M'Kean County Democrat. (Smethport, M'Kean County, Pa.) 1858-186?, January 09, 1864, Image 1

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‘11 ... t 1 ; '... ~,, ~ i:,:.,.
.il'f4an . .:4ljOntvi,.Pqitcicrat
By . J. 2: OVIATT,
!FF:IOEi: S.. CORNER rripLip'sQunttil
• • TERMS: $2 00 in . Advande
Rates' of Advertising.
. . . . . . . . .
1 Oplurno wie yeer...........- -..,..-.....',.....'..—*«...., .. 535 00.
X ".' !, ' ‘,. ....•... • .-• . • : ..... ..'...•. .. 12 00
/ :"• ' . 'nix 'monthe.-•'-- •••• •• • •• • ••••':•1--; , •-• :'• 20 00
- h ' ' 12 00
:4)l2e . eqere 0f.12 'lnce iir lees, 3 insertione.;..:.-4. - 1 - 50
:Each atzbemuent insertion, • •- • • . _•,.... .
.. 25
.11Binees cartin,• with i .....-
aper.....'....--..•......: 5 00
• :Kele or figure 'work wilrbe . doable the above 'rates.
Twelve linen' Brevier type,' or eight lines nonpareil, is,
'.rated a implore: , „. . . „
tEr Thied : terzni will be.strlelly adhered to.
HE .SUBSCRIBER ' announces, to the Public
1 . that he has Purchased the stoek-of.the sa—
loon:formerly kept by W; kl. Baker,. West hide
. .
. , . -. •• .
• • • •
Public... Square
. .
where he is prepared to refresh the inner man'
with all 'the delieues;usually kept at 'first
i!lass RESTAURANT. . . . .
. • • FRUITS, CHEESE, &C„ &C. . • :
• FRESH. OYSTERS served, , to .order, either
raw or cooked, ' - •
' ' Thnse.who . favor me with their , patronage
shall have no cause to 'Complain, either as .to
prices or quatity : .
. .
:rrethport , , Sept 24th, 1863. • • .
• • • DR. W. Y.: M'COY., • • •• • .
•• • timpthport, Pa.... • •
__ . : • •
Physician and Surgeon, Smethpoit, Pa:, will attend to al
professional.calis with promptness.. Office two 'doors
. north of tho Democrat Office.. .
. .
. .
Dealer in Dry Goode, Groceries, • CroCkery,..llarlware
' - Boots, Skein; Ilats, Cope; Glass, Nolte,' Oils &c., &c
East side of the Public Square, Sructliport, Pa'.
L. I - I_EATI-I,
PORTAGE, McKean Co., Pa
SUBSCRIBER flattPrs' • himself—from
lotirexperienceohat he cannot he excelled, in
the businese: •
Partieularattention will he paid'te CUS,TOM .
WORK.:For:the'Convenienee Of those, living
at a distance wishing to have tanning on shares
arrangements have been made 'with L. R. Pol
icy; at Port,Allegany, who will, take the de—
livery of thellydes and. the Leather will be re..
•turned Store, when tepned.. .
• The largest price will he paid for flyde.;eith
ei .in cash,•LEATHER,.I39OTSi BHOES, or
HARNESS, left at 'Dolley's , or my,tannery.
Entire satisfaction giyed
. Conn'ected. • with '64 tunnery have ;a. Boot
Shoe•lactori;.and . Harness Shnp. • .
Po'rtage; Pa., Nov. 3, 1.862.
"Tho oldest and hest of.tho Weektios."
~ The, Pen[Winton of the ;56 tu•day Errnin;.; Poit—which
paper is now in 11,F Forty-thit4 l'iat7—would olinply an
nounce In their • Prospectus for' 1861, that they design
maintaining' tot ti I it weekly Lho high charactei it handl-
A F i [:9' CiaSß L
,i t.erark l' per!
. .
They'llare reason to polio io that the atoned of MRS.
WOOD, author or•• East byene,ii Am; MISS. BRADDON,
'anthprof " Steno i s Victory,',' . MARIONIIARLAND,
author of."*Alone,'i ; VISS VIRGINIA A. TOWN.
SEW', and numerous other eiceelleut writers have 'been
generally, regarded as possessing'ilie greatest merit and
the most absorbing interest; and they -.design procuring
for The, Post In the future MI In the ptist„the best Steriiis,
'Sketches, and other Literary Novelties which they can
possibly obtain. ,They jtitnud commencing is the. first
jape!' in . Januars.,• • • • . •
•:. Attila?. of , ' .
from de/ranee . snects,4.7 . piessly fdtwarded to us front
-" • England. • •
. .
This 'dory will be called. . • '-
OSWALAD ' GrRA '7 S7, "7
['Lavin bo bent the length of ."Verriiithi Pride". and .
; , Eriet'Lynne. ,, • '
In addition to the: Stories written expressly.. for The
Net, its Editor Melo striios to lay before its readers, the
beet Stories fronithe English Periodicals, and gives in ad
dition-to the Tales and Sketches, more 'Or - less Agricul
tural Matter, with a Riddle,.lloceipt, News, and Market'
Departments, every week .
. .
t'e Will give to any person sending thirtynebscription . s
to The Post and Sixty .Dollars. - oho of Wheeler 4. Wil.
son's Celebrated Sewing Nabhines, : such •im they sell'
for Porty- five Dollars. The'. maChines will be selected
new at the . manufactory In' Now York, boxed and for-
Warded free teapot, with the exception of freight.
In procurlngthe subscribers for this Premium we pre
fer that the thirty subscribers should be procurred at the
'reinter terms of-Two Dollars' for each, but where this
cannot be done, they may be wowed atour club rates,
and the balance of the Sixty Dollars forwarded to us in
cash hithe poison desiring the machine. ' The paper Will
beSent to different Post Of/tees if desired,: Every . per
eon collecting names should send them with the. money
-as fast as obtained, 'so that the subecribers may begin . at
'once. to receive their papers, and not become dissuthdled
with the delay, Whoa the, whole number of names (thir
ty,Yand the whole amount of money (Sixty dollars,) Is re. ,
calved, tbemichine.will be duly forwarded
TERmai - ciAatt•rN ADVANCE..
• I copy, one *year; .
.'2 copies, one 3 00
4 copies, one your, • • ".; ••^•t , • • $ 2.00
'8 coples, - au4 one to getter-up of club, " : • 12.00
20 coptoe, and one tugetter•up of 44.00
One copy of Too Post and one (Inc Lady's.
. ... .14:iend,, 3.00
Huheerlbere In hritteh North - Amerlca most remit given
ty.tente ln.additten to - .the annual aUbsoription,
,as wo
have to prepay the U.S. postage on' their papere.•
11:7' 'As -the prloe of The Poet to the same ao that of
ThpLatty's Yriend the olnbe may-be. oompeeed exclu
eively.of the paper, or.partly of the'paper and, partly of
the magazine..- ; Of oouree the premium may ho either one_
or the other, as daetred. - ' : • . .
fErThe matter In the'pnper will always . he. different
from that In the mAgailne. •
I . U!,6poolumu uquibilis of Tha Post:wit grotto., Att.
drost , •
•. N* o . a" Vulnu tSs. Phila.
Ip the speech ofWENDELLPufir.ips we find
clearly stated' aid boldly advanced '
;• the riex.
step:in•the atiblition' • programme, which. tire,
embroiled a nation in war, then prostituted a.
war for the Union into war far abolition and
'now demands for the .negro not merely. Oman-
cipatiOn, not; namely political and social eq•.
uality with the whites, but alio . ..the .con t .
ffsction of the iciuthern . landaand theft division'
. .
among `the .blacks: “The 'North," . eapi. Mr.
""has conquered the South; let her di
vido it among her.nohles, blackund white and
We are safe.'.!.“Confiscate thi land of the South
and put it into the.'hands of.the Degrees and . the
White men Who have fought fdr it, and you . may
go to sleep With yotir parehinent. All will be
Well: • c!Thia . naton...oisres to the negro .not
merely freedom, but land'and ethichtion. It is a
debt' which will disgrace us befoke' the world if
we.dO not pay . it. This is the first , louging of
the negro. His instincts . ere better then our
. . .
Emancipation, aholition,Oonfiserition; .south
ern lands, for landless negroes! This is the'
programme.. • The . Trilain •esuSual;..wait
six 'months and then follow WENorMi. PriMmrs's
lead,.face ' foremost'.'The . Times. will. visit
abOht ten months, and .then follow as usual ;
haeleforemost. Meanwhile it squirms is this
The fact is Mr.. Phillips and the. fanatics
who follow his lead, hive be - come complete
monomaniacs on the 'subject. of the negro.
They have brooded eo bong over his wrongs
that they. cannot . conceive that anybody else
has ar y rights. They; claim , for nprods.vir ,
tues; immunities, prlyileges and rights which
they would never dream of elaiming • for whites
they profess to suppOrt the Constitution until
it stands in the . way of their .schemei for negro'
snpramaty; then' they aband omthe Constitution
and stand by the negro.. Their test of patrio
tism is devotion 'to the negro. , They fare for
preserving the U . nion,if it will help the ne
groes; if not, they;are for destroying it. They
are for prosecuting, the war becauie it will help
the negistel; the moment theylind•or fancy' it
will not they. are for peace. Mr. Phillips %conic!
infinitely :prefer disunion" With the' abolition
of slavery to the Union without it; and so would
the, great body of those who accept him as their
political guide. • .. : . •
. .
. .
if is becoming fashionable in some quarters
to speak of.this as !fivi6on4iliona/ loyalty." •
. .
This' is alLtitie.of Mr. PriiLLIPS. But it' is
double4aced . pusillanirnity in the There
has beeitrfO organ 'o` the• administration more
servile'. It has indorsed:'all .the 'abOlitionism
Of the adminiatration'and praised , Mr..LINCOLN
as another WAsrlfuoTo:s.' and. the
Times practically stand . to-day Where 3V.6DELL
ir'nfrr.r.n.s stood a year ago.. One year, hence
it will indorse all that Mr. •Pnir.r.irs advocates
nr , t .ler,Ouneing in' the same bredth me pro
gram,...e 'for the lature: then' ahead. Bet Whi
delay? : .You' :haVe the adininfstralion.
F.,110W your' leader, gentlemen.. Abolition, con
fiAcation, .extermination. orie step more, 0
Rinfblicans., 'Keep in line; •no 'stragglers.
Southern lands for southern .slaves! ' •
We believe it generally known that the
exchange .of prisoners of wit Was suddenly
stopped sometime last summer, and, has .not
since been resumed; but the veason. of this sud
den siopPage,'and long' .suspengion of a System
.Wisely instituted for the alleviation orat:Jeast
a portlen.Of the•rigere,' of war, is not so • well
.understood.. Poi months past the. iinittiry has
been' on - every.person'i tongim, ea What stopped
the exchange?" '‘ , When.wilLit be resumed?"
"Whose faultis it?" &c., &c But' nobody
giVe satiefeetiiry answers, and could
only stispect thattlie everlasting negro was .in
It now clearly ascertained that such .is
'the fact. The interruption was caused by the
capture of Come hupdred•or so negre. soldiers,.
whom we• had employed, together with the
white officers who commanded them. ' This
class of.prisene'rs the Richmond' authorities'
refuse to'deliver,up, eod tbe ..Waebington
thorities decline to exchange: any, unless 'rill
•are It is asserted and not .'denied,
that the cOnfederates'are Willing to' exchange
man for man untilthey. 'cnme down to the ne
grossoilleging in justification, that: , many of
these.negrbes have heenidentified.amlreclaim,.
ed by their Masters; and
,that they. had preVi.;
(Wily given notice to thelfederril horiffes,-
tha .any seldiers;. Or officers commanding
them--Nyhether lyfi4e or black—if captured,
'Would not be treated as soldiers, but be held
amenable for violating their laWs against Mel—
ting to.tlarriestic insurrection. l•
..Thus stands.this grave matter; Some four
teen or fifteen thousand whits' men.are held as
prisoners by each 'party, and-thus exposed .to
11110 hardships and Sufferings as:Will consign
many of them to prepature graves, and render
a large majority:of the remainder totally unfit
for the activeduties et life for all time tncorne,
merely because some hundred or so of “Lin
coin's pets" cannot be' placed, upon terms of
“perlect equality" with our white soldiers.—
Because Mr. Lincoln cannot convince those
stubborn and blind rebels that negroes are just
as, good as white men, Some fourteen or fifteen
thousand of our noble heroes are compelled to
suffer all the'rnagpified hardships and horrors .
of the Richmond prisons. The fathers, mo
thers, Sisters,.brothers and wives of-our noble
boys, are_daily compelled to read the most
frightful pictures of the starvation of these.
loVed ones in the prisons of Richmond, and all
because Lincoln, Stanton &.Co., have deter
mined to carry oitt their ravolutionary and fa•
naticalideas or negro equality. • • • '
'lf. these, negroes, and .their. white officers,
possessed the spirit of true men, they • would
say to their 'government,' “go on. and relieve
frornthie suffering all who can be released
restore to their friends and families, and to the
Union armies - . all who : can be. restored by ex
change, and we : will, wait the result of future
events.'.':We knew the risks to. which we were
exposed•wfien We entered the 'service; •and we
ask nor that others 'shall linger in centinement
because we cannot share their good fortune."
—Clearfiald Republican. - •
TheMissouii question remains unsettled', and
it is understood that 'no successor. of General
Schofield wilt be appointed until, the latter' is
conliitned by the Scent?..
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",, V.:4)4.21,, '77 - " - -
. 'CAN TU . It DAY • 'WV:MAY . 9 'ANIL.,
• •
We could seldom,. with 'cleareonscience,'
tuke either ideas or illustrations frepilVEtioii.r.
PHILLIPS ; but, irt his speech the other' night,
hc:nsed A fig,ure'so apt that we are content to,
borrow it, although in a different
,sense' from
what h'eititended. • PHILLIPS: said that Demo-
cracy is a raft.: The waves may wash' .e . ver
keeri.yourteet wet; but. no' storms : can
sink it: We,do not stop to', inquite :whether
Thiel,' true . of 'abstract democracy, though . we
believe it is; but , Vve confidentlyapply it to the
Democratic. Party of the country.. The waves
indeed; ashed over Itin the late . elections, but
only freshwater sailors or land-lubbersean have
any fears that it will - therefore go•down. Fig
ures of speech, of course, are not arguments;
we will rink metaphor, and. pioceed to state,
as succinctly as possible, the .grounds of our
confidence in the enduring .vitality of the•Demo=
Paretic party. • • • • ' .
Ifthe Demoeratic party is founded on Mir
ciplea which are trite in themselves and adapted
to this epoch ,'the party will'endure.; Otherwise
not. - :In our' estimation, the .Democratic party
is founded on principles that can never becorne
obsolete. • It is in the very nature of power to
encroach - On liberty; the history. of, political)
freedom in all ages,in.the history' of struggles',
in whidh,popular "
rights soil local franchises are
engaged on one side, against the lust of &min;
ionon the other. It is a contest of the . tights
of 'the many against the domination of, the few .
a contest thatwill have to he perpetually ,re=
newed as long as the world stands. •
The, DemOcratic party Of this country • came
into being at the first formation or_ partied onr
der our governneent. It has stood' its :ground
and maintained its identity front that' day to
this, While its:opponents have, undergone ''as
Many changes • as; PILOTEUS . . 'lt' has outlived
the Federal 'party,: the National, Republican
party, the' anti-Masonic party, the Whig party,
the Know Nothing party;. arid the Black Re-.,
publican party, its most recent opponent, is iii
its last agonies, try ing• to shuffle off its mortal
coil andnppear in a new body as the- so-called
llnion party. The old. Federal and Whigpar
ties did not fall through froni any . want of tal
ents and ability; they, doubtless; • had morelo
tellectual. cultivation in proportion totheir num
t:ban the pemocratic party has everhad.
Rut talent is naturally ambitious, and nmbitien•
covets,. power; while the sure instincts and
unbiased comm'on'sense of the , people 'always '
guide' them , to .correct conclusions respecting
their rights. and-:interests..'The •llernderatic
partyshas 'flourished undecaying youth
cause it has away been in sympathy with , the
.-asses of the people.' .
Superficial thinkers, who are capable of see-,
ing nothing in, political struggles but' their cos
in'are,ard'apt. to fancy that when the Alien and •
Sedition laws,' andthe bank question, ,and• the •
tariffroestion, and the . internal 'improvement
question halie become obsolete, the Democratic
'party is therefore hastening to its , giave.; 'But
all these separate questions , are only the battle: '
geld On which successive' contests have" been I
maintained between popular rights on the one
side, and thlist of.poWer on the other. Ever I
since our government was founded there has.:.
been a . party which' aimed
its' . 1
bands rtiore power than the Conititution,
out a strained construction, confers upon it. It i
has been the.•miaaion or the Democratic party,
ever-since the origin , of .parties under the ad- 1
ministration of the elder. ADAMS, 'to resist, and 1
chr;ck this tendency...
To say thet . the Democratic party has' out
grown the necessity for its existenco linpiees
either great ignorance of its iirinciples.or, gr.fiat
i'grierende,OP the tendencies.of the 'tithe. 'The
one 'thing which the'Demec:ratic party has 'sites;
(lily athl'persisteetlysilane trim the fiegieing; is
to rf , Fist the arrnmulation of power
federal goyernmeet. What ' a '.set . .of political
hats must. thejouinaliste bejhrit
libourin the'• day-time and tletdttre that the
'Democratic, party has outliyed the issue -. on
which it ;was toundedltiere has never: been a
time when the tendency to the . centralization
of power in the federal government was a
Aretlth part as great ,as it is now, Arid 'yet
those journalistic bats. who. see . all the. Worse in
proportion as the light is. stronger, their
membranous wings, andory out that the Derko-.
bratic party is not adapted to-the. present con
juncture. ',Such persons 'never understood' the
Democratic parlY. The. Alien and Sedition
laws vested . dangerous powers in the bead Of
the,fetleral government. .That pnriicular dues
tion hae been obsolete e.ver'sinc . e. the election
of ',Tsirsososv but .the principle that. the Tederc
ul governtnent must be reseraincd • within
. the
granted poweis can, never become :'obsolete,
because attempts to unduly enlarge the auth
ority. of ;the' federal government will. 'never
cease to 'be :made.' :The United States B.:lnk'
ended to cOhsolid,otien by allying the, whole
money, power ot - the country.with the tendency
to federal, usurpation; and eu this ground it Wes
'opposed by"the Democrat ic; - party . . The . party
opposed'a general . sytem of internal improve
men teen precisely the same principle, •Disburs
ing 'Vast'sunis of .money fur local purposes.was
.and it wbuld have created a.
Mass of patronage' dangerous. alike to liberty
rind to. political purity . . A high tariff 'anover
grownrevenue, and profuse expenditures would
in like manner;'hai , e tended to render the, ccn
tral: authority , too strong the' Democratic
party was; therefore, bound, by its, principles
to.oppcpse'a high tnriff. . These particidar ques-'
tions,.in their turn became obsolete"; ,but the
pemocratic party did not die' with them, lie--
causeilts, principles are as perennial *as.: is the
tendency of 'power to niurpatioh and abuse.
The question of sla'very iii the territories . was
the next battlefield; bet it was still Ole same
war between centraliied power on the one side
and local popular. liberty on' the other, ~ The
black Republicans were for.clothing the, dener:
alloverennekt with complete poWer' over the
ocal institutions of all ..the territories
Deenocra tie varty, vn!ler the vigorous: leader =
ship of . Douct:As s stoodup• ler popular ,nover- ,
Had . ...the question been
.. left in the;
hands.pfthc.eontreunitics,irnmetliately interest
ed,. thiS cruel. war Iliotld never have taken
It ace.
What we be.'retidei particolerly to remark
is;•that, throughout our whole'p,olitionl histor'y,
although the' costume has ; frgtiently..been
changed, 'it ~ has.'nlWays heen 'the same
identical struggle between. exorbitant - .federal'
pretensions on_the one
,side and popular libeity,•
on.the 'To suppose ttat this stioggle
has become ohseleV; only betolon.s the.Shar—
levness the:supposez. ,To fancy that the
'Democratic.ptirty has, no work' before. it,' the
'Performance of which is•denianded by its min
eiples;.is. td be as incapable 'of discerning 'the
sign! of th,e•timesi as a'bat is of seeing in .the
day-time. If the Democratie party. were anni
hilated to-day it. Would spring . 4 again.
morrOxv4. It lain the ''fiatuie of: 'thing's tblit
'oVerigroWn • power will•berenne oppreesiie, and
that part of the' commuoity who hope to'sfiare ,
neither the power nor the plunder--that is ip
say, the Democratic masses will resist, • - .
I3itt what is 'the .prospect : now TO • those
who are capable of looking beneath the seance,
of things and 'se.etng the Principles that underlie',
them, thepro'spect was never better.. *ark!
we' do not say : that the prospects of the .conistry
were never better (fur Gon knows they were
,never worse), but that the•vitnlity of the Dime- .
cratic party was'pave!' so sure 'to assert itself..
Burdensome . taxatinn,:suffering,, wretchedness;
will come to the dwellings of the
.coinmon, peo
ple, and they, Will ih'alce- the Illach• Republican
templetill net one stone is . left upon another of
its ruins. Thisii as certain : as that night. Ml
lows day; and, in revolutioney times lika•these
changea in public sentiment are often verreud
dem. In August, last year, the Republican, felt
secure'ora large‘Majotity in• every state; - but'
the fall elections, nevertheleas, all•went against
them. , This fall the Deinocratic raft dipped
to the trough of the' sea, end' the. waves' went .
over her ; : lnit the Storm ia bigh; . and She will'
mount With the 'bounding billow. ' She is so .
constructed 'that' nothing' can Sink her.—N. Y.
- . '
It is:impbsoible to rend without comm islera
. , . .
tion reliable oacounte of. the. destitution And
suffering of the poor , freedmen now gathered'
together in camps at different points along the
P.ilisstssippi. Four thousand have died of dee-
titution within 'three menthe - in- the . camps
neer Memphis; and-÷sueh is the wretched con
'dition of the fifty theusandsurvivore, scattered
between Memphis and Natchez—it is said by
those who have visited them that more than
half .wi fdie this winter, of cold, hunger and
filth. Weistesumesthecise is not very differ
ent at other points where the poor 'wretches
have been gathered in large 'numbers. • •
What a',•lesson this should 'be to mock. or
mawkish .philanthropy. • These miserable
.ricans, healthy; edmtortsble . and happy before
the. reign Of Abolitionism, are now passing
away tinder:the pressure of.sufferings,' at the
mere recital:of 'Which the heart bleeds. - ,They
are without' shelteriWitho,ut clothing;,. Without
foodaged and decrepid ' men , and. women,
,childhood and .infancY,,ci.ying together for fond
and raiment, and dying with.the cry upon their
lip 4; And this is, the first fruit' Of Ahdlition,
.neg, , ro equality policy.• - . This isf the opening
chapter of Lincoln. emancipation.
The'accursed fan'atica' who ha‘:4 forced this
devastating and devouring . war upon, tlie.coyn r
try or negro I,reedom l what are they - ; doing. to
relieve the wretcheqness t hpyliiiiie,produeed,
Why.are th'e.y,not all:upon the, spot ministering
to wants of thefrown creation? Why do they
•not sacrifide their ease and . disgorge their gold,
.much of it plund e red.from the . government to
mitigate the sufferings. of the Victirrts'of their
Unwise' and wicked, policy?
Let them answer; if they can—: not to man
alone, whase feelings they have ehocked,'•hut
to that God ••whose name they so often , impi
ously invoke. and . whose precotAs they have
violated.. . . . • •
'They . wotild giv'e freedom to th.e.slaye—that
'ls what they said. Ihey•ricine.l—‘ ,
They have'enticed ' the poor deluded creatures
from a comps rat leeryight-
. liondage, from the
estate - o f
,which -supplied them
at least with comfortable shelter and- clothing,
and wholesome food t .and the vaunted- liberty
theyhai%e bestowed upon
. th . eni, is the liberty,
to go:naked, wallow - in. filth, and' •fitially die of..
starvetion - ,..For . bread they.have been•giyenit
stonaL—for, fish serpent;
r , • .
' ~And this. AbOlition philanthropy—this is
what the wads.. waged for-'this: is the result:
of three years bloody:strife, which has shaken
the republic to its center, drenched:the land in
blood, and created a debtor $3000,600,000;:.•:
Let all the. people, shout, bless . Abra
ham Lincoln l".-Pairiet
. 4•• ; Union: • • .
' 4 1.-lifrumwsaviviL-Eartli, has soma sacred
spots 'Where.irejnel like Icosening . th 6 shoes
from our feet;and treading with holy reverence;
%.Ihere'COrrirnott wordS of Pieri . Snre:nretnfitttng;
places whore •friendship's hands • have. lingered
iii each other,'.ioiere yos . have been 'plighted,
prayers otfered) . and .terms of parting shed.
linty the• thoughts hover around such places )
and travel 'back through jmnieasurable 'space
to visit them.. •
But of ell the spotS:on the green earth, none
is so sacred as that w here rests, waiting the
resnriection; those we once trived and cherished•
Hence,. hi all ages,.t he better portion of man. ,
kind, have.chosen 'these spots, where they have
ovoid to wander at eventide and weep alone.'
But among. charnel:. houses of the• dead, if
there is , one spot more sacred than .the, rast, it
is a mother's grave. There sleeps the mother
ourof infancy—she whose heart wean stranger ,
to every other feeling but love, and who could
always find excuses for us when We could find
none ourselves: : There she sleeps, and Vvelo .
the very earth for her sake . . •..
• The, Louisiana Free State Convention Met.on
the hithinstant, a delegation of colored men be
ing admitted to. scats in the Ouse and talking
a,cOnsidetable part in •the businees of the session,
The Object was to choose delegate's
.to:the cop
von tiorfol. the TJnion•men of the. slave states, to'
be held oh the 31st instant: - • • •"•:. ' • '
Gen Butler tient live hundred t.ehel pristiners
to fity.Point on FiidaY•last foroexchange, and
a flag of tructibont from the rebels.subeequently
deliVeted five , hundred Union piiaonera l at. For
tress'_Meetror. Theltehel government are sail
to refii,6 any further exchange, unless all quit
tions ark given up about which our government
has been contending aid t heir. laws about negro
tioldicrirecognited... They ulaorelfuse to carry
oni negititittioni with General--Butler,- an ac
count 'ef hid haying been! outlawed fait .
~~tyn t 4 •~~ q., '
,:...., , j;7 . ,.. , , i ,_i . :"
.4 i 7 / ....i
. ..
.., ,
. . ~.
.. . , .
. , . ..„ . , ....-'''.. ,• , :5 .a 1 1 4.4 ig5g+:;? . ..,H1....: ..
. ~ . . .
. .
. ;,.! ? ~ ,' .' ''' . • '
... : : ' ..... '.4 ~ • ' ;.;;!:
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,4 t ip . .. :-,' , ' , • -.' ' - .... -... ''.• . ' ' ..!. • -::..,,, •,,, ' 4 1," ~.-.,:,.: ''' 't ',lir
The' MATIc heater (Nc*Hanitrisliire).loevintot
trely'saysi nth°, peculiar feature which
guishes our governme nt frOM all, others is th . c
local' sovereignty the States;
. .Destrity thiS
and wit berorie'a 'monarchy; • There.ism,ot a
'nutlet) in the world, that,
.ia pot 'marked by'aeo..
but they generally have,
'no power independent: of. the central -go Vern•
. ment, - eireii•evet their ekclusive interests..... The
.Btiterffiereurc,'or have-heen . ,:difitirtmt,"and we
imagine they . will remadp:sp. • We de not. think
the. idea of, iopsolidat ion . which, some peeple
entertaie,will be reulii3tl; . and if ..not,• what: is
the use of fighting:to liberate the negroes
!!Ne*. Hampshire can • eetabiliM .slavery et
any lime it pleases _a majority of her pociple *to.
:do so. So can any .Stateehereafter,.unless our
institutions are subverted." Now; siippoSe
South . Carolina is dragnonodinto the ;Union.
under the President's, prarkimation, what-isi4o
hinder her from Jeadoming her old institution's
the . day alter ? if it issaid that • the general
government has any power. to .prevent.. it, it
is said we have . ceased' to be a -Republic
become .4'mon . arelly." - ' •
In relation to the 'attitude of the riervilelo9l.:
ition press, the change of base of. the adminis
tration, and • the . . position of the: Pemeciacy;
the same:Paper observes:• ' •., • . •
requires a great deal. of patience, to.pte
serie.rt teComing.equanirnity of temper' in deal,
.ins 'with the Abolition . -preiS. • :They .assume
that - they are honest and . .righti rill :a - .matter of
coulee, because they sustain tberadrninistrition;
and theretbers must neeeiemilly bb '..wrone i
'at I met, if not traitorous. ,This view of
subject ignrues very. question , issue'
Whether or not the administratiori honest.
and - right.' This is the issue; ind'wberi'• we'
remember 'how, bitterly• and persistently . the
Abolitionists have .Warreitegainst all the :-ad-
,recently bad, it Aries
not become Meer to insist, that the•, support . 'of
an administration shall, berridde• .the , of
i.To - say nothing of.the catips. which led to
'the warovhen it had become inevitable, there,
Seemed; to;be but one opinion.astO its manage
mem: Thatwas.handiornely expressed' in the
Crittenden resoltiiion - ,, which was adopted with
almost entire unanimity. Mr. Lincoln seemed
to stand'upon that ground; in spite of v ery vig-
Orotis 'efforts to drive him tram it, until the',lic
"tiori of , loyal Governors" frightened' him; in
September of last year., Then' by his" owe
adinission •te Wendell Phillips, :he committed
the peat mistake of his, life. There was not,
an honest 'tiod , thoughtfulMan, of any party, in
the' Whole Nett h.w ill.rt.not. recognize - arid tie,
ploro the .crror.: There waif . hardly a preas or,
a prinninent Itermblicati,stutesmanthat.waitiot
committed against the policy then inaugurated,
.Hot they. slowly and follovied . the
•President-in - his great: mistalie,••and have 'now
adopted it, so thoroughly that they. dare•-to.de
finance us . because . We won't do sA '
iihardlY . poseible that the . •convictions of
nn intelleetual men have really chtinged..'But,
the. interests-of a . great many demand an upper..,
ellt change; and mercenary' and ambitious •men.
are.quick to respond to the , neccssity.—Demo: ,
'Crate at and where they did before, and car. ab•
undantly - vintlicati iheir' position' . by the tes
'tirnony. of Mr . : Lincoln- hinuelf,; rind'the . best'
part of his present - Supporefs . .. , The'. Orginal
.theory was that the States were not out Of the
Union at all, however rebellious ';a portfon 'of
their, people might . be; that it was the duty.: of
'the government to recover itsjitrisdiction;• and
that this could best be donethrough the agency
of the.Southerti people, a , majority ef 'whOm
were not original Sccessionists, and would bring
their StatesJiack.,a,gain'Whenever they, were
satisfied the t Mr. lincolo.and his party intend
ed to abide by the... Cone ittition. -
:The. policy was changed, .not in'the,expeCta 7
thin the peace 'ivotild be . •aftained earlier, or
the:Utile/a restored easier, but because
Governors" • intended that - . the. war
should be wagedragainst slaeery, se a Ptiniary ,
purpose, leaving peace and' union io lake care
Of themselves. l'hisiurpoSe.:chies•• not corn.
mend itself to•thejtogrnent . ofany conservative
man ; and he.wilfttot sustain it ;' fis an honest
roan, he cannot.. tie.soes 'no reason why he
should commit a greet:mistake' because
LinColn has doneso. lie would rather' arrest
the consequences' of that iltake_; alit! .01:icout-
Op Mr. Lincoln to . lecoye from. the :'error
which is aosure. ta.provedieastrous, and fatal .
if persisted in, much •
Gen. I%r'Clellan's Roport of his Opera
tons in Virginia.
NVAsiiistroN, Dec. .
w•as tiaornitfed s ig the'4l(nise to
. .
It 'consis!'s at ne yen hundred 'and' sixty ..firt
foolscap pitge ! g, and ii..qividnd into' four • parts.
He concludes as' follow . ....•
•shall not; nor I,
that when I was ordered to•take command.of
the troops .for the defence of the Capital, the
soldiers.with.whoin 1 had shared, so:rmich of
the anxiety and pain 'and suffering tit the war,
had not lost their:coplidence . in me us their
commander.',. They _ sprang to my call 'with all
their ancient vigor, discipline and courage:
led them into
• Afary F'ifteendays..pfter
they had . fillett.ba'ck, defeated, before. Wash'.
ington, they vanquished the enemy on'the-rug
get' heights of South Mountain, pursued him to
the hard foughrtield , of .rtntiettim, and : drove
him broken and dispirited -doiain the -Potomac
into Virginia . .. The. army had need Of reirt;
after the terrible &patience . - 'battles and
marches, :with scarcely an interval. of. repose,
which they had gone through with from the
rime•of theirleaVing the Periinaula—the return,
tii . Washington, the defeat fn . Virginia, the .
tory at South;
. Mountain,- and again :at ',A ntte--
tam'--.it 'wee apt surprising.that fhek !.i.re in a
large degree deatitute'of the.absolute tieeissa,•l
ries to effective duty.. • • • • .
'cbeir-shoes .Were•worn out; 'their-blankets
were . lost;'and their clothing was rags. '
Short,. the . men . were , unfit .for - active service,
and'en . interval for : rest' and equip ment was
necessary. .When the slowly forwarded"
plies come to • us, I led the ..army across - the
river, renovated,. refreshed, order
andrliscipline; and followed the retreating foe
tea position, where I was'-confident of dictsive.
victorn, when in the,niiilst of the movement,
while my
. advanced guard . Was actually. in con_ ,
tact, with the enumy,'l was removed from' my
1 em davoutty-.thankfut.to God that my last
campaign With, this — htave army cio'wded
• • ••• • .
with avictOry which saved. it nation 'florn'th
greatest peril it had then .
• .I have not - -accomplished my purpose if
this report
,the . - Army of theVotomac is . sot,
placed ht„gh . on. the'roli orthe historic armies
the 'world. • 111:4leetts ennoble . . 'the nation; 40-1
'Which it belongs,; ; ; 'Always ready forc.battle,::;
slways firth. •steadfast 'end . :,trustwoethy..;! -t. !
never cnileil'on it,:in-vain, nor
over haye - es use to attribtite its4ant.or ineeeste'
tillthfritnyeelror• *under 'other • conmantlere •
nr.failtiro of• patriotism or braVerr in , !hit
.nold r elody of A.inerican'eoldiers.•
No man can, justly.. Charge, upon, -ing„poriion l ;•,
0? .t hat army . , from,
,the corntnanding:generaoO
.the my - lack of deiitionttithe Unite'd•
Btates-.:liilovernment; and 'to the-tense -of Ake
Coroditutiou • anti the : Union; ~..h4v. e
Preyed their Natty in much sorrow,, suffering,:.;
and..danger, anti through' the verrishidtivi
death.Thilt .
c omities, deed'on's all the
400*itif; hive scarcely triore 4 ,ol)*lir'''
the honor ar,notionrs' leVerenee; than this:
survivots to the justice of a nation's' gratitude'.
The reptirt- covers the 'period fiorn 'the, 260:
Of 'Ally 1861, to November. 7th . 1862. -
, .
Skean:ran:lr &intr./v..4: • ev , vriZ tsv i.io HOapv, '•
TA49.r W 1 have • mislaid spivech'inado: :
by Secretary Stanton, en Chrietnrisi 'we Oink,
to the siddieu in one of the inialid
at .Washington,. end corserjuently: cannot - give
its precise language; • but VVerecollect,the meth-
stance, which was this: , be hOped the. war would.
.be over by the return of next Christmas; and..
then the brave' soldier! who had suffeleil.froriv,
wounds in battle, or sickness contracted byaic 7 ,.
pasure in the, field,;coUld return to their • hinnes
happy. iii the though that they had contributed
to the emancipation of the 'millions of negroii•
held in' bondage' by the.Sonth ••
'Vi 'e pity thesoltliOrs who cannot retire with
any higher consOlatiOn than this,sand we .cair-T
not ferb.eardespising
,the.riarrOw mindethoffi
•cial who cenlil think.of no ~ g reater comfort to
administer, no•noblerthema, &veil : upon.' in •
the, esence of men who had' entered, the see-
vice not only impresserlowith theidea that they
were to do battle for the Mainfenarice.Of• the..
constitution and the , restoration of the Union, •
but whaWere bounll by an cloth to do so. It
seems that, the higheit ambition of' the ' highest
'officials, of the Govarriment'as' well 'of the low- - •
est seribler and blotant. brawler in the service
of the administration, is to impress epee the
Mind' of the soldier. that his alright duty. is to
fight for the policy the Abolitioniete, and
considerhiinsalf not under the banner of be •
Constitution and the Union, bht
AbrahninLingoln anOnrancipation.,.. Haring
Perjured themselves by violating whartheYhlid.;-•
solemnly sworn to Support - „and perverted. the .
war from its originalfiaootred and , only .
imate purpolle, the Government officials are
now Working to deceive, .corrupt and. dome/0 7 ..
ize the army-÷to turn it !rem the, pith of lion
arable warfare for . the integrity of the. Union
into the slimy and devioui, windiegiWhichthe .
fiendish fanhtics who control the :Government
have marked out forit to pursue.
In opposing tlfe'schemes of these traitors at
:heart it is not neeeisziry to enter upon any de
fends of
.the inntuiion of - slavery. as- it'exists in
'the Southern States; o'r.of .slavery in any form.
The idea of. slavery. iS, Pelbaps, as revolting to .
ns . as it is .to 'Abraliarn Lincoln or.:yendell
lAre ""would. not own slave to Ail'
our land,' to carry us; to fen us 'while we skip,
rind trertiblewhen we wake, for all the wealth
that.sinews•bought and sold have evnr f oarned.i!
But thi...question : ls not now what we think"'
it is a question of'conetitutional : right, of local
State soveraignti.. .ltie not.because we ap.,
prove of slavery--although we believe hick he
the be'st condition fur ti l e verve w hen; :ps here;
hells placed in juxtapesition,with another and
superior because ;we colidemn the
policy, manifestlyunconstittional :and unjust,
by Which it is sougl!fto,abolish it: , When We . .
see the libi•rty of the dominent race threatened.
by a serios of Prositlential usurpations and ar.
hit rary
: acts, 811 emanating from
cy of utitonatitotional . . : emancipa*oha con
ilition of the itifoiior and servile taco becomes .
with its a question • of secondary fonse'quence7,
With osthe. preservatien of. our reptiblicon
system,, formed sOlely . .by thoi White man and
fcir the white man, is and always must be the' ,
primary question. We. are not willing to sub
vert the Governor tnt, to yield up-our Constitu.
tional rights, to centralize power in .the bands.
of an unprinclpaled, clownish and fanatical dic...
tator, in order- ;to give freedom to 4,000,000'
negro slaves, whose freedom would 'be their
own curse; and the curse of the country, and
lead fintillyto theirle;ctarmination:, • •
Thett: ie.neitheir Christianity-nor pliilinthm- •
. .
py in the AbOition movement—which;: while
it is not eniuinctfil in necortinnefi'with the tea:
'chins of God us they are made,knoyct tr).ati itt„
the scriptures; is prosecuted in vipiritipn nf 'the'
constitution end its understOod, colnprOmNes . '
and in detiance.of low r reason and common . tiu- ,
..No,.it is not . slavary .which'wolimai;,b,tit the.,
iinscrupuloue usnrpation of
. power io.,eopmeig
kt,'irkich we. r4teildniti . , by oppositiOn'to:thfi-ad—
Wu hold that the President has no constitil
'tional right to-'sane edicts:of emancipation,
and that Congress has , no right tn Tils unnoti-.
stitui lona! acts to riot doWn Slavery. ',
State and - eimer•Oid •
by State loWs,',which, - . 'not being'. in '.Connict . :',
with the Federal cOnetitution,:.neithe!„ the,'•
President .nor,Ccingresa.hats'aroi
with; If it
,let:itdie,. legally,
by State action, or as a Ciinielitienen of': - Saa! ,- . -
jiistiy.wagett for the'rnaintenance of the Conti:.
ton and:t he. rostiration - of tho Unionletil4'
.ot Lritiott, . .