M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, February 13, 1864, Image 1

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    . . .
• •
..‘ . •.
VOl-4. 5.
:filji.e4n - (4.ointp ::gl.citoo.':at.
.:•• ry4istil;p EVERY SATInthAl: MORSIN();: .
, By X,'lj••.'ciVlA„'CL, , :•' •
IFFICE, : C011:'4?2:11 GF .p1i,111.1d..4(41::AT1E:
- : s2, 00 . 61 Advanco
Rates of. Advertising
•., . . .
' 70oltOnn ohe year i ' 4."..*. 'M 00
14 .: 5 .' '• ".....“, :.. ............:.—'.. 20 00
12 . 00,
1 " His montliii.i:: . : • •• - • ••'-• 2o'oo
• •• • '' ' • ''• 12.00
'Cue square or 12 . lines or lees, 3 insertions,:- • ••• • I'so
' Each inbsequent insertion,- ~...., ........ -....- ' . 25
. 111411E8A cartle,-with paper '•.. .. •-•••••-• .. 1 ... ~; ;5 00
Rule or figure work will be double' the' above- rittee.
Twelve. tinge Brevicr type, or eight lines nonpareil, is
rated tt:gave.. . .
117-, Vim 'terms will be strictly Adhered to. ~LII _
Bi t titC6s . --: - P.itritp):ll..
'THE SUBSCRIBER annotiric'es to .the Piiblic•
, that tie' has, purchased .the'stock
loon - foirrierly.lapf by W. 11: Baker, West side'
Public :Square,
whete . he. 'prepared tai refresh the 'inner man
with all the delicace‘ venally . . kept. at 'a first
cIaSsRES'eAURANT. ' • •
. seryed r tolbrkler; either
'Thoqe who , favor' me witlL.theirpatronage
price' 9r .quality
Pmethport, Sept 24th; 1:863.
. . . ..
SmethpOrt, 3l'Keen en.. P. . F., .S MAsoNe Proprietor
—opposite the Court House:., A 'dee., large, eenunudi.
' ous and %iell rernieheil Honey. " -• . ' : • '
• DR. W. X'COY, • .
. .
kinrvi.ritp;ll , li. . . • '
w:.S: . 33ItoWNE4,L
Dealer in Dry. (inn,ls,. Gin;:eyies, Crneliery,lware,
Mints, Eilnies;"llati, Caps, Glass,
Emit Hide of the Public Siluartcliinethpurtr
L. E. lll'' 1.,N-_.',V1141,
PORTAGE, .Xeßeari . Co;, Pa
SUBSCRIB . ER'IIiOters him.elf. from
long rix-Perience, that he cannot lle•excelleil in
the busittess. , •
•, Particular attention will'be paid to CLTSTQM
WORK: For the *convenint. those liv log'
atia distance . wishing to have tanning on shares
itrraniirrieuts have peen made with L. -H. Dol.
kyi a( Port Alleizany, Who will take.' the de—
livery ol.the ITyilesnnil.the Leather. will b re
turned to his Store; when tanned.. .•
The largest price will he paid . ior:lyilec, rich:
HAINESS,.Ieft at PcillPy's.qe my tantier . y..:
. Entire aatiefaction.gived: , •
Connected Ns . ) t h - my riinriery I hare a Boot &
Shoe factofy, arid
.1 - larne: ,, s ShOp. ••
• •
Pcirtage, Pa.;;Npv: 1562:, tsnByl.
"The oldest and 1ie.41. of the Weeklies."
• The Peoprintors of the'Sile:•-day Err Pe %) _,),Fej,
paper is now in • ti ,I•hrty 7 thit.l
uonne4 in their.. l'r,slieetns. tor -1,)4:, thee desist.
mainhLinnlg lo( tt I I r - wee,kli ths charseter it. hs , ul.
ieady . nequired 14 • •
tl,',irper r
. They - have:reason tia th at Lilo stories of ..M HS.
WOOL, author-of •• Foist Ly Sc.,M is - rt LIIADItoN,
nutliosof t•Elenor's \idler!. t't* .; MAR I ONLIAIILA:sit,
.author tit ere t, ;,trss. Cl IWO; EA A.'' TOW ;C
-BI:No t und numnrotis other excellent u riters'intOt litten
generally regartltsi as pt,,ssesSitig: the gq.eatpit net•it anti
the moot atsiertting interest; and they Or" Lrn itroetiring
,The Post in the future as Int.i.he past, the Itest , Storirst
Skeithes,'artiti other Literary hich.Altey can
intssittly obtain. -They : int:and eirinmeneing in thy first
varier, in January, . t • . • . ' •
Autb,r of
front W,h.,,, ce
,r n e r r,, us'jrnn2
' This Rory will i called
. . .
•. . •
4 . ‘ 6 S WALD C i li - R.'IVA Y-- , "
Arid will be about the. Inigtli of, , •liirciiir'p l'iidu',ami
. . .. ..
In addition to. the. Storie, written expressly for'. The'
Roxt, its Editor also.strives to lay before its readers, the
hest Stories from the English Periodicals, and giresio fOL
illtion to the 'isles end Sketches:, more or leas AOricul.
tura! Dilater, With nAtlddle, Receipt, NeWS, and Market
'llepirtments, every week - . .• ' .:. '. ' .-
A SP,'W, (N - :;r MAC k I:SE.O RAT I
. .
• We will give to any person sending thirty subscriptions
to Thi Perl and Sixty Dollars, one' of 'Throb, wit•
son's Celebrated Sewing Math hies, Buell as they sell -
for Forty- live Dollars. The machines will ho selerted
new at the manufactory in New .York, hoxid and for
witrilediree of cost, lc ilk the except ihaaffre fight,
In procurint; the subscribers Mr thist remimn we pre—
fer that the•thirty subscriber,' should be: procturred at the
regular terms of 'lwo - Dollars - 'for each, lint where this
cannot be done, they rimy he practirred-at mieclehrates.-
and the balance of the Sixty Dollars 'forwarded. to
40801 by the person desiring the machine. Thr prier, ill?!
be sent 'fo,4lAriffit Peet . o.lgret . ij desired. Every 'per
son colleotlng names Should send, them with the money
As fast as obtained .4or that the subscribers may begin at
once to receive theta papers, Mel not heroine dissatisfied
with the delay... When the, whole numheffifnames
ty.) and the whole amount ormoney (Sixty dollars,) is re,
vetoed, the machine, will be duly forwarded .
. . . .
1 eopy,,one,.
year,....-- .....:4 ...... -r .;....—.... $ 2.00
,2 rople4,-ene year,—,—, . •,... .. , . "•-• - . 360
: 4 eoples , one year ... ... .•.: -• • • ......... .. .. ....., - 600
0 eopreg, , ,nnil one to gatter-up or club, ..1. ' • 12.00
20 copluo, and one to getter-up of club' ' .L.--. •20 00
• One.enpy of Tae PU3IIIIIII one of The Lod y's ~- '
- Priem!,' 3.00
- .
. .gabicribers hi British: North Aniorice roust reinitricesi
ty cents in addition to the annual: Subrtcriptien,,
hdveto prepay thel.l.S.'postage on their Papers. • .
;Ur As the price Of 'The Past is the name us Prat of
The Trim', the clubs may be composer; ; exalt'
fishily of the hper,ror partly of, the paper sell pertly ..of
the magazine'. Of alone the prereluei may be either cue
orihe other, as rissired. r • •
ir! The wetter In the, paper tvill.glways. lin altie rent.
film that in' he myelin,.
, . .
117- •Specitnen rppbers ofThr Pnyt sent gratis. 'Ad
dross '
No. 31', WO nu t,St.'
• .
. , ,
Inc Democratic ' cOnspryatiye members , of
Coiigtess met,.not long since, in '.the - Capitol,
witlf,Hpn. John 4.. Davvnn pt Penii.,..in the
chair, anti imanithonsly : adopted the.' following
important reeolotion, oilbreti• liy lion. 'James
Brooks,.of N' , 'W York: • t .
. .
11'liOrens, Gold or silver is paid. to Our'M illiE :
tres.,Consuls' rind Comtnissiofiurs - repreloriting
the t!ntion in toreign countries; mid : gold .rttid
silier.are receioett.frdtn,..tlie people at'the Gni,
torn. klous6s,iil 'paymeot of:duties:, . - ', .. . •.
. . .
Whereas, the peoplee are 'taxed' to'•,pay. 'cap
iialiit , 4'their-tit . ereat in specie in: theii inver t=.
ments in . the National debt; therefore; be . it,'
Resolved, That the effiedre, soldiers andsailors
.in: the•army and navy *should . be- paid: in- gold
and silver, or. tbeir eqaii•alents..-in - arrniunt; and
esolped; That the, Chairman . of this .meeting
be initructed to prepare artiendments to the
army and navy 'bills to this effct. ' ''.•
The following resorption frOrn • a committee,
appointed to consult upon- the political matters
likely to'come before Congress 'was:also adopt-
R , :co/oed, That the proclamation of the Sth
of JtiOe,lB63, is onwise,ine . ipedierit, revpletion.:
unconstitutional, and: is therefore' dis'ap-.
.correspoodent,-of NeW VoikTribrrn. ,
In a letter dated Dongolid, Unioucoiinfy,
noir+, ,Tanriary.,ls; says: • .• ••
•4•Tirelastday.of- the old year was mild, the
list day of the new one , opened with .a snow
stOrrir which continued three dayS. Tire snow'
was - pot .frakY, but- fine; hard grains, which
coil, searching and constant. blast 'blew,
t.'••mugli•the srisallest-phiceS.; The line' 6f forty
degrees-which I have'.ineritioned, is a' division
as'reg,arils•dwellings.as well, as other Matters.-
South cif this to a great degree:l)le faimers'
houses are of lops. , A's Many 'aS a Million of
'peopre,wi r thin..the region harried; .live log
honsesthe. 'number of. which. I. compute at,
loopoo, ;They do not • live • iii . them because
.they are, hot able to have better, of because
they are not in.the• Irabit•of . .seejng better, be-
cause they have :little'ambition, and in
. maify
parts because the winters ale mild.- 1 ,- ,riry feiv
of these houses are tight, lover are: weather,-
boarded, now and .then , one is:plastered, sod,
for the moSt.part there are cracks . in . which'the
fingers may be put. • • The cliambeis or lofts
'are much,more open; 'frequently' tbey.aremnt ,
rc biuked.' 'Thousands Of, these. houses are-not
ris warm as barns in the North, take fitvay'the
fire.and they • - - wciuld be poor barns: I have
seen some houses- with- holes in the siri • ca and
roofs friMf the size of
.a child's hand to that-of
,barrel. lisps a quarter, • at • least an
eighth, have no . windows,,rinfrthe 4°r:is
open even in the coldest weather, •except alter)
On ihr moniiog..4 of the and - Inh jostg
. .
the.inMates :of:these housesfotind-their beds
revered with snow. frcinithree to six inches
.ilriep arid the spew. crygred•eVery part of. the
pitiows except where. their heads. lay. •
,The .
rriercurk . , on .an average was sixteen - degrees
below Zero,arEcontineed
•out. - „of hoUrs. ":Never before, and - then.enly.
for a fe'W.houes, had, it been more than len'ile-;
greys - The•s.now . was ttill);.a.leet deep,
even as far south es' (Miro. Great: nninbers'of•
chickens and geese trozeto death'. The forest
trees strapperras. : if smart - ,WoUtt 'choppers-,.were
at wOrlt, It should - Seem that, there are yarieus
degree:, ol: gold, even when' thetnereury
not . For 5 on G inorningqiyour roues-
pendent, .sleepicg,,in.' a ciose',anil plirstered.
hunttl' the upper part of The bed clothes
fastenerhogrther With ice, and:part. wai imhis
bairn During'-the day the cloths.were• timr..
(ighty dried; •thediext morning it worth/he the
Same. - It was-colder than at Cincinnatti or in
any, .Ea . sterMeity, .At Memphis:the tnercury
was ten de.grees hobo at Boston less, and . We
have-am - dints of soldier's frozen to death tit
• A•litrle nOrth of 10
,degrees, and iii ,
IS the center of . the great prune region , Where
the wmri's'bloW . lnogest Hest end where
frost is most hide: Use: :14, is the'great Saharirof
tempest.'dret cold: PassrMgrrs - .. going" North
were sto p ped ar.Cetitralia,:and had to 'Mil!, all.
except ao.soldiers.'on-i.he wary to Springfield;
who demanded , a train or. the-;would take nine
—it writ; given them .:and• they•f• l werked - their
way through.. Triiiiis-going east or west .were
'smothered in snow' drifts, •they"conid o net-
the'r Way, the.'ytst - Wilderness of the. Grand
Prairie.wass:around therni, in s.otne:.c . nes they .
hurned, up the eatiantl.port of the' cars tO
keep front freezing. •. Vast.ituarleirs of fat . hogs,
in the cars died,'.fiot'so . t - tikch.on am o
in' of the
cold as on account' of the congealing of -.the
frosty air in their midst.. Sheep in large,flocks.
alSo'died. .One . mair in Sangatnon county lost
193 head in one-night:
.• .
• Alter a lapse of tee' days : they-are-beginning
to find travellers Who' left. one toWri Gtr another
and, even 'formes, with • .their boys- and girls,
Who thought to •reaeh settlements-and .trieigh•- •
hors a few mires distant... They are frozemsOl--
id. And yet in very few . places is the ground.
beneath the snoW frozen at all: •
...One young man had gone to attend school at
the noblest-of all'ciur Western institutions, the
Normal University at -Bloomington., Attempt;
Mg to ride a short distance be, wore three
.tveo shawls and- two' pair -of gloyes; anti
he froze-his timers and nose and toes,os still' as
if it were wood.' The yOung Indies coming
out of the buildin - g,:tYoulir be rolled in thir wind
like barrels.: Amorig 400' students,' there are
more frozen limb's then'sound'Ohes.- The mer
cury was .28 degrees .below zero. Frost re
m-tined all day onthe'.herids: of .nails'in 'the
floor within two Teet of red* hot• Stoves . . • Les;
sans W ere suspended: There ,a little
too•mnch'of what Lord Brougham culled , a
,pursuit of knowledge tinder difficulties.",'
The• enthS•drul in Santiago ; Chili, caught fire
on the' 14th from the explosion of a gas
' p ipe, when densely erOwded with human, beings.
The doors wer'e,sooO closed by the flress of the
peeple; Theinterior,Of the building being de
corated with. light: Anflainable:ernarrients .the.
fuses spread rapitlfy:—TUS roof of wood• soon
fell in, burying -the 'mass of beings. Under it.
Some 1,9x0 dead. bodies, mostly Indiei and chi!.
dreit r had-been . recoliered from the ruins. • .
. . .
- Those clarymen are - certainly , c ensurable,
says .the, Louisville Togrnal,'who.refuse•to• pray'
for Mr:l - Altera. / U'e aright all to pray fOr the
poor, and he is a mighty poor Iresklent. ..: -
. .
. • •
$ll_f:F4T . .l/1P0144:; . :11!1 1 48:,c.9UjN., - .• . r4;,..,5-V.tt . ,R1?A,: . ,(,03RV . A41 . (,:1; . ...ti.04..,
To UNCONDITIO:4AL U:90?1 ,. I\IEN IN. Tut:
Unyesn STATES:. • ...•
Por the put Mose of 'making.' more. palpable
the' character of the'PresiilenVs plan' of • recon-;
stritetioni )14 us.lOokmlittleinto the structure
01 'Our go'veinneetit.. To prevent Misconstruc—
tion ra'to the •Meaning.orthereornitifution, l the
tenth amendment was adopted . ..in the following
words, Vii: . +6The,POwers . not..delegMted to.the
United States by the constitution nor prohibit
ed..-by. it to:.11 - e States,Mre . reserved to the
States respectively,' or to: the people:".
fi:age is..the..hasis of all our free institutions..
Through that. right' the people--,elect,' directly
or. indirectly, all. our rulers, State legisLitors,.
Governors and: judges, members of .COngress,
President. and Vice' President, Federid.judges.
and all: the eirny'ef. Office holders' under the .
State and Nations governments. . The power'
to regulate suffrage, to declare who may: vote.
and and who shall-not. not delegated -te'the
United .States' by. the'cOnstitbtion nor prohib
ited by it to the States." It is-therefore "re
served to the.Stalesor the people.": • ';
'There is no Sucli:ithing'a's United States 'vo
ters; 'on. the cruitrary,. the whOle . fahrie of the
General government is, built upo n State. -stir
(rage. :Article-1, section 2of the constitution
providesms follows; 4The-House of Rep—
resentatives shall be ..'crimposed , of members
chosen e.i,'ery second ~year by the people cith6 .
several States,-ari'd the electors (voters) of each
State.shall have the,: qualification requisita kir
electors of the 'most' numerous' branch of r the .
State Legislature.?'. , .
: ln,Other words, idl...the-people.pf the.several
States,, are qualified b.y their State const
tutione and' lass to vote, for' Members : of the.
most'numerous branch of their .StateieWsla
tore; and no' otlierS,.have a right to voto_for
.members Of the . HouSe of. Representatives.
Seriators orthe united States, are -ehosen.by
the State tegislattireswhe derive .theirpower
from the Some voters: • .The electors of. Prost
Britt and Vice President afso•-derive their
istence and. power directly or indirectly froin'
the same voters.. : ' •:,-
.Thus' it •is, • that through the exereise'of ..a.
power "reserved to the States or the people,'!
roters. qualified 'by. the' constitution - .and lave
of the several States form ..the foundaticni of
out entire system of 'government, 'He whir
dunks into the constitution of the United:State,'
for any grant or, o
rower . , express or. implied,
authorizing Xongress r the: EXectitiYe to
prescribe qUadifications for Voters; whether
'voting for State officers; 'members of Congress
or . President and.Y . fce President, ,
find it.
\•o snob pos.s4r . Was 'giv,en or : intended to . -be
given, and ft.S.as;iimption is..a blci,,v at the
heart and life 'coost itut iona I • lit etty.
Now let us. consider the•act of the •Pfesident
in conriect ion with these 'principles and, the.
state of things in' Louisiana. • The: President
recognizes that State .as. a Stive,,in 'the Union.
Ifs comtitution and law's., constituting, I's, gov
ernment and regulating the ...right of suffrage',
remain in tact,' riot' having been' abolished or
alte'red by the rehellion.....oTheyhdve been so
far rescued from . refiel grasp, that ;the, people.in'
large portions of•fhe.State might 'exercise that'
right unintimidated by ',armed'', rebels. -lint
'they.are . 'restrained; not by, the rebels bur. by
the . arm . y.Ol the. United' St /
•', The President assumes that. the government
of Louisiana has been subverted by 'the-rebell
ot some ofilier sons, and that, a's a conse..
quence of that rebellion, all het . ..sons:have lost
their .rightof suffrage—an nssureption . without
reason or law. He then proceeds to grant that
right to,soch of. theni . as take an oath
prescribed. by Say rant, for howeVer
hy.conning phraseolOgy, - it ;mounts
to grant. The . - es.seere:of the transaction is
more, clearly expreSsed in. the following words,
e , Wheteas, hy reason of thereliellion'cq.
a.portion r f the ' , people of. Louisiana,' all the.
citizens Of said.. State•haye,lost their fight of
atrffrage; - n0w..1, Abraham President.
of the United Stutes, by virtue of (what?.) do.
hereby. - give, grant and convey.to so' many Of..
the said' citizens as shall : take • the oath afore
said, the fight to . vcitt" :for State officer - S . ; mem;
hers of Gongress; and elector's 'of President and
Vieh ?resident; to•haVe - .and to hold said right
so long„as they shall. kelp' said 'Oath, and no
'onkel)" . ..NoW.by_what. etithcrity . .is this grant
made? —BLit - One pretext has been tillegedior it.
and that is scarcely worthy, of is,
that the President has- a right th.giant anam
nesty and annex:conditioes to that :arrmesty.- 7 -
We concede. thoprinciple, with' the.:reserva.Con
iliat the conditions Must in themSefvei he law
ful,. We admit that - When. a -citizen has for
feited life and property by rebellion, the Pres
'dent. 'nay spare his life:. by amnesty and - leave
his property - to confiscation.' But he cannot
accomplish any' unlawful' purpose .through - 'the
conditions of an • amnesty. - , He cannot over
throw State 'institutions through the,..conditions
of an amnesty to' .trattors.against the United
States. •He cannot by such conditions --
bier .
throw the State governments. He
cannot exuctan ontluCif treason to. the
as a condition of pardon. !or,, Hessen' against
the United States.'- he cannot rightfully'grant,
modify or 'restrict the right of suffrage within .
a State recognized; to be inn - the Union; for that
'entire “powerls - reserved to the , States or the
'people." But in this • . plan we,have the' over
throWof State institutions, the. subvert - Mu . of
the regitimete State:government, -the. aSsuinp
tibn by the President . of..the power 'to grant
'and regtilat itiffrage—all'iNibe affected shrough
the eonditiiins of an amnesty;. conditiOnS, too,
affeating. alike -the.innocent and the guilty', the
loyal and disloyal.. Who ever before - heard of
an — dinnesty, with : or. without. conditions, to
those who had chniinitted no crime?. .These
it , .llmptions of power would be less obnoxious
upon - the Suinnor theory,.unsoutid as it is, that
the Seceded.Statesitaye.eeaSed to be Suttee of
the Union' treated. as territories
'in which no local governments exist. If such
wero . the law' the 'fa'st, . the -assupt ion of
power 'might not beSo . glaring. .But by recog
taztng Louisiana as a State in, the-Union, the
President that - her peciple have
the..stithe rights as the people of Massachusetts
and New York,an4 "yet' he treats them as if they
hadamright and no government.. A state in
the Union without a. gov,ernment 'whose people
have 'no right •ro: establish one withhut 'leave.
from the President.', While treating the seen
ded States ils•eoniriered territory whose 'peo—
ple. have lost all. political rights 'as effectually:
. .
tisin.the.Snmner theory, this plan has one ilia
tinctive feature, which, mere not .the;:men in
power so perfectly.unselfish:and uniirobitinus;
it rnigli.t be' kr - nigh:ea commended to ;their
adoption. It,ie fa bring into the 'Senate and
House ofltiepreierttntives • a host 'of mean bere
to. vote with thN fadic ls, of. MaSsathusetts.-. ,
It into bring. into the eleeterarcollege 'a• host
9i ,eleetors ..to eid in the re-election of NIT.
.There are still some , fentures-in .911 a plan re- .
quiring farther devOopments. • • •
January 30; Is6,t
. .
Tfre:CoirtNl*C'n .
seeine .that the".liico
bin .t.itthOritis4:at WaShington are beginning to
coins to their sennes', and to 'acknowledge that
their Preiioui.boastings, about the.prosperitY•of
the country, its financial 'credit, Rrc., 'was' all
false. - The following-extract fioor . a 'reaent
circular'of Mr: McCullough, the Comptroller of
the Currency, is decidedly in , point, as.acklmw::
ledging,,in every. pnrticular; what 2t)ernocrais
have. always.:said that the , nparant, show of pro!
sperity was delusory. '•'.. •
LOYAL ST.ITf.:S Siu.nnYielm.ty TO 4 IN •A'
ettosimitorscoNorrios, .rtiA•r st•clt • IS NOT Tnn
Yd CT. That 'while'the government is'engaged
in the . suppression Of a 'rebellion of unextarnpled
fierceness and, magnitude;: and is • constantly
draining' themonntry..of Inboring and produe.'
ing population, and sdiVe . rting its mechanical in
dustry from: wo r k s 'permanent. value to. the
construklonlof. implements of, warfare; while
cities . nrecrowded„and the •counttir : ; ii to the
snme:extent s deplef ed, and wasf e - fripd• extrava
gluten prevail 'as they never before prevaited in
the. United StaleSohe nationovhateyer. may.
the - .external •indications, is not prospering: '
The war in 'which we arc involved is a stern.
necessity and must, be prosecuted for .the pre
servation'of the goyrrottotht,.no . intitter! what
may. he its.enst; hitt the eolin try ; will ungnestiOn
aVy,,te the poorer e erytlay it i.r enntintird.,The
seeming prosperity of ~ the loyal - staters is owing
mainly to the large ...,xpetutittutis•of the...Tavern
"Mew and . t he redundant' ou'rreney wiiir,lr thes‘f
exnenditures..sel;in. •,
Beep theSe facts.; ecinstantlY..is . .miltd, and
manage the ntrairs. of ..your respective 'banks .
with a prefect consefouSness ..that, tAe r • Jppgrint
pro.reerekti of Mr .country,toill he. ?walled to he nn—
real Irh4 ll ;± l l ,l ivar en . elvevd, if - notl
.)ifore; And be
prepared; by eareftif management of the .rtrust.
cUmrrlttted to•you, to help . to save the natintl .
from-a fiwinir4 edllaps u
e; iiistend of.,Yor
fluence to makelt more certain ntut more :se-
." Watt". Fsrim Oii•rt--: The Message.
of President tincoloshas opened the eyes of come
.of those known 'as "-WO.
..Democrats," and they
arc refacing to: Lodge 6ny . fnither in thetincoln
• ileStractiotF train, The New York I.;el;der
always sopported . the.war litiofiglyohongh-sia—
hering to tbe,b,emo'cratic party. It is'es'inliti
ential paper, and since the President's Message.
.apped it . speaks as follows .of
ivoVen into vihat is spuriously.termeil
..ninnestY" proclaimition put: ad at, (lie tail of
the ylenattge.
''lt is a crime, because it.oponly c9nreises tAdt,
this 7eti Is is an:gbplitio4 war, and that it .is cop ,
ilacted, not to restore the Union,.hut• to•lectroy.
slavery. IVe:ha - ve all along suspected and charg 7 .
eJ that • Ibis was the true state of the
I'hc Atrolitjanists have all denjed it. The
Tr ieciident has.himsel•f denied it in ofriciiil
Merits and speechea. :To adtnit it now: after
these denials, and in fhis, most', piithorittitiva
fo - rm, is to sir lice the Union •cause - a.crucl•bloVv
For, if abolition, ba - the object of the war, ben
tbewqr is • /feje#ol - 4///e; the
po4.sihie jiistijita tiv?' fbr Itis reoi(lioii • V.e
hold.. these facts' to.be s'elf.e.Vident• and incon
trovertible, an& we repeat—shat 'three-fiftlis 'Of
the Worth.r . iw people--lemii rig . the Southern peo
ple onto' the,tbestion- T wonld ar:CusicTo Accater
. „
Scrrun AT' cAsT..-L.The abolitionists ought.
:tofeerwell that they . canfOr once•in.theirlong,.
dreary lives, support the governmeet,•• It is
the -first time th'ey 'ever did 'it. They .hrtVe
hatefi.the e,ovettiment, its poWer and.its jaWs .
all, their lives... They hitVe, preyed for'ita. des
tiuction. In al out wars with other nations
they have syrnpathized with-its enemies.''-They
have resisted the officers of the; government,
trampled Miami thwarted the execution of-law.
They have.set up state' authority to nuilily the
enactments of the . . federal :geiernment• It ie
'sufficient proof, that the grivernment is not what,
it slias . r.ten they are in favor of it. It has chan
ged to suii them, and - for 'the. first time • they,
are'for it. They 'Must feel heater than they
ever-did betore.=LaniscillsiDertracinr.
' The re-election Inst.weelt of Mayor:Sand,:ir;
son, of liancister, is not only.highly honorrihle•
to him, but, an a political.event, possesses con-,
sideralde sigoincanee. It is the first . gull fired
in the • State and National. campaign •of .. this
year, which' the election at Laneaster may be
said to have opened, and the. result is a victory
'ler' the Democracy. Arr., Sanderson was not
only elected, but elected by an increased vote.,
official returns show a majority for •bito
of gain -of 7S on thin October.election..
There Will also be ft - DeMocratic- majority of
three or jimr lu the Councils on joint ballot,
which gives' the DemOcratg control of •all • the
minor. officers..• They haye also elected 1 , 01:R.
01 oq. five Con stables: : : This prdves . that the
cause. he'. re'presentedthe- cause of popular',
Constitutional GovernMeiii:;--is'. gaining ground
with the people; •and the may a..*.ime, that :the
-teactioit that has already commenced against a
Set •of faithleasand . despotic rulers at Washing ,
toil, will gti-lorWard from this . time forth i with
augmenting speed and Volume, '
. .
The. anvass in Lancaster was, Wade with
gr;.at Vigor aid spiritron bdth sides: . The Ad
.party, spursuing thoir,ustial tactics,'
.toOk'the.groa.l that the - contestwas norpnere
ly one forfa new 1°611.2'014:05,: hut . . involved
Oeri.national. consequences . . That the
lion to be..dericcfl.wis, not eho should beMa
yor, Councilinen t and .the like, 'but' who Was
luyal,who.was for . the GOvernment. or 'agninat
it, who was in favor of keeping
,the Republican
party in pilwer at the fedqal capital,, or for
turning them out, together with., all of 'the Vast
army of place-holders, contrartors.,.and plan-.
derers:whO haye . so long.been suCking the
• • ••••
-••r -•‘• "'" 7 & • "..* ""
c ••-•• 4•
cc •
c• • • '••••
... • ,
blood Of the eolin try: was.the•! , ,ElloreL
sented. to the'f..citizons of,'T.aricaster, and the'
.result shows hOw. they, answered it.
.•It-shows• more..lt shows -. that :the Demo
,cratia ity. is tint' ticad; that• its organization
is Oill preserved; that the 'people era Yet tru'e,
to its principle 6 and that it only requires every
honest Pemocrat. to maintain atbut tgllh in,
the goodness oi hia•eause, and to work bravely,.
F.ealously;:bopefullyfer thaticatise,lp insure,it,
in the eorntrg'el'ectipns, overyhete; aglorieus
anti listing trinrnph....:. • • • '
. •
The party or the people, of : Constitutional
liberty, of fret, speech, , a 7 fren• press, free . sui
(rage, and all-the other gfeat fundamental prin.
cipleS'er :A merican freedornyneed.not..and
should net; despair, or despond. The darkest
hour is "before Vire 'have been, pasaiag
through a horrid ifight of desPritie. rule and pub
lic, Bet 'the 'darkness' is nearly
spent; anti evemnow.we may diseein the' first
faint. glimmerini nf the breaking. day.. •••
• Cms•rom Hem FnAuos.--Consitlerible cam-:
motion ha's been'ereateil intle New York Cow.
ADM House an account of.eiiotinous (rands 'which
have recently been discovered. -11.bas . .i r
out' , that 'a:regular businesSof shipping coot in.
:hand, goods .through the' New. York 'Custom
House to the rebels.bns been ...curried on to:. an
nlarminit.eitent the east year, Which thb
ies havlituzeMously concealed from the detiart
meats at Washington' by pning to that •inten
sely loYal pepntv 7 collector, 11. 13. Stantrin;and
.n cjerklbY the 'name'.of Snialley . ;nbout * .forty•
thousand liOilata toy . 60h cargo. thus fiwuggled.
thirugh.. . , • ,
are glad to notice fthit .come .oftheie
Miscreant,. have been lodged in Yerf . La fayet re,
and we:sineeiely. .hope that the .gMreenment
will .throughlY purge end purity. the New Yen
Custinn liouse;.and if we''have tip licineSt men
in the ennittrY w.ho can be.. truated iri admin 7
isteringits affairs, let •it. he clesed . .rather than'
alloW it to 'be a den of thieves and. goi,ern
•rnent.defaulterS. ;Dien who will take advantage
.pobition and: rob` the government.
nsch goer, riving: 'efficient aid to thfi rebels
by enc noi irg lug or • winking at' contraband
tr,iiiin.With them, are infinitely
. worse than:the
the rebels. themselves and 'should 1M punished to,
the full extent' of the. law, and'even this would
not be elual to ; :their deserts.--Cityuga t ''Lake
Record, •'
of Nit. MAIO(
ot //tell/iris,/ P.rar.
Phrenologis, pri..Ne. • .
I..,igics out like- a her-.
nut's nest.', Youought tan, be able, tew luv the
hole human fumilee *with your buinP at .oust.
Ye Will .never wi(feirer,' long, not natty. •
, have got .the 'antral A
splendid bump. like •
bump, too, 11tenii a Man has' got to be consta
ble-with half yure • ..• -
.limibaoveness.,-Sleightii!ly s very rFincti.,YO
mite fite. a women, bui tuft match. -I Shod like:
•to bet an the woman. • This bump wants
thund; , r What. n bump) tilrud
think Yucuil'eat.a hosts and. cart, nod chase the•
driver .three miles, without nny:praktis.
der andlightniug! whet a bump whet :bumpl•
Let Barnum
. get 'his hand on this bump - and
yore- fort in is' made. •YV bat
. buinpf •
-Musik-:-A-trWeet, prettc.'hump: Abotit Abe.
sire of . a; lima been.. 11 I had this bump i.wutl
bay tne , n juio burp, and wander 'among t 4
rocky mountains:: Pen. tail. ward; Mr.
adwice is, floss this bump. •
Greenbacks—Well developed: A .. gergeous
•.A' forth.) to cony rriati:. To 'can't help
but die ri . th, Of•thls. burnt) don't' go• blick' oil
yu. GeOrgeons Jmp!, hoppee went die: when
'yeti feel like .4,.-deth.won't have'enny.sorrows
for yura' relationS that' this bump ..WOR't
sr—Sails the Albany Ar,go.l::The conclusion of
the eloquent letter of Gkeral . WClellan to Se.
eretnry Stanton, written after 'the hitttle of
'Ciaineeslfills, as it echoei through the land,
retakes .the heart of the nation ern°.
thin.. It.revives the pang of anguish we all felt:
. when the noble Army of the• Potomac was sae-'
riticed. It arouseir.anevv.oar indignation" at the .
week and foolish Cabal that made this sacrifice
:to their awn
,cearsejealontirand greed
letter closesin these words.
~1 feel too. earefistly tO—night—l have 'seen
too rnine:dead and wounded. comrades lofecy
otherwise than. thaethe government' has ':not
sustained 16. artily . . 'lf yoti do . not .so now,
the . g a me save the army no*, rtell
yuu, plainly : that .1 owe no thanks' to_ you,, nor
to any person in. Washington. YOII.I(iVE
i . nnit liver TO TOIB ARMt r." •
..• "
spoke only of what had happened.
when.-he wrote. 'But how' roach is to'he added•
since to the rearodsibility, of . . these intriguers
at WaShington? • Another . army, under Pope
was sacrific id:: And after • :Tele:llan was a.
second time deposed from the head' of his . vic',
torimni column by-the 'cabal,. the ' army was
again sacrificed•under .riurnside, und .with 'per
sistent infattition, offered up still again,, tolre.
mutilated and sacrificed under Hooker.. • -
he Roston Courier, in the renewing once
'dotes, throws home lurid light upon the blood
stained intrigue. to . .which these armies and the
nation's cause were sacrificed, • .
("We do not helh , i'e it.pessible to add to the
woike of General .M'Cleilan, but we'desire - to
put on:record a. conv,ersation reported to us,
on the ireat'authority, ni'ore,than a, year ago,.
as having then'recently'oecurred,hetween
a len
ding politician 6f fr'New. England States and
the Secretary of' War. Said the Secretary:
• flpferiaf ..111'Cle/faaa is• gerring itiopoptitar; we
frill lewe;e to Meek' hint.' • You a ill have to.c k.
Rich-' him' vef.y quick then, or ..4qt . :in kticli;
mend,'. responded .1.4 s iitterlocutor.;. "Ole, lea ean ,
nut do that: he hcis n'ot mou.oaelfghf and we dun 's
toevtd him ong. 7no?:e;'. wa.g the answer
.of:the Secretiry . : --Well -might •he. he shortly,
after-ward s, iibarged - , to his , fade try'rhe . roar,.
:wYminhe thus sought 'to destroy,• 'wifh , ;doing.
his beet to sacrifice the ' .
. .
"To' turthe.r , ,illustrate the .satanic 'policy
Which led to such it course On, the. part, of the.
Repuhlican leaders; 'we 'giVe
.another.:se rap of
conversation,. which; by chancey once fell upon
' .the 'ears of a oat trustworthy friend
.of our, own .
id a' place orpublie resort, frcme..whase lips, as
repeated to us now again, live give . it.' Said a
.ftepablican , citizen .to 'a 'radical ,Tolitician„ 'and
this occurred. shortly after the 'first evidence
bI i c 4: shoivin. that M'clellates
. . .
failure •Was'owinglo beinglirifentir
froM eo.opei at lon . in the;•attack atioa.
mOndlt appears to me thatthet.Pieeillent,.or.A.i
Mr. Stanton, was , ,to blame is nOt
the plan of the Campaign, as. agreed up§n •
'Wolohan. Had that heen'done; 'believirsefe
'shonlo have, hail Richmonth'.4 You soillsomifirico;
r'eri,gbig.ri the i . r;slll, ernot nov,o, said ,'the; other,
that le were botier . ?yin, .to
.enks Rielrozoldtheje
hard M'Clellaie ihe
sly treettle :len'. ir eamperien
ThiE 19 : the. spirit of-raqicalismin posses.
are the Men. wha•now sway the ,destines of th'
. .
gosaip among'. apiritbalista, • aventen'a :rights :
folks and colored people •in •! eity,,,oveeto
book said relieve been written brit' : higbirin• 7: ,
felligent and, edneated mulatto .girl,clethat
,sub.s.' •
jeot ot.the triixtoro of Atte - ratea•
or, shaft the 'say .fair, ..,authoritee:,'
ground that. no all, the varieties of, tite, +omen , *
rap , huve ac9inmon origin, and .as the bietid• r • y ,
div,ots types.protinces it supeiior::'peoltle,:,
than herefore• the union of the :
blacka of this continent is a dexirable• - restrlt;‘•••
She .adimeated a universal . arrialgakatitin•ao-s
the sOlut ion 'of the problem•in America: . ;
,she terms • 1 4 fir'cegetietion;'• :
- shoe says, is a better term tban•
The work hoe been extensiveli : birCulated, • in
proof, extra circles, anitie said to be remarks •
ably, clever, fora • negress.—Plikiadeiphia
l i ns'Etm:Nor have repatedly'vearneit -
the county to put no faith in the theories yvhistv
took -tot granted that the military newer of the.
rebellion wai . broken, and thatite armies
Melt away before the - advent ..of s'p r ipg;
views are 'Otis indorsed by the Tribtlite Wash
'Maine carresdeadent. , •" .
. .
. Gen e ral . conversation with
minent piddle men; has expressall hia".biffer
that the lest grand iind'deaperitte effort will be
made' in'the ensuing Spring, by . the ..j.ibele'*c
transfer the . real'ligtihng to
'Try. cannot subsist their armies their own
desolated region, .from all the moat . triiitfal
parts or which slitvea.hri've • been ..withdraii . n
into the' interior . esittom states. It is difficult'
to:determine w hether their new:campaign
'be clue north into Peimsylvania• again.or • cross
Ohio,, . using - tdengittlist r a 04-
sent position us a' base of operaiimii.; All
theaecret ittivices received. at tho Wat .IYettariw .
ment show that a Pcier•tlie-Ilernilt.crnsider ,
igsinet she . North is now being preached .
throughout the confederacy; and that 7 they'
conacripting into . the kinks withpithlesi
.ce .everytbirti 'burner) that is able to bear
. .
. .
In n l etter, which- in rpor to .to 'eve) Rich
tacind name :pn-per oc6its • , the ,
following: • ,
71.1toever, the civil' peNver.-',ltt. given ,to
the spirit. of, discord', end contention,. if' the..,
,governMent itself is iubmitted.to ,an .outward
pressure •whieh• plum+ it •in the necessity
resorting to violence and ,arbitrary -mecieureak' ,
the army, 'the-contrary, - unconscious, of
these'.dissensions; • has. recently',• seen
number increased anti iti discipline. improved. -
it is the only.organised hotly.in, the confetlet
racy whieh at the present time. preserves ',its
spirit, and does. not oilow the Wind
.of. 'discoid
to divide and break its mite. ' • • : •
-This . is not the kintrof talk we: usually see
in the administration pre* but lila tbe . .bigho.
eat prudence to take that view, of the matter,
and be prepared for .the •treinendOusi
which will open to the sprthg... • • •
Tilt; Cos-r.—John BrOugh Governor eject of .
0hi . 0,..in his speech at Lancaster before •jhe
election, as reported in the Cincinnati Cotn.
mercial, said: •
"Slavery must be ilut.dryiNo, •rooted.out r if
every wire has, to be made et widow, .aild
every child to be matle fatherlleistie •
• ~E very, wife'? here means .the wife,of every
poor man, not Sohn .11rotieh's wife; nor Hoy-'
nee GrOffly 2 9 . wife,. nor HenrylVard Berteheds
Wife, nor Owen Lovejoy's wife of, any shoddy,
patriot, but the wife of every man who cannot
raise three 'hundred dopers or who, hes '. pot.
inoney enokh toltry substffute. .
ftenjamin said; in hie "place,in the tr."
S. Senate, that the man who. "quotes the eon? ,
stitutinn• in.this crisis is.P(Traitor."
Welister soith ;, • • • .
6 eine constitution of..the United States is a,
tviit(en ivstroment, a '
recorded • FUNDAMBNTA4
LAW; [l . 'll the, the ONLY DO:in OP Titg JP:110W OP ,
SrATF. , ;:; 'it..is nil that gives tis •itational
IF .
the western Republican prees..
4e.lir'vell Mr, Chase's lressury agents.ire
as active in snpplying the.: with what
they need on the Mississippi' as,ete•his cistern,
hones officers ihe,Attantioioast. , The Cind
Cinnattt Caz.proves conclu sively that ;he yvtiorry
eyitem of tiatio.perrnits.on the river
ing less then an orgnnized.a windle uprin .4onest.
commerce, and that . no one gains . by Whet the'
persOnal friends of. Mr. Chase who , hold the
The Union League of Thiiadelphia ha l nom"
inat.cd President Lifteoln.loi re•efeetion.
. . . . .
Mr. Cafe b Judge of 'the 'United
States . I.)istrict Court of Indium*, - and . foimerly
Secretary of-the Interior, died at - IndianapOlio
on the 7th of Jatioary.; . . „
capthin Provog gurphrl :Of .
the.Eighleenth pennsylvania district,
sport, hn4 Veen dismissed the gerviee,,and,irre't.;
e d tir o l o dged in•the.o.ldCa . pitol.. prison for
ed !muds is the btisiness el his office.
The first:eonvietion. under that preiviskM .or.
the enrollment , act which directs. . the iriskand
punishmeit.t of surgeons formehdpg te!ee reports:
and for neglect. of dutyoves efbtaineg ,in it s ligh
case of Dr: Samuel: Salisbudy. of. the. Fou rth'
of Conneetieut;,who.bea been ordered.
.to be imprisoned for two mosiths, land to.
Eight tone of - I. , ..reety.btlks,Nircire.c:firied,pverJhe,
New Jersey liailrpa'd,:tcr 'Oka
last. w . eek l'fie; . money, be. tis,
tions of diferent iilteru:4re
' TUE MET Mel4,,,rri
(4 if Lincoln he re-elected, itt,hat Ida „Ile.*),
; , -;TO deal damitatitiii round•.•thclai34.. 1 1...;;;;;;d:
;, ; : •
•:i • 'S