M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, January 09, 1864, Image 2

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    .::;,,.:.`"'iii.liit ..41,,cfe..;-7),`,:,:•!cT'"*-51,-;:'.7';;-t:?.';
'f. , ' ,l ;lt-ff:. , ,1;) ., :'-f.."--. i , "t ; : ~.--,-: .t: , . - -
!vett, otigtoDeinoctat.
- '` - ,IBA y.',:Jaiiniwt.lB - • 188 L
,* . g':'y,'' . o:f t '! l 'o: ! i.p: - : ;1? ,.. F 0'i . ,: ! 0,,.',,i...g0.i..,
..., , :e
':••Tbere,;bi it'ews:ef importance:. 't he
p9ol,,Oilitish. rumor that the'. draft hes
t) tip
:beestricitied;.btit !!o'o•friittl publication bus
yet been; made. • . ' ••
_ .
:11 1 Vei: , ,had'Ahotight.ennie ~Of • poblishink the
Catiirt4rOceeilingq 'of let.t. week,. u on. Friday
and . Saturday, 'fruits. bnentne s .so hat
we, ere nouttile.te.'miiiin "sum =
ining n 'up indeed ; are not qui e. surethat the,
Court ~s,rose'.' atoll, but am it iliC•not .400'
iftei “Friday. noon,. 'connlutliP•thnt
rine.-/t ,
• , •
.As`the,inliter e:f the elieve i • alvvorn
bai . .ef. 4 ftbe .is.nnabie in give
.to the.
world'y!e;proceeilingv; it' vvould.be nielese.for
an outsider to Take the attempt . . :
. .
..Our first Impression, on , reading , the ahove.,
was thus; the Writer intended to - represent the
.4criroceedjnga" as irregtilari hut. on-. , retlection
`we admilour dullness. . • • :rho. ess
of the
Court, •yre infet, 'Wag dispatched' with the usual
promptitude in'd'f.regUlariti, while With the
writer gdaffairs became so
~mixed". that he was
unable to "make an summing up:"
in facti'be adinits:.that::.he is ”not guite:' Sure
thaktbe j CoUrt rose at all." The public will
be disposed to. excuse. the editor for the .con=
fused state of • hi? brtirt . gzon Friday ancfputur
day'',".in.; consequence of the. festivities usual
to the advent of •a New. Year, 'will never
cea'se , to , mourn the joss to. Che ...world ;of ..the
~p . ! oceedings" of 'these 'Awe important ,days.
Ofwhat;:use is.if that ''we, make history" If'
it. remain giunrecerdad."' : .
The .quota o.l4l:Kean county; in the draft
of tan: sth, is9o.. The execution of the drill
'seems to. be delayed. wjthout.• posit lye orders,
but-by. eommon.:consent. On. the 12th 'instant
The U.S. Senate passed flouse,bil). extending
tinieforthe.Payment of vete'ren bohnties until
the lit of, Mar c h; this .is understood to post.;
pone the draft uhtil:that time.
.Irour PotintY gets credit fur her re.snlisting
soldiers the.dratt will he Oght. . •
The New Turk Herald,: after praising. and
- Alattering President Lincoln for some'
nally beeonesdisgusted, srlin . the i s sue of the
,21st December
rlWe abandon ttlimeefolp Abe' as a hopeless
case. : We have putted him, we
him and helped him in every way; but can get
• noiood oul of him. •
.. To use' one - of his own
homely similes,•he its crooked stick that can
not be beat and•that will have to be biekeri:" .
The next day. it . 118..5611 More explicit, and
discourses as (allows: . •
''Honest Old Abs" has been tried and found
wanting..' He has not the capacity,to bring this
weir peed3i.conchisien. And , what have
We leaked by the-present administrat MO.. A
.practicer joker for a Peesidenti 'a discordant
and incompetent cabinet; ~: a war'which might
still have 'been'hOnorably aveideil—a .gigarltie
and destrucave civil war' which might have
been ended. in six months. from the . . bombard
'nient of Sumter, but. which is destined, to all
appearanees, to go over:' as a legacy to the
.r.ext.eiltninistration:” •' .
Welearb; the Warren Ledger, that. Hen.,
cv1131 1 1308 ;received the'appointrneat of
Provdst Mariaml for this district,,
Campbell, resigned.. giVe: satisfac
tioa to the.Pwild . .cat" portion of the diStrict
as well fOr • the personal . cinalifiCatlons of Col.
Curtis as. his. location; •Warien . being a:central
• • ..
pointand accessithe'hy railroad:. • '
PENNSYLNANIA LidisLyruns.--The House
met, on.Tnesday lest, and Organized.. Mr. 11.
C. JOhrison; of Crawford county,was . elected
Speaker.: The Senate is 'in: a dead lock,' and
'remains . uncirganizetl, neither party ;hying a
majority.' A spirited contest is going on in the'
.atternpt : to.orgdniZe; . the Republicans claiming
the Senate to be permanently organized, Vrhich
Democratic' Senator's an stoutly deny. '"Both
sideldeciaro their determination to hold enroll
.dog ditYs 'rather th . m Mv*. Clymer:en
the part of the Pemocrats offered lo coMMO-
Mile by dividing the offices; but the Repuhli
cins:rettisen...all terms short of la clean sweep;
irthie . qlo4o Aff di r's coot ue the pennsyl
Pie 'Legislature can do but little inischiel,
consoling thou.ht •
The'confueion *incident to the Hollidays. and
e.Pcitirt : witelc".is sufficient excuse for issuing
aq'as*veetiling sheet;. lastweeb... We hope to
bSr able. to . issue-the Democs.AT with • more . re f
ularity hereafier, , and to increase'..its worth
and: influencer . To do this . we must hive, the
assistillice of :, every Democrat , in the County:
. .•
The aPpronehing 'Preeidentiali campaign Ike
'deem ii(the.utmosi • importance: -on its • issue
depends the Character of our Government;
whether it idols into a siespotisni; or. be restored
tothe position: , which its founders left it.—
The snicesiof.the tow vatit'n, constitutional,
pikty : 'dePends gre atly . disseminating • ••, • •
views among the. people. .For this Purpose the
newspaper. is the most etective; hence the im
penance of sustalnknr the: local Presses: The.
P i n!PlPers of the"ibitntrY'have had mighty
: 1 1 1 114, i ffslin n leading.; the people _' estray', as th 4
,cistt7he rnialic ! the most potent in:producing a
,priee of publishin'g a paper
Opsys; ot..:raistUg. the piice of
Othe'r . ; PUblishers have. already
Clsiski#o.'":pareafter the: price will be two., dol
114:140';'140,Hur,iiia0yape'e....1'hoae Who . have
o:4oiiii.inlits4o7*ll-rneniie the pape at the
,rraohell Washington that
' ' Pliii4;ii.4.itii4iSirciiitkOolositeers will reliilist.
to receiveUres
. . „ . .
7 . the.prosicution has . o'v.i ha ale') Idt•jobs
tti line: : 'Ai the..yiolencestumi,s
th'as . far., it ofmears as if, thare had bjen
9 f coittr's4l( ! rs ivhich interlocks with one . St;
Baltimore, wit.h. whieh Beiges was , ,comiecied..
A moligotheirs there s Ale ease ofthe 'steamer
West:P.ld, an hid boat, which was oftered. 'at'
NeW.Tclitic at t5;500i-bpt tAi the
Gov.irrirnent March,
1.863;•at 835,500'p:6'r •
• The foragoim; wis..ropiell:. from 11'4..111'0/0p
`AmeriMuoll'uesdaY, January .; ••
. . . . ,
Arekbiliop,Of Nety-lrofki die"
on night of. t Inst. li e in - an of
marked abil!t,. The . ' lollo rOpg'sk:i4Sh is coii
ied!from2a aity
. pariet: . *. ,
ArelAishop. of New
.York,.wag born ih the.
and.ras'.,i:ionie,querillil about -iiiity-fil.4•Yeais .
old;:* Hr.-was the son 'cif 'a respectable
•and on ernigration'to country in. 1817; was'
placed w ith afl orist to learn:thier:tof garden—
ing. .ll.!ing ambitious turn of
Inir(d ha slid' not remain..in this empldymint,
butenteredi he theologic . al setninarr of. Mount
st....lgary'S Ernmettsburi, .M(l.,...where he was
snen.emplrrjed'us.a teacher.. ..He w.as ordained
prieSt. 1n.1:82.3, and Was,sCtiled in' a parish'
Thilede4hia. :•In••1832 .he,...founded 4 St•
chareti..in .. that and b:.come.its!recter.... rn
1837 ite•Avas. Oppoir t ted 'coadjutor' of Bishop
Dtiobis, the.dieeesisof NeW-Yozlt, - ai crin the
folk:wring •yi , er; Bishop Dubois being attacked
with'' paralysis, he; was appointed administrator'.
of the dioceic.''Thegovefunient of the'cltureb
in'that diocese Wes Ininc'elorth in his lands,
though he did net. become actnal .bishop'
1842, when Bishop 1)ubols diell',-*, The enailje 7 .
for had already beCome distingaiShed, and •was
the Winder of Et. Johns 'College 4d • •Fordham.
Iri'.lB44.hewas selicßed President Polk to
ed.:: In 1850 New-York was'imised ttithe trig=
nity of 'All archiepiscopal' See,., end BirihO . P
•Beghes was ihri!sled , with' the sacred office ut
the hands of the pepe, .tiC.Roior • '•, •
•' eyhishoP Ilut , hi a 'has been frequently en-
public .ccintreyer'aiei in delen.se of 'big
religion, and diiting . Asked himself-alike hyhis
.1111 . 1116.4 i and the gdod ts timer whicu lic . preserY, -
&Kin alibis discussions: .lle. was sa prelate :Of
great inflneocev*bich'ho . used for the best; and'
since the civil•distarbances in America hits em•
*yell the great.Welght of his cnaracter earnest,
Itinbeball of the causes
Accinrnr.-11 r. W. : had Isis
broken;.by beirn.t nceyturned in his sleigh,, on
on New rears day. He is receyerin gas Well
as could be expected. , • • . ' •
'the friemis•.of I he• Railroad :'again feel hone
for its speedy ; commeneement.•UrtleSs
there beta. finaneial:crsis, we : have no, doubt;
the coming :sommet; will open
.with stirring.
events in McKean country. The . 134.00 and
Bradford Road'ia being pUshed, with vigor and
will be completed for business next sensoni.
ThePhiladelpha' &.Erie Road 'Will he,conn
•pleted'sonn after the frost lenves.th'e•ground in
the spring.. Cars
.Powrun, we learn, over the
Whole distance except . .shout. twenty :Tiles,
between St'..AfarYs:and .13nena •ViSta, Which is
connected by a line' of Stages. " '•
The yeadville Jourim/ learns that the
Atlantic &Great Wes.t ern Rail Way is now com
'plated to Galion;Oilio,—forrining, ronnections .
with, the Pittsburg. Fiirt: Wayne & chicrignwt
11itrififi...14,.and the.. BeltfOntaine 8z Indianapolis
at Galion. ThA works between. Galion and.
.Cincinnati fire ako.nearly finiihed, and a further
opening may he expected this month. ;
Fdoze To'Dc:tin.—Two breakin'en on the Oil
Creek road, , were troi.en.to death op' Friday'
night last. They-. remain e d. at :their pOsts of
duty until they 'perished., One ofthe men fell,
frozen frthrt the train. The:other,was (Quad in.
a sitting .post oirthe ear. leaninglon the break
when the:trainstopr' nt Corry, Ond jived only
a few minutes after being carried into the stag
Lion house: We have not learned. the, name of
either of the unfottunate-men , L—illeailcille Vent—
Spolfitnen should hear mind that any one
killing qtlail aftnr the first of January is liahle
to , afine of $5 for each' offence. • •
Tut: Ditnyr.-Itia'antlioritatively.,. though tio.!
'as yet Ofileiallirtnimuneed. that the draft is 1 0
be postponed 'rain the.sth to the sth of' rtkis
inonth, The objt cis in 'View in this, postpone-,
rrient'are,..lirst to giVe:, the sOldiers'in the field'
t;me to take advantage Or . the State aiulemirity
bounties offered therri; their voliinteering of.
course counting .in,the. quotas of thir emigres-'
sional district "they, Were atiiinally recruited in;
and second; it . is intended.to . emend the Con- .
scriptiOn. law so.: that all'able bodied men
tween tikentSrand forty. five can be included in
the CliiFS to be drawn.frorn,l It - is 111,90 in con—
ternidation either to strike out the comrriuta—
lion clause, or :rise. increase it from' $390 to
$5OO. .. I .,FLeruare.severel Other minor amend
ments also to be .made in the law to Perfect its
working ineehienery, kome or. which ‘vere
pointed 'out in PrOVostyMarshal.Gencral
report. They relateirtainlyto matters of:de-.
So far as can be fudged,•the three, hundred
thousand men %rill be raised as follows:i One.
hundred .thousand, voltinteers, seventy' five
thiideand re•erilibting veterans, and one hun
dred and iwent y . fiv.ethemsand, to be 'raised by
draft, To get the
. hundred ond'twenty• five
thousand by a conscription, it will be necessary
to draw nearly three: hundred thousand, sot hat
•1 he draft when it comes will be a heavy burden,
and ivill'create anitjety • in every family in the
country, more especially if 'the ',commutation is
abOliShed increased.
:.Among the first matters, therefoi.e, to he
attended to upon the meeting of Congress, will
be.the emending of the 'conscription. kW, in
'.accordance with the wishes ol the, warDepart r
.inent and the military comMitteei,of the Sen
ate.und House,—N. Y. World: .
. ,
LYONS has turned prophet, and, and
what is Pleasant for us, he. prophesies • smooth.
'things for the Union. Aceord!rig to.the LondOn
'll2O'rigg Petit (Lord Paisrerisioses personal •or
lan), a recent dianatetvaddresserl.to Virl•Rus
by'tord'LYONS annonnces that in tbe .op
inion ot . the latter the rebellionis near its. end
and cannot lait three months longer. .sThe
South, heaays, giveeevery indication of exhaus
, tion; .We would like tobelielie thiaprediction,
but: :Len With his army Of Vet erans; BEAUNE:.
cbao Witn his cordon of batteries, and,. mere
than aII..LINCOLN .with his amnesty preclama
tion,•and the 'Republican party' with its 'de
termination to retain .'the administration and
the.spoils all stand in the:way. of peace and re
. .
'Obey .
Th :The ..Siime:: As
...s.. .::- Othei golke , !.' :;,:..
•, ~.
Prom t he . w York D a fr;
.4iiiwer toe cbargg . from a. Rhode.lshind
,paper,•thst yiars of AbOltligit rule".ore
•rottsqng, up st.lsill:t that ts far
expenses of the . goyerpuneotaCotri.its. 'tisk . ' or.,
ganizatfonototter WashingtoSs,:. to • the
o's of haU a n ibriii - et
ansvOi !ifllitittbs.?..enoi enormous woreipeOdituiel
are to st wrenched - freers the sweatortd .tott:
cif peeple; . . so.' establish the'. tact that:
slavehofders must obey ibe,raws and, keep:the
.pence, tlaine ao . Oh j
qr ulkv" Let us see.
A - Vitgitiia,shtS , .ehositer, by the. name of der-
Efue, a .tesv . :resirs 'slued, pursued a "runaway
slave.into.Permsjrkunia. -The'nero' - was• res. ;
cued, 'pint the master . murrteretl;.hy au ,Aboii
tipii.mob.. :Were; nuy of tbeed peitple punishei;
and • remade law; ~ 0 .6
, . . . . . .
-.• The Abolitionisti ot . Syrac . uSe„.undig - the lead
'of Geri in 'Abe Jetty, rescue :case . ,.
(net po.tvered, the M a rslial.andhis posse, and res-:
cued the g4laVe" Were SlTliiliand..his.mbl);(ivey
"made to obey the - laws' arid keep the • peace,
like other •falhs?"'• • •
: In the Boston rendition case, Wltena :United
Bf4tyiMarshal's assistant Wat shot down in his
tracks, Was any•One.niride to":dbey :l{ie lairs
arid keeP the Pea ce, l ritg eirme. as 00;.tr...folks?."'
Governor Seward,' . ns . G.overnor•
,of .the
Stateaof New YOric . ,.refused . to sairender n fn..
giiive frOm.ttalaveiY" and from justice, who,had
-escaped from'iGeorgia— . .. when the ..Gov ernor 'of
1; 1 6 io (migChase? . .) refused. to surrender.
John hen the ",Governor-of loWa
refused to surrender, Copier Were :those people.
Made to t!ohey. the'laws the . 'ea : as • 'other'
. •
. When Senator Seward. 'ataadine; "in . his 'high'
plaCe of-Senator,. in. theSenntor Chamber, pin
clitmed that “there was as law.,higher than
the Constitittionl'--.When - Wifliam LloYd.Garri
'son'S paper had borne aloft, for twenty 'years,
the banner "cry, "that the. Constitatioll was
Irigne with death and a covenant wit% hell"—
when Union- Slider. Banks is merle=rlh,jor'Gen=
Thad...SteVens could say in his
'Place, in. the : lluuse : of flopresentativesc last
wintet nt bat any . . man who prated 'about -the
-Constitution Was a I raitor"; 7 -.Whep you..have,i o
tool: Back only„ale . w.years,"to find iii the col
umns...of this same Tribtpie j •tliis burst of•4l3oli
tion song •
"Tear tlie•flaunting lie! •
Its siani grow palE: awl • dim';'.
Itmstrioos aro bloody narx.
. A lie the, vaunting ltynni!". ,
when such Men can eat, then owo words,: belie
theirwhole lives,- Sing 'squall and , &dare that
thiaswar •';to•estublish the fact that sle . veholdeis
rnuat.ohey.:the la wa and- keep 'Abe peace, 1/i.e
..eam;.t as other 011-..," it is .an nek,nowlet;gTent
.of i l typocrisy,-ttioiting hrotigh thirty.ye..rl, of.
Abolition. agitation and an spostacy from 'poor
old John Brown, the t .must Make his bones/rat.
the in'his coffin. mien as other . folks
wheillbese , tother folks": have heen-covenant-
Inealcers; laW-breiikerS and and Ireison-teaCher . s .
for -thirty years! pro'stituting , the.press, the put- ,
pit, the lecttire room, the political conventions
. • •
and the whole educational system of the North
to their lostlisOnne dad Hoes:of-Sedition:and ne,
gro eq uality 1-..-- - Po.rts•atottit, States wad'. 'Melon...
The . Adjutant-generars o ffi ce has:riotified:all
the a irny. commanders. Of . ltc prov isions
. 'of' the .
la‘irot Con gress stOpping, after , the sth of Jan;
uary•next, all.houn..ries to enlistingthen;eircerit
the $lOO 'offered under the fifth.sectlon - of the
act of ,firlyi.l.6l.:•-• . • .
IVA§nu , iGTON,Jdnuaiy 1
General Schofield: is still to command of the
Department of Missouri, and through bin :adju
tant-general at'Si. Louis isalrnost daily issuing"
. . .
A Newßut.u.-1I! 'hai beeh •the -*practice
.hefefoloye toy lnwyers and physicians to plead
the.'clises of patties'applying 'for exemptionber
-forethe board of enrollment. . Ntiuibers 01 the
legal fraternity liv.e „ rnaterially increaSeTtheir,
c.ash'londs by:this means, reeeiti,inglarge., fees
from dotted men fOr their servireS..This'prne
'tice 'is now - discontinued, as the
. Picivoiy- Mar
shil.General has. 'recently, issu.ed itn'order
fegardte it, in which he says: "The practise
of ,'allowing physician's and f.a.wyers . to: - plead .
eases 'of e:xemptioll . .before• the. board ds.itiipro
pel;ard will al.enee be discontinued"..?
•Ari 'circlet hae,been issued creating the "Mill
tdry ..Departnient of Kerias:'.'. including Font
*nab end : assigning Mojor•Oenertil Curtis to
the command. , • . • • • •
Springfield (Mass.).'./yritYirart '-is one of, the
few AtirniiiisCration papers that is not. entirely
blinded b'y Here.is an extract
from its editorial,' Columns,' in •which 'there is
rnOre.. trio h. and sense than yeti': can 'find ili the,
New York ff,:qiurri in' a whole year:
, ‘There 'is a general jubilation:in the Repub—
'jean .papers over, the assurned death of the De.-
mocrutic party. They'hatrbetier not fake that
for :gr'anted. ' A' party • that has just throWn
-More votes than' ever befoi a ArteverYState
cept Massachusetts, • •.• and has' been 'hie'a—
ten only by the must ektiaorilioary efforts, can
hardly be consitierel quite dead; 6 • •, The
'moral of the political situation of the .1 - tepubli
can leaders is that they - have 'no such 'excess of
strength a's to make•it sale fOrthem to be'reck—
less or defiant as to means or measures; that.
they, are still. 011 trial 'before the,.American
peopfe,' as to't.heir-ability and intergrity in the
conduct of the government; and' that they can
only hope to obtain-a renewed lease of . poWer
by demonstrating 'that they can and will. use it
for the general welfare, rather than for priVate
and partisan .ends.". • • •
Dispatches from Chattanooga .state that the
Weather in that virithity.has•been for. the past
few 'days two,men haying heen
frozen to .denth at 13ridgeport,..Alabama,on the
30th of Deeember. The soldiers,are
leg; The 'rebel 'lines are thirty-five :Miles
frorri Chattanooga General,Stoneman, who was
lately . relieved (torn the direction of the cavalry
bin eau in Wishington, • hai been ordered to re
port to General Grant, at ISlnezvillie;.for dutyln
the portion 'of the:army.in that vicinity...,
A 'letter' from Harper'a Terry , states'. that
Cirles.sfarylind cavalry have' mat - with:a .sr.=
ions &eater, fifty-seven •crut' of seventy , five
men being either 'captured or killed nearßectori
town, Virginia; ti•here • they encountered an
overwhelming.force:of. rebels,: .
• Secretary Chase• strenuously insists' on lim
iting the appropriations to his meinsiisd pro.
riding by taxation for every dollar appAopriated
14yond the:amount which can be certaitsly Ob
tained by 'dans, and that. without. too Ilargely
increasing the:public dept. • He asserts that the
increase of expenditures by additions to salaries
or other compensetiori can only reitult
appointment; unlessille means to meet 'Pm in
crease are provided by: the same legislation
which allows it: • • •
PI*ITA BLIC ,STtAAIBOiT .(:11ARTElite 2 -::/VOrfak,
.Jdnyitiv . Milltary. Commissioni of:
which General . L. 4. Wistar is: Presitient; hes'
been in •aession during the; past . Week 'in this
he''case of L . M....1 - lunt,)ateWi
ent of. Vessels' at 'fortresa
tried; and , thir divelopmerittS..!4tti exceedingly'
interesting. - . 'Amorig'the points;elicited are the.
payment 01$30P0 Teestp;Seriator'.Hdle by
Hunt gel - 11.im Of of the 041„Capifol :pri
son,.- le-day Paptain Cone;'''Of'the • Steamer
John A. IVarner, waaPil the.stand and testified
that thebpat was.yvirth about $65.000 when
She firs t went into
service, itittl
t beret the sale. of her charier she. had earned
$173,500 utile' date; that fheci'/erninrient had
supplied her-with coal; and that her running
expenses 'were friim $l4OO per month, .'which.
'were defrayed by - goods sold' on board. end':by
the prnfi.3 on Meek and berths. 'She' belongs
to ihe Delaware. River Steamboat Company. 7 of
which ,John Price .IVetherell; of 'Philadelphia,
is President; and : Andrew. M. Anderson, Wrn.
T,. Allen, Willett Paxson and Samuel . .. Harrlan,
Jr.,-ore Directors: ' • .
'Captain ,Cone swears;.that first charter
was made With John' Tucker; 'l ate Assistant
Secletaiv;:of.,War,anirthnsecond,..with Qnarter•
mastir . knigs:.. . •.• •
.. . .
Wendell Philips is.g.not certain that slavery
is dead . .O4til 'he . Sees it buried:" --'The.New
Haven' . .Rceimersays•if . he.Will go to the - Freed--
men's'eamps • Ocinr, the 11IisiissipPi,:he will see
it buried "at'the rate of several hundred, tier 414.
IFATHERE'A Letters_of .Admingaration on
vy the'Estafeor GIDEO3 1i034, lafe of Kea
ting township,. IVICE:ean .entinty, Pa., deceased,
haye.boen grantecl-.to the usieletiigrie - d, all rer.
sons indebted,to . said Estate; are''reqiisated to
make immediate . .paYment, and all having
claims against.saidiEstafe will
. present them,
duly authenticated, to: • .
or IRONS, Admiliistrairiz
COTTS iRC)N,S, •••....;
" • ildmint'stratoro....
KeatingiSitimpry p, isdt
The Subscriber found, Dee.. 24, a pocket Book
in the stree't,'near•Stneth'nort; which.the Q W her
can .have by identifying the, some, -end paying
the test Of this notice'. ... .
. .
• •
• - . •J. C. mtml.ric
SmP,lllpoitJannrery 6, 1861.'
.. ' • .
•ipreas letters Of administration to; the
Estnte . 'ol.DEattra •lrOortnEsi`, late' of'Xemting.
township, deceas'ett have been granted tO the
eind . ersignedr all p.riorrs iudebred•"to the said.
Ilstate are .requested to Make immediate. Pay
rnent„ and thoSe • having :claiMi or deinamts
a g aniit the Estate ct said Derick 'Yocirbes;-
will make kLown the same without Delay to. •
. • • • A.l. OTT(1, •
. • ildminzabatur.r,
Farmers Valley. Dec, ..?.1 •
WHEREAS . .the Hon, Robert C. White
Piesident-Judge, dinFthe Bons, Dar
ling and - N.' Peatiody: Associate judges of, the
CoUrts of Oyer 8i :Terminer and General Jail
Delivery, Quarter .:Sesaions„ of the Pease,
phans'.Court and Court of. Cominori Pleas for
the County of M'Kean have-issaed their precept
bearing: datu Friday, the' first -day of
January, let the year'. of, Our , Lord•orie thou
sand eight-haridred: and'sixty-four; 'and td :me
directed, foi holding 'a Court -of Oyer •.aiid
:Terminer nod' General Jail -Delivery; Quarter
Sessions of the Peace,..oephans' Coarti and
Court. of .Common Pleas,, is the :13cirough.rof
Stnethrort, on 'Monday, the 22d. day of • Feb
rtiary. next; and:to. contione.due week.. • ;
Nottee . is therefore herebygiven.tO the Cord
ners,-Justiees' of the Peace' and .Constables
within the county; that theybe then.and there
theii,pr'oper persons, at 10 o'clock .A . . M. Of
said day; with their rolls, records, inquisitions,
exaMination?,- and other remembrances, to do
those things which.their offices appertain to be
done. • A iid' those who 'a're -hound..by. their rec.- .
ognizances to prOsecute the prisoners that itre.or
shall be in the jail of, said connty . of M'Keari,
are to he then -and there to prosecute against
theno as will. be just. • • -
Dated at Smet i lipor'., this Othday of. January
180, and the 87th• year. of the :Independ
ence of the. United States of America.
... A. LILLIBRIDGE, Sheriff. •
. .
"CommenCing,,M;nday, Nov: 17tb,1862'.--:
Trains willleave Olean at about tbe.tolloar,ing
hours, - _ .
Night Expre.ss
Way . Fr:eight. /. • ..1:05 P. Al
No. 21. - —•:( • • 1:00 A . . ; M
Night Express . • • 7:10 P. M.
Stark : • . . • 3:19 P. M.
Way Freight • , • . 1:15 P. M.
and. Si run every day.' No. '0 runs
Suridayi, hut not Mondays.:.Train 3, of Satur—
days, from New York, runs through to Buffalo,
but does not run.to Dunkirk. . •
• . CHARLES Al [NOT. (401.1'1 Supt.'
PEAtsi.i Pit4.s have nevar yet failed , in rernov—
ing.ditfictilties arising from obstruction, or stop.
page of nature, or in restoring. the , system. to
perfect health wben'aulteringlrom Spinal . A free.
tions, Prolapstis, Uteri,' the 'Whites, or other
.weakness of the Uterine Organs.' The Pills are
perfectly ilarrrilesson . the constitUtion,•and may
be.taken,by the.most delicate female witholit
'causing distress—the same time.they,act like
charm by strengthening, invigorating and re.
string the system to a'. healthy condition, and
by bringing, on, the' monthly period with regu
larity,ne matter:from what cense the the'.ob—
strnction may arise. They should,' however,
NOT be taken during
,the first three "or_ fOur
trionths.of pregnancy, though safe at any other
time,,es miscarriege‘viionl&be.the,leault..
• Each boa contains 60 Pills. 'Price $l. . • ,
Da, HARVEY'S TREATISE on. Diseases of
Females; Pregnancy, Miscarriage, Barrenness, -
Sterility, Reproduction,. and. Abuses of Nature,
and emphatically the Dadies' Private Medical ,
Adviser, kpamphletof 64 pages, sent, free to
any address. Six cents required to 'pay post—.
Tele Pills'and boek will be sent , by mail when ,
dashed, securely sealed, - and 'prepaid, by'
J. BRYAN., M..D., General ..Agent,'.,
No: 76 Cedar Street,. NeW. York.
Irr Sold by al the principal druggists.,
,s,Ayliaiyoußgo.NEyi :
The pheapeit; most and Cof-:
Have ibis 'ili3iestablished ibt.i Eaat, India Car
fee.prrces aw tollowe:'• ' ',.., . ..... .' • :
Single pounds -
..- • ::- ...,
Seven - pounds• . .- ,- ~ .... : .'• 1 Dolor;
pO pounds delivered fine on. boat ?r R: R.- on,
re'enipt.of $3 00.
For Sale by grocsrs' gerierally„•at the ,ributle
6e sure . that you ask for and get:^
•II kits n Prpne:-LAnEr...' Ask any'grocer for it.
•Ir is espnciallyvalued by Drmties, - and
persons suffering wit h . tli'censekof the'
kidneys, ',lt requires hot 'oheAnt!f as much , as
any other; is•betlet . 'flavoretiantl:l. • .
• ' Address nil ordes . to , tEs PEOPLES FRO VI
..SION CO:, 268' Greenwich .'Street, N . . Y., and
.enclose Cash fir our fish.. •268 'Grecesvich St.,
N. Y.; - Auk. l'st, 1f163.. ,
The smos't healthy,
Th'e niost econsiniml,
IN., Tlcl If: IV 0 RI.. p;-
0 IL D 0 R. IN le .
This Coffee ie.prethired ithder a fe4nthlAfrprr)
the•grearGerman Cherniet • • .
PROFI;:;..iSbIi • ,L:i1i:14316,.
, . . .
and gives the essential tun iitrenalli and deli
'cions IIavor'or`.OLD". • Ge,yERNNIE,NT JAVA
COFFEE, ivhienis the only'qiiality of Coffee
used in its prepdririon;_ixifhaut any ot;that nar•
critic quality whicii•so•sitilly dartiiiges. iJie ner
vous sy.6tem4n the tz6e ot every the best • gredes
ol'Coffee al ordinarily:prepared.
.• • • .
.2d: It ,gives the e:rsentril tonic and..drurctic
elmentrroi Dandelion, without the , "herby,''
coarse taste so disgusting; rind yer alWays - fterod
in. the'ordiriary.DandertonCoffee.- , • •
• It is'known to all aepeahrted,witb chemitry
that the. essenae,•or,oil, or whatever name rn.ry
be given it, when properly and seientilically
Jained•from . any, herb ovplant,- is' a la r
article from that produeird 14 nuking that plant
Into water and boiling oulL—ltertnltLio
escape of iii mnSt exquisite, and . reltahle
strength. and leaving the coarse earthy
drugs•pe'reipitated or in soltit;on." •'.
preparation combines the exr,faisiie
aroma-of the Java CotTee,•With. the highest •es•
geatiaLexcellerice on-the' nibs( Clitliet; . D;111(fr.1:1011
—yielding the 6-nrit without the grosser earthy
b'ody. 9f botbr'. thereby,a voiding the. anleteiioris
effects or both arid be, : orning.ut tho . game , tirpo
The most Health:giving and Restoring Drink
Known in theworldH3eink at,once a sovereign
remedy insteaci . lof moducer of .
1 OiOB.A
4:13 P. M
because of it great Tonic and Diuretic. quali—
The simple fact that the preparation' is
Baron Leibig wild comment it to the .attention
of the scientific in all parts of the country, while
the use of it Will aronce and permanehtly prove
to the misses 'everywhere that it is,
,the long
needed-diSsideraturnin its way. ••• • •':, • •-..•
-The immense popularity of this Coffee in the
Old World is-an earnest that its use and popalar . -
ity :America is beitind to. become .continent
wide. • • .
Another consideration not.to be overlooked in
regortl.to the matter, is that .
.. •
It Costs Less than ordinary Green. Coffee
AO requires less.than'half thequantity to give
the.same deeree df. strength, and its.use proves,
it at 30 . cents a pound to be cheaper than Mari- .
cabs , coffee at 15 . cehts arpound:
Neatly packed in pound papers with full in:—
straciions for use on each label,—in SIXTY ,
POUND 'BOXES. Price 30. cents per pound.
A liberal ;discount to the.treite. •
'Manufactured by the PEOPI.RS' PROVISION,
Co:, 268 Greenwich St.,.N. Y.; to whom' all
orders may; be addreesed. .
• Sold by wholesale Grocers. and proygists.
Thernost.tiefieiow t :
1176.- CCIABI-1 na . l PtiYe... S. •
AdYeitider,.•haing I)g.eri're,Rtored.to health la ,1
1 few *gad: by very eirealei . .remedyi atter havlii*
suffered neveral yens with e' severe lang•affeitlea,.entr .
Abet. 'dread dideaae, Countapptien—ln ItIMIOUR ;Italie'
knoWn tirbis follow-sufferers the nienns - of care. • .•;
. !Po 'ell who desire it, he wklidead h edliYof the preacrip
tiorrused (free 'of charge), l,the (Wantland for.are
paring and using the Ram. which - they:will find-a sung
only objeet•ef the Adyertiser in 'lending the' ireseriptieu
let,, bentd}t, the' 111 . 1116411 i and ,spread inferinatida.whigh
lie.gonerived to' be invaluable, ~ end. he hope, every aut
ferer will try lila reinly, aohing,
Partied wishing the readri pti rin please. addrens
' • • •
, NNTliemsbuigh: •
'.lc.ings'Cerri yy New"Y'wk.
...lENDAL-CREEK HOUSE.: - . 7 "::-.-
•. • .
T"E Bnbstriher haying. purchaSeir this well
re-furnishil . .a . nd . i'f=6i—
:teil.theHotisP, is rir .
... epared..to
er'S and the Tlaveling.puhlic . .
..• •
. • r-r - LS 13 A 1 AN ' rf 3 . •
Will be - well siipplreif,.and everything linnet
te'merit a • liberal:Aare of patrariage. •Ral r—
men Will.Slwas find the nat.
'Ken.dal Cresk.' 'fritillary 2, 1866. 38:ly
(rreat triprovnieli(; in .Sewin6M6.:olline,
This Me.eitipt.'is constrocte'Oo . i.rittrelY. nr it
pine,tples ot ineeitanitn; pos'selsittg to it y rare
a'n . d'vuluobloitniirov ,, olt•nts, h ivin _ ; li qen exam_
'mei! by lire litriet rAofottott experts. a btlflroblion
cvd tO' be simrLicyrv. Hitt! .PV.E.FEaTiON .
i2oAl:l3ltir:D. ...• • •
. . .
. • Th;2.lollnviinz. - are - ..tho principal ..ohj octipii3
tirg,(llagain'it S.evin.2.-innelliii,,s: .. ...• ..
.. '....
1.-I ,. ..te9.tlvo.'s2tivjir to the pperutoi, -..-
. .
:0 t,;t nut of older.; • • •1
3.- Expnso, tr?..1.4e and foss of ritne.in
1 11, est pat y. lose..w every tioecription or ma-
r ! .—Disnareenli,le noise %riiile.in o .6eration.
The • EiniArc iii4cfur.ia is, ExOnpt all
' ' • these ObjectionS. •
It hos ii..strai.ght needle' petpeOthitilor action,
makes 'the Locker shuttle Stitch, which will
nilit her :Rip - and tri] both
performs. per:feet sewing'pe every ttecripi . iol ul
!row Loutlier'to'lto hrit , At Nantoolc
cot :Of sillsllu'e.,l, nowt
the' Coa finest comber..
.CAN nor CQG . WfIF.E . I.,..
and I.
t"./I.!. lea •t` (tie ticl6 i . runs smuti:.
as hig "..(1
..,. • •
riIINT. ,
it requires FIFTY 14'It CENT [PSS POW.e .
tO'fifiVe it than' any other intirhifie in .
tt:velv t ..'yealsolidt:an two, lc tt steadily,
witholit fatigue or it iory to.lwalt h. • .
Its 'strctioib and IV ONI 4:TiF L SI
.Tirnlc;tns.tiitcti . oll rero!Prit .ahrinst itntto..l6l2
to, get oat: ororder, and i. CIII.AII..AINTEED by
t be 'effinpaity 'to a ise'cio kr' siutsdi ,
We resia.cytillydorrte'all lhosri
,irhn inaj
sire to.sii ply themstdues}rich r, tatperhr ;at -
.cly 0 call and eita nti de this UN RI VA TIE 1)1‘17.
Pot in a more epeciak.rrianilerio, , iv . e, solicit
mtrminge of •. - .
•-^ • •
:11F.Reff A IVI"I'A 1 T:oKS' CO4CII ttAKER,
ligOP SKIRT •NANUF..-1 ( :!-TUKERR,,SI - 11KT
It r RS
No. 1, Family 17adollinc,•witli Heamer, , :$59
V 0.2, Small Manulacturiag, with. iL en
simiTable, ' • 65
No. 3, La:izo Mauutacturing - , Fit!' Ezten-
si Table,
:To. 3, Large Manufacturing, for Ltmtbor,
with Rorung Foot and Uil'eup, • ' • .
Our liali.liottes 'instructions Isstafiriott to pith
like :thy jii•rson to tvorit this Aluchitte to their 'ell,
tire satis.faeliimi
1%.111. attention .
nko . calie j t to.tho
SIII - 11LE, 1560; • •••
• I; I finowri thiat a ‘.ii.to
centre. is pi eteratile . to an y . otherrioit ;;leaf.
object ion - avetiiej Inse - ; Wag 'On veeniiiii 04,
spriu i;etiiiig out or order, then to bi;' .
'put in the hands of dskillftil,rnechante'to be
repaired.. ' • • • •
The l' . .mtaire Shuttle •ig - so . simple 004 %any =
operetOr'ean repair it:without lesei cif timenr.•ex
.• .
pen.e. ;
‘. • •
Agents ‘i-anted for all •To•ven9 . the 'United
Sta!es, : e.tiereAgents ere I,9l.elreeily estahli,h
ed. A 150,.(0r Clibe,Alezlrn,Central end South
:America, td whim/ •e•lit.aeral di . seonet will be
• Term's invariably Cush
T. S. TIoARTIIUR, et Co. • . •
. • -•
Three daily trains to . aml.frorn ItaltimoreAlt(
‘Vashington , City: conneetion wish
trains on ;PeOnsyliiania Rai to aiid from
Pittsburg aud'the•NY.est.. Two 'trains daily to
and-trom the Norsti and West Branch, Siisque
hanna, Elmira and all Northern NOw•York.l• . •
ON AND MONDAY-, November
17, tile nisiiengnrTrains of Use Norther,,
Contrul .
.1 - lEiirisborg and thiltimoro:ns follows,
. .
MAIL TRAIN leaves Simbpry daily(except
•Supday):atl.4s'p: tn.; leaves Harrisburg,. at
5 . .20 p. - m.,.and arrives at Baltirribre'at,...lo2o
' EXPRESS TRAIN r• eaves Stinbury. daily .
(except Sunday) at 1E29 p2m.,• lea.ves.Harris
burg (except Monday) at 2.15 a. rn nnil,ar:,
rives at - 11.1110oro daily (except
. Monday)
7:39 a. m. • • . • • ,
_ _
leaves Harrisbu'rg daily at .0 05 a.
• , NORTHWARD. . . •
MAIL TRAIN leaves,Baltimora flail)" {ex_
cow. Sunday] at 8.30,a..m„ 'Harrisburg at 1.15
p. m., and arrives at Sunbury at 1.50 p. in..
EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Baltimore daily at
SAO p. tn.., arrives at Harrisburg at 1:50 a: m.,
and.leavas I.larrisburg. Oily [except Monday]
at .3.20 a..”1.,...ncr arrives .0. Sunbury at 6.20
leaves Baltimore, daily [exce - pt §unday] at 2:4,5,
p, m., and arrives at flarriOurg, - ut 8 p.
For furtheh information .apply'at the Office,
in pennsylvania Railroall'Oepot.
• • • .•
S. N. -DuBARRY, . •
• ,Stiprilitendritl...
jlarlisturi,lcov.) I, 396.2