I ."' 'll5V' ';42,1;.1,40".:4;P ::: '' ;: ' , 7l -' ' 4 0 I)iiNllEtiflN't tifFqE,' - , ,, ....iiiii,,;,,nadi 'tram' the 'ieet /nen Coffee. to ' , , '74l4idititeirbtphysiciViti it% er superior .Ntlirltlff'lol.l3 fig ..., VW.,(4tAketei.ol Debtilty t Dyspepsia, eud ell b iltli ; , 'O. 006061.11, ',. 1 houeend A who Imre heettcompelled 0 toputa mini the,,tiee , of &diet, Will Use, this without 111.11111 OnVili liggitikVollll CAlle coittala the Atrength of two pounda '':`)lctiltfttr,,ilteVi'TtlCo6 qhtl'• I.,: , '~X.M4ll.isj'+M~.Su., vt.cdn.t':: . -- n . {.~_mn - rti'✓YYy'f.a i• 'YOUItiViONETII Tho Choapost, most De'felons and Healthy Cof wp.F.opp.?Rpylsio,N COMPANY • travc: this . day est ablished - theirEasllnclia tof 7 Cof fee priees'esiollows: .Single 'founds ••-••-• •15 Centi. Seven pounds.... , - - .•,• .1 D'ollon 2Qpouphs delivered free:on .boat or'R, I.'or'saly, by grocers gqnerdlyi at tbd. abpve Le sure that you ask for audget C.O'S . EAST iNDIA,COFFtE . . .. . .1 thiti. u PINK LA ' Brif.. . Askanygrocer fo r ... Jr is esurially valiied 'by, `Dyspeptics,; .and pPrsoui-suffeiring with' diceaes .of The 1 iver"Uud kidUeys.. it4euiiires but orie4ill as'mudr ias any,ottiet, is' better flavored incl.. . . :.' IS THE CHEAPEST COFFEE IN •THE' WORLD Addre'ss.all Or(leis to the PEOPLESTR9YI 268'Urt,govich:Stieeti'1. .eacloie cash at ouc tiAlc: 26§, Greenwich .St.• •IN; Y., A ug. . •• ' LEIBIG'S ESSENTIAL COFFEE, nibst . heal!hy; Tiwmost eeotiorpicat, Thq• most , deliciops, 'PREPARATION QF.COFFEE I\ .T 1.4,F, 'WO RIA), 0 .T.•T . . Phis Coffeels prepirefi uhcler .. .formulafrpm th'e great fierman Chemist • • '. • • PR OrFESSC)I'-t and . gives.the.esseiitial lull strength • and. .cious' flavor W . .' 01.0 .GOVERNM ENT . J A V A . CtisFEE;,:whiCh.i.sthe only qUality of Coffee used in it's preparation, without-arty of thpartar. colic qiiality which sct sadly 'damages the ner 7 vo , :.s'systetn in the i - ff.etren the best grades *Coffee asorclinarilr prep'Aretl. 2,l:•,lrgi.ces the essential tonic and diuretic elernents'ut Dandelion, With Out, the. "herhy;" coarse 4asfe so disgesti"ng, and.yet al wrryS.iound. rrt the'orilinary DtindeltOn Coffee..., . , It is known to. all ocphainted with che'misify that the e.s . seniae, or,iril, or, whatever iiatuo mfq be•gieenit, propetly scfent i fically oh aiit any iterti,or 'plant, is' a lar different i•tfcle from hat produced . by puttipg, ha t rikant into water and out--: v eirnittiOg fhe escape of the' no-e—cxifitistfo and' 'rot:table. strehtttli•- • and. leaving the cciarSa and earthy fro , :s. percf p tote Ipr fn.fioitt hod.' ••• • • So this preparatilon cottilifries 'the exquisite . laforna •01'•the Jaya' Coffee, with. the highest . senttaliCxcellettee:Ot the, most ichoice Dandelion the spirit wttiMat tbe . grossef earthy body of• both; theteby . .avoiditig• the ilelliteriChis effects of both and becoming 4E: the shine' time THE NOST DELICIOUS BEVERAGE . Tim most .11t , a11h-giving:imd Restoring Drink :flown. in "the world—being nt once a sovereign, remedy instead _of producer of. . • D YSINCPSIA' AND * GENE kAL 'NF:RVOTYN, ,DED/LITY FLAT!: f.ENC , y S OF .TIIE Dt 4 D I IN' pisu'AsEs or Tug LivEn AND KIDNE:YS; ecatsse of its great Tonic Diuretic qua— The simple facuthatthe.p . reparation- is from Baron .Leibig, will commend it to the attention' 'orate seientifi'e'in all parts'of the country', while the use of it will at oniqi andpermanenily prove to the.ma'sses iiverywheie that it is' the 'long needed dissideratuitt--jo its way.. .' • - .The immense papularity'ol this Coffee in the Old World . is an earnest that its use and popular- ty'in Americit is bound to bscoOto •coniineOi • • Anther Opniidetatioh not •to be o'veflooked in revahi' to the inattar, is that It Costs Less than Ordinary kfreen Coffee And requireslois than half the quantity to give the same decree of strength; mind its use proves it'at•3o cents , a pound.to be cheaper than IVlari- • cabn cofreeat.ls cents - potind. • .Neatly packed,in pound paperewith 'lull in— structions for Ilia' on each SIXTY POUND BOXES: Price 30' cents per • pound. A liberal discnunkto tha trails.. • anofriet u red PY.OPLES! PROVISI ON Co., 268 Greenwich 'St., N..Y., - to whom' all orders maybe addresier.' • Sold by wholesale Grpeere 'and'Aruggints; • Consumptives: • .Adv • ortiseT, ' having been reirtornds to health in 3 • J. few • weekkliy ayery simple trefeedjOilier having ,sutfereci Room 1 yoare with a.. severs king ffection, atm:. that 'dread •Ctise ConstintyllOnitt aoxiints, to ntaka kraiWn to Lis tbIIOW- K l ltibibrbillb'llll3bitß of curs; To all Who desire it .lie will Return copy Otto prOserip ' lion aced ( tr ee of elnettOovith.rtho %direct parlngand'tising' the seine,'Whintf tbtty rintlf Cum:: FOIN . CONS11311'T,1014; AHTIIMA' only objeeeertlie Ativitrtisetinsepitint; thti,iireseription is tp the --alltietetl;'iniespOeini information which 't lie conceives to ,be hp/a leable,:heil'Aie hopes- every suf , : . ; . , rotor Will toy his remedy , Os it wilt 'nest . nothini, tind'inayprove a bieelit r.:'• p.. - Parties wishing the. iires , fiiitiml•Wlll Plow' inltiress . •• nay. AllyAliD A. IV t 10 4 0 N. :• • ; Ringg Covtt yo KENDAIAREEK,NOUSE. , KENDAL-CREEK, PEKEAN CO:, PA', T"wsnhgerdherhni•ing, piti:ehtts'ed ; ;: known ; stand', end re,hridelind and re:tif—, ted theldotie, is,,firep'nred;to.' entnrtnin Board; ' , .er' and the Tlaveling'pnblie. ..'• • . ; • .13A.11- A . ND •:* . . . be..wf:ll supplied, and everything [lane 'to merit liberal..share'or.patroliage: ,haft alwajrsln‘dthe.g,latch-st ,out. " ". • •• -• 2 P. AT. FULL :R. • Kentla! Creek': 7atnia.i.y•2, Gr eat Improvernentc in Bewing Machine, EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINE ! fait(-lit For)runry tth, 10300 SALESROOM 45.1'BROADWAY Tiiis ;I.ii.-litiiii is cons; rue' ed oii .ent irebi new. 'pririciyie , o(m« . chi i iikii i , ponOsiitiq•uhiny rare a Eil v e liiablii in - irii ovi:iiii-.111 , ,, ii t v k t ! lii . .n. exam ini4.nyr the mds.t pi ciintitiil experts 'iiiiii r . rolintin.: eel li., 1 . , •SID,IP L. ICI T Y - and PER PE crn cfr\T com.B.INED: • .. • -..: .: . , • • Th,:. z'lro • The prip . ripal obj,tet Idris Ses,vinv: I 1,;;I : e . die i,pvrator, tai got mo: 3. Expense, tro . .2l)le.iind lustA of Othe in repair- •l'=liicapacity fo sew. e7 , ery, deEcriplioxr.of ma ". • The. Empire• Sewing Mar:lune •is lsompt all: tbeso CNootion . It ha: strait.fbt. riee'dle perpeildicular a.etion ; make's the Ime);:o . rSlitittle Si Heft, ; neither Rip nor rave to both sides; performs Rerfeet,s , .•whtgn - every dt , scription,pf materiol.,Arb.m Leather Co, fin( sr N.ansook I , ',ll"sho, wit.h cotton, linen'or, fimrt ilk . ? coarSPst to the, finest numbe'r Haying ..ticither ,tl7...AN'nor COG . WHEEL, and least pnssitilitojcintion; it runs AS, smoott4 aaula. , t, and is EM PHA TicALr.,y A ',...:, - ,IiMIS . E4EBS .;. din= etuicEl . It TerriiresFs power . . . . „ to 4lrivy it than any other machine in. market: A . e.irf . twelve, years old cdri work. it • •stedtly.,, without lat lune or injury tO: health. . .•. . • Itsst rength . and :WONDERFUL; SI Al I".Llef 'TY of coris!ruction ren&.r. it -almus-t •Atnpo;ible . to get, out of order, and i. 611.,/ A RA NT f.j.iD by thesompany gi , ie,entire • . .We respectfully' Invite, all tho , ;(i de:- s i re to s.; pply herpsf. , 4l6s- withf,nperilr jarti crc,tncall and exarninc'thi6 UN,RI MIL= Ent'ina more epeeirti:rpenner he vit remalte of MERCHAIVI:TAILORS 'CO.ACir NI . .AKERS 1 - 1001' SR TIT NUFACTURERS . ,'SHIRI'. and 'IIOI4OIII.M4IKE . IIS, 'l‘l•Mi.ll.ll.S; Nut . •;Fr . - : MAN GAITER •• FITTERS, 1i110E•111NL1ERS I , ,ANTA LOON • '• : 41-11 - 1TS "• .RELICIous and CHARITABLE INSTITIITIOI/ will be liberally dealt with . . . . PRICE . OF I.I4CHINES,*: COIfIPLETE. with Ifeindier,; No.'2.;Stnall.Manuiacturin.g, with 1-xten- . r t ionTable, • • • • • • • • 65 tb, 3, Layge .ManufaeVaring,.nith ExtOn'- cion Table, No.'S, Lame:Manufacturing, for•Leatlio , • • witli.llollng.Foqt: and Oil Cup, , • 95 Ono lialf hour's i ostruel Joni: is sufficient to oon -I,le any person to work this 1111frilille to their en Vritr'rt'tti ratio i is 'akin to the SFITTTI.,E, L'attrinied•Jnn, 2601, 1 welt .1140: a Stnitt tit istith a s - pring centre is hitiferablo:!o atit . tithet'—Ettit a if,r,ttat nititWtion aiiningt ititgise,' was on aitenititt ,of its gett int r ibutof,order, having, Ilion to be pat in .titethe ha ads 01 a skillful ili'itchanie tb . . The Empire l.itittle is sn simple , that ~ t iny yip.e rater can rrpair. it without loss oltitte or ex. Agents wanted far all Towns in, the :United States,. Where',AgentS are bol .A !so, toi..cloha,Mexiert, Ceot rat and South America,, to,..w.ltoin a. liberal illyeount will hel Terms invatinblySil 9n• delivery.' T.. J. 11icATtTHUR & Co. • • • .1 .I)voitaivny "ORTHERN CENTRAL .11AILW AY *INTER TIMr, .TAISLE ..Three daily trains to am) from Baltimore and Washini,ton.City. eonneetions .made witb trains on: Pennsylvania.Railroati• do,and. front Pi'tisharg.and•the•West, Two • t rains' daily,to; and lrom the N,irth and West Bra lick, Stisque:-. ana,•Elmira and all Northern New York. ON, ANDA.FTEI MONDAY, Nov'ember• 17, 1862, the Passenger Trains of the Northern Centiul Railway will arrive . and denim 'fiona,. Harrisburg.aati Baltimore as. follows„.viz SOUTHWARD MAIL , TRAlN•lc , lavesSunbury AMR). (except Suuday).ut 1.4.5" p. tn.; lea ves Harrisburg , . . . and arrlves. at • Baltilnpre at, EXPRESS _TRAIN, leaves' • Sunbury daily (except Sunday) erl 1:20 p. to:;:leatres•Herris burg .(exCept Mmuldy) at 2.1.5' a. m., :and ar.- iveg at 'Baltimore daily..(ei:eept 'Monday) . at. . . - HARRISBURG ACCOMMODATIONTrais; leaves Harrisburg:daily at 0:05a.nri... • , • • • NORTHWARD.-. • 1 . • 10;11L leays cept Sunday] at 8.30 a, m., HatriOiorgitt 1:45 m., and arrives ar.Bolbuiy . at 4.50 p. m. _ _ 'EXPRESS TRAlN•leaves RaltirrinredailY at arrivat ha . . es rrisburg 'at :1,50 a. m., and leave-'s horn-burg daily [eZcept Monday] at 3.20 awl arrives at Sunbury at 6,20 • . • • • . HA:RANH:I2G AbCOMMOD•AT lON Tra in leaves BaltinoOre••daily lexeept Sundhyi at 2:45 p. m.; and arrives at Ilarrisbtirg at 8 p. m. „Pm-further information apply, at •• the Office, in P,einsy.lvania Railroad:Depot. . • . •J..N. DoBARRY, • . • • Sup,,Tinomieue, HarriAurg,,Nov. ' • .k F.. ~n.~-r'k3si