- vi,i'onforixo4l,_+ l _, .t ., ^n= l, 2..":•__ _____ __,_„. '; , • . ....90 1 'f;,-;• ,, 1.V;:,.'..'1?',. • '• :,•••‘.•.:...• -'' . .l ltilitittl46,ltittivElientotrat.._ 4--„... ; :.•: .....,,,::,-.-, • • --.:-........L._,L..,. ',SaiiirdaY, Doo 2% 4863 Itt - FPII-PUE:IDLNT,II % .I 1864, .11(M At( )•;...SElrililitOUß. Szcartitur.:Actitpc:im.!-- in Sitit early du y r , .thi ! knovrn 'ilelety . atllit .. ...Tionitliti: . :' .:. ; • Tea(!bers ' 'eminent ere nail lariv numbeill . of rttitrints soutthil ; a 4. 'best, intititut,ion get• eilnea . tiriM 'Orlate itoweVer, , :niir, A'ced , •my 81111 its FChocto hair Our: 6Mn , chit ',.ieen - liav - i.been sent abromr to iehool:. A pqrt.*' tirrie grountlti ings love been. tire el ter., ; • , • tire :are phased to .161te 'change taking Once: in; the" epii it:of our.. dremns, And. an aiva; keni'ng.,iri.terot by in'g• no.site . tl !kl 'Fos Oonin bi:yti.estrbtish , ;t l nn Acd«ntie school,;nnd with Nte co operdt .ii"n 'of •On r.ei ina-3,,M11;. no doubt. .to".its aneinnt ernsteil u4l see.that. is - . larking nn Their Ode 11::s,ii;c1;ss." N 1.0 1 .4 .4:; • COAL .17,1ULD..--''.lt. unfortimate" ... , tliat,i4.6iMProyem,ents.:lo,our. coot field s have notsbetin Completed.'.:TlM present price 'and the.f.present µoulil prove ci..fortune Filly controlling a*oUl . rnine'in this bonnty;_with an' outlet . • , • The coal ancl tt rimunerni marke.t eitists; means Of'..transport, only are ' Our .friends 'in northern Part..n( : ' the, count) Iraee made arrangements iha early completion, of Ilia . lfuffalo 'Mid road.. A . large gang . of ' are engaged on 'Ole :uniiirisbuil POMinn,- between the e •ot. 'Bradford and the mines, anditis txpCcti'd the roa4s.',ll.b'e ci)pplvled lot the DIEM Ae to the proFripck' in regard to the speedy the road , fro'm Millgrove to the coal • bedq, we cannot spank .so confideatly. , 7 - P . ublic*.expectation has been so aften'disapoiti - . teti•that it is. aticlictite , subject to approach; %vedre • confitlenti.howiver, that will he built; it, is only a question time. : 4 . 2 . . . . . . . A` lea days since . parties Connected with .the tell firuc~l: CoaVCompany.viaited our county on a ..tour Several - days 'wile •rpent..• in eicarnining "openings," and' , . • . they..lelt favorably impresEed with ourcoal4-7 , eitialitY and quantity. .We.unde . ratand purchases' of mineral landß were aracle'bV them,. ' • AuOurcitizt;naitre unable to btriti a Railroad , On'whieh to transpod, their cba,la to market„ the ni%xt.hest'thiiig . ;.has been . undeitaken—to nolhe'and keep a constant supply' ;for sale; :Mr: pacl:ia has now ii quantity motet , an I prom• itea.theatrMly AA ;equal the ~demand. A &poi, will oleo, beestatilished in Smethport, for the ecotnodatiori.. : .of 'thne :who : prefer 'to buy PRovosT•llNicsitAK.--'-We. understund:C,ol. C • . • 'D±Curtis forPeov•est ~.,Iklorshelforlhi.Cotigreseional.District: • Col, Curt.i . sie.rpiiirittneot veould,•give universal sat isfaction to the peonle'of ~portlon . of, the dist`r.ict.. "Iles aptiojntiki;Ur: be en. net. al "inetice on the .part of•the 'udtninis,tr+ttinn;' he -hoilueitriade large sacrifices :for the party-4 thereearybe.iloihing to eonirilain of 1 . 1•111 f score. • By ell eneans - lef.us have'Col, CurOs'for•Pro.: • . • volt . . • -" 1.04N."-: 9111 y riphty,mill , ions of tf;O..fivd millions. of the. fide 'twenty!' loan rofrioin , . Tiiti DICA PROCRAMAiE.—The Ni'W York Evenine Parr, comnietiting upon thoinst Pres ijeoilll.l,builo" says: , ", • : . , . . . . . ... , , , Not hint,!.. it mirsi he admitted; could be More rosg,naMmotia or lenien( . .towardi : the rebels; thi.y. have put themselves beyond ,the pale Ol the laic b . } , their iiisanity; their propeiiies ar already. ilecl red ennliscaferl;Ubd there ".ti,des are iii,j ,. .oparily; and: if they conttnue cori ticirraciotitt, the wbbl i oita 'qui r - tigion...they . in haVtmitill.be ine,vitably'everrun by. our arhiiei, `I beiC.:firtlifs - laid waste, theireities, and . toyns . deSUlated;' unit' their biimes pin 4 tiPd.'!, •' • : . ' .There, it'is inblack•and CchiteCand riotv ler .. it . . tu•vor be sai,l that the ailveraries•of radical fern' over.estan4ted its essehtial, demonism. I ie the same America . in nineteenth Cents . rjr, aiid will he the seine foiever. SOLDIER .PAY.. Ft has. dawned upon the mind of the must in . telligeet OT.the Republican senators, Mr. Fess ;ender', of Maine, that there nay be a limit to the immense rescourcos and debt . paying power .of the United §tates.. The senator ppP4seillAir. • Wilson's bill to increase the bounty and pay of volunteeri, and did not hesitate to use the or dinary copperhead 'argument , gains wasteful and extravigunt expenditurek; urging that there might be . an end 'even to the almost limitless capacity of endurance of the American peopli‘. Again and again . we.have urged it upon the. ininsistration, and we repeat in now: Abandon your abolition-policy` and you can . call out . al once .lor sa war only tor. the Union and the Con; stittr(ion,..plenty of volunteers. If the war con tinues to be a war for abolition a draft is inevit able, For that, American citizens will not . . It Congress wishea moreover, tolncrease the NI . : the'steddie'r;' let them do . so by increasing the va l ue of the currency. let,therp . rdlegis7 - .., late.as to.force S'eeretary Chase to abandon his •, ttiicidal.paper-money policy and return to spcie to.dayworth . ls2,:millrthen ;',loo,.arid , .green backs;..'to-day worthless _than 66 Coppeueentsi will be worth Chase's. policy cuts off one: force Mr. hand Oti,kiiif tt,Oiks yo'l4ll ft y iler cent, , splarrie present pay .at. dpronied:;firratiCes would, assume needless dollar But ..Snntor foe; ,ari he will doubtless 1-` ):F;.,;xii;:ll;iii.iyiJk,e toot friCough: to • and its uses. •.• ' " ===29 . Major : Gem7r4l Butte! lis‘s toned an order for „. • enrOlment.of;sall citizens, Coloiell•etrri .I,Cet'wee it eighteen end forty bee . 3rOors,nrogein - hisilepartroent.:td‘be pleted innoaty 1, 180, 1 - ff : the War.• •The:lthestiprake' Piracy.: ' • • 4 TheAarinis'rnraey or .which we 'hist •vreek arroontr;:lhe arizare apra It!.. saidtim rile r of 'one her ere w- , -• has . rtinch- . elicriax spiiner than rnitht have hori,.tirr•L: :hap?, ant iririataik 'After ininine. ppai•ra'sion'ol the.vessel the piratea mint? for I hp . pnag ortstpva, Scot 'Were' soon heard:of in -~Su inbro her. fromAlaiifax. The. tionlioat . nali , A rinio. Went &mi . ! lloiton rsiii t iinfkiw..ll her into.tlia I thirlior,,lfird el her Wilinhit 'reiistanro i find hut iiirre'nf ilie pirate orrw.taliing to flight and.riienliinl!tol he wounla: . waa inl ow,' and I,irirti:nant , 4 iNirklea sia‘r,tek hit ill . ' Amerioan'port.The .Dacbtof) . soon rant' IPC, and orr'erril t Halifax', and: sanctinn of ill...net :British turio) . over tiiii , roinmandor of ihe Dormah.". -iiiie.girrrq . rui aad fli%e,racelal of:the't•rss , nrolthethr..ie I'M I etS .t 0 at lialinoc. TJ'innt . : -arilvai:'ol rho , heat rontainine prii-narrs f 4 who'rf Ihe'..firhorn , ra wet:a, inirnedliitely 'by co w' iii trie'sniiii : and rrii , (l 'otr hy. the, rowd in a!trinhirice. . - . . . .., . . . • Upon the govotiorp.rit.offiepra . mnvinl .10 [lr.- rq41.1.1)(1 pri , oo . olg, rn: de r a ''W,i ira nt,. t hry 'We r.• 9 .i7...(1•nnil hp.bl. by 'air . ..prominent citizens ntnl reinkro.l powoilnsi to 'pet lo) rn • tbeil'..l.4llY: • . . Thi' crtis% ; (l finally t•titter!ilQ(l in getting; the pirates ,nfT in a. small :13ont,; : whiat 'lo'i thwith tthweil down the boy:. ••. . ,-, ....„ .- .... •. , . i m it l y ques tio n , e on c eriiing I be,• t Fria t ment , tO . bir rrectirbgl to,: KfsonetS appears to bay, been- t has r.titurnnfity .diaoswi Oft: but.tlr zees of Halifax lw.ve 'made thkrielvei 1/11141.•d• wally conspietrotts• by : their active sympathy' with pirar'y:.' A-repefit folio( the Chesapon,ke chair, 1111 . 5.0p-' . eurren oda smallerfierrfeifi oi pilfre o f ti sefinriner•Joi...t..:Gerety, when left' matamoras :on November I:6;rvi - tb a cargo, of cotton and . six, pa , A..11g . t..: 9111 . ! day Opt he .pass% enfte'rs; attired • *fib re'yolvers, attache/I- the eaptaidand crew„enbflaetl thent for eittifbria)rs; oral then put, them in iin open bout, telling hriin to. find 'the land • rts best they .Niter fevd(laya . •afalnig.lits•iit 'sea they fanibirt rt Surat and . there, obotine•ti'passatte in; Havana., captain states that there ar•e frau pa ll.tea .wait ;int; opporpinit 'ifs like . this; turd Ihey.gre, sure 10 et theta. • . •• , . - -A sperin) . to the - St., Demorrat, dated ,Fort Smith 20th, says: - Ap -attack Ve.l made on .tho outposts.of Fort G'tbsCitt by Statill, waite, tvi th force slit c I l otie I liotydadi • ittx hundred:' lie was repulsed and fall back, tak ink, a part of his force across the•Aikorisus, be tow Fort :Gibsoit,inoyiat„it northeast.: . . . cavelly jest re turned 01M11. sticcessfnl reeonnoissanee• ward: Tliey Wert: withili •fflern miles of the Red river. Findi lit. the - eneiny lied chung9il theie position since advises, they iver.., nn— able proceed InPther, Ttie.ir 1 tern 'was , a constant. skirmish for over . a sttong, boilifsni the eili;iny twins:Tested et all the eiosS ronils to nacres:it them. • , *. '• Thc . iy•eut their Wiiy . throtie.h somep.l,wes, and evaded other hosts by' taking blind: n:oliti• lain passes. Their lose is trifling,. - 'Among the piisorieri tititen in the nntoriotis •flatoly [Aire,. who boosts havilig It illed'over , one hundred Thijon citizens with hie' oWs bands. . .Information wog. r . eeeiiieil Owl( t wo•thit di of Kirby .Sini fnierg were...prepa ring to toe I; l'he',halanee, — aittieitioting that tore.as.wnehl be dritiv . ri awe yr to teip ittree Steele, rite ; to tail tin ;•. A entOtntinientioh of t heChor O w Curtain, sdyi tho..cli6o a trwi!l. rojciht•Coilp• er, de . sitee says . the tribe . .i4 di pried for .. .. . . . - .Our advance..lienKiniirt , iri ni • \VAIOn, fifty. flee nineß•Fon I il, any-they It e'qiierily. pudi na.v . o townril:WeOili”; , ,iin,:ronstently.ann . oyirni Gen: end' Pric'e's left clank..- '•• -• ' •. ••".. :. - II has' been rumored. that the United : S.intii. ;460 boat 'Day.light has been tlesti'oyeil 10; rebels. . She ds r epoit ed .to have'' been en„abed' in running a blockader or WilatitU.Vtia,” and VI : on driy'en in:the'stnrin within.rahge 'Fort' Fh:her, 'a • tehell fintn tbs.. eneiny;:s. gibe exploded; in her' •magazine,. •ehusing • the it uth Oa great port of- her .011ifeis. and !nett The;report is nom:. eontratticteti..• New OrletitiS enrresintnitents send interesting n aro:nuts or he .situation 'of affairs itr General R:ink'ti departnirnt. The'rod; little 11(ilVS thiin Texas. 'Alt nor faicits • hap! •lelt the and . bid gairisan is at Eit • nchear, •••Gi•,n -,earls•BatiltS,,lttal Kirby.Stnith Mill 'yoittiiintt lin exchitage'prishhers, ditSpite 'trouble' ie 'this rnattertat the.gast. — A Inige••fity iseti at New Orleans on th. l lth; thiptia,ving;tiroperty to lie amount of ti'250,090; General -Batiks is not sick; ns the 9th was iaag tWd Toinrnand of uffitirs . . . . . • . '., .The Siege 64Charfeston.. '. AO ntrii , al.arthis por t on. 1. , :i oliky 'last (tom Charleston .inlarMett ti'S.i That a. gale. was'. wash , ing , ave'ity the rehd °list' tretiotis rn 'the hal bpi', and that it : Was t h ought, to . be nearly dear or them.' ;It Was'also said that nor forces proposed to take advantage olth.:4artone accident. •-• Rich mond papers ofthe 19th eontaist'llin—fol low itistlelegrain from.Cliathiston: . . . .. ,, The Ironslites and Thies monii Ors while at tempting'ln••paSs the obstitte I harts became, eo tangleil.• The Itonsides Will 'probably have to be abaltdohed., Two of the- monitors were also toady rtise'bled.?? i• '• • •. • .. ' :. • . . Oa Thursday :night: .fast Stuart's: cavalry Made a.bold raid on the Orange and AlPiandr!U Railroad, .about a mile: and a half beyond '.F.iir faxstationed: Th 6 :rebels, nearly ei . gh.t. Aired sfrong, attacked the guardupon road at'the' paint mentioned, and captureft.one company °Ohs.. One' l 'iluniffed and Fifty-filth; New;York .Regiment., The lotject of . the •nlid was x. , .illerstly,ilie . capttareorthe railroad Irak,. 'from Alexandria loaded with provisions :and TMage for. the , army,' but fortatiately . ir had been detained, end thus escaped, Colonel Drew. hiving in . the meantime reinforced the guard.. • About 3 o'cleckiSuridaY morning a': detach-, men 'of •Moseby's guerrillas. and Stuart's repel v„.• etieelry were: found in the ,neigbborhood of Morgansburi,Tauquier . cntMtjr;'.ri.,. by a por tion of;aregg's . cavalry, ,- The rebels Were . .com, marded,4 a : .malor -of 'Sttlart's..Cavalry, and were supposed to number between two hiihdr..- . pa r forge r numbered some four. hundred . , - and Conserittent4;.ihe.iebels, afte,r firing a'feW .she.te,- . retreatedin the direction of the Raptiti The. Woe in Arlinnhns Operations hi *lrgiitin bit nnsick; rind ponloOO hi ilges on our aide ‘6s unA: olio aliohtly ' ttounded ,. tti'hlle : ‘ , Fe...crnOureit tell pi i§oner4, and • itis known four Tebeli..era killed.: Arno'mr: the pri4onfri'..was •• . . A de,spai eh f nin'lleatfgunrters; . d4.ted Orin b6 . .t.in . itin,ayrfky the. 6011'4 .1 hat. it.:oect,pir.s it' first re-Cross ed ihe Itapidrtn',...A Itir' as 'can !le judged the ihbel s ; n) , hos nujt.chnngerf its pisitioir,• • . War' In Mimi . TennessCe , . . It ntnienis.t rect . hils Pans'. e(1 bren to resume ;hi filleusi.i . , ...lMeruliii•ils..itsee•Ms!frat: ihe fly! 1:15 . 1 I.i , et•k army' one . ' -ppriinttdtkit)g. Sltncll.elfoid am1:111,•••011.•,er:moking•.:th, attach'_ areal S'siickelti)l - 41j , :•11. hark liissof 150 •or QoQ,'imil,.his - retr.. , ,tit. is lidvr•ca . u4; , ..l Uilion nllizeps frorril linogoillo. tihark,.•llor,t_•having ,mram•Mi; err )71%ti e r f.01 ' 11”In:, if - 1, t ..,k-t his ;uliilpitell 0-Irk ' .• Gseet,l foster his estOplish6ll;ts he;silcipai•ters port„,or it., tot cc (10(11 Chnttnitnptirn tp it4loyett Fo uler has returned to • • ; • • •• • A . ...c..1.,p, 40 00 2 ,IP-mitt..ll . ol'tbe 10th ant Etiot. eimmrttl. ato!ernmo agatn.t llm sa nig.italt ., fitt free, 111 R; t'Sthat( lte lt,at..fatitt;ne3 to pill ,it is :s m r 'l,lo. int . tpa..o in. ‘VKttign valley; oi,.witit 1112. Viet.? of inavir'g, into . in o p e ra . lion south of- Kboxvilit• London:, The rivet pp.. afi ta naolloltuo lioka.Landan.ta Ati its 10 - Cittt . rather- quiet at Chat.fittim liarttee'.s ileadijlmitotp •remained at 1),..11tqp, ~ .vbr•tf; ..110 had v 11 iT,11,11.4 . 1 is to be t ty• 11,n(Nall(Nir9tig, arid ls' fe.pretentett .ns itlti rly deritnrnfi2r 1. .• NEWS I TV:W.; Au, • rigi•Ar: C tlis' IYukv.'!',l . IFr l lipgicia , oner tab; 1 . 1,, prair ti l. tliti anti 7/;Lie.lt, liv, Ilia Nittiviriar tOiirt/1 ., t I ' 6lll titl,l . or oioco had coin nunr+l. Thi.! :veal cotritni'ttitli'.r it, old tri , ;1)t) ii/o.at.e bete." .'• history of thy organiz.ll bin of tip , arrni ,. c Or.111.!,111lit0.1ti!itt;p:, ant% thy.history: of Thri• A rmy•ot the Potrirrinc . ;rum Billirtin •A tit int.nm ucdrr.the rooinitind LIN 15 10 ril l ll to be brought to light: •M r, 01 roituitaiil !ftst \t'a4, adopted. rii'qt, ring t•ttierntiity- Stan ton to coniniiiiiira lir , to the the:rep - it 1 . of . it. . • • • ' it uill dniy t •favi—hion u'ilge.l. tin. :con.:(l , i x•• .I;ich 101 : tia'yarP,s,. chi., les 11• . fh:ii eliq I; in. I ro.; , Who iF . (Aid! , X,lOl • .mitftriet of:lin in,gi,nions, and tho , nnionnt of noticeopriahiaa at. Iroin Ii tech thous - and - ifollaT4.. • • A: p!oclatniololl:l7oltifOliilitt '‘ilftift 'until the. y or. ,t of February i 3 eXpOCICti to Issued some tune ilext . weekt:, • Union National'. ( toil ven— ion rital at 1 . 61'00 itl6ltiii, Philod lltihia, y'es-• unlay ot ,ii lonn . A public would probably: lie• ' . ~ . ••• colanel Gallap.,,eotnfnanikr of *the.F.a..,f: - Dis,. Ificf - 01 , 1 ~ h ittekr,.'reei, i iio 'eap , a'retl eighty v.aeriiilas. The Nii ? (lr Ileritrirey attaplze(famf rawe,l :4‘irhe - g'eer . islla... postecl.at a '.g[ip: A hu1t..1./er or Iffiaotief , , 8/..ii., 'were captured. 1 . . Tho,t It . e.ro•!l)t riblii,h , (l by n critern• pori, ry . dv'sf.tters front , Let.',,a.; thwriv/...1.yei..5. of rhp 'ari:oftsty;'• • ITI;t•t a , r N v r Iron my •f low that joie. ()Avipg to (h,affet..t. , ll, • . Nan'. bat Inalik,ant...ri2bels . rb noyt: , j)l;iti , il on picket: • • •,,Their.N . T. . ler of .ttie iiidiff , rarce of thr.publa..to.Lim:;)lr.',; hst rovv.a.7„e, by al , . ilq.ially.proted an rx i of Horn tnn '[,i;lliiltV thowiaud cop rresitleo's iursciuze, putiliil,6l'ooly 48i)• copies' exlr.it ,, , of whio nitniber.the•iieWblioys.sOld poly 'ISO. • 'A report prev;qls..hat. !i• torn , of eiir,lrt bun• Ired ~z berrOmsitio prepnring :to .filovO tbrondi POinid a.qp for a *raid s ihniugh lhneasfern . por :lion' of Kerdbrky; - .The' 'rebris illo coneen 7 !rating for he Inirprrae:ol raid, on the Lotti;vdlo. rind Nrsliviiln 4ailrond. Ourdoicos are prepared fo'r : ther). .• . • I. ' Memphis Fillers of the ,I 9th viport roving bands 01,gnerrillas swnrming in the inieiior.. 01 'lltest.Tenne.see,.p and 'maltrealin.s citiians.llrehardion has resumed his operations in his old' haunts. ',lle command's 4 . briit GOO Men,..0.h0 go.about . conscripting Ny,ithout refer cure to nt 4 ,e. • • Forrest is at Jackson;. Tenn., .with a .fo'rce r . epo4e(l at 6,000,, ivhich is probsbly.mncli.exs 7 hgapratedi. Anoilier gang uwier..)Toury :is op: ei . minz near Uniontil. , pot: Am . ong thole- con scrint,;.(l; is ii. L. Ptltitty,:fotmerfy e.ditor of the ' • ; •.. PROu.osr, 1 . 716 •rtir: WAs..—The . klharir. Argos tritly.'says that ti tre is nn - oihet .explanatidn' or the peculiar Jactic's of the.•Alltliinistrotion; its, removal ni vonerals, and wastefultnallage meht of our Ormiei, than a. delibelate(l'Psit9) . (o war, arol to. iirevont•the possibility of peacduntil after the re-election of Lincoln. Lincoln is avoWedly the candidate of the ratlicala,.tto'd was. recently . - presentedlas'tuck ny Wendell Phillips.. 'He depends for re elec— tion unon the vote:3'er the artny, and thdspuri ousElecloral- .Collegeain the • seceded States. Peace, eveti through victory, and the return of the Satith to its allegiance, -would thWatt. all such calculations.: .Elence_the tracting the War.: • . •• • .. , • • The OW Genera! .John - AVliirgan ascot - led . . .. . . ncrtiss . .the Tennessee. ,nt. Gillespie's lonclin.4 . sixty miles ohmic. Cyottntfooga, Sutiday. sifter— . , . - 11[AltRIE:D In . .kenting..tov.i . lihili, J) ember Ist., by. rather' Madigan, Mi.. JAmt:s . o' DA.t.:Ei to 1%)111s ELt7:ik Kimin . Y; . of Armin. DIED; . . ..•tn Keating . , T) , ..5i.mb0r..16, At.axa'Nana.' Gut roati, aged about . - : . •• .. • • .• • • Iri K , ECiii , g, on Saturday, the..l9tb:inat.,llrs M tA sit.labm;:folict of Gi Iron Irons; lately'`de ceaFed; aged 6p yea's - , 4 inuntlls and .9.3 .days'. She k+lee,pN by the eitle.of her huelninq,.-bo ehe soon A:t • 161, 1 ". •• .. • now vale is all 'belie:Mlo.s skies! • . • :4Viiv-Araikii4it;every ;• . ti longest tieß, : •• Thai blip] to a-we'rlil like WIS. • ' . .•G Sll- r CASH!. ! !! r. • • • TE.sur;rent n ii . yrea , l.l. 4rir • Pelts. Don' Zince.• FlonOn - of nil .of ‘ . lniunil,..=, old and Frtilis of c arry 'Prirsoni nilirl . •s on hand, in rlp intiiie~, rna.s. . pe- .inence. and T will call' Incilyin— • • • • • IT, . '• .Thatiford, Nov. 21,', ISGI , A I; r.NTI,EL‘N-: cured in, , oinpo!ert• ev: 1'1,411.011re: ltovlty im I Yootlitol p,e , ntte.l by hynctit n hers., filini•- , 1, L. 11l vbu 0...,...111,.(ti•ph ul r1:111.!...) the r..ceipV :11l I rtion. for %oolong I.l.“;cinple Atoovtly 0,10 in JIG: ,Ise.. -1 , 1,ie to profit a V, •itrTIO. by 1101,1 i Mail. by a ' JIIIIN It 111;1),1 , :N; , ' -No. c'd Nt:C5.;tre.,t.: Not , Vor'ic:' . .; ARM 1 1 # • JrPl N!O\S r. di-i/1.1 ! .. : .1 1 .4 . IVIP4)n Litt' IV.; ilf(llX . .i: (U.' , ePiksri • ILA . 0 1 a ll a *ol,llvpi Rot, oil' 17:wed St.itPs tre I ,ttity,pto n ' • • • . .n nli ri/vrs•/ - cltfint,l ft (Un:(l!4.l3rOilfhk,,y 'Link )-2 , lin.rlC Plate, TT, Y. .• . • 4 . 1 . 6 Sovel.th st.reot, Nyashi•nic,,u, D; C •• : . • ' JtECR,\\ICF,' BAN ..., • s • New York,. .uno.kow - Ay . • ••••••. . • (1,1;ISNOItUlti; , lUNtr, ;1.1S:s:11;i11, 11.1.MIAN. l':l.4.)erft ' KA . I, 4,1.1: , " ,1 :1Vi • ." MANN • • ' 41* . rthliinqtnn: and I'hil.o'a NOTICE y I-1 F. R Fmy :ea blion Fittctinst v Voriinviwz nnyiiiitot to a. with a eefii i irt pmtnisary . lore. far $.25.00, dra w n by me, -eble to Naar N - .• Chase or bearer, dared, Übe ! ty—Arn 1862, dim,' 1 think, in . Om., 1863. ri.vp paid smd.nrire.. • J. J.M. 1;' „A RR.. • Liberty, Nov, fl, :I n 0,50.; N ;For' ry THE ..L . 4 PM.'S ~: rh). IE ND, -nosTii f,v MAGAZINE 0 F • 11 T ATtltE AND FASHION, The, aolseribers . woui . l ho leave to cill 1110 at , eflililtl their frietitl 31.1 . fife. pillortI! Ili toe N 11%' .31 they 111 . , ni i i tipj..•o:l'; MI I lilfs mu: ty dfatlticli 11-ovOrly !Tidy. l'hollatne . rl7 1.1 . 0 I adv 7 S • A A: A , A. A,„,, it A. ~Tterekure ,n 1 jnen. tralloil of the Fa•••hioni I.t•e•il'Alko"rturle'n' lete,•l p , Ferley %Volk, r,,ohroblery, with eel Oh, metiers intere.fine• to I hlitt,t ereoralle • EA v RI I e M+.+ I•JEltrql.N.,wilt, w.ll•rel.lrie•ll the, hervice,rol . th.ti• [Ate% rary deilartin!ml,,o the f JD,trl ntt . ,• . UNRIVALED (:oßsps,,b-w.nurEils .'Kra Henri Antlior'of.• Enst ,}Ctrs [lnn , ht. Nl.t lon HAtisn•l,•Antliv of "Alone.'' ' Mts ti Hanruipli, HIOn .r ',Dnnneity, M Tr"w ) .0 , 1 , 4e. M3r- Virtrinis F T0wn,41 , 1; Nr?4'l . A n. 'Chit .1 .Nnns -- Aell.-n M. P r ot, mA gg i Q c . Lni..inla C.irli , Mel yr, Mrs, M. 14 F tnny M. HAyi.nnnl, 11.:11 , 1- 'lldd, 31k, G (a,.11 nit A. Lcll,Annin F Boot snnhio Mny, finrais Mnr .Z. it. ,r,encor, ttlie liner Initts„Nnnie . Mi•S' f.Hsrs Unto: SH'lmsn; Mi,n,n. - A'r,Hinr ham W0n...V..1. (i6amli6r.,,,ll'arWilt nritocl,:,•au,l ITA.ND3O2/1E 6 ; 21 7 ,Et, ENGRA.VING:i . , • A 11 .1›: D 5031 1 ,, S1'1,11 , 1( I , :4; if, %ViN - (I MI .ft 001.0 1 . El) S rEEJ, i:A,tiiii)N.l.l;Vri.;.,v)irillteori;e4.ver3 iml... 1.or; '11,.1.1;,4 w01i,e,k , , , 1i,te.1 Wool 1'04.111,1.-trti i, r of Sto ries: l!aft.rspz. .4r,.. too 1111111t.10,1. }ll.lllVilii . oll . ' 'lll , rln il• ii.try nitinlior will contain a 'l.O to , ,ifill : , , , ..1 En sari.,;," ,/,r,i';.,vi,f.r.rprei.y . • for to is jblAf:l rio Gy ~ r h. nr,,tt npl i,1.1 red: ' . ' .• . . . . .6 A • . . . riI:YET, W.II.:1 (..','S. fZ. i -, .ITI;I:y.• 'Phis i..L.,140,.,mer , t.1'1.t0 Pl,C , ,tritr,, a. si. ) ' y ~41,e. w,rn;all,lK hr,ilt;-n enwv.vrilet,t, by NiL. , ‘ 111 , q3,1r• .0. 1,09 .nelh, awl ill ha of itsalf,'WEs truA, worth the iwice o 1 the number . .. -. • . . . .. SEWING MACHINE C-RATI. We will Irony person sealing tillf•ty tebscriptinns to 'PI 1.1.1 \ t• [tend t , ix•ty one of it heel er h Willnnb; flelehra led . .. , •eb•hLt Nl;thinee. Flllril'a. itIOV doll /Or TOtIV-itVO.l)oil.t.rS. • TIIO Wig i.o,olso:1, I,IIIOW oath., inaunritvtorr in New Vni.,t, 11...ctst. and for: ~aided free 'of Ned: with ihe exception of . fre.ght. • • In plecnrintr 43bscriheri. in , this Preniitnit. rre'er that (ale thirty sunie.iile•rs ehotat be roc:ere.] et the y.. 4.: clay terthß tiollar.: fee each. but where' this e..t• not h0 . .10n0, they tnay be I recrirect at oin• e;tth I Mom, isn't 'lllO balance of the Sissy Doil.T4 fOritOtdPft Io n4 - .16 cash by thi• desiring the tin:chine • Tile litit,,,hve 10111 he &eat to d!//.:vent Iftf.rin'tl • .P:v”t• •I'r'‘htt enile tnnt :Loeb' cend them sod tbe.tooney as 101 as stt that 11. t. Aber. may be.rin lit COMO to r,i, , eivotheieMwj, i tie•st with Ow dotty When the Is hole tittrither' 4/. ,11111,1 (•iYrty. ) 1110 whnie amount of mane C•lNty ret:eircd, the m,,eliini, wilt duly fointartied. BEM . . . . Poi tonna will be V, MR'. 11 a-'111(imo for that well known wOkkly wAper, tu relay tar • •• rot fk1.! •41 by no for the tot gekroteerrynor,',lo nrdertkot tbe may be rondo np or !Ate'l . lapr r nod rongoziee•oeejiintly, where It in on:ilesir.l—and will lie an rolk , ws: • • ,• •.• CASftIN . ADVNgti , 1 eery, (-nip yelr - - .9 , 00 ...1 0011i0ii. 11p year, . ' --. -',l 00 -I 'copi.;4 one year. ‘ , C eepie...tirel ('o(i),, Getter Up Of eluir . ----. 1;,60 ' 20 e , IPIC , f' ani Raoe to Better up of e1u1.;,-.:., ... ..... :ISM) One copy of each iif TUE 1,ADV9.1 , 91 EN ii alial. .. '' ,9A I'URDAY.EVI,N&NG Pty;T, ' 10°' Mr' Shnle ninnhera of The Lad y'e Priem! . (pos,tage pall by no) 120 renia.• ,- . . : tr - t'The Mater in The 1.04 yi s F lima will . iilitiyEi Le different from that in Mc pet•l •. . . .Sutricriborm In 0.11.14 h North Amerle vmost remit tre:lee 'rents En ailditinn, 4o the diurnal sulinriptiari ' its ;we have to prepay the U 9 postage on their ulagaiin99._ • ' ' Aildreas .- ' . • .. . . . . . . DEACON & PETERSON, No. 319 Walnut Ptroot, Phila Specamen ntuni ere will be Rent gratuitously when 'Ns Tilton tory to thou acsirptir of procuring "subreriberr• Caw - emit . .eaiiofy 51:11111FFS SALES..:' . . . , .1117 -gut:dry . .o( Plrrrriec Exprina . N., '.is sued but •ot.the.C'ourt of Common' Ple a s' of Cameron Gamily, Pa., and to me. d'rrecte'd, vtiilVexposn. tn sale, by public • Ivendde- or. - out' • c'rytYat the Court Hon'sd.iri,Sfiippeil 'en Metiday, 'the'.ll . th day:or Januitrii. - 104 . ;:at 10 • 'o'clock. A;•111.., the follOwirtz:4le4rir,bed Real' '.. • frigowing•reirl li:otate situate. 11l Shipper' itoVvn.ship,Cameion County, PenM, viz: Benin" nin% et , a lirimitick„ the..50itt1i,..% est'. ' 'carper. of warrant l' , /d..6107; thence INbirth.onry hundred ninety. six rods and Ihrge tenths. of_ a: roil to a l'lerrilarlq . thence South sevent y- - fivv 11t:Irrye,s Ilhrst;.sixt:y.livn rolls:to, a post; • thence, 'South; forty ' nine- degrees East,. twenryr fora: rinlS in, a po:tv thence .North t i eighty' five de— ' zre'r';sl.laFt,itwenty. , rnils to, - a pcit;,llwn're . - .8.3011; flfti,.,siz,dezreessEast, thigt y:eizhl: (dt, ra t n'er t f 1 1 :1::‘1':ils:nit.T.otithencp down . the,, cr s velr'to"ilie.arnith . nest Cbreer .S.,Fri:eiiirrit?s Iteinz part Of . -I,var , ti int, • 6107; South onl3:lorinlrel and Alai( y tian rod Pont, ili ' 1 . 10 flhe M tahf; he:ri . .e. 'We'st ; il 1 0 ,5 v ...-11,1 tvarranidine; one fininlr"eil and 'eighty. t ((Irk; (ollllll,,cki 'except•alia, , f.of .a.. 1.60 One acre, . tour'' lying in tfia'.fi'oifi :of aial tionifie,c by :G. W. Warder's itere, .I' 110 , 5:tate .mme„or thirty act e,''cle:a tee, 14,45 . ; put •ol rr.itit 0 . 107 rin Ili.; 'name of .10fin Earl, one °tie . T,16" 11 two 11rta Shatitit;s, 0111;•.Sired 'and l ', lol I IWlctj, 1 0 I Houses, Of '‘vie-, I ter',• la rtze nrihay,l. alit! Peach - and: oilier" Fruit • • .• rithey, I.it.sitalle in • th.:?- l'ship 01 Shirmen: cfirnrriericina at: tr- . 1-let-ch corner he :\lkt 'rail Tomer' . ol wain Ni'... 40.11; thtmit; , . nr to '1 I he.Nll'ol ljtu!; ul:lha Dr' It.wood bea LOCO! :I 11. 401111 said ereet.' in at,. E t tsteftv dyeeti9ll,, tlte Sener.l land; White ‘Vatinit' cfrrneri:-it' itig :he 11It116 . 1,eart: I 1.16 , rwa.•...0fpi1) tO:a cn!inq in 'fie "South rine ol.'tv - .arrai . .l-6107; then( - e oda : to' ..i.llP , :ehc . nreel; co»tainina ab 9.41 jcv , •nly all .irnpr9vail. • A 0 , 1; , either..lny. of I.nnwnas the i tri)ltp.a Olt of wa rrithi No. I 0 in S!,ipn.rk Ctirneiori.countY; rieg , :i.ritbg the 'lit II 14.11, tol;.l+,!tni !wo pely'ne; i . }lo . ol , •l•ter of a tar- To Pr. e— it 11;2. h.r E I.t 1n . .1 be fort.'ey of tim.ne.• down the tha South : , a,:,•st corner ol 11.iv11Urqw.bii,;:thettre to the plat e r' u 1 it'ez c.0n , a , 1 iya r iine hltedr• rl i r 14 , 1 7.51, 1.(110.1:11111':!. Hr. nitl , arifr.ba! Sprln. , an , nbr, 'a I,l' afi'd fipu t 100 ,r••.. 4 and t ch. tree.,. talen in Exec.dion . ,.arl 111116..50ic1, .1 as Ihn plopnr I.). nl Pi•.eriata, at, mutt 01 Dania C.row Exectr.or 'of crow, • -A t.5i.0 , ~ 0.., 1 :!,51 41 of SLipp , o t'oliOty.o! I!l • Pon . l , ,yivatila Boonsioil rooldesefito.d. its 101 towF., to birr.h.on.llw Korth 1)1,11,k - or thP I)o,ttwoott. Erano) 91 the Syroiania'; 10,161)4. er,',.^k . 011.1.b” East Jii , of warrant. six . • • 110asa . ki.1 One haat!i(...l . l a (•010 4 ), hem' Nat o.filry n.!i'rlies to lip ,roditt, them, 'Nocl3.TOio.y•rta , (l , .2rvais ‘Vrsf t , twenty pt , rcial. , ..., thoneP., rat tfi .fift ti•-ei•zltt two portio,q and r.ne lontth of : a.p..eqii to a p is?; f7 4 )14'11:i0 pint . ..Ma, 01 . at lie roar- , . . creek to t11 , .r.1...c - e at l.e. , innint!.;,:can'-. ~ tioalptt OOP barite INAtirtalittlyi . etnno , fratno 1164 thereta, srane . llo! l.rttet ,- ; * alit v6:Ater,,,antlsome, sip.‘ll splings,af . . . • •S' . :7:,lowl.t,Oron.in 1 7 .:Norution pro— r>,.'rty or P.li.Volr':.t.t.ho•suit of lhrvid Cann, - E X I;', , t tir nl. !Ft , ! ios'r w 11 Ural I,starneriCol 1)a• rid Crow, .10.c0a , ,0 . .1 cmtv Inr the use I.l.ll;•ifiari . and '.JOAN A.:ELDRED; .sbi r ia, • t • .• • Deesenilier S. A. D. IScr): • • -.s:'' . Adiuistrator3 OotiCe - t THEIIEAS 1,,t1,.rs of Atlmint‘tr,tt,ion on the I , ,s4at'enrClifistian.Sihimller, late of (hi; tmvm:hip nl Shipp' n, Comffy of Cam Mon, de 11,!;:ti:ger. of cf un o r on; to' Ilie titykesigHpdoiti: retf.leqrd irnme . diato 'payMent. and .Thavin. against =aid I , ,itate.'' will , .pre , 4mt than to' , 11 ACI.II;SPA . NCII,EIi AdWii.' • • ' - Oil I: I, A yER, • P.3133'... • n . . . tho (I.Thou's. Court . of Cameron County; 1./ . .thr vi : tyrr op the ..E;ttite:'.of Cle,?stitin . . . . Tl)e a ppr.i4ropp tltp(l6r the' :5' li Section 01 . the, Art of, I I 'II :April ..151.1 and "Its iipith;— mints, htivinv, ttern ,I - 11 , d Jo t'nts matter,. nipt icte 'it; hiereby given ' that,. ,1.2.,ii.the1 Spa w;11 . 2r, the widow- 01 the said Ctiridinit: Stmegleit, , elai'ht. to t ntotit ilto.porsonitt proin.rty.entered to thore . , in, or thett'ttliti.;of $ 300, rind:will rippiy to t lir Orithen's ,'...0 nrt to bit hell fo . nod for, stud county appro . ial of the said appini smelt t . ,t'on 'Toe's— day, the It2th, day pl January .A.D., 180 1 j a . l 111 n't.lock A,. M. -. . . . . , . Shippen,l)uccrnbPr 11 18n . 3. • . • NEWTON. & Ef..I)RF.I), Atlornvys, for tvi4w, BENNLTT HOTJSE, , S ntSyfN, iroprietnr ..—'6l,ol,site llu, '2”urt 110..,e. knew, large, conintudi. taut and a ell furnl , had Innle. TRIAL LIST, 'DEC, TERM; 1863 TurOvA nut nton vs .M . Noln Co EMS= 1.8 .1.1"1.1 L , Bel-. . • '.. ' ;0W•l• • • ' 101 SePt 'l - 1:0 . . Mi,V•1 0 1 0 1110 i er Pleltl3. • • Vll. Ii Drelit.'l. 130 1)eo Pitil• 11.01 Ilso 40 : l'ay.lol' . . s.H (.: Cumin .2. 4 J,imo :150 . ! 11•,•1..ki•d lioeden vt al 'vv. C.l)..iyi s •21 - June 1 iiiit! Same •• .. ..•, I rs W IfelLnea ' • • : . ' Curothingri r.25' June isrld csorn • r v 4 c.v Ileyt Julio FHA! asrito vs A I; Otto Juno Herd. Preblo • Ju . tio 1802 ileckwlth uric Corwin Uhler - or Iran,'.72. dorsi 1802 •Il'Acre • • vs Flee, Ring I Sept ltr62 Seth A Ilackits 'vs Jr•hh*Cormev • 31: :VIA 1 . 8 0 2 Same ', • • . v ß :ii,rovyr 'Coutok .32 Sopt 11902' m 'sae Vs Gl:merry 31 ' Sept ISO 2 mama • vs 31 WC:to:Ur:. al Sept 1142 FAME . &" J flackus vs T-3lntion - ' • 83. * Sept • IS•02 IVin•Fielf . .vs ,Sevaternt LNG 1842 111:tokula9 & Rockwood vs S A drover ' 2t Yob' - 1,903 aril's of 1 Orovor vs i OUT'. Evr.bs . • • fpr Atnds.• -42 166 d Wm V,Reafind..dt al S p•-31errttt 44 Yob 1903 .11 o racn Ooleitran. . R N ' - Taylor , .45 Feb' 1803 • . JNO. It 'CITADIVICH, Pro fiey.„ . Smethport, Nov. 29 1603. , •. A PEKSONS. rre hereY3i cat! , ioitrgt•arta harboring or tre.sting S . trohrirlgc, on .. rny-aCeOanyas*.he ila9 ;my •' hons., and piotection, **Wheat my croSenr; and • almarits ounitlst . .rqy*i . shes;:t w ill there .: fare . pay no charges he ofoy'raake niter • r :74kit , PREI) N.,:STROBRIDGg . . A nnin 27,..1563: • : . . . . ... , Attu R0.1.CF.; INTO The :Etteloure of the, Sub', *iv ,ei.f Or ri, about' I lie, first of:Dt , yetnlier, .itit;' a Iti , (l A eifer, Light f3t.initte übout the.. head,' be: , tweett oue i lid two ~year, old, anti of • .... .. . . . I'he riwtie . r.is befell," notified and like her I.t • Open 'Crook, Liberty' tb..,..Per.: 1~ •: . . . .. . . )1 . I.:, DEMOTIEIiT , S . .MIIiII9II 9 . F. FASAIIONS —• , T.lio 1 1...0.•att n.i..t"re 1i.1 , 1e! l'A , lllon Mapa.ing in ilie• w..ii• 111. C1•1.1i1? . .i ille:largem'on.l. Iltiv:it Fatishion.Plittim.;' the grv,:i , m tl,:littallf..t. 01 Ilin, TjjgraV ii,g4, 11, ,iikie...f,ind ansl. rt•liabkr info::l,ll.inli..l.litt'ett 11111-slietl. Pai form , . tor, I)i•e4i,eo,.and aliAle• . q.of 'Dew; Or:i..lQ,lVoi.k'itnd Etpltroi., Bering l'a.t.•cjuit 1.*.v . ut.1•, :1111t11(;1 4 . Pret.snri . lco.r . , 31t111,1.er no.ll•.kly 01,tii.,1 li,i,,' it. . l'iiblil•nieil ilqlirt . ,.rly;' pt. 4i.t• Ibroi.l.vqy. Arty.Yirlii. 'B,l i (..,erywlie , rt ta,neilt.,.ky man .1t •:!..i.e.rot•i. Yea r1.i•31, with i Itta,l.ll.eprdiiiium 'I . . lrlin .iirllntiir untril!..r . iitsw 0041171 .. ... • ' . 0.:5 . :8.0 . R.N......S .'... JAVA COFFF„ ' NTAT..),T.t:A. - NTTriTp , ... SUP ERE la.:ANY-1N PIE MARKET.; . • it k pr,..ryNs'ho7r, , ,• 111-qtyt..l:l)/I: 113'5 7 replie u y' pti rit jou': nml !rep lloin lU 4Plett, jr'lll. 111j , .9(11 . 1111;1V.ir %!:e mi , sl pall: . en't •On -, -11 - 11-tslu thi , . - Ct)u'i:try: it :it'd ties!rt;.; to,egmWpie ita use it "(ail 'for .11',,etit.y 7 F.ive' • Corils' per l'•;;;;;;IA , t•• I Lust Gwc:ers thrcugLout the • . •A•litwr.iV.liiconnt !tithe trade, LE - \`'.' . 1:7 . ;.A . : .OSB L 1 aN, :Ne%i•,Yor FINTiLE LvoN's SEWING 3lzitCl-lIN:,',S. . 'Thec:e''Llfachin , ..4oake siiteh• ,a 1 Ike; 6. n o' sire ahil 11 ,0 . haw the 1 hretvi. the -thiead tch N1,1.-hine,g • .iln; 1-I . .tn, I .13roml # 113iinli hf tor 114eptei! 11 . 0 . 1t1 'art'v• II.P 10 triltirnt rha ite.os: : - .6 , 1 veal - 0 1 setvini hifoihr, lor 01-V t`ro•ln one .0 i , ,vent)" . ll6:l;6l , sce ,- . ‘vi , hoot oink at it et! H,fee't, or limn Ihr flot , t.gaoz. to hra t or 12ven the htoofe•t 1,1! Ivjthoot the 01,:, nr teo , ioo;.ot..in4 . tOg .o,or aditt4l-rOeot 01 vv hat ! ! ! They..ate soriple•in, utnlr;ctno:!; at! if 'At rt 'dent, it is teadilV repi.we.d... • . • • Thvst., afe. hr arliui tact and .hasher 10 • ( . 1 .eter . fpirle thl.l,ehoice bf ro . i. ifit!•lNept 1)47 C.AIII.:..IS6•EXA:;f ISE, or. '!!,17.7,in:r01t \..R. Migots• xrantrd in sect inns .not yet ":Addrf-a:, . , S. N. eO., No;s 3r,RROADWAY;'NEWYORK. . . AGRI:CIII.,TURIST.. A T1101C1'1 , 411 , ;01Nt.:,-RE1.1 A BLE and 111A.C -TICA.Ii 16 the tments of 7.011 C.lll I Orchard hi! ; (iafder Vt;getAle.s;:lll.l Ylawe.is j . Treoe, 11/111 Ipr the IA % . 1) dr 'Nardi 'tntr9l:l). .rrwstie , A nitrial,,,ke.. t 0 110'054'01:d Id . hprs. It has alr-d.an ini . o ..z rest in•n !pi i.iistutie.- . ties . ,.ll4lar!to , ..st fur childrrn. oid youth. A t0!1,..(3 ,, 1 ,,, tignir (m.mote, Engriivipe,s volume, .111111(1r1411. ppractical, structivf;:artkh...% , inims, are .g;i'v'en CVel'y,:year. - :. :,. . . • • - .. . Th e , F,d I tor., .11 0 •(:ontribbtors: are.' all 'prac tical Ww I; tille. MIT.' . . ~... , .. -. Tl.,:' traebin,q,s of !lie A a it . I ci:T il nT si! are ran lideT to•yo Siote or 7 cillory, bot Ore odop,ed, tti !be wont,. of 1,1 1 seet,oor of the roontry—it is, as. ifs Onme intlico!e:v, for lize'rkole.AMEIZ,ICAN CON-' . A .GERM-AN-EpITION reiblished, of the same size rind prlee.:as.the Eng and con-• taltliag . rea tin matter, and its nume rous Must rat iCri. gray'', gs . .• • • • RIA 111 . ..Y1N 'ADVA'NCE. ' One copy, one year, • ;• $l, 00 . • •Six copieS,'Ope yer ' • :."3 00 •: Ten or. hole copies one year SO .coma each. 11.7 Add to the. above rites': • : E'floada ,G omits, .t i England. and Fiance, 2 end, Ito Germany, 30 refts: • • • • '••• Postoge anywhere In the . .,ll6iteri..Stetes aa , . trpt:t he paid by - the SU I)S . 0 nil s only six ( Tilt,. 0 yew r,ir. Paid _ 11 1 ritivaltect the Miler: where All other eamaiimientlqns sdinul be...nddiPSF.llli; t ,h.e rolitnryr'or,6t . qol, Ott A I;•7GE • JUDD, di li-ROw,ll.' Cif Terip Year .86 Sept . 185E{ 143 ,9ept • 109 TO NERVII'S BOTII SEXES A .111'; \ ; ;;I •GENTIIIi AN fI,IYLN' . 'been restored.ro 11.0dtli in a few days, after ftsnal routine and ir:rovilar et• nefisise .. rrindes of treptrnont, Avithoor Succes. ennsidersit his sacred duty focornmunieate hip r.filirted fellow creatures thp strsNs or our 'Hence, on the receipt 'o l f nn addressed ensielOp he will send free a. coily. or, the • Preseripti used. .-Direct to Dr.JCII - IN .DA,GNAT.; 156 Yqltori Stieet,Breinklyn ? N. Y. CAUTION. ESTItAY l'ut 'up c;irly by