'Arr STILL TAKES THE LEA, D i'.',.. ,-, ';1: 11 .,'1Ci' . ....c91V15T.00K . . i:SfF.CTFULLY ANNMINCES :TO . 11IS friends: in McKean COunly, thnt he is on hand th'is Spring as,usu4. . , ' . LARGEST 4r , ..0. EF.SI' • ...-• Selocted , stock of .Gooils in I.l'e Olean Miliket , . .•.. . . . .. To . .IVltoles,.alO ...:ciis,ll . li,o ers ..I e . 41' . 6111J ..Sa):, . , . ....1 c an otier'ythrbe,t ter In(lll , ,emPtils th an. yo u can ge4' west.of :NewYork: , '.. , : '.•,,, ,- • . . ilt , macesiio•differeneeki,et 'you minti:nny thini in the line of.. •.; • -:•••• 0 V18!0 NZ, Call ofthe OLD KEYSTONE Ansi • YOU' . 11111 i the t. frebh lee no use.talkipg:i.;.l KEYSTONE S .alisiiya bait, and alytays tvjh take thR . Tegulate thti•market.lP . n Wroreries.inid OLD FRUHAIDS 'AND- NEW : 'ON ES; 11nrOttail 'and . :se . e:me when''yoii , visit , Olean ; .1 shall riot hut't you; but shall c'et taiply try to do You.gohd.- - ~ • Olean, '23d,:18.60 FAMILY D'VE COLORS. Bisdk, • Dark Bina, Light Blue' F:.•ench Bluk Claret "Air Dark Brow'. la b ht Brow , Sn.. Brow' Crimson,. hark Drab, Light Drab, Dark Oree: Light Orson, --- Yur 1./yd . :44.9Hk . ; Woolen and Miett Gootii. Searrs, Presses, Ribbons, Oloresi,Boniiete, Rats. Reath Chi Wrens Clothing,aud . • of Wearing Aptirel." 1 SAI;ING 'OF. !SP PER VENT. . For 25•cynts you can calor a; amity goods as ti;ouldotit entire cost fire tithes that sopi• Various ,hadaS can 'Le produced.froni the False Dye.. The process issimple, any one can bee the Dye with perect success: Directions is English, French and German. fuSide• - of For further inforraa , ioit in Dyeing. eat gh . lng a perfect linOwledge what Mori rr s heat'ailapted to dye over . ern, [with nianyyaluable receipts,' 'purchase !lowa & Stevens , Treaties on Dyeing and Coloritig: ' 'sent by.nili . ou recutprice.-1U cents Manufactured hr • • POWF k 1 , f1.1V ENS; IWO Miston for 1 . 3.1'0•by Deuggieo and De,.oere gener.Oly • , , SOLDIEItS 1N TIIE A 11N1Y ANO OUR PEOI!LE 'AT •1-10MT'. are npw Ot!red - iin oppohmiiy tiy. which they GOOD AND DURABLE TIME-PIECEI e!lt . 'l ; Ui.ZE IVARRANTEUTOI K,EP T 1311.! ONF. YEA II AND 111 k: V Et: Ti! I '1 , .1.0 VI I.E(;1.: OF EX A.M/ %A ` PI,O Bijort; I',,yiner;t 11. 11101 Ell I►fl'hll IN 111,11 EC BY .ICTIONS • .A''ffrst clack limitin;tTiroff Piece of stlef4 atetial, neer.wleelf• ideetrodlfic Waled IS It, mesi die bly• teroti4lit, Inel:we the ifeha fi m so- faultlesa that it. co ono ha detected from iltff solid material by lie.' roost extiarieor ed' 4 -flees; acids will not affect made 131PROVECi . Dreifitx r f os,-Ilas Weep : seem - ids - , and. is not to'betex.- , in General eppeapinee.. TurS is or:Clop:n -1 One of tlie utis . r norichts.ever Offered - lot tm -1 ; specolaters.. rtafiirmaars,• . 11 fl PERSONS •rft.iVe'LiNri;•will,lliel them sop. rior ff . :nay other; alter:elicit' of'climate will.not al= I,•ct their itccOracy. Price, 'o ff ektl.• in. e.ooll sh fife irtift.good running Order ; roily s3f7f, or ease f 1,6 for .$260.. t I EVER DOUBLE. TIME HUNTING LEV - , ERS,: • • . . PEST :QUALITY SILVER ,CASE.S, .over eleciro—fine platee s 'lB k. gold, to oi.l bII'ItOVED • and superior • adjusted ii.fvements ivith "Stop," to be used it timing lu'iies,-etc".;* has FoUir limE..tra for. ITishington theenwiCli time; sweep second, and all. the pi pi ovements.. All'in all . , taking its beautiful foultles; appearance and its superior, move. into' consideration, we regard 'lt as, fleet—. the cheapest article. of the kind in the ..inurlce(.... Price, in good running'order, $35, or . i brig of 0 for.s2oo. . .. • • • AVi pay . in 'advance, hit will for— whi4l. either of. them . tojesponsible parties, .to. ny part of the loyal States; with-bill, paytiblv I . “*l'xpressman when the goads . . are ileliyered, Ong the buyer the privitego.:of examination, ft II it pot satiefnetMythe watch- eanhe return= et our eiPense.:. "- . . . . . . . . . . . - .; l'he express' Companies refnaenrinking 'collec -04 l'is Ousel(Hers and othor Parties in the drsloy -,0 stafea t cons egnently .ti ll' stick orders must be £ •ortipanied by the cash bib:Sure attention b,‘ , %make a-deduction of two ihrll4rs on..erther ' , A-I.eir when the,payrrient-is'forWOrd'ed in ad niny beient by.exprees, .0 our . . _. .. :.. Tuos.. CA ITERTY &c . 00'.., : ;I - iitid 0..5.13r0a4.5t., oppgsite City 11dnIr,,= •; .-; , , . •... .. ' Provitleiler, It, 1 • • . • ' L, R. WISSER • •• • . rh !inn and cgeon,.thucth port, Va.., attend to al - cattional calla with prnmptnetl. Men twn I. of the Itertice - tat Qmrt' • ••• . • - . TvirgsrB:,ooll . o .- yuI , TUMP: • • .• .„...,„,.,. • ANTI-FREEZI/IGi-;'DOUBLE-ACTINq; . . . ... . ._ . , *: . .Theie Pumps have nitt.y.been:in getterta , tvte a narnbe ol:yeas,, and' give,: better .'eAltslact.leii, than - any other.; and are reennamended.a4 .....;!,., . . . . • .. liy Cept . F4rieson.,androllier erninent.f.'ogirmers . . We can :rerer . :lo thousnri is -.i,sin, .Ihom, and gitpran s t thsllll.l . will recommend-thesq..rhs . ). simple in construction,rind work e1 . ,.aml cost I . eis : ;han all • . " '6 l Our remle'rs will find aeting . . J proved Pump of : D. West & Co., oite.. of the best in the mnrket, It is very , simplet,works to . .a charm, so that anyehihinty usditt..throivs a steady eoctinti9us atleatn; and dries„not freeze inahe coldest exppttores, : andis - tinustally•eherip.• We say 111:13 knowingly, aod give; the testi rrio.. ri - y.of oar owir.accorl, .withbut the. knowledg& 'or requet of.the Rinpriefrois."L-N. ~Ereizi4.i r 1' Alibi, (1,863. • • .• . This•may certifythot I 'Jlep' ieen:,usirnt;.ot my toanntartorydor the In'it.,foury . Yar,a, , ,Wet's . Improved.•Pumps.' 1: now . hOye.in use•three or said pumps, one . o4whiclj is kept constantly at w0rk, , 24..h0ur . 4 each:day - 'l,'Ness . • N. . JNO. dfasse¢r ec. N.. Y. LAwitENcE, Wvstc . ireste . r..: . •• . Mine, N. C.,.June .15, 1863 J. I)..WnsT & ' ' . • . -. .Gents—The ptimp,which ordered for•.,bur Mine is reerieed. ou t rititlo4Ork.in our undet 7 we are We find thin one than will-with l ease lift ~.i01.9.11. 0 i1s per . trOn: tire:: We lifted ir; three antra halrhOut's . All the 'water' .in the shalt, which measures maven by .tweli . re'feet and 30 feet deep, arid it' was lull when :ii.;e.criminenced. • It answers otiroxpeeta thins in:Peery reSpeet, and our .worirmen arr. tiiehly pleased . withit. It will do/ great' vice, with bortrilling expenire'foreepairs. Brun IlifiClNS* have plenty,. more such . c.ertificittea:• think'theski urn, enouLth., Fhr Puirips,, - Pipe iSzc. i address or cull upon, •" • • ' • J. D. Weft & Co.', 176, Bioadviay, N. Y CLOTHES No. I, , larl.re Family Wringer;' • . •sin,oo No. 2, Medium .• i,• - 7,90 Nn.;24,: 4 c . ' ' • No.• " • • " • 5,50 S,'Larign_lintiA to . • 14.00 NO.:lB,•Medinto Laundry.s to rilmsteam(lB,oo No."22;Largo" - i•• or hand j'36,00 Nos.. 'A and 3 have no 'Coggs. All others are warranted. • - •No 2 1 . 5 the size, generally u,sed . iii , priVate • Onipge 6Lthe Anigripin Aglicultuejst UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER , . ''A chilxl can readily wring ont: elptlicii in a fe;. *an:lntr.!. In relilit v . - n FORCING ANA LIFTING. DVNI..I:I` ,CO.Ii!;ANY From the New York Observer Ot..Tei•k Yours, respec.tlaliv, - CTNTVIE, RRA_II4 CLO 111 ES- SATER! A TIME; .A.YERrantl .t4T , BEINO'I' . II SAYER! a a i•irit.t'or ayill atritie.paya !ari,e . lier centatze,no its' coat. 'Wr;.tiiink:tha 'machine much mar . :than FOR' Ii i irSELF:EYERY YEAR in iha . airvirig,of ;larniento. :Thi , re.are savera like in ge.ne'itil construation,iint.cce.cottaider: it: important that then:Hirt:or he: fitted.with COro,' otherwise•a mass of , rarnic,orta may - era, anti the rilllers the , / crank o t>hart• Clip an l'ten'r the elol,l - 0..4., or.the rubber hrArik. loOse frorri:the . .shaie; onC 'Or-the anti is as gear, ninv.a Ito' neatly FOUR YEARS'. CONSTA USE;';. :'; •.: . Every Wringer Cite Wheels is Warranted . .. in every Particular. • •.• '• ICOVRINGIF.II CA :B1: DURAI3DF, otri:coc,. , .*iii:Ei:;s . . Fl=2== . . . • . C.C . On :I?.eci..int: o(.•,i,h . ri , price frorri ..pretes. ivhere . nelehe is"ellhig,we willsetid the IVillig er yltl:1.:0i , EXPl.:Swg,' .. ...' .. . '.. ' F orrhirtitelat4entteireelriis nrltlye,ss. -•' • .:- R. c:I3ROWNINg; 3 : 17 'Brouil vre:Y N. 1'... THE MODEL SEWING MACHINE THE : :CHEAPE . FIN.THE WORLDI!, .' -:o6ci.a:tu.46 . .tiie, ii6stl-'-' . 1 11, Greatly Reduced Pric-e.s. TIIE. : 11 . 11;0:•81:111N,(1 . . NALIIINE:.COMPANY; 50(i 1.3)..'0: d r, . . . . .MantitactMe the most perreetMaeliine for Sew , inl; Mali kind., ei:er'prese . nteld to the Ainnli, On piililic, arid elialimge comparison. With any Sewing Machine made in thh.onited States. „ The Weedo:Me:chines, their• Yak"- able impi(ivenierif4, entirely • wiercormi : all' iin peyfectkris. : They aie ' • • : - SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS -FOR d `. L:iniiCic , lri„~, I'lll )O crk conArnctinn, durable in all tliefr palms and Readily Understood. They haye' cer— tainty'otditch on all kinds of fahncs, andare iff.l4led ra a wide nags of wet k.Withoptcliange, or .ailjt*tnient:' . Psirre, all kinds of Thread.— Heof,':Fell, ./Jinn, Gather, .(Irdid, Tuet, 'Quilt, Cordi*.and in fact all kinds of work re quited by Fimilies or •Manufacturers: They make the INTERLOCK SHUTTLE STITCH, which cannot •be exceliedlor firmnege, dlirahility.•and,elegance of finish... They Hayelleceiyed the Highest premiums: in: every instance, where :they have been exhib. competition with•othrr• standard Ma. chines. We inylig all persona in search .of an instrument to execute any kind 0.1 Sewing now dode by Machinery, to inspect, them, ind•lnicite .rare 'they encore the best,ty , provingthe WEED be . hile before purchasing.. The•Comp.iny being duly lieedsed, the IllichineS :ere protected against Infijngements or litigaiion.'• • • AT NDISTANCE can , or der by mail with perfect 'rotifidence ,that MACHINE will reach' them safely, and that theywill be able to manure it 'totheir entire vatisiactinn,wiih no other aid t han'the -printed. instructions, accoinparyinif each De:.• veriptive . eirchlars„ - togethcr ivith Speeimens of War k, Will be, fiiinished to alb who desire.thent by.thall - orritherWkc.. •• • , .RELiA AGENTS W*.ANTKIY, in . in the Unit.ett dt.itttol and Sotith'.Aanwica, Wt“it Isitind•-' , lnti E lite•l3o-. llama l'itttitls.,io:w .; horn.w tifl7.l . GREAT' m men will find it h as reliable Si..wititi,.. l l;ieliinf's linyo hveninnat uerisstry iit'evety We ryanioincittre .a _real .vasii•ty -of which wr Ytvn a :—No. $5O ;. No. 2,.1?N114, $6O ; No '2, 11011 , Ca-p, $65 nil l $75.; No., 3.1 i Alatiur.wturingj,7s untll • • • Weed Sowing JOachiuo Co.,' 508 Broadwny - N. Y. Olok 2;0,4 I. & 11. T.LNTILOY, Manufacturers cifPhOtographia Mat coals, 50,L QA)7).NAY',. .......:., ...._.....____.,.,..____:,:,. .. .. CORD .PiIjTOGRAPIIS. .. ; Our Catalogue • nove..ernpraces considerably aver FOUR THOUSAND different .saliiee.ts . (lo mddii inns. are cold lima lIY - being 'made) al. Majoi . ..Guierals, • ..'12.7) Statesrneil,. 1.90 Brig. Generals, 1.'27 Divjneq; • • •••• 1.1•511 Colanek, . •1 Iri Author's, • • 81 Lieut . . Coloniils rtcl Atrisis,. 2118 Other'olliceri, 1.:1 Stage, . • •• ••• • Gl.) Navy Officers '..•40 Women, 1-17 . Prtimill'o . ntjEorei2n.Portraits, 2,500 COPIES OF WOI KJ OF 'ART, . , I ncludinv, reprodnediolis'Of the ninq . eelehmted 'entalognes sent on feeeipt . of 'Stdmit. An driler..foi' One Dozen PICTUR ES• from our Cntologue: Will he tiled on receipt of sl.Bp, .and. sent. by . 'iitei I; PHOTOGRAPHIC ALAUMS, Of these we menuriteture a greet veriet)'l ranging in 'illke hoe) 50 cents to $lO . eneh. • Our ALI3(tMS here The teputation of being superior iii 'berity-roni toliny PI hers. the r sinallerkiell,s ea nibesenr.safely by•peil k it a•poi•tage of six : cents, per uzi The - Uirore evpebsivu edit be sent by •ex.pre.s. Sierecopes Sterecopic Views Our Citt . ploitue oil hes,. will pe s Ott, to girt); on receipt of Stamp. & I. 14. ANTI lON Manufacturers of Photogriiphic Materials, Sot BROADWAY, NEW-YORK Friends' or relativee of .promiOn . t military men will confer , a fa ven , :by sending 'us thn,ir likeneettes,to,reliF;.. They will he kert'etrreful- ly !old' returned on ii?joreo • •••,-- : • • L,131,1A1 • itf 14E, r. •I or' Colo±regit.tirrol I j resent Inihrir,ya 51:or; 6r . for other tips'r si . i I iiblu' imgc rpi io0s; Il BWiN!: ShnWe orid 13inti!.! Mfflaffi2= . . • This . isihe -life Of - agoqi endured - hit the titif- Fevei Wanders • like art ancertain shadow, neeer,knowinte what too . - nestlre'ma I),P ' 111:9.5 ra t and theiefore dis• inclined ro vivo any. s'eriotis- a tient inn' 1 . 6 141.; is 'the eonclitforc of :thousands in, town anil eriont ic.no f!xiigerirtkon • tp say t hat 'F ! , er and - A ne „hills nitre alan any twenty other disea,s,•S in AtnetiC . O.'.. Far a: sore rtral . sPeetly•rmre . nf thii terrible , : afflict i on, 'we take. nreat. Pl,CasOre injecnintne . .ndinit 1-10S .H.i',1"I'EitS STOMACH BIT'i"F,It, which have alreetik aii•tireveit .a wide yeCintation .for Powt4tur e ikon ri'..nitvatittg:tho- sc'stern prosthit4 !big • For sdle.liy.:Ortitt . ttists . and . dealers ienerally, eVet y ' ' • : DYROZT D. HADILIN • , . rottxt , :r At .41 . 1 , , M Ctnn OnunlY, •Pa.. ' •.Agt.At .lOr Jtensrs..lienfing t, CO'N I.oHjL Attends , ospoehilly to the colleetir , o of 4.ltartirt;}.l:olmirottitn of Tffie...;..Pasioria .Ttixis: and nll buminem. rola tmg to Reid listAt« :Mice Ilamlin Block. s . ' . CASH t• CASH!! .CASH • • cnsh for .1_ Pelts, I:teet ;sking,,Qlll CifOrter•ond . Tin 'Foil, %incr. Banes ofCa!tles Fret, ti}vitrhe~, Borns .01, India Rubber, noil.lltie'd Traits of every Persons liovina.anyOritto.above ,nitieles on hand; inmayin • e:at, my res-. idenceiind I will call •, • • • • • .13rnitford, AleKiari Co: Pa. , Nov. • ,otoyfitf. ; • A O,F NT.LENIA N. cured of Nercoui nebllity; IneompeteM Premature Decay hild.yontilltil 4a inr, netiritell ill -e hupp.i.to furnlF•lo •tri. nil it, (fro, of eharaa) the • 'receipt met direCilot4 fin , malt :114 Ike :MTh,. tanned,. noel In CaNi. '..Thone ayn.hi`ug to profit by hjs evi,erienee.-.lllill Timm. it l oiinf. blip Itrtotal)—u ill rewire the rame. hr return lent], (care fully eented;) by. .1()%1N )I'. Ott ['KN. • ==n=== ARMY AR .:NAVY CLAIMS, . . PENSIONS foi. .Mothor . F.. DOUNTIF,S Soblje:s . (lisrio . ir t !..,b by trot . on of tyound9 .•boiili:;• WidOW4, nod lieiri of. i•BAf . 'l( pAyand.settli , metq irf ull -a rff:t r's nprl, bo)itor duo diii•bargml mot Soldi , q' , and §odors. PRIZE Ijoited Stati , s.vessels:. • . 4 . , pti• thio);..,,t I . oc I rikel 4)1! SVYI)I „ by ,enclosing s tainp to.pay 1(1 tin) p 9 ~ .Cage„ : • . SuNritois n r l: Claims and .Pg.tent.t; . • (Under Firnaova'y Wank) 2 park Place, N. Y. • .416 Seventli Streat,.Washington;li: . 0 • .• riEFEIRENCES: MECHANICS , BANK IMOADWAY BANK ...... • . . . ..... . . WILLIAMSBURG MTV It ANL • Wllllsiatiblairg lloN: HANNIBAL HAMLIN. Vle.a •PreAident. • • • " MARTIN KAL hPI. EISCH; Mayor 61' Brikoklyn • "ABIJA 11 MANN: New,york. .TAY; COOK k CO., W;toblogtoti acid..Pl;lla4,3, NOTICE . . . . . . T HF.REBY . caution all persons against buying I or basing' arrytiting'lndo with A certain promisary Note for , s.oo, o llrawn by, rne,pay 7 tibjelri.Jsaac N. Cbase•nrbearer,.tloted, Libor ty.'April 7,•1002,,i1iii, - 1. think, in . .Oct., 18,6,1, yeiltave'pithl sraiirtinte. •J. M, FARR. . LLibertyNdv.;23,'loo3, - . n.19v314.. ': For .1.1) e THE 'I2,II)IES FRIEND, ~ .., . I:. . MO. N TIii.X,M.AG,AZ(NP: ' .1:11► S' 11 1 .. . . , .. . . Th e e w,,,e.ih e ' r ., ‘A 9, 04 f,e z leave to e ill the attention n liwir II iPlllill 11.111 i the nul.lin' to the NIitV,\IAIt..VMSI: whkh they are:about lo14 , :oe, an t the:January tannbur of m11'614,10 n'early re nly,. the name will lat. ' .' . : • . r.t l j - ic., 1U4:1 -\ ,I'' . ':-.4 ..;14'%,-.i.6.nd., tint] it ittil t t eititit , ' , l.itetlitmetthnil the illtift• •t rii ,i, on • I t . 04 intO• urv , ws. Taithy %Vet It Ettiltriti tett% svi th Itticeit.ttt, 3lttsitt; nud toll, it...ai1...1.s itit•t•titt-ttit . :: t I ttlittt , Tit 1,,t tit t,lll le .41 led It - y•Mui.,111.1::C111* I,l:T.Enzg)s,. Oil' Shirt 1,1 n; 1•1 the gory fli-parf Effefff .of the fitilt•st;lt •.-, • • • • Ii.*VAL El) IyRITEWi • . . Nrs,.lleory • Woo - 1.. Author of .• finst . l.yrine"Att ;Mary llowitt, ion 11.101111. Alitleir%el "Mom." sit molt; . .1:11•9..r , Trivaliri , ls.:e; Mar- . 'mot (Jesuit,. Tireiiiia F. Mr, \l; A Denison. Clara Lame .1. Aries., Au. , ost Bell,. A Orin L, Maggie C. 11,-. Lpeln la It',l4;hwilo. Carrie )fryer, Mi 4. Al, Tuek.ers I , :itil; M. lOiputon t. Franck 11. 11,14, Shears'. Carol no A, , 11e11, F.•Heoi, Solatio II iris I , yene . 31,y, It, Spencer,. Mottle Dyer 111.414. Annie MiA4' A. L M!illalr, Sara J. 11,iimeee. Clara . Poti., liar -iet. May, Arthur H3llO/11. C:1;11111.1e.1., liarbara 14%114, Antl: other Lilentil.writers. . • •,. ' HANDSOME STEEL .ENGRAVINGIS A 11,1.XDSIINIli 1;1'31' I'.\U :nnkl a COLOR 'E!) Pi',A•ri: 1,11 r l / 1 11Ktrilti' every temitCots', , nntrtitird• (Slit rie , ,. tg;trlittliwrous to, mentioa...Tbe.Jaa ry•tpaher NI 111 r"ntaip n •bert.itifal .Steel . for Y/iii,.l/rieat in( by ft :1:0x:1111rd • • . , , 01).11?. I I•:I, \V It ET LT II:N. •Thia hiwdylin,•ftoel Plat, ilfuttrate4 y, of lore., tih , l n !wok', a e•n._nze•nent, b'y .N144 - lilroo..r. C. Don. amt,. worth Cto Trick, .of. the utonbor. . ' " A SEWING ItIACHINE GRATIS W1.'1,111 &q r." to Oilipt.f.,ll se ading thirty stibscripiirms to Tin tlNDanot Shot Dollmrs, one or Wheel or &- Wilson's Celt,laated such : t icy sell for Forts-lieu Tint Ito Woes will 1, 0 i n .h. e t., tow at the In.inlil%nnorc Note Vnrg, luAell, Unit fot o anted. free' of nost,,mith•the eieeption of rre.ght. • In procuring sJhseribe.rs for this Prentiuni, we ',prefer that the thirty shnuld hr promoted at the reg-, nlar.terms ot Two I)otfurs for each but .wher.e 'this can 'tot be done,, they may he) roue rod at nor club rates, and the halanee ill the Si , ct'y Dollars forwarded to toi to- twill by the person iloSi ring. the on,hi ne , trill he arni to .:f:. of Ps,,oflit• i(rlr fired. Every perSoncollepting names should send, them and the . lllonPy as last Os Obtnint'it, tio.tlntt sabsa.ibers may bealit at .once-t;i r'encire'their and not lisconie ditsatie fled wit Itlhie delay . It hum the whOle'nninher, ,of • nanny ' . (thirty.) ittor wind. , moonlit •of homey (ashy Dollars,) IS . re'eciytd, thel.3laehilie it ill b.,. duly (*urn:itl.!. . ~ • • • T1,.!;315, , . . , . • • 011.1 teries ;w in fie.ttie siwie ;is thew Coe Md. well ktiewn . i6s•kle wittier, Vie,Sete ~, i ay. 1:,, 0 iii 4, Pits[, pu '44,1,1 liy. tis for net 1:14t. seven letnit.yearii.-111,eiree Hitt the' elitlis tiny be made lip it the [I.I rior • ll.ll , i •MN wake eceityiiinly,. where it: is Sii .I , ..ileitil-siel ein ii, ~,,, r otim t, .. •• . . . - cASII IN A.IWANCE. - . ' •-: • quplo4, ono year, I enpie4 .491 e year. lip of .'2ll capiog, and tatter ttworaNh.... ...... /),,, c o py at noel, I.; LADY'S FRI END apd '. • 5A . 1'1.71t1./AV EVENIN(i ton . Singhnniithera'of.'/U Frilnd,(postago pai.l hp 11,4) '4ll . • • It 7 The. miter in Tho I,nlps Fri , vtd;Trlll gthvnytt bq different !Non that in, 'floe • . ' , • .811bgeribOrS i n II ,i thtli North Abieric t.mael rrIIII t nr.l re cents to addition lothe annual subscription we , baTct to py6p3y tho.ll .8. politligo Op their ipagaz)trt. ' •,• • • •AddrOsa DEACON & PETERSON, No. 310 Walnut Flied, Phila. • f" Niernmen num; r,rglipl to. iiont'grattailooilr(whis , c:ittet)' toP.teY !herr ce.:,ireft,tif rrtli‘rfni( ortt,p.ri7lrs. vry.;:.m- , .r.,orsoreeroviow . . ' " ' • •-•- ,-;'•• - • 0 , 01 tz,l:ll.l.ll).'lVE.'S' ' ' . ~ • -• •-.. -• ,riiin,Arfreill±:e.ri:-Incring beenlymtureil to lit.ulth'lli 51' 'I. lily week,. Hemi very:. n!nrrlp ii , nwel;y r niter havlnti ~,fp,„4,A e v e ral:'pE t ru wi 01 il.NmVrtii lung olinctl6n. any * ilia dread digun.p, 'Oon,nuintivnim numioun tninuku knowii to tll7 , i'llow...iulti..c(!in floI r nenn! of taro. '• ' . li'whivelesire it, cojkv oF the jrieserip' .tibe used (tree of charge); With • the' directions tor pro. pitrink tint tieing the 'seine. whith • mai a aaaa 3T1131,y Ilrtnr•Fntfta.hu; The .tide object the . Advilrtiser In firnilinwthe';:'reserlptlon is to benefit:the.„Aillipted. ontLeprettd-InformatiOn ivhicl7 he coopeives to be inveituthle;• nod lie libhus every sl.lf• ferer will:try hie, remedy,. mit it cost' them.nothitig„: and : Port ken wirltiog . 'the primuriptilln will 0 , 9..6 .m1(11413:1 kr.r. A Dif f t7r4.,V...iVlTil,toN; , • • ' . Itioke.Cdt•tf 7, 'KENDAL-CREEK - HOUSE: , KENDAL-C11,1 7 .4K, IrREAN ,C 0.,• TatE Subscrib..r.hs - firig..purehasecl . this well .kno*n•stintl,.nfril re 7 furniShett, and.re-fit teil-theilotiße, is Pyrpare,t,t6, entertairilkurtl-. ers aid the 7`,i'n \ - .:eling public.: • =MSEMM . . , . . . ;IV O! he eVeryrping done to me - rit 4 . 111)imil....thriip df patronage. ined, tvilfakyoks 4!llfdi-Airing" • • • .'• •: ' . ' • M. FULLER. Keruhil Gr.ek, Innwiry i SOU.' 38,13. r Great Laproveinents in Sewing Maohinik EMPIRE SHUTTLE MACHINE I Vitt SALESROOM 454 BROADWAY , 1'10.4