita try 1 , 0,1.16.0%101.y P.m iced
without•Oittiticieo, anti hop!. iictipterotts min:lent ooern.
Otos, torti titoin?s;, or cordialli, Foittithr
'mot ' wgdu. ,fl 111.1 . 41! . nt once cortnin intit I.llei loch by
rhirl C,V0rf,;1111 . 64-1., nn limiter what Iris cOnlitioit tony
he, uriy.ett re him:o..lf :circa p and iltilhot
Thi.n.lectorti }sill. prove a 'noon hi. tliptOutis 'tool thou-.
- Srnt n nlrrz al, inn plain envel9pi,, trYnTiy)iddres , k. oit
cunt-1 : t,i•Awl•
ly. ReAvPry, Post Office 4J
. , . . .
,1,2 ME, 1)}:M0:111 , :::T:S 31 I Itlti)tt IT FASllloN's . .... , 1111, ,
11. 1 , .tit. ;Oa tti,t -.,ii..1,1tt' r.1 , 101l '31..i.. , ii., in Ihe
iVt4 111.. • P rt.' , ,in , ) it ' . 110. , 4 , .1.,..t,i' li , a , st 'l.' kilt . ..Jo.:l'bitt4
. 11io v.! Cit , ..t, i , ptlill",,.vi : till.. • 1 . :11,,! . .r.. v in . :, the ' 3:1 , ir,t piu,l
11)0t , I. .I , li.ll.l. , i6ftivatalitlit. tII rrq Ili I:- ,i... 1 Llt.tt frt It , ' for
11rt.;•,..5, iitt:l :1., sheet or. irev,...l;rio.le.,,lVo:k .1111 . , 1.) .. .r0Lr0ir
. - iIi._;;I ; i1 I • ,1 .- ns, llvery .1(p1ii, ,, : D,,,,,,ia);',„,:: ;.11,11 . ,y0r
tt.11 , 1. I.loy . 'llOlll4 1i , ,,31; ' 1'01.1f,tt,.,1 tiintrt.;,rty, :it .17...,
Itrot.49y,'N'ow York. 601,1.06',rywl,pett.,i• ~ , t it.bs irittif
tit,'2lettlits: Yettrly. sl;V,illi 11, valtialtl . ptttitiutti : ...:.
- .. .T1 t /b enitivir nottilwr itr,w - rt..itty: '•' ... •-' ;•
.0 'S.. B..:.0: R .- N -', S
itl 7 E'r..
, i 1 ~, it t
.., J 3
ii ti 11 q I
AIT ‘,l -1- Z ,VN 91 1 1. 1 , - .1)
. .
Jr H (1;,411.\,y. firstclas'.: farNiii ,, si Ayer ycl-; . rio,
anti ti , .i.10y.t . . , 6i , nr0..W1 , :a f,;t. ni:..ev'nit.., 41[1',1)- , -.:
1;;plie poi son , , IN'at;.! ~, , , 1 ;,....15it0 rit i 04tiiII . I0 I t ro
linen all itiqeli , t iori,:slib , ilirfc , es,'.io ti.stillioly ~;
%s-liteill '101,....... rprtine:tioz 1101 p. !nr nit;=o . • err`,i
. rot l'iii , -ici4iri itn.l.C.in‘thl..ti• In Itlt (;;;11 . 1111y.:,
:hy: . i1,,,...t - y'oft %i•i111,,, ,
.11. e Co . contione iti I),c
ill ..prolerviii-I , .to.•.l . ljy.ntfs,r. .'" •.. '.....-. - •
;:;01,1.41 ll•tad.l;in. fl';sol , l3,Fiye". Cent 4 p; , r.
P.,nj:l I.v kir. , ...t A..j,,i - ,:i Groc,, , r.s.thrwr3h6llt - 'tiiv
I:lllle,l';':!,,i,ii .• ~. ', . .
. .
. .
Put u;) only by
L'ElVi . 7; ,\..,.0..-;11.4.N,
‘'w"hnli.qhlt.' - Deprit, (9. Warier st., Ne:w.l.4)-1
, F•IN E. 1,1.: 0:1 •1Y ON 't.-;
N I G - '3l AC E
:rhnte rnal;r• tht fpr . ir ,:titr.b 0;7 , •
on hot h and n;ip ha',l t t e
and' that tit! ';“.1• 1 . . vim
stit . elm • Ala , . Fine', ‘6;l-llm.m,
Maul, (nip). are . b . ; , ;, , ;r.
than ativartier lidy hi r:•••+: r.• tt.r I the
• I rr(rii , fit !;teat.yari,t!! ot ink;
a fi ffir
torii• 1 (1y; ot
tvPry stitchlw' fe . c. t, 6 t,
1 tr,?,
01 . 011 • Lhe • ~(1)111r'(' hnritr Irm'l:rr,
4,r trrol;
foOj• ownl . "lM '
0.-1 i , .n,.f!od g!lt .
undef,tor,',;,;lo4l if 84 icht t is iiiu.:eh,
1 ..
• Ti o .t.p, aro: per u'lll. •;a 'a t.
in dvtnrrn!ip , t ef,o.ir'e if ;my Nit bum -
. •Pr4:.i!:z 17. x.% INn, or;,
Lt .
occryi-d.. • .A.l,lNez,' •
No — . 593 PIM A 11W A Y,NFW YOR'K
. .
. . . .
Fl:Crolf Dr..\ it Silt :
1, , ;11;ii , ,i10t. I t i , fi I ti ud sof yolir
pip .1. 0).11 [ Wilt Stql •to . tll'
It full
n 0t1 4.11 - ,,r
p ar - 111 1,Q;
'I sarti PON:, i'.1!!Ell, I
cloth lIWI.
litre 'C'ilf:e9,'Sitllllo.iliivrlir.l ond r;::,
tto . , .tn 10 si cci a ilia '' ,
'2ros.vtl) n 1
.1,ci . x,(rj..1.11 IV.II
ickt , r3, :t
31:nlays• :: A 11 . .1
rjon - satißtv.-4.11 • ciiitrge.
• •
•.. • F. CH APMA
- .N. 4. 531
A •11.1.:V'Ellf:ND IAN !LAVIN
I I 111, Ci I 111 111,`W ;If w , •
1:01 Ow •root:II,14! 1.•• •
rell•lV6 fti.6 , 5 of tri,tqwi,t, Slllll'l'4 . '
c'Onsidor• - : it his cacri , ll dilly Jo rootrntioie.if 4, .
hr.; r jrl l ,l,l i hi; MEANi or Cl.li
ri!'fle . e.: 011 the !t!Cl'il/I c,f
spii.l frer,n copy - nt the. pre , rt •
• ' . ,.Direr[. to 'Dr....1 . 01111
ISO I..'ulton'Screv(, 13i•coildyn,
fancily' ag osATINI pH : soils have filed-their
aefor ., tifg ti) • lasv., , „ . •.• • .
I'. Gooptvly, Keatia:: l'ownShip .
Lirtilfot if . .TotV . Otir). ••
L:SOUTIOIA.rDj Township : s.3 - Wit tie:4s, ril'y hand and s-al of Cmiit at
Stnetipart, this Ist flay Of Fbriitrv,. • lBo.:,
• .'. • • Protly),.
. •
Constittip . t lye stifierers WI) Ye . n valunblo
rirosclipt _for. the: eUre •n( • Consiimpt ion;
:11root ; rtrUI.Linne.
iitfeetions, (tree: of charge,) by. seudin .their
441 dress to; "-' ." •
. • .
• • Itey.
- -. • illiatnshorett, • ,
• • ' . ,Ki;igs C r., I". , Lny York: • •
. .
BY irrnTu 'or.moroiry writ.. of PieriPrcifts; /.. , ,•retrf
Fari;o'an.l l'enf I Won i Expi , Trx iYFII oil out 4ifjtitt
Cello.. 'of C.manory1 4 1. vi or •eminty Yu, t t WE!
e S. 111 fie '3nl;) thn CoitFt.
11 ,
i'tno C'•ro'frt, ,
Itmany tho '22,.1 . t1rty of Febru ,
one o'cloodt ht the afternoon:
; l:-tire eituate in:the florone.ji
Fmoilopiortv Noatinirttia rthiP - , and enitatv ',lllS.eoin and
i tat 1360.4c.f..d4eyint.y,
iwoh I .ppitoveii;' Oat'Lof nointier. eleven,. Improved; Out
Lo it nuttier te`e,duriroeotl; Out Lot 011011 n r 'nine
preyed. . .
pii•eitor parcel 'or land adjeln
-kat. r.• 041 oat-tot- , ; lit ~sioo,ing at It stone .fdr Cotner
standing on tit..oil:St .vide. ,ofthe.TLorliiiilie 3.4 North
ehi and ahelvtlf East rano hool floe titailt.poyelies
ride tho or lt 1 - sio,tcoat the Norte side of Itlvrvip
•Cl'ool.i• ',boor! , Son! It righty five. deg.-era 11'ee7 twat y•
;iolt porchOu I ;,,tir11, , ; . 1 .1 ,1,it0 North seventy end _true
Wied :Merano( feu. t ontlo Fi.olli)
I 11 thk! nouttm 11.1,111: 1%1,1)1'
•1• 4 1?, , Iliy Lou/ :111 , 1 4. hall Jagreev 15 !let ,ev.entoun , awl two ,
-It nth ,eitthea to nit Itiut, omit he' hank ' o,f Nett
:smith. Drool:: the.iciiNoatki , oinol nue hall de
ty fon o,perothea. noire et.. - kss ty
ui !he jr.dst.Line Ode Farm; .. all 1
'certain oche r l i ii•ce or pareel ttf land enntain•
hug lbolVt to eety no rettisituaose,eouttpii - oht tot'timetlipott
in Nor otingdown fillip, stdoi.endtity -and hounded on the
Iht•d'ho lapds of 11. D• oil the •imult4.by, hinds
11. (lni-etin and the ItAdjuliaid Estate, and on the )Vent
1.. y tit d
n roll feline .11,i rein (trod.; all I Mpriiveil., • •
I:rt:o•ti iii..i A isl stilt toy sol,l qs the
pro Per ot itto:vostor.l eoniatt,-nt 'the .milt n,I
1111,1 Y for the live ef•Ltereolitia V., Pecker,
,r,;•rtnin , 7.1'00n CI
11'44040f 1.101 h el 1,14 ipt,mil.,o;boiti.y
or m.i:o F 2.1 . 30i >t,l or I.ol.n , ,.i'vaDbi w ,1 0,1.t..•01
4;,tm.! :f.1.0111111,111 . -,
and tU b o.•roa 1.1.110,14q1
pv. , , 5.410 all 6r A.J.I - 10t.v%46..t . twu
)010410;4 . :00.!04',..01.1 10 1.:91100.'
. . .
:111 ,1 both in. the twn-rilii of l6unilu ti ,not
beiti,..!. Tart Or
e.,ti,l tot
...t.(v...ther 1v ith lito.'one-toottlt Oari: ttf
tlrr ortvlos lan I en , itaillinv; two Ito'n.lr,mll-In , l tilts acres'
or 1 , 1.11 , 1; - 1.1111114 00 c , lit , zto:Cn4 t the
'st . t.At cortCer of said tot,th. klco::orth. to Cliopplt4
thOteo . I;“ at '4 Ene 'tar isou ;It to Iwo
tiftp':io ed.
Ink , •11 h 1 1:%e,[11;011:1n1.11'ill.P ti,1,1:1,4 . 111e prop .
CrtY nJ Thor,too ()Ole- at
. ,
-Al . l I Ito Of 1110
in iht•-.10 Ftnetiti•ol t )tlO
/ 6.,1 :;I' . l a Pt
yr folio:: litre so or
N. r NorCh.e.,.. , t - at !,1:1111.1 .
NO 3 . : in 111 V ~r Ili,
hum.•e'l.y,;ll.. lilt.; ..tolw
:14.".`r.0'111. staff ; mr,.-I,r'irhi; to a post rorqi.rr;.lll”l:cl
f.,•11,10S p..st
rtolrr.ljoy y.,•relies ti
i.f. curt Oillog; idbLt aFcesi tllict
Lot i•eginnittz corner
Lire citht .. l tiette.i , North nod on' iii•oh West •or Ow
~,ner t'l4 . 10
plurt•oti. the rift )-41.) of Stuttlipiir';: thenett,Nottli.tiitilitcten
3 )1, 0 : rotor. it): tliit hoc er
14, .;)eyeltit4
rue: lift. , I. .0,111 1-110.1.
tlitt"t , eti 1.))0 -, 11) , ) to ti tioi.t corner; their°
;i n t; Lori '
tO 1.1 . 1C:OUIV lid the sun)) (ir.ort)
1)-itt •
A t.sici
, !, .
,4tittnift,,:v.,t .1 pfOt stan.linz.' ono
wo:t of t 6ry norl1;•ot , t.c.;41:1!? rporq
tho t0•y..4 th0r,0 . ., • Not ;II
. thirty
I o:o, to :1 t .rov•lt,
! a to
t,l! nini,t tom
. ..11 . e,e, low o lo,:itutioz.. Conplit.liivz,ffolr
,t'rb t 1311,i,n
“1.1 tint! , er totc No. 15 and 11l Nuit.ll if,c the
• ." ,
Al t••et.--!, N., 4 111 F!,1,7,1 ,- • No aof
nf I 'S
'l,l in ;%1'10..t0 . .C, on' v. k 11, o • . -
Ai N\.,:.t11 ,ro• N.. , of tic c' ttell,trusl) 1 tn .
or: 60 f 1,01.
CooLri• , i.nON ., . of. :',11 , •4n /%, 0 , .j
1,:s.o• I,
• .
,••,.. —i.•it "7-:•i •i in Firinvi• Nn:•2ll'or 'thi, ::F•ni•r - I I , l.iri
•.t .,, i,,•.t , ‘i ii of S.nioli:.ii'rt, n' i iiiiii• I 1 yil.,ii. It 1:111 .1a1:)•••;
%1 . 1 I 1i• •ttia tki . "l*,•r ... ! , r1..1i in 5171:ii•in• etilltar, ilt,t•lt" ),..
, 1,0",:•. • .'" ,. . Al"• of II ;Orli, , 10.i.r:b . ,,1 prota•rlyi+ I ti,p , ..,."
,"•••1". about , I'V , n l 1"-Ii 7 •:! lioit , in ~ . .A ppii. Tiy , ;•••i qii , n•Q‘'
~f PhiniTr•••• , iinii .rt"3:11.., /TIM, I orl:&.i . r.l.lnu'llia:ll g. , 0,1
1" . 1,1 Ht•tiri I'd' IVlt , ttf.. " •• -• •
, ..
- .
. .
.. . . . . ,
Z/ii..t,tk , t) itt I'tiPrtit it,ot.an I :.vill hit - •fll.l t3A the . Itre.
j.t.rtv ~t, 5.,1 , ,,,, , : t• ,, , , r.,, , 11 and S.ttlatel It .t , arttsell at rl.O
,tit - .r V . I i.:, r] tcl irk ,k• ~ , ~• co it • tor tt- , • u' of Joltrt C.
a , .
li,ehli.t. • . .
... . .
A. N 1:11,1.1111:11)(11.:„
.•. • .
Si, 0 ,-in •_,: • I,- I; <•0,..i.,-,(-: .Mitt. l':".1 1 ,2:1
10 ii 1 , .. 4 ..: . (,1. - Nl.' fit , :itt ,(.4.)ltttt?,', I'd)
ihe . .07 ~• :.1.. •. •.. .• • - • • .
111.C.111 .4
. r . .
I;ecviv'el r,,,,,, oliD.r ~,,it r,o.pt..rs:
Ite•oit,l flora : , -...i.,,1't.wv fox ISit"'.
I;ecvirtr.l.from I:lli,u,kto,.,l • tat.',f,it• 1:761 A: 1-,.1.3
• T;,f:ll.llorPir,f.t. .....
(:r • '•
.111rwr ,, . „ ....
sta . %
1:0 - 16 7i.
• tl.!
.. ....
•• .. , ... ..,......
• • • •!..
•4 1.; Ty.
Aqt‘i" Irk! .•..-,.
‘• pp
•!, - 1;: •
1110 I ',on rui.,r;ll I•iti
4 • cva
C !It,. ,1k , 11...
",• • •
I il.-11
(. 1 it 11'0 ...
s 1•‘);•,t1
..... .
r,t , rtr ....
... ....
rc,tll. , nl;! . • •
'; f;lyr.,.ut 1/I.llt .
'5, A ttwiley ,
Total 1.i.,pa1.:111;11.6q
i.r.~ LJFFis
110t'rs i.nt,::tallaw,.; on inf. eNI
:in 1,111 , 'W , /tr , nqt
,Ives h . ll.lllqr ior is 63
1,(1:11 '
.tr FAI,I:St-?:
of ex -nerattotvi limit eokyanieslen 5
on misruled. tavts .. .... .. -• :519
I".; , :oluer , ithni :tn.! enototi4si:mq 'on sf;:tt,2tl,ta , ;, • " 5!)2 3 , 1
Exce , set. ItesobreeB above babilitit2s .
ItESO la;
fungunt dne f r9 . 04 , 11.140 , 13ent.. 00)14 . tors, •5063 00
030 1 - .14,00Aenti.4 140 , .18o)1 anti 1 , 03 • 0 3i7.40
x. 4,0.4.4 tax for - Ido I 7.!,; . 2.131 413
OrramseAted. tax ) • 2.13.101
Tr I,LI It k'Sflil I.C4'
CO L I - ; 1 : 1` . 1. : : E r it "- ii h: Li 1,,i.'--1-6,-.NI)
. . . .
To iltlit . rA 'l'll,ll If..relief :of familiis in 156'3 '.5190 06
Or.te NI !11 . .. ,. :I nil i 11”: . . ..... '....... .. .... , . .........-. - • 95.11 A
I n t, ~,.$l. paid on f.follity 111.1i.it,'... ....... . ..
l'.irt SO
O.t'ano , to he prat Heil for Van. lot ',lti . t 1 ..... ' 1 ) 007 11
I , ,tinekte or I 0111111 i 41,111114 11114 eionerationg • 416 . 6 1
Interest co Bounty Ilolots to he paitl.Alig. '64 368•'1+17
E'sder•l inlayer of iteURE Funa :-...--- ' 129 'A
it I,,,,:prI,CCES
Jq athnont der, from ,14.l'oelotwt 1 -CollOotors .$443 00
Se 41.441 tax (or 1.-41.... .... . . . .... 719 51
444.eated tax colleetad in 101 St) - 4,1 41 t'A
. .
' •'• •• . &. 1 2,21l
(I . .V.
• . ' •
. ' ' . . . •
\\'o the itnilorgienell, Commisdoncis of M'lCeap county
Ilrorertify that Iho . ioretmieg •Nbleineflt of the Ponds,
Peevipts and Ext,'r.iliturc.:l",f raid Coopty lor'lli 'year
1503 iKcorrect, to.tho hoot. f nor •Itnowled,ga, Wituev.i
our hand:lnt Sniutlipoet; January ]st, Pied.' . .
. . . -. A. P BREWER, '••
. , . .
• •. • - . ' , , J. M. 11 t tmwrs,
.. ..
~ . .
.. . .
• .. . • •• . - • •.. 13. Cr. COIIII'JN, ',
Attest, ':t ' . ' , . Commisssioner.v. .
W. S.. Ovt ATri Gbh*. •-• ' ' ..• .
.- .
Foreign, Attachment
I he Cominftiiwc . alth: of PennsOtraithi,
ie 't be Sheriff 45 C01.111tV, Grretigg...
- •
rommorryoff . that you, Ottech . ..t... T. HAIL.
Poo,' lotti of your Coffhty, by all and singular
Ills et'6"..:arift chatter, rights, .tpOnies
credits, lands and tene.trutots,le-,to,trhose hands
nritosqs.sion .oever the same:irony be, so, that
babe :mil appeal' behire ourCotv.t 91 09mmoll.
Pie" to . be.heltlon at Smefhport., for•Eaid
Cotfett , out the Fnitictb:ttorm.y, robornrY,
i out,.
thoru.lo nrisis4r of fi - rf1.91
of 'cr9fFlulsA 41 . the e proriiis9ff. , (
re : qui f,uf frl . s2')" . ; • a 10. also
,'lll you summon
f4u . I h'Ui 14:iful : vrp, , nr t , efort! our
C . 003 UA bf
'lo . 9lltve9Avliot: shaft: 1,0 'ollj,eft.f.ri;:ill9sl:lljm :
of 46.,Itufif:Riuf fci thf..bourc
thoroiup.ao9 : lla v...sfuf thou Out t o'this,tyfir,
Ar it the G:
•tv p •J d r
:• ;w i m p. • • Fit nnt- j.to 0
• Z .
Cur ut. Snieth:pilrt. the lOth
. •
Anil ttdtv.:; 20; 1 8C3,the (faint.
nf. the t iii of 'T oieirn
A t t ;1014mi - tit; i sarul , in this
Nyrietts tint! the
fo'f . inierthring
fly the CLitirt.
..• • .orOign . • ••
Nr.r;"..EAN. : .• • •-•• • •
- IV.::Cor! . trr ‘ oritv,, : ,..nrl: . (0: r',..l .l l,s r .iv all in,
Vtri, to filt ,
n t ice h
by : i n
iiis ;1j!
Id: and Cuto.inerrt4, f,se bends o'l
1) , -! 0101 4pt..;.r.befori!' one. Court pl` •
1,01 4 1 e n, - ot•Sinorliiiort, : in 1111!1 - Joy
said oyi the Foitr i i It7(.llay Ol•Det , !rnber
Ilivro to Eto<v.i•erC.A.r.vis‘i T. 'Cti3Otkii:ittAl.:s
!/‘se . rir 11.iitsi!;;n1 n pi -ca 1 . 0-nrtioh .
of d-ht: .
11)01 yri , l' . !.0r»11100 V
proper 11.0 y lilt
I,'”foro , t 01l the'
day or Dr.ro!r.t;;:r t 1,.011S Vier %i'll . l/ -5 oil b,.1 oh
1111'e . tit. .. • •
• • 1, , • ••••••:., t 0
.• .01 a hi
s:attfp., '
c ot ,: t , at firrif•!l?porr i -• the . . secom.)
A.. 1).:,
LI A I) ‘,V,f(!' . l•:, .
• Am , ' note; Ljrr itihcr•.29 180:1, lhr,. Conn
opleilt lir;:ticn. of th , .grit of
Att t, t cn.F.,;' in 'OA:
(' , 'tint; Di fm'r* siic •
91,!;1 . 1) rertiS.rl, for ,six
~• ' .
l;y..k. .. • •
• • I\o . 11. C `l - 11)1S' 1 r 13ratr'7,
Foreign Att,lcamr.t
. •
'..„.. f ____O.to ! tas. , :-.1w)..n..0t. r ; G.,rlet,pc
co...OrtFa ;.4 , ..4,1) that t
li t t :6Fyinii: • by
1:: 111 ar, I i''gn"ni 15 ;;,(,..,1 ch tr.nniv,s
,Ipd - cied, .
. ti?
o , tr. Coart
1 , 1.1:111t.
Sor,!4:o,ber t.l.e re to. C. V.
,of a 1 . ) . ' pa of
'(.!S rerimie $1 , ;()) h;lt yffii
s.tunEyott 4ip•
! ),...1 111.7 Ico•i3O.1 pr . )
.1.;:for" rut t ort t:11 o!,ty,of
So 1; ,, .v,;•1 ! ; 11,,11-1 • o!.jp.r 1 . (1
ditist nr•11) , m,.61):1 jylv,n)e.nt
ot 11.1.1. 00141 t 113 VC y CI
• .
. Ho: 011:1,10'1: .1 .
n it
11,1 r.i.. •bal.%
. •-•
' d') 0:-
/?,•e f flr•ni.orn,l, •
. A ril 11..;' Cour t
1 1[Citc;1; I.n. f-I je.ll
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p1.f1 . 1,1, a in iti . ) . :ol - I . olltr - y:p. , F , 011 I.lo',
d"11 :00 .11 . .. n that y -otntnon'
.111 p. , rs•no4 viir: •'el
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Md! , 11.1 . 11 111: . i.,teI,•li . n2ii ; 11M.
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: :•it ,.. "‘": ;: ' ..: ' ‘ ,.111.11 :1 . 1'1.'.51,!,:!: ..II get ol .11i(t
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~(•,,,, I , a t S.: O ! 1,r0i . t, : . .1 lie . s' ,, rail'il
do)• of 'N'lv. , •rt 11er..... I). • I Rll, ,
'; ' • ... : J N.(.). R . . CIT A . I),W Il: lii ," /' , '66 , , , oPiry',,
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' And • no'W, I)enember :29 Ifs(i3,...)k t , ' 0, 0 . 1 1
otder,llie-,pniilien:rion of Ilia. 3V1,1. of F0rPh...31.
AI t a clirne.tit, i.su?il in Ihi4 e.1 1 .-:e. n;the ':111.:eno
County 'iDnoincint Lci six: . v.: , 41;1 Arffil ilt . lito.
'New rotlc 1)44.y 'flibnlti fur six ins . eitino4 . . .
81:1t135 ou
' - •JIwO. , TI: . Cll Al)l\:lC'K , 11'rutldy
Foreign litta'clunent.
M 1 coUNT).7. ss. • • •
514.035 01
t t ara C'onimoovealth of riennsylvanis
to the SletitT:of said County Gretii'dg - ,
We coironand you that you attach Wtt.t.i.f it
W:,.Nii.r.s,•late of your County, by al itnifsin-
T,'oolls tiOd CkliftlOlS, rights, monirs
and credits, • lan.ls. 'nod tenements,.iti
hands or possession soccer the same may I, ',
so that he he and appea ['before our:. Court of
Con - non Pleas, to Iu holden at.' t qmailsportin
and lor saidcount y, nit the Fourth' Moniley
Di.evr4er next, there to answer icitirStt. Kl 711;
and 'Etswaito L. Lim 'for the: use of JOh N S.
N... 150 of a, plea in aCtion of trespass tlia
easel founded "on contract. (flail in seventy
five thousand dollars required); .and 'also, that
you summon all perSons•haing posiessiatirot
defenitar•l's proPerty,sothat theyr . lie and app , ;ar
before our'Court ott th e . said yopriti'' Tilonda'y
of DeceMber nekt,:to aps,war . what sliall . .llo
objected agitilutit'hiro • or there; kupi
abide tt.ir:
juilgrrient of. the Court then:Fri; and •haVg yon'
.then'atnl.thei•o this:m.6k •
.'the Ilonoiable R. C.
~ .nevenuarst . n o: T ,T , tplge:. of sti:d
.. . .. at bmethpart;. Abe Second
day of November, A.. 1n563.'. .••• . •
• CHA DW IC, IC, •piiir,hrm D ho w '. •
!; ~UtS •2.3
And. now,d.)Ceembcr fsoa; the couri
order the Mildiration - ofth . e writ of Yoioiri
Attachment, issued in this rase ip..the M.qtruil
Comity Pemnciat for six weeks - , and
NewNork Pailv.Trihund , for six.inserliogs.
INdt :O)SVICK : , /4och'ir.
J.N n O R. C.; il A 1)W I •
• . • '
in %%! st