, • , •.- ' TIV,t' . ..gi'EdTEIJ,LLY,AIINOUNCE§: TO HIS C otiriti,'lhtit he 'is tin Lied Spying UP eau.tt with the L4110;1 7 ,1 . ; . A . lt'p I ''B F.51'...••:• • Eleleet!d:.stkick of Goods in tli•Oleaii:Maiket. • • To' 'Wholesale ' CaSh' Buyers lieuli‘ • viii; seen iteu:better ift : thicettnttlitti ',than .yot . . can get. west Of:New York. • It makee no Offerencei what yotovant o any, thMgin.tke line s 'of : • , 4. PR . 6148)6M5, Call at tke OLD KEYSTONE An/ you'.loll rind!the a fe freohinot -Ctss , ..ie uie,talkin` , KEYSTONE . SrORA , ha, Ipd'always wth take thg wad i re elate the market la . efroceries and Provisions OLD FRIENDS AND NEW ONES, Don't-fail - to call and see me . when you 'visit Olean Tahiti! riot hurt you; but shall certainly try to do you lood Ole . in, May '2,3d, 1860. FAMILY. DYE .COLORS Bleak, Dirk Blue, Light Blue, Pveneh Blue, Claret Brown, .Dark Brown,. la t ,ht:Browni, an..-BrOwii, Dark Drab, Light Drib, Dark Green,.:: Light tires', . . Per Dyeing Silk; Woolen and Goads, Shawls; Scarce, Draws, Ritdioni, Waves, Bonnets, Hats: reatii. • ore; Kid Gloves, Child rune 011lingjand • ' •all kinds of Wearing Apparel. •• INAY.ISGI .01 1 '.. SO PEW iIENT; • . , • . . . ciente you can color air many goodi as would nth irides cost gee times that sum. • Carlene shadow .can be. produced from.the mine Dye. " The process slinple, nny rine can use the Dye :with perfect meccas. ' . . • • • •• •Directione in English, Francis ,and Carman, inside Of Fur further Inforrnaiinn in Dyeing, and giving a perfect knowledge whet colors are best Adapted to dye over mix , ere. (with many valuable. recriPts,l purchase Ildwe fitiveriii Treaties cin Dyeing and Coloring. Soot by mail bo reiielt tot prlce,--10 nerds. • • . r •' • . • . anntactsired by ' 110Whi IiTEY ENS, ill • • ~ 260 Broadway, llosion. for . . . sale by Druggbise and Dealerigeaerally ISOT.ADI.ERS IN '1J -1E ARMY . AND OUR PEOPLE AT HOME • . , 'are now . offered an opporunity...by: which they cancibtsiin e. • ' GOOD AND DURABLE TIME-PIECE, vhity Lo* FiGuitE. OUR .WATCIIE6 ARE WARRANTED TO KEEP TIME ONE YEAR ANA Tiur; atyka is Ati..o*EDiyit E.; PRIVILEGE OF EXAMINATION Before Payment, is'Required I YiPIiOVEIr DUPLEX. IN: HILL BURY .ACTIONS. A first class Hunting• Time Piece of silver *rt Medal, over whiCh is electro.flne plated IS k: . tohl,•Most durably'vvrought, making the inlita f in so faultless that It cannot be detected from Ilia solid Material • by. the most experienced itfilges; acids will not affect it. London mai'e 'sir/ardent. IM PRO VE D DUPLEX in .vimr. RUBY •Atirrorr, has sweep seconds, and is ncit tri be ex ' c,;;Iled• inieneral a r ripearapee. Tiers in ns.cinsti v one of'the 3IEST Altricr,cs e.ver offered for till . - 'dors-and speculators. .F.II . OINEERS; EMEGBANTS, 111110,PERSI,Nli TRAVICLIN . OI, will find them superior - . 0 any uther;• alteration of climate will not `fact`their accuracy. Price, pecked in good Ave and•good running order,- only $35, or case of flior $200.✓• • • *MYER DOUBLE TIME HUNTING. LEV PEST QUALITY SILVER, CASES . , over 1 4 -1 Joh eleetro—fine plated 18 ,k. gold, Similar to 01, ileiraoveu Durtxx, and superior adjusted ak.vements with "Stop,"-to be. used in timing etc:; Inn Execs for Wishington ail lOreenWich time, sweep Second, and all the itoPioveriente.2, All'in all, taking its beautiful and foultless appearance: and ihieuperio'rmove 'inant'inta Consideration, we 'regard it aif 41is 11y the cheapest 'article of the kind in the Xvierket;'.Priee, in good.runnin'g 'order, $35, , or V - Ple ask.riii pay in advance, but will for— ' weld either of them to responsible partiee; to "asiy , :part,of the loyil_ States,with bill payable' to expressman when ihe goodi are delivered, wring the buyer the"privilege of examination,, a dlraikt,satisfactory the watch can be retUrn- . • - our expepse....,;, • i , ;:l;hm ...deotess \ Fampanies. rearm making eollec, •hs.ortsoldiers sntl'othor parties in the disloy .,' at• states,lceosOgtiently all such orders must be hy . Ihrkeash.to insure attention.- • •• . of `two: dollars on either • .4- . ,;telhAykeit the payment is forwarded in ad-:' : •• Ailomeyymay be sent by , exprees at, our ex , , TOPS:..:CAFXERT .. X.& C 0.,.• Rl,4,rippositiTC4tlank, , 'Proirideticeiß. I. ' ' At, . Roil t b , ,Af*Attexpi a, 14 , ,te a t oin Pto Otnte two dome ELM !tvE , sl7s.l„4filloyi , ..p.tpiP:.'• ANtI-FREEZING, 1101E114-ACTING. ... . .. . . . . . Theae.•Pnmpshave nowltean in geneini .tijo ri','nuni . he of 'yeas,' anti . give • tiettir aatiataCtion . than any other, and are,teepmmendettas •., ..,• ... • . ' ''T .I-I.t . -. • ...1.-3. E•• EsT . 7. : ' by tapt Erricsti4e, and miler eminent, Engineers. W d can'. refer'. to :.thens'a nits using, ihene r , and inn rantee . that all. will recommend them: They 'are more simidein eanst.rnetion,u'ud wort• cast ei; aod eest less .than 'ull others._ • -.• ~ . ' . . , (OUr ieadeics,v;ill . find' tke'doublu . aotind ,proveePuinPOf:J::D. West 8t Co.; one of the. beet in' the market._' • It is' very simple.; iv:orlts to it aolhatanyehild may use it;.tlfrows a - steady continuous itreani,. and does mit freeze lathe Coldest expobares, and isinusually.cheap: We Fay Ails' ncqvingly,.and giv.eahe ! testi mo. of our own accord; vvithout • the . Inowle'dge . or:request..oC tbe Proprietars. Erwiing Yost, 'Tay 15t,A863.• ' • . -This may.certifythat I have been using, at , mi,manutaetorydor:the last four years,