THE oLii 4CTiIYS.TONIASTORt AT OLEAN - I ' STILL TAXES THE LE/ D ! J. K• COMSTOCK LISPECTFHLLY.ANNOUVCES . TO HIS old friends in' McKean, Connt3i; . !hat he is on, hand this Spring as.usnal with the • LARcEsT..Ako tEsT : Seledted stock of qoatis in fie ()ken Market To liholcsale Cash - Buyers I Would' Say, J can otter ybu'better ibtlucomfnts than, yoti can get: west of New York. • • • It make ' s no difference what yOt„..went,.any. thing hi the line of . . •". GROCERIES. fiROVISIOIVS, .Call at the OLD KEYSTONE .Lind the vit'. la fresh 604 g. use:tnlicing lre K.EYSTONE Sr(ißz al ways'hastrail alwaS , li:vvtn. take the NO, are. riltilate . .the:market is • • Giori.rivs .anat Prpilisto4,; DLD.FRIEND AND Is:nV ONEPS, Don't fall to call 'and iee roe - when you Y,isit 'acad.; - .I shall nnt'hart yju„ but shall certainly do your goad COMSTOqK Oledn, Dfny 23J,'186.0 FAMILY DYE COLORS BinCk, Ds .'k" Rine, Light .Blue, F:eneti Blue, Claret Drown, Dark - .l3rovin,. Light Brawn,: Snuff Broiirn, Crimion, 3 inrk Dr'ab, Light Drali; Dark Green, • Light Green, Fur Dyi.:h.e„; tII Woolvliand MiaLSI Goods. Shawls, Scarfs, Urebses, hiblaor,N, 10010, Ina(. Fealh-•" kid Gloves, Child revs Clullting,aad ^ all kinds of WearingA ppm el . . A SAYING' OF 1,0 FELT ('EST. " • For 25 cants you cau.coler au teeny!ls a. , v would nib. eru Ise cost live pee:: Pea sew . Venous ~ :buslee. cati be prod [teed . trren Famellse.e process is sill/pie, d. onCan Ote 140 live With pvrfect ttfcces,•• Directiowimi: I'reuch iltld German; iniAle each package.: • '• ,• - For.fortber,inforniallon in nyeiipt, atel giviaga perfeet lieMpledge tvlb t 'maws are 1e:41444Lp!e t t../ dye I, Ver era. [with .rtelmPti.,l I nrci,lL, I,le,ve Ste'veno ,Trealica on Dyeing Rug Color:rp. t•lentby,traii On•reCO" t of price.—}b CP . 11115 'Af.atiufattair.l by 1101rr: STI:NENS, tY.II Itr,.!vtny. liostuu !or a nte kly Drnggisle: sdr. - DI..EJ: TN -TIM ATZMY 'AND DUR PEDPO., AT 1-i Mp. are "nnw off red tin nppnrunity. which they Obtain a GOOD AND DURABLE TIME=PIECE; Y 1,( )\V I.'T(.j ‘P,ircit ns sec V.TA RR Allsrltri TO EEP TIME ONY. T EAR: AND :ME j3 . l:tEr.. IS A1.1,0;1'1:1) Pill VILEGE OF' EXA..)IINKVON BPfutu, Pa y e•;;te !q, IRMO - OPUS. IN I'[LL 111',11Y. ACTIONS elUss Piece of s'ilver materiel, river ‘v I ! • is IS-k. ' gold, triosrilurubly- winti4lo - , 'puking the tion sci (hilt it cdbliof be detected fruit) the .inatelial ekperieneed acids. will 'mil. Uffeet dt, London imide 'limy emoi t t. 1311'atwal ill rvi.d..Rtinv his SWC.e;r:E.e,ronds, snit is not to he ex: ciJlerl in generill'aiipeurance: 3' its ls'nnclLi'n t.rorirol the /lust' irrichus euer offered lot id; ,Jens and slycniatnis• ESGINEERS,.IOII“;iCkNrs. and PulisoNs TICAVEIANL.', 1.v41 find. thein'slip , rior ao any otlieinilterailon of climate will not al•- I , et Price, 'shape anti good running order„only:S3s, oi case of - 6 ,for . STLYER DOUBLE TIME HUNTING LEV BEST. QUALITY. SILVER .CASES. over . . which clectro—fine phited•l,S k. 'gold, similar to our lonitoVim. DITPLEX, and superior adjusted. movements -with "Stop,". to be used iu irmirig lorseS,'etc : ;. hai FOlllt INOsxris for %.'ishim;toii and Greenwich time, sweep second,,anil.eil the liinprovements. All In all , . taking its beantilul .andfoultl4.= appearance trod its stMeritirmove men't into ronsideration,rwe regard it as Cheapest article of. the • kind in the market.' Price, in gciod running order, $35, or 'casis . of i) for $20,0i • • '•• ••• :" • . • •11, 7 e If'nO pay in advance, but will for ward .ether of .them to responsible . partirs;to any part' f the.lo) ( al• States, with.'hill' payable , to expresAman:when the goods are delivered`, giVi.hg the buyer the privilege of, examination, and if not satisfactory the•watch can be return at our expense.' • . , ..The,ea . press companies refuse Making 'collec. t • tons onsoldiers and othor parties in the disloy al statee, , co'nsecinently..,all such orders must 'be '.accompanied'by the cash to insure attention •- ,W,e•makea deducticm of two. dollars on' either watch.vvien the Pra'y'rtjent : is forwarded . . . , . Momey.may be seni'by exprees ut our ex— pense... pense... - THOS. CAFTERTY 93 and 93.13r04d . St., opposite City Bank,' Providence, IL I . . DR. L. R. WISNER, Pktaiciati and Eitiegenn, t nothport, Pit., will attend to al , ornfortainnal cniln Uit,h ranintnemi.. .offire tun dnora port') of the Detnoetat .oMce...'. WEST'S impßovLD PUMP ANTI-FREEZING, DOUBLE-ACTING. FO.ROINO AND LIFTING. .these 'Pumps' have now been .in general, use numbe of, yeas, end give better sattislaqtion than any other, and.are recommended us .. . . T 'T --I E -FA+ S 'T ,by . capt Erricson, andoffier eminent Engineers. we can 'refer to. thousan.lB .using, them,- and guarantee . that•all recommend their': They are mere simple in consrroction, and I,i/I:irk east er, , and cost lets than 'all others'. . , . . ',..!;Ourreeders - otil.l dOulde . -actiog inn proved POmp,Ol D.. West &,'Co.;:one or; the bcst_ in the market. It is vet) , SitOPle, woiks to a chafm,s - o•that•tiny child they use it;:thlows. a - steadk cot,tinuous . st reatri,.and . does - nor freei e •in the coldest exposures; and is.unuCSOtilly Cheap.. We; say . .ibi 10iowingly, and 'gi'ye the.teqfirOo ny out..owu accord 3 '3,yit bout the; knotvleke or request - of he . proprietorK"—N. Ir . :Evening Pos(i . • Tliig may eetlify.that. have ‘been - usingcit my. manutectory,ror, the last our years,i West's Improved Pumps.' 1 now balie in use three.air said - pumps, one of Which is-kept' constunily - at work, - 24%hours each day - (except, - 'Sundays) and prntinunee I liernolilbesitatir4ly,r be best turnips that lieve been brought to.-my. used many otiinrs previously,. . : They ere ple in their constrtiction,.. - iisid not easily -disar ranged. .. JAMES A. \Veins. New . YOrk, Ok: - . 40,• 1559 .... . . • • J. D. Wes•r*.Co. are.pleaped to state thaCthe Pumps syff 'had of-yoti; about a year ago, have constent,fise;•l2.hours each - .day, and raiselor the use, of our. •Witilu ..Faetory, aboutl.3o galluns per mintite.. , They work with . . bat power,•compared .with pumps we,have used before, end ifunot get .out of repair,: and are Satisfactory!in• all- f PsYects; • VoOrst .IJUNLAP IVIAi:LiFA'rUILID6"*CO3I°?..NY.. Sl/1:.0.N . RogtvsoNto the' fa i'mers'Club, Jan. 23 •'No. fernier who owns a well or cistern lien possibly afford ith be without do iron pump. It shot] •be a t•Mice• a suction and, torte, pump --a. perfect little fire engine—iich„a•one irnoWn . as , 11; 7 •eWa Improved Piimp.' ' r spetak of this puinp because I happen to know it very •iiiirairle,..poWerfulanp cheap,.apd it don't freeze up, rier.gefent of order once a,. year. • I. irnow this, and think I•may be, •doing .the. farmers good by speaking..of it. A, boy 10 years :old can work'it, and throw a continuous inclianil a•gfiarter stream, - It *can be Made to woilc in deip Wells as in as in shalloW ones." Magneto, • .Mitroon, Orange, *. • Pink, Purple, • . Royal Pu Sa F.darlet, Sol fermo, Violet, Yellow, From the Nrw Yo . rk Oliseiver . . We have had in use for months ,past one..Of West's Pumps, which hasgiveritis more . tis flict i9n,as a force and lifting pump than alif we have ever used. It' is one of.,ireit power, and adaPted forsbiri's deeks, mines; factories, greeti - houses, graperies, Chronicle and iailway JOUrnal sa,Ys.t. • •,. It is, recommended!lor its extreme sir:Mikity : of conStructiow,,great , strength; •and vonserpient durability and cheapness of repair. There is no st.iffing . box.—the pressure beidg 'held by, a. cup packing, like, that' upod the working 'piston, •working in a: cylinder, tilted for the: pumas within the upper.air chamber—Which we'think a. great improvement; as sniffling. is so liable to be deranged, and .leak under strong pressure, to say nothing. of:the loss , friction.. inet.!etit thereto..., It has also taro air chambers.; thus' the acticin-of the valve. is'etiskioned; uphit both stiles by . air—preventing water 'hammer,. and, .Va'Ctirn thump., .Thevitlvos are eery accessible,., and simply.and cheaply repaired. They .work much, easier than any - pump we have everseeiit tlie . 4 inch cylinder : boirig wrirked by eloidreirili . wellsiloo feet deep, and they are extremely, cheap as well as siniplti and ,strong; we freely recommend them. ' . . . . . . . 'I have tisid . ..this pump:Tor ,on e grimmer , and wini,;r, exprise'd 'to the'N‘rrth I'Vet'veipri Awn— inv., over I. l opal . 'elii'Ml:sritinil, treiiii tile eithles't richsible ezposiire;riml'ai no titii• did it freeze, ii,ir were We. iiii:able tit ar4 time to pomp water,..i.t ease.. .. ' '' . 11''...13. Me 10.404. .. ThrniukisigUed, hnt• use Wer,r's Irn. roved 'nein •as ienple,.dpratile and riProricrl in. raising .. . .. .- thriviiiii. tracer,aiiil.(or, their ease of • action, f'eutity ligiiiiist(lo.o, aO,l low riri've, cr.: he:-. lieve,thent .s.tipetior to:01 others. • • ...Wituttr.N LIMAND, Met. 1101 d, NliY: Full:, , - S. W. Pomr.rinv.; torikers; N. Y. : ' ' • .1 0. l‘lizssitnkl• N. y.:• - ....:. . . . . . • Dal.:l'Nleti Lit.WIIENCE, We'Sfelle'Ster. , • cdmbriti , F , " Mine, N. C..; Tune' 15, 1803 J. 1). 1V1....5 . r Si: Co. ' • (I , o:4—'l'ho:pump which 1, ordered, for ,oiir Mine receiYeil and.put'rowofk in our unil-r lily.sharr,Whicli'We'are,sinking. flint That. Olin man Will . se lilt fio gallons per snit'. life. We lifted three•arid . a half hours all the aviiter iii the-shaft,which.meaSnres; seven 'by I welveifeet antr39.fek deep, anti: it'Ayes 'hill when We commenced.' It answers our expiieta lions in. a,very. re<ippet,'StO Werkrnen •are highly pleased with it. It yvil.l to ,gre'at -vice with but trifling expense for •,• Yours, respectfully,' • BURR.. WIGGINS We liave plenty more such certificales think these are :enough. For Pimps, ' Pipe Sze.,-adtlre•ss or call: upon . . J. A. West & C 0,179, Brortdway, N. Y T_Td . CLOTHES WRINGER.. No, I; Larke Fardily:Wringer, ' $10:00 No. 2„Medium « 7,00 No.'?', Small- « « • 5,50 No. 8, Large-Hotel • «. 74.00 No. 'IS, Medium Lauodryj, to runfrteimVlS,oo No. .!22,,LRrge • .1 -or hand' ".f.g0,00 N05.•21 and 3 . have , no Coggs. All others are warranted. . 'No2 is tbe size generally 'uSed, in' private ' • ..Orange Judd of the Ameyican . !Agriculturist inyionhe • UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER 'child can 'readily wring not-a tubnill,, of. f{ofhepin:a few- minutf , s. It ' . is iii , reality' a . in-every iitsfance, , ..witeret hey have beettexhib, - 'itedin compettilion with other. standard Ma. chines. -‘Ve invite all person's, in, search of.Mt *instrument:to 6:neetite'ahy kitol.ol Sewing' hovi. done by . Maehinerv, to.tospevt ,them, and note' sure 14 , y ..:.c1(16 be,s'i, by proving. the • \VEr.O„ .belote'bidOre purchasing., .'fbe roMpany•beiMi duly • licensed, : the •Maeltines ace proteeted against' nfritigiiments.dr ••• ' .0 PI7II.SONS• AT A D I STANCE: can .or tlrir by inailAvith pe't feet :cohlhliince 11141 the ACH INF, will "reach' ,the'in safely, anti, that they' wilt beauty to Manasge it to.'dltedr , entire . satdsia . ction, With 'tio other- JlM:that' the priptii•il instfitetiolis : iaccrimpailyiti.T•each Machine. De- Fcriptive• Citctilars, together, will - Ct.:peel:liens of Wolk,•Yvill he: i Malted to all \Nit r o ileOte them by mail .or otherwice. . • • RELI ABLE • 'AGENTS WANTED, in nll leehlitieg 'in Ape frOirvil .Sta .(denlidas. Coba. MeitiA-Centfal aiul South:Ante' ica, IVe f I,,itri .141drid: and thefla.. whom we rifler E.A'l' IN— . DIfyrEM'ENTS; Erwr ie men Mid • it: n, priyil4.busine, , s,:as•ndiab!e S•i'vving' have.beeoidre:-..a.iier'eF•sitY in, every (artily,. We inaturtaVture - 4 • t ., riety of styl, from which - we. give a tete prices No. 2, 'FMitily,- clo -No o • No rq,n, srm: . fwd $1.5 iNo. 3-& Maimcacturiiig, $75 and • lit. Neck T.: .IStiO. i,Wood Scoring Machiap,Co.,.so6 Broadway T. Y CART) PHITOGIIAPIIS. Our Cdtnlnf.. , uP omprat:es'.consiill , rably nver.f.:ol.lll. THOL.T . SAD (liftntont. - subj&.t co which n,l,lifinns are. con;nnially twihg made) of 'ilMsja:sr Generals, ..• 19n Brig. - Generals, • 12./.l)ivion:ic, 259 Coimi,;k; • S.-11;i , utSeninnels . 3 . 0, Artist*, QfficeN, 11'4 51,42,(,,. reproduetiotts of 'be nto , t :eelebreted Eng' ravtngs, Paint inesSt itfues, &c. Catalogues sent on ietleipt of Stamp.. An order* for One Dnzen pi.cru.REs . froi 9 our Catalogue Will be 11'1011 on receipt of, and' sent by 'Tail; FREE: . Friends or, relatives of prorriine . nt men will confer a 'faven by , Sending ' nS .their iilfenes!es to copy." They will be krill cdrefttl- CLOTHES S . AVERt A TIME SAVERI and a STRENGTH SAYER, Thd saving'of garments will 'alone pay's. large.per ceritage on' ite'diet. We think the .machine much more _than ''PAYS - FOR 'ITSELF EVERY YEAR in the saving of , . armentsr,.. T 4re ajo severe I ,kinds, nearly' like general 'construction, but we corisidet •it important :that' the wringer hefit ted vith Co s a; , otherv.ise ; it masstrarrnentslntry clog the roll, era, end the rellera.tMon. the, crank. shalt and tea? lain cicaties,or ibe rubber break .lims *fron.o . the shaft. - .Our nw O . nne of the first make, and is iiicgood sne ti orIk.FOUR YEARS' CONSTANT` USE.'? ' • Every Wringer with Cog, Wheels. is Warranted - • •. in every ParticuPir. No WRiNGEI3.tAN 13E.DURABlik 4 .. -WITH OUT tZOG-WIIE.ELS 4 food dAINTVASSJ!:WiI,•nnteI; CL*7*, On Receipt of the price_ froth . : playes where no one isrellingi we will semi the Wring- FII . HE or , ••• • .. • - For parir ra,a nil. r irculare *address'.':.„ 11410.1VNINO, 347 Proilikvay•N:-I.' THE' , BIODEL . SOWING - MACHINE THE.. CHEREST.IN -. THE WOHLD! ....:1.,(-...c.t-.03 - 5'cr'tj..,5tt • :. 'at ;Oren(.l,(l,.'Redticed Prices, TILE : MEP SEW !Nil.'MAll INF, 1 Olio NY,. 50C) 13roa N. -Y.. Manufacture the most perfect 21aeliiint for stw jfig; of all kindle, ever presented ot:14 4 ; Mei can pufrlir., and ihtiienge eampai ken 'with : lllly Serving Machine made in the United States. The Weed Machines . ,vith their valoa— aWe impraverneuitii,!atiraly. overco me They are SUPERIOR TO. ALL OTHERS _FOR I^"aulily t:iilrll LOtriu^; I', I)'pO u;s Sirrqdc,in consiruction,,nlltbbir parts and Readily Understood.. • Tituy Irave . cer— tainty n(stirclidindill.kinds of fabrics, gild ore ran:?,e orivnrk without Oafigr or adjustment, I.7sinit.all kinds 61 Thm, Gather, 'Braid, 'Turk, Quilt, Cord, and fset : !o . rakindsnf work re quired 4 'nlities: nr 51anuldeturerm They . . makedlie INTERLOCK SHUTTLE STlfirlr, which cannot be ex . cedled - for.firnini!Ssi ty,' durability- and eicgence of tibisb.. •. , • They Halo Received the Highest Trernidms (ri o x c)ltico.) E. - 'B, -11,-T.-AlcrliON' Ilanufacturefs of PhotOgrophia 1 t olialo, 50i1,3110 AD Y l.lti'Authorsy lintiiinetit.Wornen,. do navy cfitkeer,s' Pr(?tiii'tii , :ni 1?(,) -6 , 211 .P!...11 ill ifs. • 2,601) COPI FS OF WORKS OP: ART, PHOTOGRAPHIC ALAUMS. Of these owe roattnfiteture -it 'great :variety, I rantzingzin price finiti'so roofs' to-$5O each:. ' Our . . ALBUMS hnite the'repntation of being 'sittierior•in lientity and dnriibilitv to atiy others. Tfic.sinsiler kinds con dry sent postaLteof six coils per pr..: • ; .The more expensive cars bo sent'by:eriress. Stero . oopes'& Store c o pit Viol; 8, . . . . Our citaloattepf these will lie, sent-to a ny . . otldrC.s3 . on receipt of Stamp.: , ' L . & .T. 1-I. ANTWO NY, Manufacturers of Photograihio Materials, 501 BRoADWAI, Nmy,yop.K returned uninjured: • :v — ' • • PINE AIAU.M . S, MADE, TC ORDER. Icir Congregtttiqn9 . to prc!sent t 6 Weir Pastor . , or for oilier putp,6so; I:o 4 slll.Sic 4NI) Bt4e! ; . Shake and Burn t I • ''„ • . . . . ••; This iSAhe life•of. ttgonii 'andared : hy..t.he's - of-, ferer'finniTevOrlAti'd . 4gite.-. 4 1-1e f•wainlOrs'.liko uncertnin IShatio'w, n lig what tiro `.::nOtit ha' rate,V;nnd• ther e fore intlinod:to . Owe any.ser loos' ttention . to 'besi onus.. This iti,- - the•:•condition' Oi:•. - thotiSands Mown and honOtiy...• iSs bo.exOgeratton to'sa't that .I.?.et , i , rund Aene.kilts. Moro . .people. than , I • aiy twenty other ttigeOt•siti '‘Ntnerion.: For • n slire and 'speedy cure of•lhis' terrible 41 . ict we.tnlie iearp!easni It fecannirwling tErTF.rIs sT.o.m A Cl - 1131TrERS, Which havt!' • itlt eady-Jichieved it,bido regulation. lor'Japid pint nofy .'ects in rpnoyating: the •systeitt' ,prostsated by.thil.:l49ease," • y.,:i.eval.." : lly Pitiggists floc! dynterq:keitetatly, .eyety Wheje,':• •• ;•:. ' • Op!. 'f BYRON B. HAMLIN . . . . . A TTORNHY AT LAW, S IU M bpol t,. .Itt'lfoan Qountyr ra.i Azefif fttr l'itt , t:st.k._l;Anttilig. A ('o'.9filmiFt.. Attmhtts •PA po6Ally to IlAt Coljt!titi.,tl of t Litits; It.f.tinituttioll of .'.l,atil 'l' ititt , :: I.;ct.meitt of 'faxes. and ntl 114,1n0s ruin— .' tail; tti Real .Egtlttt (Mice inn:Unit:l Mock. : • , • : CASH! CASH!!. CASH!!! . . . §ufienr.By:ll;c•in p4“ ,. 010di tilt lirti; - I,lito'r.S,l:Ms, QW (.3411,. and.. Prits' , , Foil,:Zifief...'llooK '6l all.:l;inds, , cmilei HorM4- of AMmal,A ; old Lldia Robber, and Dried Fruits.of depnriplion. Pof.tnos MiOnoany of the Owyo-.artieles on hand,-iii moroitits, may addFos.sraM Mmy roe idonca and ior rloqn. . • . • . : • • •.; . T. %V. COLE;. ' Llradlond,. Ale lioan Cii. Nov. ?1, 1863;,' A (iI , NTLESI.IN,cureiI ay, , liucay awl V.o4tlitul itv.l ilt.,ire - tubvivelit harry to :fttrni , ll to 'all t:litl•ll , 4 , l ' it, (11 .., •11 ut 1 . 11,11 , ;:t9 rot .1110 •alirveti,ol4 for wOhing. to Piffilt :Valo.t -1116 it rit; t.tly--wjll•rtteivq taupt... by re t u r (oat!). I ally ; , t,,ilo101.) ".10!1,N . 011111:N., ' No..ttit,Zitt.tmu Street. New York ARMY AND c4AVY CLAIMS. Soldi!rs,' NV4pwq, .19r tioldifrs:•Ois,cl,l;i4t.,l.lirreo9on cif .woundt. !Balk; . PAY ()Cull . 01:ear, ;wit iloci•itse(l fiiierq 'Solt) ier4: PRIZE MONEY for all tlni;,,.lS'iatys 11aOMI:look of. Imoinctioo rcpt, by•t•o4losing stamp tonpay retort! pM.taeo, ,• • .. • • . . • 't.i.VlES.i•c. , •. • Solirit . tors-nf Cl,timr noel Puteiiv;. (lintler,Broatitvay it,into 2 f) .. .:trl; Place, N; Seventh Street, Vraphimsttio,• D. C, • ' • • .......Iw York, . . ... ' • •• CITY' BA , HANNIBAL II A 1 . 14—. i •:,' • ''• AL•••11,BISCI11.• or •IB•oriklvn. ' ••• ABIJAH MANN Now York, • • ' • JAY. HOOK". WANbinft - ton hn I NOTICE 1111111 7 .11 y .0;0 ion all pot , t.ons against•intz t. or lotTiot.t . allylhilia to do • with' ti - cottitio prototsary Nolp raP . s2s.oo,.!hawp by any, tn:1,...,ac N. Clia , te or.tlottror; ttd, Lit.or 6'.' A it: tl:7, ..15112, tt l iid;„ i n . 90,, I Itaytt paid itc;ttli note; VA.IIR: • hibery, ISU3.. A NE W :%/,‘ THE LA DIES 1 ,7 1?. lEND. A - 'A io..ruir.v:*,:t .11 .1 Ti'.ll It U.llll AND 1' AS. 11.1:0 A., . . Phi. Rubt-eribPrs Ivoubi 1)0:7 limvt to rollillo ai(ontini, i, ,tiojr.tri,l , +Lt.! do, )./41,0, - '4l Ow Nl:ii 3110-.‘,7,11: .„1,1 : .101,,. ) . :Lr ., ,0, 0 12ut0 I, oie,'.in 1 I Cy , 3.intutry 'maim!' 4,l:mhiril :it ',early rt., , 1i.• The Ilattli. will It, . ....• .rll 110: r r'. 4 • .I.l' .1.'.1.:11 '1.(.1 • nn.lit t Tait, .tnr•• .PI) I fill! MU,. }).10 4.11i4/111., f.ll . 111 cputaiiv. Llln p r i p`, konnot,, 111.114 -‘vtuly, ED,l4oi!.:ry ; ,• tti/ I, - Atli, t 1.i11,0 , LA lITI Vtttl SU tirl 10 , 1 In Mr+ If l'Alt)' 'PEI:I . :I:S.ON . , wit° sk ;113,1 ll,t.tttt iota 4A thu I.ittt taiy A:1.1,0.11 tAl..t Ldlmtien , ' L:NRIVAI,-Eii c.ol;•o',.:.Nrizil'Elis ,W r y 11;,,v ilt ;NIA fon.lttii.wr. Author or • t , S Ekti U. NI Mar. rAI et 11..,lio•r..VIPAni.1 To,o,vii4l, 11 ri 11, .\ E1..111,11. %,* 1411: . :1 1;v11, ..'6•11 al NI Pritt, 311 g- i, Ann • la I; 110r,n. , .1:3rri.r :k17,.-:11 V Titekt.i. Fanny N1.11 , 1y1.0r1it1.Fr.14,.1.11,!. Nl's I. A.. I 1•11-...1 . onlo NI ryrtio4. It. :"o.tor.i.r. tie A 'I; M.y.. As (hi, Iln^rh!nu. T.. 1. Barlktra. Inlet k a her I;i:.•:lte.t ‘)ll:vr3. •, .li.i."NIiSPKE. STEER ; • EIIGIZATZITOF, %VINO nml,,r (101,0 , ;' ['EEL. I: v-4111().1 , 1/ 111 , tz , t r iv ;it(' :0,, . .. ' rho dsit 'nary 11 . 11 , e 1, . - D ,I11 . 1 . 1;••t:lin . ;/,' • './ 1. , pr.'s)! J. for lh is qessi ,!•• y •(::f 1 trvrt.7llN • . . , . . . .. Thi, 1'am1...41. , :•1" , •! l'l.‘; , f;bl-,,`",,, a•'" 3 - ' l. l''' `,• • tvr4, iLil,l .4 1;i.,1,. h...,,..q.,...h00t. 1.:, , Ni,. 1.:!..0... • (.1 Don rwlty,'atf.l'm ill tit , or 114' , 11, ,ve "'Uhl., wtirtht he • j,rietr. of the litillihr. ' -. • -. • • - . A SEWIIiVATACIIINE GR,ATIS Iry ,‘ , jll,zr,.r to am' to•I'llE.I, ,DV rto IMP (If Wlicef or k. eetehrited t.sewin,r Marlines, suet, 04 they 1.0,11 for-lor( The 111 , 111.i:olfr.r! Vt.rk.l.t..aDloitt.l tor ',varn,lo,l fret. (.11,1.41. 4'it1i.V.11..• eseeptil , t) of fre•ght. • 111,1tri.ettlting ,fit.ctribcr , for thitt pretty that thn thiitv - etleteriberg should I..procured ~, lar.torms al Two Dollars for reel'. but tibern thie can ,not he tanne r they nay be't rot:tired at o to club awl ,h e ;:kty ItAttiarti fo'wirtitel to us .in catth by the p,i ete to thnitneehloot Whrt . 11`111.i.e.oent todi frerila Pvti F. 636 'person c halm , should . sent %hell and the itonoty GK as old•rinod r .o that 11, Nub,: tittere mfr 1w:1W at once t;',l !toroth, their Mit: ,2111 , ,, 'add not It:tititme tied tith'the joint.' Witt:ll.o,e 0 :tote 'itutotetr of .u.tmea obi rty;) Ail anion itt or 'n.ttnity Hollare,) to •I•eettivi it, the Machine will'ho dial . floricartled.. - . ' MIME Qnt term: will hi , thlt trrll know'n r; Sit vr,,r, ninz ost .•pii 7 )lkittql Ilru 4 I ^ , II"' IltAt OP!er . that may n mde 034 . 411 4140 mag.‘zitm •coujointly, Where it is will hoop 11 , flowe.: ' . . 'CASI.I - IN.AI)VANCE . . 1 copy, 4(10, . . ! . =iii . . (MOMS'. 0110 Year, ........ ......: ..... ..:;;.. . : ..... . a . mi E. ro Meg. And an e to getter up o I doll . : ... .. r ...1'2,0i) `.1.1 roideq). mei one cat tar up Or elut; .. • '28.60 Ana "copy 41 tot:lt of TH E DV! IA vitri•:: II op 4 ' • ' • . ..*.S AT 1.7111) AY ,I:v TN rr:(.) 1..0;"r, . - Ron • 0-- Sin .:;le soinaters.of '7'h.s . I.nd y , s Fr iroill: (pohtage paid by ttg) la •onts.• : -' - ' ' ' • .: '.' . .. IL - 7" 'flia'oril or to The. !,nay's Friditil u ill ..ala ayo ho dilfgrflit from that hi The l'if.e, .. .• Sulgeriberg in 11.itigh North .Americ 1 must remit twai : c itittx to Addition tn . tho annual ,Msorlatiom a 4 ere )ogre. to iltepay the U. S TOstitgo on flan r_niugazitto:. • ' . DEACON' & PETENSON.•• • • ' No. 319 Walnut Ptrcet, rhila. • „. . • 117- Spot:au - Km mul. arm will 1..1.. Fent:griltiiitiiiisly (whoa written tor? to those . . . . , BALES:. , 114 Y ..YIRTXTE OCsundry, 11.';eii ;1 7 iscia,t ant!' Volditiodi ..4"icponifs; sued out .61...th6 Coart. common of Cameron County, .I ) a., Ind to . me;directed,.l expose to sale, by public vendue . or (Mt: CrY,.at he Court Hotis'e ahippen . q . P4poay, the flth day of ~lanuarir,. 180.1,..i5t 10 d'slock ; theloilmalng.tlescrlbcti,Reat Estate . ... he: (,ollowing rea I, Estate aituateln, Shipper) township', Cameron Cuunty,'.renn, sing at a'Hetniocl it, being!. the- south west nailer:of 'wurrani.No; 6107; thence Noith one hunttred ninetraiic. andthrop tenths or a red. to a . IlemloOk;, thence.BOuth. eeNenty five degrees'Elvit, sixty frye reds, to.a 'post . ;, thence SOW h;f9ri y :nineAlegrees ,East, twenty' five rods to n•post; thence Ninth, - eighty five de— grees Eari, wenty , six Irnds to :a post; .thence South; fifty 's.ix:(!egiees .. gnet,'thitty eight rods cortw ref. the Si•Yilson tOlf thence.4ciwn . .the e.rock to he south wOt s cloinei oC . S . Preeman'i, Lot; , (mil of warrant 6107; thence South. one hundred and thirty . two 'rnilti 4o r•Post . 111 tho snot h line of said. warrant; thetice West, along sued wrwrant.line, oite bunked and.eighty two roils; to Pe!nhick.,.to:the place 01 beginning,' oxvol.t:n (sail. or nhotit onto nere,'more",or ho - Fork, or, West Cregk on the Drirt 7 , wood brapeh:fi nll occupied by G . .. W.. Watrier!ii S 7 tw. 1\1111; Containing nhnut twn , hundred* ncreil • be.theSaine . -rooreM, les; thirty acres clearep, mote . or lee , ;*.bel4 Ott 'al warrant N:6;',6107. in tln , nn.rno.'of John Earl, one Log 13atti twit Board Shanties; one 'Shed and Tool. [loose; unit ITOOSOS, Otip Well of ge . -A pule Orchard' arid Peach and otlith Print ITees thereon:. . . . . . other lot . sttuate in the ToWn ship of S'nippenttiOnntiencing 'n 'Beech 'corner, being the North . :en -,:corne'r . nf warrant ',No. 1951;...thr..;i1ee n : 111107. rode, mare or, the loi th hank of the; Driftwoodbraneli:of the. Si . iiitaninhoriing; thence doWn 'said creek; In ,nn Easterly direction,salong ,ihe line; of Seneca .Freeman'slarid,,,to It White . Walnut corner, it, 'being the Suirfliwegt cornerof.the Mane tenet tlu.nee Smith to a. Beech :earner the South line of .WarranColo7;' thanre Westerly:, thirty riine•rolk to a.l3eech corniiu containing . ; about tWelity free. acres, : ..• ; other lot of. land., known ;tithe Hamilton Tract, and .being,.partol warrant No:. 7 ; in Shippers , Cameron county; Pa.; Beginning at . .the• North *).vest corner of ,o lot ifeetletl•to•Davitl .Cro'yir,' being part, of, warrant No. 7:i; : tht: , t)Ce westerly eighty two parchee'to 'the corner of a lot ()veiled to Prudence Freeman. .Ifielice,,sonfh along . the line of Prudence Free- , flllll O being lierEest • I to, the corner on tire•hatik ol e creek;, thence down creek; bythe 'sr:vend courses; thereof; to the Fictuth. west eni:tier of Daviil,f'royv t . hencenorth to the piece of beginning; containing one hundred err;, 6eio part 'oh' warrant ,75;. containing about acres iinProverl,•and-having•there• on-three. triune' Devellieg. Houses; .'three" Barmi, opa shanty . Barn, and' Out one Spring' and: t liree•. Wells of Water, and about 1,00 A ride're ,e s end twenty 'Bea eft :trees. 'be .sohl as the property of -11fewil en Freenren,. the snit ol Daiiff CIO:1V I . .ieCl4:Or 'of *David 'CrOvv, -A Lso,= The .nenl . Estitte • the township of ,9hippen:Conntk of Carttero9 State: Pennsylvania Rounded and deeeribed as fol lon to tv ,it; Beginning a birch on•the North hank:of the arftterocril Braoelfof the *Sinnarna le,tdn'tt,Creek on. the 'Fast line of warrant •ibr thon,atel nne hoOdied'are.,Eiiht.(BloB),thence North fiffy.te'rehes to the Main road;' thence Northily , nne:degreen'Yesf, twenty, perches; thence,N'orth'fifiy4i;ht . degietl . -Viretrt .lorty twd tierchei and tmelotirth of a perch to a past; th'e L ee, : Sontir td n'lt'At;:standing Orr the North halik Bran . ch•'of nrahnning V.reetr;lttenc . e; liy the several cour ses at - said cirelc.i.otiteldnee of beginning;, eon. trOnirkei,i,hteem acres, more or lend, nn Which: is•Oe4ted one trame.P.Welling liourie,nne frame •baii, arid - sheds therer9, some. otie - W,dl of ii•ater,..isid some , , errnall; spririga of wa- falt.eri in Execution as the pro— jioity or Elt•relt . ,nf the suit of David Crow, 1 7 4t , eitior othe fast vt•ill'Aiict testament tit Dai• Cron.; ,fpcp.a= ; etl nnw . for•the use of Daniel Arthur Haywod. •••• . • ,10HNE'LDRED, S/oriff. Biirjor•Cs.orricn, • f .. • •• • I),..cem ber S, A. : .1 •• • Adinistiators Notice letters of Administration on the 'V . V . I•:,ittte of Christian Siningler,.late. , ni- the township of Shippett, County of ,COrneron, de— eeasell, I),eii granted 6V die Register ot , s.atdentinty,of Cameron, tolhe undersigned, all persons indebted to said .ysttac; are requeste! iinmetliate • payment, and HI, baying. claims against saiti•Estate' will : present •.thetn to . RA CU SPA.NOI, ER .4.l'tri.z:.• , . . NA RV! Lt. 'MAYER:, ildnetor . .. Shipiri), , Nov..27, 18U3. • ' nlOtG..• In tho Orphan's Court of Cfmeion . County.' 'lid :Estriin- of Chitstiaik • • . . T. . . hu appriiisineut under 'tbe•fith the'Aes otl(ltli April 1,851 and. hating been filed in-this . matter, notice ~that - Ttaebej. Spangler,. the. ‘oliloir of, the sal!! Chri,tinn to 1"1.1A II Ilo , persOnal properlyoetered tot here • in, of 140 value of s3oo„.fpuLvoili ripply to• • tbe Oiplien's Court to be he'll inatut-tor: said county, I'r aproval of the.still appraisment . i on Tties daV, the 12th.; (lay of January A. D.,• 186.1;'itt . 10 n'elock • , • . . • : Shippon, Decemi)ert.l,q . lB63. NEWTON, tc•'Ef,DRED, - . • - , . Attorneys', for the . widow, BENNETT HOUSE, . . Srnaltpoit, Nl'lteau Co meso, f ,- Proprietor , the tThurt lions°. A new, largo.cominodi • UtIS Arai well ittruislle,ll-hotiso. . 1L...11:N la 0 OD. HOW, LOST ! HOW. RE - CORED ! Jitst ;in a . S;aled inrelopc Price Six Cott. • „. • A 1.1.:()TUIT ON THE NATURE; TM:ATM.:NT. ANJ Itadiq:d Cu IV ilrennalorrtineta, or Nvinitinl Weeknem; Involuntary Elni,:sions.lieNnal ',ulnae. and Impediments to Marriage goilorally.'Nerriittauem • Couritnption, Rpi leray Awl ; Mental and l'll3 mica) Incatlacity, result • in; ro tbime. 10. —4ly Bout. J , 0 aLvEitirr.Ll,,'M, • I) , Author of the tier.or The world,ropowned author, in till', admirable Lecture clearly yroyea front porlenen that lbw-Awful conqeopetices Seff-ablite :may be, effectually remnved without and withoialaigerous sgriOcal bpartr, Mow, tlouglas, itrgruttiOnta,rinii, or, oordialc Feinting not A mode: ot cu e° at puce certain and effectual, by e hick 'every. euticrer, no mutter what hie condition may s ty intro t,t,nunlf cheaply, privately. And radically, lectureoill•preve alma to thoinands sad thou . Sent I/ !Met. seal, In plain envelope, to any idilieen, on reneipt of dlx cente,'ur two poetage etampe, by a4dreee- Ing, Dr. , -.• 127 Bomery, New Voik; P9si. Ojfloi Iglo*t. 4 30(1..,, ',02; • , : • •. • 4 ITITO N ALL PERSONS .h ar b6i.i ng or t0p0u.1 . gi , 7 , .. Styobridie; on my accormf, , ! fit fiiitose ind rotection,..vitkout„my;;ol/ . :7. absentiliimieltigaln4t.mY , he , l 7 7- • 1 4 .. 'bripaynoCb"gehe."l-lake er:f bi 41,VRE1),A,STAbiltIDGE: . .To ov: , • ,UROKE - ► INTO The Enchisorei ei 1 " seriber, abotit the irk of Deeeinirer; a Red' Aeiter, , 'bead" betWeeir one and•twn y.eini'cild, and of miedivio: The hereby ' prove prop. any, pay ch'arges and take her sigiay,; abr. will. be soid.neeordins•.to law. • . .• Open Brook; Liberty* Dee..14,,1503.: . „ . .I\IBIN.•DEBIORESTiB MIRROR 01f. YASIIIONB,-;The :ad best And must reliable /Cashion Magazine In the Oontalne the largest Anil - Lined Fashion:Pliitel , , iliegreatest number of Mine Engravingii, the - anted and mostrellable r information, three full-eized Patterns for. Dreimes. and nailed or new tirade-Work and &Mira. daring Patternii.• 'Ever'y Mother, Dressmaker, Ilillenerl eat Ludy , „shoal& have It:. Pahliened AV 47. s Broadway; Non' York' sold . eierywhere •or sent bring! aunts. Yearly tSI, with a Amin:Ole priniiiinni • The iiiinimer number new reedy, .! • • • •• 0 'S ..8..,.0......-R:-.N.T.!.:: CELEBItAT ED PitI?,PARED JAVA COFFE, •: . ,, , w4p13,4, - 17E1 7 ) . ': .. SUPERIOR.TO'ANYINTHE-MARKEt . , . '';usedby lust class families everywhere,' 'anti highly rkormriehtled lornervous,and dye peptic persons, being sexy nutritious end (reci froth all.tle)etcrMit's substances, in test imonyer which ilhave certificates train , the most "emi nent Physieisns tind . Chemists in: this Country; Try it and you . 'will be su,e toyontinue Its* use in preference to any other, • '• . • Soldit retail for Twenty -Five , Cents per POOII4III First clase Grocers thronghout 'the united c:tates, • 132" A liberal tliacciiiet to tbe,tre'tip Put up only by LEWIS 9SBVRIsT, AV oleenle Dernit,to Warre.9:4;,•NeW Yet rINKLE & LYON'S 'wliNO...iviAciljNp..& • • . These:Machines mike the. loeir. Stitch :silk, .hoth.,Sides, and tese.less than half tVe - thvesie and 'silk that the ainglior; • double 'throt loop stitch .Marhines .do; will • Hem, rill, Gather.' Cord ? Brnid, Bind,4ke., and are hatter adapted fhan any.othet Sewing Machines in use to the frequent .chutigeennd great variety: of 'Sewing required in, a !mil y,.for they seW • from .one to twenty thickness : es of Marseilles without stopping, and make every stitch perfect, or from the finest gauze to the heaviest beav'es aleth, or .even the ..stoutest :harness... 1061 . 1,1er., without changing the feed, needle', tension,,or making. any‘adjuatinent , of lfachine whatever !A I'• . . hey.are eiropie'in . constrvitioni and easily' enilesstoolii, and if any parris•broken digit, it is readily • - • 'lliese are fiecilliar iacts f and wi11 , 20 forth. r to tli•terrnine the choiie.of any ;intelligent PL:KASE /OA. AND EX:A . ;4ll;ip; On SEND FOR .CIA- ' N. B. Local Agents. wonted in sections n'.t yet otcupied. Addreis, •• •-. FINKLE 84 LYON M. CO., 593 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. AMERICAN AGRiCULTURIST.. A Tnon•roon•nriino, RIM' A BM?, and pRA , :- TICAL •Joarnal, deynted to die •diflerent. pariments of soil.culttireonch as giowingField . Crops; Orchard. and. Garden . Fruiti ;. Gard in Vegetales. and .Flowers ;:Trees;'.Plante,: aid 'Flowers for tlie• Lawn or Yard ; . ctire.of !nestle Animals, &c., and. tO'Househi . ld Labors.' ,'lt has alga uninteresting awl i.ristrk C depart miintkir . children mad A full'.ealendar'ol.OPeratiOnsevery.montl, Te'ree to Four liarldred, or more ' , - illustrative Engravings 'appear in . aach volume., •Over 'Twelve 'Handreti .plain; practical; in-. structive'urticles - Und nsetuL, it:armoire gieri :The ELlit ors Oki Contribigors•tqq - all . p 1 c• kcal Working' Alen. .• ' , tearhinge - of the, Aantpurinttsvfotr.n• • floatto ,to State or. 7 critory;' bid . are 'Oefispeeti, S. thewants .of 4/1 iertion Of the c o "ad is. 11, it., Pa/NO . . inaiCait'S;for. the whole A mEnicAN CON _ . , . . • A , GERMAN EDITION is published; of fla same size. and •prlce as the English, and.con• taining.all of its reading matter, and its nuirie roue illustrative higravings. • • ' . • :TER:kIS—INVARIABLYIN ADVANCV.. One eapy„ane. • year; $1 00 Six eopjesome year . • : • :5 00 • • .. Teu or more copies one,yeur 80 'eeripfeael.;:. o.t Add_ to,. the übove.'ratesf.- POUtade Canada 0 'mils, to England :and France, y I mita ; to' Germany, .36 cents; ' • :• • , Postage anywhere' In the. United Stetes Tt4rimrles must be paid by.the subscriber, qud is only sia: cents a year, it' paid in advance i t the office . where received: • All business and other rornattinieatidiislitoul lie Addressed • to' the Editor and. Proprietor, ORANGE JUpD, 91I'ark•Row; N. Y. Cit TO._ NERVOUS SIIIOERS Ot.BOTIAIES. A 011THELVIAN beep restorlol-to health in a few daysi altOr au 'forgoing all tite usnal,koutine'and irri*galar peasiva mod es 'of 't.roatr'pepir, withoPt, ii).0 0104 : • consittera it his sacred dary, to . cOrtioinicate his afflicted. fellovi creatures. the ,Hance. on - the'reoeipt elan addiesscd he willl .lo ntl ftee a • copy . of.,the:.presotlpti used.: . 1 Direct Jo Di: JOHN H.. DAGNA4L. tes Falkiitt Street? . BrOOkitnk . Nt . T . •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers