.......,.... , ' • • i... , 1ft,..A.M. - .431......6. , ki. i•- , -- 0 . - 1 ', , .c : •At -riA1,1;547A x. ? i. , , ~-9.., A .‘•:t:,,!-. 1— ",r,.1, . ' ..,, mit , r 1.14 V lr;; , t ' diittlqiiini:te. liiid•, fko ni Ita I t 'more and tk to, 14p t itrityg.: 1 :-IqiikOecticlis, made' with '. tial . #llP,....4tilslnSiNaMadt ,, illoori lo -and from -Pit .11 ittl,tife:lire'a . fir ''Tven' trains daily to - 44 . :,hii . ..Ri itt lii - pd,Alosk, Br 'apeh,'Susqae ait i ' Iltai, "rf liniiit.'an'tirooNolthern NilrY.4.)rk. 0 - ,19)..- i 7,41# R. ~.IkION DA 1' 'NO v 6 k nb ex Fl i i. 6 ; the Pieisi.niet Trains of 'the lierth e : n c.ntienti o vki!a Will'rrive .titill, depart hioln Hattisiittri-and lialtiir t nie aS folt&ws, viz : ' ..........,..... ' . Safi Tll NV Ait D. Sitnl'ut 1 . I‘t(u 151111411,;at:P5 p i (IL; ilinve44Tarrisburg at . .5.201). BiliCynote t0..Q0 p..ativf ~ • 3. • txPREss.,TRMISP. I..tivea. Sunbury Ally (4ixePtitlitadayl M l t,20 p. leaves burg (except; Monday).ntl'..ls a. in,, tiOes it 14ktimater.'daily (.taept Alqtalay) at • • • HAMUSBURG ACCONIMODATIION Tra.ln !cave. Hartlisurg daily.at 9 03 a: tn. , I~ortIrHWARD • `MAIL. TRAlN.':leaves a whore dall y`[ex.. eapt Sunday]. at _ 8 .80 a. rit.; . .Harrisbatg.at•l: 4s atriviai.ak •Sunb.tiry at.. 00 p: m; • • ,I.X,PROS TRAIN leayes Baltimore daily at '8:410 o.,ttr.;irriii,a4 at Brirri'slitirg at. 1 . ..50 a. M.. anilleaves idarrisherg daily Lexcept••l\Tohil,;yl at .120p.:m., and . : airives, . at Sunbury a t• 6,20 •-: • • • • • HARRISBUFGPACCOII:IIIIODATION Train Baltimore daily le'xcriit . Stiptiftyl dl 3:rt's and•arriveti . '4l . lartishiirg at . S iiig.' :Far flirthefinicirmAtion. apply u.t. the (lice*, to•Pannaylvitnia Railroad Depot. • • , • ••• • •. J. 'N. ,Dt:BA-11.RT., • r /. p ft , 17 Harriabut, Nov. 14,.1,862 • ii: . .4lpro.*eino4.t3 4:IS wig . giftliinO's .. -. .EMPIRE '':SHUTTLt . : ;.MACHINE 1.! . . riatent ,:di 'SALESROOM 454. BROADWAY • , : • This, Me,chine is 'cpil.ifiOcleel on Ottirely tiPtv piihisipies.Ofmechanism;' possessing.irinny. Tire end yieluttble improvements, heen.exatn. fined by „ the most . profotintl eNtiertaitnti prortun eed:ro ben. : SIMPLICITY. end PEPSF,CI'I6& . . . The:totldwing litre' the ;principal •ot.joeflons ,rgipt,siguinst Seiving trechiee.s: fatiguelto the o'ktntor. 'l. -Liebilily,to, ibt out of cider, 3.—Alsrienee t tro7,ble and loss of tirne in repair 4;—lncapecity•to eew every deeeription of fisa -5.--Divagroeoblenoiso While in operation.- Ths Exempt all' thesq:Ohjogtioit.s. P. ..shatristtaight:nnedie perpendicu4r nction; mitei tir Shuti)e Stitch,.whiel will neither Ripnat . ' tni;e' 4 , . arnl.4, alike on b o th sides; !air(rame perfect sewing on every description of materiel, fionf.teatiier. ..the. finest Neinsonlc EiAOll)9 with 'cotton; linen or silk ,thre . nd, Flom the the finest' ntimin , r. *. :Having. neither CAM nor • COG AVII . FiEL, and Oloiletiit pnsfijble frinton, it runt as 'mood' as 'glass, and le ' • • • EMPHATICALLY . ' •NOISELIe,Ss . mA. CHINE! . ...• • • -• It tailuireS FIFTY ER 'VENT less powor tOdiioe it.thah-ani other machine iri *rico.. A r .iiirt.tWetie years. old . can work, it • sleatfily; Without fatigiia'ot.injur'y. to heal !h.' • ..• fte irengtb and WONDERFUL Spell'Odf- TY, of 'constructign..reilder it almOst. to get . out of . order, and is GUARANT. EE D 14. Ilia"Otopany to give entire satieuelinn. yrs respectfully "1144 % . vhotilayfte 7 . eta to supply thernselues tnnerior art i ele,to cell:and ektiintne thiiUNRIVADED.M.A , :11nt iti a more special manner do' we solicit the patronage of - • • . • • AttRdHANT•TAILORS COAGII, MAKERS, 1-IPQP SKIRT NUFACTURERS,.SIIIRT • aind ifOSOIW..MAKERS, DRESS 'MAKERS, CcIIiSET . A MAKERS, GAIT ,Fl 'Ft ERS .: SHOE' BINDERS,VEST - and PANTALOON. ' MA MS LIQIOIIf anii OHARIT.A.BLE INSTITUTIONS Will, be liberally dealt with. . , . PRICE OF NiCHINES, COMPLETE.. No3, , Ptithily Naohine,' with lidninier, $5O Wo. 51,Ana11 Manufaotifring, with Exton sionThble, . • . • . 05 No. a. Largo Nanulacturin6 . , with Exton- • • . stp*Tsble, - . • - , .• .. • . . . . • . . . . . I N. 11,,Lirealli '' n4facturing, for Leather,: •Vioi.llolling 'root and'Oil Cup, ' • E 5 Owe hall hares instruction* is sufficient .to, eon: Me any.person to ,work thin Machine to tltiqr, ext. a===l • .• Your att e ntion' is also called , to the F:311-1112E SiITTTLE, Pdttented-June - • .iiiii . iirell'knbsiVn.that a Shutt! , with a'spring centre'ikpreferable• to any other—hut gloat ofijeation'agaitst its *Like, ak;aß onsoceount of its • :opringiefting ouNot order, having !lieu to be pit in the thehandsof a skillful mechanic to hr The Eintilis Shuttle so simple,o hat arty oiiiirittor : catt repair without loss or) ime or ex '4keita,wriotetl for Towns in, the United States', *heroAgents are not aliead y•establish. ed: . "Also, for Cuba, Mexico, Central unit South Arteries; to4htini • liberal discount will be • - Tirniti-intiiriably Cash on.deliverY• T...7..110ART1LUR,& Co, ..• • " . '• 454, Broitavay. • . . . . . c O. Oionsumpt - rs , Advertikeri': having been restbred - to heeltldin few 'irikics by a very simple - remedy, after aalfeeedislieeral:yeafe with a seierttlung.allection, unp 4 .4.4004. ithless9, Oonsumption—ie anxious to Make 'known to hie tellow 7 sulrefere the inesiM of, taro, ''To all wha. Maitre it, he will Sunda cony r the prescrlp Alen !med.( Nee thargeji•with .the direettolfs for pro ,paring and using the eetne.'w bleb thou will fled Adams! CuPt4.ter,.oo}Ssusaritott,....lirnsts: ItitorcniTte, &e. The' 'Oalrobjeet'of thsrAdvertieer in seidlo4 the reseription •le to benefit**, atilleted.„inCeprasSl information which he conceives to be invaluable, add. helpipes every.suf firer will cost them nothing,. —end inirpiove a blei,eing.. . .•• • • ~', : Reaties wishing the preserlption 'Will please addresS t,.l;,'ltt,tc,; • wrHam'sburrhc ' , '; ..'''... ICingederis T. NowYetk. • El( HOUSE. CO., PA" vENDAL-cRE ~,,114 4',"'n... ix, wirLEAR a thi„,eli .4 / A rhaying purchased • and re-fit" • 3 *-. w i l i be cr' b e d aod I.e"f"rn.`ll7ertain Board' ' trt,4l7ll‘4oo*Tedo:--ell i' ' .i°,4o:iiielir?g Ptli 1 . 4 - li iE' done .0,- it t 11.tatt;' A`:',`7Pa iverything ,nft. • it .•..111,6iiedo 14)v', 1X" 4 A. , INV 1 tird'ii at Patronage. :: Lnine, out. -t„, Attielk .4d old "latca-acting" P o NG " 1.1 3547 10;104, Itatitt'/" . ~ :. - ftr mi t iry 2; isle. r - : -. 1 i, 04 ; 1 i ; wk. 0, -1,- Num , -IuIoOLARTATioNt . . . . thei: . •l'liity. Robert., G. - '3 , lliitc• ivrosident Jud•ge,,.Uhd thc• :1:101m. J: - bar• 441.; a:fid bni!y - _A if the qenciai belivf;ry; Quarter , f - ?'n'ssiiani"of rettO, Or ! jihans'• Cottt.d.arod Court of. Connnsin PI cas• . 'for, iot'a ring dale hrdy, tvendy.'stxth 'of d•utii.. • in , • •cif .ourel.;odd.one sixty-1140a; 'and :d o:me ireCte(l, • fof: holding id:Court of Oyf:r• and. , 01 phans' Court, -and (~,art of Conlinon'.Plfa s :,c,••iti the BotOugh ,of . 'Smut 'Alord4,y,. the 25111. (toy. of ..be, l 'ocuibp'r amide; continue title week. • • '• 'Ntitiiiie'igthere'fore hereby I,oyen. to.ifte• Coro nors,Thdti9tice's'..of flue .Pence. ;ma • Co • Ostiibleo iv hut the 'c minty: tha f• they lin then and. then; in ilo>it. .propc . r , pet'sons. ,at ' t);o• . 'idoek hi of said 1.14.,. with their rolls; I:i4olr4s . ; : iiiittisit rnihat 11 . 0 her yeinernbt•uti!,..es;.'dorip tdise•fhittr,,4 whicio heir offices al-quirt tb be, Anne— A.rot are bhunktiy osnizaurM'n t[ prisonois that arc'oi• shall-her in the jail of said county of 141' . 1cegO, ato to he then -finil:dlicre pro'Secute. against thc in. • 11 . S , 1%* * i l ,i);. S't . • . • .. • • . , hated at Silo)? this 10th day 'of . .Oct. 'l.-963,• amid lie• „E•;filli year of the Indepo•rid eoca. Of the 'Uniteif*Kta res . of Auel.fra. • ' - B AIR,. ~5../witr. • . . o.' S J3* 0. R....N.7-,:.S .. 'CI% 1 1 ,8 it . :'.."l . E D..-1) it EPAII ED JAVA COFFE SOPEftiOR.:TO.kiiTINTHE'MARKEI .• . 1k is Used by first elasy; every . Svhere; ntr.highiy f1{4*()911' . 61 II rlye• pe'plie.persons,bei6i4-very • niitriliotil nri::frei; from all itiletei 40)4 subitanceg, i 8 teitirriohy (if .tirl : kich I have eettifleate,e.(roin thiP trinet. erni• 6fllt anti:Chernistii in thiti Cabuiry. y it,ctud.you rill he to-contifiue its use iti pl , ferertra '• • . . Sold'at. reCtiil rot - . l'w . eiley.-Five"Pen • to per Grocers throughout the Ue'iteii Ritatel.. • • • tlieeditnt to the trtd• Put op.only by. LEWIS A. OSBURN, Drpot,qlo . Wip . ren 11;New Yoi.k LYON'S SEWING MACHINES. The4e Machines:make the loek. • stite.h on both Fides; asbl uSe les,s than half -the thread and:silk that the single :or ,cfritibl,:! , , fin en c l..l6op atiteh.•larlbies• . thu will liemn,.Felly * Gather,: Cord, firabl, * Died. kr:;aii are better adapted thanany,.ethiq Seyripg . Maehiries in .e use Id-. th frequent changes arid grea . t . variety 'sewing rerplited" femily'; far se'w' from one to twenty:tliidtilesses n . fllferseilles withriut. stoppirg, arid make every stitch perfee . t, Or from the hive t genii' to the heaviesrbesver eloth;nr. eYeM the' siout,,t 'harness'. leather;' without cluing - pig tension,.or;.makine any aajipmen,tof whatever LI I . .'•They are in rapstruction;abd easily utate:st,lo,l;. dart is broker! by Reel- . tiept; it is. readily reUlecell. . . are , pe.'aliarfarts,'itr voll.eo,•furthr. .to determine the thrice of apy iriti llivent buy- . Sr, • . . . - PLERRS Caw. a , ..;;n Ere s .aties ) OR einem FOR CIR - CU I',A . R. • . . . • ~N: li. .L n eal A . nents wanted in eectiona not yet ocenph d, ' Addreaa,. . . . . • . TINKLE & LYON S. M. CO,, Ni;, 583 BROADNVAL NEW YORK, 'AIVIERiCAN • • A. TiMaxiii;ti-imirio, 1t.P.f..1 A 13L. MoI.PRA C -TN AT, • Jou rhal , devoted- In the ilifierent • de .pailtneffts •of •aoll eidttire; a%-growhia,Pfeld Crops . Garden Fruits;' Garden •Vegelatile• rind Viewers; „Plants;: and. Finmi l ir4 for . 'the Lawn Yard;. care alio-. .riaestiec.i. to . tzc • . Labors: It:Ws:also • .. • interesting.and inst tive •depa rtfnent: for chiiiren and- }Moth. A ft;11 Caldnitar ol 'Operations. every month: .".Feree In Four Hundred, or 'sore,- ilfnitrative Enaraviogs appear' in Ofich - yolume.. • fiver • Tiv'elve " 'plain,' practical . ; in structive•artieles and,uselui items, are given every year.. . • . • :• . • 1'ia:1•111tors and Cnntributora are till prac tical Writ . liing• Men, • • . The frrrthirt, .iof the Anuictillitisa. are con gaed to - no State or 7'crito'ry,-batd are adoperto the.uhtatS all stetson,ofthe..conatrp---it.i.v., ifs noose iqicates r for thetohole AMP:RICAN CON . GERMAN EDITION - Is noblishe'cl, of Abe same' 'size and price as the Enghsli,..and tainimi,•ajl of its reading matter, and ita nuine roos illustrative engotrinits.• • . " ~• TEAMS—INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE.. ...1. One cops, one ) . .Cal) $1 .0 . 0 nne'yenr• • • • ; 5 00 . Teti or more copies .one year . 80 cents each. [C;7":A.tici . t the t above , Ites Posta g e C.tinada'.6 cents, to ,Engtand anditrance, 31 eents ; to Germaily,:36 cents. :Postage anywhere' In the United States and 'Territories mu . st: be paid by the ,subscriber', and is eiutts a.year, it' paid: in advance thcoilice where received. . • . 111 business iind other eptnrptmicalions should addressed to . the Editor and'Proprielto, ORANGE JODD;ll.l"...irk-Row,.N.. V. Cit TO NITYOUSAFFEIIERS . OF BOTISEES,. ''.A .REVERInTi) GV:NTIIPLILN kAYING been restored to he . alti in a lew:dnys,..a (ter un dergoing,all the usual routine and irregular pensive .moles of , Crestnnerit; without'soccess, considers it' his sacred dU,t,y to cornnounjcate.to, hie, afflicted' felloiv creatures thestEsN4 oe CURE Mirice, on the'ieceiit of an addiessed,ehvelope; Send "free aopk. the prescription used. -.. - Direct , to-Dr..JOHN DAGNALL; 1118 Felton ttretit; Brooklyn, N. Y. ' . *. • UNIVERSAL ,CLOTHES: WRINGER. No, •1, Large Family Wringer,. • $10;O0 No. 2, Medium- " 7 ,P° • • " • • 2 6,00 No. 3, $m;111. • ?. Litrge . 11,00 No. ]B, Meilium:Luuntlik3 to rumtteam 18;0 . 0 No: 2:2, , Largo -• , or Band• f 30;00 ;foil 3 lia . vo tic) .-Cog,gs. - •• A .others are .warranted. • . . . •ISrol3 is the size generally. used.. in private fuinilii t•., . Ornage Judd of •the American Agriculturist 'UNIVERSAL CIATRES WRINGER A child eati.readity' . wring out . of clothes inn fner minutes. CL O ril Es. SAYER!. TIME SAVER! and a STRENGTH Thn . navink of garmenti wildidone pay a" largo pe - ccentage on :km cost: We think tbe.maehtnelmii6ll more than PAYS FOR ITSELF EYERY,YEAR. in the saving of garments! . TherOsre meveral.kintis - ,-nearl generadconOtruetionc but-we consider' it importatit that - the wringer be.fitted - with Cogs, otherwise a thami.of , iarments may-clog the roll urn, and the rnliersdifinM; the .6rank „MIMI slip in,l'te.ir the eluthes, - or. the rubber break. Mose triun the . Ohalt. Our-own ia. nne ol'.ibe first. Make, and ds on good no new afternearty.FOUß YEARS' C.ONSTANT-HSE.",,- • Every . *ringer , with Cog .Wheils *is Warraated in every Particular. •. • . ;.. NO WRINGER CAN BE. DURABDE.',WITH 013,T COG-Wl-11;;EL3 A. z'orl b A N'if i SEs wanted in eery lnwn Q 7 On "Receipt •of the' price from placee }them.. no:One is srlling,.we will ~im,'il the Wring= For p - drtivolars and circolays - addres,i; • . 11, - C. BROWNlNG,.3.l.7'l3roadway THE MODEL SEWING MACHINE THE CHEAPEST IN:THEWORD . ! . I . 3ecatis.e'..the P.ost-1.. Greatly TILE .lifgED. SEWING, 1-11,11INE, COMPANY, . 6: 0 G Broad*a - v,.. Mantanctare the rhos't.perfeer Machine for eew ing,,-c!1 all kinds,'ever:piesented to .the c.hatenge eornpattson srith..any- Sewing Machine matte in the United, States. • . , Tke Weed .11achines, 111.-theit'valua— • a lilt , ' iniprnveineuts r entirely overcome all im— perfactixna. are . .RUPARIOR TO ALL OTHERS -FOR .D.l - 11-runict.ri,n,ril- . N.n:•.p.0 . 13 6 15 Simple-in construction,itiirsble in alttheir pal ta Understood. Titsy have Quit., tainty'ot,stitch op ill kinds.of fabrics, and . arc ad'apted to a yvide.range of wort* without change or adititrnewt,. :Using. all ktrisis Hein, Fell, Bind,. gainer; Braid; .7r,,r,f, Quilt, Gard, etmt•iii fact ?aill:kind's of work qiiired by ,Families or- Mandtac.turera. They rfitike.th'elN'iltlßLOCK • SHUTTLE STITCH, which Canncd.beexcelled fgr'firrnneFs,. elaetici• ty, durabilirrand ele'w,alle'i'tif They Have Received tho Highest Premium.! . • in' every instance,. where they'haiie heen.exhib• iteit in.cOinpiititlan with 'otlicr.standaid .1114- chintia. • We'invite • all persans Seareh;Of an instrument to .cxecute any_ kind•of.Sewing now done . .by Machinery, to: . inspeet them; arid make pyurSilinbrit, by• prov Mg the WEED befule.bebire purchasing. The Company being AIRY licensed, the I%la - chines a're... protected. igs last inriine,Sments'Cirditigation... • . 'll - 7" PERSONS AT. A DISTANCE „can or-. lee. by inail with : perfect' confidence that the ...MACHINE will reach them safely, 'and, that they .. .will:be able to manage it to .their' entire satishiction, with no other aid than't he printed hist iuctions accorimatlyitig . eaCh Maebille• . -. acriptive.CircularS; together with Specimens . . of will be' furnishett . to all .wha desire them by . mail or other - wise. .10^. RE LI ABLE- AGENTS 'WANTED,-in nil ,in the United Ste teS, Canadas, Rritish' . .provinces, Cuba, - Mexico, Central South •A ineidea, West India Islands and the Ba hama Islands, to whom we pike GREAT IN—, DUCEMENTS, EtiPlgetic.".men- will find it paying business, as reliable'.Scwing: _Machine's. liave become 4 necessity in every family. We • manufacture a great variety of styles, froM which we give a tew• prices';.—,No., $OO ; No. 2; Extra, $6O t. No. Half Casa, $6O apd.s7s ;'No. 3 & 4, Manufacturing, $7O, and. . Wood Sowing Machine Co., 506.Bioadviay N. Y (Box 2,241 Poi .01nee.) HOW LOST ! HOW.,RE'TORED!! . . Just Pu l fished,in a Sealed. Envelope. Price Six Centr A LECTURE ON THE NATURE, TREATMENT,.ANd Radical Cure of Speriiiatorrhoit, WeaknPri; Emliainna. Sexualliebilty, alai Impedimenta lir Marriage generaIIy.',NOII.ViIIIRTIOSS, ConsuloVUon. lepsy anal Vita; lfentuLand Physical lneagueitk,.reault • •ing from &e. —By J, Autlior of the Green Book'. &e. 'The world-renowned In thin admirable Lecture cleatlY'rroYen'froin hik own friperience ; that the awful .consequolices of Self-abuse May bu'elrectually removed. without medicine, and without dittufeintis stir:ties! ipeia hOugieti, instruments, flap, or cordials, pointing mil nielity of curd at unce certain hod "efreetual, by which- every Aufflrer, Po matter what his condition. may tie, may cureliiinselF cheaply, privately. and radically. This lecture will prove it boon to thousands nod thou.. . . . . ~ . Sent under gent, In a plain enYelope.ln any rtddrFns, on rieeint of Kix COntl,i or two priNtagn Atanif4.1. , 11014 , 3154 log, . "... pr,CIIAH. T. 0..1(111\11; -. . . 127 Borreri, New York, Post Oflloollo*, aptic Fob. IG, 'ed. ly. • . . • • . BYRON - tl. HAILIN ATTORNEY AT LAW, Smetliont M'Kean 'County, Pa., .Agent for Mailers. Keating & Co's Lando. Attondi oapeoially to the Colleetfon of Ulainu; Examination of Land Titlec. Payment of Taxes, and all hotiatio r -IMg to Real Rotate 0M to Hamlin Moak, • . WESTWAFROVLD:PINP ANTI-FittEZING, DOUBLg-ACTING• FORCING. AND LIFTING. . . . . .:These Pumps 11,ave_novi , ,lreen'in,genrial, use. numbsa . of yeas,.sog. give..:l3efter. sat hioetiou t.hauaUy - n other,uil.are.reoturaeu4ed us.: ' . . . . . • •• • ::T Il r.. 1, • ~--:8- . 'E S T•! .. . - -- .. . . .. , ~. . liylCapt Eiricson, and Miler eminent Engineers., ‘Yo'-rian refer to thousands using them,- mid guarantee that. all will recommend their!: They, are .more simple' iiiconsiriMtion, and . Work ea si di, .4nd cost less than all atlisils. • '.. - •••• :renders ‘will fudl.tne . im moved 'Putd.p .o(Y. & Co„ ode,.of- the beat the Market; It - in serf eit'uple; works to a efiarm, so that . any . ehild . .mAY•frsif - thr,)vve. iteady eon-UM:on:4 stream, anti dnes:nol:itep;e in the coldest ezpokttres, aril is niat.milly cheap; t:hii.irnnwingly i .etuf . gtve . tim twit' trto ny of dui'Mrtt accord; witflutit.. the- kupwleiltte• or request of the.prilirjeters."—X., o.lt, asp. • • • • This may . ..certify that .1: ha.vo been; nsitigt . , et my mapuivetoty, for the lasi . (oar y.cars, , Wesi'a Improved Pumps.' • 1 now way. in uSe . tht on pi said pumps, one of which ig kept.. voristahtty at 24,.hotirs each day ('except•Suodays) and pronounce,thvi,•unhesitetittily, the to.t . pumps that have i'een brought - to my notice, having used, manY•others previously.. They . :a3 eim phisiri their conittseiion,.intl not easily disar- , . . ranged. JAKENIA. WEE!' • New York, Oct. 40,..1859. . . . . . . T 3, .71[117 & t;ci. aft, ple.aserll'o stale . that the -P4rrips' hallo( you, about a'year ago hare, been in cohatant tts.e,.l . traurs• each day,' and raise for the tee o ur IYonlett ..F.oetbry, 'elteut 130 gillonslier They work with btit, little pirivr, compared a.ith putnis . ore: have toed•before,.and do not get out, of repair, and are,aatisf,rctory in 'allrceyects'. Your=, itliorrriruarrwtoittrafiti.. SoLo . :1 Roiirfs'on to'the A{rmein Cli .3% . 0. 23 tt.N o larroer.who oarn3 a will or ei , tern 'can without an icon pain f).• It should be at rhea a anntioir atirtfnite .perfect little fire et)f.loq---- , th . h a One 'We;tit'almtirove'd Pump'',' I hpritia pump bet rune r happen to it'Ootttr it to, be •very eirriph ~ i'lltrable, • powerfiii any eheapi;aoil it tfon't•trerize nor' art not of order once a yiiar: I lircod this, arid thinli I —may ba doing, the ,gbol. by /leaking of it. -A boy 10...y6ars 01a. ran -work. it, anti throw'" rontintioOa 11-quarter atream, • It can be,matia to,.work in eicep wells as well iii as in shafilow,one.:;'? From Ole New York Olvf{rver We ha•e..had 'in use for months.past,'one.=of West's, Pumps; which hem giv s en us more. sa tkL: friction sforce and' lifting pump than any ve.e .hsve.ever used. Ir is'nne of ,grerrt poiver,.and well idapted for ship's deCks,.mihes, factbries, green houses, gtsperies, Asc. I't e.lliring Chronicle and rail3vey Journal s says:.' . . . . . . It is recommended.for its extreme simplicity of construction, greet Strength; -soil . . rmiergitent' rluirtb,ility rind cheopnesvot repair: .Thrre ie nn 'stuffing hoz—, the pressu r e heidg' held by rap paulcing; like : ibot .the' WOrkint working in 11 cylinfter , fr.tetl - .'for the pOr'poS:, withinthe•upperair chamber—wiliich think greet improvement, as stufliing is 'so liifhle . to tie ilerahgeil; and leak under strong pre'smre, to say•nothinir of the loss 'by friction • intrileot thereto. It. has t'wo - air chambers; time the' action of the valve is cnehicinerl upon botb aides' by';air- r •pre.venting wate'r..hainMer, am] vactim"thurrtp... Thevalves arc veryaccessible, knd simply andcheaplYrepaired, :,They..•work :umeh , easier Than any pump,we•have ever.steet the inch cylinder, being Workti.lby children in. ,wells 100 feet deep,%anil they e . ay „estriirnelY 'cheap oe simple•aml . .otrong, we iteely t r ecomnie . rid. them:: Gt. Nvek•L. 1., 1860 1 have used titts, pump for one s'ifrntner, and. wihter, ex.pos;e'd, to. the North. West Wind. cont— in„ over Long reland'snunO, being 1.. e. coldest po , sible eztiostire,. tiMl.S(rm 'time 'dii' it' freeze, nor were we unable at any tine to pompWtiter with greatease.. ': .1-I.:B...Mpli,vAtti. •, The midersign.!,•lineintr . to use • •Trn •piiVed Pumps, cheerfully reeotnmend them an aimjile, 'thwabla .and powerful : in raising and throwing water, and for their ..eaa of action., - fl , ecurity'agiiin6t (rost,:and IoW , piiee, we lieve theni sn'perioil to all others. . ti KNLEI.;A:p), 7.11Ct:110(el, New York J. I ,V. •I'o•3l . T.:Hoi, Yonkers, N, " JNO. • . DONINICK LAICHti.NCE; .NVy3felle.lter. „ • ..Ci'imbridge. N. 15, 1963' 1). W qa. • Gents—The. ptippwhich 1 order e d. or-our Mine is:received and Ink- to work' in nor.under: laribaft; which We ite..6inking. 'We find that. one mar: will with ease - lift 3o uallona per : win.. eta.: We. lifted.ihrhree ; and a intlihintre . .all the Water iti - ihe.shaft, .which •Incasures. artven by' tivettie feet•and 31) feet deep, and it was. full Wherr we commenced.. It answers•oUr expecta tions in arery respect, and nitr wctrlrm'en• are pletiscd with. It will, do •great . acts- . vice with but .trifling, expense for repairs. • ~ ' Yours, respectfully,, • • • ; . Rtvta trio ms We hero plopy more such enitificliites think these arc enough. . For Pumps, Pipe &c., address ,at call upon .•I. D, West &-Co,, 179, 31roadwayi N. Y THE MAGIC TIME OBBESVER• ; Tho Perfection of Moohaniem: 817, ING fIuNTIN> AND 01..rN FACE,Ort Le :DY's oa GiiNTLEII.AN'S WATCII.CQ.mniNED. Ont•of ,the prettiest; most convenient, and decidedly, the best and cheapest timepiece for general and reliable use, Aver ;offered.. 1t he within it and ,cimneeted %Orli ite,Machinery,its ownWinding'attactiment, renderingli•keY ear. tirely unnecessary. The cases of this Wafeb . are coMposed of two'• metals,' the outer ,one beirigline 16 carat : ' gold, ...It hen the'Ain prcived ruby action leYer movement, and is warranted an accnrate•timepiece. Trice, Omer , bly enera•ved, per'case'd 4. half dozen, $204: .00. SimplelVatc'hes, in' neat moraccosboxeS; (or [base proposing to - tiny at WhOlesale, $3:3, s e nt by express, with bill payahle'on'dclivery, Col- diers.mnst remit paYment advance, ae we cannot collect from those in' the A - rtny; Ad- HUBBARD'BROS, Co., Sor.F: Imrowrzits ) Co,. Rm.**, k JOLIN ST!, Nrw•Yolle. _A:I 7- 11]R'S $74.ir.5,.4p.4 : r111:4 • . . • . • .VO.B. BURIFYINGI.I.I.r. BLOOD. • :Ahd.'fur the rpeady , cmo tho•fiilliming. complaints: finstortila nnil Si•rtiftiloris'Aireatirmsosuch • 'as .'l' 1111 l ors. 1.71r . e.r5, lirtiptions y l'llityars,• Pt. It tilts itloleilts , ,-..111.9 . i18, I.3laiiis, unit 4111. trill, ii. , l.)lseu:kos - .; • . • " 2.; - • Y . .' . Osut.iim,•ll,;td.h..lttne; 1859. ' d. C.• Arra &. Co.. q6.1 . ,1.3:. 1,.01 it my duty. to as. •ItiurAludgo .what your ,: , itt , /111,ilia _fins' 110110 1111' 11111. I 1.111 111.4 1 . 111141i11:11 a14e . 1,/fllti.ll, 1111111.1.41, T hive swiend icom. it in I,arions ways f0r'500r.f...• . 111,1112.111Wil huret Silt, 01 . t;16.11,1 OW 111 V Lang.. Orrin .11,1110; . tionlid.inh,s it t urukql: hovurd • and tue, tlit; l':wr IJ6litt out ou'inv•hilul tuul co?otetl my Si•;Ilp and earEl v,ll;,lnAlucul..Bl4,l.hiatlmotike 1 hits) Many modkines andmsr,rai phymtruitio, but wilhoia much Colior h,,m•iwy olus. thu .111101,1. r g tow Vol V t4iiMA in. tho l'iosipA s,t,iger int alto :al (~, a rYstyal I.•r I nub.; hdiu,)our.-toputa- Ito!' fish: :My iliiug yon 11111411 . 1111 i, 1.410 1,1.1... L, 1 m)11 1 . 10. Vlllll,ll :illll pt, A it' urud lute. '1 '1 , .111 it, tn y01:1 . 1115'1.4 , , lu niiu , ll . ,l,Vietr•ol-‘t "yen. ukutit. 11111,,p0e,) alut,,,t,ihrett buttldw.' healthy 1.0,11 1.4%111' 111 TOI 111 . 1f11111t hLr illab, 11 :Alit D., w'liile 1;11 off. 31y...kin in crib char, and I feel,ioF; H u tt the You 'call tli.tt 1 L.. 1 11 bat 1 nut na, tog wht,,i I tell' you, Nod I hold 'yOu fo.Lu'ouu.of :ty;mtlt.s of the uge, sud irumiu Lout . . • : ' . •• ,:).1,.1 , R 1111 1.1. 'I.':II.LEY. .Alt• 'A riiiliciiriykgi.Vird; Itose'or•EryF,ilvelai, 'Vrt ter ulitti lietlt. Itlie lila'. SI:n.11/, iteaci, 'll.i?tel'ivtirsma', Sure Eyeu,..l.),rOpi;y. •-. .. i",4.1. , 1,3 *lite:: (ram Salem; ls 1:„ V2ltt 1h1.9.. that ,unied an Inholerata:caae Mo/n.Y. Nislath 'threatened' to,ternilliate, fatally, by tha Inn 44 , : yer . lng ileN 0(4'1117 Nlrtlititilkilli',..llllll al-an tl.wurroiiO. Ma/ignant . P.:lll,lreLlg F11:110; days , 1!,1111.111111: Erl/141 . 1 'Brorlichuerlvi,Gotire o Swei.l6(l iftek.. Zeiruilon Sloan of l't,la:t,jrckan,'lvrites: " Tbruo 64, pan' Nnrsuipuitihic cored a Gei.'re lad vows sweillne an the' nuek which..! h;d hollered heal oirr two )r;:05." . . Lelactiri.4nro (kittrinix Tum or s ' Ulefiratimi„.l o .liiikrAle Pr. J. 11.. 8: Chant'tug. ur - New l'brk 'City. stritutl nieotslwerfully.y.atly-with,lbe rerfuut,it.of your noel ruling I holm.Cum.! your Sarrapuritln'n most t , :ic.ullenty ttli,ei attire bit the 11111111101111, rf IIIIIUuIIIA foesitiolt .M . ll cuipiey;stielt n uunedt, hut, ettperktly iu . /tqUtle 1)11.7,i5a or au 1i.c.,61111.015 ditttlowiu. linve cuml coldly iurclor-' htt rrora of I.y ft. tout botpu-Ittreee the com pliant traA rant.U.l by ttlr.:o/6 no( thu uh..,-115; The Alcor hut (yid fmw .1011 Olin d, liuthi rig lull hi n• my equals Ibiur those teuntlWiletailvotuuntu.u... • EdA'artl . t:'• M 2 iiiPW , of .N , ..!5v1.11r.y, A In.,..Art Res . ..! A Inn. rollllOrlilita (UMW, it oue'of tho fruulla,,lu•my 41)lehloid defied'dll tlm it.u.w4lit.i.svu,o;il,l employ, tins 'romplt.t, cured I,y your Extritet of'Stir r Our 1.11.,51,1au tlu.uglO but iLm eoul.l nifrA -, 11(.15 , f, I:uf trial of your, t 41111 1 ,1.11 11.1•1,1t8 (14, talt..ll`.l . t -t:oft`l ' o rvttit. . aijit It I ahluz, y,.ur rout,ly nu syulli,nl of th,011.1,1,1, ;I itiniot!." ' 311'nenae:, -.•rllW .IHti,riNw. - '27:t . 12. A ligust..l,P:. ' Arrdi t F.ir, I chore fithyv,llll rn ninont. ifthint. and I omii to ithuna .- fd "1 La r y renltrod with yam Nlrapoi;ilu. carpi aitil it. in Toy n, l. tiro; mart of Via o•mi. 'l3than 0 lad. if f.. triiontitoilikl• raid ei funnel' s offinifA truly , iootidurnal i in on, of 1,,. 116 . h id In Wit tliront, vilitt a ant the thn thnina, rad imjaiiiit lah ii, C 1111.3 ' A . 11••[1:1:1 . hh.! lat,i,•4 by Ft:. 11.11lb.b.hlh .llbl ihqq, arid, ralh,n 101 055' II away n ibhlt I th`:Stra,./ Ilot . v.!i thindis lin and tali than: 'to my mithinimildion of '3OOO ;Ili nit; 01111 A: tie lie in wo!l again. - 1;4 fw,..- . 61.60.030, tin hi, I.l(th had 'burn trualed for rite. 151.1., !,:f11 . ,.4 from tills Lor '140.r Lad Nicola, 0,, 4n , dlfre t , Vrallwr that, oa a nlatini . day pain in la ;sonar; and bourn. cbu, tooi„nail cure„ 'your it nano itla in a tow , Arnki, 7 ,know room lit tioustan, , A t en'vnur amiut port , file; flint this Po trial to, a ktont, fthion ti Lily lethal kufic 'orsulti with it La , m' not nth pt irint tole. ' • , , I'rgb:ruiilly yew t, 'O, V. T,A It Di nit, 'Liver Complaint. • ' 1N1414.:41‘.1N , E; P 11, 1 ,11 Co:, Va . .. nth Jidv, • Da, .I.`C.ihina: Ftr,l Wtry beast afilleted Nriln a pain. figlnthii , th Shriirnqt.ln for a long limo, n111 . 30..110;1 ilia Edwin f ;iris,,., and t it, to In te alf, the rethadion 1 radii 3. find, until I tiled Eamitintrill{4 'Ono. bilitbl rtur d tap 111 rentormi my ginteral no unirfi thai 1 tom fii.o InittOr than' lionoo.l sods attaoliod i I think It a amulet 101 onedicina; 3. 1111:d..5 . 1. 3nlon V. i3rtoilic , ll. of lit. thmin, writoit: "I Intro nova 'tort to; yr.ni an ":?!..1,01 Crial,tl m•noi - o,•it any health. I trird e mry thing, alai .svory.iffirg -1:e, e The 'and f bare ii.;en a liroimiiol , o i n than Foinn 011, canoe Mats, hL IArCI. "My tadoi.l ;Ann „N , I 1:: pt', , I%llli.re. 110 7 - hint tan 1.12 PW you, end aoy Flail 3.: you mod° alt 174,1 I b 1:y111g, I:y the {dogn i,, it thin ciao] suit art,'Littlke.a - ;lem 'man 1 ri 'lll6 . thi,t Call lin ',mid in not half g co • • tioarru4.(•Knes-r ton Ora U.lcc'rat thJA, (~ 4 1x/s0 •and. ,11.x.1'ollotion 'of. that , .07 . Agr iy LuvuLf. , ; ln 'r,iu)rt to ns u here rur,,,,;,f Ou . f re3utted trout u, of thi6 rol.o.ly.:l:ut , 111 r Ilt•lestill Ilot 11 , 11111 t 11,10. I ulc rit 41. m.umc our A I liiNtiw, aLb 4 t so A' ca tued 2ause , 4 to .finumb el.!! , .I)ymitrilsin.,livetrt. 'lt i• 11 Re'. t ?I,my ;1,0 t•••• ituado icy tbn *ll.•Eiti.,c : CqN.-r ri,, no. It .lAt.l On Ohm .co - c-1,111,1 di, 1,1.1 t 0 1,t5,,t01. its 4 11.4P0 , 1:t. ~.,1 rr 1001111,1 ruMlilf Y: ~f lVAolit that thii ;II CIO for tbetu' , i.'.! O:At - •. •• Ayer's C,,iie3:Ty Pectoral, . . . Co ri RIO , f C:o141s, Ilithlriv...n, II im rx,erie . s.l,, .. . Crony. ..1:1•cual 1-0(:,; I 4:1•I'p i , int. •CiM.- alsm p i Lon . , nit ci ~'s),.• lit, - /Cel 10" . of I'4l'o ”t 1:•i tot 11 't .3 , t! i I:e . ie to .. . . • . . ..• ' 1: - .a nel vn ned il f , tufica. . . , . i::: , the 14:kt0.c.. . ~r,;telt to !atrium, Any ethar I r t!o cute i,f Ilttaot 31111 1.111,.e ”11;411,0h, that it in ‘,4f ths 11 . -.116 tit Ater. Its 'MO eret:ea,t rer 614:11,, Itrd t unit-Its truly arturdet rt..l .e M:l2, of tail mtivary ;diet atit, Ito a 'made it katti , n - tt.rrialtttt the oivilueel' of tjit, edrtb. P. et au. the e•ittutetto,e, Inc tql tht . ll.l torte et,tnedttlitg It ottitY. intle.tr .mlatt :d: Ur:Timely wive tho riot i:,vlTi.:•.l , ltti - iti•oi.!,i. of the tlir e tti Itintra• t.; and at. (hoe Lm 'N.,' tiro, tttoa.r , t':rttt td tliin. it nveti trot m I. :0-111r 119-1 . ,•1 h,ll 11,W till line ir• t lett It lett e •IS!) ,. 1) . 1113 1, i1112: 111Yle 1,7.1 M-+ 111,11 the c.,111111,1i',/, ki,:and by :Dr. J. O.AYER CO., tea wO,l, 'Aram: CONFESSIONS. AN) EXITRIENcE 01; 4 . A-.NERTOUS YOUNG dished ns a wnining, iinit • fordlieespeelnl - benefit of piling men, and . those .who sOrer• with Nrit- VOI!!‘ Losi;,o? &e:,Ri.e,; by one who cured elf, by suriple'menns, after being reit to great -expense and inennyienienee.,-through.the: use of AvOridiless - rriedieineSPreeribed by !rimmed Doe •tors. tiiiinglecopies - may e had (free) . * of the author, C. A.'LAMI3I:ILT,'ESq., Omenroint Long Island, enclosing an addres , mil envelope.— Ad.: dress CIIALLES A. LAMBERl',.Gliali:Nroinvr, Lexpisi.Ana; New York, .• : KOLOCK'S DANDELION COFFEE. . •preparntion. mole from the hest 'Jaya Niter: is ~/ei. i rlinieniteel by physicians ns n EirperirrrN UT 11 . 111011.5 DEV Ell Ali II for Debility; Dysmipsiil, 'l' boos:mils n hn hare bred eoMPellerl ihhhatirion the 'list.of initThe n ill IF, Ihis without ',Thug ions i•lfict4: 'Dim can ebni sins the strength of twopouinls cif ordinarx eniren: . . ' • ' KOI..LOCK'S LEVAIN, • • 'The nu refit and , hest Pp lit NG POWDER known, to.i makir; ii4ht , sweet and. nntritionEelarend and nukes. -7. I,rieo lu cents.' ' • • • • I'ITANIFACT('RED TIY • • AT. 11. KOLLOCK, Chr.mis't, • C{lrner,of,lrond a nd-Ni egtnut Streets, ' And sold by nll Drnig.iiio and, Grocers: Tram:4•l , ..• BOURN-EAST. . CORNER iii AIN 'STREET `»rieUirort; ;l'a DR. L. R. VVISNER, P by gielan and Surgeon, Smothpoii, Pa., will attend to'al professlonal'efilln withoromptnenn. Office two•cluore north of the Denim:rut Office. ' • . ' Office of JAY 000.1 it, , • ' Wilson rilori A GtN JAY COOKE CO. tankers 11,4 Otriii xltritn i3TI!.E.E,r; 1,..1 362.: The undersigned iniving. : been eppnmeed SUILS6II:IPTION: AGENT by - lhesSecretaryof the Treesufy, je.fie}p prepared-to futitii,i)",• at. • icew .T . .csieray ,Year.6 . :pet. ot. Edna:- , o f ..fheytiAlitO.Stato;• . desitnatee as.'cfrivrt 11,,venti.oi" redeemable'at the: piktaure of 1 1, Government-, atter' five 'yeurs,:nnd afit6ritO. by Act oL CongiG,ss, unproved Feb,'2s, The 'COUPON :.BONDS areissued in sums ot $5O, $1 . 8 . 0 3 $5OO, $1000.... ,!.. • • The AFIGISTEft .BONDS - . in gums O( $50,. $100; $;00,'5100(,. a n d $5OOO. .• . . interes.t •at six. per cent... per: anuum eMninencefromAa'te.p . f rpurc . .liase, ... • - :PAY:M . 3I . E IN' GOLD, Senn i-A mival ly,, VThich. is. equal; .at .thelfrestnl: prpminm to' about EIGEITP.R.CNT , . . . " Fe - rrner4 - ,Me.) . c.ialits,j‘ffehapits - -,,Copitalists,; and all:whe hove . any nione.y . ,to - • invest, shoal know nail reme . mherl.thot. - thege Bonds are, in. FIRST.SIORTG.Ada„opcio all , Pail - rontls, Canals, taikStOehs.olol . S.eeprities,"arri the immense products of all the:Mon'efacture,— the.e3tintrY: unit that,:the:full at r ample provision node :for. the piiymetit . of tliw intereet and - liqu thithin of pritelpol, by Duties; Ibtqrmil.ftev:. .eriee, - s.ers.!o. theßellon4 tbes • . .11est,•)1. - ust A ail;tbi anti . IVlQsf...Pofular investme.a. Ilarket; Si!i*eriptions received ar:PAßAn'Le. ' 4lTea- Tes'Nores,-orNote's•and cloaks flanks at'par: n'Philuqa.t . phia t SabsalibeybY - - .will ra promptaityntion and eery. faailty.and explanation till be afforded an' application to' .Ainljsupplycl kept hand for irritnediate deliv.e.ry.. • • , ••JAY CGOlCE,Solseription Agent. T.TI ;D. 11 , , s UST 0.1.ZE AT OLEAN - T. STILL TAKES THE LE6 D S. K. CONESTOCIti 17) ;SPF:CTFULLY A:N . NOLINCES' TO HIS. 1 old fi Jen& • Meßean•County;• that.. he on hand this Spi inn; u . .*s .with 02c • LARGEST AIW DES"'''• 'Selected stock of Goods it' (Fe o.leatOlaiket I 9 .IVholesali;:.tasl. .Pavers Would Siy, CiSill prit yo..f liette'r you .tail get v;..e.t of . Nevy York. it ..makes.nn tiirrerenae what want, any thing in the line s! q,ROCEIE;S ¢ PR 0 /IS 0 NS, Call at the OLD , KEYSTONE the . tri.d le fresh rrtu It's 110....12 KEYSTOBE SITRA always has and aiswftys w K,take thalletl, nit .regulate the market itk • • IPrut;i4lons OLD. FRIEN.DS'AND NEW ONES, Don't.fuil to rail gild. see rne!..when you 6 i i•P, Ofpun ,; • • • I shall:riot hurt you;. but,shallcurtainly try •to do yon good.. :. .. :. • • , COYISTOCKS 6-4; .01t?an, 'May 23d, 180 T. ac' 11. T. AntTii()NY,. Mfglufactuiers Photographio.Matorialß, 5 ( 51 . B P. 0 A D Y CARD • PH DTOG_RAPHS. . . . . . Our:Cal:floe:4e nnw..e'mptace considerably. over FOUR THOUSAND diffeeent'subjeCts (to. which aililiiiems are continually being made) . of 7:.! :Major Gelierals, 5'25 Statesmen,. .. .190 liiig. Geriefak, . • lt - 47 Divines, . . 259 Coloneli; • • '4.16' Authors, • : • 81 Liept. Colonels • • 30 A hisls, • • , 206 Other. Officers, • 119 Soge k ; • • 60 Navy 'oolcers. ;16 Prominer!t..Worrten, 147 Prominer . tForeign Port aiYs., 2,500 COPIES O•F WORKS OF ART, [nein(ling reproductions of I s he tr)ost icelebratna ,Eng . raving,g, Paintings Stalues, &c. Oatalogues sent on Tec . dipt.of Stamp. An order . .for. One Drizen PICTURES from mit , Catalogue will' be firied'on.ree . eipt ef • $l.BO, and sent by • mail, •••. PHOTOGRAPHIC ALAUMS. • .01these we manufacture. a great variety, ranging in price frorn,so cents to $.50 each'. Our ALBUMS hase reputation of beiog Superior in beauty and durability to any others. The smaller kinds can be dent safely by mail at a postage of six cents per oz. - S . • • • • 'The more evpensive -can be'eent. by expreks. Stere,copes & Sterecopic Views, Our Catnloin° of these.will be sent to any .address on receipt of Starnp: • T. .1 1 1 , ANT FI ON Yi Manufact , irora or Photographic Materials, ni . BROADWAY, NEWIrOIiK Friends or relatilies ,of, prominent militnry men will Confer a (even by 'gentling us their likenesses to Copy,. They will be kepecareful ly andieturned uninjured. ' . FINE ALBUMS MADE TC ORDER 4or Congregations to present to their Paitor,, or Nr other ' mimes, with.suitable inseriptions,&o.