M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, January 30, 1864, Image 4

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    I ."'
::: '' ;: ' , 7l -' ' 4
I)iiNllEtiflN't tifFqE,'
- , ,, ....iiiii,,;,,nadi 'tram' the 'ieet /nen Coffee. to
, , '74l4idititeirbtphysiciViti it% er superior .Ntlirltlff'lol.l3
..., VW.,(4tAketei.ol Debtilty t Dyspepsia, eud ell
b iltli
; , 'O. 006061.11, ',. 1 houeend A who Imre heettcompelled
0 toputa mini the,,tiee , of &diet, Will Use, this without 111.11111
OnVili liggitikVollll CAlle coittala the Atrength of two pounda
'':`)lctiltfttr,,ilteVi'TtlCo6 qhtl'•
ti,'^ollicptristlio , ,44 'PA X1111') POWDER knoten. tor
t. ITheltinn
g ow sweet ,ilil• nut, i tinui; Broad awl cakes.--
, teliOekkefette: '','" l''' ' ' ' '
r 061.4 ''lS, ' MAlrwAc rtrA nn nrr
, .. I ,1,.. A!:, - ;;,t1::,, t , i ~ k(,) t. 1,0 cR, chein i< t ,
' ',Tl. l .;',Zkoriler, id nrcnid and c 'inhume. „e,tre eis, 4
4 1,..i4•11414 G 1 • - ' mr...tnnLrus,t,
i f,J)
,444• A d , qold.by all Druggioto and m Groco
.*: I
, C A!VE D
1 '
..''''!"'::a,T. : .o.i* - ,A. - 0..,E 1
1 4
° fn.l. I
~,, . ,
.?I,:Pure I(nd poweifol Tonic, corrective Ond • al
- .it,enctiv l e F .qc yvntiderfni cllicarx intlisease of the
11-11# ~,-!, : `,:-..-- :. ..:• ...:. .. ,
• .•
. .
,;.. 01-1414,1)51i, Liver Co mpla int ; Heade rh e,'
tke6 ,Debiljty,eyvdiisnes,.Depress.ion of
Pfitts:kC.ohstlystion:'Colie ? , IntstiMitent . ...
Le.e.ters;Cmims eml.Spasms, end All Ci - n
o-' .
• :14 0 ljntitketther Sex, arising. from Lod
- ily Weakness whet her • inherent in ... 1
the system nt• prodUced. by special . '
.t. , —Rothing : thot is not Arbolesome; genial and , t.e.
rtiture onters iiito.tin' compost
tion of 1-10STETTEit'S STOMACH 13ITtr.R.
Thio poptilar prep'aration,..iniltilins no mineral
.of Any kind, no deadly • botanical. element;. no
excitant: but it is a cOmbinatiori of • the
• •,
r ....e,xtr.11,6t0 of rare balsamie'herbs 'and plants with .
tbo . pu.rest- and mildest of all
.diffusive stimur
. .
It is well to be • forearmed- rtaainst - (disease.
ancl . , ! 'so . fztr,nlthirhumark'nsjem ran be,proteet
. . . .
. . m
•, rr.e - Ftss „
.hg,ainst a!ail.ies
an un*boleshme atmosphere, a
ntl oth eri mps re. yva
ter, e.itershr ,R
tlSes, IMSTI7I ° R.
1 , . 'S
'BITTERS may bN rPneil im.as h ssfeltharil. •
ifistriets..mfested Feverand Aloe;iit
has been ,fsMrui in . falfible. as .E 1 .prev,elili re and
irresistible ns yenned,/ rind tiousSntis ti hi) ie r
soft.tolcunder apnrchOisipn'or., an attack ca
cape the sotiegi!•;. at*.thotralilli who nilll'ect
to tfirriii:;th,ernactl.vetr of prettied:ire qualities
in ittittitiei,'titre Vir'ell;hrtt rety br ief course Of.
thkr marvelous and 44tie na
tente;'.after.being. with' nnitiinc... fdr
months;, fairly an !oral et! with'
. ,
that dangerous,alkalpiil,ato ,nol : on frequently
restored a frhi , days by'the use,
ilPSTkall 7 3'.§ BITTItiRS, r
‘ettleatomach ripidlylnt'ignrated and
the appetite restored by this agreeable .TOnie,
'and hence it 'vvoiks - veanders in:cases of Disilep
,,let apd 'in less .eonfiemetl forinsof Indi'grstion.
'')Vetin gentle and painles apperient, as
04 'As open' the liver; „it also invariably' re.
q'"lie ea the tonstipataticm .sepetitoinced* by ir
;l.l4ittier action of the digestive - nrid secretive or
. • . . • •
.of feeble habit, liableto Nerttous A t.
- tikks, L . c4finesa of Spirits and P its of . . Languor
"'!fineprotript and permanent relief from Bitters
‘" Th s eleatimony on this . Point is most conclusive
r'and from both sex'.s..
The sigoni'.ol Billions Colic iS'initnet/iniely
asitiaged , hy lose of the stiniti rant, nti_cl
bf . iiecasiontilly'resnrti.ni. to it, the retitto , ol the
Comtifitint racy Rte prevented, . .
As 'a General. Tonic, lI9SI'E'rBER'S. BIT-
. .
etre ets whi c h •innst •be .experi.
• epeed or tvltirtese,(l.hefore they:( , an be. fatly op:
';:yireefate(l.l'n eases .
Pfil Conctitutio.l4,ll Weaknes
reat'ee Deeay•iad'•Delnliiy •ttii , l re'pt,i•-
• ariglng•''fionli '01(1 Age, tC .exeleh.es . the
ennvaleseest sti.g.(;,R
of all iliseasesit.operatds . es a ilelighifill.i,nvigo
.Whenithe.rio*ers*.of nature are relaxed
it operates to reinforce atul.re f establish them
• Lust put rint.lea-st, it is The Only Safe St kn .
lant,,bei'ug ininufaettiCeil.trom sound Onil - ink;
.etrous materials, aml entirely, tree Item the ach
'elements present more or less - inall the ordier.
, , .
ry emit !tomii - criteo of the (ley.
No fqtni.y.Thedleine - hes bern , so
ant boititly, elided; deservedly POptitar
iwrth . l.lie'intelJteent portion of the eetninunitY,
, as . fiqpltaTEri?s 'pow Ens, . .
Prepared by,H 2 O.ETTER & SMI3I-1, Pitts
, - Dr:oggists; Grocers and Stc,relieep
,o6 . • • .
Offiee•of JAY COO . --
114 SOUTH TllrliD
„ )' , • Philndelithhi, Nov L ,141.
Tbe undersigned havlit,l, been appointo:,
SUBSCRIPTION AGENT by the Secretary o
the 'fressury, is now prepared to furnish, at
once, the
New Twenty Year 6 per et. Bonds.
'of ythe :United 'Sratei, , designated as •Ct Fiye•
r TivenOir, i ,!:rdleiirlable at the ,pl ,, asbre of t'
•Geitiernriient;after 'five years, and .mithorii e,!
by Act. Ot 'Cone' 6 isi approved Feb. 25, ti11'..,, _
', ,, Thl ' doUPON: , B . ONDS are issued in sums c,
1050; $140,',n00, 'sloop:
. . ,, Ttie'REGISTER. BONDS , in sums of. 'sso,
. $lOO, $5OO, $lOOO and,ssooo,:''.
i`•'' Xtiterest. at six 'per . cent: per: annum 'me!:
commence frbm date. of purchase, end is
il,• ~,. '.- : PAY.LBLE IN. GOLD,. •, ... ' .. ' •
-Semi--Annually,' which is aqua I,: at the . pr'esm
.priininin dri.gold; to about EIGHT, PER CF.Dri
, R.E.R'ANAUM-' ::. ; ' ,' • .'' , ' ''
;Farmers, lifernaanta', Median its, .D . apitilists,
; ansi'ajk whpliave any mon? .:to invest, shotili.
.;:f.;..ktiOlOtad , rernin.ber . tha t t e'se toads are,. it
, ':'Ygr.get,p*f,FlAST 3tciwrq GE upon all rßall
',;;'roacls,.eanals, Bank , Stoc s and.SeeuritieS; an;
il'o,lo.loanise proaacta ofall the Alannfacturn(
,f , fni;iii..,i,tillan.apentry: • and that,the full ant•
41..,:jkowpivrt, itition . ,llE4 e : ort
.e,pay,ment !of the
pki,mi . pireet,ind liqu . .dation of principal, by , du-s
-it poto#oo!io;E F *. Stamps and .Internal Aov
:', s . l9v! , ,eithrke liionds:the ', i . 7
, ~..
r , 4y,,a,*(04:11,41'pAr Investment
ii) l 4.lt , ,44, !, ;!lll3 l (e'li#*:'.::.'' ‘ , :
krittof*fifFiio44MAß, l 9.l , aliali'qn ! ,
#0,01 1 .0 4 4 4 , 1 40 0 -41 1 : (1(.1) i 4 4,4.t "ilk'
,•,, , .T T 41140)011#•ivit481#1,4.5tiPpo'6y.tini.lil„will re-
o r
k*, it :: 1 01,.1.;0 1 (404, 1 ,9 1 t400 - ' , OVAry :' fA . PittY 1 49d'
4C, - :.4).ci i ,(A,c01i . ,0:4-,,,°PPii9,091 i. to.'
:,. . .': . 0 44 1 .,4*,;,. 'y.'"Ol , 1....i.5..:p.. ) , ,
*Pr ~.: . E1100.40,`.4,0,0,4,,,g r ig)fe, kept.44l. l ?anqt
Vav ~.,teito.l9l 4 frift 05:4,& : :,; ; ,.,f1:: fe . • .
NVit, qb 1 ! , ,":1'4'.4F , „0 P.o , gt; , ,!!!'!!P . tio'n 4 gent.
aryWA!,::!:i.A ., ;, -, WW2i4.3f..:.:-;;;,:;'Q , '' , .• - . :- , .'. '. .
, .
7,4W i fr.j
. . tcl'r tb E. H F,Rtßir: G I rEN , thot.the . ,
4 • Fiiittii , 4,.hip'heretarore bit)rig. tknder the
ollne'and .- elyde afMuscin Brothers; in the Stpye
And Undutsines4,.is . this'day dissolved; by
- cOnse!it.. • .The boOoPs§•will ~.hdrearter. be.
.• knovviiig . thomvlvei indebted to
late, fiymp'ekthey'.by bvte'pr book aepiunt,:-will,
He'ese.Ciull end hettle:AbV,sanie.irntriediately,
dor.bysp , dOng• I hey ~vvi)l'save .
Oct, 27; lISP3; '•'.
• 0 •'. (com . mmacAran ).. '
ralmoYary„Conearaption a Cyrablo Disease!!!
A Citrd to
, The
~undersigned'. having, , been 'restored
health in. a few weeks; by a veg . :simple rcme
rty, after havine.suilei ed 'several years with
seVere lo M
ng re.e , an d: tionihrit dread disease;
• • • •
Consiimption—is an.*ious.to Make known to his
felici'W'sotrere'ri the means or cure: •
all MI6 desire it he:will ieria copy of the
prescription usek(freepf charge',) with, the ' di
reCriOn for? preparing the . same,
which they. Will tied a Sure' Cure consump:
tioh;'Aithinti.Ofirouchitis, Coughs, Colds;
The only object of the advertiser in sending the
Prescription is to benefit 'the .alfi#ted; 'and
spraiul information which be ,conceiv)s . : to
inv'aluatile;.o . nd he hopes every suffererwill try
hie•re . medy, asit: will cost
~ them nothing, and
may prove a hleashig... . :
Parties' wishing tic pr . eseription will. plea6e
• " '
Kings Countq,
, •'
, 1,7ew.,Y0
. . .
CASFIS: Gun be relied ori!
.Istever t:iit to
curet': Do uot.,ntiiiseatel ..Are speedyin action!
No change of diet tequitedr no not . interrele
with bmintiaa Mir Suits !. Can be used without
dtiteetion! 11pW,ard of 200 curls in.past month.
—one of there • Very'-.geve;'ye.cas . e,. °yet - ow!
hm , (1 1 (.,il them in theii.
composition, whiCh is : entirely vegetable, and
harrtiless on the - syF.teni,. I.lMidieds . of • certili—
eates.tian be i3howni
I3ri,a's Si' uric Pir,r,s. aro 'the orig,inan .and
only'e; , :naine,SpacifiePill.,..Tkeys are adapted
for male :and emale, old" or• young„nnii.'the
01:11.:"t reliable remedy for:effeetin - g,a •perrnanent.
am aper'dy cure in ull cases of
or':;emitril %Yea kness,.With all its train ore.vils,
sii4li . aslJretbral,and Vagiliallscharges,Gleet,
_the Whites, Nigntly or' I'nvolu'ntary E'missions,
"Inc?ufinencer. Pen'lal Debility .and Irratability;
lini)oten'ee,'%yeakness or I . ! 'oss 'Power;Ncr ,
&c., allof which arise twin ,
c,iit,l.ly . ,frorrt'Sexual Excesses or Self Aboie, or,
sorne, cons!if ntional deraneefnent, and ilicaPac - '
lies . tba•stille,re'r'frorn fulfilling Alia ''autie's' of
married lo all sexii,ardiseassa, as Gonof,
rbes,'Gleeti'and rictiires, and in DiseaAes 'of
the gladder. and Kidneys, rhey . acf:ati a cliarm!,
Iteeliet - ii,experienced,by:talcing.a single bdx:
Sold by'ull principaldruggi.ts. • Price $l.
.They Will be 'sent, htu . mail, securely, „sealed,
and coradentlally, on rec'eint of the money,
: • • J.•BRYANT M. , D
• .:Nri.:76.Cecar street, New Yor k.
the treatment
Urinary, Sexual and'NetvntitiDiceeses,
Fend; flee to all, the following *val
. noble kl',ll3!s,.iirsealeil'enxelope':'
TREAT : ISF: pit:SelfAbuse, Preenatuce. Decay
iropotence.and loss of Power,. Sexual diseaseli
Sernitial Wealtn ,, se, Ertiiistoni . i Genital
&c., a
.. pamiipty. qI d 4
cootaining.imporlicat • advice to the - afflicted
mail 'which should' he' reMd by 'every sufferer,
he tnento cure in the severest stegewts.plaitt
y set' forth. T . Etio , stamps required to pay ii . nst
• •
J -le. • s ry_l . 2
n C S eg-
Corner of Tenth andChpatniq Streets,
:•• F:1 P 1,41 A. •
UNDRR :nut Illek'N'AciF:','llk::4:r,;(lF
••',. .F.A iftg .111,
for the lost lour years Principal,antl . chief !nisi
Hess Manner of,BaVANT & SiTATTON'S COM
morale' College.. •
Vomlncted,oir a neww - system of Actual Business
Trainine, thrOUgt the. establishment of legiti—
mare"Offices'artdequOrine,lfouses, representing
different Aepartmeote . of Trade and . CoMmerce;
and a regular Bank "of.peposite and . ..lssue; giv-'
ing:the student' all the advantagei of actual
practice; and qualifying him
. in the shortest'
possifde'lime and. most'. effective manner (or
.the.various'duties'and employments of business .
The Course of,inst.ructions in ti:Theological
.Npartment'embraees.Book keeping, Commer
cial Caliulations,lectUres on Business Affairs,
Penninstiship,'Pornme'reial Law, Forms, Cor—
respondence, • . • .• .
- .
. .
. . the student enters upon the Gradu a ting Course,.
I . which - includes a continuation 91 the above Stu
diel,' with'their practical application in all their
deiails.':' He will in thin fill the 'position of A c
cduntant 0 mi Tioririetor in the . various Dpart—
ments of IV/soi,,,itzle . eznd Rrlail Trade, Porivard
ing, Albin Y aleiCol7lilliSSilitt IPILIiIitISS, Banking .
' litalbilitaiiri4,lllininiz,. steannVoating 4.e., and
will.finatly,.act as azeiticr, Book keiper and Tel
ler in 'the Baok,:in each..of which positions his
prev.teue knowledge will be put
.tto the ;fullest
. .
practical test.. ~• .• : ~ - . . • •
. . „
This invitation offers to young men' nunner . -
pPs ad vantagesnot posseaSed by noy other com
mercial Cellege in the. State.' is complete in
iii(itshPpuintmehts. 'is the only Institution
io,the 'Sfafe 'conducted ;on actual - business prin—
ciplea.., The course of instruCtion is unsurpasi ,
and.may .be completed in aboutonehelfthe
time. 'usually •spent in othet institutions den
§equepce,of .an entirely, new ;arrangement, and
4 4 1;te.adeption of the new -practical system.,'
binlornai awarded upon the'completion of the
C l 'llsin i eisiaik s!
Cant', which embraces ell except
AbilAi . glier, sets of Banking, Maim tact nn:itg „.
Send for a tiecular
. „
a*Piiaitive . ,and Specific Bemedilar - disease's of
the Bladder, Kidneys, gravel, and DrOpsical
ThiniMacticine-increoAe'g the ronver of Dips.:
tionj and excite tht.,..Absotbenti , into . bealt
by,which.. the watery or enleareonsdppo,
.aitions,'arrd,ull thou turOl.pilotgniento OtO' rO—'
atizi'd) as WQ II on')
' Vor..Wea neises ExceSßdq: , gab ,
its of Dissipatio'n,. Early..lntliscret ion of Atn,ie,
t Houle& with' tlic": fol !Owing
,sympt . nin;i , ..-=
.rnili'spas,itiort'!if Exertion, of.ro\ver,
Loss 61 Nte'rno'ry " 'Difficulty , Of<Brel . thin.
Elnrror of Disease; • Wakefulness,
Dfrnness.ef:Visidn, , Pain in-thit. Pack,.
Universal Sysfen,:
Hot the . .. Body,
Dryness of the Skin; :Eruptions oil the nee,'
T.hese.s)trnritoms, if allow'ed to go mi . , which
this'medicifie invaribly removed, Eonn' follows.
. .
'ln 'one:Of • vi'hich the Patient mil expire. ' •
Whi),cati• say that they ara not fri , iidetilly fol.;
lowed by 0160 "Din 3 loll)iPil , eB.." • •
Alatiy,are asvpri? of ttle'caust: 'of their sulTo,r-
BUT NONE', ,VII,L;tO:YFESS Tilt rit:C9IIUS,OE Tilt.l'N
And melaneholfkAlenths Consumption hear
witness to.the..TrOth of the
,ns ,, ertigh.
The. Cdn'stite tjon o n ce .'effected, with 06;4 ni9
Weakttess requires the * . aid' .of Jo'
Sirefuttherimod.lnvizero6 the System; •
Vhieh HEi.slllol.l;''S F.x.TitAct,tqlcnu• MVO :
A Ural wit) convince the•most skerrtie:at. • :,••
. .
•Inipany to .letrittli , s the.
ExTuscr Iltiettit - js . unequidetl.by. any 011)P - 1: Trrli•
ns chlortisis oriltetention, Irre7,olitrity,
Painftilness;joi-So . ppression Of Costdirtnry Evan: :
"ontiOOS: Ulcerated or. Snitihous itn . te..or the
Uterus, Litichoriliseii or-Whites, Suit
for alri:ompinints ineiiletirto the, sex; whether
front' indiSeresidn Habits of Diisipnt ion,
or in the . .
'rake: tip more Balsam, ..116 - eury., or' unpleas=
Medieipev for I/ p b . . a •;Firi eui;diseases:
• - sEcRET - Di: MANES' . • • ,
akeir 'S.O.lges, • • At itrip
Lit.Re or Miehen.ge.,.in Diet. .Np , mconvenience.
' It causes a frequent desire and .Lee s sTretiatil
to • Urinate, - therebY, - Remoiang 70 1 .)structions,'
Preventing"and Cuffing Stiictur a s of the Urethra,
allityink Pain and hip,i F fiat,i,:in;.*o irequent 'in'
the class of diseasesiund . expelling all Poisonous
Di.4aiell and wOrnout...igatter. , • . -
Thuusandsnpo'n thousands - who.havebeen the
victims of Quaiika,.and who ,haVe paid beaVy
'fees, to be cured in a ahcirt time, tidve found they
were deceived, and thrit : tbe “POI.SON'''IIII9 by
tfielise.of Powerful' Astringents,'? been , dr - f0
dp in the system, to break nut. agipaya‘•
ted - form, and,perhaps after Marriage. -• •
Use E,x . renerr , l3l7olll.7 'for . 0) 0 iPC.
't 1011 . F1 - and 'disease of the , URINARY' ORGANS,
whether eicistingin MALE or FEMALE (roof
wh]ete'ver and no mutter how
.. .
.I)l4oases'-of these .Orating requires the. aid .of
Diußß:r.ic, in'', L.Atno L'S..EXTR A CT W.f . ,'
'CHIJ . , Ibl'llFl G 11. P. AT . DIV ft 1:11.0, arid LS ce'r. ,
twin toha wit .the tleStreVetTeet. - in.. till. Diseases
.tot tvitieh it . is •re . ernn tnernied. ~. . -. '
.. .
. . . . . . .
.:vidence of thc•most'reliable and. res'pen.ii
character wil.lace . onliidny the medicine.
5i., • 00 per tioile, or Six 'for 8.1:00 •
hrliveted to any Address,securely pac144.1 faim
observation. • • .
. .
• ' Doiicrile:Syinptotas.iriall Communic:ltions,
li:iires'Gnarattlect! ! ' , • •Advice - Gratis
A(1(111.8.4' loi inloimi . itiot) to .'. .. ...•. '
..• Ff.' 13.:,1 , 1 D Ll\ Ll3O 1 ,D, icii.ii'i':-.4t
.10 , 1 Smith 'Few h•st.,.bel; Clii.stnus, Phila.
iip,r,mßor,l»s Medical 1),•1;,,t. -. ',•-. . ••
_ _ _
HELDI3OI.W . S Drtt; and Chiimical War'eholise
PRINCIPLED wlio.etufeni;or to
tliFposo ~ tor't heir oivii" and 6tothir".'articles on
Hehribold's'Genuine Pr par;Hions
. „
• Sold by kW Druggists Everywhor.-
Ask fOr Other
Gift out flioA‘ivertiserFiefitorvi 55541 for it.
1863. . . .1863.
Thisi.greatline traeerses'•the Northern and
Northwest r;ounties . ol Penrrsyreania to theeity
of Erie, on Lake Erie.
.• • •
Jr has been )eased by the' Prmvser.x.txre, R.
R. CONlyANY,.and under their nospiees is being
rapidly opened throughout its entire length.
Jrlris rinw in use . ter Passenger and 'Freight
business from Ilililti . slanaft .to .
[l9s * ' miles] ' on • 'the, Eastern Divis
ion, and from SHEFFIELD .to• Erie, (78 miles.)on
the Western Divilion.. . . .
• Leave Eastward.. . • ,
Express - train leaves: • • . 4 ,00 P. Ili
61 ' gi :erri'ves;- • .1 , 52 P. M
Arrives Eastl,Varti
Aceomodation t rata',
'Cara. run through W11110i1T: CIIANGE, both
ways on:theseArains.bet wean Philadelphia and
Lock Wayen, and between paltiapre and , Lock
. . -
. . .
• : F.TACIANT ' S.L4rma cars on •Exprnss trains.
both ways; between Willjamsport; arntßalti- .
moreand' Williamsportand Philadelpilda: ..
For inforniatien 'respecting .PaßsOtiger.busi
ness ilpilly at th'e - S;i:.To . rne'r 11th and. Mar-
And for Freight.'business of the 'Company's
. ••S. B. Kingston, Jr:, Cor. 13th arid Market
Sts., Philadelphia, ' • . 7 •
J. W. Reynolds, Erie. - '
Agent N. C. R., .Baltimore."
, .
Gaze! Freight A„ 't Phil'i
;-:• • " : Ag"t-Phcl'it.
D: PoiTs, •
- - - Gee! Mattager,•iViiliansoport
Pallid. Corit'entince
15I . POTENCY NIA t rri; F.VU,E 'nrs.,
DECL,INF OR Cl-/A - N‘qi:! . .OP 1,1:17
500 y 1‘1,...w York
44 ENtiiiet .I . 3uchfi. • .
4 , • Sarsap . ar,qla: .
" • Improyqd:Roe.Wash
OF 'A NEIWOUS 414 N.LTub;:i
lishrd as . ic‘Yerning..an(l.lpfiheespecisl . 7liene4C
of young:men, und;those who suffer with, NE - 11:
yous 01 , ,11 , 101011Y ! 'PREMATURE
DECAY,.4C ! , by.one .who..has cured • hjm
self by simple ireenS;after . tieiog'rut to great
eirpei*.anO•in - Conygnien . ce, the of
wortbless'enetlicinespresciibed'hy learne!) Doc
. copies may he hail (free) of- t . he.
author, C. A'.l,Amistrr,.. F.sq.-,'Greenraint Long
rnelosing addresgeil envelope. '' -'Ad. '
(tress C LLES A. I3 . ERT, ditF.E,NPOINT,
LONG I:§P.A.NIi 9 New York, . .•..
et,fclqiort oflMooliFtitnn.-,.
. •
B p..ING A' 111'1 , 1,0 WEN . , FA L.
,It (-11:7T1:101AII.S"
. .
`'tltie of the prettiest; mu -t.,convenierit, and
decidedly the,"best and: cheines e t, Drnepieee Inr
genirat and rella bin' use, evermffereil. It has .
'.within it und . connectii with its machinery; its
own winding attachment,. rendering a key: (4. ,
tirely annecessary': - . olthis Watch
composetror:t.wo : .metais,, he Milero6l ,
10 ; carat
,gold. It lieu the
proyed,rubrinction lever, mevement,...and
warranted ati accuiate'tirnepieee. Price, viper.
enprti tired ,- per case af a halt Jeri en,
00. Simple IVa . te t marocc6 hox'es, tin
Those proposing rO boy atWholesile,'s3s,
by 'express, With 'hilipayahle ottdeliVer% ` o t-.
dicts.mast remit pa y ment in, advance," - as we.
cannot collect from these -in the: As-mY:,
II tJEI B ART/ 11116 S: .&:' N.,,..50f.E Tireorrrsns
Colt. NASSAU & tomF Srs,,
• ADMIDTISTRA'.I'O • AS" 1.4 ()TICE. •
1471- . 11c11,8A S et tos of. •AilinioLtration , . 6rl
YV - • (ha .Estat' of Giult.os litoNs',.late of
Meletio'eatinty,..P.i.; deceased;
have..beeki gtanted to the.tiptlersiitti , (l,.- all Thir-
Sons ip(lehred' to salt( *Eitilt'o,are 'reipts . ted 1 . 0
make lrnatelliate and . 011...itayirit;
clalmsogainst said , E.state will , present•tliem,
duly • •'
• • . OLI'VE IRONS, Alyitilli,siiettiizi
J . • •
Keating; January
The Su iss , c bei ion Dec. 2-I
iti.the•Strcet, near .Stpetlipoct,.ivflicli the owe
can have by'identiiying. thesame; and 'payin,
the cost of !Ills notice. .
•• • •
• J., cv.'HAr.r,ts, ,
SnletkpnitJatmaiy - 6, IS6 • .
. — Whtteas letters of adislinistration' to the,
of Draie •I'afe 'cif 'Keating
haye bern .oaritod
undOsigned; .01 pi , rsoris•Milebted , to: the said
Estate are ten in , sted• to make immediate'Pay
orient, • and those'having clairri3 or di.mti hits
MO: the 'Estate CI said Voorhes,
make ki.own the kitme i)elay.te.
• •
. . 'Administrators,
Faimers 2! 563. •-:
66 : How. Robert' G. White
V V President Judge, end . * lions. J.•
litrg and 'N. Peabody ASs'eeiate Judgesof the
Cop rtfi 151 Oyp'r & Tee mi nerand.• Goner ,t!
.Delivery,'Quarter • SeS'sioas . of the Mare,
Court and, Court : of Codirdim Pleas, for
the County at M'lieati have issund•their)frecep . t.
bearing, date
. HFiiday;: he', first day •
'Jiibutery; in the • year ()roar Lord, one thou :
*,satiii eight henaireii "and sixty-font.;. and; to mio
directed, • 'fo•Owihling. a' Court Of :oyer and
Terenine . lnd'Oeneral*Jail
. Deliyeryi.Q.naftee
pfl..ole •:1 4 eace,. Orphans'. Cuhrt,
Court, Of*CMihrion;Ple•iiS; tine llotpuh,of
tirdethp•oit, 'MoOlay,, the..22,1.i1ay .01 :Feb,;'
roary next,•and to emit Mile one week;. „
Notice is therefdre licieby given to the,Chro
neis,- :Justices. 'Of
,1116 , Peace and
within the county; that they. he' thedadd there
irdtheii.Pronorper'scins: at 10 o'cloe,k I‘l.-"of
.said da . y,. wit Irt heir rolle,.recorfls, inquisitians;
'examinations, and othdr retnembreaceS, to do'
thosd things.whieh. their oltices•pppertain to be
`done. And those who are I b ound by•t hei rec:.
miniiances to prosecute the pt isOneis that are or,
shall be it'll of'said county of - 261'1Ceah,
'are:to be then 'mid there to prosecute against '
them as will he just.'.
I.lated erSeseihport, this pth.da.y of Jat;tor
18q1,.:ancl , the Sith' yktr of. the Ir4lepent
ence of the, United States of America... • ••_
Chantr:c) l'fom,:4
eom . Nov. : 17th, 1563 - .
Trains wil . lleave•Oleon.at about the..foltowin.
hours, viz: -- " . :
Night Exprqsi
Way' Freight
N. 0.121
Night Express . .
• .
JL~iI . • 10:17"A. 11.
Stork • , • • 3:19' P. 31.
Way Freight. • • • • I:l3*P.
Nos. 3, .I,,atid.B', run every day.' No. '6
Sundays, hut..mit Mondlys.' Tr'ain 3, of i or—
days (roil] New York; runs
_through to Buffalo,
Wit does' not rim to , • • .
— NATiiA NI ELM A RSI-'l, ,Recriver.
IMPORTANT TO LA DIES.-...Dn...fiauvriv?s
1•16 t t.c Pir,Ls Wire iii;var,yet failed.. in teMov.-.
it difficulties arising from obstruction, or stop.
page of nature, or in' restoring the Sysfein to
prAfret health when'auffering from Spinal A frac
tiona,; Profapsus, - Oteri;. the' Whites, or. other
weakness of the Uterine Organs. The Pills'are
perfectly harridess on the canstitutioni and.'may
be taken by the most delicate female Without
causing distress—the same time they act like a
charm. by strerigthening,..invigorating and re.
'string, the system to :a healthy condition; and
"by bringing on the nrioothly period with !Ten. :
larity, no matterfrom Ns hut 'cause the the 'ob--
strnetion may arise., They should, how(yer,
NOT be taken during the, first three •or four
months of pregnancy, though sale atany 'other.
tine, aS miscarriage would be the result. •
6:10 P. M
1:00 P. M
Each . box contains 60 Pits, ,Trice..sl
Dn. HARVEY'S TREATISE on Diseases of
Females,` Pregnancy, Miscurriag,e, llarrenness,
Sterility, Reprotluctiom; and Abuses of IsTatirre,
and einphatiCally the Dadies' Private• Medical
Adyiser,..n pamphlet of, 64 pages, aunt free to
any address; .Six 'cents required to . pay pust 7 .
ago••• , • '
rue Pills and !bonk*Wilrbeserit by.muilwber;
desired, secorely sealed, and prepaid, by , •
J. BRYAN; M. D., General'A2ent,
No, 74 cedar,stfeet, New York.
'11?",Sold by 'ellttc prinCipal druggists.
A 1,1,1 P ? R.I DQE,
4:11 P.,M
7:10 P.M
.m+o.>.,: , '~X.M4ll.isj'+M~.Su., vt.cdn.t':: . -- n . {.~_mn - rti'✓YYy'f.a i•
Tho Choapost, most De'felons and Healthy Cof
wp.F.opp.?Rpylsio,N COMPANY
• travc: this . day est ablished - theirEasllnclia tof 7
fee priees'esiollows:
.Single 'founds ••-••-• •15 Centi.
Seven pounds.... , - - .•,• .1 D'ollon
2Qpouphs delivered free:on .boat or'R,
I.'or'saly, by grocers gqnerdlyi at tbd. abpve
Le sure that you ask for audget
. .
.. .
.1 thiti. u PINK LA ' Brif.. . Askanygrocer fo r
... Jr is esurially valiied 'by, `Dyspeptics,; .and
pPrsoui-suffeiring with' diceaes .of The 1 iver"Uud
kidUeys.. it4euiiires but orie4ill as'mudr ias
any,ottiet, is' better flavored incl.. . . :.'
Addre'ss.all Or(leis to the PEOPLESTR9YI
.eacloie cash at ouc tiAlc: 26§, Greenwich .St.•
•IN; Y., A ug. . •• '
nibst . heal!hy;
Tiwmost eeotiorpicat,
Thq• most , deliciops,
I\ .T 1.4,F, 'WO RIA),
0 .T.•T
. .
Phis Coffeels prepirefi uhcler .. .formulafrpm
th'e great fierman Chemist • • '. • •
and . gives.the.esseiitial lull strength • and.
.cious' flavor W . .' 01.0 .GOVERNM ENT . J
A V A .
CtisFEE;,:whiCh.i.sthe only qUality of Coffee
used in it's preparation, without-arty of thpartar.
colic qiiality which sct sadly 'damages the ner 7
vo , :.s'systetn in the i - ff.etren the best grades
*Coffee asorclinarilr prep'Aretl.
2,l:•,lrgi.ces the essential tonic and diuretic
elernents'ut Dandelion, With Out, the. "herhy;"
coarse 4asfe so disgesti"ng, and.yet al wrryS.iound.
rrt the'orilinary DtindeltOn Coffee...,
. ,
It is known to. all ocphainted with che'misify
that the e.s . seniae, or,iril, or, whatever iiatuo mfq
be•gieenit, propetly scfent i fically oh
aiit any iterti,or 'plant, is' a lar different
i•tfcle from hat produced . by puttipg, ha t rikant
into water and out--: v eirnittiOg fhe
escape of the' no-e—cxifitistfo and' 'rot:table.
strehtttli•- • and. leaving the cciarSa and earthy
fro , :s. percf p tote Ipr fn.fioitt hod.' ••• • •
So this preparatilon cottilifries 'the exquisite .
laforna •01'•the Jaya' Coffee, with. the highest
. senttaliCxcellettee:Ot the, most ichoice Dandelion
the spirit wttiMat tbe . grossef earthy
body of• both; theteby . .avoiditig• the ilelliteriChis
effects of both and becoming 4E: the shine' time
Tim most .11t , a11h-giving:imd Restoring Drink
:flown. in "the world—being nt once a sovereign,
remedy instead _of producer of.
. •
FLAT!: f.ENC , y S OF .TIIE Dt
4 D I IN'
pisu'AsEs or Tug LivEn
ecatsse of its great Tonic Diuretic qua—
The simple facuthatthe.p . reparation- is from
Baron .Leibig, will commend it to the attention'
'orate seientifi'e'in all parts'of the country', while
the use of it will at oniqi andpermanenily prove
to the.ma'sses iiverywheie that it is' the 'long
needed dissideratuitt--jo its way.. .' • -
.The immense papularity'ol this Coffee in the
Old World . is an earnest that its use and popular-
ty'in Americit is bound to bscoOto •coniineOi
• Anther Opniidetatioh not •to be o'veflooked in
revahi' to the inattar, is that
It Costs Less than Ordinary kfreen Coffee
And requireslois than half the quantity to give
the same decree of strength; mind its use proves
it'at•3o cents , a pound.to be cheaper than IVlari- •
cabn cofreeat.ls cents - potind. •
.Neatly packed,in pound paperewith 'lull in—
structions for Ilia' on each SIXTY
POUND BOXES: Price 30' cents per • pound.
A liberal discnunkto tha trails.. •
anofriet u red PY.OPLES! PROVISI ON
Co., 268 Greenwich 'St., N..Y., - to whom' all
orders maybe addresier.' •
Sold by wholesale Grpeere 'and'Aruggints;
• Consumptives: •
.Adv • ortiseT, ' having been reirtornds to health in 3
• J. few • weekkliy ayery simple trefeedjOilier having
,sutfereci Room 1 yoare with a.. severs king ffection, atm:.
that 'dread •Ctise ConstintyllOnitt aoxiints, to ntaka
kraiWn to Lis tbIIOW- K l ltibibrbillb'llll3bitß of curs;
To all Who desire it .lie will Return copy Otto prOserip '
lion aced ( tr ee of elnettOovith.rtho %direct
parlngand'tising' the seine,'Whintf tbtty rintlf
Cum:: FOIN . CONS11311'T,1014; AHTIIMA'
only objeeeertlie Ativitrtisetinsepitint; thti,iireseription
is tp the --alltietetl;'iniespOeini information which 't
lie conceives to ,be hp/a leable,:heil'Aie hopes- every suf , : . ; . ,
rotor Will toy his remedy , Os it wilt 'nest . nothini,
tind'inayprove a bieelit r.:'• p.. -
Parties wishing the. iires , fiiitiml•Wlll Plow' inltiress
. •• nay. AllyAliD A. IV t 10 4 0 N. :•
• ;
Ringg Covtt yo
T"wsnhgerdherhni•ing, piti:ehtts'ed ;
;: known ; stand', end re,hridelind and re:tif—,
ted theldotie, is,,firep'nred;to.' entnrtnin Board; ' ,
.er' and the Tlaveling'pnblie. ..'• • .
; • .13A.11- A . ND •:*
. . .
be..wf:ll supplied, and everything [lane
'to merit liberal..share'or.patroliage: ,haft
alwajrsln‘dthe.g,latch-st ,out.
" ". • •• -• 2 P. AT. FULL :R. •
Kentla! Creek': 7atnia.i.y•2,
Gr eat Improvernentc in Bewing Machine,
fait(-lit For)runry tth, 10300
Tiiis ;I.ii.-litiiii is cons; rue' ed oii .ent irebi new.
'pririciyie , o(m« . chi i iikii i , ponOsiitiq•uhiny rare
a Eil v e liiablii in - irii ovi:iiii-.111 , ,, ii t v k t ! lii . .n. exam
ini4.nyr the mds.t pi ciintitiil experts 'iiiiii r . rolintin.:
eel li., 1 . , •SID,IP L. ICI T Y - and PER PE crn cfr\T
com.B.INED: • .. • -..: .: . , •
• Th,:. z'lro • The prip . ripal obj,tet Idris
I 1,;;I : e . die i,pvrator,
tai got mo:
3. Expense, tro . .2l)le.iind lustA of Othe in repair-
•l'=liicapacity fo sew. e7 , ery, deEcriplioxr.of ma
". •
The. Empire• Sewing Mar:lune •is lsompt all:
tbeso CNootion
It ha: strait.fbt. riee'dle perpeildicular a.etion ;
make's the Ime);:o . rSlitittle Si Heft, ;
neither Rip nor rave to both sides;
performs Rerfeet,s , .•whtgn - every dt , scription,pf
materiol.,Arb.m Leather Co, fin( sr N.ansook
I , ',ll"sho, wit.h cotton, linen'or, fimrt
ilk . ? coarSPst to the, finest numbe'r
Haying ..ticither ,tl7...AN'nor COG . WHEEL,
and least pnssitilitojcintion; it runs AS, smoott4
aaula. , t, and is
EM PHA TicALr.,y
A ',...:, - ,IiMIS . E4EBS .;. din=
etuicEl .
It TerriiresFs power
. .
. . „
to 4lrivy it than any other machine in. market:
A . e.irf . twelve, years old cdri work. it • •stedtly.,,
without lat lune or injury tO: health. . .•. .
• Itsst rength . and :WONDERFUL; SI Al I".Llef
'TY of coris!ruction ren&.r. it -almus-t •Atnpo;ible .
to get, out of order, and i. 611.,/ A RA NT f.j.iD by
thesompany gi , ie,entire • .
.We respectfully' Invite, all tho , ;(i de:-
s i re to s.; pply herpsf. , 4l6s- withf,nperilr jarti
crc,tncall and exarninc'thi6 UN,RI MIL=
Ent'ina more epeeirti:rpenner
he vit remalte of
and 'IIOI4OIII.M4IKE . IIS, 'l‘l•Mi.ll.ll.S;
Nut . •;Fr . - : MAN GAITER •• FITTERS,
1i110E•111NL1ERS I , ,ANTA LOON
• '• : 41-11 - 1TS "•
will be liberally dealt with
. . .
with Ifeindier,;
No.'2.;Stnall.Manuiacturin.g, with 1-xten- .
r t ionTable, • • • • • • • • 65
tb, 3, Layge .ManufaeVaring,.nith ExtOn'-
cion Table,
No.'S, Lame:Manufacturing, for•Leatlio , • •
witli.llollng.Foqt: and Oil Cup, , • 95
Ono lialf hour's i ostruel Joni: is sufficient to oon
-I,le any person to work this 1111frilille to their en
Vritr'rt'tti ratio i is 'akin to the
SFITTTI.,E, L'attrinied•Jnn, 2601,
1 welt .1140: a Stnitt tit istith a s - pring
centre is hitiferablo:!o atit . tithet'—Ettit a if,r,ttat
nititWtion aiiningt ititgise,' was on aitenititt ,of its
gett int r ibutof,order, having, Ilion to be
pat in .titethe ha ads 01 a skillful ili'itchanie tb
. .
The Empire l.itittle is sn simple , that
~ t iny
yip.e rater can rrpair. it without loss oltitte or ex.
Agents wanted far all Towns in, the :United
States,. Where',AgentS are bol
.A !so, toi..cloha,Mexiert, Ceot rat and South
America,, to,..w.ltoin a. liberal illyeount will hel
Terms invatinblySil 9n• delivery.'
T.. J. 11icATtTHUR & Co.
• • .1 .I)voitaivny
..Three daily trains to am) from Baltimore and
Washini,ton.City. eonneetions .made witb
trains on: Pennsylvania.Railroati• do,and. front
Pi'tisharg.and•the•West, Two • t rains' daily,to;
and lrom the N,irth and West Bra lick, Stisque:-.
ana,•Elmira and all Northern New York.
17, 1862, the Passenger Trains of the Northern
Centiul Railway will arrive . and denim 'fiona,.
Harrisburg.aati Baltimore as. follows„.viz
MAIL , TRAlN•lc , lavesSunbury AMR). (except
Suuday).ut 1.4.5" p. tn.; lea ves Harrisburg
, . . .
and arrlves. at • Baltilnpre at,
_TRAIN, leaves' • Sunbury daily
(except Sunday) erl 1:20 p. to:;:leatres•Herris
burg .(exCept Mmuldy) at 2.1.5' a. m., :and ar.-
iveg at 'Baltimore daily..(ei:eept 'Monday) . at.
. .
leaves Harrisburg:daily at 0:05a.nri... • ,
• • •
NORTHWARD.-. • 1 . •
10;11L leays
cept Sunday] at 8.30 a, m., HatriOiorgitt 1:45
m., and arrives ar.Bolbuiy . at 4.50 p. m.
_ _
'EXPRESS TRAlN•leaves RaltirrinredailY at
arrivat ha . .
es rrisburg 'at :1,50 a. m.,
and leave-'s horn-burg daily [eZcept Monday]
at 3.20 awl arrives at Sunbury at 6,20
• . • • • .
leaves BaltinoOre••daily lexeept Sundhyi at 2:45
p. m.; and arrives at Ilarrisbtirg at 8 p. m.
„Pm-further information apply, at •• the Office,
in P,einsy.lvania Railroad:Depot. . •
. •J..N. DoBARRY,
• . • • Sup,,Tinomieue,
HarriAurg,,Nov. ' •
F.. ~n.~-r'k3si