", •'; ' Etmocrat. 7 7 'llituiday; February._ ff, 1864 . , Olk,111',01F; tTif S TJ It. . . orm.loilapr /WI • • A.. M KN'r6N, 1h4e1t9:11 . 11 , ;...6it • ble (locum e!tt . . . . . • 1)1. ritni•rn tic vorrf eicely.ir . oiinty • tirri invited to meet tbei . .l.imineff..l-In6n, on, Sat tilr. 1.5111 of .. for lbf• • 1:19 , ,jui4 ”: se Iperitta tat p, ,l notcl Lion . .to'be hetd'nt rhiladelpliia.on.,Tliorstiay . the.'l.ll4i of March . ..V.mPoting . :nfreonre'ree. from . the I , ".er ernrcoun .tii;s. or. 'ibis 'lteilreientatjve *Disf iirt n , for: .1lie • Fir 'eb'im , ing ton such nelegat, s,-. at , 'Ringway - :on:MonnaT. M rr hrin.'been ireict it inn, Vgleen: ln 0/.!'' . chnii?l ' of • a, Senatori:al jt is liopi:;il: . thr.roit tendan on anhrrd ilelegates iit.tkoil.ViOnnail.conVention to nnminare' eandi. ..liteilfor.:Pre,: , inen and President this .and other: re aAo s lo• bost men .as. Ade-. . . .I)Ka44.aft*..--"We' are inferined p thnt-eonside able Ofe,itoMent prevntlett , inTort Ileanny a iew dayliiiier , ,:nyOr, attempted arrest . o( 'h A•rt - e'!' %%110 pears ilia't . :ll.it'shal n itott; in ennipiiny With an . atoii;tiitii„.went•tn'the hotte where *the deserter.. held:forth, and'demn nded..his surrender.; . . The' rteserte'r.fiied a `pistol at the-Marshal, but- the. shall nrti.ged over his .head,. when the Marshal fired.arsn, hut the deserter dodged ..his •heart „window and escaped' iminint ed. After aomeatru . gele.the was . .'seen red, .when he was Ott 'info a . eut ter:and:driven about' five Mites ()TINS inerprey.,•when•t , hey were at= tacked hy 'three. Men, add 't h tsoner:esenped wirti'his : friends. • Several'siits were fired ( morn , both r sioa,nne:hall entering the 'ilash•horird the curter; and' .ono Men, we. understand, nn enemy, .s.,ta 'shot in the-140s. WO. give :tile Noses' they wee elated . to is rumored that theriare.teeeral:deserters .810140 . 11 g abotit in - that. vietinify.--0/easn • The infortner, who . eeM: he . may be, mnit have': been some Whet' excited if he intended . the 0)01/ . 410'0e-hear Story as truth::' . . : The : facts are these:' 31r: Izatits Dolley i a.nd . :F. W. Pierce who had been;eMployed.by the Aissistant Pro. voets•Mareltal.'to look after deserters,.` to the hane'e if. Edmund tritest:, .o drafted' Min,. •whohad failed 'to report. On arriving,' the door'was fouad fastened and .appeared .at the window, who dodged , hack, When. Pierce presented a•revolerr. -..'Mr. Dailey then ran to the. beck' part of ;the arriving ; just' as the deserter had telt; when . he puritied, threat• ening tit shOot,hiritit he reeisted: Comer, who . band's Pistel in his had, dropped it in : the snow. and.gai , e himself •titv. Thelhre'it then got into -•. ..• . - a.eatter . and. started for Srrte,thport. When sheet three , miles Als• side of .Port-Allegany the'prisoner 'punned, out of the cutter and ran •teviard a. house klittle• distance from the road: Pierce (0110Wei1 after him,' fit log-his. nistof.-L: When near thnhouse,•Mr. Burrows', who there'cinte opt, and seized, an., g , ex; sayin . : he Wriuld see no, man shot flown on hie: premises. . • .. . ;ThePriioner took sh-lter• itt the hause„ and . • ... . . Pierre retired. • Thero was no resistenee by the deserter„ . no at tark . i , by three men," no firing except by Pierre, as 'before. Steed, and finally; I , .r.ohdy hurt." • . • ..DcsairrEns.--in the township Liborty .there are some five tleseit ers fr'orn , the' United States 'army, who have baffled' every -effort 'tints far that. ha.' been made td titres!' them.— Iris - Said that they are hartiored•by citizen. of that township, !did that whenever the" A 'taint ,Provos.tMaishal makes his appearance, 'their',anies give:the alarm and the' Ape to their dens and coyes'in the. woods. In any other - town. of t h these deserters cint.,litiea single day without being' 'brought .. justiee, sot in .Litierty, they:have their ..friends, who:nre alders, lin& abet tots in any scheme totrample the laws of the United Statei,. wonder,thefugitivesandoutcasts. who are hailed and,dospised fo'r their treachery to country; seek refuge in .a' towni that gives . 125 Copperheadrnejority, for likelralandigham, "when sent beyond our liner, they -are among Kfieir frip t! 'd.e. , &single Flint pf.the.ciezeipi of li,iheirty; might rid the conntry . of these vat n• • .W . hr will not the effort be. mader--- .A.V.ffe,as ...• iiirho seas read the above withon t; a" feeling . of pitY;'sek4l .. itsv contempt,', far the silly (septic whi wrote At home it is considered , the hiseet of 7 1eirtizin malic e T - and.we wish only rh coatertolict the foul slander against the pen.: ste' r •of that towasillis that strangers, uneequaie. todlOyit!coither the •.clutracter of those people titeirtrosteeers, Yin:ly not get a • wrong lei- Wore i; type that the IDemocrats or , Librty Were' iiiters and' :atektoraof desertm's and thwei• who trample the laws of...the Doited ataten;.• , we:might soon exneet ;kn be overt 'ln • • . • Inith:dierttere and oottaWe;•and that view can 'only tie eaMidered an levitation to.'•all *tch titajtaceftigein the forests of our couNty; where they **old: be assisted by a large por.: .tiotiOf . the eitfiena. Does the-writer mean to onal4ataakto inainuaie;•tinit •t he 1.,100;000 derii- Octetin the Norttierti - States who cost' their ,g4teclaq fait; retiiiaenting • nearly half of the 1 , 0 " , s4are ataera and • abettors in . eny • laO.;s ttie.: - United • Inn:i4geadmita no other ;,' ;li7ti4iiiiiill4liiitithat.dereorrz.ts are law ttainp: not he tlattering'io .neither ealmilated to , nro• • ,)p&. ••• • •• • , • 4 40044 - lee ankikto4 wil - among toOgh Ors' ; - :-;l44iciipilrit4isatii,c449:;i4l , !iit::4o accord.lo the YieiitkififtlYetv,46l4ll/o.foli , *9f pat,. ikiiiit4',o4o4:••,i,i't,•olit;'.''li.eeil!.l' it i;,,#lMit;riot'he,ltrpectfiil'thni,ihe'people., will vol. sway frotri Iheir . • , 100. lienlwe: I . !VII . 'RH i n i t i e .1- for_.idesertitm t .ltoWeverioyr notil:ithe;; otte . n of liie vi its: of :lite:Ma 61,14 vrr liroitr a -011 tO to . :; , nee; (tom iri inpi4 14)1-i; , while, of Ale wa'r. is: disliant.. Tbe writer . should :at I,ea.t-ritalie :SotneelloWanee fdr, tetteltiags..itint exaionles : of hire. ell and' on lalmrets, bereinfore:. linee' ,heemtaught that the Ingitiee'iltee la‘v Wes:not ,Cinding- 7 fitat It: we S' a *Crime against diidi and - . .111;11 . 1 :IO a'ssist i'ai•ietitritiri.,. a negto to his. 'roast'er, law rirournM.. 'eeti•e;Oti , .tittltionat_by . the vnpreme.rourt, .1 4 o , MtiIcers; te . ttelterS. tinftekb,o,eord. alitt•st et in:. trust rat Mg . , iii execution. and were . thcie effort's that it remairietValMost a dead. Far . be,it:flOrnua.to:justiry . resit- . teac e to•m:Ylaw; we wish merely to insinuate lhat: . :Snea:escrit!.tating loyalty is in exceeding batktas.ti with IlMse.:whM:originaleil •and: still. ptictip;the 4 , lligher • If it be' the: 'dot?:ol'_anv.''person:.ethic than officer,-to arrest desertetsithen is the .editor, entity. :Our:ad - eke is that he cease . slntnler;. in better, tuen and diseliarge . his acknowledged '1114;• we' guaratitee . the copp erhead's no. obitaeles in his ;••• • ' :,Ttint•these: deserters have, nut, been arrested.. 'l3' not the.tault'Or the :inhabitants or - of :. the • • • :Provost 'Marshal who has 'discharged his to the :best,of,llll iibillty; Girt is owing'to,.'the Mattire: of. the '.their intimate Itripwleilde•ortlie fOrests. that „abound .ta our country, and igill atiee.. in keeping: et : reach Of. the • „. ,•, I toC:4 01 thO ockno s tyledges • the . ttpoint".tin regnrd to the proceedings of. last Itutinill,4t4Man unmahlyflintt'ut our lack of Ad this is rathr.r n tniShirt tine- crime • I,ve hope .the' PubkiC , Make due at ittelt, of .oPporul .oily tn. iteentnelearped,lifie our , peighhor; on ,the should• lie; piffled, indeed, whom, nature, Wits left 'entirely: dependent on ,other men's • . • :• GEN. WCIA7..I,LAN.—The Buffalo Corrrier say?: 4 , Thete have . .been two critical. epochs, .iii.ola. three. years hiatery of war. The Scat occurre'd 60' the day, of . . the first 'battle of Bull Run. Wn— queitipnahjr.liall 'Our arms:been imecessfuL.on -that field..l ite. rebellion Woold hairi.. collapsed, the prdj'eCt of.its.leartere would havis'.been born.: ..Again, :when M'Clellan'was called. to What*`; really -Ihe lea lership of iho nation,- hiS plan SupPressien of the' noes vastly en— lar.,"lM and invigorated 'rebellion .dirrie r . beyond a douht completely adeipiate!•to.'the , ends had iii View. The: COlKie.indicated_in the, cmemorati. dum',would'havesdrushedtreasen and preserved. the'rild Union to ti . .,,metheinetical . certainly. T,Ook over its details; and see if 'a: Point Le omitted; 'or it in a : single direction the. gYeat game is not Ohl out with a MasterlY•knoWi.eilge of the elementa yovolyedand . e ransurpmare for e = sight which, surely, would have beennirccess, .full- SO' lay ns, has .yet been- made ...Manliest. 'the .. only,trian•Whose eyes, at'the outset of the.war, clearly atirilfull.y.orriprehenil eil lhe field on which the nation waS 'about to try its.strength, The correctness of his vision might halie.h . cen.questropedtheini •-we luau it . . •. odds ihe'llouisville . .10ll.r0a), kiiont rr mote, 01)&11000y th'e knowtedge cost us. We hive Filth:lo'r it with livers of blood aitil 110'011611 . 5 of treasurer. Shall w e.. v thuoi • it awlir,.uner•werhave bought it' tit Th is price 1 This, is question to.be ilecidethin 0)6. l're'si 7 drtntial.elec.tion."' . LE.GIO;,I T 1 V; F. • Coristrrt•Tic)x.t-111 Congress, Howe, of of ereif a. resolution that the Cotilmit fee. Cu the ludiciary l consider . the propriety .of repealing' a joint .resolutionsuf July 17. 1862, which pro hibits a torfeittire of real estate beyond the not- viol life of On offender; This is • practically . ..a . 'proposition toiiperl Or annul 'that' proeis.on of the :Vedet al' ConslitulionHtehich derlare's:that ' , No attainder of treason shall work coirtiptidh . olblood , or forfeiture, except during the life of person attained." Of coOrso, Congresa.canmat legally reperal any part of the otg . +Joie lave•af the Goveinment; yet . ORepublim,n majority is the flou . s . o.adoPted . 1 ha abovir resolution. Witn•Suremks run CoNvictrmares : Wrrn Anus! When the civil war first broko.'out,•the CoM federates 'were supplied vitith iniermution• by. Men high . in • civil and• military office, under President Lincoln. Mr.'.. Secretary Seward sent word to Ohntleston, through, Hervey, of the soiling of oiir ,tleet;t9 the . relierof; Port Sumter, ,and afterwards gave Harvey • the 'ep :pointinent of Minister to Portugal.. Nl/41 in' were . furnished' to the. Confederates .from..thc Department; and signals", sent op from Washington gave their aenetals notice otthe movements of our trOopi on the' eve of. The vilA surrenders and abandonment of sup - bY ;vi ilroy- and . other administration iavoritesi' kept .the eneny ' in •clo. hes, arms, equipinenti and - a munition. Anil:. inefficient' blockade left open other channels' of supply., 'NOW : we find that during all this time the Government cdTiCiala in the Cuitnin House at New. Yorkrb . fid etseWhere, were, supplying the Rebels with arms:and-ammunition.through the Ports of Nooses and the Island,'conjunction, with Confederate .emiiaries? . . • The suns: used agamst.oor soldiers,. the very bullets that pierced' their breast, werepl.ice.tl in :;be 'hands of.the Confederate. enerMis by Lin. coin's officials,-and by ~the Cootractois who gioW.rilth On the drippings of his AtiMistration; acid Who: arc il4tCriniriect to prolong • The polity of-the political vultures. and cOr in:mos w h o 'nici , preying upOn the Corpses 01 our;koldiers is .'0 portrace . the war.:MOie debt, •more'coOlrects,i, - iote paper 'monay,.rpore, jobs, more shoddy, 'ono . wider..sWeep. ot, rduciler! That is all they care for; and the setilement.ol oiti: . d'illicolties would Put , a stop to. his .so the War:rmist' go - on! tt the.'enatny are beater); dismiss our general(' and hold back phrauill - ,_ll . the ,Courederacy licks arms 'and. ammoattion, , supply theirs throtiihilie 'Custom Houser But let t he.holyrmir, and Its holy protiti:go Thii is, the'policy'4. the dealagOglieitiand: they are 14adily woukitig a t LS. sssr,,' • ar DeparimenT hag Jnithorixtd the..eni pliikment,ol,lemalp'.nurses and cooks in all germ oral hoPpllnl S.• . ' 'LATEST NEWS • - rotr.vnTleti .31s %Vashin't.ttifti, • 141). , thift n.fltett 'for •Inindrot! thissi'rld .men; *toserett ler three yeftrti,.or ink . ‘the the .toth dap of..bfa~,ch n exi,tor the itiffitory': - fterviee . ,ol.' the United Stetes, yretlitirt.-tOl - itedin:tine;, therefrom .so many es m.y.hrtee been enlisted :to thetierOce irriorto'the:•l*t ; dtiy of l‘fnich f a td not,tieretofore . .eretlited.: - • . ,• A firtAitA'si:trvuot.s: A *tlisria fejt froM-IVnehintiton states thfit:it . is elievett thatthis l. it.cltnles :the. list: [ cal for• three - htintlretl.thintsantl men, n n 'is in lily it roll . .for only : two hundred t honSantr.n.d— dit intuit men: • ,•' . ..• AP . hen(l4!prter:s iirmy•ii . j,WP.!;t4!rn Virejnia•saythaton..Thurs- . . . . . Ony'ntght, .14flutry 29,4 trpiti' ..Wagoptc. Witlt.eomritijaark storen t ,sept.from 'NM* . ci-f..ek 'to the gorrlson nt • l!f;terptiorgh..... with an - egeort 0(800 men. vi•a!:ttasdze,(l 2%000 conenale(l i'eftot.. three tulles. sotith of : A shnri, fight pee.urreit,:.With n ins, of 80 reflerals and 100 1e1ek...,A -, riOrtion. of the train was saved: • Petersbotgh . . , The. infolljgenr6 from worth Carolina r;.no tinoes.to oive evidence-or •• thn ernwin.discon, inornmoni 414 roen:vrith , :,thP:reher.roln, nun n desire to bold -- riStateonny6ritinn. - ~ .Mertings sire beinfitield in differenrcOnnt ins 'in, favor:c f a•Stnte.convernion. • . Adviera frnm Charleston, state that one:s:lint• pr,. }Muir .was lired into ar...pity on the 24th and aeven.slMrs were' fired On Sumter: On the • e hundred and three eibellsT were tbrown into the city.. • Official *nfiviees.nf the cavalry. nt. Fair Gardena, Termessee,..Finve hoon .from Gen. Grant. Two Merl rilled.,fmna an dnvernne hnndred prisonerawere . capttired by the 'Union . • . • . . ~. . . . . , . Tho T./..5.- nymY in. Goorzhi is:•l l . t i s , nn o hz and the rolielsnre .retron!kne. -: But .cmo ,!i:isionof the,.lnt tor .rpoinins . th, the.n . irinii:y.of Dnltom, , nod the rebels urn supposed tohavri .gone •to - Mohile or ,rhssi 'renheFisee.:. .• . . . .. KT.,,has bew.L c:iptured. The quiet ~rhich has p7aVailert an: alciOgthe front has finally been br.olcOn'in'a Ten' Inesi'a and Virginia, at though 14) to the ditte'o f this writing no newt, of important 'movements has been received.... • • • • . . • . ~ .Satttrilay informatiOn was race:ieyil from Tennessee to ihe '.'etTect. thatereti. .Lon street had been reinforced ,with . 20., 000 men and was advancing on Kno.s.vile, pushiniGin...Granger's forces'-before him. It was said ti.irtt Morgan . ' was abotit , to move at 'the head. of 5000, cavalry to cut' off earn— munieaeion between knoirville andChattainega o or to. rriake s a raid ..into . Kentucky. , . Later • dip pate)? es deny that Longstreet. had madein. ad-• yene2e: Romote,..hoWever,'" of thirfactivity of the - rebls'in:Edst Tennessee. eprevail. A dia. p.ateh.from.Louiiville;.lCy., eta tes'that the city is tilled With'ieports of an intended rebel raid iiito . Kenitickf; which is'to be rhatle: . Dimly nt . three.tlillerent ...• A dispatch from. Cincinnati stated` that,John Morgan was at Atlanta, making preparations Tor a reittlinto'li;ent Tennessee for the . purpose Of" cutting . The . railrOad betWeeri ChittannOga and Knnxuille. Ha had•been,:ttie . rr;Port COQ tfri nes, w o rking a speech.in. which 'he - .stated .that ntir.troops would be compelled to evacuate A flairs are EPllPlllily . quiet in Getierhl Grant's department. Our rorrespOnderitritates that skit-' mishing . continties,hinoisOlnily to.the• rorl beast •oi Knoxville; generally in Knnrville county, hot' has been no . important battle, nor thre be immediately: Ina the. I.st..ol,Nlarch; it is pre('k.W icteill.sse . East Tennessee. rlenr of one of the two contending a rmies.. • Two trains . run daily (Mtn ,Giattnnooga . trn o Nashville,: .a: kingt he trih in ninetsSir Itonrs. The:moffnlitY itt the hospitals . in the . for mer place is. about ninety tleaths pSr. Week.: •• • . ' .• , . General Schofield. who ticsurnes rit -comand 'of.'Generai Foste'r;dit the rogoe.st of GOnerel' Gr'an't, left WashiUtt.tOn fdr Kn.ixville on ThOrs: day.last, ocean - in - Di nied by SOme of his staff. Gen Cr in Eest .Tenuessee," • . . RarpuTs.—The reptirts of Gen'. Al'Giellan are being . iati'dly. lureparUd : for issue from the •uove'rnment rusintling, office; and it is expected will b&rtady fOr . deliverY . the course of next week'. They are•to'be.liound and will be illust rated by a number' of mufti, some of theii on a large scale.: • . I...oNOSTRF:ki ,Ft/iAt TEN . NESSEE.- 7 The. New . York Her:Rd' says. that tbereasons why'..Longstreet holds on• so tenaCeously. to East Tennessee are, that he, does' so to subsist 'his troops and to fortvaCfEall,the extra supplies he can. gather, toward Richmond;:and that: he is proteciing the rebel workmen..engai,e'd in extra. , t ing . tbe. 'nitre caves .of East Tennessee and South'western. Vu'reinia; and alse the snit works of that section, from which. the Cenfed, Bracy now .proeures.nearly all Its supplies 'of salt. . .seen'that so long: as LOn4street occupies the eastern emperor.. East Tennessee he . Is' dui Og the most, important aer vice to Jeff . The ChatfieldDemorrat. Ifn.sfings Democrat, and' St. 1 5 aul,Demorrat; all published in Min nisota; have hoisted the .name of.McClellan tor the Presidency.' • .' ft is reported that the Confederate Capital ity. to be rernovedfram Richmond to Colombia, - The Legislature. Of Kansas State wasvargan• izec by the.electioo:of a Speaker, Clerk of the. House and a S..erelary of the . Senate, all oppos. ed to tlie.politieal principles of Senator Lane;.of Kansas on the 13th. . . .. A LITTLE BOY, or , girl,. in Clearfiel d woo sObailily frozen in going:home from school iturine one of. those severely cold days about New Yearis, that there was no remedy, and in a short time-death ei.sued. . . • . ' • ~' . .. . . i . . The “spontanenus" .. resolutions. .udvocating. Mr. Linenin.s renorninatian, juat . signed' by the Ileptiblican members ollthe Pennsylvania legja, lature, were the resultof the engineering of For 'ney and Catheron, the former spending . Severer 'days inHatinburg ip effecting the.•rspontaneous' . Instructinne. . be sent to General Steele by the Preeident to:isstie aproclamationaPpoint irig-tn election for Governor , of the State of Ap• kansas, on the 28th of March... After the election the Governor, it is under .st o od,' is to'call a c_tivention to revise the state carietitutioh sorts to abolish Slavery. No person will be allowed' to vote who does' no t r a k e the precritied by' the' President in his proclama tion, • . . . • • • • ilk Su,siNen.Pep4RAS6l,l::—'Pte fnllnuin~ is' from:the BoStrin (A hel ilon)• ol.,beritror Snininer.: • : i nn rio'vey hirfele In en frobeliiin 4 the ! ie rebels' theybave been , 4e i:• er n' e d Ity rt .power Mita* oltdreregeives - doilOtiirritgli . tri-Mir Ice the rehnin'tion,, cir. 'shivery' imnns'sible ! Heim lon_ :that.will,be t • the lova) people . the. I.Norrtinie the :best judges, and ihatitidgl . ,s,. and that me . n C. 1.111 be deg3f iMately.e:tpressed only through their.represenintvei in • How. d . res rhs rend: by the'side otthe •linn 'of-Indepentlenee;' -declares the. "ial governments derive ,their jiisi power, burn' the . consent of tire governed, ?" . : ,• . . . . . . - 'Reports that i. :1 . T . p /11 . IS .°pin g .' g ralunlly evacuated by, the rebel q.oyi4ninent„cont inue. tO he . nrough,t here',by pereon9 from place. It. is . posi tiv ely.stirted thht.i he ye:mnya I. of th6..s,ln-.. .rrltirig . ..mae hlni!ry . 'frbii), ' the . - . Trefleg . ,nr rrciii AV'o'rkß lis . lieen . goine , ,.hd.lnr . weeks. -It has. been tent to Columbia, S. C. '' .' ' ' • ..: . .Deserters from.. the rebel continuesto, into .:Potniriae -and. . al° though it appears:that ti enemy hail establish-. ed a dOoblo.linnof pi'ckets:to 'Priiyopt . d'eserrion, the then continue.to escape, by: various • and reaebGeneral Allealle's lines iii. spite of all pricitations:. ?The Presidift'a aionnii!V proela, onution iii.siiid .tirbe'%voiding wonde'rfully om en!! the rebel 'soldiers,' win . ; have nothing to lase either: in property. or 'Frieial stataS by accepting . the .terms the..prnelairidtion. The 'weather in Virginia for the Past fey days lins . .bc”.h 'anti genial, and the'comfotis - of Ole .army' - are con'seque'ntly increas.d..". The Otivernmet,it is ,in i,ce,ipt . rif ;14(11th - innl infotmatimt of atiptlyr (..;•o n e t'etnplato Jot:irk y. h' tire repels in . It appears chit the efirtirdin nod - nil - 10e; imitated re!.pecJiint this matter. Government has already tnizeti '.the necessary step., Itv•plattinii..rt military and naval . foreent proper points . , tor tirevent.an iscettfence of-'this -At.Exanrintt• ITA:am . rmi vs,,S. P. Cuasts.l.-In the ptiffwhich Secretory Chase hestoWs hfm self,tie apprupriateslii him Self. the,wurd.s which Webster applied, to Secretary I.l.imilton. Web ster says: He tif our national, resources and n'hunchmt streams xi( reci!iitte 'gushed forth; he touched the corpse of the.p.nb lid credit, and it.stoocl upon its fe,tit.": ' . '•' . ' Amended - these ideas do' apply.to . ...`3ocretary "I,lii,smOte the handle of - Hpe.'S' Prin. Ling Press, "and-abundant streanc . 'of ' c3reen-.: . Wachs gtishell Mull; with . the : wand ,of 'his 'greenbacks he thirched•theriationa.f.conSience and it became shotltly."i-A/tion filepubfican. . . .. . . . The Legislature of jientucky passed a bill oa the 13th, pttihibiting the iMporfation of slaves into that ‘State. The intlai'pr slaves has had the P 'fleet of.ibeapeniest . the pric . e. of: the stock on hand, arid °vet floiyint the market. ' . Sotri?-lemaleS . s . uslicted of: Smugglii,g' . goods into Dixie were rs;cantly•searehed• by the Pro vost Marshal' ot . AfeuMhis,..Tenn'esee, One wore a Idae . Of .fine as- a hustle.: Her corset ryas filletkvith gold coin, quilted.in,to the amottneorsl,2oo, •. Another lagfy's ample bust was filled ont , by a •museum of .articles . , con;. ofie.v'elry;.: silk: thread, 1 - ,teedleS and medicines. .' • , • • The Oemoertic Natioital Committee hide, unarirtionFly 'vote!lrO hOlil a National ConvenL .tion, for the. onmihrition of rresitlenr and Yice . I , rosiilefit,, ;1! Chinlo, oii the • :4tli of . The Dt: 'noel atie ressiona I caucus, by . a• intijorit:k of sefien, adeiseil the .Notional Corn— •mittee :to hold the next ,National Democratic. Coorention-in •Cittrinnati: - Here is'. a slight gifieignee, • . • . • . . , ;rug al)errOci,itie•Ailtriiiiistta tion•Fas•enforetag , specie paynients -by the go'ver.iirrtent; its enemies set up' the . .xiiitc,ry•oi, 'rrgaTd for the . 'or. the . 'people.".l.The real object of. the. democracy was.to.seeure a .gOld currency for Ihe- people and they succeeded:: • Nov the Lincoln.' atialinistration pays its' MTh:lois, or a portion of thetti; in gold•sbile.it . foods' tlie coinitry, witlidePreciated greenbacks for the. people.. ,•. • , • . . Thus Fogg and Marsh, and Pike and Clay, 'and Webb; aid Wood:, whn rePreSent us abroad are paid:hilly per -cent, above their Salaries, while onr seildieis are paid in . ..ereenbacits, one third below their real 'value... A •month'.' .pay, to a ooliler , .S2'2, is now in reality only $9: • The Democrats of 'Congress. have declared 'their • oppositiOn to• discrirnientionj, but their declaration 'elieits only a sneer from tt.e Administration press.- • BETTI::II.'NE ' VER :TO TA'l(5 HAVE Mc . C L E L LAN . pi:ESiDENT.—The Boston. Cpurter!el'ates the following incident tot illustra tiveol the spirit of rodienlisrn;.and the temper .of the:men who now sway.the destinies of the rerrub ° • • • , •Said a 146puhlican -citizen to.o radical poiriti- cin---;n1U1 this occurred shortly' alter the: first evidence was made public, showingthat McCiel lan's• iltrre was owinglo MCDowell's' being prevented prom crimparating it' the atack upon Richmond—ullappears to, me that the Presi dent_cir Mr. Stanton was to blame in not carry ing the plan 'of - the campaing,: as agreed upon :with McClellan -Had that . been done, I believe we should have huil..Richmond." "You will Some time'recognize the'triith, it not-now;" said other, ,, that it -were het terMaver to take itiehniotrd than to f.tiVe Mcelellan for,our next. president; ire he surly worth! he if.Lis campaign had • Succeeded: •. „ • ••••:. • . LICENSE PETITION rf IRE follpsving : natned 'persons have filed their respectiye_ neiition for . a TaverniLicense; at;cording, to law, . •." . T. Goonvvin, k.6t10 Township' •P. 'M.. Fui.l.E . : a; Brsd(ol d Towship. - • . E. L. S'owritstAyn,.Ceres • [L. - Witness my hand and p ,, .al . of . C.nunt at Smethport, this Ist' day..ol February,- 1861. JNQ...II....erIADWICK;Proth'y. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Censumptive sutiereis - will receive a valuable, prescription 'fur' the :cure of.' Cori6iiroptiOn, Asthma„ Bronchitis, all Throat anti Luni affections, (free of charge,) 'by sending.. their A. wiLsoN, Kiogo . Co., New York SHERIFF'S SALE • . .. By VIRTU): of sundry write of Pier/ ForiaM,Leturri, Fisrins'amt rrnditinni . :ExponitS illstiqii.out of .tho Court or Common Nom; of Wii'mui reuuty, Pa., to me diremo.lo, e mirmoil 111 b,t ubli, I.lu 'the Court , o p ut . . „. . VOSlttetlittort. onOnlity the 2411 slay of Oehrttt. I art'. 1 , 111, at one o'clock in the afternoon:. •‘, I • The ((Mowing \teal. Estate xll6lllo' in the: llorough ofkliport, K.B.lll4to•wilship; anal connty:of and., ritata of Pentisvleania; to itrit: 'Sgaare'nottiboreti seventy . tiro.liopt (hit' lint minter eleven, Improved; • . O.ut hothutnher. ten, ItteirOvell; Onf• but ntinthtkr ninet'; • Al.s.i,Aft t "6ertain piece or . pardel or land adjoin ing ',told - nut-lute; 'Nninn .for earlier shuttling on'the eatit side of thit whieli•hiNorth sic and . one half titbitees Easi that dud tire multi finechos Prue the high oe tlisult.thß' on ilio North side of Mirth; Creol;;;theneu - Sontli eighty 'five : deg:evil West thirty sight tiereltem to a stone;•itteneo Noith, novitnty'llnil•'oneq twit ilegeaos West,lintr and four tenth perches toil a stone nn Alto shut h brink of iiher:Aootti ;it rook; .i.lietiety• North' eighty tiro and it half tbe:iree's' West seventeen tosi•ttro tenth aerehes to all en on the- South bdrit:. or .4na6k.. smith liroid(i theuee Sunni eight) , eielti . nott ono half de. .green \Vest thirty for r pe relies..lnure or.. tees to; a atone in ilia .F proved'. tast Orlo J.; lloinlitCa Farm; • other pinto or pa real of band trontaiii ing abotit Ia ent.Vie rev sittiat of-Sinethitort in•Neatieig,tntrit ship .in said county (tint bounded On t h e :East by. !aisle of . It.'W•itattilin. on thin tiouth .. ..liy laud+ (.1 - 'lt: C. Cortiiii and tholtieliintind kistitto, and till the West _by the 'road Ilitrviti'croet;; till tutprovetl.' bikeention, nod . ail' he. Rohl nos the. ' proper , y or Itrewater Freeman, nl%OO suit of .A. Ni'n'ny: hue now fur the use or coroolius C. Deeker.. • MIEN . . , TheTolLowing Real EittatO.:—'All th at certain piode or riareid of. lan.l situfif eln the triwnikitip,Orlltuniltonsoniffy. .1 - 31 . '1i:eon and State of refibsylvanift,afill" . bving part, of ti rant lot. warrant,idindutessl's,. containing seven loin deed and iirtyaitrea.together with the overplu a htuflal 4o . the S t t..tt, r.ido of said loti. being all of :said t"'o litinilreilond fifty acres sold: to tie 6. 11:.Cottori. ' . • • .14-uo—One other piece oelfireel of lanl and behigl.in the' townchip of ilamilteti •aforos4bl and being part lot warrant 5511. and being thetibullo•witht, I.,rolfr of said lot' together,witlitlie•one-tvurth part of -the surplus, land containing, two hundred and . fifty acres . of datal; bounded ne•follfiws: at • file ,South• west. turner thence North to,Chopplit's land; •thence East - t•n Choppie's line far eifough to.citritain trio hundred Hod fifty, oeres together veith.the Overplus afl.oll4inprorimi. ' • , ..t.. 4 eimitl.• falcon in Rgecutirin and willbe Sold A erty of illOvston'll'.l.lulo the 311.1t . ta Minor. ' MEE 'All the tollening - . described Into pf;"L•tnd and preink • ei sitnaie.l and being In the ' Botiongli.• ref ihnethiroi . V. end bounded and de - Ageihed as (Whim, to xeit: kiiett a lot he, at rt post borniir. elm:ding fifty seven .pewees North ind one perchlEait of the Nneth-cunt' or ..syniee •Sie. hi. the Of rinitiltrnort, ag designated in the of Mull villiger thence by the line of .191111 . 1 - :. oiler, -tacti Ninth. perehel . pest ei li neri; thence Weot itret,ty peeelieg to, it •Onat .eorner; thence' itintli siNtr rune lieceltes .a.pust .goiner:•thenee by lino ~,1 ~,tivesc.l to Didier Ilirze, twenty percilei t.. 1 tlo , . glare I,r kn. - tinning; pontidning Tight neres, striet utterance, he tile riatite more or nether Let Iteginni4.nt'a pout corner a:nnl In 'thirty eight 'per'ehes - North and one; ueswit West. of the NrictitioeAtieirciter of yrinate devil-11HO in;.tlic ,phis Of the villa4e of thence North nineteen pr.: 10,1 to 3' peat' corner. in tilt hue ‘ifiJon land; ,tittnee by Aaiil - liee Bust nineteen Twit:hes to a input corm-G.- thence by' the line.of. ' lande South nineteen-peaches to a po:a•cerlieci , thetiee try, the id - land deeded tri t•iundiel weet nineteen pecelte:t 'to the place 'of enntaining• twpini - req, and Gar ty one, perelte,,,ittlet ult‘qsu re, ha the emu& more • ..0t...5m,-4nOther hot boctlitnim; af..it post statidin;; perch west of thy no 'll.-east- cornet' or s‘inarii NY,. d , ill the tots plot of 1 4 teittliporl; theace North thirty' eight perches tonpost ' corno ri• thence East nineteen. perches to a pool; thence South thlrfylerilit perehes ton postOn' the North line of the town; thous West nineteen'. per ches to the place of-be-gib:ling:, Containing' four .ticiei and' eighty two perches, stidet roonSure, 'being known and described • 11.9 limber lota No. 15-osal 2(1 North of tint plot of Mien of Entethpnrt ' A ctio•Loti ;In's. one and two in , half Slitare No.'R of the !pmt . 's' plan of sald•town- itflimethport„ clairdett_by died front the Commissioners of 91 , Ffeen county, Recor ded in Mt Kean County, Book P. Tame 991: 'At.so—Lot'u. 9 In square firti.'.,99Of the general ;ton of said town ,of •Stnethport, chanted by deed from the Oonimissfoners of 9i'llean; coUnty, Recorded in Rook C.. page 18. . Also—Let No.4 in Sqttaye Nn.'_'9 of the genera] plan of ;laid* lemon of Smethrtort, claimed, by-deed from' James Tayloiand wife. recorded In 111'Ketin . county, Bonk ,F, pace 2 9.1. Alm above described propertrie um en •red, 'about seventy-five hearing,APPle Trees, • graotity , of Plum Trees one Frame House, one Frame Barn good Fountain of; Water.. - • . " • 5 4 ; • . . . . . , . . ' Seised, token in .kaecution and will Ve sold. an the pro; pertynf Solomon Sartwelland Samuel 11. Stotler , .lt at the suit of Vincent Clark A . , Co.' now for' use. of John. C. Backus. •• , . . . . . . . - . She'riff 'a'Office, Emethport, Feb. l et • . A, N. LILLIBRIIiG, Sheriff. • • • '..:• STATEMENT u . F.THE iFUNDS. •'. Silf,*lllf:-'. i he .lic;v:eipt,4 :u id' Expori dil it i•el, , 01' Ar.h.vait ' C owl 1 3-, - Ibt 'the yea.v. ..lritl.l:3. •'. -. :: ' . . :, : ',, - - . • . RECEIPTS. lieceiro fonixdalingiirnt Iterelveitfrolli for 1O63; Receir'eifrum Un4u,ietl too fur Ic6 k Itt;3 Total Exauss of expenditure:Al/VIM' receipt .. 1. ' : ',' ' F.XPENDITViII.IS' l'ii.l Gralut Juror's • ". :...• • • .• 1. Traverse' Jurors • -', -01 iol-• and Tipi.iloyes .i,. . . .... • Coustaldesi . (WWI 114 ::.% ..... Justices' tputlol . llo/116 . .. ~.....•.. (.‘ AVid, es and Foxes Bounty' ..... •• itep.ii I, of I.ul.liii. Iluilaines ... • . :1 I tuidests o.llrillinil 1 , ;(,1 I(i Costs ••••• •.• •• • .. " Puldie'Prin.ired . ' . • • liridge Itepuirs ... . • " - Liu:11111/g, Road- fruits Ilmilli 0 tq 3. ) ter:dmr...; • ... ..... . . ................ ...... ~..... al.! oo • ,- Tux 1tetut1ed•......1......, .i .. ....••,- ' ' ' ". -' "25.9 d •" • Ml'llllll* Andin Arm - iv:hip linti .........-.. 140 .:5 Illauk Hook au I.StutiUnery i,• - • .......... • . . ....'l/11 Eleetinns'• ~ • . :140 22 .. •••oii'.lll.li.tuient ic.4.iinst thitifity ........ .., 151 lut •• • She rilT •illair' 3 'lO • • Late CominisAuner Davis . ' ' " .22 25, . •• . lisle ..?"intindiisiuntir It eje5..,...., .. i - .. . '• 5 511 -bate Coininiasiiiiiec Stork ~..... ' ' •'... .119 50 Cominis...iutior Brewer ".... 77 (HI . , • • Cruutnissiuner‘Corwin . 711 . 57 . , '..." itiourmissitmer .11alilwiii ..... .. 1 ..i.:-....... - 11 0.0 : 1 ' C• It - Allen . late Clerk ' " ' • ' • 27.50 :••"' W. 13..11v/sit Clerk - • - • '- : . 2011,00 , Witneitse4 before Auditors....; ..... ... . ' 0 Si . • •• House-of. Refuge. ' • .- • ' 11 , 5 77 ‘• 'Wiesternl'eulteeitiiiry ........ ' • • 13 32 •• •311.eelliinerum •-•-• ' , Pruiluimlitare Chad. ink " 103 5•1 ‘. Interest on Court I.louhe Order '• ' • 'l5 53 , . ''', Attorney 1Vi11iitni5........,:....• .. ..... '. . 'llll 01/ .• Total Expenditures LI A jalj ES . . . Order' outstanding '., . i ......... ..............;. i . ; ~.$893•45 Orders outstanding on interest , .•••••-i 3ll 91 • iludguiteuts against .County, '...«.. 318 00 . CoMmissionerst tvageit balance for 1883 ....." .. : •1;•,:03 Cleik's:wfMes badittitielorirtiB3 . i.sa 00 Vault - Onto, of Eiponges for 1691 ......-....—...: 4.509 . 110 Estimate of esonerations nod entenniesions 'on unseated faxes ~... , . ' ... . • 539 9.1 11