I . :.;. , . , , ... . . • .... • .......5.'....-....1.1'......... ..:...f.: ....... „.: , ..... ...... VOL. 5. 6ounti) Mcittorrat. , t PBDLISUIiD EVERY .q.TURDAY MORNING, ' • ' BY J. B , OVIATT, • SMETHPORT, WIKEAN COUNTY, PA. CORN di.:1!11131111.6 TERMS:— -.- -,82 00 in Advance Rates of Advertising. 1 'Column fine .1 .. ~2 2 ; .. • 20 00 g• , ‘, • ... . • ... .. kg) 1 " .'six'innntlig. • • • '2O Oil ..„ , • , 00 (1110 eritlare of 12 liticaorless, • 150 sule•roorit .... ..... 25 • alloliekna.6l4,.wii .. . • ' 5, uU • Hole r work will be the 'elioi2Cratlis. Twelve Innis • tj•jity. or ei6ll lines Minion...AL - is .ruled a sanarr..• .'. • .. Mfr These term, Will bo'stticily adhered t.0..'./j1 l'Oti6ite- • P.r.cctoili. • liI2VEINC.4.HA.EOOII`;".. SUBSCllll3EValitlniinvms to ale publii• rho'cl.« has rt!rcilo , ml the.stAek . of !tie sa . — In ti fprate'rly , kept by:AY.'P..g.ikei, Of.# Pltblic Square, where.he' is ,pr.epitreil to refresh tha • inner man. With ail:the duliea ec usually , .kept. a iirigt elits*:RP,STA.l.7l2 , ‘ - . • , ALE,I.I DER, cos.r.i.:( . ITIoNAIii Es,.N ['Xs; ': • FRUITS, cuE ESE, &c.•,'• ! . 1 / 4 ::C. • • TRES( I. • 0 YST I•: 11S served, Lo either conked., • . •'.1 . 1)(”e who farm' me wlth . th , ir pati=m'ag shlt have nu caus.a,tp.complahi,cith.l' as to prioei quality S:nel 1)060, SPpt .BEZT NETT.:HOUSE, • Stnethport..ll , littanCo.•.P.l, SAns . , Peorieletttr oppo,ito the A note, laro:e.,-cohnnenki crun,titl trill fnenielted • , • .• .DR. W. Y . :DITOY;,:. • 6ORNER bIAIN STRIF:I •'. •• • 'W. S. BRO.WBELL . .Dealer in:Dry ,Goo , b r z. Crpekerk; Hardware Boots,. : 4 1)es, Capi. Gla4a, N Fb, Oib 'East ride attic. square, F r iael4port; Pa. : ...,:: : ,:E'::: - Ti'L‘ . .i-TIT::,N,..rri-T,: ....• '. TA.NI'CCI,..& .cLilli.).ll:7,R'; PORTAGE,, McKe'an Co.; THE' SUBS.CIUBEH. fhttterq..hiinsell: I}om Lm f.xperiesxe, that•he cannot be. excelled, iu I he - btisines,s. . ' • • Partici.]lat attention '.viii he paid to CUSTOM WORK. • Far Ow conenittoce of.tlrase livthe . at'a &it:the:a ivisbtOli to ha veitatCtii diodsha reS. n'ri li n,ertne u ts ftdve•tteen h 11.• Dot tta •ihtt livery.ot ttte'lly,lt;s• tid the 1 4 0athad bene turned to:histore;4ll;ni tanned.. • The . lat:gAt price for41v(le;; PT ill ',.iiO).,.I.I.:ATHERIBOOTS . ., SIIO . ES; HARNESS, left at . I_ l ol . ey's.or my plutcry. ' !,ati . olcOon-'g " . :COnner..te4 Avitii.tny t(itthery,J . have.a•gpot Shoe factory, and ll.inirso Shop. Portagpi.PaL . , I'ROSPYLOTUS FOR 1804 SATtrtPAI FCENING rtig, • • "The oldest and best of,tho 'Weeklies." . . 1-li r yoprio.o.rspt.ow SO t , l' , l , tli E re . it )1.f,. Po.; j-LAsbieh ipitpet is into iu • t: rori 04:: iI I V 0,!..-- , v , tild .•iiilph - ; mt. Ounce in then . Irro-i.;'ttt4•l4 , ,r 1 , 46 1 . ;hat I Ilt.y 41 4 !.; ' Ciill tilajuldtiuir,,t lilt tl i Ir wth,l.l) . lite hi.:llcli.tortAi• it. ha:, 4:- . .. . 'rilatly ncritii red as : ' '.. • •, . • • , . . . , . , . , ~ ,They barn r r4 . ,,n, to tirlire t,liAt Ow Morn.: of M1;S:. W(101),.:nutIlor of ••I•!‘4l.,•in.L. , 'Nr •.)11:7 , 4 Illt - . \ 1)110N , author of ..11Elvuor'm Vietty' ,'". AG.; SIAILION TIANI•AN U, stuthcir a t•Aluno,:' k.e t • -;1.1S, l'ilW ISt A ',V. TQ,I N. SEX ),, anll nilmerout , 6,•.!v'rr 4 , :‘,..1.1,int . Ns. rili•t* liar, 1.00, k ,,,,, r m ly I. o v r d e d ~, , .ps,,.sintr I lin Frre•i!rit inn ri t 101.1 tip! Illhq aljsol}iii..4 imores..; and tlrry kle 1.11 i•r;y:tirjug for 771i.1'0t in th e (slur, :kin thq'pa,t,ll);.l,, , ,t,•;tori f ~ Sk,L.irke!, m , l othoi Lii-}a, y No f•qi i,s' ~ libel,. they' can. iiiisstlilv olitattf; .:Tl!i.,y in1;6111,1 commencing. iu .I.lle. lira; piper.lp it aim try.,. -.• .. • ' . , . . , . :A.. NEW. NOVEL, BY .MRS: WOOD, . . Autb,r'of '•E , it. Lynne," •• ...•' from ttlbignit t : ;•pr..,. , tyloriottrttett to tts from . . This e to,ry will 1.,: called • `. , OSAVAiL7D tilic.ut. the' letittli of • "Wriier's . 1'0(1'0. itIO • 4 East 1 1111 W " • , . . . . , . .lirnddi[isui to the t'eshi . .'written expressly for The Pest,:itS 10 .I.ty hnf re its rentlec's, tht• lesAt'Staries item tlfe•EtiLlirlsPerietlic:ilmottidAlees.iii „a. ilitiee to the Tele, end t4lotellt,. more 'or 1e . ,. Avicul ,turai Met Wt., with a Iliddlu, Receipt, Neva, and 31aKket pilsisteieuts, every:week •• 'A. spnv 1::'(:i. - :0 A C,al ',NE GRArErs w)11 phyla any per-on selairmf thirty. llbseCiptiOtts to iVot •Prat and Sixty DollarA. rn,c of ll'hr.htr- Wit son,st,'ilebrateil Seiriag snub nu 'Wry. tell :for Porty-alveltollars..• Thu' machines will he strlttete -pew at the anatinthetory in New. York, boxed 'and -for . ; -,ararded ficeof cost, with ihe'ixeeptinn fe4e,hr.. . • • ''ld procuring theatutiseributat tor thin PremiuM tie pre 4ttli• that the thirty Subscribers should he procurred'at the ruplar,terms of Tip. Dollars far mtelt, hot where thia "mtabot be done, they nay' be' proett Fred at our clutreatt-s, quid Alto balance of .the 'Six ty 11l la re forwarded to no in cash I),y the person deal Wm; the idehino. The paper Will bi ; sent to dt ,fj. rent PitV Offices desire(' , ErPry - yer . 'FloteXPllo3ting names shoal.! send them -.ufi th the 111.1[10y 'no fast we (thtained set that We silts-twitters may f rut 0 It Once to reettlyealteis parrs, and not Imoome 'with the delay:. W Int n t he. whole totmber o r , j ainOs ty.) . and-the whole totieditt oftuntleyaSixtY thillars,) is re ,. ceiyad;the machine will be: duly forwarded' . .. , • 1 ,1 :- , ' . . 11, 34$ : CASH TN AtIVANC. I E. .3.6.1py; Ilne ' yeity, . .. .. 1 • $ 0.00 ." 2 cupii.s;une y 1 9111',;:.'« ... .... ..........; . '.........'.. . 8,00 ! 4 copidi; one year .• • ' -'• ' • - .6 00 .;.8 Quilted, sinshUuito kut.t.o [ . ..up of c10t;,.. . . • 7300 • 20 eopiOsouid one to gutter up of e1ub..;...---• 00 00 , . • Otto copy of.'Ene Edit nod bud of The •LudY's ' • ' ' •••• . • ' + a it'll!, :1.00 - • . • - SUbscribers fn British North.Amorlca must rainit mien : 'ty reefs in addition to the• annual subscription, .as we have to prepay the U. S, postage on their papers, . jr3 . Aa the..pride of The Past to the same as that of The Lady's Friend y' the, delis inay be 'composed exclu sively of the paper, or.paßly of the paper nnd• partly ,of •the magazine.. 01• course the premium may do either ono or the-other, an'tlasired. ' j 377 The matte• In the pages will always be :differeni • frinn'that in the magazine, , • . ,dre irr se ,Brieltnownu!nbere of The Po t teti9pi gratis, .Ad• , -DEACON & PETE . FigON , , 149..3119, tSt. Phila A . • . Sale of rtiels• of • the. constifultim and 'the • .Effects of.flrnd Liberty'. • ' .• , *- . • Dead': -dead!. • • •• , .Stabbed th;lmgh :the heart and altoi tl4olierol . • ' . Lies Libel ty: •,. ' • '•• Iler:nrimo lui,ire • ciabed.from shore In shore,• .• • • 'Wog .the hurl thatknow her once . kimwW her no The form retnaimi, but the spirit Kati tied; • The atop is safe, but main:gni/11°,1 , s the light;. So bury our dead clear out of Our •, , .. • ,•' . Who cares for Liberty dead? • , • • .` • • • Yen, bury her. deep lathe clay, • Autl au:el:loll her griods b tbir !list fine day... • (lyr;z.! Oyez: manner.Of men, 1 . • • • ••• ••• You . yho wisli-to bid step io. • Oyez'. • tyre! All =tutor 01 Men, • ''•• • - ..Lftkr snit, i:rthout'lo hegiu . The.goods - WeAuetiuntire good as new-- •: - They lomi . not been herein wear lone; " 'Aloieureo: they enn't be injured by time; ' 'And with Only crow 111010 strong • iltit since Liberty's dead we want thenutiot. Sit weill'ael I them bIT Tor a sang.. , bid Who'll bid • Say -so in i tiv'pray, Or an deuit:ritet through with ourlsale , to . , • . A little leuderi.sir, if you. please, .. iiialittal satfgatio.l— ih?),, ulrin Aeprtrate lots? • . • • lif r9ll.Wore bait, ati IlbjeCtiOD fit? Whys shlr? •voo rok . • Why • my dear'hir, • •''ris kit ed hod, far tad iwirr. :.• Thai Libert anod are selling bit— • . uxeLi; d li is lire . itycypneer.. ' Gentlemen: Uere iah fir 4 elu.gi thing, • Eli lo the bRd ,tad dadiinq, °vet: in vreat v,,,:be.bn. olrntglote . 110{V, • buy 41101 . 01 (tile , ' by men; - lln lob' felir to 1,1,1, eorne . op For j.ISL 80 ', ore e.. we.-are all olive r yierll be the prini? tbsbieo itiSlxty•flve, .I',l not ,tt•fir not fedr to 1,k1! 11r 11 . 3 fill it 11.111 it fort,V , ltir sturt fie, gentlerneny . ~ 1 14 G•rr¢i.fide Ante. • •,. , Su Lief'. Why', gelitJeineri, sore perrilemegi. Cnown=....- • .. - • ' edicor the goods first,: What noxt?, Whatslexl? . • Lei Sit. 2., • . . . Tho . nrtiple I now put.op 'ls unit nor. less Thith I.thorty's •• • ‘.The Treedom'o:f the Press.'! 11 . 1f0 Lid',. who hi I. ''or Freedom, - • 'llls3 . Freedom 'of .the Pr.eas! J. L. IvonuEN .. ThaM.old i tv ground when of :ntr,•barked; Tfmt lo.itt' at t ainitt• lilt ellen wheys tacked, 'l'l,la.pitehr.i•ii, naming l Olt a ' an 10U4, .. Thdt mutt. ad tyrtany tvds '.,..,n•cd; .. when g.Ls a wan rituotl L.ollily tiaiyl Ita saY. , . .. . . , ONE Or. THE.. COVI),-, ' .-.- • . • . If - yeti ii , e it, you limy lose, it. • • . • . • ArUOTIONEEE ..' . • •.- • .. .• Ali! • Tnu'i•e thinning: of ; k•iir,iisess,." '•• . - • - lint teunlini.itiseleii and touzided, '. • '• • Thara . 4 tUeli:y.irt he in the Press, • ~ . • That lei. any tyrant gni 4 'Os an overmatch, i guess • Conic', geuiisinen, he•liYely, • ' . . .• .. • ....lis liatTorPrneiluni of tho' Press? • •• • • . • Now, ttentleuw-n,-Come,tumble up; •' ' fLindi liken of .porpoise; ' Whieh ,yeu will Irwin tali tutt . bid for Thibtob' eqrl.),“? r,111 , ] t,1•1 CorpuN; '• • That uit.t.lirma4ll malty fearle; - = faeodelie tYratii o g rage- That Ateteuleil the fury of the-hour; net helit'inehtieit tite pride of 'power; That not to tide iir time, Uloriutr, in, peace, in wtr,i-dlWirite • bid for 11.P.,-.a, Corpus?:• • • . Alt' tn . , , tie yen op, I knew; .•, . Tlll , it: o thing yon Nl.O let go, • Tlid(brlielo (nit, every taste, • . ' , • cvety roes ft.," out the wreck. ' On r,g1t),,(1 , 1 .',l/ Potion? • Tut , tyr tir's morn tiol Itainueles, The fremall'Orusty mallet. • . • litrOnXter than Iterollte•C edlth;..; . 1%1, hit , for Vote by 11,111« l! .. • • • 11a11111(erty',:todet Ire ali ; ;Vetbby 3.110 ridlll el? • ,• • • • Cell! we), up. tool, op goonlemen; . • (1r you'll 'nay the Vote In' Ballot " ' Yhe'perret thnt dent, thronged luong, Though r.:l ris'lon.- es Sampson strong; •, Tne power that talrett Srd 1(Irr:: , pen AM) ttlyfl,tit . t•l:l into CIJIIIIII,II7ifeI/j • Iluit. etzeranteeS Tile I,e .ple in -then' libertierl • Th., only potter on earth test ran, divaradv•regain pl .1 . 11 (I,llv blower that makes at lost • '' heiTel.Cr seat- - Irink Does the Vial! by 13:111ot, • : .•••. Ties Ina' to Its 'glory in :env - ryes; . . • • limed], its'ehiel - i(lt Merit lies. Chlee'. speak-up, gehtteMell. , • •• • Who bids,forYnte by Ballot! ." ' • [lie pause., but, there-is no respouse.l ••.• ,••• . Why, gentlemen, I can't express ' • II or 'Dwelt you putrde confess l'urinere than putse.led—l.'m 'almost vexed.. Cnown,.(4terniy)•, • • • Parent the.phy.- Whet next?. What next! Atcriesnett— Virat, gents. .'re env one request todtiske, • .For.vour.as v as My sake, And that la please - la burry nin • We have not right lienareyet, And if wc keen's vat thin rate, , We W. at be-dons bv'eum,eti Tor hherte was areal endured, • And wediold all her rreai.ure, • • , . A mighty mag 4 of preeioas filings, • • '-'Whose multi 'no man .could measure. ONE OF TOO OIiONVIJ • Aiol hose :zota.lB dOOFtg.OI. Mid, if so, Will you 'nuke restitution? • .' . . . . . AUCtIIINKF.It.—.• - • .. • . . . ~ Dentacttilt -Oh! an t' they it.ere put away., • . • Foi "thri Mtn nod another day. - -•". . •. -• Int!, eating ma on frrittriti Vinipose, • . . -I tell pill n0%4:41111 : ', de O'i'l Clone , . . With a broken ron.ititothe•i. •.. . • • : • . " . [Enter timetaettger in hot haste.] , • • .. Why, What's yitur he rry; friend?.. l'in - haps.your news Won't hu.the worse for keepine r .. . , plw-sett tor whispers in his ear. Auctioneer in wild eveitement, ilinas down the hammer, and at the, top of his rbiem shlotts) ' - . • .. . : ' -.-: ' llarialt" luirralt! the sale inclosed'," . .• , '-- t . : " tttilie was nut dead hut sleeping,"' Dore frientla, - uur Liberty still.livesi ' r...... -- . • ' She wAs net (load; but sleeping .• - • . .. - • ' Oh! blessed nee's! spread thro , theland' ! • Go forth like lightning leaping, ' .. . Wherever patriot heat Itt are sore, . . .• .And patriot eyes are weeping! , '" ...., •: .. . Anti tell them Liberty still limps; t . • • . - 'She we ll nut du a l hut eleeping . . • - • . • - • , .. • . - . • '' •.. • The myriad foes that wished her ill, ,- ' '."-,....,, . • . Wonntletl liar sere, but could not kill, •'. , ' • Fer Liberty's inn : portal ! , -' . . ~.,; v . .- Thi,' them we've, learned in vepythitid. - .t.':•;%.,'. •. , .• . Thu essence of the freeman's cruel— • . .... ALG—.. . . . • ' • •„ • That I.lharty's rtal . . 'The sale 114 cloned, what' right had 'we To hold It? ilocie, flionda r answer um • -Kane: Yeu cannnt fanrint buy The Unfold irinleh of r46,rtyf .GRAND. NATIONAL AUCTION ! UNCLE St M, AUCTIONNER . . . !Ti: goiri;. going: gentlemen, The Free,.l”m (iT the - l're4s,• Our termer boast and tiory; 'BM rumething, More 6i less MEM gnjn?n prize; .•, • 7 t.II yrna 1191 f; ,TO-109rt Any, or nt•zt tlCry; ' • .••• 1 , 6 r 110 11:itri. , mortAl thing;• 'ti% liother c t Or (.;,!neral ' kly other tl.lnl'• (e. 11•. • CAR kill oil lf,C,,,,cin..pus.;• - • 4 , 41; WE . 7 . l''l - 1P0R1. 1 4 ..:M'K fij.l . . : NN . .00 tiN.'IT; :'P A :; . . I SA',ftf:4:l) .: A)( . .., ' JA NV NRY,. 30;.::,1,864:- •. • 'l'ven the l'hile./elpha Serelay Merteiry . Our NdtionalLegariy?---WhOO - jz . .it Eind us o it: • Seeenty-seveifyears ego, . - aid:tottrtoe . n ' years. strbtierpient ePttte d l odr lt , tvos. ot•Jpen . ,. tried in Ihit'tiir•, naert..of those hoed • vith!a , prntottbil •apprrreintictir . .of•Abeir. s ' yonsilii•fities toi;:nthdr - , ill high and.t4oldtnn coitchree ' ,:,lo.l;llrllc fir the &rnsti . tnititeit ; sl.loiy:ri ; prOd , htell foundation and ci,tn''rarpn' eta . patl.Ct After inattireand aeoPle • tit:lrbi , rtilidit; iviihto Ile' nolde and cotTriateling presence pres , ence ' al l nutter lse ' s . 6llrel: . ina eye of the great ' Waithipgtoti•Hiris , ll, they i' - )pli:kt'et!.and pitrte“; , .:l a•nosen aPt• of ir,oples ' ot t,e ftir all ;he . high : purpoes it v i otddieed .to 'eeeotrpli s ch; ailand_all the moult.hto!is ' kVas . charg . cri, tri;gbt• chat] t witeht for 'a. comparison or peer, rn Ole th'rt.. - .orr of ab , ;tyne.t r.glit and Il,l• , ,ptiileiplciniclein• !meta 1111.1 1V...0:?k1r15 . v. i/i ,;1 1 :it to tinder albeit Unial winch Os' by on; ttH:ttr ,, Cu , ;1 - •:.t..ites _teeptt d ard'Y!tl fool Ibis: new [fond cowpa'i4ndlip an.l it 11 1 .:qr [llan .or,;1„11,.n,„„ : .• richer him o; 'CI /2.4 .., . . lit 4vin.lr', inl,oli 7 ••. . • • (di . , nod 1.1: .1i? A • ..... irn ! 61o; y•ol. •On,tOe 51r,iier3 . o•I • CI •• 1, • m11 1 e ill', 1114 but a Dace the Mai , . S I I , '" sl . racto, ', 100 , F. • . . . ithtt a;nl ip•perhtl s's . .ty.or' the great ' ‘yodt •ofro . he t ro.vey dui .IC . p..top ' e ii P"l' and pte' . oi d V;, , tn iputrtd•n . nd' ; , tintbering„ . .t • ht - nc ; three ti - nritoni Elar'alfer .slhr In thP bltt 11 , ', , 1 01 o.i an,l.,:ane..r,t,.ci 0111 - 1,011111,1U011' I'lll y: fin u ' lt a , n;I • boos tb rertkrio . l ,iln - f ' t of iffir .conitii,n'62 f eliod .1 . 1,•11 . 1111 of .a 'eyvti' t a i'ti , ll,l*.' • . p. , nriqnz fine fenrlVi-t,,sf`litil. ii . o,l ,, rost ‘vithstur , ly hlotys; 'etiltiVatutg , 'rleb the 11.1. lar,oft L,,rific ; and, in 4 tvbr.l, Peace anit•Contentritent sat att.l stntled i•Tbis.Was tholiiiriFl , il we' erjOyeil'Whe spoiler came and 11, , Itsoti :Its:Master piece.. lVeldrria3; we . ask.' . too, as' lona aslifereinaitts, who of our tom Nina as. k No t a L i ': e j: . ,• lined few:.'er : i - ay: rind tt,nnratit I.piatif.. Ilke lYilli,infl;loy;') - on, f..;:,•l;:iii Pialk, -Abby Kelley . Muni Mutt.' it,' .wai disrinlik and in potent . Mr : f . .; , ‘idt dbrit When iidiilitplethiof a '4;1611 party-, thirishitfa • hocine siMils or Mii . ce:aml set - Time:cif fit ~Conafiiss wete; MAL? iti seen, s tor. ia'l:a?nfi:lt cot bats 'bet Weim, tho'Noi in II:, 11).-..1s.c)iip , I)vir -sr CI ))thal.)l,l— 1 1 ),..i)r4 , ,, it •,• )) ) . 4, an ):. Wits Caleill)1!.r) 11v) appre , iii.ns'intlq 'Ol or y 11111 1 . 0 .1 sort heir M. his satin try: !1 !zit!. ve)ll.:and-, ri tliat'th. Tim: 7 . hi ,I had' shailoWeil i,rr^:itdd It}' 11'e~h?nelnn in his farewedi f . mmtiltri , ;l• F'.'P'da. of )4 iOll i:a,11,04.ii 541 V.'1,...5 . A4;1-, leis and orpirolons f“),1 b •en chosen frau, -the,NoitheritStotis 1,11 aceisont of their, lilt and tor o r,,1t)11,12; ton. Illnljn9"f zoill , llf7, I Ito -S00 , !:11.111 pdprili. np s r. 1.1 iutr/ MI ;1 ,- Siirned'NQTl')Wf 1) iloatimition rinl siipreintie)".' Roe thinpoffiem mom; GIVW tied SeWattl a nify others.; Iron! !t w. k; Wadi?: Gledlititql, arid ltiOgitarn, Ohiei 161M:tint and I;ollineame,, from :‘lassochmetic;nnl t pm-Teri. iiidy Irmo o'ber • !minor their elass, are:moinly the, inn- Iho • rs of old the woes find eolamities that have barn brought opus the eniiittl •Tho ele,etion n( Lnlrnln,.lt in info, - ,ovaict he.eroi:vningirlitrax; the .11'a soli and eon,: [pacts* and. ~ l istratitemi. i ti,ingtirilteil Iw' thioie.Wlto wentllrlibrrntely.to Work to i.ir'ert.litow:llle . Union..nml :to build Op mmeriaochy-or Mims - mire in its stead, snst slued by hayettets, hthitsf:. been . tncrel y and stipple tool in •, I boir hit ritis:-,an antiolOaton' who 'reheist?. - es joke's for ilia mliserttetit i,n— . ge4oilscoulriv'ance playeideliOss ttifottadyrof ex pert ThOy. :aro ;the grest crihnintils 7 —thfi amity Mir:dors i Who havelino: ken into) he inner t eitfple of pm' . tifs and itnlefildherefrom pfireleSs inheritance, hatlferS throng:li rivers niblend snit (Mont los.; ttensifre. nstries be mite errafeil throne' all cumitia time and :mark. of 'CAI descend with dent to their.itislMno:cil graves. ' . .: . A,. M. \V.. - . . . . M1L1.1...& or . :kli;N:-L,S.triutdr'' tvArzo'i of Mieftitott , 11.! 4 int redneel TT. S.• Settrue nil the i'reFillent to call oriToti.t : tnillion of volunteers Fut..ninety' nlNuritity of ,suelt too.tmarent to justify iiisrti it ii fot: - it :Avottlrl ttrtretillte (even if they.eOlita her sitytt) Ittrtte it holy' 'of mett into even It re , tievtabte toot', i....rtflinth- tittle mitneil. Se 111)=0;t!t , ly is. t that: Oleo th e yhilad,:tphil....Prevs, bas . riot taketrd rtitinilii vjew of tiny thin.; oi oxpr PS7 ' .ird' 5 , ;. 1%;.., idea: wit hio the I.st• five . yenr«,'coniletniis Mn. DENNI.ON' Ddinoc:t t in6rnher of Con. grass from Poll.llsylvi . ,in t rodu cod a billiti . the -11 9 ,1 5 4 , few . days,asto, increasing the priva ie soldier . s? . pay to thirty dollars a withal'. which . was opposq di whohi oat/ ;•tholitiog On the same-day the AbOlition majority passed . a resolution to give a hatch of Abolition ' Coin mittee four dolla=rs perdayl is Useless. - • . . . T ,_ r„ . „ . " , :71f:DEaAL SUAJUGATION OF ARYLOD epesAugO ,of Goverlin .atoneonn ,the Legflotifre .Moiyia4 invites uf tentiOn anew' to tip- hit2h 11111111 i n' 'which that ig,t{ft• his` been the . .theater. y.o,l,lll;scr:y . linill Ti the hationaVeii kn) -hiiried . iti..affihrtf . 96 fli'reily'''utnlne ',f11 . 6 . eye cif the fiction of thek: 111'111at.'st0e ' ll l 4 o't)e re garted rrs difyetly'inrpif not tlio•eise eta remote proyineo oppress ed by .111'.. %vantottnes-s,iiiii'peoennsul,topolistnnt • to be' contiollosl.2 •IVll'ofeeer ,(3eneral, Sefinsek hifs dorir ha's,..noonnstiOtiably . beny inFnireqdrom: W , ;:lf nig ben.:',Hl,•3 .nets' were; set the ...P"'sld'l'" • is' bs• ag' onb— ve!tol i'll'n•tloyerelgnly, its. enlist inltioll, and i?blee'l-,„npon neck.' ,tire iron 'boelc'ob,tOilita.ty• dosyntistn: • Iv. ii•bie (hot i:,:answo'rn • ble'lor.runking the elect 'Ye irnn efinio. iii that atmtn n rnoieorat , parent Gfiarne runt a more egregiolll tnoe•lceiy•thin was theso c,.,!red 11 N : et:sal Spin e ,, e - b'y. LorfiF.lcA t•nos.)11 hi•rniell. tn.' be nominally elected Kintiqn. of ,France'. ' . •. •• : It, is.'ith be binder states that ire-find 1116. rito;{ instr ucti vn , illn't ratings Of the deetutenen : institoi 101'5 1111hts.ctt{{{ , t.rYt r•el:p•o. .st.oe. {, et! root? eninplefe•bticitukrithe temi tation•ntor oppoii unity tntt - bec.tus'e Ib.y {itt— thinkii,lllnri h . t's.iiry mitre' fily theses- 018 , 1 y nt ottt• mot , tlitt'ti tar thi * nl, riiro!ti r. I.l'sp-et tnrionte.lighto has never. in any :eitZ:e iof , prOstrate:lrr, ondli l'r int:llll6st' atfon lids it ,pa' v. !II:it f;•friiites 'N'''%• 7 Yih k, to 11 'F., I {Le in; , .ver, or• • • , I'l,oel foer 15- e•oli , titut'nns: end ' t I a C 3, (1 ,{{-,y tore'e, itiey 3I {{t Its 1 . 1 . 1We'1.1 t.-0- rot tjEwviy tti cont.] Lein any . otio2r •-• ley ai or the , ' li t him; mot abosss 'lvere t a nSiti ,!l/I iaridrgls al . Ih...win., or if they • hail Amy . reatte or ~litems4vcs or to 'iitst:ifi; their thcv loss altrytning. Teimesseii, North nil •itvert.,•;sec,-ti..iit.stani bids % fair to. t.w . etity 11.enC,rf, it - 111)01,1/ . 1411'. •h-g? , .. 04e ,stj,,,lttit i. It is. lilt with b't..:1101 1 / 1 11!y that tweet: yeare 6011t:i . ih .l e :present oVer . tvlit t )tottig.sect,tr a ina,•tritnitieSr ti..thase 'at a:leg tn compaitiiively' Fitment &Jaya! tnianrity. is. 19.ar) land. ;The? ; Lai :entered. nit a course 'in.taty ytiar ethical° it more anti 1.1.101 s in a C01111•FlaN for sitit,t t 'ant Lot ity . p; r . !l governments to tends the utter of "Iji, , tad 11l . • .• yveryititte.in•ike , l39iini.• •- • • .* .• of 'tile ihti on of fr,jfral \vet in 11rdry.land has .bei:n ieieitetettee Witll. :he .1 r,,ellurti oleeiive f uri f ise is the . corner lepiTh[ican " ntn goverent . .- .E vi ; ry one t,; uhnlish ~ f eettot3 .%‘ . .0.0b1 out ;-..ipbeff.i . e , t nor free . •l mit it ut - it th.,lbrige., not %%16? 11'3 , 1 he , • Intro mid -terrorisni, tr r .• Gant the yinlls or co. tlic • :tcoi , e by the iitjery':, I . l'l tjaMi. -Mb (I.l.sgtti=e o .r : . ‘cit hoot tins •i,i , ••t t -Me 16, 41 . 1 t!;,; sot.3v:m*iori of l'cp.oll ,, 111.4 . ; . tie-any inters. rca I rhdo it:c.MilJ.ls - .'of it, fool . : b !his 15 ..f.mc 1, ,it., Pclmt are, the ciliz"' mdj -1; I ia I 4 , 11 riui•lld 1 . 13 . cd I I Ili.; ye:tr.. by such trim-atis us h I,• ..J• 1)1,6t to - • . • iMomt.M . • .The' poi ;hot of G:lvernot inetsatte• vliieb we lay lielnte our raailars this mortiiri expo‘ore 'hy • pirula.r elt-ctions in Slar.,•lanill , ave 'wen, &;, rat, rit , disto, an' inetiltittg. Orders .Ifrotn. ViasLit.gt.ricrit the polls 0n,1.. 1 . the onieers-tviniasSitnOl l . to &Op:et 'Gist anti tf.rect ;the, proceedin'g's: jutlgt.s or iNVoI a to put torn) theft . .duties. ..,itrOrdin'g to, the titan of ,the stele: Governor stoic oflihity ...did not nlidw : Mini th trend -u-'etieni'svitn. , s'ortliiHi outing , . Os' tha the:clret ion 4;.e issued it nroc•• taniat the juilgg3 . of. election bt the tection'of the s,ttite'to the.extentolifsubtli; aiselisrging thkir; duties its 'requirt.dby tti , ir.oath of Offiste. The.roilitaty - toole o,f the a'tlmltti to ..iiitereepted; this an .ielarnation• 'anti .prevente.l its oiti'ul,ition.• The cinninandei s . ' end ptovost;ritirshals 1;11;1 it 'all ttniir own Way. •Tb ! ;re Int& bekni ion for voters - an ed nothing that a rettentinit* secessionist might . not•swear o,.hut which was an iniptitat ion 'ep ..nithe past 1 yalty.oi all.to whom it was ten . . iered. It this . 'unconstitutional 'Path been iinn . nr:i.iliy.nOm;ni . . ,- tered. it. would have been bad enough,. for it is the ;ole lift.iogative ot th e . stoles tn ke.sciiito the qualifications even in 'the eleet . loh of . federal officers.- • tint this oath was ii.ltninisterodlia Mat yland, omit with' hold, according thontbilaq cq'fic 6 of ho - :fi,ler.dninri.lials ving.the. matter. in r elyes i. a n atidate't tor.the to . be:voted:lpr. •.1! He ticket; cootaiiiin the names of . the ran•' Mutates wham tlig ,e,ltninis.lation bad .resolved ;‘,, ;dam hvy ea ‘ ii,gl.te, he le 'on yellow. ~.eaper, and eleefin't , 'liiivinz.intheir hand:a tow tieht.t iiaTtinOl) , ..traitt;•4l4eces.9 tire Othots .‘..er-e-eit.liel-driv - ensonivay born the j'btlls• 11te - gethy:r . nrhad at; insulting- ha thi .tcridareti in'ihe't»' ‘v .ith• . insulting' necOmpaitimt.ints:. In sane itat.es,••whern.. i thosjudgesof .. ejection Show,. antlq e t he i narlins, polls yvere..b.tok en'ttp soon utter they:AA - ere :opened tin& the incl.. voti off: This'expech.ent 'of yellow ilefentinil he- intenthin orthe la* requir ing t ,elertiati to be . by ballet . ; but it- need— less:, to 4ivve!i•,on.•illegil.acceSsories when . 'fire If he freedom_ of el• ,t cti=jiffs is stibvejteds"..anitrePtiblicattgoveritinent alicteliY overturrnip . „the gretiter or lesi :elity of the pp.itienlitr.'tnettos very .sabot, „ditnite s .mati,er. • 13,9 t, why.jitl Gi'verjior Bitatavoito give•certiff : ca tett,Ol - eleCintit to . ,sputilottioffiCers thus chosen lit fitigrant,•Violatitni,:of t)nty beetinse'he . ... . • • . .. _ : ..... ..- ~ ~ . ' . ,p, :.•. ,:y, . - .4 • . . .. .. ...• .'. f • l.• iii.' ttift.' ' .'" '. .. •%r'i..'.. :''.. '- • 7 ..,,,,-... •. 6 .rt';," :. er , ''" ( 4; ' • '... ' ' ' :: :: ::: ''''.. .. ),; ';:. ' n,j.- •'--. • ' , ' :1e.`,... '.. --...., ' '. .....•—• ..'. '' .-..... '• ' . . • . ~... , ..... ,•• :. , •,...- 0 ..1 ..: )..• • -..... :. '; l e : -, k.'?:. • 1 - .': • . firo," : ....... ':., , ' ' "...,, ...• ...-,'; ..';';' 4i:' ,. ':41,1,4 . . , ' - '','': ?i,' :' '';' '".. ':'''' '•''' . • I ~ -,' .. .. '-''' tl ''''': . ' - (i,( r I '.''',. l' ,' : .` .:• .' . .: ~.::., . ••::',' :"...".'''' .. 5. "...: : ' '' - . ', .4. ....; . , :i:!' ''. ',. •' ' ' 1 ‘ ' 4 . .. . •• . ' ' ' hiul no choice, his duly his .respect: being • certify' the cleciion of." whnlevir ii'crsons the juil t es iney'retinh e'clecteil - in . tlicir-tel'poni: Jive , picreily requestg the. Lei:lo4omi tii clothe Itigl WI-Iohe' po.j.i'i , r which he'..lnclo, 6y ; 'Oupv.t. liut.Wh 41 . 5.5 M -111 neo con he thet otftre(g - 5 . el'^rtrit ¢y :linyone . t in .iteliorrien of - would mit he.' p 1 in-rinwer- by .btyoneis hi 'equal . ileihince nt itn,t.t .When,the &demi coni;inoiioini •trampled innli;t , foot., it•is•but, inaliec In; ' 'cli§pet6e ihe.hoycinoi'6. SOOTT . ON rbililetter, tei. the, Bl.l!iloll.jiinni , t/ recent FeW,, with ne:ritid tint, (11.ys , 'fhe itert'reLta the' fOttire" . pros'treetrral , . very: tiright.. •Infleri.l,ho.ttaitt be.did not sec:nrie bright 'spot . Mttional 119tizotk: • •.yery relll . alkitl.tc:—no . wilt• of noy. Mtignitudtt eyer tttoecrited• any - N i,diese: before this without ithreWit, , " , to t r.litce nre‘trof marked rrrit tarY.r.t , titt..:llthtt mar: ked I . tadie:t t irt t i Ito Ittria, 'war has been Wait- . (iti.nf no such result, :to f;cr. • who had impited'a momentary emu thie . rte e hall disapphint ed tttr pottlte e)rp-et.t; intr. haste had scone alitendrd fltAtirt,. bur wlthtitcrnat bed titttlrti,. Ourgetietals Seim to; ttaitr , abilOY;• in .irap• the 'foljts - orre'll fniti!ht - brittleß . .: Tn•Gelrt. the 4, 0 ,p1y; in. gain - t de'Maive viettiry,.a and then - let bitri escape.witliltis 11111.1 . . 1 11'1.2 . W, is sin'tply .wat coo: .g.idcry(l,l he Ptetsidoht t t ; ahiti,et.ty'roc,etintatitiOts, imprectiealthti,itt tMmegtettive of the of pf f?on.4 et! . .irtrtit Itripef :of pardon: iriddtt desperate. ant fight . co 4,1). , ...1abt it.. the largo mtmher °Nett wed' Iroln q - thro ait.ro int he. hatoll of Ilit 2I 1 er.. ,tttt to aottlirider. locT,c and Lity, so that. he fnu't, if:Fe:Ny(lod; thorn nut to death, to' could mrre s tife that lart:;etintntier, 'lloinanity.und Cit:ili noon wetild rrvolt at it. • . rot.i.tw i nt nt f ;on. tir.,ptf, it would ,/, .bittot ti.ir ,, rot to a...a triat , 3 of h.. r. ;.b..fi, puni..!ffio , ro -tit , or , that , n y oar' o'2'll .o . ll'llor.iti SCl.ii F 0 Elll2Oll tbn t itiolorion,l would' both b, , tatieti, tiol taken ill oto: 0: . (.;;00 . ,;(1.1t, lilt! Inoh.eitr , r too or'renson'why . it - v , t,'! rOirtione: Conli:l.nt •Itint rho' 11ri,i0,b! . ,it 111.11 !cult be If ti'etnent tti and. Snoth.. • A bash frii thr rPronsit to et ion of Union wrIA tout i t thir 'r.nbir, et ni one Or more ca !rink tripotito.ts,'a tit;ll; , :t.ir.ort is :confoletit hat When 11 - Hewitt' is: over, hr' Van will' topri, substintitrity - the'hagOi'of. a - . final si-Okitiont% •CoXsinzteldox';:l.ind...—.Th.e. nett Cottstrij'Oien Till'liernre"fl!ntigres4 is rteariy jitksed tht; cbri cts f;orrP , '(,l the Mtn! s.. in; end. its is to t6t,fl:”r rocpy: v.frieie.nt the op“tolligp l'tp; miry lorsollt ,;11.6011y .ex eincited fittrri, Ore ditatiorethe 'Vied Piefidleitt . ot the troited . Sl.tt.s, the judties of Op: U. . r- .S.• cottrdi, the: heads of t:evernl, excitotiy, depitittrietiti,',nnti the .th+.:4!inolf,iof Stfil 6, Cl and byirrsp~iru.tionSO(ll .. .r/I t rii r (ills . NU) plryGiettily' nr ififtnt titfeor . ijkg.lo ho pth.eribed 111 toy re:tidal:4os. The I tvn:eliksee • lor.ein•cilitnent 'into poi!, w.hieti is matte to inelhde• tdit ween; the ages'of Iveentyand fitrly. five'yeOts'; et, , ilitti to 'be p;iVen 'to ritleit; town.: Ontrwittifs, bows' to pos',lttitt; rhdrtratt . throttAh. ! (nit eiielt• chariot.:. 'The • emit nlr,tiin . d • is • tot efeit,(4l to *...itith r t tivte - . vitipt pity .it•tole.exechp ted.ltorn iirtserit, •th I.; [it' Wilde to , to enllinlopon in tie. next.. In ot ate: in the contlition Dratted •nren . tritiy, ;3' PI 0fer,..14? tett in; lie Jose ) ,; transter.teitti, vi edit old •to their v.spin:live donaliti'e4„. Aled.ttnios ore tito•niti ned. tut' condneting the .:I,tilt; ittdorti;%v. e;.;•itt..; mt.; i:tel ad to the fee: 61 five 'idttldr.'s 114', repo t 61 . 4 the tiecestittry p 43;,0rg.?. htll., rd tur, tio.',.loeloirr ;1 , 1“7, 0114. lips • ::ti 7 libc;?: . 4l:l4 f; t oy',.lth . ri .1. from tl,e towiq , nt of 1114 log Iho buoy. 01 G0i:.W0011...vnt.,1 ;.inot Ate A. pio:ho..l or of .; t 'fop= ionler.s It 114 ;Tifilqe Woods rd to' he in favor tf , th.i, pio.ecitti.ii.. of' the war with all the.irjeans at Ihe veintwind of theloyul St ites' nritil' the Milifery,. pnwer,of the ielddlion is des. treyed. I iindeti;tand Li,n tii.he of the opinion, while the Not is tweed wjth' . ail possilde derision ',und etiet gy,' the :piricy. shplllde.l II Ai' el4i . I ;I[l f . W II the. PfinriP l, m 4 10- IruanitY and civiliiation, orlting no joini.y* to priVate;•ll„.lits tii.d proli..rty not, de.ita ode.l. by .anti recoenizell by'. inifit a t y la woman; ; a 01, finally, I imilerstand him to sirenkw:he ,6pluinti (bat the. sale great objects of this war nuB the testnio - 01 the:unity of thehation, the eaerviition of the constitution, and the. suprern. cy of. the oftlie • ' '• it Mr Curtis Persisk ipthis.definitilin...of the tent), he will fin'd more people in file country irillinq to be'called, ......oppet,hea.l.s l ' than be and his party will know very vvelj•how to take core of. And, hy, the way, we may'xiike't his occas• ran to state that Mr.•C : iirtis';,day fetters or ..he lecture tom, as a litnary man, is past. has coosen , ted 'tol.er nine the nicrest . lade of -a politica) 'party, and'tis sucji, if at: all, he !mist coine. be tote, the..public 111 lu tut e., . • The 'rOsitits Of war. dageneratod into - a ern sade to . promote tnplality ween white A a - wt . : : teans.aud:bluek• A fricalis on this "tietitilietit bi;ing deVeloril at a rapid and,le irtnl. rate... The ilii,idatio'n, devastation.: ilieuriti.),'• physical and moral misery Whiehettsuitit ridintaidsit leo, in Aliisieo o anal irl islands iiithe West ont he ii ttetript to elevate . I . lt.!in.n . nod - A frietins• titan itriorrisinle equality With Whitejneti, ha nit already . •heguttintixtetisivei,p.iitielti.ot the i ced stutesa destruction . so Ma rkP(lllint may. sOulti to be, the . yeni;eanae• of•GoD open the • i ervettethparisions*.ormiSerable. •Tliff report Yvay.rtitAtw, president'.tof Western Sanitary Cotordissieri,ol given in the Trait/Art; does ,not perinitarx - possible l of the friightfal condition of the: ,freed A fricans I who iresaitterociiiOdg ..the frOin coir.o . to Natcht‘i: No honest and hnrnone man s-- - --~c^-^ - ~r~-.,~ IMM2I=I What 1* . a , MIME FREED AFRICANS. :ran renillt 'without n cold .rihtidder:'..No . in the barecooni (4,1 he , Afijcin ' ectteti • nolhint# : •. f lo:deseript ioos n 1 thelthifori-nt'the middle'_ sego t r,?rhini; iii the wliilt' , cseeti of ertiel of 11:01i1 alit es• rnhumnn, overseers; cords•ibis record of lititiger,platNioti4nl ,',,:.,,, death... Ttle.i.j,•,4eiripl sler:e labor wits evil nlm • 1 bt't t gi:ev,,onsto•)e Ile,. .1 ii', ice's' . no in% i e Oro rt ri theln'iVivte, tind ing.and.iojOry pe ei.ty ot . 111 e Jorit , T he erdiddarit - htia:torTaq in G ri.ss,' • ttiii:idarritetiettiAt'. "- . , • fhAt arta Ida' to' griisi): 1 ; 1 'ol' the fotiireAtisninilt ion 'of t beim' ffe*d freeti91;,,:, , ,,. whom abolition bat eoti I . llrmyri . n'pnn oui• ;b,nni1e. 2., 14P confesegich./Mlitif • 7fit , / , , , fa/A/14; nil yet, iti . :the la et`ot. if) 411 - 11 ability to deal ichhow qlettdinds Fifa - , inn, the psi ple,tii give Of office Y titit•rmArr .repot . Is, 2 tikoo„,:freftt.,,,... , A riii..ans .v.stile'red.iii:earnps....o OA towna , , aiOng the i ; .th if in Merripliiii 'which cOlitractora., and plantation lessees is • such:that liUslexelning one. •• • • milkier for tntioy.. - ninstpis . nod Sikhs to . istuns • fa hi, fornlifr . hpui lo %Id 111 , th fere" A hat inN94.l;-,...i 1:011jAill!la Ow; negroOtt cdmidein that they 44 py,,A . liked nut , to men. who.tret them:, I.q proiriditik: for - them :is .cOricerniid, f4r. , 5y,0114 than: . thq,:a joti ty of Mr., CIOISIel: plantation lesseesvere i~iVitavers . , t.n rhp tolbAs'e :army, ehatlis; i ,; t hot nt Votiog's Voigt is,rnore'sAnnlill..povr ',N in any, ee . , 'nntlideuthfrigin,ll2.o at t),.,otiy.t . tip goviiroment bad t inn'sst lir v lig . negroes lor:mnre fban,tw9 ~r that ni Natel iirz yy. bad retiii tied ti): their masters:account s,ll'erll)g in thu government .cittnps, which hail, • by ueaths been tvdo'eiql frOm 4,000 to, Mr. YEAT.ds:l'.conclu.ded, bis rrpot t...• as . . . . . . '• ; I ; here o're.doUhtless, same.politts obit ;camps ; , which liyiveovetlooked. I...e . ntleaypred:toprol • cure t format ion could, ma in flip (!siipttiOns• 1 'found:that the sint ple tim"li of 'homocit , to the • .rnereltlestitutei.' • - greet and irrtpdrtant 'as itis -..necoralary some o! ber.things, nil jll6tieesell:h,,NYl) , the rr . bitlmen — ar.y rpatett,', the continuity_ them • i:t ; th n tnry,seiyt li front 11 , 117 th r irapi.d; ',Mem q , dei ltotts of returning trait presenting the subject' tor,. it.' the eptllrbi.SlO,li.. , „ •,. ;. • ...•• If thi. frendmen wish to 'contract ,t heir..labor;, • " let I.l;em do if 71 , 1:118; tcr itersoim` Igir'whoin 14.Vahr• tneik. - • l'h ise . peopi t.hdtild. the !o; edicr3ted up. fo,,atid mode to . ..realize.. ih n ike,,,rkelv„,, 2 .Their masters sohlfthem ,or:hfred:, • t thou out; heM, and 'clothed themi ' tl, to tioss',hile therm“sl ves o u t; dodAri ith hey 'l,lte'rowii:. I poi! 9(.1'! cluthintr, l -'. and, t supply nti .their other' 1111.110y;:ive i 'hfrosk;•.. wills, , end, ;co,.heci. os beim y hot, •realize the'y fret met:. It drly.;ttp - ftea'rs o'fhtstit'.'ette . ifge'• of inni that •tor the worse; for:( beltireLk • ihe hinster i ti•interept.'promritad• him lo s jend • a • nd'elothe'thcm(wed, to snpttly o rtliytneian,ind and to take carrot them w heft s Melo r4t is ''this of itho r tition .otid 'int egrity! • Theypor fittg;r4 will ye!, Cry-int!. tli.t:a ;N ut y..or if . to' •,;(0:13111Cd' 11.0M' InKh. ft . ' .• •: ...• A' . Tl'lieraf.e of John' (reserve.; Mete'a itert:t' 'l'.o our Mind • it.: Is One 'of I hiin(ost sca'ulaleuylitfairs In which <itch WM:in? ha . ve to'en caught. My. -I:Ltr:E, hes Jong the ri•mita tine of 'close communication Witki • beio . bbies, but.neorbelM [IBS he:ackeowletl iie!llthat but hiss influence as, a SVnitor' to obtain the libefation . f.bm :1 he eommonjall. : or(i pelsnn tharg-d w - th tirtrne'agaipst the clovernment. lt ieloseleti'W talk of his.lrayin been cerinsel to tlefenj, • party in coati. It was to Ir'eep Itiat:rehr"ortlie:, court : Akita -Mr. fler.r. was.. pahrari.,:. occeoo',. ritre . e. .thoosanit' sOely,.retainevis- • evi ! r if le,Dilconniel, aad tlio party :near ee . ritteil'Would net have paid it ((;r air the ledge thar..lo , l wire hi.i'political.and not his kial influence that. was, furnisiiell price. Can' an . yhody fa;l,f ! ) - e.no the, mot.k'e siPne.o(the 4erenilersrif for.arbitiaritiysteM irrest ,u11(1 trii . pritiontnek which: -.;has, hrought oely;thoi Uporit onr . iroiti of Governmentr.;... Twenty ,'irears okor. aSeputor, Inr . such art act as that of , which• Mt.. eirPvlied folthwith.., • We. presume; oG eonrse, favoy: arbitrary the..suipeusiotio( the ItaAea-p' ebrpne, f ind all 'lihe.measures, and will r -slip,;, around by' some hack (loortolibe.rate ,in -tho:e•7iviromhe denouhces: 'in . pubitc! 7 .C . if;?44„o„ • Vol ',weer: . 4 .' - •• • • . • A SWARM OF liEgS Wi)RTHH.iivnto. .13 pat iont,• 13. 'prayerful, B humble,' B. ' fl tlfe".6.s . a Solon, B meek Ova 13 studions t • 13 thoughtful,. B 13 land; B our«.you make matter subs,eruje,nt.to ,tinini t „ .• 13 raw tous, 13 ppolent,•B tyistfol, 13; true; 'cOnito.oo•oto all Uteri, II tempi. rate in argument,'pleaihr!; rid B. taret tit • nf contlot, .of hopeful, ; , : firm ) , j)oaueful, benevolc t,. wilting ; to,leatn, ,<, .13 Oourteous:#'gotitio,,B, B aspiring, 8114 ni4le , aft :41iati. B penitent;. iirctimspkt, *61) . 01h1 the.l faith; 13 nctis: , o, B . honesi i 'holk . , transparin,toOd'pKl;'.,:,,. - 13 d,fiendent,l3 iritlike' . r:TTLIM SaveLOT-I•Thera'o m'a"S" ' l st fe etilatiails 'testiectidgkihe. thiOugh which JOhii MortatiesOsped4rooulbsit Penitentiary. at Goltimbyv Govestpor,Tod puts, " 7 . • • _ csc'itped t/i;•60644 a viiitundsV4ionigii? iV t , V;iO • NO. , ::1:° -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers